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when in doubt , dress up , not down

这句话要参考一下语境才能更全面的解读. 如果不看前后文,只就字面直译,或许会得出 “如果不确定该怎么着装合适,穿得正式点儿准没错” 的意思. 但从深处看是否也能理解为 “与其坐困愁城举棋不定,不如振作起来勇于面对.”

face-down generation什么意思

face-down generation意思是脸朝下的一代。 face-down:面朝下; 牌面朝下; 面朝下的; 面向下; 面朝下型。 generation:n. (统称)一代人,同代人,同辈人; 代,一代,一辈(通常认为大约30年); (家史中的)一代,一辈。 扩展资料   Things are looking up for the face-down generation.   面对下一代人,一切都在好转。   They think of you as the "face-down generation" because you use your phone so much.   他们认为你们是“低头一代”,因为你们用手机的.频率太高了。   Does the face-down generation need a heads-up? Well, probably not.   要给“沮丧的一代”一些提醒吗?嗯,应该不用吧。   The face-down generation   面朝下的一代   The story captured the hearts and minds of a generation.   这部小说准确地传达了一代人的感情和思想。   Each generation passes through a similar parade of events.   每一代人都要经历一系列类似的事。

英语Hold down to knock them怎么翻译?


go up go down go long的区别

go up 向上走go down 向下走go long??应该是go along吧?沿着。。。。走

求英语高手帮帮忙请高手帮我区别一下go down,go along,go up,walk along,go walk d?

go away 离开 I"m tired of your constant plaints; go away and leave me in peace! 我讨厌你老是抱怨; 走开,让我安静点! 私奔 They went away together. 他们一起私奔了. go down: 1)去什么地方 Well,first go down to the Train Station. 嗯,首先,走到火车站. 2)被接受; 受欢迎,得到赞同 The play went down quite well. 这出戏很受欢迎. go along一般与with 联用,意为陪伴 如: Can I go along with you? 我能和你一块去吗? go up 上升,上涨,提高, The temperature is going up; will the snow melt? 气温正逐渐上升,雪会融化吗? 某事开始了 The curtain went up. 开演了. walk along 一般意为沿着什么走 如: We walk along a street fifty feet wide. 我们沿着一条五十英尺宽的街道走着 walk down 与 go down差不多. 就是走下去,向前走的意思,12,有这个单词就有什么时候可以用的地方,0,求英语高手帮帮忙 请高手帮我区别一下 go down,go along,go up,walk along,go walk down,walk dowm 到底什么时候该用,什么时候不该用? 还有go away

go along,go down,go up有什么区别???

1. If you go along to a meeting, event, or place, you attend or visit it.If you describe how something is going along, you describe how it is progressing.2. go down If a price, level, or amount goes down, it becomes lower or less than it was.If you go down on your knees or on all fours, you lower your body until it is supported by your knees, or by your hands and knees.In sport, if a person or team goes down, they are defeated in a match or contest.If you say that a remark, idea, or type of behaviour goes down in a particular way, you mean that it gets a particular kind of reaction from a person or group of people. Solicitors advised their clients that a tidy look went down well with the magistrates.When the sun goes down, it goes below the horizon.If a ship goes down, it sinks. If a plane goes down, it crashes out of the sky.3. go up If a price, amount, or level goes up, it becomes higher or greater than it was.When a building, wall, or other structure goes up, it is built or fixed in place.If something goes up, it explodes or starts to burn, usually suddenly and with great intensity.If a shout or cheer goes up, it is made by a lot of people together.In sport, if a team goes up, they move to a higher division in a league.

go up 和go down做沿着什么街走的时候的区别

go up表示向市中心走,go down是表示离开市中心走

go up,come up ,go down分别是什么意思

go up上升,上涨 come up上前,提出 go down下降,减少

go up,go along,go straight,go down有区别吗

go up 1.=rise升起*The smoke went up.烟串上来了。*Many people came to watch the balloon go up.许多人来看汽球升空。2.=rise;increase;improve(物价)上涨;提高;增加*Butter"s going up again next week.奶油下星期又要涨价了。*Prices of fruit and vegetables have already gone up.水果和蔬菜的价格已经上涨了。*He has gone up in my estimation since he did that.自从他做了那件事以后,他在我心目中的威信提高了。*The goods have gone up in quality.这些货的质量提高了。3.=be built;be erected;be put up被建造起来;被公布*Supermarkets are going up everywhere.到处都建起了超级市场。*Tall buildings are rapidly up along the new road leading to the downtown area.通往市中心的新公路两旁,迅速矗立起了一座座高楼大厦。*Placards declaring new regulations were going up.宣布新规定的公告张贴出来了。4.=explode;be destroyed by explosion爆炸;炸毁*The bomb went up,killing two people.炸弹爆炸了,炸死两人。5.=be able to become heard;become loud or louder使能听见;声音变大*A shout went up from the crowd at the game.比赛时人群在高声助威呐喊。*A cheer went up in the auditorium.礼堂里响起一阵阵欢呼声。6.=become bankrupt破产*Inflation was so bad that many firms went up.通货膨胀十分严重,以致于许多公司破产了。7.=enter(university)入学(大学)*He went up to Cambridge in 1980.他198O年进入剑桥大学学习。*When are you going up?你什么时候进大学?go along =go on 继续*Work like this becomes less interesting as you go along.这样的工作越往下干就越觉得没有兴趣。*You may have some difficulty with this book at first,but you will find it easier as you go along.开始时你会觉得这本书有点困难,但你继续读下去时,便会觉得较为容易了。go straight =become an honest person;lead an honest life改邪归正;改过自新*After the man got out of prison,he went straight.这个人出狱后就改过自新了。*Mr.Wright promised to go straight if the judge would let him go free.莱特先生答应,如果法官释放了他,他愿改邪归正。go down 1.=descend下去Let"s go down by the lift.咱们乘电梯下去吧。*Go down and see who is at the door,please.请下去看看谁在门口。2.=lessen;be reduced;undergo a decrease;lose value下降;减少;失去价值*If the wind goes down,we may be able to sail tomorrow.如果风变小了,我们明天就可能出海。*Shares have gone down again by six points.股票又下跌了6点。*Prices are going up all the time;it seems they will never go down.物价总是上涨,看来永远也不会下跌。*The pictures have gone down in value considerably.这些画的价值降低了许多。3.=sink;set 下沉;落下*The ship went down like lead.这只船象铅似地下沉。*The sun has gone down.太阳落山了。4.=be recorded; writing 记下*This day will go down in history.这一天将载入史册。*Their heroic exploits will go down in history.他们的英雄事迹将会被记入史册。*He will go down in history as a national hero.他将作为一位民族英雄名垂史册。5.=be received or be received favourably被接受;被赞许*How did his lecture go down with the students?他的课学生反映如何?*The play went down very well with the audience.这出戏很受观众的欢迎。*Your explanation won"t go down very well.你的解释不能令人满意。*Those proposals are not likely to go down with the majority of the members.那些建议可能不会为大多数成员所接受。6.=become deflated;recede 瘪了;消退*The tyre of my bicyclehas gone down.我的自行车轮胎瘪了。*The swelling has gonedown a lot.肿消了许多。7.=be swallowed 被咽下*John was delighted thathis wife"s cooking should go down so well.约翰很高兴,他妻子烧的菜竟是如此地好吃。*The pill won"t go down.这药丸吞不下去。8.=fall;collapse倒下;倒塌*The wall went down witha crash.墙呼隆一声倒塌了。*He went down on hisknees and begged for mercy.他跪下来求饶。9.=be defeated or overthrown 被打倒;被推翻*They refused to go downbefore the invaders.他们不甘为侵略者所征服。*Rome went down beforethe barbarian invaders.罗马人被野蛮人所征服。*10.=fail in an exam考试不及格*I am afraid he has gonedown again.我担心他又不及格了。11.=leave university at the end of a term or finally(大学生)学期末放假或毕业前离校*The students have allgone down for the summer vacation.大学生们都离校过暑假去了。*The undergraduates aredue to go down today.本科生应该是今天离校。12.=fall on a scale度数下降*On the second day histemperature went down.第2天他的体温下降了。*The pressure has gonedown.血压下降了。13.=go bankrupt倒闭*The company went downonly a year after it started.那家公司办了一年就倒闭了。14.=go as far as;extendin time延续到*This history book goesdown to the French Revolution.这本历史书记述到法国革命为止。

go up,go down,turn up,turn down分别是什么意思?

go up基本翻译增长;上升;被兴建起来网络释义go up:上升 | 上涨 | 增长go down基本翻译下降;平静下来;传下去;被接受网络释义go down:下降 | 下沉 | 下去turn up基本翻译出现;发生;开大;发现;卷起;使仰卧网络释义turn up:出现 | 开大 | 来到turn down基本翻译减小,关小,调低网络释义turn down:关小 | 拒绝 | 调低work as a teacher像一个老师一样工作

go up和go down的区别

方向不同。down是“下”,up是“上”。go up的意思是上升, 响起, (幕布)升起,破产。go down的意思是停止,被接受,沉下,被打败。 扩展资料   Now seal the goddamn bay before we all go down!   我们全沉下前你给我封住隔间!   So that their budgets will go up.   这样他们的预算就可以上升了。   Prices will go up, I suppose.   我觉得物价将会上涨。

go along和go up 、 go down有什么区别

如果是在上下方面,go down肯定是向下。 一般当这两个词在表示沿着路走的时候没有多大区别,真要细分的话,go down指向南(上北下南嘛,外国也这样),go along则都可以 而go up 表示的是 上升 增长 指上坡或者北上; go down 指下坡或者往南走(上北下南) go along 沿着...走. 或返指沿着...走

go up,go along,go straight,go down有区别吗

这几个词本身是有不同含义的,如果单用于指路是差不多的,但是这些介词的本身有向上、向下的含义,需根据当时的情境实际变化(比如你在山坡的中间在指路时,或在河流的中游等,当然街道也有在人们观念中的上、下行).up/along/down 可以用作介词后跟名词,straight是副词,如果需要接名词要再加介词up/along/down.如:Go up the street 沿街上行Go along the street 沿街走Go down the street 沿街下行Go straight or Go straight along the street 沿街直行

go up和go along和go down之间有什么区别?

go up 向上走=增长go along 向前走,沿着...走go down 向下走=下降

go up 和 go down 的区别?


“go down”和“go up”的区别是什么?

“go up”【释义】:上升; 响起; (幕布)升起; 破产。“go down”【释义】:停止; 被接受; 沉下; 被打败。go up例句:The slope increases as you go up the curve. 上了弯道以后,路越来越陡。He believes food prices will go up in the future. 他认为食品价格将来会上涨。"Go up to your room. Now," he ordered him. “上楼回你的房间去。现在就去!”他命令他道。go down例句:Only two go down at the end of this season. 本赛季末只有两支队伍降级。At midday everyone would go down to Reg"s Cafe. 中午,大家都会下楼去雷吉餐馆。Bradley will go down in history as Los Angeles" longest serving mayor. 布拉德利将作为洛杉矶任期最长的市长被载入史册。

go up 和 go down 的区别?

如果是在上下方面,godown肯定是向下。一般当这两个词在表示沿着路走的时候没有多大区别,真要细分的话,godown指向南(上北下南嘛,外国也这样),goalong则都可以而goup表示的是 上升 增长 指上坡或者北上;godown指下坡或者往南走(上北下南)goalong沿着...走. 或返指沿着...走

go along,go up,go down的区别?

go along 靠边走!go up 往上走!go down 往下走!

go up,go along,go straight,go down有区别吗

这几个词本身是有不同含义的,如果单用于指路是差不多的,但是这些介词的本身有向上、向下的含义,需根据当时的情境实际变化(比如你在山坡的中间在指路时,或在河流的中游等,当然街道也有在人们观念中的上、下行).up/along/down 可以用作介词后跟名词,straight是副词,如果需要接名词要再加介词up/along/down.如:Go up the street 沿街上行。Go along the street 沿街走。Go down the street 沿街下行。Go straight or Go straight along the street 沿街直行。

go down和go up的意思有什么不同?

如果是在上下方面,go down肯定是向下。 一般当这两个词在表示沿着路走的时候没有多大区别,真要细分的话,go down指向南(上北下南嘛,外国也这样),go along则都可以而go up 表示的是 上升 增长 指上坡或者北上; go down 指下坡或者往南走(上北下南)go along 沿着...走. 或返指沿着...走

go down 和 go up的意思有什么不同

go down(价格、水平或数量)下降,下跌 跪下;趴下(体育比赛中)被打败(运动队)降级引起…反响;得到…回应(太阳)落下(船只)沉没; (飞机)坠落(计算机)出故障发生go up 上升(价格、数量或水平)上涨,上升(建筑物等)被兴建,被建起爆炸;突然燃烧起来(喊声或欢呼声)响起,大作(运动队)晋级

go up,go along,go straight,go down有区别吗

go up 英[ɡu0259u u028cp] 美[ɡo u028cp] 上升;响起;(幕布)升起;破产 [例句]Certain industries see demand for their products go up when severe weather hits.当恶劣天气来临时,一些行业的新产品需求量上升。go along 英[ɡu0259u u0259u02c8lu0254u014b] 美[ɡo u0259u02c8lu0254u014b] 进行;赞同;兜风;陪伴 [例句]The volunteers are usually happy to go along with this.通常被试很赞同注重安全性这一点。go straight 英[ɡu0259u streit] 美[ɡo stret] v. 笔直走,正直做人 [例句]So I realized that I needed to go straight to the source.所以我意识到我需要直接了当去接触问题的源头。go down 英[ɡu0259u daun] 美[ɡo dau028an] 停止;被接受;沉下;被打败 [例句]Then , levels in the bloodstream start to go down.然后,体内循环中的血液糖分水平开始下降。

go down 和 go up的意思有什么不同


go up和go down的区别是什么?

go up和go down的区别为:一、指代不同1、go up:上涨,上升。2、go down:下降,下跌。二、侧重点不同1、go up:侧重于表示趋势走势的增加。2、go down:侧重于表示趋势走势的减少。三、引证用法不同1、go up:up用作介词的意思是“向…上,向〔在〕…的顶上”。还可表示“往…的上端,向…的较高处,顺着…向上〔北〕; 往〔在〕…的上游〔发源地〕,在…”。2、go down:直接源自古英语的ofdune,意为下面。

The sun goes down in the evening.Look at the shad


I ran into him at a fast food joint down town.




he turned down her proposal that she _____ at the conference.

c.He turned down the proposal that she offered at the conference.


歌曲名:BURN IT DOWN歌手:Linkin Park专辑:BURN IT DOWNBurn It DownLinkin ParkThe cycle repeatedas explosions broke in the skyall that I neededwas the one thing I couldn"t findAnd you were there at the turnWaiting to let me knowWe"re building it upTo break it back downWe"re building this upTo burn it downWe can"t waitTo burn it to the groundThe colors conflictedas the flames climbed into the cloudsI wanted to fix this butcouldn"t stop from tearing it downAnd you were caught at the turncaught in the burning glowAnd I was there at the turnWaiting to let you knowWe"re building it upTo break it back downWe"re building this upTo burn it downWe can"t waitTo burn it to the groundYou told me yes You held me highAnd I believed when you told that lieI played that soldier You played kingAnd struck me down when I kissed that ringYou lost that right to hold that crownI built you up but you let me downso when you fall I"ll take my turnand fan the flames as your blazes burnAnd you were there at the turnWaiting to let me knowWe"re building it upTo break it back downWe"re building this upTo burn it downWe can"t waitTo burn it to the groundwhen you fall I"ll take my turnand fan the flames as your blazes burnWe can"t waitTo burn it to the ground when you fall I"ll take my turnand fan the flames as your blazes burnWe can"t waitTo burn it to the ground

BURN IT DOWN (Acapella) 歌词

歌曲名:BURN IT DOWN (Acapella)歌手:Linkin Park专辑:LIVING THINGS: Acapellas and InstrumentalsLinkin Park - Burn It DownQQ : 349777127The cycle repeatedas explosions broke in the skyall that I neededwas the one thing I couldn"t findAnd you were there at the turnWaiting to let me knowWe"re building it upTo break it back downWe"re building it upTo burn it downWe can"t waitTo burn it to the groundThe colors conflictedas the flames climbed into the cloudsI wanted to fix thisbut couldn"t stop from tearing it downAnd you were there at the turncaught in the burning glowAnd I was there at the turnWaiting to let you knowWe"re building it upTo break it back downWe"re building it upTo burn it downWe can"t waitTo burn it to the groundYou told me yes You held me highAnd I believed when you told that lieI played that soldier You played kingAnd struck me down when I kissed that ringYou lost that right to hold that crownI built you up but you let me downso when you fall I"ll take my turnand fan the flames as your blazes burnAnd you were there at the turnWaiting to let me knowWe"re building it upTo break it back downWe"re building it upTo burn it downWe can"t waitTo burn it to the groundWhen you fall I"ll take my turnAnd fan the flames as your blazes burnWe can"t waitTo burn it to the groundWhen you fall I"ll take my turnAnd fan the flames as your blazes burnWe can"t waitTo burn it to the groundLinkin Park - Burn It DownQQ : 349777127

burninit down歌翻译

命运证明它重复着The cycle repeated当爆炸在天空出现时As the explosions broke in the sky我所需要的All that I needed是我在这个世界找不到的Was the one thing I couldn"t find而你站在那儿And you were there at the turn等着要让我明白这一切:Waiting to let me know我们建立起世界We"re building it up再将它彻底摧毁To break it back down我们建立起世界We"re building it up再把它化作火光,燃烧殆尽To burn it down似乎迫不及待般地we can"t wait要将它烧毁化为尘土To burn it to the ground鲜血,白骨,灰尘,火光,交错堆叠The colors conflicted随着升腾的烈焰攀入云端As the flames climbed into the clouds我想修理弥补这一切I wanted to fix this但无法停止将它撕裂破坏But couldn"t stop from tearing it down而你站在那儿And you were there at the turn站在那燃烧的火光之中Caught in the burning glow而我在那里等候And I was there at the turn等着要让你明白:waiting to let you know我们建立起世界We"re building it up再亲手将它摧毁To break it back down我们建立起这一切We"re building it up再将它燃烧殆尽To burn it down似乎迫不及待般地we can"t wait要将它烧毁化为尘土To burn it to the ground你给我肯定的答案You told me yes你高高将我举起you held me high我也会去相信你所说的谎言And I believied when you told that lie我当士兵I played solider你做国王You played king在我低头亲吻你的戒指时趁我不备捅我一刀And struck me down when i kissed that ring你无权再拥有那王冠You lost that right to hold that crown我协助你登上高峰 但你却让我失望I built you up but you let me down在你马失前蹄时我就会采取行动So when you fall I"ll take my turn在你被焚烧之时扇一把风And fan the flames as your blazes burn而你就在那儿And you was there at the turn等着和我摊牌说:waiting to let me know我们建立起这一切We"re building it up只是为了要将它彻底摧毁To break it back down我们建立起这一切We"re building it up只是为了要将它燃烧殆尽To burn it down我们迫不及待地we can"t wait要将它烧毁化为尘土To burn it to the ground所以当你失蹄时 我将伺机而动So when you fall I"ll take my turn而当你惹火上身时 我会扇风助燃And fan the flames as your blazes burn我们迫不及待地we can"t wait要将你烧化为尘土To burn it to the ground所以当你失蹄时 我将采取行动So when you fall I"ll take my turn而当你惹火上身时 我会扇风助燃And fan the flames as your blazes burn我们迫不及待地we can"t wait要将罪恶的当权者化为尘土To burn it to the ground

Up & down在口语中的用法

Up & down在口语中的用法 1. Did you get down to Florida last summer? 你上个暑假有去佛罗里达吗? 英文中有一点很好玩而且跟中文很像的地方就是, 在中文里通常我们会说, 我南下高雄, 或是北上台北, 而不单纯说我去高雄或我去台北. 英文中也是这么用的喔 ! 像是你南下 Florida , 就会说成 get down Florida 或是 go down Florida. Get down 还有很多其它的意思, 不要搞混了. 例如记下某一句话你就可以说 I"ll get down what you said today. 2. Have you heard of Buffalo, New York? My parents live up there. 你知道水牛城吗? 我的父母住在那边. 南边的地方通常会加 down, 那北边就是加 up 了. 你说 live up there 那一定是指在北方. 像水牛城地理在美国的北方, 我在亚特兰大就可以跟别人说 My parents live up there. 但要是你人在加拿大, 那这句话就要说成 Live down there. 因为水牛城是在加拿大的南方. 所以用 up 或 down 全视南方或北方而定. 3. I went to Europe last month because my friends live over there. 我上个月去欧洲, 因为我的朋友住那里. 我想大家一定会很好奇, 那东边又怎么说? 西边又怎么说? 通常他们不分东边或是西边,一律用 over there 或是 out there. 比如说你在美国, 你的朋友住欧洲. 而美国和欧洲并没有很明显的东西之分. 这时你就可以说 live out there 或是 live over there. 4. How have you been up there? 你在那里过得如何? How have you been 是一句日常的问候语, 就相当于你最近过得怎么样了. 加上 up there, 则表示那个人可能是从北方来的. 或是可能刚从北方回来. 我刚来美国时有一次到波士顿去玩, 回来之后有一个老美就问我 What did you do up there? 那时就是因为不知道 up there 代表什么意思害我楞在那里半天. 5. I drove all the way up to Boston. 我一路开车到波士顿. All the way 翻成中文就是"一路到底" 的意思. 这个片语常跟 up 或 down 合用 , 例如你说 I drove all the way up there. 或是比方说去溜滑梯, 你就可以说 You can slide all the way down to the the bottom. 6 . Hey, look at the girl up there. 嘿. 看看在上面的那个女孩. 要注意一下 up 和 down 不完全当北边和南边解释. 要看上下文而定. 像在这个句子里, up there 代表的是在上面的意思. 因为在日常的对话中我们不太可能说, "看看北边的那个女孩" 我们只会说, 看看上面的那个女孩. 所以英文中的道理也是一样的. 同理, Look the girl down there 就是看看在下面的那个女孩. 7. Never look down on people less superior than you. 不要轻视不如你的人. Look down on someone 就是说你看不起人家, 有点像是中文里狗眼看人低的意思. 所以才会说 Look down. 要是很看得起某人, 则是说 Look up on someone. 8. Can you keep it down? 你能不能保持安静. Up 和 Down 也常常用来表示声音的大小喔. Keep it down 就是保持音量不要太大 . 像是有一次我们在考试, 结果走道上还有一些人在喧哗. 我是很想叫他们小声一点但是苦于不知要如何开口. 还好我同学这时挺身而出, 跑去跟他们说 Can you keep it down? 9. Could you turn it up? 能不能把它开大一点. 凡是电器类的产品, 开大一点就叫 turn up, 关小一点就是 turn down. 例如你希望冷气开强一点, 就是 Could you turn it up? 关小一点 Could you turn it down? 其它像是电视的音量开大也叫 turn up, 关小叫 turn down. 附带一提如果是打开则是 turn on, 关掉叫 turn off.

The captain went down to____


further down什么意思


Down from the Sky 歌词

歌曲名:Down from the Sky歌手:Trivium专辑:Shogun(Special Edition)Trivium - Down from the SkyA chasm growsIn the cavity of serpentine teethHunger pangs strikeFor the sweet feast of innocent bloodOf innocent bloodshedNow here we goThe vampires feed off the wars of mankindThe vampires feed off the wars of mankindGrowing fat on the throne of an empireTyrant rules with the threat of a great fireI"ve opened up my eyesSeen the world for what it"s worthTears rain down from the skyThey"ll blow it all to bitsTo prove whose God wields all the powerFire rains down from the skyThe gaping woundsHemorrhaging the blood from which they feastEat us aliveConsume to feed a hunger with noA hunger with no endLet"s fucking goThe vampires feed off the wars of mankindThe vampires feed off the wars of mankindGrowing fat on the throne of an empireTyrant rules with the threat of a great fireI"ve opened up my eyesSeen the world for what it"s worthTears rain down from the skyThey"ll blow it all to bitsTo prove whose God wields all the powerFire rains down from the skyThis battle"s not the same which they have led us to believeA synthesis of propaganda, terror, and deceitWe are the cattleThey the slaughterOur meat: GasolineThey pump us through the machine"s valvesTo cleanse the world"s "disease"We are the ammunitionThat will cause all life to ceaseAnnihilateAll those who stand in their wayObliterateThey"ll rain their holocaust down from the skyThe vampires feed off the wars of mankindThe vampires feed off the wars of mankindGrowing fat on the throne of an empireTyrant rules with the threat of a great fireI"ve opened up my eyesSeen the world for what it"s worthTears rain down from the skyThey"ll blow it all to bitsTo prove whose god wields all the powerFire rains down from the skyAnnihilateAll those who stand in their wayObliterateThey"ll rain their holocaust down from the sky

System Of A Down的《B.Y.O.B.》 歌词

歌曲名:B.Y.O.B.歌手:System Of A Down专辑:Body Of War: Songs That Inspired An Iraq War VeteranSystem of a Down - B.Y.O.B.WHY DO THEY ALWAYS SEND THE POOR!My god is of spiteful blood with morbid eels.Victorious, victorious, steel,Can you stand and kneel?Marching forward hypocriticand hypnotic computers.You depend on our protection,Yet you feed us lies from the table la la la la la la la la,Everybody"s going to the party have a real good time.Dancing in the desert blowing up the sunshine.kneeling roses disappearing,into Moses" dry mouth,breaking into Fort Knox,stealing our intentions,every city gripped in oil,Crying FREEDOM!Handed to absolution,Still you feed us lies from the table cloth.La la la la la la la la la,Everybody"s going to the party have a real good time.Dancing in the desert blowing up the sunshine.Everybody"s going to the party have a real good time.Dancing in the desert blowing up the sunshine.Blast off, its Party time,And we all live in a fascist nation,Blast off , its party time,And where the fuck are you?Where the fuck are you?Where the fuck are you?Why don"t presidents fight the war?Why do they always send the poor?Why don"t presidents fight the war?Why do they always send the poor? Kneeling roses disappearing,into Moses" dry mouth,breaking into Fort Knox,stealing our intentions,every city gripped in oil,Crying FREEDOM!Handed to absolution,Still you feed us lies from the la la la la la la la la,Everybody"s going to the party have a real good time.Dancing in the desert blowing up the sunshine.Everybody"s going to the party have a real good time.Dancing in the desert blowing up the sunshine.Where the fuck are you!Where the fuck are you!Why don"t presidents fight the war?Why do they always send the poor?Why don"t presidents fight the war?Why do they always send the poor? Why, do, they always send the poor They only send the poor

一首中文歌 歌词中间down down down 是个女生唱的


oasis的falling down的MV是在说一个什么故事?


从自行车上摔下来,是用fall down 还是fall off

fall offfall down,fall off和fall over都表示“摔倒、跌倒”的意思,但它们各自的含义不同。 fall over强调的是“向前摔倒、跌倒”。 She fell over and broke her leg. 她跌倒并把腿摔断了。 There is too much snow on the ground. If you ride much too fast,you will fall over. 地上的雪太多,如果你骑得太快的话,你会摔跤的。 fall down强调的是“滑倒、倒下”,后接宾语时应加上介词from。 The boy hit the tree to hard that he fell down. 男孩重重地撞在树上,结果自己倒下了。 If people run across the road,they may fall down. 如果人们跑过马路的话,他们可能会摔倒。 fall off强调的是“跌落、从……掉下来”,后直接接宾语。 The girl is falling off the bike. (= The girl is falling down from the bike.) 女孩正从自行车上摔下来。 They spread a big net in case Tom should fall off the tree and get hurt. 他们张开一张大网以防汤姆从树上掉下来受伤

London bridge is falling down是圣诞歌吗


I can hear the raindrops falling down 为什么用falling?

固定用法 hear ...doing sth 听到……在做……I can hear the raindrops falling down.我能听到雨滴落下的声音。

求黑执事版的london bridge is falling down歌词


天降之物 fall down 译汉

又是你啊??呵呵,幸会幸会!!!ル 青(あお)い空(そら)ru a o i so ra蔚蓝的天空 とこまでもとんで行(い)きたいto ko ma de mo to n de i ki ta i无论到哪里 都想自由飞翔だけど飞(と)べゐのはあなた 私(わたし)は飞(と)べないda ke do to be ru no wa a na ta wa ta shi wa to be na i可是 能飞翔的是你,而我却不能なぜなら 私(わたし)の翼(つばさ)がよつこれていゐからna ze na ra wa ta shi no tsu ba sa ga yo kko re te i ru ka ra 要问为什么,因为我的翅膀已经污浊とうか おいていかないでto u ka o i te ka na i de请你,不要把我丢下あなたの为(ため)なら もう一度飞(いちどと)びますa na ta no ta me na ra mo u i chi do to bi ma su为了你,我愿再次展翅泪(なみだ)がでゐほど きれいな青(あお)い空(そら)na mi da ga de ru ho do ki re i na a o i so ra 令人泪下的 美丽蓝天污(よぼ)れた翼(つばさ)で飞(と)んで行(い)きますyo bo re ta tsu ba sa de to n de i ki ma su 张开污浊的翅膀 飞向天空そして あなたのもとへ 落(お)ちていくso shi te a na ta no mo to he o chi te i ku降落在你身旁

falling down falling down....伦敦大桥倒塌了,大概意思 家乐福经常播放的圣诞歌


天降之物falling down的中文谐音

fallen down 哈阿~~fallen downfallen down 哈阿~blue 蔚蓝的天空 我想飞往各处但是 能翱翔的 只有你我却不能飞翔原因是我的双翼已被玷污请你不要舍我而去为了你我愿再次飞翔在这片美丽的令人落泪的蓝天下用被玷污的双翼 翱翔然后 在你所在之处下落fallen down 哈阿~white 白色的云 我想和你一起漂浮在天空但是 能自由漂浮的 却只有你我已不能漂浮因为 我只是为了梦想而诞生的 仿制品请你 不要只留下我一个人为了你我愿再次展开双翼在这片曾经抛弃我的美丽天空用已被玷污的羽翼 驰骋因为 我要永远在 你的身旁rain浑浊的雨让我什么也看不见求求你,等等我吧我一定要飞起来找到你用这双已被鲜红浸染的翅膀在这片美丽的令人落泪的蓝天下用被玷污的双翼 翱翔然后 在你所在之处下落fallen downfallen downfallen downfallen down

英文歌,男歌手 歌词中有Falling Down;everytime;everynight


falling down oasis中文歌词

Oasis - Falling Down Summer sun, that blows my mind 夏日阳光,吹拂我心 Is falling down on all that I"ve ever known 降落在我熟悉的万物之上 Time will kiss the world goodbye 时间让世界停止转动 Falling down on all that I"ve ever known 降落在我熟悉的万物之上 Is all that I"ve ever known 这是我熟悉的一切 A dying scream makes no sound 垂死的尖叫虚弱无力 Calling out to all that I"ve ever known 呼唤熟悉的万物 Here am I, lost and found 我在这儿,迷失与寻找 Calling out to all. 呼唤万物 We live a dying dream 我们生活在垂死的梦境之中 If you know what I mean 如果你明白我的意思 And all that I"ve ever known 我所熟知的一切 It"s all that I"ve ever known 我所熟知的一切 Catch the wheel that breaks the butterfly 抓住碾碎蝴蝶的轮子 I cried the rain that fills the ocean wide 我为雨水淹没大海而哭泣 I tried to talk with God to no avail 我试着和上帝交谈但徒劳而返 Calling up in and out of nowhere 唤醒上帝却发现无处容身 Said "if you won"t save me, please don"t waste my time" 我说:如果你不想拯救我,那么请别浪费我的时间 Catch the wheel that breaks the butterfly 抓住碾碎蝴蝶的轮子 I cried the rain that fills the ocean wide 我为雨水淹没大海而哭泣 I tried to talk with God to no avail 我试着和上帝交谈但徒劳而返 Calling up in and out of nowhere 唤醒上帝却发现无处容身 Said "if you won"t save me, please don"t waste my time" 我说:如果你不想拯救我,那么请别浪费我的时间 Summer sun, that blows my mind 夏日阳光,吹拂我心 Is falling down on all that I"ve ever known 降落在我熟悉的万物之上 Time will kiss the world goodbye 时间让世界停止转动 Falling down on all that I"ve ever known 降落在我熟悉的万物之上 Is all that I"ve ever known 这是我熟悉的一切


《Falling Down》是英国摇滚乐队muse演唱的一首歌曲,收录在专辑《Showbiz》中。

艾薇儿Falling down歌词翻译,最近能表达歌曲意义~

falling down 是艾薇儿《b-sides》里面的 这张是非正式专辑 中国没有引进 Avril Lavigne - Falling Down 《Falling Down》歌词: If fear`s what makes us decide, 如果是恐惧使我们决定Our future journey, 我们自己的未来之路I"m not along for the ride, 我不会一路随行Cuz I"m still yearning, 因为我还渴望To try and touch the sun, 去触摸太阳My fingers burning, 尽管我的手指灼伤Before you"re old you are young, 趁年老前还年轻 Yeah I"m still learning 我一直在解读生命[Chorus] 【合唱】I am falling down, 我正在一路下落Try and stop me, 你可以试着阻止我It feels so good to hit the ground,坠落在地的感觉太美妙You can watch me, 你也可以看着我Fallin on my face, 俯身摔在地上It"s an uphill human race, 生命是一路上坡的旅途and I am falling down 而我却在一路下落I"m standing out in the street, 现在我站在大街上The earth is moving, 感觉脚下的大地I feel it under my feet, 一直在移动And I"m still proving, 我却一直在努力证明That I can stand my ground, 我可以自强自立And my feet are there, haven"t washed my hair To be lost before you are found, Don"t mean you are losing [Chorus] 【合唱】Some day I"ll live in a house 总有一天我会住在一所房子里Etc., etc., etc. 或是其他什么地方But you know that"s not for now 但你清楚那不是现在and for now I"m falling 因为现在我还是在一路下落down...down...down..., 一down...down...down, down...down...down, 路Yeah e Yeah..Yeah e Yeah, [Chorus] 下I"m falling down, I"m falling down..I"m falling down... I"m falling.... 落【在线试听】欧美歌手/Avril Lavigne(艾薇儿)/Falling%20down.wma

Falling Down 歌词

歌曲名:Falling Down歌手:James专辑:Pleased To Meet YouFalling Down-JamesPleased To Meet YouJAMESFalling Down-Jamesby thehotflying >_< lilya4ever 1th/1th 2009Baby"s on the lamb tonightHer skies all full of starsAnd love"s just something that always goes wrongThat looks and smokes like Ava GardnerBaby"s gonna blow your lightsAdjust your back - lit charmAnd if she deems to touch your heartYou can tune into your sensesBaby"s coming alive to her life through wild sideShe can burn down the lie to the dreamBaby trades you blow for blowCrowns you like a queenBut if you stroke her long enoughBaby turns to creamBaby"s neptune"s in your moonVenus in your thirdShe"s in bloom from June through JuneSays, "love"s no noun. love"s a reverb"Baby"s coming alive to her life through wild sideShe can burn down the lie to the dreamBaby"s coming alive to her life through wild sideShe can burn down the lie to the dreamBaby"s coming alive to her life through wild sideShe can burn down the lie to the dreamBaby"s coming alive to her life through wild sideShe can burn down the lie to the dreamBaby"s coming alive to her life through wild sideShe can burn down the lie to the dream

求天降之物中Falling down这首歌的完整版歌词罗马音译

fallen down (CD Full Version)「天降之物」插入歌作词:水无月すう/作曲/编曲:マルヤマテツオ歌:イカロス(早见沙织)blue 青い空 どこまでも飞んでいきたい〖blue 蔚蓝天空 真想展翅高飞哪怕天涯海角〗blue a o i so ra do ko ma de mo ton de i ki ta i だけど飞べるのはあなた 私は飞べない なぜなら〖可是能够飞翔的只有你 我却飞不了 那是因为〗da ke do to be ru no wa a na ta wa ta shi ha to be na i na ze na ra 私の翼汚れているから〖我的翅膀已被沾污了〗wa ta shi no tsu ba sa yo go re te i ru ka raどうか 置いていかないで〖但愿你 别把我搁置一边〗do u ka o i te i ka na i de あなたの为ならもう一度飞びます〖要是为了你的话我愿再一次飞翔〗a na ta no ta me na ra mou i chi do to bi ma su 涙が出るほど きれいな 青い空〖不禁让人泪流的 美丽的 蓝空〗na mi da ga de ru ho do ki re i na ao i so ra 汚れた翼で飞んでいきます〖此刻就用那污秽的翅膀高飞〗yo go re ta tsu ba sa de ton de i ki ma su そして あなたの元へ 堕ちてゆく〖然后 朝着你身旁 从天而降〗so shi te a na ta no mo to he o chi te yu ku fallen downwhite 白い云 あなたと漂ってゆきたい〖white 雪白云朵 真想与你一同漂浮云间〗white shi ro i ku mo a na ta to ta da yo tte yu kita i だけどゆけるのはあなた 私はゆけない なぜなら〖可是能到达云层的只有你 我却抵达不了 那是因为〗da ke do yu ke ru no ha a na ta wa ta shi ha yu ke na i na ze na ra 私の梦は「作り物」だから〖我的梦想是「人工假造」的〗wa ta shi no yu me ha ( tsu ku ri mo no ) da ka ra どうか 置いていかないで〖但愿你 别把我搁置一边〗do u ka o i te i ka na i de あなたの为ならもう一度飞びます〖要是为了你的话我愿再一次飞翔〗a na ta no ta me na ra mo u i chi do to bi ma su 私を见放す きれいな 青い空〖把我遗弃的 美丽的 蓝空〗wa ta shi wo mi ha na su ke re i na a o i so ra 汚れた翼で飞んでいきます〖如今就用那污秽的翅膀高飞〗yo go re ta tsu ba sa de ton de i ki ma su ずっと あなたの傍に いたいのに〖要是能永远 陪在你身旁 那多好啊〗tsu tto a na ta no so ba ni i ta i no ni rain 白黒の雨〖rain 黑白细雨〗rain shi ro ku ro no a me なにもみえない〖眼前一片漆黑〗na ni mo mi e na i お愿い たすけて〖求求你 快来救我〗o ne ga i ta su ke te あなたを探して私は飞ぶ〖为了追寻你我会飞起来〗a na ta wo sa ga shi te wa ta shi ha to bu 红く染まった翼で〖用那鲜红的翅膀〗a ka ku so ma tta tsu ba sa de涙が出るほど きれいな 青い空〖不禁让人泪流的 美丽的 蓝空〗na m ida ga de ru ho do ki re i na a o i so ra 汚れた翼で飞んでいきます〖此刻就用那污秽的翅膀高飞〗yo go re ta t su ba sa de ton de i ki ma su そして あなたの元へ 堕ちてゆく〖然后 朝着你身旁 从天而降〗so shi te a na ta no mo to he o chi te yu ku fallen down

Falling Down 歌词

歌曲名:Falling Down歌手:Holly Cole专辑:TemptationJ-Me - Falling Down lyricsAdded: Mar 19, 2010From: FYBITCHDuration: 3:54制作 BY 丐帮CEONow that we are seperated,girl you know I hate itI just want forever, but forever escalatedNow I"m going crazy,cause you were my ladywish I could go back and hold one more time my babyGirl you shot me down,left me in the crowdBabe I keep on searching but you"re nowhere to be foundCause your is heart gone,girl you"re moving onAnd I just gotta do the sameCause my heart lays here on the groundGirl I"m falling downCan"t somebody help me out of this misery,no more you an meCause you"re not aroundgirl I"m falling downGirl I had so much to say,why you walked awayNow I"m sitting here every night,every day Waiting for a change,feeling so much painNeed an explanation cause it"s driving me insaneAll you gotta say is goodbye,look in my eyes and I will try not to cry cause I"m a man,but it"s so damn hard every day,please make the pain go away,I"ts all I want you to sayCause my heart lays here on the groundGirl I"m falling downCan"t somebody help me out of this misery,no more you an meCause you"re not aroundgirl I"m falling, girl I′m falling downCause my heart lays here on the groundGirl I"m falling downCan"t somebody help me out of this misery,no more you an meCause you"re not aroundgirl I"m falling,girl I"m falling girl I"m falling downNever understood the word love,now you bring me down and showed me all it ever wasWas it all for real, was it what I feel when I look in your eyes(when I look in your eyes)Girl I loved you like a mother loves her childWhy you walked away and left me here behindNow I gotta run,now i gotta hideleft with al this pain,left with al this insideCause my heart lays here on the groundGirl I"m falling downCan"t somebody help me out of this misery,no more you an meCause you"re not aroundgirl I"m falling, girl I′m falling downCause my heart lays here on the groundGirl I"m falling downCan"t somebody help me out of this misery,no more you an meCause you"re not aroundgirl I"m falling,girl I"m falling girl I"m falling downGirl I"m falling down ey... ohoh.. oeh yeahh.. yeahGirl I"m falling downCause my heart lays here on the groundGirl I"m falling downCan"t somebody help me out of this misery,no more you an meCause you"re not aroundgirl I"m falling, girl I′m falling downCause my heart lays here on the groundGirl I"m falling downCan"t somebody help me out of this misery,no more you an meCause you"re not aroundgirl I"m falling,girl I"m falling girl I"m falling down

天降之物falling down完整版歌词


Falling Down 歌词

歌曲名:Falling Down歌手:Oasis专辑:灵魂解放Falling DownOasis The summer sunIt blows my mindIt"s falling down on all that I"ve ever knownTime to kiss the world goodbyeFalling down on all that I"ve ever knownIs all that I"ve ever knownA dying screamIt makes no soundCalling out to all that I"ve ever knownHere am I, lost and foundCalling out to allWe live a dying dreamIf you know what I meanAll that I"ve ever knownIt"s all that I"ve ever knownCatch the wind that breaks the butterflyI cried the rain that fills the ocean wideI tried to talk with God to no availCalling my name from out of nowhereI said "If you won"t save me, please don"t waste my time"Catch the wind that breaks the butterflyI cried the rain that fills the ocean wideI tried to talk with God to no availCalling my name from out of nowhereI said "If you won"t save me, please don"t waste my time"The summer sunIt blows my mindIt"s falling down on all that I"ve ever knownTime to kiss the world goodbyeFalling down on all that I"ve ever knownIs all that I"ve ever known

天降之物《falling down》 完整版中文歌词

fallen down  作词:水无月すう 作曲 编曲:マルヤマテツオ  歌:イカロス(CV:早见沙织)  blue  这片湛蓝青空 无论到哪也想要飞去  只是展翅高飞之人是你,不是我  只因我的羽翼已不再纯洁  请不要抛下我一个人  若是为了你,我愿再度张开双翅飞翔  我用这被玷污的羽翼,飞向那美到令我流下泪水的苍穹  然后,朝着你的所在之地,逐渐坠落……  fallen down  white  这片白云 我想要跟你一起漂浮在天空  只是能够行走的人是你,不是我  因为我的梦,只不过是一个仿造品而已  请不要抛下我一个人  若是为了你,我愿再度张开双翅飞翔  我用这被玷污的羽翼,飞向那抛弃了我的美丽青空  因为我想要永远地出现在你的身旁  rain  黑白的雨  让我什么也看不见  拜托了,救救我吧  我飞去寻找你  用这双已被鲜红浸染的翅膀  我用这被玷污的羽翼,飞向那美到令我流泪的苍穹  然后,朝着你的所在之地,逐渐坠落……  fallen down  おわり

Falling Down 歌词

歌曲名:Falling Down歌手:Oasis专辑:Falling DownOasis - Falling DownThe summer sunIt blows my mindIt"s falling down on all that I"ve ever knownTime to kiss the world goodbyeFalling down on all that I"ve ever knownIs all that I"ve ever knownA dying screamIt makes no soundCalling out to all that I"ve ever knownHere am I, lost and foundCalling out to allWe live a dying dreamIf you know what I meanAll that I"ve ever knownIt"s all that I"ve ever knownCatch the wind that breaks the butterflyI cried the rain that fills the ocean wideI tried to talk with God to no availCalling my name from out of nowhereI said "If you won"t save me, please don"t waste my time"Catch the wind that breaks the butterflyI cried the rain that fills the ocean wideI tried to talk with God to no availCalling my name from out of nowhereI said "If you won"t save me, please don"t waste my time"The summer sunIt blows my mindIt"s falling down on all that I"ve ever knownTime to kiss the world goodbyeFalling down on all that I"ve ever knownIs all that I"ve ever known

绿洲乐队falling down的歌词

Oasis - Falling DownThe summer sunIt blows my mindIt"s falling down on all that I"ve ever knownTime to kiss the world goodbyeFalling down on all that I"ve ever knownIs all that I"ve ever knownA dying screamIt makes no soundCalling out to all that I"ve ever knownHere am I, lost and foundCalling out to allWe live a dying dreamIf you know what I meanAll that I"ve ever knownIt"s all that I"ve ever knownCatch the wind that breaks the butterflyI cried the rain that fills the ocean wideI tried to talk with God to no availCalling my name from out of nowhereI said "If you won"t save me, please don"t waste my time"Catch the wind that breaks the butterflyI cried the rain that fills the ocean wideI tried to talk with God to no availCalling my name from out of nowhereI said "If you won"t save me, please don"t waste my time"The summer sunIt blows my mindIt"s falling down on all that I"ve ever knownTime to kiss the world goodbyeFalling down on all that I"ve ever knownIs all that I"ve ever known

Falling Down 歌词

歌曲名:Falling Down歌手:Skindred专辑:BabylonNow i can"t tastethe war that i"ve been fightingstart to fallbut i"m still standing herebehind the wall fo dying flamei can"t forgetthe fight is growing strongerface to facewith hopes of longer daysto feel asomething we shouldl savei stand alone i"m on my ownmy hands will bleedi"m holding on to what is gonewhat"s left of me?i"m falling downbut i should find my strength in thisa lightthe push to reconnect my heartfor what it"s meant to givei stand alonei"m on my ownmy hands will bleedi"m holding onto what is gonewhat"s left of me?WALKFALLSTAND AGAIN SO I CANWALKFALLSTAND AGAIN SO I CANWALKFALLSTAND AGAIN SO I CANFALLi stand alonei"m on my ownmy hands will bleedi"m holding onto what is gonewhat"s left of me?

Falling Down 歌词

歌曲名:Falling Down歌手:vertical horizon专辑:Running On IceSelena Gomez - Falling DownYou walk and talk like you"re some new sensationYou move in circlesYou don"t need an invitationYou spend your moneyYou can"t get no satisfactionYou play it right so you can get the right reactionIt won"t be long, my darlingPick up the phoneNobody"s on itWhere are your friends now, baby?Aren"t they the ones supposed to be there forYou, when you"re falling downThe world starts spinningNow you, you"re falling downNow it"s not all about youWhen you"re falling downYou know I"ll be aroundWhen you"re falling down, falling downWhat"s out of place when you look into the mirror?The truth is blurryBut the lies are getting clearerYour eyes are fixedYour smile is so elasticYou gave me rosesBut they"re all just made of plasticIt won"t be long, my darlingPick up the phoneNobody"s on itWhere are your friends now, baby?Aren"t they the ones supposed to be there forYou, when you"re falling downThe world starts spinningNow you, you"re falling downNow it"s not all about youWhen you"re falling downYou know I"ll be aroundWhen you"re falling down, falling downSmile for the cameraEverybody"s looking at youSmile for the camera"Cause they"re all about to trash youSmile for the camera, camera, cameraSmile for the cameraWho"s gonna catch ya?You, when you"re falling downThe world starts spinningNow you, you"re falling downNow it"s not all about youWhen you"re falling downYou know I"ll be aroundWhen you"re falling down, falling downSmile for the cameraEverybody"s looking at youSmile for the camera"Cause they"re all about to trash you

Falling Down 歌词

歌曲名:Falling Down歌手:Siouxsie And The Banshees专辑:The RaptureJ-Me - Falling Down lyricsAdded: Mar 19, 2010From: FYBITCHDuration: 3:54制作 BY 丐帮CEONow that we are seperated,girl you know I hate itI just want forever, but forever escalatedNow I"m going crazy,cause you were my ladywish I could go back and hold one more time my babyGirl you shot me down,left me in the crowdBabe I keep on searching but you"re nowhere to be foundCause your is heart gone,girl you"re moving onAnd I just gotta do the sameCause my heart lays here on the groundGirl I"m falling downCan"t somebody help me out of this misery,no more you an meCause you"re not aroundgirl I"m falling downGirl I had so much to say,why you walked awayNow I"m sitting here every night,every day Waiting for a change,feeling so much painNeed an explanation cause it"s driving me insaneAll you gotta say is goodbye,look in my eyes and I will try not to cry cause I"m a man,but it"s so damn hard every day,please make the pain go away,I"ts all I want you to sayCause my heart lays here on the groundGirl I"m falling downCan"t somebody help me out of this misery,no more you an meCause you"re not aroundgirl I"m falling, girl I′m falling downCause my heart lays here on the groundGirl I"m falling downCan"t somebody help me out of this misery,no more you an meCause you"re not aroundgirl I"m falling,girl I"m falling girl I"m falling downNever understood the word love,now you bring me down and showed me all it ever wasWas it all for real, was it what I feel when I look in your eyes(when I look in your eyes)Girl I loved you like a mother loves her childWhy you walked away and left me here behindNow I gotta run,now i gotta hideleft with al this pain,left with al this insideCause my heart lays here on the groundGirl I"m falling downCan"t somebody help me out of this misery,no more you an meCause you"re not aroundgirl I"m falling, girl I′m falling downCause my heart lays here on the groundGirl I"m falling downCan"t somebody help me out of this misery,no more you an meCause you"re not aroundgirl I"m falling,girl I"m falling girl I"m falling downGirl I"m falling down ey... ohoh.. oeh yeahh.. yeahGirl I"m falling downCause my heart lays here on the groundGirl I"m falling downCan"t somebody help me out of this misery,no more you an meCause you"re not aroundgirl I"m falling, girl I′m falling downCause my heart lays here on the groundGirl I"m falling downCan"t somebody help me out of this misery,no more you an meCause you"re not aroundgirl I"m falling,girl I"m falling girl I"m falling down

Falling Down 歌词

歌曲名:Falling Down歌手:Wide Mouth Mason专辑:Where I StartedScarlett Johansson - Falling DownI have come 500 milesJust to see a haloCome from St. PetersburgScarlett and meWell I open my eyesI was blind as can beWhen you give a man luckHe must fall in the seaAnd she wants youTo steal and get caughtFor she loves youFor all that you are notFalling down, falling downFalling down, falling downYou forget all the rosesDon"t come around on SundayShe"s not gonna choose youFor standing so tallGo on and take a swigOf that poison and like itAnd don"t askFor silverwareDon"t ask for nothingGo on and put your earTo the groundYou know you will beHearing that soundFalling down, falling downFalling down, falling downGo on down and seeThat wrecking ballCome swinging on alongEveryone knewThat hotel was a gonerThey broke all the windowsThey took all the door knobsAnd they hauled it awayIn a couple of daysNow someone yell timberAnd take off your hatIt"s a lot smaller downHere on the groundFalling down, falling downFalling down, falling downLarry Cheng & Kevin Boul, share with you!

Falling Down 歌词

歌曲名:Falling Down歌手:Scarlett Johansson专辑:Anywhere I Lay My HeadScarlett Johansson - Falling DownI have come 500 milesJust to see a haloCome from St. PetersburgScarlett and meWell I open my eyesI was blind as can beWhen you give a man luckHe must fall in the seaAnd she wants youTo steal and get caughtFor she loves youFor all that you are notFalling down, falling downFalling down, falling downYou forget all the rosesDon"t come around on SundayShe"s not gonna choose youFor standing so tallGo on and take a swigOf that poison and like itAnd don"t askFor silverwareDon"t ask for nothingGo on and put your earTo the groundYou know you will beHearing that soundFalling down, falling downFalling down, falling downGo on down and seeThat wrecking ballCome swinging on alongEveryone knewThat hotel was a gonerThey broke all the windowsThey took all the door knobsAnd they hauled it awayIn a couple of daysNow someone yell timberAnd take off your hatIt"s a lot smaller downHere on the groundFalling down, falling downFalling down, falling downLarry Cheng & Kevin Boul, share with you!

谁知道电影《好雨时节》的片尾曲Falling Down的歌词,英语原文的

好雨时节的片尾曲是《Falling down》。歌曲:Falling down歌手:曹盛彬作词:曹盛彬作曲:曹盛彬具体歌词:I tried to talk with God to no availCalling my name from out of nowhereI said "If you won"t save me, please don"t waste my time"Catch the wind that breaks the butterflyI cried the rain that fills the ocean wideI tried to talk with God to no availCalling my name from out of nowhereI said "If you won"t save me, please don"t waste my time"The summer sunIt blows my mindIt"s falling down on all that I"ve ever knownTime to kiss the world goodbyeFalling down on all that I"ve ever knownIs all that I"ve ever known

求艾薇儿Falling Down中文歌词

《Falling Down》歌词: If fear`s what makes us decide, 如果是恐惧使我们决定 Our future journey, 我们自己的未来之路 I"m not along for the ride, 我不会一路随行 Cuz I"m still yearning, 因为我还渴望 To try and touch the sun, 去触摸太阳 My fingers burning, 尽管我的手指灼伤 Before you"re old you are young, 趁年老前还年轻 Yeah I"m still learning 我一直在解读生命 [Chorus] 【合唱】 I am falling down, 我正在一路下落 Try and stop me, 你可以试着阻止我 It feels so good to hit the ground,坠落在地的感觉太美妙 You can watch me, 你也可以看着我 Fallin on my face, 俯身摔在地上 It"s an uphill human race, 生命是一路上坡的旅途 and I am falling down 而我却在一路下落 I"m standing out in the street, 现在我站在大街上 The earth is moving, 感觉脚下的大地 I feel it under my feet, 一直在移动 And I"m still proving, 我却一直在努力证明 That I can stand my ground, 我可以自强自立 And my feet are there, haven"t washed my hair To be lost before you are found, Don"t mean you are losing [Chorus] 【合唱】 Some day I"ll live in a house 总有一天我会住在一所房子里 Etc., etc., etc. 或是其他什么地方 But you know that"s not for now 但你清楚那不是现在 and for now I"m falling 因为现在我还是在一路下落 down...down...down..., 一 down...down...down, down...down...down, 路 Yeah e Yeah..Yeah e Yeah, [Chorus] 下 I"m falling down, I"m falling down..I"m falling down... I"m falling.... 落

raindrops falling down为什么用ing


求里falling down 简谱


一首很有节奏感的歌 歌词开头是 when i falling down,中间经常断断续续的唱一句falling,


谁有动漫天降之物10里的Falling Down 的全部歌词?顺便给你个MP3下载地址



韩国歌 Hlin 的 Falling down 的歌词

Mario - Falling DownLyrics:All i ever wanna do is get you all alone to love your sexy your sexy attitude it makes it all worth it when i put this lovin on you ohh all its takes is getting close and your heart will be exposed trust me once i get a hold i"m never let goi bet you wont be standing when it all falls down there"s no way you"ll be standing up at all cause your legs are off the ground girl you ain"t gonna be standing up at all cause falling in love means falling down but I"ll pick you up babyyou ain"t gotta make a move just lay in there and I"ll be right there right there next to you i"ll be at your service do all of the things you want to lighting candles kissing slow closing blinds locking doors trust me once i get a hold of you im never letting goi bet you wont be standing when it all falls down there"s no way you"ll be standing up at all cause your legs are off the ground girl you ain"t gonna be standing up at all cause falling in love means falling down but I"ll pick you up babyall night all day all of your life just call out my name and ill be sure to satisfy your wish"s you"ll be lifted off the groundi bet you wont be standing when it all falls down there"s no way you"ll be standing up at all cause your legs are off the ground girl you ain"t gonna be standing up at all cause falling in love means falling down but I"ll pick you up baby

fall down,fall over,fall off有什么区别

fall off是从xx跌落fall into是跌进fall over是平地上摔跤falll down是从高处摔下来是我们老师总结的,希望能帮到你*^O^*

falling down) selena中文歌词

You walk and talk like you"re some new sensationYou move in circlesYou don"t need an invitationYou spend your moneyYou can"t get no satisfactionYou play it right so you can get the right reactionIt won"t be long" my darlingPick up the phoneNobody"s on itWhere are your friends now" baby?Aren"t they the ones supposed to be there forYou" when you"re falling downThe world starts spinningNow you" you"re falling downNow it"s not all about youWhen you"re falling downYou know I"ll be aroundWhen you"re falling down" falling downWhat"s out of place when you look into the mirror?The truth is blurryBut the lies are getting clearerYour eyes are fixedYour smile is so elasticYou gave me rosesBut they"re all just made of plasticIt won"t be long" my darlingPick up the phoneNobody"s on itWhere are your friends now" baby?Aren"t they the ones supposed to be there forYou" when you"re falling downThe world starts spinningNow you" you"re falling downNow it"s not all about youWhen you"re falling downYou know I"ll be aroundWhen you"re falling down" falling downSmile for the cameraEverybody"s looking at youSmile for the camera"Cause they"re all about to trash youSmile for the camera" camera" cameraSmile for the cameraWho"s gonna catch ya?You" when you"re falling downThe world starts spinningNow you" you"re falling downNow it"s not all about youWhen you"re falling downYou know I"ll be aroundWhen you"re falling down" falling downSmile for the cameraEverybody"s looking at youSmile for the camera"Cause they"re all about to trash you 你走路和说话像你一些新的感觉你循环往复您不需要邀请函你花你的钱可以得不到满足你打它,这样你就可以得到正确的反应它不会很长,“我亲爱的拿起电话没有人是你的朋友现在宝宝在哪里?难道他们不应该在那里的你当你跌倒世界开始旋转现在你"你倒下现在它不是关于你的一切当你跌倒你知道我就在附近当你跌倒“落下什么地方,当你照镜子?事实是模糊但是,谎言越来越清晰你的眼睛固定你的笑容是那么的弹性你给我的玫瑰但他们都只是塑料制成的它不会很长,“我亲爱的拿起电话没有人是你的朋友现在宝宝在哪里?难道他们不应该在那里的你当你跌倒世界开始旋转现在你"你倒下现在它不是关于你的一切当你跌倒你知道我就在附近当你跌倒“落下镜头微笑每个人都在看着你镜头微笑因为他们都是垃圾你微笑相机“相机”相机镜头微笑谁是要逮住?你当你跌倒世界开始旋转现在你"你倒下现在它不是关于你的一切当你跌倒你知道我就在附近当你跌倒“落下镜头微笑每个人都在看着你镜头微笑因为他们都是垃圾你撤消修改Alpha此翻译比原来的更好?是,提交翻译感谢您提交的内容。Nǐ zǒulù hé shuōhuà xiàng nǐ yīxiē xīn de gǎnjué Nǐ xúnhuán wǎngfù Nín bù xūyào yāoqǐng hán Nǐ huā nǐ de qián Kěyǐ dé bù dào mǎnzú Nǐ dǎ tā, zhèyàng nǐ jiù kěyǐ dédào zhèngquè de fǎnyìng Tā bù huì hěn zhǎng, “wǒ qīn"ài de Ná qǐ diànhuà Méiyǒu rén Shì nǐ de péngyǒu xiànzài bǎobǎo zài nǎlǐ?Nándào tāmen bù yìng gāi zài nàlǐ de Nǐ dāng nǐ diédǎo Shìjiè kāishǐ xuánzhuǎn Xiànzài nǐ"nǐ dào xià Xiànzài tā bùshì guānyú nǐ de yīqiè Dāng nǐ diédǎo Nǐ zhīdào wǒ jiù zài fùjìn Dāng nǐ diédǎo “luòxià Shénme dìfāng, dāng nǐ zhào jìngzi? Shìshí shì móhú Dànshì, huǎngyán yuè lái yuè qīngxīNǐ de yǎnjīng gùdìng Nǐ de xiàoróng shì nàme de tánxìng Nǐ gěi wǒ de méiguīDàn tāmen dōu zhǐshì sùliào zhì chéng de Tā bù huì hěn zhǎng, “wǒ qīn"ài de Ná qǐ diànhuà Méiyǒu rén Shì nǐ de péngyǒu xiànzài bǎobǎo zài nǎlǐ?Nándào tāmen bù yìng gāi zài nàlǐ de Nǐ dāng nǐ diédǎo Shìjiè kāishǐ xuánzhuǎn Xiànzài nǐ"nǐ dào xià Xiànzài tā bùshì guānyú nǐ de yīqiè Dāng nǐ diédǎo Nǐ zhīdào wǒ jiù zài fùjìn Dāng nǐ diédǎo “luòxià Jìngtóu wéixiào Měi gèrén dōu zài kànzhe nǐJìngtóu wéixiào Yīnwèi tāmen dōu shì lèsè nǐWéixiào xiàngjī “xiàngjī” xiàngjīJìngtóu wéixiào Shuí shì yào dǎi zhù? Nǐ dāng nǐ diédǎo Shìjiè kāishǐ xuánzhuǎn Xiànzài nǐ"nǐ dào xià Xiànzài tā bùshì guānyú nǐ de yīqiè Dāng nǐ diédǎo Nǐ zhīdào wǒ jiù zài fùjìn Dāng nǐ diédǎo “luòxià Jìngtóu wéixiào Měi gèrén dōu zài kànzhe nǐJìngtóu wéixiào Yīnwèi tāmen dōu shì lèsè nǐ“”的用法示例:由 Google 自动翻译字典Would you mind answering some questions to help improve translation quality?Google 翻译(企业版):译者工具包网站翻译器全球商机洞察将文件或链接拖放到此处以翻译文档或网页。将链接拖放到此处以翻译网页。我们不支持您拖放的文件类型,请尝试其他文件类型。我们不支持您拖放的链接类型,请尝试其他类型的链接。关闭即时翻译

falling down 这个词组的中文意思是什么


求张佑荣Falling down的歌词


Falling Down 歌词

歌曲名:Falling Down歌手:Evidence专辑:Cats & DogsMuseFalling DownWritten By : Al CurtisI"m falling downAnd fifteen thousand people screamThey were all begging for your dreamI"m falling downFive thousand houses burning downYeahNo one is going to save this townToo lateI"m already foundWhat i was looking forYou know it wasn"t hereNoIt wasn"t hereI was calling your nameYou would never hear me singYou would never let me beginSo I"m crawling away"cause you broke my heart in twoYeahNo i will not forget youToo lateI"m already found what i was looking forYou know it wasn"t youNoIt wasn"t youNoFalling awayYou will never see me throughNo one will ever forget youFalling downA thousand houses burning downYeahNo one is going to save this townYeahToo lateI"m already found what i was looking forYou know it wasn"t youNoIt wasn"t youNoFalling downNow our world is upside downYeahI"m heading straight for the clouds

fall down fall onto fall away fall down的区别

请你仔细比较它们之间意思上的不同,然后再读例句体会。 1. fall down/over 倒下(尤指突然间); 倒塌例句:The toddler tried to walk but kept falling down. 那小孩学着走路但老是跌跤. 2. fall away/off 向下倾斜例句:Beyond the hill, the land falls (away) sharply towards the river. 山那边地面呈陡坡向河边倾斜. 3. fall onto 落到...上例句:The man died after fall onto the third rail at Malden train station. 这个人摔死在莫尔登火车站的第三条铁轨上

这里的划线出的falling down是什么意思,求解


天降之物《falling down》歌词及翻译?

ru a o i zo ra とこまでもとんで行きたい无论到哪里都想要飞去 do ko ma de mo ton de i ki tai だけど飞べゐのはあなた 私は飞べない无论到哪里都想要飞去飞走的是你我却不能飞起 da ke do to be ru no wa a na ta wa ta shi wa to be nai なぜなら 私の翼がよつこれていゐから因为我的翅膀已经不洁 na za na ta wa ta shi no tsu ba sa ga yo tsu ko re te i ru ka ra とうか おいていかないで请一定不要丢下我为了你 tou ka o i te i ka nai de あなたの为なら もう一度飞びます为了你我会再次飞翔 a na ta no ta me na ra mou i chi do to bi ma su 泪がでゐほど きれいな青い空让泪水快要溢出的美丽的蓝色天 na mi da ga de ru ho do ki rei na a o i zo ra 污れた翼で飞んで行きます用不净的翅膀往哪飞去 yo go re ta tsu ba sa de ton de i ki ma su そして あなたのもとへ 落ちていく然后向你所在的地方陨落 so shi te a na ta no mo to e o chi te i ku falling down falling down希望采纳

从自行车上摔下来,是用fall down 还是fall off?

fall off fall down,fall off和fall over都表示“摔倒、跌倒”的意思,但它们各自的含义不同. fall over强调的是“向前摔倒、跌倒”. She fell over and broke her leg.她跌倒并把腿摔断了. There is too much snow on the ground.If you ride much too fast,you will fall over. 地上的雪太多,如果你骑得太快的话,你会摔跤的. fall down强调的是“滑倒、倒下”,后接宾语时应加上介词from. The boy hit the tree to hard that he fell down. 男孩重重地撞在树上,结果自己倒下了. If people run across the road,they may fall down. 如果人们跑过马路的话,他们可能会摔倒. fall off强调的是“跌落、从……掉下来”,后直接接宾语. The girl is falling off the bike.(= The girl is falling down from the bike.) 女孩正从自行车上摔下来. They spread a big net in case Tom should fall off the tree and get hurt. 他们张开一张大网以防汤姆从树上掉下来受伤,7,

Falling Down (Amended Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Falling Down (Amended Version)歌手:Staind专辑:14 Shades Of GreyNow i can"t tastethe war that i"ve been fightingstart to fallbut i"m still standing herebehind the wall fo dying flamei can"t forgetthe fight is growing strongerface to facewith hopes of longer daysto feel asomething we shouldl savei stand alone i"m on my ownmy hands will bleedi"m holding on to what is gonewhat"s left of me?i"m falling downbut i should find my strength in thisa lightthe push to reconnect my heartfor what it"s meant to givei stand alonei"m on my ownmy hands will bleedi"m holding onto what is gonewhat"s left of me?WALKFALLSTAND AGAIN SO I CANWALKFALLSTAND AGAIN SO I CANWALKFALLSTAND AGAIN SO I CANFALLi stand alonei"m on my ownmy hands will bleedi"m holding onto what is gonewhat"s left of me?
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