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——Eden* They were only two,on the planet——那是地球最后的恋爱故事。遥远未来的故事。突然出现在火星附近的被后世称为「破灭之星」的巨大的能量堆积体。在能量堆积体的影响下,地球开始发生气候异常和地壳变动。以此为契机各地勃发战争与恐怖主义行为,世界受到了破灭性的打击。地球逐渐荒芜,距离灭亡的时间甚至不足百年。为了避免死亡,各国政要提出:将实施两个计划来挽救人类。第一,建立“地球统一政府”。第二,实施“Felix计划”。他们以完成地球脱出为最优先目标,打出了牺牲小我完成大我的方针。强制性整顿人才。以军事镇压妨碍世界政府设立的国家与团体。此外,以压倒性的武力镇压由于人种、宗教、食物、能源产生的所有问题。他们通过制造出能使计划的实现成为可能的超人类解决了本不可能在一百年内实现的这个计划――实施了基因改良、获得了高超智能与几乎长生不老的肉体的新人类「Felix」。其后99年的时光流逝——有一个作为地球脱出计划的中心成员活跃的Felix的少女。将作为人类的一切献给了研究,结束了工作的她留在空无一人的地球,渴望着平稳地度过余生。然后,还有一个统一军派遣到她身边的青年。他的工作是守护少女,以及,拘束她的自由。故事开始于2人的邂逅。燃尽了一切的星球与少女之间的小小的故事。 ——我想我应该做的事都已经做完了,即使我不在了,“地球脱出计划”也能够完成了。然而我的生命还有剩下的,还有那么一点点……——还要用那些剩下的时间去做些什么?——我想要在这颗星球上再走一遍。即使这个世界即将毁灭,我也会在这颗星球上等待终结之时的到来The end of days has begun.——诗音的心想要去向何方?它被遗失在什么地方了呢?大概诗音自己都不清楚吧。就算知道,也没有风能够让她飞起来吧……既然如此,如果没有风吹过来的话,那我就…… 703研究所所在的小岛位于远海孤岛的统一军移民船开发的研究所。本是Felix之父真行寺博士的住所,贵族趣味的博士为了追求自己生活空间的优雅而建造的洋馆。博士亡故之后置于统一军的管理下,现成为以诗音为中心的移民船开发的中枢部门。另外,诗音的存在是最高机密,考虑到安全问题对外只以移民船引擎开发部门的一个研究所登记(即使在统一军内部除了一部分士官以外紫菀的位置也是机密情报)。除了位于小岛中央的洋馆,西部还有直升机与车辆的机库、弹药设施与训练设施。东部存在着通信设施兼雷达设施。 解放与救赎整个『eden*』的故事大致可以根据舞台的转移而分为“孤岛篇”与“故乡篇”两个部分。在孤岛篇的开场,完成了多年以来的战斗任务,部队解散战友也各奔东西的主人公榛名亮,本以为自己会在某个士官训练学校消磨自己在地球最后的日子。但一纸任命却彻底改变了他对自己人生未来的估计。一座根本就无人知晓的孤岛,一个极度机密的任务。负责来接他赴任的是说话俏皮的美女军官拉维准尉,她对亮显得兴趣十足。当亮走进这个孤岛的研究所时,他感觉这里倒更像一座维多利亚时期的豪宅。莱维准尉也在着陆后像风一般消失不见,引领亮去见司令官的是一位名叫艾莉卡自称工作是女仆的年轻女性,不知为什么她也对亮充满了兴趣,亮同时也在艾莉卡的笑容中感到一种似曾相识的亲切感与怀念。孤岛研究所的最高军事长官稻叶直人少佐,对亮来说既熟悉又陌生,因为七年前正是稻叶带走了夏目姐姐,让少年时期的亮第一次知道了自己的无力。但当时稻叶似乎并不是那么愿意执行这项任务,他在临走时给了亮一张自己的名片——“你想再见到姐姐吗?那就去加入山下的统一军的部队,这是唯一的办法了!”——亮至今仍记得稻叶少佐当时因无奈而愤怒的表情,但他始终不理解少佐那股愤怒从何而来,就像他不能理解优秀又有背景的稻叶七年来竟只从中尉升到少佐。末了,亮这才想起来询问任务的详细,稻叶少佐神秘的说:“这里曾经是太空船研发的中枢,也就是说‘她"在这里。”对于亮来说,守卫诗音的日子比起过去的戎马生涯实在太稀松平常。这项在拉维口中“无比光荣的任务”,多数时候就是亮与拉维两人一班的守候在诗音房间的门外,有时艾莉卡还会邀请他们喝她泡的红茶;偶尔稻叶少佐会光顾亮的房间丢下一个信封,里面有要被清除者的资料。平和的日子里,亮感觉到自己曾经的锋芒正在消去,同时心中的某个角落里有什么东西正逐渐醒来,而这一切都和不断接近自己的艾莉卡有关。 守护与未来最强的FELⅨ,拯救人类的女神 ——诗音。她从不抛头露面,只活在人们的口耳传诵与崇敬中。在孤岛服役十年以上的士兵也未必能机会一睹诗音的真容,但真实的情况又是如何呢?一个百年来被禁锢在无名孤岛的少女,为了全人类的出路而被夺取了毕生的自由。如今地球脱出计划已近圆满,而诗音的生命也所剩无几,已有人在算计着她最后的价值。幸而有艾莉卡与稻叶少佐的相助,以及亮的决心。诗音希望在行将毁灭的地球上度过自己生命最后时光的愿望,终能得以实现。怀着艾莉卡的嘱托与稻叶少佐的激励,同时也不想再重蹈曾经失去姐姐的覆辙,亮牵起诗音的手回到了故乡的那个山中小屋。在曾经和姐姐度过最美好时光之地,亮与诗音开始了如世外桃源般的隐居生活。平静的日子一天一天过去,亮专心于保护与照料诗音生活,诗音也在这如诗如画般的田园生活中享受着从未有过的人生乐趣。这时,一个意外的访客冒失地闯入了他们的生活。这个闯入者就是名叫塔野真夜的女记者。她狂热着迷于诗音并一直不停追踪着关于诗音的一切。她的到来,在亮与诗音看似平静如水的生活中激起了阵阵涟漪。首先,她是如何找到这个隐密的山中小屋的呢?顺着亮的这个疑问,真夜带来了外面世界的新消息 :帮助亮与诗音逃离孤岛的稻叶少佐已被军事法庭处以极刑,从容就义 ;在出逃时与亮做殊死一搏最后还是选择放手的拉维晋升少尉,领导秘密搜捕寻找诗音的部队。但她并没有采取任何有效的行动,她把稻叶少佐生前告诉她的关于亮与诗音可能的行踪告诉了真夜。同时真夜的到来也让一直沉浸在 自己理想生活中的诗音看清了一个现实:自己百年的生命已来日无多,而亮与真夜一样还有很长的人生要走,陪着自己留在即将毁灭的地球上的他,已注定不再会有任何未来。意识到自己是束缚了亮的累赘的诗音决意让亮和真夜一起搭乘最后的太空船离开。“我不想你死去!”“我为了所有人而活到现在,但如今,我只求你一个人,我只希望亮你能活下来!”在诗音的眼泪面前,亮回顾自己与诗音一起走过的日子是那么地平静与美好,也许自己真的已经完成了对过去的赎罪,也许自己真该实现诗音最后的愿望,选择未来……但,这样就真的好吗?迷茫时刻仍然是艾莉卡在梦中点醒了亮——你们真的就没有遗漏一点自己真实的思绪吗?你们真的已经完全看清所有了吗?用自己的全部真心去面对诗音吧 !那孩子也会以自己的全部来回应你的!不是什么同情,也不是对过去的弥补,更不是什么彼此寻找替代。亮与诗音只是纯粹的强烈地想要在一起,因为他们彼此是如此地珍惜对方,如此地了解对方,如此地爱着对方。就如真夜所说,她又那样地喜欢着亮与诗音间那默契、协调又自然的联系,就像万物需要空气一样。——终于,真夜带着满满的关于诗音的笔记独自离开了。当最后的太空船升空,偌大的地球成了两人的世界,临近黄昏的乐园里,最后一段爱情徐徐落下帷幕。没有过去,也不会有将来,他们只在这一刻相爱。夕阳下,小小的少女带着微笑在恋人身边睡去。青年则带着他们永恒的回忆,将二人的时间继续延续下去—— 相信很多玩过这款游戏的玩家事后都是带着怅然若失的情绪去看待这部作品,男主角的冷漠却有所担当,女主的单纯却天造之才。虽然这两种角色在现实中是不可能存在的,毕竟这只是一款恋爱题材科幻背景的游戏。可其文字和画面带给人的冲击感确无法言喻。不得不说,日本人在给人营造悔恨、惋惜、惆怅、酸楚这些情绪时,运用的手段简直无可挑剔。但放在如今的眼光里,或许也只是大同小异,他们都是从一开始一点点唯美的小幸福开始累积,给读者一种“啊,这种简单而纯粹的幸福”的感觉,当读者们深入到其中的时候,觉得接下来一切都应该是那样正常时,夺走你幻想的一切。例如《Angel beats》(天使的心跳)中结尾营造的感觉一样,本该是那么幸福的环境,仅仅一瞬间就消失殆尽。然后留下一幕幕当初大家一起度过时光的场景。人性往往都是可以综合的。别人期待的结果,而你可以又另一种期待。然而eden中,甚至诗音的死一开始就成为了预定的结局,但始终有人抱着说不定会发生奇迹的念头坚持看到结尾,最后哭的稀里糊涂。但这只是争对那些普通的读者,由于每些人的感性程度不一样,思考方式也不一样。所以诗音的死并不意味着这款游戏给人带来的惆怅,而是诗音死后亮所度过的日子。试着幻想一下接下来的结局:倘若,地球没有如预测的毁灭呢?整个地球只剩下亮一个人,每天日复一日去坟前祭拜,看着房间里的任何一个东西都会想起小小的她。试着想象一下,想象那个人如果是自己。当然,就像之前提到的,每个人感性的程度和思维方式不一样。有的人想不到这么深,但这部作品的经典程度毋庸置疑,唯一让人琢磨不透的恐怕就是为何官方不动画化了。



Eden (Edit) 歌词

歌曲名:Eden (Edit)歌手:Talk Talk专辑:The Very Best Of「Eden」歌:Kalafina作词:梶浦由记/作曲:梶浦由记/编曲:梶浦由记雨に打たれた街の空には〖倾盆大雨淋湿街道的天空〗待ちわびていた夜明け〖黎明正焦急的等待〗梦より少し小さなものを〖把比梦想稍小的东西〗鞄に诘め込んで〖塞满了包袋〗今始まるよ〖即将要开始了〗自分の歩幅でパレード〖用自己的步调盛装游行〗小さな靴音届くといいな〖微弱的脚步声能够传达就好了〗泣いて笑って 君に〖对你 流泪 微笑〗昨日失くした大事なものが〖昨日失去珍贵的事物〗明日を照らす灯り〖是照亮明日的灯火〗一つ向こうの知らない路地へ〖向着未知彼岸的小路〗迷い込んで行くよ〖踏进去〗梦を见ようか〖想要看看梦境吗〗少し大胆な気分で〖用稍微大胆的心境〗明るい景色を描けるといいな〖能够描画明亮的景色就好了〗今日の絵の具で 君と〖用名为今天的画笔 与你一起〗见惯れた寂しさ、未来への高度〖熟悉的寂寞、朝向未来的高度〗この指で鸣らす草笛の温度〖这手指吹响的草叶笛的温度〗间违えた道で君の手を取って〖错误的道路上 紧握你的手走向〗风吹く丘へ〖微风吹拂的山丘〗云の隙间で瞬いたのは〖云层的缝隙中闪烁着〗昔飞ばした梦の飞行机〖曾经飞翔的梦想飞机〗just say good-bye口笛高く街の空には〖口哨高鸣于街道的天空〗涙に濡れた夜明け〖被泪水淋湿的黎明〗永远よりも儚いもので〖用比永恒更梦幻的东西〗世界は出来ていた〖创造世界〗何処へ行こうか〖要去向何方〗解き放たれた哀しみが〖解除束缚的悲伤〗空の高みへと消えて行くような〖仿若消逝在高空之中〗眩しい季节 君と〖耀眼的季节也是 与你一起〗楽园へ続く仆たちの航路〖继续我们的航路 走向乐园 〗ひたむきに笑う、それだけの勇気〖由衷的欢笑着、唯独这些勇气〗产声と共に戻らない日々へ〖与初生的哭声般无法回头的日子〗仆たちは漕ぎ出していた〖向着那里 我们启程〗高波のように押し寄せる未来〖仿佛巨浪般袭来的未来〗クロールで超える运命の领土〖游过命运的领土〗鲜やかに大胆に駆け抜ける迷路〖优雅大胆地穿过迷宫〗泣いて笑って 君と〖流泪 微笑都 与你一起〗雨に打たれた君の心に〖倾盆大雨淋湿的你的心〗待ちわびていた夜明け 〖正在焦急等待着黎明〗-エンド-http://music.baidu.com/song/2725762






Eden*是minori的第6部作品,也是在继取得成功的《ef -a fairy tale of the two》(悠久之翼)之后的作品。在本作中,原作和脚本完全由镜游负责;而在前作中和镜游一起负责原作和脚本的御影则负责监督。在minori多部作品中负责人物设定和原画的七尾奈留则没有参与制作,改由ちこたむ、KIMちー负责。[2]. 作为恋爱冒险游戏,作品以叙事为主,带有比较紧张的战斗情节。作品首次采取1024×640的宽屏画面,以加强游戏的表现效果,务求使玩家感觉犹如观赏电影。 游戏的全年龄对象版本在2009年9月18日发行;此外,追加本作的十八禁补丁(特典)的“eden* PLUS+MOSAIC”也同时发行。[3].


Eden is a girl name.The meaning of the name Eden is Paradise 天堂的意思。


第二集。《偶像梦幻祭》改编的动画单曲,ED系列第五弹。发售于2020年2月26日简介 此单曲是动画ED系列的第五张单曲。 在由乐元素开发的音乐节奏手游《偶像梦幻祭2》中,高贵而能量十足的组合Eden有着很高的人气。




edeN(M@STER VERSION)作词:贝田由里子 作曲:NBGI(kyo)歌:星井美希、萩原雪歩、菊地真、四条贵音Nobody loves you like. I can love you.And won"t let go.苍い宇宙(そら) あなたと出会い「爱してる」 気持ちを知って止まらない 运命を信じた「さよなら」と あの子に言ったくちびるを まだ覚えてる1人じゃない もう1人じゃないよね後戻り出来ない ギリギリの2人に眠らない Love&dream 光 解き放つ恋しくて「I love you」 何度も言った言叶を流星のようにね for you 降り注ぐからまるで魔法かけたように ずっと I believeそばで forever love逃げてゆく 绿の星にたどり着く アダムとイブは未来まで繋がってく you and me决められた my situationnaturalに あなたへ motion侧にいる 2人だけの秘密谁にも邪魔できない あの子さえできないアクセルを踏んで走り始めてく会いたくて 「I miss you」 ココロ切なくゆれるこれからは stay with me ずっと抱き合えたなら云を突き抜け辉く shooting star 2人に降り続けるもっとほしい your love あなたじゃなきゃダメなの离さないで my heart 负けないgameだとしてもあの日辉いた空に愿いをかけて I wish...forever love恋しくて「I love you」 何度も言った言叶を流星のようにね for you 降り注ぐからまるで魔法かけたように ずっと I believeそばで forever love解釈)切ない恋をアダムとイブに见立てたのでしょうか?引用:THE IDOM@STER 765PRO GRE@TEST BEST!-COOL&BITTER! 歌词カードP31(日本コロムビア 2013)




一、游戏简介 该游戏是由Virgin和Cryo公司于1995年联合推出的。全三维场景,每个动作都有相应的三维动作,由20多位专业演员配音而成的全程语音,三种语言字幕(英语、意大利语、西班牙语),并有30个对话录像帮助你寻找游戏线索。游戏容量为450MB,仅需硬盘空间67K。故事说的是在史前时代,人类和恐龙一起生活在安静和谐的大地上。但是邪恶的莫库斯(MoorkusRex)想要统治大地,率领暴龙(Tyrann)屠杀无辜的人类和恐龙,眼看就要打到莫城堡(CitadelofMo)来。玛莎王位的唯一继承人王子亚当(Adam)为此受命于危难之中。二、完全攻略莫城堡亚当王子正在莫城堡的前厅巡视,手拿巨斧的守卫舒格(Thugg)告诉他国王有事召见。向左走来到皇宫,见到国王和翼龙埃罗(Eloi)。埃罗刚从北方带来重大新闻,查玛(Chamaar)大陆正受到暴龙的攻击,那里的人已所剩无几。国王向埃罗介绍壁雕上祖先的事迹,亚当王子的祖父恩斯拉佛(Enslaver)是个建筑奇才,也是这城墙的建造者。由于有了这个坚固城墙,我们才没有遭到暴龙的袭击。与国王和埃罗交谈后,回到自己的卧室,又见到埃罗。他告诉亚当小恐龙迪娜(Dina)在外面阳台等着,有话要和亚当说,并给小王子一块小石头(SmallStone)。出右边通道见到迪娜,她带亚当到山洞去见她祖父陶(Tau),陶告诉亚当他的好友葛拉(Graa)也知道建造城墙的秘密,但这个秘密随他埋在莫城堡地下的墓地里,让亚当随迪娜去找。临终前的老恐龙陶给亚当一个贝壳,此后可随时用贝壳与陶取得联系。亚当在山洞中拿到一把小刀,迪娜说这把小刀是葛拉的。回到莫城堡,来到祖先的墓地,老者(Monk)给了亚当一块护身符(Talisman)作为亚当成年的礼物,在老者的指点下,看到了缺了一颗牙的祖先。来到前厅,把护身符送给迪娜,她跟亚当到左边的房间里见刽子手加巴尔(Jabber),他的舌头早年就被割掉,迪娜可听懂加巴尔的话。加巴尔给亚当一颗牙,用这颗牙补上祖先缺的那颗牙,可打开祖先墓地的秘密通道,并可这颗牙消除秘密通道中的骷髅。推开滚石,进入小室,得到棱镜。远处有幅壁画,上面画着恐龙帮人类建城堡的故事,原来葛拉的秘密就是人类和恐龙联合抵抗暴龙。迪娜给了亚当可得到一支笛子,说这把笛子可在建城堡中用得着。出秘道见到老者。把棱镜放入桌上的白色棱镜中,可得到6块棱镜中的第一块,收集全6块墓碑就可打败邪恶的莫库斯。迪娜说服老者一起去见国王。大家一齐说服了国王,让王子帮助大家一起拯救世界,击败魔王。国王让武士舒格保护亚当。在城堡大厅找到舒格,他加入队伍后,一起踏上了拯救世界的行程。先前往查玛大陆。查玛大陆来到查玛大陆,这里一片寂静。见到娜的朋友小恐龙蒙果(Mungo),他愿意加入队伍。森林中可找到蘑菇和带蛋的鸟巢(鸟蛋给舒格吃,鸟巢另有他用)。在找到猿人后,冲(Chong)加入队伍。把苹果(从舒格处可重复得到)扔入湖中,湖中如果有鱼龙(Mosasaurus)便会浮起,可知这块大陆的暴龙惧怕暴风之眼。当找到雷龙(Brontosaur)时,用无毒的蘑菇表示友好,再用笛子吹一段引起它们记忆的曲子,它们会和它们的祖先那样开始盖城堡。猿人们为表示感谢,送给亚当一块月亮石。只要找到虚幻龙(Apatosaurus),就能载大家到尤路鲁(Uluru)大陆。尤路鲁大陆在右上方的洞穴中找到当地的造箭专家乌兰(Ulan)。用蘑菇和笛子让雷龙在尤路鲁大陆也建盖城堡。乌兰会送给王子第二块棱镜作为报酬。从鱼龙那里得知这里的暴龙害怕空中重锤。然后前往柯托(Koto)大陆。临走时埃罗报告速龙(Velociraptor)正移向查玛大陆。柯托大陆在这里的树林里找到土族首领库玛拉(Knommala),她说在这个大陆如果没有速龙(Velociraptor)的帮助,她就不会加入队伍,而没有她,雷龙也不会建城堡。这里的暴龙害怕云雾之火。在大陆左上角山洞可找到太阳石。尤路鲁大陆回到尤路鲁大陆找到乌兰帮忙,从他口中得知基普(Keeper)处可得到消息。到大陆的东北角找到基普,得知速龙特别喜欢黄金,并给了亚当法宝风暴之眼。并说只要找到它们祖先的面具,即可回送法宝。亚当一行来到湖边可得到黄金。然后再回到柯托大陆。柯托大陆回到柯托大陆,将黄金交给速龙,于是库玛拉加入了队伍,并且送给亚当一块面具作为报酬。雷龙开始建造城堡。尤路鲁大陆回到尤路鲁大陆,把面具交给基普可得到云雾之火和空中重锤。将这两件法宝分别给柯托大陆和尤路鲁大陆的雷龙,可解放这两个大陆。查玛大陆回到查玛大陆,将暴风眼给雷龙。雷龙有了它就可赶跑暴龙,查玛大陆就解放了。该到失望(Despair)城,陆路要翻越高山,不好走,因此大家商量找水龙帮忙。来到水龙首领纳利姆(Narrim)的山洞,把小刀交给纳利姆观看一下,证明身份,它会告诉大家一条秘密小路,并载大家到塔玛拉(Tamara)大陆。塔玛拉大陆这里的暴龙最怕“似有似无”这种法宝。在战斗中蒙果失踪,出路毁坏,被困于此。找到塔罗米(Tahloomi)、福格(Fugg)和雷龙建盖城堡,福格会送给亚当一袋泥土。由于回去的路已被暴龙毁坏,只能横越珀利海(Peril)。塔罗米说要是有出路之石就可以逃脱,只可惜自己丢失了。亚当想到埃罗曾给过一块石头,就将那块小石头交给塔罗米,大家就可用塔罗米提供的竹筏从水路逃脱,来到康图拉(Cantura)大陆。康图拉大陆康图拉大陆是个美丽的海滨小城。本地的暴龙害怕“旋风之眼”。这时焦急的迪娜不顾大家的反对去寻找蒙果,而塔罗米拿下了面具变为金发美女夏娃(Eve)。在大陆的西北角的洞穴中见到堪斯它人(Castra)的首领卡布卡(Cabuka),他们挟持了夏娃,要求以迪娜交换。塔玛拉大陆大家回到塔玛拉大陆,在海边找到了迪娜,这时的迪娜见不得蒙果是不会跟着走的。察看第一块棱镜,迪娜看到蒙果的确死去,于是迪娜再加入队伍。埃罗找到其他的翼龙,它们愿意载大家到任意的地方。于是有了空中的交通工具。再回到康图拉大陆。康图拉大陆大家来到堪斯它人的洞穴,迪娜自愿以自己换回夏娃。夏娃说这几天她学会了一首歌,可以驱邪,还学会恐龙的语言。在堪斯它人的帮助下,找到雷龙建成城堡。再去见迪娜,得到一块面具,回答卡布卡的3个问题,什么是生命之神(太阳石),什么是影子夫人(月亮石),什么是大地之母(泥土),就可得到第三块棱镜。尤路鲁大陆顺路到尤路鲁大陆将面具与基普换得旋风之眼和似有似无,分别交给康图拉大陆和塔玛拉大陆的雷龙,解放了这两个大陆。回到查玛大陆,找到三角龙(Tricerators),请它们帮雷龙共建城堡。这时鸟窝和夏娃的歌声也在建城堡中立了大功。按照相同的方法,使一个大陆的城堡迅速完工。当5个大陆的城堡都建成时,埃罗也带来了国王去世的消息。莫城堡大家沉重地回到莫城堡。直接去皇宫。在国王的棺木前面见过老者,可得到国王临终前托他交给我的号角。因为历代祖先的遗体都必须制作木乃伊安放在莫城堡的墓地中,而只有恩巴尔玛(Embarlmers)才可制作木乃伊,因此大家越过拉哈萨(Rahasa)沙漠来到恩巴尔玛。恩巴尔玛来到恩巴尔玛,和女巫玛琳达(Marinda)对话才知道这个仪式必须有一人参加才能顺利完成木乃依的制作。但王子的血液与国王相同不能入选,大家也都有自己不适合的理由。回到莫城堡,把号角交给加巴尔,他愿意参加这个仪式,再到恩巴尔玛。由于有加巴尔参加,于是木乃伊制作完成。几小时后加巴尔也顺利归来,但似乎是被吓坏了。玛琳达给亚当一个面具,并愿意与王子共享三件法宝,但王子必须有金剑。将国王遗体安放在莫城堡下的墓地后,前往山多维拉(Shandovra)大陆。山多维拉大陆找到失踪多年的公主莎季亚(Shazia)。建完城堡后,莎季亚给了亚当国王的信物玛莎(Mashaar)金剑。带着金剑到恩巴尔玛,可得到3件宝:雷电之鼓、圣战之铃、愤怒之号,让3个男人同时演奏,就可赶走暴龙。亚当让老者摇铃,舒格击鼓,自己吹号,一举击败山多维拉大陆的三群暴龙。获得战利品第四块棱镜。尤路鲁大陆在尤路鲁大陆与基尔交换面具得到项链。察看城堡的建盖情况,从公主的口中可知金剑的秘密。大家赶回莫城堡。用金剑刺向壁画中的莫库斯的雕像,进入暗道。按照公主的提示可找到“命运之蛋”。因为这个蛋是埃罗祖先传下来的,就把蛋交给埃罗。大家为了安全把这个蛋送到埃罗的老家白拱塔(WhiteArch)。白拱塔埃罗安放好命运之蛋后,给了王子第五块棱镜。从埃罗口中得知,要找到所有恐龙的祖先必须有“岁月之根”(可在康图拉大陆找迪娜取得)。当吃掉岁月之根后,亚当的灵魂会来到恐龙的祖先处。让它看一下亚当的棱镜,它会告诉亚当这6块棱镜的秘密(这时亚当应该有5块,第六块在敌人的手里),这6块棱镜两两一对,从其中一块可看到另一块的世界,如果6块合起来,则有无穷的力量。亚当还到现实世界后,大家一起前往莫库斯的巢穴(LairofMoorkus)。莫库斯的巢穴大家来到莫库斯的巢穴,只有亚当一人进洞战斗,大家都在外头等候。进洞后先走到高台边拿到第六块棱镜,汇集成6面体。然后再走上高台,莫库斯变成了老鼠。救出蒙果,胜利地走出洞穴。白拱塔来到白拱塔,大家一致推选亚当打开命运之蛋,但是这个蛋却是空的,可能要预示人类将主宰天下,恐龙大概要灭绝的吧?三、游戏心得(1)每件法宝都有自己的作用,不可乱用。(2)每次送法宝给雷龙时,都要先给黄金。(3)要多与人交谈,获得取尽可能多的信息。(4)不知道该干什么时,可以用贝壳(或看本文)。(5)三角龙只吃空鸟窝,若鸟窝里有蛋,需将蛋给舒格吃下,然后将空鸟窝给三角龙。


这首歌找不到中文歌词..我的参考资料那里没有中文的,不过给你日文和罗马的了!関ジャニ∞ - Eden Eden 同じ梦见る度に 失くしてる気がした 溢れる君への言叶 谕すように纺いでは 流れる云と 同じような白さを 几度も求めて 仆らはここにいた Won"t you stay by my side 何処かで缲り返してくとすれば Please stay by my side また 君にめぐり遭いたいよ We gonna reach for the Eden… ほら小さなガラクタに 生命が宿るような 暧昧でどこか优し気な 嘘に包まれていたい 生まれる前から 変わらない仆らの 変わっていく心を 手の平で爱抚して 忘れられるなら Won"t you stay by my side 全てを擦り减らしてくとしても Please stay by my side 今は 君の侧で眠りたいよ ありふれた希望の诗を前にして 仆は何思うのだろう Woo la la… 限られた时间の中泳いで 辿り着ける场所を探してる Won"t you stay by my side 何処かで缲り返してくとすれば Please stay by my side また 君にめぐり遭いたいよ Cause we gonna reach for the Eden 関ジャニ∞ - Eden Eden onaji yume miru tabi ni nakushi teru kigashita afureru kimi e no kotoba satosu youni tsumu ide wa nagareru kumoto onaji youna shiro sawo ikudomo motomete bokura wa koko ni ita Won"t you stay by my side dokoka de kuri kaeshite kuto sureba Please stay by my side mata kimi ni meguri ai taiyo We gonna reach for the Eden… hora chisana garakuta ni inochi ga yadoru youna aimai de dokoka yasashi kena uso ni tsutsu marete itai umareru mae kara kaware nai bokura no kawatte iku kokoro wo teno hirade aibushite wasure rareru nara Won"t you stay by my side subete wo suri herashite kuto shitemo Please stay by my side ima wa kimi no sobade nemuri taiyo ari fureta kibou no uta wo mae ni shite boku wa nani omou no darou Woo la la… kagira reta jikan no naka oyoide tadori tsukeru basho wo sagashiteru Won"t you stay by my side dokoka de kuri kaeshite kuto sureba Please stay by my side mata kimi ni meguri ai taiyo Cause we gonna reach for the Eden


"eden"是产品型号,品牌为“JOKAB SAFETY“(佳可保)瑞士进口品牌,在2011年中国内就有代理在做,不过该品牌出名是以继电器、光电开关为主要产品,目前全国通过正常渠道代理该产品的由上海、温州、长春几家单位但据我了解,该品牌目前有无开关面板产品未可知,您看到的面板也许是国内企业制造,然后冒充或与进口品牌打擦边球的可能性也是有的!

EDEN 这是什么动漫


eden 和survivor 区比例为什么是8:1?

Eden区:Survivor from区是8:1,是因为JVM规定,两个Survivor区中from和to是相对的,根据每次进行MinorGC后哪个区被清空没有对象了。这个区就会成为to区,而通过复制算法复制的还存活下的对象所在的那个区,也就是有对象的区即为from(即from和to区会进行位置交换,所以在我们讲解新生代时,还会给这两个Survivor区加上S1和S2两个名称,而S1和S2位置则是固定的)。eden和survivor区,先要知道垃圾收集算法中的复制算法。复制算法:将区域分成两部分,其中一部分作为保留空间,另一部分作为使用空间、当发生垃圾回收时,首先检查使用空间里有哪些对象是存活的,检查完之后把存活的对象复制到保留空间(这样复制过来的好处是减少了内存碎片,如果直接在使用空间清除的话,那空间会很零散)里,然后清洗使用空间。这个eden就相当于是使用空间,survivor就相当于是保留空间,通常情况下eden会比survivor大的多,因为eden和survivor都是属于新生代(还有老生代,jvm将堆分为新生代和老生代),新生代里的对象一般都是朝生夕死,所以活下来的不多,所以保留空间小一些就好了。GC就是垃圾回收了,是java语言的一大特点,我们生成的对象空间不需要自己手动去释放,jvm自有GC线程来帮我们清理不用的对象。

eden 怎么读?

音标是/i:dIn/ 个人感觉

Eva eden 是什么意思?

参考http://hi.baidu.com/deathapophis/blog/item/8f2f9f547961931f3b293554.html 里面.

Eden (Live) 歌词

歌曲名:Eden (Live)歌手:Paolo Conte专辑:Paolo Conte Live Arena Di Verona玉置成実 - EDEN作诗:Takamitsu Shimazaki作曲:Takamitsu ShimazakiSecret... Secret...I"m a Getaway I"m a Getaway Secret... Secret...Make a Getaway Make a Getaway Secret... Secret...I"m a Getaway I"m a GetawayYou"re a Getaway Secret... Secret...Make a Getaway Break through the WALL...过激くらいがちょうどイイって叫びたいのよ Drive Me CrazyウンザリしてるSimply Life I.D.が消えてく谁かココから出してって 期待はいつもSOLD OUTだけどMidnight サイレンが鸣り响いたのI"m a Getaway I"m a Getaway Secret... Secret...Make a Getaway Make a Getaway Secret... Secret...0.2秒後にはso Lock onして Luv You Crazy香水なんていらない この私には染めてあげるわ 瞬间で ココロ カラダを Bounce Bounce Bounce危険なほどに爱しい逃避行 ESCAPEFake & Lies 駆け引きは无駄よ 圧倒的にあなたの负けなの私が必要なら so Secret を脱いで Want Meその时间が その感情が そのすべてが 私のためGetaway 爱の Gataway この私に 捧げてよそして Secret... Secret... Secret... 谁にも言えない2人のEDENと 名付けましょうI"m a Getaway I"m a Getaway Secret... Secret...Make a Getaway Make a Getaway Secret... Secret...もう気付いているでしょう? 奇妙なこの関系をNot 50/50-fifty fifty-な 异次元な世界私 媚びない女なの 格好つけてるわけじゃないDrasticな刺激を 与えてあげるCall & Response さぁ 欲望よFLOOR揺さ振るように Don"t Stop Musicあなたと私だけのBEAT Secretを増やそう Shake Me□この时代は この季节は このすべては 私のためRunaway 远く Runaway 行こう 2人のEDENにそして Secret... Secret... Secret... 私の虏に深く爱の中 溺れましょうI"m a Getaway I"m a GetawayYou"re a Getaway Secret... Secret...Make a Getaway Make a GetawayDrive Me Crazy now Secret... Secret...Wow Yeah... 足踏み鸣らせ Everybody 私は确かにここにいるOne More?Secret!http://music.baidu.com/song/9929371


宝格丽。eden手表是由宝格丽所发行的一款Mediterranean Eden地中海伊甸园手表,是一款由玫瑰金打造并镶嵌了132颗钻石的腕表。宝格丽(BVLGARI)是意大利奢侈品品牌,属LVMH集团,由索帝里欧宝格丽(Sotirio Bulgari)于1884年在罗马创立。


eden中文意思:伊甸园。Eden伊甸园:来自希伯来语,义为享乐,愉悦。Eden常见英文名音译是伊登,艾登。Eden代表是光芒与快乐,常见于女生英文名,来源于希伯来语,Eden是个霸气的名字,这个名字寓意有创造力、勇敢、果断。Eden中文音译为伊登,该名是由4个字母组成的,听来音律优美又强而有力,作为女生英文名,第一印象是本人动容,可信赖、有爱心。大数据分析,很多叫Eden的人都非常有创造力、勇敢、果断,这个名字在国外较为常见。伊登代表光芒与快乐。一站式出国留学攻略 http://www.offercoming.com




不奇怪Eden常见音译为伊登,艾登,长度为4个字母,中文音译长度为1发音字节,英式发音音标为[_i:dn],美式发音音标为["idn]。简单有内涵的英文名,才是好名字,国人建议2~3音节为佳。性格寓意: 大声,男性化,有男子气概,强壮,激动,轻蔑,可怕,固执,愚蠢,邪恶,普通,有精神,讨厌,绝望,疯狂,烦人,傲慢,永恒,需要,不寻常,精致,引人注目,自由,平和,年轻,独特,愿意,微笑,女性化,骄傲,受欢迎,有风度,有激情,快乐,神秘,自然,有品位,运动,幸运,浪漫,虔诚,纯真,老实,实际,有信心,有趣,愉快,简单,聪明,特别,完美,甜美,善良,迷人,漂亮,气质,温柔,美丽,可爱,优雅


Eden 是名词英[u02c8iu02d0du0259n] 美[u02c8idu0259n]



love psychedelico的《This Way》 歌词

歌曲名:This Way歌手:love psychedelico专辑:Abbot KinneyI say hi now, c"mon babyLong time no listen to my music今君に伝う melody line爱の呗が my jobCome on, yes, I"m playing my guitarSitting on a leather couchAlright 好きさ c"mon babyWanna please you 惜しみ无く forever you梦じゃありえない life 今伝えたい love爱で行くのさ 1.2.3Come on, yes, I"m playing my guitarSitting on a leather couchIsn"t it easy to be myself now?吹けよ爱の bluesI know I can make you feel so goodRock you, rock me, oh, oh, oh, ohI know I feel good enough This wayRock you, rock me, oh, oh, oh, oh爱の呗が my jobHey 君に呗おう hello babyI"m with you 君と行こう it"s alrightDon"t stop the musicGive way to music爱の呗が my job爱で行くのさ 1.2.3C"mon, yes, I"m playing my guitarSitting on a leather couchIsn"t it easy to be myself now?行けよ爱の viewI know I can make you feel so goodRock you, rock me, oh, oh, oh, ohI know I feel good enough This wayRock you, rock me, oh, oh, oh, ohI know I can make you feel so goodRock you, rock me, oh, oh, oh, ohwoo wooI say hi now c"mon babyI say hi now c"mon babyI say hi now c"mon babyI say hi now c"mon babyYes, I"m playing my guitarSitting on a leather couchIsn"t it easy to be myself now吹けよ爱の bluesI know I can make you feel so goodRock you, rock me, oh, oh, oh, ohI know I feel good enough This wayRock you, rock me, oh, oh, oh, ohLet it rock now, Let it rock now, honeyLet it rock now, hey, oh, oh, oh, ohI know I can make you feel so goodRock you, rock me, oh, oh, oh, oh爱の呗が my job「This way」作词∶LOVE PSYCHEDELICO作曲∶LOVE PSYCHEDELICO歌∶LOVE PSYCHEDELICO【 おわり 】http://music.baidu.com/song/7382874




PaddleDetection中的目标检测模型均包括3个输入值和2个输出值。 3个输入值依次为:2个输出依次为:

Suede的《Money》 歌词

The Game - MoneyKanye told me that Jesus walks in "04But I grew up around impalas and drug lordsWelcome to Los Angeles palm trees and drug storesAll we know is rocks and presidents like mount rushmoreFuck the police they hop out and bust doorsI ain"t goin back to jail nigga that what I flush forMy money or my glock who do I trust more?I don"t know it"s probably the one that I touch moreGuess it"s the green cause paper motivate niggasAnd my rolex races cause it hate niggasI use to only sell 8s like that laker niggaNow I"m movin 24s like I play at the staples centerYou might miss the game so nigga don"t blinkMy phantom stand out like Frank Lucas minkSo go ahead and think like Frank Lucas thinkSomebody"ll find your brains on the fuckin kitchen sink aboutDead presidents, Big paperBenjamins, Skyscrapers, My niggas getMy Bitches getLike the strippers getFrom the block to the club I make it rainIn California niggas dieFrom the south to new york the bullets fly for theDon"t stop gettinIt don"t matter where you from if you hustle motherfucker keep gettin thatYeah YeahI get it that baby and slim cash moneyAll the jewlery on your whole crew that"s my tax moneyThat pablo escabar crack moneyThat Lebron first nike contract moneyThat make it rain all my niggas throw a stack moneyStack it to the ceiling then call it shaq moneyThat walk in the club, straight to the back moneyFlavor of love delicious sittin on my lap moneyThat rat money niggas get clapped moneyAir force ones don"t bend when I track moneyOoh I"m rich like ?Havin Alpo nightmares whippin that borderLike McDonalds I was flippin them ordersIn that "02 porsche truck weavin through bordersI was through flippin quarters When I made my first milI"m about a dollar 50 cent ain"t realDead presidents, Big paperBenjamins, Skyscrapers, My niggas getMy Bitches getLike the strippers getFrom the block to the club I make it rainIn California niggas dieFrom the south to new york the bullets fly for theDon"t stop gettinIt don"t matter where you from if you hustle motherfucker keep gettin thatOoh Somebody tell snoop to pop open them briefcasesOrder that patron tell em we want 3 casesFuck a black card you see these green facesLook at my chest... now you"ve seen VegasTreat my money like the cristal that we wastinCause I"m a money machine I can re-make itYou a fool thinkin that Freddy can see JasonI been iced out like who the fuck need JacobThe doc told me to be patient but I walkedMoney like the white howard next time he a free agentI"m tryna make enough money so I can feed AsiaHave asains in the kitchen cookin in louis v apronsWord to martha stewart if I can park a buickThen I can flip a breech truck I got the heart to do itBall like the nigga tony parker do itSpeak no englis but dinero I talk it fluentDead presidents, Big paperBenjamins, Skyscrapers, My niggas getMy Bitches getLike the strippers getFrom the block to the club I make it rainIn California niggas dieFrom the south to new york the bullets fly for theDon"t stop gettinIt don"t matter where you from if you hustle motherfucker keep gettin thatGet Get Get Get G-Get cha paper boyGet Get Get Get G-Get cha paper boyGet Get Get Get G-Get cha paper boyGet Get Get Get Get Get Yea!所属专辑:《Sci-Fi Lullabies》

typedef union { long i;int k[5];char c; }DATE; struct date { int cat;DATE cow;double dog; }too;

sizeof(max)是求max类型的大小,max的类型是union结构,在union结构中所有变量共用同一个空间,在这个union中,i占4 个字节,k[5] 占20个字节,c占1个字节,因为是共用同一个空间,所以union 的大小按最大的变量k[5]来算,占20个字节。 在struct date结构中,cat占4个字节,cow占20个字节,dog占8个字节,合起来就是32个字节。 sizeof(struct date)+sizeof(max) 等于20+32 等于52

我取到个时间,但是它是DATE类型的,即typedef double DATE;请问如何转换为其它类型的时间格式,如CTime型

DATE转成time_t ,CTime有构造函数可以直接用time_t类型做参数。time_t 最终应该是__int64 ,从double转过来应该不会丢失什么。


12月23日 liuxue86.com英语频道特为大家准备相关的学习资料,希望对大家有用。 Predestination 翻译:北京外国语大学北戴河外语培训基地副校长 张宝丹 Many things in this world find neither an answer nor a proper explanation. For example, why should two become a couple among the billions of people on earth? Why don"t they love each other even though they live together everyday, and yet one of them falls in love with someone else at the first sight? Why do the members of a family quarrel daily but still stay unhappily together? Why can"t they get married in spite of the fact that they are a perfect match to each other? Why should one toil so much for the other? Why should the love-infatuated always be deserted by the heartless?..... People remain puzzled in spite of their great effort to understand the endless questions, so they invented the all-embracing word---“predestination”. In order to be more precise, different combinations were derived from it: love predestination, sinful predestination, evil predestination, and kind predestination etc., hence we have the sayings like: “Predestination will definitely bring you together despite the great distance while without predestination, you"ll never know each other even though you are standing fact to face” “A distant couple is tied up with the thread of predestination” and even the phrases and expressions like “the god of marriage”, “predestination without luck”, “luck without predestination”, “Coming across each other is a kind of predestination”, “Enemies are bound to meet on a narrow road”, “They shall not marry each other unless they are predestined lovers”. If people still can not find answers, they turn to “reincarnation” for help. Lin Daiyu is always in tears just for repaying for the water Jia Baoyu had given her when she was a plant in her previous life in A Dream of the Red Mansions . In fact, the so-called “predestination” is often a kind of coincidence or chance encounter, even a kind of accident. If you don"t meet this person, you"ll surely meet some one else. But people insist on adding some colors of emotions or superstition, thus generating various religious factions, the main theories of which are no more than that of “reincarnation”, “heaven and hell” and “the ever-lasting soul” etc. But does anyone know anything about his previous life or his after life? What could he do even if he knew them? If he can"t grasp the present life, what"s the benefit of commenting on the visionary after life? Giving up today is the same as giving up tomorrow, for they are closely connected. How absurd it is to work like the horse or cattle in the present life in order to be above others in the next life. Have you ever seen emperor Qinshihuang reincarnate? Have you ever heard of Emperor Wudi of the Han Dynasty going into another life? Where is now Monk Xuanzang of the Tang Dynasty (What we know is the Big Wild Goose Pagoda)? Where is the Monkey King (The Flower and Fruit Mountain does exist, though)? And where can we find those great emperors such as Yao , Shun Yu and the influential philosophers like Confucius, Laozi and Zhuangzi? 共3页,当前第1页123 小知识提示:好的演讲稿,应该既有热情的鼓动,又有冷静的分析,要把抒情和说理有机地结合起来,做到动之以情,晓之以理。 12月23日 liuxue86.com英语频道特为大家准备相关的学习资料,希望对大家有用。How many heavens do we find? Are they also divided into the oriental and the occidental world? Is God a Chinese or westerner? Which is the greatest religion among Buddhism, Daoism, Christianity, Catholicity and Islamism? All religions advocate doing good deeds and not killing, but why do they keep contending against each other, even fighting and killing among themselves? Is the paradise the same one in all religions? There"s only one sun in the sky, and there should be only one emperor in a country, but do all religions believe in the same God, or do they have different gods of their own? If all of us expected God"s help, wouldn"t God be too busy and too tired? Does God respect science? If not, why does he allow computers and telecommunications to run rampant? If it is God who created human beings, then doesn"t He feel out of control of what the human being are doing now (the nuclear weapons and bio-chemical weapons, etc.)? We human beings have an origin, and is it the same with God? Does God get married? Is God hereditary, or is it the same ever-lasting one? We have all those questions but who can answer them?. Predestination needs us to strive for; friendship needs us to maintain; good will needs us to treasure and future needs us to create. There is no Savior, nor Goddess of Mercy who once saved people in the past but cannot do anything to help the people at the present. The world is developing too fast. People have to work together and associate with each other. Talking about predestination, it"s just a kind of explanation about what has happened, and I"m afraid nobody can predict it before hand. From ancient times till the 1980" s, once getting married, the couple had to stick to each other for their whole life. Can we say it is because of their life-long predestination? It is just because of the marriage system. In the western countries, life-long marriage is rare. Can we say it is because their predestination makes it so? It is actually the result of human nature. The color of love could be attached to predestination, but not the color of superstition. Predestination is a lovely word which we should treasure and respect. In the present world, we should always follow the win-win or multi-win policy, instead of being single-handed. In order to achieve success, we must gain mass support instead of indulging in self-admiration. We might as well call the communication, the cooperation, the common concerns and the common aspirations of human beings “predestination”. Translated by Zhang Baodan 缘 北京外国语大学北戴河外语培训基地校长 宋远利 人世间有许多东西即没有答案,也解释不清。例如几十亿的人类,为什么就你们俩结为夫妻?为什么天天在一起没感情,素不相识的会一见钟情?为什么一家人会天天吵架,又吵而不散?为什么看去很般配的又不能结为连理?为什么一个为另一个付出的太多?为什么多情总被无情弃?…… 百思不得其解,于是人们创造了“缘”这个包罗万象、包容万物的词汇。为了左右逢缘,人们又派生了“情缘”、“孽缘”、“善缘 ” 、“恶缘”等几大支脉。诸如:“有缘千里来相会,无缘对面不相识”,“千里姻缘一线牵”,甚至还创造了“月下佬”、“有缘无份”、“有份无缘”、“相逢即是缘”,“冤家路窄”,“不是冤家不聚头”等。再解释不通,那就求助于“前生后世”了。连林黛玉流泪都是为了还前世欠贾宝玉的浇灌之情。 共3页,当前第2页123 小知识提示:好的演讲稿,应该既有热情的鼓动,又有冷静的分析,要把抒情和说理有机地结合起来,做到动之以情,晓之以理。 12月23日 liuxue86.com英语频道特为大家准备相关的学习资料,希望对大家有用。其实所谓“缘份”,经常是一种巧合、偶遇,甚至误打误撞。你不遇到这个人,你也会遇到别的人。但人们执意将其加上感情色彩,甚至迷信色彩。由此竟引出了无数的宗教门派。其主要理论无非是“前生后世”之说,“天堂地狱”之说,和“精神不灭”之说。 可是前生谁知道?知道又怎样?后世谁予知?知道又怎样?今天在眼前的尚不能把握,还谈什么虚无飘渺的后世?放弃今天,其实无异于放弃明天,因为二者是连续的。为了来世高人一等,宁愿今世当牛做马,是很荒唐的。 谁见过秦始皇转世?谁听说过汉武帝托生?唐僧今在哪里(空余大雁塔)?孙悟空又在何方(花果山确有其名)?三皇五帝至于今,包括孔子、老子、庄子等诸子,我们还能在哪里找到他们的身影? 天堂有几个?是否也分东西方?上帝是中国人、还是外国人?佛教、道教、基督教、天主教、伊斯兰教……哪个教更正确?哪个教更伟大?各教都主张行善、不杀生,为什么彼此、甚至内部仍争斗不休、甚至打打杀杀?西方极乐世界是各教共享吗?天无二日,国无二主,上帝是大家一个,还是各教不一?都希望上帝保佑,上帝是否太忙,太累? 上帝是否崇尚科学?如不,怎么会允许电脑、电讯泛滥?如果是上帝造人,现在人们的所作所为(核武器、化学武器等)是否让上帝感到失控? 人有起源,上帝是否也有起源?上帝有无婚姻?是世袭,还是千古一帝? 许多问题也只能是问问,谁能作答? 缘份也要争取,友情也要维护。恩赐也要珍惜,未来全靠创造。没有救世主。观世音能救古代人,帮不了现代人。世界发展太快了。 人们总要共事,总要交往。说缘,也只是事后的解释,事前谁能予料?中国古代,乃至八十年代前,基本上一婚到底,能说就都是一世的缘?不过是中国的婚姻制度使然。而西方很少一婚到底的,你能说就都是缘本肤浅?其实是生活逻辑的自然体现。缘份可以加进感情色彩,但不必添加迷信份额。 “缘份”这个词是蛮可爱的,要珍惜和维护。当代世界,任何事情都应该是双赢或多赢,而不应是唯我独享。事业要成功,就一定要搞浩浩荡荡,不能搞孤家寡人。我们不如就把人们这种沟通、这种共识、这种合作、这种情感叫作“缘”。 宋远利 2002/1/16 共3页,当前第3页123 小知识提示:好的演讲稿,应该既有热情的鼓动,又有冷静的分析,要把抒情和说理有机地结合起来,做到动之以情,晓之以理。

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分类: 生活 >> 起名 问题描述: 永远的领导者,永远的力量,也是FREDERICK的简称。ERIC被叙述为受欢迎的斯甘地拉维亚人有自信,聪明而且心地善良。-是这个英文名的解释 解析: ERIC翻成中文就是艾力克,FREDERIC读成弗莱德里克。


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歌曲的第一句:I always needed time on my own 这首歌叫什么?

艾薇儿的《when you are gone》

Susan Tedeschi的《True》 歌词

歌曲名:True歌手:Susan Tedeschi专辑:TrueClaude Kelly - TrueIn your arms I feel right at home,And that"s the feeling I ain"t felt before.If you"re feeling the same way then let me know,cause there"s nothing worse than being in love alone.Is it true that I"m not the only one?Is it true that you"re just having fun with my heart?I need an answer ..Is it true ..Is it true ...You"re my Angel that was sent to earth.In your eyes I see my future.I can"t be without you so it"s got to work.Goodbye"s not an option so don"t say a word.Is it true that I"m not the only one?Is it true that you"re just having fun with my heart?I need an answer ..Is it true ..Is it true ...I"ve never been a victim of love beforeso I"m not sure what I should be looking forbut I know the signs are in my faceHope its not too late to changeMight I make you wanna stayIs it true that I"m not the only one?Is it true that you"re just having fun with my heart?I need an answer ..Is it true ..Is it true ...Is it true that I"m not the only one?Is it true that you"re just having fun with my heart?I need an answer ..Is it true ..Is it true ...Cuz in your arms I feel right at homeAnd that"s a feeling I ain"t felt beforehttp://music.baidu.com/song/8062731

2.______ he needed money for a new car, he decided not to borrow it from the bank. (1998)


The Neden Game 歌词

歌曲名:The Neden Game歌手:insane clown posse专辑:Jugganauts - The Best Of IcpLets meet contestant #1Hes a skitsophranic serial killer clown who sayswomen love his sexy smileLets find out if his charm will work on sharonSharon, whats your question?contestant #1i believe first impressions last foreverso lets say you were to come over to my parents houseand have dinner with me and my familyTell me what youd do to make that first impression really sticklets see,well id have to think about iti might show up in a tuxHA!! but i doubt itid probably just show up naked like i always doand look your momma in the eye and tell her FUCK YOU!hurry up bitch im hungryi smell spaghettii pinch her loopy ass and tell her GET THE FOOD READY!your dad would probably start trippinand get me pissedid have to walk up and BUST him in his FUCKIN lipsits dinner timewere hearin grace from your motheri pull the 40 out and pour some for your little brotherim steady starin at your sister, ill tell ya thisyou know for only 13 she got some big tits!after that, your dad would try to jump againand only this time id put the 40 to his chinafter your mom does the dishes and the silverwarei dry fuck her till i nut in my underwear hehe hahanow lets meet contestant #2hes a psychopathic deranged crackhead freakwho works for the dark carnivalhe says women call him stretch nutssharon lets hear your questioni like a man whos not afraid to show his true emotionsA man who expresses himself in his own special way#2 if you fell in love with meexactly how would you let me know?first thingi could never love youyou sound like a richie bitch yoFUCK YOU!but if i did, id probably show you that i careby takin all these other motherfuckers outta hereid go through your phone book and whack em alland find contestant #1 and break his fuckin jawanyone who looked atcha would have to payid be blowin fuckin nuggets off all dayid grab your titties and stretch em down past your waistlet em go and watch em both spring up in your faceid sing love songs to yathe best i cangetcha naked and hit it like a CAKE MAN!then we go to the beach and walk through the sandid throw a little in your face and say im just playinas we spread it all out i rub your backid grab your underwear and WEDGE IT UP YOUR ASSCRACK!!well it sounds like contestant #2 is just overflowing with sensitivitysharon, its a tough choice so farsharon, lets have your last question and seewhich one is gonna win the rights to your Nedenok if we were at a dance club and you both noticed me at the same timetell mehow would you each get my attentionand what would your pickup line be?who evers the smoothest wins!ok, firstid sliiiiiiiide up to the barand tell you that i cant believe how fuckin fat you areid tell you i like the way you make your titties shakeand if you lost a little weight youd look like riki lakeFUCK THATyoud be jackin me quickid order you a drinkand stir it with my dickand then to get your attention in the crowded placeid simply walk up and STICK MY NUTS IN YOUR FACEyeah freak her with your nuts yeahthatll get hertell her that shes fat YEAH thatll work even betterlook, fuck youi got a strong rapshityou dont want contestant #2 hes mad whackhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8183900


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求The Genesis的罗马音 歌手是Eden 学园偶像祭的

THE GENESIS - Eden---------------------------------------------------We"re Makin" Destiny .We"re Makin" Mythology .We"re Makin" Destiny .We"re Makin" World .---------------------------------------------------kinji rerata kanjistu ga hoshikuttedare mo kare moga hizamazukun danemotomeru no nara shitagaeba iiten no kumi e michibiite ikou---------------------------------------------------yuuwaku no amai wana toaragau koto no dekinai shihaikoukotsu no mama niinori sakebeba ii---------------------------------------------------(Make) Now"s The Time Of Genesis!(New) saa、koko e tsudoe(World) rakuen wa futatabi hiraita(Make) Now"s The Time For Covenant!(New) amaneku mono e(World) eikou no te wo sashinobeyou---------------------------------------------------kesshite todoku koto no naiharuka naru takami karaLive For Creation!Live For Creation!---------------------------------------------------kodou no narasu kane ga hibikuikiteku imi wo yudanete iru noka?yorokobi no subete wo ageru yosubete no ai sasageru nara ne---------------------------------------------------kokoro no omomuku mamatataete goranyo honto no kagayakinanpito taritomookasu koto wa dekinai---------------------------------------------------(Make) Now"s The Time Of Genesis!(New) yubi saki de fure(World) atarashii inochi fukikomou(Make) Now"s The Time For Covenant!(New) amaneku sekai no(World) chuushin de shukufuku shiyou---------------------------------------------------amayakana shihai de kosotamashi wa mitasareruLive For Creation!Live For Creation!---------------------------------------------------We"re Makin" Destiny .We"re Makin" Mythology .---------------------------------------------------(Make) Now"s The Time Of Genesis!(New) saa、koko e tsudoe(World) sousei no kiseki no moto e(Make) Now"s The Time For Covenant!(New) amaneku shouri(World) tsukamu te wo sashinobeyou-------------------------------------------------subete wo suberu hikarihoshiboshi no kagayaki keshisatte ikuWe Are The Rule .-------------------------------------------------owaru kotono nai shinwa wokokoro ni kizande ageyouWelcome To The Garden Of EDEN!Live For Creation!-------------------------------------------------We"re Makin" Destiny .We"re Makin" Mythology .We"re Makin" Destiny .We"re Makin" World .------------------------终り------------------------

求老鹰的Long road out of eden的中英文歌词!

moon shining down through the palms shadows moving on the sand somebody whispering the 23rd psalm dusty rifle in his trembling hands somebody trying just to stay alive he got promises to keep over the ocean in america far away, the master sleeps silent stars blinking in the blackness of an endless sky gold, silver satellites, ghostly caravans passing by galaxies unfolding and new worlds being born pilgrims and prodigals creeping toward the dawn and it"s a long road out of eden music blasting from an suv on a bright and sunny day rolling down the interstate in the good old usa having lunch at the petroleum club smoking fine cigars and swapping lies they say, "give me "nother slice of that barbecued brisket give me "nother piece of that pecan pie" freeways flickering; cell phones chiming a tune we"re riding to utopia; road map says we"ll be arriving soon captains of the old order clinging to the reins assuring us these aches inside are only growing pains but it"s a long road out of eden back home, i was so certain; the path was very clear but now i have to wonder - what are we doing here? and i"m not counting on tomorrow and i can"t tell wrong from right but i"d give anything to be there in your arms tonight weaving down the american highway through the litter and the wreckage, and the cultural junk bloated with entitlement, bloated on propaganda now we"re driving dazed and drunk went down the road to damascus, the road to mandalay met the ghost of caesar on the appian way he said, "it"s hard to stop this binging once you get a taste but the road to empire is a bloody, stupid waste" behold the bitten apple, the power of the tools but all the knowledge in the world is of no use to fools and it"s a long road out of eden

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奔驰mercedes me关闭多账号登录方法:1、可以到4s店重新进行认证车主的信息,自己开通一个mercedes me用户,把前面的用户删除掉。2、或者登录到奔驰官网,再登录网页版Mercedes Me,在里面把不需要的业务取消掉即可。3、还可以到外面的维修店,让专业的工作人员把车机端的电脑刷一下,这样可能也行。Mercedes Me 是梅赛德斯-奔驰推出的全新概念体验店,其重点在于诠释梅赛德斯-奔驰的品牌形象和全方位的生活方式。

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奔驰mercedes me关闭多账号登录方法:1、可以到4s店重新进行认证车主的信息,自己开通一个mercedes me用户,把前面的用户删除掉。2、或者登录到奔驰官网,再登录网页版Mercedes Me,在里面把不需要的业务取消掉即可。3、还可以到外面的维修店,让专业的工作人员把车机端的电脑刷一下,这样可能也行。Mercedes Me 是梅赛德斯-奔驰推出的全新概念体验店,其重点在于诠释梅赛德斯-奔驰的品牌形象和全方位的生活方式。

Suede的《Positivity》 歌词

歌曲名:Positivity歌手:Suede专辑:A New MorningYou say what you want to sayYour diamonds are drops of rainYour smile is your credit cardAnd your currency is your loveAnd the morning is for youAnd the air is freeAnd the birds sing for youAnd your PositivityWatch outSo you play where you want to playOn the main streets where the creeps all preyAnd you can feel like you"re in dynastyAnd you can be what you want to beAnd the morning is for youAnd the air is freeAnd the birds sing for youAnd your PositivityAnd the cars crash for youAnd the sunshine is freeAnd the sirens call youYes the morning is for youYes the air is freeAnd yes the world spins for youAnd your PositivityPositivityhttp://music.baidu.com/song/55003816

Suede的《Lazy》 歌词

歌曲名:Lazy歌手:Suede专辑:Coming UpLazyHere they come with their make-up onas lovely as the clouds, come and see them,Boys and girls and their mums and their wordsand their romances and jobs and their sons,Barking mad kids, lonely dadswho drug it up to give it some meaning,From the raves to the council estatesthey"re reminding us there"s things to be done.But you and me, all we want to be is lazy,you and me, so lazy...Here they come gone 7amgetting satellite and Sky getting cable,Bills and Bens and their mums and their friendswho just really, really want to be loved,Uncle Teds and their legendary vestshelping out around the disabled,From the flats and the maisonettesthey"re reminding us there"s things to be done.But you and me, all we want to be is lazy,you and me, so lazy...It"s you and me, it"s you and me, you and me...http://music.baidu.com/song/8770773

Suede的《Lazy》 歌词

歌曲名:Lazy歌手:Suede专辑:SinglesLazyHere they come with their make-up onas lovely as the clouds, come and see them,Boys and girls and their mums and their wordsand their romances and jobs and their sons,Barking mad kids, lonely dadswho drug it up to give it some meaning,From the raves to the council estatesthey"re reminding us there"s things to be done.But you and me, all we want to be is lazy,you and me, so lazy...Here they come gone 7amgetting satellite and Sky getting cable,Bills and Bens and their mums and their friendswho just really, really want to be loved,Uncle Teds and their legendary vestshelping out around the disabled,From the flats and the maisonettesthey"re reminding us there"s things to be done.But you and me, all we want to be is lazy,you and me, so lazy...It"s you and me, it"s you and me, you and me...http://music.baidu.com/song/2210253

Eden的《Party Girl》 歌词

歌名:Party Girl演唱:明骏女孩词:胡德 曲:Dae Hyun Kin太阳懒懒的照着感觉像蚂蚁上了锅还有几天 才是周末迷迷糊糊的上课低头发现袜子穿错没人注意 阿弥陀佛黑板上写的符号像精灵在又唱又跳仿佛叫我 快来报道穿上最炫的衣服头发也变得超级酷闭上眼睛 马上开路YA YA 爸爸工作可以放下一秒YA YA 妈妈生活并不烦燥阿公阿婆的皱纹可以减少现在 跟着我的口令来做 LOOK AT MEBA BA BABY跳一跳 笑一笑 OMDON"T STOP BABY开心的人不会变老BA BA BABY放松你的心情来吧难得的快乐派对BA BA BABY跳一跳 笑一笑 BABYDON"T STOP BABY笑容灿烂吧 YA YI YABA BA BABY爱让世界变得美妙跟着我跳动的节奏谁躲在角落发傻你说你心里的他今天忽然爱情变卦发来Email 说分手吧没有他的玫瑰花不必哭得稀里哗啦你的眼光 实在太差你不是他的夏娃他不过是只大青蛙自由万岁 哈里路亚我们还正在发芽阳光充足才能开花所以现在 跟我来吧YA YA 来吧别脸红别害羞YA YA 来吧快快拉住我的手灯光闪烁欢呼在你的四周这是你的舞台尽情去秀 SO COME ONhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2725029

he needed a towel to dry his grip‘grip’为什么有手的意思


寄联邦快递,需要客户发什么Fedex commerial invoice 吗

不需要的,只需要你这边提供一份形式发票 代表你跟客户的合同,也不需要很真实。就是货物在上飞机前需要快递清关用的,和货物到那边后清关用。一般不像海运那么严格,都是形式类的。没有还不行。

求初三英语课文翻译。。archimedes and the crowns。



随着w两个世界的热播,女主韩孝珠的手表也是让很多人好奇,据了解,w两个世界韩孝珠饰演的吴妍珠戴的手表是archimedes奥奇米德的手表。那么archimedes是什么牌子?archimedes手表是奢侈品吗?archimedes手表多少钱?archimedes是什么牌子 archimedes是奥奇米德的意思 宝齐莱是一钟表品牌。Archimedes奥奇米德18K玫瑰金万年历月相自动表是一只持久运行、永恒不息的手表。 它的机械精确细致,报时格外精准,更有月相盈亏显示及自动因应润年而调校长短月份日子的功能。此外,当手腕活动时,自动盘可帮助手表自动上链。其透明表底,机芯运作一目了然。 Archimedes正代表了宝齐莱自1919年以来,对钟表技术的执著,对细节的研究和精益求精的决心,不折不扣地表达出“不随波逐流”的品牌意念。 这款腕表因为其制作相当复杂,每年只可生产25枚 特制防水胶圈及旋入式把的,可防水30米。因为其制作相当复杂,每年只可生产25枚。 奥奇米德系列是Carl FBucherer宝齐莱设计师最优秀的设计,标志了宝齐莱制表设计的新里程。它的优胜在于精炼细致的结构、恒古永存的设计,在潮流中领夺先锋,带给佩戴者一份永恒的美丽。Archimedes正代表了宝齐莱自1919年以来,对钟表技术的执著,对细节的研究和精益求精的决心,不折不扣地表达出“不随波逐流”的品牌意念。宝齐莱不单是名贵腕表的代号,更表示其顾客的生活哲学。archimedes手表是奢侈品吗 是的,archimedes奥奇米德是宝齐莱手表的明星系列 在1915年至1923年间,宝齐莱的腕表与珠宝的名气迅速地席卷了整个德国的上流社会。这是当时Bucherer名店的徽号,象征着皇家制表专家的高贵地位。 宝齐莱于2012年巴塞尔钟表展推出了多款柔和精湛工艺及卓越科技的马利龙系列腕表:万年历计时秒表、月相玫瑰金腕表及BigDate Power腕表,新款腕表延续了品牌的独特风格,同时不乏创意设计,必然是最佳的腕上良伴。 在香港,宝齐莱更成为了2003年及2004年香港小姐竞选大会指定手表,也是2003年王菲演唱会的主要赞助商及多个演唱会的指定手表,风头可谓一时无两。宝齐莱一向致力发展精密机械腕表,在云云腕表系列中Archimedes奥奇米德系列甚为出众。

TheSwede made no answer,did he / she? 对吗 ? made no answer怎么翻译


the swede made no answer反义疑问句

反义疑问句就是:Didn"t the Swede make any answer?勤学好问,天天进步!加油!你是最棒的!

The Shawshank Redemption(肖申克的救赎)

It has been one year by now since I saw The Shawshank Redemption first time.Whereas,what I still remember clearly is Andy"s intelligence,courage and the pursuit of hope which have been deeply rooted in my mind.My evaluating Andy is able to be boiled down to a word――strong.For instance,he who was falsely accused and convicted(犯罪)of the murder of his wife and her secret lover was sentenced to two life imprisonment(终身监禁,无期徒刑). Although initially he was very isolated,lonely and hopeless,afterwards he employed his advantage over others as a banker to launder(洗黑钱)money for the wardenry(监狱长)instead of abandoning himself or yeilding to(向……屈服)destiny,winning him the respect of all people in Shawshank and demonstrating his worth.What"s more,he unexpectedly spent 20 years tunneling(挖地道)secretly with a little hammer and he successfully escaped from the prison.In short,his strong soul saved himself. Nevertheless,his strongness is less than my reverence(崇敬)for him.As Michael carried out,a stronger man save himself, a great man can save another.What I admire him most lies in his greatness of redemption for Shawshank.Firstly,he helped several warders(监狱官)exempt(免除,豁免)taxation to exchange ice beer for his friends,all of whom enjoyed rare and short freedom leisurely(轻松地,悠闲地).Then,he kept writing letters to the government to ask for bankroll(资金)to develop the library and after nearly ten years,a new library appeared.Besides,regardness of warders" objection(反对)and punishment,he played The Wedding of Figaro in the radio room,letting the wonderful music which represents hope spread above Shawshank.Most impressively,he could have escaped early from the tunnal,but it was not until the wardenry killed Tommy who knew the real murderer that he ultimately resolved to escape to expose warders" cruel actions to the public and give back blue sky to Shawshank. As far as I"m concerned,Andy is utterly(全然地,绝对地)different with other prisoners.Under no circumstance would he give up the pursuit of hope in the prison of life,so he is the incarnation(化身,典型)of strength in my mind.The film tells us no matter what happens, never doubt yourself and pursue our hopes and dreams. 经典台词: 有一种鸟是永远也关不住的,因为它的每片羽翼上都沾满了自由的光辉!生命可以归结为一种简单的选择:要么忙于生存,要么赶着去死。不要忘了这个世界上还有可以穿透一切高墙的东西,他就在我们的内心深处,他们无法达到,也触摸不到,那就是希望。 懦怯囚禁人的灵魂,希望可以感受自由。强者自救,圣者渡人。 希望是美好的,也许是人间至善,而美好的事物永不消逝。 刚入狱的时候,你痛恨周围的高墙;慢慢的,你习惯生活在其中;最终你会发现自己不得不依靠它而生存。那就是体制化。

Once a small boy lived on a farm which seemed so far away from everywhere. He needed to get up ...


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DEDEcms TAGS标签空白

楼主你好首页dedecms的TAG标签需要在后台添加文章的时候添加上才会有,其次你说的404的问题可能是你没生成页面,如果全部都生成还是404的话,找到TAG标签的模板页面看看,这样的调用是不是正确,<a href="[field:link/]" class="tagc[field:highlight /]">[field:tag /]希望可以帮到你。 林羽凡


  下面是修改tags长度的方法。  1.修改数据库中表dede_tagindex 和dede_taglist的tag字段属性:varchar(12)修改为varchar(255) 。  这个步骤需要直接操作数据库,建议在主机管理面板用phpmyadmin管理。  2.修改文件:/include/helpers/archive.helper.php  查找:if(isset($tag[12]) 修改为:if(isset($tag[255]) ;  再将if(isset($tag[20]) 修改为:if(isset($tag[255]) 。




1.找到文章模板在{dede:field.body/}后面加入{dede:field.tags/}这个标签即可。但是织梦dedecms默认的Tag标签是没有链接的;接下来进行第二步。2.给Tag标签加超链接找到网站跟目录下的/include/helpers/archive.helper.php,找到如下代码:if ( ! function_exists("GetTags")){function GetTags($aid){global $dsql;$tags = "";$query = "SELECT tag FROM `dede_taglist` WHERE aid="$aid" ";$dsql->Execute("tag",$query);while($row = $dsql->GetArray("tag")){$tags .= ($tags=="" ? $row["tag"] : ",".$row["tag"]);}return $tags;}}替换成以下代码:if ( ! function_exists("GetTags")){function GetTags($aid){global $dsql;$tags = "";$query = "SELECT tag FROM `dede_taglist` WHERE aid="$aid" ";$dsql->Execute("tag",$query);while($row = $dsql->GetArray("tag")){$tags .= ($tags=="" ? "".$row["tag"]."": ","."".$row["tag"].""); }return $tags;}}希望可以帮到你





伯纳德·巴勒特,The Suede吉他手

  Bernard Butler 粉丝都亲昵的称为大傻。  ------------------Bernard的音乐历程------------------  1989年,19岁的Bernard由杂志广告加入Suede,之后随着Suede的成功,他被比作Eric Clapton,被称为90年代的Neil Young,被评选为同时代最杰出的吉他手。  1993年10月,在美国巡演期间乐队开始产生裂痕。其他三人总是出去狂欢,而Bernard却把自己关在宾馆的房间里,整夜整夜地弹吉他。  1994年,5月底,Bernard的婚礼没有邀请Suede任何一位成员。在《DOG MAN STAR》的录制过程中,Bernard与乐队成员的矛盾日益加深,为了避免和他们见面,他常常独自录制吉他部分。最终Bernard和制作人吵翻,带着所有团员对他的不满——那个夏天是一个时代的终结——Bernard永远离开了Suede。但这个消息直到7月18日的记者会上才被证实。之后,Bernard与前THIEVES歌手David McAlmont合作,成立M&B,乐队仅仅在发行两张单曲《YES》、《YOU DO》后裂痕再次产生。  1995年末,M&B解散。专辑《The Sound of McAlmont & Butler》在96年初发行。  1997年初,出于主唱Richard Ashcroft的盛情邀请,Bernard加入了重组后的VERVE(时乐队原吉他手Nick McCabe出走,秋天回归),但由于以往那些不快乐的回忆,仅仅在一个星期后,Bernard就离开了VERVE。  1997年春,在Todd Haynes的《天鹅绒金矿》中,Bernard担任主音吉他,与Thom Yorke、Andy Mackay等人合作,合组电影中那支著名的幕后乐队Venus In Furs。  1997年秋,Bernard发表了他第一支单曲《STAY》。  1998年4月,Bernard第一张个人专辑《PEOPLE MOVE ON》在英国本土售出超过十万张,被美国权威音乐杂志Rolling Stone列为年度最佳专辑之一。  2000年2月,第二张专辑《FRIENDS & LOVERS》发行。  2001年的某一天,Bernard突然打电话给David,希望再次合作,M&B复合。  2002年8月12日,M&B发行了重组后第一张专辑《Bring It Back》。


binding precedent 英[u02c8bau026andu026au014b u02c8presidu0259nt] 美[u02c8bau026andu026au014b u02c8pru025bsu026adu0259nt] [词典] [法] 有约束力的先例; [例句]This statement, however, was only in dictum, and does not fall into the category of binding precedent.这份声明,但仅在判词中,不属于有约束力的先例。

I want_____the renovations before i start thinking about redecorating.

选择A。这里的get起be的作用。即 I want to be done with ......


英音[u02ccɑ:kiu02c8mi:di:z] 美音[u02ccɑrku0259u02c8midiz]。正多边形的边数公式为:n = 4 × tan(π/n),其中,n 表示正多边形的边数,π表示圆周率。正多边形边数公式是由希腊数学家阿基米德(Archimedes)在他著名的《圆的测量》(Measurement of the Circle)一书中首次给出的。在这本书中,阿基米德利用弧长逐渐逼近多边形的方法,推导出了圆周率的逼近值。利用这种方法,阿基米德还推导出了正多边形的周长公式和面积公式。正多边形边数公式是由周长和半径之间的关系推导而来的。由于正多边形的边和半径都相等,因此正多边形的周长直接与其边长成正比。而正多边形内角和总是等于 (n - 2)×180 度,每个内角又都是 360 度除以边数 n,因此可以得到每个内角为 (n - 2) × 180 / n 度。由于正多边形的内角为圆心角,因此可以通过三角函数来计算正多边形的边长。因此,利用周长和内角的关系以及三角函数,阿基米德就推导出了正多边形边数公式。正多边形边数公式可以用于计算正多边形的边数,也可以用于其他相关问题的计算。常见正多边形的边数:1、三角形(Equilateral triangle):3个边。2、四边形(Square):4个边。3、五边形(Pentagon):5个边。4、六边形(Hexagon):6个边。5、七边形(Heptagon):7个边。6、八边形(Octagon):8个边。7、九边形(Nonagon):9个边。8、十边形(Decagon):10个边。9、十二边形(Dodecagon):12个边。10、二十边形(Icosagon):20个边。

【高分悬赏】EDEN 安卓ons版本体+18X补丁



去年7月,SUEDE推出了他们的最后一张专辑,随后就挥挥手,一骑绝尘,消失在乐迷的视野里。 大概是再不会回来了吧? SUEDE拥有20世纪90年代前半期最受瞩目的主唱和吉他手搭档:BrettAn鄄derson和BernardButler。Butler细致的吉他与键盘编曲和Anderson尖锐滑腻的嗓音搭配无间,在华美中带着魅力四射的颓废。 从1996年的《ComingUp》开始,SUEDE渐渐被视为时尚品位型格的象征,他们身上已不再流露着昔日Self-Style的病态美,而是换来一种刻意经营出来而时装化的酷。 他们从凄美与狂狷的代名词蜕变成硬朗的时尚男,以这样的形象进入了新的世纪。 然而最好的时光已经过去了。 所以我们只好回顾,以这样的形式来记住他们的辉煌。

Morrissey的《Suedehead》 歌词

歌曲名:Suedehead歌手:Morrissey专辑:The Best Of Morrissey - SuedeheadWhy do you come here ?And why do you hang around ?I"m so sorryI"m so sorryWhy do you come hereWhen you know it makes things hard for me ?When you know, ohWhy do you come ?Why do you telephone ? (hmm...)And why send me silly notes ?I"m so sorryI"m so sorryWhy do you come hereWhen you know it makes things hard for me ?When you know, ohWhy do you come ?You had to sneak into my room"just" to read my diary"it was just to see, just to see"(all the things you knew i"d written about you...)Oh, so many illustrationsOh, butI"m so very sickenedOh, i am so sickened nowOh, it was a good lay, good layIt was a good lay, good layIt was a good lay, good layOhIt was a good lay, good layIt was a good lay, good layOh, it was a good lay, good layOhOh, it was a good layIt was a good layOh, a good layOh, it was a good layGood lay, good layOhIt was a good layIt was a good layhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2750352

Morrissey的《Suedehead》 歌词

歌曲名:Suedehead歌手:Morrissey专辑:Morrissey"S Greatest HitsWhy do you come here ?And why do you hang around ?I"m so sorryI"m so sorryWhy do you come hereWhen you know it makes things hard for me ?When you know, ohWhy do you come ?Why do you telephone ? (hmm...)And why send me silly notes ?I"m so sorryI"m so sorryWhy do you come hereWhen you know it makes things hard for me ?When you know, ohWhy do you come ?You had to sneak into my room"just" to read my diary"it was just to see, just to see"(all the things you knew i"d written about you...)Oh, so many illustrationsOh, butI"m so very sickenedOh, i am so sickened nowOh, it was a good lay, good layIt was a good lay, good layIt was a good lay, good layOhIt was a good lay, good layIt was a good lay, good layOh, it was a good lay, good layOhOh, it was a good layIt was a good layOh, a good layOh, it was a good layGood lay, good layOhIt was a good layIt was a good layhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8343370

InterruptedException 是什么异常


Voglio Vederti Danzare (2004 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:Voglio Vederti Danzare (2004 Digital Remaster)歌手:Franco Battiato专辑:The Platinum CollectionE gira tutto intorno alla stanzamentre si danza, danzae gira tutta la stanzamentre si danza.danzae gira tutto intorno alla stanzamentre si danza, danzae gira tutta la stanzamentre si danza, danzaVoglio vederti danzarePrezioso feat.MarvinVoglio vederti danzarecome le zingare del desertocon candelabri in testao come le balinesi nei giorni di festa.Voglio vederti danzarecome i Dervisches Tournersche girano sulle spine dorsalial suono di cavigliere del Katakali.E gira tutto intorno alla stanzamentre si danza, danzae gira tutta la stanzamentre si danza, danzae gira tutto intorno alla stanzamentre si danza, danzae gira tutta la stanzamentre si danza, danza&Music&E Radio Tirana trasmettemusiche balcaniche, mentredanzatori bulgaria piedi nudi sui braceri ardenti.E Radio Tirana trasmettemusiche balcaniche, mentredanzatori bulgaria piedi nudi sui braceri ardenti.E gira tutto intorno alla stanzamentre si danza, danzae gira tutta la stanzamentre si danza, danzae gira tutto intorno alla stanzamentre si danza, danzae gira tutta la stanzamentre si danza&End&http://music.baidu.com/song/2764171

Voglio Vederti Danzare (Live) 歌词

歌曲名:Voglio Vederti Danzare (Live)歌手:Franco Battiato专辑:Live CollectionE gira tutto intorno alla stanzamentre si danza, danzae gira tutta la stanzamentre si danza.danzae gira tutto intorno alla stanzamentre si danza, danzae gira tutta la stanzamentre si danza, danzaVoglio vederti danzarePrezioso feat.MarvinVoglio vederti danzarecome le zingare del desertocon candelabri in testao come le balinesi nei giorni di festa.Voglio vederti danzarecome i Dervisches Tournersche girano sulle spine dorsalial suono di cavigliere del Katakali.E gira tutto intorno alla stanzamentre si danza, danzae gira tutta la stanzamentre si danza, danzae gira tutto intorno alla stanzamentre si danza, danzae gira tutta la stanzamentre si danza, danza&Music&E Radio Tirana trasmettemusiche balcaniche, mentredanzatori bulgaria piedi nudi sui braceri ardenti.E Radio Tirana trasmettemusiche balcaniche, mentredanzatori bulgaria piedi nudi sui braceri ardenti.E gira tutto intorno alla stanzamentre si danza, danzae gira tutta la stanzamentre si danza, danzae gira tutto intorno alla stanzamentre si danza, danzae gira tutta la stanzamentre si danza&End&http://music.baidu.com/song/2852639

Voglio Vederti Danzare (2008 - Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:Voglio Vederti Danzare (2008 - Remaster)歌手:Franco Battiato专辑:The EMI Album Collection Vol. 1E gira tutto intorno alla stanzamentre si danza, danzae gira tutta la stanzamentre si danza.danzae gira tutto intorno alla stanzamentre si danza, danzae gira tutta la stanzamentre si danza, danzaVoglio vederti danzarePrezioso feat.MarvinVoglio vederti danzarecome le zingare del desertocon candelabri in testao come le balinesi nei giorni di festa.Voglio vederti danzarecome i Dervisches Tournersche girano sulle spine dorsalial suono di cavigliere del Katakali.E gira tutto intorno alla stanzamentre si danza, danzae gira tutta la stanzamentre si danza, danzae gira tutto intorno alla stanzamentre si danza, danzae gira tutta la stanzamentre si danza, danza&Music&E Radio Tirana trasmettemusiche balcaniche, mentredanzatori bulgaria piedi nudi sui braceri ardenti.E Radio Tirana trasmettemusiche balcaniche, mentredanzatori bulgaria piedi nudi sui braceri ardenti.E gira tutto intorno alla stanzamentre si danza, danzae gira tutta la stanzamentre si danza, danzae gira tutto intorno alla stanzamentre si danza, danzae gira tutta la stanzamentre si danza&End&http://music.baidu.com/song/8136981

Voglio Vederti Danzare (2008 Digital Remaster) 歌词

* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示! 歌曲名:Voglio Vederti Danzare (2008 Digital Remaster)歌手:Franco Battiato专辑:The Complete Emi Years: 1979-1995E gira tutto intorno alla stanzamentre si danza, danzae gira tutta la stanzamentre si danza.danzae gira tutto intorno alla stanzamentre si danza, danzae gira tutta la stanzamentre si danza, danzaVoglio vederti danzarePrezioso feat.MarvinVoglio vederti danzarecome le zingare del desertocon candelabri in testao come le balinesi nei giorni di festa.Voglio vederti danzarecome i Dervisches Tournersche girano sulle spine dorsalial suono di cavigliere del Katakali.E gira tutto intorno alla stanzamentre si danza, danzae gira tutta la stanzamentre si danza, danzae gira tutto intorno alla stanzamentre si danza, danzae gira tutta la stanzamentre si danza, danza&Music&E Radio Tirana trasmettemusiche balcaniche, mentredanzatori bulgaria piedi nudi sui braceri ardenti.E Radio Tirana trasmettemusiche balcaniche, mentredanzatori bulgaria piedi nudi sui braceri ardenti.E gira tutto intorno alla stanzamentre si danza, danzae gira tutta la stanzamentre si danza, danzae gira tutto intorno alla stanzamentre si danza, danzae gira tutta la stanzamentre si danza&End&http://music.b***.com/song/2900790


《The Devil and Miss Prym》([巴西] 保罗·柯艾略)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读资源链接:链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1XGdFVkwjz76L56isD9VYMw 提取码:jafa书名:The Devil and Miss Prym作者:[巴西] 保罗·柯艾略出版社:HARPER COLLINS U.K出版年份:2002-6页数:224内容简介:A new novel from Paulo Coelho, author of The Alchemist. A stranger arrives in the small mountain village. He carries with him a backpack containing a notebook and eleven gold bars. Burying these in the vicinity, the stranger strikes up a curious friendship with a young woman from the village -- Miss Prym. His mission is to discover whether human beings are essentially good or evil. In this stunning new novel, Paulo Coelho"s unusual protagonist sets the town a moral challenge from which they may never recover. A fascinating meditation on the human soul, The Devil and Miss Prym illuminates the reality of good and evil within us all, and our uniquely human capacity to choose between them.作者简介:保罗·柯艾略(Paulo Coelho)著名作家,1947出生于巴西里约热内卢。代表作《牧羊少年奇幻之旅》被翻译成69种语言,创下“出版语种最多”的吉尼斯世界纪录。18部作品陆续被翻译成73种语言,在168个国家和地区出版发行,总计销量已超过1.35亿册。他以博大宽宏的心胸、清澈如水的文字,将哲学沉思、宗教奇迹、童话寓言熔为一炉,抒写了无数感动世界的篇章,在世间挥洒智慧、理想和爱的光芒。由于其作品的巨大影响,2007年,保罗被联合国任命为和平大使。《魔鬼与普里姆小姐》同《维罗妮卡决定去死》、《我坐在彼得拉河畔,哭泣》并称“七日三部曲”。作品将人性放置在巨大的诱惑面前,令潜藏于心底的善与恶各为天使与魔鬼一战,最终寻找震撼人心的答案……


be thrown in at the deep end被扔到最底层被扔在深水区被打入十八层地狱.-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮
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