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方法如下:  1、在Cortana搜索框中输入“Powershell”,然后在顶部显示的搜索结果“Windows Powershell”上点击右键,选择“以管理员身份运行”。如图:  2、然后在打开的“管理员:Windows Powershell”窗口中输入以下代码:  Get-AppxPackage -AllUsers  3、回车运行,就会列举出Win10系统中已安装的所有应用。如图:  要想卸载某款应用,首先要找到这款应用的PackageFullName(应用包全名),例如想要卸载Microsoft Edge浏览器,那么它的PackageFullName(应用包全名)就是:  Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge_20.10240.16384.0_neutral__8wekyb3d8bbwe  为了方便快速找到某款应用的PackageFullName,可以把Windows Powershell窗口中显示的所有内容复制粘贴到记事本中,然后搜索相关的关键词,例如 Edge ,就可以快速找到Microsoft Edge浏览器的PackageFullName。  4、然后输入并运行以下命令,即可卸载Microsoft Edge浏览器应用:  Remove-AppxPackage Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge_20.10240.16384.0_neutral__8wekyb3d8bbwe  5、其实该命令的格式就是 Remove-AppxPackage 加要卸载的应用的 PackageFullName 。


《Edge》(Blackthorne, Thomas)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1HEhKZNkpdRrnnJ2pkpRJTw 提取码: 6cnu书名:Edge作者:Blackthorne, Thomas出版年份:2010-9页数:416内容简介:You thought Big Brother and Survivor were tough?WELCOME, SENSATION SEEKERS, TO KNIFE EDGE -the reality TV show where wannabe knife fighters are the celebrities in a nation going to hell. In a Britain on the edge of collapse, The ultimate response to knife crime has been instituted by a bankrupt government: duelling with knives has now been legalized.On Saturday nights, the nation sits down to watch the country"s best amateur fighters slash it out on prime time. The streets are red with blood. The skies are black with polluted horror. High walls have been built around Britain and endless winter is coming.When a young boy with hoplophobia (the fear of weaponry) runs away from home, his father hiresex-Special Forces agent Josh Cumberland to find him. With the help of the boy"s psychiatrist,Cumberland delves into the dark underbelly of the knife culture that has infected his country, but what he finds will shock him to his soul.File Under: Science Fiction [ Devastated Britain | Legalised Duelling | Corporate Atrocity | Save the Children ]

怎么卸载microsoft edge

  首先点击win10系统电脑主界面左下方的win10图标,弹出下拉菜单,在下拉菜单里可以找到microsoft edge应用程序,如下图所示。  接下来在下方的搜索web和windows输入框内输入powershell命令,找到windows powershell桌面应用,如下图所示。  点击搜索到的windows powershell桌面应用按钮弹出windows powershell命令窗口,如下图所示。  接下来在该命令窗口内输入“get-appxpackage *edge*命令程序,该程序的意思是寻找包含edge的应用程序包,如下图所示。  命令程序输入完毕之后点击回车键,此时windows powershell命令窗口可以找到microsoft edge的应用包程序,如下图所示。  接下来找到packagefullname的地址并复制,Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge_25.10586.0.0_neutral__8wekyb3d8bbwe,地址复制完毕之后在命令行里输入remove-appxpackage Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge_25.10586.0.0_neutral__8wekyb3d8bbwe,意思就是移除这个地址的应用程序包,这个地址就是刚才复制的packagefullname的地址,如下图所示。  步骤阅读



microsoft edge 怎么安装adbolck pus

microsoft edge 怎么安装adbolck pusMicrosoft Edge浏览器是Windows 10系统自带的最新型浏览器,不可被卸载,利用Peacekeeper测试浏览器得分(越高越好),Edge浏览是IE浏览器的8.6倍左右,因此Windows 10系统使用Edge浏览器较好。(Windows 10系统最显著的改进就是Edge浏览器)Egde浏览器虽然不能被卸载,但可以通过修改默认浏览器的方式,来使用户不使用Edge浏览器。修改默认浏览器的步骤如下:1、用cortana搜索“默认程序”,打开如图所示的“默认程序”。2、在最下面,有一个“web浏览器”,如图所示。3、点击“web浏览器”下方的应用,然后弹出可选择的应用,选择除了Microsoft浏览器之外的浏览器即可。




underprivileged英 [u02ccu028cndu0259u02c8pru026avu0259lu026adu0292d] 美 [u02ccu028cndu0259ru02c8pru026avu0259lu026adu0292d]adj.被剥夺基本权力的,穷困的,下层社会的双语例句1. His doughty campaigns for the underprivileged have earned him national respect. 他为弱势群体奔走呼号,赢得了全国的尊敬。2. underprivileged sections of the community 社区的弱势阶层3. She worked for the well - being of the underprivileged. 她为下层贫困民众的福利而努力.4. He said it was the job of the Church to speak for the underprivileged. 他说,为贫困群体说话是教会的义务。5. Empowering the underprivileged lies in assuring them that education holds the real source of power. 帮助贫困人民就要让他们相信教育是真正的力量源泉。




pledge 英[pledʒ] 美[pledʒ] n. 保证; 诺言; 誓约; 抵押; 质钱; 抵押品; v. 保证给予(或做); 正式承诺; 使保证; 使发誓; 抵押; 典当; [例句]The meeting ended with a pledge to step up cooperation between the six states of the region.会议以承诺加快这一地区六国间的合作而结束。

Focus on becoming more knowledgeable 句子成分?

S主+Vi不及物和V系+P表的复合focus on作谓语,on后成分作宾语其中,介词+v-ing,不可直接+动词介词后是宾语,vi.动词和介词构成谓语祝学习天天向上



microsoft edge怎么设置ie10

首先可以在win10系统的桌面打开“开始”菜单,在开始菜单下面搜索框搜索“ie”或“Internet Explorer”。在搜索结果中可以看到“Microsoft Edge”,点击进入“Microsoft Edge”。   再在打开的Microsoft Edge浏览器里点击右上角的更多“...”图标。   在弹出的对话框选择"使用Internet Explorer打开"。





急!!求关于“红绿灯知识”的英语作文--Knowledge of Traffic Lights!!!

The traffic lights are the same in every country . There are always three lights : red, yellow and green.Red means “Stop”. Yellow means “Wait”,and green means“Go”. In China, drivers driveon the right side of the road. In the US, drivers drive on the right side, too. In Englandand Australia, however ,drivers drive on the left side of the road. If you go by car, by bike or on foot, you must know the traffic rules.

KnowIedge of traffic lights 作文 请指教80词的,关于红绿灯知识的英语作文

The traffic lights are the same in every country . There are always three lights : red, yellow and green.Red means “Stop”. Yellow means “Wait”,and green means“Go”. In China, drivers driveon the right side of the road. In the US, drivers drive on the right side, too. In Englandand Australia, however ,drivers drive on the left side of the road. If you go by car, by bike or on foot, you must know the traffic rules.

Pledged delegates是什么意思

  Pledged Delegates_翻译  Pledged Delegates  宣誓代表票;  [例句]Senators Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are vying for a total of31 pledged delegates in Montana and South Dakota.  参议员希拉里。克林顿和奥巴马正在蒙大拿州和南达科塔州竞争总共的31个的代表人数。



Knowledge Management Professionals

知识管理专业人才:一种语言游戏的分析。他们的分析表明,如何一个松散的收集与专业人士的共同利益,可以开发一个节奏的谈话,让发展可持续的和有意义的网上互动,并揭示进化动力学在生命周期的论坛暗示性的发展阶段离线群体。文章最后有用的建议,对如何改善社区动态在线。 利用纵向数据, kavanaugh ,卡罗尔, rosson , zin和雷斯,在社区网络:凡离线满足社区网上,提供一个深入的了解使用和社会的影响,一个成熟的网络社会,布莱克斯堡的电子村( bev ) 。他们的工作,调查是否以互联网为基础的技术提出了差异,在个人在多大程度上介入,并参与当地的社会生活。分析和讨论提供了,在这篇文章中的外源性和斡旋变量有助于解释之间的关系,社区的参与,以及国际互联网的使用,以支持社区。看来,从这一研究,教育,外向性,和年龄具有重要意义的变量,为解释人的参与,在这种类型的互联网社区。 采取另一种方法,劳拉罗宾逊审查讨论,在生产线上报纸论坛专门讨论该事件的2001年9月11日在巴西,法国,和美国在辩论的事件, 9月11日:论述和互动动态三名网上论坛。这项研究描述了如何在互动,社会行为,与语义的特点,每个论坛的影响,同时建设的共识和激情的冲突,每个。一个方面,充满活力和动感的调查结果是,无论是文化环境,某些特征都与思想分化。此外,文化差异,在交际风格进行了从离线到在线环境,并影响了水平的意识形态对立,体现在每一个论坛。这些研究结果都有着特殊的意义,在目前的全球环境。

Some people find their knowledge inadequate to meet the demand of this ever-developing society.


无主之地里Sledge"s Safe House的小吵闹的修理套件在哪?求助


roughen Edges什么意思


求AE的Roughen Edges插件 有得兄台麻烦给发一个我邮箱 lbhk1007@163.com x谢谢了


ae cc 2015 roughen edges在哪,也就是粗糙边缘效果,


AE 中 rougher Edges什么意思

roughen edges吧。汉化不知道叫什么,直译就是边缘粗糙。可以把素材的边缘进行调节,可以作出类似火烧纸边缘、虚化消散等等,还是看你怎么用吧。

有关After Effects (AE)里roughen edges(粗糙边缘)特效的问题求助


AE里的 Roughen Edges 是什么意思?




border (通常用于有界限意味的边缘)n. 边缘, 边沿; 边界, 国界, 边境; 饰边, 滚边; 应用视窗四面的框架 (计算机用语)v. 与...接壤; 接近; 毗邻, 接界; 近似edge (有锋利的意味,一般用于刀等有利刃或其他有尖锐边缘的东西)n. 边缘, 刀刃, 尖锐 v. 使锋利; 镶边; 挤进; 缓缓移动; 侧着移动

judge, edge, judgement, 用汉语谐音怎么读?

汉语谐音拼读英语:judge 榨治edge 爱治judgement 榨之门特

求Michelle Branch 的Standing on the Edge歌词!

I"m not asking for muchBut I need a little time to findWhat it is I wantAnd is it you this time?I wish I could know you betterI wish I could know myselfI want it to be foreverBut now I see it"s only meStanding on the edge of the worldAnd I don"t want you to catch meI want you to let meStand up here and walk on my ownI can"t learn to love youIf you"re all I knowI saw you waiting thereAcross the parking lotOctober never felt so coldYou were looking forAll the things you know I"m notAnd believe me I"ve triedI"ve tried, I"ve tried, ohI thought that I knew you betterThan I knew myselfStanding on the edge of the worldAnd I don"t want you to catch meI want you to let meStand up here and walk on my ownI can"t learn to love youIf you"re all I knowUh-oh, uh-ohDon"t let it change your mindUh-oh, uh-ohOn and on and on and onStanding on the edge of the worldAnd I don"t want you to catch meI want you to let meStand up here and walk on my ownI can"t learn to love you,I can"t learn to love you, whoa-ohI can"t learn to love youIf you"re all I know

如图,已打开Micrasoft edge浏览器,为什么任务栏没有显示?


Red Light Pledge 歌词

歌曲名:Red Light Pledge歌手:Silverstein专辑:When Broken Is Easily FixedThe endings the samePast mistakes that you makeCome back to haunt youI made a mistakeI wish I could take back everything that I didI wanted to tell you, I really didBut how do I explain thisPromise me you will be thereUntil the red light will changeI would wait foreverPromise me you will stay hereUntil the darkness will fade, I"d wait for youA mistake, wish I could take, back everything, that I didI wanted to tell you, I really didBut how do I explainI wanted to tell you, what really happenedBut how do I explain thisHow do I explain everythingPromise me you will be there until the red light will changeI would wait foreverPromise me you will stay hereUntil the darkness will fade, I"d wait for youI"m the same and I"m all on my own. Away. Wait for youI"m the same, I"m on my own, by myselfWait for you…I"d wait for you…for you..I"d wait for youhttp://music.baidu.com/song/22801693


补充楼上: 3.right on the edge of...在.边缘 你这句 intense 之后是不是该加个 argument 之类?原句什么? 4.出于条件反射而不是其它原因 5.我以为它可能让他记起.到(过)那儿 6.他一路沿着走廊 走到拐角 转向楼梯



有没有那位大侠找知道IHTC hd800支持EDGE 不?

iHTC HD800:是一款支持准3G-EDGE网络制式的 Windows Mobile 6.5系统手机,而且具较快的导航速度。支持重力感应。总之,是支持EDGE的!



和take konwledge类似的词组

take after(外貌)相像 take in欺骗;吸收,吸纳 take pictures照相take apart 拆卸,拆开 take off 起飞;匆匆离开;脱下 take care of 照顾,照料 take away 减去 take on 承担;呈现;开始雇佣 take up 开始从事,着手处理 take down 写下,记下 take over 接收,接管 take it easy 别紧张take for 把...误认为 take to 喜欢,开始从事be taken with (1) 对...很喜爱; 被...迷住, 被...吸引 be taken by (1) 对...很喜爱; 被...迷住, 被...吸引double take (1) 先是不注意接着大吃一惊 (2) 先是怔着接着恍然大悟的反应not taking any (1) [口]谢绝, 不接受, 没有那种兴趣 去做on the take (1) [美俚]接受贿赂; 敲诈, 伺机损人利已take after (1) 象 (2) 学...的榜样, 仿效 (3) 追赶, 追捕take against (1) 反对; 不喜欢take amiss (1) 因...而见怪; 误会, 误解take apart (1) 使分开, 拆开 (2) 严厉批评; 猛烈抨击 (3) 严格剖析 (4) 粗暴对待; 严厉惩罚; 彻底打败take as read (1) 认为不必宣读(会议记录等); 认为不必谈论或听取(某事) (2) 宣称对...满意; 声称对...没有意见 take away (1) 拿走; 夺走; 拆去 (2) 使离开; 带走 (3) 使消失, 消除(病痛等) (4) 减去 (5) 把...买回家食用take back (1) 收回(前言), 承认说错了话;取消(诺言)(2)同意退回, 收回(商品);接回, 带回(3)使回到某一起点; 使回想起 take down (1) 拿下, 取下 (2) 记[录]下来 (3) 挫其气焰 (4) 拆掉 (5) 吞下, 咽下 (6) 病倒 (7) [口]欺骗(某人)take five (1) [美口]休息五分钟[十分钟], 小憩 take it or leave it (1) 要么接受,要么拉倒;要不要随你的便 take ten (1) [美口]休息五分钟[十分钟], 小憩 take it out in (1) 接受...作为抵偿take ... for ... (1) 以为(某人或某物)是... take off after (=take after) (1)追赶,追捕take from (1) 减去; 减损; 降低 take out of (1) 取出, 除去; 要赔偿;报仇take home to oneself (1)充分理解,深刻领会 take out after (1) [take after]追赶,追捕take it all in (1) 注意倾听; 全部听进 take sb. wrong (1) 误解[曲解]某人的意思take it and like it (1) [美俚]不太甘心地忍受批评(嘲笑等) take sb. unawares (1)使某人出其不意,攻其不备take in (1) 收进, 接受; 装入, 收容, 接待 (2) 领(活)到家里做 (3) 缩短; 改小; 收(帆), 卷(帆) (4) 领会, 理解 (5) 观看, 参观, 游览 (6) [口]轻信, 信以为真 (7) [口]欺骗 (8) 订阅(报刊) (9) 包括[含] (10) 拘留take it (1) 猜想, 以为; 断定(2) [口][常与 can, be able to 连用]忍受得住(痛苦、批评、困难, 嘲笑等) (3) 默然同意, 接受 take it out of sb. (1) 使 某人虚弱, 使某人精疲力竭 (2) (=takeit out on sb.)找某人出气[泄愤]take me not up before I fall (1) [苏口]在你回答我以前, 先听我说完take off (1) 取[脱]下; 拆下; 切除 (2) (=take oneself off)[口]走掉; 滚开 (3) 带往(某处); 移送(某处) (4) 减(价) (5) 取消, 夺去...的生命, 杀死 (6) [口]摹仿, 学...的榜样; 取笑 (7) (飞机)起飞 (8) 移开(目光, 注意力) (9) 停止演出 (10) 去掉, 扣除 (11) 复制; 绘制take on (1) 具有,呈现(某种性质、特征等) (2) 担任(工作), 承担(责任) (3) 雇用

admit confess acknowledge allow concent permit有什么区别

如果你问的都是这些词若是当动词来用的话有什么区别,那:admit: 承认。经常用于承认错误, 如:I admit I made a mistake. 我承认我犯了一个错。confess: 供认, 一般来说用于做错事情时,主动供认错误/自首。acknowledge: 承认,跟admit很相像,但是更专业化,并且比较中立的。在法律文件里很经常看到这个词,如:I acknowledge the foregoing is true. 我承认/认可上述的是真实的。allow: 允许。如:My parents do not allow me to come home after 11PM. 我父母不允许我晚上11点后回家。consent: 同意。如:I consent to the terms of this contract. 我同意这个合同的条约。是一个比较正式的词。更口语化的说法就是agree了。permit: 允许,与allow 没什么分别,但一般来说,更加正式些,没有"allow"那么直接/尖锐/口语化。比方说,家长跟孩子讲话通常会用"allow,"但会少用"permit。"不过这两个词大部分时间可以通用的。

admit confess acknowledge allow concent permit有什么区别




请帮忙写篇英语作文:the one thing I cannot live without is knowledge.高悬赏!急!

请帮忙写篇英语作文:the one thing I cannot live without is knowledge.高悬赏!急! It is said that knowledge is power.Indeed,as the development of the society,a good grasp of a knowledge is a key to suess. I ,as well need knowledge badly so that i can"t live without it. In the daily life, I need knowledge to solve problems such as how to municate with foreigners or how to make a supper.Let alone in the filed of acdemic. so, knowledge is very important in my life. 请帮忙写篇英语作文 初一作文,我写的,给我最佳。 It have been discussed for a long time that how to deal with the uncivilized behaviors during the travel, such as write on the place of historic interests, or claim to old trees. This kind of things happened in China more often than any other countries. What can we do to prevent those actions? Though we have advocate education of the tourists for years, the situation was not better than be imagined. In my opinion, we still have to encourage the education of our tourists, but with some change. For example, we should not only disseminate “Don"t Do Sth.”, but also with the reason and an explanation that it is not cool to sign names or words everywhere, in the contrary, we have to ashamed of that. Make a parison beeen foreigners and us can also increase our consciousness. 求达人帮忙写篇英语作文,高分悬赏! "Aording to the survey: arranged marriage than free love marriage divorce rate low, so someone that- arranged marriage than free love of the happiness of marriage degree is high, such a conclusion". Then think of this statement at odds, but they didn"t want to what it at odds in there. Today because of something, I suddenly thought of this problem, see the problem. Below we from longitudinal and transverse o direction to illustrate the problem: The longitudinal: thousands of years in China feudal society of China people"s thoughts in a conservative state, more people can"t, when not good at to express his thoughts and feelings. Our father in love time perhaps even a "I love you" are not said. It is this reason, even if their marital problems, they may choose to "aept, silent, his presidency. Think about China"s first caused a sensation of divorce together, s ~ s divorce of people affected by the frowns of, innumerable imperative to persuade "we do not have a divorce precedent", then how dare mention "divorce" 2 words. With the development of The Times, people"s thinking more and more open, when we open our doors, foreign thoughts also influence we of this generation. "Pursuit ego", "be kind to yourself", "enjoy life" words bee the mainstream ideology in our mind. We will actively pursue their love, to pursue their own happiness. At the same time, when to his marriage not content, this generation will say "divorce" 2 words, never keep a "barely happiness". Horizontal: in one generation, introverted or their own conditions limited (appearance, money, family circumstances, etc) people to aept the probability of "introduction marriage". And the outgoing or their own conditions of superior pursue "love marriage" likely to be big. The o types of people in the face of marriage at a red light, the former because of the character of the conservative or some real reasons, may be don"t or wouldn"t break now of the calm, they choose "to" the probability to big; The latter because of the character of the outgoing or superior conditions, he chose "back to" likely to be big. This is the longitudinal and transverse parison, through this parison, we can see why arranged marriage than free love divorce rate to low, but which happiness? Marriage is not I the young unmarried people can say clear. Even if people in marriage, also may not be able to understand said. Different marriage, different feelings. And happiness with everyone in the standard, a standard, is a different result, also have no way to clarify. Marriage this university may use the entire lives to read!“据调查显示:包办婚姻比自由恋爱的婚姻的离婚率低的多,因此有人得出了-——包办婚姻比自由恋爱的婚姻的幸福程度高--这样的结论”。当时就觉得这个说法别扭,但是一直没有想它到底别扭在那里。今天由于某件事情,我突然想到了这个问题,明白了这个问题。 下面我们从纵向和横向两个方向来说明这个问题: 纵向:中国几千年的封建社会使中国人民的思想处在一个保守的状态,更多时候人们都不敢、不善于表达自己的想法、感情。我们的父辈也许在恋爱时连一句“我爱你”都没有说过。正是由于这种原因,即使他们的婚姻出现问题时,他们可能会选择“接受,沉默,隐忍”。想想中国第一起离婚案时引起的轰动,六七十年代离婚的人遭受的白眼,无数个命令式的劝说“我们家没有离婚的先例”,当时的人怎么敢提“离婚”二字。随着时代的发展,人们的思想越来越开放,当我们开启国门的时候,国外的思想也影响了我们这一代人。“追求自我”,“善待自我”,“享受生活”等词语成为我们著一代人的思想主流。我们会去主动追求自己的爱情,追求自己的幸福。同时,当对自己的婚姻不满意时,这一代人会说出“离婚”二字,决不会守着那份“勉强的幸福”。 横向:在同一代人中,性格内向或者自身条件所限(相貌,金钱,家境等)的人接受“介绍婚姻”的概率要大。而那些性格外向或自身条件优越的人追求“恋爱婚姻”的可能性要大。这两类人在面对婚姻中的红灯时,前者由于性格的保守或一些现实的原因,很可能不愿或不能打破现在的平静,他们选择“坚持”的概率要大;后者由于性格的外向或优越的条件,他选择“重新来过”的可能性要大。 这是纵向和横向的比较,通过这样的比较,我们可以看到为什么包办婚姻比自由恋爱的离婚率要低,但是哪个幸福呢?婚姻不是我这种年轻的未婚人士能说的清楚的。即使是以婚人士,也未必能说明白。不同的婚姻,不同的感受。而且幸福在与每个人的标准,标准不一样,就有不一样的结果,同样也没有办法说清楚。婚姻这所大学也许人要用一生才能读完! 帮我写篇英语作文:Why I take the CET4高分悬赏 Why I take the CET 4 Although nowadays more and more people take the college English Test Band 4, still there are people who think it is unnecessary to take the CET--4. They may think that it is enough to study English. Ihave my own opinion. I think it is necessary to take CET--4. The reasons are as follows: first, English only means that you have the ability to read, write,speak and listen to simple English, you are far from being good at English. Second,with the development of market economy, more and more foreigners are ing to China.Since many people in the world speak English, you can munieate with them freely if you have a gty. Jd cx *** mand of the language. Last, if you plan to take CET--4, you will continue your English study, instead of sping English study , which will bring your English to a higher level. Higher English level will help you to find a satisfactory job in the future. I take CET--4 not only for a pans, but also for improving my English. So even after I pass it, I will continue my English study. 译文如下: 我为什么参加大学英语四级考试 尽管现在越来越多的学生参加大学英语四级考试,但是仍有人认为这是不必要的。他们或许以为学会英语就足够了。 我有自己的看法。我认为参加四级考试是必要的。理由如下:首先,学会英语只说明你具备了读、写、说、听简单英语的能力,你的英语还差得远。其次,随着市场经济的发展,许多外国人来到中国。由于世界上许多人说英语,如果你的英语掌握得好,你可以与外国人自由交流。最后,如果你打算参加四级考试,你就会继续学英语,这将会使你的英语达到较高水平,而不是学会英语以后就停止不学了。英语水平高会在将来有助于你找到一份满意的工作。 我参加大学英语四级考试不仅仅是为了通过考试,而是为了提高我的英语水平。因此,即使我通过了考试,我还要继续学英语。 帮忙写篇英语作文Life without puter,120字。 Necessity is the mother of invention.............few decades back we couldn"t imagine what we can do today.......ofcourse inter and puter will be replaced by something more advanced.you need not be worried.even if it happens that we can neither use the inter nor the puter, we will survive.this type of speculations flood people"s mind everyday,before the wide spread aeptance of the puter, this was a major fear amongst the learned.it will ofcourse be a bit of uneasiness.hardship for few days.or for few months.or even years to go.but eventually, we will e out with some innovative idea to fet about the PCs and the inter.as we almost fot about transistor radios. Life without inter and puter wouldn"t be a life within. if puter or inter wouldn"t have been there then u wouldn"t have asked this question and or would i be answering it. world would have sped municating as they did before, so many people would have lost teir jobs. imagining life without puter or inter is not impossible but counting it"s effects on us from 1 day 2 day life r uncountable.so may say that a long time ago if there was no puter. or inter. so there would be no change at all. but however today people who at once find gold to build their house out of it and no precautions such as robber"s steelin" something. without puter it couldn"t get any worse. 请帮忙写篇容入集体的英语作文 get on well with ohters one should get on well with others if he wants to be an independent.No one can finish everything without any help from the others.And colorful lives need the collective happiness,we chat,play and do many things together to make our lives interesting.a lonely being bees desolate for he chooses to be.so try to be with the others ,you will find something difficult will be easy ,someone boring will be intriguing,and someting you dont like will be your hobbies.finally you will be perfectly good boy or girl 帮忙写篇英语作文,题目是:The one i love most The one I love most My father is the one I love most, which is a definite answer for me. I have thought he is the best man in the world since I was a little girl. I am proud of him. He loves me all the time whatever is happening. When I grew up and even now I have a boyfriend, his love is never changed. I enjoy my boy friend"s love as well, but if somebody asks me who is the one I love most, I will still answer him straight out: it"s my father. 速求英语作文:If we don"t have knowledge 急!高悬赏!今天就要! The developing of world is getting quickily and quickily.We need knowledge as much as possible. Knowledge helps to open our eyes and learn a lot .If we don"t have knowledge,we can;t even live a happy life. First,we can"t find a good job which we enjoy.Maybe we just make a little money.As you know,money is not the most important thing in the world,but we also can;t have no money. Second,it;s not easy to make friends without konwledge.No one would like to be friends with a stupid person.Everyone wants to talk about something happened with friends,or their worries and problems. In a word,no konwledge,no happy life. 寒假初中英语作文3篇 急求~~~~~ 高悬赏 1 In ten years,I think I "ll be a reporter.I wiil live in an apartement with my sister.Because I don"t like living alone. And I can play with her inth aparement.So in ten years,I willba a good reporter.I will meet a lot of interesting and faous people and I willgo to another places on business.In ten years,i will have many different pets. Maybe I will keep a pet turtle.I think I will go shopping with my sister as long as I have time.And I will go to london on my vacation. So,my life in ten years will be better and better! 2 A Rainy Day the weather was so bad today as well as my mood.i failed in my test and was scolded by my teacher.i was so upset because i had try my best and spent a lot of time doing exercise.to make things worse,it started to rain when the class is over. i stared at the gray sky,wondering whether i should to run in the rain.suddenly, someone patted my shoulder.i turned back immediately and find it was my best friend.saying nothing,he give me his umbrella with a *** ile.i felt so moved and warm. 3 I had a dream that I wanted to be a dancer .But now it"s just a dream in my heart. I lost my both legs in an aident.I had cried for a long time for I couldn"t aept this truth. I like dancing on the platform where I can show myself well. Three years has passed since that terrible thing.I began to learn how to make myself happy and mature.Even I still want to dance but I love my new job better. And I believe that trust yourself and you will do it best. 找高手帮忙写篇英语作文 Have you ever wondered why football is being more and more popular worldwide? Football, otherwise known as soer, is played all over the world. The exciting gaming process is extremely exciting, both for the players and the viewers. Football fans are spread throughout the world to support their favorite teams. The 90 minute football games are not violent but both physically and mentally challenging, and it also requires teamwork. Therefore, many schools have included soer into their physical education program, and thus, giving children opportunities to play football and learn football. Many students, both young and old, enjoy football and that is also an important factor which makes soer popular. Females who dislike physical activities can also enjoy soer because there are many handsome players out there and there are often female fans who chase after their favorite players and worshiping them as idols and stars. Soer is popular worldwide because of how mon it is, how challenging and fun it is and how entertaining it is for both male and female, young and old. Playing football is healthy and both physically and mentally challenging, thus, making it one of the most popular sports on earth.





摩托罗拉edge s pro

摩托罗拉edge s pro是摩托罗拉出品的一款手机。这款手机便是摩托罗拉出品的Edge S Pro从2021年开始,该品牌便着重发展性价比,和众多品牌打响了价格战。目前搭载骁龙8Gen1和骁龙888PULS芯片价格最低的机型全部出自摩托罗拉。Edge S Pro除了有配置骁龙870的机型之外,还搭配了LPDDR5和UFS3.1,完全能够满足大家日常刷剧和打游戏的需求。特点除了性能和价格之外,这款机型最大的亮点就是拍照。它的后置摄像头和旗舰机型有一拼。虽然红米K40,K50等机型也都搭载通一系列的芯片,但是像素却差很多。摩托罗拉Edge S Pro拥有一亿像素摄像头,并且拥有长焦镜头,连旗舰机型才有的防抖和50倍数码变焦功能。以上内容参考:百度百科-motorola edge S Pro











lolly has knowledge of how

答案:C 解析: “罗莉知道这种花该怎么种养,但是我不知道。”此处用none代指no knowledge。

The Edge of glory中英对照歌词

There ain"t a reason you and me should be alone没有什么是你我应该孤独的理由Tonight, yeah babe今晚,对,亲爱的Tonight, yeah babe今晚,对,亲爱的 I got a reason that you-hoo should take me home tonight我有一个今晚你应该带我回家的理由I need a man that thinks it"s right when it"s so wrong当这件事情是错误的时候,我需要有人赞成它是对的Tonight yeah babe今晚,对,亲爱的Tonight yeah babe今晚,对,亲爱的Right on the limits where we know we both belong tonight我们知道这里就是那条我们今晚彼此拥有的界限(我汗,这句真吱别人!) It"s time to feel the rush是时候享受下冲刺的感觉了To push the dangerous把危险晾在一边I"m gonna run back to, to the edge with you我想要跑回到,回到边缘之处与你同在Where we can both fall o"er in love那个我们可以沉浸爱海的地方 I"m on the edge of glory我站在荣誉的边缘And I"m hanging on a moment of truth我会坚持真理Out on the edge of glory在荣誉的边缘之外And I"m hanging on a moment with you我会坚持与你同在I"m on the edge我就站在边缘之处The edge x6边缘I"m on the edge of glory我站在荣誉的边缘And I"m hanging on a moment with you我会坚持与你同在I"m on the edge with you我与你一同站在边缘Another shot, before we kiss the other side在我们亲吻对方另一侧之前,再感应一次(翻译的有点牵强)Tonight, yeah babe今晚,对,亲爱的Tonight, yeah babe今晚,对,亲爱的 I"m on the edge of something final we call life tonight今晚我就站在那个我们最后称为生活的边缘Alright, alright是的,是的Pull out your shades cause I"ll be dancing in the flames抽离你的身影,因为我将在火焰中起舞Tonight, yeah babe今晚,是的,亲爱的Tonight, yeah babe今晚,是的,亲爱的It isn"t hell if everybody knows my name tonight今晚这里不是地狱,人们都将知道我的大名Alright, alright是的,是的It"s time to feel the rush是时候享受冲刺的感觉To push the dangerous把危险晾在一边I"m gonna run back to, to the edge with you我要跑回到,回到边缘之处与你同在Where we can both fall o"er in love那个我们可以沉浸爱海的地方I"m on the edge of glory我就站在荣誉的边缘And i"m hanging on a moment of truth我一定会坚持真理Out on the edge of glory在荣誉的边缘之外And i"m hanging on a moment with you我会坚持与你同在I"m on the edge我就站在边缘the edge(6x)边缘I"m on the edge of glory我站在荣誉的边缘 And i"m hanging on a moment with you我坚持与你同在 I"m on the edge with you与你共同站在边缘之处 I"m on the edge with you与你共同站在边缘之处I"m on the edge with you 与你共同站在边缘之处I"m on the edge of glory与你共同站在边缘之处And i"m hanging on a moment of truth我会坚持真理I"m on the edge of glory我站在荣誉的边缘And i"m hanging on a moment with you我坚持与你同在I"m on the edge 我就站在边缘之处the edge(6x)边缘I"m on the edge of glory我就站在荣誉的边缘And i"m hanging on a moment with you我坚持与你同在I"m on the edge with you与你共同站在边缘之处With you(4x)与你一起

急求Lady Gaga的新歌《The Edge of Glory》的歌词及翻译!

Closer To The Edge I don"t remember the moment, I tried to forget 我不记得那个时刻了,我试着去忘记I lost myself, is it better not said我迷失了自我,这还是不要说的好Now I"m closer to the edge 现在我更接近边缘了It was a thousand to one 这是集千成一的And a million to two time to go down in Flames 还有一百万至两次落下到火焰之中and im taking you Closer to the edge 我带你接近边缘地带No, I"m not saying I"m sorry 不,我不会说对不起One day maybe we"ll meet again 也许有一天我们会再相见No, I"m not saying I"m sorry 不,我不会说对不起One day maybe we"ll meet again 也许有一天我们会再相见NO NO NO NO Can you imagine a time when the truth ran free 你能想象真理奔向自由的那一刻吗The birth of us all and the death of a dream 我们所有人的诞辰和理想的死亡Closer to the edge 更接近到边缘This never ending story 这是没有结尾的故事Paid for with pride and faith 用骄傲与信念来偿还We all fall short of glory 我们都失败了,缺少了份荣誉LOST IN THE SUN 在阳光只中迷失No, I"m not saying I"m sorry 不,我不会说对不起One day maybe we"ll meet again 也许有一天我们会在次相见No, I"m not saying I"m sorry 不,我不会说对不起One day maybe we"ll meet again 也许有一天我们会在次相见NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO I will never forget 我永远都不会忘记NO NO I will never regret 我永远都不感到遗憾NO NO I WILL LIVE MY LIFE 我会活好自己每一天NO NO NO NO I will never forget 我永远都不会忘记NO NO I will never regret 我永远都不会忘记NO NO WILL LIVE MY LIFE 过好自己的人生No, I"m not saying I"m sorry 不,我不会说对不起One day maybe we"ll meet again 也许有一天我们会在次相见No, I"m not saying 不,我不会说I"m sorry One day maybe we"ll meet again 我很对不起也许我们会再相见NO NO NO NO Closer to the edge Closer to the edge 更接近到边缘NO NO NO NOCloser to the edge Closer to the edge 更接近到边缘NO NO NO NO Closer to the edge更接近到边缘


  challenge  [英][ˈtʃæləndʒ][美][ˈtʃæləndʒ]  n.挑战; 盘问; 质疑; 怀疑;  vt.质疑; 向…挑战;  vi.提出挑战,要求竞赛(或竞争); 驳斥;  第三人称单数:challenges  复数:challenges  现在进行时:challenging  过去式:challenged  过去分词:challenged  相关单词:Challenge  双语例句  1,I like a big challenge and they don"t come much bigger than this.  我喜欢大的挑战,而所有挑战中再没有比这更大的了。  2,In the waning days of 2013, what challenge is more daunting than turning around BlackBerry ( bbry)?  在2013年这个并不景气的年份,还有什么比让黑莓东山再起更具挑战性的事吗?  3,The new government"s first challenge is the economy.  新政府面临的第一个难题是经济问题。  4,The new Germany must rise to the challenge of its enhanced responsibilities.  一个崭新的德国必须迎接挑战,承担更多的责任。  5,The demonstrators have now made a direct challenge to the authority of the government.  示威者现在直接对政府的权威发出了质疑。

achieve, flourish, admire,acknowledge写出这几个词的词性、意思?


knife"s edge 是什么意思?





casual knowledge 基本认识;更多例句筛选1.Those who are able to should also try and pick up at least a casual knowledgeof another Singapore language, besides their mother tongue.除此之外,那些行有余力的人,更应该尝试对母语以外的至少一种本地语言有基本认识;2.To display personal charm in a casual and natural way, it is important for one to have a clear knowledge of oneself.通过一种舒适又自然的手法展示个人魅力,更重要的是可以很好的认识自我。


Build 2019 开发者大会期间,微软设备体验部门副总裁乔北峰(Joe Belfiore)讲述了该公司为何决定关闭其内部的 Web 浏览器引擎开发、转投现有的成熟方案的深层原因。 首先,CEO 萨蒂亚·纳德拉决意推动用一个开放源码的替代品,以替换自家的 EdgeHTML 渲染引擎:“谷歌在基于网络的协作体验方面做得很好,而 Office 团队也在投入更多的资源来改善自身业务,我们都希望 Web 浏览器可以变得更好”。 【多方面的劣势,让 EdgeHTML 毫无竞争力可言。题图 via OnMSFT】 不过现实是,谷歌不仅表现良好,还是许多人事实上的首选 Web 浏览器开发商。对于 EdgeHTML 来说,由于 Edge 浏览器与 Windows 10 操作系统强行捆绑,尽管安装量很大、但总体用户量却很少。 其次,由于 Chrome 和 Safari 使用了更为相似的渲染引擎,而 EdgeHTML 没有引来用户和开发者应有的注意,因此对于大多数 Web 开发者来说,其测试优先级更是被抛在了脑后。 在足够多的现实压力面前,微软必须大刀阔斧地作出改变。首先,其委托进行了名为“Blade”和“Septagon”的项目。前者旨在现有的 Edge 应用后台包含 Blink 引擎,后者则完全基于 Chromium 来实现。 Edge 项目经理 Jatinder Mann 坦诚自己有些进展,但幸运的是,这一决定得到了 Chromium 工程师们的积极响应,许多其它 Chromium 浏览器开发商都对微软加入该社区表示欢迎。 有一次微软在给客户用自家edge浏览器演示产品的时候,发生了未知错误,最后的解决办法就是使用谷歌浏览器来演示。其实微软做这样的决定也是无奈之举。


去年年底,微软宣布将放弃自己开发的EdgeHTML内核,把Windows10内置的默认浏览器Edge,转换成跟谷歌浏览器同样采用Chromium内核。换句话说,就是要把未来的Windows 10默认浏览器替换成只是换了一个皮肤的Chrome。 昨天这款采用Chromium内核的Edge浏览器测试版已经放出了安装包。在用完之后,我最惊叹的一点,就是它能做得多么像是Chrome。 有在国内的小伙伴登记了内测资格,并且得到安装包,之后就放出来了。并且很快也有了在百度网盘等等地方的备份。 下载解压之后,如果你害怕装上对你的系统造成危害,可以无需双击安装程序,而是可以把安装包解压以后,进一步解压msedge.7z获得一个绿色版。 新的Edge同步各种浏览器信息,是使用你的微软账号而不是谷歌账号。在第一次启动浏览器的时候,Edge可以经过你的授权,自动的检测你已经安装在电脑上的Chrome,并完全导入其中的收藏夹、自动填充信息和浏览 历史 。 在启动页面可以选择三种不同的风格。 除了在现有的Edge已经实现的纯搜索框、常用网址和资讯瀑布流之外,还可以选择加载来自必应(bing)的壁纸。很多网友会下载专门的插件让自己的浏览器首页每天都能加载必应美图,而选择Edge可以自动帮你实现这一愿望。 你可以随个人喜好自由定制显示新标签页的哪一部分。 这款Edge基本上可以让一个习惯使用Chrome的用户无缝切换,菜单布局,功能设置等等分毫不差。 为了做到体验上的完全对接,Edge这一测试版甚至连浏览器标签页一行、后退前进等按钮和地址栏一行和书签栏一行的 高度都做到了跟Chrome平齐 。 这一版本的Edge采用Chromium75内核,相比正式版Chrome浏览器的73版内核还要新。它的User-agent是: Mozilla/5.0(WindowsNT10.0;Win64;x64)AppleWebKit/537.36(KHTML,likeGecko)Chrome/75.0.3738.0Safari/537.36Edg/ 因此在这一版本的Edge上面可以随意安装来自Chrome应用店的插件。Edge会自动检测到你访问了谷歌商店,并且提示你要安装的话,需要到扩展管理页面去打开安装第三方插件的开关。 Edge对于Chrome扩展可以完全识别并且以相同的效果加载,但对于Chrome的皮肤,在安装时会显示出错。 更让人唏嘘的是:Chrome对很多前端开发者非常有用的F12开发者工具,也得到了Edge的像素级兼容。 在Edge界面审查元素,默认给你提供一个暗色的,类似VS Code的界面。但是你可以在开发者工具中按F1,在设置中把这个界面替换成跟Chrome一模一样的样式。 这简直是一种……可以被称为“ 丧权辱国 ”式的全面靠拢。 微软选择放弃开发自有内核的消息,和当年Opera放弃自己内核,转投chromium阵营的新闻,共同被视为谷歌确定在浏览器标准方面霸主地位的里程碑。现在的chromium内核,已经被部分前端开发者称为是 新时代的IE6 。 就像是当年叱咤风云的IE4-IE6一样,Chrome在通行的W3C标准之外,做出了很多自己家的小调整,使得采用统一Web标准编写的页面在Chrome显示时,相比其它内核可能会发生些许的外观、功能不一致。而这种差异,最终又往往会被追认吸纳进W3C标准当中,其他家将不得不对比Chrome来调整。 同样获得所谓新时代IE6称呼的,还有在手机微信上内嵌的浏览器。因为它采用QQ浏览器的X5内核,同时因为跟微信深度耦合,并且要调用很多通过微信实现的系统能力,所以出现了有些网页必须专门适配微信的局面。 例如:微信公众号的文章页,必须在微信浏览器打开才能显示或发布评论。在PC端和Mac端也有微信内嵌的WebView窗口可以获得微信登录、评论显示等能力,但使用外部浏览器模拟微信浏览器User-agent尝试破解的努力却往往以失败告终。 微软不复当年的王霸之气,放弃了自己的浏览器研究以及随之而来一些独特成果,当然会令一些怀旧的前端开发人士伤感。 在IE6时代启用的一些“黑 科技 ”,即使以现在的眼光看依然很先进,比如:IE和Office共用了一套包含“百叶窗”等效果的特效集,也有一种特殊的CSS写法可以在IE实现渐变色,以及仿制Windows 9x样式的浮动“窗口”。 IE单独设置的Active X控件是为了在网页实现Windows更新而引入的,虽然后世褒贬不一,但是确实为比较高级复杂的程序功能在网页端实现开辟了一个先例。 此后,基于Active Desktop的实践发展而来的,用封装网页做可执行程序的hta格式,也成为Windows操作系统的一个有机组成部分。Windows XP的部分功能演示页面,以及开箱引导、激活向导等界面均使用hta完成。 现在随着风水轮流转,轮到谷歌通过自己的浏览器霸主地位,不断的为其他有可能会影响到自身生态的竞争对手设置障碍,有的时候你可以认为这是专指微软。 Edge团队的一名前实习生曾指责谷歌通过设计自家YouTube网站,使其在浏览器上表现不佳,从而故意“负优化”Edge浏览器。 具体来说,该实习生指控YouTube在视频播放器的顶部添加了一个空<p>。这使得微软的EdgeHTML内核无法使用其视频加速功能,同时比Chromium更耗电。对此,YouTube发言人予以否认:https://www.theverge.com/2018/12/19/18148736/google-youtube-microsoft-edge-intern-claims 放弃开发自有浏览器内核,应该看作是纳德拉优化微软运作的整体行为的一部分。毕竟连微软自己的手机操作系统都可以放弃,让微软员工可以使用苹果和安卓的手机,并且拥抱Linux阵营这些事情都陆续做得出来,那么放弃一个浏览器内核似乎也并非太让人意外。 对现在的微软而言,放弃自有内核开发可以精简团队力量,直接利用现在最好的显示效果增加用户的好感度,同时也有望最终让系统自带浏览器摆脱“用它唯一用途就是下载Chrome”的尴尬。 从另外一方面来说,还有一个好处就是Windows 10终于可以充分的 正视那些真正使用浏览器办公的人们的现实痛点 了。 现在包括微软自家的Surface在内,几乎所有采用Windows 10操作系统的轻薄本,在强调电池续航方面,比如说几个小时的网页浏览时间,这些都是根据现存Edge浏览器来计算的理想情况。 而Edge针对Windows进行的优化,可能使得你安装Chrome浏览器,并且有很多插件之后,对系统的内存占用和耗电情况,就跟标称的有很大区别,有上当受骗之感。“Chrome吃内存”也成为一个经久不衰的梗。 现在微软官方都使用Chromium内核,有助于让厂家真正的正视这个问题。 在第一个Chromium Edge正式版本出来之后,各个厂商在推出新品时,如果采用同样的电池容量,那么看网页的标称续航能力恐怕也将大幅下降。 但是,这就会迫使操作系统方和OEM厂商,对于使用Chromium内核的实际体验进行优化,从根本上倒逼省电技术的逐渐改进。这样,每一个使用不管是谷歌浏览器还是Edge浏览器的人们,最终都是受益者。 也希望这能够成为对于微软自主研发的Trident和EdgeHTML内核在天之灵的最好告慰。 作者:书航,微信公众号:航通社 (ID:lifeissohappy),微博:@ lishuhang 题图来自Unsplash,基于CC0协议

The soldiers stopped at the edge of a wood , ___ was the right place for an ambush . A.they tho...

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加拿大高中 kings edgehill school怎样?

King"s-Edgehill School is a Canadian independent University Preparatory boarding and day School located in the town of Windsor, Nova Scotia. Founded in 1788 and granted a Royal Charter in 1802, King"s-Edgehill is the oldest independent school in the Commonwealth outside the United Kingdom. It was founded when United Empire Loyalists founded King"s Collegiate School.Charles InglisThe genteel agricultural town of Windsor was chosen by Charles Inglis, first overseas Bishop of the Anglican Church, over the larger military centre and colonial capital of Halifax (60 km to the southeast) so "...that it be well away from taverns and houses of ill fame,".In April 1789, King George III gave Royal Assent to the establishment of King"s Collegiate School, as well as to the establishment of the University of King"s College - the first such honour to be bestowed upon any school in the British Empire. It is also claimed that Prince Edward, Duke of Kent took an interest in King"s Collegiate School and University of King"s College while stationed in Halifax as Commander-in-Chief, British North America.In June 1890, the Anglican Diocese of Nova Scotia decided to establish a girl"s school in Windsor to complement King"s Collegiate School. Edgehill School opened in January 1891 and construction of a new building to house the new girls began in the following June.The sandstone library survived the 1923 fire.In 1920 a disastrous fire swept through the campus causing irreparable damage to the main university buildings. With the encouragement of the Carnegie Foundation, which was promoting the consolidation of all Nova Scotian post-secondary institutions to Halifax around a nucleus formed by Dalhousie University, the University of King"s College received funds to move into a newly built campus in Halifax. King"s College remains an independent university, although its students enjoy affiliation privileges with Dalhousie. Its campus is located at the corner of Oxford Street and Cobourg Road, occupying the northwest corner of Dalhousie"s Studley Campus.The 25m pool in the Ted Canavan Athletic CentreBoth King"s Collegiate School and the newer Edgehill School remained on the Windsor campus and eventually expanded to include much of the 65-acre (260,000 m2) site, therefore better hosting the athletic tournaments which take place every year. In 1976 the governing bodies of both schools decided to amalgamate, and King"s-Edgehill School was born.In the past five years. there have been major renovations of the school, ranging from the addition of a floor to the girls dormitory to the construction of the Ted Canavan Athletic Centre (opened in 2005), complete with a pool, double gym and well-equipped exercise facilities. The Fountain Performing Arts Centre was also completed recently to host musical performances and concerts.The current headmaster is Joseph Seagram. His predecessor is David Penaluna, who is also former headmaster (1988-1994) of St. Michael"s University School in Victoria, British ColumbiaBirthplace of hockeyIt is asserted locally that students at King"s invented hockey circa 1800, reinforced by the notion held in Windsor that it is the area in which hockey was invented, and as such, King"s was originally located in the same region. A pond on the school"s own woodland behind the school, named Long Pond, bears a sign claiming it is the birthplace of hockey. This legacy is highly valued by the faculty and student body alike, as the hockey program is a centerpiece of the school"s athletic programme.


EDGE 英英释义:something that gives you an advantage over others 例句:Being able to speak good English is widely considered an edge in China. 2. 体会这个词 (进阶篇)“edge”作名词最基本的意思是“边缘”“刀刃”,不过它也常可以引申表示“优势”,我们可以用它来替换“advantage”。找工作时,有一定的实习或工作经验绝对是一种优势,我们就可以说:As far as job hunting is concerned, experience is an absolute  edge .使用“edge”时,最常见的一个搭配是“A has an edge over B”,表示 A 比 B 更好。比如,许多人选择在一线二线城市生活,因为相比其它城市,大城市的文化更多元,工作机会更多。First- and second-tier cities always  have  an edge over other cities in terms of cultural diversity and job opportunities.另外,常和“edge”搭配的动词有“maintain”(保持)和“lose”(失去),比如我们想说美国的军事优势还在,不过移民优势正在减弱。我们就可以说:It seems the US is  losing  its immigrant  edge , but it has  maintained  its military  edge .(建议把这个句子背下来)想表达在某人或某物在某一方面有优势,我们可以在“edge”前添加相应的形容词。比如《经济学人》在一篇讨论美国创新的文章中,就有这样一句话:Indeed, the assumption that America is losing its innovative  edge  is open to question. 这句话的意思是:“的确,美国正在失去它的创新优势这个假设是可以质疑的。” 这是个主语从句,主语是“the assumption that America is losing its innovative edge”,这里的“innovative edge”就表示在创新方面的优势。个人拓展: 优势:edge, advantage, superiority 搭配: A has/ gains/ holds/ gets an edge over/on sb. /sth. //maintain /lose / improve one"s edge //competitive /slight /definite /decided edge give someone/something an/the edge over someone/something: Training can give you the edge over your competitors.Singular: a favorable margin, a margin of superiority, an advantageThe dog edged the ball with its nose. She was on the edge of tears.背诵: 优势:edge, advantage, superiority, leadIndeed, the assumption that America is losing its innovative  edge  is open to question.句型The assumption that  X is doing Y is open to question.It seems the US is  losing  its immigrant  edge ,but it has  maintained  its military  edge .
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