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dish[英][du026au0283] [美][du026au0283] 生词本 简明释义 n.盘;餐具;一盘食物;外貌有吸引力的人 vt.盛于碟盘中;分发;使某人的希望破灭;说(某人)的闲话 vi.成碟状 复数:dishes第三人称单数:dishes过去式:dished过去分词:dished现在分词:dishing 易混淆的单词:DISH 以下结果由 金山词霸 提供 柯林斯高阶英汉词典 百科释义 短语词组 同反义词 1.N-COUNT盘;碟;碗A dish is a shallow container with a wide uncovered top.You eat and serve food from dishes and cook food in them. ...plastic bowls and dishes... 塑料碗碟


  dish[英][du026au0283][美][du026au0283]   n.盘;餐具;一盘食物;外貌有吸引力的人;   vt.盛于碟盘中;分发;使某人的希望破灭;说(某人)的闲话;   vi.成碟状;   第三人称单数:dishes过去分词:dished复数:dishes现在进行时:dishing过去式:dished   例句:   1、   Itispartofourculturetomakeeverydishappeartobespecial.   让每一道菜看上去别具一格也是我们饮食文化的一部分。


dish是可数名词。 dish:n.碟;盘;(待清洗的)餐具;一道菜;菜肴; dish的复数形式: dishes 扩展资料   May I suggest a white wine with this dish, Sir?   先生,吃这道菜,我给您推荐一种白葡萄酒,好吗?   Leave the dishes ─ I"ll do them later.   盘子先搁着吧,我等会儿再洗。   The wine makes a good accompaniment to fish dishes.   这种葡萄酒很适合作鱼菜的佐餐酒。

dish 有菜的意思?



dish复数形式 dishes dish n.碟;盘;(待清洗的)餐具;一道菜;菜肴 v.盛于碟盘中;分发,提供;使某人的希望破灭, 第三人称单数: dishes 复数: dishes 现在分词: dishing 过去式: dished 过去分词: dished 扩展资料   Spread the onion slices on the bottom of the dish.   把洋葱片铺在盘底。   Here in the dining hall the cooks dish out chicken à la king.   在餐厅这儿厨师们把皇家奶油鸡装盘。   Here"s a dish that is simple and quick to make.   这是一道简单易做的菜。





dish的对应词复数)——dishes现在分词)——running 3.tooth(复数) ——teeth 4.see(过去式)——saw 5.swim(现在分词)——swimming 6.china(表示语言的词)——Chinese 7.white(对应词)——black 8.20th(基数词)——twenty 9.boy(对应词)——girl物主代词)——its




dish的音标为 [du026au0283]。含义:盘子、菜肴、碟子。用法:名词,可以表示一种容器,用来放置食物或盛装食物的器皿。也可以表示一道菜,即食物的一种。单词的"dish"的出现时间可以追溯到13世纪初期的中古英语时期,当时它被用来形容一种盘子或碟子。如今,它的含义已经扩展到了菜肴及其它的各种餐具。造句:1、The waiter brought out the dishes one by one.(服务员一道道地端着菜肴走了出来。)2、That was quite a tasty dish at the party.(派对上这个菜肴可真好吃。)3、The documentary covered several different political scandals, but the main dish was the Watergate scandal.(这个纪录片探讨了几个不同的政治丑闻,但是主要的话题是“水门事件”。)4、I can"t wait to see the new movie, it"s supposed to be the director"s best dish yet.(我迫不及待地想看这部新电影,据说这是导演至今为止最好的作品。)5、She gave me the dish on the latest office scandal.(她把最新的办公室丑闻告诉了我。)


dish病是一种原因不明的韧带骨化及骨质增生,是一种常见的随年龄增长而逐渐增多的疾病。DISH:它的全称是diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis,也叫:弥漫性特发性骨肥厚症。DISH病常见于中老年男性,男女比约为2:1,男女发病率均随着年龄的增长和体重的增加而增高,45岁以前极少罹患此病。DISH病因以及预防:病因:DISH病的病因未明,虽已有家族发病的报道但少见,研究资料提示DISH病可能为机械因素作用在某些附着点导致DISH病的发生,但越来越多的资料显示全身性的生长代谢异常为DISH病的易患因素。除早期Forestier报道的DISH病与肥胖相关外,近来DISH病与糖耐量异常和成人发病的糖尿病的相关性得到证实。预如何防:1、消除和减少或避免发病因素改善生活环境空间,养成良好的生活习惯防止感染注意饮食卫生,合理膳食调配。2、注意锻炼身体,增加机体抗病能力,不要过度疲劳、过度消耗、戒烟戒酒。3、早发现早诊断早治疗树立战胜疾病的信心,坚持治疗。4、避免肥胖对本病的预防和治疗有积极的作用。应避免使用引起血糖升高和增加心脑血管病的药物,如噻嗪类、β受体阻滞药、外源性胰岛素等药物。避免大量饮酒。参考资料:百度百科-弥漫性特发性骨质肥厚症


dishes的意思:n.碟;盘;(待清洗的)餐具;一道菜;菜肴。v.盛于碟盘中;分发,提供;使某人的希望破灭,破坏某人的机会,使某人不能成功。dish的第三人称单数和复数。短语搭配:wash dishes 洗盘子 ; 洗碟子 ; 洗碗 ; 洗盘子刷碗。Side dishes 配菜 ; 小菜附加点心 ; 主食 ; 热菜。Petri Dishes 灭菌盘 ; 培养皿 ; 皮氏培养皿 ; 细菌培养皿。order dishes 点菜。Vegetarian dishes 素菜 ; 素菜类 ; 蔬菜菜肴 ; 素食菜肴。Vegetable dishes 蔬菜盘 ; 素菜 ; 蔬菜类。Discussing Dishes 谈论饭菜 ; 议论饭菜。


dishn.盘;餐具;一盘食物;外貌有吸引力的人vt.盛于碟盘中;分发;使某人的希望破灭;说(某人)的闲话vi.成碟状第三人称单数: dishes 复数: dishes 现在分词: dishing 过去式: dished 过去分词: dished

dishes什么意思中文 dishes的意思

1、dishes的意思: n.碟; 盘; (待清洗的)餐具; 一道菜; 菜肴; v.盛于碟盘中; 分发,提供; 使某人的希望破灭,破坏某人的机会,使某人不能成功; 2、dishes的读音:英[u02c8du026au0283u026az],美[u02c8du026au0283u026az]。 3、dishes是dish的第三人称单数和复数; 4、[例句]She showed us a strange contraption that looked like a satellite dish.她给我们看了一个奇怪的玩意儿,样子像碟形卫星信号接收器。


dish n. 盘,碟,盘装菜 v. 提出 碟形卫星 近义词: container give receptacle serve


翻译如下dishn.盘;餐具;一盘食物;外貌有吸引力的人vt.盛于碟盘中;分发;使某人的希望破灭;说(某人)的闲话vi.成碟状例句This dish is best served cold 这菜最好凉着吃。

dish是什么意思 英语dish是什么意思

1、dish,英文单词,名词、及物动词、不及物动词,作名词时意为“盘;餐具;一盘食物;外貌有吸引力的人”,作及物动词时意为“盛于碟盘中;分发;使某人的希望破灭;说(某人)的闲话”,作不及物动词时意为“成碟状;闲谈”。 2、例句:I like dinner , and every dish.我喜欢正餐和每一道菜。


弥漫性特发性骨质增生症,是一种原因不明的韧带骨化及骨质增生,可能与代谢或内分泌的变化有关,在病理上属退行性病变。 胸椎是DISH的典型受累区,异常骨化以下胸椎多见,最常见于T7~11。上胸椎少见,但也偶可见到从T1~12连续的骨化者。 通常可将脊椎DISH分为两型:Ⅰ型病变,是以椎前及椎旁韧带波浪状骨化为主要表现,由于此型的椎间盘较正常,不伴椎间盘前突,故前纵韧带的骨化通常具有连续性;Ⅱ型病变除有韧带骨化外,还合并椎间盘纤维环退变及椎间盘向前外侧突出,在椎间隙水平的椎前骨化区内因椎间盘突入而致骨化形成切割状,使前纵韧带骨化呈间断状。




dishes是dish的复数。dish,名词、及物动词、不及物动词,作名词时意为“盘;餐具;一盘食物;外貌有吸引力的人”,作及物动词时意为“盛于碟盘中;分发;使某人的希望破灭;说(某人)的闲话”,作不及物动词时意为“成碟状;闲谈”。 dish短语搭配 fruit dish 水果盘;水果碟;生果盘;锌合金果盘 A dish 小菜一碟;一碟;盘子;一道菜 crystallizing dish 结晶皿 culture dish 培养皿;培养碟;厌气培养皿;培皿 staining dish 染色皿;染色碟 berry dish 水果碟;详细翻译 porcelain dish 瓷皿;瓷蒸发皿;[电] 瓷盘 Dish Network 卫星电视;卫星天线网络;碟形网络;碟网络 Chinese Dish 中式菜品;中国菜;中国菜肴;中式 dish双语例句 I like dinner , and every dish. 我喜欢正餐和每一道菜。 What do you like this dish ? 您觉得这道菜怎么样? How do you like this dish? 你觉得这道菜怎么样?

dish的复数形式怎么写 是什么意思

复数:dishes。dish,作名词时意为“盘;餐具;一盘食物;外貌有吸引力的人”,作及物动词时意为“盛于碟盘中;分发;使某人的希望破灭;说(某人)的闲话”,作不及物动词时意为“成碟状;闲谈”。 dish基本含义 n.碟; 盘; (待清洗的)餐具; 一道菜; 菜肴; v.盛于碟盘中; 分发,提供; 使某人的希望破灭,破坏某人的机会,使某人不能成功; [例句]Spread the onion slices on the bottom of the dish. 把洋葱片铺在盘底。 第三人称单数:dishes 复数:dishes 现在分词:dishing 过去式:dished 过去分词:dished dish双语例句 I like dinner , and every dish. 我喜欢正餐和每一道菜。 What do you like this dish? 您觉得这道菜怎么样? How do you like this dish? 你觉得这道菜怎么样?


dish病是一种原因不明的韧带骨化及骨质增生,是一种常见的随年龄增长而逐渐增多的疾病。DISH:它的全称是diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis,也叫:弥漫性特发性骨肥厚症。DISH病常见于中老年男性,男女比约为2:1,男女发病率均随着年龄的增长和体重的增加而增高,45岁以前极少罹患此病。DISH病因以及预防:病因:DISH病的病因未明,虽已有家族发病的报道但少见,研究资料提示DISH病可能为机械因素作用在某些附着点导致DISH病的发生,但越来越多的资料显示全身性的生长代谢异常为DISH病的易患因素。除早期Forestier报道的DISH病与肥胖相关外,近来DISH病与糖耐量异常和成人发病的糖尿病的相关性得到证实。预如何防:1、消除和减少或避免发病因素改善生活环境空间,养成良好的生活习惯防止感染注意饮食卫生,合理膳食调配。2、注意锻炼身体,增加机体抗病能力,不要过度疲劳、过度消耗、戒烟戒酒。3、早发现早诊断早治疗树立战胜疾病的信心,坚持治疗。4、避免肥胖对本病的预防和治疗有积极的作用。应避免使用引起血糖升高和增加心脑血管病的药物,如噻嗪类、β受体阻滞药、外源性胰岛素等药物。避免大量饮酒。参考资料:百度百科-弥漫性特发性骨质肥厚症


dish通常表示盘、餐具的意思,它是名词、及物动词,也是不及物动词。dish作为名词时是盘、餐具、一盘食物的意思,作为及物动词时有盛于碟盘中、分发、使某人的希望破灭、说(某人)的闲话的意思,作为不及物动词时有成碟状、闲谈的意思。dish的第三人称单数和复数形式都是dishes,过去式和过去分词都是dished,现在分词是dishing 扩展资料:短语搭配:Chinese Dish 中式菜品,中国菜,中国菜肴,中式、fruit dish 水果盘、crystallizing dish 结晶皿、culture dish 培养皿、Dish Network 卫星电视、卫星天线网络、以下内容供参考:百度百科-dish

dish怎么读 dish的意思

1、dish的单词发音:英[du026au0283]美[du026au0283]。 2、dish,英文单词,名词、及物动词、不及物动词,作名词时意为“盘;餐具;一盘食物;外貌有吸引力的人”,作及物动词时意为“盛于碟盘中;分发;使某人的希望破灭;说(某人)的闲话”,作不及物动词时意为“成碟状;闲谈”。


dish 英 [du026au0283] 美 [du026au0283] n.盘;碟;一道菜;菜肴;碟状物vt.使成碟状;装盘vi.闲谈 过去式

dish 什么意思




dish英 [du026au0283]美 [du026au0283]n.盘; 餐具; 一盘食物; 外貌有吸引力的人vt.盛于碟盘中; 分发; 使某人的希望破灭; 说(某人)的闲话vi.成碟状例句:1Pile potatoes into a warm serving dish.把土豆倒在一个保温的盛菜用的盘子里。2Nicholas ate a dish of spaghetti.尼古拉斯吃了一盘意大利面条。3This dish is best served cold.这菜最好凉着吃。4There were dirty dishes in the sink.水槽里放着脏碗。5 I hate doing the dishes.我讨厌洗碗。



Dreams (Deep Dish, Ft. Stevie Nicks) 歌词

歌曲名:Dreams (Deep Dish, Ft. Stevie Nicks)歌手:Various Artists专辑:I Dance (The Club Mixes)Oh, my life is changing everyday,In every possible way.And oh, my dreams,it"s never quiet as it seems,Never quiet as it seems.I know I"ve felt like this before,but now I"m feeling it even more,Because it came from you.And then I open up and seethe person falling here is me,A different way to be.Ah, la da ah...La...I want more imposible to ignore,Imposible to ignore.And they"ll come true,impossible not to do,Impossible not to do.And now I tell you openly,you have my heart so don"t hurt me.You"re what I couldn"t find.A totally amazing mind,so understanding and so kind;You"re everything to me.Oh, my life,Is changing every day,In every possible way.And oh, my dreams,It"s never quiet as it seems,"Cause you"re a dream to me,Dream to me.Ah, da, da da da, da, la...Ah, da, da da da, da, la...Ah, da, da da da, da, la...Ah, da, da da da, da, la...




《The Cold Dish》(Craig Johnson)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 密码:om74书名:The Cold Dish作者:Craig Johnson出版社:Penguin (Non-Classics)出版年份:2006-3-28页数:400内容简介:In this outstanding first novel, Craig Johnson draws on his background in law enforcement and his deep attachment to the American West to produce a literary mystery of stunning authenticity, and full of memorable characters. Walt Longmire, sheriff of Wyomingas Absaroka County, knows heas got trouble when Cody Pritchard is found dead. Two years earlier, Cody and three accomplices had been given suspended sentences for raping a Northern Cheyenne girl. Is someone seeking vengeance? Longmire faces the most volatile and challenging case in his twenty-four years as sheriff and means to see that revenge, a dish that is best served cold, is never served at all. aWe in the West have a major new talent on our hands.a "aThe Denver Post" aA winning piece of work, and a convincing feel to the whole package.a "aThe Washington Post" aCraig Johnson does it right, with style, grace, wildfire pace, and a sense of humor.a aBob Shacochis

罐头音乐的Cavendish Music

英国老牌音乐公司Boosey & Hawkes在制作音乐库中的代表,除了有大量由黑胶唱片重新混音的经典作品,还有一连串的惊喜之作。其中很多都是现场乐团录制的高成本制作,加上现代的编曲,绝对能够媲美流行音乐组合,有古典辣妹之称Bond的乐曲,是企业宣传片的最佳配搭。除了主系统CAV CD以外,还有专为电视制作而设的CAV T,以及不可缺少的古典系列CC,加上同系的两个品… Castle Music百代旗下,澳大利亚支部制作的音乐库,具有当地的音乐特色,以吉他创作出各种风格的音乐,在其中60多片的CD中,尤其以最新出版的双CD “Empire of Champions” (胜利者王国)最为出色,当中加入了中国风的元素,适合在奥运会和各种专题片之制作中。 Beatbox Music源自澳洲的品牌,出版了接近100张CD,音乐种类广泛,由当地有潜质的创作人精心打造的音乐,除了奠定了在澳洲第一大品牌之地位外,在世界各地也获得广泛认同。Associated Production Music百代美国支部所推出的音乐库,除了在美国本土打出名堂外,其充满好莱坞特色的音乐,在制作行业里也是信心的保证,其中3个的音乐库,各有各的优点。

the dish is very hot.这菜很辣。这菜很热----怎么翻译?

我想也许 也有 “这菜很好吃的” 意思吧。

discord disharmony 区别

discord1、 [difference]∶意见分歧这两人之间从未有任何不和。2、 [discord dissension;be on bad terms]3、不一致、不团结,缺乏和谐和一致的意见制造不和4、以争吵,摩擦和对立为特色的持久的不一致由这种局势而引起的争论是激烈的,不和看来要表面化。而 disharmomny 是 不融洽;不一致;不调和 例如:······racial disharmony.····· 种族间的不和谐。

日语的中性化怎么说?印象中的发音是:マンダリシュ之类的 maindish

マニッシュ mannish



Swedish Rhapsody 歌词

歌曲:Bohemian Rhapsody作词:freddie mercury作曲:freddie mercury王菲个人资料:王菲(十五岁前随母亲姓,叫夏林Faye Wong (Shirley已弃用)艺名:王靖雯(已弃用)出生日期:1969年8月8日出生地点:北京身高:57及(172cm)近:400 度左右家庭状况:父亲王佑林 母亲夏桂影(去世)哥哥,王弋 女儿童童教育程度:中学毕业就读小学:北京地坛小学就读中学:北京市东直门中学宗教信仰:佛教(密宗)mama,just killed a man ,put a gun a against hishead.pulled my trigger, now hes dead.mama, life had just begun,but now ive goneand throw it all away .mama,ooo,didnt mean to make you cry,if im not back againthis time tomorrow.carry on carry on,as if nothong really matters.too late my time has came,sends shivers down my sprine.bodys aching all the time .goodbye,everbody.ive got to gogotta leave you all behindand face the truth.mama,ooo, i dont want to die ,i sometimes wish id neveer beenborn at all.....继续歌手介绍:王菲,1987年底由北京到港定居经父亲朋友介绍拜戴思聪为师学唱歌89年加入宝丽金旗下的新艺宝唱片公司并成功的推出来首张个人同名专辑《王靖雯》91年年初王菲决定暂停歌曲事业远赴美国修读音乐92年陈家瑛成为王菲经理人陈家瑛当时还对周围的友人感叹道:我打到了一个嗓子好得不得了的女孩子94年改用原名王菲并举办了首个个人演唱会创下新人开演唱会18场的最高纪录96年,王菲与窦唯结婚留京安养并孕下了可爱的女儿--窦靖童同年,王菲越洋与英国的骚灵组合Cocteau twins合作推出另类专辑《浮躁》受到外界一致好评同年并登上了美国《TIME》时代杂志封面是继巩利后第二个登上《TIME》杂志的华人女艺人97年,向乐坛告别一年多的她她复出歌坛,并以6000万的天价加盟EMI科艺百代唱片公司推出了加盟EMI的首张同名大碟《王菲》一曲《你快乐(所我快乐)》更是唱到街知巷闻98年底,王菲展开她的个人巡回演唱会首站是广州,但广州演唱会刚过便传来了不幸的消息王菲的母亲因癌症而去逝了之后,王菲重新振作起来在香港连开了38场的唱游大世界王菲演唱会之后与窦唯的感情亮起红灯翌年,两人离婚收场窦靖童抚养权归王菲99年,王菲凭《Eyes on me》夺得日本金唱版大赏....nothing really matters,anyone can see.nothing really matters,nothing really matters to me.王菲个人部份资料就介绍到这有事Q我一下哦~32791311


ones best friend is his ten finger最好的朋友是他的十个手指

求一篇英语作文Honesty and dishonesty


英语翻译His honor rooted in dishonest stood.And faith unfaithful

他那来源于不名誉的名誉依然如故,而那并不诚实的诚实保持虚伪的忠诚.在这句诗中,诗人巧妙运用dishonour修饰honour, unfaithful修饰faith, falsely修饰true,形成一系列的语义对立,产生出了鲜明的矛盾修辞效果.

dishonored2 游戏无法打开,求助

羞辱 是一种挑衅技能相信很多玩家朋友们已经开始试玩羞辱2了吧,不过部分玩家在进入游戏的时候,会出现各种问题,比如跳出弹窗、闪退等等,甚至游戏都打不开。那么羞辱2打不开怎么办呢?下面我们就来看一看羞辱2进不去解决方法吧。 羞辱2进不去解决方法 1、游戏。

dishonored cheque是什么意思

dishonored cheque拒付支票-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮




字幕不正确 换个软件看看


你家的电脑是window7 么。。如果是,那就是你系统里的内存,没剩多少了,要清理一下垃圾。如果不是,那就是你电脑配置不够好。。。容易造成系统不适应

dishonored2 游戏无法打开,求助









win7系统 耻辱的ini文件在C:UsersXXXDocumentsMy GamesDishonoredDishonoredGameConfig这里面第一个文件你放对了如果是xp系统应该也在我的文档差不多的位置



[A] disliked [B] defied [C] defeated [D] dishonored


如何评价游戏《羞辱 2》(Dishonored 2)? ,,



dishonored2第一关安全房的离开方法是从窗户出去,窗户可以打开,然后从隔壁窗户进入就可以离开了。游戏简介:《dishonored2》是由Arkane Studios开发的一款动作游戏,是《耻辱》的续作,于2016年11月11日发行。《耻辱2》的背景设定在《耻辱》的15年之后,《耻辱》中的公主艾米丽已经是女皇,而男主角科尔沃则是她的父亲,以及守护她的皇家卫士。为了防止艾米丽像她的母亲那样再遭遇毒手,科尔沃在这15年间将她训练成为了一名强大的刺客。背景设定:《耻辱2》的故事发生在摄政王战败15年后,发生了可怕的鼠疫,有篡位者从女皇艾米丽手中夺取了政权,留下各个岛屿悬而未决的命运。在从两任摄政王的叛乱中拯救了艾米丽并将她重新迎回王座的十五年后,科尔沃早已洗清了自己身上的指控并继续担任着皇家护卫和皇家间谍大臣的职位。然而,在女皇艾米丽统治下的新一波的政变威胁也悄然降临了。艾米丽/科尔沃必须亲自来到帝国的南部城市卡纳卡去直面这场危机。


1 2 界外魔之死







高一英语选择题 the dishes my mother cooked

由 Everyone at the party liked it可知这个菜是好吃的,因此先排除D选项,这道题考察的是感官动词的用法,well作为形容词是身体好、身体健康的意思,因此排除C选项。之后就是时态的问题,整个句子所有的动词用的都是过去式,可见事情发生在过去,因此选B



请问Intellectual dishonesty 是什么意思




is volvo swedish,american or chinese全文翻译


西餐里面的starter、appetizer、garniture 、salads 、side dish都是什么东西?什么关系?

starter 与appetizer 都是头盘/开胃菜,不过一个是美式说法一个是意式/法式说法

how do you look at the issue of academic dishonesty?

Academic dishonesty is an assault upon the basic integrity and meaning of a University. Cheating, plagiarism, and collusion in dishonest activities are serious acts which erode the University"s educational and research roles and cheapen the learning experience not only for the perpetrators, but also for the entire community. It is expected that UCSB students will understand and subscribe to the ideal of academic integrity and that they will be willing to bear individual responsibility for their work. Materials (written or otherwise) submitted to fulfill academic requirements must represent a student"s own efforts. The fundamental purpose of this page is to emphasize that any act of academic dishonesty attempted by any UCSB student is unacceptable and will not be tolerated. CHEATINGCheating is the unauthorized use of information or study guides in any academic exercise. The methods of cheating are varied and well-known. Cheating includes: Copying from others during an examination.Sharing answers for a take-home examination.Using illegal notes during an examination.Taking an examination for another student.Asking or allowing another student to take an examination for you.Tampering with an examination after it has been corrected, then returning it for more credit than deserved.Submitting substantial portions of the same academic work for credit in more than one course, without consulting the second instructor (and the first instructor if the courses are concurrent at UCSB).Preparing answers or writing notes in a blue book before an examination.Allowing others to do the research and writing of an assigned paper (for example, using the services of a commercial term paper company). PLAGIARISMPlagiarism is academic theft. It refers to the use of another"s ideas or words without proper attribution or credit. An author"s work is his/her property and should be respected by documentation. Credit must be given: For every direct quotation.When a work is paraphrased or summarized in whole or in part in your own words.For information which is not common knowledge. (It appears in several sources about the subject.) UCSB History Professor Sears McGee advises: ``Generally, if a student writes (part of their paper) while looking at a source or while looking at notes taken from a source, a footnote should be given."" Each professor should announce his/her specific requirements to guide students in their research; students who do not receive such guidance from their professors will be well served to request it from each of their course instructors. COLLUSIONAny student who knowingly or intentionally helps another student to perform any of the above acts of cheating or plagiarism is subject to discipline for academic dishonesty. There is no distinction between those who cheat and plagiarize and those who willingly allow it to occur. In some courses, professors may announce that it is allowed for students to work together. In such cases, all students should write up their work independently of one another, unless the professor has given explicit approval to a common write-up. Students should always write on their paper the names of the other students with whom they have collaborated. PROCEDURESAcademic misconduct violates University Regulation 51.10a: ``Dishonesty such as cheating, plagiarism, altering graded examinations for additional credit, or having another person take an examination for you. Discipline for academically dishonest behavior is exercised on two levels: The professor of the course has the authority to handle an incident of student misconduct directly, by any of the following means: reprimand, assignment of additional work, reexamination, exclusion from the course, lowering the grade. If the professor elects to impose any or all of these remedies he must notify both the student and his department chairperson and submit a Faculty Report Form for Academic Misconduct to the Offices of the Dean of Students.If the professor believes that the offense was an especially serious one, s/he will recommend that action be taken by the Student-Faculty Committee on Student Conduct. Administrators and staff members are also encouraged to report incident of student misconduct and recommend disciplinary action, should they be directly involved in or witness to a conduct code violation. Allegations referred to the Committee will be investigated by the Office of the Dean of Students. The Assistant Dean will interview the reporting party, all witnesses, and any person(s) alleged to have violated the University regulation. All persons accused will be informed in writing of the nature of the charge, his/her rights, and the procedures to be followed. If the preliminary investigation does not result in the withdrawal of charges, the case will be heard by either the Student-Faculty Committee on Student Conduct or a University hearing officer. Persons involved in the Conduct Hearing process have the following rights and responsibilities:The Student:Shall be served with a written notice of the specific charges, the time and the place of the hearing, and a copy of the procedures which will govern the hearing at least five calendar days prior to the hearing. May be accompanied by an advisor or an attorney. Generally, students will be expected to speak for themselves. Is entitled to be present during the hearing while evidence is being presented and may remain until the committee or hearing officer beings deliberations. Shall have the right to produce witnesses and confront and cross-examine all witnesses. The Hearing Body:Shall base its findings upon the preponderance of evidence. Shall make all decisions by majority vote. Shall submit its findings and recommendations within three working days following the conclusion of the hearing. Shall keep summary minutes of the hearing which will be available to the student within seven working days following the hearing. The student shall receive written notice within five working days following the hearing informing him/her of any recommendations made as a result of the hearing body"s deliberations, including recommended sanctions, if applicable. Student appeals must be made in writing and submitted within ten working days after the notification of the imposition of sanctions. SANCTIONSIndividuals found guilty of violating University policies or regulations may receive the following sanctions: Warning:Written notice to the student that continued or repeated violations of specified policies or regulations may be cause for further disciplinary action.Disciplinary Probation:Suspension of a recommended sanction for a period of time during which any other violation would be cause for immediate implementation of the previously suspended sanction.Loss of Privileges and Exclusion from Activities:Specific exclusions or loss of privileges will be at the Dean"s discretion and will be for a specified academic term or terms.Suspension:Termination of student status for a specified term or terms.Dismissal:Termination of student status for an indefinite period. Students who are dismissed may not return to UCSB without the express permission of the Chancellor.Other disciplinary sanctions:The following additional disciplinary sanctions, may be imposed instead of or in addition to the sanctions listed above.In cases where a determination of academic misconduct has been made and where close supervision of a student"s academic conduct seems appropriate, course instructors may be requested to specifically monitor or separately test that student for a specified period of time.Work, research projects, or community service projects may be assigned.Violations of any of the conditions imposed under this section can be cause for further disciplinary action, usually in the form of loss of privileges and exclusion from activities, suspension, or dismissal.Sanctions are assigned with the intent of maintaining consistency and fairness, and the degree of sanction is primarily correlated with the extent and severity of the violation. Adjustment of the sanction is sometimes made, based on considerations that may include: Degree of premeditation or spontaneity when the violation was committed. Acknowledgment of the violation and consequences. Indirect hardships, such as loss of monetary support, loss of U.S. residency, eligibility for military service, and loss of athletic eligibility. Health, personal, and family related problems. Academic record. MAINTENANCE OFDISCIPLINARY RECORDSDisciplinary records will be maintained in the Office of the Dean of Students for five years and then destroyed unless the Dean of Students determines there is good reason to retain the records beyond that date. In order to insure that minor and non-recurring infractions do not negatively impact the student"s academic career beyond UCSB, all disciplinary records will be reviewed by the committee of jurisdiction in order to determine whether the student"s records should be expunged. A student may petition for such review approximately two years from the date the initial sanction was imposed, or upon graduation from the University, whichever comes first. It is fairly common for potential employers, governmental agencies, or other institutions of higher education to solicit information about a student"s conduct while attending UCSB. If the student has signed a release form accompanying such a solicitation, the Office of the Dean of Students will review the disciplinary records file to determine if the student has been found guilty of misconduct. In those cases where the student has such a record the information will be provided to the requesting party. RESPONSIBILITIESAll citizens of the academic community have a responsibility to insure that scholastic honesty and integrity are safeguarded and maintained. Cheating and plagiarism are unfair, demoralizing, and demeaning to all of us. Students are expected to:Refrain from cheating and plagiarism.Refuse to aid or abet any from of academic dishonesty.Notify professors during an examination (or immediately after) about any observed incident of cheating. Anthropology Professor Brian Fagan has written: ``If there is one major impression I have gained... it is that faculty must assume responsibility equally with students for reducing academic dishonesty."" Preventing and curtailing the opportunities for academic misconduct are necessary first steps in tackling the problem. Professors, teaching assistants, administrators, and staff members are expected to: Report all incidents of academic misconduct to the Dean of Students Office.Announce openly and specifically their policies and procedures concerning cheating and plagiarism.Protect the security of all examinations by destroying all waste copies and dittos.Insure that examinations are diligently proctored by a sufficient number of persons. The professor"s appearance during exams will heighten the effectiveness of proctors.Arrange at least one empty seat between students taking a test, if possible. Overflow rooms can be scheduled for test days.Revise test questions and format regularly.Make two or more versions of exams, varying the order of questions and the precise answers to specific questions. Some care is needed to insure that answers to different questions will not accidently be identical.Check identification of students, both through familiarity with the students, and inspection of registration cards.Require students to sit in assigned seats on the test day.Number the examination, and have students write the examination number in their blue book.Restrict the use of take-home examinations and the pre-test distribution of possible essay questions.Individually return homework and assignments rather than placing papers in a public and unattended location.Collect notes, outlines, and rough drafts, as well as the final draft of a paper, to reduce the likelihood of plagiarism.Maintain a file of previous student papers.

哪位高手帮忙分析一下句子结构:the limitations are childlike in the child are childish in the man.

1、the limitations are childlike in the child2、the limitations are childish in the man有局限对一个孩子来说是孩子气的,而对一个大人来说则是太过幼稚的只是第二句把主语省略了而已~O(∩_∩)O刚刚发现原来有人已经回了。。。


Meal 指的是三餐,可以是早餐,午餐或晚餐.food 指的是可以吃的东西,任何东西.这道题给的提示很明显了,你晚上都通常吃什么?,

Dish//乐队的 《猫》的 罗马音

夕焼けが燃えてこの街ごとyuuyake ga moete kono machigoto饮み込んでしまいそうな今日にnomi konde shimai souna kyou ni仆は君を手放してしまったbokuwa kimiwo tebanashite shimatta明日が不安だashita ga fuan daとても嫌だtotemo iyadaだからこの仆も一绪にdakara kono bokumo issho ni饮み込んでしまえよ夕焼けnomi konde shimaeyo yuuyakeだけどもそうはいかないよなdakedomo souwa ika naiyo na明日ってウザいほど来るよなashitatte uzai hodo kuruyo na眠たい夜になんだかnemutai yoru ni nandaka笑っちゃうwara-chau家まで帰ろうuchi made kaerou1人で帰ろうhitoride kaerou昨日のことなどkinou no koto nado幻だと思おうmaboroshi dato omoou君の颜なんて忘れてやるさkimi no kao nante wasurete yarusa马鹿马鹿しいだろそうだろbaka bakashii daro sou daro君がいなくなった日々もkimiga inaku natta hibimoこのどうしようもない気だるさもkono dou shiyoumo nai kedarusa mo心と体が喧哗してkokoroto karadaga kenkashite頼りない仆は寝転んでtayori nai bokuwa nekoronde猫になったんだよな君はneko ni nattandayo na kimiwaいつかフラッと现れてくれitsuka furatto arawarete kure何気ない毎日をnanige nai mainichi wo君色に染めておくれよkimi iro ni somete okureyo夕焼けが燃えてこの街ごとyuuyake ga moete kono machigoto饮み込んでしまいそうな今日にnomi konde shimai souna kyou ni仆は君を手放してしまったbokuwa kimiwo tebanashite shimatta若すぎる仆らはまた1からwakasugiru bokurawa mata ichi kara出会うことは可能なのかなdeau kotowa kanou nano kana愿うだけ无駄ならもうダメだnegau dake muda nara mou dameda家までつくのがuchi made tsuku nogaこんなにも嫌だkon nani mo iyada歩くスピードはaruku supi-dowa君が隣にいる时のまんまkimiga tonari ni iru toki no manma想い出巡らせomoide meguraseがんじがらめのため息ばっかganji garame no tame ikibakka马鹿にしろよ笑えよbaka ni shiroyo waraeyo君がいなくなった日々はkimiga inaku natta hibiwa面白いくらいにつまらないomoshiroi kurai ni tsumara nai全力で忘れようとするけどzenryoku de wasure you to suru kedo全身で君を求めてるzenshin de kimiwo motometeru猫になったんだよな君はneko no nattandayo na kimiwaいつかまたitsuka mataあの声を闻かせてよano koewo kikaseteyo矛盾ばっかでmujun bakka de无茶苦茶な仆をmechakucha na bokuwo慰めてほしいnagusamete hoshii君がいなくなった日々もkimiga inaku natta hibimoこのどうしようもない気だるさもkono dou shiyoumo nai kedarusa mo心と体が喧哗してkokoroto karadaga kenkashite頼りない仆は寝転んでtayori nai bokuwa nekoronde猫になったんだよな君はneko ni nattandayo na kimiwaいつかフラッと现れてくれitsuka furatto arawarete kure何気ない毎日をnanige nai mainichi wo君色に染めておくれよkimi iro ni somete okureyo君がもし舍て猫だったらkimiga moshi sute neko dattaraこの腕の中で抱きしめるよkono ude no nakade daki shimeruyoケガしてるならその伤拭うしkegashiteru nara sono kizu nuguu shi精一杯の温もりをあげるseiippai no nukumori wo ageru会いたいんだ忘れられないai tainda wasure rare nai猫になってでも现れてほしいneko ni natte demo arawarete hoshiiいつか君がフラッと现れてitsuka kimiga furatto arawarete仆はまた幸せでbokuwa mata shiawase de


dish解释为菜肴为可数名词。 3.[c]一道菜;菜肴food prepared in a particular way as part of a mealdish美 [du026au0283]英 [du026au0283]n.盘;碟;菜肴;一道菜v.骗;挫败(计划等);把(食物)盛在碟[盘]子里;使成盘形网络盘子;碟子;盘装菜第三人称单数:dishes 现在分词:dishing 过去式:dished 搭配同义词adj.+n.vegetarian dish,dish do,dish dinner,serve dishdishn.1.[c]碟;盘a flat shallow container for cooking food in or serving it from2.[pl](待清洗的)餐具the plates, bowls, cups, etc. that have been used for a meal and need to be washed3.[c]一道菜;菜肴food prepared in a particular way as part of a meal4.[c]盘状物;碟状物any object that is shaped like a dish or bowl5.[c](informal)性感的人;对异性有诱惑力的人a sexually attractive personv.更多例句筛选1.It"s the most famous dish in Beijing.这是北京最著名的菜肴。2.Shandong"s most famous dish is the Sweat and Sour Carp.山东最有名的菜肴是糖醋鲤鱼。3.Turkey is a traditional dish on Christmas Day.火鸡是圣诞节的传统菜肴。4.The taste of this exotic dish puts me off .这道异国菜肴的味道令我望而却步。5.Here people come expecting their favourite dish.来这里的人们期望他们最喜爱的菜肴。6.Currently, AIC can finish a dish within 2 minutes averagely .目前爱可平均2分钟完成一道菜肴制作。7.The main colors of a dish may include red, yellow, green and white.菜肴的主色调包括:红色,黄色,绿色和白色。8.Borscht is a very common dish in Germany and Eastern Europe.罗宋汤在德国和东欧很常见的菜肴。9.A: I"d like a dish with a strong flavour. What would you suggest? A.我喜欢吃口味重的菜肴,你可以推荐些什么吗?10.This simple dish surprised me with its amazing flavors.我被这道简单菜肴不可思议的味道震住了。




plate 是装菜的。区别:1、dish 可以泛指各式各样的盘子,plate 也是 dish 的一种。2、dish 通常是较深的盘子,用来装较有汤汁的食物,但它不如碗深,且直径比碗大;plate专指平的盘子沿很浅的盘子。3、dish泛指餐具,例如洗碗时会说wash the dishes不是wash the plates。搜狗问问扩展资料例句:1、Anita pushed her plate away; she had eaten virtually nothing. 安妮塔把自己的盘子推开;她几乎什么都没吃。2、She laid down her knife and fork and pushed her plate away. 她放下刀叉,推开盘子。3、On the table beside an empty plate was a pile of books. 桌上空盘子的旁边是一堆书。4、Why am I always stuck with the dish - washing after dinner, while you watch TV? 干嘛总要我在饭后洗碗, 而你却在看电视?5、Server pick - up main dish from kitchen checking plates meet chefs specifications. 传菜员从厨房拿菜,检查餐具是否达到标准。



dish和 plate有什么区别啊?那个是盛菜用的?

plate板 英语 > 中文(简体) 互换翻译 字典:名词 镶板插画金属板插图牌牌子碟盘柈盘子图版动词 镀鋈镀金 dish菜 英语 > 中文(简体) 互换翻译 字典:名词 盎盏菜菜蔬碟盘盘子动词 提出更多


dish和plate的区别是:意思不同、读音不同、用法不同。1、读音不同dish:英 [du026au0283]     美 [du026au0283]。    plate:英 [pleu026at]     美 [pleu026at]。    2、意思不同dish:n. 盘;碟;一道菜;菜肴;碟状物;vt. 使成碟状;装盘。plate:n. 碟;金属板;板块;盘;vt. 电镀;用金属板固定;为 ... 制印版;给 ... 装钢板。3、用法不同plate比dish要浅;dish还可以指菜肴和泛指餐具。plate主要是指比较平、比较浅的盘子;dish通常指较深的椭圆形盘子,一般放在餐桌中央。dish可以泛指各式各样的盘子,所以plate也是dish的一种。Just a paper? It"s a small plate of dish.不就是一篇论文吗,小菜一碟。That dish is too shallow to serve soup in.那只盘子太浅了,不能盛汤。


dish通常指较小的盘,比如醋碟子,餐前开胃菜装的碟子啦,dishes还可表达一套餐具,而plate通常是装牛排的大盘,中国人用来吃盖浇饭的那种——BY JINGRUI EDUCATION




How about doing dishes for the old people?

handfui mouthful cupful dishful spoonful boatful houseful armful分别怎么翻译?

handful 少数mouthful 一口 满口dishful 一碟 一满碟spoonful 一匙 一匙的量boatful 一船所载的量houseful 满屋 一屋子armful 双手合抱量 单臂一抱之量、一包烟

handfui mouthful cupful dishful spoonful boatful houseful armful分别怎么翻译?

handful 少数 mouthful 一口 满口 dishful 一碟 一满碟 spoonful 一匙 一匙的量 boatful 一船所载的量 houseful 满屋 一屋子 armful 双手合抱量 单臂一抱之量、一包烟
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