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Efficiency Ratio 是什么意思啊啊?

efficiency ratioun.效率比率;功效比值 实用率;效率性比率;效益比例例句筛选1.Presents the calculation method of design energy efficiency ratio for an air conditioning system and its subsystems.提出了空调工程及其子系统设计能效比的计算方法。2.When buying an air- conditioner , check its Energy Efficiency Ratio, with lower numbers denoting better efficiency .购买冷气机时,应留意其能量效率比,,数值愈低代表效能愈佳。

slope efficiency是什么意思

  slope efficiency  英 [slu0259up iu02c8fiu0283u0259nsi] 美 [slop u026au02c8fu026au0283u0259nsi]  [释义]斜度效率;  [网络]斜效率; 斜率效率;  [例句]The slope efficiency was 12.7% with output coupling of 1%, and the threshold was 410 mW.  采用1%的输出耦合镜时单侧抽运阈值为410mW,双侧抽运阈值为380mW,斜率效率为127%。  -------------------------------如有疑问,可继续追问,如果满意,请采纳,谢谢。


efficient 与 effective的区别 a. efficient 是指工作效率高;其名词形式为efficiency,意为“效率,功效”。 b. effective 是指某种事物起了作用,产生了效果; 其名词形式为effectiveness,意为"效果,有效"。 如:increase efficiency of production and diminish cost of output 提高生产效率,降低产品成本。His order to arrest me was no longer effective. 他发出的逮捕我的命令已不再有效。


正确地做事”强调的是效率(effciency),其结果是让我们更快地朝目标迈进;“做正确的事”强调的则是效能(effectivenss),其结果是确保我们的工作是在坚实地朝着自己的目标迈进。 管理大师彼得·德鲁克曾在《有效的主管》一书中简明扼要地指出:“效率是‘以正确的方式做事",而效能则是“做正确的事”。效率和效能不应偏废,但这并不意味着效率和效能具有同样的重要性。我们当然希望同时提高效率和效能,但在效率与效能无法兼得时,我们首先应着眼于效能,然后再设法提高效率。” 多么经典的论述!请注意,在这段论述中,彼得·德鲁克提出了两组并列的概念:效率 “正确地做事”强调的是效率,其结果是让我们更快地朝目标迈进;“做正确的事”强调的则是效能,其结果是确保我们的工作是在坚实地朝着自己的目标迈进。换句话说,效率重视的是做一件工作的最好方法,效能则重视时间的最佳利用——这包括做或是不做某一项工作。麦肯锡卓越工作方法的最大秘诀就是,每一个麦肯锡人在开始工作前必须先确保自己是在“做正确的事”。 “正确地做事”与“做正确的事”有着本质的区别。“正确地做事”是以“做正确的事”为前提的,如果没有这样的前提,“正确地做事”将变得毫无意义。首先要做正确的事,然后才存在正确地做事。试想,在一个工业企业里,员工在生产线上,按照要求生产产品,其质量、操作行为都达到了标准,他是在正确地做事。但是如果这个产品根本就没有买主,没有用户,这就不是在做正确的事。这时无论他做事的方式方法多么正确,其结果都是徒劳无益的。 正确做事,更要做正确的事,这不仅仅是一个重要的工作方法,更是一种很重要的管理思想。任何时候,对于任何人或者组织而言,“做正确的事”都要远比“正确地做事”重要。对企业的生存和发展而言,“做正确的事”是由企业战略来解决的,“正确地做事”则是执行问题。如果做的是正确的事,即使执行中有一些偏差,其结果可能不会致命;但如果做的是错误的事情,即使执行得完美无缺,其结果对于企业来说也肯定是灾难。 对企业而言,倡导“正确做事”的工作方法和培养“正确做事”的人与倡导“做正确的事”的工作方法和培养“做正确的事”的人,其产生的效果是截然不同的。前者是保守的、被动接受的,而后者是进取创新的、主动的。 麦肯锡资深咨询顾问奥姆威尔·格林绍曾指出:“我们不一定知道正确的道路是什么,但却不要在错误的道路上走得太远。”这是一条对所有人都具有重要意义的告诫,他告诉我们一个十分重要的工作方法,如果我们一时还弄不清楚“正确的道路”(正确的事)在哪里,最起码,那就先停下自己手头的工作吧!(本文节选自《麦肯锡卓越工作方法》) 参考 http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_41620ca50100dl21.html




1999年,欧盟与欧洲电机与电力电子制造商协会(CEMEP)制定了电机能效标准(EU-CE-MEP协议).EU-CEMEP协议所覆盖的产品为全封闭扇冷型(IP54和IP55)三相交流笼型异步电机,功率范围从1.1~90 kW,极数为2极和4极,电压为400 V、50 Hz、S1工作制(即连续定额),标准设计(即其起动性能符合IEC60034-12中N设计的技术要求).该协议对每一规格电机规定了高、低两档效率指标,产品效率值低于低指标的称为Eff3电机,介于低指标与高指标之间的称Eff2电机,高于高指标的称Eff1电机,一般把Eff3电机称为低效率(Low Efficiency)电机,Eff2电机称为改善效率(Improved Efficiency)电机,Eff1电机称为高效率(High Efficiency)电机(效率值见表1和表2).该协议还规定了制造商应在产品铭牌和样本数据表上列出效率档次的标识及效率数值,以便用户选用和识别.





scale efficiency是什么意思

scale efficiency规模效率双语对照词典结果:网络释义1. 规模效率例句:1.Government insistence on collective ownership of land in the countryside "hinders growthof agricultural productivity and achievement of scale efficiency", according to yiping huang,a citigroup economist. 按照花旗集团(citigroup)经济学家黄益平的说法,政府坚持农村土地集体所有制“阻碍发展农业生产率和实现规模效益”。




1)at ,in, on, to,forat (1)表示在小地方; (2)表示“在……附近,旁边”in (1)表示 在大地方; (2)表示“在…范围之内”。on 表示毗邻,接壤,“在……上面”。to 表示在……范围外,不强调是否接壤;或“到……”2)above, over, on 在……上above 指在……上方,不强调是否垂直,与 below相对;over指垂直的上方,与under相对,但over与物体有一定的空间,不直接接触。 on表示某物体上面并与之接触。The bird is flying above my head.There is a bridge over the river.He put his watch on the desk.3)below, under 在……下面under表示在…正下方below表示在……下,不一定在正下方There is a cat under the table.Please write your name below the line.4)in front [frant]of, in the front of在……前面in front of…意思是“在……前面”,指甲物在乙物之前,两者互不包括;其反义词是behind(在……的后面)。There are some flowers in front of the house.(房子前面有些花卉。)in the front of 意思是“在…..的前部”,即甲物在乙物的内部.反义词是at the back of…(在……范围内的后部)。There is a blackboard in the front of our classroom.我们的教室前边有一块黑板。Our teacher stands in the front of the classroom. 我们的老师站在教室前.(老师在教室里)5)beside,behindbeside 表示在……旁边behind 表示在……后面


1、The institutions have realised they need to change their culture to improve efficiency and service 扩展资料 1、The institutions have realised they need to change their culture to improve efficiency and service. 这些机构已经意识到需要改变他们的`内部文化以提高效率、改进服务。 2、There are many ways to increase agricultural efficiency in the poorer areas of the world. 有很多方法能够提高世界贫困地区的农业效率。


  生产率(productivity)是指一个工人一小时所生产的物品与劳务量  生产率公式:生产率=生产的产品和服务的总量/所耗资源总数  效率(efficiency)是指有用功率对驱动功率的比值,同时也引申出了多种含义。效率也分为很多种,比如机械效率(mechanical efficiency)、热效率(thermal efficiency )等。效率与做功的快慢没有直接关系。



be efficiency是什么意思







efficiency是“效率”,如These machines have raised the efficiency many times,说到“效率”,会区分“效率”的“高”与“低”。effectivity是“有效”,会区分“有效”或“无效”。所以,两者是有区别的。


电机铭牌上的EFF代表效率,Efficiency 的缩写。电机俗称“马达”,是指依据电磁感应定律实现电能转换或传递的一种电磁装置。在电路中用字母M(旧标准用D)表示。它的主要作用是产生驱动转矩,作为用电器或各种机械的动力源。发电机在电路中用字母G表示。它的主要作用是利用机械能转化为电能,目前最常用的是,利用热能、水能等推动发电机转子来发电。



high efficiency是什么意思


energy efficiency是什么意思

energy efficiency 英[u02c8enu0259du0292i iu02c8fiu0283u0259nsi] 美[u02c8u025bnu0259du0292i u026au02c8fu026au0283u0259nsi] [词典] 能量系数,能量效率,能源效应; [例句]Revenues from "green taxes" could then be channelled back into energy efficiency.从“绿色税收”得来的收入便可回过头来用于提高能效。


efficiency原型是efficient ,efficiency中文意思是n. 效率,效能;(机器的)功率She arranged everything with her customary efficiency.她以她特有的高效率把一切都已安排妥当。It was achieved with minimum fuss and maximum efficiency.它以最少的慌乱和最高的效率被做到了。

scale efficiency是什么意思


微观经济学中 efficiency是什么意思啊?



It is usually incorrect to assume that the group failure load equals the sum of the pile failure loads with the piles acting individually. The difference is represented by an efficiency factor η:勘查工程专业英语For piles driven into loose or medium dense sands the effect of compaction will lead to an efficiency η greater than 1 with higher efficiencies for closer pile spacing and in looser sands. For piles driven into dense sands the efficiency is unlikely to exceed 1 and could be less if driving causes disturbance. For bored pile groups in sand the overlapping disturbance zones between piles is likely to reduce efficiency.The model tests of Whitaker on piles in clay,see Figure 9. 4,showed the significant effect of the spacing of the piles on efficiency. For a square group of piles the efficiency at a spacing of 8 diameters or more,even with a rigid pile cap was close to unity giving equal pile loads. As the spacing decreases the efficiency decreases but not too significantly.With wider spacing the pile group reaches a state of failure referred to as individual pile penetration,see Figure 9. 5,with the soil remaining static and the piles alone moving down. This,of course,assumes a‘free-standing" group. However,as the pile spacing decreases,at a critical pile spacing the soil between the piles moves down with the piles causing ‘block failure" when the efficiency diminishes dramatically,as shown in Figure 9. 5. The efficiency was also found to decrease for longer piles and for larger pile groups.Figure 9. 4 Efficiency of freestanding pile groupsFigure 9. 5 Modes of failure for free-standing pile group




1.效率、效益   经济学专业必备词汇(英-汉)- 英文写作...   efficiency效率、效益


词典结果:efficiency[英][u026au02c8fu026au0283nsi][美][u026au02c8fu026au0283u0259nsi]n.效率,效能; 实力,能力; [物]性能; 功效;例句:双语英语1.Privatisation can improve efficiency and service quality.私有化可以改进效率和服务质量。

be useful to和be useful for的区别



efficiency美 [u026a"fu026au0283(u0259)nsi]英 [u026a"fu026au0283(u0259)nsi]n.效率;效能;功效;提高功效的方法效率性;有效性;有效率复数:efficiencies 例句筛选1.It is, of course, very easy to improve the efficiency of the greedyalgorithm.当然,贪婪算法的有效性是很容易改进的。2.Presents the calculation method of design energy efficiency ratio foran air conditioning system and its subsystems.提出了空调工程及其子系统设计能效比的计算方法。



efficiency 什么意思


prefer to do和prefer doing的区别

prefer的用法 1、后接不定式时与rather than 或instead of连用,如:He preferred to die rather than (to) steal. / He perferred to die instead of stealing. 他宁死也不去偷窃。 2、注意介词搭配,如: I prefer swimming to skating. (I like swimming better than skating.)我喜欢游泳胜过滑冰。prefer 因其本身含有比较之意,而不可再与more 或most连用。 3、prefer+名词或动名词“宁愿”,“更喜欢”。He comes from Shanghai, so he prefers rice. 他是上海人,因此更喜欢吃米饭。I prefer going by bike.我宁愿骑单车去。I prefer the white one.我喜欢那个白的。 4、prefer to do “愿意做”。I prefer to go at once.我愿意马上就走。 5、prefer sb. to do “愿意某人做” I prefer you to go at once.我倒希望你马上就走。 6、prefer to sth.“宁愿做...而不做...”. I prefer tea to milk.我宁愿喝茶也不喝牛奶。I prefer watching TV to going out. 我宁愿看电视也不出去。 7、prefer to do sth. rather than do sth.“宁愿做...而不做...” I prefer to watch TV rather than go out.我宁愿呆在家里也不出去。 8、prefer+ that从句“宁愿”(从句一般用虚拟语气)I prefer that you should do it.我宁愿你做这件事。

fridge ; shelf ; refrigerator 这英语用谐音怎么读??


新概念三,people who work in offices are frequently referred to as white collar workers!

be referred to as 被认为...


gone 英[ɡu0252n] 美[ɡu0254n, ɡɑn] adj. 过去的;用完了;死去的;无望的,无可挽救的 v. go的过去分词 [例句]Do you think they "ve gone?你觉得他们走了吗?left 英[left] 美[lu025bft] adj. 左边的,左侧的;左派的 n. 左,左面;[军]左翼;左派,激进分子 adv. 向左;在左边 [例句]He left apple in 1985.他于1985年离开了苹果。has left &has gone都表示已离开(现在完成时),has left 表示离开的动作,he has left the room ,他已经离开这个房间了.has gone 表示离开的状态,he has gone to the school,他已经去学校了(在去学校的路上.了)

解决C++小程序 multiple definition

太有个性了,没见过include cpp文件的……

arcgis中definition query是干嘛的

可以利用SQL向已经存在的Feature Class中填加记录,或者是利用SQL创建自定义的查询以显示某条记录,或者是利用SQL创建一个具备Spatial Type列的新表,然后Register这个表以在ArcGIS中使用。(1)如果利用SQL向已有的Feature Class添加新的记录:首先在ArcCatalog中新建一个要素图层,如果数据库是Oracle,则创建的时候应该在Use Configuration Keyword中将空间列的类型设置为ST_GEOMETRY,然后将数据添加 到ArcMap中,然后利用SQL添加一行记录: insert into buildings(OBJECTID, FID, BUILDING_, BUILDING_I, TAG, TYPE, SUBTYPE, SYMBOL, LOCK__ID, PHASE__ID, ZOOM_SYMBO, SHAPE) Values (1, 0, 12972, 18907, "22JSM0000023946", "BLD", "RES", 6, 0, 0, 1, ST_GEOMETRY ("POLYGON (( 2219520.56768649 387051.66985716, 2219525.34823696 387079.52399077,2219536.03133855 387077.71905252, 2219539.05578917 387095.47546386, 2219528.17754562 387097.32910505,2219528.61661291 387099.81695550, 2219489.00622816 387106.54876471, 2219480.81097279 387058.40167483, 2219520.56768649 387051.66985716))", 3));(2)利用SQL创建的自定义查询表达式以查询要素:首先将要素添加到ArcMap中,右键单击图层,选择Properties/Definition Query 面板,创建以下SQL查询语句:objectid in (select p.objectid FROM buildings b, water_lines w where watertype = "MAIN" and ST_Overlaps (p.shape, ST_Buffer (f.shape, 55)) = 1)(3)ESRI推荐使用ArcGIS创建Feature Class,这样能够保证数据的完整性,但是也支持将SQL创建的Feature Class或者第三方应用创建的Feature Class注册为ArcGIS识别的类型。 可以利用ArcSDE Administrator Command:sdelayer –o register,手动实现将Table注册为Feature Class,以下为将SQL创建的Table,用ArcSDE注册为Feature Class,以下为例子:首先在SQL中创建一个Table:create table comm._bldgs as select * from buildings where SUBTYPE = "COM"; 然后利用ArcSDE进行注册:sdelayer -o register -l comm_bldgs,shape -e a -C OBJECTID,SDE -R -u -p 需要注意的是:需要Register的Table必须满足以下条件:(1)注册该表的用户必须是该表的所有者;(2)必须具备单一的ST_GEOMETRY列;(3)不包括其它User-defined类型;(4)具备单一的几何类型(Points,Lines,Polygons);(5)必须具备ID列,该列必须是Integer,Unique,NonNull;(6)应该具备Spatial Index。 如果以上注册的Feature Class将参与到Relationship、Geometric Networks、Topology、Subtypes、Default Types、Domains、Validation Rules,则需要Registered with the Geodatabase:在ArcCatalog中右键单击要注册的Feature Class或者Table,选择Register With Geodatabase。

definition of communication?

1 : an act or instance of transmitting2 a) : information communicated b ): a verbal or written message3 a) : a process by which information is exchanged between individuals through a common system of symbols, signs, or behavior *the function of pheromones in insect communication*; also : exchange of information b) : personal rapport *a lack of communication between old and young persons*4 plural a): a system (as of telephones) for communicating b) : a system of routes for moving troops, supplies, and vehicles c : personnel engaged in communicating5 plural but singular or plural in construction a) : a technique for expressing ideas effectively (as in speech) b) : the technology of the transmission of information (as by print or telecommunication)

keil stm32中go to definition不能使用,出现browser的窗口.求大神解答,在线等。。。

这个我也常长碰到这种情况。。。也不知道为什么,同求大神!不过我一般的都是找到go to definition相近的函数或变量,然后再在那个附近找

PROTEL中为什么经常出现ROOM DEFINITION?都是在原理图导出PCB里出现的!


Definition Updates这个文件夹里的能删除么

Windows在更新的时候产生临时的文件。这只是更新临时文件,不是病毒,所以用杀毒软件扫描没有用,如果你删不掉就用WIN PE登录可以删掉。 下面是网上看到的方法,本人没试过,你可以试试:“在E盘再新建个文件夹(切记名称不能是“新建文件夹”也不能名称相同),将含有该文件的原文件夹拖入你新建的文件夹内,现在你可以试一下删除你新建的文件夹了。“

DEVC++ multiple definition 和 first definition错误怎么解决?


definition of done是什么意思


multiple definition是什么意思

multiple definition多重定义双语对照词典结果:multiple definition[英][u02c8mu028cltipl u02ccdefiu02c8niu0283u0259n][美][u02c8mu028cltu0259pu0259l u02ccdu025bfu0259u02c8nu026au0283u0259n]多重定义; 以上结果来自金山词霸

关于definition scary

我的观点是:新的各种各样的知识总是被认为是可怕的.但是,每次你努力做,努力学,当知识积累起来,世界将向你敞开.这里definition scary不应单独拿出来,而应结合by理解. by definition 根据定义,是插入语,可以从句子中拿掉再理解.scary可怕的.这样你就容易理解了the new, the different, is almost scary.四级答得咋样那,朋友?

formal definition和informal defination区别


Definition of Employed Capital and Working Capital

Capital employed has many definitions and is not easily *** yzed. In general, it represents the capital investment necessary for a business to function. Consequently, it is not a measure of assets, but of capital investment: stock or shares and long-term liabilities. [edit] Definition Capital employed is usually represented as total assets less current liabilities, or fixed assets plus working capital: CapitalEmployed = FixedAssets + CurrentAssets u2212 CurrentLiabilities or CapitalEmployed = FixedAssets + WorkingCapital A further approach to assessing the stability of funding is to calculate the total long-term funds used by a pany. Long-term debt, long-term liabilities, long-term provisions and equity provide obvious sources of long-term funding, but a further source is provided by the short-term debt that remains on the balance sheet at the year end. The sum of these sources of long-term funds is termed capital employed. [edit] Use in financial *** ysis Capital employed is used mostly for calculating return on capital employed (ROCE), an alternative to return on equity (ROE) and return on assets (ROA) ratios. Working capital (also known as working capital) is a financial metric which represents the amount of day-by-day operating liquidity available to a business. Along with fixed assets such as plant and equipment, working capital is considered a part of operating capital. It is calculated as current assets minus current liabilities. A pany can be endowed with assets and profitability, but short of liquidity, if these assets cannot readily be converted into cash. Current assets and current liabilities include three accounts which are of special importance. These accounts represent the areas of the business where managers have the most direct impact: accounts receivable (current asset) inventory (current assets), and accounts payable (current liability) In a situation where a pany carries more cash than the mininum amount needed to maintain operations, the excess portion is usually excluded from working capital. In addition, the current (payable within 12 months) portion of debt is critical, because it represents a short-term claim to current assets. Common types of short-term debt are bank lo and lines of credit. A positive change in working capital indicates that the business has either increased current assets (that is received cash, or other current assets) or has decreased current liabilities, for example has paid off some short-term creditors.,

find the definition

从右边的纵列中找出左边纵列中单词相匹配的定义 which引导定语从句,修饰definition

by definition是什么词性,可以放在哪里使用,充当什么?

by definition 根据定义 根据解释可看做程度副词放在句首,句中,句尾。By definition , every data type widens to itself按照定义,每种数据类型都扩大到自身。These are , by definition , very hard to forecast由定义可知,它们非常难以预测。But sometimes things may be made darker by definition .但是,有时,事物很难定义。







by definition是什么意思

by definition[英][bai u02ccdefiu02c8niu0283u0259n][美][bau026a u02ccdu025bfu0259u02c8nu026au0283u0259n]根据/按照定义; 双语例句1By definition is a chance event.指的是一个偶然性的事件.




显然resolution 是分辨率的意思你从字根就可以看出来,resolution 应该是resolve过来的,就是设备能够解决的,或者看清楚,也就是分辨率了。definition 是清晰度,大概是define 来的,就是定义,也就是定义的程度,区别也就是分辨率和清晰度的区别了。 这种问题看看字典就知道了



死魂曲的《definition》 歌词

歌曲名:definition歌手:死魂曲专辑:死魂曲Mario - No DefinitionI"m not your manWe"re more than friendsWe make love but I don"t call you my loverI do for you, you do for meIt works because we don"t smother each otherIts short and sweet, the time we spendWe cant take a second of it for granted (No)I barely understand itIt"s not the way I planned it the way I planned itWhy cant it just be what it is?Bridge(Whats in a name) if we got what we needAint nobody coming between us but weEverything I told you about my love I need(I said) Everything that I said I needChorusActions speak louder than wordsBaby, I"m gonna treat you the way you deserveWe don"t need we don"t need de-fini-tionWe don"t need de-fini-tionWhat I feel is real & if you look that upOn top of the word you see picture of usWe don"t need, we don"t need de-fini-tionWe don"t need de-fini-tionWe shop, we dine, spend cuddle timeCome over but only on invitationNot now, in time, we"re border lineI like you but don"t quit your occupationMy heart, my ace but just in caseLets stay open to other situationsWhy tell you we gonna be moreKeep you on a leash forI don"t wanna string you along, girlBridgeChorusGirlEven though we used to the titles and getting madeBut maybe this time we should just leave this one alone(Cause) if this working for us, then its working for usDon"t Go messing it up (Don"t go messing it up)Even though we used to the titles and getting madeBut maybe this time we should just leave this one alone(Cause) if this working for us, then its working for ushttp://music.baidu.com/song/27891539


Definition of "Native English" The term Native English,if used with reference to an individual of limited English proficiency,means: -- The language normally used by that individual,or,in the case of a child,the language normally used by the parents of the child (except as provided below); -- In all direct contact with a child (including his or her evaluation),the language normally used by the child in the home or learning environment. For an individual with deafness or blindness or no written language,the mode of communication is that normally used by the individual (such as oral communication). 出处: Office of Special Education Programs Training Overheads on the IDEA "97 Regulations







defender of the faith是什么意思


defender of the faith是什么意思

DefenderoftheFaith英  美  护救者DefenderoftheFaith是什么意思,词典释义与在线翻译:英英释义Noun:atitlethatLeoXbestowedonHenryVIIIandlaterwithdrew;parliamentrestoredthetitleandithasbeenusedbyEnglishsovereignseversinceDefenderoftheFaith的用法和样例:例句DefenderoftheFaithisnowclearedproperlywhenawarendsbadly.如果战败,真理捍卫者的头衔现在能被正确地消除了。Heisthedefenderoftheprosecuted.他是被告的辩护人。



#include #include #include #include typedef struct //定义一个接


What changes in the marketing environment does the Schwab marketing effort reflect

The establishment of customer satisfaction, value, and the preservation of the market hot ---- Charles Schwab Charles Schwab discount brokerage was set up, named after him in 1974. The company"s low-cost investment products are based on the traditional aversion of the Charles Schwab brokers, who he labeled "the insider selling of information, always trying to let me buy the product or investment", until 1993, the broker Charles Schwab has been instructions do not provide investment advice, but publicly available research users Morningstar Poor"sor Standard & Poor"s. Schwab to benefit from the prosperity of online transactions. As early as in any traditional brokerage firms that move e-commerce in 1997, Schwab was the first discount brokerage firms offer online trading. It provides online trading 29.95 U.S. dollars in the first 1.000 shares, and each transaction costs, more than 100 U.S. dollars. To start in 1995, online trading accounted for 85% implementation of all walks of life Schwab in 2001 years ago. The company"s retail assets grew by three to one trillion U.S. dollars, almost at the same time, in league with the nation"s largest brokerage. From 1997 to 2000, average daily trading rose 183 points, 112 per cent profit increase in the time limit. Charles Schwab"s marketing activities to help the company become a household name in the same transactions on the Internet. Early use of real financial advertising customers and employees to identify personal ads, in 1999, the company"s celebrity spokesman for the military to provide comprehensive services to advertise their online investment services. Featured sports stars humorous advertising, such as the football player Shannon Sharpe, and tennis star Anna Kournikova in a guest role, Schwab customers who surprised the rival"s knowledge of investment principles. Heading differences contribute to the strengthening of Schwab"s online brokerage only: "We have created a smart investment, we have established a more smart investors," these ads as part of the Charles Schwab 2:00 u3007 u3007 billion dollars in 1999 marketing budget. In 2001, as a slowdown in online transactions, with the collapse of the dot-com bubble, Schwab sought to expand its business customers with more services, rather than relying on a large number of low-cost promotion of industry revenue, Schwab began to focus on the provision of Investment Consulting, its customers. Brokers in the new offices on the Schwab financial consultants from their clients to seek investment in skills and other service charges. Schwab also provides equity research considered proprietary customers. Industry experts expect that the new service will be to rewrite the role of Schwab more similar to the traditional brokerage firm. Schwab before the implementation of the forecast, "Schwab will be a lot closer than that of Schwab, Merrill Lynch yesterday." Source: John Gorman, "Charles Schwab, version 4.0," Forbes January 8, 2001, pp.89 - 85. Brown and Ken Charles Gasparino, "Schwab"s stock in their online transactions are moved to" The Wall Street Journal, June 19, 2001, p.A1. Rebecca Buckman and Catherine Kranhold, "Schwab, the supply of sports-themed ad," The Wall Street Journal, August 30, 1999, p.B9 1. Changing market environment is reflected in Schwab marketing efforts? How to effectively market demand is expected to Schwab? 2.Draw recent economic development, is expected to change in the future may be for Schwab, consider what the past and future events may have a significant impact on its future mode of operation.




一、创建msr分区:  1、在win10搜索栏输入cmd,找到后右键然后以管理员模式运行(大家也可以使用win+x,然后点击命令提示符(管理员))  2、输入diskpart.exe后回车  3、输入listdisk命令后回车  二、按显示信息来进行下一步操作  只有一块硬盘:  1、输入listvolume命令后回车  2、选择带有引导分区的盘符(一般为c盘),记住卷编号  3、运行命令  selectvolumex(x为上一步记住的编号)  shrinkdesired=50minimum=40  createpartitionmsr  4、输入命令listpartition来确认msr分区是否创建成功,创建完毕后退出即可。  有两块以上的硬盘,首先要确认disk0(简单理解为第一块硬盘,计数从0开始)的分区情况,  1、输入以下命令:  selectdisk0  listpartition  selectpartition1  detailpartition  2、根据得到的分区细节信息,确定其是否为c盘(引导分区)以及ntfs分区。如果是的话,按照第3步进行处理;如果不是,输入以下命令检查下一分区:  selectpartition2  detailpartition  以此类推,直到你确定了该分区为引导分区和/或ntfs格式为止。  3、输入以下命令:  shrinkdesired=50minimum=40  createpartitionmsr  4、输入以下命令来确认msr分区是否创建成功:  listpartition  成功之后退出命令提示符即可。  以上就是如何处理安装win10时硬盘不支持uefi固件问题,把硬盘设置为ntfs格式,就可以支持uefi固件从而可以正常安装系统。参考网站:



进行一次和谈是have a peaceful talk还是have a peace talk?





GPT是硬盘的分区模式,其含义为“全局唯一标识磁盘分区表”,是一个实体硬盘的分区表的结构布局的标准。它是可扩展固件接口(EFI)标准(被Intel用于替代个人计算机的BIOS)的一部分,被用于替代BIOS系统中的一32bits来存储逻辑块地址和大小信息的主开机纪录(MBR)分区表。EFI是可扩展固件接口(Extensible Firmware Interface,EFI),是 Intel 为 PC 固件的体系结构、接口和服务提出的建议标准。其主要目的是为了提供一组在 OS 加载之前(启动前)在所有平台上一致的、正确指定的启动服务,被看做是有近20多年历史的 BIOS 的继任者。UEFI是由EFI1.10为基础发展起来的,它的所有者已不再是Intel,而是一个称作Unified EFI Form的国际组织。

The shadow thief_偷影子的人英语作文800字

"Stealing the shadow of the man", it is a heart, the warmth of the novel, the story meanders, like a trickle, gradually into the heart, to heart. Taking the childhood as the starting point, the author tells about family affection, friendship and love. The special function of communicating with the shadow makes him more able to see the invisible side of others. In fact, every powerful heart has a soft heart. Human is a strange species, always duplicity, always give yourself a protective color, do it yourself unbridled is simply a luxury. To see a child being bullied by the protagonist, although they were not being bullied, but can not help but recall those who have this experience in primary school children, the heart is great trauma and injuries have much impact on the future character of the interpretation of dreams (the profound impact of childhood experiences on personality). Every child is an angel, your careless words, for children, may be fatal harm. He is just a small part of your life, and you are all his life, do not miss the most precious pure love. Although the author does not mention the influence of children"s experience on their personality, these effects are more or less reflected in the future of human life. Twelve year old boy with autism children Claire, initiation emotion, life has little effect on claire. If the little boy had never stolen her shadow and read her heart, maybe the little girl was still a deaf mute in everyone"s heart. Because the boy inadvertently praised her voice as a cello, the little girl embarked on the cello music path. Maybe everything is predestined, every meeting is not to meet again. Miss more than ten years ago, now can not miss again, the hero finally overcome content fear, boldly walked into the girl. If he doesn"t try, maybe he"ll never know, and the girl"s heart is open to him. Although the development of the story of "stealing the shadow" is a clue to fantasy, it is a warm and emotional line. The reader accompanies the boy from ignorance to maturity, and feels the infinite energy of family, friendship and love. If asked, who can accompany us from regret to death, from birth to death, some people may say that parents, some people may say that a friend, but people have ignored that unknown forever standing behind, sharing happiness and sadness of "shadow" friends. For the little boy who stole the shadow, he was too obsessed with what he had lost, but he didn"t treasure what he had. His father"s departure became the wound of his heart, and he often neglected how much love his mother devoted to him. He wanted to make up for his shortcomings. The boy"s heart is full of love for his mother, but this love has not been expressed, he does not know, some words, if not say, there will never be a chance. Life after adulthood is rich and colorful, and the work is substantial. He had grown accustomed to his mother"s care for him, but had been careless, and never noticed that his mother had grown old. He had never even stolen the shadow of his mother. He knew so many secrets and helped so many people, but he never knew his mother"s heart. "Some people only kiss shadow, and only have the illusion of happiness." Savon"s famous quote accurately sums up the theme of the whole book and the actions of the protagonists. And this book gives me the inspiration is that a story can be perfect, but life is not so perfect, in addition to sweet and bitter, in addition to laughter, and tears. We also like the characters in the story, as a child, there are some as big as the day, now it seems childish and ridiculous trouble, but also the most sentimental, the most innocent about love ignorant. Every laugh, worry, happiness, meeting, parting, and even reunion in this book are all about growing up and about life. I saw his own shadow in the book is that we have to be brave enough to grow up, brave to face everything in life, the courage to love and be loved, brave and alive, the most important thing is to face and accept yourself, accept the reason and rules covered by layers bound by myself.

The shadow thief,偷影子的人英语作文600字

Everyone has more or less regrets about his childhood, some because he has done something wrong, or because he has missed something. When we grow up and realize that it is a pity, if we are given the opportunity to remedy it or save it, whether we try hard or not, it also proves whether we really grow up or not. The man who steals the shadow tells the story of a boy from his childhood to his epiphany, and finally finds his first dream. In the meantime, there is the friendship beeen him and his friends, and there is a gradual maturity and transformation of love, of course, all of which can not be separated from his special function - "steal the shadow." Book "steal shadow" similar to a mind reader, but each person"s shadow are independent, they can not only disclose privacy encounter with the master, will be able to master all the ments, and can express their attitude. A boy with the shadow of the shadow of others can overlap, with shadow - a set of imagination exchanges others is very rich, indeed the shadow overlap this phenomenon is enough to make people fall into a reverie, but very few people to wonder exactly, the author grasped this point. Here you have to further *** yze the "stealing shadow" than "mind reading" genius. As I said before, the shadow can express their own things, said direct meaning and reading can be read, read people"s heart, as true or false or hidden things need to be o times the processing from the shadow of the information extraction, so more real, mature and convenient. Book by stealing shadow, to accept the shadow mission to help others, greatly *** all stories are permeated with the truth "and philosophy, of course the story is acpanied by the growth of the boy, the story is the story of a *** all truth, truth grew up. Among them, Luc, the boy"s old friend, left the bakery with the help of the boy, stepped on his long sought after career as a doctor, and finally found himself really interested in the baker, and eventually returned to the bakery. This story is very interesting, sometimes people imagine things are not necessarily their own really like, and really like the surface may not be so high sounding. In fact, the occupation without distinction, can find happiness at work is lucky. So I think Luc got it right, which is also a symbol of his growth. The boy chose to give up Sophie, Keleierze have different approaches but equally satisfactory results, but this is reflected in the love, feeling more subtle and some hazy. Sophie is a good girl, but for boys is more suitable for his clare. Although many years ago, because of his poor judgement leads to wrong, but when the boy finally found their own mistakes and what you really want is what the girl, he gave up what we have now, but to pursue Clare, though may be fruitless, but he knew he had to do so. In fact, Sophie is the same, these young people all understand a truth, is to find the real belongs to their own half.





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你用的XP 系统吧.. 别把游戏 还有默认下载路径什么的都放C盘 系统目录下 xP用久了垃圾文件多.. 不过你那显卡。。。是古董了. 我觉得应该是硬盘问题 玩游戏的时候别用中文输入法.
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