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谁知道put down, put off , go out , go off的意思以及它们之间的区别


put up, put down, put out, put off, put on, put away 分别是什么意思啊?最好能举例说明一下.谢啦..




put in/on/down/up分别是什么意思?

put in 1.cause to be in;add使加入;使进入*You find the tea too strong?Just put in more water.你觉得这茶太浓吗?多加些水进去就是了。*He put his head in at the window.他把头伸进窗口。*It"s a pity that he forgot to put in some of the important details in his report.很可惜,他忘了把一些重要细节写进报告里。2.spend time doing sth.花费(时间);度过(时间)*Altogether,he has put in about four years"work on his thesis.他总共用了4年时间研究他的课题。*There"s still a quarter of an hour to put in before the class begins.还要过一刻钟才上课。3.make a request or application提出申请或要求*If any of the goods arrive in a damaged condition,you must put in a claim within three days.如果到的任何货物有受损情况,你必须在3天内提出赔偿要求。*You won"t get the money if you don"t put in for it.你如果不提出要求,这笔钱你就得不到。4.recommend sb.for sth.推荐*His commanding officer is putting him in for the Victoria Cross.他的司令官推荐授予他维多利亚十字勋章。*We are thinking of putting John in for the 100 metres.我们考虑提名约翰参加百米赛跑。;perform干;做*She always puts in an hour"s piano practice after supper.她每天晚饭后练一小时的钢琴。6.install;fix or supply sth.安装*We put central heating in when we moved into our new house.我们搬新家时安装了中央供暖装置。7.elect使人当选;选举*Voters put a Conservative government in at the last election.上次选举中,保守党入选了。8.appoint任命;委派*A security man was put in to check on doors and windows.委派了一个安全人员检查门窗。9.enter sb.or a competition参加比赛*She put herself in for the marathon.她报名参加马拉松比赛。10.enter a port进港*The vessel put in at Xiamen during the storm.船进厦门港躲避暴雨。11.cut in插话*“Don"t forget us,”she put in.“别忘了我们。”她插话说。put on 1.dress oneself in穿戴*He put his coat on hurriedly and ran out of the house.他匆忙穿上外套,冲出了屋子。2.turn on开*He opened the door and put on the light.他开了门,打开了灯。3.pretend假装*He was not really angry.He was putting it on.他并不真生气,他是假装的。4.present(a performance)上演*The actor put on a fine performance.这位演员的表演非常精彩。*The senior class put on a dance.高年级学生举行了一次舞会。5.gain(weight);increase增加(体重);增添;上涨*She put on a lot of weight last winter.去年冬天她体重增加了很多。6.force acceptance of sth.on sb.强迫某人接收*In those days various sorts of exorbitant taxes and miscellaneous levies were put on the people from time to time.那时候,不时有各种苛捐杂税加在人民的身上。*Why do you put the blame on me?你为什么责怪我呢?7.deceive欺骗*I don"t believe you;you are just putting me on.我不相信你,你不过是在骗我。8.move forward(a clock or the hands of a clock)往前拨(钟表)*He forgot to put the clock on last night.他昨晚忘了把钟往前拨了。*The English people will put on their clocks one hour for summer time the day after tomorrow.英国人后天实行夏令时间,将把钟往前拨一小时。 or risk money on sth.下…赌注*Richard put on$5 and lost it all.理查德押了5美元,结果全输了。put down 1.stop by force;crush武力镇压*In 24 hours the general had entirely put down the rebellion.在24小时内,这位将军就把叛乱完全镇压下去了。2.write a record of记录*Make sure that you put down every word she says.务必记下她所说的每一个字。 a cause归因于*I would put his bad manners down to tiredness.我认为他的无礼是因为他太疲劳了。*I don"t think you can put all his success down to pure luck.我认为你不能把他所取得的全部成就归结为侥幸。4.charge a particular account把(开支)记在…帐上*She put the dress down to her mother"s account.她把买衣服的钱记在母亲帐上。5.stop and let a passenger get out of a vehicle让乘客下车*Where would you like me to put you down?你要我在哪儿让你下车?*The bus stopped at the station to put down one or two passengers.公共汽车到站停下,让一两位乘客下车。 or cause land使…降落*The pilot put the plane down safely,despite the storm.尽管有暴风雨,飞行员还是安全地降落了飞机。7.humiliate sb.驳斥;使哑口无言*He seems to enjoy putting his wife down in public.他似乎喜欢在大庭广众之下把妻子弄得哑口无言。*He was put down in the argument.他在辩论中被驳得无言以对。8.dig;drill挖;掘*They"re engaged in putting down a well.他们正在挖一口井。 a deposit付定金*She put down $100 on some furniture.她买家俱付了100美元定金。10.kill an animal杀死*If the horse"t leg is broken,it"ll have to be put down.要是马腿断了,那只能把它杀了。11.regard sb.as认为…是*The man looked so uneasy that I put him down for a criminal.那个人看上去非常不安,我便以为他是个罪犯。12.write the name of willing to give(an amount of money)写出…名字以示愿出(多少钱)*I have put you down for£5,is that all right?我已记下你的名字,你愿出5镑,对吗?13.put on a waiting list for申请*If only he had put down for that job,he might have been a director now.要是他申请了那个工作,他现在或许就是个主任了。*You have to put down for government housing well in advance.你必须提前申请政府住房。put up;construct建造;搭起*They are putting up several new buildings in that block.他们正在那一街区建几幢楼房。*Several tents have been put up to accommodate the party.搭起了几个帐篷来给这一行人住。2.provide food and lodging for sb.为…提供食宿*Yes,we can put you up for a night or two.是的,我们可以安排你住一两夜。*We shall be happy to put you up when you come to town next month.你们下个月到城里来时我们将很乐意为你们提供膳宿。*You"re welcome to put up in my home for the night.欢迎你们在我家过夜。*They put Frank up at a good hotel.他们安排弗兰克住在一家很好的旅馆里。3.preserve(food);lay aside保存(食品);把…搁置起来*The fans have been put up for the winter.冬天人们把扇子收了起来。*The farmers put up the apples in barrels.农民用桶保存苹果。4.provide(money needed)in advance预先提供(所需的钱)*He promised to put up the money for the scheme.他许诺要为这项计划提供资金。*He is willing to put up money on the local team.他乐意把赌注下在本地球队上。5.offer for sale出售*She put the house up for sale.她的这幢房子待售。6.increase the price of sth.提高价格*Universities have just put up their fees.大学刚提高了收费标准。7.offer oneself as a candidate for an election参加竞选*He is putting up for Parliament next year.他准备明年参加议会选举。*Has your father been put up to serve on the committee?你父亲已被选为委员会成员了吗?8.pack up包装*They usually put up six packs to a carton.他们通常把6包装成1盒。*They"re busy putting fish up in barrels.他们正忙着装鱼入桶。9.offer a struggle,resistance,defence,etc.进行斗争、抵抗等*The militia put up a stout resistance.民兵进行了顽强的抵抗。10.display;show显示出;表现出*I think he"s only putting up a bluff.我想他不过是虚张声势。 notice,etc.)so as to be seen张贴;公布*The names of the successful candidates will be put up on the College notice board.录取名单将公布在学院布告栏里。12.put to the original place放回原处When you have done with the book,please put it up in its place.书用完后,请放回原处。13.put forward提出*I"d like to put up an idea for your consideration.我想提个意见供你考虑。14.make up sth.准备(饭菜);配制(药品)*Would you be so kind as to put up a quick meal for me?劳驾来一份快餐好吗?*The druggist put up the medicine that the doctor had prescribed.药剂师把医生开的药配制出来。

put down with

put up with 忍受,容忍 put on 穿上 , put out 熄(灯),关(灯) put down 写下,记下 put ...up 留宿

put down和get down的区别。我还在美剧里看到,警察让坏人跪下和双手放脑后怎么说的来


I just need someone who never lets me down是什么意思


put off, put up, put down, put away各是什么意思?


1, turn down 2, put down 3,let down 4, broke down 分别是什么意思

第一个调小、第二个放下 。】第三个使失望 。第四个坏了的 希望楼主采纳 ......

put on put off put up put down这些短语分别是什么意思!例如:turn on 打开


put down代词放哪

对,放中间后面都可以的 put down sth putsth down

put down,put up,put away有什么区别


put down和crush的相同处与区别?

put down的意思很多1.= stop by force;crush武力镇压*In 24 hours the general had entirely put down the rebellion.在24小时内,这位将军就把叛乱完全镇压下去了。2.=write a record of记录*Make sure that you put down every word she says.务必记下她所说的每一个字。3.=name a cause归因于*I would put his bad manners down to tiredness.我认为他的无礼是因为他太疲劳了。*I don"t think you can put all his success down to pure luck.我认为你不能把他所取得的全部成就归结为侥幸。4.=charge a particular account把(开支)记在…帐上*She put the dress down to her mother"s account.她把买衣服的钱记在母亲帐上。5.=stop and let a passenger get out of a vehicle让乘客下车*Where would you like me to put you down?你要我在哪儿让你下车?*The bus stopped at the station to put down one or two passengers.公共汽车到站停下,让一两位乘客下车。6.=land or cause land使…降落*The pilot put the plane down safely,despite the storm.尽管有暴风雨,飞行员还是安全地降落了飞机。7.=humiliate sb.驳斥;使哑口无言*He seems to enjoy putting his wife down in public.他似乎喜欢在大庭广众之下把妻子弄得哑口无言。*He was put down in the argument.他在辩论中被驳得无言以对。8.=dig;drill挖;掘*They"re engaged in putting down a well.他们正在挖一口井。9.=pay a deposit付定金*She put down $100 on some furniture.她买家俱付了100美元定金。10.=kill an animal杀死*If the horse"t leg is broken,it"ll have to be put down.要是马腿断了,那只能把它杀了。11.=regard sb.as认为…是*The man looked so uneasy that I put him down for a criminal.那个人看上去非常不安,我便以为他是个罪犯。12.=write the name of sb.aswilling to give(an amount of money)写出…名字以示愿出(多少钱)*I have put you down for£5,is that all right?我已记下你的名字,你愿出5镑,对吗?13.=put on a waiting list for申请*If only he had put down for that job,he might have been a director now.要是他申请了那个工作,他现在或许就是个主任了。*You have to put down for government housing well in advance.你必须提前申请政府住房。

区分put on, put down,put up,took off,took up.谢谢。

put on 穿上;上演;增加;假装;使…上场put down 放下, 拒绝, 镇压, 羞辱, 削减, 记下, 制止, 取缔put up 举起, 抬起, 进行, 提供, 表现出, 建造, 提名, 推举 took off(飞机)起飞(take off 的过去式)took up 拿起;吸纳;接受(take up的过去式)

put down与put out当扑灭讲区别是什么

扑灭火一般不用put down 用的话应该表示压住火势蔓延 而不是扑灭

put down 造句

他因为工作态度而受到批评。 He was put down for the way he worked.

put down是动副结构吗

put down是动副结构put开头的动副短语有破案put off,put up,put up with,put on ,Pull away from

get down, come down,put down有什么区别

get down:跪下来;俯下身来;记下来come down:落下;降落;下降put down:放下来:记下来;贬低

put down的用法归纳高中

put down n.放下;奚落的语言;贬低的行为。 例句:The waitress whipped the plate away and put down my bill . 服务员把盘子撤走,放下了我的账单。 扩展资料   They put down wooden boards, and laid new carpets on top.   他们铺好木地板,在上面铺上新地毯。   When they got to Montana, they put down roots and built a life.   到了蒙大拿后,他们便在那里扎根并过上了新生活。   The British soon put down the rebellion.   英国人很快平息了叛乱。   I put down the sun visor to shade my eyes from the light.   我拉下遮阳板来遮挡耀眼的阳光。   Mishka put down a heavy shopping bag.   米什卡把一个沉重的购物袋放下。

put up 。put down 最常用的意思是什么

分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 问题描述: put up 。put down 最常用的意思是什么 解析: 举起 放下 put down [简明英汉词典]v.放下, 拒绝, 镇压, 羞辱, 削减, 记下, 制止, 取缔 put up [简明英汉词典] v.举起, 抬起, 进行, 提供, 表现出, 建造, 提名, 推举

put down 的用法

put down英文发音:[u02c8pu028at dau028an]中文释义:放下例句:I had to stop at the traffic lights and put down the sun visor to shade my eyes from the light.我不得不在红绿灯处停车,然后放下遮阳板来遮挡阳光。词汇解析:put英文发音:[pu028at]中文释义:v.放;安置;猛推;用力插入;将?送往;使?前往例句:He sipped at the glass and then put it down他抿了一口杯中的酒,然后放了下来。扩展资料put down的近义词:1、lay down英文发音:[leu026a dau028an]中文释义:(通常指用完后)放下, 搁下;规定;制定;颁布;放下(武器)例句:Probably he would lay down his brushes and palette.也许他会放下画笔和调色板。2、place down英文发音:中文释义:放下例句:Place down that knife before you hurt someone!放下刀,别伤了人!


put down镇压;记下;贬低;制止;放下;写下【短语】put…down把……放下;削减;把…放下Put That Down把它放下来Put Me Down Now放我下来吧;放我下来Put It Down Here把它放在这儿He Put Me Down他放我下来I Put You Down我把你You Put Yourself Down你把自己打倒Put Them Down Here放在这里Put You Down使你失望【21世纪大英汉词典】put down1. 镇压,压制,扑灭,取缔;制止:The military junta is determined to put down all political opposition.政变上台后的军人政府决心镇压政治上的一切反对派。2. 夺去…的权力,剥夺职权;降级,降低…的位置:He was put down from the office for peculation.他因侵吞公款而被降职。3. 写下来,记下来,记下名字和地址:I"m having a party next Saturday;put it down in your notebook so you will not forget it.本星期六我有个聚会,把这事记在你的笔记本上以免忘记。4. 把…归因于:I put it all down to his hard work and initiative.我把这一切归因于他工作既勤奋又主动。5. 把…归在指明的某一类中;把…看做:I put her rudeness down as accidental.我认为她的粗鲁是偶然的6. 使(飞机)降落;(飞机或飞机驾驶员)降落,飞机(着陆):The engine failed and the pilot had to put the plane down in the sea.发动机出了毛病,驾驶员只得使飞机在海上降落。7. =put away (4.)8. 把…放下;让…下车:The bus stopped to put down some passengers.公共汽车停下来让一些旅客下车。9. 斥责,制止;迫使停止讲话,使哑口无言;驳倒:He put me down for nothing at all.他无缘无故地斥责了我一顿。10. 写下,登记,为了某种目的把(某人)的姓名写下来:Let me put down your telephone number.让我把你的电话号码记下来。11. 把…藏起来,贮藏(食物、酒类):I"m glad I have put down a couple of cases of Maotai.我很高兴我贮藏了两箱茅台。12. 吃完,喝完:She has put down two bottles of beer at one breath,and everyone got surprised.她一口气喝下两瓶啤酒,每个人都感到吃惊。13. 降低;减少:She put her face down and sniffed the rose.她低下头去闻玫瑰花香。14. 杀死,杀掉(爱畜)使它免除痛苦:The donkey broke a leg in the fall and had to be put down.这头驴子跌断了一条腿,不得不杀掉。15. 在买东西时先付(一部分钱)作为定金:You can buy this house by putting 10% down and paying the rest over thirty years,at interest.你可以先付10%的钱买下这栋房子,其余的钱可以分30年加利息付还。16. 钻(井等),挖(井);掘(坑等):He put down a new well in his yard.他在院里新开挖了一口井。17. 使(鱼)受惊而游到水底:The noisy activity quickly put down the fish.吵闹的响声很快赶跑了鱼群。18. 把(狗、马等)饲养好:It"s not an easy job to put your dog down properly.把狗养好不是一件容易的事。19. 使(展览的动物)在比赛中落选:Even the ideal dog may be put down if it is not shown in perfect condition.即使是理想的狗,如果不能以最佳的竞技状态参展,也有可能被淘汰。20. 放弃,省掉,省去不用(花钱多的东西),削减,节省(开支);压低(价格):Put down your expenditure!削减你的开支吧!21. 提出,把…列入议事日程:The opposition will put down a censure motion on the government"s handling of the affair.反对党对政府处理该事提出动议。22. 拒绝;批评;挑剔:His latest book has been severely put down in the newspaper report.新闻报道对他最近的一本书进行了严厉的批评。23. 侍候(孩子)上床睡觉:Mother put her daughter down for her nap.母亲哄女儿上床睡午觉。24. 挂断(电话):Please don"t put the telephone down since I"ll check the list for you.不要挂断电话,我给你查一下名单。25. 铺(草坪、地毯等);铺盖:The lawn put down on the football ground is very expensive.足球场上铺的草坪非常昂贵。26. 扫…的面子;羞辱:He"s always putting his wife down in public.他老是当众羞辱妻子。27. (土地)改种(其他作物):This year I intend to put the rose border down to vegetables.今年我想把玫瑰花坛改种蔬菜。28. 放毒(药死害虫或害人的动物):Do they put down poison for getting rid of these rats?为消灭老鼠他们下毒了吗?29. [美国俚语]轻蔑;贬低,非难:If someone puts you down,you should teach him a lesson.如果有人奚落你,你就应该教训教训他。30. [俚语]降低…的规模(或重要性)

put down let down意(放下)时区别?


拆迁的英文是put down?

put down:放下;记下;估计;平定拆迁removehave one"s house pulled down and move out

与put down意思相同的单词有哪些

put down 1.= stop by force;crush武力镇压*In 24 hours the general had entirely put down the rebellion.在24小时内,这位将军就把叛乱完全镇压下去了。2.=write a record of记录*Make sure that you put down every word she says.务必记下她所说的每一个字。3.=name a cause归因于*I would put his bad manners down to tiredness.我认为他的无礼是因为他太疲劳了。*I don"t think you can put all his success down to pure luck.我认为你不能把他所取得的全部成就归结为侥幸。4.=charge a particular account把(开支)记在…帐上*She put the dress down to her mother"s account.她把买衣服的钱记在母亲帐上。5.=stop and let a passenger get out of a vehicle让乘客下车*Where would you like me to put you down?你要我在哪儿让你下车?*The bus stopped at thestation to put down one or two passengers.公共汽车到站停下,让一两位乘客下车。6.=land or cause sth.toland使…降落*The pilot put the planedown safely,despite the storm.尽管有暴风雨,飞行员还是安全地降落了飞机。7.=humiliate sb.驳斥;使哑口无言*He seems to enjoyputting his wife down in public.他似乎喜欢在大庭广众之下把妻子弄得哑口无言。*He was put down in theargument.他在辩论中被驳得无言以对。8.=dig;drill挖;掘*They"re engaged inputting down a well.他们正在挖一口井。9.=pay a deposit付定金*She put down $100 on some furniture.她买家俱付了100美元定金。10.=kill an animal杀死*If the horse"t leg isbroken,it"ll have to be putdown.要是马腿断了,那只能把它杀了。11.=regard sb.as认为…是*The man looked so uneasythat I put him down for a criminal.那个人看上去非常不安,我便以为他是个罪犯。12.=write the name of sb.aswilling to give(an amount of money)写出…名字以示愿出(多少钱)*I have put you down for£5,is that all right?我已记下你的名字,你愿出5镑,对吗?13.=put on a waiting list for申请*If only he had put downfor that job,he might have been adirector now.要是他申请了那个工作,他现在或许就是个主任了。*You have to put downfor government housing well in advance.你必须提前申请政府住房。

put down有没有放下不管的意思?

put down只有放下去的意思,要说放下不管应该是put aside,本意是放在一边,引申义就是忽视,不管的意思。

put down的反义词是什么


put down 3种用法的例句

1.Put down your address here.请在这里写下你的地址。2.Please put down the ladder.请放下梯子。3.叛乱在几小时之内就镇压下去了。The revolt was put down in a matter of hours.

put down的反义词是什么

put up

put down 3种用法(我会给出)的例句

实际上应该是put sth down1.写下The meeting"s on the 22nd. Put it down in your diary.2.放下a)Put that knife down before you hurt somebody!b)It"s a great book. I couldn"t put it down.3.镇压The military government is determined to put down all opposition.put sth down 好像不止三种用法~~4.下订金We put a 5% deposit down on the house.5.药死,人道毁灭We had to have our cat put down.6.安置(婴儿)入睡Can you be quiet—I"ve just put the baby down.7.将…提请(议会或者委员会)审议They"re going to put down a motion.put down最简单的意思是“降落,着陆”。



bring down 、break down , put down, cut down

bring down降低;打到;打死;击落break down分解;发生故障;失败;毁掉;制服put down镇压;记下;贬低;制止cut down削减;砍到;杀死;删节;胜过 set up建立;装配;开业;竖立set off出发;引起;动身;使爆炸;抵销;分开set away开端;出发;动身set for出题目

put down 的用法

一般来说是放下的意思。 比如说, Put down your book.put down + 人物 就是小看/侮辱那个人 (They always put me down/they put down their little sister)put down + 动物 就是让那个动物安乐死 (The dog will be put down)还有别的意思,可以参考这里

put down的用法归纳

镇压,压制,扑灭,取缔;制止。 夺去…的权力,剥夺职权;降级,降低…的位置。 put down:put的基本含义是“放,搁”,指将某物安放在一个固定的地点,使其形成某种状态。 put down:侧重于把物品放下来。 写下,登记,为了某种目的把(某人)的姓名写下来。 扩展资料   We"ve put down a 5% deposit on the house.   我们已支付了房款的5%作为订金。   She finally agreed to have the wretched animal put down.   她最后同意用药结束这头可怜的"动物的生命。   The army put down the rebellion.   军队镇压了叛乱。   He bought an investment property for$ 100,000 and put down$ 20,000   他以10万美元买下一处投资性地产,并支付了2万美元的定金。   We"ve put down on our staff development plan for this year that we would like some technology courses   我们已经在今年的员工发展计划中写到我们希望有一些技术培训课程。

put down的意思


put down是什么意思

put down的意思是“放下”,“记录下来”,“否定”,“镇压”。1、【放下】当表示将手中的物品放下时,可以使用put down这个短语。例如:“Can you put down the book and help me with this?”这句话的意思是“你能把书放下来帮我一下吗?”。2、【记录下来】需要将某事记录下来时,也可以使用put down这个短语。例如:“I put down all the important information that was discussed in the meeting.”这句话的意思是“我把会议上讨论的所有重要信息都记下来了”。3、【否定】在口语中,put down有时被用来表示否定。例如:“Don"t put down my ideas just because you don"t agree with them.”这句话的意思是“不要因为你不同意我的想法,就否定它们。”拓展知识:put down还有其他用法和含义。例如,在牛津词典中,put down还有一个含义是“蔑视,羞辱”。在离开餐厅之前给小费,英国人可能会用习惯用法“to put a tip down”来描述这个动作。再如,put down还可以用作名词,意为“家禽的食物(例如麦子和大豆)”。总之,put down是一个多义词汇,具体含义取决于具体的语境。

put down什么意思?


put down是什么意思

put down1. 镇压,压制,扑灭,取缔;制止:The military junta is determined to put down all political opposition.政变上台后的军人政府决心镇压政治上的一切反对派。2. 夺去…的权力,剥夺职权;降级,降低…的位置:He was put down from the office for peculation.他因侵吞公款而被降职。3. 写下来,记下来,记下名字和地址:I"m having a party next Saturday;put it down in your notebook so you will not forget it.本星期六我有个聚会,把这事记在你的笔记本上以免忘记。4. 把…归因于:I put it all down to his hard work and initiative.我把这一切归因于他工作既勤奋又主动。5. 把…归在指明的某一类中;把…看做:I put her rudeness down as accidental.我认为她的粗鲁是偶然的短语:put-down 羞辱 ; 令人难堪的言行 ; 令人难堪的言语或行动 ; 贬损Put someone down 轻视put them down 投入他们在下 ; 他们放下 ; 把他们put sb down 使下车 ; 损人 ; 使……出丑Had Put Myself Down 放了自己put money down on 付钱买To Put Load Down 放下重物时Put Me Down Now 放我下来吧Put Them Down Here 放在这里例句:1. Please put down the table in front of you. 需要用餐的旅客,请您将小桌板放下。2. I resolved to put down the objectives of each session on paper in black and white. 所以我把每一部分的目标都写在了黑色和白色的纸上来解决这个问题。3. Let me put down your telephone number. 让我把你的电话号码记下来。



shut down中英文歌词

歌曲:shut down歌手:辑:little deuce coupe tach it up, tach it up Buddy gonna shut you down It happened on the strip where the road is wide Two cool sharps standin side by side Yeah, my fuel injected stingray and a four-thirteen Were revvin up our engines and it sounds real mean Beach Boys Tach it up, tach it up Buddy gonna shut you down Declinin numbers at an even rate At the count of one we both accelerate My stingray is light the slicks are startin to spin But the four-thirteens really diggen in Gotta be cool now power shift here we go But my fuel injected stingrays really startin to go Im gettin the traction im ridin the clutch My pressure plates burnin that machines too much Pedals to the floor hear the dual quads drink And now the four-thirteens lead is startin to shrink Hes powered by ram induction but its understood I got a fuel injected engine sittin under my hood Shut it off, shut it off buddy now i shut you down Shut it off, shut it off buddy now i shut you down Shut it off, shut it off buddy now i shut you down Shut it off, shut it off buddy now i shut you down




rundown后面用介词on. 例如: He gave me a rundown on the project.

歌词有too the rundown什么的

Go Find a Man - ChristopherYou threw my favorite t-shirt outWho the hell do you think you areAlways change the music when we"re driving in my carYou don"t like my friendsYou say they"re immatureBut you don"t like anything "cause you"re so insecureAnd i"m not sure what you"re looking forGo find a man that you can changeAnd let me go because you don"t want me noYou never never didGo find a man who will obey every word you sayYou don"t want me no you never never didYou never never did ohhYou never never didYou don"t like the way i laughSay i always talk too muchAnd you hate the way i danceBut don"t really give a fuckYou can"t take it you can leave itYou can"t breake it or believe itI"m so over youTelling me what to doGo find a man that you can changeAnd let me go because you don"t want me noYou never never didGo find a man who will obey with every word you sayYou don"t want me no you never never didOh ohYou never never didOhuhohYou never never didYou never ever willYou never ever understoodYou won"t get it untilUntil you have lost me for goodGo find a man that you can changeAnd let me go because you don"t want me noYou never never didGo find a man who will obey every word you sayYou don"t want me no you never never didOh ohYou never never didOh uhh ohYou never never didGo find a man that you can changeI"m never gonna be the one you want babeGo find a man that will obeyI"m never gonna be the man that you needGo find a man that you can changeI"m never gonna be the one you want babeGo find a man that will obeyI"m never gonna be the man that you needOhh

求英文翻译“The house was a little rundown”



rundowntheshirt为什么不加介词。run down the shirt是固定搭配,加介词就多余了。


。run down the shirt是固定搭配,加介词就多余了。


肌肉男体格很帅,强森的个人表演;男二号比较搞笑;猴子场景更是搞笑;苏格兰风笛很好听;风景很美。开头夜店追债的一段,完全是力量和技巧的完美表现。第二段酒吧遭遇战,充分运用了他的摔角技巧,太猛了。在森林里和叛军小巨人的一场较量,动作设计的很不错,最后的一场决战,搏击加很帅的玩枪。 02 []

哪里可以看到电影《丛林奇兵》the rundown

百度搜索 爱看TV 第一个就是

below down有什么不同

Below 在.之下 below与above相对,泛指在另一事物下面的任何位置: Down 在下方 区别一 两者都可表示“低于”,under 主要表示垂直在下的正下方,而 below 则不一定表示正下方(即可以是正下方或非正下方).如: Look in the cupboard below [under] the sink. 到洗碗池下面的柜子里找一找. The climbers stopped 300 meters below the top of the mountain. 登山队员们在离山顶 300 米处停了下来. 换句话说,表示正下方,两者都可用;不表示正下方,则通常用below.区别二 两者均可表示数量方面的“少于”,但在现代英语中,以用 under 为多见.如: He can"t be much below [under] sixty. 他的年龄不可能比 60 岁小很多. There were under forty people at the meeting. 参加会议的人不足 40 人. It took us under an hour. 我们用了不到 1 个小时. 注:在现代英语中,below 表示“少于”,主要用于表示温度、高度以及有纵向标准可比的情况.如: This place is below sea level. 此地在海平面以下. The temperature is two degrees below zero. 温度是零下 2 度.区别三 若表示一物被另一物所覆盖,则通常用 under.如: She crept in beside him under the bedclothes. 她钻进被窝躺在他身旁.区别四 表示职位、级别等关系时,用 under 表直接关系,用 below 表非直接关系.比较: Mr A is under Mr B. A 先生是 B 先生的部下. Mr A is below Mr B. A 先生比 B 先生职位低.

有首英文歌,男歌手。开头是you make me fall down down down down down.....

本来想问LZ是不是DOWN的,不过看来不是LZ要找的,忽视这个答案吧~ 哈哈= =b

life is maze,slow it down,make it up,my heart is going to pop. 翻译下,

是Lenka《the show》里边的歌词吧?life is a maze人生如迷宫slow it down ,make it stop 快慢下来,让它停下吧or else my heart is going to pop不然我的心都要跳出来啦~

Down For The Count 歌词

歌曲名:Down For The Count歌手:Hi-Tek&Talib Kweli专辑:Reflection Eternal [Train Of Thought]Someone call a medic cause I think she"s gonna strike againShe slammed down the phone and gave the finger to the nightstandAnd holds the picture in the heart shaped frame we bought at targetYes I think we"ve got a problem but I can"t put my finger on itIt seems like you told me I"m in over my headBut all I remember is making out constantlyIf I don"t get out then I"ll probably end up deadShe"s the undisputed champ of my worldDown for the count, over and outToss in the towel cause she really got the best of meI can"t hang around, she kicks while I"m downWhat was that sound?I just wish the f-ing bell would ringLet"s get ready for verse #2The message on my cell says she"s waiting on the call from meto tell her that I"m sorry I can come back if I crawlBut I got bad knees and I can"t say that I"m sorry"Cept I"m sorry that I met youNow my guard"s up and I"m fighting dirtyIt seems like you told me I"m in over my headBut all I remember is making out constantlyIf I don"t get out then I"ll probably end up deadShe"s the undisputed champ of my worldDown for the count, over and outToss in the towel cause she really got the best of meI can"t hang around, she kicks while I"m downWhat was that sound?I just wish the f-ing bell would ringIt seems like you told me I"m in over my headBut all I remember is making out constantlyIf I don"t get out then I"ll probably end up deadShe"s the undisputed champ of my worldUndisputed champ of my world and I"m begging to beDown for the count, over and outToss in the towel cause she really got the best of meI can"t hang around, she kicks while I"m downWhat was that sound?I just wish the f-ing bell would ring

10 th man down歌词翻译

Today I killed, he was just a boy昨天我杀死的时候,他还只是个孩子。Eight before him, I knew them all他之前的那八个人,我都认识。In the fields a dying oath:在原野上,临死前的誓言I磀 kill them all to save my own我要杀死他们拯救自己Cut me free, Bleed with me, Oh no让我解脱,让我流血,不!One by one, We will fall, down down一个接一个,我们将要坠落Pull the plug, End the pain, Run磏 fight for life拔掉插管,结束痛苦,为生命而战Hold on tight, this ain磘 my fight紧紧把持住,这不是我的战场Deliver me from this war让我远离战争It磗 not for me it磗 because of you不是为了我,而是因为你Devil磗 instant my eternity邪恶瞬间占据我的永世Obey to kill to save yourself遵从杀戮,拯救自我"I envy the 9 lives that gave me hell我嫉妒那九条地狱般的生命My path made up by their torn bodies我的道路在他们撕裂的躯体之上Man to man, soldier to soldier, dust to dust人与人,战士同战士,灰尘和灰尘Call me a coward but I can磘 take it anymore"叫我作懦夫吧,但我已经不能再承受They wait for me back home他们在等我回来The live with eyes turned away有眼光的生物离去了They were the first ones to see他们是最先看见的人They are the last ones to bleed它们是最后流血的人"The ultimate high as all beautiful diesz终极的高度,是华丽的死亡A ruler磗 tool, priest磗 excuse, tyrant磗 delight...统治者的工具,牧师的特权,暴君的欢乐I alone, the great white hunter我独自一人,伟大的白色猎人I磍l march till the dawn brings me rest在黎明我安息之前,我将继续前进10th patriot at the gallow磗 pole!"成为墓前的第十个爱国者!

求Jimmy eat world-my sundown中文歌词

You close your eyes and kiss your hand then you blow it.But it isn"t meant for me, and I noticedIf the choice was ours alone,Then why"d we both choose letting go?Does it end like this?Time never had a chance to heal your heartJust a number always counting down to a new startIf you always knew the truthThen the world would spin around youAre you dizzy yet?Respectfully, so honestly I"m calling outDo you hear the conversation we talk about?Back away to the safety of a quiet houseIf there"s half a chance in this momentWhen your eyes meet mine, we show it off.I"ll talk i"m not allowed to think,we were living dreamsAnd she never crept close to our naked feetIf there"s something left to lose,Then don"t let me wear out my shoesI"m still walk in.I tried, but it rang and rang, I called all nightOn a payphone, remember those from another life?If everything I meant to you,You can"t lick and seal then fold in twoThen I"ve been so blindRespectfully, so honestly I"m asking nowDo you hear the conversation we talk about?Back the way to the safety of a quiet houseIf there"s half a chance in this momentWhen your eyes meet mine, we show it off.Oh, oh take it all back,take your first, your last your only.Oh, oh take it all back, take it all back,Everything you showed me.Oh, oh, this must be how it feelswhen the feeling goesI told you as I haven"t, I never felt this wayyou said I have the shot that stops my clockBaby it"s okayYou said you never had regretsJesus there"s someone yetWho got that wish, did you get yours, babe?Respectfully, so honestly I"m asking nowDo you hear the conversation we talk about?I"ll back away to the safety of a quiet houseIf there"s half a chance in this momentWhen your eyes meet mine, we show it off.你闭上你的眼睛,亲吻你的手,那么你打击它。 但它并不意味着对我来说,我已经注意到 如果我们的选择是,仅 那么为什么我们都选择放手? 它结束呢? 时间永远不会有机会治愈你的心 只是一些倒计时总是有一个新的开端 如果你一直都知道的真相 那么世界将你周围的自旋 你头昏眼花吗? 尊重,所以我真诚呼唤 你听到的谈话,我们谈什么呢? 后退的安全安静的房子 如果有一半有机会在这一刻 当你的眼睛满足地雷,我们会显示出它关闭。 我会说我不会允许认为, 我们生活的梦想 她从来没有悄悄接近我们肉眼英尺 如果有什么东西留给输了, 请不要让我穿我的鞋 我仍然步行英寸 我试过,但它响起,响,我呼吁所有的夜晚 在投币电话,记住那些来自另一个生命? 如果一切给你我的意思, 你不能舔和印章然后倍2 然后我一直在这样盲目 尊重,所以我很诚实地问现在 你听到的谈话,我们谈什么呢? 返回途中的安全,一个安静的家 如果有一半有机会在这一刻 当你的眼睛满足地雷,我们会显示出它关闭。 哦,哦是否可以全部回, 你首先,你最后的唯一。 哦,哦采取一切后,是否可以全部回, 所有你告诉我。 哦,哦,这必须是怎样的感觉 不用时的感觉 我告诉你,我没有,我从来不觉得这种方式 你说我的球,停止我的时钟 全新的感觉 你说你从来没有后悔 耶稣有没有人 谁有希望,你得到你的宝贝? 尊重,所以我很诚实地问现在 你听到的谈话,我们谈什么呢? 我会后退到安全的一个安静的家 如果有一半有机会在这一刻 当你的眼睛满足地雷,我们会显示出它关闭。

Jimmy Eat World的《My Sundown》 歌词

歌曲名:My Sundown歌手:Jimmy Eat World专辑:Jimmy Eat WorldMy Sundown LyricsJimmy Eat WorldI see it around meI see it in everythingI could be so muchMore than thisI said my goodbye"sThis is my sundownI"m gonna be so muchMore than thisWith one hand highYou"ll show them your progressYou"ll take your timeBut no one caresNo one caresI need you to show meThe way from crazyI wanna be so muchMore than thisWith one hand highYou"ll show them your progressYou"ll take your timeBut no one caresWith one hand highYou"ll show them your progressYou"ll take your timeBut no one caresNo one caresI could be so muchMore than thisNo one caresI wanna be so muchMore than thisNo one caresI could be so muchMore than thisNo one caresI wanna be so muchMore than thisNo one caresI wanna be so muchMore than thisNo one caresI wanna be so muchMore than thisGood goodbye lovely timeGood goodbye tinsel shineGood goodbyeI"ll be fineGood goodbyeGood goodnight

10Th Man Down 歌词

歌曲名:10Th Man Down歌手:Nightwish专辑:Over The Hills And Far Away-One Music10Th Man DownNightwishToday I killed, he was just a boyEight before him, I knew them allIn the fields a dying oath:I"d kill them all to save my ownCut me free, Bleed with me, Oh noOne by one, We will fall, down downPull the plug, End the pain, Run"n fight for lifeHold on tight, this ain"t my fightDeliver me from this warIt"s not for me it"s because of youDevil"s instant my eternityObey to kill to save yourselfCut me free, Bleed with me, Oh noOne by one, We will fall, down downPull the plug, End the pain, Run"n fight for lifeHold on tight, this ain"t my fight"I envy the 9 lives that gave me hellMy path made up by their torn bodiesMan to man, soldier to soldier, dust to dustCall me a coward but I can"t take it anymore"They wait for me back homeThe live with eyes turned awayThey were the first ones to seeThey are the last ones to bleed"The ultimate high as all beautiful diesA ruler"s tool, priest"s excuse, tyrant"s delight...I alone, the great white hunterI"ll march till the dawn brings me rest10th patriot at the gallow"s pole!"Cut me free, Bleed with me, Oh noOne by one, We will fall, down downPull the plug, End the pain, Run"n fight for lifeHold on tight, this ain"t my fightCut me free, Bleed with me, Oh noOne by one, We will fall, down downPull the plug, End the pain, Run"n fight for lifeHold on tight, this ain"t my fight

求绿日21st century breakdown歌词大意!

21st Century Breakdown - Green Day 部歌词请点击: 英文歌词+翻译RX————谢谢采纳~!!     Born into Nixon I was raised in hell   在尼克松时代出生 在地狱里长大   A welfare child where the teamsters dwelled   我是一个居住在贫民窟靠福利养大的孩子   The last one born, the first one to run   最小的孩子出生 最大的孩子就要去辛勤劳作   My town was blind from refinery sun   虽然阳光普照 但我的城镇却是一片黑暗   My generation is zero   我们这一代一文不值   I never made it as a working class hero   我从未成为过工人阶级的英雄   21st century breakdown   崩溃的21世纪   I once was lost but never was found   我曾经迷失但却没有得到过救赎   I think I am losing what"s left of my mind   我正在丢失心中的意识   To the 20th century deadline   直到20世纪的最后期限   I was made of poison and blood   我的身体流淌着热血和毒药   Condemnation is what I understood   我所知道的一切就是罪恶   Videogames to the tower"s fall   从电子游戏到高塔的倒塌   Homeland security could kill us all   国土安全局能害死我们   My generation is zero   我们这一代一文不值   I never made it as a working class hero   我从未成为过工人阶级的英雄   21st century breakdown   崩溃的21世纪   I once was lost but never was found   我曾经迷失但却没有得到救赎   I think I am losing what"s left of my mind   我正在丢失心中的意识   To the 20th century deadline   直到20世纪的最后期限   We are the class of "13   我们是最底层的阶级   Born in the era of humility   出生在谦逊的年代   We are the desperate in the decline   我们在堕落中绝望   Raised by the bastards of 1969   被1969年的混蛋养大   My name is no one, the long lost son   我谁也不是 是失散很久的孩子   Born on the 4th of July   生于7月4日   Raised in an era of heroes and cons   在英雄与抗议者的年代长大   That left me for dead or alive   留我在苟活与死亡之间   I am a nation, a worker of pride   我代表一个国家 是一名有尊严的工人   My debt to the status quo   我却对现状欠下了债   The scars on my hands and the means to an end   手上的伤疤就是对结局的证明   Is all that I have to show   这就是我要告诉你们的   I swallowed my pride and I choked on my faith   我吞下尊严 我被信仰哽住   I"ve given my heart and my soul   我献出内心与灵魂   I"ve broken my fingers and lied through my teeth   我的手指已经折断 我满口谎言   The pillar of damage control   我损伤了心中的支柱   I"ve been to the edge   我曾经达到边缘   I"ve thrown the bouquet of flowers left over the grave   我将鲜花抛向坟墓   I sat in the waiting room, wasting my time   我在等候室消磨时间   And waiting for Judgement Day   等待着审判日的来临   I praise liberty   我歌颂自由   The "freedom to obey"   服从的自由   Is the song that strangles me   是一首扼杀我的歌   Don"t cross the line   警告我不要逾越界线   Dream, America dream   梦想着 梦想着美国梦   I can"t even sleep   我甚至不能入眠   From the light"s early dawn   直到晨光的黎明   Scream, America scream   呼喊着 美国在呼喊   Believe what you see from heroes and cons?   从英雄到抗议者 你仍否还相信你所看到的吗

breakdown(jack johnson)的中文歌词翻译


Material breakdown是不是指材料明细

Material breakdown材料击穿

21st century breakdown的创作背景

《21st Century Breakdown》以歌剧的形式分为“英雄与骗局”、“骗子与圣人”、“马蹄铁和手榴弹”三幕,绿日的成员比利·乔·阿姆斯特朗表示第一幕的意思是绿日如何与这两个恶魔作交易和他们各自的含义。第二幕的矛头则指向了宗教。最后的一幕之所以会这样命名,是因为马蹄铁是幸运的象征,而手榴弹则是一种爆炸的象征。比利·乔·阿姆斯特朗在接受英国《太阳报》的采访时,表示《21st Century Breakdown》是他们最有野心的一张专辑。 该专辑整个的创作过程令绿日畏缩与害怕的,但他们也感到相当值得。当绿日开始构思这张新专辑的时候,感觉就像是盯着一张空白的纸,他们一开始并不知道怎样去做。于是他们开始创作各种不一样的音乐,他们一直希望能做出像皇后乐队或是谁人乐队那样的音乐。比利·乔·阿姆斯特朗还透露他们为了它真的付出了许多心血与劳动,他本人还曾经因为该专辑差点要住院。

break out ,break down ,break off,break away分别是什么意思


break down 与 be broken down意思相同吗?


英语break down的同义词 :) 谢谢指点

breakdown崩溃的意思break down ..你这题选B

在外贸中,Value Breakdown是什么意思?而在Value Breakdown项中的HTS

Value Breakdown:产品出口值HTS line:高温超导线

break down的用法是什么? 有分手,分别的意思吗?break out的用法有是什么?还有别的break组成的短语吗?


break down等于go wrong吗,如果不是有什么区别吗

break down彻底坏了go wrong不正常了

dielectric breakdown 是什么意思

dielectric breakdown[英][u02ccdaiiu02c8lektrik u02c8breikdaun][美][u02ccdau026au026au02c8lu025bktru026ak u02c8breku02ccdau028an]介质击穿; 电介击穿; 1. 电介质哗2. 绝缘破坏3. 电介质击穿4. 绝缘击穿5. 介质击穿6. 介质破坏7. 介质哗8. 介电击穿9. 介电质击穿10. 电介质崩溃

internal breakdown是什么意思


舞娘 (Breakdown Stomp Mix) 歌词

歌曲名:舞娘 (Breakdown Stomp Mix)歌手:蔡依林专辑:唯舞独尊 演唱会鲜听版&混音蔡依林 - 舞娘作词:陈镇川作曲:Mirian Nervo/Liv Hervo/Greg Kursten月光放肆在染色的窗边尘烟 魔幻所有视觉再一杯 那古老神秘恒河水我镶在额头的猫眼 揭开了庆典为爱囚禁数千年的关节正诉说遗忘的爱恋听所有喜悲系在我的腰间让那些画面再出现 再回到从前旋转 跳跃 我闭着眼尘嚣看不见 你沉醉了没白雪 夏夜 我不停歇模糊了年岁 时光的沙漏被我踩碎故事刻画在旋转的指尖是谁在痴痴的追随这一夜 那破旧皇宫的台阶我忘情抖落的汗水 点亮了庆典一层一层把我紧紧包围我要让世界忘了睡你的心事倒影在我的眉间放弃的快乐都实现 难过都摧毁旋转 跳跃 我闭着眼尘嚣看不见 你沉醉了没白雪 夏夜 我不停歇模糊了年岁 舞娘的喜悲没人看见时光的沙漏被我踩碎舞娘的喜悲没人看见旋转 旋转 旋转旋转 旋转 旋转 旋转旋转所有喜悲写在我的眼前让那些画面再出现 回到从前旋转 跳跃 我闭着眼尘嚣看不见 你沉醉了没白雪 夏夜 我不停歇模糊了年岁 时光的沙漏被我踩碎旋转 跳跃 我闭着眼尘嚣看不见 你沉醉了没白雪 夏夜 我不停歇模糊了年岁 舞娘的喜悲没人看见

breakdown和break down的意思一样吗

breakdown .名词,瘫痪,出故障.the breakdown of the computer. break down .动词短语.My computer broke down last week.


break down意思是分解;发生故障;失败;毁掉;制服。break down词义:分解;发生故障;失败;毁掉;制服。固定搭配:break down and cry 崩溃而哭。造句:1、It also means there are no moving parts to break down.这也意味着没有活动零部件可拆卸。2、Many people were expecting (that) the peace talks would break down.许多人预料和平谈判会破裂。3、She made numerous efforts to break down colour lines in public places.她为打破公共场所的种族界限做出过许多努力。




英语单词breakdown的意思是:n. (汽车或机器的)故障,损坏;(关系的)破裂,(系统的)瘫痪;精神崩溃,(健康、体力等的)衰竭;细目,分类;分解;跺脚曳步舞网络 击穿;崩溃例句:She"s still recovering from her breakdown.她精神崩溃后还在恢复中。I suffered a nervous breakdown. It was a traumatic experience.我经受过一次精神崩溃,那是一次痛苦的经历。Susan had a mental breakdown and was diagnosed with schizophrenia.苏珊精神崩溃,被诊断为精神分裂


breakdowninto的意思是:分解成。breakdowninto的意思是:分解成。breakdowninto的例句是Theteacherdisaggregatedasentenceintoclauses.老师把一个句子分解成从句。一、网络释义点此查看breakdowninto的详细内容 分解成...bouncebout来回弹跳breakdowninto分解成...分解成...breakinto碰到;发现碰到;... 分类...characteristics特征Breakdowninto分类ocument记入档案...二、例句Theteacherdisaggregatedasentenceintoclauses.老师把一个句子分解成从句。Proteinisfirstbrokendownintoaminoacids.蛋白质首先分解成氨基酸。breakdowninto的相关临近词break、breakgoal点此查看更多关于breakdowninto的详细信息

break down是什么意思

break down释义分解;发生故障;失败;毁掉;制服网络损坏,分解,Breakdown短语break down打破Break It Down分解,分手吧,固定搭配


break down的意思:打散,解构。drop的意思:放,加入。重点词汇解释:1、drop:v. 推动;帮助;宣扬;下降;终止n. 滴;落下;空投;微量;滴剂2、breakdown:n. 故障;崩溃;分解;分类;衰弱;跺脚曳步舞扩展资料:drop的用法:1、drop意为“丢失或落下”时,既可以作及物动词,也可以作不及物动词。2、drop作动词还有“价格下降;放弃”的意思。3、drop可用作名词,表示滴。

什么叫做"精神崩溃"(nervous breakdown)?





breakdowninto的意思是:分解成。breakdowninto的意思是:分解成。breakdowninto的例句是Theteacherdisaggregatedasentenceintoclauses.老师把一个句子分解成从句。一、网络释义点此查看breakdowninto的详细内容 分解成...bouncebout来回弹跳breakdowninto分解成...分解成...breakinto碰到;发现碰到;... 分类...characteristics特征Breakdowninto分类ocument记入档案...二、例句Theteacherdisaggregatedasentenceintoclauses.老师把一个句子分解成从句。Proteinisfirstbrokendownintoaminoacids.蛋白质首先分解成氨基酸。breakdowninto的相关临近词break、breakgoal点此查看更多关于breakdowninto的详细信息

size breakdown 和size ratio是什么意思?

size breakdown 尺码分配 size ratio 粒度比,尺寸比
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