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receive的意思有:收到;接到;反应;回应;接;接待;欢迎;接纳;接收;接收;接(发球);买卖;容纳;承受;维持;接受;认可。一、相关短语to receive;receive into;receive publicity;receive in instruction;receive the seals;receive mode;receive register;telegraph receive;examine and receive;receive channel。二、相关例句(1)Readers whose submissions are published will receive a gift certificate from Harrowsmith Books.(来稿被发表的读者将获得哈罗史密斯书店的礼券。)(2)Roughly speaking , we receive about fifty letters a week on the subject.(关于这个问题,粗略地说,我们每周能收到大约五十封来信。)


你好receive 音标是:[ru026au02c8si:v]receive读音的汉语谐音是:蕊塞五

receive的读音和解释 receive怎么读

1、receive的读音:英[ru026au02c8siu02d0v],美[ru026au02c8siu02d0v]。 2、v.接收;拿到;体验;受到(某种待遇或伤害);对…作出反应;接待;接纳;接收到,收听到(无线电讯号);购买,接受(赃物);接(发球)。 3、[例句]We can receive up to 500 cable channels.我们可以接收多达500个有线电视频道。 4、第三人称单数:receives 现在分词:receiving 过去式:received 过去分词:received。


receive 英[ru026a"si:v] 美[ru026au02c8siv] vt.& vi.收到;接到;接纳;接待 vt.接收;受理;欢迎;承受 vi.接到,获得;接见,欢迎;[电子学] 接收;[橄榄球] 接球 [例句]How may I receive him? 我是怎么接受他的?


receive英 [rɪ"siːv] 美 [rɪ"siv] vt. 收到;接待;接纳vi. 接收

received怎么读 英语received怎么读

1、received英[ru026au02c8siu02d0vd]美[ru026au02c8siu02d0vd],adj.被承认的; 被一致认可的;v.拿到; 接到; 收到; 体验; 受到(某种待遇或伤害); 对…作出反应;receive的过去分词和过去式。 2、[例句]Its possible he has not received the letter.可能他还没有收到那封信。




receive的意思是:收到。读音:英[ru026au02c8siu02d0v],美[ru026au02c8siu02d0v]释义:vt. 收到;接待;接纳vi. 接收例句:He received praise from teachers and parents for his excellent grade.他因成绩优异而受到老师和家长的表扬。变形:过去式received,过去分词received,现在分词receiving,第三人称单数receives短语:Receive miss 接球失误receive sunrise 迎来日出receive date 接收日期词义辨析accept,receive,admit,take这些动词均有“接受、接纳”之意。accept强调主动地或自愿地接受,或者说,经过考虑后同意接受。receive着重仅仅接到或收到这一结论或事实,而不含采取主动或积极行动的意思。admit作“接受”讲时,强调准许或批准。take与receive同意,是receive的日常用法,侧重不带主观意愿地收下或接受。

front desk agent 和receptionist的区别

front desk agent 网络 前台接待员; [例句]The Front Desk Agent will source a vacant clean room.前台员工将寻找一间干净的空房。receptionist 英[ru026au02c8sepu0283u0259nu026ast] 美[ru026au02c8su025bpu0283u0259nu026ast] n. 接待员; [网络] 前台; 前台接待员; 前台接待; [例句]The dentist left his wife of 15 years and openly cohabited with his receptionist.那个牙医离开了和他生活了15年的妻子,与自己诊所的接待小姐公开同居。[其他] 复数:receptionists




preceding只能用于名词前,former和preceding基本一样,都是形容词"之前的" previously是副词,一般用于句首或句尾. 还有一些其他的单词,例如prevenient,词组back then等等

请问到底是work还是works?谢谢 this is the recent works/work of the famous artist

workwork 作“作品” 讲时是可数名词.主语是this ,当然选work 了!Your recent work"s been bad; I hope you"re not losing your touch.你最近的作品差了,我希望你能保持你的艺术功力.She"s a very good painter,b...









It happened to me recently that I was telling someone how much I had enjoyed reading Barack Oba...

小题1:B小题2:C小题3:A 试题分析:本文是通过The World Book Day的一项调查来告诉我们很多人关于读书说谎的话题。小题1:B 细节题。根据文章第三段第一行Asked why they lied, the most common reason was to impress someone they were speaking to.说明他们说谎是为了给对方留下印象,故B正确。小题2:C 推理题。根据本句he then proceeded to talk about Mr. Obama in a way that suggested he had no idea of his background at all.说明他们的对话在继续,后来反应出他没有读过这本书,故该词是指继续。故C正确。小题3:A 主旨大意题。本文是通过The World Book Day的一项调查来告诉我们很多人关于读书说谎的话题。故A正确。点评:本文是通过The World Book Day的一项调查来告诉我们很多人关于读书说谎的话题。本文主旨鲜明,很容易在文中找到答案。做题时要注意文章的首段和每一段的首句或尾句,因为它们往往就是文章的主题句。阅读中要注意要点之间的关系。然后带着问题,再读全文,找出答题所需要的依据,完成阅读任务。




设置 Game Center:点帐号注销选项,简单直接进入设置,找gamecenter点进资料,点击进入,即可更改了。拓展:1、Game Center中文名字叫苹果游戏中心,是苹果公司专门为游戏玩家设计的社交网络平台。Game Center简化了兼容游戏中多人对战的配对,另外它不但可以通过成就系统,同时也可以通过积分榜为玩家提供炫耀的资本。借助Game Center,用户可以收发好友请求,可以邀请好友通过互联网参与多人游戏。除此之外,系统还可以自动为用户寻找游戏玩伴。用户可以在Game Center中看到游戏中的玩家排名和成绩,并且可以借助好友推荐来寻找新游戏。2、当用户下载升级到iOS 4.1及更新的版本后,Game Center应用就会出现在主屏的工具文件夹内。可以使用苹果的账号登录,然后创建一个昵称,可以添加一个电子邮件地址,以便与好友联系。当用户登录一个已有的苹果账号或者注册一个新账号时,载有服务条款的界面即会呈现给用户。此时使用者可新建一个独一无二的Game Center账号,而昵称和其他一些信息则用于接收其他玩家向你发出的好友邀请,当然其他游戏玩家也可以通过电子邮件来查找你。


ipad air game center无法连接服务器的原因: 1:网络不顺畅,延时高。2:苹果服务器繁忙,暂时无法连接。3:网络DNS设置出错。建议修改DNS。操作为:第一步:点击桌面“设置”图标。第二步:打开“无线局域网”。第三步:点击无线网的“i”标志。


1、game center游戏中心添加好友,可以通过通讯录好友或者是Facebook再者就是邀请附近相同游戏的玩家,来实现添加游戏好友。2、点击进入到game center里面,首先是登陆账号修改个人资料信息,然后就是在里面找到朋友的选项进入到界面里面。3、如有一个朋友也没有,那么系统会提示你:在设置中启动iCloud通讯录和Facebook已获取个性化的交友推荐。4、然后就根据提示回到设置——Game Center,然后再界面上面开启交友推荐,也就是把通讯录跟Facebook都开启,如果没有Facebook需要注册登录,然后再使用Facebook添加好友。5、也可以吧游戏邀请都开启,尤其里面的附近玩家,可以添加附近周围的gamecenter相同游戏玩家。


1.打开“设置”应用2.在设置列表中找到gamecenter 一栏,点击进入3.接下来,请在gamecenter的设置界面中的人个资料下方,点击当前的名字4.出于安全考虑,此时需要输入我们的appleid账号的密码5.接着请点击当前自己的昵称6.随后请输入要想更改的新的名字,值得注意的是,很多好的昵称可能都已经被他人所使用了。此时你就得考虑在名字后面加点什么别的字母或数字了,更改好以后请点击“完成”按钮7.接着返回到gamecenter的设置界面时,此时已经看到了我们刚刚更改的新的昵称以上便是怎么在iphone6手机上为gamecenter重新改名的操作方法,希望可以对你有一点帮助。






点进你的gamecenter 看你的apple id没有登陆appleID?注册一个 登上去




















用不了啊 亲




1、打开 Game Center 以后,点击底部的“游戏”栏目。2、随后在游戏列表中找到“ iOS 游戏”一栏,下方列表中显示的游戏即是你玩过的所有 游戏。3、在想要删除的游戏名称一栏,向左滑动再点击“删除”按钮。4、随后系统会提示我们将会删除 Game Center 服务器上储存的所有游戏相关数据,点 击“移除”按钮,即可删除。


Game Center 是苹果 iOS 设备上内置的一款游戏中心应用,在 iOS 上的很多游戏都会通过它来记录游戏数据,如排名,名次和挑战记录等。下面简单介绍下怎么在 Game Center 中删除游戏记录的操作方法。1、打开 Game Center 以后,点击底部的“游戏”栏目。2、随后在游戏列表中找到“ iOS 游戏”一栏,下方列表中显示的游戏即是玩过的所有游戏。3、在想要删除的游戏名称一栏,向左滑动再点击“删除”按钮。4、随后系统会提示将会删除 Game Center 服务器上储存的所有游戏相关数据,点 击“移除”按钮,即可删除。












1、首先打开“设置”应用程序并向下滑动,找到“Game Center”选项。2、其次 点击“Game Center”选项并向下滑动,找到“登录”选项。3、最后 输入您的Apple ID和密码,然后点击“登录”即可。以上就是元气骑士登录gamecenter的方法。


你问的是苹果gamecenter怎么删除是吧?可以用ifunbox删除这个文件夹。Game Center 是苹果 iOS 设备上内置的一款游戏中心应用。这是系统自带的软件,可以用ifunbox删除这个文件夹。不过有一定风险性。这个东西占用的资源基本可以忽略不计,如果真是看着碍眼,可以用poof或者sbsettings隐藏了。












Game Center(苹果游戏中心)是专为游戏玩家设计的社交网络平台,类似于iTunes中专为歌迷设计的Ping,从核心功能上看基本等同于微软的Xbox Live,当然它也仅对iOS用户群。Game Center简述  Game Center(苹果游戏中心)是专为游戏玩家设计的社交网络平台,类似于iTunes中专为歌迷设计的Ping,从核心功能上看基本等同于微软的Xbox Live,当然它仅对IOS用户群。Game Center简化了兼容游戏中多人对战的配对,另外它不但可以通过成就系统,同时也可以通过积分榜为玩家提供炫耀的资本。借助Game Center,用户可以收发好友请求,可以邀请好友通过互联网参与多人游戏。除此之外,系统还可以自动为用户寻找游戏玩伴。用户可以在Game Center中看到游戏中的玩家排名和成绩,并且可以借助好友推荐来寻找新游戏。 当用户下载升级到iOS 4.1后,Game Center应用就会出现在主屏上。可以使用苹果的账号登录,然后创建一个昵称,可以添加一个电子邮件地址,以便与好友联系。当用户登录一个已有的苹果账号或者注册一个新账号时,载有服务条款的界面即会呈现给用户。此时使用者可新建一个独一无二的Game Center账号,而昵称和其他一些信息则用于接收其他玩家向你发出的好友邀请,当然其他游戏玩家也可以通过电子邮件来查找你。除此之外,只需在Game Center中点击相应的链接即可下载游戏。

Wishing you a good receipt, we remain英文信件在结尾中出现的这句话应该怎么翻译好?

Wishing you a good receipt: 祝您财源滚滚。应该是: we remain at your disposal吧。我们将竭诚为您服务。

is english writing necessary?求关于这个问题的英语文章,谢谢~

As we all know, with the progress of society, English become a very important skill in learning and working. So there have been more and more English class in china in recent years. And now many parents view English as a vital knowledge to their children. But is English learning necessary for every Chinese student? Some people think that learning English is a must, particularly for Chinese students. On the one hand, because it is not only help them to form a skill of second language but also make it easier to go overseas. On the other hand, as global economic integration is coming. Therefore, English is benefit for students to find jobs in large foreign companies and get a lot of money from the corporation. However, others hold that there are no necessary for every Chinese student learning English. For one thing, they think Chinese is good enough, and china is become more and more prosperous. Someone who doesnu2019t know English can also find a good job in china. So it is not vital for every student to learn English. For another, many students who learning English well may have no chance to use it if they donu2019t go abroad and are not connected with foreigners. And if the student do not love learning English, the result would not come out very well if you compel him to learn it. As far as I am concerned, I support every Chinese student to learn English. People who have a language skill are likely to get more opportunities in future than those who do not have this skill. And mastering a language skill is a thing that not feeling bad. So why do not we learn it?

A plate dropped from her fingers and (hazard?) into pieces on the kitchen floor.



piece强调整体的破碎,break into piece1.Then It"started to break into pieces. These pieces started to move apart.然后它开始分为很多块. 这些分开的板块开始移动,分开.2.The best items are small toys or toys break into pieces.最好的材料就是旧的玩具.3.For example, there are many ways a glass can break into pieces.比方说, 杯子摔成碎片有很多方式.component指一个整体的组成部分.constituent常可与component换用,指某一整体不可少的部分或成分.但两者之间又有一定区别,怎么解释区别呢,还不好说,我举个例子吧:比如西瓜由瓜瓤和瓜子组成,那么瓜子和瓜瓤就是COMPONENT,但是瓜瓤和瓜子又各占一定的分量,这个分量是constituent.不知道说清楚了没?而composition做构成成分意思的时候,与component有区别,我也去问了一圈,有一种看法个人觉得还是挺有道理的,component指组成部件,例如瓶子,架子等,composition指具体的内容物和成分,例如We examined the rock to find out its composition.我们检验了这一石块,想弄清它的构成成分.

They were the only men who received votes ______me.


Had Paul received six more votes in the last election,he would have been our chairman now.

would have been 改为 would be


1、essential:adj. 基本的;必要的;本质的;精华的 n. 本质;要素;要点;必需品2、necessary:adj. 必要的;必需的;必然的 n. 必需品 n. (Necessary)人名;(英)内塞瑟里3、区别:essential的名词意思是本质;要素;要点;必需品。而necessary的名词意思只有一个“必需品”

谁能把 SUN41的歌 pieces 的歌词翻译成中文

这是我亲译的LRC歌词,把歌词复制到一个新的文档里去,听的时候可以对着歌词右键-关联歌词,然后把这个文档选进去.那听歌的时候中英歌词都有了. [ti:Pieces][ar:Sum41][00:08.53][00:10.69]i try to be perfect but nothing was worth it曾努力做你完美的爱人,但你却不值得我这样去做[00:15.93]i dont believe it makes me real真是难以接受的现实[00:20.42]i thought it"d be easy 曾认为这会轻而易举[00:22.86]but no one believes me 但却没人愿意相信[00:25.48]and thats all the things i say 没人相信我所说的一切[00:30.12]if u beleive its in my soul如果你认为我依然爱你 [00:35.27]i"d say all the words that i know 就让我把所有的心声都说给你听[00:39.75]just to see if it would show 也许这只是我的奢望[00:44.80]then i"d try and to let you know但我要向你证明[00:49.65]but i"m better off on my own 我一个人会过得更好[00:54.78][01:03.73]this place is so emtpy 周围空空如也[01:05.86]my thoughts are so tempting 留给我的只有迷惘[01:08.63]i dunno how it got so bad 不懂为什么要这样对我[01:13.00]some times it"s so crazy 有时候我会变得很愚蠢 [01:15.42]but nothing can save me 没有东西可以救我[01:18.48]but it"s the only thing that i have 但这却是我唯一能够挥霍的东西[01:22.87]if you believe its in my soul 如果你认为我依然爱你[01:27.99]i"d say all the words that i know 就让我把所有的心声都说给你听[01:32.61]just to see if it would show也许这只是我的奢望[01:37.63]then i"m trying to let you know 但我要向你证明[01:42.56]that i"m better off on my own....(on my own) 我一个人会过得更好,(我不需要你!)[01:47.78][02:10.90]i try to be perfect 曾努力做你完美的爱人[02:13.22]it just wasn"t worth it 但是那一点意义都没有[02:16.00]nothing could ever be so wrong 没有什么比我错得更加离谱[02:20.29]it"s hard to believe me 任何人会很难相信我[02:22.70]it never gets easy 也从来没有相信过[02:25.70]i guess i knew that all along 我想我一直都很清楚这点[02:29.93]if you believe its in my soul 如果你认为我依然爱你 [02:35.35]i"d say all the words that i know 就让我把所有的心声都说给你听[02:39.84]just to see if it would show 也许这只是我的奢望[02:44.98]then i try and to let you know 但我要想你证明[02:49.73]but im better off on my own! 我一个人会过得更好![00:00.00][99:99.99]本站歌词来自互联网

do you think it necessary to learn to wait in line?请问如何翻译?语法结构。


先翻译短语,再选择正确的短语填空。(可以重复使用) 1、a piece of 2、a bottle of 3、a bag of


giving is receiving是什么意思

giving is receiving给予就是获得receiving[英][ru026a"si:vu026au014b][美][ru026a"si:vu026au014b]

giving is receiving 英语作文

I"d like to share one of my personal experiences related to the topic with you. Last month, I took an interview with the hope of becoming a volunteer in CCISF(Chia Chongqing Investment and Sourcing fair).In order to realize my ideal, I spent a lot of time in preparing for that, inevitably sacrificing much happiness. However, this long process of preparation turned to be rewarding later. During those days, I got acquainted with the latest economy policies, the newest situation of China"s development. I did benefit a lot from it. After I successfully became a volunteer in that community, I took pain with those trifles. But it"s worthy! While I cooperated with my colleagues I learned the team-work spirit; While I"m concerning in the interchange of merchants I got to know the culture of trading; while I"m solving the problems, I realized that my ability has got improved. All those things I benefit from giving my devotion is really precious, which cannot be acquiring from school learning and book knowledge. From then on , I"ve always appreciated the experience being a volunteer and the way it has helped to change me. And I have been a volunteer, in many ways, many times. I realized that volunteering is as much about receiving, as it is about giving. A lifelong friendship, an unexpected gift, a “Thank you” or even just a smiling face are best rewards that volunteering give us. Different, better, and more fulfilling from those monetary or material rewards, we can have these riches all our life and maybe in another world.

以Giving is receiving为题,写一篇英语作文,70词左右

Giving and receiving are always happening at the same time - often in a very non linear way. As we give to another person (e.g., giving them a compliment), we"re at the same time giving to self by saying we appreciate this quality in ourselves. We"re also receiving a sort of feedback loop from another person as they truly receive it - this can be in the form of gratitude, or joy, or even the other person"s transformation. This last one is an extremely powerful feedback of energy. We all can grow and invite joy helping others grow.或者Giving is ReceivingI"m a student from Green Middle School. My name is LI Ming. I like helping others because I think it makes me very happy. I often help my classmates with their schoolwork. Sometimes I help clean up city parks. I go to the old people"s home and do some cleaning for them once a month. So I"m pretty popular there. I often visit the children"s hospital to cheer the sick kids up. I read stories and sing songs for them. I am good with children. I also give money to charities to help people in trouble. I think giving is receiving. Helping others is helping ourselves. Do you agree with me?再或者Giving is ReceivingEverybody wants to receive something from other people. A gift on birthday, a smile when you are nervous, or a hand when you are in trouble. These receivings make us feel warm and happy.But I think giving is also a very happy and enjoyable process. Giving is also receiving.Giving a gift to my mother, a gift, a flower, or just a sentence" mom, i love you", That will make her very happy , and i also have same feeling. That is a communication of emotion. Giving a hand to those people who need help is also very happy thing. A direction to who is lost, or a help to an old grandpa, or just a courage to those who are upset. This is also a process of receiving. So in the process of our life, we should learn to how to give. Actually, if you are a person who like to give and help, then you will be also a person who often receive something from others. You will receive some unexpected things, such as help, prize, flowers, love and so on. In fact, those receivings is the reward of givings.

giving is receiving是什么意思


giving is receiving是什么意思


请问cut it out and stick it on a big piece of paper是什么意思啊


求跨文化交际论文,题目sending receiving gifts,500字中英文都可以,万分感激

With Christmas a little over a week away,you may be looking to make your holiday shopping a little easier by ordering and sending some of your friends and family gift boxes of cheese,meats or delicious desserts.If you are planning to send or receive perishable foods by mail that will decay rapidly if not refrigerated,follow these tips to keep them safe. Meat,poultry,fish and other perishable foods need to be handled carefully and in a timely manner in order to prevent the growth of harmful bacteria,which could cause food-borne illness.These items,whether store bought or homemade,need to be handled properly. Perishable food gifts must arrive cold to be safe to eat.If you receive a gift that is not cold at the time of delivery,do not eat it!Instead,notify the sender.It is better to be safe than sorry.Food gifts marked “Perishable” or “Keep Refrigerated” need to be opened immediately and placed in the refrigerator or freezer. If you are ordering food gifts,specify overnight delivery and request a frozen gel pack or dry ice in the packaging.Transit time and product packaging — foam or heavy cardboard designed to keep them cold — are also vital. Food prepared at home may also be shipped to friends and family,but care is required.First,be sure to follow proper food safety procedures,such as hand washing and prevention of cross contamination when preparing foods.Once you are ready to ship the foods,make sure items are frozen solid or refrigerator cold before shipping.Pack in an insulated cooler or heavy cardboard box with a frozen gel pack.You may also use dry ice,but don"t let it touch your hands or the food.Let the recipient know the box contains dry ice.Wrap the box in two layers of brown paper and mark it “Perishable — Keep Refrigerated.” Ship perishable food gifts by overnight mail and try not to send packages at the end of the week,as delivery could be delayed over the weekend.Let the recipient know a food-bearing package is on its way,so someone can be home to accept delivery and get the food under refrigeration immediately.It is best to send food gifts to someone"s home instead of their workplace.Food can be accidentally left at the office or in the trunk of a car.Confirm that someone will be home and send your surprise to their house.

proof是可数名词吗 如果说一个证据 怎么说 a piece of proof?还是a proo

proof是可数名词,a piece of proof 表示此 证明 是作为一个物件存在,比如纸上,石头等,a proof 是笼统地表示某个相关证明在英语中,用法都不是死的,用在 什么 地方,他就表示 什么 特定的释义活 学 活 用

Do you think a premarital agreement is necessary? Why or Why not?是回答不是翻译







答案是:necessary的副词是necessarily u261e u2667手工翻译u2600尊重劳动u2600欢迎提问u2600感谢采纳u2667 u261c

necessary 可用作名词吗?



necessary造句如下:1、Repairs arenecessary to strengthen the bridge.(这座桥需要加固。)2、I do not wish to complicate the task more than isnecessary.(我不想使这项任务不必要地复杂化。)3、I can take the car ifnecessary.(如果必要的话,我可以乘汽车去。)4、Sometimes it isnecessary to say no.(有时候说“不”是必要的。)5、She searched her desk for thenecessary information.(她在她的书桌里搜寻必要的资料。)6、Some adjustment of the lens may benecessary.(可能需要调整一下镜头。)7、For her, books were asnecessary to life as bread.(对她来说,书就像面包一样是生活的必需。)8、Higher taxes may be anecessary evil.(提高税率虽不是件令人愉快的事,但可能是必要的。)9、It is not alwaysnecessary to gut the fish prior to freezing.(在冷冻鱼之前没有必要总是取出其内脏。)10、Ifnecessary , you can contact me at home.(必要的话,我在家时你也可以和我联系。)该造句《necessary造句》来源于好工具,网址:


  2019年6月大学英语六级词汇看图记忆汇总  necessary n.必需品 adj. 必要的,必需的,必然的  例句:The necessary outcome of a war is a fall in production.  战争带来的必然结果就是生产力下降。  indispensable n.不可缺少之物 adj. 不可缺少的,绝对必要的  例句:The computer is now an indispensable tool in many businesses as well as in manyschools.  目前计算机是很多公司和学校不可或缺的用具。  imperative n.命令,需要 adj.命令的,强制的  例句:Job creation has become an imperative for the government, especially under the strikeof national financial crisis.  创造就业机会是政府必须做的事,特别是在全国性金融危机的冲击之下。  obligatory adj.义不容辞的,必须的  例句:It is obligatory for client to supply the personal data as required by the company.  客户有责任向本公司提供所需的个人资料。  oblige vt.迫使,责成,施恩惠  例句:Joseph felt obliged to leave after such an unpleasant quarrel.  发生了这样不愉快的争吵之后,约瑟夫觉得有必要离开。  obligation n.义务,职责,债务  例句:Damaging the goods puts you under an obligation to buy them.  你损坏了这些商品,你就得都买下来。  necessarily adv. 必要地  例句:Try as Angela may, she is not necessarily able to talk him out of smoking.  虽然安吉拉会尝试,却未必能说服他戒烟。  necessitate v.成为必要  例句:Your proposal will necessitate borrowing more money.  依你的建议就必须增加借款。  necessity n.必要性,需要,必需品  例句:The doctor asked us not to call him during the night except ln case of necessity,  医生吩咐我们,除非必须,否则不要在夜里叫他。


necessitate vt. 使成为必需,需要;迫使; 例句: We have said the the real cause has to necessitate its effect. 我们说过真正的成因必须是结果的必要影响。 扩展资料   Does it necessitate a more convoluted build process?   是否需要更加复杂的构建过程?   This may necessitate touching up your eye shadow a bit.   不过,必不可免地也会擦掉一点眼影。   Unfortunately, the current options are limited and often necessitate surgical removal.   不幸的"是,目前的选择是有限的,往往需要手术切除。


necessary的副词形式necessarily 必然地;不可避免地; necessary adj.必需的;必要的;必然的;无法避免的; n.必需品 扩展资料   A wasp or bee sting is painful but not necessarily serious.   被黄蜂或蜜蜂蜇一下疼是疼,但未必碍事。   A higher fee does not necessarily mean a better course.   收费更高并不意味着课程就一定更好。   Tourism is an industry that has a necessarily close connection with governments.   旅游业是与政府有着必然的密切联系的"产业。   A famous old name on a firm is not necessarily a guarantee of quality   公司悠久的品牌并不能确保商品的质量。


 2019年12月大学英语四级语法用法辨析汇总  英语四级语法用法辨析:necessary的用法  1. 在系表结构后接不定式时,不能按汉语意思用“人”作主语,而用形式主语it。  如:  他有必要同我们一走去。  误:He"s necessary to go with us.  正:It"s necessary for him to go with us.  正:It"s necessary that he (should) go with us.  在以上后接 that 从句的句型中,从句谓语通常要用虚拟语气。  又如:  It"s necessary that he (should) buy a computer.  他有必要买台电脑。  It"s necessary that we (should) ask for her advice.  我们有必要去征求一下她的意见。  2. 表示“对……有必要”,其后可接介词 to 或 for。  如:  Food is necessary for [to] life.  食物对生命是必要的。  Sleep is necessary to [for] one"s health.  睡眠对健康是必不可少的。  当后接不定式的复合结构时,引导不定式逻辑主语的介词通常只用for而不用 to。  如:  It"s necessary for us learn a foreign language.  我们有必要学习一门外语。  3. 可与 if, when, where, as, whenever, wherever, although等连词构成省略句(可以看成是其中省略了it is)。  如:  If necessary, ring me at home.  如果必要,可往我家里打电话。  Tell him all about it when necessary.  在必须的时候把一切都告诉他。  Where necessary, improvements will be made.  哪儿需要,就在哪儿改进。  They believed in the application of force wherever necessary.  凡属必要的地方他们都主张使用武力。  另外,注意习语as necessary(按需要,根据需要),than necessary(比需要的更)。  如:  We"ll be adding more workers as necessary. 我们会按需要增加更多的工人。  I drove ten miles farther than necessary. 我开车开过了10英里。


更新1: necessary为名词时 解作必需品 那么与necessity有什么分别? necessary = 必需 e.g. Food is necessary for people to live. (人必需有食物才可以生存。) necessity 必要性/必需品 e.g. 1) He felt the necessity of finding a job. (他感到必须找到工作。) 2) PC is considered a necessity by a lot of people. (许多人认为电脑是一件生活必需品。) 参考: me 1.necessary=1. 必要的 必需的/必然的 无法避免的 2.necessity=需要 必要性/必需品 Fundamental difference. necessary is an adjective necessity is a noun optional info. necessitate is a verb necessarily is an adverb 参考: Me
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