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Lisa Loeb & Nine Stories的《Taffy》 歌词

歌曲名:Taffy歌手:Lisa Loeb & Nine Stories专辑:TailsTitle: TaffyArtist: Lisa LoebAlbum: The Very Best Of Lisa LoebMy friend"s got a bruise on his leg,A bruise on his legTitle: TaffyEverytime you speak.My friend"s got a bruise on his leg, where I press my kneeEverytime you speak.Actually, bottom line, you tell the truth sometimes.Sometimes you tell the truth like you"re pulling taffy.My friend"s got a bruise on his arm, a bruise on his armEverytime you speak.My friend"s got a bruise on his arm, where I shove my elbowEverytime you speak.Actually, bottom line, you tell the truth sometimes,and sometimes you tell the truth likeYou"re pulling taffy.My friend"s got a bruise on his ribs where I poke my fingerEverytime you speak.My friend"s got a bruise on his ribs, his rib cage is now numbEverytime you speak.Actually, bottom line, you tell the truth sometimes,And sometimes you tell the truth like you"re pulling taffy.QQqun7979278︶ㄣApple thanks маɡìс゛ for sharing music generously.http://music.baidu.com/song/8540556


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The result is not very important to us, but if we do win, then so much( ).A the bestB bestC betterD the better正选答案D “这个结果对我们来说不重要,但是如果我们就是赢了,那就再好不过了”。Then在此表示“那么”。“so much the better(那再好不过了)"是固定短语。本题对固定短语进行考察,难度中上!(以上是搜来的)


在传统的Javascript里,当我们对某个页面元素进行某种操作前,最好先判断这个元素是否存在。原因是对一个不存在的元素进行操作是不允许的。例如:document.getElementById("someID").innerText("hi");如果ID为"someID"的元素不存在,我们将得到Javascript运行错误:document.getElementById("someID") is null正确的写法应该是:obj = document.getElementById("someID");if (obj){obj.innerText("hi");}那么在jQuery,我们如何判断页面元素存在与否呢?如果参照上面的传统Javascript的写法,我们第一个想到的办法一定是:if ($("#someID")){$("#someID").text("hi");}可是这么写是不对的!因为jQuery对象永远都有返回值,所以$("someID")总是TRUE,IF语句没有起到任何判断作用。正确的写法应该是:if ( $("#someID").length > 0 ) {$("#someID").text("hi");}注意:判断某个页面元素存在与否在jQuery实际上是没有必要的,jQuery本身会忽略对一个不存在的元素进行操作,并且不会报错。


本文主要对webpack配置module的rules是条件匹配详解 一个loader的配置,一般一个test就够了,多的话也就一个test加上include或者exclude,如果exclude 、 include 、 test万一出现了三个在同一个loader的配置中时,优先级: exclude > include > test module.rules 的value是数组,允许你在 webpack 配置中指定多个 loader。 loader 从右到左 (或 从下到上 )地取值(evaluate)/执行(execute)。在下面的示例中,从 sass-loader 开始执行,然后继续执行 css-loader,最后以 style-loader 为结束。查看 loader 功能 章节,了解有关 loader 顺序的更多信息。 1、如何使css模块化?需要在我们的webpack.config.js中对css-loader进行一些额外设置,上面示例中有,详细参考 css-loader 2、如何开启单个样式文件的全局模式呢? 可以在webpack.config.js中配置两次处理css的loader,配置如下: js中引入css const styles = require("./popup.css"); 打印 styles 对象,是这样的3、如何让css模块化后生成的class具有可读性? 配置webpack.config.js中css-loader的 localIdentName : 打印 styles 对象,是这样的






Try a little harder to be a little better为了更好一点,试着更努力一点

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ogygiocarella debuchii怎么翻译(化石上面的名字)

就搜到了这个相关的回答。英文资料里,把它列在三叶虫 Trilobites纲里面。学名 (Binomial Nomenclature) Ogygiocarella debuchii界 (Kingdom) 动物界 Animalia门 (Phylum) 节肢动物门 Arthropoda纲 (Class) 三叶虫纲 Trilobita目 (Order) 栉虫目 Asaphida亚目 (Suborder) 栉虫亚目 Asaphina总科 (Superfamily) 栉虫总科 Asaphoidea科 (Family) 栉虫科 Asaphidae属 (Genus) 龙王盾壳虫属 Ogygiocarella种 (Species) 德氏种 debuchii年代 古生代奥陶纪中期 Paleozoic Middle Ordovician (Llandeilo Series) (471.8 - 468.1百万年)产地 英国英格兰西部什罗浦夏郡南方 South Shropshire,UK尺寸 化石长约 36 mm 宽约 25 mm德氏龙王盾壳虫是具有历史意义的三叶虫品种,1679 年英国教士爱德华路伊德(Edward Lhwyd) 博士,在写给好友马丁李斯特 (Martin Lister) 博士的信中提到,他在南威尔斯的兰代洛镇 (Llandeilo) 附近石灰岩中发现了比目鱼或某种不知名的扁平鱼类的遗迹,路伊德博士绘制了草图并且在该年於英国皇家学院会报 (Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society) 发表。当时并没有人知道这个状似比目鱼的石头是一种已灭绝的海洋生物,直到 1771 年西方动物学界才判定三叶虫是一种新的物种。 左图就是当时刊载在英国皇家学院会报上的草图,现今学者认为这张草图所描绘的便是德氏龙王盾壳虫。德氏龙王盾壳虫除了在南威尔斯的兰代洛镇被发现外,也常发现於英格兰西部什罗浦夏郡,英国地质学家在 1839 年时便知道以德氏龙王盾壳虫来判断两地的地层序列,我这个化石标本正是出自於什罗浦夏郡。


正如 lin瑞玉的回答 所说,webpack-dev-middle 把文件放在内存中了。实现过程大致为:webpack 有一个 outputFileSystem 选项,通过这个选项 webpack 在编译时可以使用自定义的 fs 替换 Node 原生 fs,只要 API 兼容。webpack-dev-middle 正是把它替换成

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Rebel Heart 歌词

歌曲名:Rebel Heart歌手:Rod Stewart专辑:Vagabond Heart [Expanded Edition]I picked her up about a quarter to nineMy brother told me I was wasting my timeA woman like that"ll only cause you confusionbut go ahead you may find it amusingShe came to the door wearing a suit and tieher hair cropped short I couldn"t figure out whyRebel heart don"t be a lonerRebel heart I"m your loverRebel heart I wanna discoverwhere you from and where you belongand everything that turns you onI wanted to dance but she flatly refusedI told her jokes but she was not amusedTried to kiss her but she wouldn"t stand stillStarted thinking this was overkillNext thing I know I was flyin" for coverit was her steady girlfriend and a live-in loverRebel heart why don"t you try itRebel heart you can"t deny itRebel heart you may like itI"ll change your mind if you"ll give me timeabout everything that"s on your mindI stayed awake all last night fantasizing about you babyYou know I"d walk a million miles across broken glassor a red hot Arabian desertif I could just have one night in your long brass bedEvening wound up on a very sad noteI drove her home and then she went for my throatShe said, "it"s fairly obvious I ain"t attracted to youYou bore me to tears honest you doAnd by the way I can"t stand your British"I said, "don"t start something, honey, you know you can"t finish"Rebel heart I won"t forget yaRebel heart I"m glad I met yaRebel heart give me an answerwhere you"re from and where you belongand everything that turns you onYou came, you saw, you conquered meWhen you did that to me I knew that it had to beI"d lift you up with my own arms honeyI can"t get enoughI"d walk down Fifth Avenue entirely nakedI promise I won"t drink, swear, womanizeI"d go to church every Sundayfor just one night with youRebel heart I"m your loverRebel heart I wanna discoverOh yeahOh yeahRebel heart I won"t forget yaRebel heart I"m glad I met yaRebel heart give me an answerOh yeah oh yeahRebel heart I won"t forget yaRebel heart give me an answerOh yeah oh yeahhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7995147

hp notebook system bios update是什么软件

:这是在windows下刷新BIOS的程序,用VISTA版本的程序在XP系统里面用,很有可能导致BIOS刷新失败导致电脑瘫痪。 建议下载 XP 系统适用的HPQFlash 。网上有下载。

HP Notebook System BIOS Update (Intel Processors) 更新安装不了,一直卡在安装那里;如截图







互联网 web









dec feb apr jun aug oct是几月


“web前端” 用英文怎么说?

Web front end






May 是五月



Kafka Consumer Group和Consumer Rebalance机制

在新建一个Consumer时,我们可以通过指定groupId来将其添加进一个Consumer Group中。 Consumer Group是为了实现多个Consumer能够并行的消费一个Topic,并且一个partition只能被一个Consumer Group里的一个固定的Consumer消费。 对于一个Consumer Group,可能随时都有Consumer加入或者退出这个Consumer Group,Consumer列表的变化势必会引起partition的重新分配。这个为Consumer分配partition的过程就被称为Consumer Rebalance。 出现任何以下的场景都会触发Consumer Rebalance操作: 默认情况下,Kafka提供了两种分配策略:Range和RoundRobin 。 range策略的具体步骤如下: 举个例子,比如有两个消费者C0和C1,两个topic(t0,t1),每个topic有三个分区p(0-2), 那么采用Range策略,分配出的结果为: RoundRobin策略和Range策略类型,唯一的区别就是Range策略分配partition时,是按照topic逐次划分的。而RoundRobin策略则是将所有topic的所有分区一起排序,然后遍历partition分配给消费者。 因此,采用RoundRobin策略,分配出的结果为: Group Coordinator是负责管理Consumer Group的组件。当一个Consumer希望加入某一个Consumer Group时,它会发送一个请求给Group Coordinator。Group Coordinator负责维护一个Consumer Group中所有的Consumer列表,随着Consumer的加入和退出,Coordinator也会随之更新这个列表。 第一个加入Consumer Group的Consumer被称为leader。 一旦Consumer Group中的成员发生变化,例如有新的Consumer加入,那么就需要为其分配partition;或者有Consumer退出,那么就需要将其负责消费的partition分配给组内其他成员。因此Consumer Group中的成员发生变化, Group Coordinator就负责发起Consumer Rebalance活动。 值得注意的是,真正的Consumer Rebalance行为是由Consumer Group Leader执行的。Group Leader首先向Coordinator获取Group中的Consumer成员列表,然后根据Rebalance策略,将partition分配给Consumer Group中的成员,再将分配结果告知Coordinator。最后,Coordinator将partition分配结果通知给每一个Consumer。在Consumer Rebalance的过程中,所有的Consumer都不允许消费消息。




电脑BIOS界面内找不到Secure Boot选项的原因主要有两种:1. 主板不支持Secure Boot。Secure Boot是UEFI启动标准的一部分,早期主板使用传统BIOS方案,不支持这一新功能,在BIOS设置里自然不会有Secure Boot选项。如果希望使用该功能,需要更换支持UEFI并启用Secure Boot的新主板。2. Secure Boot被禁用或隐藏。有些电脑厂商会在出厂时禁用Secure Boot功能,或隐藏该选项,需要采取一定操作来启用或显示这一选项。进入BIOS高级设置,某些厂商仅在标准BIOS界面隐藏了Secure Boot选项,在高级设置模式下可见,尝试进入高级BIOS设置来寻找Secure Boot选项。


尊敬的联想用户您好!建议用户开机进入bios中找到 security 中的secure boot选成enabled就可以步骤1:进入BIOS后,选择Security选项,选择Reset to Setup Mode并敲回车,选择YES回车确认。步骤2:选择Restore Factory Keys并敲回车,选择YES回车确认。步骤3:按F9或FN+F9恢复BIOS默认设置。步骤4:按F10或FN+F10保存退出,并马上敲击F2或FN+F2再次进入BIOS检查Secure Boot Status,此时应已经变为Enabled状态,保存退出即可。步骤5:进入系统后再次查看桌面右下角“SecureBoot未正确配置”提示消息已经消失。希望以上答案能解决您的问题。期待您满意的评价,感谢您对联想的支持,祝您生活愉快!

win8.1 要开启secureboot吗





1、Dell g3 bios怎么u盘启动?设置步骤如下:1、制作一个大白菜U盘启动盘并插入电脑(建议U盘内存为8G以上)2、开机或重启电脑,当出现开机画面时,迅速按下BIOS启动快捷键F2 进入BIOS界面3、进入BIOS界面后,利用方向键切换至“BOOT”界面4、在BOOT界面中,使用方向键盘选中U盘选项,并利用“+”将其移动至第一选项,最后按下F10键保存并退上述步骤即为戴尔G3 BIOS设置u盘启动教程。通过以上步骤,电脑会自动重启并进入大白菜WINPE系统界面。进入WINPE系统后,用户可以进行硬盘分区安装系统。2、戴尔3060怎样设置u盘启动?1、首先在电脑开机的时候长按F12进入到电脑的启动设置画面,然后点击【BIOS Set up】。2、进入到设置页面以后,接下来点击【Boot Sequence】3、最后将从U盘启动的顺序调整到第一位,从固态硬盘的启动顺序调整到第二位即可。3、dellvostro台式电脑u盘启动设置?1.在戴尔电脑开机时连续多次按下【F2】键进入BIOS设置界面,然后找到并展开【secure BOOT】项。2.选择【secure Boot Enable】项,并将其修改为【Disabled】,再关闭【安全启动】项。3.切换到【BOOT Sequence】项,在【boot list Opion】的引导模式模块中选择为【uefi】模式。4.切换到【sercurity】界面,在【ptt sercurity】栏中取消勾选【PTT ON】项。4、戴尔电脑怎么进入USB启动?戴尔电脑USB端口开启的操作步骤如下:1、进入电脑系统界面,在电脑桌面右击计算机,选择属性的功能选项;2、在属性的菜单栏下,点击打开设备管理器;3、在设备管理器的窗口下,展开通用串行总线控制器,右击USB roothub,选择开启即可将戴尔电脑USB端口开启。5、dell7300怎么设置u盘启动?1.将制作好的启动u盘插入到电脑usb插口中,然后重启电脑。电脑开启后,当看到开机画面时,按“esc或F12”键进入bios设置。2.进入到启动项顺序选择窗口后,通过键盘上的方向键将光标移至usb选项处,按下回车键即可进入到U大侠U盘启动盘主菜单界面。3.这样子戴尔电脑bios设置U盘启动就完成了,重启电脑就可以通过U盘启动电脑系统了。6、戴尔电脑如何从优盘启动?戴尔电脑设置U盘启动的具体操作步骤如下:1、首先,开启戴尔电脑,并在重启的过程中,按下键盘上的热键,进入bios。并将bios界面切换到startup选项:2、然后,用键盘上的上下左右键,将光标指向第一个选项,回车进入:3、然后,在其中将usbkey项移动到最上面:4、接着,将光标定位到saveandexit上,点击回车:5、最后,在出现的对话框中,选择是。并点击回车结束操作。到此,戴尔电脑设置U盘启动的具体操作流程就已经结束了:戴尔主机怎么进入u盘启动不了怎么办 戴尔的电脑,按了U盘启动黑屏卡住,按硬盘启动也是,能看见U盘就是启动不了装系统然后按装PE系统以后在系统环境下直接点击ghost系统图标,3、插入U盘重启后按下F12识别到U盘启动盘选项。再根据提示按F9选择启动菜单中的U盘回车。重启后按下Esc即可识别到U盘启动盘。3、dell电脑bios设置u盘启动,dell电脑在bios设置u盘启动的方法∶进入开机启动页面后按f12键。用Tab键切换至AppMenu页面选中Setup,进入BIOS界面后用方向键移到Security进入戴尔113147怎么u盘启动,戴尔5520设置u盘启动今天给各位分享戴尔113147怎么u盘启动的知识,其中也会对戴尔5520设置u盘启动进行解释,1、戴尔电脑怎么设置u盘启动?2、戴尔电脑如何设置u盘启动3、戴尔电脑怎么进入u盘4、戴尔电脑怎么进入u盘启动戴尔电脑怎么设置u盘启动?戴尔电脑进入u盘启动的操作如下:4、完成以上操作后”在按快捷键ESC,戴尔电脑如何设置u盘启动戴尔电脑进入u盘启动的操作如下“戴尔电脑怎么进入u盘戴尔电脑进入u盘启动的操戴尔主板怎么进入u启动不了,戴尔进入不了u盘启动1、戴尔电脑怎么进入u盘启动2、请问戴尔主板怎么设置u盘启动3、请问一下戴尔主板怎么设置u盘启动4、戴尔主板如何设置u盘启动5、戴尔主板怎么设置u盘启动?戴尔电脑怎么进入u盘启动开机按F12选USB开头的选项或U盘品牌名称开头的选项。请问戴尔主板怎么设置u盘启动插入U盘启动盘,戴尔台式电脑设置U盘启动、在看到delllogo时,戴尔台式电脑设置U盘启动、如果没有USB选项,查看更多内容请问一下戴尔戴尔主板怎么进入u启动,戴尔开机怎么进入u盘启动其中也会对戴尔开机怎么进入u盘启动进行解释,1、戴尔主板怎么设置u盘启动2、戴尔电脑怎么设置u盘启动3、戴尔电脑怎么进入u盘启动4、戴尔电脑如何设置u盘启动戴尔主板怎么设置u盘启动戴尔主板设置u盘启动进入电脑bios设置,然后进入boot启动项设置,之后将USB设备设为第一启动项,bios设置方法:按DELETE键进入BIOS程序界面。2、进入到BIOS界面之后,3、然后在弹出的窗口中选择“就可以戴尔新笔记本电脑怎么设置u盘启动 dell笔记本怎么u盘启动按下热键进入bios在电脑重启的过程中,并将bios界面切换到startup选项。对话框选是并回车结束在出现的对话框中选择是,2、dell141、开机出现DELL标后一直按F2进入BIOS界面。我们在左侧菜单栏进行启动项设置,可以看到右侧是我们目前的BIOS启动顺序。即可进入笔记本bios设置:在戴尔笔记本开机标志界面底部会有F2Setup和F12BootOptions提示,这里我们按F2键进入b戴尔7000怎么设置u盘启动 戴尔品牌机怎么设置u盘启动项戴尔BIOS设置U盘启动需将制作好的U盘插入电脑的USB接口,快速连续点按【F2】键直至进入BIOS界面。使用方向键选择【Boot】菜单下的【USBStorage】,使用键盘的方向键移动光标至【Boot】菜单下的【USBStorage】选项。戴尔台式电脑设置为u盘启动1、将制作好的u启动u盘启动盘插入戴尔的usb接口,在出现戴尔开机画面时按esc快捷键进入启动选项窗口界面2、在启动选项窗口界面中找戴尔xp系统怎么设置u盘启动今天给各位分享戴尔xp系统怎么设置u盘启动的知识,其中也会对戴尔xp系统怎么设置u盘启动进行解释,1、我想问一下戴尔电脑怎么设置u盘启动2、想问戴尔如何设置u盘启动3、戴尔电脑怎么设置u盘启动?5、戴尔电脑怎么设置u盘启动我想问一下戴尔电脑怎么设置u盘启动戴尔电脑设置u盘启动,连续按下f2按键进入BIOS设置。在页面中选择UEfI的选项进行切换。然后重启电脑即可通过U盘启动。主控芯片使计算机将U盘戴尔电脑第一启动项怎么改u盘 dell新机型bios设置usb启动步骤1、dell新机型bios设置usb启动步骤?进入开机启动项选择页面,2、戴尔在BIOS中如何设置成U盘优先启动?3、dell3888台式机bios设置u盘启动,立马快速不停地按F2按键或者ESC进入到bios里面“2.然后找到secureboot选项下面的securebootenabl修改成disable(默认是开启的状态”UEFI启动的话不需要设置bios,戴尔台式机装xp设置u盘启动不了怎么办,xp不能u盘启动本篇文章给大家谈谈戴尔台式机装xp设置u盘启动不了怎么办,3、戴尔台式电脑设置不了U盘开机启动试了好久也不行,很多小伙伴不知道戴尔Dell笔记本电脑的BIOS怎么设置从U盘启动。开启分步阅读模式操作方法01快捷启动U盘或光盘的方法:03用传统方法设置戴尔Dell从U盘或光盘启动步骤:即可进入笔记本bios设置。将鼠标移到Advanced(高级设置)这一选项上,以上就是用传统方法设置戴尔Dell从U戴尔一体机怎么启动bios 戴尔Ins 23一体机怎么进入bios设置u盘启动1、戴尔Ins23一体机怎么进入bios设置u盘启动?2、进入BIOS界面之后切换到“设置完成之后在键盘按下F10保存并重新启动,二、dell进入bios的方法1、现在插入u盘并开启Dell电脑。在电脑还没有完全进入桌面的时候点击F12启动菜单。3、当我们确认之后电脑就会开始进行bios了。4、如果想要进行硬盘模式的设置就需要进入BIOS的主界面。我们在bios的界面里找到Exit退出选项。3、戴戴尔电脑怎么认不到u盘启动u盘启动u盘,戴尔没有u盘启动1、戴尔电脑怎么u盘启动进入不了怎么办?3、戴尔笔记本做系统不识别u盘启动4、戴尔电脑怎么进入u盘启动5、戴尔电脑怎么设置u盘启动戴尔电脑怎么u盘启动进入不了怎么办?很多小伙伴不知道戴尔Dell笔记本电脑的BIOS怎么设置从U盘启动。开启分步阅读模式操作方法01快捷启动U盘或光盘的方法:02进入的启动项选择界面后,03用传统方法设置戴尔Dell从U盘或光盘启动步骤:即可进入笔记本bios设置。这个戴尔电脑怎么进入u盘启动还原系统,戴尔电脑如何从u盘启动盘重装系统今天给各位分享戴尔电脑怎么进入u盘启动还原系统的知识,其中也会对戴尔电脑如何从u盘启动盘重装系统进行解释,2、戴尔电脑怎么进入u盘启动3、戴尔笔记本如何用u盘重装系统?戴尔电脑怎样进入U盘启动项?戴尔电脑进入u盘启动的操作如下:在弹出的启动选项窗口中,戴尔电脑怎么进入u盘启动戴尔电脑进入u盘启动的操作如下“保存设置并重启电脑“在弹出的启动选项窗口中。选择U盘即可U盘启动,1、先关闭电脑的杀毒软件“笔记本怎么进入bois设置u盘启动顺序 戴尔g15进入u盘启动按哪个键在启动界面中选择识别到的U盘启动项,二、bios设置U盘启动legacy模式1、插入U盘,进入开机启动项选择页面,即可进入U盘启动盘2、戴尔笔记本电脑BOIS菜单设置U盘第一启动顺序?按【F12】就可以进入到BIOS菜单中。F12就是不需要进入BIOS菜单,3、rog笔记本bios设置优盘启动?然后开机不断按启动快捷键进入bios界面。然后选择u盘启动即可转到小白u盘pe系统界面中。打开小白装机工怎么重u盘启动电脑开机密码 戴尔电脑用u盘怎么重置密码使用u盘启动盘重置密码的方法很简单,找到系统自带的密码修改工具箱就可以进行重置密码的操作了。u盘启动重置密码步骤:1.首先将制作好的云骑士U盘启动盘插入电脑并重启2.待启动后按F12进入云骑士U盘启动界面”选择WindowsPE/RamOS(新机型)进入3.再选择WindowsPE64位4.双击进入清除系统密码3、如何使用u深度u盘进行破解开机密码,3、打开系统密码清除工具”4、选取系统密码清除工戴尔平板u盘不能开机黑屏怎么办 dell u盘启动不了2、在BIOS的Boot菜单下,即可看到设置引导选项,此时选择自己需要的启动选项即可,需要用到一台正常的电脑制作U盘启动盘,然后使用U盘启动盘重装系统。选择启动U盘界面,4.制作U盘启动盘需要清除所选U盘的所有文件,3、我的电脑一插U盘就出现黑屏?开机进入BIOS,确保你电脑的开机启动引导顺序是否正确。连接U盘可能会因为BIOS设置U启动而错误装载。我会添加其他的一些解决方案4、u盘文件存电脑时。戴尔电脑主板设置usb启动怎么设置 戴尔成铭3990怎么设置u盘启动传统的方法是进入电脑bios设置,即可进入笔记本bios设置,在戴尔笔记本开机标志界面底部会有F2Setup和F12BootOptions提示,这里我们按F2键进入bios设置即可。2、戴尔i7怎么设置usb启动?进入开机启动项选择页面,1、戴尔台式机电脑可以使用【F12】键切换到U盘启动,戴尔笔记本可以使用【F12】键或【Fn】+【F12】组合键切换到U盘启动。2、在开机时连续多次按下【F12】戴尔怎么从bios设置u盘启动不了怎么办(戴尔怎样进入bios设置u盘启动)今天给各位分享戴尔怎么从bios设置u盘启动不了怎么办的知识,其中也会对戴尔怎样进入bios设置u盘启动进行解释,1、戴尔用bios设置u盘启动2、戴尔新bios设置u盘启动3、dellbios设置u盘启动4、dell怎么进入bios设置u盘启动5、dell电脑怎么进入bios设置u盘启动戴尔用bios设置u盘启动具体操作流程如下:戴尔新bios设置u盘启动笔记本u盘重装电脑需要设置开机启动选项。setup设置u盘启动怎么设置u盘启动项 戴尔g15u盘启动设置一、戴尔笔记本u盘启动快捷键制作好u盘启动盘之后,在启动界面中选择识别到的U盘启动项,二、bios设置u盘启动legacy模式1、插入u盘,进入开机启动项选择页面,键进入BIOS设置;设定的方法是在该项上按PageUP或PageDown键来转换选项。(也可以按下F10保存退出)4、将用制作好的u盘启动盘插入到电脑的usb接口处(若是台式电脑,脑就会自动进入到u启动的主界面了3、fckt78aus怎戴尔的主板怎么设置从u盘启动 dell vostro5880进入bios设置u盘启动1、dellvostro5880进入bios设置u盘启动?不能在主硬盘中更新BIOS固件和恢复文件;2、dell老电脑bios设置u盘启动,立马快速不停地按F2按键或者ESC进入到bios里面2。然后找到secureboot选项下面的securebootenabl修改成disable(默认是开启的状态?选择Boot这一项.把光标移到Advanced这一项上。4、戴尔5590电脑bios设置u盘启动dell 灵越怎么设置u盘启动 戴尔电脑设置u盘启动的步骤1、戴尔电脑设置u盘启动的步骤?整个BIOS从U盘或光盘启动就设置完了,2、戴尔笔记本进入bios设置u盘启动,戴尔笔记本进入bios设置u盘启动设置步骤。连续按下f2按键进入BIOS设置:2、点击进入后选择左侧的securebootenable的选项,在页面中选择UEfI的选项进行切换。


1、首先,我们重启电脑,在出现logo时,按下“F2”或者“Del”进入bios设置。2、其次,进入bios设置后,点击左侧的“settings”。3、最后,找到其中的“security”,“secure boot”就在其中。

justin bieber take you 歌词的中文翻译?拜托了,请翻译一下

Hey, what"s the situation?  嘿,有什么情况?  I"m just tryna make a little conversation, why the hesitation?  我仅仅想做一个小小的谈话,为什么要犹豫?  Tell me what your name is, for your information, don"t get me wrong  告诉我你的名字是什么,你的信息,不要误会我  You know it"s right, don"t be so cold, we could be fire  你知道这是对的,不要这么冷淡,我们能燃烧  Tomorrow we go, let"s start tonight  明天我们就走,在今晚开始  You know what is all about  你知道全部是关于什么  I can take you up, I can take you home  我可以带你走,可以带你回家  I can take you oh-oh-oh where you wanna go  我可以带你去 oh-oh-oh 你想去的地方  I can pack it up, we could take it slow  我们可以整理行装,我们慢慢的  I can take you home  我可以带你回家  I can take you up, I can take you home  我可以带你走,我可以带你回家  I can take you oh-oh-oh where you wanna go  我可以带你去 oh-oh-oh 你想去的地方  I can pack it up, we could take it slow  我们可以整理行装,我们慢慢的  I can take you home  我可以带你回家  From I have reputation, oh oh, but it"s only me and you in this equation  我有名声 oh oh 但是在这个等式里只有你和我  Promise this occasion, oh oh, it"s a different situation  这次我保证 oh oh 这是不同的情况  For your information, don"t get me wrong  为了你的信息,不要误会我  You know it"s right, don"t be so cold, we could be fire  你知道这是对的,不要这么冷淡,我们能燃烧  Tomorrow we go, let"s start tonight  明天我们就走,在今晚开始  You know what is all about  你知道全部是关于什么  I can take you up, I can take you home  我可以带你走,我可以带你回家  I can take you oh-oh-oh where you wanna go  我可以带你去 oh-oh-oh 你想去的地方  I can pack it up, we could take it slow  我们可以整理行装,我们慢慢的  I can take you home  我可以带你回家  I can take you up, I can take you home  我可以带你走,我可以带你回家  I can take you oh-oh-oh where you wanna go  我可以带你去 oh-oh-oh 你想去的地方  I can pack it up, we could take it slow  我们可以整理行装,我们慢慢的  I can take you home  我可以带你回家  I can take you up, I can take you home  我可以带你走,我可以带你回家  I can take you up, I can take you home  我可以带你走,我可以带你回家  Hey senorita, my shorty, please be my little lady, my little lady  嘿女孩,我的爱,请做我的小女士,我的小姑娘  Hey amor, you"re the one, I adore you, come on be my little lady, my little lady  嘿,亲爱的,你是唯一,我爱你,来吧,做我的小女士,我的小姑娘  Hey senorita, my shorty, please be my little lady, my little lady  嘿女孩,我的爱,请做我的小女士,我的小姑娘  Hey amor, you"re the one, I adore you, come on be my little lady, my little lady  嘿,亲爱的,你是唯一,我爱你,来吧,做我的小女士,我的小姑娘  I can take you up, I can take you home  我可以带你走,我可以带你回家  I can take you oh-oh-oh where you wanna go  我可以带你去 oh-oh-oh 你想去的地方  I can pack it up, we could take it slow  我可以整理行装,我们慢慢地  I can take you home  我可以带你回家  I can take you up, I can take you home  我可以带你走,我可以带你回家  I can take you oh-oh-oh where you wanna go  我可以带你去 oh-oh-oh 你想去的地方  I can pack it up, we could take it slow  我可以整理行装,我们慢慢地  I can take you home  我可以带你回家  Hey, what"s the situation?...  嘿,现在是什么情况?...

Justin bieber take you 中英文歌词

calling out your name 我呼唤着你的名字  your face is everywhere 而你的脸庞脑海充斥  im reaching out to you 伸手不可触及  to find that youre not there 才发现你已离去  i wake up every night 每夜每夜从梦中惊醒  to see the state im in 沉思在悠悠梦境  its like an endless fight 就如那永不停歇的战斗  i never seem to win 而我,从未有获胜的可能  i cant go on as long as i believe 无法面对只因为我仍相信  cant let go when i keep wondering 继续的思考只会让人继续的沉浸  where are you now what have you found 而你身在何处,你为何苦苦追寻  where is your heart when im not around 我多想在你身边抚慰你受伤的心  where are you now you gotta let me know 你身在何处啊,却遥无音信  oh baby so i can let you go oh baby,我却让你离开  i can hear your voice 我仍能听见你的甜言  the ring of yesterday 昨日的缠绵  it seems so close to me 似乎清晰可见  but yet so far away 却已越走越远  i should let it out 或许我应该知道放手吧  to save whats left of me 这样还可以留下感情的纪念  and close the doors of doubt 或许我应该关上回忆的门吧  revive my dignity 重新面对崭新的一天  bit i cant go on as long as i believe 无法面对只因为我仍相信   cant let go when i keep wondering 继续的思考只会让人继续的沉浸  where are you now what have you found 而你身在何处,你为何苦苦追寻  where is your heart when im not around 我多想在你身边抚慰你受伤的心  where are you now you gotta let me know 你身在何处啊,却遥无音信  oh baby so i can let you go oh baby,我却让你离开  i should let it out its time to let you go 或许我应该学会放手吧  oh baby i just want to know oh baby,请告诉我  where are you now what have you found 而你身在何处,你为何苦苦追寻  where is your heart when im not around 我多想在你身边抚慰你受伤的心  where are you now you gotta let me know 你身在何处啊,却遥无音信  oh baby so i can let you go oh baby,我才能放心的让你远行{不知道全不全}

Justin Bieber的《Take You》 歌词

歌曲名:Take You歌手:Justin Bieber专辑:Believe AcousticTake YouJustin BieberHey, what"s the situation?I"m just tryna make a little conversation, why the hesitation?Tell me what your name is, for your information, don"t get me wrongYou know it"s right, don"t be so cold, we could be fireTomorrow we go, let"s start tonightYou know what is all aboutI can take you up, I can take you homeI can take you oh-oh-oh where you wanna goI can pack it up, we could take it slowI can take you homeI can take you up, I can take you homeI can take you oh-oh-oh where you wanna goI can pack it up, we could take it slowI can take you homeFrom I have reputation, oh oh, but it"s only me and you in this equationPromise this occasion, oh oh, it"s a different situationFor your information, don"t get me wrongYou know it"s right, don"t be so cold, we could be fireTomorrow we go, let"s start tonightYou know what is all aboutI can take you up, I can take you homeI can take you oh-oh-oh where you wanna goI can pack it up, we could take it slowI can take you homeBaby senorita, my shorty,please be my little lady, my little ladyHey amor, you"re the one,I adore you, come on be my little lady,my little ladyBaby senorita, my shorty,please be my little lady, my little ladyHey amor, you"re the one,I adore you, come on be my little lady,my little ladyI can take you up, I can take you homeI can take you oh-oh-oh where you wanna goI can pack it up, we could take it slowI can take you homeI can take you homehttp://music.baidu.com/song/33984852

Justin bieber有一首歌,歌名我忘了,歌词是I want you you you反复很多


Justin Bieber -Take You 的吉他谱


Justin bieber take you 中英文歌词

Hey, what"s the situation?   嘿,有什么情况?   I"m just tryna make a little conversation, why the hesitation?   我仅仅想做一个小小的谈话,为什么要犹豫?   Tell me what your name is, for your information, don"t get me wrong   告诉我你的名字是什么,你的信息,不要误会我   You know it"s right, don"t be so cold, we could be fire   你知道这是对的,不要这么冷淡,我们能燃烧   Tomorrow we go, let"s start tonight   明天我们就走,在今晚开始   You know what is all about   你知道全部是关于什么   I can take you up, I can take you home   我可以带你走,可以带你回家   I can take you oh-oh-oh where you wanna go   我可以带你去 oh-oh-oh 你想去的地方   I can pack it up, we could take it slow   我们可以整理行装,我们慢慢的   I can take you home   我可以带你回家   I can take you up, I can take you home   我可以带你走,我可以带你回家   I can take you oh-oh-oh where you wanna go   我可以带你去 oh-oh-oh 你想去的地方   I can pack it up, we could take it slow   我们可以整理行装,我们慢慢的   I can take you home   我可以带你回家   From I have reputation, oh oh, but it"s only me and you in this equation   我有名声 oh oh 但是在这个等式里只有你和我   Promise this occasion, oh oh, it"s a different situation   这次我保证 oh oh 这是不同的情况   For your information, don"t get me wrong   为了你的信息,不要误会我   You know it"s right, don"t be so cold, we could be fire   你知道这是对的,不要这么冷淡,我们能燃烧   Tomorrow we go, let"s start tonight   明天我们就走,在今晚开始   You know what is all about   你知道全部是关于什么   I can take you up, I can take you home   我可以带你走,我可以带你回家   I can take you oh-oh-oh where you wanna go   我可以带你去 oh-oh-oh 你想去的地方   I can pack it up, we could take it slow   我们可以整理行装,我们慢慢的   I can take you home   我可以带你回家   I can take you up, I can take you home   我可以带你走,我可以带你回家   I can take you oh-oh-oh where you wanna go   我可以带你去 oh-oh-oh 你想去的地方   I can pack it up, we could take it slow   我们可以整理行装,我们慢慢的   I can take you home   我可以带你回家   I can take you up, I can take you home   我可以带你走,我可以带你回家   I can take you up, I can take you home   我可以带你走,我可以带你回家   Hey senorita, my shorty, please be my little lady, my little lady   嘿女孩,我的爱,请做我的小女士,我的小姑娘   Hey amor, you"re the one, I adore you, come on be my little lady, my little lady   嘿,亲爱的,你是唯一,我爱你,来吧,做我的小女士,我的小姑娘   Hey senorita, my shorty, please be my little lady, my little lady   嘿女孩,我的爱,请做我的小女士,我的小姑娘   Hey amor, you"re the one, I adore you, come on be my little lady, my little lady   嘿,亲爱的,你是唯一,我爱你,来吧,做我的小女士,我的小姑娘   I can take you up, I can take you home   我可以带你走,我可以带你回家   I can take you oh-oh-oh where you wanna go   我可以带你去 oh-oh-oh 你想去的地方   I can pack it up, we could take it slow   我可以整理行装,我们慢慢地   I can take you home   我可以带你回家   I can take you up, I can take you home   我可以带你走,我可以带你回家   I can take you oh-oh-oh where you wanna go   我可以带你去 oh-oh-oh 你想去的地方   I can pack it up, we could take it slow   我可以整理行装,我们慢慢地   I can take you home   我可以带你回家   Hey, what"s the situation?...   嘿,现在是什么情况?...是《believe》里的新歌。百度百科上有

Justin Bieber的《Take You》 歌词

歌曲名:Take You歌手:Justin Bieber专辑:BelieveTake YouJustin BieberHey, what"s the situation?I"m just tryna make a little conversation, why the hesitation?Tell me what your name is, for your information, don"t get me wrongYou know it"s right, don"t be so cold, we could be fireTomorrow we go, let"s start tonightYou know what is all aboutI can take you up, I can take you homeI can take you oh-oh-oh where you wanna goI can pack it up, we could take it slowI can take you homeI can take you up, I can take you homeI can take you oh-oh-oh where you wanna goI can pack it up, we could take it slowI can take you homeFrom I have reputation, oh oh, but it"s only me and you in this equationPromise this occasion, oh oh, it"s a different situationFor your information, don"t get me wrongYou know it"s right, don"t be so cold, we could be fireTomorrow we go, let"s start tonightYou know what is all aboutI can take you up, I can take you homeI can take you oh-oh-oh where you wanna goI can pack it up, we could take it slowI can take you homeI can take you up, I can take you homeI can take you oh-oh-oh where you wanna goI can pack it up, we could take it slowI can take you homeI can take you up, I can take you homeI can take you up, I can take you homeHey senorita, my shorty, please be my little lady, my little ladyHey amor, you"re the one, I adore you, come on be my little lady, my little ladyHey senorita, my shorty, please be my little lady, my little ladyHey amor, you"re the one, I adore you, come on be my little lady,my little ladyI can take you up, I can take you homeI can take you oh-oh-oh where you wanna goI can pack it up, we could take it slowI can take you homeI can take you up, I can take you homeI can take you oh-oh-oh where you wanna goI can pack it up, we could take it slowI can take you homeHey, what"s the situation?...http://music.baidu.com/song/14890017


workerman的特性Workerman是一款纯PHP开发的开源的高性能的PHP socket 异步框架。被广泛的用于移动通讯、手游服务端、网络游戏服务器、聊天室服务器、硬件通讯服务器、智能家居、车联网、物联网等领域的开发。 支持Websocket、HTTP等协议,支持自定义协议。基于workerman开发者可以更专注于业务逻辑开发,不必再为PHP Socket底层开发而烦恼。workerman诸多的不同寻常的特性,使得PHP开发者可以开发出不同寻常的应用程序。


  前台实现  1 connect:function() {  2 var webSocketIP = window.CRM_CONFIG.WebSocketIP;  3 var target = "ws://"+webSocketIP+"/websocket";  4 if ("WebSocket" in window) {  5 ws = new WebSocket(target);  6 } else if ("MozWebSocket" in window) {  7 ws = new MozWebSocket(target);  8 } else {  9 return;  10 }  11 ws.onopen = function () {  12 console.log("Info: WebSocket connection opened.");  13 document.getElementById("wsMsg").style.display = "block";  14 };  15 var self = this;  16 ws.onmessage = function (event) {  17 if("您有如下工单需要及时处理:"!= event.data) {  18 self.setState({wsMessage: event.data})  19 document.getElementById("wsMsg").style.display = "block";  20 }else{  21 document.getElementById("wsMsg").style.display = "none";  22 }  23 };  24  25 <div id="wsMsg" className="msgDialog msgDiv">  26 <div className="msgContent" ><a onClick ={this.closeMsg}> X </a></div>  27 {this.state.wsMessage}  28 </div>  2、pom.xml依赖  1 <!--spring-websocket-->  2 <dependency>  3 <groupId>javax.servlet</groupId>  4 <artifactId>javax.servlet-api</artifactId>  5 <version>3.1.0</version>  6 </dependency>  7 <dependency>  8 <groupId>org.springframework</groupId>  9 <artifactId>spring-websocket</artifactId>  10 <version>${spring.version}</version>  11 </dependency>  3、spring.xml配置  <!--websocket 配置-->  <bean id="websocket" class="com.oasis.crm.controller.websocket.WebsocketEndPoint"/>  <websocket:handlers allowed-origins="*">  <websocket:mapping path="/websocket" handler="websocket"/>  <websocket:handshake-interceptors>  <bean class="com.oasis.crm.controller.websocket.HandshakeInterceptor"/>  </websocket:handshake-interceptors>  </websocket:handlers>  4、java代码  package com.oasis.crm.controller.websocket;  import com.oasis.crm.dao.biz.user.UserDao;  import com.oasis.crm.model.biz.user.User;  import com.oasis.crm.service.biz.order.AcceptedWorkOrderService;  import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;  import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;  import org.springframework.web.socket.CloseStatus;  import org.springframework.web.socket.TextMessage;  import org.springframework.web.socket.WebSocketSession;  import org.springframework.web.socket.handler.TextWebSocketHandler;  import java.util.Timer;  import java.util.TimerTask;  /**  * 推送即将要处理完成的受理单给处理人  */  @RequestMapping("/websocket")  public class WebsocketEndPoint extends TextWebSocketHandler {  @Autowired  private AcceptedWorkOrderService acceptedWorkOrderService;  @Autowired  private UserDao userDao;  private Timer timer;  @Override  protected void handleTextMessage(WebSocketSession session,  TextMessage message) throws Exception {  if(!session.isOpen()){  timer.cancel();  return;  }  super.handleTextMessage(session, message);  session.sendMessage(message);  }  @Override  public void afterConnectionEstablished(WebSocketSession session) throws Exception {  String loginUserName = session.getPrincipal().getName();  User user = userDao.findUserByLoginName(loginUserName);  timer = new Timer(true);  long delay = 0;  OrderTimeTask orderTimeTask = new OrderTimeTask(user,session);  timer.schedule(orderTimeTask,delay, 60000);// 设定指定的时间time,此处为1分钟  }  class OrderTimeTask extends TimerTask{  private User user;  private WebSocketSession session;  public OrderTimeTask(User user,WebSocketSession session){  this.user = user;  this.session = session;  }  @Override  public void run() {  try {  String reminder = acceptedWorkOrderService.getLastReminderOrder(user.getId());  TextMessage textMessage = new TextMessage(reminder);  handleMessage(session,textMessage);  } catch (Exception e){  e.printStackTrace();  }  }  }  @Override  public void afterConnectionClosed(WebSocketSession session, CloseStatus status) throws Exception {  System.out.println("Connection Closed!");  }  }  package com.oasis.crm.controller.websocket;  import org.springframework.http.server.ServerHttpRequest;  import org.springframework.http.server.ServerHttpResponse;  import org.springframework.web.socket.WebSocketHandler;  import org.springframework.web.socket成都软件开发公司http://www.yingtaow.com?server.support.HttpSessionHandshakeInterceptor;  import java.util.Map;  public class HandshakeInterceptor extends HttpSessionHandshakeInterceptor {  @Override  public boolean beforeHandshake(ServerHttpRequest request,  ServerHttpResponse response, WebSocketHandler wsHandler,  Map<String, Object> attributes) throws Exception {  return super.beforeHandshake(request, response, wsHandler, attributes);  }  @Override  public void afterHandshake(ServerHttpRequest request,  ServerHttpResponse response, WebSocketHandler wsHandler,  Exception ex) {  super.afterHandshake(request, response, wsHandler, ex);  }  }  ================  或者前台拉定时取消息  setInterval(()=> {  this.getReminders();  }, 300000);  getReminders(){  $.getJSON(Remote.acceptedWorkOrder.reminderOrders,packVo=>{  this.setState({  wsMessage:packVo.vo  });  });  if("您有如下工单需要及时处理:"!= this.state.wsMessage&&""!=this.state.wsMessage){  document.getElementById("wsMsg").style.display = "block";  }else{  document.getElementById("wsMsg").style.display = "none";  }  }


WebSocket是HTML5开始提供的一种浏览器与服务器间进行全双工通讯的网络技术。在WebSocket API中,浏览器和服务器只需要做一个握手的动作,然后,浏览器和服务器之间就形成了一条快速通道。两者之间就直接可以数据互相传送。Cocos2d-x引擎集成libwebsockets,并在libwebsockets的客户端API基础上封装了一层易用的接口,使得引擎在C++, JS, Lua层都能方便的使用WebSocket来进行游戏网络通讯。引擎支持最新的WebSocket Version 13。在C++中使用详细代码可参考引擎目录下的/samples/Cpp/TestCpp/Classes/ExtensionsTest/NetworkTest/WebSocketTest.cpp文件。头文件中的准备工作首先需要include WebSocket的头文件。#include "network/WebSocket.h"cocos2d::network::WebSocket::Delegate定义了使用WebScocket需要监听的回调通知接口。使用WebSocket的类,需要public继承这个Delegate。class WebSocketTestLayer : public cocos2d::Layer, public cocos2d::network::WebSocket::Delegate并Override下面的4个接口:virtual void onOpen(cocos2d::network::WebSocket* ws);virtual void onMessage(cocos2d::network::WebSocket* ws, const cocos2d::network::WebSocket::Data& data);virtual void onClose(cocos2d::network::WebSocket* ws);virtual void onError(cocos2d::network::WebSocket* ws, const cocos2d::network::WebSocket::ErrorCode& error);后面我们再详细介绍每个回调接口的含义。新建WebSocket并初始化WebSocket.org 提供了一个专门用来测试WebSocket的服务器"ws://echo.websocket.org"。 测试代码以链接这个服务器为例,展示如何在Cocos2d-x中使用WebSocket。新建一个WebSocket:cocos2d::network::WebSocket* _wsiSendText = new network::WebSocket();init第一个参数是delegate,设置为this,第二个参数是服务器地址。 URL中的"ws://"标识是WebSocket协议,加密的WebSocket为"wss://"._wsiSendText->init(*this, "ws://echo.websocket.org")WebSocket消息监听在调用send发送消息之前,先来看下4个消息回调。onOpeninit会触发WebSocket链接服务器,如果成功,WebSocket就会调用onOpen,告诉调用者,客户端到服务器的通讯链路已经成功建立,可以收发消息了。void WebSocketTestLayer::onOpen(network::WebSocket* ws){if (ws == _wsiSendText){_sendTextStatus->setString("Send Text WS was opened.");}}onMessagenetwork::WebSocket::Data对象存储客户端接收到的数据, isBinary属性用来判断数据是二进制还是文本,len说明数据长度,bytes指向数据。void WebSocketTestLayer::onMessage(network::WebSocket* ws, const network::WebSocket::Data& data){if (!data.isBinary){_sendTextTimes++;char times[100] = {0};sprintf(times, "%d", _sendTextTimes);std::string textStr = std::string("response text msg: ")+data.bytes+", "+times;log("%s", textStr.c_str());_sendTextStatus->setString(textStr.c_str());}}onClose不管是服务器主动还是被动关闭了WebSocket,客户端将收到这个请求后,需要释放WebSocket内存,并养成良好的习惯:置空指针。void WebSocketTestLayer::onClose(network::WebSocket* ws){if (ws == _wsiSendText){_wsiSendText = NULL;}CC_SAFE_DELETE(ws);}onError客户端发送的请求,如果发生错误,就会收到onError消息,游戏针对不同的错误码,做出相应的处理。void WebSocketTestLayer::onError(network::WebSocket* ws, const network::WebSocket::ErrorCode& error){log("Error was fired, error code: %d", error);if (ws == _wsiSendText){char buf[100] = {0};sprintf(buf, "an error was fired, code: %d", error);_sendTextStatus->setString(buf);}}send消息到服务器在init之后,我们就可以调用send接口,往服务器发送数据请求。send有文本和二进制两中模式。发送文本_wsiSendText->send("Hello WebSocket, I"m a text message.");发送二进制数据(多了一个len参数)_wsiSendBinary->send((unsigned char*)buf, sizeof(buf));主动关闭WebSocket这是让整个流程变得完整的关键步骤, 当某个WebSocket的通讯不再使用的时候,我们必须手动关闭这个WebSocket与服务器的连接。close会触发onClose消息,而后onClose里面,我们释放内存。_wsiSendText->close();在Lua中使用详细代码可参考引擎目录下的/samples/Lua/TestLua/Resources/luaScript/ExtensionTest/WebProxyTest.lua文件。创建WebSocket对象脚本接口相对C++要简单很多,没有头文件,创建WebSocket对象使用下面的一行代码搞定。 参数是服务器地址。wsSendText = WebSocket:create("ws://echo.websocket.org")定义并注册消息回调函数回调函数是普通的Lua function,4个消息回调和c++的用途一致,参考上面的说明。local function wsSendTextOpen(strData)sendTextStatus:setString("Send Text WS was opened.")endlocal function wsSendTextMessage(strData)receiveTextTimes= receiveTextTimes + 1local strInfo= "response text msg: "..strData..", "..receiveTextTimessendTextStatus:setString(strInfo)endlocal function wsSendTextClose(strData)print("_wsiSendText websocket instance closed.")sendTextStatus = nilwsSendText = nilendlocal function wsSendTextError(strData)print("sendText Error was fired")endLua的消息注册不同于C++的继承 & Override,有单独的接口registerScriptHandler。 registerScriptHandler第一个参数是回调函数名,第二个参数是回调类型。 每一个WebSocket实例都需要绑定一次。if nil ~= wsSendText thenwsSendText:registerScriptHandler(wsSendTextOpen,cc.WEBSOCKET_OPEN)wsSendText:registerScriptHandler(wsSendTextMessage,cc.WEBSOCKET_MESSAGE)wsSendText:registerScriptHandler(wsSendTextClose,cc.WEBSOCKET_CLOSE)wsSendText:registerScriptHandler(wsSendTextError,cc.WEBSOCKET_ERROR)endsend消息Lua中发送不区分文本或二进制模式,均使用下面的接口。wsSendText:sendString("Hello WebSocket中文, I"m a text message.")主动关闭WebSocket当某个WebSocket的通讯不再使用的时候,我们必须手动关闭这个WebSocket与服务器的连接,以释放服务器和客户端的资源。close会触发cc.WEBSOCKET_CLOSE消息。wsSendText:close()在JSB中使用详细代码可参考引擎目录下的/samples/Javascript/Shared/tests/ExtensionsTest/NetworkTest/WebSocketTest.js文件。创建WebSocket对象脚本接口相对C++要简单很多,没有头文件,创建WebSocket对象使用下面的一行代码搞定。 参数是服务器地址。this._wsiSendText = new WebSocket("ws://echo.websocket.org");设置消息回调函数JSB中的回调函数是WebSocket实例的属性,使用匿名函数直接赋值给对应属性。可以看出JS语言的特性,让绑定回调函数更加优美。四个回调的含义,参考上面c++的描述。this._wsiSendText.onopen = function(evt) {self._sendTextStatus.setString("Send Text WS was opened.");};this._wsiSendText.onmessage = function(evt) {self._sendTextTimes++;var textStr = "response text msg: "+evt.data+", "+self._sendTextTimes;cc.log(textStr);self._sendTextStatus.setString(textStr);};this._wsiSendText.onerror = function(evt) {cc.log("sendText Error was fired");};this._wsiSendText.onclose = function(evt) {cc.log("_wsiSendText websocket instance closed.");self._wsiSendText = null;};send消息发送文本,无需转换,代码如下:this._wsiSendText.send("Hello WebSocket中文, I"m a text message.");发送二进制,测试代码中,使用_stringConvertToArray函数来转换string为二进制数据,模拟二进制的发送。 new Uint16Array创建一个16位无符号整数值的类型化数组,内容将初始化为0。然后,循环读取字符串的每一个字符的Unicode编码,并存入Uint16Array,最终得到一个二进制对象。_stringConvertToArray:function (strData) {if (!strData)returnnull;var arrData = new Uint16Array(strData.length);for (var i = 0; i < strData.length; i++) {arrData[i] = strData.charCodeAt(i);}return arrData;},send二进制接口和send文本没有区别,区别在于传入的对象,JS内部自己知道对象是文本还是二进制数据,然后做不同的处理。var buf = "Hello WebSocket中文, I"m a binary message.";var binary = this._stringConvertToArray(buf);this._wsiSendBinary.send(binary.buffer);主动关闭WebSocket当某个WebSocket的通讯不再使用的时候,我们必须手动关闭这个WebSocket与服务器的连接,以释放服务器和客户端的资源。close会触发onclose消息。onExit: function() {if (this._wsiSendText)this._wsiSendText.close();}

Justin Bieber 的歌love Me中文翻译是什么

Justin Bieber - Love Me (Prod. by Frank E) 我的朋友都说我习惯简单思考 而你就是我的唯一 我想我应该是个爱情白痴 因为事实上 你知道的,我从不背叛因为你是上天派遣给我的天使 所以宝贝,你不能背叛我 我的钱就是你的 给你再多一点,是因为我爱你, 而我就是你的最佳归属 只要站在这里 我保证亲爱的,你比我的任何东西都重要 爱我吧, 说你爱我 欺骗我吧 哦,就这样做 亲吻我吧 说你想我 说一切我乐意听的 说你爱我

Justin Bieber love me LRC格式歌词

My friends say I"m a fool to thinkThat you"re the one for meI guess I"m just a sucker for love‘Cuz honestly the truth is thatYou know I"m never leavin"‘Cuz you"re my angel sent from aboveBaby you can do no wrongMy money is yoursGive you little more because I love ya, love yaWith me, girl, is where you belongJust stay right hereI promise my dear I"ll put nothin above ya. above yaLove me, Love meSay that you love meFool me, Fool meOh how you do meKiss me, Kiss meSay that you miss meTell me what I wanna hearTell me you (love me)Love me, Love meSay that you love meFool me, Fool meOh how you do meKiss me, Kiss meSay that you miss meTell me what I wanna hearTell me u love mePeople try to tell meBut I still refuse to listenCuz they don"t get to spend time with youA minute with you is worth more thanA thousand days without your love, oh your loveBaby you can do no wrongMy money is yoursGive you little more because I love ya, love yaWith me, girl, is where you belongJustin Bieber Love Me lyrics found on Just stay right hereI promise my dear I"ll put nothin above ya. above yaLove me, Love meSay that you love meFool me, Fool meOh how you do meKiss me , kiss meSay that u miss meTell me what I wanna hearTell me you love me.Love me, Love meSay that you love meFool me, Fool meOh how you do meKiss me , kiss meSay that u miss meTell me what I wanna hearTell me you love me.My heart is blind but I don"t care‘Cuz when I"m with you everything has disappearedAnd every time I hold you nearI never wanna let you go, ohLove me, Love meSay that you love meFool me, Fool meOh how you do meKiss me , kiss meSay that u miss meTell me what I wanna hearTell me you love me.Love me, Love meSay that you love meFool me, Fool meOh how you do meKiss me , kiss meSay that u miss meTell me what I wanna hearTell me you love me

朋友们,html websocket是同步的吗?如何实现异步

WebSocket protocol 是HTML5一种新的协议(protocol)。它是实现了浏览器与服务器全双工通信(full-duplex)。现在,很多网站为了实现即时通讯(real-time),所用的技术都是轮询(polling)。轮询是在特定的的时间间隔(time interval)(如每1秒),由浏览器对服务器发出HTTP request,然后由服务器返回最新的数据给客服端的浏览器。这种传统的HTTP request d的模式带来很明显的缺点 – 浏览器需要不断的向服务器发出请求(request),然而HTTP request 的header是非常长的,里面包含的数据可能只是一个很小的值,这样会占用很多的带宽。而最比较新的技术去做轮询的效果是Comet – 用了AJAX。但这种技术虽然可达到全双工通信,但依然需要发出请求(reuqest)。在 WebSocket API,浏览器和服务器只需要要做一个握手的动作,然后,浏览器和服务器之间就形成了一条快速通道。两者之间就直接可以数据互相传送。在此WebSocket 协议中,为我们实现即使服务带来了两大好处:1. Header互相沟通的Header是很小的-大概只有 2 Bytes2. Server Push服务器可以主动传送数据给客户端下面实现一个简单PUSH例子如下:服务端代码:public class InitServlet extends HttpServlet {/*** */private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;private static List<MessageInbound> socketList;public void init(ServletConfig config) throws ServletException {InitServlet.socketList = new ArrayList<MessageInbound>();super.init(config);System.out.println("Server start============");}public static List<MessageInbound> getSocketList() {return InitServlet.socketList;}}public class TestWebSocketServlet extends WebSocketServlet{private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(TestWebSocketServlet.class);/*** */private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;//存储链接的容器private static List<WebSocketMessageInbound> connsList = new ArrayList<WebSocketMessageInbound>();@Overrideprotected StreamInbound createWebSocketInbound(String subProtocol,HttpServletRequest request) {// TODO Auto-generated method stubreturn new WebSocketMessageInbound();}public class WebSocketMessageInbound extends MessageInbound{@Overrideprotected void onClose(int status) {// InitServlet.getSocketList().remove(this); super.onClose(status); log.debug("onClose");InitServlet.getSocketList().remove(this);}@Overrideprotected void onOpen(WsOutbound outbound) {log.debug("onOpen");super.onOpen(outbound);InitServlet.getSocketList().add(this);} @Overrideprotected void onBinaryMessage(ByteBuffer message) throws IOException {// TODO Auto-generated method stublog.debug("onBinaryMessage");}@Overrideprotected void onTextMessage(CharBuffer message) throws IOException {// TODO Auto-generated method stublog.debug("onTextMessage="+message);// this.getWsOutbound().writeTextMessage(CharBuffer.wrap("===="));// this.getWsOutbound().writeTextMessage(message);//发送给所有链接的for (MessageInbound messageInbound : InitServlet.getSocketList()) {CharBuffer buffer = CharBuffer.wrap(message);WsOutbound outbound = messageInbound.getWsOutbound();outbound.writeTextMessage(buffer);outbound.flush();} }}}web.xml配置<!-- WebSocket --><servlet><servlet-name>initServlet</servlet-name><servlet-class>com.demo.websocket.InitServlet</servlet-class><load-on-startup>1</load-on-startup></servlet><servlet><servlet-name>websocket</servlet-name><servlet-class>com.demo.websocket.TestWebSocketServlet</servlet-class></servlet><servlet-mapping><servlet-name>websocket</servlet-name><url-pattern>/websocket</url-pattern></servlet-mapping>前台代码:<html><head><title>WebSoket Demo</title><script type="text/javascript">//验证浏览器是否支持WebSocket协议if (!window.WebSocket) {alert("WebSocket not supported by this browser!");}var ws;function display() {//var valueLabel = document.getElementById("valueLabel");//valueLabel.innerHTML = "";ws=new WebSocket("ws://localhost:8082/springmvc/websocket");//监听消息ws.onmessage = function(event) {//valueLabel.innerHTML+ = event.data;log(event.data);};// 打开WebSocketws.onclose = function(event) {//WebSocket Status:: Socket Closed};// 打开WebSocketws.onopen = function(event) {//WebSocket Status:: Socket Open//// 发送一个初始化消息ws.send("Hello, Server!");};ws.onerror =function(event){//WebSocket Status:: Error was reported};}var log = function(s) {if (document.readyState !== "complete") {log.buffer.push(s);} else {document.getElementById("contentId").innerHTML += (s + " ");} }function sendMsg(){var msg=document.getElementById("messageId");//alert(msg.value);ws.send(msg.value);}</script></head><body onload="display();"><div id="valueLabel"></div><textarea rows="20" cols="30" id="contentId"></textarea><br/><input name="message" id="messageId"/><button id="sendButton" onClick="javascript:sendMsg()" >Send</button></body> < /html>

Justin bieber的love me中英对照歌词

love meMy friends say I"m a fool to thinkThat you"re the one for meI guess I"m just a sucker for love‘Cuz honestly the truth is thatYou know I"m never leavin"‘Cuz you"re my angel sent from aboveBaby you can do no wrongMy money is yoursGive you little more because I love ya, love yaWith me, girl, is where you belongJust stay right hereI promise my dear I"ll put nothin above ya. above yaLove me, Love meSay that you love meFool me, Fool meOh how you do meKiss me, Kiss meSay that you miss meTell me what I wanna hearTell me you (love me)Love me, Love meSay that you love meFool me, Fool meOh how you do meKiss me, Kiss meSay that you miss meTell me what I wanna hearTell me u love mePeople try to tell meBut I still refuse to listenCuz they don"t get to spend time with youA minute with you is worth more thanA thousand days without your love, oh your loveBaby you can do no wrongMy money is yoursGive you little more because I love ya, love yaWith me, girl, is where you belongJustin Bieber Love Me lyrics found on Just stay right hereI promise my dear I"ll put nothin above ya. above yaLove me, Love meSay that you love meFool me, Fool meOh how you do meKiss me , kiss meSay that u miss meTell me what I wanna hearTell me you love me.Love me, Love meSay that you love meFool me, Fool meOh how you do meKiss me , kiss meSay that u miss meTell me what I wanna hearTell me you love me.My heart is blind but I don"t care‘Cuz when I"m with you everything has disappearedAnd every time I hold you nearI never wanna let you go, ohLove me, Love meSay that you love meFool me, Fool meOh how you do meKiss me , kiss meSay that u miss meTell me what I wanna hearTell me you love me.Love me, Love meSay that you love meFool me, Fool meOh how you do meKiss me , kiss meSay that u miss meTell me what I wanna hearTell me you love me我的朋友说我是个傻瓜思考 那你是为我一个 我想我只是一个爱吸盘 "Cuz诚实的事实是, 你知道我从来leavin" "Cuz你是我的天使从上面发 宝贝你不会有错 我的钱是你的 给你多一点,因为我爱亚,爱亚 我,姑娘,你是属于 就留在这儿 我发誓我亲爱的我会凌驾于亚诺廷。上述亚 爱我,爱我 说你爱我 骗我,骗我 噢你能帮我 亲亲我,亲亲我 说你想念我 告诉我,我想听听 告诉我你(爱我) 爱我,爱我 说你爱我 骗我,骗我 噢你能帮我 亲亲我,亲亲我 说你想念我 告诉我,我想听听 告诉我爱我ü 人们试图告诉我 但我仍然不听 Cuz他们没有得到陪伴你的时间 与你一分钟的价值超过 一千天,没有你的爱,哦,你的爱 宝贝你不会有错 我的钱是你的 给你多一点,因为我爱亚,爱亚 我,姑娘,你是属于 就留在这儿 我发誓我亲爱的我会凌驾于亚诺廷。上述亚 爱我,爱我 说你爱我 骗我,骗我 噢你能帮我 吻我,吻我 说,美想念我 告诉我,我想听听 告诉我你爱我。 爱我,爱我 说你爱我 骗我,骗我 噢你能帮我 吻我,吻我 说,美想念我 告诉我,我想听听 告诉我你爱我。 我的心是盲目的,但我不在乎 "Cuz当我与你的一切已经消失 每次我认为你靠近 我再也不想让你走,噢 爱我,爱我 说你爱我 骗我,骗我 噢你能帮我 吻我,吻我 说,美想念我 告诉我,我想听听 告诉我你爱我。 爱我,爱我 说你爱我 骗我,骗我 噢你能帮我 吻我,吻我 说,美想念我 告诉我,我想听听 告诉我你爱我


  WebSocket是HTML5开始提供的一种浏览器与服务器间进行全双工通讯的网络技术。在WebSocket API中,浏览器和服务器只需要做一个握手的动作,然后,浏览器和服务器之间就形成了一条快速通道。两者之间就直接可以数据互相传送。  Cocos2d-x引擎集成libwebsockets,并在libwebsockets的客户端API基础上封装了一层易用的接口,使得引擎在C++, JS, Lua层都能方便的使用WebSocket来进行游戏网络通讯。  引擎支持最新的WebSocket Version 13。  在C++中使用  详细代码可参考引擎目录下的/samples/Cpp/TestCpp/Classes/ExtensionsTest/NetworkTest/WebSocketTest.cpp文件。  头文件中的准备工作  首先需要include WebSocket的头文件。  #include "network/WebSocket.h"  cocos2d::network::WebSocket::Delegate定义了使用WebScocket需要监听的回调通知接口。使用WebSocket的类,需要public继承这个Delegate。  class WebSocketTestLayer : public cocos2d::Layer, public cocos2d::network::WebSocket::Delegate  并Override下面的4个接口:  virtual void onOpen(cocos2d::network::WebSocket* ws);  virtual void onMessage(cocos2d::network::WebSocket* ws, const cocos2d::network::WebSocket::Data& data);  virtual void onClose(cocos2d::network::WebSocket* ws);  virtual void onError(cocos2d::network::WebSocket* ws, const cocos2d::network::WebSocket::ErrorCode& error);  后面我们再详细介绍每个回调接口的含义。  新建WebSocket并初始化  WebSocket.org 提供了一个专门用来测试WebSocket的服务器"ws://echo.websocket.org"。 测试代码以链接这个服务器为例,展示如何在Cocos2d-x中使用WebSocket。  新建一个WebSocket:  cocos2d::network::WebSocket* _wsiSendText = new network::WebSocket();  init第一个参数是delegate,设置为this,第二个参数是服务器地址。 URL中的"ws://"标识是WebSocket协议,加密的WebSocket为"wss://".  _wsiSendText->init(*this, "ws://echo.websocket.org")  WebSocket消息监听  在调用send发送消息之前,先来看下4个消息回调。  onOpen  init会触发WebSocket链接服务器,如果成功,WebSocket就会调用onOpen,告诉调用者,客户端到服务器的通讯链路已经成功建立,可以收发消息了。  void WebSocketTestLayer::onOpen(network::WebSocket* ws)  {  if (ws == _wsiSendText)  {  _sendTextStatus->setString("Send Text WS was opened.");  }  }  onMessage  network::WebSocket::Data对象存储客户端接收到的数据, isBinary属性用来判断数据是二进制还是文本,len说明数据长度,bytes指向数据。  void WebSocketTestLayer::onMessage(network::WebSocket* ws, const network::WebSocket::Data& data)  {  if (!data.isBinary)  {  _sendTextTimes++;  char times[100] = {0};  sprintf(times, "%d", _sendTextTimes);  std::string textStr = std::string("response text msg: ")+data.bytes+", "+times;  log("%s", textStr.c_str());  _sendTextStatus->setString(textStr.c_str());  }  }  onClose  不管是服务器主动还是被动关闭了WebSocket,客户端将收到这个请求后,需要释放WebSocket内存,并养成良好的习惯:置空指针。  void WebSocketTestLayer::onClose(network::WebSocket* ws)  {  if (ws == _wsiSendText)  {  _wsiSendText = NULL;  }  CC_SAFE_DELETE(ws);  }  onError  客户端发送的请求,如果发生错误,就会收到onError消息,游戏针对不同的错误码,做出相应的处理。  void WebSocketTestLayer::onError(network::WebSocket* ws, const network::WebSocket::ErrorCode& error)  {  log("Error was fired, error code: %d", error);  if (ws == _wsiSendText)  {  char buf[100] = {0};  sprintf(buf, "an error was fired, code: %d", error);  _sendTextStatus->setString(buf);  }  }  send消息到服务器  在init之后,我们就可以调用send接口,往服务器发送数据请求。send有文本和二进制两中模式。  发送文本  _wsiSendText->send("Hello WebSocket, I"m a text message.");  发送二进制数据(多了一个len参数)  _wsiSendBinary->send((unsigned char*)buf, sizeof(buf));  主动关闭WebSocket  这是让整个流程变得完整的关键步骤, 当某个WebSocket的通讯不再使用的时候,我们必须手动关闭这个WebSocket与服务器的连接。close会触发onClose消息,而后onClose里面,我们释放内存。  _wsiSendText->close();  在Lua中使用  详细代码可参考引擎目录下的/samples/Lua/TestLua/Resources/luaScript/ExtensionTest/WebProxyTest.lua文件。  创建WebSocket对象  脚本接口相对C++要简单很多,没有头文件,创建WebSocket对象使用下面的一行代码搞定。 参数是服务器地址。  wsSendText = WebSocket:create("ws://echo.websocket.org")  定义并注册消息回调函数  回调函数是普通的Lua function,4个消息回调和c++的用途一致,参考上面的说明。  local function wsSendTextOpen(strData)  sendTextStatus:setString("Send Text WS was opened.")  end  local function wsSendTextMessage(strData)  receiveTextTimes= receiveTextTimes + 1  local strInfo= "response text msg: "..strData..", "..receiveTextTimes  sendTextStatus:setString(strInfo)  end  local function wsSendTextClose(strData)  print("_wsiSendText websocket instance closed.")  sendTextStatus = nil  wsSendText = nil  end  local function wsSendTextError(strData)  print("sendText Error was fired")  end  Lua的消息注册不同于C++的继承 & Override,有单独的接口registerScriptHandler。 registerScriptHandler第一个参数是回调函数名,第二个参数是回调类型。 每一个WebSocket实例都需要绑定一次。  if nil ~= wsSendText then  wsSendText:registerScriptHandler(wsSendTextOpen,cc.WEBSOCKET_OPEN)  wsSendText:registerScriptHandler(wsSendTextMessage,cc.WEBSOCKET_MESSAGE)  wsSendText:registerScriptHandler(wsSendTextClose,cc.WEBSOCKET_CLOSE)  wsSendText:registerScriptHandler(wsSendTextError,cc.WEBSOCKET_ERROR)  end  send消息  Lua中发送不区分文本或二进制模式,均使用下面的接口。  wsSendText:sendString("Hello WebSocket中文, I"m a text message.")  主动关闭WebSocket  当某个WebSocket的通讯不再使用的时候,我们必须手动关闭这个WebSocket与服务器的连接,以释放服务器和客户端的资源。close会触发cc.WEBSOCKET_CLOSE消息。  wsSendText:close()  在JSB中使用  详细代码可参考引擎目录下的/samples/Javascript/Shared/tests/ExtensionsTest/NetworkTest/WebSocketTest.js文件。  创建WebSocket对象  脚本接口相对C++要简单很多,没有头文件,创建WebSocket对象使用下面的一行代码搞定。 参数是服务器地址。  this._wsiSendText = new WebSocket("ws://echo.websocket.org");  设置消息回调函数  JSB中的回调函数是WebSocket实例的属性,使用匿名函数直接赋值给对应属性。可以看出JS语言的特性,让绑定回调函数更加优美。四个回调的含义,参考上面c++的描述。  this._wsiSendText.onopen = function(evt) {  self._sendTextStatus.setString("Send Text WS was opened.");  };  this._wsiSendText.onmessage = function(evt) {  self._sendTextTimes++;  var textStr = "response text msg: "+evt.data+", "+self._sendTextTimes;  cc.log(textStr);  self._sendTextStatus.setString(textStr);  };  this._wsiSendText.onerror = function(evt) {  cc.log("sendText Error was fired");  };  this._wsiSendText.onclose = function(evt) {  cc.log("_wsiSendText websocket instance closed.");  self._wsiSendText = null;  };  send消息  发送文本,无需转换,代码如下:  this._wsiSendText.send("Hello WebSocket中文, I"m a text message.");  发送二进制,测试代码中,使用_stringConvertToArray函数来转换string为二进制数据,模拟二进制的发送。 new Uint16Array创建一个16位无符号整数值的类型化数组,内容将初始化为0。然后,循环读取字符串的每一个字符的Unicode编码,并存入Uint16Array,最终得到一个二进制对象。  _stringConvertToArray:function (strData) {  if (!strData)  returnnull;  var arrData = new Uint16Array(strData.length);  for (var i = 0; i < strData.length; i++) {  arrData[i] = strData.charCodeAt(i);  }  return arrData;  },  send二进制接口和send文本没有区别,区别在于传入的对象,JS内部自己知道对象是文本还是二进制数据,然后做不同的处理。  var buf = "Hello WebSocket中文, I"m a binary message.";  var binary = this._stringConvertToArray(buf);  this._wsiSendBinary.send(binary.buffer);  主动关闭WebSocket  当某个WebSocket的通讯不再使用的时候,我们必须手动关闭这个WebSocket与服务器的连接,以释放服务器和客户端的资源。close会触发onclose消息。  onExit: function() {  if (this._wsiSendText)  this._wsiSendText.close();  }


Oh oh it"s JBMy friends say I'm a fool to thinkThat you're the one for meI guess I'm just a sucker for love'Cuz honestly the truth is thatYou know I'm never leavin''Cuz you're my angel sent from aboveBaby you can do no wrongMy money is yoursGive you little more because I love yaLove yaWith me girl is where you belongJust stay right hereI promise my dear I'll put nothin above yaAbove yaLove me Love meSay that you love meFool me Fool meOh how you do meKiss me Kiss meSay that you miss meTell me what I wanna hearTell me you love meLove me Love meSay that you love meFool me Fool meOh how you do meKiss me Kiss meSay that you miss meTell me what I wanna hearTell me u love mePeople try to tell mebut I still refuse to listen'Cuz they don't get to spend time with youA minute with you is worth more thanA thousand days without your loveOh your loveOhBaby you can do no wrongMy money is yoursGive you little more because I love yaLove yaWith me girl is where you belongJust stay right hereI promise my dear I'll put nothin above yaAbove yaLove me Love meSay that you love meFool me Fool meOh how you do meKiss me kiss meSay that u miss meTell me what i wanna hearTell me you love meLove me Love meSay that you love meFool me Fool meOh how you do meKiss me kiss meSay that u miss meTell me what i wanna hearTell me you love meMy heart is blind but I don't care'Cuz when I'm with you everything has disappearedAnd every time I hold you nearI never wanna let you goOhLove me Love meSay that you love meFool me Fool meOh how you do meKiss me kiss meSay that u miss meTell me what i wanna hearTell me you love meLove me Love meSay that you love meFool me Fool meOh how you do meKiss me kiss meSay that u miss meTell me what i wanna hearTell me you love me

如何引用C# web Clipboard类 我找了很多怎么引入不过来

那是Winform里的东西,需要引用System.Windows.Forms.dllusing System.Windows.Forms;string str = Clipboard.GetText();

love me justin bieber 中英文歌词

My friends say I"m a fool to think我朋友说我思考的很简单(很蠢)that you"re the one for me我觉得你是我的I guess I"m just a sucker for love我猜,我对爱情感冒Cuz honestly the truth is因为坦白的讲,这就是事实That you know I"m never leavin你知道的,我永远都不会抛弃你Cuz you"re my angel sent from above你是老天送我的天使Baby you can do no wrong宝贝,你做的每一件事都是对的My money is yours我的钱就是你的Give you little more because I love ya, love ya给你更多一点,因为我爱你,爱你!With me, girl, is where you belong和我在一起,这就是你的归宿Just stay right here只要呆着这里!I promise my dear I"ll put nothin above ya, above ya我保证,我的亲爱的,不会有任何事物能驾驭你,比你重要Love me, love me爱我,爱我吧Say that you love me快说你爱你!Fool me, fool me欺骗我,(就算是)欺骗我吧Oh how you do me噢,你就这么做吧!Kiss me, kiss me亲亲我,亲亲我!Say that you miss me快说你想我了Tell me what I wanna hear告诉我一切我想要听的Tell me you love me告诉我你爱我!Love me, love me爱我,爱我吧!Say that you love me告诉我你爱我!Fool me, fool me欺骗我,(就算是)欺骗我吧Oh how you do me这就是你所要做的Kiss me, kiss me亲亲我,亲亲我Say that you miss me告诉我你想我了Tell me what I wanna hear告诉我一切我想要听的Tell me you love me告诉我你爱我!People try to tell me人们试图劝我But I still refuse to listen但我拒绝听Cuz they don"t get to spend time with you应为他们没有和你在一起过A minute with you is worth more than a thousand days without your love, oh your love和你在一起的一分钟比一千个没有你的日子更值得,喔,你的爱!Baby you can do no wrong宝贝,你做的一切都是对的!My money is yours我的钱就是你的钱!Give you little more because I love ya, love ya给你更多一点因为我爱你,爱你!With me, girl, is where you belong女孩,和我在一起,就是你的归宿Just stay right here只需要呆在这里I promise my dear I"ll put nothin above ya, above ya我保证我的宝贝,没有任何事物能驾驭你,比你重要Love me, love me爱我,爱我吧Say that you love me说你爱我Fool me, fool me欺骗我,(就算是)欺骗我吧Oh how you do me喔,就这么做吧Kiss me, kiss me亲亲我亲亲我!Say that you miss me告诉我你想我了Tell me what I wanna hear和我说一切我想听的Tell me you love me告诉我你爱我Love me, love me爱我,爱我吧!Say that you love me快说你爱我Fool me, fool me欺骗我,(就算是)欺骗我吧Oh how you do me你就只需要这样做Kiss me, kiss me亲亲我,亲亲我吧Say that you miss me告诉我你想我了Tell me what I wanna hear告诉我一切我想听的Tell me you love me告诉我你爱我My heart is blind but I don"t care我的心是盲目的,但是我不在乎Cuz when I"m with you everything has disappeared因为当我和你在一起,一切都消失了And every time I hold you near每次我靠近你I never wanna let you go, oh我就不想让你走,喔!Love me, love meSay that you love meFool me, fool meOh how you do meKiss me, kiss meSay that you miss meTell me what I wanna hearTell me you love meLove me, love meSay that you love meFool me, fool meOh how you do meKiss me, kiss meSay that you miss meTell me what I wanna hearTell me you love me以上歌词都同上翻译了。。。



谁有justin bieber love me 中英文歌词

高清中文字幕视频:http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/ipVV0pTWlXM/justin bieber - love meoh oh its jbmy friends say i"m a fool to thinkthat you"re the one for mei guess i"m just a sucker for love"cuz honestly the truth is thatyou know i"m never leavin""cuz you"re my angel sent from abovebaby you can do no wrongmy money is yoursgive you little more because i love yalove yawith me, girl, is where you belongjust stay right herei promise my dear i"ll put nothin above yaabove yalove me, love mesay that you love mefool me, fool meoh how you do mekiss me, kiss mesay that you miss metell me what i wanna heartell me you love melove me, love mesay that you love mefool me, fool meoh how you do mekiss me, kiss mesay that you miss metell me what i wanna heartell me u love mepeople try to tell mebut i still refuse to listen"cuz they don"t get to spend time with youa minute with you is worth more thana thousand days without your loveoh your loveohbaby you can do no wrongmy money is yoursgive you little more because i love yalove yawith me, girl, is where you belongjust stay right herei promise my dear i"ll put nothin above yaabove yalove me, love mesay that you love mefool me, fool meoh how you do mekiss me, kiss mesay that u miss metell me what i wanna heartell me you love melove me, love mesay that you love mefool me, fool meoh how you do mekiss me, kiss mesay that u miss metell me what i wanna heartell me you love memy heart is blind but i don"t care"cuz when i"m with youeverything has disappearedand every time i hold you neari never wanna let you goohlove me, love mesay that you love mefool me, fool meoh how you do mekiss me, kiss mesay that u miss metell me what i wanna heartell me you love melove me, love mesay that you love mefool me, fool meoh how you do mekiss me, kiss mesay that u miss metell me what i wanna heartell me you love me


歌手名:justin bieber 歌曲名:love me Justin Bieber - Love Me (Prod. by Frank E) Oh oh its jb My friends say I"m a fool to think 我的朋友都说我习惯简单思考 That you"re the one for me 而你就是我的唯一 I guess I"m just a sucker for love 我想我应该是个爱情白痴 ‘Cuz honestly the truth is that 因为事实上 You know I"m never leavin" 你知道的,我从不背叛 ‘Cuz you"re my angel sent from above 因为你是上天派遣给我的天使 Baby you can do no wrong 所以宝贝,你不能背叛我 My money is yours 我的钱就是你的 Give you little more because I love ya, love ya 给你再多一点,是因为我爱你, With me, girl, is where you belong 而我就是你的最佳归属 Just stay right here 只要站在这里 I promise my dear I"ll put nothin above ya. above ya 我保证亲爱的,你比我的任何东西都重要 Love me, Love me 爱我吧, Say that you love me 说你爱我 Fool me, Fool me 欺骗我吧 Oh how you do me 哦,就这样做 Kiss me, Kiss me 亲吻我吧 Say that you miss me 说你想我 Tell me what I wanna hear 说一切我乐意听的 Tell me you (love me) 说你爱我 Love me, Love me 爱我吧 Say that you love me 说你爱我 Fool me, Fool me 欺骗我 Oh how you do me 噢,就这么做吧 Kiss me, Kiss me 亲吻我 Say that you miss me 说你想我 Tell me what I wanna hear 说一切我乐意听的 Tell me u love me 说你爱我 People try to tell me 人们试图告诉我 But I still refuse to listen 但是我还是拒绝聆听 Cuz they don"t get to spend time with you 因为他们不值得我花时间 A minute with you is worth more than 和你在一起的一分钟都弥足珍贵 A thousand days without your love, oh your love 1000个没有你的爱的日日夜夜 Baby you can do no wrong 宝贝,你不要背叛我 My money is yours 我的钱就是你的 Give you little more because I love ya, love ya 给你多一点,因为我爱你 With me, girl, is where you belong 我就是你的最佳归属 Just stay right here 就待在这 I promise my dear I"ll put nothin above ya. above ya 我保证,你比我的一切都重要 Love me, Love me 爱我吧 Say that you love me 说你爱我 Fool me, Fool me 欺骗我 Oh how you do me 噢就这样做吧 Kiss me , kiss me 亲吻我 Say that u miss me 说你想我 Tell me what I wanna hear 说一切我乐意听的 Tell me you love me. 说你爱我 Love me, Love me 爱我吧 Say that you love me 说你爱我 Fool me, Fool me 欺骗我 Oh how you do me 噢,就这么做吧 Kiss me , kiss me 亲吻我 Say that u miss me 说你想我 Tell me what I wanna hear 说一切我乐意听的 Tell me you love me. 说你爱我 My heart is blind but I don"t care 我的心已经坏了,但是我不在乎 ‘Cuz when I"m with you everything has disappeared 因为和你在一起,所有的东西都消失了 And every time I hold you near 每当我靠近你 I never wanna let you go, oh 我就不想让你离开我,噢 Love me, Love me 爱我吧 Say that you love me 说你爱我 Fool me, Fool me 欺骗我 Oh how you do me 哦,就这么做吧 Kiss me , kiss me 亲吻我 Say that u miss me 说你想我 Tell me what I wanna hear 说一切我乐意听的 Tell me you love me. 说你爱我 Love me, Love me 爱我吧 Say that you love me 说你爱我 Fool me, Fool me 欺骗我 Oh how you do me 哦,就这么做吧 Kiss me , kiss me 亲吻我 Say that u miss me 说你想我 Tell me what I wanna hear 说一切我乐意听的 Tell me you love me 说你爱我

求justinbieber的Everyday Love歌词。

 歌手名:justin bieber  歌曲名:love me  Justin Bieber - Love Me (Prod. by Frank E)  Oh oh its jb  My friends say I"m a fool to think  我的朋友都说我习惯简单思考  That you"re the one for me  而你就是我的唯一  I guess I"m just a sucker for love  我想我应该是个爱情白痴  ‘Cuz honestly the truth is that  因为事实上  You know I"m never leavin"  你知道的,我从不背叛  ‘Cuz you"re my angel sent from above  因为你是上天派遣给我的天使  Baby you can do no wrong  所以宝贝,你不能背叛我  My money is yours  我的钱就是你的  Give you little more because I love ya, love ya  给你再多一点,是因为我爱你,  With me, girl, is where you belong  而我就是你的最佳归属  Just stay right here  只要站在这里  I promise my dear I"ll put nothin above ya. above ya  我保证亲爱的,你比我的任何东西都重要  Love me, Love me  爱我吧,  Say that you love me  说你爱我  Fool me, Fool me  欺骗我吧  Oh how you do me  哦,就这样做  Kiss me, Kiss me  亲吻我吧  Say that you miss me  说你想我  Tell me what I wanna hear  说一切我乐意听的  Tell me you (love me)  说你爱我  Love me, Love me  爱我吧  Say that you love me  说你爱我  Fool me, Fool me  欺骗我  Oh how you do me  噢,就这么做吧  Kiss me, Kiss me  亲吻我  Say that you miss me  说你想我  Tell me what I wanna hear  说一切我乐意听的  Tell me u love me  说你爱我  People try to tell me  人们试图告诉我  But I still refuse to listen  但是我还是拒绝聆听  Cuz they don"t get to spend time with you  因为他们不值得我花时间  A minute with you is worth more than  和你在一起的一分钟都弥足珍贵  A thousand days without your love, oh your love  1000个没有你的爱的日日夜夜  Baby you can do no wrong  宝贝,你不要背叛我  My money is yours  我的钱就是你的  Give you little more because I love ya, love ya  给你多一点,因为我爱你  With me, girl, is where you belong  我就是你的最佳归属  Just stay right here  就待在这  I promise my dear I"ll put nothin above ya. above ya  我保证,你比我的一切都重要  Love me, Love me  爱我吧  Say that you love me  说你爱我  Fool me, Fool me  欺骗我  Oh how you do me  噢就这样做吧  Kiss me , kiss me  亲吻我  Say that u miss me  说你想我  Tell me what I wanna hear  说一切我乐意听的  Tell me you love me.  说你爱我  Love me, Love me  爱我吧  Say that you love me  说你爱我  Fool me, Fool me  欺骗我  Oh how you do me  噢,就这么做吧  Kiss me , kiss me  亲吻我  Say that u miss me  说你想我  Tell me what I wanna hear  说一切我乐意听的  Tell me you love me.  说你爱我  My heart is blind but I don"t care  我的心已经坏了,但是我不在乎  ‘Cuz when I"m with you everything has disappeared  因为和你在一起,所有的东西都消失了  And every time I hold you near  每当我靠近你  I never wanna let you go, oh  我就不想让你离开我,噢  Love me, Love me  爱我吧  Say that you love me  说你爱我  Fool me, Fool me  欺骗我  Oh how you do me  哦,就这么做吧  Kiss me , kiss me  亲吻我  Say that u miss me  说你想我  Tell me what I wanna hear  说一切我乐意听的  Tell me you love me.  说你爱我  Love me, Love me  爱我吧  Say that you love me  说你爱我  Fool me, Fool me  欺骗我  Oh how you do me  哦,就这么做吧  Kiss me , kiss me  亲吻我  Say that u miss me  说你想我  Tell me what I wanna hear  说一切我乐意听的  Tell me you love me  说你爱我

justin bieber《love me》歌词双语

oooooooh. oooooooooooh (its jb)My friends say I"m a fool to thinkthat you"re the one for me我的麻吉都说我认为你是我的真爱是个白痴I guess I"m just a sucker for love我说我只是个情场新手"Cuz honestly the truth is that因为凭良心说真正的答案就是这样子 you know I"m never leavin"你暸我永远不会离开你"Cuz you"re my angel sent from above因为打从心底我就知道你会是我的天使Baby you can do no wrong宝贝你永远都没错My money is yours我的荷包为你而开Give you little more because I love ya, love ya给你再多只因为我就是爱你With me, girl, is where you belong宝贝 你的真命天子只有我Just stay right here和我永远在一起吧I promise my dear I"ll put nothin above ya. above ya我发誓永远都爱你Love me, Love me爱我 爱我Say that you love me大声说你爱我Fool me, Fool me哄我 哄我Oh how you do me喔拜托拜托Kiss me, Kiss me亲我 亲我Say that you miss me大声说你想我Tell me what I wanna hear大声说我想听的Tell me you (love me)大声说 (你爱我)Love me, Love me爱我 爱我Say that you love me大声说你爱我Fool me, Fool me哄我 哄我Oh how you do me喔拜托拜托Kiss me, Kiss me亲我 亲我Say that you miss me大声说你想我Tell me what I wanna hear大声说我想听的tell me u love me大声说 (你爱我)People try to tell me麻吉试著劝我but I still refuse to listen但我不想听他们废话Cuz they don"t get to spend time with you因为他们从没和你相处过A minute with you is worth more thana thousand days without your love, oh your love就算只拥有你一分钟也比千百个日子没有你那样值得Baby you can do no wrong宝贝你永远都没错My money is yoursGive you little more because I love ya, love ya给你再多只因为我就是爱你With me, girl, is where you belong宝贝 你的真命天子只有我Just stay right here和我永远在一起吧I promise my dear I"ll put nothin above ya. above ya我发誓永远都爱你Love me, Love me爱我 爱我Say that you love me大声说你爱我Fool me, Fool me哄我 哄我Oh how you do me喔拜托拜托Kiss me, Kiss me亲我 亲我Say that you miss me大声说你想我Tell me what I wanna hear大声说我想听的tell me u love me大声说 (你爱我)Love me, Love me爱我 爱我Say that you love me大声说你爱我Fool me, Fool me哄我 哄我Oh how you do me喔拜托拜托Kiss me, Kiss me亲我 亲我Say that you miss me大声说你想我Tell me what I wanna hear大声说我想听的tell me u love me大声说 (你爱我)My heart is blind but I don"t care就算看不见我也不care"Cuz when I"m with you everything has disappeared因为和你在一起任何事都能抛之脑後And every time I hold you near而每分每秒我只想紧紧抓住你待在我身边I never wanna let you go, oh我不想让你离开我Love me, Love me爱我 爱我Say that you love me大声说你爱我Fool me, Fool me哄我 哄我Oh how you do me喔拜托拜托Kiss me, Kiss me亲我 亲我Say that you miss me大声说你想我Tell me what I wanna hear大声说我想听的tell me u love me大声说 (你爱我)Love me, Love me爱我 爱我Say that you love me大声说你爱我Fool me, Fool me哄我 哄我Oh how you do me喔拜托拜托Kiss me, Kiss me亲我 亲我Say that you miss me大声说你想我Tell me what I wanna hear大声说我想听的tell me u love me大声说 (你爱我)

Justin Bieber love me中文歌词的谐音肯求大家了 现在我要练习这首歌给点谐音吧 行不?


Justin Bieber的《Love Me》歌词

My friends say I"m a fool to thinkThat you"re the one for meI guess I"m just a sucker for love‘Cuz honestly the truth is thatYou know I"m never leavin"‘Cuz you"re my angel sent from aboveBaby you can do no wrongMy money is yoursGive you little more because I love ya, love yaWith me, girl, is where you belongJust stay right hereI promise my dear I"ll put nothin above ya. above yaLove me, Love meSay that you love meFool me, Fool meOh how you do meKiss me, Kiss meSay that you miss meTell me what I wanna hearTell me you (love me)Love me, Love meSay that you love meFool me, Fool meOh how you do meKiss me, Kiss meSay that you miss meTell me what I wanna hearTell me u love mePeople try to tell meBut I still refuse to listenCuz they don"t get to spend time with youA minute with you is worth more thanA thousand days without your love, oh your loveBaby you can do no wrongMy money is yoursGive you little more because I love ya, love yaWith me, girl, is where you belongJustin Bieber Love Me lyrics found on Just stay right hereI promise my dear I"ll put nothin above ya. above yaLove me, Love meSay that you love meFool me, Fool meOh how you do meKiss me , kiss meSay that u miss meTell me what I wanna hearTell me you love me.Love me, Love meSay that you love meFool me, Fool meOh how you do meKiss me , kiss meSay that u miss meTell me what I wanna hearTell me you love me.My heart is blind but I don"t care‘Cuz when I"m with you everything has disappearedAnd every time I hold you nearI never wanna let you go, ohLove me, Love meSay that you love meFool me, Fool meOh how you do meKiss me , kiss meSay that u miss meTell me what I wanna hearTell me you love me.Love me, Love meSay that you love meFool me, Fool meOh how you do meKiss me , kiss meSay that u miss meTell me what I wanna hearTell me you love me噢。。。。我的朋友说我是个傻瓜思考那你是为我一个我想我只是一个爱吸盘虽然诚实,你知道我从来leavin""Cuz你是我的天使从上面发宝贝你不会有错我的钱是你的给你多一点,因为我爱亚爱雅我,姑娘,你是属于就留在这儿我发誓我亲爱的我会凌驾于亚诺廷以上亚爱我,爱我说你爱我骗我,骗我噢你能帮我亲亲我,亲亲我说你想念我告诉我,我想听听告诉我你爱我爱我,爱我说你爱我骗我,骗我噢你能帮我亲亲我,亲亲我说你想念我告诉我,我想听听告诉我爱我ü人们试图告诉我但我仍然不听虽然他们没有得到陪伴你的时间与你一分钟的价值超过一千天,没有你的爱哦你的爱哦宝贝你不会有错我的所有都是你的。。。

Justin Bieber的《Love me》中文歌词……

Oh oh its jb 哦 哦 我是JBMy friends say I"m a fool to think That you"re the one for me 我想你成为我的唯一经常被我朋友说这想法很愚笨I guess I"m just a sucker for love 我猜我只不过是个爱情白痴"Cuz honestly the truth is that 因为事实上也是这样You know I"m never leavin" 你知道我未曾离开过"Cuz you"re my angel sent from above 因为你就是我的天使(这感觉)从心底犹然而生Baby you can do no wrong 宝贝你不会做错My money is yours 我的钱都是你的Give you little more because I love ya 给我多一点因为我爱你呀Love ya 爱你 呀With me, girl, is where you belong 和我在一起,宝贝,这就是你属于的地方Just stay right here 你只要一直呆在这I promise my dear I"ll put nothing above ya 我向你保证亲爱的我不会受任何事的影响Above ya 不受影响 呀Love me, Love me 爱我, 爱我Say that you love me 说你爱我Fool me, Fool me 骗我,骗我Oh how you do me 哦 你要怎样对我Kiss me, Kiss me 亲吻我,亲吻我Say that you miss me 说你想我Tell me what I wanna hear 说我想听的话Tell me you love me 说你爱我Love me, Love me 爱我,爱我-----重复People try to tell me 人们尝试告诉我but I still refuse to listen 但是仍然不想听"Cuz they don"t get to spend time with you 因为他们开始不为你花费时间A minute with you is worth more than 和你在一起一分钟比任何事都来的有意义A thousand days without your love 一千天没有你的爱Oh your love 哦 你的爱重复-----My heart is blind but I don"t care 我迷茫 但我不在乎"Cuz when I"m with you everything has disappeared 因为当我和你在一起所有的(烦恼)都消失了And every time I hold you near I never wanna let you go 并且无论何时我都让你清晰的知道我从来都不愿意让你离开我Oh 哦Love me, Love me 爱我 ,爱我Say that you love me 说你爱我---------重复Fool me, Fool me Oh how you do me Kiss me, kiss me Say that u miss me Tell me what i wanna hear Tell me you love me Love me, Love me Say that you love me Fool me, Fool me Oh how you do me Kiss me, kiss me Say that u miss me Tell me what i wanna hear Tell me you love me


in the beginning “开始时”,直接用作时间状语,不接of at the beginning (of) “在……开始时”,后面必须接of,如at the begining of the class from the beginning “从一开始就……”强调持续 to begin with 只能用在一句话的开头,表示首先要讲什么,例如:To begin with,i want to extend my thanks to my parents. 首先,我想感谢我的父母.



mene liebe是(德语:我爱你)的意思嘛

是我亲爱的,Mein lieber(对男人说) Meine liebe(对女人说) 我爱你是 Ich liebe dich. 想简单的说亲爱的一般用 Mein Schatz. 男女通用的


《B:The Beginning》的第二季是只有6集。Netflix出品的原创动画《B: The Beginning》由Production Meijubar.Net I.G负责制作,在法国举办的“阿讷西动画电影节”中,官方宣布将推出动画的第二季,并公布了海报和预告。2021年3月18日在日本开始播放,一共有6集。网飞经典动画《B: The Beginning》时隔2年要回归了,题名为《B: The Beginning Succession》,讲述回到王立警察特殊犯罪搜查课的天才搜查官奇斯弗里克,正在追查某起事件的犯人。那是只追杀凶恶犯罪者的连续杀人鬼,通称Killer B。他在犯罪现场必然会刻下的B之文字引起人们注目,也引来种种猜想。


单数复数都可以。根据查询onlythebest的相关信息了解,onlythebest后面单数、复数都可以加。only用作形容词表示“唯一的,仅有的”,可修饰单数名词,也可修饰复数名词,前面常加定冠词the或形容词性物主代词。the best后面可以加单数,也可以加复数,the best是形容词最高级。onlythebest意为只有最好的。



mene liebe是(德语:我爱你)的意思嘛

我爱你是 Ich Liebe Dich。你那个是我的爱,主体是女性,而且也写错了,应该是meine liebe。 mein liebe的主体是男性。人体蜈蚣1里就有,那个医生是德国人,他在房子边上有个小木板上面写的就是mein lieber,说明他爱人不在了。


She had the floors of the house scrubbed and changed the position of the furniture. One week later a rumor from somewhere that was not supported by any proclamation gave dramatic confirmation to the prediction. Colonel Aureliano Buendía had been condemned to death and the sentence would be carried out in Macondo as a lesson to the population. On Monday,



Celebrate The Day是谁演唱的?

是2006世界杯的主题曲但怎么查都查不到是谁演唱的!歌词如下: To win again to never stop finding moving as one is the word for home begin to place yourself in the big frame when you dream when you dream away. . . away Then amadou and MAriam verse1: EN AVANT POUR LA VICTOIRE EN AVANT POUR LA VICTOIRE C"EST LE MOMENT DE L"ESPOIR C"EST LE MOMENT DE L"ESPOIR Let the sweet air fill our hearts walk on and celebrate the... Day the day the day celebrate the day etc. Grab your drums paint your soul feel the roar and celebrate the... To win again to never stop climbing the rising road of ultimate faith unity the world in a heartbeat when you dream when you dream away. . .away



Lebo Mathosa的《Free》 歌词

歌曲名:Free歌手:Lebo Mathosa专辑:LegendsMandisa - FreeF-R-E-E, FreeF-R-E-E, FreeF-R-E-E, FreeGonna tell the world what He did for meDon"t worry, don"t cryThat"s the voice I hear insideBut it"s hard for me to seeTomorrow"s but a dream"Cause today"s reality is right in front of meThey say I"ll never make itThey say you can never change itWhat you are is what you"ll always beThey say that I should give upOnce you"re down you"ll never get upBut that"s not the truth for meWho the Son sets freeBest believe is free indeedGonna take it to the streetsMy Lord delivered meWho the Son sets freeBest believe is free indeedGonna dance and shout and screamI"m free indeedF-R-E-E, FreeF-R-E-E, FreeF-R-E-E, FreeGonna tell the world what He did for meI"ve tried and tried and triedTo make this mountain step asideOr to climb it on my ownWhat You did was more than helpDid what I couldn"t do myselfYou said that I was not aloneWhen I thought I"d never make itYou came along, and then You changed itMade a way somehow and brought me throughAs I was just about to give upYou took my hand said, aby, get up?br>Now here I stand because of YouWho the Son sets freeBest believe is free indeedGonna take it to the streetsMy Lord delivered meWho the Son sets freeBest believe is free indeedGonna dance and shout and screamI"m free indeedF-R-E-E, FreeF-R-E-E, FreeF-R-E-E, FreeGonna tell the world what He did for meIf you need a friend "til the very endTo be there by your sideTo get you through the hard timesThe dark times of your lifeTo bring you in to the dawnHe"s the One you"re looking forThe Savior, your DelivererWho the Son sets freeBest believe is free indeedGonna take it to the streetsMy Lord delivered meWho the Son sets freeBest believe is free indeedGonna dance and shout and screamI"m free indeedF-R-E-E, FreeF-R-E-E, FreeF-R-E-E, FreeGonna tell the world what He did for meF-R-E-E, FreeF-R-E-E, FreeF-R-E-E, FreeGonna tell the world what He did for mehttp://music.baidu.com/song/2857692



ask somebody for+动词什么形式

ask sb for是向某人寻求不加动词。应加sth

somebody says与says somebody有什么不同

somebody says是某人说,says somebody是说某人。
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