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祭十二郎文段落概括 祭十二郎各段主要内容是什么

1、第一段叙述我听闻侄儿去世准备祭奠的经过。 2、第二段书写身世与家世之不幸的孤苦无依。 3、第三段叙述两人的三别三会,终于不得会合而成永别,表现自己的悔恨和遗憾。 4、第四段感叹命运不公,痛惜诸兄之死。 5、第五段痛惜十二郎之死;表现对十二郎的深沉的思念。 6、第六段表明自己老病衰弱。 7、第七段表现对十二郎的子女的怜悯。 8、第八段写自己对十二郎因软脚病不在意的惭愧之意。 9、第九段写对十二郎之死的日期“无知”的愧疚之情。 10、第十段写对十二郎子女家属的安排及改葬之事。 11、第十一段写自己对不能与十二郎同生死的悲痛之情,以及替他教子养女的愿望。




段落 paragraph(这个最常用) part pause fragment都可以的 例句: 断纸段落之间的空白处 The space between two paragraphs. 末行一页、一个栏目或一段落的最末的一短行 A short line at the bottom of a page,column,or paragraph. 标题,题目出现在(如段落、信件或章节)顶部或开始处的标题、副题或论题 The title,subtitle,or topic that stands at the top or beginning,as of a paragraph,letter,or chapter.


( 1) As part of the hydrologic cycle,groundwater is always in motion from regions of natural and artificial replenishment to those of natural and artificial discharge. Bodies of stagnant,usually saline,w ater trapped in various porous geological formations do exist,but as long as they do not participate in the hydrologic cycle,they are of little interest to the groundw ater hydrologists.( 2) The porosity n can be an important controlling influence on hydraulic conductivity K. In sampling programs carried out w ithin deposits of w ell-sorted sand or in fracture rock formations,samples w ith high n generally also have high K. How ever,the relationship does not hold on a regional basis to various possible rock and soil types. Clayey soils,for example, usually have higher porosities than sandy or gravelly soils but low er hydraulic conductivities.( 3) In recent years the term aquitard has been used to describe the less-permeable beds in a stratigraphic sequence. These beds may be permeable enough to transmit w ater in quantities that are significant in the study of regional groundw ater flow ,but their permeability is not sufficient to allow exploitation of groundw ater w ithin them. Most geological strata are classified as either aquifers or aquitards.( 4) Of all the words in the hydrologic vocabulary,there are probably none with more abundant meaning than the term aquifer. It means different things to different people,and perhaps different things to the same person at different times. It is used to refer to individual geologic layers,to complete geologic formations,and even to groups of geologic formations. The term must alw ays be view ed in terms of the place w here it is used.( 5) One of the main characteristics of groundwater motion is that it occurs at very, sometimes extremely, low velocity. How ever, because of the large cross-sectional areas through w hich this motion takes place,large quantities of w ater are transported. This chapter deals mainly w ith the basic law s governing the motion of groundw ater in aquifers,and w ith the porous media and aquifer parameters. Only saturated flow is considered here. Unsaturated flow w ill be further discussed in Chapter 6. Darcy"s law indicates that groundw ater velocity is directly proportional to the hydraulic gradient.( 6) Salt ( as NaCl only) applied to a highway during the winter for prevention of icing problems has cause contamination of a shallow unconfined aquifer near the highw ay. It has been observed that Cl content of w ater from many domestic w ells,w hich w as formerly soft,has become hard as Cl has risen. The large increase in hardness can be contributed to the effect of road-salt contamination.( 7 ) Many field workers have observed an anomalously large rise in water levels in observation w ells in shallow unconfined aquifers during heavy rainstorm. It is now recognized that this type of w ater-level fluctuation is the result of air entrapment in the unsaturated zone. Air pressure in this zone is much greater than atmospheric pressure. This type of w ater-level rise bears no relation to groundw ater recharge,but because it is associated w ith rainfall events,it can easily be mistaken for it. The most obvious feature is the magnitude of the ratio of w ater- level rise to rainfall. Changes in atmospheric pressure can produce large oscillations in w ater levels in w ells or piezometers penetrating confined aquifers. The relationship is an inverse one; increases in atmospheric pressure create declines in observed w ater levels.( 8) Phreatic aquifers can be replenished from above by precipitation falling directly over the ground surface overlying the aquifer,provided the ground surface is sufficiently pervious. Some parts of a certain area may be completely impervious ( houses,streets,and highw ays or an impervious rock) and do not contribute to the natural replenishment of the aquifer beneath them. Confined aquifers are replenished by groundw ater inflow from an adjacent phreatic aquifer w hich,in turn,is replenished from precipitation. In principle,infiltration is unsaturated dow nw ard flow from the ground surface to the w ater table. The relationship betw een natural replenishment and total precipitation is governed,among others,by the follow ing factors: type of precipitation, climatic conditions, soil moisture prior to storm, storm characteristics, topography of ground surface,perviousness of ground surface and vegetation cover,etc. The natural replenishment of an aquifer can be determined,depending on the amount of precipitation and lithology of the unsaturated zone,etc.( 9) Artificial recharge may be defined as man"s planned operations of transferring water from the ground surface into aquifers. Artificial recharge can be implemented by several methods. The choice of method for each particular case depends on the source of w ater,the quality of the w ater,the type of aquifer,the topographical and geological conditions,type of soil,economic conditions,etc. Artificial recharge can be carried out through injection w ells and surface spreading pits. Artificial recharge plays an important part in augmenting groundw ater resources and in the improvement of groundw ater quality.( 10) However,the depth to the fresh water-saline water interface is underestimated by the Ghyben-Herzberg relation. The exact position of the interface can be determined by draw ing flow -net for steady-state outflow of groundw ater to the sea. On the other hand,the fresh w ater- salt w ater interface is not a sharp boundary but a zone of diffusion mixed w ith salt w ater and fresh w ater. Both the field observation and numerical modeling confirm the necessity of considering dispersion effect in the analysis of seaw ater intrusion. ( 11) There exist many examples of the occurrence of land subsidence of large areal extent as a result of pumping groundw ater. The most spectacular one in an urban area is in Mexico City,w here almost the entire metropolitan area has subsided more than 3 m ( w ith up to 8 m at some locations) . The San Joaquin Valley in California has experienced subsidence at a rapid rate of 30 cm to 40 cm per year,reaching a total subsidence of 9 m at some locations. Other places in w hich significant land subsidence has occurred are Taipei Basin,Tokyo,the Texas Gulf Coast,London and Bangkok. In almost all these places,the aquifers contain compressible clay strata,or a sequence of confined aquifers are separated from each other by compressible clay strata.( 12) Groundwater has an important impact on the generation of landslides. When the slope is w ater-bearing,pore w ater pressure along the potential sliding plane is needed to be determined. If observation w ells have been installed in the slope,the observed hydraulic head, h,can then be converted to pore pressure,p as follow s p = ρwg ( h - z) w here z is the elevation of the potential sliding surface,ρwis the density of w ater,and g is the gravitational acceleration. Pore w ater pressure must be taken into account in the analysis of the potential of landslides.


优美的英文段落 优美的英文段落,很多英语爱好者平常喜欢朗读一些优美的英文句子或者文章,一来可以培养自己的语感,二来可以欣赏不同的语言美,现在跟大家分享一些优美的英文段落,希望对你有用。 优美的英文段落1 1. You are beautiful 你很美丽 Every woman deserves to shine in this world, inside and out. Don"t let anything or anyone let you doubt how beautiful you are because you are a gem like no other. 每个女人都应活得神采飞扬,无论内心还是外在。别让任何事、任何人使你质疑自己的美丽,因为你本就是块独一无二的珍宝。 2. You are strong 你很坚强 Life sometimes seems too hard and difficult to understand but no matter what obstacles are standing in your way right now you have the power to overcome them. Sometimes your strength lies in stubbornness and determination but even more often it is hidden in your ability to go around obstacles and learn from the previous mistakes. Be strong as a fire that crushes everything in its way and like water that finds a way around any obstacle with gentle determination and a peaceful flow. 有时生活既艰难,又难懂,但无论你面对着怎样的障碍,都要记住你有跨越它们的能力。有时候力量源自你的固执和决绝,但更多的时候,吸取以前的教训,聪明地绕过障碍是你潜在的更大力量。要像火一样勇猛无畏,歼灭一切眼前障碍;更要像水一样具有柔中带刚的`力量,安静地绕过挫折,获得胜利。 3. You are THE BEST at being yourself 做自己的时候最棒 You have unique gifts and talents that no one else in this world has. Sometimes we feel that we need to be someone else in order to fit in, be a better mother or wife, or portray an image that we believe everyone else will love. No matter how hard you try to be someone else you will never be good enough. You willdo the best and be the happiest only if you stop living by someone else"s standards and start using your unique potential to shine like a light in this world. 你拥有这世上独一无二的天赋。有时我们会觉得:为了更好融入这世界,我们得扮成别人,比如当个称职的妈妈、妻子,或是扮演我们认为人人都会喜欢的形象。然而,无论你多努力,也永远当不了完美的“别人”。只有抛开别人的标准,挖掘自己的潜力,你才能成为最好、最快乐的自己。 4. You deserve being taken care of and cherished 你值得被珍惜 We spend a big part of our lives trying to make others like us. The truth is that no one will ever like you if you don"t start loving yourself first. Give your love to others like you do every day already but don"t forget to leave some for yourself. Spend some time reading your favorite book, exercising, giving yourself a manicure or enjoy a relaxing bubble bath. You are worth it! 在一生中,我们花了许多力气来让别人喜欢我们。而事实上,如果不自爱,别人亦不会爱你。对他人付出的同时,也请记得留一些给自己。花点时间去读书、锻炼吧,或是修指甲、泡个澡……无论哪样,你都值得拥有! 5. You are rich. 你很富有 True wealth comes from within. Of course, money matters but so does the way you spend and treat it. If money is the only purpose of your life then you will never feel rich even if you become a millionaire. Treat money the way it was meant to – as means to existence rather than the ultimate source of happiness and joy. Right now write down 5 things that make you a rich person and keep this list where you will always see it. 真正的富有来自内心。钱很重要,但你对待金钱的方式也很重要。假如赚钱是你生活的唯一目标,那即使成为百万富翁,你也不会觉得开心。把钱看成是维持生存的工具吧,而不是能带来快乐和幸福的源泉。现在开始,写下5件能让你觉得自己很富有的事,并把这张纸贴在醒目的地方。 6. You deserve pursuing your passion 你有追逐梦想的权利 Your passion is the integral part of you, the minute you lose it you will start losing yourself. Did you ever feel that you hardly even remember the girl you were when you were 16? What gave you that enthusiastic drive to pursue your goals and dreams? 梦想使你完整。一旦失去它你便将失去自己。是不是偶尔会觉得,你已经不记得自己16岁时的模样了?那时候的自己,为什么总可以这么开心?是什么东西给了你热情,让你有动力去追逐自己的梦想和人生? No matter how many years passed since you were 16, that girl still lives inside of you. Even though today you have responsibilities, chores and THE schedule you still need to make room for your passion. 无论你距离16岁有多遥远,那个小女孩其实仍然存活在你心中。虽然现在的你可能背负着各种责任和义务,但你仍旧该为梦想留存着位置。 7. Your sensitivity is your biggest power 敏感正是你最强大的武器 You are delicate as a flower and you need love to survive. Don"t be afraid to show your weakness every once in a while and let your loved ones help you. Your power lies in multiplying the love and care that you receive and spreading it in the world around you. 你如花朵般娇弱,需要爱的滋养。不要拒绝偶尔的示弱,让你的爱人来帮助你吧。将收到的关爱加倍扩散到整个世界,这是你最大的能力。 8. You are courageous 你很勇敢 Living a full life means being bold and courageous in order to protect what you stand for and aspire for your biggest dreams. Every day we face choices and the course your life is taking depends greatly on how courageous you are when making decisions. Don"t settle for the easiest choice but rather use your courage to live a bold and full life. 过充实的人生意味着你将变得勇敢无畏,来保护自己坚持的东西,追寻自己的梦。我们每天都面对着挑战,你面对选择时有多大的.勇气决定了你能过怎样的人生。不要贪图安逸,勇敢地去过想要的充实人生吧。 9. You are perfect 你很完美 You are the masterpiece of perfection as long as you let your inner light shine and know how invaluable you are. 只要你的内心还存有微光,只要你始终明白自己有多珍贵,你就是上帝最完美的杰作。 10. You are … what you want to be 你就是你想成为的自己 Our deepest wishes are whispers of our authentic selves. We must learn to respect them. We must learn to listen. 我们心中最深刻的愿望就是内心真实自我的呼声。我们需要学习尊重和倾听内心的声音。 优美的英文段落2 1.Life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what youre gonna get. 生命就像一盒巧克力,结果往往出人意料。 2.Stupid is as stupid does. 蠢人做蠢事(傻人有傻福)。 3.Miracles happen every day. 奇迹每天都在发生。 4.Jenny and I was like peas and carrots. 我和珍妮形影不离。 5.Have you given any thought to your future? 你有没有为将来打算过呢。 6. You just stay away from me please. 求你离开我。 7. If you are ever in trouble, dont try to be brave, just run, just run away. 你若遇上麻烦,不要逞强,你就跑,远远跑开。 8. It made me look like a duck in water. 它让我如鱼得水。 9. Death is just a part of life, something were all destined to do. 死亡是生命的一部分,是我们注定要做的一件事。 10. I was messed up for a long time. 这些年我一塌糊涂。 11. I dont know if we each have a destiny, or if were all just floating around accidentally―like on a breeze. 我不懂我们是否有着各自的命运,还是只是到处随风飘荡。




Charles Kettering主语 didn"t like谓语 the idea (of cranking a car to make it start)宾语(括号内为宾补,表示启动拖动的启动车方式), so连词连接前后两句话 he主语 invented谓语 the electric starter宾语. Henry Ford主语 figured out谓语,想出 the assembly-line technique宾语 and连词连接两个动作,一句话就可以双谓语 made第二个谓语 it形式宾语 possible宾补 to mass-produce automobiles真正的宾语. Lewis Waterman主语 saw谓语 no need宾语 to go on dipping a pen into an inkwell宾补, so连词连接两句话 he主语 put谓语 the ink宾语 into the pen介词短语作宾补. George Westinghouse主语 told谓语 the world宾语 how to stop a train第二个宾语, and连词连接第二句话 Elisha Otis主语, inventor of the elevator定语修饰主语, indirectly定语修饰谓语 created谓语 the city skyline宾语.These people主语 understood谓语 that( individualism从句中的主语 means从句中的谓语 working at the top of one"s capacity从句中的宾语.)(括号内为宾语从句作宾语)Fortunately, enough Americans主语 have been inspired to do谓语 something宾语 with their uniqueness状语 that we have developed in less than three centuries from a frontier outpost into not only a country of freedom but a country strong enough to protect that freedom.(定语从句修饰uniqueness,原句是we have developed into this uniqueness not only a country of freedom but a country strong enough to protect that freedom这样子看起来清楚一点)These people主语 prized谓语 the notions宾语 of individuality and excellence above all things宾补 and连词 thus kept谓语 the great machine宾语 functioning宾补. The ones主语 with the purple hair and the horrorable jewelry定语修饰主语 are系动词 just along for the ride表语, trying to be "different" and not knowing how to go about it.doing形式的非谓语作状语。




电视动画《PUPA》改编自由日本漫画家茂木清香原作的同名漫画。2013年4月1日,在“アニメコンテンツエキスポ2013”活动上发表TV动画化的决定。电视动画于2014年1月9日首播,全12话,每集约3分钟。作品主要描写了一个究极的兄妹爱的故事,讲述长谷川现与妹妹梦虽然生长在严酷的家庭环境中,但两兄妹还是一直相互扶持生活着。然而,随着未知病毒“pupa”的到来,他们的境况变得更加绝望了。妹妹因为受到病毒的侵染而变成了吃人的丑陋怪物,哥哥为了妹妹的生存则决定奉献自己的身体给妹妹作为食物。扩展资料:《pupa》是由日本漫画家茂木清香创作的漫画,于《月刊Comic Earth Star》2011年4月号上开始连载。作为著者的商业连载出道作,本作曾荣获了第一届Earth Star Comic大奖漫画部门的佳作奖。兄长长谷川现,长久以来守护着重要的妹妹;妹妹长谷川梦,天真烂漫仰慕着自己的哥哥。由于残酷的家庭背景而受尽痛苦的兄妹二人,互相依靠,过着相依为命的生活。有一天,梦遇见一只红色的蝴蝶,因此感染了未知的病毒“PUPA”,化作一头异形怪物袭击啃食了周围所有生物,包括人类。目睹了这一惨剧的现,从“PUPA”研究者玛利亚那里得到了抑制病毒发作的方法。为了不让梦痛苦而决定以自己的肉体给妹妹喂食。
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