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求中二病也要谈恋爱的Sparkling Daydream,完全版


sparkling daydream的乐谱


中二病也要谈恋爱主题曲Sparkling Daydream第3分06秒-3分23秒旋律感觉很熟悉,求类似的歌曲。

Sparkling Daydream「中二病也要谈恋爱!」OP作词:ZAQ/作曲/编曲:ZAQ歌:ZAQLet"s look for sparkling daydream...しばらく见つめ合ってから〖与你在片刻间 双目对视〗逸らすまでに なにを考えてたの?…気になる〖在移目以前 你在想着什么呢?…非常在意〗唇尖らせた私をみて「どうしたの?」って〖当看到撅着嘴的我之时「怎么了吗?」〗闻いてくるの待ってみるの〖你会问我又或是不发一言〗误魔化したあとの独り言は〖蒙混过去以后的自言自语〗耻ずかしいから闻かないでくれる?〖实在是太令人害羞能不要听吗?〗後に引けないほど惹かれ合う恋〖已经没有后路相互吸引的恋爱〗もう始まってた〖不觉已经开始〗梦ならたくさんみた〖已经看过无数的梦境〗醒めたままでもまだ会いたい〖当梦醒之时仍想再沉醉其中〗君がそうさせた 恋は欲张りだね〖这都是你害的 恋爱本性就是贪婪〗飞び跳ねそうな心の ゆくままにゆこうよ〖仿佛已经蹦出的内心 就这样子跳下去吧〗理想も妄想も现実も〖无论是理想妄想与现实〗全て君を轴に廻る〖一切都绕你旋转〗新しい世界へ〖步向崭新的世界〗Love"s got me looking so crazy...偶然 闻こえた谁かの声が〖偶然间 听到的谁的声音〗もう一度闻こえたとき 必然を信じた〖当再一次听到之时 已经坚信是必然〗そんな时 言叶に意味はなくて〖当那之时 话语已毫无意义〗体が动く 君を探して〖催动身体 追寻起你〗痛み ねじ伏せるように现実逃避〖仿佛要扭住痛楚般逃避现实〗でもそこにも君が现れて〖但是那里出现了你〗臆病な私すら 抱きしめてくれた 虹がかかる朝〖连胆小的我 都轻轻抱于怀中 彩虹挂上清晨〗绮丽な空见上げて〖抬头仰望美丽天空〗君と翔ける梦见るの〖曾梦见与你一同飞翔〗明日もそうだよ 恋は终わらない〖明天也这样子 因为恋爱永不终结〗同じ星に生まれた〖诞生在同一之地〗こんなチャンス 他にない〖这样的机会 不存在别处〗运命と宿命が巡る〖向着围绕在命运〗魔法にかけられるような 辉く奇迹へ〖与宿命 仿佛施予魔法般 璀璨的奇迹〗理想と妄想と现実は〖理想与妄想与现实〗违うようで同じなんだ〖仿佛不同但实质一样〗形には出来ないけれど〖虽然无法描绘其形态〗どれも大切と悟るの〖却觉察到全部都贵重〗瞳が夜 忘れない〖眼中 忘不了那夜晚〗梦ならたくさんみた〖已经看过无数的梦境〗醒めたままでもまだ会いたい〖当梦醒之时仍想再沉醉其中〗君がそうさせた 恋は欲张りだね〖这都是你害的 恋爱本性就是贪婪〗飞び跳ねそうな心の ゆくままにゆこうよ〖仿佛已经蹦出的内心 就这样子跳下去吧〗理想も妄想も现実も〖无论是理想妄想与现实〗全て君を轴に廻る〖一切都绕你旋转〗新しい世界へ〖步向崭新的世界〗

中二病也要谈恋爱Op Sparkling Daydream的罗马音!~急求!

啥东东 ..

Sparkling Daydream (TV size) 歌词

歌曲名:Sparkling Daydream (TV size)歌手:ZAQ专辑:Sound of a small love & chu-2 byo storySparkling DaydreamZAQ作∶ZAQ作曲∶ZAQアニメ「中二病でも恋がしたい」OPテマLet"s look for sparkling daydream...しばらくつめ合ってから 逸らすまでになにを考えていたの?…になる唇尖らせた私をみて「どうしたの?」っていてくるの待ってみるの魔化したあとの独り言はずかしいからかないでくれる?後に引けないほど惹かれ合う恋もう始まってたならたくさんみた醒めたままでもまだ会いたい君がそうさせた 恋は欲りだねび跳ねそうな心のゆくままにゆこうよ理想も妄想もも全て君をにる新しい世界へLove"s got me looking so crazy…偶然 こえたかの声がもう一度こえたとき 必然を信じたそんな 言に意味はなくて体がく 君を探して痛み ねじ伏せるように逃避でもそこにも君がれて臆病な私すら 抱きしめてくれた虹がかかる朝な空上げて君と翔けるるの明日もそうだよ 恋はわらない同じ星に生まれたこんなチャンス 他にない命と宿命が巡る魔法にかけられるような く奇へ理想と妄想とはうようで同じなんだ形には出来ないけれどどれも大切と悟るの瞳が夜 忘れないならたくさんみた醒めたままでもまだ会いたい君がそうさせた 恋は欲りだねび跳ねそうな心の ゆくままにゆこうよ理想も妄想もも全て君をにる新しい世界へhttp://music.baidu.com/song/55614896

Sparkling Daydream的分时歌词

日文歌词Let"s look for sparkling daydream...しばらく见つめ合ってから逸らすまでに なにを考えてたの?…気になる唇尖らせた私をみて「どうしたの?」って闻いてくるの待ってみるの误魔化したあとの独り言は耻ずかしいから闻かないでくれる?後に引けないほど惹かれ合う恋 もう始まってた梦ならたくさんみた醒めたままでもまだ会いたい君がそうさせた 恋は欲张りだね飞び跳ねそうな心の ゆくままにゆこうよ理想も妄想も现実も全て君を轴に廻る新しい世界へLove"s got me looking so crazy...偶然 闻こえた谁かの声がもう一度闻こえたとき 必然を信じたそんな时 言叶に意味はなくて体が动く 君を探して痛み ねじ伏せるように现実逃避でもそこにも君が现れて臆病な私すら 抱きしめてくれた 虹がかかる朝绮丽な空见上げて君と翔ける梦见るの明日もそうだよ 恋は终わらない同じ星に生まれたこんなチャンス 他にない运命と宿命が巡る魔法にかけられるような 辉く奇迹へ理想と妄想と现実は违うようで同じなんだ形には出来ないけれどどれも大切と悟るの瞳が夜 忘れない梦ならたくさんみた醒めたままでもまだ会いたい君がそうさせた 恋は欲张りだね飞び跳ねそうな心の ゆくままにゆこうよ理想も妄想も现実も全て君を轴に廻る新しい世界へ中文歌词Let"s look for sparkling daydream...与你在片刻间 双目对视在移目以前 你在想着什么呢?…非常在意当看到撅着嘴的我之时「怎么了吗?」你会问我又或是不发一言蒙混过去以后的自言自语实在是太令人害羞 能不要听吗?已经没有后路相互吸引的恋爱不觉已经开始已经看过无数的梦境当梦醒之时仍想再沉醉其中这都是你害的 恋爱本性就是贪婪仿佛已经蹦出的内心 就这样子跳下去吧无论是理想妄想与现实一切都绕你旋转步向崭新的世界Love"s got me looking so crazy...偶然间 听到的谁的声音当再一次听到之时 已经坚信是必然当那之时 话语已毫无意义催动身体 追寻起你仿佛要扭住痛楚般逃避现实但是那里出现了你连胆小的我 都轻轻抱于怀中 彩虹挂上清晨抬头仰望美丽天空曾梦见与你一同飞翔明天也这样子 因为恋爱永不终结诞生在同一之地这样的机会 不存在别处向着围绕在命运与宿命 仿佛施予魔法般 璀璨的奇迹理想与妄想与现实仿佛不同但实质一样虽然无法描绘其形态却觉察到全部都贵重眼中 忘不了那夜晚已经看过无数的梦境当梦醒之时仍想再沉醉其中这都是你害的 恋爱本性就是贪婪仿佛已经蹦出的内心 就这样子跳下去吧无论是理想妄想与现实一切都绕你旋转步向崭新的世界

求中二病也要谈恋爱 sparkling daydream 片假名 歌词


求‘中二病也要谈恋爱’中的歌曲‘Sparkling Daydream’的歌词!

ZAQ:Sparkling Daydream 歌词 中二病でも恋がしたい! OP歌词/日语Let"s look for sparkling daydream...しばらく见つめ合ってから逸らすまでに なにを考えてたの?…気になる唇尖らせた私をみて「どうしたの?」って闻いてくるの待ってみるの误魔化したあとの独り言は耻ずかしいから闻かないでくれる?後に引けないほど惹かれ合う恋 もう始まってた梦ならたくさんみた醒めたままでもまだ会いたい君がそうさせた 恋は欲张りだね飞び跳ねそうな心の ゆくままにゆこうよ理想も妄想も现実も全て君を轴に廻る新しい世界へLove"s got me looking so crazy...偶然 闻こえた谁かの声がもう一度闻こえたとき 必然を信じたそんな时 言叶に意味はなくて体が动く 君を探して痛み ねじ伏せるように现実逃避でもそこにも君が现れて臆病な私すら 抱きしめてくれた 虹がかかる朝绮丽な空见上げて君と翔ける梦见るの明日もそうだよ 恋は终わらない同じ星に生まれたこんなチャンス 他にない运命と宿命が巡る魔法にかけられるような 辉く奇迹へ理想と妄想と现実は违うようで同じなんだ形には出来ないけれどどれも大切と悟るの瞳が夜 忘れない梦ならたくさんみた醒めたままでもまだ会いたい君がそうさせた 恋は欲张りだね飞び跳ねそうな心の ゆくままにゆこうよ理想も妄想も现実も全て君を轴に廻る新しい世界へ

求 sparkling daydream 中二病也要谈恋爱第一季的歌曲,歌词(日语。中文,罗马音)


中二病也要谈恋爱 sparkling daydream 中文音译

Let"s look for sparkling daydream...しばらく见つめ合ってからshibaraku mitsu me atte kara逸らすまでに なにを考えてたの?…気になるsora sumadeni naniwo kangae tetano ? ... kini naru唇尖らせた私をみて「どうしたの?」ってkuchibiru togara seta watashi womite ( doushitano ? ) tte闻いてくるの待ってみるのkii tekuruno matte miruno误魔化したあとの独り言はgomakashi taatono hitorigoto ha耻ずかしいから闻かないでくれる?hazukashi ikara kika naidekureru ?后に引けないほど惹かれ合う恋 もう始まってたnochini hike naihodo hika re au koi mou hajima tteta梦ならたくさんみたyume naratakusanmita醒めたままでもまだ会いたいsame tamamademomada ai tai君がそうさせた 恋は欲张りだねkun gasousaseta koha yokubari dane飞び跳ねそうな心の ゆくままにゆこうよtobi hane souna kokoro no yukumamaniyukouyo理想も妄想も现実もrisou mo mousou mo genjitsu mo全て君を轴に廻るsubete kun wo jiku ni mawaru新しい世界へatarashi i sekai heLove"s got me looking so crazy...偶然 闻こえた谁かの声がguuzen kiko eta dareka no koe gaもう一度闻こえたとき 必然を信じたmou ichido kiko etatoki hitsuzen wo shinji taそんな时 言叶に意味はなくてsonna toki kotoba ni imi hanakute体が动く 君を探してkarada ga ugoku kun wo sagashi te痛み ねじ伏せるように现実逃避itami neji fuse ruyouni genjitsutouhiでもそこにも君が现れてdemosokonimo kun ga araware te臆病な私すら 抱きしめてくれた 虹がかかる朝okubyou na watashi sura daki shimetekureta niji gakakaru asa绮丽な空见上げてbou ho?haka?uose myou i,ni君と翔ける梦见るのkun to kake ru yumemi runo明日もそうだよ 恋は终わらないashita mosoudayo koha owa ranai同じ星に生まれたonaji hoshi ni umare taこんなチャンス 他にないkonna chansu hokani nai运命と宿命が巡るunmei to shukumei ga meguru魔法にかけられるような 辉く奇迹へmahou nikakerareruyouna kagayaku kiseki he理想と妄想と现実はrisou to mousou to genjitsu ha违うようで同じなんだchigau youde onaji nanda形には出来ないけれどkatachi niha dekina ikeredoどれも大切と悟るのdoremo taisetsu to satoru no瞳が夜 忘れないhitomi ga yoru wasure nai梦ならたくさんみたyume naratakusanmita醒めたままでもまだ会いたいsame tamamademomada ai tai君がそうさせた 恋は欲张りだねkun gasousaseta koha yokubari dane飞び跳ねそうな心の ゆくままにゆこうよtobi hane souna kokoro no yukumamaniyukouyo理想も妄想も现実もrisou mo mousou mo genjitsu mo全て君を轴に廻るsubete kun wo jiku ni mawaru新しい世界へatarashi i sekai he

Sparkling Daydream (off vocal) 歌词

歌曲名:Sparkling Daydream (off vocal)歌手:ZAQ专辑:Sparkling DaydreamSparkling DaydreamZAQ作∶ZAQ作曲∶ZAQアニメ「中二病でも恋がしたい」OPテマLet"s look for sparkling daydream...しばらくつめ合ってから 逸らすまでになにを考えていたの?…になる唇尖らせた私をみて「どうしたの?」っていてくるの待ってみるの魔化したあとの独り言はずかしいからかないでくれる?後に引けないほど惹かれ合う恋もう始まってたならたくさんみた醒めたままでもまだ会いたい君がそうさせた 恋は欲りだねび跳ねそうな心のゆくままにゆこうよ理想も妄想もも全て君をにる新しい世界へLove"s got me looking so crazy…偶然 こえたかの声がもう一度こえたとき 必然を信じたそんな 言に意味はなくて体がく 君を探して痛み ねじ伏せるように逃避でもそこにも君がれて臆病な私すら 抱きしめてくれた虹がかかる朝な空上げて君と翔けるるの明日もそうだよ 恋はわらない同じ星に生まれたこんなチャンス 他にない命と宿命が巡る魔法にかけられるような く奇へ理想と妄想とはうようで同じなんだ形には出来ないけれどどれも大切と悟るの瞳が夜 忘れないならたくさんみた醒めたままでもまだ会いたい君がそうさせた 恋は欲りだねび跳ねそうな心の ゆくままにゆこうよ理想も妄想もも全て君をにる新しい世界へhttp://music.baidu.com/song/53563408

Sparkling Daydream中文版lrc歌词

Sparkling Daydream「中二病也要谈恋爱!」OP作词:ZAQ/作曲/编曲:ZAQ歌:ZAQLet"s look for sparkling daydream...与你在片刻间 双目对视在移目以前 你在想着什么呢?…非常在意当看到撅着嘴的我之时「怎么了吗?」你会问我又或是不发一言蒙混过去以后的自言自语实在是太令人害羞能不要听吗?已经没有后路相互吸引的恋爱不觉已经开始已经看过无数的梦境当梦醒之时仍想再沉醉其中这都是你害的 恋爱本性就是贪婪仿佛已经蹦出的内心 就这样子跳下去吧无论是理想妄想与现实一切都绕你旋转步向崭新的世界Love"s got me looking so crazy...偶然间 听到的谁的声音当再一次听到之时 已经坚信是必然当那之时 话语已毫无意义催动身体 追寻起你仿佛要扭住痛楚般逃避现实但是那里出现了你连胆小的我 都轻轻抱于怀中 彩虹挂上清晨抬头仰望美丽天空曾梦见与你一同飞翔明天也这样子 因为恋爱永不终结诞生在同一之地这样的机会 不存在别处向着围绕在命运与宿命 仿佛施予魔法般 璀璨的奇迹理想与妄想与现实仿佛不同但实质一样虽然无法描绘其形态却觉察到全部都贵重眼中 忘不了那夜晚已经看过无数的梦境当梦醒之时仍想再沉醉其中这都是你害的 恋爱本性就是贪婪仿佛已经蹦出的内心 就这样子跳下去吧无论是理想妄想与现实一切都绕你旋转步向崭新的世界望采纳√

Carrie Underwood Just A Dream 中文歌词

It was two weeks after the day she turned eighteen 这是她十八周岁后的第二周All dressed in white 一身洁白Going to the church that night 那一晚她走进教堂She had his box of letters in the passenger seat 手持他的信盒坐在陌生人的座位上Sixpence in a shoe, 只剩鞋中的六个便士something barrowed, something blue 过往已葬,忧郁落定And when the church doors opened up wide当教堂的大门豁然开朗 She put her veil down 她用落下的面纱Trying to hide the tears 遮盖了心中的泪滴Oh she just couldn"t believe it 哦,她只是不能相信She heard trumpets from the military band 她听到军乐队中的乐声And the flowers that I never had 还有我从未见过的花Baby why"d you leave me 亲爱的,为什么你要离开我Why"d you have to go? 为什么你要远去?I was counting on forever, now I"ll never know 我一直在倒数你的回归,但现在,永远也找不到答案I can"t even breathe 我甚至不能呼吸It"s like I"m looking from a distance Standing in the background 就像站在广场上遥望Everybody"s saying, he"s not coming home now 每个人都说,现在他不会回来了This can"t be happening to me 但这不能发生在我的身上This is just a dream 这只是个梦The preacher man said let us bow our heads and pray 牧师让我们低下头祈祷Lord please lift his soul, 让上帝使他的灵魂安息and heal this hurt 治愈他心灵的痛Then the congregation all stood up and sang 大家一齐站起,the saddest song that she ever heard 唱起她听过最悲伤的歌Then they handed her a folded up flag 然后他们递给她一张叠好的旗子And she held on to all she had left of him 她紧紧的握住他给她留下的一切Oh, and what could have been 哦,发生了什么And then the guards rang one last shot警报在最后一声枪响后响起 And it felt like a bullet in her heart 就像射入她心中的子弹Baby why"d you leave me 亲爱的,为什么你要离开我Why"d you have to go? 为什么你要远去?I was counting on forever, now I"ll never know 我一直在倒数你的回归,但现在,永远也找不到答案I can"t even breathe 我甚至不能呼吸It"s like I"m looking from a distance Standing in the background 就像站在广场上遥望Everybody"s saying, he"s not coming home now 每个人都说,现在他不会回来了This can"t be happening to me 但这不能发生在我的身上This is just a dream 这只是个梦Baby why"d you leave me 亲爱的,为什么你要离开我Why"d you have to go? 为什么你要远去?I was counting on forever, now I"ll never know 我一直在倒数你的回归,但现在,永远也找不到答案I can"t even breathe 我甚至不能呼吸It"s like I"m looking from a distance Standing in the background 就像站在广场上遥望Everybody"s saying, he"s not coming home now 每个人都说,现在他不会回来了This can"t be happening to me 但这不能发生在我的身上This is just a dream 这只是个梦Oh, this is just a dream 哦,这只是个梦Just a dream 只是个梦Yeah, Yeah

fulfill the dream 歌词

歌曲名:fulfill the dream歌手:minus the bear专辑:menos el osoi saw her with another man walkin downtownshe"s not mine and she"ll never be by my side walkin downtowni"ve only met her once beforeshe was alone in a back bootha drink and a cigarettesmoking like she was waiting for someoneme stealing glances as she stole my breaththe next one"s on memay i take this seatthe rest of the bar reciedeswe talked on traveling back roads overseas"Girl, a change sounds good to me"she said,"who can find that kind of time?"i"d only met her once beforeshe was alone in a back bootha drink and a cigarettedrinking like she was waiting for someoneme stealing glances as she stole my breaththe next one"s on meand after it"s donethe sun comes up and she"s goneafter it"s doneyou just move ona night can show what"s made plain by the suni"d only met her once beforeshe was alone in a back bootha drink and a cigarettesmoking like she was waiting for someoneme stealing glances as she stole my breathhttp://music.baidu.com/song/14222072




Resident Evil。游戏开放商卡普空(Capcom)在过去的命名习惯是英文名+日文名一起,例如Resident Evil 2 / BIOHAZARD RE:现在全部统一为Resident Evil+XXXX。简介而且只有单词的首字母大写。不过,有两个例外,分别是《生化危机7》的命名Resident Evil 7 Biohazard,以及《生化危机:抵抗》的命名RESIDENT EVIL RESISTANCE。《生化危机:抵抗》是这个系列的最新作,它是以生化危机系列世界观构建的逃生游戏。在这场1对4的非对称求生对战中,保护伞公司研究员和年轻逃生者之间将展开各种智商较量和殊死搏斗。

我想知道这首诗的出处,I Had a Dream    One night I had a dream  I was w?

Footprints In The Sand,7,我想知道这首诗的出处, I Had a Dream     One night I had a dream   I was walking along the beach with my Lord   Across the sky flashed scenes from my life.   For each scene I noticed two sets   of footprints in the sand,   one belonging to me   and the other to my Lord.   When the last scene of my life shot before me   I looked back at the footprints in the sand.   There was only on set of footprints.   I realized that this was at the lowest   and saddest times in my life.   This always bothered me   and I questioned the Lord   about my dilemma.   "Lord,you told me   when I decided to follow You ,   You would walk and talk with me all the way.   But I"m aware that during the most troublesome   times of my life there is only one set of footprints.   I don"t understand why,   when I needed You most,you leave.”   He whispered,"My precious,precious child,   I love you and will never leave you   never,ever during your times of trial and testings.   When you saw only one set of footprints   It was then that I carried you." 我的梦   暮色稠浓时,我有一个梦,   伴着主,我在海边信步,   人生的场景乍现夜幕:   无论何处,   我注意到沙滩上有两副足迹相伴如初,   一行刻着我,一行印着主.   当生命的下一个时刻来临,   我回身审视沙滩上的来路,   一线单一的足迹,如此残酷.   我悲哀地意识到:   那,正是我生命中的低谷.   这一幕   扰得我心潮悲恸,   我向主怨诉着自己的无助:   “主啊,您曾允诺,   当我立誓跟随您,   您愿伴我跋涉全途,   但在这生命最窘迫的时刻,   为何此地空留足印一副?   在我最需要您时,   您为何弃我于不顾?”   主低语道:“至亲吾儿,我爱你.   我会永永远远不离不弃.   当你接受磨难时,   那一行脚印孤独, 正是我背负你,一步又一步……”

方舟单机总是重复卡snapshot 10怎么解决? 大退steam,重启电脑都试过了。跪求大佬指点


Sarah McLachlan的《Ice Cream》 歌词

歌曲名:Ice Cream歌手:Sarah McLachlan专辑:Closer The Best Of Sarah McLachlanSarah McLachlan - Ice CreamYour love is better than ice creamBetter than anything else that I"ve triedAnd your love is better than ice creamEveryone here knows how to fightAnd it"s a long way downIt"s a long way downIt"s a long way down to the placeWhere we started fromYour love is better than chocolateBetter than anything else that I"ve triedOh, love is better than chocolateEveryone here knows how to cryIt"s a long way downIt"s a long way downIt"s a long way down to the placeWhere we started from...http://music.baidu.com/song/52252795

求 Boulevard of Broken Dreams 小提琴谱



抢滩登陆战Steam能下载。在2017年5月2日,《抢滩登陆(BEACH HEAD)》三部曲现已登陆Steam平台,作为一款经典单机游戏,《抢滩登陆》是众多玩家的童年记忆。本次登陆Steam的三部曲分别为:《抢滩登陆2000》、《抢滩登陆2002》和《抢滩登陆:沙漠》,售价也是非常便宜,前两部价格为15元,沙漠售价为11元,各位想要补票和怀旧的玩家可以下手啦,重温那些无脑突突突的欢乐时光。《抢滩登陆战2020中文版》(BEACH HEAD 2020)是由DIGITAL FUSION发行的一款射击游戏。近日,《抢滩登陆战》开发者DIGITAL FUSION INC.在《抢滩登陆战2002》的Steam页面上发表了一则给中_玩家的信,信中宣布了抢滩登陆战2020的制作消息,从名称来看,游戏预计于2020年正式与玩家见面。开发者致信中_玩家“亲爱的中国抢滩登陆的玩家朋友们。我和我的团队非常高兴你能再次享受经典的抢滩登陆游戏。并且,我们很高兴收到你的评论和反馈。去年十月我刚在北京,受到了玩家们热情接待的欢迎,让我们有了家的感觉。我很高兴地宣布,我们目前正在努力工作,为您带来下一代系列新作“抢滩登陆战2020”,我们迫不及待地让它提供给大家享受!请告诉你所有的朋友来访问我们的网站(www.digitalfusiongames.com/beachhead-2020)让我们知道你在想什么!我们将很快在Steam上作出公告,敬请期待。”“Dear friends and Beachhead fans in China. My team and I are so pleased that you are enjoying the classic Beachhead games once again and we are delighted to receive your comments and positive feedback. I was just in Beijing last October and was blown away by the warm reception we received and made us feel right at home. I am so happy to announce we are currently working very hard to bring you the next generation of the BH games with “Beach Head 2020” and we can"t wait to make it available for all of you to enjoy! Please tell all your friends and visit our site (www.digitalfusiongames.com/beachhead-2020) to take a peak and then let us know what you think! Stay tuned, we"ll be making the announcement on Steam shortly. Thank you all!”游戏特色恬静的手感,重力感应控制准心,为所欲为!拥有格林机关炮,火箭弹和空袭指令等多种武器,效果震撼华丽!超过10种的敌人类型,宏大的战场效果,让你不能自休!进级各项武器科技,坚守最后的阵地!突破极限,创造奇迹!

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求boulevard of broken dreams ... 中文歌词


求GREEN DAYS《boulevard of broken dreams》的歌词翻译

《boulevard of broken dreams》 歌词+翻译: I walk a lonely road 我走在空无一人的路上 The only one that I have ever known 我唯一记得的路上 Don"t know where it goes 我不知道他通向哪里 But it"s home to me and I walk alone 但我知道他通向我的家,我孤独的走着 I walk this empty street On the Boulevard of Broken Dreams Where the city sleeps 我走在空无一人的梦碎大道上,整个城市都已沉睡 and I"m the only one and I walk alone 而我是唯一清醒的人,我孤独的走着 I walk alone 我孤独的走着 I walk alone 我孤独的走着 I walk alone 我孤独的走着 I walk a... My shadow"s the only one that walks beside me 只有我的影子陪伴着我 My shallow heart"s the only thing that"s beating 只有我的虚弱的心脏还在跳动 Sometimes I wish someone out there will find me 我希望有人能发现我 "Til then I walk alone 直到我死 Ah-ah, Ah-ah, Ah-ah, Aaah-ah, Ah-ah, Ah-ah, Ah-ah I"m walking down the line 我走向市中心 That divides me somewhere in my mind 那里在我心中又是另一番景象 On the border line Of the edge and where I walk alone 在边界线上我孤独的走着 Read between the lines 我仔细的思索 What"s fucked up and everything"s alright 美国的混乱和一切事情都是理所当然的 Check my vital signs 我检查了一下我的脉搏 To know I"m still alive and I walk alone 我还活着,我孤独的走着 I walk alone 我孤独的走着 I walk alone 我孤独的走着 I walk alone 我孤独的走着 I walk alone 我孤独的走着 My shadow"s the only one that walks beside me 只有我的影子陪伴着我 My shallow heart"s the only thing that"s beating 只有我的虚弱的心脏还在跳动 Sometimes I wish someone out there will find me 我希望有人能发现我 "Til then I walk alone 直到我死 Ah-ah, Ah-ah, Ah-ah, Aaah-ah Ah-ah, Ah-ah I walk alone 我孤独的走着 I walk alone 我孤独的走着 I walk this empty street On the Boulevard of Broken Dreams Where the city sleeps 我走在空无一人的梦碎大道上,整个城市都已沉睡 and I"m the only one and I walk alone 而我是唯一醒着的人,我孤独的走着 My shadow"s the only one that walks beside me 只有我的影子陪伴着我 My shallow heart"s the only thing that"s beating 只有我的虚弱的心脏还在跳动 Sometimes I wish someone out there will find me 我希望有人能发现我 "Til then I walk alone 直到我死

Boulevard Of Broken Dreams的歌曲赏析

相当耸动的专辑名称‘American Idiot"美国白痴,配上手持淌血手榴弹的专辑封面,Green Day绿日乐队将对现在社会、媒体混乱现象的不满,毫无保留赤裸呈现出来!这张专辑获2005年美国MTV八项提名,得到七项大奖。强力散发无助呐喊的梦碎之作Boulevard Of Broken Dreams MV更获得了极大的成功。

Boulevard Of Broken Dreams的张国荣的英文曲

I walk along the street of sorrow我走在一条弥漫着悲伤的路上The boulevard of broken dreams一条随处可见破碎了的梦的大道上Where gigolo and gigolette到处是翩翩舞男和舞女Can take a kiss without regret可以如此轻易的献吻而没有心灵上的失落So they forget their broken dreams.直至他们忘掉自己那些破碎的旧梦You laugh tonight and cry tomorrow你会在今晚大笑却在明早哭When you"ll be hold your shattered schemes.当你冷眼瞧着自己那些被打的粉碎的计划And gigolo and gigolette这些纵情放浪的舞男舞女们Wake up to find their eyes are wet在早晨醒来的一刻感觉到了他们润湿的双眼With tears that tell of broken dreams.饱含的泪水讲述的是一个个破碎的迷梦Here is where you"ll always find me,在这条大道上你总是可以寻到我身影Always walking up and down,不停的走着 来来回回But I left my soul behind me但我的灵魂已经不在了In an old cathedral town.我把她寄存在一个古老的神圣的教堂里面The joy that you find here, you borrow,所以在这里你找到的纸碎金迷 都只是是暂时的You cannot keep it long, it seems.你不可能占有这分快乐永久永久But gigolo and gigolette但这些舞男舞女们Still sing a song and dance along仍旧那么唱着 跳着The boulevard of broken dreams.在这一条充满了碎梦的大道上The joy that you find here, you borrow,所以在这里你找到的纸碎金迷 都只是是暂时的You cannot keep it long, it seems.你不可能占有这分快乐永久永久But gigolo and gigolette但这些舞男舞女们Still sing a song and dance along仍旧那么唱着 跳着The boulevard of broken dreams.在这一条充满了碎梦的大道上

谁知道boulevard of broken dreams歌词的中文意思

歌词+翻译: I walk a lonely road 我走在空无一人的路上 The only one that I have ever known 我唯一记得的路上 Don"t know where it goes 我不知道他通向哪里 But it"s home to me and I walk alone 但我知道他通向我的家,我孤独的走着 I walk this empty street On the Boulevard of Broken Dreams Where the city sleeps 我走在空无一人的梦碎大道上,整个城市都已沉睡 and I"m the only one and I walk alone 而我是唯一清醒的人,我孤独的走着 I walk alone 我孤独的走着 I walk alone 我孤独的走着 I walk alone 我孤独的走着 I walk a... My shadow"s the only one that walks beside me 只有我的影子陪伴着我 My shallow heart"s the only thing that"s beating 只有我的虚弱的心脏还在跳动 Sometimes I wish someone out there will find me 我希望有人能发现我 "Til then I walk alone 直到我死 Ah-ah, Ah-ah, Ah-ah, Aaah-ah, Ah-ah, Ah-ah, Ah-ah I"m walking down the line 我走向市中心 That divides me somewhere in my mind 那里在我心中又是另一番景象 On the border line Of the edge and where I walk alone 在边界线上我孤独的走着 Read between the lines 我仔细的思索 What"s fucked up and everything"s alright 美国的混乱和一切事情都是理所当然的 Check my vital signs 我检查了一下我的脉搏 To know I"m still alive and I walk alone 我还活着,我孤独的走着 I walk alone 我孤独的走着 I walk alone 我孤独的走着 I walk alone 我孤独的走着 I walk alone 我孤独的走着 My shadow"s the only one that walks beside me 只有我的影子陪伴着我 My shallow heart"s the only thing that"s beating 只有我的虚弱的心脏还在跳动 Sometimes I wish someone out there will find me 我希望有人能发现我 "Til then I walk alone 直到我死 Ah-ah, Ah-ah, Ah-ah, Aaah-ah Ah-ah, Ah-ah I walk alone 我孤独的走着 I walk alone 我孤独的走着 I walk this empty street On the Boulevard of Broken Dreams Where the city sleeps 我走在空无一人的梦碎大道上,整个城市都已沉睡 and I"m the only one and I walk alone 而我是唯一醒着的人,我孤独的走着 My shadow"s the only one that walks beside me 只有我的影子陪伴着我 My shallow heart"s the only thing that"s beating 只有我的虚弱的心脏还在跳动 Sometimes I wish someone out there will find me 我希望有人能发现我 "Til then I walk alone 直到我死 参考http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/3203169.html

Boulevard Of Broken Dreams 歌词

歌曲名:Boulevard Of Broken Dreams歌手:Green Day专辑:American Idiot"Boulevard Of Broken Dreams"Green DayAmerican IdiotI walk a lonely roadThe only one that I have ever knownDon"t know where it goesBut it"s home to me and I walk aloneI walk this empty streetOn the Boulevard of Broken DreamsWhere the city sleepsand I"m the only one and I walk aloneI walk aloneI walk aloneI walk aloneI walk a...My shadow"s the only one that walks beside meMy shallow heart"s the only thing that"s beatingSometimes I wish someone out there will find me"Til then I walk aloneAh-ah, Ah-ah, Ah-ah, Aaah-ah,Ah-ah, Ah-ah, Ah-ahI"m walking down the lineThat divides me somewhere in my mindOn the border lineOf the edge and where I walk aloneRead between the linesWhat"s fucked up and everything"s alrightCheck my vital signsTo know I"m still alive and I walk aloneI walk aloneI walk aloneI walk aloneI walk a...My shadow"s the only one that walks beside meMy shallow heart"s the only thing that"s beatingSometimes I wish someone out there will find me"Til then I walk aloneAh-ah, Ah-ah, Ah-ah, Aaah-ahAh-ah, Ah-ahI walk aloneI walk a...I walk this empty streetOn the Boulevard of Broken DreamsWhere the city sleepsAnd I"m the only one and I walk a...My shadow"s the only one that walks beside meMy shallow heart"s the only thing that"s beatingSometimes I wish someone out there will find me"Til then I walk alone...http://music.baidu.com/song/56657525

Boulevard Of Broken Dreams 歌词

歌曲名:Boulevard Of Broken Dreams歌手:Smokie专辑:Boulevard Of Broken Dreams"Boulevard Of Broken Dreams"Green DayAmerican IdiotI walk a lonely roadThe only one that I have ever knownDon"t know where it goesBut it"s home to me and I walk aloneI walk this empty streetOn the Boulevard of Broken DreamsWhere the city sleepsand I"m the only one and I walk aloneI walk aloneI walk aloneI walk aloneI walk a...My shadow"s the only one that walks beside meMy shallow heart"s the only thing that"s beatingSometimes I wish someone out there will find me"Til then I walk aloneAh-ah, Ah-ah, Ah-ah, Aaah-ah,Ah-ah, Ah-ah, Ah-ahI"m walking down the lineThat divides me somewhere in my mindOn the border lineOf the edge and where I walk aloneRead between the linesWhat"s fucked up and everything"s alrightCheck my vital signsTo know I"m still alive and I walk aloneI walk aloneI walk aloneI walk aloneI walk a...My shadow"s the only one that walks beside meMy shallow heart"s the only thing that"s beatingSometimes I wish someone out there will find me"Til then I walk aloneAh-ah, Ah-ah, Ah-ah, Aaah-ahAh-ah, Ah-ahI walk aloneI walk a...I walk this empty streetOn the Boulevard of Broken DreamsWhere the city sleepsAnd I"m the only one and I walk a...My shadow"s the only one that walks beside meMy shallow heart"s the only thing that"s beatingSometimes I wish someone out there will find me"Til then I walk alone...http://music.baidu.com/song/7993476

Boulevard Of Broken Dreams歌词大意


Boulevard Of Broken Dreams表达的意思是什么?

歌词+翻译: I walk a lonely road 我走在空无一人的路上 The only one that I have ever known 我唯一记得的路上 Don"t know where it goes 我不知道他通向哪里 But it"s home to me and I walk alone 但我知道他通向我的家,我孤独的走着 I walk this empty street On the Boulevard of Broken Dreams Where the city sleeps 我走在空无一人的梦碎大道上,整个城市都已沉睡 and I"m the only one and I walk alone 而我是唯一清醒的人,我孤独的走着 I walk alone 我孤独的走着 I walk alone 我孤独的走着 I walk alone 我孤独的走着 I walk a... My shadow"s the only one that walks beside me 只有我的影子陪伴着我 My shallow heart"s the only thing that"s beating 只有我的虚弱的心脏还在跳动 Sometimes I wish someone out there will find me 我希望有人能发现我 "Til then I walk alone 直到我死 Ah-ah, Ah-ah, Ah-ah, Aaah-ah, Ah-ah, Ah-ah, Ah-ah I"m walking down the line 我走向市中心 That divides me somewhere in my mind 那里在我心中又是另一番景象 On the border line Of the edge and where I walk alone 在边界线上我孤独的走着 Read between the lines 我仔细的思索 What"s fucked up and everything"s alright 美国的混乱和一切事情都是理所当然的 Check my vital signs 我检查了一下我的脉搏 To know I"m still alive and I walk alone 我还活着,我孤独的走着 I walk alone 我孤独的走着 I walk alone 我孤独的走着 I walk alone 我孤独的走着 I walk alone 我孤独的走着 My shadow"s the only one that walks beside me 只有我的影子陪伴着我 My shallow heart"s the only thing that"s beating 只有我的虚弱的心脏还在跳动 Sometimes I wish someone out there will find me 我希望有人能发现我 "Til then I walk alone 直到我死 Ah-ah, Ah-ah, Ah-ah, Aaah-ah Ah-ah, Ah-ah I walk alone 我孤独的走着 I walk alone 我孤独的走着 I walk this empty street On the Boulevard of Broken Dreams Where the city sleeps 我走在空无一人的梦碎大道上,整个城市都已沉睡 and I"m the only one and I walk alone 而我是唯一醒着的人,我孤独的走着 My shadow"s the only one that walks beside me 只有我的影子陪伴着我 My shallow heart"s the only thing that"s beating 只有我的虚弱的心脏还在跳动 Sometimes I wish someone out there will find me 我希望有人能发现我 "Til then I walk alone 直到我死

求GREEN DAYS《boulevard of broken dreams》的歌词翻译

《boulevard of broken dreams》 歌词+翻译: I walk a lonely road 我走在空无一人的路上 The only one that I have ever known 我唯一记得的路上 Don"t know where it goes 我不知道他通向哪里 But it"s home to me and I walk alone 但我知道他通向我的家,我孤独的走着 I walk this empty street On the Boulevard of Broken Dreams Where the city sleeps 我走在空无一人的梦碎大道上,整个城市都已沉睡 and I"m the only one and I walk alone 而我是唯一清醒的人,我孤独的走着 I walk alone 我孤独的走着 I walk alone 我孤独的走着 I walk alone 我孤独的走着 I walk a... My shadow"s the only one that walks beside me 只有我的影子陪伴着我 My shallow heart"s the only thing that"s beating 只有我的虚弱的心脏还在跳动 Sometimes I wish someone out there will find me 我希望有人能发现我 "Til then I walk alone 直到我死 Ah-ah, Ah-ah, Ah-ah, Aaah-ah, Ah-ah, Ah-ah, Ah-ah I"m walking down the line 我走向市中心 That divides me somewhere in my mind 那里在我心中又是另一番景象 On the border line Of the edge and where I walk alone 在边界线上我孤独的走着 Read between the lines 我仔细的思索 What"s fucked up and everything"s alright 美国的混乱和一切事情都是理所当然的 Check my vital signs 我检查了一下我的脉搏 To know I"m still alive and I walk alone 我还活着,我孤独的走着 I walk alone 我孤独的走着 I walk alone 我孤独的走着 I walk alone 我孤独的走着 I walk alone 我孤独的走着 My shadow"s the only one that walks beside me 只有我的影子陪伴着我 My shallow heart"s the only thing that"s beating 只有我的虚弱的心脏还在跳动 Sometimes I wish someone out there will find me 我希望有人能发现我 "Til then I walk alone 直到我死 Ah-ah, Ah-ah, Ah-ah, Aaah-ah Ah-ah, Ah-ah I walk alone 我孤独的走着 I walk alone 我孤独的走着 I walk this empty street On the Boulevard of Broken Dreams Where the city sleeps 我走在空无一人的梦碎大道上,整个城市都已沉睡 and I"m the only one and I walk alone 而我是唯一醒着的人,我孤独的走着 My shadow"s the only one that walks beside me 只有我的影子陪伴着我 My shallow heart"s the only thing that"s beating 只有我的虚弱的心脏还在跳动 Sometimes I wish someone out there will find me 我希望有人能发现我 "Til then I walk alone 直到我死

Boulevard Of Broken Dreams 什么意思

Boulevard Of Broken Dreams 梦碎大道(歌曲名)双语例句:1.With a few exceptions, such as Israel"s, governments usually fail in attempts toboost entrepreneurship, according to “Boulevard of Broken Dreams”, a book byJosh Lerner of Harvard Business School. 根据哈佛商学院JoshLerner所著的《碎梦大道》(Boulevard of Broken Dreams)一书中称,除了像以色列这种少数例外,政府推动创业的尝试通常都会失败。2.On the Boulevard of broken dreams, Where the city sleeps, And i"m the only one and i walk alone. 走在这梦碎大道,整个城市都入睡了,只有我独自一人孤独地在走行。3."Boulevard of Broken Dreams" by Green Day was one of her favorite songs. 绿日乐队的《碎梦大道》是她最喜欢的歌曲之一。

绿日乐队Boulevard Of Broken Dreams 中文歌词是什么啊?

困恋的转贴转贴 来自: sunhongzehaha 第一转贴:Boulevard Of Broken Dreams(greenday/绿日乐队/中英文歌词)I walk a lonely road 我走在空无一人的路上 The only one that I have ever known 我唯一记得的路上 Don"t know where it goes 我不知道他通向哪里 But it"s home to me and I walk alone 但我知道他通向我的家,我孤独的走着 I walk this empty street On the Boulevard of Broken Dreams Where the city sleeps 我走在空无一人的梦碎大道上,整个城市都已沉睡 and I"m the only one and I walk alone 而我是唯一清醒的人,我孤独的走着 I walk alone 我孤独的走着 I walk alone 我孤独的走着 I walk alone 我孤独的走着 I walk a... My shadow"s the only one that walks beside me 只有我的影子陪伴着我 My shallow heart"s the only thing that"s beating 只有我的虚弱的心脏还在跳动 Sometimes I wish someone out there will find me 我希望有人能发现我 "Til then I walk alone 直到我死 Ah-ah, Ah-ah, Ah-ah, Aaah-ah, Ah-ah, Ah-ah, Ah-ah I"m walking down the line 我走向市中心 That divides me somewhere in my mind 那里在我心中又是另一番景象 On the border line Of the edge and where I walk alone 在边界线上我孤独的走着 Read between the lines 我仔细的思索 What"s fucked up and everything"s alright 美国的混乱和一切事情都是理所当然的 Check my vital signs 我检查了一下我的脉搏 To know I"m still alive and I walk alone 我还活着,我孤独的走着 I walk alone 我孤独的走着 I walk alone 我孤独的走着 I walk alone 我孤独的走着 I walk alone 我孤独的走着 My shadow"s the only one that walks beside me 只有我的影子陪伴着我 My shallow heart"s the only thing that"s beating 只有我的虚弱的心脏还在跳动 Sometimes I wish someone out there will find me 我希望有人能发现我 "Til then I walk alone 直到我死 Ah-ah, Ah-ah, Ah-ah, Aaah-ah Ah-ah, Ah-ah I walk alone 我孤独的走着 I walk alone 我孤独的走着 I walk this empty street On the Boulevard of Broken Dreams Where the city sleeps 我走在空无一人的梦碎大道上,整个城市都已沉睡 and I"m the only one and I walk alone 而我是唯一醒着的人,我孤独的走着 My shadow"s the only one that walks beside me 只有我的影子陪伴着我 My shallow heart"s the only thing that"s beating 只有我的虚弱的心脏还在跳动 Sometimes I wish someone out there will find me 我希望有人能发现我 "Til then I walk alone 直到我死

绿日的boulevard of broken dreams歌词及翻译?

IwalkalonelyroadtheonlyoneIhaveeverknown  我走在一条荒凉的路上,这是我唯一认识的一条路.  Don"tnowhereitgoesbutit"shometomeandIwalkalone  我不知道它通向哪里,但它对我来说就像家一样,我独自走着.  IwalkthisemptystreetontheBoulevardofBrokenDreams  我走在这条梦想破灭的大道上.  Wherethecitysleepsandi"mtheonlyoneandIwalkalone  整个城市都入睡了,除了我,在街上独自走着  [Chorus]  IwalkaloneIwalkalone  IwalkaloneIwalkalone  我独自走着  Myshadowistheonlyonethatwalksbesideme  唯一与我同行的是我的影子  Myshallowheartistheonlythingthat"sbeating  唯一跳动的是我那空虚的心灵  SometimesIwishsomeoneuptherewillfindme  有时我希望哪里有人可以发现我  TillthenIwalkalone  然后我独自走着  I"mwalkingdownthelinethatdividesmesomewhereinmymind  我在路上走着,这条路把我的心撕裂  Ontheborderline,nottheedgeandwhereIwalkalone  我在路的边缘独自走着  Readbetweenthelineswhat"s****edupandeverything"salright  领会了言外之意,分辨出了是非。  CheckmyvitalsignsandknowimstillaliveandIwalkalone  我的心还在跳动,知道我还活着。我独自走着  [Chorus]  Iwalkalone  Iwalkalone  我独自走着  IwalkthisemptystreetontheBoulevardofBrokenDreams  我走在这条梦想破灭的大道上.  WherethecitysleepsAndimtheonlyoneandIwalkalone  整个城市都入睡了,除了我,在街上独自走着  Myshadowstheonlyonethatwalksbesideme  唯一与我同行的是我的影子  Myshallowheartstheonlythingthat"sbeating  唯一跳动的是我那空虚的心灵  SometimesIwishsomeoneuptherewillfindme  有时我希望哪里有人可以发现我  TillthenIwalkalone  然后我独自走着



Boulevard Of Broken Dreams的歌词及翻译

I walk a lonely road我走在空无一人的路上The only one that I have ever known我唯一记得的路上Don"t know where it goes我不知道它通向哪里But it"s home to me and I walk alone但我知道它通向我的家,我孤独的走着I walk this empty street我走这条空旷的路On the Boulevard of Broken Dreams在这破碎了梦想的大道 Where the city sleeps整个城市都已沉睡and I"m the only one and I walk alone而我是唯一清醒的人,我孤独的走着I walk alone我孤独地走着I walk alone我孤独地走着I walk alone我孤独地走着I walk a...My shadow"s the only one that walks beside me只有我的影子陪伴着我My shallow heart"s the only thing that"s beating只有我的虚弱的心脏还在跳动Sometimes I wish someone out there will find me我希望有人能发现我"Till then I walk alone不然我只好孤单地走下去Ah-ah, Ah-ah, Ah-ah, ah,ah-ah,Ah-ah, Ah-ah, Ah-ahI"m walking down the line我直步向前That divides me somewhere in my mind 在那割裂我思想的路On the border line在边界线上Of the edge and where I walk alone在那我曾孤独地走过Read between the lines深刻的意义难以捉摸What"s fucked up and everything"s alright一切对与错是如此的混乱Check my vital signs我检查了一下我的脉搏To know I"m still alive and I walk alone我还活着,我孤独地走着I walk alone我孤独地走着I walk alone我孤独地走着I walk alone我孤独地走着I walk alone我孤独地走着My shadow"s the only one that walks beside me只有我的影子陪伴着我My shallow heart"s the only thing that"s beating只有我的虚弱的心脏还在跳动Sometimes I wish someone out there will find me我希望有人能发现我"Till then I walk alone不然我只好孤单地走下去Ah-ah, Ah-ah, Ah-ah, ah,ah-ahAh-ah, Ah-ahI walk alone我孤独地走着I walk alone我孤独地走着I walk this empty street我走这条空旷的路On the Boulevard of Broken Dreams在这破碎了梦想的大道Where the city sleeps整个城市都已沉睡and I"m the only one and I walk alone而我是唯一清醒的人,我孤独的走着My shadow"s the only one that walks beside me只有我的影子陪伴着我My shallow heart"s the only thing that"s beating只有我的虚弱的心脏还在跳动Sometimes I wish someone out there will find me我希望有人能发现我"Till then I walk alone不然我只好孤单地走下去

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The Boulevard Of Broken Dreams 歌词

歌曲名:The Boulevard Of Broken Dreams歌手:Tony Bennett专辑:All-Time Greatest HitsI walk along the street of sorrowThe boulevard of broken dreamsWhere gigolo and gigoletteCan take a kiss without regretSo they forget their broken dreamsYou laugh tonight and cry tomorrowWhen you behold your shattered schemesGigolo and gigoletteWake up to find their eyes are wetWith tears that tell of broken dreamsHere is where you"ll always find meAlways walking up and downBut I left my soul behind meIn an old cathedral townThe joy that you find here you borrowYou cannot keep it long it seemsGigolo and gigoletteStill sing a song and dance alongThe boulevard of broken dreamsHere is where you"ll always find meAlways walking up and downFor I left my soul behind meIn an old cathedral townThe joy that you find here you borrowYou cannot keep it long it seemsBut gigolo and gigoletteStill sing a song and dance alongThe boulevard of broken dreamshttp://music.baidu.com/song/8876776

boulevard of breaken dreams 是什么调


《 Boulevard Of Broken Dreams 》帮忙翻译

你放错了吧,都不是那首歌。green day

Boulevard Of Broken Dreams的Green Day歌曲

Boulevard of Broken Dreams - Green Day.mp3高品质音乐下载: http://1oi0w7.miaomiaoshuwu.com/file/22215238-413040710 找到了,找了好久,点击普通下载就可以了^_^

Boulevard Of Broken Dreams 张国荣


boulevard of broken dreams 歌词

when you and i first began we always gave each other a hand never did i expect to see that all our love would fade away i need time to pick up all the bits and pieces of these broken dreams tell me what i"m going through lets get away for a day or two send some money - send some fame without you it won"t be the same i need time to pick up all the bits and pieces of these broken dreams well i guess that you might say that we"ve come a long long way but i say it"s too soon to tell if our scheme will win or fail so get the toolbox out it"s time to find a way to fix these broken dreams i need time to find a way a way to fix these broken dreams tell me what i"m going through i just can"t shake these broken dreams take these shattered bits and pieces of these scattered broken dreams get the toolbox out because it"s time to fix these broken dreams

Boulevard Of Broken Dreams的介绍

《Boulevard Of Broken Dreams》(中文译名为“梦碎大道”)是美国著名朋克乐队Green Day的代表作品之一,乐队凭借此歌曲获得年度最佳音乐录音带奖、最佳团体音乐录音带奖、最佳摇滚音乐录音带奖、最佳导演、最佳剪辑、最佳摄影等大奖,并荣获2005年格莱美最佳单曲大奖。

绿日的boulevard of broken dreams歌词及翻译?

I walk a lonely road the only one I have ever known  我走在一条荒凉的路上,这是我唯一认识的一条路.    Don"t no where it goes but it"s home to me and I walk alone  我不知道它通向哪里,但它对我来说就像家一样,我独自走着.    I walk this empty street on the Boulevard of Broken Dreams  我走在这条梦想破灭的大道上.    Where the city sleeps and i"m the only one and I walk alone  整个城市都入睡了,除了我,在街上独自走着    [Chorus]  I walk alone I walk alone  I walk alone I walk alone  我独自走着    My shadow is the only one that walks beside me  唯一与我同行的是我的影子    My shallow heart is the only thing that"s beating  唯一跳动的是我那空虚的心灵    Sometimes I wish someone up there will find me  有时我希望哪里有人可以发现我    Till then I walk alone  然后我独自走着    I"m walking down the line that divides me somewhere in my mind  我在路上走着,这条路把我的心撕裂    On the border line, not the edge and where I walk alone  我在路的边缘独自走着    Read between the lines what"s ****ed up and everything"s alright   领会了言外之意,分辨出了是非。    Check my vital signs and know im still alive and I walk alone  我的心还在跳动,知道我还活着。我独自走着    [Chorus]    I walk alone   I walk alone  我独自走着    I walk this empty street on the Boulevard of Broken Dreams  我走在这条梦想破灭的大道上.    Where the city sleeps And im the only one and I walk alone  整个城市都入睡了,除了我,在街上独自走着    My shadows the only one that walks beside me  唯一与我同行的是我的影子    My shallow hearts the only thing that"s beating  唯一跳动的是我那空虚的心灵    Sometimes I wish someone up there will find me  有时我希望哪里有人可以发现我    Till then I walk alone  然后我独自走着

boulevard of broken dreams的汉语意思


绿日的boulevard of broken dreams歌词及翻译?

IwalkalonelyroadtheonlyoneIhaveeverknown  我走在一条荒凉的路上,这是我唯一认识的一条路.  Don"tnowhereitgoesbutit"shometomeandIwalkalone  我不知道它通向哪里,但它对我来说就像家一样,我独自走着.  IwalkthisemptystreetontheBoulevardofBrokenDreams  我走在这条梦想破灭的大道上.  Wherethecitysleepsandi"mtheonlyoneandIwalkalone  整个城市都入睡了,除了我,在街上独自走着  [Chorus]  IwalkaloneIwalkalone  IwalkaloneIwalkalone  我独自走着  Myshadowistheonlyonethatwalksbesideme  唯一与我同行的是我的影子  Myshallowheartistheonlythingthat"sbeating  唯一跳动的是我那空虚的心灵  SometimesIwishsomeoneuptherewillfindme  有时我希望哪里有人可以发现我  TillthenIwalkalone  然后我独自走着  I"mwalkingdownthelinethatdividesmesomewhereinmymind  我在路上走着,这条路把我的心撕裂  Ontheborderline,nottheedgeandwhereIwalkalone  我在路的边缘独自走着  Readbetweenthelineswhat"s****edupandeverything"salright  领会了言外之意,分辨出了是非。  CheckmyvitalsignsandknowimstillaliveandIwalkalone  我的心还在跳动,知道我还活着。我独自走着  [Chorus]  Iwalkalone  Iwalkalone  我独自走着  IwalkthisemptystreetontheBoulevardofBrokenDreams  我走在这条梦想破灭的大道上.  WherethecitysleepsAndimtheonlyoneandIwalkalone  整个城市都入睡了,除了我,在街上独自走着  Myshadowstheonlyonethatwalksbesideme  唯一与我同行的是我的影子  Myshallowheartstheonlythingthat"sbeating  唯一跳动的是我那空虚的心灵  SometimesIwishsomeoneuptherewillfindme  有时我希望哪里有人可以发现我  TillthenIwalkalone  然后我独自走着


歌词+翻译: I walk a lonely road 我走在空无一人的路上 The only one that I have ever known 我唯一记得的路上 Don"t know where it goes 我不知道他通向哪里 But it"s home to me and I walk alone 但我知道他通向我的家,我孤独的走着 I walk this empty street On the Boulevard of Broken Dreams Where the city sleeps 我走在空无一人的梦碎大道上,整个城市都已沉睡 and I"m the only one and I walk alone 而我是唯一清醒的人,我孤独的走着 I walk alone 我孤独的走着 I walk alone 我孤独的走着 I walk alone 我孤独的走着 I walk a... My shadow"s the only one that walks beside me 只有我的影子陪伴着我 My shallow heart"s the only thing that"s beating 只有我的虚弱的心脏还在跳动 Sometimes I wish someone out there will find me 我希望有人能发现我 "Til then I walk alone 直到我死 Ah-ah, Ah-ah, Ah-ah, Aaah-ah, Ah-ah, Ah-ah, Ah-ah I"m walking down the line 我走向市中心 That divides me somewhere in my mind 那里在我心中又是另一番景象 On the border line Of the edge and where I walk alone 在边界线上我孤独的走着 Read between the lines 我仔细的思索 What"s fucked up and everything"s alright 美国的混乱和一切事情都是理所当然的 Check my vital signs 我检查了一下我的脉搏 To know I"m still alive and I walk alone 我还活着,我孤独的走着 I walk alone 我孤独的走着 I walk alone 我孤独的走着 I walk alone 我孤独的走着 I walk alone 我孤独的走着 My shadow"s the only one that walks beside me 只有我的影子陪伴着我 My shallow heart"s the only thing that"s beating 只有我的虚弱的心脏还在跳动 Sometimes I wish someone out there will find me 我希望有人能发现我 "Til then I walk alone 直到我死 Ah-ah, Ah-ah, Ah-ah, Aaah-ah Ah-ah, Ah-ah I walk alone 我孤独的走着 I walk alone 我孤独的走着 I walk this empty street On the Boulevard of Broken Dreams Where the city sleeps 我走在空无一人的梦碎大道上,整个城市都已沉睡 and I"m the only one and I walk alone 而我是唯一醒着的人,我孤独的走着 My shadow"s the only one that walks beside me 只有我的影子陪伴着我 My shallow heart"s the only thing that"s beating 只有我的虚弱的心脏还在跳动 Sometimes I wish someone out there will find me 我希望有人能发现我 "Til then I walk alone 直到我死

谁有green day的boulevard of broken dream 歌词?

Verse 1:I walk a lonely roadThe only one I that have ever knownDon"t know were it goesBut its home to me and I walk aloneI walk this empty streetOn the Boulevard of broken dreamsWhere the city sleepsAnd I"m the only one and I walk aloneI walk aloneI walk aloneI walk aloneI walk a...Chorus:My shadow"s the only one that walks beside meMy shallow heart"s the only thing that"s beatin"Sometimes I wish someone up there will find meTil then I walk aloneAh-Ah Ah-Ah Ah-Ah AhhhAh Ah-Ah Ah-Ah Ah-AhVerse 2:I"m walking down the lineThat divides me somewhere in my mindOn the border line of the edgeAnd where I walk aloneRead between the lines of what"sFucked up and every things all rightCheck my vital signs to know I"m still aliveAnd I walk aloneI walk aloneI walk aloneI walk aloneI walk a...(Chorus)Ah-Ah Ah-Ah Ah-Ah AhhhAh Ah-Ah Ah-AhI walk aloneI walk a...Bridge:I walk this empty streetOn the Boulevard of broken dreamsWhere the city sleepsAnd I"m the only one and I walk a..(Chorus)

Boulevard of Broken Dreams 什么意思?


GREEN DAY《Boulevard of broken dreams》中英文歌词?

I walk a lonely roadThe only one that I have ever knownDon"t know where it goesBut it"s home to me and I walk aloneI walk this empty streetOn the Boulevard of Broken DreamsWhere the city sleepsand I"m the only one and I walk aloneI walk aloneI walk aloneI walk aloneI walk a...My shadow"s the only one that walks beside meMy shallow heart"s the only thing that"s beatingSometimes I wish someone out there will find me"Til then I walk aloneah-ah,ah-ah,ah-ah,aah-ahah-ah,ah-ah,ah-ahI"m walking down the lineThat divides me somewhere in my mindOn the border lineOf the edge and where I walk aloneRead between the linesWhat"s fucked up and everything"s alrightCheck my vital signsTo know I"m still alive and I walk aloneI walk aloneI walk aloneI walk aloneI walk a...My shadow"s the only one that walks beside meMy shallow heart"s the only thing that"s beatingSometimes I wish someone out there will find me"Til then I walk aloneah-ah,ah-ah,ah-ah,aah-ahah-ah,ah-ahI walk aloneI walk a...I walk this empty streetOn the Boulevard of Broken DreamsWhere the city sleepsAnd I"m the only one and I walk a...My shadow"s the only one that walks beside meMy shallow heart"s the only thing that"s beatingSometimes I wish someone out there will find me"Til then I walk alone

Green Days的Bouldvard of broken dreams歌词啊?

分类: 娱乐休闲 >> 音乐 问题描述: 谁知道Green Days的Bouldvard of broken dreams歌词啊? 解析: Green Day-Bouldvard Of Broken Dreams [Bouldvard Of Broken Dreams] [Green Day]Boulevard of Broken Dreams I walk a lonely road The only one I that have ever known Don"t know were it goes But its home to me and I walk alone I walk this empty street On the Boulevard of broken dreams Where the city sleeps And I"m the only one and I walk alone I walk alone I walk alone I walk alone I walk a... My shadows the only one that walks beside me My shallow hearts the only thing that"s beating Sometimes I wish someone out there will find me Till then I walk alone Ah-Ah Ah-Ah Ah-Ah Ahhh Ah Ah-Ah Ah-Ah Ah-Ah I"m walking down the line That divides me somewhere in my mind On the border line of the edge And were I walk alone Read beeen the lines of what"s Fucked up and every things all right Check my vital signs to know I"m still alive And I walk alone I walk alone I walk alone I walk alone I walk a... My shadows the only one that walks beside me My shallow hearts the only thing that"s beating Sometimes I wish someone out there will find me Till then I walk alone Ah-Ah Ah-Ah Ah-Ah Ahhh Ah Ah-Ah Ah-Ah I walk alone I walk a... I walk this empty street On the Boulevard of broken dreams Were the city sleeps And I"m the only one and I walk a.. My shadows the only one that walks beside me My shallow hearts the only thing that"s beating Sometimes I wish someone out there will find me Till then I"ll walk alone!

boulevard of broken dreams完整歌词

boulevard of broken dreams



一些英语题目 Andy got the ball and kicks (踢) it , but his team____(输了) at last

1. lost2. quietly3. of4. without5. 过去,过去式 规则 不规则6. crazy7. fond of8 A9. it

Dreams of an Absolution这首歌的中文歌词 谢谢了

(每一晚 我彻夜难眠 )(行驶在没有结局的旅程)(正因为每一晚 一切毫无改变)(而我渴望一个赎罪的机会)In the nightlight, do you seewhat you dream?在幽幽夜光中,你是否看见了自己的梦境?All your troubles, are they all what theyseem?所有你遭遇的纷争,真是它们原有的面貌吗?Look around you, then you may realize看一下你的四周,然后你便会发现All the preachers, all with their lies.身边的道士全都坚持着他们的谎言And I might know of our future而我也许知道我们的未来But then you still control the past但你仍试著想支配过去Only you know if you"ll be together只有你明白你们是否能再次会面Only you know if we shall last只有你知道我们的过去————————————————————In the night light, do you still feel your pain?幽幽夜光中,你依旧感触的到你深深的苦痛吗?For the valor you waited, it never came.你为了真实的勇气而等待,但它从未来到你身旁If you were able, would you go change thepast,要是你有足够的能力,会想改变过去的种种吗?To mend a faux pas with one last chance!用这最後一次机会,去纠正一个错误!And I might know of our future而我也许明瞭我们的未来But then you still control the past但你仍试著支配过去的种种Only you know if you"ll be together tonight只有你明白你们今晚是否能再次会面Cause every night I will saveyour life正因为在未来的每一夜,我会挽回你的性命And every night I will be with you所以在未来的每一夜,我将与你同在Cause every night I still lay awake而就在未来,我无法入眠的每一夜里And I dream of an absolution我仍渴望一个赎罪的机会Cause every night I will make it right正因为在未来的每一夜,我将做出正确的抉择And every night I will come to you所以在未来的每一夜,我会回到你的身边But every night it just stays the same而就在未来,在我赎罪梦境的每一夜里In Dream of an absolution一切也只是伫留於原点而已————————————————————In the nightlight, do you see what you dream?幽幽夜光中,你是否看见了自己的梦境?All your triumph, and all you"ll ever be所有你赢得的胜利,真是你永远的荣耀吗?Look around you, then you may realize环顾一下你的四周,或许便会发现Happiness lies trapped in misery幸福落入了深深的痛苦之中And who knows what of our future而谁又知道我们未来的遭遇We can all try to change the past我们可以尝试转变我们的过去Only you know if you"ll be together tonight只有你明白你们今晚是否能再次会面Cause every night I will saveyour life正因为在未来的每一夜,我会挽回你的性命And every night I will be with you所以在未来的每一夜,我将与你同在Cause every night I still layawake而就在未来,我无法入眠的每一夜里And I dream of an absolution我仍渴望一个赎罪的机会Cause every night I will makeit right正因为在未来的每一夜,我将做出正确的抉择And every night I will come to you所以在未来的每一夜,我会回到你的身边But every night it just stays the same而就在未来,在我赎罪梦境的每一夜里In my dream of an absolution一切也只是伫留於原点而已====== (Instrumental) ======Cause every night I will saveyour life正因为在未来的每一夜,我会挽回你的性命And every night I will be with you所以在未来的每一夜,我将与你同在Cause every night I still layawake而就在未来,我无法入眠的每一夜And I dream of an absolution我仍渴望一个赎罪的机会Cause every night I will makeit right正因为在未来的每一夜,我将做出正确的抉择And every night I will come to you所以在未来的每一夜,我会回到你的身边But every night it just stays the same而就在未来,在我赎罪梦境的每一夜里In my dream of an absolution一切也只是伫留於原点而已And you"ll see (and you"ll see)你将目睹(而你将目睹)What you"ll be (what you"ll be)真正的自己(真正的你)And you"ll see (and you"ll see)你将目睹(你将目睹)All you can be (all you canbe)无穷的自己(无穷的你)Cause every night (every night)正因为每一夜(每一夜)And every night (and every night)与每一夜(与每一夜)And every night (and every night)与每一夜(与每一夜)I will dream (I will dream)我会持续梦下去(梦下去)And you"ll see (and you"ll see)你将目睹(你将目睹)(yeah) That this is my dream (all you can be)Yeah,这就是我的梦(无穷的你)And you"ll see你将目睹Every night (all you can) (oh)每一夜(无穷的你)I will always dream (yeah)我会一直梦下去Cause every night (every night)正因为每一夜(每一夜)And every night (and every night)与每一夜(与每一夜)And every night (and every night)与每一夜(与每一夜)I will dream (I will dream)我会继续梦下去(梦下去)

Open Up Your Dream 歌词

Open Up Your Dream演唱:张靓颖作曲:杨斐作词:杨斐、张靓颖编曲:小非Today we gonna show you every wayWe gonna change it everydayWe gonna make you ever braveYou"re gotta know that you"ll be freeAnd ifIf I can open up your dreamsIf I can open up your mindDon"t say it never can be realYou could see miracles happen to youI show you the wayWe all have this only worldWe all dream of being hereWe should make the future come togetherall togetherWe will give what we"ve gotYou will know where it"s fromThis is the moment to be all that we can beTo make the world believeAnd please let me tell you something newThat you are chosen to be goodAnd when your dreams all come trueIt is the right time to get you throughDon"t be a foolJust join us to moveAh……We should take the future come togetherWe will give what we"ve gotYou could make yourself ever proudYou could seeYou will believeThat we can do something that noboby else can achieveJust open up your dreamWe all have this only wordWe should take the future come together (make the future come together together Oh……)We will give what we"ve got(we"ve got)You will know where it"s from (It"s from the bottom of my heart)This is the moment to be all that we can be (that we can be)We should take the future come together (being this one to let come together Oh……)We will give what we"ve got (what we"ve got)You will know where it"s from (what we"ve got)To make the world believe (To make the world believe)http://music.baidu.com/song/56610418


分类: 娱乐休闲 >> 音乐 问题描述: 张靓颖的首支单曲,好象还申请了北京2008奥运主题曲,但在网上找了很久都没见到歌词,望知道的朋友能帮忙告诉.谢谢啦. (附:若歌词一样,我会选第一个出现的为最佳*_*) 解析: Open up your dreams 歌手:张靓颖 Today we gonna show you every way 今天,我们让你尽情地表现 We gonna change it everyday 每天,我们让一切都在改变 We gonna make you ever brave 要让你更勇敢 You"re gotta know that you"ll be free 要让你更自由 And if, 如果, If I can open up your dreams 如果我能开启你的梦想 If I can open up your mind 如果我能打开你的心扉 Don"t say it never can be real 别说那永远不会实现 You could see miracles happen to you 你会看到奇迹慢慢出现 I show you the way 我给你指路 I show you the way 我给你指路 We all have this only world 这是我们唯一的世界 We all dream of being here 这是我们梦想的家园 We should make the future e together all together 我们期盼未来 We will give what we"ve got 我们付出所有 You will know where it"s from 只为让你明白最初的梦 This is the moment to be all that we can be 让我们携起手聚在这里 To make the world believe 让这世界相信我,相信你。 And freak let me tell you something new 失落的孩子,每一天都是那么崭新 That you are chosen to be good 你也要学着慢慢美好 And when you dreams all e true 当你的梦想慢慢实现 It is the right time to get you through 你终于拨开了那片阴郁的天 Don"t be a fool 别像一个傻瓜 Just join us to move 加入我们 Ah…… We all have this only world 这是我们唯一的世界 We all dream of being here 这是我们梦想的家园 We should take the future e together all together 我们期盼未来 We will give what we"ve got 我们付出所有 You will know where it"s from 只为让你明白最初的梦 This is the moment to be all that we can be 让我们携起手聚在这里 To make the world believe 让这世界相信我,相信你。 You could make yourself ever proud 你应该更骄傲 You could see 你能看到 You will believe 你要相信 That we can do something that noboby else can achieve 别人做不到,我们能做到 Now open up your dream 现在,开启你的梦想 Ah…… We all have this only word 这是我们唯一的世界 We all dream of being here 这是我们梦想的家园 We should take the future e together (make the future e together together 我们期盼未来 Oh……) We will give what we"ve got 我们付出所有 (we"ve got) You will know where it"s from 只为让你明白最初的梦 (It"s from the bottom of my heart)(来自我的心底) This is the moment to be all that we can be 让我们携起手聚在这里 (that we can be) To make the world believe 让这世界相信我,相信你。 (To make the world believe) 让这世界相信我,相信你。 We all have this only word 这是我们唯一的世界 We all dream of being here 这是我们梦想的家园 We should take the future e together 我们期盼未来 (being this one to let e together Oh……) We will give what we"ve got 我们付出所有 (what we"ve got) You will know where it"s from 只为让你明白最初的梦 (what we"ve got) This is the moment to be all that we can be 让我们携起手聚在这里 To make the world believe 让这世界相信我,相信你。 (To make the world believe) 让这世界相信我,相信你。

open up your dream的歌词和翻译

Open up your dreams 歌手:张靓颖 Today we gonna show you every way 今天,我们让你尽情地表现 We gonna change it everyday 每天,我们让一切都在改变 We gonna make you ever brave 要让你更勇敢 You"re gotta know that you"ll be free 要让你更自由 And if, 如果, If I can open up your dreams 如果我能开启你的梦想 If I can open up your mind 如果我能打开你的心扉 Don"t say it never can be real 别说那永远不会实现 You could see miracles happen to you 你会看到奇迹慢慢出现 I show you the way 我给你指路 I show you the way 我给你指路 We all have this only world 这是我们唯一的世界 We all dream of being here 这是我们梦想的家园 We should make the future come together all together 我们期盼未来 We will give what we"ve got 我们付出所有 You will know where it"s from 只为让你明白最初的梦 This is the moment to be all that we can be 让我们携起手聚在这里 To make the world believe 让这世界相信我,相信你。 And freak let me tell you something new 失落的孩子,每一天都是那么崭新 That you are chosen to be good 你也要学着慢慢美好 And when you dreams all come true 当你的梦想慢慢实现 It is the right time to get you through 你终于拨开了那片阴郁的天 Don"t be a fool 别像一个傻瓜 Just join us to move 加入我们 Ah…… We all have this only world 这是我们唯一的世界 We all dream of being here 这是我们梦想的家园 We should take the future come together all together 我们期盼未来 We will give what we"ve got 我们付出所有 You will know where it"s from 只为让你明白最初的梦 This is the moment to be all that we can be 让我们携起手聚在这里 To make the world believe 让这世界相信我,相信你。 You could make yourself ever proud 你应该更骄傲 You could see 你能看到 You will believe 你要相信 That we can do something that noboby else can achieve 别人做不到,我们能做到 Now open up your dream 现在,开启你的梦想 Ah…… We all have this only word 这是我们唯一的世界 We all dream of being here 这是我们梦想的家园 We should take the future come together (make the future come together together 我们期盼未来 Oh……) We will give what we"ve got 我们付出所有 (we"ve got) You will know where it"s from 只为让你明白最初的梦 (It"s from the bottom of my heart)(来自我的心底) This is the moment to be all that we can be 让我们携起手聚在这里 (that we can be) To make the world believe 让这世界相信我,相信你。 (To make the world believe) 让这世界相信我,相信你。 We all have this only word 这是我们唯一的世界 We all dream of being here 这是我们梦想的家园 We should take the future come together 我们期盼未来 (being this one to let come together Oh……) We will give what we"ve got 我们付出所有 (what we"ve got) You will know where it"s from 只为让你明白最初的梦 (what we"ve got) This is the moment to be all that we can be 让我们携起手聚在这里 To make the world believe 让这世界相信我,相信你。 (To make the world believe) 让这世界相信我,相信你参考资料:ZD

open up your dream的歌词和翻译

Open up your dreams 歌手:张靓颖 Today we gonna show you every way 今天,我们让你尽情地表现 We gonna change it everyday 每天,我们让一切都在改变 We gonna make you ever brave 要让你更勇敢 You"re gotta know that you"ll be free 要让你更自由 And if, 如果, If I can open up your dreams 如果我能开启你的梦想 If I can open up your mind 如果我能打开你的心扉 Don"t say it never can be real 别说那永远不会实现 You could see miracles happen to you 你会看到奇迹慢慢出现 I show you the way 我给你指路 I show you the way 我给你指路 We all have this only world 这是我们唯一的世界 We all dream of being here 这是我们梦想的家园 We should make the future come together all together 我们期盼未来 We will give what we"ve got 我们付出所有 You will know where it"s from 只为让你明白最初的梦 This is the moment to be all that we can be 让我们携起手聚在这里 To make the world believe 让这世界相信我,相信你。 And freak let me tell you something new 失落的孩子,每一天都是那么崭新 That you are chosen to be good 你也要学着慢慢美好 And when you dreams all come true 当你的梦想慢慢实现 It is the right time to get you through 你终于拨开了那片阴郁的天 Don"t be a fool 别像一个傻瓜 Just join us to move 加入我们 Ah…… We all have this only world 这是我们唯一的世界 We all dream of being here 这是我们梦想的家园 We should take the future come together all together 我们期盼未来 We will give what we"ve got 我们付出所有 You will know where it"s from 只为让你明白最初的梦 This is the moment to be all that we can be 让我们携起手聚在这里 To make the world believe 让这世界相信我,相信你。 You could make yourself ever proud 你应该更骄傲 You could see 你能看到 You will believe 你要相信 That we can do something that noboby else can achieve 别人做不到,我们能做到 Now open up your dream 现在,开启你的梦想 Ah…… We all have this only word 这是我们唯一的世界 We all dream of being here 这是我们梦想的家园 We should take the future come together (make the future come together together 我们期盼未来 Oh……) We will give what we"ve got 我们付出所有 (we"ve got) You will know where it"s from 只为让你明白最初的梦 (It"s from the bottom of my heart)(来自我的心底) This is the moment to be all that we can be 让我们携起手聚在这里 (that we can be) To make the world believe 让这世界相信我,相信你。 (To make the world believe) 让这世界相信我,相信你。 We all have this only word 这是我们唯一的世界 We all dream of being here 这是我们梦想的家园 We should take the future come together 我们期盼未来 (being this one to let come together Oh……) We will give what we"ve got 我们付出所有 (what we"ve got) You will know where it"s from 只为让你明白最初的梦 (what we"ve got) This is the moment to be all that we can be 让我们携起手聚在这里 To make the world believe 让这世界相信我,相信你。 (To make the world believe) 让这世界相信我,相信你参考资料:ZD


such a feelin"s comin" over methere is wonder in most everthing i seenot a cloud in the sky got the sun in myeyesand i won"t be surprised if it"s a dreameverything i want the world to beis now coming true especially for meand the reason is clearit"s because you are hereyou"re the nearest thing to heaven that i"ve seeni"m on the top of the world lookin" downon creation and the only explanation i can findis the love that i"ve foundevery since you"ve been around your loveput me at the top of the worldsomething in the wind has learned my nameand it"s tellin" me that things are not the samein the leaves on the trees and the touchof the breezethere"s a pleasin" sense of happiness for methere is only one wish on my mindwhen this day is through i hope that i will findthat tomorrow will be just the same for you and meall i need will be mine if you are here


such a feelin"s comin" over methere is wonder in most everthing i seenot a cloud in the sky got the sun in myeyesand i won"t be surprised if it"s a dreameverything i want the world to beis now coming true especially for meand the reason is clearit"s because you are hereyou"re the nearest thing to heaven that i"ve seeni"m on the top of the world lookin" downon creation and the only explanation i can findis the love that i"ve foundevery since you"ve been around your loveput me at the top of the worldsomething in the wind has learned my nameand it"s tellin" me that things are not the samein the leaves on the trees and the touchof the breezethere"s a pleasin" sense of happiness for methere is only one wish on my mindwhen this day is through i hope that i will findthat tomorrow will be just the same for you and meall i need will be mine if you are here


BEAMS HARE 是两个牌子 都是日本的 但有过连名出过一双鞋子好像没有具体的中文解释

《Gelifonia Dreaming》是谁的歌?



一般不会这样说! 解: 你在做梦?

dreaming of you的中文意思是什么?


求棋魂------真昼の星~Day Dreaming的歌词中文翻译


求一首女声英文歌曲名字。歌词包含we dreaming , impossible

Dream It Possible 演唱Delacey

the Peoples of the Dreaming是什么意思?


with many young perple dreaming of 中的dreaming为什么加ing

with 从句 with sb. doing/with sb. adj.

Love Is Dreaming(Kenn Nagai Maximum Mix) 歌词

歌曲名:Love Is Dreaming(Kenn Nagai Maximum Mix)歌手:Max专辑:Maximum Trance作词 えびね游子作曲 JOEY CARBONE, JEFF CARRUTHERSRAP词 MOTSU呗 MAX(RAP:)Hey boy don"t you wanna see the eternal future?If you never know I"ll let you know how to seeEverything you want I"ll do for you爱を感じるYeah! 强く抱かれたい七色の光乾いた风を追い越す Free Way恋がアクセル踏む肌に触れるハートも はしゃいでる见つめあう あなたの瞳に 果てしない未来が私だけのため 辉いてるLove is Dreamingあなたに强く抱かれて 爱を感じてYou"re my Dreaming信じあえる约束を この胸の中Just believe in love星空のカフェで恋人たちにまぎれる Sweet Night肩にまわした手に引き寄せられ 小さくキスをした街が眠りにつき 天使が夜に舞い上がればひびく钟の音 爱を誓うLove is Dreamingあなたにすべてを赌けて 世界が回るYou"re my Dreamingめぐり会えたときめきを 永远にしてJust believe in love(RAP:)Why don"t you let the angel fly me up to the heaven landWon"t you do it now?Boy I wanna see you dancing only for twoCos I"m here for you, we gonna spendOur sweet nightOn the starlightHaving a good time感じあい爱を誓う见つめあう あなたの瞳に 果てしない未来が私だけのため 辉き続けるLove is Dreamingあなたに强く抱かれて 爱を感じてYou"re my Dreaming信じあえる约束を この胸の中Love is Dreamingあなたにすべてを赌けて 世界が回るYou"re my Dreamingめぐり会えたときめきを 永远にしてLove is Dreamingあなたに强く抱かれて 爱を感じてYou"re my Dreaming信じあえる约束を この胸の中...http://music.baidu.com/song/13774059

dream job 与 dreaming job 的区别

没有区别吧~ 具体用的时候应该用dream job吧 eg. my dream job

请帮忙将安室奈美惠〈Dreaming I was dreaming〉歌词中的汉字注上假名!

いつも二人(ふたり)壊(こわ)れないために Mm...抱(だ)き合って寄(よ)り添(そ)って消(き)えかけたキャンドルそっと唇(くちびる)近(ちか)づけて暗暗(やみやみ)に戻(もど)したら无理(むり)しないでため息(いき)が混(ま)ざってく静(しつ)かに...たぶん二人(ふたり)见(み)えないけど感(かん)じれる弱(よわ)くない 伝(つた)えたいDreaming, I was dreamingDreaming, I was dreamingand so lonely恐(おそ)れなくても 迷(まよ)わなくても嘘(うそ)つかずに 手(て)をつなげるほんの少(すご)しでちょっとだけでいいから笑(わら)ってdeja vu なんて信(しん)じてなかった Oh yeahおそろいの歯(は)ブラシなんて许(ゆる)せなかった気(き)づかれず知(し)られずに育んでたときめき近(ちか)くても远(とう)くても许(ゆる)してるあなたをDreaming, I was dreamingDreaming, I was dreamingYou rescued me自分(じぶん)の生(い)き方(がた)上回(うわまわ)ってる柔(やわ)らかいあなたの指先(ゆびさき)で道(みち)を指(さ)してるあなたがいる...I"m dreaming nowMm...Dreaming, I was dreamingDreaming, I was dreamingand so lonely恐(おそ)れなくても 迷(まよ)わなくても嘘(うそ)つかずに 手(て)をつなげるほんの少(すご)しでちょっとだけでいいから笑(わら)って一绪(いっしょ)に笑(わら)って
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