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剑齿虎 Smilodon


德国足球的代表.德文名:FC Bayern München AG办公地址:Sabener Strasse 51, 81547 Munich成立时间:1900年2月27日所在国家:德国 所在城市:慕尼黑球衣颜色:主场为红白上衣,红色短裤;客场为白色上衣,白色短裤;第三球衣为黑色上衣,黑色短裤;守门员球衣为蓝色上衣,蓝色短裤球队主赞助商:德国电信 股份:拜仁慕尼黑90% 阿迪达斯10%主球场:慕尼黑安联球场 可纳人数:69256官方网址:http://www.fcbayern.t-com.de/拜仁慕尼黑中国官方网站:http://fcbayern.titan24.com/百度贴吧拜仁慕尼黑吧:http://post.baidu.com/f?kw=%B0%DD%C8%CA%C4%BD%C4%E1%BA%DA电话:+49-089/699310传真:+49-089/644165拜仁慕尼黑足球俱乐部集团公司的总部位于慕尼黑市郊哈拉兴(Harlaching)的塞贝纳大街51号。这里占地7万平方米,配置了各种现代化的设施,令每一个职业足球员都为之心动。塞贝纳大街总部的训练场一共有4块草地球场(其中一块还备有地下加热设备),一块人造草皮球场以及一个多功能体育馆。 1990年建成使用的职业球员活动中心内,更衣室、按摩室、手术室、浴室、旋涡温水浴池、现代化康复中心和会议室等设施一应俱全。在安排了一队训练的日子里,会有成百上千的球迷和参观者聚集在塞贝纳大街总部。他们来到这里观看球队训练,索取偶像球星的签名,购买比赛门票,到俱乐部荣誉室里参观,到球迷商店里面购物,在俱乐部餐厅里面就餐……这里不仅是足球队的训练基地,而且还是俱乐部职员工作的地方。这里大约有100名员工,鲁梅尼格、赫内斯等俱乐部高层的办公室也在此。在塞贝纳大街总部里,还有一个令人骄傲的地方,就是俱乐部的青年宿舍。这里居住着10多位非慕尼黑市的青年球员,他们将会成为未来的拜仁球星。拜仁在2001和2002年连续两次夺取了德国的青年联赛冠军就足以说明拜仁在培养青少年球员上所作出的努力。而库福尔和哈格里夫斯则是出自这个青年宿舍的杰出代表。塞贝纳大街51号是青年球员的家,是职业球员的家,是管理人员的家,是行政人员的家,是球迷的家。


篝火的英文是:bonfire。翻译例句1. 到了第二天,篝火还在闷燃。The bonfire was still smouldering the next day.2. 他们点燃篝火防止野兽靠近。They lit a fire to keep off wild animals.3. 篝火正在欢快地熊熊燃烧着。The log fire was blazing merrily.4. 在楼外,人们围聚在篝火旁继续守夜。Outside the building people continue their vigil, huddling around bonfires.5. 篝火突然熊熊燃烧起来,像黑暗中的灯塔。Camp fires flared like beacons in the dark.6. 我们都拿出自己的针线活,坐在了篝火前。We all got out our own sewing and sat in front of the log fire。7. 在一侧,民兵们正在堆起木柴,准备生起篝火。Off to one side, the militia was heaping up wood for a bonfire.8. 异教徒们用火把游行和篝火来庆祝重大的事件。The pagans used torchlight parades and bonfires to celebrate important events.9. 参加活动的人们在仪式上点起了许多堆篝火,以庆祝这一周年纪念日。Campaigners lit scores of bonfires in ceremonies to mark the anniversary.10. 到了夜里,我们坐在篝火周围。We sit around a campfire at night.



Bayern Munich 的英文怎么读

Bayern ["baiərn]n. 拜恩州(德国巴伐利亚州Bavaria的德语名称)Munich ["mju:nik] n. 慕尼黑(联邦德国城市)


10周年英文为:10th Anniv.全称是:10th Anniversary.anniversary英 [ˌænɪˈvɜ:səri]   美 [ˌænɪˈvɜ:rsəri]  n.周年纪念日adj.周年的;周年纪念的;年年的;每年的复数: anniversaries1、Campaigners lit scores of bonfires in ceremonies to mark the anniversary.参加运动的人们在各种仪式上点起一垛垛篝火以纪念周年庆典。2、The anniversary is bound to bring a new surge of interest in Dylan"s work.该周年纪念肯定会再一次激发人们对迪伦作品的浓厚兴趣。扩展资料纪念日还可以翻译为:1、a red-letter day英 [ei red ˈletə dei]   美 [e rɛd ˈlɛtɚ de]  纪念日;黄道吉日June 2nd will be a red-letter day for him, he"s getting married. 六月二日是他的大喜日子,他要结婚了。2、a commemoration daycommemoration英 [kəˌmeməˈreɪʃn]   美 [kəˌmɛməˈreʃən]  n.纪念,纪念仪式复数: commemorationsThe building is a commemoration of the battle of Waterloo. 这座房子是滑铁卢战役纪念馆。


slippers 英["slɪpəz] 美["slɪpəz] n. 拖鞋( slipper的名词复数 ); [例句]Should I fetch your slippers?要我去给你拿拖鞋吗?[其他] 原型: slipper


Father of Modern Biology: Charles Darwin Charles Darwin"s whole life was changed by one lucky chance. In 1831, before he went on the voyage1 of the Beagle2, he was a very ordinary young man of twenty-two. No one in England—certainly not Darwin himself —had any idea of the future he had before him. His sister Caroline gave him his first lessons. He was both lazy and naughty, and everyone was glad that he went away to school after his mother"s death when he was eight. Charles soon became a keen collector. He collected anything that caught his interest: insects3, seashells, coins and interesting stones. He said later that his collection prepared him for his work as a naturalist4. He was not a very clever boy, but Charles was good at doing the things that interested him. He also took pleasure in carrying out experiments. But he could not learn Latin and Greek which in those days were an important part of education. He was a disappointment to his father, who was sure that he would bring nothing but shame to himself and his family. In 1825, when Charles was sixteen, his father sent him to Edinburgh to study medicine, saying :“As you like natural history5 so much, perhaps we can make a doctor of you.” But Charles found the lectures boring, and the dissections6 frightening. But at Edinburgh he was able to go to natural history lectures. In 1826 he read a paper on sea-worms to the Natural History Society. This paper was his first known work on this subject.




slippers; mules




负鼠:possum 或 opossum 剑齿虎:Smilodon Hoplophoninae 伪剑齿虎亚科 Barbourofelinae 巴博剑齿虎亚科 Eusmilus 始剑齿虎 Nanosmilus 矮剑齿虎 Hoplophoneus 伪剑齿虎 Prosansanosmilus 原桑桑剑齿虎 Sansanosmilus 桑桑剑齿虎 Barbourofelis 巴博剑齿虎 Machairodontinae 剑齿虎亚科 Afrosmilus 非洲剑齿虎 Syrtosmilus 管剑齿虎 Vishnusmilus 毗瑟挐剑齿虎 Ginsburgsmilus 金氏剑齿虎 Epimachairodus 上短剑剑齿虎 Miomachairodus 中短剑剑齿虎 Hemimachairodus 半短剑剑齿虎 Machairodus 短剑剑齿虎 Xenosmilus 异剑齿虎 Homotherium 似剑齿虎 Megantereon 巨剑剑齿虎 Paramachairodus 副剑齿虎 Smilodon 美洲剑齿虎 Pontosmilus 浮渡剑齿虎






芭比娃娃的英文全名是:Barbie Millicent Roberts59年最新玩具--芭比娃娃,外型姣好,流行少女模样,售价美金3块钱!”这是1959年3月9日,芭比娃娃新上市的广告词。词句简短扼要,没有太多的注解和形容,实在瞧不出这个娃娃有何特别。但是,万万想不到,四十年后,[芭比娃娃]竟成为一个专有名词,她所象征的文化意涵,以及遍及全球的影响力,迄今无人能出其右。在此希望通过本篇导购,能帮助到大家对芭比娃娃知识的了解以及对其产品的选购。芭比娃娃介绍芭比娃娃的出源自美泰儿公司老板娘露丝海德(RUTH HANDLER)的点子。那时,她看到女儿芭芭拉正在把玩当时流行的纸娃娃,兴味盎然地帮纸娃娃换衣服,换皮包...。露丝这才意识到,等女儿大一点时,她可能会需要一个立体的娃娃。于是,露丝仿造德国娃娃[莉莉](Lilli)的外型,创造了一个外型摩登,身材性感的小娃娃,并以自己女儿的小名[芭比]来命名。当露丝把芭比娃娃这个好点子,告诉丈夫及公司里的男性高级主管,起初并没有获得支持。这些人反对的理由是成本太高、造价太昂贵、消费者买不起等。不过露丝并没有退缩,在她的坚持下,美泰儿公司在1959年开始生产芭比。同年,他们在电视上推出了芭比的广告,电视上那个抬头挺胸,梳着马尾的少女[芭比],立刻掳获了孩子们的心,货架上的芭比娃娃,随即被孩子们一扫而空!虽然,芭比娃娃是那么的成功,但是,美泰儿公司在其他玩具上的投资并不顺利,甚至陷入财务危机,受此波及,芭比一度面临停产的命运。但是,事实上,芭比却是美泰儿的[幸运之星],当美泰儿的玩具销售不佳时,芭比的业绩却异军突起、蒸蒸日上,带动了整个市场的买气。可以这么说,芭比这个美艳的[女英雄],拯救了美泰儿公司,她带领着美泰儿[浴火重生]!时至今日,芭比完成了许多人的梦想,更深深地影响着我们,犹如美泰儿的广告词一般:有梦想的地方,就有芭比娃娃!为芭比娃娃选购衣服提到芭比娃娃,就不能不提一下芭比娃娃身上各种款式的衣服。42年来,芭比始终保持着青春、亮丽的形象,曲线玲珑、光彩照人。美泰公司平均每年要推出90组芭比系列娃娃,为使芭比更加人性化,美泰专门为她设计了朋友、家人;芭比从事的职业也各种各样,她当过明星、教师、工程师、甚至兽医;而最让孩子们着迷的是,芭比有数不清的漂亮衣服。 据统计,自问世以来,芭比和她的朋友们一共穿过近10亿件衣服,芭比以其迷人的形象征服了全世界。芭比穿过的近10亿件衣服中,顶级设计师的作品也藏于其中。芭比娃娃妆1. 粉底液加入晶亮乳液营造肌肤透亮感(这种晶亮乳液可以涂于整脸上, 因它不会让脸变大而是从肌肤散发出来的光泽)----黑眼圈不必刻意掩盖,可用眼线笔朔造层次感 2. 用刷子刷上蜜粉.利用刷子刷蜜粉薄透度较高,如果用粉扑会遮盖透明感。使用晶亮蜜粉,带有珠光感: 紫色:适合偏健康肤色的人使用,因紫色与黄色是作互补,会让肌肤比较透亮 粉色:是近几年流行的趋势,粉色是介于白色与紫色的中间色,比较柔和。 白色:皮肤白皙的人如果希望让自己的皮肤看起来更亮更白的感觉,可用白色作修饰,或者可以在整个彩妆化完后打T字 3. 眼线---刷子沾防水眼线膏画,可画粗一点点。因为眼线是娃娃妆的一个重点。画眼线时尽量靠近睫毛根部。眼睛圆的人可以拉长一点眼线,眼睛细长型的人不要再拉长以细粗细的方式画 4. 眼线膏描绘在下睫毛根部,若害怕也可只画到睫毛的1/3处。不敢画下眼线的人可画眼尾一点点,会类似睫毛的浓密部分。 5. 眼窝抹上珍珠色眼影,可修饰眼周暗沉颜色。珍珠光眼影适合东方人,但不能打在眼窝边缘凹的位置,保持原有颜色是最适当的。东方人眼睛与眉毛距离较短,打亮眉骨时避免打在眼凹处。 6. 以银白色防水眼线笔画在眼头及下眼睑,让看起来下眼线黑白分明。 7. 避免下眼睑晕开及眼线笔不明显可再压一层亮白眼影粉,让其饱和度比较高。 8. 睫毛膏以Z字型刷法往上拉,包括下睫毛,睫毛要浓密而且有一根一根的感觉。睫毛稀疏的人适用浓密型睫毛膏或用打底睫毛膏打底。 9. 利用咖啡色眉粉淡淡刷出眉毛。眉笔画出的眉毛具有笔触,画完后用刷子刷开笔触。 10. 用淡紫色腮红制造好气色,腮红画在笑肌上,即眼睛下方的地方。使用珠光腮红让娃娃妆更可爱。 11. 使用肤色调口红为唇部打底,掩盖较深色唇部。 12. 在唇中央涂上珠光唇彩。自然唇色的画法:唇彩涂在上下唇的1/2处再往外推开,视觉上才会有樱桃小嘴介绍两种芭比娃娃1. 星辰公主芭比娃娃娃娃净身高为30cm(不包括底座),各个关节都可以活动,特别是膝关节,是内关节,而且手可以平展(可不是每一个娃娃都已做到的哦),高举。整个娃娃做工考究,娃娃本身的材质为高档软塑料,无毒无害。所以不管你是当礼物送人还是留在家里自己欣赏,都是一个不错的选择。娃娃包装完整,其中包括娃娃,衣服,鞋子,支架,皇冠!2. 美人鱼芭比娃娃娃娃净身高为30cm(不包括底座),各个关节都可以活动,特别是膝关节,是内关节,而且手可以平展(可不是每一个娃娃都已做到的哦),高举。整个娃娃做工考究,娃娃本身的材质为高档软塑料,无毒无害。所以不管你是当礼物送人还是留在家里自己欣赏,都是一个不错的选择。另外娃娃是音乐娃娃,背后有一个按钮,按一下会唱歌的,很可爱吧!包装完整,包括娃娃,衣服,支架。


芭比娃娃的英文全名是:Barbie Millicent Roberts59年最新玩具--芭比娃娃,外型姣好,流行少女模样,售价美金3块钱!”这是1959年3月9日,芭比娃娃新上市的广告词。词句简短扼要,没有太多的注解和形容,实在瞧不出这个娃娃有何特别。但是,万万想不到,四十年后,[芭比娃娃]竟成为一个专有名词,她所象征的文化意涵,以及遍及全球的影响力,迄今无人能出其右。在此希望通过本篇导购,能帮助到大家对芭比娃娃知识的了解以及对其产品的选购。芭比娃娃介绍芭比娃娃的出源自美泰儿公司老板娘露丝海德(RUTH HANDLER)的点子。那时,她看到女儿芭芭拉正在把玩当时流行的纸娃娃,兴味盎然地帮纸娃娃换衣服,换皮包...。露丝这才意识到,等女儿大一点时,她可能会需要一个立体的娃娃。于是,露丝仿造德国娃娃[莉莉](Lilli)的外型,创造了一个外型摩登,身材性感的小娃娃,并以自己女儿的小名[芭比]来命名。当露丝把芭比娃娃这个好点子,告诉丈夫及公司里的男性高级主管,起初并没有获得支持。这些人反对的理由是成本太高、造价太昂贵、消费者买不起等。不过露丝并没有退缩,在她的坚持下,美泰儿公司在1959年开始生产芭比。同年,他们在电视上推出了芭比的广告,电视上那个抬头挺胸,梳着马尾的少女[芭比],立刻掳获了孩子们的心,货架上的芭比娃娃,随即被孩子们一扫而空!虽然,芭比娃娃是那么的成功,但是,美泰儿公司在其他玩具上的投资并不顺利,甚至陷入财务危机,受此波及,芭比一度面临停产的命运。但是,事实上,芭比却是美泰儿的[幸运之星],当美泰儿的玩具销售不佳时,芭比的业绩却异军突起、蒸蒸日上,带动了整个市场的买气。可以这么说,芭比这个美艳的[女英雄],拯救了美泰儿公司,她带领着美泰儿[浴火重生]!时至今日,芭比完成了许多人的梦想,更深深地影响着我们,犹如美泰儿的广告词一般:有梦想的地方,就有芭比娃娃!为芭比娃娃选购衣服提到芭比娃娃,就不能不提一下芭比娃娃身上各种款式的衣服。42年来,芭比始终保持着青春、亮丽的形象,曲线玲珑、光彩照人。美泰公司平均每年要推出90组芭比系列娃娃,为使芭比更加人性化,美泰专门为她设计了朋友、家人;芭比从事的职业也各种各样,她当过明星、教师、工程师、甚至兽医;而最让孩子们着迷的是,芭比有数不清的漂亮衣服。 据统计,自问世以来,芭比和她的朋友们一共穿过近10亿件衣服,芭比以其迷人的形象征服了全世界。芭比穿过的近10亿件衣服中,顶级设计师的作品也藏于其中。芭比娃娃妆1. 粉底液加入晶亮乳液营造肌肤透亮感(这种晶亮乳液可以涂于整脸上, 因它不会让脸变大而是从肌肤散发出来的光泽)----黑眼圈不必刻意掩盖,可用眼线笔朔造层次感 2. 用刷子刷上蜜粉.利用刷子刷蜜粉薄透度较高,如果用粉扑会遮盖透明感。使用晶亮蜜粉,带有珠光感: 紫色:适合偏健康肤色的人使用,因紫色与黄色是作互补,会让肌肤比较透亮 粉色:是近几年流行的趋势,粉色是介于白色与紫色的中间色,比较柔和。 白色:皮肤白皙的人如果希望让自己的皮肤看起来更亮更白的感觉,可用白色作修饰,或者可以在整个彩妆化完后打T字 3. 眼线---刷子沾防水眼线膏画,可画粗一点点。因为眼线是娃娃妆的一个重点。画眼线时尽量靠近睫毛根部。眼睛圆的人可以拉长一点眼线,眼睛细长型的人不要再拉长以细粗细的方式画 4. 眼线膏描绘在下睫毛根部,若害怕也可只画到睫毛的1/3处。不敢画下眼线的人可画眼尾一点点,会类似睫毛的浓密部分。 5. 眼窝抹上珍珠色眼影,可修饰眼周暗沉颜色。珍珠光眼影适合东方人,但不能打在眼窝边缘凹的位置,保持原有颜色是最适当的。东方人眼睛与眉毛距离较短,打亮眉骨时避免打在眼凹处。 6. 以银白色防水眼线笔画在眼头及下眼睑,让看起来下眼线黑白分明。 7. 避免下眼睑晕开及眼线笔不明显可再压一层亮白眼影粉,让其饱和度比较高。 8. 睫毛膏以Z字型刷法往上拉,包括下睫毛,睫毛要浓密而且有一根一根的感觉。睫毛稀疏的人适用浓密型睫毛膏或用打底睫毛膏打底。 9. 利用咖啡色眉粉淡淡刷出眉毛。眉笔画出的眉毛具有笔触,画完后用刷子刷开笔触。 10. 用淡紫色腮红制造好气色,腮红画在笑肌上,即眼睛下方的地方。使用珠光腮红让娃娃妆更可爱。 11. 使用肤色调口红为唇部打底,掩盖较深色唇部。 12. 在唇中央涂上珠光唇彩。自然唇色的画法:唇彩涂在上下唇的1/2处再往外推开,视觉上才会有樱桃小嘴介绍两种芭比娃娃1. 星辰公主芭比娃娃娃娃净身高为30cm(不包括底座),各个关节都可以活动,特别是膝关节,是内关节,而且手可以平展(可不是每一个娃娃都已做到的哦),高举。整个娃娃做工考究,娃娃本身的材质为高档软塑料,无毒无害。所以不管你是当礼物送人还是留在家里自己欣赏,都是一个不错的选择。娃娃包装完整,其中包括娃娃,衣服,鞋子,支架,皇冠!2. 美人鱼芭比娃娃娃娃净身高为30cm(不包括底座),各个关节都可以活动,特别是膝关节,是内关节,而且手可以平展(可不是每一个娃娃都已做到的哦),高举。整个娃娃做工考究,娃娃本身的材质为高档软塑料,无毒无害。所以不管你是当礼物送人还是留在家里自己欣赏,都是一个不错的选择。另外娃娃是音乐娃娃,背后有一个按钮,按一下会唱歌的,很可爱吧!包装完整,包括娃娃,衣服,支架。


芭比娃娃(Barbie),是20世纪最广为人知及最畅销的玩偶,由露丝·汉德勒(Ruth Handler)发明,于1959年3月9日举办的美国国际玩具展览会(American International Toy Fair)上首次曝光,后发展成为世界玩具市场上畅销最久的玩具。芭比娃娃及其它相关配件是以一比六的比例制作,此比例为娃娃屋模型的最大号,也称为playscale。它的创立者露丝·汉德勒后创建了美泰玩具公司,成为美国最成功的女性企业家之一。英文名 BarbieMillicentRoberts






Barbie 芭比 Barbie doll 芭比娃娃





barbie芭比 的英文简介









Barbie美 ["bɑrbi] n. 芭比(女子名);芭比娃娃(商标名)短语Barbie Princess 芭比公主 ; 梦幻华丽芭比公主Malaysian Barbie 马来西亚芭比barbie school 芭比之公主学校Dueba Barbie 清萌 ; 珍珠黑 ; 芭比风信子 ; 甜美公主例句Then, in this class, I learned the story of Barbie . 在这个班上,我了解到了关于芭比的故事。扩展资料近义词barbie doll芭比娃娃;没有头脑的人;徒有其表的人短语Barbie Party Doll 方芭比娃娃Tokidoki Barbie Doll 淘奇多奇芭比娃娃Malibu barbie doll 芭比娃娃例句1、Which of the following statements is NOT true of the Barbie doll ? 下面哪一个有关芭比娃娃的陈述是不符合事实的?2、Queen Barbie doll is almost all girls, and even the adult female dolls preference. 皇后芭比娃娃几乎是所有女孩,甚至成年女性偏爱娃娃。


芭比的英文是:Bobby芭比诞生于1959年3月9日,是露丝·汉德勒创造的“虚拟人物”,最初只是一个金发玩具娃娃,随着社会和文化变迁不断推出新的品种,并衍生了家具、手机等,它成为一个品牌甚至文化现象。芭比出现于各种电视电影里,电影版芭比娃娃由环球影业发行,芭比娃娃和男朋友肯也出现在了2010年的迪士尼动画《玩具总动员3》里。进入21世纪,收藏芭比的热潮达到空前高涨,最酷的收藏版当属哈雷摩托系列,这时的芭比和肯都穿起哈雷摩托服,成为摩托车上的摇滚少年。扩展资料:芭比的中国之路2009年,即是芭比诞生50周年,芭比(Barbie)全球首家旗舰店在上海开幕。芭比品牌全球高级副总裁兼总经理Richard Dickson 认为,作为中国最现代最先进的城市,上海是设立首个旗舰店最理想的选择。上海这个国际大都市,其文化影响将渗透到全球。2011年年3月,芭比娃娃位于上海淮海中路的全球首家旗舰店宣布停业。泰芭比(上海)贸易有限公司总经理王峻枫强调,关闭这个旗舰店并不意味着对中国市场的弱化,只是今后,公司将会把更多的品牌经营重点放到深入各大城市的互动活动中,其中包括慈善活动。2015年美泰在中国深圳建立了在美国境外的第一个玩乐实验室,用来观察中国孩子们玩耍的过程。在家长们更重视学习的中国文化氛围中,美泰公司推出了新的小提琴独奏家芭比娃娃,售价为13美元左右。不过美泰公司并没有透露芭比娃娃在中国的销售数字。参考资料:百度百科-芭比参考资料:百度翻译-芭比


beauty Sculpt of jiangbin

建筑物的英文 比如shopping mall 啊

Hotei(宾馆) Train station(火车站) Police station(派出所) Bookshop(书店)Restaurant(饭店) Post office(邮局) TV station(电视台) Bark(银行)Market(市场) Cinema(电影院) Hospital(医院) Gym(健身房)Lab(实验室) Shopping centre(购物中心) Museum(博物馆) Children"s palace(少年宫)School(学校) Zoo(动物园) Shop(商店) Farm(农场)Park(公园) House(房子) Home(住宅) Heliport(直升飞机场)Monastery(修道院) Office(办公室) Mosque(清真寺) Moaruary(殡仪馆)Motel(汽车游客旅馆) Patent office(专利局) Piazza(广场) Planetarium(天文馆)Plant(工厂) plantation(种植园) plaza(广场) prison(监狱)Refectory(食堂) sanatorium(疗养院) stall(售货亭) library(图书馆)Super market(超市) bookstore(图书馆) dasemet(地下室) univer sity(中心大学)Town(城镇) village(村庄) cafe(咖啡店) uptown(住宅区)Viaduct(旱桥) ware house(仓俯) metropolis(大城市) master clock(母钟)Meadow(牧场) mansion(公寓大夏) locality(场所) locate(厕所)Lockup(拘留所) lockerromom(更衣室) kindergarten(幼儿园) kion(电影院)Kitchen(厨房) kiosk(书报亭) junk shop(旧货店) judicature(法庭)Grove(园林) Government(政府) Golf links(高尔夫球场) garrison(警卫部队)Gaol(监狱) funeral parlor(殡仪馆) foundry(涛造工厂) forge(铁匠房)Fishery(渔场) factory(工厂) embassy(大使馆) eden(乐园)Dungeon(土牢) donmitory(宿舍) Directorate(理事馆) Depot(车站)Den(私室) department(研究室) department(百货商店) courtyard(庭院)


hair salon

理发店英文的英文怎么说? 谢谢

hair salon


还有pre ...


超重的英文是superheavy。例句1. 超重的人有犯心脏病和中风的危险。People who are overweight run a risk of a heart attack or stroke.2. 他身体超重这一事实是无法回避的。There was no escaping the fact that he was overweight.3. 她只是超重几磅而已。She was only a few pounds overweight.4. 她成立了一个由超重儿童家长组成的互助会。She set up a self-help group for parents with overweight children.5. 即便只是稍微超重也会增加你患上高血压的风险。Being even moderately overweight increases your risk of developing high blood pressure.


Urban, city, or town planning is the discipline of land use planning which explores several aspects of the built and social environments of municipalities and communities. Other professions deal in more detail with a smaller scale of development, namely architecture, landscape architecture and urban design. Regional planning deals with a still larger environment, at a less detailed level.Another key role of urban planning is urban renewal, and re-generation of inner cities by adapting urban planning methods to existing cities suffering from long-term infrastructural decay.[1]Contents [hide]1 History of Planning 2 The Sustainable City 3 Aspects of Planning 3.1 Aesthetics 3.2 Safety 3.3 Slums 3.4 Reconstruction and Renewal 3.5 Transport 3.6 Suburbanization 3.7 Natural environment 4 Actors in the planning process 5 Books Seminal to Urban Planning 6 References 7 Further reading 8 See also 9 External links[edit] History of PlanningUrban planning as an organised profession has existed for less than a century, however most settlements and cities have displayed various degrees of forethought and conscious design in their layout and functioning.As agriculture replaced a nomadic existence, permanent human settlements, and larger settlements began to appear. These early cities became centres for trade, defence, and politics and as centres for distributing the agricultural surplus a settled farming society produces.Cities laid out with forethought and design permeate antiquity. Perhaps the earliest of these were those of the ancient Mesopotamian and Harrapan civilizations of the third century BCE.Ur located near the Euphrates and Tigris rivers in modern day Iraq and some ancient cities of the Indus Valley in modern day India are perhaps the earliest examples of deliberately planned and managed cities in history. The streets of these early cities were often paved and laid out at right angles in a grid pattern. There was also with a hierarchy of streets (commercial boulevards to small residential alleyways). In Harrapan settlements, archaeological evidence suggests the houses were laid out to protect from noise, odours, and thieves, and had their own wells, and sanitation. Ancient cities often had drainage, large granaries, and well-developed urban sanitation[2]The Greek Hippodamus (c. 408 BC) is widely considered the father of city planning in the West, for his design of Miletus; Alexander commissioned him to lay out Alexandria, the grandest example of idealized urban planning of the Mediterranean world, where regularity was aided in large part by its level site near a mouth of the Nile.The ancient Romans used a consolidated scheme for city planning, developed for military defence and civil convenience. The basic plan is a central plaza with city services, surrounded by a compact rectilinear grid of streets and wrapped in a wall for defence. To reduce travel times, two diagonal streets cross the square grid corner-to-corner, passing through the central square. A river usually flows through the city, to provide water and transport, and carry away sewage, even in sieges.[citation needed] Effectively, many European towns still preserve the essence of these schemes, as in Turin.The idea of rational planning collapsed with the idea of the res publica in the European Early Middle Ages. Round a fortress or fortified abbey or next to a Roman nucleus — sometimes itself abandoned— urban growth occurred "like the annular rings of a tree"[3] whether in an extended village or the center of a larger city. Since the new center was often on high, defensible ground, the city plan took on an organic character, following the irregularities of elevation contours like the shapes that result from agricultural terracing.The ideal centrally-planned urban space: Sposalizio by Raphael, 1504The ideal city resurfaced in the Early Renaissance in Florence, where the star-shaped city plan was adapted from the new cannon-resistant star fort. The star-shaped fortification had a formative influence on the patterning of Renaissance urban planning: "The Renaissance was hypnotized by one city type which for a century and a half— from Filarete to Scamozzi— was impressed upon utopian schemes: this is the star-shaped city"[4] Radial streets extend outward from a defined center of military, communal or spiritual power. Only in ideal cities did a centrally-planned structure stand at the heart, as in Raphael"s Sposalizio of 1504 (illustration); as built, the unique example of a rationally-planned quattrocento new city center, that of Vigevano, 1493-95, resembles a closed space instead, surrounded by arcading. Filarete"s ideal city, building on hints in Leone Battista Alberti"s De re aedificatoria, was named "Sforzinda" in compliment to his patron; its twelve-pointed shape, circumscribable by a "perfect" Pythagorean figure, the circle, takes no heed of its undulating terrain in Filarete"s manuscript.[5]The true heirs of Greek rational planning were the Muslims, who are thought to have originated the idea of formal zoning (see haram and hima and the more general notion of khalifa, or "stewardship" from which they arise),[citation needed] although modern usage in the West largely dates from the ideas of the Congrès Internationaux d"Architecture Moderne.Many cities in Central American civilizations also engineered urban planning in their cities including sewage systems and running water. Mexico-Tenochtitlan, was the capital of the Aztec empire, built on an island in Lake Texcoco in what is now the Federal District in central Mexico. At its height, Tenochtitlan was one of the largest cities in the world, with close to 250,000 inhabitants.[citation needed]During the last two centuries in the Western world (Western Europe, North America, Japan and Australasia) planning and architecture can be said to have gone through various stages of general consensus. Firstly there was the industrialised city of the 19th century, where control of building was largely held by businesses and the wealthy elite. Around the turn of the 20th century there began to be a movement for providing people, and factory workers in particular, with healthier environments. The concept of garden cities arose and some model towns were built, such as Letchworth and Welwyn Garden City the world"s first garden cities, in Hertfordshire, UK. However, these were principally small scale in size, typically dealing with only a few thousand residents.[6]It wasn"t until the 1920s when modernism began to surface. A modernist city was to be a sort of efficient, workable utopia. There were plans for large scale rebuilding of cities, such as Paris in France, though nothing major happened until the devastation caused by the Second World War. After this, some modernist buildings and communities were built. However they were cheaply constructed and became notorious for their social problems.[7]Modernism can be said to have ended in the 1970s when the construction of the cheap, uniform tower blocks ended in many countries, such as Britain and France. Since then many have been demolished and in their way more conventional housing has been built. Rather than making everything uniform and perfect, planning now concentrates on individualism and diversity in society and the economy. This is the post-modernist era.[8][edit] The Sustainable CitySustainable development has become some sort of a "buzz-word" in the planning industry, with the recognition that present ways of consumption and living have led to problems like the overuse of natural resources, ecosystem destruction, pollution, growing inequality in cities, the degradation of human living conditions and human-induced climate change. Planners have, as a result, taken to advocating for the development of sustainable cities.[9]However, the notion of sustainable development can be considered as rather recent and evolving, with many questions surrounding this concept.[10] That said, it is often not difficult to recognise what are "unsustainable" forms of lifestyles, and urban planning is recognised to play a crucial position in the development of sustainable cities.Stephen Wheeler, in his 1998 article, suggests a definition for sustainable urban development to be as "development that improves the long-term social and ecological health of cities and towns."[11]He goes on to suggest a framework that might help all to better understand what a "sustainable" city might look like. These include compact, efficient land use; less automobile use yet with better access; efficient resource use, less pollution and waste; the restoration of natural systems; good housing and living environments; a healthy social ecology; sustainable economics; community participation and involvement; and preservation of local culture and wisdom.[12]The difficult challenge facing planners comes with the implementation of sustainability visions, policy and programmes, and in the midst of doing so, the need to modify institutions to achieve these goals. This is still being worked out by urban planners.[edit] Aspects of Planning[edit] AestheticsThis article does not cite any references or sources.Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. (help, get involved!)Any material not supported by sources may be challenged and removed at any time.This article has been tagged since June 2006. Towns and cities have been planned with aesthetics in mind, here in Bath (England), 18th century private sector development was designed to appear attractive.In developed countries there has been a backlash against excessive man-made clutter in the environment, such as signposts, signs, and hoardings.[13] Other issues that generate strong debate amongst urban designers are tensions between peripheral growth, increased housing density and planned new settlements. There are also unending debates about the benefits of mixing tenures and land uses, versus the benefits of distinguishing geographic zones where different uses predominate.[14]Successful urban planning considers character, of "home" and "sense of place", local identity, respect for natural, artistic and historic heritage, an understanding of the "urban grain" or "townscape," pedestrians and other modes of traffic, utilities and natural hazards, such as flood zones.Some argue that the medieval piazza and arcade are the most widely appreciated elements of successful urban design, as demonstrated by the Italian cities of Siena and Bologna[citation needed].While it is rare that cities are planned from scratch, planners are important in managing the growth of cities, applying tools like zoning to manage the uses of land, and growth management to manage the pace of development. When examined historically, many of the cities now thought to be most beautiful are the result of dense, long lasting systems of prohibitions and guidance about building sizes, uses and features. These allowed substantial freedoms, yet enforce styles, safety, and often materials in practical ways. Many conventional planning techniques are being repackaged using the contemporary term, smart growth.There are some cities that have been planned from conception, and while the results often don"t turn out quite as planned, evidence of the initial plan often remains. (See List of planned cities)[edit] Safety The medieval walled city of Carcassonne in France is built upon high ground to provide maximum protection from attackers.Historically within the Middle East, Europe and the rest of the Old World settlements were located on higher ground (for defense) and close to fresh water sources[citation needed]. Cities have often grown onto coastal and flood plains at risk of floods and storm surges. Urban planners must consider these threats. If the dangers can be localised then the affected regions can be made into parkland or Greenbelt, often with the added benefit of open space provision.Extreme weather, flood, or other emergencies can often be greatly mitigated with secure emergency evacuation routes and emergency operations centres. These are relatively inexpensive and unintrusive, and many consider them a reasonable precaution for any urban space. Many cities will also have planned, built safety features, such as levees, retaining walls, and shelters.In recent years, practitioners have also been expected to maximize the accessibility of an area to people with different abilities, practicing the notion of "inclusive design," to anticipate criminal behaviour and consequently to "design-out crime" and to consider "traffic calming" or "pedestrianisation" as ways of making urban life more pleasant.City planning tries to control criminality with structures designed from theories such as socio-architecture or environmental determinism. These theories say that an urban environment can influence individuals" obedience to social rules. The theories often say that psychological pressure develops in more densely developed, unadorned areas. This stress causes some crimes and some use of illegal drugs. The antidote is usually more individual space and better, more beautiful design in place of functionalism.Oscar Newman"s defensible space theory cites the modernist housing projects of the 1960s as an example of environmental determinism, where large blocks of flats are surrounded by shared and disassociated public areas, which are hard for residents to identify with. As those on lower incomes cannot hire others to maintain public space such as security gu


文/源萌仙居记得在公司刚同国外人员交流时,有一次收到一位客户的邮件: 没经历世面的我第一反应就是,Terrible?! Terrify?!可怕还是震惊?!客户很不满意吗?!忐忑不安的我立刻查询各项数据,但依然没发现问题,无奈之下厚着脸皮去咨询资深同事。 “Susie,帮忙看下客户是不是对我们昨天提的方案很不满意?” 她拿着我电脑将邮件看了两三遍“没问题啊,客户不是挺满意的么?” “挺满意的?那为什么说Terrific?!” "Terrific不就是很好吗?跟Amazing、Excellent差不多!你不会不认识吧?"她疑惑地看着我。 “不好意思,看错了。。。谢谢指教!”脸颊一下子红了起来,灰溜溜地回到了位置上。上面这个小故事,是由总的词汇量不足引起的,也体现了对英文邮件中的常见用语的不清晰。 对外交流的词汇掌握不是把整个英汉词典背下来,首先应该熟悉交流中最常用的词汇、及使用方法,其次就是所在职业的专业术语,再逐步拓展。 今天就跟大家聊聊英文邮件中看似简单一致,却各有千秋的各类术语。对应的称呼方法很多,看似简单,但作为接收方,感受是不一样的。如何甄别与选择? 以实际交流沟通经验,及BBC等一些外文论坛,大致按如下区分: Dear**,是最正式的招呼方式,也是古老的,流传很长时间的一种开启方式,对于常规正式商业邮件而言,Dear**,是不失礼仪的一种方法。但是它也有一些缺点,首先就字面而言,“亲爱的”这样的称呼过于亲密,对于一些敏感人士而言并不受用,甚至被抵触。其次就是因为它过于传统过于正式,所以很多热爱自由,崇尚潮流的人也不喜欢它,感觉受到了拘谨。Dear Mr.**目前的确用得很少,Dear**,用得还是很多的。Hi/Hey/Hi**/Hello**,对于平级之间的同事、熟悉的贸易伙伴、不是特别亲密的朋友之间,最适合使用这类词语,活泼而不失尊重,亲切又不过于亲密,所以这也是使用频次最高的方法之一。三者区别并不大,Hi作为一种语气就有Hello的意思,而且相对简洁,重点给到后面名字,所以用得更多一些。如果想凸显打招呼这个动作,用Hello或Hey更合适,譬如Hello, Moto! Hello Kitty! Joe/Bush,这种表达方法非常直接,忽略对方这方面感受,如果你是个霸道总裁,或者不太care人际关系的人员或许适合使用。 Friend,适用于密友之间称呼,陌生人这样称呼可能是他并不清楚该如何称呼你才使用,你应该也会觉得很别扭。【Part 2:承接Connectives】称呼下方通常就是邮件的主体,如果说将称呼看作“头”,邮件核心段落看作“身躯”的话,那么它们之间往往还有一个“脖子”将两者相连,而且这句话还 承接着对历史邮件或事务的点评作用 。 当然没有历史邮件,一件全新的Case,有时也会有如上的寒暄性的语句,希望一切顺利! 如果事情已经完美落幕,或者阶段性突破,就可以使用前面故事里提到的这些肯定性语句,干得漂亮! 如果对于你提的问题,对方很快给了答复,可以使用如上回复,以表达对对方态度的谢意。 对于自己回复对方不及时,或对方回复的邮件看上去还不太理解你的意思,你得委婉地表达歉意。 当然如果你期待对方能有所行动,而又希望态度委婉一点,通常可用I am wondering if句型(我想知道…)进行提问。 如果自己能力有限需要其他人或团队支援,加到对话列表中,通常在正文里需要提及一下,一方面尊重支援的人,另一方面支援人员会根据你的引出进行帮助解决,而且邮件接受方也会知道这些人为什么会突然冒出来。。。作为工具控,我自然不会放过能直观体现用法的图表。如上图(借鉴于网络,其实很快自己在PPT或表格中做一个更全面的),大家可以很清晰地看出各个场景下结束语的使用方法。 Thanks作为结尾在任何情况下都无可厚非,无论是赞赏、提问、请求或者抱怨,最后留一句Thanks即表达一种长期合作的伙伴关系。Regards表示一种问候,在不加修饰性副词或缩写的情况下,它表达了一种温和友谊式的问候,也是比较常用的结语词。两者对应的缩写Thx/Rgs最好是对熟悉的不介意你的人使用,否则反而起到相反的效果。Best**体现出一种程度,真诚,老铁般的存在。但是很多人反感有人将Best wishes或My best作为固定结尾语(新建或回复邮件时自动产生),这很明显是一种不真诚的体现,给人以言不由衷的感觉。 这个系列是给到非常亲切的伙伴或亲人的,里面程度也会有所差异,Love更适合家人,Take care是一种贴切的关照,表情;-)体现了一种默契和放松,See you体现了一种face to face的期待。。。Looking forward 也是期待(相见)的意思,正常全句意思为“I am looking forward to seeing you!” 记得中学期间标准的书信格式结尾就是加Yours**/Sincerely,所以加这两个也无大碍,但现在用得已经不太多了,体现了一种真诚和尊重,类似于过去中文书信中的“此致敬礼”。 怎么样,看似简简单单的词句是不是套路很深,不过用多了也就习惯了,你的地球村小伙伴也会见证你的成长,称赞你的专业的!:)


吓的英文是intimidate。短语搭配:intimidate into:恫吓使之。intimidate:formidably:令人生畏地恐吓。intimidate U:恐吓。compound intimidate:复合胁迫。mix intimidate:混合料压实。intimidate e:威胁,恐吓,胁迫,威逼。to intimidate:威骇,威迫,威吓。intimidate ferociously:凶恶地恐吓。terrify intimidate:恐吓。双语例句:1、The boss intimidate to fire him, but it is only a threat.老板威胁说要解雇他,但这不过是恐吓而已。2、It"s no use to him no matter intimidate or talking reason.无论是恐吓还是讲道理对他都不起作用。3、I"m not saying this to intimidate you.我这么说不是想吓你,是为你着想。4、Our teacher`s are not here to intimidate the students.我们的老师不是在这里威胁学生。5、They have no law to stop you, so they"re just trying to intimidate you.他们用法律阻止不了你,就只有恐吓你了。




camouflage[5kAmuflB:V]v.伪装n.伪装camouflage[5kAmuflB:V]n.【军】伪装; 伪装器材隐瞒, 掩饰[喻]幌子under[behind]the camouflage of在...的掩盖[伪装]下camouflage[5kAmuflB:V]vt.伪装, 掩饰; 欺骗camouflage ships by painting them gray将船涂上灰色以便伪装camouflage[5kAmuflB:V]vi.采取伪装手段; 隐藏We camouflaged in the bushes and no one saw us.我们隐藏在灌木丛中没有被人发现。electronic camouflage电子伪装radar camouflage防雷达伪装




翻译如下:没有规则,不成方圆No rules, No success


任务完成的英文是:Mission Accomplished。重点词汇: Accomplishedadj. 完成的;熟练的,有技巧的;有修养的;有学问的短语Mission accomplished 功成身退 ; 任务完成 ; 使命完成 ; 我们最喜欢的词眼儿accomplished crime 既遂犯 ; 详细翻译highly accomplished 多才多艺 ; 花语多才多艺 ; 详细翻译同根词词根: accomplishadj.accomplishable 可完成的;可达成的n.accomplishment 成就;完成;技艺,技能vt.accomplish 完成;实现;达到




客服人员简明释义:customer service staffsupport staff [财] 信贷支持人员 Customer service personnel短语模拟客服人员 Tech Support客服人员绩效数据 Agent Performance Data英语客服人员 customer service representative日本语客服人员 Share Service Center Hangzhou拓展资料双语例句1、如果您需要高质量的专业彩色激光打印标签服务,请联系凝睿电子客服人员。If you need high quality and professional color label customize, please contact us.2、为将来的维护和客服人员撰写文档,解释清楚系统是怎么运行的。Document how the application works for future support staff and people performing maintenance.3、我是天津乾宏科技发展有限公司的客服人员。I am that grand Tianjin Qian science and technology develops Ltd."s visitor being convinced by a personnel.4、手机还拥有一项Mayday服务,能够提供技术支持,让用户与客服人员进行视频通话。The phone also includes Mayday, a tech support feature that connects users via video stream to support staff.5、现我司因业务发展需要,拟招聘客服人员一名。Barrington is now searching for a Customer Service Representative.

的英文怎么说? 要有accompany这个单词

<谁能陪伴我>的英文怎么说? 要有acpany这个单词 Who can acpany me? 陪伴我 英文怎么说 be with me stand by me 我好寂寞谁来陪伴我 的英文怎么说 我好寂寞谁来陪伴我 英文翻译 I am so lonely who will acpany me 主耶稣陪伴我英文怎么说? God acpanies with me. 陪伴英文怎么说 acpany直接加名词,意思为陪伴某人 keep *** . pany也是陪伴的意思; 回答完毕,你看可以不,可以的话,请选为满意答案。希望对你有所帮助,如有疑问,请指出! 希望你学习进步,天天开心! acpany 法语单词陪伴怎么说 acpagner陪伴 acpagner qn. 陪伴某人参观某地 谁能陪伴我度过一生翻译成英语怎么说 Who can live with me for the whole life 一满口水英文怎么说 要有mouth这个单词 你好,很高兴在这里回答你的问题: . . . . a full mouth of water


Martin Luther King, Jr.In the early 1960s King led SCLC in a series of protest campaigns that gained national attention. The first was in 1961 in Albany, Georgia, where SCLC joined local demonstrations against segregated restaurants, hotels, transit, and housing. SCLC increased the size of the demonstrations in an effort to create so much dissent and disorder that local white officials would be forced to end segregation to restore normal business relations. The strategy did not work in Albany. During months of protests, Albany"s police chief jailed hundreds of demonstrators without visible police violence. Eventually the protesters" energy, and the money to bail out protesters, ran out.The strategy did work, however, in Birmingham, Alabama, when SCLC joined a local protest during the spring of 1963. The protest was led by SCLC member Fred Shuttlesworth, one of the ministers who had worked with King in 1957 in organizing SCLC. Shuttlesworth believed that the Birmingham police commissioner, Eugene “Bull” Connor, would meet protesters with violence. In May 1963 King and his SCLC staff escalated antisegregation marches in Birmingham by encouraging teenagers and school children to join. Hundreds of singing children filled the streets of downtown Birmingham, angering Connor, who sent police officers with attack dogs and firefighters with high-pressure water hoses against the marchers. Scenes of young protesters being attacked by dogs and pinned against buildings by torrents of water from fire hoses were shown in newspapers and on televisions around the world.During the demonstrations, King was arrested and sent to jail. He wrote a letter from his jail cell to local clergymen who had criticized him for creating disorder in the city. His “Letter from Birmingham Jail,” which argued that individuals had the moral right and responsibility to disobey unjust laws, was widely read at the time and added to King"s standing as a moral leader.National reaction to the Birmingham violence built support for the struggle for black civil rights. The demonstrations forced white leaders to negotiate an end to some forms of segregation in Birmingham. Even more important, the protests encouraged many Americans to support national legislation against segregation.I Have a DreamKing and other black leaders organized the 1963 March on Washington, a massive protest in Washington, D.C., for jobs and civil rights. On August 28, 1963, King delivered a stirring address to an audience of more than 200,000 civil rights supporters. His “I Have a Dream” speech expressed the hopes of the civil rights movement in oratory as moving as any in American history: “I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: ‘We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal." … I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.”The speech and the march built on the Birmingham demonstrations to create the political momentum that resulted in the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which prohibited segregation in public accommodations, as well as discrimination in education and employment. As a result of King"s effectiveness as a leader of the American civil rights movement and his highly visible moral stance he was awarded the 1964 Nobel Prize for peace.


American attractions美国名胜American attractions美国名胜


1、自知不自见,自爱不自贵。 It does not see itself, not from your love. 2、敦厚温和的性情是产生于自爱,而偏执妒忌的性情是产生于自私。 Honest and gentle temper is produced in the self love, jealousy and paranoia is produced in the selfish nature. 3、没有如果的如果,过去的就过去吧! If not, if the past is over! 4、我是属于你的,永远永远,直到老死的那一天。 I belong to you, forever, until the day of death. 5、一个人最大的缺点不是自私、多情、野蛮、任性,而是偏执地爱一个不爱自己的人。 The greatest disadvantage of a person is not selfish, passionate, brutal, self willed, but a paranoid love do not love their own people. 6、自我热爱是一种最微妙的感情,比世界上最敏感的人还要敏感。 Self love is one of the most subtle feelings, more sensitive than the world"s most sensitive people. 7、当爱情一点点侵占你的生命,请你,千万别忘记,留一点爱,给自己。 When the love of your life, please, please don"t forget to leave a little love, give yourself. 8、爱一个人,你是会自爱的。 Love a person, love yourself. 9、爱自己才能更好的爱父母,爱自己才能更好的爱妻子,爱自己才能更好的爱工作,爱自己才能更好的追求兴趣。爱自己才能普撒爱的因子关爱世人! Love their own to better love their parents, love their own to better love their wives, love themselves to better love the work, love their own to better pursue interest. To love oneself is to love and to love! 10、人活着是一出悲剧,而悲剧的根源是人拥有思想。 Man alive is a tragedy, and the root of the tragedy is that people have the idea. 11、自爱是人生漫长浪漫史的开端。 Love is the beginning of a life long romance. 12、唇边还在回味你的甜蜜,心里的阴霾却已一扫而空。 The lips are still with your sweet heart, has swept away the haze. 13、如果可以,我希望逃离。 If I can, I want to escape. 14、这就是我独断的爱,你一辈子也别想挣脱的爱。 This is my one love, you don"t want to get rid of love. 15、女人是本书,当你看了里面的内容就会心中一颤,想要探究的明明白白。你在多次翻阅后又能咋样?其实女人是一本永远也让你读不懂的书! Woman is a book, when you see the contents inside the heart will want to explore as clear as noonday. How can you do it after reading many times? In fact, the woman is a book that you can never read! 16、不要为我难过,我会开心你的心里永远记得我。 Don"t be sad for me, I"ll be happy. 17、万花谷里逐芳尘,自爱翩跹粉泽新。 Flowers in the valley by Fang Ze new powder dust, love fantasy. 18、对于这个世界来说,你只是渺小的一个人,而对于他来说,你就是整个世界。 To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world. 19、爱是不会老的,它留着的是永恒的火焰与不灭的光辉,世界的存在,就以它为养料。 Love is not old, it is to keep an eternal flame and eternal light, the existence of the world, takes it as nourishment. 20、我谈过最长的恋爱,就是自恋,我爱自己,没有情敌。 I talked about love, the longest is narcissistic, I love myself, without a rival. 21、感动天,感动地,你可知道我的情意。郎有情,妾有意,我俩一起拜天地。你织布,我耕地,今后的日子甜如蜜! Moving day, moved, you know my feelings. Lang affectionate, concubine intention, we worship heaven and earth together. You weave the cloth, I plant the land, the future is sweet as honey! 22、聪明女人为别人而活,更为自己而活,她们绝不会把一切的一切全部地投注到一个男人或孩子的身上,她们知道怎样活出自己的价值。 Smart women live for others, and live for themselves, they will not have to put all the things on a man or a child, who know how to live their own value. 23、你站在太阳下,阳光在你的身上添上了大人的羽翼。我蹲在原地望着你,看不清你的表情,只听见翅膀的扑散的声音。 You stand in the sun, the sun in your body with adult wings. I squatted in situ looking at you, you can not see the exPssion, only to hear the flutter of wings flutter. 24、什么是爱情?爱情就是为了让自己的爱人生活的更好而去默默地奉献。 What is love? Love is to let the love of their own life better and silently dedication. 25、热爱自己的祖国是理所当然的事。 To love one"s country is a matter of course. 26、已经错失的好男人不要去后悔,他们不属于你,于是你要睁大眼睛再找一个。 The good men who have missed, don"t regret, they don"t belong to you, so you have to open your eyes and look for one. 27、爱惜芳心莫轻吐,且教桃李闹春风。 Cherish the heart Mo light spit, and teach students a spring breeze. 28、你孤独,是因为你无法爱自己。 You are lonely, because you can not love yourself. 29、既然自己已经习惯了不爱自己,那就找个人来爱自己;既然没有人来爱自己,那就自己学会爱自己。 Now that they have been accustomed to do not love themselves, then find someone to love themselves; since no one to love themselves, then learn to love yourself. 30、你可以去爱一个男人,但是不要把自己的全部都赔进去。没有男人值得你用生命去讨好。你若不爱自己,怎么能让别人爱你? You can love a man, but don"t lose all of them. No man is worth your life to please. If you don"t love yourself, how can you let others love you? 31、在你面前,我藏起我的忧郁。只是为了看你开怀的笑容,听你毫无保留的笑声。知道吗?你的快乐就是我的笑。 In front of you, I hide my blue. Just to see you smile, listen to your unreserved laughter. Do you know? Your happiness is my smile. 32、亲爱的,出去玩累了、受伤了的话就回来吧,我还在这里等你。 Dear, go out to play tired, injured, then come back, I"m still here waiting for you. 33、要相信自己,善待自己,让自己的生活精彩纷呈。不要误认为是要让某个人后悔,而是为了让自己的人生更精彩。 Believe in yourself, be kind to yourself and make your life colorful. Do not mistakenly think that is to let a person regret, but in order to make their life more exciting. 34、聪明女人心中燃烧着爱的火焰,但这种爱并不是肆意蔓延的,每一份爱都有它自己的方向和温度。首先她们懂得爱自己,一个不爱自己的女人更不可能好好地去爱别人。 The flame of love is burning in the heart of a wise woman, but this love is not sPad by itself. Every love has its own direction and temperature. First of all, they know how to love themselves, a woman who does not love her is more likely to love others. 35、如我,最多花开寂寞,终无人喝彩。 Such as me, most flowers lonely, no one cheers. 36、女孩,会因为你的爱而变得更加美丽。 Girl, you will be more beautiful because of your love. 37、能使人知己、爱己者,未有不能知人、爱人者也。 People can make friends, love yourself, not knowing, the lover is not. 38、这份脱离尘世的爱,不仅温润了我,同样温润了万丈红尘。 From this earthly love, not only my warm and moist, the same lofty red dust. 39、听自己的歌,写自己的文字,笑着仰望自己的天空,习惯眼泪不自觉的滚落面颊。 Listen to their songs, write your own text, smiled at own sky, do not consciously tears rolled down her cheeks habit. 40、完成工作的方法是爱惜每一分钟。 The way to get the job done is to cherish every minute. 41、每个人都不例外,他最亲密的朋友就是他自己。试想如果作为恋人、妻子的你都不爱自己的话,那么你有什么理由期待你的男人还爱着你。 Everyone is no exception, his closest friend is himself. If you don"t love yourself as a lover or wife, why do you expect your man to love you?. 42、只有不成熟的男人,永远没有不成熟的女人。 There is no mature man, never an immature woman. 43、永远不要无休止的围着你喜欢的那个男人转,尽管你喜欢得他快要掏心掏肺的死掉了,也还是要学着给他空间,否则,你要小心缠得太紧勒死了他。 Never chase the man you love to love you, even though he is going to die of the heart, we should also learn to give him space, otherwise, you have to be careful too tangle strangled him. 44、爱自己,才是王道,疼自己,才是真理,疼爱自己,才是最幸福的。 Love yourself, is benevolent, hurt yourself, is the truth, love, is the most happy. 45、当一个男人对你说:分手吧。请不要哭泣和流泪,应该笑着说:等你说这话很久了。然后转身走掉。 When a man says to you: break up. Please don"t cry and cry, you should smile and say: wait for you to say this for a long time. Then turn away. 46、如果你爱一个人,先要使自己现在或将来百分之百的值得他爱,至于他爱不爱你,那是他的事,你可以如此希望,但不必勉强去追求。 If you love someone, make sure that you are worth one hundred percent of them now or in the future. As long as he doesn"t love you, that"s his thing. 47、我想好好的爱自己,却没能力去寻个爱自己的空隙。 I want to love myself, but can not find a love of their own space. 48、如果可以不抽烟,别抽。如果可以不喝酒,别喝。再郁闷也不要去泡酒吧。一个孤独的女子手握高脚杯或者抽烟,会更添寂寞感与忧伤。 If you can not smoke, do not smoke. If you can not drink, do not drink. And don"t go to the bar. A lonely woman holding a goblet or smoking, will add a sense of loneliness and sadness. 49、清泉自爱江湖去,流出红墙便不还。 Spring love arena, is also out of the red walls. 50、这个世界多美好,取决于我们有多爱自己。 How beautiful the world is, depends on how much we love ourselves. 51、那些从不愿收回自己意见的人,爱自己甚至于爱真理。 Those who do not want to withdraw their views, love themselves and even love the truth. 52、常常以为自己痛苦,事过境迁才知道当时是幸福的。更多时候我是回忆幸福,而不是感觉正在拥有。 Often think of your own pain, just know that happiness is over. More often than not I"m feeling happy, not feeling. 53、女人只有经过生活与时光流水般的打磨,才会悟出生命的宗旨;女人只有历过艰辛、伤害、心碎、泪水才能领略爱情的精髓。 Only after the life and time of life, like the water, will be able to understand the purpose of life; women only through hardships, injury, heartbreak, tears can apPciate the essence of love. 54、学会好好爱自己,因为你不爱自己,没有人会更爱你。 Learn to love yourself, because you don"t love yourself, no one will love you more. 55、窗外雪花纷飞,向你敞开心扉,试问如此爱你,世上舍我其谁! The snow outside the window, open your heart to you, we love you so much, the world now! 56、千万不要在那些愿意在你身上花费时间的人而去浪费你自己的时间。 Don"t waste your time on a man / woman, who isn"t willing to waste their time on you. 57、还以为自己会天长地久地保留那份情,原来,都只是命运对青春年少开的玩笑。 Thought I would love to keep enduring as the universe, originally, just the fate of youth joke. 58、你们一直在离我远去,或者,你们从来没有靠近。 You"ve been away from me, or you"ve never been near. 59、爱是女人出行的勇气,爱是女人凝视的星星,爱是女人航行的罗盘。 Love is the courage of a woman to travel, love is a woman staring at the stars, love is a woman navigation compass. 60、不爱自己国家的人,什么也不会爱。 He who does not love his country will not love anything. 61、只要把自爱之心扩大到爱别人,我们就可以把自爱变为美德,这种美德,在任何一个人的心中都是可以找得到它的根底的。 As long as the heart of love to love others, we can put love into virtue, the virtue, in any one person"s heart is can find its foundation. 62、才发觉根本没什么东西会是永远的,就像天空不是鹅黄的,就像不会不丢弃单车,就像不会一直穿穿球鞋,就像不能一直像最初那样纯粹! Found no what things would be forever, like the sky is yellow, like not discarded bicycles, like not always wear shoes, like not always as original as pure! 63、真正的爱情,是在爱的时候懂得珍惜;无法爱的时候,懂得放弃。 True love is when you know how to cherish in love, when you can"t love, you know how to give up. 64、对你不喜欢的追求者的示好和关心坚定的说不和拒绝。即使他说,这不关你的事。 No love for you when he courting and refused to say. Even if he says, it"s none of your business. 65、既然曾经拥有过,就不要哭泣,微笑着将这段经历藏在心底吧。 Now that you have had it, don"t cry, smile and hide it in your heart. 66、与其等到别人来爱你,不如自己学着努力多爱自己一些,如果今天的你没有比昨天更喜欢自己,那明天对你来说又有什么意义呢? It"s better to try hard to love yourself more than to wait someone to love u. if today you don"t like yourself more than yesterday, so what"s the meaning of tomorrow? 67、感情不过是多种形式的自爱。 The sentiment is the various forms of self love. 68、生气时别用不吃饭伤害自己,悲伤时别用不睡觉来折磨自己,要好好照顾自己爱自己,自己的身体不珍惜等谁珍惜。 When you are angry, don"t hurt yourself by not eating. Don"t use your sleep when you are sad. You should take good care of yourself. 69、如果一个人从来没有尝过忧伤的滋味,那他也不可能会感受到幸福。 If a person has never tasted the taste of sorrow, then he will not be able to feel the happiness. 70、其实不管你爱过多少人,不管你爱的多么快乐或痛苦,到最后你不是学会了怎样去爱,而是学会了怎样爱自己。 In fact, no matter how many people you love, no matter how happy or painful you love, in the end you have not learned how to love, but learned how to love yourself. 71、女人唯一要做的就是多爱自己,爱自己的容颜,爱自己的个性,爱自己的自由,有棱有角的女人才更富有生气! The only woman to do is to love yourself, love your appearance, love your personality, love their freedom, and the woman is more energetic! 72、才知道,那份阳光的笑脸是对这个世界的面具,心底藏着的爱,腐烂成茶渍,是那样的狰狞,那样的罪恶。 I know, the sunshine smile is the world"s mask, hidden in the heart of love, is so rotten into tea, ferocious, so evil. 73、爱情是两个亲密的灵魂在生活及忠实,善良,美丽事物方面的和谐与默契。 Love is the harmony and understanding of two intimate souls in life and faithfulness, kindness and beauty. 74、人不自爱,则无所不为;过于自爱,则一无所为。 People do not love, will do anything; too is not for love. 75、每天打扮的优雅从容出门,给自己带上不同的笑容。女子25岁后,要学会保养自己的皮肤。 Every day elegant dress calmly go out, to bring their own different smile. After 25 years of age, women should learn to protect their skin. 76、自恋,是因为既然没有别有人愿意爱自己,那就自己爱自己,相信一样也会很幸福吧! Narcissism, because no one is willing to love their own, it is their own love, I believe it will be very happy! 77、你们是注定,我是偶然。 You are doomed, I am accidental. 78、自尊自爱,作为一种力求完善的动力,却是一切伟大事业的渊源。 As a kind of self-esteem, strive to improve the power source is all great cause. 79、恍然之间发觉了你的蜕变。 You suddenly found the transformation between. 80、任何时候,不要为一个负心的男人伤心,女子更要懂得,伤心,最终伤的是自己的心。如果那个男人是无情的,你更是伤不到他的心,所以,收拾悲伤,好好生活。 At any time, not a sad ungrateful men, women should know that sad, ultimately hurt their own heart. If the man is ruthless, you are not hurt his heart, so, clean up the sadness, a good life. ;


无意的英文: inadvertent accidental 参考例句: Don"t get hot under the collar. I didn"t mean to offend you. 别发火,我本无意冒犯你。This IATF Guidance document is not intended for certification or for contractual purposes 该IATF指南无意用于认证或合同目的.An inadvertent insult 无意的侮辱Isn"t interested in proceeding further 无意进行He had no intention of coming to see me. 他无意来看我。Gao Xingjian"s writing is free of any kind of complaisance, even to good will 他无意当一个救世主。Not intended;unintentional. 并非蓄意的;无意的I have no intension of changing my mind. 我无意改变主意。I have no intention of disclosing their names. 我无意泄露他们的姓名。We have no intention of intervening in the internal affairs of other countries. 我们无意干涉别国内政。inadvertent是什么意思: adj. 粗心大意的,因疏忽造成的.,非故意的 I inadvertently pressed the wrong button. 我一疏忽按错了按钮。The student inadvertently transposed the e and the i in “weird”. 学生误将weird中的e和i次序写颠倒了。An inadvertent agricultural policy miscalculation can also be costly. 农业政策上一个无意的失误,也会招致昂贵代价。Many people inadvertently transpose digits of the ZIP code. 很多人疏忽之下会颠倒邮政编码中数字的顺序。An inadvertent inquiry would have brought us into troubled waters. 一次调查不当心,就会使我们陷入混乱局面。accidental是什么意思: adj. 意外的;偶然的;附属的,附带的 n. 非主要特性,非本质属性,次要方面 His rudeness was conscious, not accidental. 他的粗暴无礼是故意的,不是偶然的。an accidental misstep threatening (or causing) a fall. 会导致摔倒的意外失足。 Even their agonies have an accidental effect of clownishness 即便是他们的极度痛苦地带有一种滑稽的意味。She accidentally knocked the glass off. 她不小心把玻璃杯碰掉了。Bad man,the accidental,noble outlaw. 有坏人啦,出人意料的逃。


by accident1、读音英[baɪ ˈæksɪdənt];美[baɪ ˈæksɪdənt]    2、例句We met by accident at the airport. 我们在机场不期而遇。accident的用法1、释义事故;意外;偶然;造化2、例句His left knee was hurt in a traffic accident.他的左膝在一次交通事故中受伤了。3、短语avoid an accident 避免事故bring about an accident 造成事故cause an accident 酿成事故create an accident 造成事故




Abagael 艾碧盖尔 渴望和别人接触,虽然有时会遭遇到困苦,但仍然喜欢尝试新的体验.反应灵敏,多才多艺,情绪不太稳定.喜欢变化,讨厌一成不变的生活.虽然看来充满自信,但其实对自己很不满意.Abagail 艾碧盖尔 渴望和别人接触,虽然有时会遭遇到困苦,但仍然喜欢尝试新的体验.反应灵敏,多才多艺,情绪不太稳定.喜欢变化,讨厌一成不变的生活.虽然看来充满自信,但其实对自己很不满意.Abbe 阿贝 在处理有关经济和物质的事物中有很强的责任感.不管做什么都有决心获得成功.有能力,适合担任领导的职位.喜欢稳定的,已经习惯了的,良好的环境.有很强的支配别人的欲望.适合性别:女来源:希伯来; 现代英语相关名人:Abbe Lane (生于 1932) 美国歌手和演员。Abbey 艾贝 在处理有关经济和物质的事物中有很强的责任感.不管做什么都有决心获得成功.有能力,适合担任领导的职位.喜欢稳定的,已经习惯了的,良好的环境.有很强的支配别人的欲望.适合性别:女Abbi 艾比 在处理有关经济和物质的事物中有很强的责任感.不管做什么都有决心获得成功.有能力,适合担任领导的职位.喜欢稳定的,已经习惯了的,良好的环境.有很强的支配别人的欲望.


Westminster Abbey

急求:“威斯敏斯特教堂(Westminster Abbey)”的英文简介

Westminster Abbey - A Brief History Introduction to Westminster Abbey An architectural masterpiece of the 13th to 16th centuries, Westminster Abbey also presents a unique pageant of British history – the shrine of St Edward the Confessor, the tombs of kings and queens, and countless memorials to the famous and the great. It has been the setting for every Coronation since 1066 and for numerous other royal occasions. Today it is still a church dedicated to regular worship and to the celebration of great events in the life of the nation. Neither a cathedral nor a parish church, Westminster Abbey is a “Royal Peculiar” under the jurisdiction of a Dean and Chapter, subject only to the Sovereign. Westminster Abbey, a work of architectural genius, a place of daily worship, deploying the resources of high musical expertise, a burial place of kings, statesmen, poets, scientists, warriors and musicians, is the result of a process of development across the centuries, which represents the response of a monastery and later a post-Reformation church to the stimulus and challenge of its environment. In the 1040s King Edward (later St Edward the Confessor), last of the Anglo-Saxon kings, established his royal palace by the banks of the river Thames on land known as Thorney Island. Close by was a small Benedictine monastery founded under the patronage of King Edgar and St Dunstan around 960 AD. This monastery Edward chose to re-endow and greatly enlarge, building a large stone church in honour of St Peter the Apostle. This church became known as the “west minster” to distinguish it from St Paul"s Cathedral (the east minster) in the City of London. Unfortunately, when the new church was consecrated on 28 December 1065 the King was too ill to attend and died a few days later. His mortal remains were entombed in front of the High Altar. The only traces of this Norman monastery are to be found in the round arches and massive supporting columns of the Undercroft in the Cloisters. This now houses the Abbey Museum but was originally part of the domestic quarters of the monks. Among the most significant ceremonies that occurred in the Norman Abbey were the coronation of William the Conqueror on Christmas day 1066, and the “translation” or moving of King Edward"s body to a new tomb a few years after his canonisation in 1161. Edward"s Abbey survived for two centuries until the middle of the 13th century when King Henry III decided to rebuild it in the new Gothic style of architecture. It was a great age for cathedrals: in France it saw the construction of Amiens, Evreux and Chartres and in England Canterbury, Winchester and Salisbury, to mention a few. Under the decree of the King of England, Westminster Abbey was designed to be not only a great monastery and place of worship, but also a place for the coronation and burial of monarchs. Every monarch since William the Conqueror, with the exception of Edward V and Edward VIII who were never crowned, has been crowned in the Abbey. It was natural that Henry III should wish to translate the body of the saintly Edward the Confessor into a more magnificent tomb behind the High Altar. This shrine survives and around it are buried a cluster of medieval kings and their consorts including Henry III, Edward I and Eleanor of Castile, Edward III and Philippa of Hainault, Richard II and Anne of Bohemia and Henry V. The Abbey contains some 600 monuments and wall tablets – the most important collection of monumental sculpture anywhere in the country - and over three thousand people are buried here. Notable among these is the Unknown Warrior, whose grave, close to the west door, has become a place of pilgrimage. A remarkable new addition to the Abbey was the glorious Lady chapel built by King Henry VII, first of the Tudor monarchs, which now bears his name. The chapel has a spectacular fan-vaulted roof and the craftsmanship of Italian sculptor Torrigiano can be seen in Henry"s fine tomb. The banners of the Knights of the Order of the Bath, which surround the walls, together with the Battle of Britain window by Hugh Easton at the east end, give colour to this chapel. Two centuries later a further addition was made to the Abbey when the western towers (left unfinished from medieval times) were completed, to a design by Nicholas Hawksmoor. Little remains of the original medieval stained glass, once one of the Abbey"s chief glories. The great west window and the rose window in the north transept date from the early 18th century but the remainder of the glass dates from the 19th century onwards. History did not cease with the passing of the medieval monastery in 1540. Queen Elizabeth I, buried in one of the aisles of Henry VII"s chapel, refounded the Abbey in 1560 as a Collegiate Church, a Royal Peculiar exempt from the jurisdiction of bishops and with the Sovereign as its Visitor. In place of the monastic community a collegiate body of a dean and prebendaries, minor canons and a lay staff was established and charged with the task of continuing the tradition of daily worship (for which a musical foundation of choristers, singing men and organist was provided) and with the education of forty Scholars who formed the nucleus of what is now Westminster School (one of the country"s leading independent schools). In addition the Dean and Chapter were responsible for much of the civil government of Westminster, a role which was only fully relinquished in the early 20th century. Thus the Abbey was reshaped and newly patterned to discharge a distinctive yet worshipful role in a modern age. Still today, a daily pattern of worship is offered to the Glory of God. Special services, representative of a wide spread of interest and social concern, are held regularly. In 1965-66 the Abbey celebrated its 900th anniversary, taking as its theme ‘One People". Such a theme seemed to be fitting for a church which, through a long history of involvement with the developing life of the British people, has become known throughout the world.

西敏寺(Westminster Abbey) 的英文简介是什么?

Westminster Abbey Formally titled The Collegiate Church of St Peter, Westminster, this mainly Gothic church in London is the traditional place of coronation and burial site for English monarchs. First built by Edward the Confessor between 1045 - 1065 in the Norman style, it replaced an earlier church on the same site. It was built as an abbey for the Benedictine monks and was consecrated on December 28, 1065. It was rebuilt in the Gothic style between 1245 - 1517, with Henry VII adding a perpendicular style chapel in 1503. In 1579, Elizabeth I re-established Westminster as a "royal peculiar" -- a church responsible directly to the sovereign, rather than the Archbishop of Canterbury -- and made it a school, the Collegiate Church of St. Peter. Since then, the head has been not a bishop (although the Abbey is the seat of the Bishop of London) but a dean, appointed by the monarch. Until the 19th century, Westminster was the third seat of learning in England, after Oxford and Cambridge. It was here that the first third of the King James Bible Old Testament and the last half of the New Testament were translated. William the Conqueror was the first monarch crowned in the Abbey and all subsequent English monarchs (except Edward V and Edward VIII, who did not have coronations) have been crowned there. The Archbishop of Canterbury is the traditional cleric in the coronation ceremony. The church contains the bones of St Edward the Confessor as well as the remains of many other famous persons. These include Ben Jonson, Geoffrey Chaucer, Edmund Spenser, John Dryden, Dr Samuel Johnson, Charles Dickens, Robert Browning, Alfred Lord Tennyson, Rudyard Kipling, Isaac Newton, Charles Darwin, Lord Kelvin, Ernest Rutherford,George Friderich Handel, Henry Purcell, Ralph Vaughan Williams, Laurence Olivier, William Pitt the Elder, William Pitt the Younger, William Ewart Gladstone, Clement Attlee, and David Livingstone. Oliver Cromwell was buried in the abbey but Charles II ordered his remains removed.


Lies - Big Bang [GD]Yeah (love is pain)dedicated to all my broken hearted people. One"s old flame, just scream my name and I"m so sick of love songs. Yeah hate them love songs. Memento of ours… Lies![GD]A late night and rain falling down. I bring you back from my memories. I promised myself I would be fine without you, but I can"t help it. I take in liquor which I don"t even know how to handle trying to fill my empty heart. A day without you is too long. I pray that I may please forget you (that"s a lie).[Seung Ri]Without you happiness cannot be found in me. I can"t even shed any tears. I don"t want to live anymore.[GD]Yeah, this is bullshit, it"s pissing me off. I"m going crazy in thoughts of you. I want to see you, but I"m being told that I can"t, that it"s all over (I"ll be right there).[CHORUS]I"m so sorry, but I love you, but I can"t lie. Oh I"m sore, now i can"t live without you. Please listen to me. I"m so sorry, but I love you, now I realize, should have never let you go to waste, "cause now my life don"t seem right. I"m so sorry, but I love you, but I can"t lie, I"m so sorry, but I love you(I love you more more), I"m so sorry but I love you, now I see my thinking was all a big mistake, it makes me cry to this day.[T.O.P]I dedicated my all into this song for you[DAESUNG]]other people probably don"t know. [T.O.P]By myself, without anyone knowing. (yeah, those words I said were lies). A loner left in the midst of it all. In my pocket is the breakup letter that"s all wrinkled and folded up in my pocket, hey, [DAESUNG]And my habit of calling for you and wondering where you are. [T.O.P]I"m gonna change, I"ll laugh everything off from now on.[CHORUS]I"m so sorry, but I love you, I just can"t lie, Oh I"m sore, now i can"t live without you. Please listen to me. I"m so sorry, but I love you, now I realize, should have never let you go to waste, "cause now my life don"t seem right. I"m so sorry, but I love you, but I can"t lie, I"m so sorry, but I love you(I love you more more), I"m so sorry but I love you, now I see my thinking was all a big mistake, it makes me cry to this day.[SEUNG RI]Oh oh oh oh oh, I hope this is all a dream. Oh oh oh oh oh, because I only add up to this much. Drop that babe, [DAESUNG]I still can"t forget you. No I don"t think I ever will, even "til the day I die, yeah. [TAE YANG]Did the scars I gave you heal? I"m sorry because I never got to do anything for you.[CHORUS]I"m so sorry, but I love you, I just can"t lie, Oh I"m sore, now i can"t live without you. Please listen to me. I"m so sorry, but I love you, now I realize, should have never let you go to waste, "cause now my life don"t seem right. I"m so sorry, but I love you, but I can"t lie, I"m so sorry, but I love you(I love you more more), I"m so sorry but I love you, now I see my thinking was all a big mistake, it makes me cry to this day.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Day After Day - Big Bang LeaveYeah, Finally I realize that I am nothing without youI was so wrong, forgive meAh ah ah ah~[Verse 1; GD + TOP]My broken heart like a waveMy shaken heart like a windMy heart vanished like smokeIt can"t be removed like a tattooI sigh deeply as if a ground is going to cave inOnly dusts are piled up in my mind(Say goodbye)[GD Rap]Yeah, I thought I wouldn"t be able to live even one day without youBut somehow I managed to live on (longer) than I thoughtYou don"t answer anything as I cry out "I miss you"I hope for a vain expectation but now it"s useless[TOP Rap]What is it about that person next to you, did he make you cry?Dear can you even see me, did you forget completely?I am worried, I feel anxiety because I can"t get close nor try to talk to youI spend long nights by myself, erasing my thoughts a thousand times[Chorus]Don"t look back and leaveDon"t find me again and live (on)Because I have no regrets from loving you, take only the good memoriesI can bear it in some wayI can stand in some wayYou should be happy if you are like thisI become dull day by day (eh eh eh eh)Oh girl I cry, cryYou"re my all, say goodbye...[Verse 2; SR + DS]If we pass by each other on the streetAct like you didn"t see me and go the way you were walking toIf you keep thinking about our past memoriesI might go look for you secretly[GD] Always be happy with him, (so) I won"t ever get a different mindEven smallest regret won"t be left out everPlease live well as if I should feel jealous[TOP] You should always be like that bright sky, like that white cloudYes, you should always smile like that as if nothing happened[Chorus]Don"t look back and leaveDon"t find me again and live (on)Because I have no regrets from loving you, take only the good memoriesI can bear it in some wayI can stand in some wayYou should be happy if you are like thisI become dull day by day (eh eh eh eh)[Bridge; DS + SR]I hope your heart fees relievedPlease forget about me and live (on)Those tears will dry completelyAs time passes by[YB] It would"ve hurt less if we didn"t meet at all (mm)Hope you will bury our promise of being together forever babyI pray for you[Chorus]Don"t look back and leaveDon"t find me again and live (on)Because I have no regrets from loving you, take only the good memoriesI can bear it in some wayI can stand in some wayYou should be happy if you are like thisI become dull day by day (eh eh eh eh)Oh girl I cry, cryYou"re my all, say goodbye, byeOh my love don"t lie, lieYou"re my heart, say goodbye~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~My Heaven - Big Bang Love you girl, kimi dake ga my heavenSing it togetherLalala...Big BangLalala...Hey T, let"s do it broGo go go...24/7 言ってみりゃ heaven24/7 *dream* heaven24/7 *forever* heaven24/7 heaven let"s goit"s the truth if I say you are my eternal LOVEREverything in the past is like never let goNever knew that love could come and go just like that yoWaited for you day and night in my dreams and goSummer flow in the night, take flight and glowThat"s forever love...I thoughtI should be with you TOMORROW IT"S GONEour making LOVE is great, why have you GONElove has always failed to grab my handsonly you somehow are a little differentI always felt this was fate I REALIZE AH AHYou"re the only on in my lifesadness ONE FOR THE LOVE GET BACKI want to see you, I want to see youand I"m waiting for you by that sea, my feelings for you, whether it"s morning, afternoon, or eveningI want to see you, YOU ARE MY HEAVEN (Think of you 24/7)Happiness ... sadness ... tears ...Sky ... stars ... and my heavenonly you are missingbut the world is so colorlessthe depth of the damage is immeasurablethose lips of that days are still warmbut even if I keep remembering them, I"m at loss of knowing what to doOh Baby, look, memories of you are still in my heartOh Baby, your messages still remain on my bodyso that this unable-to-cool-down heat can be stoppedOh Baby, the cold rain is falling, BECAUSE OF YOUplease don"t vanish, don"t vanishplease stop time at that summerI"m still holding those memories, whether it"s autumn, winter, or springfor eternity YOU ARE MY HEAVENHey, Hey, listen to mefinally the message camethere"s only “I"m sorry”, I really don"t understand at alljust one more time, come to my side, smiling like those timesI want to see you, I want to see youI"m waiting for you by that sea, my feelings for youwhether it"s morning, afternoon, or eveningI want to see you, YOU ARE MY HEAVEN (Think of you 24/7)24/7 MY HEAVEN~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~My Girl - Big Bang My girl, my girl, my girlMy girl, my girl, my girlYour voice still flashes in my memoryLike a spell that is repeated, echoing without being cutNow, in someone else"s arms (you are wrapped), Connected to dreams (you ask?)Between us (looking up to the sky), [hoping] to bring you back (just let me hold you)My girl, my girl, my girl - I once again~My girl, my girl, my girl - Would like us to keep walking~My girl, my girl, my girl - To the permanent future~My girl, my girl, my girl - That is what I wish to keep believing~I recognize your scent when we pass each other, just stop it, I"m falling for you againLove you, and I trust you, however the desire doesn"t retreatNow, in whose voice (is it wrapped in?), It is the feeling of love (do you sleep well?)The distance (Oh.) between us, Don"t wanna let you go (I want to bring it back)My girl, my girl, my girl - Again, you~My girl, my girl, my girl - don"t ever want to be apart Oh baby~My girl, my girl, my girl - To the permanent future~My girl, my girl, my girl - I would like to keep walking~[TOP]Check it out uhMy girl, how ya feel?You lookin" like a million bucks, on the real[G-Dragon]Oh, my girl, if looks can killYou"d be an axe murderer baby that"s real (ooh)[TOP]You the one number one like a ray of sunshineOn my life gotta say uhFinally I found my way uhI"m gonna keep you in heart day to day uh[G-Dragon]You steady givin" me chillsYour energy rocks me a lot on the spot baby don"t stopDo whatever you feels, then do it againGirl, you got me locked and it"s damn hot[TOP]I"ll always dedicate my all to ya[G-Dragon]Won"t ever hesistate, I come true, uh[TOP]You"re my life, my loveThat"s what it"s all aboutWe gonna journey with lovin" all through usEven if you are laughing hard is painful, it"s the sameWe can always hold each other close, morning and nightMy girl, my girl, my girl - I once again~My girl, my girl, my girl - Would like us to keep walking~My girl, my girl, my girl - To the permanent future~My girl, my girl, my girl - That is what I wish to keep believing~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Crazy Dog - Big Bang Let"s do it again uh let"s do it again I said Let"s do it again, Big Bang let"s do it again Let"s do it again like Let control of your body, change the mood Shake it left and right, shake your butt We are crazy dog everybody in the place go ho~ Everybody in the place go ho Everybody in the place go Hey hey girl what you want for me (ma) To a new world come here (ma) A never-tasted new taste (taste) prepared just for you The waited and waited (time) for just the two of us Don"t say anything, first still your feet When you come in its your choice, when you leave its my choice, close your eyes And I"ll give your mind a break This night is too long so get down Lonely people all come to me Leave your body to the rhythm, let"s run together Now quickly come to me Hands up go hands up go hands up Let"s go let"s go oh oh oh (Rock ya"ll we gonna this party) Hands up go hands up go hands up let me say oh oh oh Hey hey you"re even more perfect, I want to keep this secret with that girl something I"m a curtain covering the light, let"s enjoy the darkness bang ‘em You know who I am, sweet voice and looks Today I"m your hero only You get it it"s the hot in here Let"s run across the clouds all night, come along Oh my god I"m so hot I like it. I"m going to burn up all of this youth Hey I want an ecstatic night hey, I sincerely want you hey Can you hear my heart, the beating blah blah blah This night is too long so get down Lonely people all come to me Leave your body to the rhythm, let"s run together Now quickly come to me Hands up go hands up go hands up Let"s go let"s go oh oh oh (Rock ya"ll we gonna this party) Hands up go hands up go hands up let me say oh oh oh Let control of your body, change the mood Shake it left and right, shake your butt We are crazy dog everybody in the place go ho~ Everybody in the place go ho Everybody in the place go Now movin" yo movin" just movin" B to the I to the G Bang Everybody dance now You youth, spread your ambitions above this wide world with your burning life Pull, lose control, run without resting, can"t stop, raise the volume higher C"mon c"mon its too early to stop Yell till your throat bursts Yo yo yo put your hands up high Big Bang in the da house This night is too long so get down Lonely people all come to me Leave your body to the rhythm, let"s run together Now quickly come to me Hands up go hands up go hands up Let"s go let"s go oh oh oh (Rock ya"ll we gonna this


1.boyzone - no matter what - 无论如何2.maximilian hecker - summer days in bloom.mp3盛夏Maximilian Hecker - Summer Days In BloomSummer Days In Bloom 盛夏的日子Paralyzed by ancient delight 曾因过去的快乐而麻痹And riding for a fall today 又在一个秋日中复活I am dressed in style, so eager in mind 我身着盛装,充满渴望But furthermore distracted by you 但此外便皆因你而迷惘And it s like I lose myself in dreaming of summer days in bloom就像我在这个梦幻般的盛夏中迷失自我Oh, I ve got no clue how I could fight that all噢,对于如何应对这一切我毫无头绪that I am is worth a dime 我是如此的一文不值(没用)Worth a dime 一文不值(没用)This liquid lunch will not stop my punch-餐席中的酒水无法停止我的痛楚Drunk quality to doze while I run在我逃走的时候让我烂醉到昏睡It is thirty-nine degrees in my mind我大脑的温度足足有39度It s thirty thousand miles more to go却还有3000英里的路程需要走完And it"s like I lose myselfin dreaming of summer days in bloomOh, I"ve got no clue how I could fight thatAll that I am is worth a dime我实在是一文不值(没用)Worth a dime一文不值...(没用)And it"s like I lose myselfin dreaming of summer days in bloomOh, I"ve got no clue how I could fight thatall that I am is worth a dimeCause it"s like I lose myselfin dreaming of summer days in bloomFor I"ve got no clue whatever happenedAll that I am is worth a dimeWorth a dime3.a - little distraction.mp34.flightless bird america 暮光之城中的唯美插曲.mp3Flightless Bird, American Mouth(破碎的梦想,自由的宣言)I was a quick wet boy(我是一个贫穷的男人)diving too deep for coins(为了生活苦苦的追寻)All of your street light eyes(城市冰冷的物质眼神)wide on my plastic toys(肆无忌惮打量我的天真)Then when the cops closed the fair(当世界再无公平二字)I cut my long baby hair(我痛心斩断我的幼稚)Stole me a dog-eared map (唯一的路途也已迷失)and called for you everywhere(到处呼唤你的名字)Have I found you(我是否找到了你?)Flightless bird, (破碎的梦想)jealous,(充满了妒忌)weeping (回荡着哭泣)or lost you,(还是失去了你?)american mouth(自由的宣言)Big pill looming(都成了泡沫般的回忆)Now I"m a fat house cat(我是一个一无是处的家伙)Nursing my sore blunt tongue(舔着伤口缩回自己的小窝)Watching the warm poison rats (透过与现实的厚厚隔膜)curl through the wide fence cracks(看着恶心的人一一走过)Pissing on magazine photos(他们搔首弄姿的炫耀自我)Those fishing lures (肮脏的交易)thrown in the cold And clean (如此冰冷清澈)blood of Christ mountain stream(让善良与仁慈血流成河)Have I found you(我是否找到了你?)Flightless bird, (破碎的梦想)grounded (渐渐失落)bleeding (渗着鲜血)or lost you, (还是失去了你?)american mouth(自由的宣言)Big pill (夸张的承诺)stuck going down(不再执着)




completely give up




美国 USA英国 uk日本 JP朝鲜 DPRKholand荷兰italy 意大利france 法兰西china 中国nepal 尼泊尔india 印度thailand 泰国 manila 马尼拉 korea 南韩 阿尔巴尼亚 Albania AL 阿尔巴尼亚共和国 Republic of Albania 阿尔及利亚 Algeria DZ 阿尔及利亚民主人民共和国 Democratic Peoples Republic of Algeria 阿富汗 Afghanistan AF 阿富汗伊斯兰国 Islamic State of Afghanistan 阿根廷 Argentina AR 阿根廷共和国 Republic of Argentina 阿联酋 United Arab Emirates AE 阿拉伯联合酋长国 United Arab Emirates 阿鲁巴 Aruba AW 阿鲁巴 Aruba 阿曼 Oman OM 阿曼苏丹国 Sultanate of Oman 阿塞拜疆 Azerbaijan AZ 阿塞拜疆共和国 Republic of Azerbaijan 埃及 Egypt EG 阿拉伯埃及共和国 Arab Republic of Egypt 埃塞俄比亚 Ethiopia ET 埃塞俄比亚联邦民主共和国 Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia 爱尔兰 Ireland IE 爱尔兰 Ireland 爱沙尼亚 Estonia EE 爱沙尼亚共和国 Republic of Estonia 安道尔 Andorra AD 安道尔公国 Principality of Andorra 安哥拉 Angola AO 安哥拉共和国 Republic of Angola 安圭拉 Anguilla AI 安圭拉 Anguilla 安提瓜和巴布达 Antigua and barbuda AG 安提瓜和巴布达 Antigua and barbuda 奥地利 Austria AT 奥地利共和国 Republic of Austria 澳大利亚 Australia AU 澳大利亚联邦 Commonwealth of Australia 澳门 Macau CN 中国澳门特别行政区 Macau, Special Administrative Region of China 巴巴多斯 Barbados BB 巴巴多斯 Barbados 巴布亚新几内亚 Papua New Guinea PG 巴布亚新几内亚独立国 Independent State of Papua New Guinea 巴哈马 Bahamas BS 巴哈马联邦 Commonwealth of the Bahamas 巴基斯坦 Pakistan PK 巴基斯坦伊斯兰共和国 Islamic Republic of Pakistan 巴拉圭 Paraguay PY 巴拉圭共和国 Republic of Paraguay 巴勒斯坦 Palestine PS 巴勒斯坦国 State of Palestine 巴林 Bahrain BH 巴林国 State of Bahrain 巴拿马 Panama PA 巴拿马共和国 Republic of Panama 巴西 Brazil BR 巴西联邦共和国 Federative Republic of Brazil 白俄罗斯 Belarus BY 白俄罗斯共和国 Republic of Belarus 百慕大 Bermuda BM 百慕大群岛 Bermuda Islands 保加利亚 Bulgaria BG 保加利亚共和国 Republic of Bulgaria 北马里亚纳 Northern Marianas Islands MP 北马里亚纳自由联邦 Commonwealth of the Northern Marianas Islands 贝宁 Benin BJ 贝宁共和国 Republic of Benin 比利时 Belgium BE 比利时王国 Kingdom of Belgium 冰岛 Iceland IS 冰岛共和国 Republic of Iceland 波多黎各 Puerto Rico PR 波多黎各 Puerto Rico 波黑 Bosnia and Herzegovina BA 波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那共和国 Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina 波兰 Poland PL 波兰共和国 Republic of Poland 玻利维亚 Bolivia BO 玻利维亚共和国 Republic of Bolivia 伯利兹 Belize BZ 伯利兹 Belize 博茨瓦纳 Botswana BW 博茨瓦纳共和国 Republic of Botswana 不丹 Bhutan BT 不丹王国 Kingdom of Bhutan 布基纳法索 Burkina Faso BF 布基纳法索 Burkina Faso 布隆迪 Burundi BI 布隆迪共和国 Republic of Burundi 布维岛 Bouvet Island BV 布维岛Bouvet Island 朝鲜 Korea, Democratic Peoples Republic of KP 朝鲜民主主义人民共和国 Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea 赤道几内亚 Equatorial Guinea GQ 赤道几内亚共和国 Republic of Equatorial Guinea 丹麦 Denmark DK 丹麦王国 Kingdom of Denmark 德国 Germany DE 德意志联邦共和国 Federal Republic of Germany 东帝汶 East Timor TP 东帝汶 East Timor 多哥 Togo TG 多哥共和国 Republic of Togo 多米尼加 Dominican Republic DO 多米尼加共和国 Dominican Republic 多米尼克 Dominica DM 多米尼克联邦 Commonwealth of Dominica 俄罗斯 Russia RU 俄罗斯联邦 Russian Federation 厄瓜多尔 Ecuador EC 厄瓜多尔共和国 Republic of Ecuador 厄立特里亚 Eritrea ER 厄立特里亚国 State of Eritrea 法国 France FR 法兰西共和国 Republic of France 法罗群岛 Faroe Islands FO 法罗群岛 Faroe Islands 法属波利尼西亚 French Polynesia PF 法属波利尼西亚 French Polynesia 法属圭亚那 French Guiana GF 法属圭亚那 French Guiana 法属南部领土 French Southern Territories TF 法属南部领土 French Southern Territories 梵蒂冈 Vatican VA 梵蒂冈城国 Vatican City State 菲律宾 Philippines PH 菲律宾共和国 Republic of the Philippines 斐济 Fiji FJ 斐济群岛共和国 Republic of the Fiji Islands 芬兰 Finland FI 芬兰共和国 Republic of Finland 佛得角 Cape Verde CV 佛得角共和国 Republic of Cape Verde 福克兰群岛(马尔维纳斯)Falkland Islands (Malvinas) FK 福克兰群岛(马尔维纳斯)Falkland Islands(Malvinas) 冈比亚 Gambia GM 冈比亚共和国 Republic of the Gambia 刚果(布) Congo CG 刚果共和国 Republic of Congo 刚果(金) Congo, the democratic republic of the CD 刚果民主共和国 Democratic republic of Congo 哥伦比亚 Columbia CO 哥伦比亚共和国 Republic of Columbia 哥斯达黎加 Costa Rica CR 哥斯达黎加共和国 Republic of Costa Rica 格林纳达 Grenada GD 格林纳达 Grenada 格陵兰 Greenland GL 格陵兰 Greenland 格鲁吉亚 Georgia GE 格鲁吉亚 Georgia 古巴 Cuba CU 古巴共和国 Republic of Cuba 瓜德罗普 Guadeloupe GP 瓜德罗普 Guadeloupe 关岛 Guam GU 关岛 Guam 圭亚那 Guyana GY 圭亚那合作共和国 Cooperative Republic of Guyana 哈萨克斯坦 Kazakstan KZ 哈萨克斯坦共和国 Republic of Kazakstan 海地 Haiti HT 海地共和国 Republic of Haiti 韩国 Korea,Republic of KR 大韩民国 Republic of Korea 荷兰 Netherlands NL 荷兰王国 Kingdom of the Netherlands 荷属安的列斯 Netherlands Antilles AN 荷属安的列斯 Netherlands Antilles 赫德岛和麦克唐纳岛 Heard Islands and McDonald Islands HM 赫德岛和麦克唐纳岛Heard Islands and McDonald Islands 洪都拉斯 Honduras HN 洪都拉斯共和国 Republic of Honduras 基里巴斯 Kiribati KI 基里巴斯共和国 Republic of Kiribati 吉布提 Djibouti DJ 吉布提共和国 Republic of Djibouti 吉尔吉斯斯坦 Kyrgyzstan KG 吉尔吉斯共和国 Kyrgyz Republic 几内亚 Guinea GN 几内亚共和国 Republic of Guinea 几内亚比绍 Guinea-bissau GW 几内亚比绍共和国 Republic of Guinea-bissau 加拿大 Canada CA 加拿大 Canada 加纳 Ghana GH 加纳共和国 Republic of Ghana 加蓬 Gabon GA 加蓬共和国 Gabonese Republic 柬埔寨 Cambodia KH 柬埔寨王国 Kingdom of Cambodia 捷克 Czech Republic CZ 捷克共和国 Czech Republic 津巴布韦 Zimbabwe ZW 津巴布韦共和国 Republic of Zimbabwe 喀麦隆 Cameroon CM 喀麦隆共和国 Republic of Cameroon 卡塔尔 Qatar QA 卡塔尔国 State of Qatar 开曼群岛 Cayman Islands KY 开曼群岛 Cayman Islands 科科斯(基林)群岛 Coccs(Keeling) Islands CC 科科斯(基林)群岛 Coccs(Keeling) Islands 科摩罗 Comoros KM 科摩罗伊斯兰联邦共和国 Federal Islamic Republic of the Comoros 科特迪瓦 Cote dIvoire CI 科特迪瓦共和国 Republic of Cote dIvoire 科威特 Kuwait KW 科威特国 State of Kuwait 克罗地亚 Croatia HR 克罗地亚共和国 Republic of Croatia 肯尼亚 Kenya KE 肯尼亚共和国 Republic of Kenya 库克群岛 Cook Islands CK 库克群岛 Cook Islands 拉脱维亚 Latvia LV 拉脱维亚共和国 Republic of Latvia 莱索托 Lesotho LS 莱索托王国 Kingdom of Lesotho 老挝 Lao LA 老挝人民民主共和国 Lao Peoples Democratic Republic 黎巴嫩 Lebanon LB 黎巴嫩共和国 Republic of Lebanon 立陶宛 Lithuania LT 立陶宛共和国 Republic of Lithuania 利比里亚 Liberia LR 利比里亚共和国 Republic of Liberia 利比亚 Libya LY 大阿拉伯利比亚人民社会主义民众国 Great Socialist Peoples Libyan Arab Jamahiriya 列支敦士登 Liechtenstein LI 列支敦士登公国 Principality of Liechtenstein 留尼汪 Reunion RE 留尼汪 Reunion 卢森堡 Luxembourg LU 卢森堡大公国 Grand Duchy of Luxembourg 卢旺达 Rwanda RW 卢旺达共和国 Republic of Rwanda 罗马尼亚 Romania RO 罗马尼亚 Romania 马达加斯加 Madagascar MG 马达加斯加共和国 Republic of Madagascar 马尔代夫 Maldives MV 马尔代夫共和国 Republic of Maldives 马耳他 Malta MT 马耳他共和国 Republic of Malta 马拉维 Malawi MW 马拉维共和国 Republic of Malawi 马来西亚 Malaysia MY 马来西亚 Malaysia 马里 Mali ML 马里共和国 Republic of Mali 马绍尔群岛 Marshall Islands MH 马绍尔群岛共和国 Republic of the Marshall Islands 马提尼克 Martinique MQ 马提尼克 Martinique 马约特 Mayotte YT 马约特 Mayotte 毛里求斯 Mauritius MU 毛里求斯共和国 Republic of Mauritius 毛里塔尼亚 Mauritania MR 毛里塔尼亚伊斯兰共和国 Islamic Republic of Mauritania 美国 United States US 美利坚合众国 United States of America 美国本土外小岛屿 United States Minor outlying Islands UM 美国本土外小岛屿 United States Minor outlying Islands 美属萨摩亚 American Samoa AS 美属萨摩亚 American Samoa 美属维尔京群岛 Virgin Islands, U.S. VI 美属维尔京群岛 Virgin Islands of the United States 蒙古 Mongolia MN 蒙古国 Mongolia 蒙特塞拉特 Montserrat MS 蒙特塞拉特 Montserrat 孟加拉国 Bangladesh BD 孟加拉人民共和国 Peoples Republic of Bangladesh 秘鲁 Peru PE 秘鲁共和国 Republic of Peru 密克罗尼西亚 Micronesia FM 密克罗尼西亚联邦 Federated States of Micronesia 缅甸 Myanmar MM 缅甸联邦 Union of Myanmar 摩尔多瓦 Moldova MD 摩尔多瓦共和国 Republic of Moldova 摩洛哥 Morocco MA 摩洛哥王国 Kingdom of Morocco 摩纳哥 Monaco MC 摩纳哥公国 Principality of Monaco 莫桑比克 Mozambique MZ 莫桑比克共和国 Republic of Mozambique 墨西哥 Mexico MX 墨西哥合众国 United States of Mexico 纳米尼亚 Namibia NA 纳米尼亚 Republic of Namibia 南非 South Africa ZA 南非共和国 Republic of South Africa 南极洲 Antarctica AQ 南极洲 Antarctica 南乔治亚岛 和 南桑德韦奇岛 South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands GS 南乔治亚岛和南桑德韦奇岛 South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands 南斯拉夫 Yugoslavia YU 南斯拉夫联盟共和国 Federal Republic of Yugoslavia 瑙鲁 Nauru NR 瑙鲁共和国 Republic of Nauru 尼泊尔 Nepal NP 尼泊尔王国 Kingdom of Nepal 尼加拉瓜 Nicaragua NI 尼加拉瓜共和国 Republic of Nicaragua 尼日尔 Niger NE 尼日尔共和国 Republic of Niger 尼日利亚 Nigeria NG 尼日利亚联邦共和国 Federal Republic of Nigeria 纽埃 Niue NU 纽埃 Niue 挪威 Norway NO 挪威王国 Kingdom of Norway 诺福克岛 Norfolk Island NF 诺福克岛 Norfolk Island 帕劳 Palau PW 帕劳共和国 Republic of Palau 皮特凯恩 Pitcairn PN 皮特凯恩 Pitcairn 葡萄牙 Portugal PT 葡萄牙共和国 Portuguese Republic 前南马其顿 Macedonia MK 前南斯拉夫马其顿共和国 The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 日本 Japan JP 日本国 Japan 瑞典 Sweden SE 瑞典王国 Kingdom of Sweden 瑞士 Switzerland CH 瑞士联邦 Swiss Confederation 萨尔瓦多 El Salvador SV 萨尔瓦多共和国 Republic of El Salvador 萨摩亚 Samoa WS 萨摩亚独立国 Independent State of Samoa 塞拉利昂 Sierra Leone SL 塞拉利昂共和国 Republic of Sierra Leone 塞内加尔 Senegal SN 塞内加尔共和国 Republic of Senegal 塞浦路斯 Cyprus CY 塞浦路斯共和国 Republic of Cyprus 塞舌尔 Seychelles SC 塞舌尔共和国 Republic of Seychelles 沙特阿拉伯 Saudi Arabia SA 沙特阿拉伯王国 Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 圣诞岛 Christmas Island CX 圣诞岛 Christmas Island 圣多美和普林西比 Sao Tome and Principe ST 圣多美和普林西比民主共和国 Democratic Republic of Sao Tome and Principe 圣赫勒拿 Saint Helena SH 圣赫勒拿 Saint Helena 圣基茨和尼维斯 Saint Kitts and Nevis KN 圣基茨和尼维斯联邦 Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis 圣卢西亚 Saint Lucia LC 圣卢西亚 Saint Lucia 圣马力诺 San Marino SM 圣马力诺共和国 Republic of San Marino 圣皮埃尔和密克隆 Saint Pierre and Miquelon PM 圣皮埃尔和密克隆Saint Pierre and Miquelon 圣文森特和格林纳丁斯 Saint Vincent and Grenadines VC 圣文森特和格林纳丁斯 Saint Vincent and Grenadines 斯里兰卡 Sri Lanka LK 斯里兰卡民主社会主义共和国 Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka 斯洛伐克 Slovakia SK 斯洛伐克共和国 Slovak Republic 斯洛文尼亚 Slovenia SI 斯洛文尼亚共和国 Republic of Slovenia 斯瓦尔巴岛和扬马延岛 Svalbard and Jan Mayen SJ 斯瓦尔巴岛和扬马延岛Svalbard and Jan Mayen 斯威士兰 Swaziland SZ 斯威士兰王国 Kingdom of Swaziland 苏丹 Sudan SD 苏丹共和国 Republic of Sudan 苏里南 Suriname SR 苏里南共和国 Republic of Suriname 所罗门群岛 Solomon Islands SB 所罗门群岛 Solomon Islands 索马里 Somalia SO 索马里共和国 Somali Republic 塔吉克斯坦 Tajikistan TJ 塔吉克斯坦共和国 Republic of Tajikistan 台湾 Taiwan CN 中国台湾 Taiwan, Province of China 泰国 Thailand TH 泰王国 Kingdom of Thailand 坦桑尼亚 Tanzania TZ 坦桑尼亚联合共和国 United Republic of Tanzania 汤加 Tonga TO 汤加王国 Kingdom of Tonga 特克斯和凯科斯群岛 Turks and Caicos Islands TC 特克斯和凯科斯群岛 Turks and Caicos Islands 特立尼达和多巴哥 Trinidad and Tobago TT 特立尼达和多巴哥共和国 Republic of Trinidad and Tobago 突尼斯 Tunisia TN 突尼斯共和国 Republic of Tunisia 图瓦卢 Tuvalu TV 图瓦卢 Tuvalu 土耳其 Turkey TR 土耳其共和国 Republic of Turkey 土库曼斯坦 Turkmenstan TM 土库曼斯坦 Turkmenstan 托克劳 Tokelau TK 托克劳 Tokelau 瓦利斯和富图纳 Wallis and Futuna WF 瓦利斯和富图纳 Wallis and Futuna 瓦努阿图 Vanuatu VU 瓦努阿图共和国 Republic of Vanuatu 危地马拉 Guatemala GT 危地马拉共和国 Republic of Guatemala 委内瑞拉 Venezuela VE 委内瑞拉共和国 Republic of Venezuela 文莱 Brunei BN 文莱达鲁萨兰国 Brunei Darussalam 乌干达 Uganda UG 乌干达共和国 Republic of Uganda 乌克兰 Ukraine UA 乌克兰 Ukraine 乌拉圭 Uruguay UY 乌拉圭东岸共和国 Oriental Republic of Uruguay 乌兹别克斯坦 Uzbekistan UZ 乌兹别克斯坦 Republic of Uzbekistan 西班牙 Spain ES 西班牙王国 Kingdom of Spain 西撒哈拉 Western Sahara EH 西撒哈拉 Western Sahara 希腊 Greece GR 希腊共和国 Hellenic Republic 香港 Hong Kong CN 中国香港特别行政区 Hong Kong, Special Administrative Region of China 新加坡 Singapore SG 新加坡共和国 Republic of Singapore 新喀里多尼亚 New Caledonia NC 新喀里多尼亚 New Caledonia 新西兰 New Zealand NZ 新西兰 New Zealand 匈牙利 Hungary HU 匈牙利共和国 Republic of Hungary 叙利亚 Syria SY 阿拉伯叙利亚共和国 Syrian Arab Republic 牙买加 Jamaica JM 牙买加 Jamaica 亚美尼亚 Armenia AM 亚美尼亚共和国 Republic of Armenia 也门 Yemen YE 也门共和国 Republic of Yemen 伊拉克 Iraq IQ 伊拉克共和国 Republic of Iraq 伊朗 Iran IR 伊朗伊斯兰共和国 Islamic Republic of Iran 以色列 Israel IL 以色列国 State of Israel 意大利 Italy IT 意大利共和国 Republic of Italy 印度 India IN 印度共和国 Republic of India 印度尼西亚 Indonesia ID 印度尼西亚共和国 Republic of Indonesia 英国 United Kingdom GB 大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 英属维尔京群岛 Virgin Islands, British VG 英属维尔京群岛 British Virgin Islands 英属印度洋领地 British Indian Ocean Territory IO 英属印度洋领地 British Indian Ocean Territory 约旦 Jordan JO 约旦哈希姆王国 Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan 越南 Viet Nam VN 越南社会主义共和国 Socialist Republic of Viet Nam 赞比亚 Zambia ZM 赞比亚共和国 Republic of Zambia 乍得 Chad TD 乍得共和国 Republic of Chad 直布罗陀 Gibraltar GI 直布罗陀 Gibraltar 智利 Chile CL 智利共和国 Republic of Chile 中非 Central Africa Republic CF 中非共和国 Central Africa Republic 中国 China CN 中华人民共和国 Peoples Republic of China


mysterious 我觉得应该是这个 但是 在不同的时态用法不同




bindbindingtie up


捆的英文是:bind; bundle; bale; faggot; fagot; rope; tie捆翻译拼音:kǔn英语翻译:bind; bundle; bale; faggot; fagot; rope; tie【经】 bind; bundle相关词条:1.ligature  2.tobind  3.intosheaves  4.sheaf  5.truss  6.kaboodle  7.bale  8.pack(ing)  9.rope  10.bunch  11.bind  12.package  13.sbunch  14.sheave  15.upbind  16.faggot  例句:那个流浪者把所有的东西捆成一包背在背上。The tramp carried his belongings in a pack on his back.我们用粗绳把所有包裹捆扎妥当。We tied up both package well with heavy cord.我想帮忙你捆扎东西。I would like to help you pack.木柴已劈好并捆在一起了。The firewood was cut and bundled (together).我们把一些旧衣物捆起来准备义卖。We bundled up some old clothes for the jumble sale.我买了一大捆萝卜。I bought a large bunch of radishes.


Addis Ababa


正确的英文是:correct。correct,英文单词,形容词、动词。作形容词时意为“(政治或思想)正确的;恰当的;端正的”,作动词时意为“改正;批改(学生作业);校正;指出错误;抵消;校准(仪器);修正、调整(数据)”。correct的例句:1、Put a tick if the answer is correct and a cross if it"s wrong.(答案正确打钩,错误打叉。)2、It is your job to correct them gracefully and not to be snippy about it.(你的任务是得体地纠正他们,而不是急躁地呵斥。)3、There is some confusion about what the correct procedure should be.(对于应该采取什么正确步骤,还是有些不明确。)

埃塞俄比亚的首都亚的斯亚贝巴 的英文是什么?

Addis Ababa


Chen KD


关于“清明节”的英文介绍:Ching Ming Festival is an ancient festival of the Chinese nation. It is not only a solemn festival to sweep the grave and worship the ancestors, but also a happy festival for people to get close to nature, take a trip and enjoy spring fun. Dou refers to the Qingming Festival, and the festival time is around April 5 of the Gregorian calendar. At this time, the vitality is exuberant, the yin qi is declining, all things are "expressing the past and taking the new", and the earth presents the image of spring and scenery, which is a good time for outdoor spring outing and tomb sacrifice in Qing Dynasty. The Qingming Festival of Sacrificing Ancestors is very long. There are two sayings: 8 days before the 10th and 10 days after the 10th. These two days belong to the Qingming Festival of Sacrificing Ancestors.白话翻译:清明节是中华民族古老的节日,既是一个扫墓祭祖的肃穆节日,也是人们亲近自然、踏青游玩、享受春天乐趣的欢乐节日。斗指乙为清明节气,交节时间在公历4月5日前后。这一时节,生气旺盛、阴气衰退,万物“吐故纳新”,大地呈现春和景明之象,正是郊外踏青春游与行清墓祭的好时节。清明祭祖节期很长,有10日前8日后及10日前10日后两种说法,这近20天内均属清明祭祖节期内。扩展资料:清明节作为传统的重大春祭节日,扫墓祭祀、缅怀祖先,是中华民族自古以来的优良传统,不仅有利于弘扬孝道亲情、唤醒家族共同记忆,还可促进家族成员乃至民族的凝聚力和认同感。清明节融汇自然节气与人文风俗为一体,是天时地利人和的合一,充分体现了中华民族先祖们追求“天、地、人”的和谐合一,讲究顺应天时地宜、遵循自然规律的思想。清明节与春节、端午节、中秋节并称为中国四大传统节日。除了中国,世界上还有一些国家和地区也过清明节,比如越南、韩国、马来西亚、新加坡等。2006年5月20日,中华人民共和国文化部申报的清明节经国务院批准列入第一批国家级非物质文化遗产名录(类别:民俗;编号:Ⅹ-2)。


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暗示放弃一个人的英文是:Hint to give up a person重点词汇:Hint英 [hɪnt]释义:n.暗示;线索vt. 暗示;示意vi. 示意n. (Hint)人名;(英)欣特;(法)安特[ 复数 hints 过去式 hinted 过去分词 hinted 现在分词 hinting 第三人称单数 hints ]短语:Hint of low battery 电池不足提示;电池缺乏提示扩展资料:词语使用变化:givev.(动词)1、give是常用动词,词义丰富,用法复杂,构词能力强;   其基本的词义是“给”。give作及物动词时可接名词或代词作宾语,也可接双宾语,其间接宾语有时可转换为介词to的宾语,还可接动词不定式或以“as+ n. ”充当补足语的复合宾语。2、give接双宾语时,间接宾语是人,双宾语的句型可以转变为跟to短语的句型,但当间接宾语是物时,则间接宾语在前,直接宾语在后的位置是固定的,不可以转换。give接双宾语时的被动结构可把间接宾语变为主语;也可把直接宾语变为主语。但人们通常对人(或动物)比对物更感兴趣,所以用人作主语比较多。


暗示放弃一个人的英文是:Hint to give up a person重点词汇:Hint英 [hɪnt]释义:n.暗示;线索vt. 暗示;示意vi. 示意n. (Hint)人名;(英)欣特;(法)安特[ 复数 hints 过去式 hinted 过去分词 hinted 现在分词 hinting 第三人称单数 hints ]短语:Hint of low battery 电池不足提示;电池缺乏提示扩展资料:词语使用变化:givev.(动词)1、give是常用动词,词义丰富,用法复杂,构词能力强;   其基本的词义是“给”。give作及物动词时可接名词或代词作宾语,也可接双宾语,其间接宾语有时可转换为介词to的宾语,还可接动词不定式或以“as+ n. ”充当补足语的复合宾语。2、give接双宾语时,间接宾语是人,双宾语的句型可以转变为跟to短语的句型,但当间接宾语是物时,则间接宾语在前,直接宾语在后的位置是固定的,不可以转换。give接双宾语时的被动结构可把间接宾语变为主语;也可把直接宾语变为主语。但人们通常对人(或动物)比对物更感兴趣,所以用人作主语比较多。


暗示放弃一个人的英文是:Hint to give up a person重点词汇:Hint英 [hɪnt]释义:n.暗示;线索vt. 暗示;示意vi. 示意n. (Hint)人名;(英)欣特;(法)安特[ 复数 hints 过去式 hinted 过去分词 hinted 现在分词 hinting 第三人称单数 hints ]短语:Hint of low battery 电池不足提示;电池缺乏提示扩展资料:词语使用变化:givev.(动词)1、give是常用动词,词义丰富,用法复杂,构词能力强;   其基本的词义是“给”。give作及物动词时可接名词或代词作宾语,也可接双宾语,其间接宾语有时可转换为介词to的宾语,还可接动词不定式或以“as+ n. ”充当补足语的复合宾语。2、give接双宾语时,间接宾语是人,双宾语的句型可以转变为跟to短语的句型,但当间接宾语是物时,则间接宾语在前,直接宾语在后的位置是固定的,不可以转换。give接双宾语时的被动结构可把间接宾语变为主语;也可把直接宾语变为主语。但人们通常对人(或动物)比对物更感兴趣,所以用人作主语比较多。


sport,exercise,movement,campaign,motion。释义:运动,一种涉及体力和技巧的由一套规则或习惯所约束的活动,通常具有竞争性。物布时空永不均产生了普遍运动,普遍的运动生灭着万事万物。没有不运动的物件,也没有能离开物件的运动。运动具守恒性,即运动既不能被创造又不能被消灭,其具体形式则是多样的并且能互相转化,在转化中运动总量不变。在几何中,刚性运动被描述为:平面到其自身的一个映射且使任意两点A,B的距离与其象A‘=M(A),B"=M(B)的距离相同。哲学上,运动的定义:物在时空中的线性迁移。sport(英 [spɔːt]美 [spɔrt]):n. 运动;游戏;娱乐;运动会;玩笑。vi. 游戏。vt. 游戏;参加体育运动。夸耀;adj. 运动的。exercise(英 ["eksəsaɪz]美 ["ɛksɚsaɪz]):n. 运动;练习;运用;操练;礼拜;典礼。vt. 锻炼;练习;使用;使忙碌;使惊恐。vi. 运动;练习。movement(英 ["muːvm(ə)nt]美 ["muvmənt]):n. 运动;活动;运转;乐章。campaign(英 [kæm"peɪn]美 [kæm"pen]):vi. 作战;参加竞选;参加活动。n. 运动;活动;战役。motion(英 ["məʊʃ(ə)n]美 ["moʃən]):n. 动作;移动;手势;请求;意向;议案。vi. 运动;打手势。vt. 运动;向…打手势。


暗示放弃一个人Hint to give up a person


暗示自己想死的英文是:Hint that you want to die。重点词汇:Hint英[hɪnt]释义:n.暗示,提示;征兆,迹象;少许,少量;秘诀,窍门。v.暗示,示意。【名】(Hint)(英)欣特,(法)安特(人名)。[复数:hints;第三人称单数:hints;现在分词:hinting;过去式:hinted;过去分词:hinted]短语:Password hint密码提示;供以后忘记密码;密码备忘;密码提示问题。词语使用变化:v.(动词)。1、hint的基本意思是用间接方式表达思想,即“暗示”,可指暗中地或间接地建议,也可指缺少直率、坦白或直截了当地建议。用作不及物动词时,其后常接介词at,about或of;用作及物动词时,可以名词或代词作宾语,也可接that从句。2、hint常可接to,表示向某人暗示某事。


  你知道有哪些英文单词是以t开头的吗?我们来复习一番回忆一下如何?下面是我给大家整理的t开头的英文单词,供大家参阅!   t开头的英文单词1   1. transistor/ træn"sistə/ n.晶体管   2. transmission/ trænz"miʃən/ n.传送;传动;发射   3. transmit/ trænz"mit/ vt.传送,传达;发射   4. transparent/ træns"peərənt/ a.透明的;易识破的   5. transport/ træns"pɔ:t/ vt.运输 n.运输   6. transportation/ trænspɔ:"teiʃən/ n.运输,运送,客运   7. trap/ træp/ n.陷阱;诡计 vt.诱骗   8. tray/ trei/ n.(浅)盘,托盘,碟   9. treasure/ ‘treʒə/ n.财富;珍宝 vt.珍视   10. treat/ tri:t/ vt.对待;处理 n.款待   11. treatment/ ‘tri:tmənt/ n.待遇;治疗,疗法   12. treaty/ ‘tri:ti/ n.条约;协议,协定   13. tremble/ ‘trembl/ vi.发抖,哆嗦;摇动   14. tremendous/ tri"mendəs/ a.极大的,非常的   15. trend/ trend/ vi.伸向;倾向 n.倾向   16. trial/ ‘traiəl/ n.试,试验;审判   17. triangle/ ‘traiængl/ n.三角(形)   18. trick/ trik/ n.诡计;窍门 vt.哄骗   19. trim/ trim/ a.整齐的 vt.使整齐   20. triumph/ ‘traiəmf/ n.凯旋;胜利 vi.成功   21. troop/ tru:p/ n.军队;一群,大量   22. tropical/ ‘trɔpikəl/ a.热带的   23. troublesome/ ‘trΛblsəm/ a.令人烦恼的;麻烦的   24. trumpet/ ‘trΛmpit/ n.喇叭,小号   25. trunk/ trΛŋk/ n.树干;大衣箱,皮箱   26. trust/ trΛst/ n.信任 vt.相信;委托   27. truth/ tru:θ/ n.真理;真实;真实性   28. tube/ tju:b/ n.管;电子管,显像管   29. tune/ tju:n/ n.调子;和谐 vt.调谐   30. tunnel/ ‘tΛnl/ n.隧道,坑道,地道   31. turbine/ ‘tə:bin/ n.叶轮机,汽轮机   32. twin/ twin/ a.孪生的 n.孪生儿   33. twist/ twist/ vt.捻;拧 vi.&n.扭弯   34. type/ taip/ n.型,类型 vi.打字   35. typewriter/ ‘taipraitə/ n.打字机   36. typical/ ‘tipikəl/ a.典型的,代表性的   37. typist/ ‘taipist/ n.打字员   38. tyre/ ‘taiə/ n.轮胎,车胎   t开头的英文单词2   1. tag/ tæg/ n.附加语;标签   2. tailor/ ‘teilə/ n.裁缝 vt.裁制衣服   3. tale/ teil/ n.故事,传说   4. talent/ ‘tælənt/ n.天才;才能;人才   5. thrust/ θrΛst/ vt.插,刺 n.插;讽刺   6. thunder/ ‘θΛndə/ n.雷 vi.打雷 vt.吼出   7. thus/ ðΛs/ ad.如此,这样;因而   8. tide/ taid/ n.潮,潮汐;潮流   9. tidy/ ‘taidi/ a.整洁的;整齐的   10. tin/ tin/ n.锡;罐头   11. tip/ tip/ vt.轻击 vi.给小费   12. tire/ ‘taiə/ vi.疲劳,累;厌倦   13. tissue/ ‘tisju:/ n.薄绢;薄纸;组织   14. toast/ təust/ n.烤面包 vt.烘,烤   15. toast/ təust/ n.祝酒;祝酒词   16. toe/ təu/ n.脚趾,足尖   17. tɔilet/ ‘tɔilit/ n.厕所,盥洗室,浴室   18. tolerance/ ‘tɔlərəns/ n.忍受,容忍;公差   19. tolerate/ ‘tɔləreit/ vt.忍受,容忍,宽恕   20. tone/ təun/ n.音;腔调;声调   21. torch/ tɔ:tʃ/ n.火炬,火把;手电筒   22. torture/ ‘tɔ:tʃə/ n.拷问;折磨 vt.拷打   23. total/ ‘təutl/ a.总的 vi.合计,总共   24. touch/ tΛtʃ/ vt.触摸;触动;感动 n.触   25. tough/ tΛf/ a.坚韧的;健壮的   26. tour/ tuə/ n.&vi.旅行,游历   27. tourist/ ‘tuərist/ n.旅游者,观光者   28. towel/ ‘tauəl/ n.毛巾,手巾   29. tower/ ‘tauə/ n.塔 vi.屹立,高耸   30. trace/ treis/ n.痕迹;丝毫 vt.跟踪   31. track/ træk/ n.行踪;路径;轨道   32. tractor/ ‘træktə/ n.拖拉机;牵引车   33. trade/ treid/ n.贸易;职业 vi.交易   34. traffic/ ‘træfik/ n.交通,通行;交通量   35. tragedy/ ‘trædʒidi/ n.悲剧;惨事,惨案   36. trail/ treil/ n.痕迹;小径 vt.跟踪   37. transfer/ træns"fə:/ vt.转移;调动vi.转移   38. transform/ træns"fɔ:m/ vt.改变;改造;变换   39. transformation/ trænsfə"meiʃən/ n.变化;改造;转变   40. transformer/ træns"fɔ:mə/ n.变压器,转换器   t开头的英文单词3   1. talk/ tɔ:k/ vi.讲话 vt.谈论   2. tame/ teim/ a.驯服的;顺从的   3. tank/ tæŋk/ n.坦克;大容器,槽   4. tap/ tæp/ vt.&vi.&n.轻叩   5. tap/ tæp/ n.塞子;龙头 vt.开发   6. taste/ teist/ n.味觉,品味   7. technical/ ‘teknikəl/ a.技术的,工艺的   8. technician/ tek"niʃən/ n.技术员,技师   9. tedious/ ‘ti:diəs/ a.冗长乏味的,沉闷的   10. telegram/ ‘teligræm/ n.电报   11. telescope/ ‘teliskəup/ n.望远镜   12. temple/ ‘templ/ n.圣堂,神殿,庙宇   13. temporary/ ‘tempərəri/ a.暂时的,临时的   14. tempt/ tempt/ vt.引诱,诱惑;吸引   15. temptation/ temp"teiʃən/ n.诱惑,引诱   16. tend/ tend/ vt.照管,照料,护理   17. tend/ tend/ vi.走向,趋向;倾向   18. tendency/ ‘tendənsi/ n.趋向,趋势,倾向   19. tender/ ‘tendə/ a.嫩的;脆弱的   20. tense/ tens/ n.时态,时   21. tense/ tens/ a.拉紧的,绷紧的   22. tension/ ‘tenʃən/ n. 紧张,不安,拉紧,张力   23. terminal/ ‘tə:minl/ a.末端的 n.末端   24. terrible/ ‘terəbl/ a.可怕的;极度的   25. territory/ ‘teritəri/ n.领土,版图;领域   26. terror/ ‘terə/ n.恐怖,惊骇   27. textile/ ‘tekstail/ n. 纺织品 a.纺织的   28. theoretical/ θiə"retikəl/ a.理论(上)的   29. thereby/ ‘ðeə"bai/ ad.因此,从而,由此   30. therefore/ ‘ðeəfɔ:/ ad.因此,所以【绝对不可以直接连接两个句子】   31. thermometer/ θə"mɔmitə/ n.温度计,寒暑表   32. thickness/ ‘θiknis/ n.厚(度);密(度)   33. thorough/ ‘θΛrə/ a.彻底的;详尽的   34. thoughtful/ ‘θɔ:tful/ a.沉思的;体贴的   35. thread/ θred/ n.线;丝;螺纹;头绪   36. threat/ θret/ n.威胁,恐吓,凶兆   37. threaten/ ‘θretn/ vt.&vi.威胁,恐吓   38. thrive/ θraiv/ vi.兴旺,繁荣,旺盛   39. throat/ θrəut/ n.咽喉,喉咙;嗓音   40. throughout/ θru:"aut/ prep.遍及 ad.到处   


this is an old topic and very difficult question. check out the links and see what all other poeple"s views are hope it helps http://www.mylot.com/w/discussions/1622658.aspx http://www.maplesky.net/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=14274Could a man and a woman be “just friends”!? Can it be so, or is it mission impossible?Nowadays men and women are interacting very actively at work. They have common hobbies. So naturally, the question arises: “Is it possible for a man and a woman socialize without sexual attraction, tension, passion and stay in platonic relationship?In this question, we won"t find the only “true” answer. All of us have experience and individual opinion. Part of us would believe that “he” and “she” can be just friend, and other would claim that it is nonsense – if two opposite sex people are friends, one of them most probably will be interested in more than just a platonic relationship.You can be friends just untill one or both of you will cross “no sex line”. Many people think, that opposite sex friendship is hiding sexual intentions, or at least one of the friends (mostly men) is dreaming about it. In platonic love, there"s no sexual activity, but very often there is sexual attraction. I believe that sexual tension is unavoidable between heterosexual opposite sex friends.One woman is interpreting: “how can a man and a woman be just friends? There can only be one relationship – and it‘s bed. It‘s funny when he‘s telling - we are just friends. A man and a woman can only be lovers or something like that, but not friends.”Other woman is joking: “I think that a man and a woman can‘t be friends, unless he‘s gay or she‘s lesbian.”But there are people who are claiming that people of opposite sexes can be just friends and nothing more. The basic point is that both male and female would have the same views on platonic relationship. If there‘s going to be a friendship between a man and a woman or not, depends only on them. The basics of friendship are interests and confidence, not gender. Mankind is thinking, that friendship with women is of a higher quality, they can express their own feelings not like with a man. Women like to have „pretended“ brothers, because with a male friend she can feel safe.One woman suggests how can a man and a woman be just friends: “you should go sleep in one bed (only sleep, no sex). If you will sleep soundly, without any distractions – yes, you can be friends, but if not... I think that the question about a man"s and a woman"s friendship is still open. What‘s your opinion?Nice article. I really used to think about this aspoect as i have some good female friends. But many times my feeling about them is sexually mixed. It"s tru that mere friendship is not possible with opposite sex. At some point of time the relationship turns into sexual. That can be in verbal, in thoughts or in dreams. If somebody overcomes this well and good. But i really doubt the possibility of keeping a pure veg friendhsip with my female friends.I do believe in it. But I also think it"s extremely psychological.Most of the guy friends I have, I have known for years, so I see them in the same light as my brothers....you know..someone you could never be intimate with. I know their wives and girlfriends and everyone is ok with things.On the other hand, when you first meet someone of the opposite sex (and they aren"t necessariy living the homosexual lifestyle) it"s where the line becomes very thin. Most people within a few month of meeting probably start having fantasies or becoming attracted to one another. And that"s why I think people get confused and say that men and women can"t be friends. Problem is that at a certain stage in your life there is so much sexual tension hanging out that hormones and emotions can become overwhelming. We are naturally prone to be "eyeing" up mates to reproduce the planet and that"s where the line is usually crossed.So, I guess after that mouthfull, I guess it really depends on the kind of person and where they are at in their lives.I don"t think there is real friendship between man and woman. If you make friends with someone, that means that you like him/her in some respects. Nobody can promise this kind of "like" won"t become "love". Because there is much "chemical" around men and women, and with proper conditions, this chemical thing will work. So I cannot believe a man and a woman can become friends. What do you think?Two years bac my views were very different as i didnt met many people on net . But now as i have seen things widely realised threre are so many things beyond our own Thinking. After going thru all come to the conclusion one cant say tht man and woman cant be just frnds. They can be. After marriage we should realise d sentiments of partners and thr is no need to hurt any one intentionally or unintentionally. On this long road of life we meet so many people and all are not same, so we should choose thm according to our own opinions. Why we cross those boundaries which are divine for husband/wife only. Maintain frndship upto sm extent. Friendship is just sharing our own thoughts joys and sorrows. I m not agree at any cost tht man and woman frndship goes beyond .Not all men are the same about ANYTHING, just like not all women are the same about anything.In my experience, friendship between man and women can exist as long as there are established bounderies... Men or women who tell everything to their opposite sex friend are bound to be attracted to one another... I personnally slept with all of my so called "female friend" or "female best friend", at some point in my life I had friendship with women which lasted a long time and then something eventually happened (it can take years but trust me something will definitely happen if there are no bounderies!!!). I slept with most of my female entourage ,at some point it just happens!!I learnt that: if you"re going to be the best friend of a woman, she will tell you everything, then because you"re not personnaly involved in her stories she will find in you a good listener, non-judgemental, a non-jealous, caring and trusting person!! If at that moment in time she is in no relationship, she might consider you as a potential partner.. or if she is in a bad relationship, she will undoubtedly start to compare her partner with you! She may start thinking: "well, if my bestfriend is so perfect why am I not with him?".....women gets attached emotionally to people and situation, this is why without bounderies friendship with men can be tricky!!Men however can definitely be attracted to someone and be friend at the same time because men don"t get emotionally involved in the same way as women do.....they can stay friends without acting on their fantasies!! Also, men don"t always do it consciously, but they sometimes wait days, month or even years for the right time to come and make their move, it is much easier to get to know a woman when she is your best friend first. Especially when she has a boyfriend and tells you all about it...My question is: Does Not acting on you fantasy makes you a real friend? Do you fancy your sister/brother or same sex friend? I don"t think so.....What I call bounderies is, one should not tell a friend of the opposite sex what he/she can"t tell to his/her own partner...tell someone else (same sex friend or familly member)!!! In order to keep a friend of the opposite sex a " friend", the friend need to feel like a friend, not like a boyfriend or girlfriend, therefore there are certain things you cannot do or tell!!! Now, what I would like you to do is, be honest with yourself and ask yourself this question.... Do you have 1 reason other than "he/she is my friend" not to date your best friend? After all, he/she understands you, knows your little secrets and yet doesnt judge you, listens, cares for you, trust you and has your trust, is there for you through good and bad time.....and so on and so on!!!My verdict is, TRUE friendship between men and women doesnt exist!!!!Well I in my opinion, a man and a woman can only be "just friends" before or after a relationship. If they have dated, had sex, and broke up, then and only then can it be possible for them to remain "just friends." If they have not dated at all and are "just friends," they will share stories of heartbreak, family life, stress stories and build trust. They will soon figure out how much they understand and appreciate each other and will most likely end up dating.
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