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V1.0 TD Keypad Designer有什么作用


altium designer PCB板厚度怎么设置?


在altium designer 中,如何在原理图中添加测试点?谢谢

place-diractives--test vector(不过需要在PVB中添加封装,也就是一个小焊盘)

在altium designer 画图软件 里pcb文件 后缀名是什么

DDB 工程文件,相当于一个包,里面有PCB、原理图、材料清单、gerber...pcb 就是通常所说的线路板文件sch 电气原理图lib 库文件,就是每个元件形式存放在库里,如电阻 电容....bin 没用到过






c盘,即系统盘,在windows纯系统文件夹下,没有DESIGNER这个文件夹。这个文件夹,可能是用户安装某个设计应用软件生成到系统盘上去的。  如果确定没有安装过该软件,可以将该文件夹直接删除掉即可。



designer 英文

n. 设计师,设计者;谋划者adj. 由著名设计师设计的,标有设计师姓名的;时尚的,时髦的例句:She"s the fashion designer of the moment.她是当前最红的时装设计师。This is the mark of her real genius as a designer.这是她作为一名设计师的真正天赋的标志。The designer has chosen the complementary colours blue and orange.设计师选取了蓝和橙黄两种对比色。



altium designer 原理图中批量修改封装

利用altium designer软件的查找相似项功能可以实现在原理图中批量修改封装。具体操作请参照以下步骤。1、首先在电脑上用altium designer软件打开一张原理图,假设需要将电阻的封装全部改成0805的。按住“shift”键将原理图中的电阻一一选中。2、然后右击鼠标,在出现的右键菜单中,点击“查找相似对象”选项。3、然后在出现的窗口中,将“selected”的选项设置为“same”。4、接着点击窗口下方的确定按钮,如图所示。5、然后就会进入下一个窗口,将“current footprint”的内容设置为0805,再按回车键即可。这样就可在原理图中批量修改元件的封装。

用altium designer如何画一位数码管

Agilent Technologies库里还有很多,也可以搜关键词5082或HDSP








你好,我不这么认为,designer 可以说是首创,但也不能完全说是这样,后者我不赞同是维护。任何产品在designer之后必须developer,没有developer就没有实际意义

怎样使用altium designer

此处使用的软件是Altium designer14版本,若是其他版本,有些步骤设置会略有差别,不可照搬,以所用软件为主。启动软件。双击桌面Altium designer14快捷方式,打开软件。共2图>02新建一个PCB文件。File(文件)——New(新建)——PCB。正常的做法是先新建design workspace或者新建PCB project,这里只新建PCB文件,说明如何设计多层板就可以了,所以不必新建工程。共2图>03Design(设计)——layer stack manager (层管理),打开层管理。这是Altium designer14版本的层管理界面,注意其他版本的区别,比如Altium designer10的层管理界面如图2.可以看到Altium designer10的层管理和protel的很相近的。>04在层管理中,默认有顶层底层两层,如需要设计多层板,可以通过以下方法。1 添加内电层。内电层是整个完整的平面,是整个的覆铜的,是负片腐蚀,即有走线的地方是腐蚀掉的。可以做电源层,也可以做地层。2.添加中间层。中间层可以作为走线来用,和普通的信号层没有什么区别,只是走线在内部了。是正片腐蚀。电源层或地线层以及信号层的顺序以四层板为例可以为顶层——电源层——地层——底层;顶层——地层——电源层——底层。顶层和底层主要是信号层,中间的内电层是电源和地线层。>05如添加内电层。点top layer,层管理左下角,Add layer——add internal plane ,即可添加内电层,可以对此内电层重命名,如地层,也可以删除。在添加内电层时,层的厚度,材料等根据需要填写。>06层查看。快捷键L,可以看到信号层和内电层。>07层添加好后,接下来就可以画PCB板外形,边框,然后导入网络表,布局,布线了

英语翻译 designer clothing什么意思.别告诉我是服装设计师

clothing:这里作不可数名词n.(总称)衣服;覆盖物; designer:这里作形容词adj.由专门设计师设计的; 标有设计师名字的.修饰clothing 因此designer clothing可解释为“品牌服装,名牌服装”的意思.






Developer(开发人员 ):其职责就是根据组织确定的软件配置管理计划和相关规定,按照软件配置管理工具的使用模型来完成开发任务。Designer(设计人员):进行设计规划,并在审视的过程中,报告与解释为什么需要这样的设计规格。





安装s7-200编程软件时有一个TD keypad designer是干什么用的?















designer,英语单词,主要用作名词、形容词,作名词时译为“设计师;谋划者”,作形容词时译为“由设计师专门设计的;享有盛名的;赶时髦的”。designer /du026au02c8zau026anu0259/ TEM4 ( designers )。1.N-COUNT A designer is a person whose job is to design things by making drawings of them. 设计师。2.ADJDesigner clothes or designer labels are expensive, fashionable clothes made by a famous designer, rather than being made in large quantities in a factory. 名师设计的 [ADJ n]。3.ADJ You can use designer to describe things that are worn or bought because they are fashionable. 时尚的 [非正式][ADJ n]。


设计师 绘图师 阴谋家等






designer[英] [du026au02c8zau026anu0259(r)][美] [du026au02c8zau026anu0259]n.设计师; 设计者; 构思者;adj.由专门设计师设计的; 标有设计师名字的; 时尚的; 时髦的;[例句]Carolyne is a fashion designer.卡罗琳是一名时装设计师。[复数]designers

object-oriented design是什么意思

object-oriented design[计]面向对象设计[OOD]; 例句:1.This is a catalog of different object-oriented design patterns. 这本书阐述了各种面向对象的设计模式。2.The art of good object-oriented design includes defining minimal, clear, and cohesive public abstractions. 好的面向对象设计的艺术在于定义最小的,清晰的,有凝聚力的公共抽象层。3.In order for the enterprise information systems to efficiently cope with the highly complexity of business logic and to be adapted to the mutabilty of business environment, based on the structural analysis and object-oriented design methodology, a hybrid modeling approach is proposed for business processes. 为使企业信息系统的分析与设计能有效管理业务逻辑的高度复杂性,适应业务环境的易变性,该文在结构化分析与面向对象设计方法的基础上提出一种复合型的业务过程建模方法。

object-oriented design是什么意思

object-oriented design 面向对象设计;物件导向设计;面向对象的设计物件导向设计物件导向设计(Object-oriented Design)建立包含资料和程序的物件后,就可以完成设计。例句筛选1.And, applying a good "Object Oriented Design" is the key to achieve such asmart design.并且应用好“面向对象设计”是做到敏捷设计的关键。2.By using the object-oriented design method, which simplifies the complexity ofthe software development phase.通过运用面向对象设计方法,简化软件开发的复杂性。

collection design是什么意思

collection design 采集设计 ,收集设计

作文 I want to be a designer ≥50字

I want to be a designer because I"m good at drawing and I love to design things. When I was a little girl, I liked pretty dresses, and I liked to draw them myself. I"ve learned drawing for 10 years. I want to go to Paris to learn art and become a famous dress designer in the world. I will work hard to make my dream come true.希望对你有帮助

高分奖励,英译汉,关于箱包的要求 Design Specifications

Item Number = AP-02: 物品编号 = AP-021. 1200D material1. 1200D 材料 2. Fibre Glass Honey comb body 2. 玻璃纤维蜂形隆起身体(不太确定有点专业了)3. 5 pc set = 32”/29”/26”/20” + 14” Beauty Bag with rear strip to attach with trolley handle 3.5中设置 = 32"/29"/26"/20"+14" 漂亮的袋子后面设有手握推把4. 3 colours = All Black + Front Red/Body Black + All Dark Grey4. 三种颜色 = 全黑 + 前面红/身体黑 + 全深棕色 5. Side bump Protection as shown in pictures 5. 侧面撞击保护措施,如图.6. Corner Piping protection for all corners as shown in pictures6. 侧角边的保护措施,全部角都要有,如图. 7. Silver coloured metal based zippers #10 7. 银色材质的金属拉链 #108. Hardened Transparent Rubber handles with metal hooks as shown in pictures 8. 坚固透明的橡胶扶手和金属挂钩,如图.9. Internal Lining 210D, Low poison - Dark Grey with Silver Logo Imprint 9. 内部垫 210D, 低毒的 - 深棕色和银色的版权图标10. The depth of honeycomb mould for the 32” case is 25.5 cm the rest will follow down from that. The dept marked in pictures. It is the depth from zipper to base on side. 10. 蜂形隆起的模型深度对应32"案例的是25.5厘米,剩下的就按照这个尺度比例计算, 深度的程度依照图片里的标识. 它是从拉链到底部的深度11. All sizes expandable to 30 % of respective bag mould depth 11. 每个包包模型的深度按其尺寸扩大百分之3012. Metal based combination lock for each pc except beauty bag12. 金属底部复合锁伪码除去漂亮包包其他都要有. 13. PVC sheet at rear as shown in pictures13. PVC纸背面要有,依据图片 14. Large tractor wheels – Transparent 13. 大的滑轮 - 透明15. Internal Trolley system with clear plastic PP handles and silver colour trolley as shown in pictures 15. 内部推把系统要明显塑料PP把手和银色的推把,依图片.16. Side logo strip as shown in pictures 16. 旁边的标签依照图片17. Extension support at base as shown in pictures. 17. 底部支撑加长的部分依据图片Item Number = AP-202: 物品编号 = AP-2021. 600D material 1. 600D材料2. Fibre Glass Honey comb body 2. 玻璃纤维蜂式隆起身体3. 4 pc set = 32”/29”/26”/20” 3. 4个规格 = 32”/29”/26”/20”4. 3 colours = All Black + Front Royal Blue(Black Zippers)/Body Black + All Navy/Bottom Pc Burgundy 4. 三种颜色 = 全黑 + 贵族蓝(黑拉链)/身体要黑色 + 全海军色/Pc Burgundy底部.5. Black coloured zippers #105. 黑色拉链 #10 6. Black Rubber handles with metal hooks as shown in pictures 6. 黑色橡胶扶手和金属挂钩,依图7. Internal Lining 210D, Low poison - Dark Grey with Silver Logo Imprint 7. 内部垫 210D, 低毒, 深棕色和银色版权标签.8. The depth of honeycomb mould for the 32” case is 25.5 cm the rest will follow down from that. The depth marked in pictures. It is the depth from zipper to base on side.8. 蜂形隆起的模型深度对应32"案例的是25.5厘米,剩下的就按照这个尺度比例计算, 深度的程度依照图片里的标识. 它是从拉链到底部的深度 9. All sizes expandable to 30 % of respective bag mould depth 9. 每个包包模型的深度按其尺寸扩大百分之3010. Metal based combination lock for each pc 10. 金属底部复合锁伪码每个都要有11. PVC sheet at rear as shown in pictures 11. PVC纸背面要有,依据图片12. Large tractor wheels – Transparent 12. 大的滑轮 - 透明13. Internal Trolley system with Black plastic PP handles and Black colour trolley as shown in pictures 13. 内部推把系统要黑色塑料PP把手和黑色的推把,依图片.14. Extension support at base as shown in pictures14.底部支撑加长的部分依据图片

packaging design什么意思

packaging design 组装设计 包装设计;产品包装设计;品牌包装设计例句筛选1.modern packaging design elements; traditional elements; packaging culturalconnotation.现代包装设计要素;传统元素;包装文化内涵。2.The results were basis for the shockproof packaging design of straw foamedpackaging cushions.所得结论,为麦秆发泡包装衬垫的防振包装设计提供依据。

design art frame album是什么意思

设计艺术框架的专辑 我的回答你还满意吗?望采纳,谢谢!

indoor design与Interior design有什么不同?

Interior design内部结构设计与装修 indoor design 室内设计 后者更好 更专业

interior design怎么读?

"复制以下代码到记事本,另存为Speak.vbsdim wshSet WSH=CreateObject("sapi.spvoice")H="interior design"WSH.speak HDoH=InputBox (VbCrlf & "Are you ready to enjoy ?",now,H) if H="" then Exit DoWSH.speak HLoop

antdesign Table中的columns属性怎么和组件关联

1. Col_index_num 选取的返回值范围 超过table_array 所选范围2.表格内部有空格,可以替换下试试。

ant design中列数据图片时怎么写columns

const columns = [{title: "申报批次",dataIndex: "declareBatch",sorter: true,/*render: name => `${name.first} ${name.last}`,*//*render:()=>count++,*/width: "18%",}, {title: "被考机构",dataIndex: "admittedOrganization",width: "19%",}, {title: "申报截止日期",dataIndex: "dueDate",width: "12%",},{title: "考核时间",dataIndex: "examinationDate",render: (msg => (<span>{msg[0]+"~"+msg[1]}</span>)),width: "20%",},{title: "状态",dataIndex: "type",render: msg => msg === "待确认" ? <span style={{color:"green"}}>{msg}</span> : (msg==="待提交"?<span style={{color:"orange"}}>{msg}</span>:(msg==="待审批"?<span style={{color:"red"}}>{msg}</span>:<span>{msg}</span>)),width: "10%",},{title: "备注",dataIndex: "note",width: "10%",},{title: "操作",key: "operation",render: (text, record) => (<span><a><Popconfirm placement="topLeft" title={"确定要关闭该申报计划吗?"}visible={this.props.commonTableReduce.get("popVisible")}>关闭</Popconfirm></a><span className="ant-divider"></span><a><span>查看</span></a></span>),width: "12%",}];上面是Table中引用的clumn,最后一栏的操作里的Popconfirm的onVisibleChange等方法怎么调用下方的方法?

ant design 表格columns配置解析

react项目中引入ant design的组件,配置项内容很多,功能也非常强大。前三个基本项不做过多的说明,title表示列头显示文字,dataIndex列数据在数据项中对应的 key,key是你数据中相对应传入的属性。render函数返回三个值(text, record, index),text表示本项内容对应的value,record的值是一个object,里面存放了这一行数据的内容,index表示当行索引。箭头后面的内容trans(text) 表示真正要在table表格显示的数据,相当于一个过滤器,可以把后台数据拿到的值直接在此处转换。 width用来规定列宽,没有规定则自行根据内容显示列宽。官方文档有说明fixed: "right",固定在列表右侧,但是当列不够多的时候,会显示两个一样的列。fixed:true的效果同fixed: "left"。

design cues什么意思

设计线索cue[英][kju:][美][kju]n.暗示,提示; 线索; [台]球杆; 情绪,心情; vt.把…插入演出; 给…暗示;

this view is not constrained,it only has designtime positions什么意思

this view is not constrained,it only has designtime positions这个观点并不受约束,它只有设计时的位置

用英语帮忙编一个有关于 艺术设计design的小谜语,或急转弯。要翻译哦

This is BMW Company. The workers of this company are very lazy. They are always late for work.. Their governor is very angry about that. One day, they are having a meeting.Manager: Today, we have a very important meeting. You have to listen to me carefully.All: Yes, madam. (Nap)Manager: Recently, the accomplishment of our company isn"t good. The company wants to execute card-beating system. So, everyone should come to work early. If you arrive after 8 o"clock, you will be fired.All: Pardon?Manager: If you are late, you will be fired! Can you understand? Today"s meeting is over. Begin to work now!A: Oh my god! I can"t get up so early!B: Yes. It"s too difficult for me, too. How can we do?C: Hey, I have a good idea!The next dayManager: Hi, everyone, I am the manager of this company. I want to see whether my employees are honesty or not, so I design this game. Now, I will hung these two boxes up, then I wait and see what they react. The first one is" you can put something in it to make your card on time." And the second one is" you can tell your manager you"re late honestly".A: Oh, it"s 8:10, I am late. There is something on the wall. Let me have a look. (Is similar to 3s)put money to make the card punch advanceB: Put jewelry (beautifully dressed)C: Put toothbrush (take toothbrush, wear to sleep trousers, the clasp buttoned up)Manager: Let"s begin our routine meeting now. Did you come to work on time this morning?All: Yes!A: Look, this is my card. There is 7:30 on it. Do you know? It was hard for me to get up early this morning, but I got up and I was.(similar)Manager: "But, I still want to fire you. Look! What are these?"Abc: It"s my ~~~~Manager: Honesty is the basic for person. But, you are all late. What"s more, you play tricks on me. This is why I want to fire you.All: We know we are wrong.


assign 指派,委派,委任 design 设计,构思,计划 resign 辞职,放弃



什么叫design know-how

design know-how指的是设计诀窍或设计技术等。




indicatevt.指出, 显示, 象征, 预示, 需要, 简要地说明designatevt.指明, 指出, 任命, 指派v.指定, 指派

请问Altium Designer下Gerber转PCB,layers怎么设置啊?


【Ant design vue】antd实现动态增减表单项,支持赋初始值


2019-05-10 antd-design-vue 组件文档

NOTICE 基本使用 value 选中参数值 checked 是否选中 defaultChecked 是否默认选中 通过配合 a-radio-group 组建获取和赋值 a-radio-group 的change事件获取event事件 如果a-radio-group的子元素是a-radio-button 可以设置 buttonStyle 和 size 属性 基本使用 checkbox 通过change属性获取event事件 通过checked值判断是否选中 defaultChecked 初始状态 disabled 选中失效 change 回调函数 配合 a-checkbox-group 进行使用时,进行一组选框渲染 options 选框数组 onChange事件会返回数组中 选中的元素的value值数组, 直接返回的是value值组成的数组,按选中顺序 基本使用 options 用来传入select下拉的数据,数据以数组形式传入,数组结构, 当传入的数据过大,要进行截取渲染,不然会卡顿 其中组建的宽度必须要设定,不然组建不能被撑开 defaultValue 组建显示的默认值 onChange 组建操作回调函数, 返回操作选择的value,当labelInValue为true时,同时返回节点文本信息 a-select-option 组建的子组建,表示子选项 mode 设置select选择模式,可选值 "default" | "multiple" | "tags" | "combobox" disabled 是否禁用 dropdownClassName 下拉菜单的类名,方便自定义下拉菜单 open 是否展开下拉菜单 defaultOpen 是否默认展开下拉菜单 labelInValue boolean 获取节点文本信息, 必要情况下需要取得的数据,需注意 基本使用 onChange 操作回调函数,返回一个moment对象和日期字符串 返回‘2019-05-06" disabled 禁用选择 onChange 回调函数 返回string 例 2019-05 回调函数 返回数组 ["2019-05-18", "2019-05-21"] 回调函数 返回数组 2019-20周 placeholder 输入框提示的文字 suffixIcon 选择框后缀图标 例 <a-icon slot="suffixIcon" type="smile" /> defaultValue 用户初始化选择器,配合moment.js 一起使用, 默认是 YYYY-MM-DD format 用于格式化前端显示,配合moment.js一起使用 showtime 日期选择器和周选择器显示出时间选择按钮 size 选择器大小,默认default disabledTime 返回一个moment对象来阻止选择 showToday 增加选择今天按钮 基本使用 multiple 多文件上传 name 文件类型 action 上传地址 name 上传字段名称 headers 请求头部,加密参数 directory 上传文件夹 beforeUpload 上传之前的钩子,返回Promise对象, 通过在钩子函数里进行图片大小筛选, 图片尺寸限制 preview 预览回调函数,listType为picture-card时有效果,通过thumburl赋值img进行预览 withCredentials boolean 请求带cookie remove 移除回调 基本使用 title string 弹窗标题 afterClose 弹窗完全关闭后的回调 cancelText 取消文本文字 closable 是否显示右上角关闭按钮 getContainer 指定挂载html节点 mask 是否显示遮罩 okText 按钮确定文字 okType 确认按钮类型 destoryOnClose 关闭时销毁弹窗里的子元素 visible 弹窗是否可见 zIndex 弹窗层级 ok function 弹窗确认回调 cancel function 弹窗取消回调 Notification 挂载在全局对象上,通过函数内调用 description string|vNode 描述 可以是组件 message string|vNode 描述 可以是组件 placement string 4个位置可选 topLeft topRight bottomLeft bottomRight icon 自定义图标 onClose 关闭通知时的回调函数 onClick 点击通知时的回调函数 key 当前通知的唯一标示 duration 默认4.5秒关闭,设置为null为不关闭 主要方法: success error info warning warn open close destory config参数 btn vNode|function(h) class 自定义ClassName descrition string|vNode duration number icon vNode|function key string message string|vNode placement string topLeft topRight bottomLeft bottomRight style 自定义样式 onClose 自定义关闭按钮 onClick 点击通知时触发回调函数 使用方法和api和notification大同小异 基本使用 separator 用作自定义分隔符 itemRender 自定义链接函数,配合vue-Router一起使用 routes 路由参数 基本使用 layout 布局 horizontal | vertical | inline submit 提交回调函数 在beforeCreated生命周期里注册表单 以便后续在函数中进行调用 this.form api getFieldsValue(string[]) 获取表单注册组件的输入值 getFieldValue(string) 获取单个控件的输入值 isFieldsTouched 判断任意控件是否经历过数据收集 resetFields(string[]) 重置控件的值 setFields({ [filedName]: { value: any, errors: [Error] }}) 设置控件和错误状态 setFieldsValue({fieldName: value}) 设置某一控件的值 validateFields([fieldNames: string[]], [options: object], callback: Function(errors)) 校验并获取一组输入域的值与 Error,若 fieldNames 参数为空,则校验全部组件 validateFieldsAndScroll 函数校验,不通过则滚动到不通过菜单 options参数 label input对应的名称 label-col label对应的宽度 wrapper-col input输入框对应的宽度 validateStatus 验证状态 可选 "success", "warning", "error", "validating" help 输入栏的验证提示 has-feedback 输入框反馈提示 extra string|slot 额外的提示信息,和 help 类似,当需要错误信息和提示文案同时出现时,可以使用这个。 required boolean 是否必填,如不设置,则会根据校验规则自动生成 colon boolean 配合 label 属性使用,表示是否显示 label 后面的冒号 placeholder 输入框填充 v-decorator 输入框对应的验证规则

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这是因为和你设置的规则有冲突,你可以忽略掉,和clearance没关系,方法:快捷键T+M;tools》reset error markers,如图:还有一种可能是你没有删除room层,你按键盘快捷键Ctrl+end 看看原点是否room层,有的画删除。

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您好,感谢您关注沃尔沃汽车!沃尔沃S60 R-Design是沃尔沃S60的的个性运动版,相对普通车型更加的注重运动性,沃尔沃S60 R-Design除了比普通版多运动套件、运动座椅、方向盘、踏板外,它的发动机和底盘调教方向也会很多样。

UCL的Architecture和Architectural Design有什么区别?

Architecture和英国普通的一年制研究生不同,是为期两年的ARB/RIBA Part 2研究生课程。因此,完成了这个课程,就算是半只脚踏入了英国注册建筑师的大门了。这可以说是一个含金量相当高的研究生课程了,所以相对来说在专业方面的要求也就更高一些。Architectural Design似乎并不像看起来的那样,相较于Architectural更侧重于设计。根据官网的介绍,这个为期一年的研究生课程大概2/3的时间都在进行以工作室为基础的设计调研中。在这门课程中,项目和论文是占到同等比重的。Architectural Design专业其实更倾向于在基于建筑设计的基础上,进行一些高科技的实验尝试。例如人工智能,计算机数字化控制制造,3D打印等等。由此可见其实相对于在课程名称上摆着的“design”,它更注重的其实是一些实践,创新性的跨学科尝试。前面提到的看起来中规中矩的Architecture (ARB/RIBA Part 2),则反而更倾向于传统建筑设计的概念,也相对更加保守。同时,这两个专业直接导向的就业前景也是完全不同的。Architecture (ARB/RIBA Part 2)由于专业程度更高,毕业后的职业选择基本上就固定在建筑师这个职业上。需要注意的是在英国,想要成为建筑师是必须要拿到ARB/RIBA这两个机构的认证的。而Architectural Design的专业程度相对来说没有那么高,选择面也会更多一些,可以从事与建筑及设计相关的专业,如建筑设计师,室内设计师等。



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修改altium designer原理图右下角信息【ql君】qlexcel原创物联网领域优质创作者关注8点赞·45017人阅读要修改原理图右下角信息,比如“Title”、“Size”、“Number”。。。只需要“Place”--“Text String”,然后按“Tab”修改Properties。比如要修改右下角的“Title”,那么选择确定后,出现“*”,然后拖到右下角“Title”栏中。点鼠标右键选择“Options”--“Document Options”,在“Parameters”里找到“Title”,把它的值改为自己想要的标题即可。



______, Bell’s tetrahedron shape has proved invaluable in the design of bridges

A:动词不定式结构前置的句式,“To v .....,主句......”表示目的。B:现在分词结构前置的句式,“V-ing.....,主句......”表示原因。C:形容词词组前置的句式,“Adj.....,主句......”表示让步。D:与B有时态差别。故,选B.参见原文及翻译:Bell was fully aware of the importance of his invention and wrote to his father:""The day is coming when telegraph wires will be laid on to houses just like water or gas-and friends will talk to each other without leaving home."" The patent was given in 1876 ,but it was not until five days later that Bell sent his first telephone message to his assistant Watson .The words have now become famous: “Mr. Watson-come here-I want to see you.” Alexander Graham Bell was not a man to rest and he interested himself in many other areas of invention. He experimented with helicopter designs and flying machines. While searching for a kite strong enough to carry a man into the air, Bell experimented putting triangles together and discovered the tetrahedron shape. Being very stable, it has proved invaluable in the design of bridges. Bell was an inventor all his life .He made his first invention at eleven and his last at seventy-five. Although he is most often associated with the invention of the telephone, he was indeed a continuing searcher after practical solutions to improve the quality of everybody"s life.贝尔是完全了解他的发明的重要性,并写信给他的父亲说:“这一天即将到来,就像水和煤气一样,电报线会铺设到每家每户,朋友们足不出户就可以聊天谈心。” 1876年,这项发明取得专利,但仅仅5天之后,贝尔将他第一个电话留言发送给他的助手沃森。这句话现在已家喻户晓:“沃森先生,来这里,我想见到你。”亚历山大格雷厄姆贝尔没有一劳永逸,他积极参加许多其他发明领域。他尝试过直升机设计,还尝试过飞行器。为了发明一个足以载人在空中飞行的风筝,贝尔试验将众多的三角形绑在一起,继而发现了四面体的形状。事实证明,由于四面体非常稳定,它在桥梁设计中具有不可估量的价值。从11岁的第一个发明到75岁的最后一个发明,贝尔终身都在发明。虽然人们一想到他就想到电话的发明,实际上,他一直在探索,寻求能提高大家的生活质量,切实可行的解决方法。

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Human Centered Design的快速入门手册(上):Empathize与用户访谈技巧

最近我在NovoEd上面选了两门IDEO的课,第一门课叫做Design Kit: Human Centered Design。第二门课是后续课程,叫做Design Kit: Prototyping。 日常的产品经理工作中对于HCD Process的核心概念应用机会就挺多的,访谈用户,快速原型,反复迭代。在这两门课中,我想系统地了解一下这个方法。 访谈用户的时候如何让陌生用户自然吐露真实想法? 访谈时有点机械问答,流于表层很难深入,怎么办? 原型为什么要逐步深入进行(某些公司领导一上来就只看原型做的是否逼真漂亮)? 有些系统功能繁杂,即使是简单原型貌似也只能得到用户的泛泛评价怎么办? 如何走出思维定势,获得更有新意的想法(而不只是和竞争对手产品同质化)? 这些问题在这门课上都得到了一定的解答。 一下是英文详细笔记,中文版概括笔记请见 我从IDEO的设计思维课程中学到了什么 网上关于design thinking的材料一般以分享体会、简要介绍为主,NovoEd的课一直等了很久才开放,所以希望这三篇笔记能够帮到想系统学习的人。 总体来说,IDEO将HCD方法分为Inspiration, Ideation, Implementation三个阶段, d.School则将HCD分为Empathize, Define, Ideate, Prototype,Test等五个阶段,理念是一致的。不管是产品,服务,还是空间,体系,基本上围绕用户的产品都可以用到HCD方法来快速试错。 课程材料略繁杂,我采用以d.School的五阶段作为时间轴组织笔记,方便自己查阅。(很多学习材料都提到这五个阶段并非逐个进行,而是可能交替反复进行) 这一篇是关于Empathize,how to put yourself in your users" shoes。其中针对自己的学习重点,我拓展阅读了其他材料,因此用户访谈部分在这篇笔记会格外长。 HCD的设计方法首先就强调了Mindset: 1. Creative confidence Creative confidence is the belief that everyone is creative(with this HCD process), and you will get creative solution as long as you take action. It will support you to keep making things and test them out. 2. Make it We believe in the power of tangibility. We build something so we can test them, revealing complexity, opportunity and feasibility. And we share them to get candid, actionable feedback. You can prototype anything . 一个跳舞游戏可以用真人放在手机框中来快速模拟,人对人甚至计算机对人的服务也可以用Acting out来模拟。 课程后面也在采访用户环节提到Show don"t tell. 做出来的实际物品比想象的东西有意想不到的表现力。甚至你能看到用户需求被实际物品所改变。 3. Learn from Failure Fail early to succeed sooner. It"s just experiments you can learn things from. 4. Empathy You have to know different people, different scenarios, different places. Empathizing with the users is the best route to truly grasping the context and complexities of their lives, and it keep the users in the center of your work. 在课程后面会提到Extreme user, expert user, community immersion,interview in the context, 还有camera recording都是一系列把自己放入对方真实日常情境的工具。而不是让对方给你简单地描述。 5. Embrace ambiguity Don"t limit yourself to the solution you already know. (Don"t give up your intuition though). Let your user guide you. There will always be more creative ideas. We will get out into the world and talk to people, open up to different ideas, and arrive at unexpected solutions. 6. Be optimistic Even if we don"t know the answer, it"s out there and we can find it. 7. Iterate, iterate, iterate We quickly get out in the world and let the people we"re designing for be our guides. 我的体会是,如果一个HCD方法的执行者对于让陌生人对你open up,或者融入陌生人的生活感到不舒服,那么这就是一个需要打破的舒适圈。 1. Frame your design challenge 2. Build a team To achieve divergent thinking, it is important to have team members with diverse background, the "T-shaped" person. Think about if your team have the technical capability you need. 3. Create a project plan Look at the staff, budget, staff, skills your team have, and think about the major activities, do you have enough resource? 4. Secondary research 5. Discuss with your teammates what you already know a lot about. 6. Discuss what aspects of the challenge you want to know more or don"t know. 7. Define your audience Don"t just limit your thinking to the people you"re designing for, but also consider government, NGOs, other businesses, or competitors. Write down all directly involved groups on Post-its. Then peripherally relevant ones. Think about the connections. Who are the fans? Who are the skeptics? Who do you most need on your side? Write down and save it. 8. Interview Preparation 9. Choose places you can be immersed in context 10. Seek analogous inspiration Get your team together to talk about what aspects of the empathy space you"re exploring are particularly interesting. If, for example, you think customer service is an important aspect of the space you"re looking at, brainstorm places you might go to find particularly strong (or weak) customer service. You may also want to brainstorm specific people you could interview about these analogous spaces, or how you might do a quick observation. Don"t worry about making sense of the experience in the moment. It might influence your project later in unexpected ways. Saturate a space with photos and quotes from your analogous space; this can help the team share inspiration, or bring in the analogous insight later in the process. Although people often can"t tell us what thier needs are, their actual behaviors can provide us with invaluable clues about their range of unmet needs. Budget enough time and money to send team members into the field to spend time with the people you"re designing for. Try to organise a homestay if possible. A great Immersion technique is to shadow a person you"re designing for a day. Ask them all about their lives, how they make decisions,watch them socialize, work, and relax. You can still learn a lot by following someone for a few hours. Or you can take a guided tour. Having one of them give you a Guided Tour of their home,workplace, or daily activities will reveal not just the physical details of theperson"s life, but the routines and habits that animate it. Provide a camera to user, and ask them to record their experiences that you want to know. And then follow up with an interview to understand the deeper meanings of the visuals. Have participants create a personal timeline of an experience, then have them map how they felt at different points along the way.Use the map as a visual jumping off point for conversation. Use this when: You want to discuss acomplicated system or series of interactionswith a participant. (The process of buying a car is a good example.) General Tips Let the conversation flow Tips to avoid common errors How to use a game as conversation starter IDEO laid out a simple dice game where you would “roll” a loan. Once a participant rolled the dice, she was told the terms of the loan and asked if she"d take it. The original goal was to grasp how members of this community felt about loans and what factors made them willing to take them on. By getting participants to change some of the variables, they were able to see what kind of loans were attractive and which sort would never work. By putting scenarios in front of people and getting their reactions, you quickly engage them in your research and create an opportunity to deeply understand what they want, fear, and need. How to use card sort as a conversation starter Use either a word or a picture on each card. Whatever you select, make sure that it"s easy to understand. Give it to users and ask them to sort according to preference, or simple sort the cards as they see fit. Or ask what they see your product as. Ask the users how she would sort the cards if she had more money, if she were old, if she lived in a big city. How to use collage as a conversation starter Give the people you"re designing for a prompt for their Collage. Make sure that your prompt is simple, yet evocative. Perhaps you ask them to make a Collage that represents taking control of their lives, their dream jobs, or how they think about their families. When they"re finished, ask them to describe the Collage, what the various elements represent, and how it speaks to the prompt. It"s also best if the magazines they"re working with are full of pictures, have some relevance to the topic you looking to learn more about, and are purchased locally. You can also print some key words or phrases if you want to test a particular message. Share your fresh learning after the interview" To cover the most important topics, consider using these prompts: Also, record and illustrate your new ideas visually. By getting your users to create themselves, you"re not just hearing their voices, you"re empowering them to join the team. You can co-create services, investigate how communities work, or understand how to brand your solution. A hunch could be an idea you had before the project started, or one that cropped up as you"ve been working. If you"ve got a feeling about something, give yourself a chance to explore it. 一点课程外的补充材料:How to interview a stranger 在这部分课程结束后,我想更深入了解一下如何愉快地访谈陌生用户的例子,于是我找到了这两个材料: On how I approach strangers in the street | Humans of New York creator Brandon Stanton | UCD, Dublin Getting People to Talk: An Ethnography & Interviewing Primer "Humans of New York"(这是一个米国很有名的ID)的Brandon的建议是: Ethnography interview课程中的建议是:

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菜单Design_Add/Remove Library...,按Install钮,找到库路径添加即可加载:加载以下库:C:Program FilesAltium Designer Winter 09LibraryAnalog DevicesAnalog Devices Footprints.PcbLib

在Altium designer中怎么选中图中的keep out线,这是正点原子资料里的RJ 45接口

首先KEEP OUT层的现就是图中粉红色的线,你要选肯定能选中。我猜测你的意思是选择RJ45对应丝印层的线(黄色、topoverlay),这个无法选中,因为在PCB中,这是一个整体。建议你在keep out层绘制,又不难。

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