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你好~despite 和in spite of都表示 尽管 的意思,句首句中都可以放的但主要是介词用法,即后面跟短语或者单词。However是连词,接的是句子,表示的然而的意思。放在一个句子里语法上是没有错误的,比如Despite the fact that I loved her, the way she treated my parents, however, bothered me daily.但是和Although一样,已经表示了尽管,但是的意思,所以后面不加however最好~希望可以帮到你~



"In spite of" despite Although 这3个词组有什么区别! 用法是什么?


despite的用法是什么 怎么用despite

1、despite介词时,与in spite of同义,都表示“尽管”、“虽然”、“不顾”之意 放在时,要接成分,成分也就是的组分,由词或词组充当。 2、如:Despite his advanced years,he is learning to drive虽然年事已高,他现在在学驾驶汽车。 3、Despite the drought,we expect a good crop.尽管天旱,丰收依然在望。

如何分清despite和regardless of的区别

despite(尽管)是介词,不是连词,所以不能用来引导句子,若其后要跟 that 从句,需插入 the factdespite(尽管)本身是介词,注意不要受 in spite of(尽管)的影响,而误用 despite ofdespite(尽管)是介词,由此引出的是介词短...


后面可跟名词、动词ing或从句。despite,作介词时译为“即使,尽管”;作名词时译为“侮辱,伤害,轻视,鄙视,憎恨”;作动词时译为“故意使烦恼,故意伤害”。 despite接什么 despite介词,“不管、尽管、任凭”,后面可跟名词、动词ing或从句,如: 1、He came to the meeting despite his serious illness. 【名词】 尽管病的很重,他还是来参加了会议. 2、Despite wanting to see him again, she refused to reply to his letters.【ing】 尽管很想再次见见他,她还是拒绝答复他的信. 3、Despite what others say,I think he is a good boy.【从句】 不管别人说什么,我还是认为他是个好男孩。 despite双语例句 Despite how I feel inside. 不管我内里觉得如何。 She decided to go despite her misgivings. 尽管疑虑重重,她还是决定去。 In this case however, despite the name of the property, it need not and should not be unique. 尽管该属性的名称如此,但在这种情况下,它不需要也不应该为唯一的。

despite和in spite of 的区别是什么啊,后面接的东西部一样吧?是前者接句子么后者

论语气,despite比in spite of谨严,但意思没有分别,都可译做“虽然”或“不顾”,例如:“In spite of/Despite mounting public discontent, the government is determined to push the bill through.(虽然公众不满愈来愈强烈,政府还是执意要通过议案。)” 有时,我们会看到despite of mounting public discontent之类说法,但despite之后加of,一般被视为鄙俗甚至不正确,不宜仿效。 In spite of或despite之后必须用名词或动名词(gerund),不能接普通子句(clause),例如不可说“Despite the public is getting increasingly discontented”只能说“Despite the fact that the public is getting increasingly discontented”。不过,in spite of/despite the fact that这句式虽然正确,却嫌累赘,最好用although一字取代,例如:“Although the public is getting increasingly discontented, the government is determined to push the bill through.” 英文有in spite of/despite oneself这说法,意思是“不由自主”或“不禁”,例如:“Her words were so satirical that I lost my temper in spite of myself.(她的话尖酸刻薄得令我忍不住发脾气。)” 留意spite这个字单独使用时,往往解作“恶意”,和in spite of不同,例如:“She did it out of spite.(她那样做是出于恶意的。)”




despite是个介词而不是连词,也就是说它后面是跟短语,而不能直接连接句子。despitr the fact that是个固定表达,可译为“尽管”。

despite that 可以这样说吗?

可以的,despite that:尽管如此;尽管那样例句:Spencer:Despite that setback,your creation still holds great significance.抛开那次的失败不谈,创造出你仍然有着深远的意义。Despite that, the majority of mid-aged people and senior citizens uphold the importance of the traditional performance.尽管那样,多数中年人和老年人仍然看中这传统节目的重要性。Despite that, they could see that there were common grounds that united all the proposals.尽管如此,可以看到各提案也贯穿了一些共同立场。-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!认可我的回答就记得采纳哟么么哒 o(∩_∩)o


although和despite的区别有:1、语气强弱的区别although的语气较重,despite相比较轻。2、词性不同although只能是从属连词,而despite可以作为介词和名词使用。3、句中位置不同although可置于句首(此时多用逗号与主句分开),也可置于句末(此时用不用逗号均可),也可用于句中表强调。而despite多用于句中和句首。扩展资料一、although英 [ɔ:lˈðəu]   美 [ɔlˈðo]  conj.虽然;尽管;但是;然而例句1、Although the shooting has stopped for now, the destruction left behind is  enormous. 虽然枪战目前已停止,但造成的破坏是巨大的。2、Although he was twice as old as us, he became the life and soul of the company. 虽然他的年纪是我们的两倍,但他却成为了公司的灵魂人物。3、Although not ideal, this attitude is not entirely destructive. 这种态度虽然不够理想,但还不至于消极透顶。二、despite英 [dɪˈspaɪt]   美 [dɪˈspaɪt]  prep.不管;虽有;尽管(自己)不愿意;不在乎n.侮辱;憎恨;怨恨例句1、Despite winning the title, their last campaign ended in greatdisappointment 尽管赢得了冠军,但他们最后一役却令人大失所望。2、Mr Lawssi apparently did not return the money, despite repeatedreminders 尽管被提醒了很多次,劳西先生显然没有把钱退回来。3、Despite myself, Harry"s remarks had caused me to stop and reflect.哈里的话让我不由自主地停下来细想。

despite 和 in spite of 有什么区别

1、词性不同。despite是连词,in spite of是介词短语。2、衔接不同。(1)despite后面是句子,例如Despite It is raining hard,I go to school on time.(2)in spite of后面接名词或动名词或名词性句子,例如In spite of raining hard,I go to school on time.despite 1、发音英 [dɪ"spaɪt]  美 [dɪ"spaɪt] 2、词性prep. 尽管,不管n. 轻视;憎恨;侮辱3、形式比较级 despited最高级 despited

regardless of 和despite of的区别

dispite就是 某件事情(一般只某些事实)无所谓regardless是说 不管怎样都无所谓Regardless of the weather next week, we are going to the beach.Regardless of whether it rains, there will be plenty we can do for fun. We had a good time at the beach despite the rain.Despite having only a few hours of sunshine, everybody was in good spirits.


despite 是一个介词,可以加名词或者what 引导的宾语从句。

despite 后面是加that从句还是加名词性短语



不可以。despite后面只能是短语。despite,英语单词,介词、名词、动词,作介词时译为“即使,尽管”;作名词时译为“(诗/文)侮辱,伤害;轻视,鄙视;憎恨”;作动词时译为“故意使烦恼,故意伤害”。 despite短语搭配 despite prep不管;即使;尽管;不顾 Despite on尽管在;尽管上 despite whichle虽然那;毕竟 despite例句 1.I failed the test despite studying all night. 尽管整夜学习,我还是考试不及格。 2.Despite our repeated criticisms, he remains unchanged. 尽管我们一再批评,他还是依然如故。 3.Despite my friendship with Frank, I tried not to take sides with him in his argument with his brother. 尽管我和佛兰克好,却尽量在他们兄弟的争吵中不偏护他。 4.In this case however, despite the name of the property, it need not and should not be unique. 尽管该属性的名称如此,但在这种情况下,它不需要也不应该为唯一的。

in spite of 和 despite的区别?

despite用作介词时,与 in spite of同义,都表示“尽管”、“虽然”、“不顾”之意,但程度有所不同. 一般说来,in spite of的语气较强,使用范围也较广; despite的语气较弱,多用于诗歌或正式的文体中.despite可以写作despite of,也可以写作 in despite of;in spite of则可以写作 spite of,但这些写法已少用了.例: Despite his advanced years,he is learning to drive. 虽然年事已高,他现在在学驾驶汽车. Despite the drought,we expect a good crop. 尽管天旱,丰收依然在望. In spite of the police brandishing their clubs and pistols,people showed not the slightest fear. 尽管警方挥动着短棍及手枪,但人们毫不畏惧. We arrived at the station in spite of the storm. 虽然有暴风雨,我们依旧准点到达火车站. 应当在此指出的是,在现代英语里,despite和in spite of的差距已日渐缩小,很多人已将它们互换使用. Despite除作介词外,尚可用作名词,表示“蔑视”、“憎恨”、“无意对待”之意

despite 与 in spite有什么区别

despite = in spite of ,前者显得更正式一些,用法上一样,都是介词,表示让步关系. 初学者要特别注意这两个介词和连词though/although的在用法上的区别(though/although引导让步状语从句,而despite/in spite of 引导介词短语)

Despite可以跟什么从句? 谢谢


despite of和despite的区别

despite:despite书面用词,指不受某事或某种原因的阻碍,语气轻于in spite of。 despite of:spite of在这些词中语气最强,可与despite换用,口语或书面语中均可使用。 扩展资料   Despite the power cuts, the hospital continued to function normally.   尽管供电中断,医院继续照常运作。   Despite her earnest efforts, she could not find a job.   尽管她已尽心竭力,但是仍然找不到工作。   Despite his cries, no one came to his assistance.   尽管他喊叫,却没有人来帮助他。


就是一个名词之类除了苹果,我什么都吃despite apples , I eat every thing


一、详细释义: , n. , 卑鄙的行为,侮辱,伤害 , 例句: ,He was determined to avenge the despite.,他决心为受到的侮辱报仇雪恨。, 恶意,怨恨 [U] , 轻蔑,轻视 [U] , 例句: ,She wanted neither favor nor despite.,她既不想被人赞美也不想受到轻视。, prep. , 不管,尽管,任凭 , 例句: ,She managed to preserve her sense of humour despite everything.,她不管遇到什么情况都竭力保持着幽默感。, 例句: ,The problem is, how to keep production going despite a critical shortage of people.,问题在于,如何在人手奇缺的情况下继续生产。, 不由自主,情不自禁 , 例句: ,Despite myself, Jim"s remarks had caused me to stop and reflect.,吉姆的话让我不由自主地停下来细想。, 例句: ,Hearing the good news, the kids *** iled despite of themselves.,听到了这个好消息,孩子们不由自主的笑了。, 二、词义辨析: , despite,in spite of,noithstanding ,这些前置词或前置短语都含有“虽然,尽管”之意。despite书面用词,指不受某事或某种原因的阻碍,语气轻于in spite of。in spite of在这些词中语气最强,可与despite换用,口语或书面语中均可使用。noithstanding语气最弱,仅表示一种障碍的存在。, 三、参考例句: ,He lives on despite the car accident.,尽管出了车祸,他仍然活下来了。,They remain friends despite all their differences.,尽管看法不同,他们还是好朋友。,They achieved some victories despite these odds.,尽管受到这些挫折,他们还是取得了一些胜利。,He was obviously distressed despite being unconscious.,虽然他自己未发觉,但他显然很忧心。,Despite her aching shoulders, Nancy held on.,南希紧抓不放,不顾双肩疼痛。,I like him despite his faults.,虽然他有种种缺点,但我仍然喜欢他。,I failed the exam despite studying hard.,尽管努力学习,我还是考试不及格。,I like him despite his faults.,虽然他有很多缺点,我仍然喜欢他。,The plane took off despite the fog.,尽管有雾,飞机仍照常起飞。,They won the game despite overwhelming odds.,尽管差异悬殊,他们还是赢得了比赛。


despite后面只能是短语。1、读音:英 [dɪˈspaɪt]   美 [dɪˈspaɪt]  2、释义:即使,尽管。3、语法:despite书面用词,指不受某事或某种原因的阻碍,语气轻于in spite of。4、相关短语:despite of不管, 尽管。扩展资料近义词:notwithstanding1、读音:英 [ˌnɒtwɪθˈstændɪŋ]   美 [ˌnɑːtwɪθˈstændɪŋ]  2、释义:虽然,尽管。3、语法:notwithstanding语气最弱,仅表示一种障碍的存在。4、用法例句:Notwithstanding the heat of the sun we must go out. 5、白话译文:尽管烈日当空、气温炎热,我们还得外出。

despite 和inspite 有什么区别? spite of + n Not stopped by; regardless of: 不因…而停止;不顾…2.despite + n prep. 不管;不顾;即使

despite和in spite of的区别是?

despite、in spite of的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、意思不同1.despite:即使,尽管,尽管(自己)不愿意。 spite of:尽管;不管,不顾。二、用法不同1.despite:despite书面用词,指不受某事或某种原因的阻碍,语气轻于in spite of。 spite of:语气最弱,仅表示一种障碍的存在。三、侧重点不同1.despite:侧重于表示的感觉更随意。 spite of:侧重于表示的感觉更严谨。四、用法不同1、despite :She told friends she will stand by husband, despite reports that he sent another woman love notes.她告诉朋友说,她将支持丈夫,尽管有报道说他在给别的女人递情书。2、 in spite of : In spite of those like me and not because of us, this day has come to you. 尽管有那些像我一样的教师,不是因为我们的原因,你的这一天已经来到了。扩展资料despite用作介词时,与 in spite of同义,都表示“尽管”、“虽然”、“不顾”之意,但程度有所不同。一般说来,in spite of的语气较强,使用范围也较广; despite的语气较弱,多用于诗歌或正式的文体中。despite可以写作despite of,也可以写作 in despite of;in spite of 则可以写作 spite of,但这些写法已少用了。例:Despite his advanced years,he is learning to drive.虽然年事已高,他现在在学驾驶汽车.Despite the drought,we expect a good crop.尽管天旱,丰收依然在望.In spite of the police brandishing their clubs and pistols,people showed not the slightest fear.尽管警方挥动着短棍及手枪,但人们毫不畏惧.We arrived at the station in spite of the storm.虽然有暴风雨,我们依旧准点到达火车站.在现代英语里,despite和in spite of的差距已日渐缩小,很多人已将它们互换使用。Despite除作介词外,尚可用作名词,表示“蔑视”、“憎恨”、“无意对待”之意。


despite英语单词意思1是任凭;尽管。例句如下:he remains a great leader despite age and infirmity.尽管年老体衰,他仍不失为一位伟大的领导者。意思2是凌辱;伤害;例句如下:the despite done by him to the holy relics.他对这些圣物的亵渎。contempt; disdain意思3是轻蔑;鄙视,例句如下:the theatre only earns my despite.戏剧界只能引起我的鄙视。


despite和although的区别为:指代不同、语法不同、侧重点不同。一、指代不同1、despite:即使。2、although:虽然。二、语法不同1、despite:in despite of和despite of也表示“不管,尽管”,但是使用不普遍;从语气上看,despite比in spite of要轻。2、although:although的基本意思是“尽管,虽然”或“然而,但是”,常用于引导陈述语气的让步状语从句,且引导的句子常指事实,而不指设想。although可置于句首(此时多用逗号与主句分开),也可置于句末(此时用不用逗号均可),也可用于句中表强调。三、侧重点不同1、despite:despite书面用词,指不受某事或某种原因的阻碍,语气轻于in spite of。2、although:although与though在意义上相似,但文体上是比较正式用词,语气比though强。




despite用法如下:despite作为介词具有不管、尽管(自己)不愿意、不在乎、虽有等意思,作为名词有侮辱、憎恨、怨恨、轻蔑的拒绝或不承认的意思,despite用作介词时,与 in spite of同义,都表示“尽管”、“虽然”、“不顾”之意,放在句首时,要接成分,由词或词组充当。近义词介绍:in spite of表达意思:尽管;不管,不顾。固定搭配:in spite of everything终究;in spite of oneself不知不觉地 ; 不由自主地 ; 身不由己。例句:In spite of his disappointment, he managed a weak smile.尽管他很失望,他还是勉强露出一丝淡淡的微笑。




despite [de·spite || dɪ"spaɪt]prep. 恶意; 侮辱; 怨恨; 损害#虽然, 尽管

despite和despite of的区别

首先没有despite of这个写法。有in spite of。despite和in spite of只是形式不同。一个是单词,一个是短语。但是意思都是尽管,虽然,不顾的意思。后面都是接名词或者名词短语。举例:In spite of great peril, I have survived 虽然处境非常危险,我还是挺过来了。The National Health Service has visibly deteriorated,despite increased spending.尽管支出在增加,但国民医疗保健服务的质量却明显下降了。扩展资料:despite英 [dɪˈspaɪt] 美 [dɪˈspaɪt]prep:不管;虽有;尽管(自己)不愿意;不在乎n:侮辱;憎恨;怨恨;轻蔑的拒绝或不承认举例:1.Despite a thorough investigation,not race of Dr.Southwell has been found.尽管进行了彻底的调查,还是没有发现索思韦尔博士的任何踪迹。2.Despite myself,Harry"s remarks had caused me to stop and reflect.哈里的话让我不由自主地停下来细想。


despite意思如下:prep.    即使; 尽管; 尽管(自己)不愿意。  n.    怨恨; 恶意; 轻蔑; 侮辱。despite,英语单词,介词、名词、动词,作介词时译为“即使,尽管”;作名词时译为“(诗/文)侮辱,伤害;轻视,鄙视;憎恨”;作动词时译为“故意使烦恼,故意伤害”,故意伤害"。双语例句:Despite how I feel inside。不管我内里觉得如何。She decided to go despite her misgivings。尽管疑虑重重,她还是决定去。In this case however, despite the name of the property, it need not and should not be unique。尽管该属性的名称如此,但在这种情况下,它不需要也不应该为唯一的。短语搭配:despite prep不管 ; 即使 ; 尽管 ; 不顾。Despite on尽管在 ; 尽管上。despite whichle虽然那样 ; 毕竟。
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