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comfortably dressed

这句话意思是: “很舒服的坐在客厅里的是穿着了最隆重服装的女主人和她的主礼嘉宾.” 在中文里头也可以这样来表达,但是比较累赘、别扭,除非是特定的文章才会采用这种表达形式. 其实不是非要倒桩不可的.也可以说成: “Dressed in her finest costume,the hostess was seated comfortably in the living room together with the guest of honor.” (穿上了最隆重的服装,女主人跟主礼嘉宾很舒服的坐在客厅里) 只是看作者在运用语文时是怎样来述说、发挥而已.




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All Dressed Up 歌词

歌曲名:All Dressed Up歌手:Dryer专辑:Saturday In VainDamien Riceprague (hidden track)i pack my suit in a bagi"m all dressed up for praguei"m all dressed up with youall dressed up for him tooprepare myself for a warbefore i even open up my doorbefore i even look outi"m pissing all of my bullets abouti wrap myself in a bagi"m all wrapped up in praguei"m all wrapped up in youi"m all wrapped up in him tooprepare myself for a warand i don"t know what i"m doing this fortrying to let it all gobut how can i when you still don"t know?i could wait for youlike that hole in your boot waiting to be fixedi could wait for youbut what good would that do but to leave me pricked?cheers darlin"here"s to you and your lover...darlingi got years...pack my suit in a bagall dressed up for praguepack my suit in a bagall dressed up for...pack my suit in a bagall dressed up for praguepack my suit in a bagall dressed up for...all dressed up for...all dressed up for...http://music.baidu.com/song/15310418

mutton dressed as lamb是什么意思


短文改错 a well-dressed man entered

A well-dressed man entered a famous jewelry shop. He explained he wished to buy a pearl for hiswife"s birthday and the price didn"t matter since business had been very good for him that year. After examining a nice black one that cost $5000, he paid for it in cash, shook hands with the jeweler, and left. A few days later the man returned and said that his wife liked the pearl so much that she wanted another one just like it. It had to be exactly the same size and quality, as she wanted a pair of earrings made, "Can you give me any advice on how to get such a pearl?" said the man. The jeweler regretfully replied, "I would say it"s exactly impossible to find one exactly like that pearl." The rich man insisted that the jeweler advertise in the newspapers, offering $ 25,000 for the matching pearl. Many people answered the advertisement but nobody had a pearl that was just right.



有be dressed like那有没有 dress up like


get worried,get rid of,get dressed词性


My sister is dressed as snow white中为什么要用as?

my sister is dressed as Snow White我妹妹装扮的像白雪公主be dressed as 固定搭配

A well dressed man goes into


a well-dressed man完形答案


a well-dressed man完形答案?

A well-dressed (衣着很好) man goes into a restaurant one day. He sits down at a table near the window. A waiter es up to him and says ,"Can I help you , sir?" The man says. "Yes. please. Can I see the menu (菜单)?" "Certainly," answers the waiter. The man .wants a good meal .and he Wants a lot office dishes. After a moment, the waiter brings them to him. The man is having his meal happily. At this time, a boy es in and sits down besides the man. He asks the waiter to give him an ice cream. The man says, "I will be back in 5 minutes. "Then he goes out. After the boy eats his ice cream,the boy stands up ad goes to the door. "Excuse me, your father did not give the money for the meal and your ice cream, "The waiter stops him and says . "Father? You are wrong. He is not my father. I do not know him. I met him in the street. He said he would give me an ice cream if I came here at twelve o"clock.",1,一位盛装打扮的男士,2,

dressed up as father Christmas and accom

是非时间性的伴随状语原形是He is dressed up as...


缺少be动词was。be dressed in 是固定词组‘ 穿着 "的意思。这句话应该改为: The lady was dressed in a blue coat。这个妇女穿着一件蓝色的大衣。

dressed in costumes

costumes 是套装的意思 所以是打扮得很好 well-dressed formally-dressed是平时装束,不正式

dressed in有什么区别?

一、意思不同1、be dressed in意思是穿着(强调穿戴的状态)。如:The girl was dressed in brown from top to toe.那女孩从头到脚穿着一身棕色的衣服。2、dress sb in意思是给、穿上、衣服(强调穿上,这个动作)。如:She saw a dress in the shop window and it caught her fancy immediately.她看见商店橱窗里的一件连衣裙,立刻觉得很合心意。二、后街词词性不同1、be dressed in,后面一般跟名词。2、dress sb in,此结构中dress作为及物动词,后面需接表人的名词,代词作宾语。三、词性不同1、dressed是动词dress的过去式和过去分词。2、dress既可以做动词也可以作名词。


dressed in red 因为一个句子不能出现两个动词啊,所以只能用分词咯.dress 是主动的.这里过去分词有点点形容词的意味.相当于who is dressed in red.然后直接省略 who is.

get dressed 与 dress 的区别

3.dress vt.给.穿衣 vi.穿衣,穿着.既可表示动作,又可表示状态,常由人作宾语,意为“给……穿衣服”.如:Could you dress the child for me? 你能不能替我给小孩穿上衣服?当表示自己穿衣服时,一般用“get dressed(=dr...

get/be dressed 什么意思


get dressed中的dressed是什么词性?

getdressed是get+adj的用法,dressed是一个过去分词充当形容词,意思是“穿好衣服的”  get表示得到或进入某物(或某种状态),getdressed最最原始,最最字面的意思是:获得穿好衣服的状态.稍做加工即成:穿好衣服  扩展:getlate-晚到,迟到getup-起床getupset-弄得不高兴getannoyed-弄得心烦

为什么get dressed 的dress要加ed呢


get dressed是什么意思

您好,get dressed 的意思是穿衣服望采纳

dressed in和dress的区别有哪些?

一、意思不同1、be dressed in意思是穿着(强调穿戴的状态)。如:The girl was dressed in brown from top to toe.那女孩从头到脚穿着一身棕色的衣服。2、dress sb in意思是给、穿上、衣服(强调穿上,这个动作)。如:She saw a dress in the shop window and it caught her fancy immediately.她看见商店橱窗里的一件连衣裙,立刻觉得很合心意。二、后街词词性不同1、be dressed in,后面一般跟名词。2、dress sb in,此结构中dress作为及物动词,后面需接表人的名词,代词作宾语。三、词性不同1、dressed是动词dress的过去式和过去分词。2、dress既可以做动词也可以作名词。

be dressed in是什么意思

be dressed in穿着双语例句1. We must be dressed in uniform at school. 在学校我们必须穿制服.来自《简明英汉词典》2. You should be dressed in black at the funeral. 你在葬礼中该穿黑色衣服.如有疑问,请追问!

get dressed和dress究竟有什么区别啊

1、使用场景dress书面语和口语都可以使用;getdressed一般口语中常用。2、状态不同dress穿衣,强调穿的动作;getdressed穿好衣服,有打扮好,强调动作已经完成。3、词性不同dress可以做名词、动词和形容词。n.衣服;礼服;连衣裙;装饰例句:Shewaswearingablackdress. 翻译:她穿一条黑色连衣裙。vt.&vi.打扮;穿着;给…穿衣例句:Shebathedheranddressedherincleanclothes. 翻译:她给她洗澡并穿上干净的衣服。adj.连衣裙的;须穿礼服的;适合于正式场合的;办公时(或半正式场合)穿戴的例句:Wedon"tdressfordinnerhere. 翻译:我们这儿赴宴不穿礼服。vt.给…穿衣;给…提供衣服;装潢,装饰或装点;排成列例句:Scatterthetomatoover,thendressthesalad. 翻译:把西红柿散放在上面,然后给色拉加调味汁。vi.穿衣;排列整齐例句:Sheusedtodressinjeans. 翻译:她过去常穿牛仔裤。getdressed是一个组合的词。例句:Getdressedproperlyandneatly. 翻译:获得适当和穿着整齐。扩展资料:getdressed和getdress的使用1、getdressed是一组合词,不分开使用。例句1:You don"t have to get dressed up for this party. 翻译1:你没必要为这次聚会而着盛装。例句2:He went into his bedroom to get dressed. 翻译2:他进卧室穿衣服。2、getdress一般都是分开使用的,中间会加形容词等做修饰,两个词的意思是分开的,“get”是动作,dress这里作名词使用。例句1:We don"t have time. you"ll get your dress dirty. 翻译1:没时间了,你会弄脏衣服的。例句2:I"ll get this dress. 翻译2:我要买这件衣服。

be dressed前面的be是干嘛的,为什么不直接讲dress

被动语态。。。比如人穿衣,人作主体,那直接dress衣被谁穿,那衣作主体,就用被动语态be dressed

wear dress dressed有什么区别?

wear dress 只是单纯的穿裙子get dressed 包括穿衣打扮,穿好衣服,打扮好,跟裙子没什么关系dressed 是个形容词



be dressed in 和 dress in的区别


be dressed in 与dress in 的区别





dressing →dressed因表示“某人穿着....样的衣”是be dressed in,所以作定语修饰;children要用dressed in (=who were dressed in)。 因为dressed in是过去分词短语,作后置定语,修饰children 。


That the efforts of men and women are

get dressed 是什么用法啊

get dressed 是 get +adj 的用法,dressed是一个过去分词充当形容词,意思是“穿好衣服的”get表示得到或进入某物(或某种状态),get dressed 最最原始,最最字面的意思是:获得穿好衣服的状态。稍做加工即成:穿好衣服这个和get late -晚到,迟到 get up -起床 get upset - 弄得不高兴 get annoyed -弄得心烦 一样的用法。


单词+ed: ①单词加ed后的发音: ed后缀读音规则: 单词最后加了ed读音为,/d/,/t/,/id/, 有一些简单的规则 :记住“清清浊浊” 所谓清清是指清辅音后面的ed也发清辅音——“/t/” 比如。worshipped tapped等等。 所谓浊浊是指浊辅音和元音(即声带震动的音)后的ed发浊辅音——“/d/” 比如。lived,opened等等 另外,比较特别的是:“t”、“d”两个辅音结尾的单词后面ed是发“/id/”的音。 ②动词加ed的规则: (1)一般情况下,动词词尾加ed,如:worked played wanted acted. (2)以不发音的e结尾动词,动词词尾加d,如:lived moved decided declined hoped judged raised wiped. (3)以辅音字母+y结尾的动词,把y变为i再加ed,如:studied tried copied justified cried carried embodied emptied. (4)以一个辅音字母结尾的重读闭音节动词,双写词尾辅音字母,再加ed,如:stopped begged fretted dragged dropped planned dotted dripped.

dress dressed区别



1.dress的过去式 “穿衣服” 2.dress的过去分词“被穿上” 3.adj 穿戴整齐的


dressed英 [drest] adj.打扮好的,穿着衣服的;(畜、禽、鱼)剥皮(或去毛、鳞)、去内脏及分割加工好的;动词dress的过去式和过去分词

dressed怎么读 英语dressed怎么读

1、dressed英[drest]美[drest],adj.穿着衣服的; 穿着衣服; 穿着…服装;v.穿衣服; 给(某人)穿衣服; 穿…的服装; 穿正式服装。 2、[例句]She was wearing her new dress, the red one.她穿着她的新衣服,那件红的。


dressed打扮双语对照词典结果:dressed[英][drest]adj.打扮好的,穿着衣服的; (畜、禽、鱼)剥皮(或去毛、鳞)、去内脏及分割加工好的; 动词dress的过去式和过去分词; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.I dressed like an adult. 我穿着的像一个成年人。


1、dressed英[drest]美[drest],adj.穿着衣服的; 穿着衣服; 穿着?服装;v.穿衣服; 给(某人)穿衣服; 穿?的服装; 穿正式服装。2、[例句]She was wearing her new dress, the red one.她穿着她的新衣服,那件红的。




1、dressed英[drest]美[drest],adj.穿着衣服的; 穿着衣服; 穿着…服装;v.穿衣服; 给(某人)穿衣服; 穿…的服装; 穿正式服装。2、[例句]She was wearing her new dress, the red one.她穿着她的新衣服,那件红的。

英语语法:这里的dressed是做什么语法成份?状语还是表语?前面的An old man was为什么能省略?

Dressed like a beggar 是状语短语;省略是因为他们有同样的主语,为了简洁.

get dressed等于什么

get dressed 基本翻译 穿衣服 网络释义 get dressed:穿衣服|穿好衣服|穿上衣服 get dressed up:穿衣服 be/get dressed:穿衣服 dress up" 有"打扮"的意思,不一定是要打扮得漂亮,只是表示特殊穿着的意思.

get dressed(穿上衣服)的衣服这个单词为什么要加ed啊?

dress装扮 打扮 表示被装扮 被打扮的时候就要加被动ed啦




人+wear + 衣服,意思是人穿衣服 如:He wears a suit. dress则不一样, 人+dress+自己/别人,意思是 人给自己/别人穿衣服 The child can"t dress himself,so his mother dresses him. 变成被动就是:sb be dreesed in +衣服,某人穿什么衣服 如:He is dressed in a suit. 你这个问题是分词作状语. 要看句子的主语和这个分词的关系,如果是主动就ing,被动就ed形式的.

be dressed 为什么用dressed

dress 作动词时是"给u22ef穿上衣服",它是及物动词,而且宾语一定是"人"。例如:I dress my son every day. (我每天给儿子穿衣服。)如果儿子作主语,句子就要变为被动,就变成be dressed。这个dressed是过去分词。My son is dressed in a jacket. (我儿子穿了一件夹克衫。


dressed 是dress的过去分词形式,发现这个问题提问的人很多,其实很容易去区分,dress做动词用的时候,人做主语。dressed是衣服做主语。两者都可以表示状态“穿着”的意思,但是dress更多偏向于动作上有put on的意思,dressed则侧重于状态。

关于get dressed和dress的用法和常见搭配

dress 的搭配: dress up —— 穿着正式,穿正装(如出席晚宴、音乐会、招待会等): We all dressed up last night before leaving the house because we were invited to a formal reception. dress down —— 穿着随意,穿便装(如休闲、居家宽松装等非正式场合装束): I dress down when I get home after work. dress 的及物动词词义可查词典.上述搭配也可用于及物动词: Dress him up quickly!We don"t have much time left for the party. I was dressed up before I was sent to the stage for a formal speech at yesterday"s opening ceremony. get dressed:get + 形容词,意思是“着装”、“穿正装”.也可以说成 get dressed up,意思相同.例:John,get up and get dressed for work!You"re already late.


dressed adj. 穿好衣服的; 打扮好的

get dressed 是什么用法

get dressed 是 get +adj 的用法,dressed是一个过去分词充当形容词,意思是“穿好衣服的”get表示得到或进入某物(或某种状态),get dressed 最最原始,最最字面的意思是:获得穿好衣服的状态.稍做加工即成:穿好衣服

get dressed的dressed动词被动式吗?

get dressed则表示动作,“穿好衣服 ”不是被动句. dress的主要用法:dress可用作及物动词,表示“给……穿上衣服”.它的宾语只能是人,而不能是衣服. dress也可用作不及物动词,既可以表示“穿上衣服”的动作,也可以表示“穿着衣服”这个状态.

be dressed in 和 dress in的区别?





dressed 的原形是动词 dress,是指穿衣、打扮。它的基本形式是 dress,其过去式为 dressed,过去分词也为 dressed。表示过去的动作或状态时,我们使用 dressed,表示现在或未来的动作或状态时,我们使用 dress,原形和现在分词形式一致。例如:I dressed up for the party last night. (昨晚我为聚会打扮得很漂亮。)He always dresses very neatly. (他总是穿得很整洁。)She is going to dress up as a pirate for Halloween. (她要在万圣节当天穿成海盗的样子。)需要注意的是,dress 这个单词还有其他的词性和意思,具体的语境会影响其含义和用法,比如 dress 可以作为名词,表示服装;也可以表示给某人穿衣、梳妆等。




dressed ["dresd]


dressed读音是英 [drest] 美 [dru025bst]。意思:可以用作形容词,可以翻译为穿好衣服的;穿着……衣服的等等。例句:He was fully dressed, including shoes.



the girl is dressed a dress 这里为什么用dressed而不是dressing


haveing dressed 和 dressed的区别或者说各自的用法?

首先应该是having dressed 表示穿着另外,楼主可能问的是have on ,这是第三者的角度让别人穿上,可理解为命令的语气,但命令不够强烈,只是要求。而be dressd(强调状态),穿着


dress做动词用的时候,人做主语.dressed是衣服做主语.两者都可以表示状态“穿着”的意思,但是dress更多偏向于动作上有put on的意思,dressed则侧重于状态.动名词是非谓动词的又一种形式.它在形式上与现在分词相同,都是在动词原形的词末加-ing.它们都能带自己的宾语、状语,而构成动名词短语或是现在分词短语去担当句子成分.


作为及物动词的时候,主动语态表意为 替……穿着 而表示自己的穿着状态时,dressed 表示状态,dressing 强调动作.这里显然是指:穿着白色的制服,与其说



dressing 和 dressed的区别

dressingn. 穿衣;加工;调味品;装饰;梳理v. 给…穿衣;为…打扮(dress的现在分词dressedadj. 穿好衣服的;打扮好的;去内脏及分割加工好的(特指动物,如鱼,禽类等)v. 装饰;给…穿衣;布置(dress的过去分词)---精锐五角场校区

Dressed in a white uniform,he looks like a cook.请问为什么不用dressing???




dressing 和 dressed的区别




be dressed in,dress up, dressed的区别

be dressed in sth :wearing sth 穿某物dress up: wear one"s best clothes 穿上盛装dress sth up: (fig 比喻) make sth seem better or different by careful presentation 修饰; 掩饰dress (sb) up (in sth/as sb/sth): put on fancy dress, etc 化装打扮dressed根据所放位置决定它的意思。

be dressed in,dress up,dressed的区别?

e dressed in sth :wearing sth 穿某物 dress up:wear one"s best clothes 穿上盛装 dress sth up:(fig 比喻) make sth seem better or different by careful presentation 修饰; 掩饰 dress ( *** ) up (in sth/as *** /sth):put on fancy dress,etc 化装打扮 dressed根据所放位置决定它的意思.,9,put on (强调穿的动作)穿上, 戴上; He put on his best clothes for the party. 为参加晚会他穿上了最好的衣服。 He put on his hat and went out of the office without a word. 他戴上帽子, 一言未发走出了办公室。 wear(强调状态)穿着;戴着;佩着 he was wearing a dar...,0,

get dressed 与 dress up 的区别

"get dressed" 只是指穿衣服, 把衣服穿好的意思."dress up" 有"打扮"的意思, 不一定是要打扮得漂亮, 只是表示特殊穿着的意思. 例句如下:1. (早上起床) We"re late. Please get dressed as fast as you can. 我们晚了, 快快穿衣服/快快把衣服穿好.2. The party was canceled. I got dressed up for nothing. 聚会取消了, 我白打扮了.3. I want to dress up as a duck this Halloween. 今年万圣节我要装扮成一只鸭子(的样子).这样清楚了吗?