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be suspicious about 与 be doubtful about有什么区别

“doubtful”和“suspicious”译成中文都是“怀疑”,但其用法是不一样的,“doubtful”表不确定之意,如“It"s doubtful wheather he will win”而“suspicious”表示的是对他人的不信任,如“be suspicious of sb.”对某人起疑心;也可表示“可疑的”如“a suspicious actions”可疑的举动。


请看下列解释希望对你有所帮助:suspicious[su0259s"piu0283u0259s, su0259"spiu0283u0259s] 释义: adj. 可疑的, 多疑的例如: I am suspicious of his intentions. 我怀疑他的用意 doubtful["dautfu0259l] adj. 可疑的, 怀疑的, 不确定的 1. It is doubtful whether he can read my fortune or not.他能否算出我的运气还是个疑问。 2. I am doubtful about the propriety of granting such a request.我怀疑答应这项要求是否合适。

Allowance For Doubtful Accounts 代表什么意思??


allowance for doubtful accounts 可以出现在sofp吗


i am doubtful whether he is still alive .请问这是一个什么


I am doubtful ___he is still alive.

分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 问题描述: A.whether B.that 该选哪一个啊?根据什么? 解析: B.that I doubt ___he is still alive. 就选A.whether

Provision for Doubtful Debts系咩?

你的Provision for Doubtful Debts定义基本上对的. 公司会预算一个百分比的debtors 可能唔还钱. 但并不会入bad debts Account .会入 Provision of Doubtful Debts Account . Provision of Doubtful debts只系预算一个百分比的debtors 可能唔还钱 但debtors 唔一定唔还. Bad debts 系d debtors 真系破产 真系无钱还 Doubtle Entry: When Provision of Doubtful debts increase (pare with last year) Dr. Profit and loss Cr. Provision of Doubtful Debts When Provision of Doubtful debts decrease (pare with last year) Dr. Provision of Doubtful Debts Cr. Profit and loss Specific Provision for Doubtful Debts定义是: 某一debtor 好有机会唔还钱 公司会将 dabtor 全数做 provision.

It is _ he will able to come.A.a doubt whether B.doubtful wh?

其实b和d 在语法上讲都是对的,A和C不对因为doubt 不是可数名词. 看题面的意思是在谈论 he来不来的可能性,在doubt/doubtful后边用到whether 是谈论的真实性或一般怀疑,而后边如果跟that 表示 之前边所提到事情是不可能发生的. 举两句汉语例子:我怀疑外星人的存在(这是在谈论真实不真实,用whether合适) 我怀疑他会把钱借给你(这是在谈论可不可能,用that合适) doubt和doubtful 在意义和用法上没有区别 一个是名词一个是形容词而已 题干翻译为:他可能来不了 或者:我很怀疑他能赶来 所以答案选D.手打辛苦,2,It is doubt that.,..... It is no doubt whether.....,2,doubt本来就有质疑 疑问的意思, whether if 都有是否之意,语义不通。 故选D It is 加 adj that 固定搭配,1,It is _ he will able to e.A.a doubt whether B.doubtful whether C.a doube if D.doubeful that.

ACCA考点梳理:Bad debtDoubtful debt

在ACCA考试当中,“Bad debts allowance for receivables was $39,000. At 30 June 20X5 trade receivables totaled $517,000. It was decided to write off debts totaling $37,000. The allowance for receivables was to be adjusted to the equivalent of 5 per cent of the trade receivables.What figure should appear in the statement of profit or loss for these items?A. $61,000B. $22,000C. $24,000D. $23,850分析:题目让求在利润表中记录的坏账和坏账准备的费用的金额,也就是求计入利润表的Receivable expense。Step1:Receivable expense = Bad debt + Movement in allowance= Bad debt + (Closing allowance - Opening allowance)Step2:Bad debt题目信息直接给了=37000Step3:Movement in allowance = Closing allowance - Opening allowance= (517000-37000)*5% - 39000 = -15000Step4:Receivable expense = Bad debt + Movement in allowance = 37000-15000 = 22000所以这道题答案选择B。Allowance的计算Receivable expense的计算坏账收回,坏账准备变坏账,坏账准备收回的会计处理

he is doubtful how he should settle this problem. 在句中充当什么

he is doubtful how he should settle this problem. 意思是:他很怀疑如何能够解决这个问题。how he should settle this problem. 在句中充当状语从句。

its doubtful if he would have done是什么句型


The research lacks solid evidence,and therefore,its conclusions are doubtful.

前半句,主语the research,谓语lacks,宾语evidence。后半句,主语its conclusions,谓语系动词are,表语doubtful。

" i am doubtful that "有这个句型吗,还是“i am doubtful whe

I doubt 后面跟的是that 或者 whether(但是不可以不加任何东西,除非是his words 之类的名词,或者what they said 之类的what 引导的名词性从句),但是含义会有差异.请比较:I doubt that Tom had taken my watch.我看Tom不见得会拿了我的表.(我的怀疑是否定的,是偏向于“Tom没有拿了我的表”的事实)*当说话者表示对“怀疑”是肯定不成立的时候,只能使用that,例如:I do not doubt that...相当于 (= I am sure that...) 我不怀疑/我很肯定I doubt whether/if Tom has taken my watch.我怀疑Tom是否拿了我的表.(我的怀疑是不确定的,是属于“有可能也有可能不”的)

He is doubtful about the decision she has made.

【答案】:B本题考查形容词。题干:他对她所做的决定表示怀疑。划线词doubtful意为“怀疑的”,而四个选项sure意为“确定的”,angry意为“生气的”,uncertain意为“不确定的”, worried意为“担心的,焦虑的”。uncertain在四个选项中与画线词的语义最贴近,故正 确答案为C。

i am doubtful whether

前句是典型的形容词宾语,即系词+心理状态形容词+宾语 I am afriad that he can"t finish the work. 后句则是短语动词作谓语 be worried about是短语动词 不可拆开的. I am worried about what she will say at the meeting. 两者不是一回事.



skeptical 和 doubtfull 有什么区别?

skeptical: 表现出怀疑的样子 showing doubt. a skeptical smile(表示怀疑的笑容). doubtful: 引起怀疑的 causing doubt . Her sincerity is highly doubtful(她的诚意很值得怀疑).skeptical 多做定语doubtful 多做表语


Dubious:中译为“半信半疑”,词组搭配为:dubious about sth/doing sth e.g.I am still dubious about her motive.我对她的动机仍然存有疑虑. Suspicious:中译为“表示怀疑的”,词组搭配为:suspicious about/of sth/sb e.g.I am suspicious of these strangers.我对这些陌生人表示怀疑. Doubtful:中译为“感到怀疑,不能确定”,词组搭配为:doubtful about sth/doing sth e.g.She feels doubtful about going to or not.她拿不定主意去不去. Skeptical:中译为“多疑的”,词组搭配为:skeptical about/of sth e.g.She feels skeptical of political promises.她对政治上的许诺表示怀疑. 显然,这四个词在搭配词组方面表示怀疑,意思相当接近,有些可以替换.但是还是有一些差别.Dubious强调有一半相信,当它做形容词时有“有争议的”之意.而且也有做贬义,形容一个人名声不好,不可靠,如:His background is a trifle dubious.他的背景不大可靠


一、详细释义: adj. 可疑的,令人生疑的,疑心的,不确定的 例句: It"s a doubtful blessing. 这是不是福不好说。 例句: I was still very doubtful about the chances for success. 我对能否成功仍然深表怀疑。 二、词义辨析: questionable doubtful ambigous uncertain 这些形容词均含“怀疑的,不确定的”之意。questionable通常指怀疑某行为是否恰当,或指有根有据的怀疑。doubtful指对某个问题持积极怀疑的,有疑问的态度,强调缺乏确信。 ambigous指因缺乏明确感或因为有各种不同的解释而值得怀疑。uncertain多指因缺乏证据或了解而捉摸不定,也指因不能预料而不能作出选择。 三、参考例句: It"s a doubtful blessing. 这是不是福不好说。 I"m rather doubtful about its reliability. 我很怀疑其可靠性。 I was still very doubtful about the chances for success. 我对能否成功仍然深表怀疑。 The teacher cleared up the doubtful points in the story. 老师解释清了故事中的疑点。 The journalist looked doubtful when he heard her story. 记者听她讲述事情经过时面露疑色。 I"m doubtful whether she"s still alive. 我怀疑她是否还健在。 Byron was born of an aristocratic family of doubtful reputation. 拜伦出生于一个名声有些问题的贵族家庭。 English help seemed doubtful and at the best symbolic. 英国的援助似乎靠不住,而且至多不过是象征性的。 No one is gonna be doubtful about your motive. 没有人会怀疑你的动机。 I am doubtful whether this is what he wants. 我怀疑这是否是他想要的。

