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ECU(Electronic Control Unit)电子控制单元,又称“行车电脑”、“车载电脑”等。从用途上讲则是汽车专用微机控制器,也叫汽车专用单片机。它和普通的单片机一样,由微处理器、存储器、输入/输出接口、模数转换器以及整形、驱动等大规模集成电路组成。ECU的电压工作范围一般在6.5-16V、工作电流在0.015-0.1A、工作温度在零下40-80度。能承受1000Hz以下的振动,ECU损坏的概率非常小,在ECU中CPU是核心部分,它具有运算与控制的功能,发动机在运行时,它采集各传感器的信号,进行运算,并将运算的结果转变为控制信号,控制被控对象的工作。扩展资料汽车ECU和普通的电脑一样,由微处理器(MCU)、存储器(ROM、RAM)、输入/输出接口(I/O)、模数转换器(A/D)以及整形、驱动等大规模集成电路组成。用一句简单的话来形容就是“ECU就是汽车的大脑”。在一些中高级轿车上,不但在发动机上应用ECU,在其它许多地方都可发现ECU的踪影。例如防抱死制动系统、四轮驱动系统、电控自动变速器、主动悬架系统、安全气囊系统、多向可调电控座椅等都配置有各自的ECU。参考资料:百度百科-ECU

ecu是什么意思 ecu的意思

1、ECU的意思是汽车的电子控制器单元,也就是车辆自身的行车电脑。 2、现代车辆发动机喷油量、车辆挡位等都是依靠行车电脑来控制。 车主在使用车辆行车电脑时,需要注意防水和防止剧烈震动。 行车电脑的作用是控制汽车的行驶状态以及实现其各种功能。




  ecu是汽车发动机的控制单元,ecu是用来控制发动机运行的,如果没有ecu,那汽车的发动机是无法运行的,ecu被称为发动机的大脑。ecu会安装在发动机舱内,这个部件与许多传感器和执行机构连接。   汽车的发动机周围是有很多传感器的,这些传感器可以收集信息,并且将这些信息反馈给ecu。   ecu经过处理后可以通过执行机构来控制发动机运行。   汽车并不是一个单纯的机械结构,汽车上是有很多电子系统和传感器的,如果汽车没有这些电子系统,那汽车是无法正常运行的。   汽车的发动机周围就有很多传感器,例如空气流量传感器,进气温度传感器,爆震传感器,机油压力传感器,机油温度传感器,水温传感器,海拔传感器等。   如果没有这些传感器,那汽车是无法运行的。   大部分汽车出现故障也都是因为电子系统故障,电子系统是不如机械系统可靠的,所以电子系统长时间使用出现故障是很正常的情况。   在电子系统出现故障后,应该使用诊断电脑读取故障码,故障码可以帮助技师判断故障原因和故障部位。   在修车时,读取故障码是很重要的。




汽车ecu是什么意思汽车的发动机周围有很多传感器,ecu依靠这些传感器收集信息,经过处理后ecu可以通过执行机构来控制发动机运行。那么汽车ecu是什么意思呢?1.汽车ecu中文意思是电脑控制模组,也叫电子控制单元、行车电脑、车载电脑等,是现代汽车的核心电子元件之一。2.打个比方,汽车的ECU,就相当于人的大脑、电脑的CPU;ECU就是汽车的大脑神经中枢系统,一般装于驾驶座仪表板下方或雨刷连动杆附近。3.最初的ECU是用来控制发动机的点火和喷油的,而随着轿车电子化自动化的提高,ECU的控制范围也是越来越多,例如灯光控制、安全气囊控制 、燃油加热控制、排气控制、制动控制、EGR系统等。4.ECU与普通的电脑差不多,由微处理器(CPU)、存储器(ROM、RAM)、输入/输出接口(I/O)、模数转换器(A/D)以及整形、驱动等大规模集成电路组成。电脑的这些组件越好,电脑性能也就越好,汽车的ECU也是同样的道理。想要提升动力、增加马力、扭矩或降低油耗、优化汽车性能等,都可以通过ECU的调教。5.目前的量产车,为了降低生产制造成本,同一型号的车使用的都是完全一样的通用ECU。因此,大多情形下原装ECU内的程序是一个符合众多条件的最佳妥协版本。


分类: 购车养车 解析: 电控单元(ECU)是电子控制燃油喷射系统的核心控制元件。ECU实际上是一个微型计算机,它一方面接收来自传感器的信号,另一方面完成对这些信息的处理,并发出相应的控制指令来控制执行元件的正确动作,这样,发动机的性能、燃油消耗和废气排放都可保持在最佳状态。 除此之外,电控单元还有自动切断电动汽油泵电路的功能,如减速断油控制就是当汽车在高速行使中突然松开油门踏板减速时(强制怠速工况),由计算机自动中断燃油喷射,直至发动机转速下降到设定的低转速时再恢复喷油。其目的是为了控制急减速时有害物的排放减少燃油消耗,促使发动机转速尽快下降,有利于汽车减速。在冷车启动后,若发动机尚未暖车即让汽车行驶,电控单元还有限制转速迅速升高的功能,以防止发动机气缸在冷车时过度磨损。





关于Security on the Internet为题的作文

When a computer connects to a network and begins communicating with others, it is taking a risk. Internet security involves the protection of a computer"s internet account and files from intrusion of an unknown user.[1] Basic security measures involve protection by well selected passwords, change of file permissions and back up of computer"s data. Security concerns are in some ways peripheral to normal business working, but serve to highlight just how important it is that business users feel confident when using IT systems. Security will probably always be high on the IT agenda simply because cyber criminals know that a successful attack is very profitable. This means they will always strive to find new ways to circumvent IT security, and users will consequently need to be continually vigilant. Whenever decisions need to be made about how to enhance a system, security will need to be held uppermost among its requirements. Internet security professionals should be fluent in the four major aspects: * Penetration testing * Intrusion Detection * Incidence Response * Legal / Audit Compliance Anti-virus For more details on this topic, see Malware. Programs can be made to help your computer, but some users can also create programs with intentions of destroying the computers data by being deceptive. Such such programs are known as Trojan horses, worms, viruses and spyware. * Trojan horses are programs which pretend to do one thing, but in reality snoop out your personal data or damage it. These types conceal their identity or true intentions and are usually quite hard to detect. * Worms are programs which are able to replicate themselves over a computer network and in turn perform malicious actions. As a result it has the ability to affect other programs on the computer. * Viruses are programs which are able to log into the personal files on a computer it has affected and as a result, can end up removing all of them. It can have serious side effects on a computers system. * Malware can be classified as trojans with a limited payload and are often not detected by most antivirus software. They may require the use of other software designed to detect other classes of malware, including spyware. Software programs such as antivirus software are the most useful in protecting your computer from harmful viruses. These programs are used to detect and eliminate viruses. Anti-virus software can be purchased from any software vendor or downloaded off the internet. Care should be taken in the selection of anti-virus software, as some programs are not very effective in finding and eliminating viruses or malware. Also, when downloading anti-virus software from the Internet, one should be cautioned that some websites say they are providing protection from viruses with their software, but they are really trying to install malware on your computer by disguising it as something else. [edit] Anti-spyware For more details on this topic, see Malware. There are two major kinds of threats in relation to spyware: Spyware collects and relays data from the compromised computer to a third-party. Adware automatically plays, displays, or downloads advertisements. Some types of adware are also spyware and can be classified as privacy-invasive software. Adware often are integrated with other software. [edit] Email Security An significant part of the Internet, E-mail encryption is an important subset of this topic. [edit] Browser choice Almost 70% of the browser market is occupied by Internet Explorer[1]. As a result, malware writers often exploit Internet Explorer. Often malware exploit ActiveX vulnerabilities. Internet Explorer market share is continuously dropping (as of 2009; see list of web browsers for statistics) as users switch to other browsers, most notably Firefox, Google Chrome and Opera. [edit] Buffer overflow attacks For more details on this topic, see Buffer overflow. A buffer overflow is a attack that could be used by a hacker to get full system access through various methods. It is similar to "Brute Forcing" a computer in that it sends an immense attack to the victim computer until it cracks. Most internet security solutions today lack sufficient protection against these types of attacks.

thenrthe facecucc是什么牌子

乐斯菲斯。thenorthfacegucci中文官方品牌名为“乐斯菲斯”。 Northface作为世界知名的户外运动品牌,于2000年进驻中国大陆市场。为了扩大品牌知名度和影响力,确定其正式中文官方品牌名为“乐斯菲斯”。“The North Face_北面”这个名称源于山上最冷、最难攀爬的北坡,形象来源是Half Dome,这座来自美国加利福利亚州Yosemite National Park(优胜美地国家公园)里的山峰,因此中文名为“北面”,意味着探索最难最险的户外精神。1997年,The North Face_北面采用全新的宣传标语——“探索永不停止”,从此成为品牌最重要的精神口号。

pathogen-associated molecular patterns是什么意思

您pathogen-associated molecular patterns病原相关分子模式-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

equity stock security bond stock share 有什么区别

equity 权益、stock 股票、bond 债券、security 证券、share 股份证券(security)包括了股票(stock)和债券(bond)equity =share,stock是equity或者share的凭证

heightened security是什么意思

heightened security加强安全例句:1.Indian law enforcement authorities responded with a heightened security plan, placing thousands of extra forces on the streets of the capital. 印度执法部门因而进入高度警戒状态,首都新德里各街区的警力加强了数千名。2."It"s not over. I think it"s going to be a heightened security all around the united states-especially in new york, washington and london," guttman said. 古特曼说,“事情还没有结束,我想在美国以及各地依然将维持高度警戒,特别是在纽约、华盛顿以及伦敦。”


calculate 计算speculate 推测estimate 估计

When you are young,you whole life is about to seek for the fun.Then,you grow up learn to be secure!

You are to be responsible for the work as a whole. 【解析】be to do 是将来时态的一种表达方式,侧重“注定”的含义。 eg.You are to blame

pl/sql 导出dmp文件 export executable 这一项填写什么?


uc5ecubcf4, uc0acub791ud574uc694 uc601uc6d0ud788用中文怎么翻译

uc5ecubcf4, uc0acub791ud574uc694 uc601uc6d0ud788的意思是:亲爱的,我永远爱你百度”google翻译“,很好用的。

想转安全方向,考个证书,cissp和思科的CCIE security考哪个好?


apparent molecular weight 是相对分子质量么?


pulse secure提示计算机不符合安全要求怎么办?


pulse secure error 1135


regional key account executive是什么意思

regional key account executive区域大客户经理很高兴第一时间为您解答,祝学习进步如有问题请及时追问,谢谢~~O(∩_∩)O

求USB Flash Security(u盘数据加密软件) V4.1.12.17 官方版网盘资源


求USB Flash Security(u盘数据加密软件) V4.1.12.17 官方版网盘资源



I LOVE YOU外来语的音译

如何判断transient recurrent


recurring payment是什么意思

recurring payment英[riu02c8ku0259u02d0riu014b u02c8peimu0259nt]美[ru026au02c8ku025du026au014b u02c8pemu0259nt]重复付款[例句]The company has recurring revenues based on automatic payment plans so growth is predictable.该公司拥有基于自动支付计划的经常性收入,因此它的收入增长是可以预测的。

"recurring payments" 是什么意思?是一种支付方式吗??


Compliance Executive怎么翻译?

Compliance Executive 顺从经理主管人员FAC [简明英汉词典]abbr.forward air controller空军前进控制员,空军前进引导员PSC [简明英汉词典]abbr.Public Service Commission 公用事业委员会PPC [简明英汉词典]=Paper Partition Chromatography 纸上分区色谱法

executive associate是什么意思

executive associate行政助理


advertising-executive广告经理如有不懂,请追问。 谢谢!

project executive是什么意思


executive master和master区别


公关公司里Account Executive是做什么的?

public relationship associate 应该是叫公共关系协调。AE是广告公司,公关公司内部职务。PRA是公关公司的客户公司中负责公关这一块的联系人。貌似有点绕了~~~

请问Creative Design Executive是什么职务?中文如何翻译这个职务?谢谢!

creative design executive_有道翻译翻译结果:创意设计执行executive英 [u026agu02c8zekju028atu026av]美 [u026aɡ"zu025bkju0259tu026av]n. 总经理;执行委员会;执行者;经理主管人员adj. 行政的;经营的;执行的,经营管理的executive 行政机构,高中级管理人员,执法者Telecommunication Executive 电讯员,电信员,电讯Chief executive 行政长官,行政长官,首席执行官

职衔: Officer 同 Executive哪个大D

Officer 和Executive这两英文字去理解, 实在很难说那个大或小, 那完全要视乎该公司的组织结构和权力安排而定. 一般来说, 如公司有Officer 和Executive的话; 前者被视为主任, 后者被视为项目负责人; 前者属行政管理员, 后者属执行员; 但有时则刚相反. 故年青人, 应不要介怀名称; 现实些说, 最重要是薪高前途佳便是.,



HR Officer 和HR Executive,HR Assistant各是什么意思?



这款叫【宝格丽大吉岭男士香水】POUR HOMME价格200多左右

executive 和managing director 有什么区别

executive 是指对公司的整体有影响力的高级管理managing director 重点在 managing,强调对日常工作的管理



一个人的头衔是Senior Sales Executive,中文里我应该怎么称呼他?X主管?X经理? 我不知该公司的员工。

Executive 是一个人做事的,是不带人的 teamleader (teamleader要带团队)级别和teamleader一样。 Senior Executive 就要高一级啦,但是比supervisor还低一点 (supervisor是主管)。一般外企才有这样的title,你就可以直接叫他/她的英文名就OK了。我公司的senior Director(中西区老大)我们也直接叫他英文名的。

executive 和managing director 有什么区别?

managing director 可以理解为领导者 比如董事总经理executive是行政人员 就是咱老说的副部啊 处级啊 什么的 managing director 属于executive 是最高级的 director

executive level是什么啊?




executive 和managing director 有什么区别

managing director 可以理解为领导者 比如董事总经理executive是行政人员 就是咱老说的副部啊 处级啊 什么的 managing director 属于executive 是最高级的 director



executive 如何快速记住


公司职位问题,Executive vs manager

按一般公司职能及职位分配~~~ 以职位定位 Markerting manager 系高级过Marketing Executive. 以职能定位 Executive manage 就肯定高级过Markerting manager 就你会明白未 ^^,Marketing Manager - 市场推广经理 高级过 Marketing Assistant Manager - 市场推广助理/副经理 高级过 Marketing Executive - 市场推广主任,


executive 英[u026agu02c8zekju0259tu026av] 美[u026aɡu02c8zu025bkju0259tu026av] n. 总经理; 行政部门; [计算机] 执行指令; adj. 执行的; 管理的; 政府部门的; [例句]A successful job search needs to be as well organised as any other executive task成功的求职与执行其他任何任务一样,都需要良好的条理性。


executive的原型是execute。 英 ["eksu026akjuu02d0t]   美 ["eksu026akjuu02d0t]    vt. 执行;实行;处决;完成例句:Congress makes the laws; the President executes them.翻译:国会制定法律,总统执行法律。短语:execute a gymnastic feat 表演一项体操绝技近义词perform英 [pu0259"fu0254u02d0m]   美 [pu0259r"fu0254u02d0rm]    v. 执行;履行;表演;运转;举行例句:Every manager must perform some duties of a ceremonial nature.翻译:每个管理者必须执行一些礼仪性的任务。短语:perform one"s duty 尽职




分别表示executive代表 director总监 supervisor主管从级别上来说 ,以销售部门为例,由小到大 , 基本是这样:销售代表、业务员<销售主管<区域销售经理<销售部经理<销售总监 各个部门的职位职责当然不同,具体再以销售部门为例:营销总监 应负的主要工作职责 1、 参与制定公司的经营策略; 2、 制定年度营销目标和分配任务; 3、 组织制定部门的运营管理制度和工作程序; 4、 组织制定公司市场营销策略; 5、 控制公司的市场营运成本; 6、 考核下属人员,督导下属制定并监督绩效改善计划执行; 7、 进行销售人才梯队建设。营销代表岗位职责:1、熟悉本市各大商社、公司尤其是大型企业,并定期登门拜访; 2、建立客户档案,并以电话、传真、函件等形式与他们保持联系; 3、做好销售记录,定期向销售部经理报告拜访客户情况; 4、不断开发新的客户市场,扩大客户网络; 5、协调好与各相关部门的关系; 6、安排好客户预订的入住的餐饮等活动事宜; 7、协助财务追收客户的欠款; 8、收集客户意见,做每周五销售例会发言准备; 9、要掌握客户的信息变化并找出变化的原因所在。销售主管主要职责:1、 监督销售顾问每日工作;2、 组织与管理销售团队实现企业产品销售目标; 3、 安排好销售顾问每天工作和交车事宜;4、 激励、支持与考核销售人员; 5、 负责展厅及车辆卫生;6、 定期安排销售顾问进行职业技能培训和学习;7、 帮助销售顾问做好接待顾客工作,力争不断提高成交率;8、 依照制度安排好每位试乘试驾人员进行试车,并注意安全;;9、 要求销售顾问每天打回访电话,并做好三表、两卡,跟踪每一位潜在客户; 10、协调销售顾问和其它部门的工作;11、负责协调好展厅所有人员的工作关系;12、完成上级领导交给的其他工作;13、负责收集、汇总当日信息,及时上报;


manager 最低,是个组的管理director中等,是个部门的头,下面有几个组executive是执行者,一般是最高,是公司管理层,比如CEO,chief executive of operation 但是不同的国家也不同,东南亚好像都是一般人都是executive,反倒是最低了。

executive summary是什么意思

executive summary执行摘要,概要;行动纲要;经营综合报告短语abstract or executive summary 摘要或结语 ; (报告)摘要或结语abstract or executive summary 摘要或结语Executive Summary Literature 标准双语例句:The executive summary is a short abstract of the business plan designed to grabthe reader"s attention. 执行概要是经营计划的简短摘要,旨在抓住阅读者的注意力。


executive 英[ɪgˈzekjətɪv] 美[ɪɡˈzɛkjətɪv] n. 总经理; 行政部门; [计算机] 执行指令; adj. 执行的; 管理的; 政府部门的; [例句]The executive"s new all-singing, all-dancing website行政部门异常花哨的新网站[其他] 复数:executives 形近词: executing execution






executive只是加长版的意思,executive只有 Panamera ( 查成交价 | 车型详解 )才有。panamera是保时捷旗下的一辆大型汽车,这一款车还有猎装版汽车型号,国内称之为帕拉梅拉。2021款panamera一共使用的是三款发动机,分别是2 .9升双涡轮增压发动机,低功率版4 0升双涡轮增压发动机,高功率版4.0升双涡轮增压发动机。2. 9升双涡轮增压发动机具有330马力和450牛米的最大扭矩,这款发动机的最大功率转速为5400到6400转每分钟,最大扭矩转速为1800到5000转每分钟。这款发动机配备了缸内直喷技术,而且使用的是铝合金缸盖缸体。 低功率版4.0升双涡轮增压发动机具有480马力和620牛米的最大扭矩,这款发动机的最大功率转速为6500转每分钟,最大扭矩转速为1800到4000转每分钟。这款发动机配备了缸内直喷技术,而且使用的是铝合金缸盖缸体。(图/文/摄: 唐龙龙) 蔚来ES8 蔚来ES6 问界M5 蔚来EC6 小鹏汽车P7 传祺GS8 @2019


a man of great executive ability决策与执行能力强的人


保时捷Executive是指加长版 保时捷 Panamera ( 查成交价 | 车型详解 )帕纳梅拉,凭借后排座椅区增加的15厘米腿部空间,将豪华、舒适和运动性能完美结合,使驾驶者无需因为对额外空间的渴求而放弃拥有一台终极跑车的梦想。Executive车型的轴距比普通 Panamera s长5.9英寸,并且可伸展204.7英寸。但是宣布Panamera Executive出现的尺寸是其78.2英寸的宽度和光滑的56.2英寸的整体高度。 2021款 Panamera Turbo S 拥有一个特定车款的面板,拥有自己的特殊照明和更大的前进气口。此外,该车型还标配了后轮转向、主动防滚架和碳陶瓷刹车等配置。 内饰方面,新车依旧采用了五连炮筒式的仪表盘设计,并搭配了带驾驶模式选择的三辐式多功能方向盘,配合内嵌于中控上的多媒体触控屏,让新车充满了科技感。配置方面,新车提供空气净化离子发生器、全景式天窗以及Hi-Fi、BOSE和Burmester音响系统的选装;安全配置上,新车标配包含道路标志识别功能的车道保持辅助系统、自适应巡航定速控制系统、夜视辅助系统、车道变换辅助系统、带全景影像系统的停车辅助系统、抬头显示系统等。 (图/文/摄: 李水清) @2019

executive level是什么意思

executive level 英[iɡu02c8zekjutiv u02c8levl] 美[u026aɡu02c8zu025bkju0259tu026av u02c8lu025bvu0259l] [词典] 领导层;执行层; [例句]Vice president executive level corporate officer.副总裁,公司执行级官员。


行政的英文通常用administrative.executive。指企事业,各种社会团体等内部管理。三权分立的行政通常用executive来表示,当executive做名词使用时,指人时,可以翻译成行政长官。这个词多带有“执行,管理的意思。”此外,表示政府当局,执行者,决策者,董事长等,都可以用“the executive”来表示。




一般来说executive是指高层,或行政人员,决策方面的,指整家公司的supervisor则是上司,主管,一般是指直属的,小部门的,小组的所以executive会高出许多事实上首席执行长英文的写法是CEO当中的E就是executive但当然也有其他的分别例如向人介绍自己的上级,上司 一般会用 my supervisor,不用 my executive




a 执行的,行政上的. n 行政部门 (美)总经理


executive用作名词的基本意思是“主管,高级行政人员,行政官”,也可指 *** 的“行政部门”。 基本介绍 外文名 :executive 语种 :英语 词性 :名词、形容词 中文翻译 :主管、行政人员、行政官 名词,基本释义,基本要点,辞汇搭配,例句,形容词,基本释义,辞汇搭配,句型例句,同反义词, 名词 基本释义 C 1. 主管,高级行政人员,行政官 person who carries out what has been planned or decided C 2. 行政部门 executive branch 基本要点 1. 2.executive还可指在企业、工会等中的“行政领导,董事会”,是集合名词,用作主语时其谓语动词可用单数形式,也可用复数形式。 辞汇搭配 形容词+~ chief executive 最高行政长官,总裁 good executive 好的管理人员 senior executive 高级行政人员 the highest executive 最高元首 名词+~ business executive 商业管理人员 propaganda executive 宣传部长 woman executive 女行政官 ExecutiveInformationSystem,EIS,主管信息系统 例句 A good executive usually gets on well with people.一个好的行政管理人员通常与人们相处得很好。 He is the executive of that famous corporation.他就是那家著名公司的总经理。 The executive has〔have〕 been making decisions about the future of the company.领导层一直在研究公司未来的决策。 形容词 基本释义 A 执行的,行政的 concerned with making and carrying out decisions; having the power to carry out decisions and laws 辞汇搭配 ~+名词 executive authorities 行政当局 executive branch 行政部门 executive committee 执行委员会 executive officers 行政官员 句型例句 用作定语 ▲~+ n . The routine office work had all been delegated to his executive staff.一般的办公室工作已经交给了他的执行人员。 He is a man of great executive ability.他是个具有极高管理能力的人。 同反义词 [同义词] n. administrator, director, manager adj. managerial, supervisory [反义词] adj. subordinate, hired hand


首先会进入 UsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter 并且设置权限为null和是否授权为false,然后进入 ProviderManager 查找支持 UsernamepasswordAuthenticationToken 的 provider 并且调用 provider.authenticate(authentication); 再然后就是 UserDetailsService 接口的实现类(也就是自己真正具体的业务了),这时候都检查过了后,就会回调 UsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter 并且设置权限(具体业务所查出的权限)和设置授权为true(因为这时候确实所有关卡都检查过了)。 UsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter 可以发现继承了 AbstractAuthenticationProcessingFilter ,那我们就来看下此类 1、继承了父类,父类是个过滤器,所以肯定先执行 AbstractAuthenticationProcessingFilter.doFilter() ,此方法首先判断当前的filter是否可以处理当前请求,不可以的话则交给下一个filter处理。 2、调用此抽象类的子类 UsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter.attemptAuthentication(request, response) 方法做具体的操作。 3、最终认证成功后做一些成功后的 session 操作,比如将认证信息存到 session 等。 4、最终认证成功后的相关回调方法,主要将当前的认证信息放到 SecurityContextHolder 中并调用成功处理器做相应的操作。 1、父类的 authResult = attemptAuthentication(request, response); 触发了自类的方法。 2、此方法首先判断请求方式是不是POST提交,必须是POST 3、从请求中获取 username 和 password ,并做一些处理 4、封装 Authenticaiton 类的实现类 UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken 5、调用 AuthenticationManager 的 authenticate 方法进行验证 1、怎么触发的? 2、 ProviderManager.authenticate(Authentication authentication); **3、此方法遍历所有的Providers,然后依次执行验证方法看是否支持 UsernamepasswordAuthenticationToken** 4、若有一个能够支持当前token,则直接交由此 provider 处理并break。 5、若没一个 provider 验证成功,则交由父类来尝试处理 1、怎么触发的? 2、 DaoAuthenticationProvider 3、继承了 AbstractUserDetailsAuthenticationProvider 4、 AbstractUserDetailsAuthenticationProvider.authenticate() 首先调用了 user = this.retrieveUser(username, (UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken)authentication); 5、调用我们自己的业务处理类 比如: 6、调用完 retrieveUser 方法继续回到抽象类的 authenticate 方法 7、首先做一些检查 8、调用 createSuccessAuthentication 方法进行授权成功 9、回到起点 进行session存储和成功后的处理器的调用等 只是简单说下类之间的调用顺序。 大功告成! 只需要一个html,一段配置,一个Service自己的业务类即可。 疑问: 1、接口login在哪定义的? 2、用户名 username 和密码 password 在哪接收的? 3、没有控制器怎么进入我们的 MyUserDetailsService 的方法? 解答: 1、 SpringSecurity 内置的,并且只能为 POST 2、名称不能变,必须是 username 和 password 3、自己看我上面的源码分析

special peculiar particular的区别



Article 56. The Executive Power shall be vested in the President of the Republic, who shall exercise it through his Department Secretaries.Article 57. The administration of the particular interests of towns, provinces, and of the State shall correspond, respectively, to the Popular Assembles, the Provincial Assemblies, and to the Administration in power, in accordance with the laws, and observing the most liberal policy of decentralization and administrative autonomy.Title VIII. THE PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC Article 58. The President of the Republic shall be elected by absolute majority of votes by the Assembly and by the special Representatives, convened in chamber assembles. His term of office shall be four years, and may be reelected.Article 59. The President of the Republic shall have the right to initiate the introduction of bills equally with the members of the Assembly, and promulgate the laws when duly voted and approved by the latter, and shall see to it that the same are duly executed.Article 60. The power to execute the laws shall extend to all cases conducive to the preservation of internal public order and to the external security of the State.Article 61. The President shall promulgate the laws duly approved by him within 20 days following their transmittal to him by the Assembly.Article 62. If within this period, the President should fail to promulgate them, he shall return them to the Assembly with his reasons for the return, in which case the Assembly may reconsider same, and it shall be presumed by a vote of at least two-thirds of the members of the Assembly present in a quorum. If repassed in the manner indicated, the Government shall promulgate same within ten days, with a manifestation of its non-conformity. The obligation is imposed upon the Government if it allows twenty days to elapse without returning the bill to the Assembly.Article 63. When the promulgation of a law has been declared urgent by express will of an absolute majority of votes of the Assembly, the President of the Republic may require the Assembly to re-approve same which cannot be refused, and if the same bill is repassed, the President shall promulgate it within the legal period, without prejudice to his making of record his non-conformity with the bill.Article 64. The promulgation of laws shall be made by publishing them in the official gazette of the Republic, and shall have the force of law thirty days following such publication.Article 65. The President of the Republic shall have at his disposal the army and the navy, and may declare war and make and ratify treaties with the prior consent of the Assembly.Article 66. Treaties of peace shall not take effect until voted upon by the Assembly.Article 67. The President of the Republic, in addition to his duty to execute the laws, shall:1.Supervise civil and military employees in accordance with the laws.2.Appoint the Secretaries of the Government.3.Direct the diplomatic and commercial relations with foreign powers.4.See to it that justice is duly and promptly administered throughout the Philippines.5.Grant pardon to convicted criminals in accordance with the laws, except any special provision relating to the Secretaries of the Government.6.Preside over all national functions and receive ambassadors and accredited representatives of foreign powers.Article 68. The President of the Republic may be authorized by special law:1.To alienate, transfer or exchange any portion of Philippine territory.2.To incorporate any other territory to the Philippine territory.3.To admit the stationing of foreign troops in Philippine territory.4.To ratify of alliance, defensive as well as offensive, special treaties of commerce, those which stipulate to grant subsidies to a foreign power, and those which may compel Filipinos to render personal service.Secret treaties in no case may prevail over the provisions of open treaties or treaties made publicly.5.To grant general amnesties and pardons.6.To coin money.Article 69. To the President belongs the power to issue regulations for the compliance and application of the laws in accordance with the requisites prescribed in said laws.Article 70. The President of the Philippines, with the prior approval by majority vote of the Representatives, may dissolve the Assembly before the expiration of its legislation term. In this case, new elections shall be called within three months.Article 71. The President of the Republic may be held liable only for cases of high treason.Article 72. The salary of the President of the Republic shall be fixed by special law which may not be changed except after the presidential term has expired.

Statement statement = con.createStatement(); ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery(sql);


关于惠普Embedded Security的问题

TPM 是计算机的一项安全措施在VISTA中开始使用,拓展到了Windows 7将TPM发挥到最高了,上面对话框的英文提示翻译就是,警告 设置密码需要修改此选项,按任意键继续。所以如果你需要开启TPM安全芯片在BIOS设置就好,对计算机没有任何影响。那个只是说当你开启了TPM后,加强了安全级别,当你要重新设置密码时就需要对TPM进行设定。也就是你不怕别人用你电脑后,乱改密码了。

On Information Security的英语作文…急求!

The human beings are stepping into the information society. The information industry develops very rapidly, so do the hackers, trick-playing teens, exploring children, fraudsters, and serious white-collar criminals. Thus, information security becomes an impending important issue.In case of information breach, the victims-government department, an organization or an institution, or a company will inevitably suffer great or small loss. Government may be threatened with national security. Companies may lose opportunities to develop new projects. And the public"s and users" confidence will be damaged.Then how to deal with this issue? Technology is only a partial solution to information security. What"s more important is that organizations and companies should promote the awareness on information security to its staff. However, since no system can ever be 100 percent secure, a prevention-only approach to information security management is not enough. Companies and organizations should adopt a dual approach to information security management by combing prevention and detection techniques

debt securities是什么意思?证券还是债券

Debt securities 全名债券证券,也就是债券。 什麼是债券?债券是一种借贷工具。当您购入债券後,便如同向发债者,即政府、公司或其他机构提供贷款。发债者承诺於债券到期日前支付指定的利息,并在到期日以指定价格赎回债券。

equity security和debt security是什么?

权益安全 债务安全
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