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1、意思不相同: nearly,几乎,差不多。 nearby,附近的。 2、用法不相同:nearly是副词,意思是几乎,表示程度,修饰形容词。nearby常见用作形容词,它用作前置定语或后置定语,意思是附近的,近处的,还有在附近。3、使用范围不相同:三者在形容“近”的时候,nearby有在附近、附近的意思,表示“在空间范围上很接近的”,nearly作为副词是几乎,接近,差不多的意思,作为形容词是密切的意思。nearly,英语单词,副词,作副词时意为“差不多,几乎;密切地”。nearby,英语单词,形容词、副词、介词,作形容词时意为“附近的,邻近的”,作副词时意为“在附近”,作介词时意为“在…附近”。

near nearly nearby有什么区别

near nearly nearby的区别:1、词性和意义不相同:near介词,在,附近。nearly,副词,几乎,差不多。nearby,形容词,附近的。2、用法不相同:near是指在附近,是介词,用在名词的前面,如near the window.nearly是副词,意思是几乎,表示程度,修饰形容词。如 it"s nearly two o"clock.nearby常见用作形容词,它用作前置定语或后置定语,意思是附近的,近处的,还有在附近。3、使用范围不相同:三者在形容“近”的时候,near,nearby都有在附近、附近的意思,表示“在空间范围上很接近的”, 其中near的意思更广,它也有“在时间,程度上很接近的”意思。nearly作为副词是几乎,接近,差不多的意思,作为形容词是密切的意思。near, nearly都作副词,用法有区别:1、表示时间和空间上的“近”用near,不用nearly,如:National Day is coming near. 国庆节就要到了。2、表示“几乎”、“差不多”用nearly如:It"s nearly ten o"clock. 差不多十点钟了。Nearly every one knows it. 几乎每个人都知道那件事。near可作介词;nearly则不能。如:My house is near the river. 我家就在河旁边。3、表示“亲近”,“密切”时,near和nearly可互换。如:We are near(nearly)friends. 我们是亲密的朋友。参考资料来源:百度翻译-near 百度翻译-nearby百度翻译-nearly

谁知道 earliest due date(EDD) 算法?请给详细说明

edd算法,是earlest due date rule的中文简称。其实,就是派对策略的一种。排队策略有两种,一种是先到先服务(first come first service,FCFS),二是优先级队头服务(head of line, HOL).前者可以充分体现公平性,即谁先到达,谁就先接受服务;后者是考虑前者并不一定会达到总体最优,采取的策略,属于绝对优先策略。简言之,就是谁的交货期最接近(或者说最短),谁就先接受服务。

关于We shall meet him at the harbour early in the morning的语序问题


写出形容词的比较级,最高级的正确形势:great hard. nice late . big hot . happy early . litter few




"wentworth earl miller "(米勒)怎么读?


文特沃斯·厄尔·米勒三世 Wentworth Earl Miller 是谁

全名:文特沃斯·厄尔·米勒三世 Wentworth Earl Miller 昵称:Stinky(这是因为他在大学合唱团牙尖嘴利,可不是臭烘烘的意思) 出生地:英国牛津郡西北郊区的景区古镇 居住地:洛杉矶 生日:1972年6月12日 星座:双子座 家庭成员:父母,两个妹妹 外型:Went有着近乎完美的骨骼结构,187的身高,黑色卷发,不过最扯的是他的双瞳颜色不同,左眼为淡褐色,右眼为淡绿色。(哇!这不是传说中的妖瞳吗?)不过Went为了掩盖自己眼睛的“秘密”,平常总是带有色的隐形眼镜,所以照片上看不出双瞳的不同颜色。他的出色外型主要归功于他的父母,Went 有着复杂的血统,他的父亲有美国黑人,牙买加,英国,德国犹太人血统,母亲则有法国,荷兰,叙利亚,黎巴嫩血统,可说是“八国联军”的产物!令人叹为观止!顺便说说,仔细研究过文哥的面部特写,皮肤真是超赞!这样精致的面孔,但又丝毫不脂粉气的帅哥,这是“极品”! 学历:普林斯顿大学英语专业 网友评论:现在他在美国人气很旺啊,粉丝遍地开花。 2005 年12月13日第63届金球奖提名名单揭晓,FOX2005年新剧《越狱》获得最佳剧情类电视剧奖提名,而《越狱》年轻的男主角文特沃斯米勒将和包括《迷失》、《24》等热门剧集男主角一起争夺剧情类最佳男主角的奖项。其实就在几天前,央视新闻频道报道歌后玛丽亚凯瑞获得八项格莱美提名的时候,背景播放就是文特沃斯参与演出的MV《We Belong Together》,短短十几秒全是文特沃斯的特写。就是这样,如果你没看过《越狱》,你或许认为他只不过是一个有着英俊面孔的帅哥。但如果你看过《越狱》你一定会和所有观众一样为之着迷。 相信有很多记者会为文特沃斯复杂的背景而感到头痛,2003年11月8日的《纽约时报》就因为搞错了他的国籍而向他道歉,因为在英国出生的他是美国人。而一身白皙皮肤的他拥有包括黑人、牙买加、英国、德国、法国、荷兰、叙利亚、黎巴嫩在内的八种血统。甚至他两个眼睛的颜色都是不同的。在他六年级的一次课堂活动中,他讲述了他的家谱。他当时的女友大吃一惊,对他说:“滚回你的农场去吧,黑鬼!”这不是第一次也不是最后一次由于他的种族带给他心痛。

clearly divided

which修饰前面的color fields. because是对前面句子的解释.

snowly early fast,哪个是不同类的?


Dearly Beloved 歌词

歌曲名:Dearly Beloved歌手:Wes Montgomery专辑:Boss Guitar [Original Jazz Classics Remasters]Faith Hill - Dearly BelovedGood mornin", Dearly BelovedWe are gathered here todayTo watch two people we know make a big mistakeThey"ll stand up at the alterAnd solemnly swear I DoThey"ll be together forever"Til they find somebody newHer daddy"s in the front rowMutterin" oh no, here we go againWe had a couple datesNow she"s three months lateAnd it"s twenty buck a plate i spent, oh...Good mornin" dearly belovedI"d like to welcome ya"llTo see the side-effects of sex and alcoholPlease bow your heads and join meIn a prayer for these twoWho"ll be together forever"Till they find somebody newThe bride is a flirt and the groom is worseAs he"s putting the ring on herHe"s checkin" out the bridesmaidsThinkin" that me might takeThe maid of honor"s honor...ohWelcome, dearly belovedWe are here this afternoonTo throw rice as these twoDrive down the road to ruinWith cans tied to the bumperAnd a dragging muffler, tooThey"ll be together forever"Till they find somebody newSo raise your glass and join meHere"s to the bride and groomThey"ll be together foreeeverrr..."Til they find somebody newhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7391165

Students in American schools learn from an early

Students in American schools learn from an early age to give presentations(演讲) as part of their regular classroom activities. Children as young as five years old often give brief talks about objects they bring in to school – called “show and tell,” and this training is a basis for later public speaking. Even so, many native English-speaking adults are afraid to speak or give presentations in front of a large group.Speaking English in public meetings is necessary for many students and employees. The best way to improve is to practice public speaking in a friendly environment. Learners need to receive feedback about what they are doing well and about their mistakes. One group that gives members the chance to practice is Toastmasters. Toastmasters is an international organization that holds weekly meetings. At the meetings, members each give a speech and give others advice about their speeches and speaking style.Charles LeBeau is a public speaking professor and consultant. He began his career in Japan in 1982. Currently, he teaches at two universities and at the Toshiba International Training Center. He has also written books on the subject.English language learners around the world use his book Speaking of Speech. Speaking of Speech tells about a method of teaching public speaking for non-native speakers. Mr. LeBeau says a simple approach helps English learners.“The approach that I"ve taken is to simplify and break it down. First if we look at a presentation, what"s going on, there are basically three messages that the presenter is giving the audience, all simultaneously(同时). There"s what I call the physical message. Physical message is basically body language. It"s the way that my body, as a speaker, is talking to the audience. And then there"s also the visual message. The visual messages are the slides that we now make and show the audience. The third message is the story message. The story message is the content of our presentation. So another way we can think of the story messages is that it"s the verbal message, and it"s what we say to the audience. The story message also includes how we organize our ideas to present to the audience,” LeBeau said.1. Which of the following statements is true?A. The best way to improve is to practice public speaking in an unfriendly environment.B. Toastmasters is an international organization that holds meetings every two weeks.C. Only non-native English-speaking adults are afraid to give presentations in front of a large group.D. At the meetings of Toastmasters, members give not only a speech but also advice.2. What are the three messages given in Mr. LeBeau"s simple approach that helps English learners?a. the physical messageb. the visual messagec. the story messaged. the verbal messagee. the basically body languageA. a b c B. b c d C. a b e D. c d e3. The book Speaking of Speech by Charles LeBeau is mainly intended for___________.A. children as young as five years oldB. non-native English speakersC. native English speakers onlyD. students in American schools4. Which could be the best title for this passage?A. Necessity of Speaking English in Public MeetingsB. Toastmasters, an international organizationC. Tips for Public SpeakingD. Charles LeBeau, a public speaking professor and consultant

TPO20阅读Early Settlements 一道题解析

首先你要搞清楚题目问的是什么,题目的意思是,differ from earlier EXCEPT,就是说不选的都是后来人做的但是前人没有做的,选的可以是前人做的,后人没做的,或者前后人都没做的。根据文章意思,前人会hunt gazelle,而后人 switched abruptly(from hunting gazelle)to balabala。所以后人不hunt,所以选B。

请高手翻译一小段文字 How to Write Clearly

我从来没有要求很耐心的作家从读者为了解其意义. 二月你只有往大哲学家看到它播出来表达最微妙的思考与清晰. 3)原因之一是,许多作家认为人微言不前,而是因为他们写. 4)钢笔起源的思索. 5)不利, 其实这是一种危险行为,作者必须始终对他警觉、 那就是一种神奇的文字. 6)以理念取得了看得见的物质性 然后阻碍自己澄清. 7),但这种接轨很容易变成故意模糊. 8)有些作家并不认为显然倾向于相信他们的想法已经意义大于乍一看出现. 9)这是太抬举我相信他们会清楚表达深刻,所有的人来说读起来, 很自然地就不会发生这种故障,作家用自己的头脑是没有确切反映学院.

Idioms 有哪些如:the early bird catches the worm ,除了这个还有哪些???

rain cats and dogs (倾盆大雨)a friend in need is a friend indeed (患难见真交)when there is a will,there is a way 有志者,事竟成walls have ears (隔墙有耳)screw one"s courage 鼓起勇气kill two birds with one stone (一石两鸟)feather in cap(炫耀)as close as an oyster 守口如瓶as fresh as an oyster 精力充沛go without saying 不言而喻

架子鼓sonor的F507 Pearl的节奏旅行家 和target哪个好?适合新人

如果sonor那个是德产的话 就他了 不过貌似现在国内的507都是国产了……

the bus takee early

答案: 1.The early bus takes him to his work place. 翻译:他坐早班车去上班. 2.Most students go to school on the school bus. 翻译:大多数学生坐校车去上学. 有不明白的请继续追问,

met early him we the the at airport in morning连词成句


Java语法问题~~Implicit super constructor LinearLayout() is undefined.




老公去普吉岛旅游,买了泰国Gems Gallery的CULUTURED SOUTH SEA PEARL,花了22000泰铢,不知道有没有被宰?

Gems Gallery在泰国挺有名的,曼谷也有这个店,具体价格合适不合适就不了解了,是个心意就好。

nearly all of the starboard half survived intact为什么是survive+intact实意动词不能被adj修饰吧?

intact 是修饰starboard,表示存在的状态是完好无损的

There were smiling children all the way.Clearly t



做好雅思的阅读题除了掌握对的 方法 ,也离不开我们日常的辛勤练习,下面我给大家带来雅思阅读动 植物类 真题及答案:The Pearl,一起加油吧! 雅思阅读动植物类真题:The Pearl The Pearl A Throughout history, pearls have held a unique presence within the wealthy and powerful. For instance, the pearl was the favored gem of the wealthy during the Roman Empire. This gift from the sea had been brought back from the orient by the Roman conquests. Roman women wore pearls to bed so they could be reminded of their wealth immediately upon waking up. Before jewelers learned to cut gems, the pearl was of greater value than the diamond. In the Orient and Persia Empire, pearls were ground into powders to cure anything from heart disease to epilepsy, with possible aphrodisiac uses as well. Pearls were once considered an exclusive privilege for royalty. A law in 1612 drawn up by the Duke of Saxony prohibited the wearing of pearls by nobility, professors, doctors or their wives in an effort to further distinguish royal appearance. American Indians also used freshwater pearls from the Mississippi River as decorations and jewelry. B There are essentially three types of pearls: natural, cultured and imitation. A natural pearl (often called an Oriental pearl) forms when an irritant, such as a piece of sand, works its way into a particular species of oyster, mussel, or clam. As a defense mechanism, the mollusk secretes a fluid to coat the irritant. Layer upon layer of this coating is deposited on the irritant until a lustrous pearl is formed. C The only difference natural pearls and cultured pearls is that the irritant is a surgically implanted bead or piece of shell called Mother of Pearl. Often, these shells are ground oyster shells that are worth significant amounts of money in their own right as irritant-catalysts for quality pearls. The resulting core is, much larger than in a natural pearl. Yet, as long as there are enough layers of nacre (the secreted fluid covering the irritant) to result in a beautiful, gem-quality pearl, the size of the nucleus is of no consequence to beauty or durability. D Pearls can come from either salt or freshwater sources. Typically, saltwater pearls tend to be higher quality, although there are several types of freshwater pearls that are considered high in quality as well. Freshwater pearls tend to be very irregular in shape, with a puffed rice appearance the most prevalent. Nevertheless, it is each individual pearls merits that determines value more than the source of the pearl. Saltwater pearl oysters are usually cultivated in protected lagoons or volcanic atolls. However, most freshwater cultured pearls sold today come from China. Cultured pearls are the response of the shell to a tissue implant. A tiny piece of mantle tissue from a donor shell is transplanted into a recipient shell. This graft will form a pearl sac and the tissue will precipitate calcium carbonate into this pocket. There are a number of options for producing cultured pearls: use freshwater or seawater shells, transplant the graft into the mantle or into the gonad, add a spherical bead or do it nonbeaded. The majority of saltwater cultured pearls are grown with beads. E Regardless of the method used to acquire a pearl, the process usually takes several years. Mussels must reach a mature age, which can take up t0 3 years, and then be implanted or naturally receive an irritant. Once the irritant is in place, it can take up to another 3 years for the pearl to reach its full size. Often, the irritant may be rejected, the pearl will be terrifically misshapen, or the oyster may simply die from disease or countless other complications. By the end of a 5 t0 10 year cycle, only 50% of the oysters will have survived. And of the pearls produced, only approximately 5% are of substantial quality for top jewelry makers. From the outset, a pearl fanner can figure on spending over $100 for every oyster that is farmed, of which many will produce nothing or die. F Imitation pearls are a different story altogether. In most cases, a glass bead is dipped into a solution made from fish scales. This coating is thin and may eventually wear off. One can usually tell an imitation by biting on it. Fake pearls glide across your teeth, while the layers of nacre on real pearls feel gritty. The Island of Mallorca (in Spain) is known for its imitation pearl industry. Quality natural pearls are very rare jewels. The actual value of a natural pearl is determined in the same way as it would be for other “precious” gems. The valuation factors include size, shape, color, quality of surface, orient and luster. In general, cultured pearls are less valuable than natural pearls, whereas imitation pearls almost have no value. One way that jewelers can determine whether a pearl is cultured or natural is to have a gem lab perform an x-ray of the pearl. If the x-ray reveals a nucleus, the pearl is likely a beadnucleated saltwater pearl. If no nucleus is present, but irregular and small dark inner spots indicating a cavity are visible, combined with concentric rings of organic substance, the pearl is likely a cultured freshwater. Cultured freshwater pearls can often be confused for natural pearls which present as homogeneous pictures which continuously darken toward the surface of the pearl. Natural pearls will often show larger cavities where organic matter has dried out and decomposed. Although imitation pearls look the part, they do not have the same weight or smoothness as real pearls, and their luster will also dim greatly. Among cultured pearls, Akoya pearls from Japan are some of the most lustrous. A good quality necklace of 40 Akoya pearls measuring 7mm in diameter sells for about $1,500, while a super- high quality strand sells for about $4,500. Size on the other hand, has to do with the age of the oyster that created the pearl (the more mature oysters produce larger pearls) and the location in which the pearl was cultured. The South Sea waters of Australia tend to produce the larger pearls; probably because the water along the coast line is supplied with rich nutrients from the ocean floor. Also, the type of mussel common to the area seems to possess a predilection for producing comparatively large pearls. G Historically, the world"s best pearls came from the Persian Gulf, especially around what is now Bahrain. The pearls of the Persian Gulf were natural created and collected by breath-hold divers. The secret to the special luster of Gulf pearls probably derived from the unique mixture of sweet and salt water around the island. Unfortunately, the natural pearl industry of the Persian Gulf ended abruptly in the early 1930"s with the discovery of large deposits of oil. Those who once dove for pearls sought prosperity in the economic boom ushered in by the oil industry. The water pollution resulting from spilled oil and indiscriminate over-fishing of oysters essentially ruined the once pristine pearl producing waters of the Gulf. Today, pearl diving is practiced only as a hobby. Still, Bahrain remains one of the foremost trading centers for high quality pearls. In fact, cultured pearls are banned from the Bahrain pearl market, in an effort to preserve the location"s heritage. Nowadays, the largest stock of natural pearls probably resides in India. Ironically, much of India"s stock of natural pearls came originally from Bahrain. Unlike Bahrain, which has essentially lost its pearl resource, traditional pearl fishing is still practiced on a small scale in India. 雅思阅读真题答案解析——pearl珍珠 1 A 【原文参考依据-A】第2句话 the pearl was the favored gem of th wealthy during the Roman Empire.在罗马帝国时代,珍珠是深受富人喜爱的宝物。 2 E 【原文参考依据-E】第一句话Regardless of the method used to acquire a pearl,the process usually takes several years.不管用什么方法去获取珍珠,这个过程通常需要几年。所以对应题干中的difficulties. 3 F 4 C 【原文参考依据-c】第一句话The only difference natural pearls and cultured pearls is that the irrtant is a surfically implanted bead or piece of shell called Mother of Pearl.天然珍珠和人工养殖珍珠的唯一差别在于人工养殖珍珠的刺激物是一个通过外科手术植入的珠子或者小块的壳,被称作珍珠母。 5B 【原文参考依据-A】第四句话Roman women wore pearls to bed so they could be reminded of their wealth immediately upon waking up.罗马女人还戴着珍珠上床睡觉,这样她们一觉醒来看到珍珠的时候,马上就能看到自己是多么的富有。 6 J【原文参考依据-A】第6句话 In the orient and PersiaEmpire,pearls were ground into powders to cure anything from heart disease to epilepsy,with possible aphrodisiac as well.在亚洲和波斯特帝国,珍珠被磨成珍珠粉用来治疗从心脏病到癫痫的各种疾病。 7 K【原文参考依据-F】The Island of Mallorca (inSpain)is known for its imitation pearl industry.西班牙的马略卡岛以生产人造珍珠首饰而著名 8F【原文参考依据-F 】Among cultured pearls ,Akoya pearls from Japan are some of the most lustrous.产自日本的珍珠是所有人工养殖珍珠中光泽度最亮的一种。 9C【原文参考依据-F】 倒数第二句 The South Sea waters of Australia tend to produce the large pearls;probably because the water along the coast line is suppliced with rich nutrients from the ocean floor.产自澳大利亚的南海海域的珍珠个头一般更大。 10 D 【原文参考依据-G 末句】Unlike Bahrain,which has essentially lost its pearl resource ,traditional pearl fishing is still practiced on a small in India. 在印度,小规模的传统 潜水 收集珍珠作业仍然存在。 11 TRUE【原文参考依据-C 】第三句话The resulting core is,therefore,much larger than in a natural pearl.因此,人工养殖珍珠的内核比天然珍珠要大。 12 FALSE 【原文参考依据- F第10句话】In general,cultured pearls are less valuable than natural pearls, whereas imitation pearls almost have no value.总体来说,人工养殖珍珠的价值比不过天然珍珠,而人造珍珠就更没有价值可言了。题目中说养殖的珍珠和天然的珍珠价值是一样的 显然是错误的,所以答案是False. 13 TRUE 【原文参考依据- F 倒数第2句话】 he South Sea waters of Australia tend to produce the large pearls;probably because the water along the coast line is suppliced with rich nutrients from the ocean floor.产自澳大利亚的南海海域的珍珠个头一般更大。 14 NOT GIVEN 雅思阅读技巧之词汇+ 总结 雅思阅读技巧锦囊一:英语词库 所谓英语词库是英语对英语的词库而非是英语对汉语的词库。每个烤鸭都清楚雅思是国际性考试而非中国性质考试,单词背其中文意思在考试过程中是无效的,题目和 文章 都没有中文的出现。雅思阅读就是在全文中的找答案,可是你所用定位的词很多时候不会老老实实的坐在原文里等着你,这就需要你具备英语 同义词 的能力。 比如剑桥6的67页的list of headings 的 key point 2 的首句中managers should ensure that all employees have specific goals and receive comments on how well they are doing in those goals. 与之相对应的答案是establish targets and give feedback 同意词组为:have specific goals等于establish targets,receive comments on how well they are doing in those goals等于give feedback。 雅思阅读技巧锦囊二:ability to paraphrase Paraphrase意思是用英文的 句子 或者段落来解释其英文的句子或者段落。对于外语系的孩子来讲这种能力的考试是家常便饭,也就造就了他们的理解能力比非外语系的同学们好很多。这种能力在雅思阅读考试中也是司空见惯的。 例如:剑桥6的43页的判断题10. Cities with high level of bicycles usage can be efficient even when public transport is only averagely good. 很多孩子看见only习惯性判为NO。因为太绝对了。实则不然,答案为YES。对应于原文中two most ‘bicycle friend" cities considered—Amsterdam and Copenhagen—were very efficient, even though their public transport systems were ‘ reasonable but special. 切记:高分的取得不只是靠技巧,阅读能力的提升非常的重要 雅思阅读必备高分三技能 技能一:拥有扎实的词汇语法基础及背景知识 这里强调的其实是英文基础的重要性。考生想要在考试过程中游刃有余,没有一定的词汇量基本是没有办法达成的。当然我们在考试中可以通过上下文,转折词等等猜测生词的意思。但是,一旦生词量超过一定比例,势必会影响考生的理解。说到理解,在雅思考试中碰到长难句是常有的事情。那么扎实的语法基础也是考生正确理解文章意义的一个重要的必备素质。 除去扎实的词汇语法基础之外,丰富的背景知识也是一名高分考生所必须的。雅思阅读考试人文社科类和自然科学类当中有众多小分支话题,涉及天文、地理、生物、地质、语言学、发展史等等众多领域。为了保证考试时的阅读效率及答题的正确性,考生需要在平时多多查阅相关资料,了解各类文章背景。 技能二:熟悉题型的做题思路和技巧和出题角度 雅思阅读考试的题型多种多样,有细节题,有主旨题,有考察整体理解的题型,也有考察辨别信息能力的题型。 因此,建议想要取得高分的学员,在掌握每种题型的解题技巧的同时,还需要研究的是考试的出题角度,仔细研究各种题型考察的是何种能力。然后有针对性的去锻炼这方面的能力。14年的雅思阅读考试中,所占比重最大的几类题型为细节 配对 题、是非无判断题、选择题。之前常考的 List of headings对在去年的考试中所占比例并不大。14年几乎每场考试都有细节配对题出现,那么其实可以反映出雅思考试更加注重考生的细节定位能力以及对于材料的理解能力。 技能三:充分到位的精读和模拟训练是必不可少的 精读是提高分数的唯一法宝。精读的方法是: 用一小时完整的做一个Test三篇文章,然后一篇文章一篇文章的开始精读。 查出每篇文章的所有生词,并要求认知。接着分析文章所有的长难句,翻译整篇文章。 把所有题的出题点在文章里标出来。我们要非常清楚对是为什么对,错是为什么错。精读可以提高同学们的词汇、长难句分析能力以及对整篇文章做题思路的理解。 模拟训练可以提高考生两方面的能力:一是考试答题顺序的安排。二是考试时间的合理分配。 首先是答题顺序的安排。考生并不用完全按照考试文章的顺序来答题。完全可以通过对于标题的浏览来确定文章大意。然后根据自己的熟悉程度来选择文章的先后顺序。 另外,在确定了文章的先后顺序之后,题目的先后顺序其实也是需要进行合理安排的。比如14年很流行的段落细节配对题,虽然经常出现在文章很靠前的位置,但是,无论什么样的位置出现,这种题型都应该放在最后来解决。除了答题顺序之外,考试时间的精确掌控也是考生是否能够取得高分的一个重要因素。雅思阅读考试是个精泛读结合过程,不是所有的文字都需要进行精读的,恰恰那些基础很好有能力有机会考到高分的考生,往往会犯全篇通读的错误,导致最后答题时间不够,没能完成所有的题目而不能取得满意的成绩。 保存并继续 另外要提醒考生注意的是,在平常的模拟考试中就养成是用答题卡的习惯,这样才不至于在考试的时候因为时间不够而出现答题卡不能填写完全的情况。相信很多次的模拟练习之后,考生一定有能力在考试时,用最合理的时间分配进行最佳顺序的答题,最终取得高分成绩。

Pearl Jam的《Hail Hail》 歌词

歌曲名:Hail Hail歌手:Pearl Jam专辑:Live on Two LegsAh, is there room for both of us? Ah, both of us apart?Are we bound out of obligation? Is that all we"ve got?I kiss the earth and then I get to thinking, I don"t want to think I want to feel.Oh how do I feel? And fucking how do I...Pearl JamLike you"re the only one and I"ll never be enough. Yeah.Hail, hail, the lucky ones. I refer to those in love. Yeah.I swore I"d love you til the day I die. Oh and beyond.Oh are we going to the same place? If so can I come?It"s egg rolling thick and heavy. All the past we carry.Oh, I could be new. You underestimate me.Hail, hail, the lucky ones. I refer to those in love. Yeah.I sometimes realize that I could only be as good as you"ll let me.Oh, are you woman enough to be my man? Bandaged hand in hand.I find it on the run in a race that can"t be won. Yeah.Hail, hail, the lucky ones. I refer to those in love. Yeah.If you"re my only one. I want to be your one.I want to be the one. Enough, you win. Enough, you won. Yea-ooh.Well, we"re making up for lost time here. Uh, thanks for waiting.http://music.baidu.com/song/53891870

pearlized ivory 是什么颜色

pearlized有珍珠光泽的ivory象牙色pearlized ivory有珍珠光泽的象牙色,叫做珍珠象牙白

Fearless Vampire Slayer通俗点怎么翻译?


taylor swift泰勒斯威夫特的专辑fearless白金版,求鉴定

盗版的 退货去

Fearless Love 歌词

歌曲名:Fearless Love歌手:Bonnie Raitt专辑:FundamentalMelissa Etheridge - Fearless LoveWhen I woke up, I was 17You kissed my lips in a bad, bad dreamShowed me things aren"t what they appear to beCalled me angel and set me freeYou gave me life in the cold, cold darkBut you ran away in the morning"s sparkMade me think that realityIs not where I want to beBut I am what I amAnd I am what I am afraid ofOh what am I afraid of?I need a fearless loveDon"t need to fear the endIf you can"t hold me nowYou will never hold me againI want to live my lifePursuing all my happinessI want a fearless loveI won"t settle for anything lessI"ve walked my path, had worlds collideI lost my way and I fooled my prideThis lover"s ache wouldn"t feel so strangeIf I could only changeBut I am what I amI am what I am afraid ofSo what am I afraid of?I need a fearless loveDon"t need to fear the endIf you can"t hold me nowYou will never hold me againI want to live my lifePursuing all my happinessI want a fearless loveI won"t settle for anything lessNow I"m not here to lay the blameI understand when you hold a flameHeads will shake, heads will turnAnd sometimes you just get burnedI want a fearless loveI need a fearless loveI want a fearless loveDon"t need to fear the endIf you can"t hold me nowYou will never hold me againI want to live my lifePursuing all my happinessI want a fearless loveI won"t settle for anything, anything lessI need a fearless loveI won"t settle for anything lesshttp://music.baidu.com/song/3489032



求Taylor Swift专辑Fearless iTunes 320k AAC,事后再追加300



歌曲名:FEARLESS HERO歌手:水树奈奈专辑:BRIGHT STREAM「FEARLESS HERO」作词∶藤林圣子作曲∶奈良悠树编曲∶藤田淳平歌∶水树奈々古いノートに书き缀ったあの日々の物语に The Endはまだ…时计の针が 进むごとに想いは确かに 近づいてく人は愿う时 空を见上げる訳はきっと梦の入り口 繋がってると信じているから 仆は瞳とじたかすかな希望を 探すみたいにFEARLESS 仆はもっと强くなりたい思い出じゃなく 今の君のために愿う言叶 真っ白な羽根を宿して君がいる 青の果てまで 舞い上がれ揺れるアングル 见せる世界大人は忘れてしまった 辉けるFragile切り刻まれた 时间の中走ってるだけじゃ 梦も见ない高すぎる空に 俯いて谛めるより届くはずだと 腕をのばすよその気持ちがまた 仆を次の场所へ诱(いざな)ってくれる 风になるんだFEARLESS 仆はもっと优しくありたい君の悲しみなど 吹き飞ばすぼど愿う言叶 真っ白な羽根を宿して君といる 未来の先へ 飞んでゆけTVアニメ「DOG DAYS"」2 OPテーマ夺うためにではなく 笑颜でいて欲しいめぐり合えた 大切な 君を守りたくて仆が心の 盾になれるなら何も恐れはしないFEARLESS 仆はもっと强くなりたい思い出じゃなく 今の君のために愿う言叶 真っ白な羽根を宿して终わらない物语の続きへ君がいる 青の果てまで 舞い上がれ収録∶BRIGHT STREAM/発売日∶2012/08/01终わりhttp://music.baidu.com/song/52866056

Fearless girl是什么意思?







LTE(Long Term Evolution,长期演进)是由3GPP(The 3rd Generation Partnership Project,第三代合作伙伴计划)组织制定的UMTS(Universal Mobile Telecommunications System,通用移动通信系统)技术标准的长期演进,于2004年12月在3GPP多伦多...




派生词fearlessly fearlessness

求Taylor Swift的《Our Song》和《Fearless》的吉他谱如题 谢谢了

1.Fearless Song: Fearless Tuning: Capo 3 D A Em G x2 D There"s something "bout the way A Em The street looks when it"s just me G There"s a glow off the pavement D Walk me to the car A Em And you know I wanna ask you to dance right there G In the middle of the parking lot D A Em G Yeah Oh Yeah D We"re drivin" down the road A Em I wonder if you know G I"m trying so hard not to get caught up now D But you"re just so cool A Em Run your hands through your hair G A Absent-mindedly making me want you D A And I don"t know how it gets better than this Em G A You take my hand and drag me head first, fearless D A And I don"t know why but with you I"d dance Em G A In a storm in my best dress, fearless D A Em G D A So baby drive slow till we run out of road Em In this one horse town G D I wanna stay right here in this passenger seat A you put your eyes on me Em G A In this moment now capture it remember it D A Cause I don"t know how it gets better than this Em G A You take my hand and drag me head first, fearless D A And I don"t know why but with you I"d dance Em G A In a storm in my best dress, fearless Cadd9 D Yea you stood there with me in the doorway Em Em7 G A my hands shake & im not usually this way Cadd9 D But you pull me in & im a little more brave Em Em7 G It"s a first kiss, it"s flawless, really something A D It"s fearless D A Em G Ohh.. Yeah D A And I don"t know how it gets better than this Em G A You take my hand and drag me head first, fearless D A And I don"t know why but with you I"d dance Em G A In a storm in my best dress, fearless D A Yeah I don"t know how Em G D A Oh.. oh, yeah, yeah Outro:Em, G(hold) 字数限定,等一下在补充满意请采纳




英剧 无所畏惧共六集


fearless 不怕的,无畏的fearful 可怕的fearsome 十分可怕的望采纳,谢谢!


adj.无畏的释义下的同义词unappalled bold brave unblenched unafraid gutsy courageous valiant venturesome heroic dauntless audacious gritty daring unflinching valorous undaunted intrepid plucky stout-hearted其他释义下的同义词enterprising manly adventurous同义词辨析bold, brave, courageous, daring, heroic, fearless这些形容词均含有“勇敢的”之意。bold: 侧重指面对困难或危险时勇往直前,勇于进取的勇敢精神。brave: 含义广泛,指天生的勇敢,无所畏惧地面对困难与危险,侧重胆识与果断。courageous: 正式用词,侧重指在一切情况下都有胆量,无所畏惧,强调基于道德信念,经深思熟虑后所产生的勇敢。daring: 强调面临意外或危险时胆大心细,头脑冷静。褒义贬义均可用,贬义指胆大妄为。heroic: 正式用词,多指在战争或重大危险时,为他人为事业忘我献身的英雄气概。fearless: 语气肯定,侧重在危险时无所畏惧,毫无动摇。 adj.无畏的 释义下的反义词afraid fearful





谁帮我找Taylor Swift 的 Fearless歌词链接

http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/330087046.html#hereThere"s somethin" "bout the way the street looks when it"s just rained There"s a glow off the pavement, you walk me to the car And you know I wanna ask you to dance right there In the middle of the parking lot, yeah We"re drivin" down the road, I wonder if you knowI"m tryin" so hard not to get caught up now But you"re just so cool, run your hands through your hair Absent-mindedly makin" me want you And I don"t know how it gets better than this You take my hand and drag me headfirst, fearless And I don"t know why but with you I dance In a storm in my best dress, fearless So baby drive slow "til we run out of road In this one horse town, I wanna stay right here In this passenger seat, you put your eyes on me In this moment, now capture it, remember it "Cause I don"t know how it gets better than this You take my hand and drag me headfirst, fearless And I don"t know why but with you I"d dance In a storm in my best dress, fearless Well, you stood there with me in the doorway My hands shake, I"m not usually this way But you pull me in and I"m a little more brave It"s the first kiss, it"s flawless, really somethin" It"s fearless "Cause I don"t know how it gets better than this You take my hand and drag me headfirst, fearless And I don"t know why but with you I"d dance In a storm in my best dress, fearless

小美女的两张专辑《Fearless》和《Speak Now》里哪几首是主打歌曲? 哪几首作为单曲发行过?

--.《Fearless》 03 Mine --.《Speak Now》 04 Back To December --.Justin Bieber的baby、love me都不错。Taylor Swift的love story个人感觉最好

求Colbie Caillat《Fearless》歌词中文翻译!






求Colbie Caillat《Fearless》歌词中文翻译!


Incognito的《Fearless》 歌词

歌曲名:Fearless歌手:Incognito专辑:Future RemixedTaylor Swift - FearlessThere"s somethin" "bout the wayThe street looks when it"s just rainedThere"s a glow off the pavementWalk me to the carAnd you know I wanna ask you to dance right thereIn the middle of the parking lotYeahWe"re drivin" down the roadI wonder if you knowI"m tryin" so hard not to get caught up nowBut you"re just so coolRun your hands through your hairAbsent mindedly makin" me want youAnd I don"t know how it gets better than thisYou take my hand and drag me head firstFearlessAnd I don"t know why when with you I danceIn a storm in my best dressFearlessSo baby drive slow‘Til we run out of road in this one horse townI wanna stay right here in this passenger"s seatYou put your eyes on meIn this moment now capture every memoryAnd I don"t know how it gets better than thisYou take my hand and drag me head firstFearlessAnd I don"t know why but with you I"d danceIn a storm in my best dressFearlessWell you stood there with me in the doorwaymy hands shakeI"m not usually this way butYou pull me in and I"m a little more braveIt"s the first kiss, it"s falwless, really somethin"It"s fearless.Cause I don"t know how it gets better than thisYou take my hand and drag me head firstFearlessAnd I don"t know why but with you I"d danceIn a storm in my best dressFearlessCause I don"t know how it gets better than thisYou take my hand and drag me head firstFearlessAnd I don"t know why but with you I"d danceIn a storm in my best dressFearlesshttp://music.baidu.com/song/8576020

Deals Death的《Fearless》 歌词

歌曲名:Fearless歌手:Deals Death专辑:Elite群66032164: 木偶、MMJLong ago I felt the needThe need to fall apartIt was all due to the rulesAnd the once unholy lawsI got my fix from burningAll the bridges that I hadI surrendered my soul to the worldAnd let my mind drift awayTo darkened landsI met myself and told meThat it wasn"t my time to dieA more important fateHad become my guide to clarityI am fearlessThere is nothing for me to hideFearlessAll that was has become a lieFearlessA drop of blood to secure socitetyFearlessI am all that I ever need to beWar is ocming fastBut in people"s mindsLife goes onThe truth is comingBelieve it or notBut we will fall(We will fall)Hey, hey, heyHey, hey, heyI am fearlessThere is nothing for me to hideFearlessAll that was has become a lieFearlessA drop of blood to secure socitetyFearlessI am all that I ever need to be珞珈山梦境联盟http://music.baidu.com/song/25007076

Group 1 Crew的《Fearless》 歌词

歌曲名:Fearless歌手:Group 1 Crew专辑:The Bible: Music Inspired By The Epic Mini SeriesGroup 1 Crew - Fearless.I""ve seen days where it seems like my nights won""t end.Every dream that I had has been lost in the wind..But Your words brought me back to the truth.Life begins and will end with You..So I""ll trust that my life will be safe in Your hands..As I stand in the eye of the storm,It""s Your love that keeps guiding me home.I am fearless.I am fearless..I felt the fear as I stood before the giant,3 stones trembling in my hand.And in the end not a whisper from the army,No one believing this was in Your plan..But Your words brought me back to the truth.Life begins and will end with You..As I stand in the eye of the storm,It""s Your love that keeps guiding me home.I am fearless.I am fearless..Through the dark, You""re my light and salvation,All within me, will trust in You, Lord.I am fearless.I am fearless..If You""re with me, who can be against me?I have no reason to fear... oh oh oh ohIf You""re with me, who can be against me?I know You""re keeping me near.If You""re with me, who can be against me?I have no reason to fear... oh oh oh ohIf You""re with me, who can be against me?I know You""re keeping me near..As I stand in the eye of the storm,It""s Your love that""s guiding me home.I am fearless.I am fearless..Through the dark, You""re my light and salvation,All within me, will trust in You, Lord.I am fearless.I am fearless..http://music.baidu.com/song/34576026


1. 英语高手请进:Fearless alone ,Because this world, there must be a 这个句子是想表达“不要害怕孤单,因为在这个世界上一定有一个人正努力走向你”吗?英文原句有语病喔。 如果非要分析原句的话,Fearless alone是用来做状语的,形容词或形容词短语可以用来做状语的。 像这个例子:Angry, Mr Green went out of the house。Angry的逻辑主语和后面主句的主语是一致的。 但是Fearless alone。这个句子fearless的逻辑主语是you,后面跟的却是there be主句。 原句修改为:Be fearless of loneliness, since in this world there must be a person struggling to reach you 。前半句Be。是祈使句,后半句用since接上了。这样似乎好一点。 2. 变形金刚4里面的5个句子 当你仰望星辰,请将其中一颗当成我的灵魂.【When you are looking at the stars, please put the brightest star night sky as my soul】---擎天柱 因为我们没有灵魂,所以我们无所畏惧!【Because we have no soul, so we be fearless!】---惊破天 我曾发誓不伤害人类,但是如果让我知道了谁是幕后主使,他必死无疑!【I swore not to hurt people, but if you let me know who is behind the scenes, he would die!】 3. 英语翻译:得不到的永远在骚动,被偏爱的都有恃无恐 得不到的永远在骚动,被偏爱的都有恃无恐。的中文: What you can"t get is always in turmoil, and those who are favored are fearless fearless 读法 英 ["fu026au0259lu0259s] 美 ["fu026arlu0259s] adj. 无畏的;大胆的;勇敢的 例句 1、Courage does not mean being fearless. 勇气并不是意味毫无畏惧。 2、They are fearless, and will readily attack humans. 它们是大胆勇敢的,而且随时会袭击人类。 短语 1、Being Fearless 无所畏惧 2、Fearless Synergy 协同无惧 3、fearless leader 唱片名 4、Fearless Warrior 无惧的战士 扩展资料 词义辨析 bold,brave,courageous,daring,heroic,fearless这些形容词均含有“勇敢的”之意。 1、bold侧重指面对困难或危险时勇往直前,勇于进取的勇敢精神。 2、brave含义广泛,指天生的勇敢,无所畏惧地面对困难与危险,侧重胆识与果断。 3、courageous正式用词,侧重指在一切情况下都有胆量,无所畏惧,强调基于道德信念,经深思熟虑后所产生的勇敢。 4、daring强调面临意外或危险时胆大心细,头脑冷静。褒义贬义均可用,贬义指胆大妄为。 5、heroic正式用词,多指在战争或重大危险时,为他人为事业忘我献身的英雄气概。 6、fearless语气肯定,侧重在危险时无所畏惧,毫无动摇。 词汇搭配 1、fearless pioneer 无所畏惧的开拓者 2、fearless interviewing 书名 3、Pretty Fearless 很无畏 4、Fearless Record 出版者 5、Fearless rookie 菜鸟无畏

求Colbie Caillat《Fearless》歌词中文翻译!

是方式您的If爱You一定非常学会是方式您的If说再见Than这是它怎么结束And我行是与它You从未看我哭泣Cause我哭泣So继续Go和伤我的心I将是好的There是您能对做我的没什么That埋葬我So继续Go和在街道留下我的爱 无所畏惧的I上午Better相信我是无所畏惧,无所畏惧的So ohh…If这是它怎么伤害It不能变得更坏If这是它怎么感觉下跌是方式它的Than是We与什么居住我们错过We学会修筑另一墙壁让秋天So继续Go和伤我的心I将是好的There是您能对做我的没什么That埋葬我So继续Go和在街道留下我的爱 无所畏惧的I上午Better相信我是无所畏惧,无所畏惧的So ohh…If它在爱和疏松之间And从未知道感觉I将支持充满爱And,如果我结果孤独至少我那里知道I相信爱Go,继续并且伤我的心I将是我是无所畏惧的okayBetter相信我是无所畏惧,无所畏惧的Go,继续并且伤我的心I将是好的您无能为力对我的That埋葬我So继续,继续And事假我的爱在街道无所畏惧的I上午Better相信我是无所畏惧的So ohh…So继续并且留下我的爱Go和留下我的爱(您知道它是爱) Go和留下我的爱(更好相信我是无所畏惧,无所畏惧的) 由yvonne的Lyrics从LK抒情诗编组


There"s something about the wayThe street looks when it"s just rainedThere"s a glow off the pavementYou walk me to the carAnd you know I want to ask you to dance right thereIn the middle of the parking lot, yeahWe"re driving down the roadI wonder if you knowI"m trying so hard not to get caught up nowBut you"re just so cool, run your hands through your hairAbsentmindedly makin" me want youAnd I don"t know how it gets better than thisYou take my hand and drag me headfirstFearlessAnd I don"t know why when with you I"d danceIn a storm in my best dressFearlessSo baby drive slow till we run out of roadIn this one-horse town, I wanna stay right hereIn this passenger seatYou put your eyes on meIn this moment nowCapture it, remember itAnd I don"t know how it gets better than thisYou take my hand and drag me headfirstFearlessAnd I don"t know why when with you I"d danceIn a storm in my best dressFearlessWell you stood there with me in the doorwayMy hands shake, I"m not usually this way butYou pull me in and I"m a little more braveIt"s a first kiss, it"s flawless, really somethingIt"s fearlessAnd I don"t know how it gets better than thisYou take my hand and drag me headfirstFearlessAnd I don"t know why when with you I"d danceIn a storm in my best dressFearlessAnd I don"t know how it gets better than thisYou take my hand and drag me headfirstFearlessAnd I don"t know why when with you I"d danceIn a storm in my best dressFearlessOh, oh中文译词:我们的路上,有很多景致小道看起来像刚被雨打湿人行道的条纹反着光,你和我走到车前但你知道么,我想请你和我跳一支舞,就在这里在这停车场的中心,我们沿着一个下坡路行驶,我想知道你是否有察觉我用尽全身力气地不想这么快被你迷惑住可是怎么办,你的一举一动都散发着魅力,你把手从发间穿过不经意的动作,却让我抵抗不了你没有什么事会让我觉得比这更美好了你拉着我的手,不回头地拽着我向前跑,我不怕冒险不知道是为什么,和你在一起我可以舞蹈穿着我最精致的裙子,哪怕是在暴风雨中,我不怕冒险宝贝请开的慢些,直到我们离开了大道我多么想停留在这个小小的城镇在这个地铁座位上,你用你的眼睛深深地望着我就是这个瞬间,抓住它,记住它因为没有什么事会让我觉得比这更美好了你拉着我的手,不回头地拽着我向前跑,我不怕冒险不知道是为什么,和你在一起我可以舞蹈穿着我最精致的裙子,哪怕是在暴风雨中,我不怕冒险你和我站在门廊上我的手在抖,我不是经常这样的但你把我拉进去, 我有点勇敢了你给了我第一个吻, 它是无暇的, 真的是无畏去爱~因为没有什么事会让我觉得比这更美好了你拉着我的手,不回头地拽着我向前跑, 我不怕冒险不知道是为什么,和你在一起我可以舞蹈穿着我最精致的裙子,哪怕是在暴风雨中. 我不怕冒险.因为没有什么事会让我觉得比这更美好了你拉着我的手,不回头地拽着我向前跑, 我不怕冒险不知道是为什么,和你在一起我可以舞蹈穿着我最精致的裙子,哪怕是在暴风雨中. 我不怕冒险.

Keri Hilson的《Fearless》 歌词

歌曲名:Fearless歌手:Keri Hilson专辑:No Boys AllowedKeri Hilson - FearlessI"m fearlessReady to followReady to love youI ain"t scaredNo fearNo i"m right hereYeah wanna love you babyGonna love you babyI ain"t going anywhereYeah I won"t runNo i"m all yoursYeah wanna love you love youGonna love you love youBoy you turn me aroundCos i"m one hell of a ladyNo i"m no longer afraidYeah i"m fearlessReady to followReady to love youI"m fearlessReady to followReady to love youI"m not scaredNo i"m right hereYeah when the clouds are comingAnd the rain is fallingI"ll stand right by your sideNo i"m not afraidNo i"m too braveYeah cos I love you love youYeah I love you I love youI"ma scream it all outCos i"m one hell of a ladyNo i"m no longer afraidYeah i"m fearlessReady to followReady to love youI"m fearlessReady to followReady to love youYou broke me openBoy you know you found thePieces of my heart pieces of my heart yeahI"m on top of a mountainThat"s how it feels babyI wanna fall like i"ve never been hurt beforeWoahI"m fearlessReady to followReady to love youI"m fearlessReady to followReady to love youDo you hear me babyI"m fearlessReady to followReady to love youI"m fearlessReady to followReady to love youyeahhhhhttp://music.baidu.com/song/52133296

Group 1 Crew的《Fearless》 歌词

歌曲名:Fearless歌手:Group 1 Crew专辑:fearlessGroup 1 Crew - Fearless.I""ve seen days where it seems like my nights won""t end.Every dream that I had has been lost in the wind..But Your words brought me back to the truth.Life begins and will end with You..So I""ll trust that my life will be safe in Your hands..As I stand in the eye of the storm,It""s Your love that keeps guiding me home.I am fearless.I am fearless..I felt the fear as I stood before the giant,3 stones trembling in my hand.And in the end not a whisper from the army,No one believing this was in Your plan..But Your words brought me back to the truth.Life begins and will end with You..As I stand in the eye of the storm,It""s Your love that keeps guiding me home.I am fearless.I am fearless..Through the dark, You""re my light and salvation,All within me, will trust in You, Lord.I am fearless.I am fearless..If You""re with me, who can be against me?I have no reason to fear... oh oh oh ohIf You""re with me, who can be against me?I know You""re keeping me near.If You""re with me, who can be against me?I have no reason to fear... oh oh oh ohIf You""re with me, who can be against me?I know You""re keeping me near..As I stand in the eye of the storm,It""s Your love that""s guiding me home.I am fearless.I am fearless..Through the dark, You""re my light and salvation,All within me, will trust in You, Lord.I am fearless.I am fearless..http://music.baidu.com/song/28271854


你要的是谁唱的fearless?Taylor swift?

Taylor Swift的《Fearless》中文歌词

There"s somethin" "bout the way, 我们的路上,有很多景致 The street looks when it"s just rained.小道看起来像刚被雨打湿. There"s a glow off the pavement, you walk me to the car. 人行道的条纹反着光, 你和我走到车前. And you know I wanna ask you to dance right there 但你知道么,我想请你和我跳一支舞,就在这里I the middle of the parking lot, yeah 在这停车场的中心, 哈. We"re drivin" down the road, I wonder if you know 我们沿着一个下坡路行驶, 我想知道你是否有察觉. I"m trying so hard not to get caught up now. 我用尽全身力气地不想这么快被你迷惑住. But you"re just so cool, run your hands through your hair. 可是怎么办, 你的一举一动都散发着魅力. 你把手从发间穿过, Absent-mindedly makin" me want you 不经意的动作,却让我抵抗不了你 And I don"t know how it gets better than this 没有什么事会让我觉得比这更美好了 You take my hand n drag me headfirst, fearless 你拉着我的手,不回头地拽着我向前跑, 我不怕冒险 And I don"t know why but with you I"d dance 不知道是为什么,和你在一起我可以舞蹈 In a storm in my best dress, fearless 穿着我最精致的裙子,哪怕是在暴风雨中. 我不怕冒险. So baby drive slow "til we run out of road 宝贝请开的慢些, 直到我们离开了大道. In this one horse town, I wanna stay right there 我多么想停留在这个小小的小镇. In this passenger seat, you put your eyes on me 在这个地铁座位上, 你用你的眼睛深深地望着我. In this moment now, capture it, remember it 就是这个瞬间, 抓住它, 记住它 "Cause I don"t know how it gets better than this 因为没有什么事会让我觉得比这更美好了 You take my hand n drag me headfirst, fearless 你拉着我的手,不回头地拽着我向前跑, 我不怕冒险 And I don"t know why but with you I"d dance 不知道是为什么,和你在一起我可以舞蹈 In a storm in my best dress, fearless 穿着我最精致的裙子,哪怕是在暴风雨中. 我不怕冒险. Well, you stood there with me in the doorway 那么, 你和我站在门廊上. My hands shake, I"m not usually this way 我的手在抖, 我不是经常这样的 But you pull me in and I"m little more brave 但你把我拉进去, 我有点勇敢了 It"s the first kiss, it"s flawless, really something. ...你给了我第一个吻, 它是无暇的, 真的是 It"s fearless. 无畏.

Fearless (Top Ten Edit) 歌词

歌曲名:Fearless (Top Ten Edit)歌手:Building 429专辑:Top TenTaylor Swift - Fearless 无所畏惧 (中英对照)By - Lavigkaye =]There"s somethin" "bout the way, 我们的路上,有很多景致The street looks when it"s just rained. 街道看起来像刚被雨淋湿.There"s a glow off the pavement, you walk me to the car. 街道的条纹反起著光, 你和我走到车前And you know I wanna ask you to dance right there 但你知道麼, 我想在这里请你和我跳一支舞In the middle of the parking lot, yeah 就在这停车场的中心, 哈Oh Yeah...We"re drivin" down the road, I wonder if you know 我们沿著一个下坡行驶, 我想知道你有否察觉.I"m trying so hard not to get caught up now. 我尽全力地不想这麼快被你吸引住.But you"re just so cool, run your hands through your hair. 可是怎样, 你的一举一动都散发著魅力, 你把手从头发穿过,Absent-mindedly makin" me want you 不已为意的动作, 却让我抵抗不了你.And I don"t know how it gets better than this 没有什麼事会让我觉得比这更美好了You take my hand and drag me headfirst, fearless 你拉著我的手, 无惧地和我向前跑, 这刻我无所畏惧And I don"t know why but with you I"d dance 不知道为什麼, 和你在一起我可以舞蹈In a storm in my best dress, fearless 穿著我最美丽的裙子, 哪怕是在暴风雨中, 这刻我无所畏惧So baby drive slow "til we run out of road 宝贝请开得慢点, 直到我们离开了马路In this one horse town, I wanna stay right there 我多想停留在这个小镇上In this passenger seat, you put your eyes on me 在这个座位上, 你用你的眼睛深深地望著我In this moment now, capture it, remember it 就是这个时刻, 抓住它, 记住它"Cause I don"t know how it gets better than this 因为没有什麼事会让我觉得比这更美好了You take my hand and drag me headfirst, fearless 你拉著我的手, 无惧地和我向前跑, 这刻我无所畏惧And I don"t know why but with you I"d dance 不知道是为什麼,和你在一起我可以舞蹈In a storm in my best dress, fearless 穿著我最美丽的裙子, 哪怕是在暴风雨中, 这刻我无所畏惧Oh OhWell, you stood there with me in the doorway 那麼你和我站在门廊上My hands shake, I"m not usually this way 我的手在抖, 这并不寻常的But you pull me in and I"m little more brave 但你把我拉进去, 我有点勇敢了It"s the first kiss, it"s flawless, really something. 你给了我第一个吻, 它是完美的, 真的是It"s fearless. 使我无所畏惧Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Yeah!"Cause I don"t know how it gets better than this 因为没有什麼事会让我觉得比这更美好了You take my hand n drag me headfirst, fearless 你拉著我的手, 无惧地和我向前跑, 这刻我无所畏惧And I don"t know why but with you I"d dance 不知道为什麼, 和你在一起我可以舞蹈In a storm in my best dress, fearless 穿著我最美丽的裙子, 哪怕是在暴风雨中, 这刻我无所畏惧"Cause I don"t know how it gets better than this 因为没有什麼事会让我觉得比这更美好了You take my hand and drag me headfirst, fearless 你拉著我的手, 无惧地和我向前跑, 这刻我无所畏惧And I don"t know why but with you I"d dance 不知道为什麼,和你在一起我可以舞蹈In a storm in my best dress, fearless 穿著我最美丽的裙子, 哪怕是在暴风雨中, 这刻我无所畏惧Oh Ohhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7656886


kane - fearlessit"s been a whilei thought i heard you saywe go a long way backand now it"s gone astrayso you left along the wayon the brightest dayand i say you"refearlessweighed down to the bonegot yourself togetheron your way back homeweightlessheavenly receivedyou don"t have to botheryou don"t have to stayfrom where we areo what a price to paysome say he clears the pathi hope he leads the way for youway for youi don"t knowcause all i knowyou left along the waywith the brightest dayand just along the waycame the lightest dayand i say you"reyou"re fearlessyou"re weighed down to the bonegot yourself togetheron you"re way back homeyou"re weightlessheavenly receivedyou don"t have to botheryou don"t have to stayoh, oh, ohyou"re fearlessweighed down to the bonegot yourself togetheron your way back homeand weightless,heavenly receivedyou don"t have to botheryou don"t have toyou"re fearlessyou"re weightlessend

Taylor Swift专辑Fearless共有几个版本?分别是?

《Fearless》《Fearless》Platinum Edition

类似Taylor Swift--------Fearless的歌

Fearless.(Platinum.Edition)01. “Jump Then Fall” 03:5702. “Untouchable” 05:1103. “Forever & Always” (Piano Version) 04:2704. “Come In With the Rain” 03:5805. “SuperStar” 04:2106. “The Other Side of the Door” 03:5707. “Fearless” 04:0108. “Fifteen” 04:5409. “Love Story” 03:5510. “Hey Stephen” 04:1411. “White Horse” 03:5412. “You Belong with Me” 03:5113. “Breathe” 04:2314. “Tell Me Why” 03:2015. “You"re Not Sorry” 04:2216. “The Way I Loved You” 04:0417. “Forever & Always” 03:4518. “The Best Day” 04:0519. “Change” 04:40

taylor swift的专辑《fearless》白金版里面的六首新歌

哈哈 喜欢ts的是好孩子。

泰勒的五专(Taylor Swift,Fearless,Speak Now Red,1989)的打


请问,not afraid和fearless有什么区别,什么情况下怎么用?

不害怕 和不公平


美国上市首周,《Fearless》共售出了大约59万2千张,轻松在当周的Billboard 200专辑榜和Top乡村专辑榜中折桂。这张专辑不仅在上周的全美唱片市场上称王,还成为了过去一年当中美国唱片市场上单周销量最大的乡村专辑,仅次于去年11月由老鹰乐队(The Eagles)的回归之作《Long Road Out of Eden》创下了的一周71万1千张的销量纪录 。Billboard top 100走势*9*-38-79-98-out-95-out-99-97-out-94-87-77-77-76-76-78-84(15 Weeks)peak9


初次翻译歌词,肯定错误百出……见谅……如果有错误,点出……If that"s the way you love 如果那是你爱的方式You"ve got to learn so much 你要学的东西还有很多If that"s the way you say goodbye 如果那是你告别的方式Than this is how it ends 那么它就是这样结束的And I"m alright with it 而我和它没有关系You"re never gonna see me cry 你永远不会看见我的眼泪Cause I"ve cried 因为我的泪已经流干了So go on 继续吧Go on and break my heart 继续让我心碎I"ll be okay 我会好好的There"s nothing you can do to me 你影响不了我That"s ever gonna bury me 只会将我埋葬(这句翻译的肯定不对!)So go on 继续吧Go on and leave my love out on the street 继续把我的爱丢在一旁I"m fearless 我不怕Better believe I"m fearless, fearless 我坚信我不怕,不怕So ohh.If this is how it hurts 如果伤痛只有这种程度It couldn"t get much worse 那么它可以再猛烈些If this is how it feels to fall 如果这就是坠落的感觉Than that"s the way it is 那么也不过如此We live with what we miss 我们忍受着不去想念We learn to build another wall to let fall 我们学着放下So go on 继续吧Go on and break my heart 继续让我心碎I"ll be okay 我会好好的There"s nothing you can do to me 你影响不了我That"s ever gonna bury me 只会将我埋葬So go on 继续吧Go on and leave my love out on the street 继续把我的爱丢在一旁 I"m fearless 我不怕Better believe I"m fearless, fearless 我坚信我不怕,不怕So ohh.If it"s between love and loosing 如果不是经历了爱与失去的感觉And to never have known the feelingI"d still side with love 我会依然赞同爱情And if I end up lonely 即使以孤单告终At least I will be there knowing 至少我会依然相信爱情I believe in loveGo on, go on and break my heart 继续,继续让我心碎I"ll be okay I"m fearless 我会好好的,我不怕Better believe I"m fearless, fearless 我坚信我不怕,不怕Go on, go on and break my heart 继续让我心碎I"ll be okay there"s nothing you can do to me 我会好好的,你影响不了我That"s ever gonna bury me 只会将我埋葬So go on, go on 继续吧,继续And leave my love out on the street 把我的爱丢在一旁I"m fearless 我不怕Better believe I"m fearless 我坚信我不怕So ohh.对吗……求赞……

求Colbie Caillat《Fearless》歌词中文翻译!

If that"s the way you love如果这是你付出爱的方法You"ve got to learn so much那麼 你还有好多要学的If that"s the way you say goodbye如过这是你道别的方式Then this is how it ends那麼 就这样结束吧And I"m alright with it我无所谓You"re never gonna see me cry你绝不会看到我掉一滴泪Cause I"ve cried因为我的泪早已流尽*So go on所以 去吧Go on and break my heart尽管去撕裂我的心吧I"ll be okay我会没事的There"s nothing you can do to me你没办法再伤害我了That"s ever gonna bury me这不会让我一厥不振的So go on去吧Go on and leave my love out on the street尽管去把我的爱丢在一边吧I"m fearless我已经什麼都不怕了Better believe I"m fearless, fearless最好相信我什麼都不怕 什麼都不怕了So ohh...所以 喔*If this is how it hurts如果这是伤害我的方式It couldn"t get much worse再糟 也不过如此了吧If this is how it feels to fall如果跌落谷底是这样的感觉Then that"s the way it is那麼 就这样吧We live with what we miss我们跟那些我们错过的事情 共同生存著We learn to build another wall to let fall我们学著筑一道墙 好让它倒下重覆*If it"s between love and losing如果在去爱跟失去And to never have known the feeling以及不知道爱是什麼感觉 之间I"d still side with love我还是会选择 去爱And if I end up lonely如果最后 我变成孤单一人At least I will be there knowing至少 我知道I believe in love我是相信 爱的重覆*So go on and leave my love所以 去吧 离开我的爱吧Go on and leave my love去吧 离开我的爱吧(You know it was nothing but love)你知道 不过就是爱罢了Go on and leave my love去吧 离开我的爱吧(Better believe I"m fearless, fearless)最好相信我什麼都不怕 什麼都不怕了

fearless bryan adams中文歌词

Artist: Bryan Adams专辑《On a Day Like Today》下面歌词It"s 3 amAnd I"m lying here next to youWhat cha gonna doWill you tell a storyWhen he asks you where the hell you"ve beenor will you tell the truthI ain"t holdin ^ backI know where I standI just want to be with youYa gotta face the factBaby I"m your manI"ve gotta get it through to youI"m fearlessYou don"t have to hideYou don"t have to share half your lifewith some other guyBaby we"re so strongAnd I^"s been goin gon so longIt"s time to make it rightWant you to spend the nightI ain"t holdin ^ backI know where I standI just want to be with youYa gotta face the factBaby I"m your manI"ve gotta get it through to youI"m fearlessI"m fearlessI just wannaYeahI just wannaBe with youI ain"t holdin ^ backI know where I standI just want to be with youYa gotta face the factBaby I"m your manI"ve gotta get it through to youI"m fearless (I ain"t holdin ^ back)I know where I standI just want to be with youYa gotta face the factBaby I"m your manI"ve gotta get it through to youI"m fearlessI just want to be with youI"ve gotta get it through to youI"m fearless:: Evchenic.S+udio ::凌晨3点我躺在你的身边接下来做什么呢当我问你究竟到过什么地方的时候你会说谎还是你会告诉我真相我再也不愿退缩我知道我的处境我只是想跟你在一起请正视这个事实我就是你要找的人为了跟你在一起我会克服一切困难我无所畏惧你不必躲躲藏藏了你也没必要让其他人跟你过你下半生我们足够坚强我已经独自生活了这么长时间是时候让我的生活走上正轨了想跟你共度以后的每一个良宵我知道我的处境我只是想跟你在一起请正视这个事实我就是你要找的人为了跟你在一起我会克服一切困难我无所畏惧




获奖日期评选机构奖项获奖作品备注专辑 2009年04月05日第44届乡村音乐学院奖年度最佳专辑 《Fearless》 获奖 2009年08月10日第11届青少年选择奖最佳女歌手专辑 获奖 2009年11月11日第43届乡村音乐协会奖年度最佳专辑获奖 2009年11月22日 第37届全美音乐奖 最受欢迎乡村专辑获奖 最佳流行摇滚专辑提名 2010年01月31日 第52届格莱美奖 年度最佳专辑获奖 最佳乡村专辑 2010年08月09日第12届青少年选择奖最佳乡村专辑获奖 单曲 2009年01月07日第35届人民选择奖最受欢迎乡村歌曲《Love Story》 提名 2009年04月05日第44届乡村音乐学院奖年度最佳视频提名 2009年06月17日 2009年乡村音乐电视奖 年度最佳视频获奖 最佳女性视频2009年08月10日第11届青少年选择奖最佳爱情歌曲 提名 2009年09月13日MTV音乐录影带大奖最佳女性视频《You Belong With Me》获奖 2009年11月10日第57届BMI乡村音乐奖 年度乡村歌曲《Love Story》 获奖 2009年11月11日第43届乡村音乐协会奖年度最佳视频获奖 2010年01月31日第52届格莱美奖最佳乡乐女声《White Horse》获奖 最佳乡村歌曲最佳流行合作《Breathe》提名 2010年01月31日 第52届格莱美奖 年度最佳歌曲《You Belong With Me》 提名 年度最佳录制最佳流行女声2010年03月27日第23届儿童选择奖最受欢迎歌曲获奖 2010年04月18日 第45届乡村音乐学院奖 年度最佳歌曲提名 年度最佳视频 2010年06月09日 2010年乡村音乐电视奖 年度最佳视频 提名 最佳女性视频2010年08月04日MTV音乐录影带大奖最佳女性视频 《Fifteen》提名 2010年08月09日第12届青少年选择奖最佳乡村单曲《Fifteen》获奖 据统计,《Fearless》是全球获奖最多的乡村音乐专辑。

Fearless (Remix) (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Fearless (Remix) (Album Version)歌手:Wank专辑:Get A Grip On YourselfTaylor Swift - FearlessThere"s somethin" "bout the wayThe street looks when it"s just rainedThere"s a glow off the pavementWalk me to the carAnd you know I wanna ask you to dance right thereIn the middle of the parking lotYeahWe"re drivin" down the roadI wonder if you knowI"m tryin" so hard not to get caught up nowBut you"re just so coolRun your hands through your hairAbsent mindedly makin" me want youAnd I don"t know how it gets better than thisYou take my hand and drag me head firstFearlessAnd I don"t know why when with you I danceIn a storm in my best dressFearlessSo baby drive slow‘Til we run out of road in this one horse townI wanna stay right here in this passenger"s seatYou put your eyes on meIn this moment now capture every memoryAnd I don"t know how it gets better than thisYou take my hand and drag me head firstFearlessAnd I don"t know why but with you I"d danceIn a storm in my best dressFearlessWell you stood there with me in the doorwaymy hands shakeI"m not usually this way butYou pull me in and I"m a little more braveIt"s the first kiss, it"s falwless, really somethin"It"s fearless.Cause I don"t know how it gets better than thisYou take my hand and drag me head firstFearlessAnd I don"t know why but with you I"d danceIn a storm in my best dressFearlessCause I don"t know how it gets better than thisYou take my hand and drag me head firstFearlessAnd I don"t know why but with you I"d danceIn a storm in my best dressFearlesshttp://music.baidu.com/song/7892957

关于Taylor Swift的Fearless的信的翻译


Fearless (It Takes A Full Moon) 歌词

歌曲名:Fearless (It Takes A Full Moon)歌手:The Associates专辑:Fourth Drawer DownTaylor Swift - FearlessThere"s somethin" "bout the wayThe street looks when it"s just rainedThere"s a glow off the pavementWalk me to the carAnd you know I wanna ask you to dance right thereIn the middle of the parking lotYeahWe"re drivin" down the roadI wonder if you knowI"m tryin" so hard not to get caught up nowBut you"re just so coolRun your hands through your hairAbsent mindedly makin" me want youAnd I don"t know how it gets better than thisYou take my hand and drag me head firstFearlessAnd I don"t know why when with you I danceIn a storm in my best dressFearlessSo baby drive slow‘Til we run out of road in this one horse townI wanna stay right here in this passenger"s seatYou put your eyes on meIn this moment now capture every memoryAnd I don"t know how it gets better than thisYou take my hand and drag me head firstFearlessAnd I don"t know why but with you I"d danceIn a storm in my best dressFearlessWell you stood there with me in the doorwaymy hands shakeI"m not usually this way butYou pull me in and I"m a little more braveIt"s the first kiss, it"s falwless, really somethin"It"s fearless.Cause I don"t know how it gets better than thisYou take my hand and drag me head firstFearlessAnd I don"t know why but with you I"d danceIn a storm in my best dressFearlessCause I don"t know how it gets better than thisYou take my hand and drag me head firstFearlessAnd I don"t know why but with you I"d danceIn a storm in my best dressFearlesshttp://music.baidu.com/song/8198737

DC Talk的《Fearless》 歌词

歌曲名:Fearless歌手:DC Talk专辑:SupernaturalTaylor Swift - FearlessThere"s somethin" "bout the wayThe street looks when it"s just rainedThere"s a glow off the pavementWalk me to the carAnd you know I wanna ask you to dance right thereIn the middle of the parking lotYeahWe"re drivin" down the roadI wonder if you knowI"m tryin" so hard not to get caught up nowBut you"re just so coolRun your hands through your hairAbsent mindedly makin" me want youAnd I don"t know how it gets better than thisYou take my hand and drag me head firstFearlessAnd I don"t know why when with you I danceIn a storm in my best dressFearlessSo baby drive slow‘Til we run out of road in this one horse townI wanna stay right here in this passenger"s seatYou put your eyes on meIn this moment now capture every memoryAnd I don"t know how it gets better than thisYou take my hand and drag me head firstFearlessAnd I don"t know why but with you I"d danceIn a storm in my best dressFearlessWell you stood there with me in the doorwaymy hands shakeI"m not usually this way butYou pull me in and I"m a little more braveIt"s the first kiss, it"s falwless, really somethin"It"s fearless.Cause I don"t know how it gets better than thisYou take my hand and drag me head firstFearlessAnd I don"t know why but with you I"d danceIn a storm in my best dressFearlessCause I don"t know how it gets better than thisYou take my hand and drag me head firstFearlessAnd I don"t know why but with you I"d danceIn a storm in my best dressFearlesshttp://music.baidu.com/song/2564122


Fearless是Taylor第二张录音室专辑Fearless里的同名歌词,亦是专辑里的第5首&最后一首单曲,于2010年1月4日发布。Taylor是在她宣传同名专辑Taylor Swift的巡演期间(就是在很多乡村音乐歌手的演唱会上做开场嘉宾那段时间)创作的Fearless,写的是一次完美的初次约会。表现的是对坠入爱河的那种无所畏惧的感觉,并最终以这首歌命名整张专辑。在完成这首歌的创作到制作完整张专辑后,Fearless对Taylor来说还有更多的意义。她说:Fearless不是意味着你无所畏惧,没有任何东西可以伤害到你,而是意味着,你有着很多令你畏惧的东西,但你战胜了它。


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