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下订单的表达英文除了place an order还有哪些说法

你好!下订单Place the order

订单数大小用英语怎么说? 用large 还是big,是其他?

large order 数量大的订单 substantial order 可观的订单



剩余订单 英文怎么说的翻译是:什么意思

剩余订单Surplus order

接手你的订单 用英文

Hello,I am XX,taking place of XXX who has just left the company.From now on,I will be responsible for following up your order.Looking foward to working closely with you in future.

接下来的订单 英语

很高兴为您解答外贸英语问题,翻译如下: I am wondering if you would place an order.Considering the freight cost,we expect ship these 30 pcs along with the next oder.Please let us know if you are ok with it. 机器翻译害人害己,本人翻译仅供参考.


Thanks for your orders, we"ll deliver the goods on the date you require. The lastest order is to be finished before Sept 11th according to our schedule.Pls note and arrange for the pick up.


由于假期前订单非常的多,我们的生产计划已经安排满了,贵司新的订单无法再安排,我们只能保证您之前订单能在9月底交货. I am so sorry to inform you that our production schedule is completely full before our National Holiday, thus, we only can promise that your order will be completed by the end of Sep.


Order now are waiting to pick up the goods, replying to please the expensive department to pay the overdue payment as soon as possible, otherwise we will be unable to delivery, please pardon. "

订单详情 用英文怎么说

订单详情 用英文怎么说Order details.


order number


We will place the preliminary order before September 9, and the official oder will be arranged before September 9. We will do our best to gurantee the delivery time on December 10. However if the order would be placed at the end of this month, the delivery time will have to be delayed untill December 20. This is the first order between us, and we are doing our best in the coorperation. December ist the busiest month for the plant, we will be very appreciate for your understanding. 我做了三年的外贸,希望这个可以为楼主帮上忙.


都是缩写,其中Recpt Qty应该是receipt quantity是收到货物的数量。Rect date是不是笔误了,应该是receipt date即收货日期。line total可能是生产线总数,其它两个我就猜不出来了。


CO证书是可以提供的,我这边做好后发送给您确认. 请发送一个中国的银行账号给我,我将会把本订单的销售佣金支付给您. 以后有订单的话,佣金没有问题,也希望您能多给我们介绍一点订单, 英语翻译 CO certificate can be provided,I am ready to send you confirmation.Please send me a Chinese bank account,I will order the Sales Commission paid to you.After the order,commissions have no problem,and also hope you can give us a little more order,thank you.

查看订单 英语怎么翻译





下2000数量的订单英文:Order quantity under two thousand订单英文:order for goods; order form


待处理订单 Order in Suspense 未处理订单 Unprocessed Order 未发货订单 Goods Undelivered Order

出口订单 英文简写

Export orders 简写就不知道了


如果是你是想表达订单的话,直接用order就可以。如果是想表达这个动作的话,用to confirm an order 或者 comfirmation of an order.

新接订单,手持订单) 英语怎么说

新接订单,手持订单英文:New orders, handheld orders

为什么亚马逊里我的订单英文是Your Order

因为order 还有下订单的意思

外贸中的PO是订单的意思 英文全称是“PURCHASE ORDER”。 就是客户给你下订单时候给



这是专业人员看的, 220-1697936259有这个票号就行了,再去信天游看看你的票

oracle订单里 1-click ordering program什么意思

oracle订单里 1-click ordering program是1点排序程序意思

销售订单中的ITEM CATEGORY的作用是什么?

在SAP 中ITEM CATEGORY 是一个非常重要的东西。它不但在SALES中起作用,也在其它的各个订单实施阶段起重要作用。同一个ITEM,它在不同的情况下,可能具有不同的ITEM CATEGORY,这样东西控制了定价方式,ITEM是否RELATED TO delivery, 是否related to billing, 是否是免费货物,等等。



请问外贸订单中pallet(托盘) 和carton(箱)的区别,为什么有的写pallet,有的写carton。


外贸订单上面的P/L, C/T 是什么意思 还有 pallet carton 是什么意思

pallet carton:是托盘包装的意思


“这个订单太大,能不能分批下”的英文:This order is too large. Can you place the order in batches?相关短语:1、In-batches producing 分批生产式2、produced in batches 投入批量生产3、processing in batches 批量加工4、handling orders in batches 批处理命令5、Convert files in batches 文件转换扩展资料batch 读法 英 [bætʃ]  美 [bætʃ] 1、n. 一批;一炉;一次所制之量2、vt. 分批处理短语:1、batch number 批号;批数2、batch processing 成批处理;整批处理;分批加工3、batch distillation 分批蒸馏;间歇式蒸馏4、master batch 母料5、batch quantity 批量;批次数量例句:1、She brought a large batch of newspaper clippings.她带来一大批剪报。2、I baked a batch of cookies.我烤了一批小甜饼。



我们生产和发货的数量均与订单一致 英语怎么说

The number I 10 of our production and delivery are consistent with order重点词汇释义生产production; produce; manufacture; give birth to a child; childbirth发货delivery; send out goods; deliver goods; consignment数量number; quantity; amount; quantum订单order for goods; order form一致identical; unanimous; uniformity; accordance

贸易中的“subject order”是什么意思?什么订单?

标题所说的订单=captioned order


process是指在处理中pending 待定partial 部分的declined 拒绝的Sub weight 指小计重量Sub Amount指小计金额

外贸订单上的finishing color是什么意思



fitting英 ["fɪtɪŋ] 美 [ˈfɪtɪŋ] n. 试穿,试衣;设备,器材;装置;装修 adj. 适合的,适宜的;适当的;相称的 v. 使适合(fit的现在分词);使合身;与…相符;安装 家居用品; 拟合; 打磨; 装配 复数:fittings (1) 可数名词(设备、家具等的)小配件,附件,零件 A fitting is one of the smaller parts on the outside of a piece of equipment or furniture, for example a handle or a tap. ...brass light fittings. 黄铜灯具配件...industrial fittings for kitchen and bathroom... 工业化生产的厨卫零配件He has made fittings for antique cars. 他给老式汽车制作过配件。(2)可拆除装置(如烤箱、加热器等) Fittings are things such as ovens or heaters, that are fitted inside a building, but can be removed if necessary.(3)恰好的;恰当的;合适的 Something that is fitting is right or suitable. A solitary man, it was perhaps fitting that he should have died alone... 他是个离群索居的人,孤独地死去也许正得其所。The President"s address was a fitting end to a bitter campaign. 总统的讲话为一场激烈的竞选运动适时画上了句号。(4)可数名词试穿;试衣 If someone has a fitting, they try on a piece of clothing that is being made for them to see if it fits. She lunched and shopped and went for fittings for clothes she didn"t need. 她吃完午饭后去购物,试穿了一些她并不需要的衣服。fit, proper, suitable, appropriate, apt, fitting这些形容词均表示“适当的”或fit: 指具有适合于某个目的,某种工作或某种用途等必需的品质或条件。proper: 往往侧重于符合某个标准或习惯。suitable: 指具有适合于某种特定场合、地位或情况等的品质。appropriate: 指专门适合于某人或某事,语气较重,强调"恰如其分"。apt: 专指性质或构造适合达到某一目的或得到某种结果的要求。fitting: 指与当时的目标、情绪状态、气氛、场合等相适应。1. The award was a fitting tribute to her years of devoted work. 这个奖项是对她多年全心全意工作的恰如其分的褒奖。 2. This boat has a special instrument fitting round the pole. 这艘船的桅杆上系着一个特殊仪器。 3. It was, in fine, a fitting end to the story. 总之,这是故事很恰当的结尾。 4. I"m going to a fitting tomorrow. 明天我要去试穿新衣。 5. There is a window fitting in a casing. 有一扇装在框内的窗。

求助!!在Grooves-inc.de 网站上购物,下了订单付款失败了,再次登陆怎样继续完成付款阿?

右上角应该有未付款商品 仔细看下 点进去 继续完成付款就行了吧应该


2017商务英语电子邮件范文:拒绝取消订单   在商务英语写作中,我们最常用到的形式就是撰写各种类型的电子邮件。下面是我整理的关于取消订单的英文电邮范文,欢迎阅读!   拒绝取消订单英文邮件范文   Dear Sir,   Thank you for your letter of March 15.   We are very sorry that we cannot accept your cancelling the order, because your products have been completed and we are going to load and transport them. And your order is especially designed for your customers. So we have difficulties to accept your request.   Yours faithfully,   尊敬的先生:   贵方3月15日的来信已收悉。   很抱歉我方不能接受取消订单。因为你方所订的产品已经生产完成,我们也准备要转运了。并且贵方的.订单是专门订造的。所以我们很难去接受贵方的请求。   谨上   回信1   Dear Sir,   I am very sorry to inform you that we still want to cancel the order.   We cannot undertake the price since our company is facing financial problems.   We urge you to understand our situation and apologize to you again.   Yours faithfully,   尊敬的先生:   很抱歉告知您,我方仍然想要取消订单。   因为我们公司正面临着经济问题,所以不能承受贵方所提的价格。   我们恳求贵方能理解我方的处境,再次抱歉。   谨上   回信2   Dear Sir,   Thank you for your reply. We sincerely hope to entertain business. But our customers want a lower price. We can continue the order if you could give me a discount.   We are looking forward to your early reply.   Yours faithfully,   尊敬的先生:   很感谢您的回复。我们真心希望能达成交易。但是我们的客户想要再低一点价格。如果贵方能给我们一定的折扣的话,我们就会继续这笔交易。   请尽快给我们回复。   谨上   拒绝临时取消订单英文邮件范文   Dear Sir,   Thank you for your letter of March 15.   We are very sorry that we cannot accept cancelling the order at the last moment, because your products have been completed and we are going to load and transport. There will be a huge loss for us if you cancel the order. So we have difficulties to accept your request.   Yours faithfully,   尊敬的先生:   贵方3月15日的来信已收悉。   很抱歉我方不能接受您最后临时取消订单。因为你方所订的产品已经生产完成,我们也准备要转运了。如果贵方取消订单,我们将会面临巨大的损失。所以我们很困难去接受贵方的请求。   谨上   回信1   Dear Sir,   I am very sorry to inform you that we still want to cancel the order.   We cannot undertake the price since our company is facing financial problems.   We urge you to understand our situation and apologize to you again.   Yours faithfully,   尊敬的先生:   很抱歉告知您,我方仍然想要取消订单。   因为我们公司正面临着经济问题,所以不能承受贵方所提供的价格。   我们恳求贵方能理解我方的处境,再次抱歉。   谨上   回信2   Dear Sir,   I am very sorry to inform you that we have no option but to cancel the order.   As our customers do not need the products which we ordered any more, we have to cancel the order with you. We will make compensation according to the contract.   Yours faithfully,   尊敬的先生:   很抱歉通知贵方,我们没有选择只能取消订单。   因为我们的客户不再需要此订单的产品,我们不得不取消与贵方签订的订单。我们会按照合同要求进行赔偿。   谨上 ;


We don"t agree to cancel the order, the reason is as follows:1, All the materials are prepared and been producted, it"s time to delivery and you notice to cancel the order, it will cause a great loss to us.2, The product is customized for this project, we can"t burn through other channels.




取消订单的邮件范文英语9篇取消订单的邮件范文英语 第一篇Dear Sir,Thank you for your letter of March are very sorry that we cannot accept cancelling the order at the last moment, because your products have been completed and we are going to load and transport. There will be a huge loss for us if you cancel the order. So we have difficulties to accept your request.Yours faithfully,尊敬的先生:贵方3月15日的来信已收悉。很抱歉我方不能接受您最后临时取消订单。因为你方所订的产品已经生产完成,我们也准备要转运了。如果贵方取消订单,我们将会面临巨大的损失。所以我们很困难去接受贵方的请求。谨上取消订单的邮件范文英语 第二篇Dear Sir,Thank you for your letter of March 15.We are very sorry that we cannot accept cancelling the order at the last moment, because your products have been completed and we are going to load and transport. There will be a huge loss for us if you cancel the order. So we have difficulties to accept your request.Yours faithfully,尊敬的先生:贵方3月15日的来信已收悉。很抱歉我方不能接受您最后临时取消订单。因为你方所订的产品已经生产完成,我们也准备要转运了。如果贵方取消订单,我们将会面临巨大的损失。所以我们很困难去接受贵方的请求。回信1Dear Sir,I am very sorry to inform you that we still want to cancel the order.We cannot undertake the price since our company is facing financial problems.We urge you to understand our situation and apologize to you again.Yours faithfully,尊敬的先生:很抱歉告知您,我方仍然想要取消订单。因为我们公司正面临着经济问题,所以不能承受贵方所提供的价格。我们恳求贵方能理解我方的处境,再次抱歉。回信2Dear Sir,I am very sorry to inform you that we have no option but to cancel the order.As our customers do not need the products which we ordered any more, we have to cancel the order with you. We will make compensation according to the contract.Yours faithfully,尊敬的先生:很抱歉通知贵方,我们没有选择只能取消订单。因为我们的客户不再需要此订单的产品,我们不得不取消与贵方签订的订单。我们会按照合同要求进行赔偿。取消订单的邮件范文英语 第三篇Dear Sir,Thank you for your letter of March are very sorry that we cannot accept your cancelling the order, because your products have been completed and we are going to load and transport them. And your order is especially designed for your customers. So we have difficulties to accept your request.Yours faithfully,尊敬的先生:贵方3月15日的来信已收悉。很抱歉我方不能接受取消订单。因为你方所订的产品已经生产完成,我们也准备要转运了。并且贵方的订单是专门订造的。所以我们很难去接受贵方的请求。谨上取消订单的邮件范文英语 第四篇Thank you for your letter in March, sir. I"m very sorry that we can"t accept to cancel the order at the last minute, because your product has been completed and we will have to load and transport. If you cancel the order, we will face great loss. Therefore, it is very difficult for us to accept your request. Dear sir, I"m sorry to inform you that we still have to cancel the order, but we can"t Bear the price because our company is facing financial problems. Dear sir, I"m sorry to inform you that we have no choice but to cancel the order. As our customers no longer need the products we ordered, we have to cancel the order with you. We will compensate you according to the contract,. 中文翻译:先生,谢谢您某某月份的来信,非常抱歉,我们不能接受在最后一刻取消订单,因为您的产品已经完成,我们将要装货和运输,如果您取消订单,我们将面临巨大的损失,因此我们很难接受您的要求,您忠实的,先生,我很抱歉地通知您,我们仍要取消订单,我们不能承担,因为我们公司面临财务问题。恳请您了解我们的情况,并向您真诚地道歉,尊敬的先生,我很抱歉地通知你,我们别无选择,只能取消订单,因为我们的客户不再需要我们所订购的产品,我们不得不与你方取消订单,我们将按合同的规定予以赔偿,。取消订单的邮件范文英语 第五篇Dear Sir,I am very sorry to inform you that we still want to cancel the cannot undertake the price since our company is facing financial urge you to understand our situation and apologize to you faithfully,尊敬的先生:很抱歉告知您,我方仍然想要取消订单。因为我们公司正面临着经济问题,所以不能承受贵方所提的价格。我们恳求贵方能理解我方的处境,再次抱歉。谨上取消订单的邮件范文英语 第六篇For notice of cancellation of the entire order date, please refer to our purchase order or contract. As you failed to ship the goods within the required time, we enclose a copy. We hereby cancel the above order and reserve any further rights we may have. 中文翻译:关于取消整个订单日期的通知,请参考我方订货单或合同,由于贵方未能在要求的时间内装运货物,随函附上一份副本。我方特此取消上述订单,保留我方可能拥有的进一步权利。取消订单的邮件范文英语 第七篇Dear Sir,Thank you for your reply. We sincerely hope to entertain business. But our customers want a lower price. We can continue the order if you could give me a discount.We are looking forward to your early faithfully,尊敬的先生:很感谢您的回复。我们真心希望能达成交易。但是我们的客户想要再低一点价格。如果贵方能给我们一定的折扣的话,我们就会继续这笔交易。请尽快给我们回复。谨上取消订单的邮件范文英语 第八篇Dear Sir,I am very sorry to inform you that we still want to cancel the cannot undertake the price since our company is facing financial urge you to understand our situation and apologize to you faithfully,尊敬的先生:很抱歉告知您,我方仍然想要取消订单。因为我们公司正面临着经济问题,所以不能承受贵方所提供的价格。我们恳求贵方能理解我方的处境,再次抱歉。谨上取消订单的邮件范文英语 第九篇Dear, we confirm receipt of your letter stating the reasons for your cancellation of the purchase order. We apologize for the misunderstanding that led to the cancellation of the order and have contacted the management to ensure that problems of this nature do not recur as our important customers. Your satiaction is one of our most concerned issues.Please accept our apology.中文翻译:亲爱的,兹确认收到你方来函,其中列明了你方取消采购订单的原因。对于导致取消订单的误解,我方深表歉意,并已与管理层联系,以确保此类性质的问题不再作为我们的重要客户再次发生您的满意是我们最关心的问题之一请接受我们的道歉。¥5.9百度文库VIP限时优惠现在开通,立享6亿+VIP内容立即获取取消订单的邮件范文英语9篇取消订单的邮件范文英语9篇取消订单的邮件范文英语 第一篇Dear Sir,Thank you for your letter of March are very sorry that we cannot accept cancelling the order at the last moment, because your products have been completed and we are going to load and transport. There will be a huge loss for us if you cancel the order. So we have difficulties to accept your request.Yours faithfully,尊敬的先生:贵方3月15日的来信已收悉。很抱歉我方不能接受您最后临时取消订单。因为你方所订的产品已经生产完成,我们也准备要转运了。如果贵方取消订单,我们将会面临巨大的损失。所以我们很困难去接受贵方的请求。谨上

请高手帮忙:订单中Cancellation Windows表示什么意思?

取消的Windows 45天..至于怎么算..问问你的同行..

取消订单 用英文怎么说

cancel the order 取消订单 (动词短语)Cancellation of order 取消订单 (名词短语)


Cry off a contract 取消合同 The annull of a contract. 取消一个合同。 Cancellation of contract 撤消合同 To cancel the contract 撤消合同


付款后30分钟之内客户自己可以取消订单。30分钟过后客户只能联系卖家要求取消,如果是因为客户自己的原因不想要了, 卖家在manage order中找到相应的订单然后点击cancel order,然后再Reason for Cancellation中选择取消订单的原因buyer cancelled.


看看客人是不是发了cancellation request给你,是的话,你就取消就好了,如果没有的话,你就让客人发个cancellation request的邮件给你,你再去取消,因为如果不是客人主动发这个cancellation request给你,你自己去取消的话,亚马逊会扣你分的。另外,客人一般在下单好你是1或2个小时内可以自己取消订单的,但时间去久的话,客人就没法自己取消的了,就需要他发请求邮件给你去取消了


付款后30分钟之内客户自己可以取消订单。30分钟过后客户只能联系卖家要求取消,如果是因为客户自己的原因不想要了, 卖家在manage order中找到相应的订单然后点击cancel order,然后再Reason for Cancellation中选择取消订单的原因buyer cancelled.


付款后30分钟之内客户自己可以取消订单。30分钟过后客户只能联系卖家要求取消,如果是因为客户自己的原因不想要了, 卖家在manage order中找到相应的订单然后点击cancel order,然后再Reason for Cancellation中选择取消订单的原因buyer cancelled.

订单中的acknowledged by 与approved by 有什么区别啊?分别是什么意思

acknowledged by被公认的approved by经核准的, 被认可的


1.If the order more than 30000.the printing factory would not take any flim fees,this invoice just base on little orders. 2,When you company offer quote,take the film fees in moulds;We don"t think this practice is reasonable.Because there are so many new types of wire,Our company did not take any fees from the moulds. 3 If you have any questions,Please feel free to tell us.

SAP BAPI程序,内部订单创建,怎么把系统状态设置为REL状态



谢谢jacksun ? 1.我是想利用现有的BAPI,不想写程序。主要是给外部程序用。(RFC)找到的关于SalesOrder的 bapi只有BAPI_SALESORDER_GETLIST。不知道能否通过参数指定只返回Hedaer 2.请问读header用哪个bapi?






我这里也刚用了这个函数做了BAPI的销售订单但是我这里只针对返修单和样品单是免费的对于免费我这里是这样做的1样品单 如果是免费 那么价格条件是不传进去的 如果是要钱的再把价格条件传进去2返修单 都是免费的 选对你的订单类型(很重要,是订单 样品单 还是返修单) 然后项目类型用KLN这种免费类型 价格可以不维护 也就是价格条件不传进去这样建出来的订单就没有PR00这个价格当然,这是我自己的做法 可能不对 也可能你用不上 仅供参考


系统有批量更改采购订单的标准功能,时务代码是 memasspo.


1.创建 可批量 2.修改 单条 3.删除 可批量

SAP中如何使用BAPI创建销售订单 最好有源代码或者程序编写说明

CALL FUNCTION "BAPI_SALESORDER_CREATEFROMDAT2" EXPORTING salesdocumentin = wa_vbeln-vbeln order_header_in = order_header_in IMPORTING salesdocument = v_vbeln TABLES return = it_return_tmp order_partners = order_partners order_schedules_in = order_schedules_in order_items_in = order_items_in order_conditions_in = order_conditions_in order_cfgs_value = order_cfgs_value order_cfgs_ref = order_cfgs_ref.把=后面要的数据收集进去就好了
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