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英语last two digital of year怎么翻译?

last two digital of year最后两个数字年



宾得raw软件PENTAX Digital Camera Utility 4无法在windows7运行宾得官网上去看看,有个code支持win7,PENTAX Digital Camera Utility 4支持win7的没找到。我自己一直用ps,都没再使用这个软件,用起来太麻烦了。对比过ps cs4和自带的silkpix软件,处理效果貌似没差距,光影魔术手处理的就差距大了,色彩还原都对不上。所以,建议,找不到就用photoshop吧。

PENTAX Digital Camera Utility不能编辑图片的问题

版本老了,下载最新的Digital Camera Utility 5吧,以前的PDCU是不支持K01和K30的,下载最新的DCU5即可

求,Digital Camera DLC300-L 3M,USB2.0 显微镜相机驱动

PENTAX Digital Camera Utility 怎么用

  宾得PENTAX Digital Camera Utility4是随宾得最新数码影像产品宾得K-7一同发布的一款具有全新用户界面设计、综合浏览与设计处理功能为一体的专业影像后期处理软件。  在宾得曾经的影像处理软件中,宾得Pentax Browser以及宾得Pentax Laboratory为各自分开操作的软件。以往软件最大的问题在于宾得原始文件格式的浏览以及修改并不能在同一软件操作界面下进行,而PENTAX Digital Camera Utility 4的推出将浏览与影像处理功能放置于同一平台:在浏览过程中就可以寻找到需要处理的照片并能够进行色彩、饱和度、对比度、锐度等影像处理手段。而最为引人瞩目的,就是画面图像右侧的“自定义图像”、“曝光/色调”以及白平衡g工具栏。这三项功能近乎凝聚了宾得PENTAX Digital Camera Utility 4在功能上最为精髓的所在:丰富的办自动选项、全面的选择设置以及直观的操作界面。  从“自定义图像”功能来说,PENTAX Digital Camera Utility 4率先以相机自身拍摄数据来展现画面效果。除此外,宾得PENTAX Digital Camera Utility 4还提供了诸如“鲜明”、“自然”、“风景”、“人像”等拍摄效果能够供为选择。在所有类型拍摄设定功能下,用户能够针对画面需要对画面的色相、对比度、亮度等一共七大项共九项操作项目进行操作。  而“曝光/色调”工具栏主要针对画面曝光、感光度层级以及相应色调和阴影表现进行修改。修改的主要目的在于把握画面细节并能够将宾得所擅长的颜色和细节表现得更加详细。对于曝光的控制,PENTAX Digital Camera Utility 4主要进行分级进行操作。但是当进行操作时,由于功能分级间隔为0.5,因此画面亮度跳跃性过大,但是操作起来十分方便。可以说,如果是1/3的量级进行操作,效果将更加细腻。  最特别的是PENTAX Digital Camera Utility 4的白平衡功能。在保证延用原机白平衡设置的前提下,PENTAX Digital Camera Utility 4还具有强制设定和针对不同测试点的色温差别而进行不同画面色温变化是最新版本最为突出的特点。而直接通过数字直接设定色温以及该功能下方的“微调”都为PENTAX Digital Camera Utility 4的功能和效果提供了不少帮助。强制设定功能更像数码相机中的色温模式,针对不同拍摄素材和拍摄光源的变换而直接选取功能匹配项进行直接简单的操作。但是如果遇到复杂光源或者室外阴天情况,那这样的功能就不太科学。而在设定灰点设置白平衡功能下,移动鼠标光标位置为设定一参照点,在画面左侧下方为该灰点颜色色块显示,而一旦灰点确认,软件会自动将画面色温进行变化而产生与参考点——灰点色温相匹配的整体画面效果。而我个人十分喜欢通过数字直接调整,外拍灯或者棚灯的使用能够对画面色温进行准确的判断,直接、直观地进行科学的、准确的影像拍摄。  针对目前影像拍摄中对于非正常拍摄所引起的问题,比如杂色、镜头色边等问题,PENTAX Digital Camera Utility4 在操作界面的右下方进行了功能设置。通过单设置“镜头像差校正”以及“取出杂点”功能,PENTAX Digital Camera Utility 4能够将画面中所拍摄到一定程度的色斑、耀斑以及画面边缘紫边进行校正,使画面更自然、协调。因为画面光影的偏差问题又大都为镜头所制,而宾得PENTAX Digital Camera Utility 4适用机型仅限宾得旗下产品,因此以世界三大镀膜著称的宾得并没有将太多精力放在研制如何取出画面缺陷的问题上,毕竟消除画面的缺陷的代价就是降低画面分辨率。  以PENTAX Digital Camera Utility4目前对画面的操作能力和输出效果看,大程度的颜色操作成为它最为突出的亮点。但是,浏览界面与操作界面的统一并没有将软件效率进行提高,反而在1G内存的笔记本中颜色变化和画面细节表现实得有些拖沓。不过,从效果角度和整体功能角度去审视的话,宾得PENTAX Digital Camera Utility4是一款十分先进的影像后期处理软件平台。提问者评价谢谢

now he uses a digital camera,一般疑问句?

Does he use a digital camera now?动词前提

digital,use ,is ,easy,to,a,it,camera怎么连成句和汉语翻译?

It is easy to use a digital camera .用数码相机很简单。

Digital camera

History of Digital Camera & its market Digital camera technology is directly related to and evolved from the same technology that recorded television images. In 1951 the first video tape recorder (VTR) captured live images from television cameras by converting the information into electrical impulses (digital) and saving the information onto magic tape. Bing Cro *** y laboratories (the research team funded by Cro *** y and headed by engineer John Mullin) created the first early VTR and by 1956 VTR technology was perfected (the VR1000 invented by Charles P. Gin *** urg and the Ampex Corporation) and in mon use by the television industry. Both television/video cameras and digital cameras use a CCD (Charged Coupled Device) to sense light color and intensity. During the 1960s NASA converted from using *** og to digital signals with their space probes to map the surface of the moon (sending digital images back to earth). Computer technology was also advancing at this time and NASA used puters to enhance the images that the space probes were sending. Digital imaging also had another ernment use at the time that being spy satellites. Government use of digital technology helped advance the science of digital imaging however the private sector also made significant contributions. Texas Instruments patented a film-less electronic camera in 1972 the first to do so. In August 1981 Sony released the Sony Mavica electronic still camera the camera which was the first mercial electronic camera. Images were recorded onto a mini disc and then put into a video reader that was connected to a television monitor or color printer. However the early Mavica cannot be considered a true digital camera even though it started the digital camera revolution. It was a video camera that took video freeze-frames. Since the mid-1970s Kodak has invented several solid-state image sensors that "converted light to digital pictures" for professional and home consumer use. In 1986 Kodak scientists invented the world"s first megapixel sensor capable of recording 1.4 million pixels that could produce a 5x7-inch digital photo-quality print. In 1987 Kodak released seven products for recording storing manipulating trmitting and printing electronic still video images. In 1990 Kodak developed the Photo CD system and proposed "the first worldwide standard for defining color in the digital environment of puters and puter peripherals." In 1991 Kodak released the first professional digital camera system (DCS) aimed at photojournalists. It was a Nikon F-3 camera equipped by Kodak with a 1.3 megapixel sensor. The first digital cameras for the consumer-level market that worked with a home puter via a serial cable were the Apple QuickTake 100 camera (February 17 1994) the Kodak DC40 camera (March 28 1995) the Casio QV-11 (with LCD monitor late 1995) and Sony"s Cyber-Shot Digital Still Camera (1996). However Kodak entered into an aggressive co-marketing campaign to promote the DC40 and to help introduce the idea of digital photography to the public. Kinko"s and Microsoft both collaborated with Kodak to create digital image-making sofare workstations and kiosks which allowed customers to produce Photo CD Discs and photographs and add digital images to documents. IBM collaborated with Kodak in making an inter-based neork image exchange. Hewlett-Packard was the first pany to make color inkjet printers that plemented the new digital camera images. The marketing worked and today digital cameras are everywhere. 参考: inventors.about/library/inventors/bldigitalcamera 我的名字is raymond li 我有网站可以赚钱和创业。 money128.biz和fast - 我还有美容产品可以免费试用详情 请发送电子邮件给我。 [email protected] 感谢你。

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我新买的尼康D60机身后液晶屏下的字是"for nikon digital camera"而不是"Nikon"?查过是行货!


PENTAX Digital Camera Utility 怎么用

  宾得PENTAX Digital Camera Utility4是随宾得最新数码影像产品宾得K-7一同发布的一款具有全新用户界面设计、综合浏览与设计处理功能为一体的专业影像后期处理软件。  在宾得曾经的影像处理软件中,宾得Pentax Browser以及宾得Pentax Laboratory为各自分开操作的软件。以往软件最大的问题在于宾得原始文件格式的浏览以及修改并不能在同一软件操作界面下进行,而PENTAX Digital Camera Utility 4的推出将浏览与影像处理功能放置于同一平台:在浏览过程中就可以寻找到需要处理的照片并能够进行色彩、饱和度、对比度、锐度等影像处理手段。而最为引人瞩目的,就是画面图像右侧的“自定义图像”、“曝光/色调”以及白平衡g工具栏。这三项功能近乎凝聚了宾得PENTAX Digital Camera Utility 4在功能上最为精髓的所在:丰富的办自动选项、全面的选择设置以及直观的操作界面。  从“自定义图像”功能来说,PENTAX Digital Camera Utility 4率先以相机自身拍摄数据来展现画面效果。除此外,宾得PENTAX Digital Camera Utility 4还提供了诸如“鲜明”、“自然”、“风景”、“人像”等拍摄效果能够供为选择。在所有类型拍摄设定功能下,用户能够针对画面需要对画面的色相、对比度、亮度等一共七大项共九项操作项目进行操作。  而“曝光/色调”工具栏主要针对画面曝光、感光度层级以及相应色调和阴影表现进行修改。修改的主要目的在于把握画面细节并能够将宾得所擅长的颜色和细节表现得更加详细。对于曝光的控制,PENTAX Digital Camera Utility 4主要进行分级进行操作。但是当进行操作时,由于功能分级间隔为0.5,因此画面亮度跳跃性过大,但是操作起来十分方便。可以说,如果是1/3的量级进行操作,效果将更加细腻。  最特别的是PENTAX Digital Camera Utility 4的白平衡功能。在保证延用原机白平衡设置的前提下,PENTAX Digital Camera Utility 4还具有强制设定和针对不同测试点的色温差别而进行不同画面色温变化是最新版本最为突出的特点。而直接通过数字直接设定色温以及该功能下方的“微调”都为PENTAX Digital Camera Utility 4的功能和效果提供了不少帮助。强制设定功能更像数码相机中的色温模式,针对不同拍摄素材和拍摄光源的变换而直接选取功能匹配项进行直接简单的操作。但是如果遇到复杂光源或者室外阴天情况,那这样的功能就不太科学。而在设定灰点设置白平衡功能下,移动鼠标光标位置为设定一参照点,在画面左侧下方为该灰点颜色色块显示,而一旦灰点确认,软件会自动将画面色温进行变化而产生与参考点——灰点色温相匹配的整体画面效果。而我个人十分喜欢通过数字直接调整,外拍灯或者棚灯的使用能够对画面色温进行准确的判断,直接、直观地进行科学的、准确的影像拍摄。  针对目前影像拍摄中对于非正常拍摄所引起的问题,比如杂色、镜头色边等问题,PENTAX Digital Camera Utility4 在操作界面的右下方进行了功能设置。通过单设置“镜头像差校正”以及“取出杂点”功能,PENTAX Digital Camera Utility 4能够将画面中所拍摄到一定程度的色斑、耀斑以及画面边缘紫边进行校正,使画面更自然、协调。因为画面光影的偏差问题又大都为镜头所制,而宾得PENTAX Digital Camera Utility 4适用机型仅限宾得旗下产品,因此以世界三大镀膜著称的宾得并没有将太多精力放在研制如何取出画面缺陷的问题上,毕竟消除画面的缺陷的代价就是降低画面分辨率。  以PENTAX Digital Camera Utility4目前对画面的操作能力和输出效果看,大程度的颜色操作成为它最为突出的亮点。但是,浏览界面与操作界面的统一并没有将软件效率进行提高,反而在1G内存的笔记本中颜色变化和画面细节表现实得有些拖沓。不过,从效果角度和整体功能角度去审视的话,宾得PENTAX Digital Camera Utility4是一款十分先进的影像后期处理软件平台。



digital camera DLC300 3M USB2.0数码相机是什么品牌的?

DLC300 3M USB2.0数码相机是华旗数码技术实验室开发的高分辨率工业数字摄像机。这款数码相机支持win2000和win xp操作系统。不需要单独下载驱动程序。

digital camera是什么牌子的。我的数码相机出点问题,哪去修?

digital camera不是牌子,而是数码照相机的意思.

英语作文 写digital camera或TV


mini digital camera是什么东东呀?有什么用的,怎么用?


usb2.0 digital camera不显示摄像头




apple watch提醒旋转digital crown表冠来解锁和排水是什么意思?

1、先将Apple watch的Watch OS系统升级到2.0版本(iPhone要先升级到iOS 9)。2、在iPhone上的Apple watch软件中,进入【我的手表】>【照片】>【已同步相薄】。3、选择你要同步到Apple watch的相薄。4、在表盘的界面,使用Force Touch功能,用力点按表盘,进入表盘设置界面。5、左右划动,找到【照片】表盘,点击表盘下方的“自定”按钮,进入自定义设置。6、在自定义界面中,滚动圆形表冠Digital Crown进行,轻点选择要做壁纸的照片。7、全部选好后,按圆形表冠Digital Crown确认两次,第一次是确认对该表盘的自定义设置,第二次是确认使用当前表盘。

Oceano (2003 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:Oceano (2003 Digital Remaster)歌手:I Nomadi专辑:The Platinum CollectionJosh Groban - Oceano(live)Piove sull"Oceanopiove sull"Oceanopiove sulla mia identitaLampi sull"Oceanolampi sull"Oceanosquarci di luminositaForse la in Americai venti del Pacificoscoprono le sue immensitale mie mani stringonosogni lontanissimie il mio pensiero corre da teRemo, tremo, sentoprofondi, oscuri abissiE"per l"amore che ti doe per l"amore che non saiche mi fai naufragareE"per l"amore che non hoe per l"amore che vorreie"per questo doloreE"questo amore che ho per teche mi fa superare queste vere tempesteOnde sull"OceanoOnde sull"Oceanoche dolcemente si placheraLe mie mani stringonosogni lontanissimie il tuo respiro soffia su meRemo, tremo, sentovento intorno al cuoreE"per l"amore che ho per teche mi fa superare mille tempesteE"per l"amore che ti doe per l"amore che vorreida questo mareE"per la vita che non c"eche mi fai naufragareinfondo al cuoreTutto questo ti avrae a te sembreratutto normalefine

CCTV CAMERA 和DIGITAL camera是什么关系? CCTV CAMERA是仅仅指模拟视频监控吗?

CCTV CAMERA是个全面的概念,基本包括所有的监控摄像机,所以不仅仅指模拟摄像机;DIGITAL camera现在的监控摄像机都是DIGITAL camera,成像系统都是数字芯片。

帮忙下几篇ieee xplore上的文章 1. Digital Flickermeter realizations in time and frequencydomains


Ave Maria (1987 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:Ave Maria (1987 Digital Remaster)歌手:Maurice André&Jane Parker-Smith专辑:Music For TrumpetAVE MARIA作词:平原绫香作曲:Giulio Caccini歌:平原绫香AVE MARIAAVE MARIA今を生きている 【生存于此刻】それがこの私の真実 【这便是我当下的真实】AVE MARIAAVE MARIA信じることの灯火で 【点起那支信念的火把】心残りだけを燃やして 【燃烧心中不舍的眷恋】AVE MARIA爱からすべてがはじまるように 【如同一切由爱而始】すべてが爱で终わりますように 【也愿一切随爱而终】AVE MARIAAVE MARIA死ぬまで 【直至死亡来临之日】音楽と共に生きるために 【只愿与音乐共伴此生】どうか私に力を 【为此 请赐予我力量】AVE MARIA终わり

Ave Maria. (2001 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:Ave Maria. (2001 Digital Remaster)歌手:Barbara Hendricks&Erik Lundkvist&Stockholm Chamber Orchestra&Eric Ericson专辑:Barbara HendricksAVE MARIA作词:平原绫香作曲:Giulio Caccini歌:平原绫香AVE MARIAAVE MARIA今を生きている 【生存于此刻】それがこの私の真実 【这便是我当下的真实】AVE MARIAAVE MARIA信じることの灯火で 【点起那支信念的火把】心残りだけを燃やして 【燃烧心中不舍的眷恋】AVE MARIA爱からすべてがはじまるように 【如同一切由爱而始】すべてが爱で终わりますように 【也愿一切随爱而终】AVE MARIAAVE MARIA死ぬまで 【直至死亡来临之日】音楽と共に生きるために 【只愿与音乐共伴此生】どうか私に力を 【为此 请赐予我力量】AVE MARIA终わり

求问数字图书馆{digital library}的5个优点或好处


跪求Rino Momoi - Feast Boyne Box 3 digital mosaic of milk shame [BOBB-196]种子下载,谢恩公!求大神

Rino Momoi - Feast Boyne Box 3 digital mosaic of milk shame [BOBB-196]种子下载地址: 记得采纳

Side By Side (1999 Digital Remaster) 歌词

破れている 中身出てる可鐖堡らのBABY 君だって糸の付いた閽垽颏铯ふさいでやろう BABY SIDE BY SIDE缂Α·筏盲辘如籍う 閾逗婴喂皮蓼まだBABY まだBABYまだBABY まだBABY真っ赤でいて 冷めないでまだ平穏じゃ 平穏じゃない破れている かなり深くここは十字にBABY SIDE BY SIDE缂Α·妞盲辘如籍う 鐖堡紊舷まだBABY まだBABYまだBABY まだBABY真っ赤でいて 冷めないでまだ平穏じゃ 平穏じゃないまだ平穏じゃ 平穏じゃない閿惱书攼利な喫茶店にはシガレット ボサノヴァ スィーツベーコンエッグサンド鏃犚馕钉疏繃去のテーブルでほおづえ付いたらまた鏂─椁欷毪そこ缂盲皮长崇籍って泣かないで泣かないでまだBABY耐えるんだまだ椤秸嗓袱恪¢〗丈じゃないまだBABY まだBABYまだBABY まだBABYまだBABY 鍗帳浃いまだ平穏じゃ 平穏じゃない一杩囆预捂ⅵ想でもない鏃犂恧诵ΔΔ韦瑜蝗绻馨锏侥悖榉车慊鳌坝杏谩保恍唬

华威的msc big data and digital future怎么样

我跟你一样。不过华威是Global media and communication,已经决定去华威了,谢大新闻不错,但是全球新闻专业确实理论性强~

电脑的Realtek HD Digital input


Robinson (2001 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲:ロビンソン (robinson)歌手:スピッツ (spitz)作词:草野正宗作曲:草野正宗新しい季节は なぜかせつない日々で /在新的季节里 无缘无故闷热的每天河原の道を自転车で 走る君を追いかけた /骑著脚踏车在河原路上 追赶著奔跑的你思い出のレコードと 大げさなエピソードを /回忆的唱片和夸大的小插曲疲れた肩にぶらさげて しかめつら まぶしそうに /悬挂在疲累的肩上 愁眉苦脸是那样的刺眼同じセリフ 同じ时 思わず口にするような /不知不觉 在同样的时候说出同样的台词ありふれたこの魔法で つくり上げたよ /用平常的魔法完成了谁も触われない 二人だけの国 君の手を离さぬように /谁也不能碰触你我的二人国度 就这样不放开你的手大きな力で 空に浮かべたら ルララ 宇宙の风に乗る /在强大的力量下 浮在空中 噜啦啦---乘著宇宙的风片隅に舍てられて 呼吸をやめない猫も /被丢在角落却不放弃呼吸的猫どこか似ている 抱き上げて 无理やりに頬よせるよ / 不知和我有某个地方相似 无理取闹地抱起它贴近脸颊いつもの交差点で 见上げた丸い窓は /一如往常的十字路口 由下往上看圆型的窗子うす汚れてる ぎりぎりの 三日月も仆を见てた /稍微弄脏了的细细月牙也看到了我待ちぶせた梦のほとり 惊いた君の瞳 /埋伏在梦的岸边 被惊吓了的你的双眼そして仆ら今ここで 生まれ変わるよ /而且我们今天在这里都重生了谁も触われない 二人だけの国 终わらない歌ばらまいて /谁也不能碰触只有两人的国度 没有终止的放声歌唱大きな力で 空に浮かべたら ルララ 宇宙の风に乗る /在好大的力量下 若浮在空中 噜啦啦---乘著宇宙的风大きな力で 空に浮かべたら ルラ ラ 宇宙の风に乗る /在好大的力量下 若浮在空中 噜啦啦---乘著宇宙的风ルララ 宇宙の风に乗る /噜啦啦---乘著宇宙的风

realtek hd digital output是什么??


Jura-Me (Jurame) (1994 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:Jura-Me (Jurame) (1994 Digital Remaster)歌手:José Augusto专辑:Nova Bis - José Augusto「Juramento」作词:畑亜贵作曲.编曲:末广健一郎歌:结城アイラ谁(だれ)の为(ため)に?生(い)きながら消(き)えながら赛(さい)が投(な)げられたいまこそ感(かん)じるよ夺(うば)うよりも与(あた)えたい気持(きも)ちへと向(む)かう决断(けつだん)が谁(だれ)かを突(つ)き落(お)とす平和(へいわ)だったただの见(み)せかけでも笑颜(えがお)だけは真実(しんじつ)だと信(しん)じない寂(さび)しさは舍(す)てよう帰(かえ)るよ帰(かえ)るから君(きみ)の元(もと)へ泣(な)きながら明(あ)けない夜(よる)を呼(よ)ぶよりも美(うつく)しい梦见(ゆめみ)て静(しず)かに静(しず)かなる希望(きぼう)の路(みち)命(いのち)かけた自分(じぶん)へのEI Juramento迷(まよ)う度(たび)に寒(さむ)くなる怖(こわ)くなる告(つ)げるつもりじゃなかったと呟(つぶや)く孤独(こどく)なんて全部(ぜんぶ)人(ひと)のせいで无茶(むちゃ)と无理(むり)を押(お)しつけてた変(か)わるんだこの命(いのち)果(は)てても勇気(ゆうき)は勇気(ゆうき)など忘(わす)れ走(はし)る优(やさ)しさで戦(たたか)う者(もの)が宿(やど)す火(ひ)につかのま梦见(ゆめみ)る待(ま)ってて待(ま)つ时(とき)を长(なが)く思(おも)う少(すこ)し前(まえ)に终(お)われよと愿(ねが)う日(ひ)帰(かえ)るよ帰(かえ)るから君(きみ)の元(もと)へ泣(な)きながら明(あ)けない夜(よる)を呼(よ)ぶよりも美(うつく)しい梦见(ゆめみ)て静(しず)かに静(しず)かなる希望(きぼう)の路(みち)命(いのち)かけた自分(じぶん)へのEI Juramento强(つよ)き心(こころ)にて誓(ちか)うよ终わり

analogue-to-digital和 analog-to-digital的区别

没什么区别 单词不一样




用一条四芯的普通模拟音频信号线,一头插入光驱后面的Audio Analog接口,另外一头则接入声卡上的CD IN接口,就可以...Digital=>声卡的CD SPDIF,但需要注意,并不是每一种声卡和光驱都支持CD数字信号传输),也可以借用驱动器的IDE数据线...

Analog & Digital

最近在上的Digital Marketing还是挺有意思的,讲到了Analog World,其实就是我们所指的Physical世界,有实体存在的世界,而digital指无形的数字化世界。举一个非常典型的例子就是黑胶唱片录音带纸质书这些都属于Analog,而MP3格式的英语,电子书这些都属于digital世界。Analog更在乎的是触摸,社交性质和隐秘性,而Digital具有可追踪性,易得性等特点。 引出来的几点思考还是挺不错的,Digital就一定是好的么?为什么美国选票还是尽力在坚持纸质选片而非电子选票,因为Protection属性,Digital存在黑客来破解和伪造,导致不公正,所以选票采用了最没有技术含量的Analog的方式。Digital也会掉了很多人的睡眠,影响了身体,造成了抑郁等等。不能一概而论Digital高科技一定是带来好处的,也可能是很多意想不到的坏处。 书店其实是一种逆Digital,那为什么书店还能存在?因为还是有拒绝进入digital的人,还是有人觉得买纸质书可以接触到书,它的厚度,它承载的书香气息。不过问题来了,其实有些人会偏向于通过网购来买纸质书,而不是去实体店,所以这是一种Digital和Analog合体的方式,也是现代人采取的一种方式,利用Digital来收集信息购买,用Physical的书来体会那种接触的书本的快乐。Digital和Analog用一种你中有我,我中有你的方法存在着。那对于Analog的物体,要怎么来做Marketing了?以实体店举例,让顾客尽量接触到书,体会到翻阅书籍,触摸书籍的快乐。Cross Selling品牌联合,书和文具在一起。成为收藏品,我觉得纸质书可能最后的结局就是成为贡品收藏品一样的存在了,更多的是一种情怀。怀旧的人会比较喜欢,打怀旧系列的牌。成为一种纪念品,比如结婚纪念日,生日的礼物。你买一本电子书总是没有一本实体书拿的出手,这种节日礼物,其实也是一种Marketing手段。另外就是结合线上,Facebook等的线上工具一起,联合电商平台一起售卖。实体书是不是走向了产品生命周期管理的后期了?像柯达胶卷般,等待最后的价格收割。应该还会在,最后变奢侈品,感叹Analog世界的东西,最终是逐步被Digital取代,剩下的就是古董般的奢侈品了。


控制系统中AI、AO、DI、DO是集散控制系统中模块上常见的一些基本标注,好处就是便于分清什么类型量的卡件,也好方便后期的维护与保养。其实就是把现场模拟量仪表和开关量设备等进行清晰分类,便于后期仪表和设备的弱电信号接线。 AI、AO、DI、DO它们都是英文名称的首字母缩写的,A的英文全称Analog(模拟量)、D的英文全称Digital(数字量)、I的英文全称Input(输入)、O的英文全称Output(输出)。因此,AI表示的是模拟量输入,AO是模拟量输出,DI是数字量输入,DO是数字量输出。在集散控制系统中的控制柜里就有很多卡件,就会用上述其中类型标清是哪一类卡件。

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Shoot The Moon (2006 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:Shoot The Moon (2006 Digital Remaster)歌手:Judie Tzuke专辑:Shoot The MoonNorah Jones - Shoot The MoonThe summer days are gone too soonYou shoot the moonAnd miss completelyAnd now you"re left to face the gloomThe empty room that once smelled sweetlyOf all the flowers you plucked if onlyYou knew the reasonWhy you had to each be lonelyWas it just the season?Now the fall is here againYou can"t begin to give inIt"s all overWhen the snows come rolling throughYou"re rolling too with some new loverWill you think of times you"ve told meThat you knew the reasonWhy we had to each be lonelyIt was just the season

Round And Round (Aka Around And Around) (2002 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:Round And Round (Aka Around And Around) (2002 Digital Remaster)歌手:David Bowie专辑:The Rise And Fall Of Ziggy Stardust And The Spiders From Mars (30Th Anniversary Edition)Here I am Afraid to lose the one I loveThere you are Standing there against the sunSuch irony Devotion Will I feel safe keep my mind at peacePut my hands on my face My head is still spinningRevolting again Can"t you seeRound and round the story goes Revolves around love hate we knowSongs of joys with tears that"s driedHow do I know Where to start and stopRound and round the story goes l could sink deeper don"t you knowThere"s no light I still can"t see How do I knowHow do I know Where to go Where to go

Shine (Greatest Hits Album Version) (2007 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:Shine (Greatest Hits Album Version) (2007 Digital Remaster)歌手:Newsboys专辑:Greatest HitsShineNewsboysShine -The HitsShine - Newsboysby DomDull as dirtyou can"t assertthe kinda light that might persuadea strict dictator to retirefire the army,teach the poor origamithe truth is inthe proof is when you hear your heart start askingWhat"s my motivation?And try as you maythere is no wayto explain the kinda changethat would make an eskimo renounce furthat would make a vegetarian barbeque hamsterunless you can trace this about-face to a certain signshinemake em wonder whatcha gotmake em wish that they were noton the outside looking boredshinelet it shine before all menlet em see good works and thenlet em glorify the lordOut of the shaker and onto the plateit isn"t karma it sure ain"t fatethat would make a deadhead sell his vanthat would make a schizophrenic turn in his crayonsOprah freaksand science seeksa rationale that shall excuse this strange behaviorwhen you let it shineyou will inspire the kind of entire turnaroundthat would make a bouncer take balleteven bouncers who aren"t happybut out of the glarewith nowhere to turnyou ain"t gonna learn it on "What"s my Line?"Shinemake em wonder whatcha gotmake em wish that they were noton the outside looking boredshinelet it shine before all menlet em see good works and thenlet em glorify the lord

Rescue Me (2002 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:Rescue Me (2002 Digital Remaster)歌手:A Taste Of Honey专辑:Classic MastersRESCUE作词:ECO

Rescue Me (1999 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:Rescue Me (1999 Digital Remaster)歌手:Bryan Ferry专辑:TaxiRESCUE作词:ECO

Fool For You (Recollection Album Version) (2000 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:Fool For You (Recollection Album Version) (2000 Digital Remaster)歌手:Nichole Nordeman专辑:Recollection: The Best Of Nichole NordemanDuffy - Fool For YouIs this something on your mind?What do you try to hide?I can"t seem, no I can"t seem to get a hold on youSitting on the benchYou will think we are just friendsCuz there"s no lies, there"s no lies that"s with us twoWhat more can I give?What more can I say?Cuz I can"t make you love me anywayOh maybe I"m not the oneOh maybe I"m too youngBut for reasons why I can"t denyI"m a fool for youFool for youWho are you talking to?Is she in love with you?I can see and I can feel you"re thinking of her againLying by your sideYou would turn to its eyesOh where is the sense?Where is the sense in living with pretence?What more can I give?What more can I say?I can"t make you love me anywayOh maybe I"m not the oneOh maybe I"m too youngBut for reasons why I can"t denyI"m a fool for youFool for youFool for youOh maybe I"m not the oneOh maybe I"m too youngBut for reasons why I can"t denyI"m a fool for youFool for youI"m a fool for youI"m a fool for you

What You Gonna Do? (1997 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:What You Gonna Do? (1997 Digital Remaster)歌手:Manfred Mann专辑:At Abbey Road土屋アンナ feat. AI - What you gonna do作词:ANNA作曲:LISA HUANG&JOEY CARBONEI was left in this room aloneSomeone tell me what"s going onBaby, you have already leftI"ve kept lying to you I"m crying for you everydayBaby, you were my valentineBring me another glass of wineI"ll dye it blue with my tear&I keep getting drunk waiting for you every night7NO NO that"s terribleI wish I could say no regretOh, No so it"s pitifulPlease make it a little easier for meSo you so what you gonna doBaby put a gun against meGotta go so get out of my headToday will start better day for youBaby, my responsibility?Did I do quite a stupid thing?Someone please tell me my mistake?There is no light for me I"m blind with tear everybodyI read the holy bibleFinally I lost my controlI"m dying in the darknessNo one can stop me save me from this deep griefNO NO that"s too badHe never left any time to regretOh no I"m so sadI can"t do anything for no moreI tried I tried to work it outBaby, there is no reason no moreDo whatever you wanna doDarling I"m the only one for youSo you so what you gonna doBaby put a gun against meGotta go so get out of my headToday will start better day for youSo you so what you gonna doBaby put a gun against meGotta go so get out of my headToday will start better day for youI tried I tried to work it outBaby, there is no reason no moreDo whatever you wanna doDarling I"m the only one for you...

Alone Again (1991 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:Alone Again (1991 Digital Remaster)歌手:The Andrews Sisters专辑:Capitol Collectors SeriesAlone AgainChad Fischer (Composer: John Powell)Ice Age: Dawn Of The DinosaursAlone again, naturally <再次孤单,自然地>I shouldn"t be hanging around <我不应该停留在原地>When the world"s turned upside down <当世界天翻地覆的变化着>You abandoned me <你抛弃了我>I fell off the tree <我重重的摔在地上>To the hard and lonely ground <摔得灰头土脸>You"ve found somebody new <你另结新欢>And cracked my shell in two <我就快分裂>How could I forsee <我怎会料到>You turn out to be <你居然是>Such a bud to casanova <如此水性杨花>Now there"s only strikes <如今只剩打击>And my life has lost all meaning <我的生活失去意义>How I miss your furry lips <我多么怀念你柔软的双唇>Your shallow, rapid breathing <你浅浅的、急速的呼吸>I wish you only knew <我只希望你知道>That I"m only nuts for you <我只是你的追随者>Alone again, naturally <再次孤单,自然地>Now there"s only strikes <如今只剩打击>And my life has lost all meaning <我的生活失去意义>How I miss your furry lips <我多么怀念你柔软的双唇>Your shallow, rapid breathing <你浅浅的、急速的呼吸>I wish you only knew <我只希望你知道>That I"m only nuts for you <我只是你的追随者>Alone again, naturally <再次孤单,自然地>Alone again, naturally <再次孤单,自然地>

Zombie (2003 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:Zombie (2003 Digital Remaster)歌手:Lars H.U.G.专辑:Blidt Over DigZombie-The Cranberries 刽子手(卡百利)Another head hangs lowly. 又一颗头颅垂了下去Child is slowly taken. 孩子在慢慢死去。And the violence caused such silence. 暴力导致了如此令人窒息的沉寂。Who are we mistaken ? 这是谁的错?But you see it"s not me. 不是我的错。It"s not my family. 也不是我家人的错。in your head,in your head. 在你的脑海中,在你的脑海中They are fighting. 他们正在撕杀。With their tanks,and their bombs. 用他们的坦克和炸弹。And their bombs,& their guns. 用他们的炸弹和枪,猛烈地杀掳。In your head. 在你的脑海中In your head they are crying. 在你的脑海中,他们在哭泣。In your head,in your head 在你的脑海中,一个声音在呐喊Zombie ! Zombie ! Zombie ! 刽子手!What"s in your head,in your head ?你在想什么?在你的脑海中一个声音在呐喊!Zombie ! Zombie ! Zombie ! 刽子手!Another mother"s breaking 又一个母亲的心Heart is taking over.破碎了。When the violence causes silence.当暴力导致沉寂的时候We must be mistaken.一定是我们错了。It"s the same old theme since 1916.1916以来,我们一直在重复同样的错误。In your head ! 在你的脑海中In your head they"re still fighting.在你的脑海中,他们仍然在厮杀。With their tanks,& their bombs. 用他们的坦克和炸弹。And their bombs,& their guns. 他们的炸弹和枪,猛烈地杀掳。In your head ! 在你的脑海中In your head they are dying.在你的脑海中他们在垂死挣扎。In your head,in your head ! 在你的脑海中,一个声音在呐喊Zombie ! Zombie ! Zombie ! 刽子手!What"s in your head,in your head ? 你在想什么?在你的脑海中一个声音在呐喊Zombie ! Zombie ! Zombie ! 刽子手!

My Funny Valentine (Arr. Max Harris) (1999 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:My Funny Valentine (Arr. Max Harris) (1999 Digital Remaster)歌手:Yehudi Menuhin&Stéphane Grappelli专辑:Yehudi Menuhin & StéPhane GrappelliMy Funny Valentines - 我可笑的情人节My funny valentinesweet comic valentineYou make me smile with my heartYour lips are laughableUnphotographableYet you"re my favoring work of artIs your figure less than GreekIs your mouth a little weakWhen you open it to speakare you smartBut don"t change a hair for meNot if you care for mestay little valentine stayEach day is valentine"s daybrought to you by McSilencestay little valentine staystay little valentine stay

我想知SonyT100同Panasonic Lumix FX30同Canon Digital IXUS 75既好处&坏处

Sony T100 好处 : 30倍超强 光学+数码变焦 ; 3吋大LCD ; 双重防震 ; 830万像素 细 型 金属机身 支援高清输出至数码电视 缺点 : 细 难揸稳(我觉得) ; 用专用记忆卡 非伸缩的镜头 Lumix FX30 好处 : 当然是28mm广角镜头 ; 光学防手震 ; 智能感光度控制技术 (至醒ISO) ; Leica DC 镜头 轻 缺点 : 杂讯高 无其他缺点 IXUS 75 好处 : 较平 ; 3"大LCD ; 高解像度靓LCD ; 最新DIGIC III Face Detection ; 薄(19.6mm) 缺点 : 无防手震 以上三部机行货日本制造 我认为其中 Lumix FX30 较好 -------------------- 要功能齐 影夜影靓 有 OIS 抵玩 这三部都不及 Canon PowerShot A570 IS (710万像素) 好处 : 较平 ; 最新DIGIC III 的Face Detection ; 人工智能 9 点自动对焦 ; 算轻 175g ; 手动功能 快门先决... ; 光学防手震 ; F2.6较大光圈 (影夜景较好) ;「我的色彩」功能 ; 多种预设的场景模式 缺点 : 无广角镜(其实可另买) ; 外形可能不够吸引 价钱 $2080 (2007年新出)Cyber-Shot - DSC-T100/S 图片参考:sonystyle/ss/product/cybershot/images/spacer 售价: HK$3290 u2022 内置 1/2.5 吋 8.3百万像素 Super HAD CCD(有效像素为8.1百万像素) u2022 优质「蔡司」 Vario-Tessar 镜头 u2022 5 倍光学变焦 u2022 超级防震系统 u2022 超强感光度 ISO 3200 u2022 3.0 吋强化特清晰 LCD 显示屏 u2022 Bionzu2122 Engine数码影像处理器 u2022 31MB 内置记忆体 DMC-FX30 HK $3090 720万像素28mm广角镜数码相机 28mm超广角 3.6x 光学变焦 LEICA DC VARIO-ELMARIT 镜头 (相等于传统 35mm相机之28-100mm焦距) 720万有效像素CCD 『至醒』ISO功能,高感光度模式更可达ISO 3200 MEGA O.I.S. 光学防手震功能 2.5吋超高解像LCD显示屏(207k),Power LCD及高角度LCD显示功能 最高5.3倍超级光学变焦(于300万像素时) 对应SDHC 4GB SD 记忆咭 内置27MB记忆体 日本制造 Digital IXUS 75 710万像素CCD 3吋高解像度PureColor LCD萤幕 超高ISO感光度避免模糊 支援ISO 1600高感光度选择,方便用户于晚间或低光的情况下 支援最新的大容量SDHC记忆卡,容量可逾2GB或以上 超小巧3倍光学变焦镜头 焦距 (相等于35毫米菲林制式) 35 (广角) – 105(远摄) mm我用开sony都ok参考: me

传三星有意投入 InterDigital 的专利库竞标

在一阵「火力展示」后,看来以无线技术见长的 InterDigital 还真吸引到更多人的 暮光 木瓜 目光,不过要来凑热闹的不是 HTC,而是三星(Samsung);根据彭博社(Bloomberg)消息,可能的竞标者还包括了 Google 跟苹果,所以一场腥风血雨恐怕是在所难免,希望这次 Google 会认真点... 图文来源:AppleInsider 而 InterDigital 家的高速无线网络相关专利有多庞大呢?根据他们家执行长 William Merritt 在四月份的说法,至少可以让 Nortel 的那批吃灰,分析 尸 师预估最终得标价可能会上看 50 亿美元;如果真的开标、开杠,不知道这次苹果会不会再拉一次六人帮进来玩?Google 跟三星连线的机率感觉不低,但是!不管哪一方得标,恐怕都还得看美国司法部脸色,因为这批专利如果也被拿来打专利焦土战,恐怕 *** 部门不会坐视不管。

Shades Of Grey (2007 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:Shades Of Grey (2007 Digital Remaster)歌手:Edwick Rumbold专辑:Insane Times - 25 British Psychedelic Artefacts From The Emi Vaults《Shades Of Grey》MercenaryLost in the frustrationsPale faces pass me byEyes too blind to see themSee no future, all is left behindI will failCut the life out from me, I"Cause I can"t take itIt"s lost foreverI"ll never be the sameI hide away the shameI"m gonna be the one you hateAnd I will fight away the shameLust of your damnationWaiting for the final highPray for your salvationWaiting as your life will pass you byYou will failCut the life out from you nowYou can"t fake itIt"s lost foreverI"ll never be the sameI"ll hide away the shameI"m gonna be the one you hateAnd I will fight away the shameI"ll never be the sameI"ll hide away the shameLife never let me goI want to see it allForget your past mistakesAnd let yourself awakeFrom the beauty of a single roseTo the night"s clear skyDon"t let is pass you byTake it all inside仇十七 编辑

O Sole Mio (Capurro) (1990 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名: O Sole Mio (Capurro) (1990 Digital Remaster)歌手:Beniamino Gigli&Orchestra del Teatro alla Scala& Milano&Dino Olivieri专辑:The Very Best Of Beniamino GigliO Sole MioAdam LopezShowstopperAdam Lopez - O Sole MioChe bella cosa na jurnata "e sole,n"aria serena doppo na tempesta!Pe" ll"aria fresca pare già na festa...Che bella cosa na jurnata "e sole.Ma n"atu solecchiù bello, oje ne"."o sole miosta "nfronte a te!"o sole"o sole miosta "nfronte a te!sta "nfronte a te!Quanno fa notte e "o sole se ne scenne,me vene quase "na malincunia;sotto "a fenesta toia restarriaquanno fa notte e "o sole se ne scenne.Ma n"atu solecchiù bello, oje ne"."o sole miosta "nfronte a te!"o sole"o sole miosta "nfronte a te!sta "nfronte a te!Ah~~~~~~~~Ma n"atu solecchiù bello, oje ne"."o sole mio"o sole"o sole miosta "nfronte a te!sta "nfronte a te!LaLaLaLa"o sole mio

Ship Of Fools (2009 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:Ship Of Fools (2009 Digital Remaster)歌手:Erasure专辑:Total Pop! - The First 40 HitsShip Of FoolsSung by"Sarah Brightman"Made by"Apple32"Remember the dayWhen I first set my eyes on you andYou said the sameSeemed like everything was right for usEndless nights of lovingAll my doubts and fearswent awaySo tell me what went wrongNow I need youDo anything to get to you"Cos we"re riding on a ship of foolsNow you"re not the sameAnd all that"s left are memories ofThe times we hadSeems like it always has to end this wayBut now I know your secretsAnd the time is rightTo tellTo tell me what went wrongCan you hear me?Do anything to get to you"Cos we"re riding on a ship of foolsDo anything to get to you"Cos we"re riding on a ship of fools

Ship Of Fools (2005 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:Ship Of Fools (2005 Digital Remaster)歌手:Van Der Graaf Generator专辑:Vital (Live)Ship Of FoolsSung by"Sarah Brightman"Made by"Apple32"Remember the dayWhen I first set my eyes on you andYou said the sameSeemed like everything was right for usEndless nights of lovingAll my doubts and fearswent awaySo tell me what went wrongNow I need youDo anything to get to you"Cos we"re riding on a ship of foolsNow you"re not the sameAnd all that"s left are memories ofThe times we hadSeems like it always has to end this wayBut now I know your secretsAnd the time is rightTo tellTo tell me what went wrongCan you hear me?Do anything to get to you"Cos we"re riding on a ship of foolsDo anything to get to you"Cos we"re riding on a ship of fools

Ship Of Fools (2007 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:Ship Of Fools (2007 Digital Remaster)歌手:Robert Calvert专辑:Lucky Leif And The LongshipsShip Of FoolsSung by"Sarah Brightman"Made by"Apple32"Remember the dayWhen I first set my eyes on you andYou said the sameSeemed like everything was right for usEndless nights of lovingAll my doubts and fearswent awaySo tell me what went wrongNow I need youDo anything to get to you"Cos we"re riding on a ship of foolsNow you"re not the sameAnd all that"s left are memories ofThe times we hadSeems like it always has to end this wayBut now I know your secretsAnd the time is rightTo tellTo tell me what went wrongCan you hear me?Do anything to get to you"Cos we"re riding on a ship of foolsDo anything to get to you"Cos we"re riding on a ship of fools

Ship Of Fools (2009 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:Ship Of Fools (2009 Digital Remaster)歌手:Erasure专辑:The Innocents (21St Anniversary Edition)Artist: ScorpionsAlbum: Classic BitesTitle: Ship Of FoolsBy: 许船Music: Rudolf SchenkerAnother bloody MondayThirty-nine Just diedAll hell breaks loose in the crowdA hopeless helter skelterAnother mindless crimeSome corner of the world is burning downHeading for a nervous breakdownCan"t take it anymoreI see the fear explode just likeA thousant nights beforeThe ship of foolsKeeps on rollin" through a deadly stormIt won"t take long "till we collideThe ship of foolsKeeps on following the siren"s callDamned to be sacrificedCorrupt politiciansPromise paradiseThe thieves are reaching out for the crownViolence is a killerThreatens all our livesJudgment day has come here and nowHeading for a nervous breakdownCan"t take it anymoreI see the fear explode just likeA thousant nights beforeThe ship of foolsKeeps on rollin" through a deadly stormIt won"t take long "till we collideThe ship of foolsKeeps on following the siren"s callDamned to be sacrificedHeading for a nervous breakdownCan"t take it anymoreI see the fear explode just likeA thousant nights beforeThe ship of foolsKeeps on rollin" through a deadly stormIt won"t take long "till we collideThe ship of foolsKeeps on following the siren"s callDamned to be sacrificedThe ship of foolsKeeps on rollin" through a deadly stormIt won"t take long "till we collideThe ship of foolsKeeps on following the siren"s callDamned to be sacrificed

All Shook Up (Live) (2004 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:All Shook Up (Live) (2004 Digital Remaster)歌手:Cliff Richard & The Shadows专辑:Thank You Very Much - London Palladium Reunion ConcertElvis Presley - All Shook UpA well I bless my soulWhat"s wrong with me?I"m itching like a man on a fuzzy treeMy friends say I"m actin" wild as a bugI"m in loveI"m all shook upMm mm, yeah, yeah!My hands are shaky and my knees are weakI can"t seem to stand on my own two feetWho do you thank when you have such luck?I"m in loveI"m all shook upMm mm oh, oh, yeah, yeah!Well please don"t ask me what"s hold on my mindI"m a little mixed up, but I"m feelin" fineWhen I"m near that girl that I love bestMy heart beats so it scares me to death!She touched my hand what a chill I gotHer lips are like a vulcano that"s hotI"m proud to say she"s my buttercupI"m in loveI"m all shook upMm mm, yeah, yeah!My tongue get tied when I try to speakMy insides shake like a leaf on a treeThere"s only one cure for this body of mineThat"s to have that girl that I love so fine!

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I Wish You Love (Digitally Remastered 93) 歌词

歌曲名:I Wish You Love (Digitally Remastered 93)歌手:Nancy Wilson专辑:Great Ladies Of Song / Spotlight On Nancy Wilson~I wish you love~lyric by:Eric_2omb1eGoodbye, no use leading with our chinsThis is where our story endsNever lovers, ever friendsGoodbye, let our hearts call it a dayBut before you walk awayI sincerely want to sayI wish you bluebirds in the springto give your heart a song to singAnd then a kiss but more than thisI wish you loveAnd in July a lemonadeto cool you in some leafy gladeI wish you health but more than wealthMy breaking heart and I agreethat you and I could never beSo with my best my very bestI set you freeI wish you shelter from the stormA cozy fire to keep you warmBut most of allwhen snowflakes fall~THE END~written by Eric_2omb1e

关于Realtek Digital Output,怎么用,需要什么特殊外接设备么?高手请进,谢谢^_^

Realtek Digital Output是声卡驱动的控制程序,也叫应用接口.最直观的就是你可以在其中设置声卡的工作状态。那个是数字音频输出,所以没声音。用这个要有杜比外接音箱才有效果的。

Aqualung (2001 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:Aqualung (2001 Digital Remaster)歌手:Jethro Tull专辑:All the BestMorcheeba - AqualungBattle criesWe make the swift retreatParadiseIt don"t come cheapSquare up to fightLike dynamiteThe flight is youngWe"re getting deep without an aqualungOur will is strongWe got to work at where we"re goin wrongButtercupI think we missed a turnBack it upYou"d think I"d learnYour geligniteSets truth alightThe flight is youngWe"re getting deep without an aqualungOur time is longWe got to find where we"re coming fromSquare up to fightLike dynamiteThe flight is youngWe"re getting deep without an aqualungOur will is strongWe"ve got to work at where we"re going wrongLight years from hereWe"re gonna burn up in the atmosphereIt"s crystal clearWe"re coming swinging on the chandelier

Skip To My Lou (1987 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:Skip To My Lou (1987 Digital Remaster)歌手:Nat King Cole专辑:Ramblin RoseLost my partner,What"ll I do?Lost my partner,What"ll I do?Lost my partner,What"ll I do?Skip to my lou, my darlin".Lou, Lou, skip to my Lou,Lou, Lou, skip to my Lou,Lou, Lou, skip to my Lou,Skip to my Lou, my darlin".I"ll get another better one,too.I"ll get another better one,too.I"ll get another better one,too.Skip to my Lou, my darlin"Lou, Lou, skip to my Lou,Lou, Lou, skip to my Lou,Lou, Lou, skip to my Lou,Skip to my Lou, my darlin".

Skip To My Lou (2002 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:Skip To My Lou (2002 Digital Remaster)歌手:Richard Maltby专辑:Maltby Swings For Dancers/Maltby Swings Folk SongsLost my partner,What"ll I do?Lost my partner,What"ll I do?Lost my partner,What"ll I do?Skip to my lou, my darlin".Lou, Lou, skip to my Lou,Lou, Lou, skip to my Lou,Lou, Lou, skip to my Lou,Skip to my Lou, my darlin".I"ll get another better one,too.I"ll get another better one,too.I"ll get another better one,too.Skip to my Lou, my darlin"Lou, Lou, skip to my Lou,Lou, Lou, skip to my Lou,Lou, Lou, skip to my Lou,Skip to my Lou, my darlin".

End Of The Line (1999 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:End Of The Line (1999 Digital Remaster)歌手:Roxy Music专辑:SirenAlbum:Siren(Ferry)Title:End Of The LineThink I"ll walk out in the rainCalled you time and time againI got no replyYou"ve goneReached the point of no returnThe more I see the more I stand aloneI see the end of the lineWere you ever lonely?Mystified and blue?Realising onlyYour number"s upYou"re throughDone my share of winningNows my turn to loseAfter a fair beginningThe games upI"m throughThink I"ll walk out in the stormThere no love to keep me warm insideHope it"s fine at the end of the lineNows the time to take a diveTry a magic carpet rideEverything is wrongYou"ve goneIf you ever miss meIf I should cross your mindYou know where to find meI"ll be waiting at the end of the line

Lift Me Higher (Digitally Remastered 00) 歌词

歌曲名:Lift Me Higher (Digitally Remastered 00)歌手:3Rd Force专辑:Collective Force<lift me higher--3Dmark05 Remix>byPoets Of The FallTimes when I just can"tBring myself to say it loudFraid that what I"ll say comes out somehow awryThat is when it seemsWe move in circles day to dayTwist the drama of the play to get us byAnd it feels like fearLike I"ll disappearGets so hard to steerYet I go onDo we need debateWhen it seems too lateLike I bleed but waitLike nothing"s wrongYou lift my spirit, take me higher, make me flyTouch the moon up in the sky, when you are mineYou lift me higher, take my spirit, make it flyWhere all new wonders will appearLike the other dayI thought you won"t be coming backI came to realize my lackluster dreamsAnd among the schemesAnd all the tricks we try to playOnly dreams will hold their sway and defyWhen it feels like fearLike I"ll disappearGets so hard to steerYet I go onDo we need debateWhen it seems too lateLike I bleed but waitLike nothing"s wrongYou lift my spirit, take me higher, make me flyTouch the moon up in the sky, when you are mineYou lift me higher, take my spirit, make it flyWhere all new wonders will appearYou lift my spirit, take me higher, make me flyTouch the moon up in the sky, when you are mineYou lift me higher, take my spirit, make it flyWhere all new wonders will appeareditbyteacherlin-end-

Battle Of New Orleans (2002 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:Battle Of New Orleans (2002 Digital Remaster)歌手:Nitty Gritty Dirt Band专辑:Symphonion Dream (World)Battle Of New OrleansArtist : Johnny HortonIn eighteen-fourteen we took a little tripAlong with Colonel Jackson down the mighty Mississipp"We took a little bacon and we took a little beansAnd we fought the bloody British in the town of New OrleansWe fired our guns and the British kept a comin"There wasn"t nigh as many as there was a while agoWe fired once more and they began to runnin"On down the Mississippi to the Gulf of MexicoWe looked down the river and we seed the British comeAnd there must"ve been a hundred of "em beatin" on the drumThey stepped so high and made their bugles singWe stood beside our cotton bails and didn"t say a thingWe fired our guns and the British kept a comin"There wasn"t nigh as many as there was a while agoWe fired once more and they began to runnin"On down the Mississippi to the Gulf of MexicoOld Hickory said we could take "em by surpriseIf we didn"t fire our muskets till we looked "em in the eyesWe held our fire till we seed their faces wellThen we opened up our squirrel guns and really gave "em hellWe fired our guns and the British kept a comin"There wasn"t nigh as many as there was a while agoWe fired once more and they began to runnin"On down the Mississippi to the Gulf of MexicoYeah they ran through the briars and they ran through the bramblesAnd they ran through the bushes where a rabbit couldn"t goThey ran so fast that the hounds couldn"t catch "emOn down the Mississippi to the Gulf of MexicoWell we fired our cannon till the barrel melted downThen we grabbed an alligator and we fought another roundWe filled his head with cannonballs and powdered his behindAnd when we touched the powder off the "gator lost his mindWe fired our guns and the British kept a comin"There wasn"t nigh as many as there was a while agoWe fired once more and they began to runnin"On down the Mississippi to the Gulf of MexicoThey ran through the briars and they ran through the bramblesAnd they ran through the bushes where a rabbit couldn"t goThey ran so fast that the hounds couldn"t catch "emOn down the Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico..........................本版编排:王竹华,郭治豪

digital disruption是什么意思

digital disruption数字干扰 数字革命双语对照例句:1.Companies of all sizes and across all industries are now facing a massive digitaldisruption that will permeate their cores. 不论行业和规模,每一家公司如今都面临着一场浩大且深入骨髓的数字革命。2.Unlike journalism and music for example, education has been the one part of the mediaworld that has, more or less, kept digital disruption at bay. 教育行业与新闻和音乐等行业不同,作为媒体世界一部分,这个行业在某种程度上遏制了数字技术的颠覆性影响。

Dark Horse (Live) (2004 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:Dark Horse (Live) (2004 Digital Remaster)歌手:George Harrison专辑:Live In JapanAmanda Marshall - Dark HorseIndian summerAbileneYou were new in townI was nineteenAnd sparks flewThey called us crazyBehind our backs"Romantic fools"We just let them laughBecause we knewIt may be a long shotWe may be lonely down the lineBut love knows no reasonAnd I won"t let them make up my mindMy money"s riding on this dark horse, babyMy heart is sayin" it"s the lucky oneAnd it"s true color"s gonna shine through somedayIf we let thisLet this dark horse runStars are brighterIn a desert skyNo need to wonderOr justifyWhere this will leadI wear your locketOur picture"s insideInscription says, "The joy"s in the ride"And I believeSomething so sacredIs something worth this kind of fightCause love knows no patienceYou can"t please everyone all the timeMy money"s riding on this dark horse, babyMy heart is sayin" it"s the lucky oneAnd it"s true color"s gonna shine through somedayIf we let thisLet this dark horse runSo rareSo sweetTogether babyWe can be freeMy money"s riding on this dark horse, babyMy heart is sayin" it"s the lucky oneAnd it"s true color"s gonna shine through somedayIf we let thisLet this dark horse runIndian summerAbileneYou were new in townI was nineteen

Out Of Nowhere (2001 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:Out Of Nowhere (2001 Digital Remaster)歌手:Johnny Smith专辑:The Sound Of Johnny SmithOut Of NowhereDelaysout of nowhereDELAYSYou came into frame out of nowherePulled me through the trees to the riverNow I"m living each day like I"m living the lastAnd we could make it upstream if it wasn"t so fastCoz you"re out of sight,out of nowhereThe evidence points to a matter of choiceC"mon pick me, pick me,for the flightOut of nowhere tonight,tonightI found more than anything thatto give into love was a way to begin,Bowing down to literatureI"m living each day like I"m living the lastAnd we could make it upstream if it wasn"t so fastCoz you"re out of sight,out of nowhereThe evidence points to a matter of choiceC"mon and pick me, pick me,for the flightOut of Nowhere tonight,tonight,tonight

She-Wolf (2004 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:She-Wolf (2004 Digital Remaster)歌手:Megadeth专辑:Cryptic WritingsShakira - She Wolf / 夏奇拉 — 狼女翻译:Tony Chang @ LK 歌词组 翻译分队SOS she"s in disguise / SOS,她全副伪装There"s a she wolf in disguise / 有个狼女全副伪装Coming out / 要出动A domesticated girl, that"s all you ask of me / 你只是想让我,做驯服的美女Darling it is no joke, this is lycanthropy / 宝贝此非儿戏,而是化狼秘籍The moon"s awake now with eyes wide open / 月亮已醒来,圆睁着双眼My body is craving, so feed the hungry / 我欲火难当,快饱我饥肠I"ve been devoting myself to you Monday to Monday and Friday to Friday / 我把一切源源不断奉献给你,昼夜不息,周而复始Not getting enough retribution or decent incentives to keep me at it / 而你却奖惩不足,赏罚不明,我的专注已难以维系I"m starting to feel just a little abused like a coffee machine in an office / 我感觉受到了一点虐待,活像办公室里的咖啡机So I"m gonna go somewhere closer to get me a lover and tell you all about it / 所以我要到某处为自己找个情人,再给你讲整个经历There"s a she wolf in the closet / 衣柜里藏着个狼女Open up and set her free / 打开柜门由她去There"s a she wolf in your closet / 你衣柜里有头狼女Let it out so it can breathe / 放它出来透口气Sitting across a bar, staring right at her prey / 她坐在酒吧里,紧紧盯着猎物It"s going well so far, she"s gonna get her way / 一切进展顺利,时机渐渐成熟Nocturnal creatures are not so prudent / 夜行的动物,并非很睿智The moon"s my teacher and I"m her student / 月亮为师傅,我来做弟子To locate the single man, I"ve got on me a special radar / 为锁定单身男人,我配有特制的雷达And the fire department hotline in case I get in trouble later / 再带一部火警热线,以防日后发生不测Not looking for cute little divas or rich city guys I just want to enjoy / 我不要窈窕淑女或者纨绔子弟,我只想开开心By having a very good time and behave very bad in the arms of a boy / 玩它个天昏地暗,在某个男孩的怀里放荡不羁LRC translated by Tony Chang from LK Lyrics Group



Sensation (1999 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:Sensation (1999 Digital Remaster)歌手:Bryan Ferry专辑:Boys And GirlsI wanna be who I wanna beJust for me「SENSATION」作词∶Miliyah作曲∶Miliyah歌∶加藤ミリヤSome people look at me変わっていく时代の中で何を手にし 何を失いここまで来たの? oh约束したね ただがむしゃらに走るってでも时々自分がわからなくなるよそう だけど生きている虚しい思い かき消すほど 强くなりたい私ってゆう存在一体何谁ひとり知らないいいI CAN 新しい时代へとI CAN もう夜明けが来るからI CAN eh eh I CAN eh eh (eh)恐れない もう行くしかない君がいた(So Today) だから今(For myself)现実と梦の间 生きてる(SAY)WOW 谁も知らない 私のStory ただ君だけに死ぬほど努力しても限界なんてわかんないのこの体の奥で私が叫んでるの解き放て Nobody can control me baby私らしくありたい もっと自分爱したいWhat you want to beWho you want to be 愿いなりたい自分になれるI CAN 涙はもう要らないのI CAN 意味持って生まれたのならI CAN eh eh I CAN eh eh (eh)その证残して死にたい本当は(Don"t be scared) 怖いんだ(Not too late)谁もが热い视线で见つめているの(SAY)WOW 谁も知らない 君とのStory 力に変えてOh nobody knowsSo I can"t let goOh 本当の私を见てI just wanna be e e e e eI CAN 新しい时代へとI CAN もう夜明けが来るからI CAN eh eh I CAN eh eh (eh)恐れない もう行くしかない君がいた(So Today) だから今(For myself)现実と梦の间 生きてる(SAY)WOW 谁も知らない 私のStory ただ君だけに【 おわり 】

Killer (2000 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:Killer (2000 Digital Remaster)歌手:Van Der Graaf Generator专辑:The BoxWell you"re just across the street,Looks a mile to my feet,I wanna go to you.Funny how I"m nervous still,I"ve always been the easy killI guess I always willCould it be that everything goes round by chance (Chance)Or only one way that it was always meant to be (be)You kill me you always know the perfect thing to say,hey hey, hey heyI know what I should do but I just can"t walk awayI can picture your face wellfrom the bar in my hotelI wish I"d go to youI pick up put down the phoneLike your fave heatmiser song goes:It"s just like being aloneOh god please don"t tell methis has been in vain (Vain)I need answers for what all the waitingI"ve done means(means)You kill me you"ve got some nervebut can"t face your mistakes hey hey, hey heyI know what I should do but i just can"t turn awaySo go on loveLeave while there"s still hope for escapeGotta take what you can these daysThere"s so much ahead and so much regretI know what you wanna sayI know but I can"t help feeling differentlyI loved you and I shoulda said itbut tell me just what has it ever meantI can"t help it baby this is who I am (am)I"m sorry but I can"t just go turn off how i feel (feel)You kill me up you build me upbut just to watch me break hey hey, hey heyI know what I should do but I just can"t walk away.

La Voce Del Silenzio (2001 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:La Voce Del Silenzio (2001 Digital Remaster)歌手:Mina专辑:Mina Alla Bussola Dal VivoLA VOCE DEL SILENZIO by Andrea BocelliVolevo stare un po" da soloper pensare tu lo sai,e ho sentito nel silenziouna voce dentro mee tornan vive troppe coseche credevo morte ormai.....e chi ho tanto amatodal mare del silenzioritorna come un"ombranei miei occhi, e quello che mi mancanel mare del silenzioritorna come un"ombrami manca sai molto di piùci sono cose in un silenzioche non aspettavo maivorrei una voce,e improvvisamenteti accorgi che il silenzioha il volto delle cose che haiperdutoe io ti sento amoreti sento nel mio cuorestai riprendendo il posto chetu non avevi perso maiche non avevi perso maiche non avevi perso maivolevo stare un po" da soloper pensare tu lo saima ci son cose in un silenzioche non m"aspettavo maivorrei una vocee improvvisamenteti accorgi che il silenzioha il volto delle cose che haiperdutoe io ti sento amoreti sento nel mio cuorestai riprendendo il posto chetu non avevi perso maiche non avevi perso maiche non avevi perso mai.

La Voce Del Silenzio (2001 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:La Voce Del Silenzio (2001 Digital Remaster)歌手:Mina专辑:Del Mio Meglio BoxsetLA VOCE DEL SILENZIO by Andrea BocelliVolevo stare un po" da soloper pensare tu lo sai,e ho sentito nel silenziouna voce dentro mee tornan vive troppe coseche credevo morte ormai.....e chi ho tanto amatodal mare del silenzioritorna come un"ombranei miei occhi, e quello che mi mancanel mare del silenzioritorna come un"ombrami manca sai molto di piùci sono cose in un silenzioche non aspettavo maivorrei una voce,e improvvisamenteti accorgi che il silenzioha il volto delle cose che haiperdutoe io ti sento amoreti sento nel mio cuorestai riprendendo il posto chetu non avevi perso maiche non avevi perso maiche non avevi perso maivolevo stare un po" da soloper pensare tu lo saima ci son cose in un silenzioche non m"aspettavo maivorrei una vocee improvvisamenteti accorgi che il silenzioha il volto delle cose che haiperdutoe io ti sento amoreti sento nel mio cuorestai riprendendo il posto chetu non avevi perso maiche non avevi perso maiche non avevi perso mai.

La Voce Del Silenzio (2001 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:La Voce Del Silenzio (2001 Digital Remaster)歌手:Mina专辑:Canzonissima 1968LA VOCE DEL SILENZIO by Andrea BocelliVolevo stare un po" da soloper pensare tu lo sai,e ho sentito nel silenziouna voce dentro mee tornan vive troppe coseche credevo morte ormai.....e chi ho tanto amatodal mare del silenzioritorna come un"ombranei miei occhi, e quello che mi mancanel mare del silenzioritorna come un"ombrami manca sai molto di piùci sono cose in un silenzioche non aspettavo maivorrei una voce,e improvvisamenteti accorgi che il silenzioha il volto delle cose che haiperdutoe io ti sento amoreti sento nel mio cuorestai riprendendo il posto chetu non avevi perso maiche non avevi perso maiche non avevi perso maivolevo stare un po" da soloper pensare tu lo saima ci son cose in un silenzioche non m"aspettavo maivorrei una vocee improvvisamenteti accorgi che il silenzioha il volto delle cose che haiperdutoe io ti sento amoreti sento nel mio cuorestai riprendendo il posto chetu non avevi perso maiche non avevi perso maiche non avevi perso mai.

手机上写着digital mobile。跟pocket pc、是什么手机呀?

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