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Socket 编程中 close() 和 shutdown() 有什么区别?

从函数调用上来分析(msdn):一旦完成了套接字的连接,应当将套接字关闭,并且释放其套接字句柄所占用的所有资源。真正释放一个已经打开的套接字句柄的资源直接调用closesocket即可,但要明白closesocket的调用可能会带来负面影响,具体的影响和如何调用有关,最明显的影响是数据丢失,因此一般都要在closesocket之前调用shutdown来关闭套接字。 shutdown:为了保证通信双方都能够收到应用程序发出的所有数据,一个合格的应用程序的做法是通知接受双发都不在发送数据!这就是所谓的“正常关闭 ”套接字的方法,而这个方法就是由shutdown函数,传递给它的参数有SD_RECEIVE,SD_SEND,SD_BOTH三种,如果是 SD_RECEIVE就表示不允许再对此套接字调用接受函数。这对于协议层没有影响,另外对于tcp套接字来说,无论数据是在等候接受还是即将抵达,都要重置连接(注意对于udp协议来说,仍然接受并排列传入的数据,因此udp套接字而言shutdown毫无意义)。如果选择SE_SEND,则表示不允许再调用发送函数。对于tcp套接字来说,这意味着会在所有数据发送出并得到接受端确认后产生一个FIN包。如果指定SD_BOTH,答案不言而喻。 closesocket:对此函数的调用会释放套接字的描述,这个道理众所周知(凡是经常翻阅msdn的程序员),因此,调用此函数后,再是用此套接字就会发生调用失败,通常返回的错误是WSAENOTSOCK。此时与被closesocket的套接字描述符相关联的资源都会被释放,包括丢弃传输队列中的数据!!!!对于当前进程中的线程来讲,所有被关起的操作,或者是被挂起的重叠操作以及与其关联的任何事件,完成例程或完成端口的执行都将调用失败!另外 SO_LINGER标志还影响着closesocket的行为,但对于传统的socket程序,这里不加解释 因此可以可以看出shutdown对切断连接有着合理的完整性。 下面从tcp协议上来分析shutdown和closesocket的行为(behavior):closesocket或shutdown(使用 SD_SEND当作参数时),会向通信对方发出一个fin包,而此时套接字的状态会由ESTABLISHED变成FIN_WAIT_1,然后对方发送一个 ACK包作为回应,套接字又变成FIN_WAIT_2,如果对方也关闭了连接则对方会发出FIN,我方会回应一个ACK并将套接字置为 TIME_WAIT。因此可以看出closesocket,shutdown所进行的TCP行为是一样的,所不同的是函数部分,shutdown会确保 windows建立的数据传输队列中的数据不被丢失,而closesocket会冒然的抛弃所有的数据,因此如果你愿意closesocket完全可以取代shutdown,然而在数据交互十分复杂的网络协议程序中,最好还是shutdown稳妥一些!?有关TCP协议的连接原理清访问 http://www.rfc-editor.org第RFC793号文件




The school has nailed down the date for the spring outing.学校已经确定了春游的日期。

up the stairs,down the stairs 是楼上下吗?那么在楼上楼下怎么说

在楼上或楼下: upstairs/downstairs.up the stairs 上楼梯.down the stairs 下楼梯.


副词(Adverb)是指在句子中表示行为或状态特征的词,用以修饰动词、形容词、其他副词或全句,表示时间、地点、程度、方式等概念。副词可分为:时间副词、频率副词、地点副词、方式副词、程度副词、疑问副词、连接副词、关系副词、表顺序的副词。upstairs和downstairs都属于地点副词。可以修饰句子里的动词,表示动词发生的地点。例如:I live upstairs/downstairs. 我住楼上/楼下。这里的upstairs/downstairs可以直接修饰动词live。







knock over knock down 区别

knock over 打翻;撞倒He knocked a glass over.他把玻璃杯打翻了.2.使惊奇She was knocked over by the news.她被那消息惊呆了.3.消除We have knocked over every difficulty.我们已排除种种困难.knock down1.击倒;...

knock out 与knock down有什么区别

knock out 淘汰; 击败; 出局; 使不省人事knock down 拆卸; <非正>击倒; 拒绝; <非正>降价

knocked down 歌词

歌曲名:knocked down歌手:Disciple专辑:by godVerse 1I know I"m not the only onewho ever sins and makes mistakes (Romans 3:23)But it seems like I"m the only onewho says I"m sorry forgive me (Matthew 5:23-24)What is it about those wordsthat make it foreign to your mouthI guess sometimes it"s just too hardto love your neighbor as yourself (Matthew 22:39)ChorusLord can You help meI"ve been knocked down bythe words of a friend (Psalm 41:9)Give me the power to forgive (Mark 11:25)and love my neighbor as myselfYou"ve been through what I"ve been through (Hebrews 4:15)You know the kiss of a friend (Matthew 26:49-50)You proved to me on the crossthat You loved me as Yourself (Romans 5:8)Verse 2You know that I knowthere is no freedom when we speakThere"s something in between usthat makes us both act differently (Hebrews 12:14-15)You try to act like nothing"s wrongthat the problem will just handle itselfGod screams don"t let the sun go down beforeyou love your neighbor as yourself (Ephesians 4:25-26)Chorus 2I gotta get my life in line with you (Romans 12:1-2)and remove the plank from my eye (Matthew 7:4-5)gotta see with the eyes of love you give (1 Samuel 16:7)so I"ll love my neighbor as myself

knocked down中文是什么意思

knock down1.打倒,击倒;撞倒;击落:The angry man knocked him down.那个愤怒无比的人将他击倒了。I carelessly knocked the chair down.我不小心将椅子撞倒了。2.毁掉,拆毁,破坏:It"s a pity that the old house was knocked down.很可惜,那幢老房子被拆毁了。3.拆卸;拆散(以便于装运):The machine has been knocked down ready for shipment.机器已拆好准备装船。

knock over和knock down的分别?

knock over 碰翻; 打倒Coming too fast down the road, I knocked over a child on a bicycle.由于车开得太快, 我把一个骑自行车的小孩撞倒了。使吃惊The unexpected news fairly knocked me over.那意外的消息着实使我吃了一惊。轻易击败We should be able to knock the other team over without any trouble.我们应该能够毫不费力地击败对手。偷窃; 抢劫“Where did you get all these watches? Did you knock them over?”“Yes, we knocked over a jeweler"s shop last night.”“你从哪儿弄来这些手表?是不是抢的?”“是的, 昨晚我们抢劫了一家珠宝行。”快速完成Mike can knock over three or four of those simple drawings in a day.迈克一天可完成三四张那样简单的图画。knock down 〈非正〉击倒, 撞倒He knocked his opponent down with one blow in the competition.比赛中他一拳就打倒了他的对手。拆卸The portable device easily knocks down.这种轻便装置容易拆卸。〈非正〉降价; 减少The man was asking £5 for the dress, but I knocked it down to £4.50.那件衣服卖主索价5英镑, 但我砍价后以4.5英镑买下了。卖时以击锤表示卖出The auctioneer knocked the bureau down to a furniture dealer from York.拍卖者将写字台卖给从约克来的家具商。〈俚〉挣得, 获得过A clever lawyer can knock down 40, 000 dollars in a good year.如果碰上好运气, 一个精明的律师一年就能赚四万美元。〈俚〉偷; 抢He wanted to knock down a bank.他想抢劫银行。使降低; 使丢脸She does not want to knock down his self-esteem.她不想挫他的自尊。拒绝They knocked down the suggestion.他们把这条建议否决了。挥霍She knocked down forty dollars at a restaurant.她在一家饭馆花掉40美元。在燃烧区域边缘控制〔减弱〕火焰〔高温〕There was a low protecting wall to knock down the heat blasting from the pit of the furnace.有一堵低矮的护壁挡住从炉膛里喷出的火焰。

篮球里面knock it down是什么意思




可以帮忙解释一下knock on/onto/at/off/over/down吗?

knock on 1. (非正式)变老 ; 2. (英橄)(犯规动作)以手或臂向前击球 。3. 撞击撞出;4敲击(门、窗).knock at敲,击,叩 knock off 1. 停止工作 Knocked off work at noon.中午暂停工作 ; 2. 【非正式用语】 仓促写出,即席作成:仓促或轻易地完成、做完或处理;结束 ; 3. 【非正式用语】 除掉;消除 ; 4. 【俚语】 杀,战胜; 5. 【俚语】 持枪抢劫,拦路抢劫 Knocked off a bank.抢劫银行;6. 【非正式用语】 翻印,复印或模仿,尤指在未经允许的情况下 。knock over1. 弄翻, 打倒2. [美俚]袭击; 搜查;3. 逮捕 ;4.使心烦意乱, 使不知所措; 5完成, 干完 ;6[美俚]抢劫。knock down 1. 击倒在地,用一击打倒在地;使倒下; 2. 拆卸,为了储藏或运输而拆卸成几部份; 3. 敲槌宣布卖出,在拍卖会上宣布货物卖出; 4. 【非正式用语】 削减价格等 ;5. 【俚语】 收到(工资)。望采纳哈。

knock off和knock down分别什么意思?

knock off敲掉knock down 击倒, 拆卸,

knock down、knock over和knock off的区别。具体一点。谢谢

knock sb down from sth = knock sb off sth 撞下knock down sth 撞到knock over 打翻 撞翻

So far, not one of them has been struck down by sudden death!

击倒 是词组

So far,not one of them has been struck down by sudden death! 请解释struck down 他是词组吗

struck是strike的过去式,他们放在一起是词组,strike down 打倒 击倒的意思. 全句:到目前为止,他们当中没有一个被死亡击倒.

pop up/nip up/pop down/nip down…中文意思是?「pop」与「nip」的6个英文片语!

「pop」与「nip」在英式英文的片语动词当中,是可以互换而语意不变的,而这些片语动词的含意大多与「突然出现或探访」、「突然离开」有关。 Learn British English Free的讲师Chris提出了6个「pop」与「nip」的片语动词(phrasal verb),如果下次你要突然地去拜访某位朋友,给他/她一个惊喜,不妨就可以用这些片语动词来形容罗! 1. Pop / nip in 做短暂的访问、去一会儿 E.g. She needs to pop into town for a bit of shopping. 她要去城里购物一下。 2. Pop / nip out (突然或迅速地)出去 E.g. I"m going to nip out to the shop. 我要去商店一下。 3. Pop / nip down (迅速或突然)来, 去 E.g. Let"s pop down the pub for a cheeky pint. 我们去酒吧喝个酒吧! 4. Pop / nip up 出现 E.g. I need to nip up to floor five for a meeting with my manager. 我必须到五楼和经理开会。 5. Pop / nip over (迅速或突然)来, 去 E.g. Do you want to pop over this afternoon? 你今天下午想来吗? 6. Pop / nip around 突然来访 E.g. Why don"t you nip round / around after work? 你何不下班后过来呢? nip, nip around, nip around 中文, nip around 意思, nip around 用法, nip around 翻译, nip down, nip down 中文, nip down 意思, nip down 用法, nip down 翻译, nip in, nip in 中文, nip in 意思, nip in 用法, nip in 翻译, nip out, nip out 中文, nip out 意思, nip out 用法, nip out 翻译, nip over, nip over 中文, nip over 意思, nip over 用法, nip over 翻译, nip up, nip up 中文, nip up 意思, nip up 用法, nip up 翻译, nip 中文, nip 意思, nip 片语, nip 用法, nip 翻译, nip 英文片语, pop, pop around, pop around 中文, pop around 意思, pop around 用法, pop around 翻译, pop down, pop down 中文, pop down 意思, pop down 用法, pop down 翻译, pop in, pop in 中文, pop in 意思, pop in 用法, pop in 翻译, pop out, pop out 中文, pop out 意思, pop out 用法, pop out 翻译, pop over, pop over 中文, pop over 意思, pop over 用法, pop over 翻译, pop up, pop up 中文, pop up 意思, pop up 用法, pop up 翻译, pop 中文, pop 意思, pop 片语, pop 用法, pop 翻译, pop 英文片语

思科 port security violation mode 的三种模式 有什么区别 1.protect 2.restrict 3.shutdown




she laid down her broad hem什么意思?


throw down my brush in a panic里的“panic”是什么词性

名词 :惊恐


GST亲和层析和GST Pull-down方法此方法的基本原理是:利用重组技术将探针蛋白与GST(Glutathione S transferase)融合,融合蛋白通过GST与固相化在载体上的GTH(Glutathione)亲和结合。因此,当与融合蛋白有相互作用的蛋白通过层析柱时或与此固相复合物混合时就可被吸附而分离。在病毒受体研究中,融合蛋白通常设计为病毒吸附蛋白(VAP)。这方面成功的例子有HBV[28]。具体做法如下:将GST-融合探针蛋白(VAP)和GTH-Sepharose制成亲和层析柱,然后待分析的蛋白质混合液流经亲和层析柱,梯度洗脱,分离、收集各蛋白组分,这称为GST亲和柱层析(GST affinity column chromatography)。如果一开始待检蛋白就和GST- 融合探针蛋白与GTH-Sepharose一起共同孵育,经离心收集洗脱复合物和洗涤后,再加入过量GTH获得相互作用蛋白的复合物,那么这种方法则称为GST pull down。GST亲和层析及相应的GST Pull-down方法的优点是敏感,对混合物中的所有蛋白均“一视同仁”,也可用于受体功能的鉴定。缺点是GST有可能影响融合蛋白的空间结构,另外,蛋白质浓度对实验也有一定影响。3.6 酵母双杂交技术许多真核生物的转录激活因子通常具有两个可独立存在的结构域,即DNA结合域(BD)与转录激活域(AD)。这两个结构域各具功能,互不影响。但一个完整的激活特定基因表达的激活因子必须同时含有这两个结构域。不同来源的激活因子的BD区与AD结合后则可特异地激活被BD结合的基因表达。基于这个原理,人们将两个待测蛋白分别与这两个结构域建成融合蛋白,并共表达于同一个酵母细胞内。如果两个待测蛋白间能发生相互作用就会使AD与BD形成完整的转录激活因子并激活相应的报告基因表达。通过对报告基因表型的测定可以很容易地知道待测蛋白分子间是否发生了相互作用.酵母双杂交系统由三个部分组成:①与BD融合的蛋白表达载体,被表达的蛋白称诱饵蛋白(bait);②AD融合的蛋白表达载体,其表达的蛋白称靶蛋白(prey);③带有一个或多个报告基因的宿主菌株。常用的报告基因有HIS3、URA3、LacZ和ADE2等。而菌株则具有相应的营养缺陷型。双杂交质粒上分别带有不同的抗性基因和营养标记基因,有利于杂交质粒的鉴定与分离。根据目前通用系统中BD来源主要分为GAL4系统和LexA系统。后者因BD来源于原核生物,在真核生物内缺少同源性,因此可以减少假阳性的出现。近年来,开始出现了应用酵母双杂交技术进行病毒受体研究的成功报告,如麻疹病毒的绒猴细胞受体[30]。李凌云等构建了表达“猎物”(prey)蛋白的质粒和表达病毒VAP“诱饵”(bait)蛋白的质粒,然后共转染同一酵母细胞,利用已建立的易感细胞cDNA文库,筛到了阳性克隆。酵母双杂交技术的优点是灵敏度高,特异性较好,缺点是容易出现假阳性和假阴性,而且对蛋白质在细胞中的定位有要求。为了克服上述缺点,人们进一步优化出所谓“双筛选系统”,即蛋白质相互作用必须同时激活两个以上报道基因,具有两种以上的相应表型才算是真的阳性结果。另外,人们也改造了酵母双杂交系统所用的载体系统,将在细胞浆内发生的蛋白质相互作用转移到细胞膜上进行,以此来更容易地筛选膜蛋白受体,如Ras recruitment system(RRS)。

vanish up 和vanish down的区别?

break up 1. 解散,驱散,拆散,(使)分散,散开,消散[尤作为命令,亦作break it up走开,散开,住手,停止扭打(或争吵)]: 2. 粉碎,炸碎,打碎,敲碎,破裂,破碎;解冻: 3. [英国英语](集会)结束,散会;(学校等)期末结束,期终放假,散学: 4. [口语](使)(人与人关系)发生破裂,断绝关系,关系破裂(或中断);(使)(夫妇)离异: 5. [美国口语]震动;搅乱,使烦乱,使心烦意乱,使苦恼,使忧伤: 6. [美国口语](使)情不自禁地笑,(使)狂笑,(使)捧腹大笑,(使)感到开心好笑,(使)兴高采烈: 7. (被)分解;(使)分裂: 8. (体力、能力)衰退;(人)衰老,变得衰弱,身体变坏,(精神)衰颓,垮下去: 9. (在一段时间维持某一气候特征之后)(天气)突变,(天气)变坏: 10. 挖开,掘开,犁开,犁出: 11. (士气)衰颓,衰落下来,慌乱起来,意志动摇起来 12. 打断…的连贯性;终止: 13. 挑拨离间: break down 1. (机器等)发生故障,失灵,失效,出毛病,坏掉,损坏: 2. 坍塌;崩溃,瓦解: 3. .中断,中止,停顿,破裂: 4. (使)感情上失去控制,不能抑制感情,放声痛哭起来,情不自禁地痛哭起来: 5. (在健康或精神等方面)(使)垮掉,垮下来,(健康等)变得衰弱,衰弱下来,(由于过度忧愁或工作而)精神不支,(体力、精神)支持不住: 6. 制服,克服;镇压,压倒(对方等);(使)减轻,(使)缓和: 7.分成若干部分;把(化合物等)分解;把(机器等)拆散,拆开(以便贮藏或运输): 8. 把(成本、总数等)分成细目;把(统计资料)分类;分析,对…分类;可被分析,可分类:

warm-up and cool-down是什么意思

warm-up and cool-down加温和冷却

[知识]在执行任务时,击倒敌人时队友会说TANGO DOWN. TANGO是什么意思呢

我还以为他们说TANGO是英国口音的target.... 查看原帖>>


RAW、SD、NXT是WWE现在的三个联盟,ECW现在已经没有了,在今年改为的NXT~RAW最早叫WAR OF RAW,后来直接改为的RAW,SD全称是SmackDown,以前是一个有名的摔角公司WCW,被WWE收购后改为自己的联盟SmackDown,NXT的意思就是下一个WWE的超级巨星,就是培养新人的联盟~ECW就叫ECW,以前也是一个有名的摔角公司,后来被WWE收购,改为自己的联盟,就叫ECW~

the rise, the first in 10 months, reversed the downward trend in the country


歌词里有I never lay down,I never go away

你听下是不是 no more lonely nights

Lay Down My Guns 歌词

歌曲名:Lay Down My Guns歌手:Sanctus Real专辑:We Need Each OtherSanctus Real-- Lay Down My GunsLarry Cheng & Kevin BoulWell I just need a place to lay my headForget the chain that hangs around my neckThese guns are not as heavy as the hearts they defendI can"t wait to get back home where I can find some restWhen I lay down my guns and lift my handsSurrender to Love and live againMay this desert reach its end where my new life beginsWhen I lay down my guns and lift my handsAnd I have seen the devil in this placeAnd I lost myself when my friends found the graveWhen you"re this far from HeavenIt"s hard to keep the faithI"m barely holding onI can"t wait toLay down my guns and lift my handsSurrender to Love and live againMay this desert reach its end where my new life beginsWhen I lay down my guns and lift my handsAnd I"m laying down these burdensTaking off the weightsAnd I can"t count the miles that I"ve walked to find my wayTo lay down these gunsHow I need to lay down these gunsLay down my guns and lift my handsSurrender to Love and live againMay this desert reach its end where my new life beginsAnd I"ll abandon my defenses and live to love againWhen I lay down my guns and lift my handsLay downLay downLay down my guns~~~~Larry Cheng & Kevin Boulshare with you~~find more in my blog~

I lay down not so much to sleep as to think 这里as是



把关于up和down的常用短语给你▲UPback up 支持build up堵塞,聚集;建立,树立;增强;clear up 整理;说出,解决count up算出总数draw up单拟;使…..停住hang up挂断电话knock up 使…..疲倦(英)怀孕(美)hold up 支撑;阻碍;抢劫lay up 卧床不起;leave up 减弱pay up 付清pick up 拣起;偶获;学会;恢复;改建;搭载pull up =stopshow up 显现;出席sit up 熬夜stand up 站起;耐用;-- for 维护 –to sb 抵抗某人touch up 改进;润色wipe up 擦干work up 激情;煽动write up 补写;整理;细写;提高账面值;为文赞扬▲DOWNback down: bring down:打倒;降低;(记录)延续come down:贫困潦倒;(物价)下跌get down:从…下来;写下;记下;使沮丧 go down:下降;船(沉)hand down:=hand on 把……传下去hold down:压制;操持(工作);阻止(物价上涨)keep down:镇压;压低look down on:蔑视put sb. down:让某人下车;奚落set down :=write downtake down :拆卸;记下turn down :调小(音量,光线,煤水);拒绝lay down:放下;规定let down :放下;使失望run down:撞倒

if you lay down with dogs, you will get up with fleas.怎么翻译最好?


Lay Down Beside Me 歌词

歌曲名:Lay Down Beside Me歌手:Don Williams专辑:Love SongsLay Down Beside MeI"ve spent my life looking for youFinding my way wasn"t easy to doBut I knew there was you all the whileAnd it"s been worth every mileSo lay down beside meLove me and hide meKiss all the hurtin" of this world awayHold me so close that I feel your heartbeatAnd don"t ever wander awayMornings and evenings all were the sameAnd there was no music till I heard your nameBut I knew when I saw you smileNow I can rest for awhileSo lay down beside meLove me and hide meKiss all the hurtin" of this world awayHold me so close that I feel your heartbeatAnd don"t ever wander awayHold me so close that I feel your heartbeatAnd don"t ever wander away

Lay Down Beside Me中文歌词有吗?

Lay Down Beside Me 留在我身边something about the way you movedthat caught my eye你的移动牵引着我的视线i really did have to try it我已经尝试过i can"t deny it无可否认the way your body swayedas i watched you from behindgot me so exited从后面看着你摇摆的风姿 让我兴奋莫名how could i fight it?我如何抵挡你的诱惑?baby let me be the one to hold you宝贝让我拥着你to give you the things i know you miss把你所想的都给你you know we can wait another lifetime你知道我们即使再等一生and we can never finda love just like this chorus:也不能得到这样的爱 if you lay downlay down beside me如果你留下 留在我的身边 you can get all inside me你将得到我的全部and i can get all inside you too我也将得到你的全部if you lay down, lay down beside me宝贝 如果你留下 留在我的身边you can wake up beside me foreverforever and everforever and ever baby你将在我身旁醒来, 直到永远 永远。。。let"s take this chanceto get to know each other better让我们抓住这彼此了解的机会maybe we will discoverwe can be more then lovers我们将发现我们不仅仅是情人i"ll give you what you needjust come to me and get it我将给你所需的一切 来我这里拿吧baby, you won"t regret itno, no, no, no, baby宝贝 你将不会后悔 baby move a little closer, yes宝贝 靠近点 就象这样i wanna feel your body next to mine我要感受你的身体靠在我身边 and before this night is over在今夜结束之前you will just know what it meansto be loved until you scream chorus你将明白这意味着这爱让你疯狂if you lay downlay down beside me如果你留下 留在我的身边 you can get all inside me你将得到我的全部and i can get all inside you too我也将得到你的全部if you lay down, lay down beside me宝贝 如果你留下 留在我的身边you can wake up beside me foreverforever and everforever and ever baby你将在我身旁醒来, 直到永远 永远。。。tonight we"ll findfind just what we"ve been looking forgood good love and a whole lot more今晚我们将得到一直盼望的真爱和所有hold on, real tighthold me and don"t you let go紧紧抱着我 not till i tell you to chorus直到我让你停止才能松手if you lay downlay down beside me如果你留下 留在我的身边 you can get all inside me你将得到我的全部and i can get all inside you too我也将得到你的全部if you lay down, lay down beside me宝贝 如果你留下 留在我的身边you can wake up beside me foreverforever and everforever and ever baby你将在我身旁醒来, 直到永远 永远。。。

Lay Down Your Life 歌词

歌曲名:Lay Down Your Life歌手:Pope Jane专辑:Hide Me From The MoonCome rest your head on my shoulder. It"s alright, close your eyes...Curl up and hang upon my coat rack, the armor that you wear outsideJust let you bubble to the surface, show me that childlike smile,Don"t be afraid of your own purpose, stay and be still for awhile...ChorusLay down your life; Lay down your life; Lay down your life...with me. With me.Nuzzle tighter and demolish the walls erected in your youthInside the rubble, spit and polished, stands the spirit of your truth...Shining brighter than the waters, with a tongue that speaks in flames,Your heart could not burn any hotter. Why does your passion cause you pain?ChorusYou"re breathing slows and you are sleeping, wrapped around me with your wingsAnd I can see just what you"re keeping inside your mind with all your things...You are fulfilled, you are at rest. You are weak-willed, but at your best.You are the safest that you"ve been as long as you remember when.You are so full of raw desire. You are alive, you feel inspiredYou"re thawing out, you"re kicking in. You"ve wrapped into me through my skinWhere do you stop, and I begin? Where do you stop, and I begin?Where do you stop, and I begin? Where do you stop, when will you...Chorus x 2

Lay Down My Life (Album) 歌词

歌曲名:Lay Down My Life (Album)歌手:Sidewalk Prophets专辑:These Simple TruthsSidewalk Prophets - Lay Down My LifeAll your painWill be made mineAll your troublesThe tears you cryGive it upAll that bindsI will place it on my shouldersAnd up this hill I"ll climbFather, give me strengthI know there is no other wayI lay down my life for youThis is the momentwhen all will be made newI know that you don"t understandBut this is part of a greater planSo I lay down my life for youThis is loveThat had to bleedTo bring you mercyTo set you freeYou are mineI am yoursAnd I will wear your burdensJust like this crown of thornsI will take your placeI know there is no other wayI lay down my life for youThis is the momentwhen all will be made newI know that you don"t understandBut this is part of a greater planAnd I lay down my life for youGive me all your prideGive me all your fearsGive me all your secretsGive me all your tearsGive me all you doubtGive me all your shameWatch them wash awayWatch them wash awayGive me all your prideGive me all your fearsGive me all your secretsGive me all your tearsGive me all you doubtGive me all your shameWatch them wash awayIn Jesus" nameI lay down my life for youThis is the momentwhen all will be made newI know that you don"t understandBut this is part of a greater planAnd I lay down my life for youThough I know that you don"t understandThese scars are part of a greater planAnd I lay down my life for youArms stretched outUpon this treeTo show true loveTo set you free

Lay Down Beside Me 歌词

歌曲名:Lay Down Beside Me歌手:Kenny Rogers专辑:Very Best Of Kenny RogersLay Down Beside MeSomething about the way you moveThat caught my eyeI really did have to try it, yesI can"t deny itThe way your body swayedAs I watched you from behindGot me so excitedHow could I fight itBaby let me be the one to hold youTo give you the things I know you needYou know that we can wait another lifetimeAnd we could never findA love just like thisChorusIf you lay downLay down beside meYou can get all inside meAnd I can get all inside you tooIf you lay downLay down beside meYou will wake up beside me foreverForever (forever and ever)(Forever and ever) BabyLet"s take this chance to get toKnow each other betterMaybe we will discoverWe can be more than loversI"ll give you what you needJust come to me and get itBaby you wont regret itNo, no, no, no, no babyBaby move a little closer, yeahI wanna feel your body next to mineAnd before this night is overYou will know just what it meansTo be loved until you screamTonight (tonight)We"ll findFind just what we"ve been looking forGood good loving and a whole lot moreSo, hold on(Hold on) me tightHold me and don"t you let goNot "til I tell toHey

女的唱的英文歌 欢快的 里面有歌词lay down

歌名:《It"s Alright》演唱:戴佩妮专辑:Delicious歌词:口袋空空没有半毛钱也可以走的稳稳当当就算找不到任何名牌的标签二手牛仔裤也很耐看望着别人向我吐出的一口烟我一点想抽的冲动也没有现在就沿着长长的马路往前走一直走不再回头看but why你看我的眼神那么奇怪我没有三只眼睛二张嘴巴半个脑袋你看什么看有什么好看我只是样子有点拽It"s AlrightI"II be fine我够勇敢不怕被打败It"s AlrightI"II be fine何必为小事转不过来It"s AlrightI"II be fine我的光阴你寸金也难买It"s AlrightI"m fine fine fine精不精采我自有安排我张开双手拥抱这片天多么奢侈的免费消遣尽管手机铃声响了半天不知不觉也成了配乐哼着昨天为你刚刚写完的歌心中越唱越是爽快倒不如就原地停下来随地躺下来闭上眼睛通通都不管I know why你看我的表情那么的呆整个人躺在烈日底下只管不停的晒你看呀看觉得也没什么好看我根本也没什么特别It"s AlrightI"II be fine我够勇敢不怕被打败It"s AlrightI"II be fine何必为小事转不过来It"s AlrightI"II be fine我的光阴你寸金也难买It"s AlrightI"m fine fine fine精不精采我自有安排我不明白我真的不明白你对我的干涉是好奇还是假装关怀我的未来我和他的未来到底能爱多久就交由上帝主宰It"s AlrightI"II be fineIt"s AlrightI"II be fine我够勇敢不怕被打败It"s AlrightI"II be fine何必为小事转不过来It"s AlrightI"II be fine我的光阴你寸金也难买It"s AlrightI"m fine fine fine精不精采我自有安排It"s AlrightI"m fine fine fine版本2:歌曲: It"s Alright 歌手: Ray Charles 专辑: 《The Birth of Soul》歌词:It"s alrightWoooooooh now let me tell you nowIt"s alrightSo many times I sat down and criedIt"s alrightYou know there"s no one to dry my weapin" eyesIt"s alrightBaby I"m so in love with you nowIt"s alrightAnd yet you broke my heart in twoAlthough you"ve gone awayThere"s nothin" I can say but it"s alrightIt"s alrightBaby how could you be so meanIt"s alrightYou know sometimes I feel like I wanna screamIt"s alrightEverytime I hear someone call your name nowIt"s alrightYou know it almost drives me insaneIt"s alrightYou took my love and goneAnd you know that we"re wrongBut it"s alright It"s alrightI wanted to keep on saying sure andIt"s alrightYou know someday you"ll need these arms of mineIt"s alrightI said it make take a long long timeIt"s alrightAnd when things aint what they used to be nowIt"s alrightYou can bring your fine self home to meTo prove my love is trueI"ll hug and kiss you tooAnd I"ll say it"s alrightIt"s alright

AKB48 Lay down 中日歌词

Lay down 作词:秋元康作曲:上杉洋史歌:AKB48翻译者:不明おまえが手(て)に入(はい)るなら落入我的掌心悪魔(あくま)と取引(とりひ)きしよう如同和恶魔做交易何(なに)が 何が 何が欲(ほ)しい?你想得到什么?私(わたし)のこの唇(くちびる)か?我的嘴唇?それとも こんな体(からだ)か?还是我的身体?何(なに)を 何を 何を望(のぞ)む? 你在奢望什么?爱(あい)をいつでも独(ひと)り占(じ)めしたい爱是永不满足的占有欲首(くび)に锁(くさり)を繋(つな)げてドーベルマンのように…你是被锁链拴住的狗…狞猛(どうもう)な目(み)を手(て)なづけるわ! 让我爱抚故作狰狞的你吧私(わたし)のもの你是我的私のもの你是我的私のもの你是我的おまえのすべては…所有一切都属于我…私のもの你是我的私のもの你是我的私のもの你是我的言(い)うことをお闻(き)き!服从我的命令!Lay down!跪下!Lay down!跪下!おまえがいい子(こ)だったら做个好孩子乖乖听话时(とき)には褒美(ほうび)をやろう也许会得到慷慨的奖赏何(なに)が 何が 何が欲(ほ)しい?要明白什么叫知足私(わたし)に歯向(はむ)かった时(とき)は咬牙切齿妄想顶撞的话しなったこの鞭(むち)が飞(と)ぶ看来是皮痒想吃顿鞭子谁(だれ)が 谁が 谁がオーナー?到底谁才是主人?爱(あい)の主导権(しゅどうけん)を争(あらそ)いたくない爱的掌控权无需争夺绝対的(ぜったいてき)に优位(ゆうい)に调教(ちょうきょう)するわ我高高在上调教你开窍育(そだ)て方(かた)ならまかせてよ任由我来养成你吧跪(ひざまず)きな!给我跪下!跪きな!给我跪下!跪きな!给我跪下私(わたし)は女王(じょおう)称我为王跪きな!给我跪下跪きな!给我跪下跪きな!给我跪下おまえは饲(か)い犬(いぬ)你是我的狗Lay down!跪下!Lay down!跪下!私(わたし)のもの你是我的私のもの你是我的私のもの你是我的おまえのすべては…所有一切都属于我…私のもの你是我的私のもの你是我的私のもの你是我的言(い)うことをお闻(き)き!服从我的命令!Lay down!跪下!Lay down!跪下!

Pradera的《Lay Down》 歌词

歌曲名:Lay Down歌手:Pradera专辑:Hardstyle Vol. 21「Lay Down」作词∶Kumi Koda/Matthew Tishler/Adam Royce/Kat Lucas作曲∶Matthew Tishler/Adam Royce/Kat Lucas歌∶幸田来未U gonna love it...Lay down, lay down, and I"ll lay down the law...we rock yo 派手に舞うわlike a modelsいつもよりもchampagne we"re poppin" bottlesあら手伝ってくれるの?thank you Can you handle this?操 ってみて酔わせてみてyou, thank you Can you handle this?boy 梦中にさせてよlike we want it困惑させてしまうlike a kitty悪い女 だと缚り付けてhandle youあなたのpocket 空っぽなのにyou, thank you Can you handle this?Take u, break u, Make u mineAnd u gonna love itYeah u gonna, u gonna love itLay down, lay down, and I"ll lay down the law激しくしてくれるのlike a modelあなたの物よ自由にlike a doll出来る子なら言ってあげるthank you Can you handle this?あなたのrocket もう飞び出しそうI don"t thank you. Can you handle this?あなたの上でこのbooties" shakin" like we want itこれが欲しいんでしょ? esctacy, how you want itあなたのtechnique かってるthank you Can you handle this?駆け引きもまあ、気の向くままdon"t thank you. Can you handle this?Take u, break u, Make u mineAnd u gonna love itYeah u gonna, u gonna love itLay down, lay down, and I"ll lay down the law【 おわり 】

lay down,lay off ,lay aside 有什么区别呀?

lay down放下 lay off 解雇;休息 lay aside 搁置;储蓄;留存 区别分大

lay down是什么意思










Lay Down Your Love 歌词

歌曲名:Lay Down Your Love歌手:Whitesnake专辑:Made In JapanWhen love calls your nameAnd whispers you"re the oneWhen all you"ve ever dreamedDances like stars around your heartAnd finally I hold the chanceTo give you all my loveSo whats keeping meAway from holding youI"m ready to believeBe strong enoughGive everything I amAnd trust in loveMy arms long to reach for youThe way I feel I wish you knewI"m ready now, I"m ready to believeOoh, I"m ready for loveOnly once, you will findA love that is so trueAnd the way I think of youYou can"t imagine how beautiful it feelsI must find a way to speakThis secret I hold nearIts these wordsYou need to hearI"m ready to believeBe strong enoughGive everything I amAnd trust in loveMy arms long to reach for youThe way I feel I wish you knewI"m ready now, Im ready to believeOohI know with you I could stay foreverSailing into graceHere all things are possibleThere"s no time or spaceWhen I feel you nearI"m ready to believeBe strong enoughGive everything I amAnd trust in loveMy arms long to reach for youThe way I feel I wish you knewI"m ready now, I"m ready to believe


有很多歌曲名字中都带有"down",以下是其中一些:1. "Lay Down" - Sarah Proctor2. "Up and Down" - 西城男孩3. "Upside Down" - ATEEZ4. "Get Down" - Backstreet Boys5. "It"s Goin" Down" - Yung Joc以上列表只是其中的一部分,如果你能提供更多信息,例如歌曲的年代、歌曲的风格、歌词的内容等等,那么找到这首歌曲的机率会更高。

lie down的过去式是lied down还是lay down


head down to和 lay down under中,down,to,under分别是什么词性?怎么辨别的?介词

head down to 中的down为短语固定搭配,to在句子中是介词。整个句子搭配应是somebody head down to+地点。后面那句也是。关于辨别,是要看自己积累得怎样(多看语法书就好)。介词后面是不跟to的。副词后面也是不跟to的。


草莓/莓 睡觉/觉 音你心动/因你心动

lay down 帮忙给3个例句好吗谢谢

提醒:楼主第一个例子不对的,lay down是个不及物动词短语,不能前接is的!!!1,He lay down like a coward.他驯服得像一个懦夫。2, I"ll lay down $10 on that horse.我要在那匹马上下10美元的赌注。3,They lay down under a canopy of stars.他们躺在繁星点点的天幕下。希望帮到你!

Amanda Jenssen的《Lay Down》 歌词

歌曲名:Lay Down歌手:Amanda Jenssen专辑:Hymns For The HauntedAmanda Jenssen - Lay Down.Lay downLay downLay down, sweet childLay down and wish for light.Lay downLay downLay down, sweet childLay down in lullabies.Tie the present to the pastLet tomorrows longing lastGrowing younger day by dayFlowing wonder hear us pray.Lay downLay downLay down, sweet childLay down and wish for light.Lay downLay downLay down, sweet childLay down in lullabies.No decisions to be madeAll your stories shall be savedSilent hunger in your chestSlowly slumber into rest.Lay downLay downLay down, sweet childLay down and wish for light.Lay downLay downLay down, sweet childLay down in lullabies.Lay down and you shall rise.

lie down和lay down的区别

lay是lie (躺下) 的过去式 lay 后面必须加宾语. 例如:Lay your head down on the pillow.不能单用lay down. 扩展资料   When the overseer was not in, most of the workers would lie down on the job.   只要监工不在,大多数工人就磨洋工。   I get terrible headaches but it helps if I lie down in the dark for a while.   我头痛得厉害,要是在暗处躺一会儿那是大有好处的。   He said lie would climb down and help them.   他说他要爬下去帮他们一把。


laydown用在感情里是放下的意思。Lay,英语单词,动词、形容词、名词,作动词时意为“躺;位于(lie的过去式),躺下;产卵;搁放”,作形容词时意为“世俗的;外行的”,作名词时意为“(美、新加坡、马来西亚)礼(人名),位置;短诗;花纹方向”。Lay的双语例句:1、He lay in bed till night .他躺在床上一直到晚上。2、I lay in bed contemplating what to do next.我躺在床上,考虑下一步怎么办。3、She then asked, as we lay there cuddling ,Do you want me to go?然后我们躺在那里拥抱时她问,你想要我走吗?



Lay down 和 lay across的区别


lie down和lay down的区别

这两个词组在意思上就有本质上的差别。lie down, 躺下。lay down, 放下,制定,主张。例句:我太累了,需要躺下歇会儿。I am so tired and I need to lie down.他们已同意放下武器。They have offered to lay down their arms.

lay down 都有什么意思

放下...LAY 搁置的意思






你好!down有沮丧的意思哦!You let me down!



想找一首 女唱的 英文歌 我记得有句是 Let me什么然后 Let me smile 还有一些词了let me down

歌名:leave me alone歌手:The Veronicas也许你说的是这首歌歌词I"m getting tired of you pushing me "roundDragging me downMaking a sound because you wannaI guess that"s why I like messing with youPutting you throughA lesson or two, because I"m gonnaBefore I go my own wayI just gotta sayLeave me aloneGet out of my faceI"m tired in loveFeeling so misplacedTime for you to goYou still know I"m better off on my own, ohLeave me aloneThis isn"t gonna workDon"t call me on the phoneBecause I"m all out of wordsI"ll face the unknownThinking about all the ways that I"ve grownOh, Leave me alone(3x)There was the time I thought you were the oneHaving some funGetting it doneWhat an illusion"Cause you were trying to take control of meThat couldn"t be, I need to be free of this confusionDon"t give me a guilt trip, because I"m so over itLeave me aloneGet out of my faceI"m tired in loveFeeling so misplacedTime for you to goYou still know I"m better off on my own, ohLeave me aloneThis isn"t gonna workDon"t call me on the phoneBecause I"m all out of wordsI"ll face the unknownThinking about all the ways that I"ve grownOh, leave me alone(6x)Don"t turn around and don"t look backI see right through all your selfless actsOh(6x)Leave me alone(2x)I"m tired in loveFeeling so misplacedTime for you to goYou still know I"m better off on my own, ohLeave me aloneThis isn"t gonna workDon"t call me on the phoneBecause I"m all out of wordsI"ll face the unknownThinking about all the ways that I"ve grownOh, leave me alone(9x)If you win your loveI"ll feel better on my ownLeave me alone




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touchdown是个名词。特指飞机的着陆点。a landing (as the wheels touch the landing field); especially of airplanes以上来源于: WordNet柯林斯英汉双解大辞典touchdown /u02c8tu028ctu0283u02ccdau028an/ 1.有变体名词 Touchdown is the landing of an aircraft or spacecraft. 降落例:The astronauts are preparing for touchdown tomorrow morning.宇航员正准备明晨的降落。2.可数名词 In American football and rugby, a touchdown is when a team scores points by taking the ball over the opposition"s goal line. (橄榄球)触地得分land是动词。

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System Of A Down的《Spiders》 歌词

歌曲名:Spiders歌手:System Of A Down专辑:System Of A DownSpiderssystem of a downThe piercing radiant moon, the storming of poor JuneAll the life running through her hairApproaching guiding light, our shallow years in frightDreams are made winding through my headThrough my headBefore you know, awakeYour lives are open wide, the V chip gives them sightOf all the life running through her hairThe spiders all in tune, the evening of the moonDreams are made winding through my headThrough my headBefore you know, awakeThrough my head, through my headBefore you know, before you know I will be waiting all awakeDreams are made winding through her hairDreams are made winding through her hair

when i am down and oh my soul so weary的歌词?

when i am down and, oh my soul so weary「当我失落的时候噢我的灵魂感到多么的疲倦」when troubles come and my heart burdened be「当有困难时我的心背负着重担」then, i am still and wait here in the silence「然后我会在寂静中等待」until you come and sit awhile with me「直到你的到来并与我小坐片刻」you raise me up, so i can stand on mountains「你鼓舞了我所以我能站在群山顶端」you raise me up, to walk on stormy seas「你鼓舞了我让我能走过狂风暴雨的海」i am strong, when i am on your shoulders「当我靠在你的肩上时我是坚强的」you raise me up… to more than i can be「你鼓舞了我…让我能够超越极限」there is no life - no life without its hunger「没有生命-没有生命是没有渴求的」each restless heart beats so imperfectly「每颗火热跳动的心都不完美」but when you come and i am filled with wonder「但是当你靠近时我的心充满了惊讶」sometimes, i think i glimpse eternity「有时我觉得我见到了永恒」you raise me up, so i can stand on mountains「你鼓舞了我所以我能站在群山顶端」you raise me up, to walk on stormy seas「你鼓舞了我让我能走过狂风暴雨的海」i am strong, when i am on your shoulders「当我靠在你的肩上时我是坚强的」you raise me up… to more than i can be「你鼓舞了我…让我能够超越极限」you raise me up, so i can stand on mountains「你鼓舞了我所以我能站在群山顶端」you raise me up, to walk on stormy seas「你鼓舞了我让我能走过狂风暴雨的海」i am strong, when i am on your shoulders「当我靠在你的肩上时我是坚强的」you raise me up… to more than i can be「你鼓舞了我…让我能够超越极限」you raise me up, so i can stand on mountains「你鼓舞了我所以我能站在群山顶端」you raise me up, to walk on stormy seas「你鼓舞了我让我能走过狂风暴雨的海」i am strong, when i am on your shoulders「当我靠在你的肩上时我是坚强的」you raise me up… to more than i can be「你鼓舞了我…让我能够超越极限」you raise me up… to more than i can be…「你鼓舞了我…让我能够超越极限…」

求大神翻译Coming Down-Clare Reynolds 的歌词。

一场风暴刚刚打破了,我所知道的一切都是comingdowni跑下来,试图抓住你,告诉你我爱你你走了,你这么不告诉我,我不想听到的truthcauseITI会让你你你可以放在你我downlet雨洗采取一些步骤,你directioni达到触摸你但没有东西贸易的地方,没有什么我现在站在思想界,你是唯一我能听到,我能hearso别告诉我truthcause我不想听到它将贸易场所,你就能够让你可以把downlet雨洗过我们移动像tidebut没有机会,我会认为你什么都不说,让这一刻fromnever changingso不说anythingmy生活断下来大家,我爱的是未来肥胖焦虑下来……别告诉我truthcause我不想听到它将贸易场所,你就能够让你可以雨洗过downlet让雨洗过让雨水洼在你

Wth so much work ______ my mind, I almost break down. A.filling B.filled fill D.bei

A 试题分析:考查with复合结构。With复合结构:with+宾语+宾语补足语;如果宾语与补足语的动词构成主动关系,就使用现在分词,如果二者构成被动关系,就使用过去分词。本题的so much work 与fill构成主动关系,故使用现在分词的形式。句意:有如此多的工作填满我的脑海,我几乎要崩溃了。故A正确。点评:With复合结构:with+宾语+宾语补足语;如果宾语与补足语的动词构成主动关系,就使用现在分词,如果二者构成被动关系,就使用过去分词。

When The Lights Go Down 歌词

歌曲名:When The Lights Go Down歌手:triumph专辑:Triumph: Greatest Hits RemixedSpotlightsHouselights ready to cueBackstage smoke is risin"Steamin" like a witch"s brewI want to play some rock "n" rollTriumphI want to sing the bluesYes I knowI feel it comin"Let the party rollWhen the lights go downWe"re ready to play the bluesWhen the lights go downOh noThey"re screamin" like the 4th of JulyHollywood comes to your hometownHammers cocked and ready to fireI"ve got itchy fingersFor the trigger tonightAnd I"m tired of waitin"So tiredLet the party roll

triumph的《Cool Down》 歌词

歌曲名:Cool Down歌手:triumph专辑:Thunder SevenWoman turn my head aroundWoman my whole world"s upside downYou come into my life and you tear it all apartYou can"t put out the fire once it starts"Til there"s nothin" left to burn inside my heartTriumphCut the cards watch her dealShe got nerves of steelPlay with fire when you play her gameLove"s desire feeds the flameI realize I"m terrifiedShe"s so hot can"t stopCHORUS:Cool Down, Cool Down, you make me crazyNothin" you can do or say can make her change her waysBurns me up such a big shot girlGot a one way ticket to a white hot worldI got the fever down to the boneI"m on my knees, please, leave me alonCool Down, Cool Down, crazy, crazyMakin" me got, I gotta stop, "cause I need a shotI"m on fire burnin" all the timeCool Down, Cool Down, down, down, Cool Down


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