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a rose for emily中negro的作用

通过分析黑人形象来反映当时黑人的社会地位和生存状况。a rose for emily中negro的作用是反映当时黑人的社会地位和生存状况。a rose for emily中的negro指的是小说《献给艾米丽的一朵玫瑰花》中的黑人。




emily只是公布说因为个人原因退出,没有详细的理由。直到有一天,隔壁搬来一位美貌性感的女孩佩妮Penny(卡蕾·措科饰),顿时吸引了莱纳德Leonard的目光。佩妮Penny是个梦想成为演员的女孩,但一直没有能成功。平时只能在快餐店打工,她个性开朗,待人友善,是位与莱纳德Leonard、谢尔顿Sheldon截然不同的追求时尚的年轻人,最重要的是她刚刚变成单身。剧情简介:主人公谢尔顿·库珀Sheldon Cooper(吉姆·帕森斯饰)和莱纳德·霍夫斯塔特Leonard Hofstadter(约翰尼·盖尔克奇饰)是一对好朋友,他们的智商绝对高人一等,因为他们对量子物理学理论可以倒背如流,无论你问他们什么问题,都难不倒他们。但是说到日常生活,这两个不修边幅的男孩就彻底没了脾气,生活中柴米油盐这些看似简单的事情,却让他们有迷失在太空里一样的感觉,他们所掌握的那些科学原理在这里根本没有用武之地。







生活大爆炸第八季17集结尾emily在衣柜里藏了什么 是尸体吗

生活大爆炸第八季17集结尾emily在衣柜里没有藏尸体Leonard(Johnny Galecki 饰)和Sheldon(Jim Parsons 饰)是一对合起来智商超过360的疯狂科学家宅男。他们的科学家朋友还有风流的Wolowitz(Simon Helberg 饰)和从来不和女人说话的印度人。最近,科学家宅男的对门搬来一个美女剧作家兼餐厅招待,Penny(Kaley Cuoco 饰)。宅男开始蠢蠢欲动了,于是诸多啼笑皆非的故事在几个朋友间“爆炸”开来。《生活大爆炸 1-12季》百度网盘高清免费资源在线观看:链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1RJfxIiXWeKjaT5OwsQztnQ?pwd=kiq8 提取码: kiq8

急!请大家帮忙提供一个关于威廉福克纳的“A Rose for Emily”的外国人的评论~谢谢拉


Emily Dickinson 的这首诗叫什么名字?表达了什么含义?

I heard a fly buzz—when I died就是这首诗的题目,翻译你应该不要吧,这首诗描述的是死亡的过程,全诗用的过去式,以死者的口吻诉说死亡。通过颜色声音来描绘出死亡时思维的混乱,而苍蝇声的出现对于死亡这一严肃的话题是很讽刺的,所以也有对神的“亵渎”,同时也表现出了对于永生的质疑。

Andy Williams的《Emily》 歌词

歌曲名:Emily歌手:Andy Williams专辑:16 Most Requested SongsArtist:Brian MeloAlbum:Livin ItTitle:EmilyLRC-Maker:594-KingI look in my eyesSearching for signs of lifeDigging through darkness trying to seePity the sightTry to wipe up last nightThat"s not the kind of guy I want to beSweeping the city streetsOh picking up the piecestorn and scattered at my feetI"m down here on my knees asking for forgivenessHoping hard and begging pleaseEmily...music...It"s not that I liedOh no, when I stopped tryingWas so sure you were mineTurned my back to youCos, I never believed you could just up and leave meDon"t know what I should doI"m not losing you againSweeping the city streetsOh picking up the piecesTorn and scattered at my feetI"m down here on my knees asking for forgivenessHoping hard and begging pleaseYou"re the one ( X4 )Sweeping the city streetsOh picking up the piecesTorn and scattered at my feetI"m down here on my knees asking for forgivenessHoping hard and begging pleaseEmily ( X4 )〖...Over...〗http://music.baidu.com/song/1513708

a rose for emily的主题分析

"Compassion and Forgiveness" is another major theme that we can find in almost any Faulkner story. At first, it might not be apparent in this case. We almost have to be told that these sentiments are behind "A Rose for Emily" before we can see them. The story can seem downright cruel, the characters wholly unsympathetic, and the plot gross. When we begin to see the magnitude of the tragedy, and its impact on multiple generations, we understand the story is a call for understanding. The story seems to argue that forgiveness, compassion, and understanding can only come by facing the facts of the past and the present, which are tangled up together in an tight knot. Faulkner is both mercilessly subtle, and painfully blunt in this story, but we can feel the spirit of compassion rushing through.

a rose for emily赏析

"Compassion and Forgiveness" is another major theme that we can find in almost any Faulkner story.At first,it might not be apparent in this case.We almost have to be told that these sentiments are behind "A Rose for Emily" before we can see them.The story can seem downright cruel,the characters wholly unsympathetic,and the plot gross.When we begin to see the magnitude of the tragedy,and its impact on multiple generations,we understand the story is a call for understanding.The story seems to argue that forgiveness,compassion,and understanding can only come by facing the facts of the past and the present,which are tangled up together in an tight knot.Faulkner is both mercilessly subtle,and painfully blunt in this story,but we can feel the spirit of compassion rushing through.

A ROSE FOR EMILY的评论,?急用,英文200词!

Story Summary "A Rose for Emily," written by William Faulkner, is a short story about the life and death of Miss Emily Grierson. The structure of this work is broken down into five individual sections, which all come together to form a masterpiece. As the story begins, the unnamed narrator gives a detailed description of Miss Emily"s funeral. It is stated that the whole town was present for the funeral. The narrator describes the motivation for the town"s attendance: "the men through a sort of respectful affection for a fallen monument, the women mostly out of curiosity to see the inside of her house" (Faulkner 1). The curiosity created by the town was due to Miss Emily"s life of privacy. No individual had seen the inside of her house, with the exception of Miss Emily"s "Negro" servant, in the last ten years leading up to her death. The first section of this short story additionally includes a description of the history behind the town"s relations to Miss Emily. The narrator comments: "Miss Emily had been a tradition, a duty, and a care; a sort of hereditary obligation upon the town" (1). This obligation began in the year 1894 when Miss Emily"s father died; he left her nothing but the house. That year the town"s mayor told Miss Emily she was exempt from all taxes because the town owed her father. Miss Emily accepted his exemption and the tradition began. As this section comes to an end, a new mayor tries to get Miss Emily to start paying taxes, but she refuses. The second section of "A Rose for Emily" describes Miss Emily"s life shortly after her father"s death. This section displays Miss Emily as a woman in deep denial. She actually tried to hide her father"s dead body, but the wretched smell eventually drove the town to intervene: "Just as they were about to resort to law and force, she broke down, and they buried her father quickly" (3). The narrator ends this section by saying, "We did not say she was crazy then. We believed she had to do that" (3). The third section of this short story begins with the narrator saying Miss Emily was sick for a long time. This section then goes on to introduce Homer Barron, a "Yankee" construction worker, who was brought to town as the foreman of a company for paving the sidewalks of Jefferson. Miss Emily quickly grew fond of Homer, and they began spending every Sunday together. The town could not understand Miss Emily"s relationship with Homer; they started saying "Poor Emily." Over a year later Miss Emily went to the drugstore and bought arsenic. The druggist asked Miss Emily what her intentions were for this poison, but she would not answer him. The fourth section began with the town"s speculations of Miss Emily"s need for poison. The narrator stated, "So the next day we all said, "She will kill herself"; and we said it would be the best thing" (5). After this initial reaction, the women of the town decided Miss Emily"s suicide would be a disgrace. The ladies forced the Baptist Minister to visit Miss Emily. Although he would never say what happened that day, he would not go back. The minister"s wife then decided to write Miss Emily"s estranged relatives in Alabama, and in return two of her female cousins came for a visit, and Homer disappeared. After some time, the cousins went back to Alabama, and Homer went back to Miss Emily. The narrator says that was the last time Homer was ever seen. This section closed with Miss Emily"s death, at age seventy-four. The fifth, and final, section returns to the funeral of Miss Emily Grierson. The narrator says that her "Negro" servant opened Miss Emily"s door and vanished forever. The funeral was held on the second day after Miss Emily"s death. Upon her burial, the town began an inspection of the house that was closed for the last ten years. What they found was astonishing. Miss Emily had been hiding Homer"s dead body. He was laid out in a bed; next to him was an imprint, and one of her long gray hairs.

William Faulkner 的A ROSE FOR EMILY的写作背景???

"A Rose for Emily" recounts the story of an eccentric spinster, Emily Grierson. An unnamed narrator details the strange circumstances of Emily"s life and her odd relationships with her father, who controlled and manipulated her, and her lover, the Yankee road worker Homer Barron. When Homer Barron threatens to leave her, she is seen buying arsenic, which the townspeople believe she will commit suicide with. After this, Homer Barron is not heard from again, and is assumed to have returned north. Though she does not commit suicide, the townspeople of Jefferson continue to gossip about her and her eccentricities, citing her family"s history of mental illness. She is heard from less and less, and rarely ever leaves her home. Unbeknownst to the townspeople until her death, in her upstairs room she hides all day with the corpse of Homer Barron, which explains the horrid stench that emits from Miss Emily"s house.The story"s complexities have inspired critics while casual readers found the work one of Faulkner"s most accessible (and shortest) works. The popularity of the story was due in no small part to its gruesome ending.The story explores many themes, including the society of the South at that time, the role of women in the South, and extreme psychosis.In the story, the townspeople"s points of views on Emily actually reflect the society"s value at that moment to some extent. Although the townspeople don"t have direct contact with Emily, their views on her and her family greatly affect her life. Their praises and admiration influence her father to keep her sheltered longer than she actually needs to be. Her father controls her thoughts and lifestyle. Emily feels that she is released when her father is dead. She dives into love with Homer and neglects people"s judgments on her. When she realizes that Homer intends to leave her again, she makes sure that he would always be with her, whether he is alive or not. In his death Emily finds eternal love which is something no one could ever take away from her.



《real kids real adventures》、英文电视剧《emily of new moon》的中文名字

===========================================Real Kids, Real Adventures = 勇敢孩子的冒险Emily of New Moon = 风之少女艾米莉===========================================肖恩·罗伯茨所有演出过的电影和电视剧:电视:Teddy Kent, Emily of New Moon, CBC, 1998-2000Michael Bumpler, "The Needle and the Damage Done," Sirens, syndicated, 1994Brian O"Connor, "The Perfect School: Parts 1 & 2," Goosebumps,Fox, 1997Alex, "Popularity," The Famous Jett Jackson, The Disney Channel, 1999Andrew Shearman, "Scout"s Honor: The Stephanie Shearman Story," Real Kids, Real Adventures, CanWest Global Television, 1999Milan, "Imitation of Death," La Femme Nikita (also known as Nikita), USA Network, 1999Young Buzzy Walsh, "Even Steven," Twice in a Lifetime, CTV and PAXTV, 2000Dean, "Shout: Parts 1 & 2," Degrassi: The Next Generation, CTVand The N (Noggin), 2002Jeremiah, "Atavus High," Earth: Final Conflict (also known as EFC, Gene Roddenberry"s "Battleground Earth," Gene Roddenberry"s"Earth: Final Conflict," Invasion planete Terre, and Mission Erde: Sie sind unter uns), syndicated, 2002Dean, "How Soon Is Now?," Degrassi: The Next Generation, CTV and The N (Noggin), 2003Dean, "Ghost in the Machine: Parts 1 & 2," Degrassi: The Next Generation, CTV and The N (Noggin), 2004Josh Dickens, "Candy Land," Wild Card, Lifetime, 2004Hurst, Falcon Beach, ABC Family Channel, 2005电影:Peter, Sea People, Showtime, 1999Second crew member, "The Growing Pains Movie," The Wonderful World ofDisney, ABC, 2000Skater dude, Changes: An Animorphs Movie, Nickelodeon, 2000Zachary Lundt, We Were the Mulvaneys, Lifetime, 2002Brad Sadowski in Vietnam, Word of Honor, TNT, 2003Kurt, Mrs. Ashboro"s Cat (also known as Ghost Cat and Lechat fantome), Animal Planet, 2003Terry at the age of eighteen, Fallen Angel, CBS, 2003(Uncredited) Bo Marino, Stone Cold (also known as Robert B. Parker"s "Stone Cold"), CBS, 2005Daniel, Jacob Two Two Meets the Hooded Fang, Odeon Films, 1999Rogue"s boyfriend, X-Men (also known as X-Men 1.5 and X-Men: The Movie), Twentieth Century-Fox, 2000Colin, Get over It!, Miramax, 2001Peter Lawrence, Chasing Holden, Lions Gate Films, 2001Corey Washington, Detention, Alliance Atlantis Communications, 2003Club boy, A Home at the End of the World, Warner Independent Pictures, 2004Desk clerk, Taking Lives, Warner Bros., 2004Jim, Thralls (also known as Blood Angels), Screen Media Ventures, 2004Tom Muster, Siblings, Monarch Home Video, 2004Tyler, Going the Distance, Seville Pictures, 2004Calvin Murtaugh, Cheaper by the Dozen 2, Twentieth Century-Fox, 2005Mike, Land of the Dead (also known as George A. Romero"s "Landof the Dead" and George Romero"s "Land of the Dead"), Universal, 2005Adam, Skinwalkers, Lions Gate Films, 2006

Spellbound by emily Bronte 请教释义 以及原由。 谢谢!




谁有Emily Dickinson success&to make a prairie的诗评?大神们帮帮忙

Success is counted sweetest..." Summary The speaker says that "those who ne"er succeed" place the highest value on success. (They "count" it "sweetest".) To understand the value of a nectar, the speaker says, one must feel "sorest need." She says that the members of the victorious army ("the purple Host / Who took the flag today") are not able to define victory as well as the defeated, dying man who hears from a distance the music of the victors. The three stanzas of this poem take the form of iambic trimeter--with the exception of the first two lines of the second stanza, which add a fourth stress at the end of the line. (Virtually all of Dickinson"s poems are written in an iambic meter that fluctuates fluidly between three and four stresses.) As in most of Dickinson"s poems, the stanzas here rhyme according to an ABCB scheme, so that the second and fourth lines in each stanza constitute the stanza"s only rhyme. Commentary Many of Emily Dickinson"s most famous lyrics take the form of homilies, or short moral sayings, which appear quite simple but that actually describe complicated moral and psychological truths. "Success is counted sweetest" is such a poem; its first two lines express its homiletic point, that "Success is counted sweetest / By those who ne"er succeed" (or, more generally, that people tend to desire things more acutely when they do not have them). The subsequent lines then develop that axiomatic truth by offering a pair of images that exemplify it: the nectar--a symbol of triumph, luxury, "success"--can best be comprehended by someone who "needs" it; the defeated, dying man understands victory more clearly than the victorious army does. The poem exhibits Dickinson"s keen awareness of the complicated truths of human desire (in a later poem on a similar theme, she wrote that "Hunger--was a way / Of Persons outside Windows-- / The Entering--takes away--"), and it shows the beginnings of her terse, compacted style, whereby complicated meanings are compressed into extremely short phrases (e.g., "On whose forbidden ear"). Dickinson"s tiny poem makes a huge statement about the nature of musing, day-dreaming, or as she puts it, "revery." To make a prairie it takes a clover and one bee, One clover, and a bee, And revery. The revery alone will do, If bees are few. Analysis This little poem expresses Dickinson"s continuing love affair with the spiritual level of being. She begins by claiming that to make a physically large item, “a prairie,” all one needs is two small physical items, “a clover and one bee.” Then she qualifies that by saying, “One clover, and a bee / And revery”; then she qualifies that claim further, by saying if you don"t have one of those physical components, “bees,” (and by implication, the clover as well), then you can still make the prairie by revery alone. “Revery” means dream, thought, extended concentration on any subject, or even day-dreaming wherein the mind is allowed to roam free over the landscape of unlimited expansion, but to the speaker in this poem, “revery” is more like meditation which results in a true vision. The speaker"s power of revery demonstrates an advanced achievement, far beyond ordinary day-dreaming or cogitation. Ultimately, this speaker is claiming that without any physical objects at all, the mind of one advanced in the art of revery can produce any object that mind desires. Other Dickinson poems that focus on a similar themes are #632 “The Brain is wider than the sky,” #670 “One need not be a Chamber — to be Haunted,” #674 “The Soul that hath a Guest,” and many others. http://poetry.suite101.com/ blog.cfm/dickinsons_to_make_a_ prairie 参考资料: http://www.sparknotes. com/poetry/dickinson/section1. html满意请采纳

A rose for Emily英语读后感

本文首发于我的博客,更多精彩内容请移步 Brayn的博客 这是我英语二专的期末大作业,本着开源的原则,上传上来吧。万一以后有人用得到呢U0001f60bU0001f60b The first time I hear about the novel A rose for Emily, I misunderstood that it is a love story just like the famous Romeo and Juliet . After reading its Chinese version, I realize that it"s far from a love story, but a Gothic horror tale, as some readers put it. Totally speaking, A rose for Emily is a short novel which describes a faded southern aristocrat, Emily Grierson"s tragic life via an unnamed narrator. It tells us seven impressive anecdotes to Emily"s life with an intelligent use of flashbacks. The first part is the death of Emily"s father. When her father dies, nothing but the house is left to Emily. Due to his father, who has driven away all the young pursuers, Emily remains single even in her thirties. This part describes an important background —— Emily never tastes the sweetness of love before. The second part is Emily"s miserable relationship. She falls in love with a foreman named Homer Barron, a dark, ready man, who has no interest in marriage. After the construction, Homer leaves the town and never show up again. This part foreshadow the tragedy in the end, but at present, I simply guess that the man deserts Emily. The third is the poison. Emily is witnessed buying arsenic trioxide for mice, in her own words, but not only the people but I mistake that she wants to suicide. This part is also a hint. The forth is "the smell". After her father"s death and heart-broken love, she only has a manservant. So her house smells bad. Her neighbors complain about it. In the end, they solve it by sprinkling lime around her house. Frankly speaking, the first time I read here, I"m quite confused about the role of this part. The fifth part is Emily"s teaching life. She gives lessons in china-painting several years and then closes her front forever. This part is short, but it represents the total positive isolation of Emily with the outside. The sixth is the confrontation between Emily and the deputation. The young generation is dissatisfied with the edict of remitting her taxes. They send a deputation, even call at the house to negotiate this problem, but end up with failure. This part shows the stubborn and bigotry of Emily in her elderly. The last part is Emily"s funeral and the discovery of the dead. This part is the climax of the novel, and reveals all the hints before. Not until I finish here and then return back for the hints can I understand the whole story. In the class, we talked about the identity of the dead, the relationship between Emily and her father and the real murder. At last, several versions are found. But I think some studies over interpret the novel. Just based on a logical plot, the novel is already an excellent story in my opinion. Throughout Emily"s life, her best time is strictly restrained by her father, who stubbornly insists that nobody int the town has a corresponding background to marry his daughter. Therefore, when her father dies, Emily loses her only rely and is too scared to let her father go. The appearance of Homer Barron is the life-saving straw. From Homer, Emily can not only enjoy the beauty of love, but also regain the sense of security. However, Homer has no interest in marriage, which means that the departure is inevitable. To keep her love, Emily goes to the extreme —— to kill him. And then everything makes sense, the smell, the isolation from the outside, even the rigidness towards the government. Emily has been wearing the halo of declining aristocracy all her life. Everything she does is the entertainment news that the ordinary people in the town enjoy talking about. Her body is not dead, but her heart has died decades ago. I think she"s merely a breathing zombie. Spring love can"t change her fate. When her lover has no intend to marry, she keeps him with arsenic. From then on, he would never leave her, even at the cost of not going out again, she was willing. The civilians in the small towns outside had nothing to do with her. Every night she may sleep with her corpse for many years. I wonder if Miss Emily was happy or sad. Although I know Emily is a murder, but I would mourn her rather than blame her. By the way, I prefer the translation 《致悼艾米丽的玫瑰》 about the title. Although the word ‘rose" never shows up in the article, but I hope there are always roses in front of her gravestone, to mourn Emily, a pathetic sacrifice of traditional consensus.


Shirley 这 些 不 能 标 识 音 标 我 有 汉 语 译 音 :笑 利 n. 雪莉(女子名)Emily 译 音 :艾米丽n.艾米丽Sophia译 音 : 索菲娅n. 索菲娅(女子名)Vivian译 音 :Vivi恩 n.维维安(男子名, 女子名)Lillian译 音 :来 利 恩 n.莉莲(亦作Lilian)(f.)Joy译 音 :叫 一 n. 乔伊(女子名)Ross译 音 :入 阿 丝 罗斯Julie译 音 :久 利 n. 朱莉(女子名)Gloria译 音 :格 老 瑞鹅n. 格洛里亚(女子名)Carol译 音 : A老 n. 卡罗尔(女子名)



老友记中ROSS与 EMILY认识是哪一集?


老友记中ROSS与 EMILY认识是哪一集

是第4季第14 集, The One with Joey"s Dirty Day... 是Emily第一次去找他们, 然后Ross追出去了.


老友记 FRIENDS | 第五季 | 剧情分集 | Hello,Mrs Ross! Hello,Mr Rachel一只柠檬shrimp原创2022-5-2 23:37 · 来自北京第四季:take thee,Rachel第一集钱莫回了纽约,又抱在了一起。Ross 在机场等 Emily ,偶遇Rach,Rose 在打算跟 Rach 一起去蜜月旅行之后,Emily 却意外现身,尴尬不已的Ross 不得不去追Emily,结果Rach一个人去了Ross 和Emily 两个人的蜜月之旅。他们在Ross&Emily的新婚套房里Ross计划与Rachel一起去蜜月旅行Emily突然出现第二集钱莫在一起了,他们一起洗澡,接吻。Ross 还没有哄好 Emily,Rach就对他说了I"m still in love with you。Phoebe 要生了。钱莫一起洗澡第三集Phoebe 生了三个可爱的孩子。三个宝宝:两女一男第四集Ross 找 Emily和好,对方提出的唯一条件就是再也不见 Rachel。Joey 去参加募捐节目,Pheebs 捐了$200,竟意外让 Joe 上了电视镜头。第五集Ross 跟 Rach 说了和Emily 的约定,再也不见 Rachel。关于和大家的友情,Ross 为了 Rach 的感受,选择退出。钱莫度过了第一场吵架,他们的感情还在继续。Joey 发现了 钱莫 的恋情。第六集Ross 为了 Emily 换家具,搬家,但最后他还是与朋友们一起吃了晚饭,且恰巧赶上了Emily打来的电话询问,并在通话结束后感觉自己的这次婚姻可能真的完蛋了。Pheebe 收到她妈妈寄来的貂皮,她不得不承认自己喜欢这件衣服。六人看 naked guy第七集Ross 搬来跟钱钱和乔伊一起住了。因为和 Emily 离婚后,被女方的亲戚驱逐了。第八集朋友们在感恩节这一天回忆之前关于感恩节悲惨的经历。第九集Ross 的三明治被别人给吃掉了,在工作的地方。Mon 和 钱钱 私下约会频出状况,不得已 Joey 一直被迫背锅。Rachel拿着的其实是Chandler的内内第十集Ross 失业在家,于是决定来督促Joey 写剧本。Dany 和他的妹妹有着非常好的感情,这一点让和 Dany 约会的 Rach 非常抓狂。第十一集1999年,新年快乐。六人行互相新年亲吻,Rach 和 Joey 彼此的第一个亲吻。Ross 的浴室皮裤名场面!Rach 终于发现了 钱钱和Mon的地下恋情。她和Joey 可以开始一起聊这个秘密了。Rachel&JoeyRoss&PhoebeChandler&MonicaRoss浴室皮裤第十二集Emily 再婚了。Mon 陪钱钱去和他的上司一起打网球,吃饭。Ross 因近来心情不顺和 Janice 发生了一个短暂的交往与性关系。Rach 想要和 Mon 交流 她和 钱钱的事情,但Mon 却还是避开了。钱莫在上司家Ross&JaniceRachel被感动了第十三集Pheebe 的祖母去世了,在告别仪式上,她见到了她的父亲。Joey 将要去面试,去Rach 那里选衣服,最后选了一个很喜欢的女士包包。Phoebe 的父亲第十四集Ugly naked man 搬走了,Ross 决定租下他的公寓。朋友们看公寓的时候,Phoebe 见到了对面的 Mon 和 钱钱 贴在了一起,正在玻璃窗前做爱。终于,她尖叫了出来,并且知道了钱莫的地下情。大家除了 Ross 外都知道了钱莫的事情,为此,Pheebe 和 Rach 特意配合,来跟钱钱演一场对手戏。本集结尾的时候,Ross 终于隔着窗子发现了 钱钱和Mon的关系。第十五集Ross 搬去新家,却因为没有交钱而被邻居们嫌弃,甚至被赶出了欢送派对。钱莫吵架,钱钱为求原谅向Mon求婚了。Will you marry me? 好想听Ross对Rach说这一句啊。Ross 家凄凉的派对第十六集Ross 搬沙发的名场面!Phoebe 捡到了一个警徽,意外邂逅了这个警徽的主人。Joey 看到了钱莫的亲热之后,很羡慕这种亲密关系,也想要发展一段。第十七集庆祝钱莫度过激情期后依然想在一起,祝贺钱莫关系更进一步。Ross热衷于在窗前做表演,来吸引对面的朋友们看过来。Joey 看中了对面Ross楼里的一个辣妹,结果阴差阳错每一次去找人都是Ross在开门。Rach意外亲了面试官一口,又因为嘴唇上的墨水印怀疑面试官要对自己不轨而大喊大叫又摔门而出,但幸好的是面试并没有被完全搞砸。第十八集Ben得到了一个广告试镜,而Joey为了让Ben得到角色,故意搞砸了试镜。Rach为了迎合上司,试图假装会抽烟。朋友们为Rach策划提前的生日惊喜。Pheebe弄来了一堆杯子和冰。第十九集Ross真是个调情逊手。但后面Rach出去帮Ross要号码的那一段,真的好感动我啊。好希望RR能好好的,毕竟都分手两年了,也该和好了吧。第二十集男孩们一起做警车兜风。Joey 英勇救了Ross,事后才得知他是为了保护三文治。Emily给了Ross一个表示后悔的留言,结果不小心被Rach删掉了。谢天谢地,希望他们不要再在一起,RR万岁≧▽≦第二十一集Rach买了一只$1000的猫,结果她并不喜欢这只猫,最后$1500卖给了Gunther。四个人在玩一场旷日持久的扔球大战,钱钱确实是一个漏球大王。Phoebe和警察男友同居,但因为他开枪杀了一只鸟,仅一天的同居就结束了。第二十二集这里有我最喜欢的一个镜头,Joey拿着一堆气球站在离开的房车中间,镜头的展现太合我心意了。关于剧情呢,emm that is,Phoebe 因为一个梦生Ross的气,Joey也在生钱钱的气,最后则是收到了一堆气球。Mon 强制带着Rach 看了眼科医生。By the way,最后Ross和大家压着Rach滴眼药水的一幕,我爱了。拿着气球的 Joey第二十三集拉斯维加斯之旅(上)钱莫的周年纪念。夜晚,一个人的Ross看到同样独自在家的 naked Rachel,以为是在勾引他,结果两个人闹得同样尴尬。第二十四集拉斯维加斯之旅(下)LAS VEGAS钱莫打算结婚了,结果RR!Ross and Rachel!他们,终于,结婚了!在赌城,拉斯维加斯,终成眷属!RR 从教堂里出来了!Hello,Mrs. RossHello,Mr. Rachel好开心,第五季看到他们俩结婚了!爱RR!爱FRIENDS!天降惊喜二选一搜索老友记掷球方恩恪ross什么身份phoebe 现状老友记乔伊葬礼rachel cookross离婚的原因

emily mika 歌词翻译

歌曲名:Emily歌手:Mika专辑:The Origin of Love Deluxe Version发行日期:2012年9月歌词:Emily, Emily,(Emily, Emily,)Emily, can"t you write a happy song你不能写一首快乐的歌Get your eyes to number one让你的眼睛如同符号You could try a little harder你可以试着有点难Emily, you could be a millionaireEmily,你可以成为一名百万富翁 But you"re superlove hot hair但是你爱情如火样头发Gonna end up like your father打算最终会像你父亲 Emily, you can"t even like your chanceEmily,你不要忽略你的机缘Get a boy and learn to dance您有机会获得一个男孩和学跳舞 Be a girl like any other成为一个女孩喜欢其他的 Emily, are you stuck or by you gayEmily,你是被禁锢或者同性恋If you are, then that"s ok如果您是那么就这样Cause it doesn"t even matter事业甚至也没关系Emily, it"s your life and you can"t live it twiceEmily,你的生活,你不能够抓住它两次 One day you"ll understand and then you"ll take my hand一天你就会明白,然后你会抓住我的手 Emily, I love you, an do know you do tooEmily, 我爱你,做你愿意做的You never make no sense,你永远不会做没有意义screaming at me in French尖叫着看我在法国 Bullcrotching, that"s that...Bullcrotching,就这样的...Bullcrotching, that"s that...Bullcrotching,就这样的...Shut up listen to me,闭嘴,听我说dance with me Emily与我一起共舞 EmilyBullcrotching, that"s that...Bullcrotching,就这样的...Bullcrotching, that"s that...Bullcrotching,就这样的...Shut up listen to me,闭嘴,听我说dance with me Emily与我一起共舞 EmilyEmily, you got so much in your lifeEmily 你的生活中有如此多Me I got no one"s advice我却没有人咨询 Don"t you know you got it easy难道你不知道你解决它多么简单Emily, what you smoking, what"s that stenchEmily, 你抽烟,那是多么的恶臭Who you screaming out in French你用法语尖叫Did you really think you had me你是真的认为拥有我Emily, that"s enough to hide your toesEmily,这就够了,隐藏你的脚趾 Acting like you...像你.....I give up it"s not worth trying我放弃了,它的不值得一试 Emily, one day I will end up deadEmily,终究我会死亡That"s the only thing I"ve said这是我唯一想说的事That will ever get her smiling,这比以往任何时候都能让她的笑容Emily, it"s your life and you can"t live it twiceEmily, 你的生活,你不能够抓住它两次One day you"ll understand and then you"ll take my hand一天你就会明白,然后你会抓住我的手 Emily, I love you, an do know you do tooEmily, 我爱你,做你愿意做的You never make no sense,你永远不会做没有意义screaming at me in French尖叫着看我在法国 Bullcrotching, that"s that...Bullcrotching,就这样的...Bullcrotching, that"s that...Bullcrotching,就这样的...Shut up listen to me,闭嘴,听我说dance with me Emily与我一起共舞 EmilyBullcrotching, that"s that...Bullcrotching,就这样的...Bullcrotching, that"s that...Bullcrotching,就这样的...Shut up listen to me,闭嘴,听我说dance with me Emily与我一起共舞 EmilyEmily, live your life in a balloonEmily,你生活中气球中Lock yourself up in your room把你自己锁在你的房间 So the world can never reach ya这个世界你从未到达Emily, now I"m speaking JapaneseEmily, 现在我讲日语Got me falling on my knees,跪下我的膝盖got me praying to saint peter让我祈祷圣彼得Emily, see the price I have to payEmily,这是我愿意的付出I would give my life away我将会给你我的一生If I knew that I could reach you如果我知道怎么到达你的世界Emily, why you make this hard to meEmily,为什么你要让它如此的艰难It"s not the way it"s meant to be对于我来说,完全没有解决方式I don"t never wanna hit you我重来就没有想要伤害你Emily dance, Emily dance, dance, dance, Emily dance,Emily 跳舞,Emily 跳舞,跳舞,跳舞,Emily 跳舞,Emily dance, Emily dance, dance, dance, Emily dance,Emily 跳舞,Emily 跳舞,跳舞,跳舞,Emily 跳舞,Emily dance, Emily dance, dance, dance, dance, dance, danceEmily 跳舞,Emily 跳舞,跳舞,跳舞,Emily 跳舞,Emily, it"s your life and you can"t live it twiceEmily,Emily,你的生活,你不能够抓住它两次 One day you"ll understand and then you"ll take my hand一天你就会明白,然后你会抓住我的手 Emily, I love you, an do know you do tooEmily, 我爱你,做你愿意做的You never make no sense,你永远不会做没有意义screaming at me in French尖叫着看我在法国 Bullcrotching, that"s that...Bullcrotching,就这样的...Bullcrotching, that"s that...Bullcrotching,就这样的...Shut up listen to me,闭嘴,听我说dance with me Emily与我一起共舞 EmilyBullcrotching, that"s that...Bullcrotching,就这样的...Bullcrotching, that"s that...Bullcrotching,就这样的...Shut up listen to me,闭嘴,听我说dance with me Emily与我一起共舞 EmilyEmily dance.Emily 跳舞

emily mika 歌词翻译

= =渣英语不会翻但是炒鸡好听 超级喜欢听!新专辑最爱坐等大师。

emily stopped her car( )a black cat across the street.答案给的是letting。


a rose for emily里的rose有什么含义

这个小说还是比较阴郁的。我们老师说是love.. 你也可以有自己的理解吧。

有Emily Bronte的简介吗?英文版


A Route of Evanescence By Emily Dickinson帮忙翻译下,谢谢

从一个路线 一个旋转轮, 一个共鸣的翡翠 匆匆上的胭脂 和每天灌木丛上开着的花朵 调整花朵的方向 可能是来自突尼斯的邮件, 一个简单的早晨

急求!!!下载01.Emily Addison Sandy - Lights! Camera! Sluts!种子的网址求好心人给


A-Show的《Emily》 歌词

歌曲名:Emily歌手:A-Show专辑:A-Show奇遇Artist:Brian MeloAlbum:Livin ItTitle:EmilyLRC-Maker:594-KingI look in my eyesSearching for signs of lifeDigging through darkness trying to seePity the sightTry to wipe up last nightThat"s not the kind of guy I want to beSweeping the city streetsOh picking up the piecestorn and scattered at my feetI"m down here on my knees asking for forgivenessHoping hard and begging pleaseEmily...music...It"s not that I liedOh no, when I stopped tryingWas so sure you were mineTurned my back to youCos, I never believed you could just up and leave meDon"t know what I should doI"m not losing you againSweeping the city streetsOh picking up the piecesTorn and scattered at my feetI"m down here on my knees asking for forgivenessHoping hard and begging pleaseYou"re the one ( X4 )Sweeping the city streetsOh picking up the piecesTorn and scattered at my feetI"m down here on my knees asking for forgivenessHoping hard and begging pleaseEmily ( X4 )〖...Over...〗http://music.baidu.com/song/966063

What are Emily Dickinson’s views of nature in most of her poems about it?

She feels strongly about nature"s inscrutability.She believes that there is a mythical bond between man and nature.She thinks humans are outsiders who can observe nature, experience nature, worship nature, but they can not understand the secrets and mys

Emily Dickinson的诗?

分类: 外语/出国 问题描述: “A word is deadWhen it is said,Some say.I say it justBegins to liveThat day.”—Emily Dickinson这是我刚看到的 请介绍下背景好么 还有帮忙理解下.谢谢 解析: A word is dead when it is said, some say. I say it just begins to live that day. 我的理解:有人说,当一个词被说出后它就死了。 我说,这正是它生命的开始。 网上资料: A Word is Dead In this poem, Emily Dickinson examines the "life" of a word. First, she discusses how some believe that once a word is uttered, its importance is no longer necessary. That is, once it has served its purpose, it is no longer anything of importance. Whatever the word meant at the time has disappeared; it now exists only as a lonely word. Dickinson, however, feels that when a word is used, its importance and meaning is never lost. She feels that the emotions and feelings that went into the words being spoken remain, and that the word"s meaning will forever remain that way. For instance, if someone were to say "I love you", the words" significance would not fade out after it was said. The person being told they were loved would forever remember what the word meant, and thus, the word would always live. This poem was written in short, concise lines to emphasize the importance of each and every word used. The rhyme scheme of aabcdb also shows importance as the tiny words that rhyme send tiny shivers through the reader because of their rhyme. The main theme of this poem is that words never lose their meaning once they are spoken. The intentions they were spoken with remain with the person spoken to as long as the words are remembered. 大概翻译: 这首诗,作者研究"life"这个词. 首先,她谈到一些人认为是一次说过一句话,但其重要性已不再需要. 即一旦达到了目的,因此不再有任何意义. 一词意味着什么时,它已经消失:它只是目前唯一一个孤立的词. Dickinson认为当一个词用,从未失去其重要性和意义. 她认为,情绪和情感,又被口头表达,这句话的意思永远保持下去. 例如,如果有人说"我爱你"字样的意义,才不会消失. 爱的人会告诉他们永远记住这个词的意思,因此,文字永远活. 这首诗很短,线路简明强调每一个字眼. 这首诗的主题是一旦讲出话语永远不会失去意义的. 只要记住它们的用意就在于与人交谈的话.

Emily Dickinson 诗集译文 (二)

(6) 倘若 我能令一颗心免于破碎 那么 我也不算白活 倘若 我能抚平一条生命之伤痕 或是缓解一种疼痛 或是帮一只奄奄一息的小鸟 回到他的巢穴之中 ——那么,我也不算白活。VI. IF I can stop one heart from breaking, I shall not live in vain; IF I can ease one life the aching Or cool one pain, Or help one fainting robin Unto his nest again, I shall not live in vain.(7)触手可及 触手可及! 我本触手可及 ——也许我应该走那一条路 悠悠地游荡过那个村庄 再悠悠地离去 ——那未曾奢望的紫罗兰 就在村中低低的田野里睡着 只是,如今追寻已然太迟 一小时前,我已与那馥郁擦肩而过VII. ALMOST WITHIN my reach! I could have touched! I might have chanced that way! Soft sauntered through the village, Sauntered as soft away! So unsuspected violets Within the filed lie low, Too late for striving fingers That passed, an hour ago.(8) “受伤的鹿跳得最高,” ——我听猎人如是说; 然而这只是临死前最后的狂欢, 而后陷入漫长的沉默。那迸溅的,是受了重击的岩石, 那飞跃的,是遭了践踏的兵器; 脸总会更加潮红 ——当你受到病魔的袭击欢笑乃是苦痛的铠甲, 将它严密地守护, 以免叫人窥见你的鲜血, 发出“你受伤了”的惊呼!VIII. A WOUNDED deer leaps highest, I"ve heard the hunter tell; "T is but the ecstasy of death, And thenthe brake is st lol.The smitten rock that gushes, The trampled steel that springs; A cheek is always redder Just where the hectic stings!Mirth is the mail of anguish, In which it cautions arm, Lest anybody spy the blood, And "you"re hurt" exclaim!(9) 最初的时候,心向往快乐, 而后希望免于痛苦; 然后渴求些许止痛剂 来缓解那生命的苦楚;而后,只愿去睡一觉, 倘若真的得以睡着—— 便奢望那审判者愿意 赐予它去死的自由。IX. THE heart asks pleasure first, And then, excuse from pain; And then, those little anodines That d eaten suffering;And then, to go to sleep; And then, if it should be The will of its I nquisitor, The liberty to die.(10)图书馆间 遇见一本上了年纪的书 是一种日渐消失的珍贵的快乐, 那书 躺在他穿了百年的衣服里, 我想,这是我的人可能荣幸吧。牵起他那庄严的手, 令它温暖于我的手中, 往后翻一篇,两篇, 直至回到他年轻的时候。他古雅的见解正待我审核 他深藏的学识正待我开启 那在我们彼此心中萦怀的 是古老的文学典籍什么事儿学者最关心? 那些比赛如何进行? ——那时柏拉图的命运已成定局 而索福克勒斯尚在人世。那时莎孚还是明丽的姑娘 而比阿丽特斯 正穿着 但丁顶礼膜拜的长裙 而这,已是数百年前的事情他娴熟地穿越时空 如一个人拜访这个小镇 而后告诉你 梦曾皆真 他住的地方 见证梦的诞生他的来访充满魔力, 你祈求他不要离去; 老书卷摇了摇他羊皮纸的头, 若即若离,仅此而已。X. IN A LIBRARY A PRECIOUS, mouldering pleasure "t is To meet an antique book, In just the dress his century wore; A privilege, I think,His venerable hand to take, And warming in our own, A passage back, or two, to make To times when he was young.His quaint opinions to inspect, His knowledge to unfold On what concerns our mutual mind, The literature of old;What interested scholars most, What competition ran When Plato was a certainty. And Sophocles a man;When Sappho was a living girl, And Beatrice wore The gown that Dante deified. Facts, centuries before,He traverses familiar, As one should come to town And tell you all your dreams were true; He lived where dreams were sown.His presence is enchantment, You beg him not to go; Old volumes shake their vellum heads And tantalize, just so.

Wuthering Heights is a novel___the British writer Emily Bronte.




关於一首英文短诗的问题(Emily Dickinson写的)

希望是一种带翅膀的东西~她栖息在灵魂之中~唱着没有歌词的旋律~希望永不停步~在那狂风中,希望的歌是最美的~只有在暴风雨才是最痛楚的<暴风雨>让这只小鸟局促不安希望也曾保留多少温暖~(希望)在最冰凉的土地~在最偏远的海洋~然而,在极度困境之中她也不会向我乞求一丁点(怜悯)我自己翻译的,比较白话~背后的意思是~要做一个有希望的人~希望不灭,自尊仍存~(we should learn to be a person of hope ~hope is something that makes us never say give up to others>第三段,我们应该学习希望的自爱精神~不屈的精神~<we should never give in to anything~and ask mercy of others

the exorcism of Emily Rose远古六恶魔名字

Lucifer Judas Iscariot Nero Cain Fleischmann

Emily took a little cat to home y





Helen Baxendale 只能找到英文资料了…… Helen Baxendale was born on Febuary 14th 1970 in Lichfield, Staffordshire. From a early age Helen"s ambition was to become a ballet dancer, "how I loved ballet, I totally adored it. I thought it was the perfect art form" says Helen on her first passion. At 17 she attended The Elmhurst Ballet School in Surrey but realised that she would probably not reach the professional level she wanted. She found acting a viable option, which she had previously viewed as a "sad second" to ballet, and gained a place at the prestigious Bristol Old Vic Theatre School. After graduating, she worked at the Glasgow Citizens Theatre as a theatre actress between 1992 to 1994, starring in a number of European existentialist dramas and was nominated for the 1993 Ian Charleson Award for her performance in the play "The Soldiers". It was at the Citizens Theatre that she met director David Elliot, who at the time was also an actor. The two soon began dating when they were both cast in production of "La Ronde", "We got on really well immediately" says Helen on their relationship, "although I think I was keener on him to start with. Our backgrounds are very similar. We have the same points of reference. Although he was born in America, you"d never know it. We started going out and we"ve never been apart since." In 1993 Helen made her first and brief appearance on screen in the TV pilot "The Marshall", and also a short film called "The Euphoric Scale". Also in 1993 she made a guest appearance in the BBC"s long running hospital drama "Casualty" in the episode “Give us this day” in which she played Emma, a brain-washed religious cult member. It wasn"t until 1994 that Helen first caught the general public"s attention. At the age of 23 director David Hayman,


Dear Emily,Don"t worry about living in a strange city .Here are some suggestions For you:First,going more outside ,take apart in clubs or doing sports in the gyms.Second,finding a new friend who is hot .And then let her introduce you to others.Third,do not be shy anyway.Believe you"re awesome one!Good luck!Yours Zhangpin

大家有没有觉得EMILY BLUNT 有点像越狱里面的SARAH?我觉得脸型有点像,而且EMILY要好看一些


emily s parents gave her new bag which she can什么?

新视野大学英语(第2版)第1册Unit 1答案 III. 1. rewarding 2. communicate 3. access 4. embarrassing 5. positive 6. commitment 7. virtual 8. benefits 9. minimum 10. opportunitiesIV. 1. up 2. into 3. from 4. with 5. to 6. up 7. of 8. in 9. for 10.withV. 1.G 2.B 3.E 4.I 5.H 6.K 7.M 8.O 9.F 10.CSentence StructureVI.1. Universities in the east are better equipped, while those in the west are relatively poor.2. Allan Clark kept talking the price up, while Wilkinson kept knocking it down.3. The husband spent all his money drinking, while his wife saved all hers for the family.4. Some guests spoke pleasantly and behaved politely, while others wee insulting and impolite.5. Outwardly Sara was friendly towards all those concerned, while inwardly she was angry.VII. 1. Not only did Mr. Smith learn the Chinese language, but he also bridged the gap between his culture and ours.2. Not only did we learn the technology through the online course, but we also learned to communicate with friends in English.3. Not only did we lose all our money, but we also came close to losing our lives.4. Not only do the workers want a pay increase, but they also want reduced working hours.5. Not only is the house expensive, but it is also too far away from my company.TranslationVIII.1. Not only can students choose when and where to learn for an online course, but they can also take time to think through answers before making a reply.2. She is excited by the idea of online learning while be considers it meaningless and useless.3. Communicating with native English speakers is a very rewarding experience from which we can learn a lot. 4. Today, more and more people have access to the Internet through which they look for the information they need.5. He wants her to give up working and stay home to look after the children. She feels, however, that this is too much for her.6. Now that we have finished the course, we shall start doing more revision work.IX. 1. 我永远都不会忘记那位老师,是他告诉我学外语是有趣的、有价值的。如果没有他,我的英语说得不会像现在这样好。2 没有任何其他语言能像英语那样让你感受到多姿多彩的世界文化。有了过硬的英语知识,你就可以体验奇妙的文化之旅。3. 写作不仅仅要写老师布置的话题,而且要写自己感兴趣的东西,例如,给朋友写电子邮件。4. 远程教学课程是指授课者与学生通过计算机通信技术进行交流的课程。5. 英语不但是世界上最有用的语言,也是世界上最易学、易用的语言之一。6远程教学课程在时间安排上给予学生更多的自由,但与其他课程比,这些课程要求学生有更强的自律能力。Cloze1. B 2.A 3.B 4.B 5.C 6,C 7.B 8.A 9.a 10.B 11.A 12.A 13.B 14.A 15.BStructured WritingXII. I am proud to say that I succeeded in learning a foreign language. It was a real challenge and, needless to say, it took a lot of practice. I carried a small dictionary with me everywhere I went as well as a notebook in which I listed new words I came across. I also managed my time carefully so that I met the standards of the course and finished assignments on time. After years of persistence, I reaped the benefits of all my hard work.Section BReading Skills1. 1.C 2.B 3.D 4. A 5. BComprehension of the TextII. 1.C 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.D 6.B 7.C 8.DVocabulary1. community 2. effective 3. unique 4. committed 5. reinforce 6. perspective 7. explicit 8. challenge 9. hindered 10. aroseIV. 1. for 2. with 3. on 4. on 5. on 6. of 7. in 8. up 9. of 10.In新视野大学英语(第2版)第1册Unit 2答案 III. 1. appeals 2. identity 3. concern 4. disgusting 5. upset 6. influence 7. offensive 8. burst 9. stuff 10. thoroughIV. 1. off/ down 2. off 3. as 4. on 5. for 6. on/upon 7. to 8. over 9. in 10.ofV. 1.H 2.F 3.D 4.K 5.B 6.C 7.L 8.I 9.O 10. NSentence StructureVI.1. Kate saw her brother Bill as she was getting off the school bus. Or: As she was getting off the school bus, Kate saw her brother Bill.2. As she was standing up from he seat, mother dropped the glass to the ground. Or: Mother dropped the glass to the ground as she was standing up from her seat.3. A policeman fired at a thief as the thief was bolting out of the house. Or: As the thief was bolting out of the house, a policeman fired at him.4. As she ran to catch the school bus, Sandy thought of her talk with her mother. Or: Sandy thought of he talk with her mother as she ran to catch the school bus.5. As the teacher entered the classroom, all the students shouted “Happy birthday” to him. Or: All the students shouted “Happy Birthday” to him as the teacher entered the classroom.VII. 1. She listened to her favorite rock music while singing along with the words.2. She was putting on her jeans while asking me to hand her the sweater.3. He banged on the door while opening it.4. In the bathroom she put on some makeup while looking in the mirror.5. The schoolmaster shot an angry glance at the naughty first grader while talking with his parents.Translation:VIII.1. As she was about to turn off the music, her father burst into he room and shouted at her, “Can"t you turn down the music a little bit?”2. the owner of the bar kept watching the girl dancing while pretending not to.3. Rock music appealed to Sandy so much that she turned it up, paying no attention to her father"s objection.4. As usual, when his parents don"t like what he wears, they start bugging him.5. At the meeting they discussed how to keep the lines of communication open between teachers and students.6. It makes my blood boil to think of these young boys and girls who are forced by their parents to beg for money along the streets.IX. 1. 我认为那些在镇上游手好闲、在身上又文身又穿洞的青少年是在表达他们的个性。2. 因特网提供了一种更快捷的方式,让我们与全球的新老客户取得联系,并保持沟通渠道畅通无阻。3. 父母与自己十多岁的孩子的沟通问题不仅仅在于“代沟”,而且还在于双方都不完全理解对方的思想。4. 当父母与子女有了这类沟通障碍时,青少年面临的问题可能更大。5. 青少年常常要经历这么一个阶段,在这个阶段,他们觉得父母会让他们没面子,害怕他们达不到自己朋友的标准。6. 比如,青少年希望在外呆到很晚,但是当第二天早上要起床上学时,那又是另一回事了。ClozeX. 1. B 2.B 3.A 4.A 5.A 6.A 7.A 8.B 9.C 10.B 11.A 12.A 13.A 14.C 15.A 16.C 17.B 18.A 19.A 20.CStructured WritingXII. The first thing you should do t make tea is to boil water. While waiting for it to boil, you can get your teapot out and put the right amount of tea leaves into it. When the water has come to boil, pour it into the teapot. Then wait for a few minutes to let the leaves steep. Next? Enjoy the tea. Section BReading skillsI. 1.F 2.F 3.O 4.O 5.F plus O 6.O 7.O 8.OComprehension of the TextII. 1.C 2.A 3.B 4.D 5.D 6.C 7.B 8.A VocabularyIII.1. entitled 2. ruin 3. evaluate 4. trend 5. attitude 6. tend 7. curiosity 8. applying 9. response 10. conceptIV. 1. to 2. in 3. between 4.about 5. across 6.to 7.to 8.in 9.to 10.for





emily strange 的全称是什么?含义是什么?



A ROSE FOR EMILY是威廉.福克纳非常著名的短篇小说,它特殊之处就在于它能够让人全神灌注地把整篇看完,之后仍然意犹未尽,又多么希望把整个故事说给别人听;虽然结局令人痛苦不堪,可是发人深省。A ROSE FOR EMILY是一篇以爱为主轴的小说,也许它不浪漫也不激情,但在某些小地方总不经意的透出一丝感人的气息。 Emily的父亲认为将她与外界隔绝是对她最好的保护,所以他以自视过高的心态一直在护卫着Emily,或许Emily曾想过反抗,但经年累月下来,这已成一种习惯。她已被父亲的高塔关住。当她父亲去世以后,她一直赖以维生的塔也随之倒了。她原本可以敞开心扉不再过寂寞孤独的日子,可是她又依据父亲对她的影响建造了另一座塔,以此否认父亲已死的事实。或许她心中认为这是最安全的一种方式 Barron的出现使她对自己的生活感到厌倦,再也不愿意继续孤独的日子,所以她尝试出门和人群接触,可是父亲对她的影响太深。她那高傲的心深爱着Barron,却不懂得与他交流爱的情感。于是当她将要和Barron结婚的时候,才发现这一切并不是Barron想要的,因为Barron对自由的执着使他不愿意对婚姻做出承诺。所以,当Emily知道自己不能拥有Barron时,她唯一能做的就是---把Barron带入自己的世界。 在奥地利,玫瑰是爱情、爱慕和敬仰的表示;而另一方面,Emily这一生中并没有任何点缀和光明,更没有鲜花所代表的生气,所以ROSE是叙述者在影射自己。以此推论,这个故事当依着“执着”为线索:首先,Emily的父亲对她执着的占有,而后是Emily对Barron爱的执着,Barron对自由的执着,还有叙述者对Emily执着的敬慕,直到Emily过世,叙述者仍一直关心注意着她。 她是自以为是家族的牺牲品,也是父亲占有欲下的囚犯。自私的占有并不是爱,而是一种欲望。即使Emily有自己的想法也不可以表达,也没有说话的对象,她为了保密甚至连唯一的仆人都给毒哑了;为了逃避现实她一直活在自己的世界里,和外面的事物全然隔绝,所以她留不住恋人,就让恋人的尸体伴着她数十年。直到她去世后,镇民才在她的床上发现失踪多年的Barron的骸骨…… Emily是个可怜的受害者。是她的至亲使她成为一个孤僻的人。也许她知道别人对她的关心,但是在她封闭的情感中又意图拒绝这种有限的关怀,哪怕是是她最需要的感情。其实Emily拥有很多可贵的事物,如果她能敞开心扉,她的人生就会像玫瑰那样鲜艳和美丽了。




emily只是公布说因为个人原因退出,没有详细的理由。直到有一天,隔壁搬来一位美貌性感的女孩佩妮Penny(卡蕾·措科饰),顿时吸引了莱纳德Leonard的目光。佩妮Penny是个梦想成为演员的女孩,但一直没有能成功。剧情简介:主人公谢尔顿·库珀Sheldon Cooper(吉姆·帕森斯饰)和莱纳德·霍夫斯塔特Leonard Hofstadter(约翰尼·盖尔克奇饰)是一对好朋友,他们的智商绝对高人一等,因为他们对量子物理学理论可以倒背如流,无论你问他们什么问题,都难不倒他们。但是说到日常生活,这两个不修边幅的男孩就彻底没了脾气,生活中柴米油盐这些看似简单的事情,却让他们有迷失在太空里一样的感觉,他们所掌握的那些科学原理在这里根本没有用武之地。


emily只是公布说因为个人原因退出,没有详细的理由。直到有一天,隔壁搬来一位美貌性感的女孩佩妮Penny(卡蕾·措科饰),顿时吸引了莱纳德Leonard的目光。佩妮Penny是个梦想成为演员的女孩,但一直没有能成功。剧情简介:主人公谢尔顿·库珀Sheldon Cooper(吉姆·帕森斯饰)和莱纳德·霍夫斯塔特Leonard Hofstadter(约翰尼·盖尔克奇饰)是一对好朋友,他们的智商绝对高人一等,因为他们对量子物理学理论可以倒背如流,无论你问他们什么问题,都难不倒他们。但是说到日常生活,这两个不修边幅的男孩就彻底没了脾气,生活中柴米油盐这些看似简单的事情,却让他们有迷失在太空里一样的感觉,他们所掌握的那些科学原理在这里根本没有用武之地。




emily只是公布说因为个人原因退出,没有详细的理由。直到有一天,隔壁搬来一位美貌性感的女孩佩妮Penny(卡蕾·措科饰),顿时吸引了莱纳德Leonard的目光。佩妮Penny是个梦想成为演员的女孩,但一直没有能成功。平时只能在快餐店打工,她个性开朗,待人友善,是位与莱纳德Leonard、谢尔顿Sheldon截然不同的追求时尚的年轻人,最重要的是她刚刚变成单身。剧情简介:主人公谢尔顿·库珀Sheldon Cooper(吉姆·帕森斯饰)和莱纳德·霍夫斯塔特Leonard Hofstadter(约翰尼·盖尔克奇饰)是一对好朋友,他们的智商绝对高人一等,因为他们对量子物理学理论可以倒背如流,无论你问他们什么问题,都难不倒他们。但是说到日常生活,这两个不修边幅的男孩就彻底没了脾气,生活中柴米油盐这些看似简单的事情,却让他们有迷失在太空里一样的感觉,他们所掌握的那些科学原理在这里根本没有用武之地。


Emily是个女生,瘦到单薄;齐眉刘海,长直发,无袖及膝黑色连身裙,白色大头皮鞋;只爱黑白红三色,有四只黑猫相伴,最爱做的事是失踪(Get lost),到完全陌生的地方游荡。 Emily Strange 是Emily的全名。Strange,怪异就是Emily的姓氏。除了来源于怪异家族,天生具有不合群、特立独行的共同品质,Emily还沉迷于一切神秘黑暗物质,热衷和古堡,骷髅头,蜘蛛,蝙蝠,死亡玫瑰一起出现。她永远13岁,很大程度是因为13这个数字在人们眼中代表着诅咒和厄运,就像她的黑猫一样。Emily甚至有一架预言机器叫“怪怪八颗球”(Oddisee 8-Ball)。总的说来,Emily信奉神秘主义,我们都可以这么说:Emily,是个不折不扣的小女巫。 在西方世界,叫Emily的女生通常给人的印象是娇小,安静,拘谨,内秀。比如19世纪就有两位叫做Emily的文学名人:美国的隐居女诗人Emily Dickinson,英国大名鼎鼎的勃朗特三姐妹中写作出《呼啸山庄》的Emily Bront。感染了Emily们自我禁闭的个性,Emily Strange的口号是“我要你让我一个人待着”(I want you to leave me alone),“我的麻烦就是你”(My problem is you)。Emily独来独往,不爱人打扰,唯一有幸作陪的生物是她的四只黑猫:有五芒星佩饰,与Emily最亲密的Mystery;眼上有伤疤,跑得最快的Miles;右耳上有缺角,经常出现在远方的Sabbath;有花尾巴,每只脚掌6个爪子,最足智多谋的Nee Chee。像十二星座一样,每只猫咪都有属于它们的徽标。 Emily可以对所有上进和有意义的事情无动于衷,漠不关心,是个消极的虚无主义者。但她却有一个非常激烈的爱好:摇滚乐。Emily敬仰摇滚史上的很多支独创性乐队,比如大门(The Doors),比如诅咒乐队(The Damned),她还梦想发布属于自己的摇滚乐专辑。联系到出生背景,Emily对嘈杂音乐的迷恋就不难理解。Emily这个卡通少女诞生于1992年的美国加州,设计者是当地的滑板少年Rob Reger。就像Rob Reger给予了Emily所有灵性一样,美国西岸文化从骨子里影响着R.R。众所周知,美国加州是迷幻药LSD的故乡,迷幻摇滚(Psychemedic Rock)的大本营,嬉皮士的孳生地,20世纪70年代起更是朋克摇滚的重灾区。R.R从高中时代起就穿梭加州的各个城市,观看朋克摇滚(Punk Rock)演出,整个个人哲学和行事作风都深受朋克精神的浸润。采纳哦


emily只是公布说因为个人原因退出,没有详细的理由。直到有一天,隔壁搬来一位美貌性感的女孩佩妮Penny(卡蕾·措科饰),顿时吸引了莱纳德Leonard的目光。佩妮Penny是个梦想成为演员的女孩,但一直没有能成功。平时只能在快餐店打工,她个性开朗,待人友善,是位与莱纳德Leonard、谢尔顿Sheldon截然不同的追求时尚的年轻人,最重要的是她刚刚变成单身。剧情简介:主人公谢尔顿·库珀Sheldon Cooper(吉姆·帕森斯饰)和莱纳德·霍夫斯塔特Leonard Hofstadter(约翰尼·盖尔克奇饰)是一对好朋友,他们的智商绝对高人一等,因为他们对量子物理学理论可以倒背如流,无论你问他们什么问题,都难不倒他们。但是说到日常生活,这两个不修边幅的男孩就彻底没了脾气,生活中柴米油盐这些看似简单的事情,却让他们有迷失在太空里一样的感觉,他们所掌握的那些科学原理在这里根本没有用武之地。

牌子emilystrange 是什么意思



emily只是公布说因为个人原因退出,没有详细的理由。直到有一天,隔壁搬来一位美貌性感的女孩佩妮Penny(卡蕾·措科饰),顿时吸引了莱纳德Leonard的目光。佩妮Penny是个梦想成为演员的女孩,但一直没有能成功。平时只能在快餐店打工,她个性开朗,待人友善,是位与莱纳德Leonard、谢尔顿Sheldon截然不同的追求时尚的年轻人,最重要的是她刚刚变成单身。剧情简介:主人公谢尔顿·库珀Sheldon Cooper(吉姆·帕森斯饰)和莱纳德·霍夫斯塔特Leonard Hofstadter(约翰尼·盖尔克奇饰)是一对好朋友,他们的智商绝对高人一等,因为他们对量子物理学理论可以倒背如流,无论你问他们什么问题,都难不倒他们。但是说到日常生活,这两个不修边幅的男孩就彻底没了脾气,生活中柴米油盐这些看似简单的事情,却让他们有迷失在太空里一样的感觉,他们所掌握的那些科学原理在这里根本没有用武之地。


Emily 源於英国。在英语世界不常见, 直到18世纪的英德通婚.Amily 是 德文名 AMELIE 受到 Emily 所影响而变异产生的

a rose for emily是什么意思???

A ROSE FOR EMILY是威廉.福克纳非常著名的短篇小说,它特殊之处就在于它能够让人全神灌注地把整篇看完,之后仍然意犹未尽,又多么希望把整个故事说给别人听;虽然结局令人痛苦不堪,可是发人深省。A ROSE FOR EMILY是一篇以爱为主轴的小说,也许它不浪漫也不激情,但在某些小地方总不经意的透出一丝感人的气息。 Emily的父亲认为将她与外界隔绝是对她最好的保护,所以他以自视过高的心态一直在护卫着Emily,或许Emily曾想过反抗,但经年累月下来,这已成一种习惯。她已被父亲的高塔关住。当她父亲去世以后,她一直赖以维生的塔也随之倒了。她原本可以敞开心扉不再过寂寞孤独的日子,可是她又依据父亲对她的影响建造了另一座塔,以此否认父亲已死的事实。或许她心中认为这是最安全的一种方式 Barron的出现使她对自己的生活感到厌倦,再也不愿意继续孤独的日子,所以她尝试出门和人群接触,可是父亲对她的影响太深。她那高傲的心深爱着Barron,却不懂得与他交流爱的情感。于是当她将要和Barron结婚的时候,才发现这一切并不是Barron想要的,因为Barron对自由的执着使他不愿意对婚姻做出承诺。所以,当Emily知道自己不能拥有Barron时,她唯一能做的就是---把Barron带入自己的世界。 在奥地利,玫瑰是爱情、爱慕和敬仰的表示;而另一方面,Emily这一生中并没有任何点缀和光明,更没有鲜花所代表的生气,所以ROSE是叙述者在影射自己。以此推论,这个故事当依着“执着”为线索:首先,Emily的父亲对她执着的占有,而后是Emily对Barron爱的执着,Barron对自由的执着,还有叙述者对Emily执着的敬慕,直到Emily过世,叙述者仍一直关心注意着她。 她是自以为是家族的牺牲品,也是父亲占有欲下的囚犯。自私的占有并不是爱,而是一种欲望。即使Emily有自己的想法也不可以表达,也没有说话的对象,她为了保密甚至连唯一的仆人都给毒哑了;为了逃避现实她一直活在自己的世界里,和外面的事物全然隔绝,所以她留不住恋人,就让恋人的尸体伴着她数十年。直到她去世后,镇民才在她的床上发现失踪多年的Barron的骸骨…… Emily是个可怜的受害者。是她的至亲使她成为一个孤僻的人。也许她知道别人对她的关心,但是在她封闭的情感中又意图拒绝这种有限的关怀,哪怕是是她最需要的感情。其实Emily拥有很多可贵的事物,如果她能敞开心扉,她的人生就会像玫瑰那样鲜艳和美丽了。


emily只是公布说因为个人原因退出,没有详细的理由。直到有一天,隔壁搬来一位美貌性感的女孩佩妮Penny(卡蕾·措科饰),顿时吸引了莱纳德Leonard的目光。佩妮Penny是个梦想成为演员的女孩,但一直没有能成功。平时只能在快餐店打工,她个性开朗,待人友善,是位与莱纳德Leonard、谢尔顿Sheldon截然不同的追求时尚的年轻人,最重要的是她刚刚变成单身。剧情简介:主人公谢尔顿·库珀Sheldon Cooper(吉姆·帕森斯饰)和莱纳德·霍夫斯塔特Leonard Hofstadter(约翰尼·盖尔克奇饰)是一对好朋友,他们的智商绝对高人一等,因为他们对量子物理学理论可以倒背如流,无论你问他们什么问题,都难不倒他们。但是说到日常生活,这两个不修边幅的男孩就彻底没了脾气,生活中柴米油盐这些看似简单的事情,却让他们有迷失在太空里一样的感觉,他们所掌握的那些科学原理在这里根本没有用武之地。



Harry Gregson-Williams的《Emily》 歌词

歌曲名:Emily歌手:Harry Gregson-Williams专辑:Life In A Day OstBefore I met my EmilyOnly wonderland was in my dreamI was waiting for a miracleThat will bring her one day straight to meNow I believe in destinyAfter I met my EmilyShe"s a guardian Angel for my heartAnd I thought we"ll never be apartHey what a time we hadI am still wondering how could it beAnd the way she smilesIt is something you have to live withWhy, why, whyI met you Emily?Why did you saybye, bye, bye?Will you remember me?Why, why, whyWill you remember meI met you Emily?(uuuuh), my EmilyWhy did you say(uuuuh), Emilybye, bye, bye?Will you remember me?Will you remember me(uuuuh), my Emily(uuuuh), EmilyAnd now as I am with you againEverything seems to be the sameThere is something between you and meThat no one else can touch and seeYour life is my life tooand my dream is still the sameI want you to beForever my best friendbye, bye, bye Emily?Why, why, whyI met you Emily?Why did you saybye, bye, bye?Will you remember me?Why, why, whyWhy, why, why Emily?I met you Emily?Why did you saybye, bye, bye?Will you remember me?Why, why, why Emily?bye, bye, bye Emily?Why, why, whyI met you Emily?Why did you saybye, bye, bye?Will you remember me?(uuuuh), Emilyhttp://music.baidu.com/song/10597407


Emily [u02c8emu0259li] n.艾米丽


emily只是公布说因为个人原因退出,没有详细的理由。直到有一天,隔壁搬来一位美貌性感的女孩佩妮Penny(卡蕾·措科饰),顿时吸引了莱纳德Leonard的目光。佩妮Penny是个梦想成为演员的女孩,但一直没有能成功。平时只能在快餐店打工,她个性开朗,待人友善,是位与莱纳德Leonard、谢尔顿Sheldon截然不同的追求时尚的年轻人,最重要的是她刚刚变成单身。剧情简介:主人公谢尔顿·库珀Sheldon Cooper(吉姆·帕森斯饰)和莱纳德·霍夫斯塔特Leonard Hofstadter(约翰尼·盖尔克奇饰)是一对好朋友,他们的智商绝对高人一等,因为他们对量子物理学理论可以倒背如流,无论你问他们什么问题,都难不倒他们。但是说到日常生活,这两个不修边幅的男孩就彻底没了脾气,生活中柴米油盐这些看似简单的事情,却让他们有迷失在太空里一样的感觉,他们所掌握的那些科学原理在这里根本没有用武之地。




女子名 艾蜜莉,艾米丽(德语),勤勉的意思。(拉丁),恭维者的意思。大部份人将emily描绘为娇小可爱,安静保守的女子,聪明,柔弱,拘谨。

请问Emily 的中文是什么意

暮光之城里就有个Emily 艾米丽


emily只是公布说因为个人原因退出,没有详细的理由。直到有一天,隔壁搬来一位美貌性感的女孩佩妮Penny(卡蕾·措科饰),顿时吸引了莱纳德Leonard的目光。佩妮Penny是个梦想成为演员的女孩,但一直没有能成功。平时只能在快餐店打工,她个性开朗,待人友善,是位与莱纳德Leonard、谢尔顿Sheldon截然不同的追求时尚的年轻人,最重要的是她刚刚变成单身。剧情简介:主人公谢尔顿·库珀Sheldon Cooper(吉姆·帕森斯饰)和莱纳德·霍夫斯塔特Leonard Hofstadter(约翰尼·盖尔克奇饰)是一对好朋友,他们的智商绝对高人一等,因为他们对量子物理学理论可以倒背如流,无论你问他们什么问题,都难不倒他们。但是说到日常生活,这两个不修边幅的男孩就彻底没了脾气,生活中柴米油盐这些看似简单的事情,却让他们有迷失在太空里一样的感觉,他们所掌握的那些科学原理在这里根本没有用武之地。


Emily["emili] 埃米莉,艾米莉 (女子名)。(德语),勤勉的意思。(拉丁),恭维者的意思。大部份人将EMILY描绘为娇小可爱,安静保守的女子,聪明,柔弱,拘谨。 希望对你有帮助。O(∩_∩)O~请采纳答案,支持我一下。

Mika的《Emily》 歌词

歌曲名:Emily歌手:Mika专辑:The Origin of Love Deluxe VersionEmilyMIKAEmily, Emily,Emily, can"t you write a happy songGet your eyes to number oneYou could try a little harderEmily, you could be a millionaireBut you"re superlove hot hairGonna end up like your fatherEmily, you can"t even like your chanceGet a boy and learn to danceBe a girl like any otherEmily, are you stuck or by you gayIf you are, then that"s okCause it doesn"t even matterEmily, it"s your life and you can"t live it twiceOne day you"ll understand and then you"ll take my handEmily, I love you, an do know you do tooYou never make no sense,screaming at me in FrenchBullcrotching, that"s that...Bullcrotching, that"s that...Shut up listen to me,dance with me EmilyBullcrotching, that"s that...Bullcrotching, that"s that...Shut up listen to me,dance with me EmilyEmily, you got so much in your lifeMe I got no one"s adviceDon"t you know you got it easyEmily, what you smoking, what"s that stenchWho you screaming out in FrenchDid you really think you had meEmily, that"s enough to hide your toesActing like you...I give up it"s not worth tryingEmily, one day I will end up deadThat"s the only thing I"ve saidThat will ever get her smiling,Emily, it"s your life and you can"t live it twiceOne day you"ll understand and then you"ll take my handEmily, I love you,an do know you do tooYou never make no sense,screaming at me in FrenchBullcrotching, that"s that...Bullcrotching, that"s that...Shut up listen to me,dance with me EmilyBullcrotching, that"s that...Bullcrotching, that"s that...Shut up listen to me,dance with me EmilyEmily, live your life in a balloonLock yourself up in your roomSo the world can never reach yaEmily, now I"m speaking JapaneseGot me falling on my knees,got me praying to saint peterEmily, see the price I have to payI would give my life awayIf I knew that I could reach youEmily, why you make this hard to meIt"s not the way it"s meant to beI don"t never wanna hit youEmily dance, Emily dance, dance, dance, Emily dance,Emily dance, Emily dance, dance, dance, Emily dance,Emily dance, Emily dance, dance, dance, dance, dance, danceEmily, it"s your life and you can"t live it twiceOne day you"ll understand and then you"ll take my handEmily, I love you,an do know you do tooYou never make no sense,screaming at me in FrenchBullcrotching, that"s that...Bullcrotching, that"s that...Shut up listen to me, dance with me EmilyBullcrotching, that"s that...Bullcrotching, that"s that...Shut up listen to me, dance with me EmilyEmily dance.http://music.baidu.com/song/25251685


分类: 生活 问题描述: 现在好多人用emily的东西,谁知道emily是什么啊? 解析: 来自美国加州的黑发女孩 有四只性格各异的毛与她为伴,多独来独往 她出现只有三个主色调,黑,白,红是现在很红的卡通人物


诶么里, 中文翻译:埃米莉


emily只是公布说因为个人原因退出,没有详细的理由。直到有一天,隔壁搬来一位美貌性感的女孩佩妮Penny(卡蕾·措科饰),顿时吸引了莱纳德Leonard的目光。佩妮Penny是个梦想成为演员的女孩,但一直没有能成功。平时只能在快餐店打工,她个性开朗,待人友善,是位与莱纳德Leonard、谢尔顿Sheldon截然不同的追求时尚的年轻人,最重要的是她刚刚变成单身。剧情简介:主人公谢尔顿·库珀Sheldon Cooper(吉姆·帕森斯饰)和莱纳德·霍夫斯塔特Leonard Hofstadter(约翰尼·盖尔克奇饰)是一对好朋友,他们的智商绝对高人一等,因为他们对量子物理学理论可以倒背如流,无论你问他们什么问题,都难不倒他们。但是说到日常生活,这两个不修边幅的男孩就彻底没了脾气,生活中柴米油盐这些看似简单的事情,却让他们有迷失在太空里一样的感觉,他们所掌握的那些科学原理在这里根本没有用武之地。



emily怎么读 英语emily怎么读

1、Emily英[u02c8u025bmu0259li]美[u02c8u025bmu026ali]n.叶米利。 2、[例句]Emilys mercurial temperament made her difficult to live with. 埃米莉脾气反复无常,很难与她相处。


品牌:Emily Emily的全名是Emily the Strange, 她是美国新兴的服装品牌Cosmic Debris(宇宙残骸)旗下的系列商品之一,而这个牌子的起源,则开始于1992年,一群极具创意才华的穷学生,将他们设计的图案印在T-shirt上,在拖车上售卖。其中,原本只有T-shirt和贴纸图案的Emily因为黑色长发、面无表情的疏离搞怪酷个性,而大受欢迎。 十年下来,除了推出衣服外,Emily还有背包、CD袋、夹趾凉鞋笔记本、滑板等周边产品。 Emily the Strange系列的两大主色是黑与红,主角是小女孩和黑猫,每隔一段时间就有新产品推出,然而那种异类、另世界的鬼灵精怪之感却始终贯穿。向来说女人如猫,这两种善变、扑朔迷离的动物组合在一起,产生的鬼魅魔力不言而喻。] ......................................... 她叫emily Emily Strange 是Emily的全名。Strange,怪异就是Emily的姓氏。除了来源于怪异家族,天生具有不合群、特立独行的共同品质,Emily还沉迷于一切神秘黑暗物质,热衷和古堡,骷髅头,蜘蛛,蝙蝠,死亡玫瑰一起出现。她永远13岁,很大程度是因为13这个数字在人们眼中代表着诅咒和厄运,就像她的黑猫一样。Emily甚至有一架预言机器叫“怪怪八颗球”(Oddisee 8-Ball)。总的说来,Emily信奉神秘主义,我们都可以这么说:Emily,是个不折不扣的小女巫。 在西方世界,叫Emily的女生通常给人的印象是娇小,安静,拘谨,内秀。比如19世纪就有两位叫做Emily的文学名人:美国的隐居女诗人Emily Dickinson,英国大名鼎鼎的勃朗特三姐妹中写作出《呼啸山庄》的Emily Bront。感染了Emily们自我禁闭的个性,Emily Strange的口号是“我要你让我一个人待着”(I want you to leave me alone),“我的麻烦就是你”(My problem is you)。Emily独来独往,不爱人打扰,唯一有幸作陪的生物是她的四只黑猫:有五芒星佩饰,与Emily最亲密的Mystery;眼上有伤疤,跑得最快的Miles;右耳上有缺角,经常出现在远方的Sabbath;有花尾巴,每只脚掌6个爪子,最足智多谋的Nee Chee。像十二星座一样,每只猫咪都有属于它们的徽标。 Emily可以对所有上进和有意义的事情无动于衷,漠不关心,是个消极的虚无主义者。但她却有一个非常激烈的爱好:摇滚乐。Emily敬仰摇滚史上的很多支独创性乐队,比如大门(The Doors),比如诅咒乐队(The Damned),她还梦想发布属于自己的摇滚乐专辑。联系到出生背景,Emily对嘈杂音乐的迷恋就不难理解。Emily这个卡通少女诞生于1992年的美国加州,设计者是当地的滑板少年Rob Reger。就像Rob Reger给予了Emily所有灵性一样,美国西岸文化从骨子里影响着R.R。众所周知,美国加州是迷幻药LSD的故乡,迷幻摇滚(Psychemedic Rock)的大本营,嬉皮士的孳生地,20世纪70年代起更是朋克摇滚的重灾区。R.R从高中时代起就穿梭加州的各个城市,观看朋克摇滚(Punk Rock)演出,整个个人哲学和行事作风都深受朋克精神的浸润。 1992年,R.R只是为Santa Cruz的一家滑板公司设计产品外型而创造了Emily,哪知道卡通形象推出后大受欢迎,R.R甚至由此得益,和朋友创建了自己的漫画公司:宇宙尘埃(Cosmic Debris)。现在Emily已经是宇宙尘埃的第一品牌,在全球范围内拥有广大的粉丝群,发展出了数百万美元的产品流水线。周边产品包括书籍,服装,佩饰,布偶等等。虽然,宇宙尘埃还没有在中国内地设立Emily的专卖店,但是仔细观察的话,城市里的暗巷小店已经可以很容易淘到Emily的仿冒品,价格大概在1元到50元不等。如果有女生恰好热爱Emily,这些仿制品又做工不差的话,聊胜于无,还是很值得买回家珍藏使用的。 http://www.emilystrange.com,这是Emily的官方网站。通常Emily的第一手资料都出自这里。除了图标墙纸,Flash小游戏,在线音乐,周边产品目录供粉丝们欣赏游玩,更重要的是有Emily的最新活动通告。比如近来最大的消息就是6月29号,20世纪福克斯电影公司竞标取得了Emily Strange的电影改编权,将和宇宙尘埃联合制作同名卡通电影。根据乐观估计,这部众所期待的影片将于2007年和全世界Emily粉丝见面。官方网站上还有Emily的粉丝俱乐部,面对日益壮大的Emily粉丝,Emily在一次访谈中说到:当我们独自一人时我们是奇怪的;当我们身处人群中我们是比较奇怪的;当所有Emily粉丝聚集在一块时,我们是最奇怪的。(We are Strange when we are alone, we are Stranger when alone in a crowd, and Strangerous when we"re all together.) 参考资料:http://erratic.yculblog.com/post.799879.html


Emily ["emili] 埃米莉,艾米莉 (女子名)。 (德语),勤勉的意思。(拉丁),恭维者的意思。大部份人将EMILY描绘为娇小可爱,安静保守的女子,聪明,柔弱,拘谨。 希望对你有帮助。O(∩_∩)O~


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