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refuse to be te reasond的歌词

Refuse To Be The Reason作词:N. Morris、W. Morris、Shawn Stockman、R Rideout作曲:N. Morris、W. Morris、Shawn Stockman、R RideoutSo let me get this rightYou call yourself saying goodbyeWith no good reason whyYou didn"t even try to work it outThis time, before you walk out the doorYou really really need to be sureWe"ve been here before but nowIt"s funny you don"t want this anymoreBut I remember when over and over againWith all the craziness you put me throughI shoulda been done with youWell okay if love is not a reason to stayThen it really doesn"t matter anywayWhy should I give it my all, when you"re giving upJust so you know everything ain"t always been everythingBut I was still willing to give anything I mean anythingBut I refuse to be the reason why you"re gone...Ooh ooh oohNow I ain"t gonna lieOh my friend say I"m outta my mindCause I spent all the time and my paperWhen they said you weren"t worth a dime...I thought they were wrongBut they were right all alongI can"t believe it look what you"re doingYou"re trying to ruin everything that we made so strongI remember when over and over againWith all the craziness you put me throughI shoulda been done with youWell okay if love is not a reason to stay (said it don"t matter)Then it really doesn"t matter anyway (tell me why should I)转载来自 ※Mojim.com 魔镜歌词网 Why should I give it my all, when you"re giving upJust so you know (so you know) everything ain"t always been everythingBut I was still willing to give anything I mean anything (but I was willingTo give all of me I mean everything)But I refuse to be the reason...Ooh ooh oohTell me why, why did you stay so longIf you, you knew that you felt this wayAnd if I knew I wouldn"t have wasted my time on youNow you"re freeTo do what you wanna doWell okay if love is not a reason to stay(It doesn"t matter girl)Then it really doesn"t matter anyway (no it don"t)Why should I give it my all (why should I give you my everything)You should know everything ain"t always been everythingBut I was still willing to give anything I mean anythingBut I refuse to be the reason (I refuse to be the reason why you"re leaving me)Now you"re goneIf love is not a reason to stayThen it really doesn"t matter anywayWhy should I give you my allWhen you"re giving upJust so you knowEverything ain"t always been everythingBut I was so willing to give you anything (I mean anything)I Oh oh oh yes, I refuse to be the reason why you"re gone



java 远程连接access数据库java.rmi.ConnectException: Connection refused to host


The Bravery的《Hatefuck》 歌词

歌曲名:Hatefuck歌手:The Bravery专辑:Stir The Blood-IslandThe Bravery - HatefuckIf I put my hands around your wristswould you fight them?If I put my fingers in your mouthwould you bite them?So many things that I would doIf I had my way with youI think it"s sick to know how you want meYou can dig your nails into my skin you won"t stop meYou"re twisting and screaming until the endNo one can hear you hereAnd there will be no tendernessNo tendernessThere will be no tendernessI will show no mercy for youYou had no mercy for meThe only thing that I askLove me mercilesslyAll your chatting friends that despise you to your faceWhat would they say now if they saw you in this place?They"d be so breathless cause you live with this disgraceCould you live?Could you live with this?I show no mercy for youLove me mercilessly...http://music.baidu.com/song/1396880




"havefun"通常是谷歌机器人chatbot的一种回应方式,用于表达愉快或祝福等情感。因此,通常不需要再添加其他形式,可以直接以其原始形式使用。如果您是想指有关"havefun"的具体用法,那么可以根据具体的语境或需要进行搭配。例如:句子中以问句形式出现,可以在后面加上问号,表示疑问、询问或挑战等语气。例如:"你真的要去尝试这个新游戏吗?Havefun!"如果是作为祝福语,可以加上目标人物的名字,或者加入其他相关词语来表达更多的意思和情感。例如:"祝福张三在他的音乐演出中,一切顺利,havefun!"此外,"havefun"还可以在通信方式为书信或者邮件时使用。在这种情况下,通常需要注意以下几点:手写信件中使用时应该写成"Have fun"的形式,即第一个单词的首字母大写,第二个单词小写,并且两个单词之间不需要添加空格。例如:"祝你度过愉快的假期,Have fun!"在电子邮件中也可以使用,但是更为常见的是使用"Have a nice day!"、"Enjoy your weekend!"等表达方式,因为这些词汇更为正式并具有社交礼仪的意义。例如:"感谢您对我们公司的支持,祝您有一个愉快的周末,Enjoy your weekend!"此外,"Have fun"这个表达方式也可以用在社交场合中,比如聚会、活动等。当朋友们一起去玩时,说"Have fun!"可以表示祝福和鼓励,希望他们可以度过愉快的时光。不过需要注意的是,在不同的情境下使用"Have fun"时,语气可能会有所不同。在书面语或者正式场合中,"Have fun"通常带有一定的客套和礼貌性质。而在口语中,尤其是青少年之间的口语中,"Have fun"往往更为随意并带有亲切感。因此,在使用时需要视具体情况而定,不要出现不妥的用法。






have fun doing sth( 做某事有乐趣). [举例]We have fun learning Enlish.(我们学英语有乐趣) have fun with sth/sb:和...玩的很开心.[举例]He had fun with his friends.(他和朋友们玩的很开心.)

have fun是什么意思 havefun释义

1、have fun:玩得开心。 2、You and I can have fun. 你和我也可以玩的开心。 3、That"s why I love nightlife; it"s where I can escape and have fun. 这就是我喜欢夜生活的,它是一个我可以逃脱和拥有快乐的地方。 4、I guess I like to have fun. 我想我是个喜欢享受的人。 5、He is a fun man, I have fun to be with him. 他是个风趣的人,和他在一起我就有乐趣了。 6、We have fun, Mom and me! 我们玩的很开心,妈妈和我!


玩的愉快、玩的开心、玩的高兴。双语例句:You and I can have fun。你和我可以玩得很开心。That is why I love nightlife; it is where I can escape and have fun。这就是我喜欢夜生活的原因;在那里我可以逃避并享受乐趣。 玩的愉快、玩的开心、玩的高兴。 双语例句: 1、You and I can have fun。你和我也可以来一下啊。 2、That is why I love nightlife; it is where I can escape and have fun。这就是我喜欢夜生活的,它是一个我可以逃脱和拥有快乐的地方。 3、I guess I like to have fun。我想我喜欢找乐子




Have fun的后面加动词的现在分词形式。即have fun doing sth。have fun doing sth的意思是做某事有乐趣,have fun的后面还可以接with sth/sb,意思是和...玩的很开心。现在分词又称ing形式,现在进行时,是分词的一种,分词又分为现在分词和过去分词,它们都是非限定动词,现在分词在句子里面不能充当谓语,但能充当其它的一些成分。现在分词在英语这一科目中,也是比较重要的一部分,具有双重性,一面具有动词的特征,可以有自己的宾语和状语;另一面具有形容词和副词的特征,可以充当表语,定语,状语,补足语,可以表示主动或正在进行的动作,是非谓语动词的一种。例句:1、You will have fun reading about the world we live in.你会通过阅读来了解我们所生活的世界的。2、Until the grown-ups come to fetch us we"ll have fun.在大人找来之前,咱们在这儿尽情玩耍。3、Oh,I have fun when I get a little drunk.哈,我只是在喝得有点醉意时才觉得开心。4、She did have fun,more fun than she had had since the spring before the war.思嘉在新奥尔良的确过得非常愉快,从战前最后一个春天到现在,她从来没有感到这样愉快过。5、Why don"t you ask some friends over to have fun?你何不多邀些人来同乐?


不不, 这不能算作是动词, 但是可以算作是动词词组, have fun的意思是玩的开心, 玩的愉快, 用的时候可以直接像动词一样使用, 比如说现在进行时就是"having fun" 过去式就是"had fun". 只要have更改就好了, 不能更改fun


动词的ing形式。have fun doing sth可以看成have fun in doing sth,in可以省略,介词in后面接动名词作介词的宾语,所以have fun后面加动名词,也就是动词的ing形式,意思是乐于做某事;做某事很开心。fun的用法还有It"s fun后接不定式或动名词,表示做某事很开心。


have fun后面接动名词,即动词的ing形式,have fun doing sth可以看成have fun in doing sth ,in可以省略,介词in后面接动名词作介词的宾语,所以have fun后面加动名词,动名词在句子里有着名词的作用。而have fun中间也可加上一些程度副词,表示有趣的程度,如have great fun;have a lot of fun;have so much fun;have a bit of fun;have some fun ;have such fun等。have fun doing sth意为“做某事很开心”,和have fun in doing sth是一致的,in是介词可以省略,后接动名词作介词的宾语。使用have fun doing sth的例句:I had great fun (in)playing football with them.意思是,“我和他们踢足球玩得非常高兴。”


refuge and shelter 都有避难的意思,但是refuge的意思要强烈一些,多指逃避大灾大难,但是shelter呢只是指一个容身之所,例如躲雨啊,借住啊 之类的,下面举例两个固定短语帮助理解:seek refuge with sb 逃难到某人处shelter sb.for the night 留某人住一宿take refuge in 避难到... 求助于...take shelter 避难,躲避,躲雨这样比较一下应该容易理解一些了.

haven shelter refugee区别

haven 是避风港shelter是庇护所refugee是受庇护者




It+is+useful+to+master+English+grammar同义句To master English grammar is useful.

docker登录harbor报错: no such host/connect: connection refused

Error response from daemon: Get https://harbor.paicidata.com/v2/ : dial tcp: lookup harbor.paicidata.com on no such host 汗,这个是hosts配置问题。 Error response from daemon: Get https://harbor.paicidata.com/v2/ : dial tcp connect: connection refused 这个是访问https被拒绝,需要去掉安全认证,在docker.service的ExecStart中追加--insecure-registry 之后重启docker服务: docker.service存在位置可能是:

listening to the teacher carefully in class does you much good为什么用listening

listening to the teacher 是主语,是名词,动名词做主语用to do或者doing形式

警示牌 小心摔倒 英文说成BE CAREFUL OF STUMBLE 正确吗?

其实警示牌应该以简洁为主吧,而且小心摔倒好像也不常用,多的是小心地滑之类的,可以说成Caution wet floor

carefully slipping 是错误用法吗?

参考答案:应该是 Slipping carefully

he refused to invest


It is ______ to examine these questions carefully by doing more group discussions. 选项: a、worthy


vnc 远程桌面提示 The connection was refused by the host computer

用ssh登录ubuntu系统中,重新启动vnc服务,还是不行的话那就看一下防火墙的策略iptables -L。最后的办法,就是重新启动一下ubuntu

安装win10时出现 磁盘布局不受UEFU固件支持


退钱给顾客(Cash refunds to customers)为什么记入应收账款分类账控制账户借方

cash refunds是指客户在购买商品时多付的钱具体分录为Dr:Trade Recievable 100Cr:Inventory 100此时多记付了$5Dr:Cash 105Cr: Trade Receivable 105要将多收的冲销掉Dr: Trade Receivable 5Cr: Cash 5所以trade receivable就变成借记了


take care 注意;小心 take care of 照顾;注意;抚养 care of 由…转交 health care 卫生保健 take care of oneself 照顾自己;颐养 care about v. 担心,关心 care for 关心,照顾;喜欢 medical care 医疗护理 don"t care 不管,不在意 nursing care 护理 skin care 护肤品;皮肤护理 take good care 好好照顾;珍重 take good care of 照顾好;好好照看 with care 小心地 personal care 个人护理;个人护理用品 health care products 保健品 child care 儿童保育 health care system 保健系统;医疗制度 intensive care 重病特别护理 take care of yourself 照顾好你自己;自己多保重

速达软件使用出现对话框connection closed gracefully


connection closed gracefully什么意思

connection closed gracefully优雅地关闭连接gracefully[英]["ɡreu026asfu0259lu026a][美][u02c8ɡresfu0259lu026a]adv.优美地; 优雅地; 雅致地; 温文地; 例句:1.But he accepted the label and responded gracefully. 但他接受了这个标签并且优雅地给出了答复。2.Each asana flows gracefully into the next one creating a continuous flow that stretches and strengthensyour body. 一个接一个优美的瑜珈姿态连续不断地拉伸、加固着你的身态



connection closed gracefully什么意思

connection closed gracefully优雅地关闭连接gracefully[英]["ɡreu026asfu0259lu026a][美][u02c8ɡresfu0259lu026a]adv.优美地; 优雅地; 雅致地; 温文地; 例句:1.But he accepted the label and responded gracefully. 但他接受了这个标签并且优雅地给出了答复。2.Each asana flows gracefully into the next one creating a continuous flow that stretches and strengthensyour body. 一个接一个优美的瑜珈姿态连续不断地拉伸、加固着你的身态

FTP 连接报错 java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused: connect


FTP 连接报错 java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused: connect


Careful Where You Kiss Me 歌词

歌曲名:Careful Where You Kiss Me歌手:Andy Griggs专辑:This I Gotta SeeStandin in the mirrorRinsin off my razorWishin i was still in bedYoure sneakin up behind meWith nothin but a towel onStart breathin down my neckIf you dont wanna spend the rest of the dayLyin in the dark and drivin ieachother crazyCareful where you kiss meChorus:I love your sweet good mornin baby hugsBut you know how your soft lips tear me upCareful where you kiss meYou know every buttonYou know how to push emAnd which ones urn me onyoure on my sweet spotNo baby please dont stopcuz girl im not that strongI dont know how far you want this to gout if you dont want me to lose controlCareful where you kiss meChorus:I love your sweet good morning baby hugsBut you know how your soft lips tear me upCareful where you kiss mehttp://music.baidu.com/song/14283156


是的。wft是由英文的what the fuck缩写而成的。wtf=what the fuck。这句英文的意思就是你在搞什么呀?什么玩意?一种很口语化的语气词,主要表达情绪的不满。关于wtf还有很多表情包,在微信聊天里面用得也很频繁,都是一个人一脸懵逼,脸上挂着一脸无赖的样子,或者是有点生气时候的表情!很多人在日常聊天的时候都喜欢用wft,就像我们高频率使用卧槽一样,因为确实是简单明了,而且在键盘上也是能够很容易的打出来。网上还有一个wft的梗就是表示“人真棒”,一般是父母谈论自己的孩子,在别人面前总是讲自己孩子不好的一面,例如吐槽孩子不看书或者不喜欢做家务,这些并不是父母真的在抱怨孩子,而是一种比较宠溺的抱怨。


carefully的读法:英 ["keu0259fu0259li] 美 ["keu0259fu0259li] adv. 小心地,谨慎地;仔细地,认真地carefully 用法和例句提示:Mr. bernanke "s testimony was carefully balanced .伯南克先生相当谨慎地保持陈述的平衡。Sourcing raw ingredients is also carefully considered .原料的采购也同样进行了仔细考虑。Karen carefully calculated the period when she was most fertile .卡伦仔细地计算了自己的最佳受孕期。Watch hainan carefully and remember the 1990s .密切注意海南的情况,记住90年代的教训。How china responds to its economic downturn will be watched carefully .中国对其经济发展迅速减缓将作如何反应还有待于细心观察。【近义词】lightlyu2002轻轻地、cautiouslyu2002慎重地、wellu2002很好地、thoroughlyu2002彻底地、meticulouslyu2002仔细地、painstakinglyu2002费力地、preciselyu2002精确地、warilyu2002留心地、vigilantlyu2002警惕地suspiciouslyu2002猜疑地、charilyu2002小心地gentlyu2002轻轻地with careu2002小心地delicatelyu2002优美地tenderlyu2002温柔地、prudentlyu2002谨慎地、sensiblyu2002容易感知地、judiciouslyu2002明智而审慎地wiselyu2002聪明地、with kid glovesu2002巧妙地【反义词】carelesslyu2002粗心大意地



歌词里有is so a biuteful的歌

you are beautiful,,,试试看

《it is useful to read encyclopaedia》英语作文



renefurterer洗发水怎么样   renefurterer洗发水怎么样,renefurterer洗发水作为最近爆火的几款洗发水之一,它的独特之处就在于对真正的油性发质特别友好!不仅可以防止出油,还可以保留持久的芳香,快来一起了解renefurterer洗发水怎么样吧。   renefurterer洗发水怎么样1    renefurterer洗发水怎么样   对掉头发超级有效!控油!而且还能帮助缓解掉头发的同时还帮助新生的绒发生长!一直都是满满的好评!洗感还不错,清香味舒坦,泡沫很细腻,冲水的时候涩涩的感觉,冷风吹完头发回归蓬松状态,我是短发,为了测试效果,没有用护发素,不毛躁,自然发亮。馥绿德雅家的产品我没有买到过不好用的。牌子不用多介绍了吧,法国老牌高端护发品牌,护发届的“香奈鹅”,专而精,单是这一点我就很喜欢。尽管打着“无硅油”的标签,但这款洗发水泡沫丰富,不像一般的无硅油洗发水,因为我不喜欢泡沫很少的洗发水总感觉洗不干净所以特别喜欢它哈哈。再说气味。馥绿德雅的所有产品,味道都是我最爱没有之一。怎么说,有股青草的味道。超好闻。包装也是清新的绿色,很健康的感脚~~洗完头皮感觉很健康,不会很容易瘙痒,出油状况也有所改善。所以是十分推荐的一款洗发水啦!    renefurterer洗发水适合发质   适宜发质:头发细软/油性发质/易脱发   中文名字叫:馥绿德雅,法国牌子,国内商场有专柜。法国朋友说她每次去药妆店总有好多代购、本地人、游客在买这款洗发水,时常断货。洗发水是淡绿色半透明的凝胶质地,里面悬浮的绿色的小颗粒蕴含甜橙、薰衣草、迷迭香精油。    使用感:   这瓶味道十分清新,有点像柚子加点柠檬的味道,非常植物的气息。头发湿润后,将洗发水在手上轻轻搓揉起泡然后抹到头发上,那些绿色小颗粒会随着对头发和头皮的按摩、搓揉被渐渐吸收。   这款因为主打无硅油、控油防脱。所以洗完还是有一些干涩的,无硅油洗发水或者说好的洗发水都是这样:洗完头发无比涩,但是吹干的话顺滑蓬松。    renefurterer洗发水多少钱   这款洗发水国内要150元人民币左右,这款洗发水是水油两层,使用前先摇匀,管状的开口很适合慢慢滴入头皮!我是前面头皮更加油,所以刚用会往下滴,说明毛孔堵塞严重,后面头皮就好些,我本身也就是头发前面油加掉发!然后按摩,10分钟后用洗发水洗掉,洗发水里面有绿色的小珠子,好像说是精华之类的,不清楚,洗发后有些涩涩的感觉,正常发尾使用护发素就好!头皮会感觉很轻松,以往洗完头,头皮依旧会有脂肪颗粒,会忍不住抠,使用馥绿德雅真的有改善,而且出油是有减少,可能也是刚用没多久,长期坚持希望头皮越来越健康!    renefurterer洗发水测评   无硅油洗发,里面含有精油按摩颗粒,泡沫丰富,洗感很好并不算干涩,冲水时候能感觉到头发比较涩,但是头皮干净,洗后头发很蓬松清爽轻盈。国内专柜218一瓶,法国代购是一半的价格100左右。   我一般都是配合它家的发膜一套使用,味道非常好闻,洗发水是清新的橘子味,发膜很小一只大概一支可以用10次左右,主要作用是刺激头皮血液循环,让头皮呼吸,用他家产品一定要一套一用,洗发前精油绝对不能缺少,不然效果真的没多好搭配使用效果超棒!头发洗完变的特别柔顺,用一段时间后脱发现象很明显得到改善 用到现在脱发现象已经完全没有啦~   renefurterer洗发水怎么样2   这款洗发水挤出来是较浓稠的类似凝露的质地,起泡佳、泡沫丰富,洗第一遍时揉不出太多泡;第二遍时,用量可以比第一遍用的`少一点,能明显感觉泡沫比较浓密丰富。很多洗发水,每次我都要反复洗三、四遍。用这款洗发水,只要洗两、三遍即可。洗两遍,洗头时间只能间隔两天,第三天发根会比较油腻。洗三遍,洗头时间可以间隔三天,第四天发根仍然不油腻,只是略微有点痒。   因为泡沫丰富,用量相对较省。泡沫比活力丰盈那款丰富得多。用量比活力丰盈那款要省得多。   对头皮清洁力相对丰盈活力那款要更好,控油效果突出。洗后第三天、第四天头皮没有明显的油腻现象,发根仍然清爽不油不粘、仍然保持一定的蓬松效果,发丝更是根根分明。可能刘海部位略微有点油黏(我没有刘海这点没法体会)。连续使用后,头皮出油明显减少,头皮油腻的时间明显延长。适合真正的油头皮。(非真正油头皮不推荐)   还有,洗后发根蓬松的效果同样突出。洗后发根的蓬松效果是个人至今用过的洗后发根最蓬松的一款洗发水,也是蓬松清爽效果最持久的一款洗发水。个人洗后第3天,从发根到发丝,都像当天刚洗过头一样干净清爽。   清新怡人的植物香气,闻起来让人觉得很舒服很放松,植物淡香大大地加分。上头揉泡的时候,个人感觉头皮有一种同样很放松很舒服的舒缓感受,再加上具有舒缓效果的香味,好似给头部作SPA,洗头变成了一件比较享受的事。    说完优点。来说说它的缺点(也许,只是对于我而言)。   因为清洁力尤其是祛脂的效果比较好,相对的,连续使用后头皮有点干,略微不够温和,头皮敏感者,可能会觉得更容易头痒、有头屑增多的现象。所以,个人觉得,这款洗发水,适用者仅限真正的油头皮,洗完半天就油粘塌的那种。虽然油,但是天天洗,从早到晚还能保持清爽不油的也不一定适用。适合洗完半天、大半天就出油的真正油头皮。   洗完发丝明显比较涩。我开用这款的原因就是因为听说洗完发丝比较干涩,当初用Milbon的护发素,太油腻,好痛苦。听说这款洗发水洗后发丝干涩。两眼一亮,这不是刚好合适嘛。果然,配合油腻的护发素还是这种洗后比较干涩的洗发水好。用完Milbon后,发丝养护得比较好(虽然油腻,但是养护效果还是很明显的),所以继续用这款洗发水也没有觉得特别干涩。换用其他比较清爽、稀薄的护发素,发丝的状态仍然比较好。   但素,最大的问题,我不推荐这款洗发水的最大原因是:掉发比较多!掉发量真的有点多啊~啊啊啊~!使用后,掉发明显增多。用活力丰盈款,每次洗头后,掉发只有几根。用城野医生的洗发时,每次洗头,掉发再多几根。用这款平衡洗发时,每次洗头,掉发是一撮撮。外加白天家里随便一捡一撮。早晚梳头,哗啦啦好多根。如果停用,换用活力丰盈、或者城野医生,掉发又明显减少。混蛋,发量不少也不能这样折腾啊。   最后总结,个人认为这款洗发水,有掉发量困扰问题者,请放弃尝试。非真正油头皮可以绕道。真正的大油头,就上吧。

matlab的guidefunc.m文件里的 feval(fcn) 怎么错了,怎么办!谢谢!

其实楼主的问题涉及到的是Simulink模型的未公开API。这方面的有用信息很少,在网上我唯一找到的是MathWorks公司的一位员工Rick Spada在其官方的Newsreader上回复一个提问时说到这个话题。那是2000年11月的事,距今已经14年。当时有人问一个关于“Finding simulink vector widths”的问题,Rick在答复时说到了显式编译(explicit compilation)这个术语,提到类似下面的用法:12 modelName([],[],[],"compile") % compile a model modelName([],[],[],"term") % terminate compilation称之为mdl-api,也就是模型的API。然后有人问哪里有关于explicit compilation的文档,或者这些属于undocumented feature?Rick回答说没有相关的文档,而且他们一般不公开谈论这些问题。但这位老兄真是很厚道,针对有人问起除compile、term之外还有没有其它参数,他还提供了下列信息:1234567891011121314 "sizes" % return the sizes vector "compile" % compile the model "lincompile" % compile the model for linearization (used by linmod) "outputs" % return the model outputs "update" % compute the model update (e.g., discrete states) "derivs" % return the derivatives "term" % uncompile "load" % load the model (doesn"t make it visible, see load_system.mFor the "outputs", "update", and "derivs" commands, you need to supply values for the first three inputs: lhs = model(t, x, u, command)will return the outputs at time t, with states x, and input u.以上就是目前我能找到的关于此话题的有价值的全部信息。

英语作文,题目:the key to be useful,包括以下三点:1.有些人认为成才的关键是

题目 The Key to Be useful 要求 1. 有人认为成才的关键是个人能力。 2. 有些人认为成才的关键是外部机遇。 3. 我的观点 In the USA Forbes magazine has published its annual list of the richest people in the world. Among them,can also be regarded as " success". When we talk of to be success story, we are talking about the importance of the achievement instead of process.Analysis on personal ability or grasp opportunity factors influencing the achievement of sccess.Someone believed that either alternative is correct. Form my point of view,both of these aspects also have joint interdependent effects on the reason of success.Sometimes with other external factor such as dream, purposeful and persistence. Firstly,having a cause is one of successful keys,still push forward despite repeated frustrations perseverance and courage. The important thing is to have a great aimis in the starting point of your successful business. Whatever happens, you have to persist. Just strive for a long time!Then,on their way to success twists and turns can turn into treasures. Persistence will carve out a way to success.Lastly, Seize the opportunity and win the challenge,you will be secess. No cross, no crown.Dream what you want to dream;go where you want to go;be what you want to be. The rocky road to success; you were having a rough time.

Sheryl的《Refuge》 歌词

歌曲名:Refuge歌手:Sheryl专辑:Past EchoesVicky Beeching - RefugeThough I walk through watersThey won"t overwhelm meThough I stand in fireI won"t be consumedThough I walk through valleysWith darkness all around meI lift my eyes to YouYou are my refugeYou are my hiding placeYou are my shelterWhere I am finally safeIn the shadow of Your mighty wingsForever I"ll sing that it"s trueMy refuge is in YouEverywhere You send meAngels will defend meGuarding me from dangerAnd every snareThough the battle"s fierceI know that You are nearSo I put my trust in YouEven in the darknessI will lift Your name upThough my heart is breakingStill I will singhttp://music.baidu.com/song/15018798

carefully是什么意思 carefully的含义

1、carefully意思:仔细地,小心地,细心地,努力的,认真的。 2、例句 Mr. bernankes testimony wascarefullybalanced.伯南克先生相当谨慎地保持陈述的平衡。 Sourcing raw ingredients is alsocarefullyconsidered.原料的采购也同样进行了仔细考虑。 Karencarefullycalculated the period when she was most fertile.卡伦仔细地计算了自己的最佳受孕期。 Watch hai nancarefullyand remember the1990s.密切注意海南的情况,记住90年代的教训。 How china responds to its economic downturn will be watchedcarefully.中国对其经济发展迅速减缓将作如何反应还有待于细心观察。 Listencarefullyto those questions.仔细倾听他们的问题。 Engineers distinguishcarefullybetween the two.工程师们仔细区分这两者。




是反义疑问句 You didn"t have fun in BeiJing?Yes,I did. 你在北京玩的不开心?不,玩得很开心. 如果想回答“玩得不开心”就是,No,I didn"t.(是的,我玩得不开心.) 用YES或是no 主要决定于回答内容,内容必须前后一致.


1、furniture怎么读2、furniture可不可数3、furniture什么意思4、furniture的用法5、furniture是什么意思6、furniture不可数吗furniture怎么读furniture读:英 [_f__n_t__(r)],美 [_f__rn_t__r]。作名词时意思是“家具,设备,储藏物”。短语搭配:Bentwood furniture 曲木家具,曲木家庭用具,曲木。Office furniture 办公家具,办公众具。Chinese furniture 中国古典家具,明式家具,中国家具。双语例句:1、I like the design of your furniture.我喜欢你的家具的图案。2、They all use your products and have not chewed any of our furniture.它们都使用你们的产品而且已经不咀嚼我们的家具了。furniture可不可数 furniture是不可数名词。furniture是“家具”furniture的总称furniture,指室内furniture的可移动的大件物品。是不可数名词furniture,没有复数形式。也不能与不定冠词连用,含义上永远是单数。furniture相似短语 kiln furniture 窑具 hospital furniture 医院家具 variable furniture 可变家具 diningroom furniture phr. 餐厅家具 furniture shop 家具店 renting with furniture 带家具出租 hall furniture 大厅家具 hardwood furniture 硬木家具 sectional furniture 组合家具 utility furniture 【经】 经济实用的家具furniture用法例句 1、Buying budget-priced furniture needn"t mean compromising on quality or style. 买价钱经济的家具并不意味着就要牺牲质量和样式。 2、The house is crammed with priceless furniture and works of art. 房子里摆满了昂贵的家具和艺术品。 3、We talk in her Belgrade flat, full of heavy old brown furniture. 我们在她位于贝尔格莱德的公寓里进行了交谈,那屋里满是结实的老式棕色家具。furniture什么意思furniturefurniture的意思是家具。英 ["f__n_t__(r)]美 ["f__rn_t__r] n. 家具;设备furniture,装置;床罩;必要的附属品;【会计】家_例句:This old table is a valuable piece of furniture.翻译:这张旧桌子是一件很珍贵的家具。短语:design furniture 设计家具近义词fittings 英 ["f_t__s]美 ["f_t__s] n. 家具;设备名词deferment的复数形式例句:The guest rooms have been refurbished with luxurious carpets and fittings.翻译:客房都重新装修furniture了舒适的地毯和家具。furniture的用法furniture属于名词,中文意思是“家具;设备,装置;床罩;必要的附属品”,当furniture是“家具”的总称,指室内的可移动的大件物品,是不可数名词,没有复数形式。比如We will buy some furniture for our new house.我们得给我们的新房子买些家具。扩展资料 furniture属于名词,中文意思是“家具;设备,装置;床罩;必要的附属品”,当furniture是“家具”的总称,指室内的"可移动的大件物品,是不可数名词,没有复数形式。比如We will buy some furniture for our new house.我们得给我们的新房子买些家具。furniture是什么意思furniture,英语单词,主要用作名词,作名词时意思是“家具;设备;储藏物”。furniture造句:1、As a main utensil in the daily life, furniture has great relation with the life style.家具作为人们日常生活的主要器具与生活方式有着密切的联系。2、All the furniture was made of wood.这里所有的家具都是用木料制作的。3、Buying new furniture may prove too costly.购买新家具可能会花钱太多。4、A similar part on a piece of furniture or a vehicle类似门的装置车辆或家具上的类似部件5、a piece of furniture with shelves for storing books.有搁书的架子的家具。6、They helped us to move the furniture in.他们帮我们把家具搬了进来。7、In some cases, furniture made of real wood could look nicer than faux wood.在某些情况下,用真正的木材制成的家具比人造木(摄影木材)做的家具看起来更好。8、Hotel de Glace contains 36 rooms with furniture completely made of ice.HOTELDE塔丝包含36个完全由冰制成的家具的客房。9、She had to rearrange her furniture and move her home office away from the antennas.她不得不重新安排家具的摆放并把她的家庭办公室从天线的影响下移走。10、Multifunctional furniture: Every piece of furniture in a small space should do double duty.多功能家具:在一个小空间里的每一件家具都应该是双用途的。furniture不可数吗furniture是不可数名词。furniture是“家具”的总称,指室内的可移动的大件物品。是不可数名词,没有复数形式。扩展资料 一、含义 n. 家具;设备,装置;床罩;必要的附属品;【会计】家_。 二、用法 furniture是“家具”的总称,指室内的可移动的大件物品。是不可数名词,没有复数形式。 1520年进入英语,直接源自古法语的furnir,意为设备。 We will buy some furniture for our new house. 我们得给我们的新房子买些家具。 This old table is a valuable piece of furniture. 这张旧桌子是一件很珍贵的家具。 2furniture可以用many修饰吗 1. furniture属表总称的物质名词(也有的"书称之为集合名词),没有复数形式,也不能与不定冠词连用,含义上永远是单数。如: She furnished the apartment with modern furniture. 她给那套公寓装配了现代家具。 Many things, such as toys, furniture, and computers, are made of plastic. 许多东西如玩具、家具和电脑都是塑料做的。 即使其前受到all, some等的修饰,也不能用复数。如: I"ve just bought some new furniture. 我刚买了一些新家具。 All the furniture was covered with dust. 所有家具都落满了灰尘。 2. 若要表示“量”,可用much, little, a little, a lot of, lots of等修饰,但不能用many, few, a few等修饰。如: The room had little furniture in it. 室内没什么家具。 There is a lot of furniture in his living-room. 他的客厅里有很多家具。 The room was small and contained far too much furniture. 房间很小而家具实在太多。 若要表示“数”可用a piece of (article, item) of等修饰。如: A desk is an article of furniture. 书桌是一件家具。 Most people look on a television set as an essential piece of furniture. 多数人都把电视机看成是必不可少的家具。 3. 若要表示“一套家具”,可用a suite of修饰。如: That"s a nice suite of furniture. 那是一套漂亮的家具。

投稿状态refused to consider

拒接考虑,投稿失败以下是常见流程回答1、Submitted to Journal,当上传结束后,显示的状态是Submitted to Journal,这个状态是自然形成的无需处理。2、With editor,如果在投稿的时候没有要求选择编辑,就先到主编那,主编会分派给别的编辑。这当中就会有另两个状态:3、Editor assigned4、Editor Declined Invitation,如果编辑接手处理了就会邀请审稿人了。5、Reviewer(s) invited,如果审稿人接受那就会是以下状态:6、Under review,这应该是一个漫长的等待。当然前面各步骤也可能很慢的,要看编辑的处理情况。如果被邀请审稿人不想审,就会decline,编辑会重新邀请别的审稿人。7、required review completed,审稿结束,等编辑处理。8、Decision in Process,到了这一步就快要有结果了,编辑开始考虑是给修改还是直接拒,当然也有可能直接接受的,但可能性很小,呵呵。9、Minor revision/Major revision,这个时候可以稍微庆祝一下了,问题不大了,因为有修改就有可能。具体怎么改就不多说了,谦虚谨慎是不可少的。10、Revision Submitted to Journal,又开始了一个循环。11、Accepted,如果不要再审,只是小修改,编辑看后会马上显示这个状态,但如果要再审也会有上面的部分状态。一步会比较快,但也有慢的。看杂志的


shameful意思是“可耻的;不体面的;不道德的;猥亵的”。短语搭配Shameful Fear羞愧恐惧shameful l可耻的 ; 不可饶恕的 ; 不体面的shameful defeat可耻的失败Shameful Metaphors歌曲名称shameful vice羞耻罪衍 ; 耻辱罪衍Not shameful不可耻 ; 不可耻么shameful cheat可耻的骗局Shameful Blackmail无耻要挟Nothing Shameful都没有什么可耻双语例句They played a shameful part in the all affair.她们在这一事件中扮演了可耻的角色。Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts .正因为如此,上帝给他们交给可耻的欲望。What we are doing here is so disgraceful, our acts are shameful, and we are a shame in the faceof freedom and morals.我们在这里的所做所为是多么不光彩,我们的行为是丢脸的,我们在自由与道德的面前是可耻的人。

All hurt, is not all disgraceful 翻译成中文


it is useful to play sports. 写一篇作文,谢谢,帮个忙

I love playing sports very much, and I think it"s very important to play sports if you have enough free time, because it can give me much energy for my studies, and it can help me relax myself. I usually play sports very early morning, because I think it"s the best time to do exercise. Ping-pong ball is hte most popular sports in China, you can see people playing it everywhere in China, it is also our national ball. I"d like to try basketball in the future, because I think it"s very cool and handsome to play basketball on the court. Playing basketball can also make you become stronger with muscles and taller than before, it"s good for health, too. I don"t like watching sports at home.

look at me carefully 中的look at做什么成分

下面按祈使句划分语法结构.粗略结构如下(把 look at 看成一个整体):  主语:省略(语言情境中的“对方【you】)   复合谓语动词:look at   宾语:me   方式状语:carefully (说明以仔细的方式 look )深层结构如下(把 look at me 分为两个意群):  主语:省略   谓语动词:look(不及物动词 look 说明主语执行的动作)   处所状语:at me(说明 look 这个动作的投向的方向)   方式状语:carefully


useful的用法1:useful的基本意思是“有用的,有益的,有帮助的”,也可表示“令人满意的”。2:useful在句中可用作定语,也可用表语,作定语时,后面可跟介词for, for的宾语通常是人。作表语时,后面可接介词at, for, to, in。表示对于人有益时,用be useful to; 表示“对于某目的有益”时,用be useful for; 表示“对某事精通”时,用be useful at; 当表示“在…方面有益”时,用be useful in。useful 的常用短语:useful as可用作…的 can be used asKurt hinted that she might be useful as a distributor of funds. 库尔特暗示,她也许可以当资金调配员。This medicine is useful as a cure for colds. 这种药可用来治感冒。useful的用法例句:1. In business a poker face can be very useful.生意场上,不动声色会非常有用。2. "For heaven"s sake!" Dot expostulated. "They"re cheap and they"re useful."“拜托!”多特反驳道,“它们又便宜又管用。”3. HDTV is especially useful if there are a lot of special effects.有很多特效的时候,高清电视就格外有用了。4. The hinged seat lifts up to reveal a useful storage space.把用铰链连接的座位抬起来后,就会发现下面有一个实用的储物空间。5. Pain-killers are very useful in small amounts to bring your temperature down.小剂量的止痛药对于降低体温非常有用。6. From this chastening experience he learnt some useful lessons.从这次惨痛的经历中他得到了一些有益的教训。7. Once our services cease to be useful to them, we"re expendable.一旦我们的服务对他们不再有用,我们就可能被抛弃。8. If you"re converting your loft, these addresses will be useful.你要是打算改造阁楼,这些地址会派上用场。9. A tripod will be useful to align and steady the camera.三脚架有助于调准和稳定相机。10. Brick rubble is useful as the base for paths and patios.碎砖石可以用来铺路基和庭院地基。

那首歌的歌词是what is thefuck


careful hands的歌词谁知道啊??

  careful (click click) 打印此页  歌手:wu-tang clan 专辑:the w  [RZA]  Wait, hold up, chill, what"s that son?  Damn.. nigga got fucked, shit, huh?!  By his back, watch nigga run  Seven the center of your eight point sun  Hold tight grip on the +God-U..Now+ you best be careful!  Can"t dodge two (??) aimed at your domepiece  +Father-U-C-King+ police!!  [U-God]  Somethin in the slum went rum-pum-pum-pum  Somethin in the slum went rum-pum-pum-pum  [Masta Killa]  Yo Rae it"s been a long time son since we bust  Gunclap +Glaciers+, ran the world and snatched paper  Return to the 36th Chamber  Proceed with caution as you enter  We have an A.P.B., on an MC Killer  Looks like the work of a Masta!!  [Cappadonna]  Yo somethin in the street went, BANG BANG  Makin it hard for you to do your THANG THANG  Somethin in the street went, BANG BANG..  Up in the boss game wildin, money for grabs  I ain"t fuckin with crabs, out of state copped two labs  Hopped two cabs, back on the Ave.  Stab you with the vocab, catch me at the big dough rehab  Wu-Tang Clan  Tryin to re-up, keep my feet up  Snake niggaz in the cut, hold the product  Time is up, no luck, heat start to bust  Niggaz you can"t trust, dealin with lust  Seen him at the ballgames with James  Somethin in the street went, BANG BANG  Makin it hard for you to do your THANG THANG  Somethin in the street went, BANG BANG  Makin it hard for you to do your THANG THANG  [Ghostface Killah]  Somethin in the hole went {Click Click}  The boxcutter went {Click Click}  Somethin in the hole went {Click Click}  The boxcutter went {Click Click}  These are the bones, bones from the grave of Houdini  G-Deini, razoni noodles sprinkled on your embry"  Climb like the deficit, profits, death threats  to Israel slid through Bethlehem bong on one wheel  Syringes, rubber bands, needles, the 60"s  Granddaddy Caddy was coppin 6 G"s  Begosh all that Oshkosh jumpers  Pink Champelle, brown paper bags, wall to wall bumpers  [U-God]  These (??) camera guys, cause, turn your eyes  Sweat on the hammer fly, ways, of the Samurai  Newsflash bulletin, Gods on the prowl  We full again, ruff men scuff Timbs  Sonic bionic lens, RZA console  Is it Bush or the Dole, front row of the superbowl  Black gold in my soul, on a hoe stroll  [Inspectah Deck]  Someone in the back went, CLACK CLACK  Money is stacked, now bust your gun, CLACK CLACK  Someone in the back went, CLACK CLACK  Money is stacked, now bust your gun, CLACK CLACK  Made "em throw they hands up, but then lay flat  Rat pack eat up, the average alley cat  Prepare for the impact when we contact  Known to drop backs that crack your hard hat  Must I show and prove, trust I, bust I  Make your head spin like chrome 20"s on the buggy-I Benz  Who contends, Wu like the Superfriends  Who"s your rhymin hero? Wu-Tang rules again  Someone in the back went, CLACK CLACK  Money is stacked, now bust your gun, CLACK CLACK  Someone in the back went, CLACK CLACK  Money is stacked, now bust your gun, CLACK CLACK  [Cappadonna]  Yo somethin in the street went, BANG BANG  Makin it hard for you to do your THANG THANG  Somethin in the street went, BANG BANG..  [Ghostface Killah]  Somethin in the hole went {Click Click}  The boxcutter went {Click Click}  Somethin in the hole went {Click Click}  The boxcutter went {Click Click}  [U-God]  Somethin in the slum went rum-pum-pum-pum  Somethin in the slum went rum-pum-pum-pum  hands of seduction 打印此页  歌手:billy squier 专辑:creatures of habit  Love...it"s that one big step you take  Eyes...watchin" every move you make  When the fear lifts you up...you won"t back down  ...be careful what you say  Beware of the dark...they"ll steal your heart away  It"s illogical...psychological...  It can change your world--make it all work out  ...so illogical...  Hands of seduction...hands of seduction  Hands of seduction...workin" workin" overtime  ...hands of seduction  Billy Squier  Crimes of the heart are hard to take  Lies can"t defend your first mistake  When you"re vulnerable...it"s improbable  You can face your world--make it all work out  ...you"re so vulnerable...  Hands of seduction...creepy fingers through your mind  Hands of seduction...  Hands of seduction...workin" workin" overtime...  Hands of seduction  It"s illogical...psychological...  It can change your world--make it all work out  ...it"s illogical  Hands of seduction...know the secrets in your mind  Hands of seduction...workin" workin" overtime...  Hands of seduction...  So you say you owe the sands of time  If you don"t look now your life won"t lie  Jack and jill conquered the hill...  But even still they had to pay the bill  For their father"s sins  Like a poor boy...(say) you just can"t win  In the hands of the devil there"s double trouble  You got it comin"...no use in runnin"  Said i"ve always known there"s a price you pay...  Like when i see you babe  I wanna take you all the way...all the way...  To a place you"ve never known  Beyond your heart...beyond a home...  Way beyond your shame..  Your hands seduce me  是这个不

refuse 、resist和 deny 的区别


refuse 、resist和 deny 的区别

refuse to do sth 拒绝做某事resist doing sth 抵制做某事deny to do 否定什么,后面也可以加从句有不会的可以再问我

refuse 、resist和 deny 的区别

refuse 作为动词意思是拒绝,作为名词意思是垃圾、废物resist 作为动词意思是反抗、敌对、抵御、忍住,作为名词是抗蚀涂层deny 是动词,意思为否认、背弃、拒绝、不给、不允许


negative vt. 否定;拒绝[ 过去式negatived 过去分词negatived 现在分词negativing vt.1. 否定,取消;否认:He negatived it was true.他否认这件事是真的。to negative a suggestion否定一项建议2. 不同意,反对,否决:The motion was negatived by the House.上院否决了该项议案。3. 驳斥,不赞成:She did negative your conduct.她确实不赞成你的所作所为。4. 消除,抵制,抵消:to negative any harmful influences消除各种不良影响interj.[表示不同意、不赞成、否定、否认等]反对!不行!refuse1 [ri"fju:z; ri:-] vt.1. 拒绝;拒不接受:She refused his invitation to the tea party.他请她参加茶会,她拒绝了他的邀请。2. 拒做;拒给[常后接不定式]:He can"t refuse her anything.她要什么他都不能不给。 They refused to pay their taxes.他们拒不纳税。3. 不愿;不肯:The little boy refused to go to school.这个小男孩不肯去上学。I wouldn"t refuse help to an old friend.对一个老朋友我是不会不肯帮助的。4. 抵制;拒不服从;拒不同意:He refused me permission.对我的要求,他拒不允诺。We were going to set off immediately,but the truck refused to start.我们准备立即出发,但卡车发动不起来。5. (马)不肯跳过(障碍物):His horse refused the first fence.他的马不肯跳过第一道栅栏。6. [废语]垫(牌),不跟(牌)vi.拒绝(接受、同意等);不肯:The little girl looked so pitiful; I hadn"t the heart to refuse.这个小姑娘太可怜了,我简直不忍心拒绝。希望能采纳,谢谢


1/beneficial释义: adj. 有益的,有利的;可享利益的 2/例句: Good reading habits are beneficial to learning. 良好的阅读习惯有益于学习。 3/beneficial搭配有: mutually beneficial互利的;双赢的 beneficial owner受益所有人 beneficial use享用,有权使用

It may be useful some time in the ___(the time after the present)

It may be useful some time in the ___(the time after the present) future. after a time = after some time= =? soon some time later After some time,a new difficulty has _____(出现 arise) arisen 和 has 一起构成现在完成时 【希望帮助到你,若有疑问,可以追问~~~ 祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!(*^__^*)】 after some time 一段时间之后 After some time (p ) passed what country is useful at meal time? China 不是字母吧 china 是"瓷器"的意思 which country is useful at meal time? 土耳其(Turkey)吧 首字母小写的话是“火鸡”的意思 The Most Useful Invention of All Time I think the most important invention of all the time is the mobile phone.We all know that many years ago it was very difficult for us to send and get information from one place to another.But now it is very easy to get information from all over the world.Parents can use the mobile phone to get in close touch with their kids.And we can also enjoy the music or films through the mobile phone. I continued driving and after some time 是动词 持续、继续做 的意思 driving是动词的补语,用来补充说明,表示继续下面的动作——开车 please understand it may take teachers some time Please understand it may take teachers some time to grade all assignments. 意思就是:评估所有的作业(任务)可能会需要老师花费一些时间,请谅解。



Do you often listen to the teacher ______(careful) in class?-Yes,l do.


谁来帮我翻译一下Maya Angelou的诗Refusal

Refusal拒绝Beloved,亲爱的In what other lives or lands那是在哪片土地上?又或人群里?Have I known your lips我是识得你的唇吧?Your Hands又或你的手?Your Laughter brave还是你大胆的笑声?Irreverent.那么肆意的笑声Those sweet excesses that I do adore.那样甜美,令我爱不自胜What surety is there(好在)可以确定的是That we will meet again,我们终将重逢 On other worlds some在这世界的某处Future time undated.某个不确定的时间I defy my body"s haste.当我不再忙于奔波Without the promise没有诺言Of one more sweet encounter只要再有那么一次邂逅I will not deign to die.便死也无悔

do something useful与do something usefully的区别


be careful 后面加什么啊到底..

1. [对…]小心的,谨慎的[in, with]He is ~ in his speech [with his words].他发言 [措词] 很小心2a. 小心[注意] (不要…) 的Be ~ not to drop the vase.注意不要把花瓶掉了b. 小心…的,注意…的Be ~ that you don"t drop the vase.注意不要把花瓶掉了c. 小心[…]的,注意[…]的 [about,as to,of]Be ~ (of) what you"re saying.小心你说的话You must be ~ how you hold it.你必须注意拿它的方法d. [对…]慎重的,小心的[in]I shall be ~ (in) deciding what to do.我会慎重决定该做什么e. 小心 […的使用,处理] 的,注意[…]的[with]You should be ~ with that knife.你要小心使用那把小刀f. 注意[…]的,注重[…]的[of, about]He is ~ about his appearance.他很注重自己的外表Be ~ of your health.注意你的健康; 请多保重3 细心的,仔细的,彻底的 <行为、工作等>~ work [a ~ examination]细心的工作[检查]4 (英口语) [对于金钱] 吝啬的,小气的[with]She is ~ with her money.她用钱总是精打细算

be careful with什么意思?

一、 be careful of …注意,小心.后接名词,动名词或从句.Please be careful of your spelling.Be careful of what they have said.二、be careful with… 小心…… 后接名词或动名词嘱咐别人小心做事, 我们可以用上“Be careful with...”,“with”后接名词或动名词.也可以说“Be careful (not) to do...”或“Be careful that you don"t...”[实例].1. Be careful with the wet paint.小心,油漆未干.2. Be careful that you don"t catch a cold. Put on more clothes before you go out.小心别感冒了.出门之前多穿点衣服.3. Be careful not to spill the milk.小心别把牛奶溅出来了.

请问be careful about/of/with的区别


. Be careful! It’s very hot. 中文翻译


Be careful 与 careful 的区别


be careful后面的句型用ing,为什么?

be careful,当be 是系动词,careful形容词做表语时,后面的动词要是动名词形式,就是ing形式,不是进行时。

be careful改成否定句

be careful改成否定句是not be careful否定句是表示否定的句子。必须有否定词,古代汉语中否定词可以是副词"不"、"弗"、"毋"、"勿"、"未"、"否"、"非",可以是动词如"无"。

Be careful为什么前面要加be?


be careful 后面加什么啊到底..


be careful后动词跟什么形式

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