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Thymeleaf 5 分钟教程

Thymeleaf 是一个用于 web 和独立环境的现代服务器端 Java 模板引擎。 Thymeleaf 的主要目标是为开发工作流程带来优雅的自然模板ー HTML,它既可以在浏览器中正确显示,也可以作为静态原型工作,从而加强开发团队之间的协作。 有了 Spring Framework 的模块、大量与您最喜欢的工具集成的功能,以及插入您自己功能的能力,Thymeleaf 是现代 HTML5 JVM web 开发的理想选择ーー尽管它可以做的还有很多。 用 Thymeleaf 语言编写的 HTML 模板看起来和工作方式仍然类似于 HTML,使得在应用程序中运行的实际模板仍然可以作为有用的设计工件工作。 Thymeleaf 3.0.11.RELEASE is the current stable version. It requires Java SE 6 or newer. For the old 2.1.x branch, Thymeleaf 2.1.6.RELEASE is the latest version. 称为 Standard 和 SpringStandard ,这些方言定义了一组特性,对于大多数场景来说,这些特性应该足够了。 你可以识别这些标准方言何时在模板中使用,因为它包含以 th 前缀开头的属性,比如 span th: text..."。 Variable expressions. Variable expressions 所以这相当于: 消息表达式(通常称为文本外部化、国际化或 i18n)允许我们从外部源(。 属性文件) ,通过键引用它们,并(可选地)应用一组参数。 因此,对于部署在 web 服务器的 / myapp 上下文中的 web 应用程序,可以使用如下表达式: 可以转换成这样的东西: Url 也可以带参数: 导致这样的结果: 链接表达式可以是相对的,在这种情况下,没有应用程序上下文将前缀的 URL: 还有服务器相关(同样,没有应用程序上下文可以前缀) : 和 protocol-relative (就像绝对 url 一样,但是浏览器将使用与显示页面相同的 HTTP 或 HTTPS 协议) : 当然,Link 表达式可以是绝对的: 但是它们可以在任何地方使用,就像任何其他变量一样: A good bunch of types of literals and operations are available: Literals: Text literals: "one text", "Another one!",… Number literals: 0, 34, 3.0, 12.3,… Boolean literals: true, false Null literal: null Literal tokens: one, sometext, main,… Text operations: 文本运算 String concatenation: + Literal substitutions: |The name is ${name}| Arithmetic operations: Binary operators: +, -, *, /, % Minus sign (unary operator): - Boolean operations: 布尔运算 Binary operators: and, or Boolean negation (unary operator): !, not Comparisons and equality: 比较运算 Comparators: >, <, >=, <= (gt, lt, ge, le) Equality operators: ==, != (eq, ne) Conditional operators: 条件运算 If-then: (if) ? (then) If-then-else: (if) ? (then) : (else) Default: (value) ?: (defaultvalue) 让我们来看看文学语言中的一些最基本的属性。 以 th: text 开始,它只是替换了标记的主体(请再次注意这里的原型化能力) : 接下来是 each,它会重复数组或表达式返回的元素的次数,并为迭代元素创建一个内部变量,其语法与 Java foreach 表达式相同: 最后,Thymeleaf 为特定的 XHTML 和 HTML5属性包含了许多 th 属性,这些属性只是评估它们的表达式并将这些属性的值设置为它们的结果。 他们的名字模仿了他们设置的属性值: thymeleaf th:if表达式语法 网页应用 thymeleaf th:if表达式语法 https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_38970805/article/details/82937465

Shapeless的《Sheen》 歌词

歌曲名:Sheen歌手:Shapeless专辑:Expect The UnexpectablesheeBabyvox看着穿着大胆衣服的我What you guess? What you guess?你在想什么你我感觉到了你那色咪咪的眼神What you guess? What you guess?不要胡思乱想goShee 感觉吧享受吧就在今晚 hoShee 不要开口用你的眼神跟我说话我要你的触摸Dance like me我希望你能被我Crazy like me深深的吸引今天晚上并不是太长请你与我共舞 all night今晚如果你想更多了解我What you guess? What you guess?你想从我身上得到什么你不要再犹豫了再靠近一点What you guess? What you guess?再往前一步goShee 感觉吧享受吧就在今晚 hoShee 不要开口用你的眼神跟我说话我要你的触摸Dance like me 我希望你能被我Crazy like me 深深的吸引今天晚上并不是太长请你与我共舞 all nightshake it shake it like thisoh like this oh oh ohshake it shake it like thisoh like this oh oh ohi don"t need boys like youso cool wanna party with my girlsits my day go away take a shota long boy and go homeDance like me 我希望你能被我Crazy like me 深深的吸引今天晚上并不是太长请你与我共舞 all nighthttp://music.baidu.com/song/7487918

Strictly no elephants是什么意思


Selena的《Cobarde》 歌词

歌曲名:Cobarde歌手:Selena专辑:Amor ProhibidoCobardeDavid BustamanteAl Filo De La IrrealidadTe escribo desde la distanciano busco tu perdonentiendo que no entiendas nadaporque me fui sin mas sin decierte adiosno fui capaza hacerle frente a la realidadde tenerte a solas cara a caray contarte toda toda la verdad.Cobarde he sido tan cobarde por vender tus besoscobarde he sido tan cobardepor refugiarme asi, en mi soledadcobarde por no ser sinceropor no luchar por lo que yo mas quierocobarde he sido tan cobarde por vender tus besoscobarde he sido tan cobardepor refugierme asi, en mi soledadcobarde por no ser sinceropor no luchar por lo que aun mueroTe escribo desde la distanciapor si aun te queda amoryo se que no merezco nadaque fue una estupidez que todo fue un errory ahora seque lo que diste tu no volvera a nacerque lo daria todo por tenertey por sentir de nuevo el roce de tu pielcobarde he sido tan cobarde por vender tus besoscobarde he sido tan cobardepor refugiarme asi, en mi soledadcobarde por no ser sinceropor no luchar por lo que yo mas quierocobarde he sido tan cobarde por vender tus besoscobarde he sido tan cobardepor refugiarme asi en mi soledadcobarde por no ser sinceropor no luchar por lo que aun m muerosabes que no tener tu amorse hace tan duro para mique no merezco ni un solo perdon de ticobarde he sido tan cobarde por vender tus besoscobarde he sido tan cobardepor refugiarme asi, en mi soledadcobarde por no ser sinceropor no luchar por lo que yo mas quierocobarde he sido tan cobarde por vender tus besoscobarde he sido tan cobardepor refugiarme asi en mi soledadcobarde por no ser sinceropor no luchar por lo que aun m muerocobarde por no ser sinceropor no luchar por lo que yo mas quierocobarde he sido tan cobarde por vender tus besoscobarde he sido tan cobardepor refugiarme asi en mi soledadcobarde por no ser sinceropor no luchar por lo que aun m muerohttp://music.baidu.com/song/2876554


  1. 下载必要依赖文件selenium-server-standalone-2.25.0.jar, junit-4.7.jar,并将它们放置到工程的lib文件夹下面 (我这里使用Firefox浏览器来作为客户端,所以就不需要下载额外的浏览器执行器,如果你想用IE或是Chrome做客户端,请下载对应的执行器  2. 建立一个测试工程,在工程里创建一个测试文件,并添加如下代码:  import com.thoughtworks.selenium.Selenium;  import junit.framework.TestCase;  import org.junit.After;  import org.junit.Before;  import org.junit.Test;  import org.junit.runner.RunWith;  import org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner;  import org.openqa.selenium.By;  import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;  import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriverBackedSelenium;  import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement;  import org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxDriver;  import org.openqa.selenium.internal.WrapsDriver;  import org.openqa.selenium.support.ui.Wait;  import org.openqa.selenium.support.ui.WebDriverWait;    import java.io.IOException;    import static org.openqa.selenium.support.ui.ExpectedConditions.visibilityOfElementLocated;    @RunWith(BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.class)  public class pickTest extends TestCase {  protected static Selenium selenium;  private static WebDriver driver;      @Before  public void createAndStartService() throws IOException {  selenium = new WebDriverBackedSelenium(new FirefoxDriver(), "");  driver = ((WrapsDriver) selenium).getWrappedDriver();  }    @After  public void createAndStopService() {  driver.quit();  }    @Test  public void should_open_google_page() throws InterruptedException {  driver.get("http://www.google.com.hk");  <span style="color: #ff0000;">WebElement searchBox = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//*[@id="lst-ib"]"));</span>  searchBox.sendKeys("selenium");  WebElement searchButton = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//*[@id="tsf"]/div[2]/div[3]/center/input[1]"));  searchButton.click();  <span style="color: #3366ff;">Wait<WebDriver> wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, 30);  wait.until(visibilityOfElementLocated(By.xpath("//*[@id="ab_name"]/span")));</span>  }  }    3. 运行这个测试,你将看到firebox浏览器被自动启动,然后会自动的输入selenum并搜索。  这样,一个简单的自动化页面测试就完成了。有的朋友可能不太明白这段代码的含义。上面的代码中我标出了红色和蓝色两部分,我简单解释一下。Selenium是通过对浏览器的包装来进行页面处理的,因此我们首先会创建一个与浏览器相关的WebDriver对象。然后我们需要查找页面元素就是通过findeElement的方法和XPath的方式来获取页面对象(红色部分代码)。那么通常我们的一个点击操作产生服务器相应,这里就需要一些时间。蓝色部分的代码就是创建一个等待对象,你可以通过XPath的方式来确定返回后页面上的哪个元素加载完了就认为页面加载完了,同时等待对象也有一个超时设置,这样即是服务器端一直不返回或出错。我们依然可以结束测试。如何更快的确定页面元素的XPath,如下:  

数据库中select substr是指的什么?

substr函数在oracle中使用表示被截取的字符串或字符串表达式,和instr函数不同,instr函数是要截取的字符串在源字符串中的“位置”,substr函数是截取字符串的“内容”。substr(string,start,length)string - 指定的要截取的字符串start - 必需,规定在字符串的何处开始正数 - 在字符串的指定位置开始负数 - 在从字符串结尾的指定位置开始0 - 在字符串中的第一个字符处开始length - 可选,指定要截取的字符串长度,缺省时字符表达式的值结束前的全部字符。例如:select substr("abcdefg",3,4) from dual;结果是cdefselect substr("abcdefg",-3,4) from dual;结果efgselect substr("abcde",2),substr("abcde",-2),substr("abcde",2,3),substr("abcdewww",-7,3) from dual;结果是bcde、de、bcd、bcd


原卡夫食品公司(即“Kraft Foods Inc”)于2012年10月拆分为两家独立上市公司,面向北美的杂货业务沿用卡夫食品的名字,而面向全球市场的零食业务则有了新名字——亿滋国际。在中国,2013年7月1日完成相关法律手续,正式更名为亿滋中国。公司名称亿滋国际外文名MondelēzInternational所属行业食品加工成立时间2012年10月经营范围巧克力、饼干、口香糖、糖果、咖啡及固体饮料快速导航企业荣誉公司简介亿滋国际亿滋国际(MondelēzInternational)是世界知名的巧克力、饼干、口香糖、糖果、咖啡及固体饮料食品商。公司旗下拥有多个年收益10亿美元的明星品牌,如吉百利、Milka巧克力、雅可布咖啡、LU饼干、纳贝斯克与奥利奥饼干、果珍固体饮料和Trident口香糖等。亿滋国际亿滋国际的前身是美国第一、全球第二大的食品公司——卡夫食品。卡夫食品于2012年10月分拆为两家独立上市公司,一家是主要面向北美市场的杂货业务公司,仍用卡夫食品的原名;另一家是面向全球市场的零食企业,更名为亿滋国际(MondelēzInternational)。亿滋国际的总部位于美国伊利诺伊州迪尔费尔德(Deerfield,Illinois)。截止2012年底,亿滋国际的净收入为350亿美元,在全球约有11万名员工,业务遍及165个国家和地区。亿滋国际在纳斯达克上市,股票代码为“MDLZ”。公司还是标准普尔500指数、纳斯达克100指数、道琼斯可持续发展指数及Ethibel可持续发展指数中的一员。亿滋国际英文名中的“Mondelēz”是一个由公司员工创造出的新词。“Monde”源自拉丁语中的“世界”一词,而“delez”是英语中“美味”(Delicious)的花哨说法。两者合成,代表公司想创造“美味世界”的想法。中文名“亿滋”则包含了“亿万好滋味”的意思。企业荣誉2019年7月23日,2018年《财富》世界500强排行榜发布,亿滋国际位列480位。[2] [3] [4]2020年5月13日,亿滋国际名列2020福布斯全球企业2000强榜第188位。[5] [6]2020年8月10日,亿滋国际(MONDELEZ INTERNATIONAL)名列2020年《财富》世界500强排行榜第495位。[7]

District Election Commissions 和Precinct Election Commissions 有什么区别

地区选举委员会辖区选举委员会辖区就是居委会地区就是整个一个区 所以地区比辖区大

大家觉得Taylor Swift,Selena Gomez,Miley Cyrus这三个人之中谁的人气最红?


好莱坞三女星,miley 、demi、selena三人在乐坛的地位?

三个人同出自一家公司,mile最先出道,凭借汉娜.蒙塔娜一角获得了青少年的喜爱,被称为“好莱坞甜心”,而selena凭借《少年魔法师》走红,出道时间比miley晚一年,被誉为“美国甜心”,她可能接同为美国甜心的师姐hilary duff的班。demi出道最晚,凭借《摇滚夏令营》走红,被称为“摇滚甜心”。三个人的歌曲风格都不相同,mile的歌现在越来越乡村了,selena是以pop rock为主,demi的歌是摇滚风格。



签证个人资料中telegraphic code; itinerary;应该怎么填

Telegraphic code:即中文电码,又称中文商用电码、中文电报码或中文电报明码,原本是于电报之中传送中文信息的方法。它是第一个把汉字化作电子讯号的编码表。中文电码表采用了四位阿拉伯数字作代号,从0001到9999按四位数顺序排列,用四位数字表示最多一万个汉字、字母和符号。在清华的网站可以在线查询http://www.bioinfo.tsinghua.edu.cn/~zhengjsh/cgi-bin/getCode.cgiItinerary;就是你的行程或安排,如果有最好写出来,包括出发时间,到达城市、中间抵达的城市、回程的时间地点等。如果是申请美国签证的话,跟你的签证类别最好相吻合。


  prevalent英 [u02c8prevu0259lu0259nt] 美 [u02c8pru025bvu0259lu0259nt]  adj.流行的,盛行的; 普遍存在的,普遍发生的;  [例句]Eye diseases are very prevalent in some tropical countries.  在很多热带的国家,红眼病是非常流行的。  [其他]形近词: bivalent divalent monovalent

加拿大的天文学家Helen Hogg

外文网站上有 我英语水平一般 就翻译些基本内容吧海伦索耶霍格出生1905年8月1日在Lowell,马萨诸塞州观看哈雷彗星的黑暗于1910年春天的一个晚上她在天文学的兴趣引发 1922年,海伦开始在马萨诸塞州大学的本科化学研究 她于1928年获得博士学位,硕士学位1930年,她嫁给了同学弗兰克霍格夫妇俩搬到了维多利亚,不列颠哥伦比亚省,其中弗兰克霍格加入了自治领Astrophys - iCal的天文台的工作人员。 1935年,他加入了多伦多大学的工作人员,家庭搬迁到安大略省。海伦于1936年加入作为研究助理的大学。 1949年,她赢得了安妮的J.美国天文学会景隆奖1951年丈夫去世她继续她的工作,接管了丈夫的每周专栏她在1957年成为正教授,并于1976年名誉教授。海伦霍格是加拿大天文学会会长,并在她的一个小行星的名字命名。她死于1993年。

When television was first introduced into American society ...,这一段英文的原文

When television was first introduced into American society thirty years ago, writers and social scientists thought that this new invention would better American life. Television is going to bring American families closer together, predicted psychologist Joel Gold in 1949. Pictures which advertised television in the 1950s invariably showed a happy family gathered together in the living room, sharing the TV viewing experience. Who could have guessed that a quarter of a century later Mother would be in the kitchen watching a daytime drama, Dad would be in the living room watching a ball game, and the children would be watching cartoons in their bedroom? Television has certainly changed American life, but not the way the first critics predicted. The first televisions were enormously expensive, so most families owned only one. By 1975, however, 60% of American families owned two televisions or more; some middle class families had as many as five television sets under one roof. Such multi-set families may keep family members in the same house, but that hardly brings them together. In fact, family outings — hiking, going to the movies, going out to dinner — are often limited by TV because one or more family members donu2019t want to go: “Iu2019ll miss my program.” is the common complaint. Perhaps more important than the lack of family outings is the destruction of family time together at home. Social scientists in the 1950s could not have realized how much television Americans would watch in the 1980s; the average American watches 6 hours of TV a day. That leaves little time for the special family characteristics and traditions that used to be formed during long evenings together. The time devoted to games, songs, and hobbies — all shared activities — in the years before TV is now dominated by “the tube”. And especially damaging to family relationships is the elimination of the opportunities for talking: chatting, arguing, discussing. Without such communication, family life disintegrates. Domination is the key word. Families in America today schedule their lives around the television. Children rush home from school to watch their programs while they do their homework. Mother shops between her special programs. The ski slopes are nearly empty on Sunday; football on TV takes precedence. The family may even eat meals in front of the television. Moreover, television is used as a baby-sitter; small children nationwide spend countless hours in front of the TV, passively ingesting whatever flashes before their eyes. Parents use the television as a resource of reward and punishment: “If you mow the lawn, you can watch TV an extra hour tonight,” or “No TV for you. You didnu2019t do your homework”. Ultimately, life-styles revolve around a regular schedule of eating, sleeping, and watching television. Isnu2019t there a better family life than this dismal, mechanized arrangement? According to social scientist Mary Helen Thuente, the quality of life is diminished as family ties grow weaker, as childrenu2019s lives grow more and more separate from their parents, as the opportunities for living and sharing within a family are eliminated. Indeed, if the family does not accumulate shared experiences, it is not likely to survive. Consequently, if parents and children alike do not change their priorities, television will continue to exert its influence on American family life as baby-sitter, pacifier, teacher, role model, and supplier of morals, thus supplanting the place of the family in society.









Love song Adele 中文歌词翻译

Whenever I"m alone with you  每当和你呆在一起   You make me feel like I am home again  我仿佛又嗅到家的气息   Whenever I"m alone with you  每当和你呆在一起   You make me feel like I am whole again  我仿佛又拾回完整的自己   Whenever I"m alone with you  每当和你呆在一起   You make me feel like I am young again  我仿佛又踏着青春的轨迹   Whenever I"m alone with you  每当和你呆在一起   You make me feel like I am fun again  我仿佛又看到自己嬉戏的样子   However far away I will always love you  不管相隔天际 我始终爱你如一   However long I stay I will always love you  不管多久分离 我始终爱你如一   Whatever words I say I will always love you  不管做何言语 我始终爱你如一   I will always love you  我始终爱你如一   Whenever I"m alone with you  每当和你呆在一起   You make me feel like I am free again  我仿佛又体会到了自由无拘   Whenever I"m alone with you  每当和你呆在一起   You make me feel like I am clean again  我仿佛又有了清澈的心底  However far away I will always love you  不管相隔天际 我始终爱你如一   However long I stay I will always love you  不管多久分离 我始终爱你如一   Whatever words I say I will always love you  不管做何言语 我始终爱你如一  I will always love you  我始终爱你如一

Adele Cold Shoulder歌词翻译

Adele Cold Shoulder歌词翻译阿黛勒冷淡歌词翻译

adele adkins怎么读

阿黛尔 阿德金斯

Adele的someone like you有着怎么样的故事呢

好像是.她在他前男友的酒吧里看到那个男的和另外一个女的在一起,那时她和她在一起才几个月.然后阿黛尔就冲过去揍了那个男的,被保安赶出了酒吧,好像是凌晨的时候.然后她特别伤心.回去就写了这首 someone like you.据说她每次演唱会唱到这首歌时都会痛哭



release和testing 的区别

release和testing不是区别,release testing是一个词组。release testing [计] 出厂试验,交付使用测试例:1、If an applicant submits a non-stability-indicating analytical procedure for release testing, then an analytical procedure capable of qualitatively and quantitatively monitoring the impurities, including degradation products, should complement it.如果申请者递交了用于放行检测的非稳定性指示分析方法,则应当要有能定性和定量地监测杂质,包括降解产物,的分析方法对其进行补充。2、This guidance does not address specific finished-product release testing, where additional requirements may be appropriate for scored tablets. 本指南不涉及特定制剂产品的放行测试,假如额外的要求对于刻痕片剂是合适的话。3、Overview of in vitro release testing of sustained or controlled-release oral dosage form 口服缓/控释制剂的体外释放度试验概述



thai elephant day是什么意思


thai elephant day是什么意思

thai elephant day泰国大象节elephant[英][u02c8elu026afu0259nt][美][u02c8u025blu0259fu0259nt]n.象,大象; 复数:elephants以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.How do you eat an elephant? 你怎样吃一头大象?.-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮







release letter什么意思

release letter 同意释款书例句及用法1、I dont think they will write a release letter for me. 我想他们不会给我开具解约合同的。2、 The government did not release the text of the letter. 政府并没有公布信函的具体内容。3、 Some also urge those who understand Arabia to draft a thanks letter and release it to your website. 还有人强烈呼吁懂阿拉伯语的人写感谢信,然后发到您国的论坛去。4、The rules on when a student can be granted a letter of release have also changed. 移民局的操作手册里有对这类事情的范围规定。



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discharge和release都有释放的意思,但是discharge 多用于重要文件的释放,同时要收取费用,而release 则是一般的文件的发布释放,例如 If you want to discharge the title of your property, you need to pay for fee, government release related cost last week. 如果您想解除您的财产所有权,您需要支付费用,上周政府发布相关费用。

release and discharge 什么意思?



free wheelers 全部释义和例句>> 自由职业wheel 英[wi:l] 美[wi:l] n. 轮子; 旋转; Wheels 汽车; 有…轮子的汽车(或自行车等) vi. 转动,旋转; 突然转变方向; vt. 推; 拉(车) 使变换方向; (使) 迅速转身; [例句]The action of the crank turns the wheel.这根曲轴的作用是使轮子转动。[其他] 第三人称单数:wheels 复数:wheels 现在分词:wheeling过去式:wheeled 过去分词:wheeled


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electronic assembly是电子配装的意思。望采纳




assembly [ə"sembli] n.1. 集合;集会2. [总称]与会者;(教堂中的)会众;参加集会或会议(如做礼拜、听课、出席招待会等)的一群人,(为了特定目的)聚集在一起的人3. [A-]立法机构;议会(美国某些州的)州众议院[常作 the General Assembly](加拿大的)省立法会议[常作the Legislative Assembly]联合国大会[全称为 the General Assembly](新西兰的)议会[常作the General Assembly,现称 Parliament]4. [常作A-] 【宗教】最高宗教裁决会议5. (机件的)装配,组装,安装,总装(如汽车、飞机等的装配)6. 【机械学】(供装配的)零件,部件,组(合)件,配件;总成,组合体[参较subassembly]7. 【计算机】 汇编,编译8. 【军事】集合,集结集合号,集合鼓

X-JAPAN的voiceless screaming 歌词

voiceless screaming歌手:x-japan u2022 搜索"voiceless screaming"LRC歌词u2022 搜索"voiceless screaming"mp3 [ti:voiceless screaming][ar:x-japan][by:慧剑无心]i"m drawning in sadness.我悲哀地皱眉falling far behind.远远的被抛在后面i feel there id just no way out.我只觉得毫无出路is there anyone there? where am i?那儿有人吗?我在哪儿?insanity loneliness.疯狂和孤寂tear my painful heart.撕裂我疼痛的心broken heart keeps on going 2 beat.虽然破碎的心在继续跳动but it never stops bleeding.但它永远也不会停止流血i"ve waiting for love to come.我在等待爱的到来someone who wants 2 touch me inside.等待某个想要触及我内心的人memories of my yesterdays.昨日的回忆careless work and deeds.无心工作与活动masquerade of love.爱的伪装gotta find my way outta here.想在这里找到我的出路i was blinded by dark desire.我被邪恶欲望所蒙蔽over time i"ve been through it all.很久才完全突破i"m crying my share of tears.我大声哭泣what can i do.我能做什么will i make it through?我能顺利度过吗?i must be true to myself.我必须正确面对自己voiceless screaming !无声的呐喊!calling 2 me inside of my heart.将我带回到我内心深处voiceless screaming !无声的呐喊!now is the time i got 2 speak out.现在是发泄的时候了voice of faith,i"m starting 2 realize.我开始明白信念的声音now my eyes can see.现在我才发现i have gone so far.我已走得太远i"m feeling breath of life.我感到生命的气息and i"m looking 4 love 2 reach.我在找寻着爱someone i want touch deep inside.找寻某个我想要触及其内心的人light shines on my sight of doubt.光线照向我不确定的眼神don"t be afraid.不要害怕move forward one step.向前跨一步willing mind is what i have found at last.我最终发现我只能欣然接受事实voiceless screaming !无声的呐喊!calling 2 me inside of my heart.将我带回到我内心深处voiceless screaming !无声的呐喊!now is the time i gor 2 speak out.现在是发泄的时候了voiceless screaming !无声的呐喊!calling 2 me inside of my heart.将我带回到我内心深处knochin" on my soul"s door.敲击我灵魂的大门i believe in myself trust what i do.我要自信,并相信自己所做的一切voiceless screaming !无声的呐喊!pain of the past still hurts me inside.过去的伤痛仍然在伤害着我knockin" on my soul"s door.敲击我灵魂的大门i climb the stairs that lead me 2 heaven.我沿着阶梯向天堂攀爬

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Keeley姬莉·哈泽尔 英文全名: Keeley Rebecca Hazell 中文译名:姬莉·哈泽尔 出生日期: 1986年9月18日 出生地: 英格兰 三围: 32E–22–32 (寸) 身高: 5 尺 6 寸 眼睛颜色: 淡褐色 头发颜色: 褐色 天然胸部: 非人造 种族: 高加索人, 白种人 ☆╬综述╬☆ Keeley Hazell凭着其迷人火爆的身材曾被评为世界上最性感的100位女性之一,也是英超著名的足球宝贝,深受球迷喜爱, 而英国大众媒体FHM更把这位英国籍的超级女模特评选为世界上排名第二的性感女神! 这位20出头的英超新赛季性感宝贝,被著名时尚杂志《男人帮》评为世界头号性感女郎。她34E的妖娆性感的身材,让“美艳主妇”伊娃·隆格里亚、“性感女神”斯嘉丽·约翰逊和安吉丽娜·朱丽等人,都成了她的裙下败将。 ☆╬成名╬☆ 她生于1986年,在伦敦郊区长大。16岁中学毕业后,基莉受训成为一名发型师。之后的两年里,她在各种各样的美发店工作。一次偶然的机会,她参加《每日星报》主办的“寻找沙滩宝贝”的选美比赛,拔得头筹。 18岁的生日蜡烛吹熄不久,基莉·哈泽尔的男友就将她的一组照片送到以刊登热辣美女照片著称的《太阳报》,参加三版女郎竞选。基莉过五关斩六将,在读者中赢得了极高的人气,最终荣获该报“三版女郎偶像”称号。除了与《太阳报》之间一年的合同,基莉·哈泽尔还有价值一万英镑的华服入账。 因为基莉·哈泽尔的美艳照片已在互联网上广为传播,基莉在英国早是炙手可热的人物了。根据一项民意调查,她的受欢迎程度甚至超过了球星贝克汉姆。赢得“三版女郎偶像”改变了她的生活,走在大街上,很多人会认出她并问:“你就是那个基莉吗?”她则笑着回答:“我是基莉,可我不知道自己是不是你说的那个基莉。” ☆╬人气╬☆ 与《太阳报》合同期满后,基莉·哈泽尔又先后登上《MAXIM》和《男人帮》的封面。2007年,基莉·哈泽尔的形象在英国成人娱乐杂志《Zoo》、《Nuts》和《Loaded》中频频出现,她的曼妙身材甚至引起了《花花公子》的注意。杂志的副总裁玛莉琳·格拉博斯基解释说:“要碰到一个真正特别的女孩子没那么容易,基莉给人的感觉很好,我们非常乐意请她来拍照。”目前,基莉尚未同意这笔价值百万美元的交易。 基莉和切尔西著名球星乔·科尔约会调情的小道消息没有断过,据说他们之间发生了一夜情,科尔还因此被基莉的男友打得头破血流。不过,因为与乔·科尔的这番私会,基莉的名声也进一步提升了起来。以基莉·哈泽尔如今的名气,已经不再需要借助英超球星上位了。 基莉的身材丰满,胸部是她最骄傲的地方。与著名的波霸乔丹不同,她身体的每一部分,都是纯天然的。近日,英国剑桥大学的一些人体学研究专家把基莉推崇为身材最符合男性感观审美的性感尤物。这些专家煞有介事地表示,根据他们设计出的女性身材比例演算方程式,基莉的三围、面部五官、肌肤的健康指数以及头发的颜色等因素加在一起,意味着她对异性的诱惑力简直就是无人可挡。 现在在英国,已经没有英国男人敢说不知道基莉的名字,因为这样就会被其他人嘲笑。英国至少有一半的男人认为基莉·哈泽尔是世界第九大奇迹,尤其是她美丽的胸部线条是众多女性梦寐以求的。在全球流行骨感美女的潮流下,其实男人还是喜欢丰满身材的女人。基莉说:“我听到很多男人说,他们害怕看那些骨瘦如柴的模特,而且不想和她们亲近。对于我来说,我的身体曲线,拿什么都不换。” ☆╬荣誉╬☆ 所得荣誉:《太阳报》2004年三版女郎冠军 《Loaded》2005年百大桃色女星排名第17位 《Zoo》英国十大性感模特冠军 《Zoo》2005年百大性感女星冠军 《FHM》2006年最受欢迎的三版女郎 《太阳报》历届三版女郎冠军 《太阳报》真人宝贝冠军 《Zoo》2006年百大性感女星冠军


Keely是拼写的名称,制定了在过去几十年。最后两个可能有某种关联的约克郡基斯利镇(发音KEETH -法)近霍沃斯。 最可能的解释名称Keely是,它是一个现代型的爱尔兰名字, Keelin 。 这本身就是一个更古老的爱尔兰名字,盖尔。 "这来自两个盖尔caol字,意思是苗条。 有几个老塞尔特和盖尔地名这一部分,包括众所周知的名字,如菲奥娜。

翻译Kate voegele的《99 times》(附歌词)

So, you see 喏,你瞧Youve got me back again for more 我又为你付出更多And it seems 仿佛Your song is in my head 你的歌在我脑海中回旋This is war 这是一场战争Mystery, how I could feel you breathe me 谜一般,我如何察觉你的呼吸I was sure you would keep 我确信你会坚守Every promise, you would keep 坚守每句承诺Every word 每句话Well, 好吧I try to put your stories in line 我试着相信你的话But nothing adds up right 但是什么都说不通For every 99 times 每九十九次You looked me in the eye, 你凝视我的眼You looked me in the eye 你凝视我的眼And swore you werent lying 发誓说你没有撒谎Well, I was so blind 好吧,我是如此盲目I never saw the signs 我从来看不见那些记号Im getting out tonight 今晚我会出去And youre not invited 而你不被邀请Its a shame 这很可耻That you left me hanging like you did 你把我丢在一旁It was brave 这很勇敢But it was much more foolish 但也更加愚蠢Dont you think? (dont you think?) 你不会想吗?cause you know I wont be satisfied 因为你知道我不会满意Until you realize 在你意识到之前For every 99 times 每九十九次You looked me in the eye, 你凝视我的眼You looked me in the eye 你凝视我的眼And swore you werent lying 发誓说你没有撒谎Well, I was so blind 好吧,我是如此盲目I never saw the signs 我从来看不见那些记号Im getting out tonight 今晚我会出去And youre not invited 而你不被邀请These things are oh, all so typical 这些事情是如此明显These things are unforgivable 这些事情如此难忘Im gone and youre invisible now Oh.. 我会离开,不去看你Dont let me catch you following 不要跟着我Dont ask, cause Im not offering 不要问我,因为我不会回答Youve caused enough of my suffering, oh 我已经受够了For every 99 times 每九十九次You looked me in the eye, 你凝视我的眼You looked me in the eye 你凝视我的眼And swore you werent lying 发誓说你没有撒谎Well, I was so blind 好吧,我是如此盲目I never saw the signs 我从来看不见那些记号Im getting out tonight 今晚我会出去For every 99 times 每九十九次You looked me in the eye, 你凝视我的眼You looked me in the eye 你凝视我的眼And swore you werent lying 发誓说你没有撒谎Well, I was so blind 好吧,我是如此盲目I never saw the signs 我从来看不见那些记号Im getting out tonight 今晚我会出去And youre not invited 而你不被邀请这貌似是一个怨妇想开了,要离开对象,不再受折磨啊

Selena Gomez & The Scene的《Undercover》 歌词

歌曲名:Undercover歌手:Selena Gomez & The Scene专辑:Stars DanceUndercoverSelena Gomez & The SceneI look at you, and all I wanna do, it"s just dissapearI got a craving for you, baby, can we get out of hereYou"re a sexy machine, you"re a hollywood dreamAnd you got me feeling like a homecoming queenLet"s drop out of this crowd, somewhere no one"s allowedI want youAll to myself, I want you all to myselfAnd nobody else, yeah,You dont need no other lover, we can keep it undercoverFind me in the shadows, i"m protegeeDamn until tomorrowAnd make sure that no-nobody followsYou dont need no other lover, we can keep it undercoverYou dont need no other lover, we can keep it undercoverI wanna find a place where we can be alone in the darkAnd you can never gave me like a math that you know my heartYou"re a sexy machine, you"re a hollywood dreamAnd you got me feeling like a homecoming queenLet"s drop out of this crowd, somewhere no one"s allowedI want youAll to myself, I want you all to myselfAnd nobody else, yeah,You dont need no other lover, we can keep it undercoverFind me in the shadows, i"m protegeeDamn until tomorrowAnd make sure that no-nobody followsYou dont need no other lover, we can keep it undercoverYou dont need no other lover, we can keep it undercoverI wanna find a place where we can be alone in the darkAnd you can never gave me like a math that you know my heartAll to myself, I want you all to myselfAnd nobody else, yeah,You dont need no other lover,You dont need no other loverYou dont need no other loverWe can keep it undercoverYou dont need no other lover, we can keep it undercoverYou dont need no other lover, we can keep it undercoverhttp://music.baidu.com/song/64919445

Mr. Juseleeno Nobulega DaRoose的人物生平

朱瑟里诺先生(Mr. Juseleeno Nobulega DaRoose音译)他是巴西人,出生于1960年,今年47岁,目前的职业是学校的教师有人问他从几岁开始梦到“预知梦”,他回答说九岁,1969年的时候开始,一天有时梦三件,也曾梦过九件,每天所梦到的次数不一样。他说见到的预知梦都是不知不觉的很自然地出现在他的梦境里,决不是他自己选择的。朱瑟里诺十九岁时,遇到巴西很有名的预言圣人Mr.Franciscoshabiz,以后世界性的灾害与事件在他的预知梦中逐渐增加。Mr.Franciscoshabiz曾经两次被提名为诺贝尔和平奖的候选人,他是位很有名的特异功能者(通灵者),同时也是位慈善事业家。因为这个因缘,朱瑟里诺所预言的事件已超过8万件,首先从他的预言中挑选出几件已经发生的世界性大事件与巨大灾害,让我们一起来回顾以下之事件。

Elemeno P的《Ohio》 歌词

歌曲名:Ohio歌手:Elemeno P专辑:Trouble In ParadiseShe said she needed a breakA little time to thinkBut then she went to ClevelandWith some guy named LelandThat she met at the bank.Theres nothing wrong with OhioExcept the snow and the rain.I really like Drew CareyAnd i"d love to seeThe Rock "n Roll Hall of Fame.So when your doneDoing whateverAnd when you"re throughDoing whoeverYou know Denton countyWill be right here waiting for you.Come back to TexasIt"s just not the sameSince you went awayBefore you lose your accentAnd forget all aboutThe Lonestar stateThere"s a seat for you at the rodeoAnd i"ve got every slow dance savedBesides the Mexican food sucksNorth of here anyway.I think I made a mistakeIt"s not that easy to takeShe went to make a depositThen she cleaned out her closetGuess i"ll sit here and waitFor her to come back home(I wish she"d come back home)It shouldnt take very long(So long, so long)I bet she misses the sunriseand misses the fruit flys(but I could be wrong)So when youre doneDoing whateverAnd when you"re throughDoing whoeverYou know Denton countyWill be right here waiting for you.Come back to TexasIt"s just not the sameSince you went awayI bet you missed your exitAnd drove right on through the Lonestar stateThere"s a seat for you at the rodeoAnd i"ve got every slow dance savedBesides the Mexican food sucksnorth of here anywayTroy Aikmen wants you backWillie Nelson wants you backNASA wants you backAnd the Bush twins want you backPantera wants you backAnd Bluebell wants you backI got a premonitionI"m taking a petitionAnd the whole states gonna sign(group of people sing to a single guitar)Come back to TexasIt"s just not the sameSince you went awayBefore you lose your accentAnd forget all aboutThe Lonestar stateThere"s a seat for you at the rodeoAnd i"ve got every slow dance saved(end group singing)Come back to TexasIt"s just not the sameSince you went awayBefore you lose your accentAnd forget all aboutThe Lonestar stateThere"s a seat for you at the rodeoAnd i"ve got every slow dance savedBesides the Mexican food sucksNorth of here anyway.Besides the Mexican food sucksNorth of here anywayBesides the Mexican food sucksNorth of here anyway, yeah.胆大就能妄为,光荣来自无畏Lyric by Roy Lowhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8224820

Nevertheless的《Topics 》 歌词

歌曲名:Topics 歌手:Nevertheless专辑:In The Making...Topics for the light we sike great youGet the tiree where she cry the sleepI herd sayThe skow get winde oneI loney see the neke fere clke the OKBut not sure OKAnd we for the tipeThey me the cay time sinkeWhere new the srope And everyone other knowWe sike we now newThey fill hard ploodCause"s every what knowwe shose what sock by we canIt"s ture lineAnd side we canIt"s ture lineHe"s can be the class cost heastHoppile pI herd say lay now clock"s othe dayI herd sayThe skow get winde oneI loney see the neke fere clke the OKBut not sure OKAnd we for the tipeThey me the cay time sinkeWhere new the srope And everyone other knowWe sike we now newThey fill hard ploodCause"s every what knowwe shose what sock by we canIt"s ture lineIt"s ture lineCoat coat save we have be had fill the by manTo desk lineThe fill we shide and othe fill closeThey mills closeWhy did you closeAnd we for the tipeThey me the cay time sinkeWhere new the sropeAnd everyone other knowWe sike we now newThey fill hard ploodCause"s every what knowwe shose what sock by we canhttp://music.baidu.com/song/25412489

Release The Stars 歌词

歌曲名:Release The Stars歌手:Rufus Wainwright专辑:Release The StarsRufus Wainwright - Release the StarsAlbum:Release The StarsLRC Produced By william王子Why do you keep all your stars infrom your studio on Melrose Avenue?You"ve lost all your assets upin life-long contracts to youDidn"t you know that old Hollywood is over?Oh, can"t you see all the goodthat celebrity can do for those in the dark?Yes of course,I am speaking in metaphorsfor something more in your heartDidn"t you know that old Hollywood is over?So why not just release the gatesand let them all come out?Remember that without themthere would be no ParamountNo paramount need to hold on to what isn"t yoursRelease the starsRufus Wainwright - Release the StarsThe more that you fight,then the more they will scrutinizeand realize just your sizeAnd believe me,you are no match for the publicthat has seen the whites of your eyesDidn"t you know that old Hollywood is over?Old Hollywood is overSo why not just release the gatesand let them all come out?Remember that without themthere would be no ParamountNo paramount need to hold onto what isn"t yoursRelease the starsRelease the stars,release your love,release the starsRelease your love,"cause Hollywood is overWhy do you keep all your stars infrom your studio on Melrose Avenue?Album:Release The StarsLRC Produced By william王子http://music.baidu.com/song/2205765

Delerium的《Truly》 歌词

歌曲名:Truly歌手:Delerium专辑:TrulyDeleriumTruly(Featuring Nerina Pallot)Edit by NiynehcI know good thingsI know bad as wellAny witness of theworld can tellIf there is sorrowthen there is beauty and trustA secret pearl inside the heart of us...So trulythere is light that I want to seeNow that I know what I am living forTruly, there is joy that I want to feelHere in this world is where I want to be"Cause I can"t cry anymorethere is magic nowunder blood red treesAll the sky will scream a mysteryBut if we"re strangers herefrom the day we are bornWhy be afraid of freedom if it is yours?So truly, there is light that I want to seeNow thatI know what I am living forTruly, there is joy that I want to feelHere in this world is where I want to be"Cause I can"t cry anymoreI can"t cry, anymoreI.....All the world is callingcalling out my nameAll the world is sayingit won"tbe the sameAll the sky is showinghow it"s gonna beBut I"m scared and I"m tired of being like me...All the world is callingcalling out my nameAll the world is sayingit won"t be the sameAll the sky is showinghow it"s gonna beBut I"m scared and I"m tired of being like me...So truly, there is light that I want to seeNow that I know what I am living forTruly, there is joy that I want to feelHere in this world is where I want to beTruly, there is life that I want to seeHere in this world is where I want to be"Cause I can"t cry anymorehttp://music.baidu.com/song/54280969





"No one eles can love you like i do" 这是什么歌?

Creepin Up On You

Judas Priest的《Steeler》 歌词

歌曲名:Steeler歌手:Judas Priest专辑:Original Album ClassicsCharlotte Martin - Steel猫咪回来吧,狗狗一直在等你The lost and insincereThey think I need to hearwhat"s in their empty eyes eyes eyesWe"re few and far betweenWe"ve hardly been sereneBut we stand up to their lies lies liesWe are steelWe don"t feel anything at allHe took me in his armsBut then he squeezed too hardHe wouldn"t let me breathe breathe breatheIt"s been too many yearsI"ve hurt too many timesTo give up everything thing thingI am steelI don"t feel anything at allanything at allThe way I"ve been confusedThe way that I"ve been usedAnd spit out on your dimeAnd still you lead me onAnd still you take me downAnd say it"s in my mind2009.05.13 6猫咪回来吧,狗狗一直在等你Well I"ve seen hell and backI"ve hidden in the darkwith No one there at all all allI"ve scraped us back to lifeI"ve laced up both my bootsSo try and twist the knife knife knifeI am steelI don"t feel anything at allWe are steelWe don"t feel anything at allAnything at allAnything at allAnything at allAnything at allAnything at allAnything at all2009.05.13 6猫咪回来吧,狗狗一直在等你http://music.baidu.com/song/7519230

Dwele的《Vain》 歌词

歌曲名:Vain歌手:Dwele专辑:Sketches Of A ManVainBishop AllenFebruaryshe sees an angelsittin" on top of her shoulderwatchin" as she slowly gets olderthough she cannot explainand he will wait theretethered to the tip of her fingerher very own serenade singerthough he"s singing in vainvainvainvainand when she"s woundedhe will use his courage to restore herhe will even bear the hurt for herhe will suffer her painand with your wide eyeseyes that see the world enchantedshe counts all her wishes to be grantedis she really so vainvainvainvainand if the chain breaksand if he slips away while she"s sleepingwill she say he was worth keepingwill she cry out in vainvainvainvainvainhttp://music.baidu.com/song/831927

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渚薰理解的"碇元渡那"是最终教条...所以奔着"那"就去了 .......
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