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求唱Moonlight shadow 的kokia的资料

中文名:吉田亚纪子 英文名:Kokia 简 介: 有“东瀛Songbird”之称,宛如落入凡间拯救世人的天使,清新疗愈系的美声歌姬KOKIA(吉田亚纪子)自出道以来,以空灵飘渺的歌声,抚慰你我的心灵,不仅风靡亚洲,更广及欧洲,成为汽车、美妆、饮料广告的最爱,首张精选辑“pearl~The Best Collection~”(珍精选),收录了日剧、电影、广告、活动等主题曲!从2002年专辑“游山玩水”(trip trip)到最新单曲“爱的旋律”,16首代表作品,包括前东家之经典作品,曾被郑秀文翻唱“Arigato”的原曲“谢谢你”以及全新版本的“The Power Of Smile”等,首首旋律动人如晶莹剔透的颗颗珍珠,令人爱不释手。 KOKIA--天使 吉田亚纪子(kokia) 血型:O型 出生地点:东京都 嗜好:收集贴纸、替小狗打扮、玩电脑 最喜欢的食物:海胆、糯米点心、法国面包(硬的)、春卷、椰子奶 喜欢的颜色:黑色、深棕 喜欢的运动:滑雪、骑马 喜欢的宠物:小狗(有三只) 喜欢的音乐:Disney Music、阪本龙一、席琳狄翁 讨厌的食物:哈蜜瓜、西瓜 吃糖果时:是用咬的,不是用含的 唱歌时:一定光著脚 有空时:一定去看电影 喜欢上一件事时:一定全心全意 关於爱:爱自己的小狗爱到可以放入眼里也不嫌痛 讨厌冬天的寒冷时:可以用依偎的温暖来驱寒 “本名吉田亚纪子的KOKIA(把KOKIA倒过来念,正好是“亜纪子(あきこAKIKO)”的日文发音——作者按),两岁开始玩小提琴与钢琴,从小就是音乐奇才,高中与大学专攻声乐,1998年步入乐坛之后,她的歌声让“月之海”的河村隆一惊为天人,将她收在门下担任RKS计画中的女主唱,成为河村隆一的得意门生。KOKIA出过七张专辑(实际上只有三张,七张恐怕是算上了她的细碟——作者按),两年前梁咏琪所拍摄的化妆品广告,曾以她的歌曲为背景音乐,同时郑秀文也翻唱过她的歌曲《ありがとう(感谢)》,从此让大家见识到了KOKIA的气质美声。KOKIA的歌声有着浓浓的爱尔兰风味,所以有人说她是日本的恩雅,也有人说她是中岛美雪的接班人,其实,KOKIA就是KOKIA,她的歌声多了一点入世的生命力,她的音乐则多了一点游戏人间的味道。从爱尔兰的居尔特音乐、古典、世界、民谣音乐、歌剧,KOKIA总是能巧妙的将其融合,她的音乐总难定位,有时像个吟游女诗人,声声慢的唱出深远的意境;有时像个音乐小顽童,以一颗颗充满生命能量的跳动音符,挑逗听者的感官;有时又像个神秘主义大师,以迷离的乐章作为心灵治疗的处方。” “从小就以钢琴为玩具的KOKIA,自然的将感情寄托在音乐中,在音乐学校学习扎实乐理的同时,也将流行音的快乐融合入古典音乐的精彩,并踏入歌坛,1999年便以一首《ありがとう》获得香港国际流行音乐大赏,如居尔特式的美声旋律立刻风靡港台,并在2001年来台应邀参加四大跨年演唱会,并成为第一位站在总统府广场演唱的东洋歌手。 KOKIA的晶莹透明歌声,除了是化妆品的最爱外,连风靡全台的偶像剧《海豚湾恋人"》也将KOKIA动人歌曲化作该剧灵魂插曲。而在2003年的最新专辑《Remember Me》中,她再度为日本花王Essential洗发精广告曲写下《The Power of Smile》,并拿下日本公信榜的Top 5,还有日剧《给心爱的人》主题曲《不变 ~ since 1976 ~》” 她最早引进的歌是出现在无线电视剧《妙手仁心》,剧中播放的歌曲《私は歌う小鸟です(我是一只歌唱的小鸟)》更曾一度成为极受欢迎的歌曲,被化妆品Fancl率先作为广告主题曲。 ============================================== 红满堂校园网“天籁之音”板块在推介KOKIA的三张专辑时说得就相当在行了 “听完她的歌我就后悔了。后悔什么呢? 后悔自己怎么会过了这么久才真正认识到这么棒的一位音乐人! KOKIA 展现了相当多样的面貌:可以是很空灵的声音,可以很神秘, 也可以是调皮的大孩子, 很难想象这些风格相差这么多的歌曲皆出自于同一人之笔下。重点是, 即使是差异性如此大的歌曲, 她还是都能处理的很好, 一点也不会有她唱某种类型的歌曲会显得很不自然或是露出勉强的感觉, 在这方面我是很佩服她的!” 对于《songbird》:“或许你不知道KOKIA是何方神圣,或许你会觉得她的外型不讨好,或许你会完全没有兴趣听听她的音乐,但我在此还是要对你说:“随便试听一首吧!”因为无论她的哪一首歌都是精品,脱离了流行的元素,只有纯粹的音乐意念。在她的音乐中,歌声和乐器融为一体,尤其是在一些抒情的慢歌中,她的声音完全化作音符,在空气中盘旋飞舞。若一定要说些关于她的历史,就只能拉上郑秀文了。1999年的一首《多谢》其词曲原作者,正是KOKIA。值得一提,KOKIA的所有歌曲都是自己一手包办的” 对于《trip trip》:“KOKIA的第二张大碟,找到它真的很高兴,毕竟是一年多前的作品了。对比《SOUNDBIRD》,从歌唱技巧到创作意念她上都有了长足进步,使得她的音乐更具灵性。记得有朋友说过,心情不好时听她的歌会更加烦躁。我不得不认同这个说法,KOKIA的声线极具穿透性,不过,我想正是这种特性,才赋予了音乐灵魂,抓住了听众的心。值得一提,《a gift》和《风潮》都是广告歌,都是没有歌词的,只有KOKIA的吟唱,真正把人声融入音乐中。” 对于《Remember me》:“令我期待了接近2年的新专辑,终于在昨天推出了,时间的历练,使KOKIA真正蜕化为音乐的精灵,歌声于音符中穿梭跳跃。新专辑风格多样,既有灵歌的吟唱,也有轻摇滚。有一点与其他日本歌手不同,KOKIA的音乐是相当注重本土以外的听众,有2首用全英文来演绎,而且有的音乐还带有强烈的外国民曲气息,这在她以往的专辑也有体现。我还想推荐一下她的歌词。在我手上的她的歌词,都相当有意思。” “对KOKIA是一听钟情的,并没有经历过些什么就深深喜欢上她。回首她的音乐历程,给我最大的感觉就是成长,在这辑自己编辑的音乐中,有她最早于1998年11月的旧单碟,唱工幼嫩,很象现在动慢中主题曲的唱法,也有03年9月底推出的最新单碟《the power of smile》,那如行云流水般的音语,让我难忘。很讨厌别的网站上说她是“日本ENYA,中岛美嘉接班人”!KOKIA就是KOKIA,她的歌声充满了她特有的生命力,KOKIA只是KOKIA而已!”

冷静,放松些! 用这句表达有错误吗?“come down, just take easy”

不是一般的错!Calm down.Take it easy.



diskgenius 怎么进dos

(1)只要准备一张带PE的光盘,或者一个带PE的U盘就可以在DOS下面运行Diskgenius软件。(2)首先到“大白菜官网”下载“大白菜装机版”,然后安装在电脑上,并打开这个“大白菜超级U盘制作工具(装机版)”,接着插入一个 4G(2G或者8G)的TF卡的U盘,然后在打开的窗口选择默认模式,点击“一键制作启动U盘”,根据提示等几分钟,就可以将你的U盘制作成带PE系统的U盘启动盘。(3)将U盘插在USB插口,然后开机,马上按下F12键,这个键叫开机启动项快捷键,这时会出现一个启动项菜单(Boot Menu)的界面,你只要用方向键选择USB:Mass Storage Device为第一启动,有的是u盘品牌:USB:Kingstondt 101 G2 或者 Generic- -sd/mmc (主板不同,这里显示会有所不同),然后用ENTER确定,就可以进入U盘启动了,进入PE以后,就可以看到Diskgenius这个软件,点击进去,就成功的进入了DOS下面的Diskgenius。

how do you take that和what do you take that都表示“你怎么认为”的意思吗?


歌词开头是baby i can‘t believe 男rap 女唱 很欢快 几年前的歌 求达人

Hook Up-Britney Spears

what do you think of city life? Do you expect it?

It"s tterrible .The city is so style and u can"t get close in.people walk and walk .u will fell so lonely

baby dont cry中文歌词

部分中文歌词 红绿灯前 突然看见熟悉的蓝色T恤 距离曾经不变的欢笑 刚好过了三年 正想招呼 却看见陌生的她在他身边 马上移开目光 眼中的天空不曾改变 一定每个人都是这样 一点一点 随着季节变迁 将记忆渐渐掩埋 总有一天 将所有流下的泪 在阳光下化作闪闪的光辉 所以 宝贝请别再悲伤 有些事情怎么想也想不通 即时处境再不堪 路途的前方 还是会有希望 即时大雨的清晨 即时爱就要消失 我不会丢下你一个人 宝贝别哭 我愿永远陪在你身边 难眠的夜晚 让你一次次辗转反侧 心中的胆怯 让你一回回深深叹息 心中充满的不安 再也无法消除 只有紧握着谁的手 努力走向那看不清的明天 不过每个人都是这样 一次一次 在勇敢面对黑暗中 学会了坚强 并不能被动地选择现成的道路 凭你自己的双脚迈出第一步 ——by安室奈美惠《Baby Don"t Cry》

baby don’ t cry作词是谁?

歌名:Baby don"t Cry作曲: Sam Lim Kwang-Wook / Tesung Kim / Andrew Choi / Kalle Engstrom歌手:EXO中文歌词:鹿晗:你就别再犹豫了好吗就请拿出我的心脏爱像一道很刺眼的光芒连夜的月光 把眼睛关上CHEN:如果不是我 是别的男人如果只是喜剧里面的一句话笑淡了就罢我愿和你的爱交换伤痕ALL:Baby Don"t Cry Tonight当黑夜再次亮起来Baby Don"t Cry Tonight就当作没发生过一样你永远都不会化成像泡沫一样难道你不知道吗So Baby Don"t Cry, Cry我的爱守护你不分开LAY:放下你最不安的心房就请接受命运吧我想我爱你比更多的恋人啊还更加倍的去爱上ALL:When You Smile, Sun Shine鹿晗:太灿烂的让我都说不出话LAY:整颗心起波浪CHEN:拍碎了 就停下来ALL:Baby Don"t Cry Tonight [Woo~]在暴风来袭的夜晚 [ I Can Hold You In My Arms ]Baby Don"t Cry Tonight好像很适合这个夜晚但这一瞬间的激情不能够延长却要目送你离开So Baby Don"t Cry~ [don"t cry] Cry~[cry]就让我的爱像记忆吧TAO:到处阴阴的沉沉的冷空气陷入了称为离别的疼痛里快要窒息 痛到无力 唯有你的笑才是镇痛剂 ah!我的任性越轨希望我们的故事有结尾Don"t Cry 不想你悲伤落泪 宁愿你对我是冷漠的 babySay No More (Baby) No More (Don"t Cry)KRIS:不要犹豫 不要挣扎 当这一切都开始崩塌Say No More (Baby) No More (Don"t Cry)请让我可以保留最后的尊严或者 请将我直接毁灭鹿晗:你的眼神里充满了月光 Baby, Woo~CHEN:无声无息在痛苦里 流淌著纯洁的光ALL:Baby Don"t Cry Tonight (Cry~~~)当黑夜不再亮起来 (I Can Hold You In My Arms )Baby Don"t Cry Tonight就当作没发生过一样你永远都不会化身像泡抹一样要永远都不知道So Baby Don"t Cry [ Don"t Cry~] Cry~ [Cry]我的爱守护你不分开鹿晗:就看清晨的阳光洒下来 (下来)CHEN:像你一样耀眼的洒下来 (Falling Down)我想我眼睛迷路 ALL:现在才 Cry~ Cry~ Cry~

baby don t cry讲的是什么故事



很多啊 你要哪一个啊 看看吧: 可能1:I Don"t Wanna Fall In Love Again lyricsI can feel it in the air I breathe Everytime you stand too close to me, baby I"m on the edge of something way to deep You"re running through my mind and I can"t sleep And I don"t wanna fall in love Cuz my heart can"t take the rush and ain"t nothing guaranteed for too long I don"t wanna say good bye when you"re leavingI don"t need to be deceived No fairytales, make believe and mistrust I don"t wanna fall in love with you I try to keep our distance miles away But anticipations"s killing me each day I"m reminiscing on your every touch And I can`t believe I"m missing you so much OOhI"m saying don"t pick up the phone girl leave that man alone The joy in love ain"t worth the pain that it causes I don"t wanna say good bye - when you"re leavingI don"t need to be deceived No fairytales, make believe and mistrust I don"t wanna fall in love with you See I heard about all the love going wrong and I"m afraid I"m gonna fall too hard I"m not strong And the little girl in me was made believe But this woman deals with reality I try to see what you want me to see But I can"t imagine what a real love should be, noI try to fight it but baby I get so weak I hang on your every word when you start to speakJust to hear you - just to feel you And to feel your heartbeat next to mineI don"t wanna say good bye when you"re leavingI don"t need to be deceived No fairytales, make believe and mistrust I don"t wanna fall in love with you可能2:I Don"t Wanna Miss A Thing i could stay awake just to hear you breathing watch you smile while you are sleeping while you"re far away and dreaming i could spend my life in this sweet surrender i could stay lost in this moment forever every moment spent with you is a moment i treasure i don"t wanna close my eyes i don"t wanna fall asleep "cause i"d miss you, baby and i don"t wanna miss a thing "cause even when i dream of you the sweetest dream will never do i"d still miss you, baby and i don"t wanna miss a thing lying close to you feeling your heart beating and i"m wondering what you"re dreaming wondering if it"s me you"re seeing then i kiss your eyes and thank god we"re together and i just wanna stay with you in this moment forever, forever and ever i don"t wanna close my eyes i don"t wanna fall asleep "cause i"d miss you, baby and i don"t wanna miss a thing "cause even when i dream of you the sweetest dream will never do i"d still miss you, baby and i don"t wanna miss a thing i don"t wanna miss one smile i don"t wanna miss one kiss well, i just wanna be with you right here with you, just like this i just wanna hold you close feel your heart so close to mine and stay here in this moment for all the rest of time don"t wanna close my eyes don"t wanna fall asleep "cause i"d miss you, baby and i don"t wanna miss a thing "cause even when i dream of you the sweetest dream will never do "cause i"d still miss you, baby and i don"t wanna miss a thing i don"t wanna close my eyes i don"t wanna fall asleep "cause i"d miss you, baby and i don"t wanna miss a thing "cause even when i dream of you the sweetest dream will never do i"d still miss you, baby and i don"t wanna miss a thing don"t wanna close my eyes don"t wanna fall asleep, yeah i don"t wanna miss a thing I don"t wanna say good bye when you"re leavingI don"t need to be deceived No fairytales, make believe and mistrust I don"t wanna fall in love with you I try to keep our distance miles away But anticipations"s killing me each day I"m reminiscing on your every touch And I can`t believe I"m missing you so much OOhI"m saying don"t pick up the phone girl leave that man alone The joy in love ain"t worth the pain that it causes I don"t wanna say good bye - when you"re leavingI don"t need to be deceived No fairytales, make believe and mistrust I don"t wanna fall in love with you See I heard about all the love going wrong and I"m afraid I"m gonna fall too hard I"m not strong And the little girl in me was made believe But this woman deals with reality I try to see what you want me to see But I can"t imagine what a real love should be, noI try to fight it but baby I get so weak I hang on your every word when you start to speakJust to hear you - just to feel you And to feel your heartbeat next to mineI don"t wanna say good bye when you"re leavingI don"t need to be deceived No fairytales, make believe and mistrust I don"t wanna fall in love with you

do kung fu中k应大写还是小写

你好,格雷英语很高兴为你解答。1:绝大多数情况下应该小写。2:你也知道的,特指或者人名,就大写。Panda do Kung Fu 功夫熊猫Do you know any kung fu? 你会功夫吗?你看例句1.And sometimes it is just fun to watch a cartoon panda trying to do kung fu. 可有时候,练习武功的卡通熊猫却只是为了娱乐。2:We hope that in demonstrating Hong Kong people"s "can-do" spirit, Kung Fu willencourage young people to develop a positive attitude towards a brighter future. 我们希望透过「功夫」,藉此宣扬香港人「我做得到」的精神,鼓励年青人逆境自强、积极向前的人生态度。

求歌曲《don t worry baby》的歌词的中文翻译






which do you prefer,city life ?why?

The notion that city life is superior to country life is manifestly absurd,and to accept modernity at the devastation of our natural ecology is surely to encourage a cult of mediocrity.Too many times have we made the Faustian bargain,relying on the convenience of gasoline and electricity,all of which are derived from nature,and failing to observe at what cost these “modernity” came at.This is not to say that scientific development should be disregarded,rather,the fruit of such developments should be a deferred pleasure until such a time that we can truly appreciate nature,which country life can teach us better than any other settings. I prefer city life because it is modern,convenient,and entertaining.Over the decades,our city has gained many attractions of its own.For example,the skyscrapers have formed their own beauty spot,people can find beauty in the modernity of downtown.The city also has much infrastructure that makes living very convenient,such as the abundance of shops,which are rarely found in the country.There are also entertainment in the city such as movie-theatres and clubs,which can alleviate stress from the working people. 两篇纯原创,看楼主喜欢哪篇.第一篇比较复杂,第二篇平均平均一点.

which life do you prefer county or city life ? and why!

The notion that city life is superior to country life is manifestly absurd, and to accept modernity at the devastation of our natural ecology is surely to encourage a cult of mediocrity. Too many times have we made the Faustian bargain, relying on the convenience of gasoline and electricity, all of which are derived from nature, and failing to observe at what cost these “modernity” came at. This is not to say that scientific development should be disregarded, rather, the fruit of such developments should be a deferred pleasure until such a time that we can truly appreciate nature, which country life can teach us better than any other settings. I prefer city life because it is modern, convenient, and entertaining. Over the decades, our city has gained many attractions of its own. For example, the skyscrapers have formed their own beauty spot, people can find beauty in the modernity of downtown. The city also has much infrastructure that makes living very convenient, such as the abundance of shops, which are rarely found in the country. There are also entertainment in the city such as movie-theatres and clubs, which can alleviate stress from the working people. 两篇纯原创,看楼主喜欢哪篇。第一篇比较复杂,第二篇平均平均一点。

doing kung fu是什么意思

kung fu是中国传统的功夫 ,doing是做的意思(正在练功夫)


关闭win10开始菜单搜索框方法:1 在开始菜单右侧即为搜索框,方便我们平时搜索电脑或网络上的内容用的2 在底部的任务栏空白处,点击鼠标右键 3 菜单选项里点击“搜索”进入4 如果想要完全关闭任务栏上的搜索框,可以选择“已禁用”选项5 关闭以后,此时在任务栏中就不会显示搜索框

Don T Call Me Baby 歌词

歌曲名:Don T Call Me Baby歌手:Client专辑:City别看我没有出声  就当作是种默认 看气氛急速降温  都不必问 yeah你用温柔的眼神  迷惑了所有女生 喊Baby非常大声  却不认真别以为  爱情就像电影  一样精彩 都是快乐的  结局永远那样别以为  你说情话我会  心花怒放 Honey, Chocolate, Baby  我不想当Don"t call me Baby  我要的是真的心 只属于我  懂我  听我把我当作唯一  不是那些Baby  只为你开心Don"t call me Baby  我要的男孩 绝不是你  I"m sorry我说的够坦白  想清楚再来找我 Just don"t call me Baby

ABAP idoc 和 bapi 和 rfc 之间的区别

se37写出来的叫function,其中可以远程调用的叫rfc,remote-enabled function,abap语法和输入输出参数就会有一些限制。bapi是sap做好的实现特定业务操作的rfc。idoc是基于sap自己的类似xml格式的文档数据交换的方式。rfc必须在线的方式调用,一般做同步的,idoc基于文档,可以实现异步的。 idoc是基于SAP自己的类似xml格式的文档数据交换的方式。rfc必须在线的方式调用,一般做同步的,idoc基于文档,可以实现异步的。idoc是系统间利用message传递,不涉及底层函数调用,idoc的处理方式是用edi来执行的.你可以理解为IDOC是SAP为了同外部系统或内部不同client通迅所采用的一种数据结构,不同的idoc type 定义了不同的格式,如关于material master data 的IDOC, BOM, PO,SO等相关的IDOC,, ALE 主要用于内部数据交换用的,如不同client, EDI用于同外部系统的交换数据,它们的本质都 是base on IDOC。。。idoc是基于SAP自己的类似xml格式的文档数据交换的方式。idoc基于文档,可以实现异步的。RFC是面向过程的,调用简单直接; BAPI是面向对象的,有属性、有方法、有事件,更加复杂和丰富,更能反映SAP的业务应用,而BAPI方法的构造是基于RFC的,你也可以认为BAPI封装了RFC我觉得RFC在应用时最为灵活。 IDOC是SAP标准的文件交换格式,SAP已经有了大量的Function Module来处理和传递IDOC,特别是对于要和其它系统交换数据时,配合一些系统如biztalk server,IDOC会显得非常的方便,开发的工作量也是最小的。 RFC的话,如果配合SAP的BDC使用的话,或者你是一个ABAP的高手的话,RFC也是很灵活的。 至于BAPI的话,我觉得SAP的bapi概念很好,但是接口很不完善,很多数据无法通过SAP本身的 BAPI完成,得自己来做开发。 对于bapi和rfc到底那个好用,我觉得没什么定论。 有时bapi好用,有时rfc好用。 bapi好用在于,其效率相对比较高,这个主要体现在有些bapi是用direct input的方式写的, 效率高。 但你如果用rfc写也有他的好处,当你写的不只是一个luw时,而每个luw都比较简单,在这种情况下就用rfc开发比较快。 SAP的idoc文件替代了edi文件的作用。 ale是一种通讯的模式。 bapi,一种函数,SAP提供一大堆,用于主要的业务流程的处理 rfc,一种函数,用于与外部程序调用应该说RFC是其它内容的基础,它是一个Function module,可以被远程调用。而BAPI本身就是一个RFC,但它被作为BO的Interface,作用更进一步,除了BAPI文档中提到的内容外,还可以作为ALE/IDOC的开发基础。 ALE是R/3系统之间的应用层数据交换,至于用什么,就看具体配置了,比如可以用IDOC,同步/异步BAPI,甚至用EDI。非SAP系统无法用ALE来实现。 至于数据传输的方式,可以是IDOC(底层是用RFC来实际的),也可以是EDI,所以说IDOC/EDI实际上是数据的载体。

What do you like about the city life and why

What do you like about the city life and why?意思是:你喜欢城市里的什么生活, 为什么?回答:I like colorful life in the city, such as going shopping in the supermarket, going to cinema and having a nice dinner in a restaurant. Because all of these are convenient in freedom.

为什么attributes do not match.present attributes inc

你好!attributes do not match.present attributes inc属性不匹配。目前公司属性


do kungfu

英语作文Which life do you prefer ? Country life or city life? Wh?

Which Life Do You Prefer: Country Life or City Life?Both country life and city life have their own unique advantages and disadvantages. Personally, I prefer city life because it offers more opportunities and convenience.City life provides access to a variety of resources and services, ranging from high-quality education and healthcare to recreational activities and entertainment. The presence of large companies and industries also means that there are more job opportunities available, with higher salaries and greater career advancement prospects.In addition, city life is culturally diverse, providing exposure to different people, languages, and ideas. This encourages growth and development of a more open-minded perspective on the world, which can be an invaluable asset.Of course, city life also has its drawbacks compared to country life. The fast pace of urban life can be overwhelming and stressful, with crowded streets and high levels of pollution. Additionally, living in the city can be expensive, with higher living costs and less space available.On the other hand, country life provides a slower pace of life, with peaceful surroundings and greater access to natural beauty. There is less stress and more opportunity for relaxation, with fresh air and a more relaxed lifestyle.In conclusion, while both country life and city life have their own advantages and disadvantages, I prefer city life because it offers more opportunities, convenience, and exposure to diversity. However, I believe that each individual should choose their own lifestyle based on their own personal preferences and needs.


se37写出来的叫function,其中可以远程调用的叫rfc,remote-enabled function,abap语法和输入输出参数就会有一些限制。bapi是sap做好的实现特定业务操作的rfc。idoc是基于sap自己的类似xml格式的文档数据交换的方式。rfc必须在线的方式调用,一般做同步的,idoc基于文档,可以实现异步的。idoc是基于sap自己的类似xml格式的文档数据交换的方式。rfc必须在线的方式调用,一般做同步的,idoc基于文档,可以实现异步的。idoc是系统间利用message传递,不涉及底层函数调用,idoc的处理方式是用edi来执行的.你可以理解为IDOC是SAP为了同外部系统或内部不同client通迅所采用的一种数据结构,不同的idoc type 定义了不同的格式,如关于material master data 的IDOC, BOM, PO,SO等相关的IDOC,, ALE 主要用于内部数据交换用的,如不同client, EDI用于同外部系统的交换数据,它们的本质都 是base on IDOC。。。idoc是基于sap自己的类似xml格式的文档数据交换的方式。idoc基于文档,可以实现异步的。RFC是面向过程的,调用简单直接; BAPI是面向对象的,有属性、有方法、有事件,更加复杂和丰富,更能反映SAP的业务应用,而 BAPI方法的构造是基于RFC的,你也可以认为BAPI封装了RFC我觉得RFC在应用时最为灵活。 IDOC是SAP标准的文件交换格式,SAP已经有了大量的Function Module来处理和传递IDOC,特别 是对于要和其它系统交换数据时,配合一些系统如biztalk server,IDOC会显得非常的方便,开 发的工作量也是最小的。 RFC的话,如果配合SAP的BDC使用的话,或者你是一个ABAP的高手的话,RFC也是很灵活的。 至于BAPI的话,我觉得SAP的bapi概念很好,但是接口很不完善,很多数据无法通过SAP本身的 BAPI完成,得自己来做开发。 对于bapi和rfc到底那个好用,我觉得没什么定论。 有时bapi好用,有时rfc好用。 bapi好用在于,其效率相对比较高,这个主要体现在有些bapi是用direct input的方式写的, 效率高。 但你如果用rfc写也有他的好处,当你写的不只是一个luw时,而每个luw都比较简单, 在这种情况下就用rfc开发比较快。 SAP的idoc文件替代了edi文件的作用。 ale是一种通讯的模式。 bapi,一种函数,sap提供一大堆,用于主要的业务流程的处理 rfc,一种函数,用于与外部程序调用应该说RFC是其它内容的基础,它是一个Function module,可以被远程调用。而BAPI本身就是一 个RFC,但它被作为BO的Interface,作用更进一步,除了BAPI文档中提到的内容外,还可以作为 ALE/IDOC的开发基础。 ALE是R/3系统之间的应用层数据交换,至于用什么,就看具体配置了,比如可以用IDOC,同步/ 异步BAPI,甚至用EDI。非SAP系统无法用ALE来实现。 至于数据传输的方式,可以是IDOC(底层是用RFC来实际的),也可以是EDI,所以说IDOC/EDI实 际上是数据的载体







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话说ASHDOWN 414h这音箱怎么样啊?


Ashdown EB 180H EVOⅡ功放头配什么 箱体合适

1、音箱的阻抗要匹配:与功放器一致,小了对功放不利(可能大功率时烧功放),阻抗大了音频功率音箱放不出来(4欧姆与8欧姆,可能差一半的功率)。2、音箱额定功率要等于或大于功放器的额定功率约一倍左右。(避免大功率时,瞬时功率会达到额定功率的3、4倍!烧毁音箱,尤其是中高音单元喇叭!)这样才不会烧功放器或烧坏音箱。 希望上述所言,对你有用!



Ashdown MAG C210T-300 Combo怎么样


ashdown acoustic preamp怎么样

跟AGUO用的是一样的啊!这个效果器我没碰过,但具体参数还是不会变的.有一点,不会调效果器的话,效果器跟废铁没区别.音色A.前级(PREAMP)选择:在这样一间房子里你第一件事想做什么?对我而言,我首先想找一个我喜欢的放大器(PREAMP),开始做任何事之前都是这样。通常,决定想要什么音色,不要抓瞎。确定了PREAMP之后,有两件事要做,第一,把所有的音色都设定在中间(@50)并且听一下,然后再全部设定在最大值(@100)并进行比较。第二,全部回到中间然后根据个人喜好进行微调。接下来,选择箱体和麦克风(CAB & MIC),选择肥厚的(低频突出)、奶油的(中频突出)或者尖利的(高频突出)设定。然后,再回到GAIN LOW MEDIUM & HIGH上进行微调,通常我会在选定GAIN的基础上尝试所有的LOW MEDIUM & HIGH的组合来确定我最喜欢的。记得,不同的放大器(AMP)都有不同的GAIN特性,所以没有什么金科玉律,一旦发现接近自己喜欢的GAIN,马上进行LOW MEDIUM & HIGH的调整。有一个窍门,在CAB & MIC和GAIN LOW MEDIUM & HIGH之间有一个平衡点,CAB & MIC的设定对音色的影响至关重要。 B.箱体(CABINET)选择:箱体越大低频越重高频越少,箱体越小则高频越重。 C.麦克风(MIC)选择:麦克风的选择对音色的微调很重要,麦克风的位置越远则高频越少。麦克风远离可以减少高频的吱吱声,麦克风越近则低频越重。 D.在CAB & MIC的调整中必须反复和GAIN LOW MEDIUM & HIGH的调整进行平衡。首要原则,在PREAMP的调整中我总是少开一点BASS,过重的低音总是产生过多的嗡嗡声并且减低了音符的清晰度,可以在失真之后的TONE MODIFY或EQ上把低音补回来,对高音来说同样如此。 E.一旦在PREAMP中得到了比较好的音色,下一步就该进行修饰了。我喜欢做的是使用TONE MODIFY效果器,在效果链(FX CHAIN)中直接放在PREAMP之后,我个人比较喜欢RESONATOR(S),在这里你可以提升低频和高频来得到更加紧凑的低频和平滑的高频,同样在EQ中也可以做到,当然如果你需要使用FX1/2的其他效果那么就需要单独使用EQ进行微调。有时我也同时使用TONE MODIFY和EQ效果器来进行更细致的调节。经验之谈,如果TONE MODIFY调节并不满意的话,在FX CHAIN中紧跟其后加EQ调节。我喜欢TONE MODIFY效果器的另一个原因就是,它可以用最快的方式调整你的GT-8以适用于不同的设备上,并且效果不错。 F.失真调节:现在你可以通过OD/DIST的调节来得到更多的失真。在FX CHAIN中应该在PREAMP之前,地球人都知道。有三种使用方式:1,轻度失真以给你的PREAMP加点不同的味道;2,提升电平(BOOSTER)推动PREAMP得到更大的失真;3,作为主失真源应用在PREAMP的干琴音色上。我的经验是用它作为PREAMP音色的修饰,因为我更喜欢PREAMP出来的失真。 G.再回到PREAMP:GT-8你可以在一个音色(PATCH)上创建两个PREAMP,并有几种方式,Single, Dual Mono , Dual L/R & Dynamic,另外还有一个SOLO开关来轻微提升失真和中频。我通常喜欢打开SOLO开关键。 电平匹配(Level Matching/Unity Gain): 这是一个法国人写的文章,可以更清晰的解释如何调整GT-8输入输出电平匹配。 一、阅读测试结果之前需要注意: 在电子方面我是个自学的爱好者,而不是一个行家,那是矽谷哥们的工作。 测试结果是相对的,因为输入输出音量的变化是互动的,也因为GT-8的总体音量调整并非数字式的,而是通过手的调整,我的手指头不可能做到每次都完全一样。 某些测试值不太精确,因为每次测试表都会表现出微小差异:在1.5KHZ以上约有0.5db的误差。为了得到平坦的响应曲线,必须在GLOBAL EQ的设置上做些调整,BASS加1db,MID部分的调整几乎无效,因为中频的频宽太窄了。 我没有时间做二次的校核测试。 二、缩略语解释: PL = patch level,在面板上的黑色大圆轮子的附近 OL = output level,后板上的黑色小旋钮。当你低下头去看得时候正好颠倒方向。我把这个旋钮的设定位置用时钟标示:MIN level = 7点钟方向,MAX level = 5点钟方向,Half level = 正午 (12点钟方向),1小时 = 1度,共为10小时(度)。


推荐VOX或者芬达的 握威的也很好

Ashdown 贝斯音箱MAG-C210

单元配置:2×10”“蓝线”单元+高音单元高阻输入:阻抗:3.9MOhms, 电平范围:150mV - 20V p-p低阻输入:阻抗:10KOhms ,电平范围:300mV - 40V p-pLINE输入:阻抗:22kOhms,输入电平:0dBu(标准)效果返回:阻抗:22kOhms,输入电平:0dBu(标准)并联输出:阻抗:22kOhms,输入电平:0dBu(标准)效果发送:阻抗:22kOhms,输入电平:0dBu(标准)DI输出:600 Ohms(平衡),输出电平:-20 dBu(标准)单元输出阻抗:最小4 Ohms低频:+/-15dB @ 100Hz中低频:+/-15dB @ 220Hz中频:+/-15dB @ 660Hz中高频:+/-15dB @ 1.6kHz高频:+/-15dB @ 7kHz(开始衰减)加深:+8dB @ 50Hz明亮:+10dB @ 10kHz信噪比:高于80dB(均衡平直)失真:少于0.5% THD频率响应: 17Hz ~30KHz(-3dB)使用电压:230 /115v尺寸H x W x D (mm):768 x 655 x 520重量(KG):34.8

Loudon Wainwright III的《Lost Love》 歌词

歌曲名:Lost Love歌手:Loudon Wainwright III专辑:I"M Alright言承旭 - Lost LoveOT:FEAT. DAYLIGHT原词:YOU SUNG KYOU原曲:YOU SUNG KYOU改编词:傅郁庭就这样你将要离开我 离开这个城市时间静止 停在你决定那时我无能为力看着你离去背影为什么当时没将你留住一切都已经来不及珍惜我没回头看你 你也离去所有的一切全部随风远离今后你我不再是伴侣我说你走吧 我不会等你你说难过看到这结局沉默不语 凝结的空气彷佛是天上要结束这个游戏I can"t wait 我有很多理想你也有你的梦要追寻你难过流下一滴泪滴就这样安静的转身离去Sorry I have to leave 原谅我不得已但请你相信我永远都会一直爱着你只是梦想不容易 需要很大的勇气我会将你的爱好好地 放在我的手心今天 我们意外的相遇看 你笑容幸福的洋溢同一个时间 同一个地方但在你身边早已不是我看到你惊讶已经失去了笑容措手不及转头不让你看到我这真实画面顿时让我心痛过去的点滴全部成了泡沫我不该说 不会等你原来伤得痛了的人是我你不该笑的 如此美丽笑的愈美愈是让我难过此刻的我没有说服的理由此刻的你早就忘记了所有你可否 回过头来看看我像回忆里你给过我的温柔Sorry I have to leave 原谅我不得已但请你相信我永远都会一直爱着你只是梦想不容易 需要很大的勇气我会将你的爱好好地 放在我的手心一切像天空绽放烟火短暂美丽不能带回什么你努力完成了你的梦追不回失去的那一份感动(Love you forever)无奈那后悔全占据着我失败和软弱是我所拥有你挽着他笑容我曾经见过我开始已明白爱已远走(一起拥有我们走过痕迹)永远都不会忘记 依靠在你怀里是谁也无法夺去的专属甜蜜Sorry I have to leave 原谅我不得已但请你相信我永远都会一直爱着你只是回忆变透明 模糊相爱的决心我会将你的爱好好地 记在我的心底过去的已不能重头 失去的也不能再拥有如果时光再倒流 我不会让你走 不会让你走就像月亮会有星星陪也像小草花朵相依偎最后我会跟你说 亲爱的我会一直等你我会永远等你

thank sb to do sth是什么意思?


thanks to后面如果加动词是doing还是to do

thanks to “多亏了……”;“由于……的帮助”。在此短语中,to是一个介词,后接名词或代词。相当于because of …或 with the help of … , 如:Thanks to your help, I passed the exam. 多亏了你的帮助,我通过了考试。

be favorable to do还是doing

be favorable to[英][bi: u02c8feu026avu0259ru0259bu0259l tu:][美][bi u02c8fevu0259ru0259bu0259l tu]有利于,赞成;

thanks to后面如果加动词是doing还是to do?

thanks to 意思是“幸亏"、“由于”、“多亏” 通常后面直接加感谢的对象(名词或代词)。 如:thanks to your help ,I can pass the exam 。thanks for doing sth =thank you for doing sth 意思是“因为...而感谢某人”

Thank to后面加do还是doing?

thanks to 意思是“幸亏"、“由于”、“多亏” 通常后面直接加感谢的对象(名词或代词).如:thanks to your help ,I can pass the exam .thanks for doing sth =thank you for doing sth 意思是“因为...而感谢某人”所以to后面不加动词的哦~

电脑C盘里占用很多没用的文件 这三个文件能不能删除掉 program files program files(x86) Windows

首先说一下,Program Files或者Program Files(X86)这个目录都是你安装软件时系统默认的安装路径。也就是说你安装的软件很多都在这里面。因为Program Files里面装的是各种应用程序,从某种意义上来说你可以把他全删了,但是这样的后果就是你电脑桌面上的所有东西都打不开了。如果你对电脑够了解,要问里面那些可以删那就是所有你已经卸载过还剩在那里的文件。或者你认识它,知道这个文件是什么程序的并且你确定不需要用它了你也可以删了去。看了你的截图,从下往上说把,下面那些个windows开头的你就别理他了。uusee是一个网络电视 thunder是迅雷 Tencent是腾讯的玩意包括QQ啊腾讯游戏啊什么的 这个是.net存的别理他。再往上两个分别是R开头的声卡 和显卡的。在往上是几个系统和微软的产品包括办公软件等。不知道是什么的就是那个“lingxiu”和“BOJLIBS Security suite 3.0”前面一个好像是个裸聊的玩意,后面那个不知道。如果说没用估计也就他俩了把。

The dog bit him on his leg when he passed by.his 为何改the

触及身体某一部位的表达方式: 在汉语中,把被触及身体某一部位作为动词的宾语,如:打他的脸;拍她的头. 在英语中,则把接受动作的人作为宾语,用介词短语来说明接触到的身体某一部位,即用下面的句式 主语谓语somebody 介词the身体部位 约翰打了他的脸. 误:John hit his face .正:John hit him in the face 解析:在这一句型中常用的 动词有:hit ,pat ,beat ,touch ,strike 等等. 关于介词的选用问题: 一般身体部位比较硬而突出的地方或强调接触人体的表面,用介词on;如on the head(back ,nose ,shoulder,chest,……) 一般在软而凹的部位用介词 in 如:in the face(eye ,stomach ,rib…..) 一般表示抓,拉,握,牵等.常见动词:catch ,seize ,grab ,pull ,take,hold ,.身体的某一部位时,用介词by. 选择填空:1 The boss_____him _____back and told him something secret Key (D) A patted….by the B patted …on his C patted…in the D patted …on the 2 Mary led a granny_____hand to across the street Key(D) A in..the B on the C by her D by the 3 He felt someone ____ him on ____shoulder when he was watching the game.KEY ( C) A patted…his B pat..his C patting…the D patted….his

door in the face technic是什么意思?好像是个心理学术语


Wolf At The Door 歌词

歌曲名:Wolf At The Door歌手:Keane专辑:Hopes And FearsWolf At the DoorRadioheadDrag him out your windowDragging out the deadSinging I miss youSnakes and ladders flip the lidOut pops the crackerSmacks you in the headKnifes you in the neckKicks you in the teethSteel toe capsTakes all your credit cardsGet up get the gunsGet the eggsGet the flan in the faceThe flan in the faceThe flan in the faceDance you fucker dance you fuckerDon"t you dareDon"t you dareDon"t you flan in the faceTake it with the love its givenTake it with a pinch of saltTake it to the taxmanLet me backLet me backI promise to be goodDon"t look in the mirror at the face you don"t recognizeHelp me, call the doctor, put me insideput me insideput me insideput me insideput me insideI keep the wolf from the doorBut he calls me upCalls me on the phoneTells me all the ways that he"s gonna mess me upSteal all my children if I don"t pay the ransomAnd I"ll never see them again if I squeal to the cops. . . .Walking like giant cranesAnd with my X-ray eyes I strip you nakedin a tight little worldand are you on the list?Stepford wives who are we to complain?Investments and dealersInvestments and dealersCold wives and mistressesCold wives and Sunday papers cityBoys in First Class don"t know we"re born you knowSomeone else is gonna come and clean it upBorn and raised for the jobSomeone always doesI wish you"d get up get overget up get over and turn your tape offI keep the wolf from the doorBut he calls me upCalls me on the phoneTells me all the ways that he"s gonna mess me upSteal all my children if I don"t pay the ransomAnd I"ll never see them again if I squeal to the copsSo I"m just gonna. . . .

求一首歌 歌词里好像有push me baby push me baby cut me down

Push Push演唱者:Kurt Nilsen曲名:push push歌手:kurt nilsen 专辑:push push* music *you have been so good for me,i will change my ways for you,you can call and i"ll come know my feelings are warm and"ve got me wrappedaround your fingeri"d surrender it all to youyou got the power i "ve got the needi hate to say it i"m down on my don"t youpush pushyou break me in your stridepush pushdon"t cut me down to sizepush pushplease don"t throw the dicepush pushpush pushi"ll be the angel, i"ll be the sainti will walk a thin line for youyou pull my strings,i"ll feel the straincut me loose, i will break the don"t youpush pushyou break me in your stridepush pushdon"t cut me down to sizepush pushplease don"t throw the dicepush push though now i"m on your sidesometimes you"ll let me stay awayto be on my owni"d brace myself to meet your needsbut i"m still on your pushpush pushyou break me in your stridepush pushdon"t cut me down to sizepush pushplease don"t throw the dice.push pushyou know i"m on your side.push pushyou break me in your stridepush pushdon"t cut me down to size* over * thank you !曲名:push push歌手:kurt nilsen 专辑:push push* music *you have been so good for me,i will change my ways for you,you can call and i"ll come know my feelings are warm and"ve got me wrappedaround your fingeri"d surrender it all to youyou got the power i "ve got the needi hate to say it i"m down on my don"t youpush pushyou break me in your stridepush pushdon"t cut me down to sizepush pushplease don"t throw the dicepush pushpush pushi"ll be the angel, i"ll be the sainti will walk a thin line for youyou pull my strings,i"ll feel the straincut me loose, i will break the don"t youpush pushyou break me in your stridepush pushdon"t cut me down to sizepush pushplease don"t throw the dicepush pushthough now i"m on your sidesometimes you"ll let me stay awayto be on my owni"d brace myself to meet your needsbut i"m still on your pushpush pushyou break me in your stridepush pushdon"t cut me down to sizepush pushplease don"t throw the dice.push pushyou know i"m on your side.push pushyou break me in your stridepush pushdon"t cut me down to size* over * thank you !

push to do还是push doing

push to do sth. (对某事)加把劲, 用最大的努力(做某事)

歌词是push down push down oh oh

Can we kiss forever

down in flames是什么风格

DOWN IN FLAMES 网络 坠入战火; [例句]She was able to shoot the rumour down in flames with ample documentary evidence.她能够用充分的书面证据将传闻彻底粉碎。

put on;put away;put up;putoff;put down是;什么意思


put off, put up, put down, put away各是什么意思?


put on;put away;put up;putoff;put down是;什么意思


put on;put away;put up;putoff;put down是;什么意思

put on:穿上put away:把···放好,储存put up:提供,建造,举起,推举,提名,供给···住宿put off:推迟put down:放下

put down和put away是什么意思?


taylor swift的歌,有一句叫什么i do love the game


if we go down in flames,so be it。的中文意思


Down In Flames 歌词

歌曲名:Down In Flames歌手:Nothingface专辑:SkeletonsDown In Flameby veronica_ronChristians-- we"re all afraid of fire.We prefer to suck on pacifiers.Baby pacifists, we"re throwing fits.We don"t shake hands, we shake our fists.We"re cannibals.We watch our brothers fall.We eat our own, the bones and all.Finally fell asleep on the planeto wake to see we"re going down in flames.We"re going down, down, down in flames.We"re gonna drown, drown, drown insane.We see the problem and the risk,but nothing"s solved.We just say, "Tisk, tisk, tisk,"and, "Shame, shame, shame."Finally fell asleep on the planeto wake to see we"re going down in flames.Let"s go!Christians-- we mourn, the thorn is stuckin the side of the body watch it self-destruct.The enemy is much ignoredwhen we fight this Christian civil war.We"re cannibals.We watch our brothers fall.We eat our own, the bones and all.Finally fell asleep on the planeto wake to see we"re going down in flames.We"re going down, down, down in flames.We"re gonna drown, drown, drown insane.We see the problem and the risk,but nothing"s solved.We just say, "Tisk, tisk, tisk,"and, "Shame, shame, shame."Finally fell asleep on the planeto wake to see we"re going down in flames.Na na na na, na na na na.Na na na na, na na na na.Na na na na, na na na na.Na na na na, na na na na.Na na na na, na na na na.Na na na na, na na na na.Na na na na, na na na na.Bana na na na, na na naLet me pause to clarify("cause I"m sure you"re asking, "Why?").I stand before you and proudly claimto belong to what this song complains.I"m part of the problem,I confess,But I gotta get this off my chest.Let"s extinguish the anguishfor which we"re to blame,and save the worldfrom going down in flames.Let me pause to clarify("cause I"m sure you"re asking, "Why?").I stand before you and proudly claimto belong to what this song complains.I"m part of the problem,I confess,But I gotta get this off my chest.Let"s extinguish the anguishfor which we"re to blame,and save the worldfrom going down in flames.

Shot Down In Flames 歌词

歌曲名:Shot Down In Flames歌手:Ac/Dc专辑:Let There Be Rock - The Movie - Live In ParisShot Down In FlamesComposer: Akira YamaokaVocals: Mary Elizabeth McGlynnSilent Hill Zero Original SountrackSwear at the wallsThey make fun of meDay after dayEyes that follow meIs it you again?Can this be the end forever?See through your eyesChild"s heart that criesRaven flight, fliesAnd the meaning diesAs it was beforeIt will be no moreTime does thatSay it againLike you saidDoes it sound like you?Where are you now?Does the young one know you"re here?Breath on the glassOnce againFeel her you inNobody leavesYou won"t let youYou"re afflictedCan you hide who you are?Take a look at yourselfCan you stop what will be?You think running will help?Can"t give up on the pastWhen the past never endsNow the dead that you raisedLive in meWhat have you done?You"re insaneCan you bring God down?Plans that you madeDon"t include meOne more timeBut I will danceOn the windBreathing in your heartYour sacrificeWasn"t wantedStill you trySay it againLike you saidDoes it sound like you?Where are you now?Does the young one know you"re here?Breath on the glassOnce againFeel her pull you inNobody leavesYou won"t let youYou"re afflicted罪与罚-永远的寂静岭



put on put off put up put down这些短语什么意思!

put on 1. 上演,演出 2. 穿上,戴上 put off 推迟;拖延 put up 1. 建造 put down 1. 放下 2

put off doing的用法off是啥词性,为什么后面有动词ing?

put off是 动词+副词结构的短语,后面常跟名词。动词ing也就是把动词加上ing就变成了名词,所以动词加ing

put off 和put down的区别

put off基本翻译推迟;扔掉;阻止put down基本翻译镇压;记下;贬低;制止put out基本翻译熄灭;伸出;出版;使不方便,打扰

Commodores的《This Love》 歌词

歌曲名:This Love歌手:Commodores专辑:All The Great Love SongsThis Love LyricsLeAnn Rimesby sleep4everIn every life there are detours on the gravel roads,Sometimes it feels like there"s just no right way to go,There"ll be times you"ll go crazy,And times you"ll break down,Always something that stands in your way...Just keep your eyes on meNever lose sight of meThis loveNothing can come betweenUs when we"re followingThis loveThis love...Everybody is bound to feel lost now and then,But I"ll be the one babe, that"ll be there For you "til the end,Through good days and badThe ups and the downsDon"t you ever let go of your dreams,OooohJust keep your eyes on meNever lose site of meThis loveNothing can come betweenUs when we"re followingThis loveI"ll be your northern starWhen everything"s darkI will shine for youShine for you...Just keep your eyes on meNever lose site of meThis loveNothing can come betweenUs when we"re followingThis loveJust keep your eyes on meNever lose site of meThis loveNothing can come betweenUs when we"re followingThis loveOhh uh-huh

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windows 7系统盘越来越大,已经有44G了,其中光windows文件夹就39G,如何瘦身?


put out/on/into/up/down/away/off

put out:熄灭;惹恼;生产put on: 穿上;装出。。。样子;增加put up: 举起,树起;陈列,贴出;建造房屋;推荐put down:镇压;写下,记下put off:延期;推托;脱掉;出航put into:把。。。放进,投入

词组辨析 put up,put down,put in,put out的辨析

put up 举起、挂起 put down 放下 put out 灭火 熄灭 put in放进,提出,提交,插入,进入

:pretty boy ,moonlight shadow .show me love (艾薇儿)的歌词谢谢大神们帮帮忙

望楼主采纳:) Pretty Boy I lie awake at night See things in black and white I"ve only got you inside my mind You know you have made me blind I lie awake and pray That you will look my way I have all my longing in my heart I know it right from the star Oh my pretty boy I love you Like I never ever loved no one before you Pretty Pretty boy of mine Just tell me you love me too Oh my pretty pretty boy I need you Oh my pretty pretty boy I do Let me inside Make me stay right beside you I used to write your name And put it in a frame And sometime that I think I hear you call Right from my bedroom wall You stay a little while And touch me with your smile And what can I say to make you mine To reach out for you in time Oh my pretty boy I love you Like I never ever loved no one before you Pretty Pretty boy of mine Just tell me you love me too Oh my pretty pretty boy I need you Oh my pretty pretty boy I do Let me inside Make me stay right beside you Oh pretty pretty boy Say you love me too Oh my pretty boy I love you Like I never ever loved no one before you Pretty Pretty boy of mine Just tell me you love me too Oh my pretty pretty boy I need you Oh my pretty pretty boy I do Let me inside Make me stay right beside you Moonlight Shadow The last that ever she saw him Carried away by a moonlight shadow He passed on worried and warning Carried away by a moonlight shadow. Lost in a river last saturday night Far away on the other side. He was caught in the middle of a desperate fight And she couldn"t find how to push through The trees that whisper in the evening Carried away by a moonlight shadow Sing a song of sorrow and grieving Carried away by a moonlight shadow All she saw was a silhouette of a gun Far away on the other side. He was shot six times by a man on the run And she couldn"t find how to push through I stay I pray I see you in heaven far away I stay I pray I see you in heaven one day Four am in the morning Carried away by a moonlight shadow I watched your vision forming Carried away by a moonlight shadow Star was light in a silvery night Far away on the other side Will you come to talk to me this night But she couldn"t find how to push through I stay I pray I see you in heaven far away I stay I pray I see you in heaven one day Far away on the other side. Caught in the middle of a hundred and five The night was heavy but the air was alive But she couldn"t find how to push through Carried away by a moonlight shadow Carried away by a moonlight shadow Far away on the other side. show me love This was an accident 这完全不在意料之中 Not the kind were sirens sound 也并非像船只被女妖歌声所诱 Never even noticed 甚至连个征兆都没有 We"re suddenly crumbling 我们瞬间就触礁粉碎 Tell me how you"ve never felt 告诉我你为何不曾感觉到 Delicate or innocent 心意动摇或被人误解 Do you still have doubts that 你的心里是否依旧会存疑 Us having makes any sense 存疑我们坚持信念的意义 Tell me nothing ever counts 告诉我一切都别放在心上 Lashing out or breaking down 即使备受打击甚至遭受折磨 Still somebody loses "cause 也绝对不会轻易低头 There"s no way to turn around 只因我们早已无退路可走 Staring at your photograph 双眼凝视着你的照片 Everything now in the past 一切都已是过往云烟 Never felt so lonely 从未感到如此寂寞想念 I wish that you could show me love 祈求的只是你能给我爱 Show Me Love 给我爱 Show Me Love 给我爱 Show Me Love 给我爱 Show Me Love 给我爱 Show Me Love 给我爱 "Til You open the door 直到你把心门敞开 Show Me Love 给我爱 Show Me Love 给我爱 Show Me Love 给我爱 Show Me Love 给我爱 Show Me Love 给我爱 "Til I"m up off the floor 直到你的心房有我存在 Show Me Love 给我爱 Show Me Love 给我爱 Show Me Love 给我爱 Show Me Love 给我爱 Show Me Love 给我爱 "Til its Inside my pores 直到身体发肤全感受到爱 Show Me Love 给我爱 Show Me Love 给我爱 Show Me Love 给我爱 Show Me Love 给我爱 Show Me Love 给我爱 "Til I"m Screaming for More 直到我大声要求你更多的爱 Random acts of mindlessness 没有目标的行为漫游 Commonplaces occurrences 这状态平凡到不用理由 Chances and surprises 机会和惊喜在生活游走 Another state of consciousness 只是意识下的另一种展露 Tell me nothing ever counts 告诉我一切都别放在心上 Lashing out or breaking down 即使备受打击甚至遭受折磨 Still somebody loses "cause 也绝对不会轻易低头 There"s no way to turn around 只因我们早已无退路可走 Tell me how you"ve never felt 告诉我你为何不曾感觉到 Delicate or innocent 心意动摇或被人误解 Do you still have doubts that 你的心里是否依旧会存疑 Us having makes any sense 存疑我们坚持信念的意义 You play games, I play tricks 你游戏人间,我耍弄心机 Girls and girls but you"re the one 女生爱女生,但你才是唯一 Like the game of pick-up-sticks 像是置身在难解的游戏里 Played by fucking lunatics 我们在被无聊的疯子耍戏 Show Me Love 给我爱 Show Me Love 给我爱 Show Me Love 给我爱 Show Me Love 给我爱 Show Me Love 给我爱 "Til You open the door 直到你把心门敞开 Show Me Love 给我爱 Show Me Love 给我爱 Show Me Love 给我爱 Show Me Love 给我爱 Show Me Love 给我爱 "Til I"m up off the floor 直到你的心房有我存在 Show Me Love 给我爱 Show Me Love 给我爱 Show Me Love 给我爱 Show Me Love 给我爱 Show Me Love 给我爱 "Til its Inside my pores 直到身体发肤全感受到爱 Show Me Love 给我爱 Show Me Love 给我爱 Show Me Love 给我爱 Show Me Love 给我爱 Show Me Love 给我爱 "Til I"m Screaming for More 直到我大声要求你更多的爱 Show me love, Show me love 给我爱 , 给我爱 Give me all that i want 给我一切想要的爱 Show me love, Show me love 给我爱 , 给我爱 Give me all that i want 给我一切想要的爱 Show me love, Show me love 给我爱 , 给我爱 Give me all that i want 给我一切想要的爱 Show me love, Show me love 给我爱 , 给我爱 "Til Im Screaming for More 直到我大声要求你更多的爱 (Train Sound)

:pretty boy ,moonlight shadow .show me love (艾薇儿)的歌词谢谢

望楼主采纳:) Pretty Boy I lie awake at night See things in black and white I"ve only got you inside my mind You know you have made me blind I lie awake and pray That you will look my way I have all my longing in my heart I know it right from the star Oh my pretty boy I love you Like I never ever loved no one before you Pretty Pretty boy of mine Just tell me you love me too Oh my pretty pretty boy I need you Oh my pretty pretty boy I do Let me inside Make me stay right beside you I used to write your name And put it in a frame And sometime that I think I hear you call Right from my bedroom wall You stay a little while And touch me with your smile And what can I say to make you mine To reach out for you in time Oh my pretty boy I love you Like I never ever loved no one before you Pretty Pretty boy of mine Just tell me you love me too Oh my pretty pretty boy I need you Oh my pretty pretty boy I do Let me inside Make me stay right beside you Oh pretty pretty boy Say you love me too Oh my pretty boy I love you Like I never ever loved no one before you Pretty Pretty boy of mine Just tell me you love me too Oh my pretty pretty boy I need you Oh my pretty pretty boy I do Let me inside Make me stay right beside you Moonlight Shadow The last that ever she saw himCarried away by a moonlight shadowHe passed on worried and warningCarried away by a moonlight shadow.Lost in a river last saturday nightFar away on the other side.He was caught in the middle of a desperate fightAnd she couldn"t find how to push throughThe trees that whisper in the eveningCarried away by a moonlight shadowSing a song of sorrow and grievingCarried away by a moonlight shadowAll she saw was a silhouette of a gunFar away on the other side.He was shot six times by a man on the runAnd she couldn"t find how to push throughI stayI prayI see you in heaven far awayI stayI prayI see you in heaven one dayFour am in the morningCarried away by a moonlight shadowI watched your vision formingCarried away by a moonlight shadowStar was light in a silvery nightFar away on the other sideWill you come to talk to me this nightBut she couldn"t find how to push throughI stayI prayI see you in heaven far awayI stayI prayI see you in heaven one dayFar away on the other side.Caught in the middle of a hundred and fiveThe night was heavy but the air was aliveBut she couldn"t find how to push throughCarried away by a moonlight shadowCarried away by a moonlight shadowFar away on the other side. show me love This was an accident 这完全不在意料之中 Not the kind were sirens sound 也并非像船只被女妖歌声所诱 Never even noticed 甚至连个征兆都没有 We"re suddenly crumbling 我们瞬间就触礁粉碎 Tell me how you"ve never felt 告诉我你为何不曾感觉到 Delicate or innocent 心意动摇或被人误解 Do you still have doubts that 你的心里是否依旧会存疑 Us having makes any sense 存疑我们坚持信念的意义 Tell me nothing ever counts 告诉我一切都别放在心上 Lashing out or breaking down 即使备受打击甚至遭受折磨 Still somebody loses "cause 也绝对不会轻易低头 There"s no way to turn around 只因我们早已无退路可走 Staring at your photograph 双眼凝视着你的照片 Everything now in the past 一切都已是过往云烟 Never felt so lonely 从未感到如此寂寞想念 I wish that you could show me love 祈求的只是你能给我爱 Show Me Love 给我爱 Show Me Love 给我爱 Show Me Love 给我爱 Show Me Love 给我爱 Show Me Love 给我爱 "Til You open the door 直到你把心门敞开 Show Me Love 给我爱 Show Me Love 给我爱 Show Me Love 给我爱 Show Me Love 给我爱 Show Me Love 给我爱 "Til I"m up off the floor 直到你的心房有我存在 Show Me Love 给我爱 Show Me Love 给我爱 Show Me Love 给我爱 Show Me Love 给我爱 Show Me Love 给我爱 "Til its Inside my pores 直到身体发肤全感受到爱 Show Me Love 给我爱 Show Me Love 给我爱 Show Me Love 给我爱 Show Me Love 给我爱 Show Me Love 给我爱 "Til I"m Screaming for More 直到我大声要求你更多的爱 Random acts of mindlessness 没有目标的行为漫游 Commonplaces occurrences 这状态平凡到不用理由 Chances and surprises 机会和惊喜在生活游走 Another state of consciousness 只是意识下的另一种展露 Tell me nothing ever counts 告诉我一切都别放在心上 Lashing out or breaking down 即使备受打击甚至遭受折磨 Still somebody loses "cause 也绝对不会轻易低头 There"s no way to turn around 只因我们早已无退路可走 Tell me how you"ve never felt 告诉我你为何不曾感觉到 Delicate or innocent 心意动摇或被人误解 Do you still have doubts that 你的心里是否依旧会存疑 Us having makes any sense 存疑我们坚持信念的意义 You play games, I play tricks 你游戏人间,我耍弄心机 Girls and girls but you"re the one 女生爱女生,但你才是唯一 Like the game of pick-up-sticks 像是置身在难解的游戏里 Played by fucking lunatics 我们在被无聊的疯子耍戏 Show Me Love 给我爱 Show Me Love 给我爱 Show Me Love 给我爱 Show Me Love 给我爱 Show Me Love 给我爱 "Til You open the door 直到你把心门敞开 Show Me Love 给我爱 Show Me Love 给我爱 Show Me Love 给我爱 Show Me Love 给我爱 Show Me Love 给我爱 "Til I"m up off the floor 直到你的心房有我存在 Show Me Love 给我爱 Show Me Love 给我爱 Show Me Love 给我爱 Show Me Love 给我爱 Show Me Love 给我爱 "Til its Inside my pores 直到身体发肤全感受到爱 Show Me Love 给我爱 Show Me Love 给我爱 Show Me Love 给我爱 Show Me Love 给我爱 Show Me Love 给我爱 "Til I"m Screaming for More 直到我大声要求你更多的爱 Show me love, Show me love 给我爱 , 给我爱 Give me all that i want 给我一切想要的爱 Show me love, Show me love 给我爱 , 给我爱 Give me all that i want 给我一切想要的爱 Show me love, Show me love 给我爱 , 给我爱 Give me all that i want 给我一切想要的爱 Show me love, Show me love 给我爱 , 给我爱 "Til Im Screaming for More 直到我大声要求你更多的爱 (Train Sound)

有require to do 这个搭配吗

require doing sth =require sb. to do sth.没有 require to do 这种结构的

require to do 和 doing的区别

require doing sth 需要被做 = require to be done require do sth 需要某人做某事 另外还有:1.require sth 需要某物2.require (that) sb.should do sth.从句用虚拟语气,其中should可以省略.3.require sth.of sb.命令/要求某人做某事

require to do 还是doing

都可以应该区分对待,require加名次的时候,加to do sth,需要某人做某事情,命令某人做某事情。如The roof requires an expert to repair。屋顶需要专家才能修理require doing sth需要做某事情。 require to do 还是doing require doing sth 需要被做 = require to be done require do sth 需要某人做某事 另外还有: 1.require sth 需要某物 2.require (that) sb.should do sth.从句用虚拟语气,其中should可以省略. 3.require sth.of sb.命令/要求某人做某事 require的用法例句 1. Today"s complex buildings require close teamwork between the architect and the builders. 如今的建筑结构复杂,需要建筑师和施工人员密切协作。 2. Buyers might require further assurances before parting with their cash. 买方在付现之前可能要求提供进一步的担保。 3. That does not require "massive" military intervention, as some have mischievously claimed. 那并不需要像某些不怀好意者所主张的那样进行“大规模的”军事干预。 4. If you require further information, you should consult the registrar. 如果需要进一步了解信息,请咨询教务主任。 5. You may have free passage across our territory whenever you require it. 无论你什么时候需要,都可以自由穿过我们的领地。

require of sb to do...,可以这样用吗?

require of sb to do...,可以这样用吗?参考解析:require没有require of sb to do sth这个用法,但有require sb to do sth(要求某人做某事)或者 be required to do sth.

require to do 还是 require doing

我需要休息可以写成 i require to have a rest 吗?一般require 都是别人对自己的要求。Need 是更倾向于个人要求。
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