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redress remedy rectify区别

redress 是改正,改正错误可以用,也有矫正的意思,可以表示矫正平衡一类的.remedy 其实是名词,倾向于医药,药理上的纠正.rectify 和redress比起来用在具体的东西上比较多吧,像改正作业文件错误之类的.




therapy / remedy “,治疗法”。Remedy还可指药物。cure 名词与动词都有“治愈”。heal “痊愈(多指外伤)”。指伤口愈合。

Stop being needy翻译?




200字左右英语作文helping the needy

As an example of the power of love, we should remember how the Chinese people of all nationalities respond to the call to help the victims of natural disasters every year. Although their incomes are still low by international standards, people all over the country do not hesitate to donate whatever they can ― be it money or goods ― to help their needy fellow citizens. Moreover, they do this with no thought of gain for themselves..In my opinion, the best way to show love is to help people who are more unfortunate than we are..zwen8.com We should always be ready to give a helping hand to those who are in trouble, no matter whether they are family members or complete strangers. In this way, we can help to make the world a better place, for the darker the shadows of sorrow become, the more brightly the lamp of love shines.


第五季 13集

idle young,needy old什么意思


Oh, my God, you are so needy啥意思?

Oh, my God, you are so needy我的天啊,你太可怜了

英语谚语:Idle young, needy old 中文翻译是什么?

英语谚语: Idle young needy old 中文意思: 少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。 随机推荐10条英文谚语: Omelets are not made without breaking eggs 有失才有得。 Once a devil always a devil 一次做魔鬼,永远是魔鬼。 Once a knave ever a knave 一朝失足,铸成千古恨。 Once a man and twice a child 一次为成人,两度当小孩。 Once bit twice shy 一朝被蛇咬,三年怕草绳。 Once is no custom 一次不成例。 Once on shore we pray no more 一旦上了岸,就不再祈祷。 On earth there is nothing great but man in man there is nothing great but mind 在世界上没有一件东西有如人那样伟大,在人之内没有一件东西有如人心那么伟大。 One barking dog sets all street a-barking 一狗吠声响,狗吠满街坊。 One beats the bush and another catches the birds 坐享其成。 英语谚语: Idle young needy old 中文意思: 少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。

help the poor and needy是什么意思

help the poor and needy帮助贫穷的人

be needy to

是贫穷的 1.To be destitute or needy. 贫困或匮乏 2.a place where food is dispensed to the needy. 为穷人分发食物的地方. 3.* to provide public rental housing to the needy,which is our priority; and *第一,是为有需要的市民提供租住公屋.这是我们的首要任务; 4.Her life was devoted to caring for the sick and needy. 她一生都致力于关心照顾贫病交迫的人. 5.He deems that it is his duty to help the needy. 他认为帮助穷人是他的责任. 6.who is needy,sporty or brainy enough to get a scholarship; ·那些非常穷、体育很好或者十分聪明因而能得到奖学金的人也可以上大学; 7.They awarded scholarships to needy students. 他们给贫苦学生奖学金. 8.There is a needy family. 这儿有一家穷苦的人家. 9.The greedy man is always needy. 贪心者从不满足. 10.The project is expected to eventually solve the food and clothing problem of 3.5 million needy people. 项目建成后将使项目区350万贫困人口稳定解决温饱问题.

Help the needy

the +形容词表示一类人这里的needy是形容词the needy是有需要要的人help the needy帮助需要帮助的人

英语the needy area怎么翻译?


请问一下英语翻译高手,这几个词有什么使用上的区别? Poor, needy,destitute, indigent

poor 除了指贫穷的还可以指可怜的。这个词作贫穷意的时候有鄙视的意思needy是poor的委婉说法destitute是比较书面语的说法indigent除了指贫穷还可以指匮乏




有些人总是会被描述成 needy,这个词汇通常被用来形容某些人在人际关系中需要过多的关注、支持和情感慰藉。但是,需要关注一下的是,needy的意思并不完全等同于“粘人”,这个词汇包含了更多的含义。什么是Needy?根据普通的理解,needy是指某些人在人际关系中需要比其他人更多的支持、关注和认可,这些需要可能是由于他们情感上的缺失或者疾病问题导致。这个词汇最常用于情感关系中,比如恋爱或家庭关系。Needy与“粘人”之间的区别尽管许多人都认为needy和“粘人”是等同的,但两者实际上是有所不同的。Needy是一种情感上的需求,而“粘人”则是行为上的表现。也就是说,一个人可能需要更多的支持和照顾,但他的表现却并不一定会让其他人感觉到他是“粘人”。为什么有些人会表现出Needy的行为?在一些情况下,人们表现出needy的行为可能是由于关注或支持缺失所导致的。比如,一个孤独的人可能会需要更多的社会支持,好让他能够克服自己的困境。在其他的情况下,needy的行为也可能是由于沟通技能不足所导致的。比如说,一个人可能并不知道如何自我调节自己的情绪,所以他会依赖别人来帮助他。如何处理与Needy的人的关系?对于那些与needy的人有关系的人,最好的做法就是要学会尊重他们的感受和需求,尝试理解他们的处境。但是,同时你也需要学会自我保护,不要让自己被他们的需求所控制。在这种情况下,与这些人的沟通也是非常关键的,你可以和他们共同探讨如何更好地满足他们的需求,同时也要让他们知道你的想法和感受。如何避免成为Needy的人?如果你也担心自己成为needy的人,那么有一些简单的方法帮助你避免这一状况的发生。首先,你需要更加关注自己的情感健康,包括自我调节能力和自我意识。你可以寻求心理医生或心理咨询师的帮助来达到这一成果。此外,你也可以建立并保持良好的社交网络和人脉圈,这可以帮助你更好地应对人生的各种挑战。结论总之,needy并不等同于“粘人”,这是两个不同的概念。了解这些概念的区别可以帮助我们更好地处理与这类型人群相关的事情,同时也可以更好地管理自己的情绪和情感健康。最重要的是要寻求帮助和与他人的沟通,这可以帮助我们更加从容地应对各种挑战。

英语中needy 一词什么意思?如何使用?

needy[5ni:dI]adj-ier, -iest 穷的;贫困的needy[5ni:di]adj.贫穷的, 无生计的, 极贫困的a needy family贫穷人家the poor and needy穷苦的人们needilyadv.neediness[`ni:dInIs]n.穷困, 贫穷needy[ 5ni:di ]adj.贫困的, 非常贫穷的, 缺乏生活必需品的





WWE Mr. Kennedy个人资料



  From tramp to King of Comedy, Chaplin   About the year 1900, a small, dark-haired boy was often seen waiting outside the back entrances of London theatres. He looked thin and hungry but his blue eyes were determined. Despite his painfully hard childhood, the boy knew how to make people laugh. He could sing and dance and was hoping to make a living in show business.   When he couldn"t get work the boy wandered about the city streets like a tramp. He found food and shelter wherever he could. Sometimes he was sent away to a home for children who had no parents. He was cold and miserable there and the children were scolded and punished for the slightest fault. He hated it.   Thirty years later he was accepting the hospitality of kings. Everyone wanted to meet him. Pictures show him in the company of men like Churchill, Einstein and Gandhi. He had become almost a royal figure in the bright new world of the cinema – Charlie Chaplin, the king of comedy.   Chaplin"s life was a continuous adventure. In 1889, Chaplin was born in London, England to parents who both worked in theater. His father"s death from drinking too much and mother"s illness left him in poverty for most of his childhood. However, Chaplin didn"t get lost in the poverty. In fact, he had set a goal for himself at a young age: to become the most famous person in the world.   When Chaplin was five years old his mother suddenly lost her voice during a performance and had to leave the stage. To help his mother, little Chaplin went on stage and sang a well-known song at that time, "Jack Jones". Halfway through the song a shower of money poured onto the stage. Chaplin stopped singing and told the audience he would pick up the money first and then finish the song. The audience laughed. This was only the first of millions of laughs in Chaplin"s legendary career.   Lack of education did not hold Chaplin back from developing the special talent locked inside him. He took his courage and went to see one of the top theatrical agents in London. With no experience at all, he was offered the plum part of Billy – the paperboy in a new production of "Sherlock Holmes". "Sherlock Holmes" opened on July 27, 1903 at an enormous theatre. Chaplin seemed to change overnight. It was as if he had found the thing he was meant to do: to be an actor.   Cinema was born in the same year as Chaplin. When people still believed it was a passing fad and would never replace live shows, Chaplin was determined to master this new medium, for it would offer him the chance of money and success. Chaplin"s first film, released in February 1914, was called "Making a living". The film was well received by the public but didn"t satisfy Chaplin. After some disappointments and anxieties, he created his classical character -- "the little tramp". From his very first appearance, the mild little man brought laughter to people"s faces. With the black moustache, wide-open eyes, round black hat and shoes too large for his feet, he makes all kinds of stupid mistakes. He is always in trouble. Yet he dreams of greatness. He makes audience laugh with his crazy attempts to escape his cruel fate. He finds surprising ways out of every difficulty and life never quite destroys him. The little tramp is not very different from the cold, homeless, poorly dressed child who refused to despair. Like the child he is weak and frightened, but he never gives up.   The tramp became a huge success. By the time he was thirty Chaplin was the greatest, best known, and best loved comedy actor in the world. He received thousands of dollars for each film he made and had formed his own filmmaking company. But he continued his pursuit of perfection in art. When making the film "The Immigrant", Chaplin spent four days and four nights to cut the film to the required length. He viewed each scene perhaps fifty times before he decided exactly where to cut.   Explaining his success, Chaplin once wrote, "You have to believe in yourself. That"s the secret. Even when I was in the children"s home, when I was wandering the streets trying to find enough to eat to keep alive, even then I thought of myself as the greatest actor in the world." Through hard times and glorious days he always believed in himself and never lost faith. It is through this self-confidence that Chaplin made people look at the world more positively despite his own troubles. And even though his films were in black and white, he put a lot of color into everyone"s life.

Two For Tragedy 歌词

歌曲名:Two For Tragedy歌手:Nightwish专辑:Wishmaster-Century MediaApprentice!Heartborne, 7th SeekerWarrior!Disciple!In me the WishmasterSilvaraStarbreezeSla-Mori the one known only by HimTo august realms, the sorcery withinIf you hear the call of arcane lore,Your world shall rest on Earth no moreA maiden elf calling with her cunning song"Meet me at the Inn of Last Home"Heartborne will find the way!Master!Apprentice!Heartborne, 7th SeekerWarrior!Disciple!In me the WishmasterMaster!Apprentice!Heartborne, 7th SeekerWarrior!Disciple!In me the WishmasterWishmasterCrusade for Your willA child, dreamfinderThe Apprentice becoming...Master!Apprentice!Heartborne, 7th SeekerWarrior!Disciple!In me the WishmasterMaster!Master!Apprentice!Apprentice!Heartborne, 7th SeekerHeartborne, 7th SeekerWarrior!Warrior!Disciple!Disciple!In me the WishmasterMaster!Apprentice!Heartborne, 7th SeekerWarrior!Disciple!In me the WishmasterElberethLorienA dreamy-eyed child staring into nightOn a journey to storyteller`s mindWhispers a wish speaks with the stars the words are silent in HimDistant sigh from a lonely heart"I`ll be with you soon, my Shalafi"Grey Havens my destinyIn me the WishmasterMaster!Master!Apprentice!Heartborne, 7th SeekerWarrior!Disciple!In me the Wishmasterhttp://music.baidu.com/song/421110



找一首含有everbedy cry的英文歌

Big Girls Don"t Cry -Fergie Da Da Da DaThe smell of your skin lingers on me nowYour probably on your flight back to your home townI need some shelter of my own protection babyTo be with myself instead of calamityPeace, SerenityI hope you know, I hope you knowThat this has nothing to do with youIt"s personal, Myself and IWe"ve got some straightenin" out to doAnd I"m gonna miss you like a child misses their blanketBut Ive got to get a move on with my lifeIts time to be a big girl nowAnd big girls don"t cryDon"t cryDon"t cryDon"t cryThe path that I"m walkingI must go aloneI must take the baby steps until I"m full grownFairytales don"t always have a happy ending, do theyAnd I foresee the dark ahead if I stayI hope you know, I hope you knowThat this has nothing to do with youIt"s personal, Myself and IWe"ve got some straightenin" out to doAnd I"m gonna miss you like a child misses their blanketBut Ive got to get a move on with my lifeIts time to be a big girl nowAnd big girls don"t cryLike the little school mate in the school yardWe"ll play jacks and uno cardsIll be your best friend andyou"ll be mine ValentineYes you can hold my hand if u want toCause I want to hold yours tooWell be playmates and lovers and share our secret worldsBut its time for me to go homeIts getting late, dark outsideI need to be with myself instead of calamityPeace, SerenityI hope you know, I hope you knowThat this has nothing to do with youIt"s personal, Myself and IWe"ve got some straightenin" out to doAnd I"m gonna miss you like a child misses their blanketBut I"ve got to get a move on with my lifeIts time to be a big girl nowAnd big girls don"t cryDon"t cryDon"t cryDon"t cry




omedy 名词 意思是:喜剧/喜剧性事件/喜剧作品/喜剧因素它侧重于喜剧drama 名词 意思是:一出戏/剧本/戏剧comedy是drama 的一个分类,drama还包含悲剧tragedy等等它侧重于戏剧

[VOA英译汉-双语][35]John Kennedy: Young 约翰·肯尼迪:年轻

VOA Learning English presents America"s Presidents. 美国之音慢速英语介绍美国总统栏目。 Today we are talking about John Fitzgerald Kennedy. He was also known as Jack Kennedy, or by the letters JFK. 今天,我们来谈论约翰·菲茨杰尔德·肯尼迪。他也被称作杰克·肯尼迪,或名字首字母JFK。 When he took office in 1961, Kennedy was 43 years old. He was the youngest elected president in United States" history. 1961年就任总统时,肯尼迪年仅43岁。他是美国历史上最年轻的当选为总统的人。 Kennedy was also the first Catholic to be elected U.S. president. 肯尼迪也是第一位罗马天主教徒的美国总统。 Kennedy"s youth and religion raised questions in the minds of some Americans that Kennedy could lead the country. They wondered if he would always follow the policies of the Roman Catholic Church . 肯尼迪的年轻和信仰让一些美国人不禁产生了他是否能够领导美国的疑问。他们怀疑肯尼迪会一直遵循 罗马天主教会 的政策。 But Kennedy became well-known as a statesman, and popular with people around the world. He was intelligent, funny and good-looking. For many, Kennedy was a sign of new energy and hope. 但肯尼迪成为了一名著名的政治家,并受到全世界人民的欢迎。他富有智慧,有趣并且英俊。对许多人而言,肯尼迪意味着新能量和希望。 The public was shocked, then, when the president"s term was violently cut short. 然而,公众对于这位总统的职业生涯被暴力打断而感到震惊。 John F. Kennedy was born in 1917 near Boston, Massachusetts. He was the second of nine children. 约翰·F·肯尼迪1917年出生于马萨诸塞州的波士顿附近。他在九个孩子当中排行老二。 Both his parents were Catholic, with ancestors from Ireland. Many years ago, Irish Catholics often faced discrimination in the United States. But the Kennedy family was also politically powerful and wealthy. 他的父母都是天主教徒,祖先来自爱尔兰。很多年前,爱尔兰天主教徒在美国经常受到歧视。但肯尼迪家族在政治上非常有影响力并且很富有。 As a result, young Jack Kennedy grew up in big, beautiful houses and received a top quality education. His family did not suffer during the Great Depression, as many Americans had. Instead, the Kennedy children swam, sailed boats and played sports. 因此,年轻的杰克·肯尼迪是在宽敞漂亮的房子里长大,并且接受最顶尖的教育。美国经济大萧条时期,很多美国人受到了影响,但肯尼迪家族却没有。相反,肯尼迪的孩子们照常游泳,划船和进行体育运动。 Jack also enjoyed reading books and following the news. His older brother Joe wanted to enter politics, but Jack said he might become a teacher or writer. When he was a college student at Harvard, Jack wrote a long paper about Britain in the years leading up to World War II. A version of it was published in 1940 as a book . 杰克还沉迷于阅读以及追踪新闻。他的哥哥约瑟夫想要进入政坛,但杰克说他想要成为教师或作家。杰克在哈佛期间写了关于英国在二战前期的长篇论文。这篇论文的一个版本在1940年出版成书。 The war changed Jack"s thinking about his future plans. During World War II, both Jack and his older brother joined the U.S. Navy. In the Pacific, Jack became a hero. He won medals for leading some of his troops to safety after a Japanese warship struck a boat they were on. 战争改变了杰克的未来规划。二战期间,杰克和他的哥哥都参加了美国海军。杰克在太平洋成为了英雄。一艘日本军舰撞上了他们的船,他带领部队脱险,因此获得了一枚勋章。 But Joe was killed. In 1944, his airplane exploded over Europe. 但他的哥哥约瑟夫牺牲了。1944年,他的飞机在欧洲坠毁。 When the war ended, Jack"s father urged him to follow his brother"s dream of succeeding in politics. Jack agreed, and he set his sights on becoming the country"s first Catholic president. 战争结束后,杰克的父亲催促他去完成他哥哥在政治上的遗愿。杰克同意了,并将目标瞄准在美国第一位天主教徒总统。 Kennedy was nominated as the Democratic Party"s candidate, and he was elected in 1960. 肯尼迪被提名为民主党总统候选人,并于1960年当选为总统。 He easily defeated Vice President Richard Nixon, the Republican candidate, in the Electoral College. But Kennedy won only narrowly in the popular vote. 他在选举团的投票中,轻松击败了共和党候选人、副总统理查德·尼克松。但在普选中肯尼迪只稍微赢了一点点。 Though he was young, Kennedy brought experience to the job. In addition to being a naval officer, Kennedy had been a member of the U.S. House of Representatives as well as a senator from Massachusetts. 尽管肯尼迪年轻,但当总统前还是积累了不少经验。肯尼迪除了当过海军军官,还当过众议员以及马萨诸塞州的参议员。 He also published a Pulitzer Prize-winning book called “Profiles in Courage.” 他还出版了一本获得普利策奖的书,叫作《 肯尼迪:信仰在风中飘扬 》 And he had become a husband and father. He married a wealthy, well-educated woman who had been working as a newspaper photographer. Her name was Jacqueline Bouvier , but she was sometimes called Jackie. 他是一位丈夫和父亲。他娶了一位富有、受过良好教育的报社摄影师,她的名字叫杰奎琳·鲍维尔,但有时人们称她为杰基。 She became pregnant five times, but only two of her children would survive: a daughter named Caroline, and a son, John F. Kennedy, Junior. 她怀孕了五次,但只有两个孩子活了下来:一个女儿卡罗琳,一个儿子小约翰·F·肯尼迪。 The family of four moved into the White House in January 1961. On the day he was sworn-in, Kennedy gave a speech that many people still remember today. It celebrated the “new generation of Americans,” and promised to “pay any price” for liberty. 1961年1月,这个四口之家搬到了白宫。肯尼迪宣誓当天,发表了一篇至今让人们记忆犹新的演讲。他宣告了“新一代美国人”的到来,并承诺不惜任何代价来捍卫自由。 Supporters of the new president loved his energy and sense of hope. In his most famous line, Kennedy said, “Ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country.” 这位新任总统的支持者喜欢他的活力和希望。肯尼迪最著名的一句话是:“不要问国家能为你做什么,而要问你能为国家做什么。” Many young people remembered that line when they volunteered for a program Kennedy created in 1961: the Peace Corps. 许多年轻人在自愿参加肯尼迪1961年创建的“ 和平队 ”项目时,还记得这句话。 Other Americans remembered the line when they watched two Apollo 11 astronauts walk on the moon in 1969. Kennedy strongly supported the country"s space program. He promised that Americans would land on the moon by the end of the 1960s, and they did. 1969年,当其他美国人看到两位阿波罗11号宇航员登上月球时,他们想到了这句话。肯尼迪非常支持美国太空项目。他承诺美国人会在20世纪60年代末登上月球,他们做到了。 Kennedy also supported efforts to improve civil rights across the U.S., although his administration moved slowly. Calls to end legalized racism were growing stronger during Kennedy"s time in office, particularly because of the leadership of Martin Luther King, Junior . 尽管肯尼迪政府行动缓慢,但肯尼迪还是支持改善美国的公民权利。肯尼迪执政期间,呼吁废除种族歧视合法化的声音越来越强,尤其是因为马丁·路德·金的领导。 In June of 1963, King spoke to hundreds of thousands of people at a civil rights protest called the March on Washington. He told the crowd that he dreamed “my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content [1] of their character.” 1963年6月,马丁·路德·金在一个名为“华盛顿大游行”的民权抗议活动中对数十万人发表了讲话。他对群众说,他梦想“我的四个孩子将来有一天能够生活在一个不以肤色,而是以他们的品格优劣来评价的国家。” The March on Washington, among other events, showed the power of the civil rights movement. In late 1963, President Kennedy sent a civil rights bill to Congress and spoke to Americans about the injustice that remained in the country. 夹杂在其他事件中的“华盛顿大游行”显示了民权运动的力量。1963年末,肯尼迪总统向国会递交了一项民权法案,并向美国人民讲述了这个国家仍然存在的不公正。 The Peace Corps, the Space Race, and civil rights are all part of Kennedy"s legacy [2] . 和平队,太空竞赛,以及民权都是肯尼迪的部分功绩。 Kennedy is also remembered for several troubling international events. In one, known as the Bay of Pigs, Americans supported Cuban refugees in an effort to oust the government of Fidel Castro. Not only did the refugees fail, but Kennedy"s government was found to be lying about their support of the effort. 肯尼迪也因多个棘手的国际事件而知名。其中一个便是 猪湾事件 ,美国人支持古巴流亡分子驱逐菲德尔·卡斯特罗政府。但流亡分子失败了,而且肯尼迪政府还被发现在支持流亡分子的问题上撒谎。 And Kennedy faced off with the leader of the Soviet Union, Nikita Khrushchev. In 1962, American leaders learned that the Soviets had hidden nuclear weapons in Cuba. The missiles would be able to reach the U.S. mainland easily. 并且,肯尼迪与苏联领导人赫鲁晓夫也一直对峙。1962年,美国领导人了解到苏联在古巴秘密部署了核武器,这些导弹能够轻易打到美国本土。 Kennedy ordered a blockade of Cuba. People around the world held their breath as they waited to see if the U.S. and the Soviet Union would launch a nuclear war. They did not. After several very tense weeks, Kennedy and Khrushchev reached an agreement that ended the crisis. 肯尼迪命令 封锁 古巴。全世界人民都屏住呼吸, 等着看 美国和苏联是否会发动一场核战争。最终,他们没有。经过几周非常紧张的局势之后,肯尼迪和赫鲁晓夫达成一致,结束了危机。 Kennedy went on to reach an agreement with the Soviet Union and Britain to limit nuclear weapons testing. He said the agreement was one of the presidential acts of which he was most satisfied. 肯尼迪与苏联和英国后来达成一项协议来限制核武器试验。他说,这项协议是他总统生涯中最满意的成果之一。 Historians still debate Kennedy"s actions, and what else might have happened during his presidency. They wonder especially what he would have done about the increasing conflict in Vietnam. 历史学家对于肯尼迪的行动一直持有争议,以及在他总统任期内可能会发生的其他事。他们尤其想知道,肯尼迪在持续升级、日益加剧的越南冲突中会做些什么。 But Kennedy did not live to finish his first term. 但肯尼迪没有活到第一届任期结束。 By November 22, 1963, Kennedy had been president for just under three years. The next election was still a year away, but it was time to start campaigning again. 截至1963年11月22日,肯尼迪执政不到3年。下届大选还有一年时间,但是时候再次开始竞选活动了。 So the president and his wife went to Dallas, Texas to connect with voters. They were riding in a car with other official vehicles that drove slowly through the center of the city. Jack, Jackie, and the Texas governor and his wife sat in a convertible – an automobile without protection over the seats. 所以,总统和他的妻子去了得克萨斯州的达拉斯与选民互动。他们坐在一辆车里,和其他政府车辆缓慢驶过市中心。杰克,杰基,以及德州州长和他的妻子坐在一辆敞篷轿车里,没有保护座位。 The president was waving at the crowd. Suddenly, several gunshots were fired. The president was struck twice. 总统正向群众挥手致意。突然,几声枪响,总统被射中了两枪。 The governor was also hit and injured. 州长也被击中并受伤。 Kennedy was hurried to a hospital, but doctors were unable to help him. News reporters announced his death to a stunned public. 肯尼迪立即被送往一家医院,但医生们束手无策。新闻记者向还处于震惊当中的公众宣布了他的死讯。 Hours later, Jackie Kennedy appeared next to the former vice president – now president – Lyndon Johnson. She still wore the clothes with her husband"s blood on them. 数小时后,杰基肯尼迪出现在前副总统、现任总统林登·约翰逊的身旁。她仍然穿着沾有他丈夫鲜血的衣服。 The events remain intense in the minds of many Americans who were alive at the time. The images remain easily recognizable parts of American history. The pictures of Kennedy"s family at his funeral are especially memorable. In one, three-year-old John holds up his arm and salutes his father"s casket [3] . 该事件在当时许多美国人的记忆中仍然非常强烈。当时的场景仍然是美国历史当中很容易回忆起的一部分。肯尼迪一家在葬礼上的照片尤其令人印象深刻。其中一张是3岁的约翰举起手臂向他父亲的棺材致敬。 Attention quickly turned to the gunman. It was reportedly a 24-year-old man named Lee Harvey Oswald . Shortly after the president and the governor were shot, Oswald shot a policeman who questioned him. 注意力很快转移到凶手身上。据报道,凶手是一名叫 李·哈维·奥斯瓦尔德 的24岁男子。总统和州长被射击后不久,奥斯瓦尔德又射杀了一名询问他的警察。 Oswald was eventually detained. Officials planned to bring him to court for the death of the president and the policeman. But on the way from the police station to the jail, a local night-club [4] owner shot and killed Oswald. 奥斯瓦尔德最终被拘留。警察计划将他告上法庭,因为他杀害了总统和警察。但当奥斯瓦尔德从警察局转移到监狱的途中时,当地一名夜总会老板开枪击毙了他。 As a result, the case never came to trial. Many Americans believe the reason for the attack has yet to be clarified. 因此,这件案子一直没有审讯。许多美国人认为此次暗杀的原因还没有调查清楚。 Historians have a mixed reaction to Kennedy"s years as a president, although their opinions are generally positive [5] . 历史学家对于肯尼迪的总统生涯有着不同的反应,尽管他们的看法总体上是积极的。 His image with the public suffered some years after his death because of reports that he had romantic relationships with women other than Jackie throughout his marriage. 他死后几年,公众对他的印象有所下降,因为有报道说他与杰基的整个婚姻过程中与其他女人有染。 In time, the public also learned about Kennedy"s health problems. He suffered from severe back pain and Addison"s disease. He often used strong medicine to help control the conditions. The health problems are at odds [6] with Kennedy"s image of health and love of sports. 最后,公众了解到肯尼迪的健康问题。他有严重的背痛和爱迪生氏病。他经常通过大量药物来控制身体状况。健康问题由于肯尼迪给人们以健康和热爱运动的印象而存在争执。 Quai D"Orsay, Paris Yet even with these new details, Kennedy is still one of the country"s best-remembered leaders. He was a charismatic [7] man whose career influenced many other Americans to enter public service. 然而,即使有这些传闻,肯尼迪仍然是美国最出名的领导人之一。他拥有超凡魅力,职业生涯影响了其他许多美国人进入公共服务。 Americans also remember his stylish, cultured wife. Jackie Kennedy compared the Kennedy years at the White House to Camelot , the legendary court of King Arthur. 美国人对他的时尚以及有涵养的妻子印象深刻。杰基·肯尼迪将肯尼迪在白宫的岁月比作传说中亚瑟王的宫殿卡米洛特。 Their remains, along with those of two of their children, are buried at Arlington National Cemetery , across the Potomac River from Washington. They are honored there with an eternal [8] flame [9] – one designed so the fire will never go out. 他们和两个孩子的遗体,被安葬在阿灵顿国家公墓,公墓从华盛顿穿过波托马克河。他们在那里被纪念为永恒的火焰 — 一种被设计为永不熄灭的火焰。 https://learningenglish.voanews.com/a/americas-presidents-john-kennedy/4085635.html

iloveyou imissyou ineedyou ifuckyou 是一首歌的开头是女的唱的!!

321对不起 徐良 小凌I love you...I need you...I want you...I F * * k you...小凌:你轻轻遮住我的眼睛问我是否相信只要你慢慢数三二一我就开始哭泣世界上最简单的咒语三个字对不起最后要说出的我恨你却变成我爱你徐良:是谁先抱紧说不知该去哪里是谁在怀里说着对我很在意是我玩不起BABY你太卑鄙游戏的结局我连输都很多余小凌:你轻轻遮住我的眼睛问我是否相信只要你慢慢数三二一我就开始哭泣世界上最简单的咒语三个字对不起最后要说出的我恨你却变成我爱你321对不起编曲:徐良L曲词:徐良L演唱:徐良L 小凌徐良:是谁先抱紧说不知该去哪里是谁在怀里说着对我很在意是我玩不起BABY你太卑鄙游戏的结局我连输都很多余徐良:是谁先抱紧说不知该去哪里是谁在怀里说着对我很在意是我玩不起BABY你太卑鄙游戏的结局我连输都很多余小凌:你轻轻遮住我的眼睛问我是否相信只要你慢慢数三二一我就开始哭泣世界上最简单的咒语三个字对不起最后要说出的我恨你却变成我爱你小凌:你轻轻遮住我的眼睛问我是否相信只要你慢慢数三二一我就开始哭泣世界上最简单的咒语三个字对不起最后要说出的我恨你却变成我爱你I love you...I need you...I want you...I F * * k you...本站歌词来自互联网

第一句是iloveyou ineedyou的女生唱的是什么歌?不是王若琳唱的

小凌and徐良唱的《321对不起》小凌:IloveyouIneedyouIwantyouIFuckyou你轻轻遮住我的眼睛问我是否相信只要你慢慢数三二一我就开始哭泣世界上最简单的咒语三个字对不起最后要说出的我恨你却变成我爱你徐良;是谁先抱紧说不知该去哪里是谁在怀里说着对我很在意是我玩不起BABY你太卑鄙游戏的结局我连输都很多余小凌;你轻轻遮住我的眼睛问我是否相信只要你慢慢数三二一我就开始哭泣世界上最简单的咒语三个字对不起最后要说出的我恨你却变成我爱你徐良;是谁先抱紧说不知该去哪里是谁在怀里说着对我很在意是我玩不起BABY你太卑鄙游戏的结局我连输都很多余是谁先抱紧说不知该去哪里是谁在怀里说着对我很在意是我玩不起BABY你太卑鄙游戏的结局我连输都很多余小凌;你轻轻遮住我的眼睛问我是否相信只要你慢慢数三二一我就开始哭泣世界上最简单的咒语三个字对不起最后要说出的我恨你却变成我爱你你轻轻遮住我的眼睛问我是否相信只要你慢慢数三二一我就开始哭泣世界上最简单的咒语三个字对不起最后要说出的我恨你却变成我爱你 尾声;IloveyouIneedyouIwantyouIFuckyou我的来电铃声就是这个呢哈哈,,还望采纳哈。。。。。


love paradise陈慧琳

第一句是iloveyou ineedyou的女生唱的是什么歌?不是王若琳唱的

小凌and徐良唱的《321对不起》小凌: I love you I need you I want you I Fuck you你轻轻遮住我的眼睛 问我是否相信 只要你慢慢数三二一 我就开始哭泣 世界上最简单的咒语 三个字对不起 最后要说出的我恨你 却变成我爱你徐良;是谁先抱紧 说不知该去哪里 是谁在怀里 说着对我很在意 是我玩不起 BABY你太卑鄙 游戏的结局 我连输都很多余小凌;你轻轻遮住我的眼睛 问我是否相信 只要你慢慢数三二一 我就开始哭泣 世界上最简单的咒语 三个字对不起 最后要说出的我恨你 却变成我爱你 徐良;是谁先抱紧 说不知该去哪里 是谁在怀里 说着对我很在意 是我玩不起 BABY你太卑鄙 游戏的结局 我连输都很多余是谁先抱紧 说不知该去哪里 是谁在怀里 说着对我很在意 是我玩不起 BABY你太卑鄙 游戏的结局 我连输都很多余小凌;你轻轻遮住我的眼睛 问我是否相信 只要你慢慢数三二一 我就开始哭泣 世界上最简单的咒语 三个字对不起 最后要说出的我恨你 却变成我爱你 你轻轻遮住我的眼睛 问我是否相信 只要你慢慢数三二一 我就开始哭泣 世界上最简单的咒语 三个字对不起 最后要说出的我恨你 却变成我爱你 尾声;I love you I need you I want you I Fuck you我的来电铃声就是这个呢哈哈,,还望采纳哈。。。。。



Tarralyn Ramsey的《Remedy》 歌词

歌曲名:Remedy歌手:Tarralyn Ramsey专辑:TarralynRemedy「武装机甲 ED2」作词:坂本真绫 / 作曲:solaya / 编曲:solaya歌:坂本真绫丘の上から见渡してたら〖山丘之上放眼遥望〗懐かしくて泣きそうになった〖心感怀念 不禁落泪〗忘れたかった思い出がきらめいて〖想要忘却的回忆愈加闪耀〗変わり始めている〖逐渐开始变化〗まだ怖いけど 见守っていて〖虽然仍很害怕 请守候我〗この先ずっと、ずっと抱えてく〖从此以后也要一直承担起〗消えない伤が心にある〖心中难以释怀的痛〗ちゃんと触って 笑って〖接受对方 一起欢笑〗向き合えるときが〖祈求总有一天〗いつか来ますように〖你我能够坦诚相对〗大きな声で叫んでみたら〖我试着大声呐喊出来〗肩が少し軽くなった〖肩膀便稍微变轻了〗きれいな水が〖仿佛美丽净水〗染み込んでくるみたい〖浸入其中缓缓流淌般〗やりなおせないこと〖事到如今〗悔やんでるのは もうやめようかな〖就算想弥补过错也无济于事〗时间はずっと、ずっと続いてく〖时间分秒未停不断持续〗すべて包んで流れていく〖包围一切逐渐流逝〗静かにそっと、そっと远ざかる过去に〖是时候向悄悄渐行渐远的过去〗ここで手を振るの〖挥手告别了〗TVアニメ「鉄のラインバレル」ED2テーマだいすきな人や 心地いい场所が〖钟爱的人 令心舒畅的地方〗いつしかこんなに増えて〖不知不觉如此之多〗ふつうの毎日 守ってくこと〖守护好一如既往的每日〗それが今の梦〖那是现在的梦想〗私をもっと、もっと信じたい〖我希望更加信赖自己〗できることはたくさんある〖能做的事还有许多〗裸足で立って 歌って〖赤脚站着 歌唱着〗太阳の下で揺れる花のように〖宛如太阳下摇曳的花儿般〗裸足になって〖光着脚〗私をもっと、もっと信じてあげたい〖我渴望给自己更多信心更多支持〗いつか 花のように〖朝日如花怒放〗未来の私に祈ってあげたい〖想向未来的我送上祝福〗きっとしあわせになれるように〖但愿能够幸福地过日子〗终わりhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8044010

disaster、misfortune、great tragedy的区别

The earthquake is a disaster. Don"t see it as your personal misfortune and make a great tragedy killing yourself.


小di弟位置不对的那个是《勇士闯魔城 》应该是这个吧,其他的好像都是些节选的动漫和*V了

请问proctosedyl ointment痔疮膏都有什么成分呢?


on how to help the poor and needy 以此为题些一篇100字左右的作文。急急急!

Many children in western China are too poor to continue their study.As member of big famliy of homeland,it is a duty for us to give a hand.We should launch a campaign to give them some warm.Donations and Encourage will be of useful ways.Some of us spends much on entertainment,closthing,pets,diets and so on.The money of feeding a well-konwn dog sometimes can support 2 to 3 children to pay their school fees.Reality is harsh!!!!Let"s reduce unnecessary upscale cost of living.Try to save some money and donate to them as much as possible.There is also a good way to help the poor children,which is to be a partner of one of the poor children.By doing so,we can communicate more with each other.In our daily life,we can also encourage and help them.Love is a lamp.One small package deliver big love and positive to our children.One child in his age need smiles and joyous.

theatre of tragedy的《Fragment》 歌词

歌曲名:Fragment歌手:theatre of tragedy专辑:Last Curtain CallFragmentTheatre of TragedyBroken framesShattered glassLike a monochrome filmThe replaceable backgroundFlickers and dissolvesOut of controlThere"s no sense, it"s all Volta, Ampre and OhmEarth to Moon, it"s the same as London-RomeThere"s no sense, it"s all Volta, Ampre and OhmEarth to Moon, it"s the same as London-RomeOut of focus, blurred imageAs solid as a liquid monumentA second of lifeThe time-frame of "69Technology, machinery, humanityIt"s all the sameThere"s no sense, it"s all Volta, Ampre and OhmEarth to Moon, it"s the same as London-RomeThere"s no sense, it"s all Volta, Ampre and OhmEarth to Moon, it"s the same as London-RomeTime and age, what"s the differenceBased upon the same referenceTouch-and-go, who"s to know the random orderContorted, distorted it doesn"t make any sense at allA fragment, a segment - bits and pieces, bits and HzAngular, circularIt"s all the sameThere"s no sense, it"s all Volta, Ampre and OhmEarth to Moon, it"s the same as London-Romehttp://music.baidu.com/song/52293163

theatre of tragedy的《Fragment》 歌词

歌曲名:Fragment歌手:theatre of tragedy专辑:MusiqueFragmentTheatre of TragedyBroken framesShattered glassLike a monochrome filmThe replaceable backgroundFlickers and dissolvesOut of controlThere"s no sense, it"s all Volta, Ampre and OhmEarth to Moon, it"s the same as London-RomeThere"s no sense, it"s all Volta, Ampre and OhmEarth to Moon, it"s the same as London-RomeOut of focus, blurred imageAs solid as a liquid monumentA second of lifeThe time-frame of "69Technology, machinery, humanityIt"s all the sameThere"s no sense, it"s all Volta, Ampre and OhmEarth to Moon, it"s the same as London-RomeThere"s no sense, it"s all Volta, Ampre and OhmEarth to Moon, it"s the same as London-RomeTime and age, what"s the differenceBased upon the same referenceTouch-and-go, who"s to know the random orderContorted, distorted it doesn"t make any sense at allA fragment, a segment - bits and pieces, bits and HzAngular, circularIt"s all the sameThere"s no sense, it"s all Volta, Ampre and OhmEarth to Moon, it"s the same as London-Romehttp://music.baidu.com/song/18503996


歌曲:I need your love 歌手:Magnus Carlssonah ah i need your love ah ah i need your love ah ah i need your love every morning i wake up i try to find my way carrying on to be strong ,trying to make it on my own,yeah i never thought we could break up never have a single doubt now i am all alone the feeling is hanging on since you went away i think about you everyday you know my love is here to stay i can"t believe it is true i need your love tonight i only want to hold you tight ah ah i need your love tonight to keep my fantasy baby,i need your love tonight i only want to make it right ah ah i need your love tonight love come back to me baby i need your love every moment i wonder if i let you slip away even try going back to the good time that we had oh,since you went away i think about you everyday you know my love is here to stay i can"t believe it is true i need your love tonight i only want to hold you tight ah ah i need your love tonight to keep my fantasy baby,i need your love tonight i only want to make it right ah ah i need your love tonight love come back to me baby i need your love ah ah i need your love ah ah i need your love ah ah i need your love since you went away i think about you everyday you know my love is here to stay i can"t believe it is true i need your love,ha ah i need your love i need your love.i need your love tonight i only want to hold you tight ah ah i need your love tonight to keep my fantasy baby,i need your love tonight i only want to make it right ah ah i need your love tonight love come back to me baby i need your love i need your love,ha ah i need your love,ah ah.

LV NEVERFULL和speedy白色格子哪个适合20岁女生



宝贝 现在我需要你

On the faith of 和 Remedy agai

on the faith of----- On the faith of the Jury the Judge has a reasonable trust in the murderer"s case. We vote on the faith of the HK Government"s true promises. Remedy against:- Against something (law) a way of dealing with a problem using the processes of the law. There is no simple remedy against Filipino unemployment. There are many possible remedy against this sex-assualt problem.(=you can treat her with a promise solution on money.) Holding your copyright provides the only legal remedy against unauthorized copying.(eg:-handbag;garment;Eng.Books copyrights.) 2015-07-02 12:44:02 补充: On the faith of her plete confidence I am sure she"ll do what a FILIPINO should do. (faith=firm belief trust plete confidence) The law provides a remedy against this injustice and put it right. (1) On the faith of = 基于...(原因) 或 = 在...保证下 请看看 ichacha/on%20the%20faith%20of 2015-07-01 15:02:34 补充: (2) remedy 本身是指一些 补救的方法。 remedy against xxx 就是指 对于解决(或针对)xxx问题的补救方法。 请看看 oxfordlearnersdictionaries/definition/english/remedy_1 thefreedictionary/remedy


remedy 英[ˈremədi] 美[ˈremədi] n. 处理方法; 改进措施; 补偿; 疗法; 治疗; 药品; (通过法律程序的) 解决方法,救济; v. 改正; 纠正; 改进;



3Dmax导入CAD块文件时,提示无法打开 报告的错误代码为 eNotImplementedYet

出现这种情况是因为版本太高了。具体的解决方法如下所示:1、打开电脑,进入软件中,就会看到以下画面,打开要保存的文件,就如下图所示一样。2、之后,点击上方的文件这个选项,就会看到以下画面吗,选项下方的另存为这个选项。3、点击之后,就会看到以下画面,在最下方的文件类型中选择AUTOCAD 2004.DWG这个选项,然后点击保存就可以了。4、之后就可以导入了。

Seremedy的《closure》 歌词

歌曲名:closure歌手:Seremedy专辑:Welcome To Our MADNESSJason Derulo - ClosureMaxRNB - Your first R&B/Hiphop sourceput your bags down for a second,look me in my eyes babewont you lay down for a secondnever thought id saythat i,can hardlybreatheknowing its your last time next to memy babys next to me.and i aint gonna tell nobody,if you aint gonna tell nobody,i just wanna love yo body,before we say goodbye,before we say goodbyelets make love love lovefor the last time (for the last time)and call this closurewere just gonna call this closurelets make love, love, lovefor the last time (for the last time)and call this closurewere just gonna call this closurewoahhhwoah(oh)woah(oh)woahhhso were just gonna call this closurewoahhhsavour the momentlet me just lay your body downwe could just savour the momentthe last time, so ima make it count.but you wont want to leaveso stay here and sleep next to me, right here next to me.and i aint gonna tell nobody,if you aint gonna tell nobody,i just wanna love yo body,before we say goodbye,before we say goodbyelets make love love lovefor the last time (for the last time)and call this closurewere just gonna call this closurelets make love love lovefor the last time (for the last time)and call this closurewere just gonna call this closurewoahhMaxRNB - Your first R&B/Hiphop sourcehttp://music.baidu.com/song/17272739




Remedy 是为了修复不好的状态成为好的状态。Compensation是为了用钱赔你的损害。

exclusive remedy是什么意思

exclusive remedy独家救济,专有补偿The remedies set forth herein consitute the exclusive remedy of distributor whether arising in contract, tort, or other legal theory.此处规定的补偿无论产生在合同、民事侵权行为中,还是其他法理中,都构成经销商的专有补偿。

medicine drug remedy 的区别


comedy show是指电视剧还是电影呢?

comedy show喜剧节目应该不是电视剧也不是电影,而是一个节目,例如国内的综艺节目一样,达到一个让观众开心,放松的目的

comedy bus 什么意思

comedy bus 译为:喜剧公交

comedy movies有哪些



live-comedy-show现场戏剧表演There are regular film shows, discos , concerts, quizzes and live comedy show. 定期举办的活动有:影片欣赏、舞会、演唱会、猜谜和喜剧表演。

英语单项选择一题It is a comedy ____________ Happiness.



回答:A comedy is A dramatic work that is light and often humorous or satirical in tone and that usually contains a happy resolution of the thematic conflict.

zhou xingchi is a great (comedy)star comedy加s么


stand-up comedy是什么意思

单口相声stand-up comedy 主要是从美国传过来的,类似我们的脱口相声,不同的是人家跟注重和观众的互动,突出观众的主体地位。其中国内stand-up comedy比较有名的是香港黄子华的“栋笃笑”Standup comedy的节奏比相声快太多了。Standup comedy通常是在电视上演出的,特点就是快,刺激。Standup comedy通过大强度的压缩铺垫环节,迅速的抖包袱,半分钟内就会让观众笑。同时还通过音效、语调、肢体语言尽可能的强化每个包袱的效果,营造出一种“个个都是笑点”的感觉。


comedy 英[ˈkɒmədi] 美[ˈkɑːmədi] n. 喜剧; 喜剧片; 滑稽; 幽默; 诙谐

stand-up comedy是什么意思


there is an interesting movie,it is()comedy.答案为什么是a?我认为应该不填的

为什么不填呢?你总得有个理由吧. 首先comed是个名词对吧,如果comedy是个形容词,那毋庸置疑,肯定不需要填,但是名字的时候,还有一种情况就是不可数名词可以不填冠词a /an.这里代表是一部喜剧片.comedy是可数名词,为什么不加a呢


喜剧是戏剧的一种类型,大众一般解作笑剧或笑片,以夸张的手法、巧妙的结构、诙谐的台词及对喜剧性格的刻画,从而引人对丑的、滑稽的予以嘲笑,对正常的人生和美好的理想予以肯定。基于描写对象和手法的不同,可分为讽刺喜剧、抒情喜剧、荒诞喜剧和闹剧等样式。内容可为带有讽刺及政治机智或才智的社会批判,或为纯粹的闹剧或滑稽剧。喜剧冲突的解决一般比较轻快,往往以代表进步力量的主人公获得胜利或如愿以偿为结局。喜剧是戏剧的一种类型,一般以夸张的手法、巧妙的结构、诙谐的台词及对喜剧性格的 喜剧之王周星驰  刻画,从而引人对丑的、滑稽的予以嘲笑,对正常的人生和美好的理想予以肯定。喜剧源于古希腊,由在收获季节祭祀酒神时的狂欢游行演变而来。在喜剧中,主人公一般以滑稽、幽默及对旁人无伤害的丑陋、乖僻,表现生活中或丑、或美、或悲的一面。由于喜剧表现的对象不同,艺术家的角度不同,手法不一致,所以,喜剧可划分出不同的类型。其中包括讽刺喜剧、幽默喜剧、欢乐喜剧、正喜剧、荒诞喜剧与闹剧等。


comedy的复数形式是comedies。comedies的意思是喜剧,喜剧片,滑稽,幽默,诙谐。comedies的例句:I like comedies and I like Beijing Opera(我喜欢喜剧片和我喜欢京剧)。 扩展资料 comedies的例句:I am a playwright。1 have written tragedies,comedies,fantasies(我是一位剧作家。我写过悲剧,喜剧和幻想剧)。If you like sex comedies you"ll like this(如果你喜欢性喜剧你会喜欢这一点)。


1、comedy英[?k?m?di]美[?kɑ?m?di],n.喜剧片; 喜剧; 滑稽; 幽默; 诙谐。2、[例句]Over a third of their income comes from comedy videos.他们收入的1/3强来自于喜剧片。


作名词时意为“ 喜剧;喜剧性;有趣的事情”。black comedy 黑色幽默 ; 黑色喜剧 ; 荒诞喜剧 ; 玄色笑剧slapstick comedy 闹剧 ; 打闹喜剧 ; 棍棒喜剧dark comedy 阴郁喜剧 ; 黑色喜剧Social Comedy 社会喜剧片 ; 世态喜剧a comedy 一个喜剧 ; 喜剧片comedy psychology [心理] 喜剧心理学Comedy Football 搞笑足球Local Comedy 地方喜剧片Episodic Comedy 喜剧类最佳单集编剧 ; 喜剧类单集I like comedy films.我喜欢喜剧影片。Do you like comedy?你喜欢喜剧吗?I like his movie King of Comedy.我喜欢他的电影“喜剧之王”。Nothing dates faster than comedy . 最容易过时的莫过于喜剧作品。Comedy is the most serious business in the world . 喜剧是世界上最严肃的行业。From the first, comedy was more flexible than tragedy . 喜剧一开始就比悲剧富于变化。


作名词时意为“ 喜剧;喜剧性;有趣的事情”。black comedy 黑色幽默 ; 黑色喜剧 ; 荒诞喜剧 ; 玄色笑剧slapstick comedy 闹剧 ; 打闹喜剧 ; 棍棒喜剧dark comedy 阴郁喜剧 ; 黑色喜剧Social Comedy 社会喜剧片 ; 世态喜剧a comedy 一个喜剧 ; 喜剧片comedy psychology [心理] 喜剧心理学Comedy Football 搞笑足球Local Comedy 地方喜剧片Episodic Comedy 喜剧类最佳单集编剧 ; 喜剧类单集I like comedy films.我喜欢喜剧影片。Do you like comedy?你喜欢喜剧吗?I like his movie King of Comedy.我喜欢他的电影“喜剧之王”。Nothing dates faster than comedy . 最容易过时的莫过于喜剧作品。Comedy is the most serious business in the world . 喜剧是世界上最严肃的行业。From the first, comedy was more flexible than tragedy . 喜剧一开始就比悲剧富于变化。


喜剧的意思。读音:英/ u02c8ku0252mu0259di /。美/ u02c8kɑu02d0mu0259di /。n.喜剧,喜剧片;滑稽的事物,搞笑的东西;滑稽,诙谐。短语1、Comedy Central喜剧中心 ; 喜剧中心频道 ; 喜剧频道 ; 美国喜剧中心频道2、black comedy黑色喜剧 ; 荒诞喜剧3、situation comedy情景喜剧 ; 情境喜剧 ; 处境喜剧 ; 情况喜剧用作名词 (n.)1、This comedy has had them rolling in the aisles for two weeks.这出喜剧让观众们连续两个星期乐得前仰后合。2、I prefer comedy to tragedy.我喜欢喜剧而不喜欢悲剧。3、The drama may be termed a comedy.这部戏剧可称为喜剧。4、Who could resist the comedy of American names?谁能看到美国那些滑稽的地名而不发笑呢?5、I like the slapstick comedy of silent films.我喜欢无声电影的滑稽趣味。


comedy 英["kɒmədɪ] 美[ˈkɑmɪdi] n.喜剧;喜剧性;喜剧体裁;有趣的事情


这里的to see可以理解为是"去看"表示一种目的,跟funny是无关的,funny是形容词,有固定搭配也是fun to do


1,作为 喜剧性,滑稽的意思时,一个是adj一个是n2,comic作为n时,可表示漫画,连环画






tragedy 悲剧

comic comical comedic comedical comedy 有什么区别

comical 英[u02c8ku0252mu026akl] 美[u02c8kɑ:mu026akl] adj. 好笑的,滑稽的; [例句]Her expression is almost comical她的表情近乎滑稽。comic英 [u02c8ku0252mu026ak] 美 [u02c8kɑ:mu026ak] adj.喜剧的;连环画的;滑稽的,好笑的n.连环漫画;喜剧演员;滑稽人物;滑稽新闻comedic英 [ku0259"mi:du026ak] 美 [ku0259u02c8midu026ak] adj.喜剧的comedical喜剧comedy英 [u02c8ku0252mu0259di] 美 [u02c8kɑ:mu0259di] n.喜剧;喜剧性;喜剧体裁;有趣的事情

comedy的同义词是funny excting的哪一个,为什么 答案是exciting为什么

comedy是名词,而funny和exciting是形容词,怎么可能是同义词?意思自己看吧:comedy n.喜剧,滑稽,幽默事件funny a.滑稽的,有趣的;稀奇的;稍感不适的exciting a.刺激的,令人兴奋的,使人激动的 如果有答案请lz给出具体...


1、This new comedy deserves a warm welcome. 这出新喜剧值得受到热烈欢迎。2、The play is a black comedy. 那是个黑色喜剧。4、Thi 扩展资料 1、This new comedy deserves a warm welcome. 这出新喜剧值得受到热烈欢迎。 2、The play is a black comedy. 那是个黑色喜剧。 4、This paper discusses and analyzes the Chinese culture in the sitcom "Happy Chinese". 本文探究和剖析了《快乐汉语》情景剧中的中国特色文化。

sitcom 与comedy的区别


英语中funny film和 comedy有什么区别?

前者是卓别林大独裁者那种滑稽影片;后者是萧伯纳卖花姑娘那种幽默喜剧 。
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