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man-made kids






  第一部队:   队长:御子柴笑太,队员:式部清寿, 藤堂羽沙希   御子柴笑太(CV:铃村健一)   法务省 特别死刑执行刑务官部 第一部队 总队长   执行死刑时视罪犯性命如草木的狠辣无情的“DOLL”样,平时却总是一副欺负后辈(羽沙希)的大哥样,具有正义感,但又是个充分利用特权的人。比其他人更情绪化(一不爽就到射击场把木靶枪击到烂)。每次被别人劝情绪不要那么容易被他人话语左右的时候,都会回到“总比变成人偶要好吧?”只在珠绪面前扮演眼镜TYPE死气沉沉样。这个人身上充满了复杂的矛盾感,却不会显得不协调。   和珠绪的“孽缘”是个谜团。   台词选:   “饶不了那些为一己之私就任意滥杀的家伙,夺走了对方的人生,竟然还敢一脸无所谓的生活在这世上,我不承认那种人有资格活下去。”   “正好,打那些木头靶子都快让我欲求不满了……”   “哼,枪这种东西真无聊,因为,一下子就玩儿完了。"   式部清寿(CV:宫野真守)   法务省 特别死刑执行刑务官部 第一部队 副队长   典型伪娘。特刑中少见的看到血腥场面会表现出反胃的样子,武器是钢丝?非常喜欢小孩子,溺爱小朋友时候的微笑特别温柔特别美!平时则总是笑嘻嘻的八卦样。不同于笑太的情绪化及羽沙希的冰山呆,是思考及处理事情都非常细致的家伙。比如羽沙希会在孩子的面前枪毙对方的亲生父亲,而清寿在枪毙绑匪时会及时对孩子喊“闭上眼睛!”   台词选:   “……很不巧的,我心中的黑暗面可没那么肤浅。”   藤堂羽沙希(CV:樱井孝宏)   法务省 特别死刑执行刑务官部 第一部队 新人   因为名字的发音和“兔子”接近所以经常被笑太戏弄。不分执行任务或者平时,都是一张没有表情的脸,说话不带感情,思考问题的方式很机械。杀起人来不讲究方式……竟然还用到斩首!有个常年沉睡的弟弟以及“不杀人就活不下去”的谜团。   台词选:   “就算考虑被害者的感受也一样无济于事,我并不打算将私人感情和工作混在一起。我只是忠实地完成任务而已。”   第二部队:   队长:蓝川兰美,队员:佐伯慈乃,久宝绫宁   蓝川兰美   法务省 特别死刑执行刑务官部 第二部队 队长   嘴巴凶又暴躁,其实是很仗义的一个YJ!   他人的评价为“乍看之下做起事来横冲直撞,但是鼻子真的很灵光。因为没有其他女性能像她一样站在第二部队这么高的地位了。”   台词选:   “管他是目击情报还是其他有的没的,人云亦云的话能有多少可信度,根本就靠不住。我只相信我亲眼所见的事实。首先我要确认所有的现场。”   第三部队:    队长:上条璃宫,队员:黑濑瑞城,香我美元亲   上条璃宫   法务省 特别死刑执行刑务官部 第三部队 队长   两眼睛的瞳孔颜色不同(萌!乍看是别扭炮灰命也萌!)   傲慢,笑里藏刀,挑拨离间,唯恐天下不乱。很有野心,对笑太有偏见。后来……长这么好看自然改邪归正了(←有何关联)。   莲井珠绪(CV:福山润)   警视厅 警视   (表)大大咧咧,吵吵闹闹,工作积极,众人爱戴。上司、同事、下属都会不自觉地宠他(……)。   (里)充满了精英特有的自信,应对进退的方法全都是算计出来的处世术(演技)   笑太的青梅竹马,目前二人同居中。因其谜团般的童年极度痛恨“特刑”,当警察就是为了从“特刑”手里夺回社会,却并不知道笑太就是“KING OF 特刑”(这么明显的事情是怎么隐瞒下去的真是匪夷所思)。   (突然想起SHI以前说在《DOLLS》的DRAMA听出了LELOUCH与SUZAKU般的微妙状态……果然如此!)   台词选:   “没有成果,也一样爬不上去吧?要成为人上人,得先要具备相当的素养。”   柏原谦信 (CV:鸟海浩辅)   法务省 特别死刑执行刑务官部 谍报课 一班班长   和《SWITCH》里的三好君感觉很接近,平时阳光灿烂的样子,满满的撒娇+花痴表情……然而拿枪时那种若无其事的FEEL好震!   台词选:   “这里是‘为了杀人而找人"的地方,我们又不像警察一样是市民的好伙伴。”   狮洞宝笃   法务省 法务大臣   [此角色的介绍带有剧透,慎阅,可跳]   “ROT法”的制定者。笑太对其评价是“站在我们之上的法律之男,是个用一颗印章就能轻易杀人的男人。”……那时候以为是个BOSS气明显的家伙,谁知……   这大叔好萌!!爱吃甜食+邋遢(一梳头变身美中年!), 喜欢用非常纯真(……)的话语性骚扰笑太(||||)   回到正经面后看,辞令造诣极高,演说起来可以“虽未提到事实真相,却也没有半句虚假”。到底不简单。


英文原文:do和dolls 发音不同英式音标:[duu02d0] [du0252l] 美式音标:[du] [dɑl]





Alice likes_. doll还是dolls

Alice likes dolls.可数名词表示类别时,要么是用复数形式,要么是用“a/an+单数名词”。

Dolls, character dolls等之分别.

我的见解是: 图片参考:imgcld.yimg/8/n/HA09090124/o/20130712201638 Toys 这个 general 的 group 可以有不同的准则分类成更 specific 的 subgroup:如「按类型(Dolls Robots Cars)」和「按是否以人物(政治人物,动漫人物等)作原型」 而 Character Dolls 就是 Character Toys 和 Dolls 这两个 subgroup 的重叠,即是以「人物作原型的 Doll」。 希望帮到你。 2013-07-12 20:31:39 补充: 通常「人物」都是「知名的」或「性格特征很鲜明」 2013-07-12 21:19:49 补充: 以人物作原型的玩具:Character Toys 不是以人物作原型的玩具:Non Character Toys 参考: 自己 A doll is a model of a human being often used as a toy for children. A character doll is a doll whose primary draw is the character itself. Examples would be PETITE BARBIE Matryosa dolls. 2013-07-13 05:45:38 补充: A character toy is a toy whose primary draw is the character itself.. Examples would be DORAEMON PARMAN or POKEMON.



Nine Muses-《Dolls》歌词

中文歌词如下:够 啊你啦够嫩 吗了 木塔盖扫 闹 卡包林 户楼 吗米 好嗨叫扫西m脏嗯 猫操卡够 耐 素们 组高噶 买一r nun木里 擦咋扫 都 粗奥凯 猫kiao扫难 到唔 到唔 到唔 一头楼 啊帕 买一r 买一r 买一r米wao都 木咋拉r太n带 闹r 塔太都 对嫩带 哈鲁噶 猫r盖 可哩wao嗨 闹r嚓啷一 猫拉够 可盖 哒 猫拉够 叽gi嫩 吗额吗早都 搜宗哈盖 嗨西噶你 叽那秒 木den 盖 一桥进单哒 买一r 为楼了 拉秒扫 那 难 米聊那盖为楼一 撒wao噶嫩 耐 西干 搜盖扫 那了 组个m西 擦咋噶 闹r 哈鲁西 叽wao噶闹 那 那够 那 要西 闹 闹 闹要塔 为好慢 吗米要那吧可盖 擦r某对那吧 啊拉都 买包 可老擦那 难撒啷一 可老其 可盖 哒 可老其 闹爱盖 吧den慢可m 哒 偷聊组嫩 高可带都 可来的 啊铺都 擦m噶你蓝哒 吗你 嗨ng布凯扫斯你 那 难那 啊叽都 吧布噶其 哈鲁都 吧叽猫西 闹r 都 赛ng噶凯哈鲁爱都 素白包西 那 啊帕 耐赛 某坛高 拉r够呢 你斯r高ryou remember? i was you"re girl now I"m a lonely girl一桥叫扫 度聊wao进哒嫩盖 套 him的r盖 那蓝 要咋 哦里盖 慢的r盖 yeah一带楼 和r老噶嫩盖 闹 里早报里嫩盖 那了 某 giao迪盖 嗨I don"t know what to say撒啷一 猫拉够 可盖 哒 猫拉够 叽gi嫩 吗额吗早都 搜宗哈盖嗨西卡你 叽那秒 某den盖 一桥进单哒 买一r 为楼了 拉秒扫 那 难 米聊那盖撒啷一 可老其 可盖 哒 可老其 闹爱盖 吧的慢可m 哒 偷聊组嫩 高可带都 可来的 啊铺都 擦m噶你蓝哒 吗你 嗨ng布凯扫斯你 那 难 米聊那盖米聊那盖 uc544ub2c8ub77cuace0ub294 ub9d0uc744 ubabbud558uaca0uc5b4. ub108 uac00ubc84ub9b0 ud6c4ub85c ub9d8uc774 ud5c8ud574uc838uc11c,uc2ecuc7a5uc740 uba4euc5b4uac00uace0, ub0b4 uc228uc740 uc8fduc5b4uac00. ub9e4uc77c ub208ubb3cuc774 ucc3euc544uc11c ub610 ucd94uc5b5uc5d0 uba39ud600uc11cub09c ub354uc6b1 ub354uc6b1 ub354uc6b1 uc774ud1a0ub85d uc544ud30c ub9e4uc77c ub9e4uc77c ub9e4uc77cubbf8uc6ccub3c4 ubaa8uc790ub784ud150ub370, ub110 ud0d3ud574ub3c4 ub418ub294ub370 ud558ub8e8uac00 uba40uac8c uadf8ub9acuc6ccud574 ub110uc0acub791uc774 ubb50ub77cuace0, uadf8uac8c ub2e4 ubb50ub77cuace0, ucc22uae30ub294 ub9c8uc74cub9c8uc800ub3c4 uc18cuc911ud558uac8c ud574.uc2dcuac04uc774 uc9c0ub098uba74, ubaa8ub4e0 uac8c uc78aud600uc9c4ub2e8ub2e4, ub9e4uc77c uc704ub85cub97c ud558uba74uc11c ub098 ub09c ubbf8ub828ud558uac8cuc678ub85cuc774 uc2f8uc6ccuac00ub294 ub0b4 uc2dcuac04 uc18duc5d0uc11c, ub098ub97c uc870uae08uc529 ucc3euc544uac00 ub110 ud558ub8e8uc529 uc9c0uc6ccuac00.ub10c ub098 ub098uace0, ub098 uc5educ2dc ub108 ub108 ub108uc600ub2e4. uc704ud5d8ud55c ub9d8uc774uc600ub098ubd10.uadf8uac8c uc798ubabbub410ub098ubd10. uc54cuc544ub3c4 ub9e4ubc88 uadf8ub7ecuc796uc544 ub09cuc0acub791uc774 uadf8ub807uc9c0, uadf8uac8c ub2e4 uadf8ub807uc9c0. ub108uc5d0uac8c ubc1buc740ub9ccud07c ub2e4 ub3ccub824uc8fcub294 uac83,uadf8ub54cub3c4 uadf8ub7acub4ef, uc544ud514ub3c4 uc7a0uae50uc774ub780ub2e4. ub9ceuc774 ud589ubcf5ud588uc5c8uc73cub2c8 ub098 ub09cub098 uc544uc9c1ub3c4 ubc14ubcf4uac19uc774, ud558ub8e8ub3c4 ube60uc9d0uc5c6uc774, ub110 ub610 uc0dduac01ud574,ud558ub8e8uc5d0ub3c4 uc218ubc31ubc88uc529 ub098 uc544ud30c ub0b4uc0c9 ubabbud55cuac78 uc54cuace0ub294 uc788uc744uac78,you remember? i was you"re girl now I"m a lonely girl.uc78aud600uc838uc11c ub450ub824uc6ccuc9c4ub2e4ub294uac8c, ub354 ud798ub4e4uac8c ub098ub780 uc5ecuc798 uc6b8ub9acuac8c ub9ccub4e4uac8c ud558ub294ub370 yeah!!uc774ub300ub85c ud758ub7ecuac00ub294uac8c, ub110 uc78auc5b4ubc84ub9acub294uac8c, ub098ub97c ubabb uacacub514uac8c ud574.I don"t know what to say.uc0acub791uc774 ubb50ub77cuace0, uadf8uac8c ub2e4 ubb50ub77cuace0, ucc22uae30ub294 ub9c8uc74cub9c8uc800ub3c4 uc18cuc911ud558uac8cud574.uc2dcuac04uc774 uc9c0ub098uba74, ubaa8ub4e0uac8c uc78aud600uc9c4ub2e8ub2e4. ub9e4uc77c uc704ub85cub97c ud558uba74uc11c ub098 ub09c ubbf8ub828ud558uac8cuc0acub791uc774 uadf8ub807uc9c0, uadf8uac8c ub2e4 uadf8ub807uc9c0, ub108uc5d0uac8c ubc1buc740ub9ccud07c ub2e4 ub3ccub824uc8fcub294 uac83,uadf8ub54cub3c4 uadf8ub7acub4ef, uc544ud514ub3c4 uc7a0uae50uc774ub780ub2e4. ub9ceuc774 ud589ubcf5ud588uc5c8uc73cub2c8 ub098 ub09c ubbf8ub828ud558uac8cubbf8ub828ud558uac8c

滨崎步的《Dolls》 歌词

歌曲名:Dolls歌手:滨崎步专辑:Rainbow (日本版)「doll」作词∶Kana Nishino作曲∶the agniss歌∶西野カナdoll fall だんだん落ちてく 无力なこの夜にどんどん slow down消えてく あなたを呼ぶ声ふとした瞬间に空耳あなたのメロディそんな訳ない 変わらない夜がまた明けた…Call me please, say my nameベルが 鸣る瞬间に心が踊ってるのは见せないなのに Oh どうして?Show me real beat, heat, sealでたらめな话と甘い罠にまたかけられた 私はまるで dolldoll fall だんだん落ちてく 无力なこの夜にどんどん slow down消えてく あなたを呼ぶ声ちょっとした空想がヘッドフォンから流れだしたきっと谁にも解らないふとそう思った…私の体の透明の糸を远くから引いては离してまた思わせぶりだけの台词に寄せられ変わらない夜がまた明けた…Call me please, say my nameベルが 鸣る瞬间に心が踊ってるのは见せないなのに Oh どうして?Show me real beat, heat, sealでたらめな话と甘い罠にまたかけられた 私はまるで doll収録:LOVE one.発売日:2009/06/24

dolls 是什么意思



doll 英[du0252l] 美[dɑl] n. (口技演员使用的)木偶;玩偶;纨绔子弟;漂亮的姑娘 vt. 把…打扮漂亮 第三人称单数:dolls;过去分词:dolled;名词复数:dolls;现在分词:dol... [例句]A young girl pretending to change a doll "s nappy.一个小姑娘在假装更换一个玩偶的尿布。




Dolls[电影]恶魔娃娃; 网络玩偶; 娃娃; 玩具娃娃; 形近词:dolls《dolls》是日本流行女歌手滨崎步演唱的一首歌曲,由滨崎步作词作曲,收录在2002年12月发行的专辑《Rainbow》中。


dolls释义:abbr. dollars (复数)元;n.玩偶; (口技演员使用的)木偶( doll的名词复数 ); 纨绔子弟; 漂亮的姑娘;[例句]While searching for a way to augment the family income, she began making dolls.为了想法子增加家庭收入,她开始制作洋娃娃。原型:doll

The Kill The Dresden Dolls 歌词翻译


Dresden Dolls的《Missed Me》 歌词

歌曲名:Missed Me歌手:Dresden Dolls专辑:The Dresden DollsMissed meThe Dresden Dolls赖猫。白 66224259Missed me, Missed meNow you"ve got to kiss meIf you kiss me, misterI might tell my sisterIf I tell her, misterShe might tell my motherAnd my mother, misterShe might tell my fatherAnd my father, misterHe won"t be too happyAnd he"ll have his lawyerCome up from the cityAnd arrest you, misterSo I wouldn"t miss meIf you get me, mistersee ?Missed me, Missed meNow you"ve got to kiss meIf you kiss me, misterYou must think I"m prettyIf you think so, misterYou must want to fuck meIf you fuck me, misterIt must mean you love meIf you love me, misterYou would never leave meIt"s as simple as can be !Missed me, Missed meNow you"ve got to kiss meIf you miss me, misterWhy do you keep leavingIf you trick me, misterI will make you sufferAnd they"ll get you, misterPut you in the slammerAnd forget you, misterThen you"ll miss meWon"t you, won"t you miss meWon"t you miss meWon"t you miss meMissed me, Missed meNow you"ve got to kiss meIf you kiss me, misterTake responsibilityI"m fragile, misterJust like any girl would beAnd so misunderstoodSo treat me delicately !Missed me Missed meNow you"ve gone and done itHope you"re happyIn the county penitentiaryIt serves you rightFor kissing little girlsBut I"ll visitIf you miss meSay you miss me"Cause the food they feed youDo you miss meWill you kiss me through the windowDo you miss meMiss meWill they ever let you goI miss my mister soEnd

The Kill The Dresden Dolls 歌词翻译

The Dresden Dolls - The KillI am an anarchist我是个无政府主义者An antichrist一个伪基督徒An asterix一个高卢英雄(Asterix是以高卢传奇英雄为题材创作的法国知名连环漫画)I am an anorak我是一件厚夹克An acolyte一个侍奉僧侣An accidental一个意外I am eleven feet我有十一英尺高Ok, eight...好吧,八英尺Six foot three...六尺三。。I fought the British and I won我和英国战斗过,而且我赢了I have a rocket ship我有一艘火箭船A jetfighter一架喷气战机A paper airplane一家纸飞机Ja ja ja ja jaSay what you will... I am The Kill说你将要做什么。。我是杀戮者The only thing that keeps you really truly safe from being real我是唯一能让你在真实之下得到真正安全的人I have a tendency我有一个念头To exaggerate扩张的念头Just a little bit虽然它不多I am a plagiarist我是一个剽窃者Apologist一个道歉者A walruscokeheadlizard(这个恕我无能为力真不明白= =)I am an optimist我是个乐观者A closeted misogynist一个私底下的厌恶女人者I have a wishing well a living will a magical eight ball我有一个能满足我欲望与愿望的魔法水晶球Say what you will - I am The Kill告诉我你将做什么——我是杀戮者Put pat sajak back in office把pat sajak塞回办公室里吧Put pat sajak back in office!!!把pat sajak塞回办公室里吧But the sun still sets on you但阳光依旧洒在你身上And the retarded party nobody came to but you而且你去了个没人去的智障派对And so you drink to all the emptiness until you wake up而且你向所有无知者举杯直到你清醒And there"s hell to pay again这是个你需要再次付出代价的地狱And the punch lines point at you关键句也指向了你And all the comebacks in the world are in your head来自世界的所有反馈此刻已经在你脑海中And you can"t say them until everybody leaves但你一个字也说不出来直到全部人都离去And it"s just you and your imaginary friends...现在只剩下你和你所想象的朋友了

New York Dolls的《Drowning》 歌词

歌曲名:Drowning歌手:New York Dolls专辑:Cause I Sez SoDon"t pretend you"re sorryI know you"re notYou know you got the powerTo make me weak insideGirl you leave me breathlessBut it"s okay"cause You are my survivalNow hear me sayI can"t imaginelife Without your loveEven forever don"t seem Like long enough"Cause everytime I breathe I take you inAnd my heart beats againBaby I can"t help itYou keep me Drowning in your loveEverytime I try to rise aboveI"m swept away by loveBaby I can"t help itYou keep me Drowning in your loveMaybe I"m a driftermaybe not"Cause I"ve known the safety Of flowing freely In your armsI don"t need another life lineIt"s not for me"Cause only you can save meOh can"t you seeI can"t imagine life Without your loveAnd even forever don"t seem Like long enough"Cause everytime I breathe I take you inAnd my heart beats againBaby I can"t help itYou keep me Drowning in your loveEverytime I try to rise aboveI"m swept away by loveBaby I can"t help itYou keep me Drowning in your loveGo on and pull me underCover me with dreams, yeahLove me mouth to mouth nowYou know I can"t resist"Cause you"re the air That I breatheEverytime I breathe I take you inAnd my heart beats againBaby I can"t help itYou keep me Drowning in your loveEverytime I try to rise aboveI"m swept away by loveAnd baby I can"t help itYou keep me Drowning your loveBaby I can"t help itKeep me drowning In your love(Got me drowning)keep me drowning In your loveBaby I can"t help itCan"t help it no, no"Cause everytime I breathe I take you inAnd my heart beats againBaby I can"t help itYou keep me Drowning in your loveEverytime I try to rise aboveI"m swept away by loveBaby I can"t help itYou keep me Drowning in your love

New York Dolls的《Drowning》 歌词

歌曲名:Drowning歌手:New York Dolls专辑:"Cause I Sez SoDon"t pretend you"re sorryI know you"re notYou know you got the powerTo make me weak insideGirl you leave me breathlessBut it"s okay "causeYou are my survivalNow hear me sayI can"t imagine lifeWithout your loveEven forever don"t seemLike long enough"Cause everytime I breatheI take you inAnd my heart beats againBaby I can"t help itYou keep meDrowning in your loveEverytime I try to rise aboveI"m swept away by loveDrowning in your loveMaybe I"m a drifterLate at night"Cause I long for the safetyOf flowing freelyIn your armsI don"t need another loverIt"s not for me"Cause only you can save meOh can"t you seeAnd even forever don"t seemLike long enoughGo on and pull me underCover me with dreams, yeahLove me mouth to mouth nowYou know I can"t resist"Cause you"re the airThat I breatheEverytime I breatheAnd baby I can"t help itDrowning your loveKeep me drowningIn your loveI keep drowningCan"t help it no, no

Little Dolls 歌词

歌曲名:Little Dolls歌手:Ozzy Osbourne专辑:Ten Commandments [Limited Collector"s Edition]Wrything and screamingThe pain just won"t goHe"ll show you no mercyYour image in his handsIt"s useless to tryEscaping his cursesThe pins and needles prick the skin of little dollsTortured and flamingYou give birth to hellLiving a nightmareFeelings of pityYou"ll pray for your deathBut he"s in no hurryThe pins and needles prick the skin of little dollsNowhere to runYour fate is in his handsYour time has comeYou"ll live to his commandI"m warning youThe worst is yet to comeThe killer whoRemains a mysteryI that believe inThe stories of oldWould never fight itVengeance and cursesThat play on your soulLike something ignitedYou never imaginedSuch a fate could follow you(You never thought it was true)And when it"s your timeI wonder how you"ll doYour kind of troublesRunning deeper than the seaYou broke the rulesYou"ve been a foolThe little doll is you, yeahNowhere to runYour fate is in his handsYour time has comeYou"ll live to his commandI"m warning youThe worst is yet to comeThe killer whoRemains a mysteryWrything and screamingThe pain just won"t goHe"ll show you no mercyYour image in his handsIt"s useless to tryEscaping his cursesNowhere to runYour fate is in his handsYour time has comeYou"ll live to his commandI"m warning youThe worst is yet to comeThe killer whoRemains a mystery

The Pussycat Dolls的《Buttons》 歌词

歌曲名:Buttons歌手:The Pussycat Dolls专辑:PcdButtonsThe Pussycat DollsI"m telling you loosen up my buttons baby (Uh huh)But you keep fronting (Uh)Saying what you going to do to me (Uh huh)But I ain"t seen nothing (Uh)I"m telling you loosen up my buttons baby (Uh huh)But you keep fronting (Uh)Saying what you going to do to me (Uh huh)But I ain"t seen nothing (Uh)TypicalHardly the type I fall forI"m liking the physicalDon"t leave me asking for moreI"m a sexy mama (Mama)Who knows just how to get what I want and (Want and)What I want to do is spring this on you (On you)Back up all of the things that I told you (Told you)You been saying all the right things all alongBut I can"t seem to get you over here to help take this offBaby, can"t you see?How these clothes are fitting on meAnd the heat coming from this beatI"m about to blowI don"t think you knowI"m telling you loosen up my buttons baby (Uh huh)But you keep fronting (Uh)Saying what you going to do to me (Uh huh)But I ain"t seen nothing (Uh)I"m telling you loosen up my buttons baby (Uh huh)But you keep fronting (Uh)Saying what you going to do to me (Uh huh)But I ain"t seen nothing (Uh)You say you"re a big boyBut I can"t agree"Cause the love you said you hadAin"t been put on meI wonderIf I"m just too much for youWonderIf my kiss don"t make you justWonderWhat I got next for youWhat you want to do? (Do)Take a chance to recognize that this could be yoursI can see, just like most guys that your game don"t pleaseBaby, can"t you see?How these clothes are fitting on meAnd the heat coming from this beatI"m about to blowI don"t think you knowI"m telling you loosen up my buttons baby (Uh huh)But you keep fronting (Uh)Saying what you going to do to me (Uh huh)But I ain"t seen nothing (Uh)I"m telling you loosen up my buttons baby (Uh huh)But you keep fronting (Uh)Saying what you going to do to me (Uh huh)But I ain"t seen nothing (Uh)I"m a make you loosen up my buttons babeLoosen up my buttons babeWhy don"t you loosen up my buttons babeLoosen up my buttons babeI"m a make you loosen up my buttons babeLoosen up my buttons babeWhy don"t you loosen up my buttons babeLoosen up my buttons babeI"m telling you loosen up my buttons baby (Uh huh)But you keep fronting (Uh)Saying what you going to do to me (Uh huh)But I ain"t seen nothing (Uh)I"m telling you loosen up my buttons baby (Uh huh)But you keep fronting (Uh)Saying what you going to do to me (Uh huh)But I ain"t seen nothing (Uh)I"m telling you loosen up my buttons baby (Uh huh)But you keep fronting (Uh)Saying what you going to do to me (Uh huh)But I ain"t seen nothing (Uh)I"m telling you loosen up my buttons baby (Uh huh)But you keep fronting (Uh)Saying what you going to do to me (Uh huh)But I ain"t seen nothing (Uh)

The Pussycat Dolls的《Buttons》 歌词

歌曲名:Buttons歌手:The Pussycat Dolls专辑:PCDButtonsI"m telling you loosen up my buttons baby (Uh huh)But you keep fronting (Uh)Saying what you going to do to me (Uh huh)But I ain"t seen nothing (Uh)I"m telling you loosen up my buttons baby (Uh huh)But you keep fronting (Uh)Saying what you going to do to me (Uh huh)But I ain"t seen nothing (Uh)TypicalHardly the type I fall forI"m liking the physicalDon"t leave me asking for moreI"m a sexy mama (Mama)Who knows just how to get what I want and (Want and)What I want to do is spring this on you (On you)Back up all of the things that I told you (Told you)You been saying all the right things all alongBut I can"t seem to get you over here to help take this offBaby, can"t you see?How these clothes are fitting on meAnd the heat coming from this beatI"m about to blowI don"t think you knowI"m telling you loosen up my buttons baby (Uh huh)But you keep fronting (Uh)Saying what you going to do to me (Uh huh)But I ain"t seen nothing (Uh)I"m telling you loosen up my buttons baby (Uh huh)But you keep fronting (Uh)Saying what you going to do to me (Uh huh)But I ain"t seen nothing (Uh)You say you"re a big boyBut I can"t agree"Cause the love you said you hadAin"t been put on meI wonderIf I"m just too much for youWonderIf my kiss don"t make you justWonderWhat I got next for youWhat you want to do? (Do)Take a chance to recognize that this could be yoursI can see, just like most guys that your game don"t pleaseBaby, can"t you see?How these clothes are fitting on meAnd the heat coming from this beatI"m about to blowI don"t think you knowI"m telling you loosen up my buttons baby (Uh huh)But you keep fronting (Uh)Saying what you going to do to me (Uh huh)But I ain"t seen nothing (Uh)I"m telling you loosen up my buttons baby (Uh huh)But you keep fronting (Uh)Saying what you going to do to me (Uh huh)But I ain"t seen nothing (Uh)I"m a make you loosen up my buttons babeLoosen up my buttons babeWhy don"t you loosen up my buttons babeLoosen up my buttons babeI"m a make you loosen up my buttons babeLoosen up my buttons babeWhy don"t you loosen up my buttons babeLoosen up my buttons babeI"m telling you loosen up my buttons baby (Uh huh)But you keep fronting (Uh)Saying what you going to do to me (Uh huh)But I ain"t seen nothing (Uh)I"m telling you loosen up my buttons baby (Uh huh)But you keep fronting (Uh)Saying what you going to do to me (Uh huh)But I ain"t seen nothing (Uh)I"m telling you loosen up my buttons baby (Uh huh)But you keep fronting (Uh)Saying what you going to do to me (Uh huh)But I ain"t seen nothing (Uh)I"m telling you loosen up my buttons baby (Uh huh)But you keep fronting (Uh)Saying what you going to do to me (Uh huh)But I ain"t seen nothing (Uh)Isaac Ming
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