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1BENEFICIARY ADDRESS,受益人(收款人)地址2BANK IDENTIFIER CODE银行标识号或者银行识别码3BANK IBAN NUMBER是什么??国际银行帐户号码(The International Bank Account Number),通常简称IBAN,是由欧洲银行标准委员会( European Committee for Banking Standards,简称 ECBS)安装其标准制定的一个银行帐户号码。参加ECBS的会员国的银行帐户号码都有一个对应杜IBAN号码。可以联系你的开户行获取IBAN号码。IBAN号码最多是34位字符串。 (注:中国的银行是没有IBAN号码的)

我需要题目为If I was the chairperson of student union的口语作文,大概三分钟左右

As we all know, the student union chairman plays a very important role in helping build a good learning environment and in organizing colourful extracurricular activities. I have the ability to take on this role, because I am very active, easygoing and ready to help people. If I was the chairman of the student union, I will organized various activities, such as lectures, composition contests, singing contests, and so on. We will also pass on our classmates" needs to the school master and make valuable suggestions as to how to improve our learning environment. If I was the chairman of the student union of our school, I will do my best to serve all of you. Give me a chance and you will enjoy a rich colourful college life.

delphi错误Undeclared identifier

N13Enabled:=False;//设置“修改密码”菜单项失效 少了个点

MFC 关于undeclared identifier

在Audio.h里面加入 CString m_strFilePath;

visual c++编程,使用到了指数函数,输入之后却显示undeclared identifier


Delphi中的错误undeclared identifier

undeclared identifier:没有定义的标识符,也就是说这些标识符你没有指定为常量?变量?如果是常量,你要const定义它,如果是变量,你要在函数体开始前用var修饰符定义它

我的C语言有误,为什么说“t”是undeclared identifier?


Undeclared identifier

Undeclared identifier:不就是没定义啊!我没学过DEPHI, 但是我想你没有添加头文件吧!

C++6.0出现 undeclared identifier 怎么办


VC++6.0中的undeclared identifier


C语言调用函数时总是各种undeclared identifier……

我也刚刚学c语言 大一的 不是很懂 不过你这个 我看了个大概正确结构应该是 1函数声明2函数调用3函数定义你检查一下是不是结构错误

C++ 语言编程的问题 undeclared identifier怎么办


VC++中 undeclared identifier


c语言出现Use of undeclared identifier 问题

#include "stdafx.h" #include <iostream> using namespace std; * void fun1(double p1,double p2,double p3); void fun2(double q1,double q2,double q3); * void main() main前加入*部分 使用函数前没有声明

c语言如何解决use undeclared identifier问题?

c语言出现Use of undeclared identifier 问题是设置错误造成的,解决方法为:1、遇到警告Use of undeclared identifier ‘p" ...就是说这里有无法识别的p。2、可以直接找到这个p值。p下面有一个_,说明就是该处出错。3、要是该p值不用的话就直接删掉,若是需要用的话就直接声明好了,很有可能声明的时候出错,往上面的代码找一下。4、这里就是直接删掉p这个值,因为该值以后的代码里是不到的。5、Unused variable "arr".就是arr该数组没有被使用。假如不用可以删掉,需要的话等后面的代码应用了就不会出现警告了。

vc++6.0中,用max时提示“undeclared identifier(未定义标示符)”,请问什么原因?怎么解决?谢谢


undeclared identifier"SQL" delphi

1)with ... do后面跟多条语句需要 begin end;你少了个begin2) exec SQL;这个,中间多了个空格3)try后面是不用跟 begin end的。try 到 except或finally之间默认视为一个语问块。你的try直接对应的end。错

c语言出现Use of undeclared identifier 问题

c语言出现Use of undeclared identifier 问题是设置错误造成的,解决方法为:1、遇到警告Use of undeclared identifier ‘p" ...就是说这里有无法识别的p。2、可以直接找到这个p值。p下面有一个_,说明就是该处出错。3、要是该p值不用的话就直接删掉,若是需要用的话就直接声明好了,很有可能声明的时候出错,往上面的代码找一下。4、这里就是直接删掉p这个值,因为该值以后的代码里是不到的。5、Unused variable "arr".就是arr该数组没有被使用。假如不用可以删掉,需要的话等后面的代码应用了就不会出现警告了。

C++中“undeclared identifier”是属于什么类型的错误啊

C++中“undeclared identifier”意思是有一个标识符没有声明。错误的原因:1、可能是需要导入某个头文件;2、变量没有定义。如没有声明的变量,函数,类型,却在使用;扩展资料:比如以下的代码:#include<iostream>using namespace std;int main(){int bb=5;cout<<"bb="<<b<<endl; //上面并没有声明“b”这个变量。return 0;}可以看看在undeclared identifier前面有没有什么字母,比如上面那个例子的话它就会提示“b”undeclared identifier。C++是C语言的继承,它既可以进行C语言的过程化程序设计,又可以进行以抽象数据类型为特点的基于对象的程序设计,还可以进行以继承和多态为特点的面向对象的程序设计。C++擅长面向对象程序设计的同时,还可以进行基于过程的程序设计,因而C++就适应的问题规模而论,大小由之。参考资料:百度百科-C++

C语言出现Use of undeclared identifier问题如何解决

c语言出现Use of undeclared identifier 问题是设置错误造成的,解决方法为:1、遇到警告Use of undeclared identifier ‘p" ...就是说这里有无法识别的p。2、可以直接找到这个p值。p下面有一个_,说明就是该处出错。3、要是该p值不用的话就直接删掉,若是需要用的话就直接声明好了,很有可能声明的时候出错,往上面的代码找一下。4、这里就是直接删掉p这个值,因为该值以后的代码里是不到的。5、Unused variable "arr".就是arr该数组没有被使用。假如不用可以删掉,需要的话等后面的代码应用了就不会出现警告了。

undeclared identifier怎么解决

undeclared identifier说明编译时找不到他的声明和定义,就是编译器不认识这个标志,比如变量,或者对象之类的。你得把错误的详细信息贴出来,这样比较容易找到错误,如果是书上抄的代码,很有可能是缺少包含文件,很多书上的例子都会省略包含文件的,你看看有什么文件你用到啦,但是没有包含的进来的,

undeclared identifier 怎么解决~~急!!急!!!

struct finanFinan strpFinan;你这struct 到底叫什么名字的啊

C语言“undeclared identifier”是什么意思?

标识符没有声明,就是没有声明的变量,函数,类型,却在使用;标识符:就是 变量,函数,类型 等。 比如1)没有声明语句直接使用x=10;/* undeclared identifier x */ 2) 没有声明语句,直接使用函数. fun(10);/* undeclared identifier fun*/C要求变量和 函数,类型 要先声明,后引用。1)int main(){int x;//声明变量x=10; }2) int y=10; //定义变量, 同时完成声明. 3) int fun(){return 10;}//定义函数,同时完成声明函数。4)int fun(); //声明函数int main(){int x=fun();return 0;}int fun(){return 100;}//定义函数

VC++6.0 (undeclared identifier)

我恨 std::我相信楼主也恨...嘿嘿

C++中的undeclared identifier

printf("Input a,b,c: ");下面的都注意到是字符串了 为什么上面的没注意

VC++6.0 (undeclared identifier)

undeclared identifier 未声明的标识符你的原因多半是没有引入专用库

c++出现undeclared identifier问题怎么解决


c++调试出现undeclared identifier

#define SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY(p) {if(p) {delete[] (p);(p)=NULL;}} 把这句话加在#include <math.h> 后面

出现undeclared identifier是怎么回事?十万火急..............

你这排版有点乱啊,很难看。你这个“count”是什么函数?你自己定义的????还是你要使用C++的“cout"?????同样:"cin"是什么函数??你自定义的????如果要使用C++的cout与cin的话,要添加命令空间:using namespace std;

VC++中错误修改undeclared identifier

大小写不对号之前定义时使用的是 pDoc c小写后面使用的是 pDoC C大写

C语言代码错误undeclared identifier


undeclared identifier 执行 cl.exe 时出错.

注意变量的作用范围。int i,int j在for里面定义的,那么作用范围就在for内,因此第二个for需要重新写成for(int i=0;i<4;i++) for(int j=0;j<4;j++)或者把定义写到函数开始,后面的i,j就能直接用。

c语言中出现undeclared identifier ,求帮助啊!!


memset 编译出错 undeclared identifier


C语言 已定义过变量,但还是提示undeclared identifier

语言是一门通用计算机编程语言,应用广泛。C语言的设计目标是提供一种能以简易的方式编译、处理低级存储器、产生少量的机器码以及不需要任何运行环境支持便能运行的编程语言。 尽管C语言提供了许多低级处理的功能,但仍然保持着良好跨平台的特性,以一个标准规格写出的C语言程序可在许多电脑平台上进行编译,甚至包含一些嵌入式处理器(单片机或称MCU)以及超级电脑等作业平台。 二十世纪八十年代,为了避免各开发厂商用的C语言语法产生差异,由美国国家标准局为C语言制定了一套完整的美国国家标准语法,称为ANSI C,作为C语言最初的标准。目前2011年12月8日,国际标准化组织(ISO)和国际电工委员会(IEC)发布的C11标准是C语言的第三个官方标准,也是C语言的最新标准,该标准更好的支持了汉字函数名和汉字标识符,一定程度上实现了汉字编程。中文名C语言外文名The C Programming Language类别计算机通用程序设计语言创始人Dennis MacAlistair Ritchie创始时间1972年发源BCPL语言主要编译器Clang、GCC、MSVC、Turbo C等启发语言B语言、汇编、ALGOL6

undeclared identifier 怎么解决?


出现undeclared identifier是怎么回事?十万火急

error C2065: "lpDIB" : undeclared identifier 错误为:lpDIB未定义的变量,建议查查是不是变量名写错了

undeclared identifier 怎么解决

OnprepareDC(&dc); 函数变量没有定义。这应该是某个自定义函数,你复制过来时候 没有复制这部分的定义和实现。找到 它的定义,放到使用之前就行了。

c语言使用undeclared identifier的问题!

c语言出现Use of undeclared identifier 问题是设置错误造成的,解决方法为:1、遇到警告Use of undeclared identifier ‘p" ...就是说这里有无法识别的p。2、可以直接找到这个p值。p下面有一个_,说明就是该处出错。3、要是该p值不用的话就直接删掉,若是需要用的话就直接声明好了,很有可能声明的时候出错,往上面的代码找一下。4、这里就是直接删掉p这个值,因为该值以后的代码里是不到的。5、Unused variable "arr".就是arr该数组没有被使用。假如不用可以删掉,需要的话等后面的代码应用了就不会出现警告了。

undeclared identifier 什么意思

undeclared identifier_翻译undeclared identifier [词典] [计] 未说明标识符;

C语言“undeclared identifier”是什么意思?


C语言中undeclared identifier的意思


c语言undeclared identifier是什么意思

#include <stdio.h>void main(){ int a=3,b=1,x=2,y=0; prinft("%d,%d ",(a>b)&&(x>y),a>b&&x>y); prinft("%d,%d ",(y||b)&&(y||a),y||b&&y||a); prinft("%d ",!a||a>b);}这个第五行有什么问题吗

undeclared identifier应该怎么解决


C++中“undeclared identifier”是属于什么类型的错误啊


undeclared identifier 什么意思

undeclared identifier未声明的标识符undeclared identifier词典[计]未说明标识符网络未声明的标识符; 未定义; 没有定义






transcendentalismn.先验说, 超越论

what is Transcendentalism


OSHA RECORDABLE RATE:谁知道OSHA里德Recordable Rate怎么计算?Lost time incident Rate怎么计算?


为什么有些英国硕士学费home student和overseas有区分而且区分还蛮大,有些价格却一样。


overseas students和students overseas区别

第一个overseas 表示限定 在前面就是adj 也就是和students 不一样 所以是国外的学生 第二个可以看成students who are overseas 的省略 所以是留学生 前面那个人回复刚好相反了

student overseas

overseasad.1. 在(或向)海外;在(或向)国外a.1. (在)海外的;(在)国外的[Z][B]an overseas market国外市场overseas student 海外学生(留学生)student overseas 留学overseas可以作形容词 (adjective) 和副词 (adverb)在海外工作"则译做to work overseasad.1. 在(或向)海外;在(或向)国外a.1. (在)海外的;(在)国外的[Z][B]an overseas market国外市场

留学生为什么是overseas students ,overseas不是副词吗?


1.Do you know _____the student ______ ______ ______?(在讨论什么)?

1,.what are talking about (题目是students吧,是不是打错了)2.Where do want to go3.take you there4.Who brought you here5,How much money need6.Let"s Great Wall7.How much did pay for...,7,1.Do you know _____the student ______ ______ ______?(在讨论什么) 2.______ ______ you ______ ______ ______after dinner?(想去哪里) 3.No one can ______ ______ ______,(带你去那里)you must go by yourself. 4.______ ______ ______ ______?(谁带你来的)Mr.Wang did. 5.______ ______ ______do you______?(需要多少钱) 6.______go to the ______ ______.(让…去长城) 7______ ______ ______ you ______ ______ the trainers?(买…花了多少钱) 8.对学生来说,在学校有许多东西可学. There are lots of things ______ ______ ______ ______at school. 9.他们都想与那些交换留学生成为朋友. They all want to______ ______ ______ the exchange students. 最好9:30之前

手机模拟人生3人物升职问题 我的市民在市政厅工作 职务已经是 vice president了 但是市民还想升职 怎麼办?


Corporate Vice President是什么意思,为什么要加一个 Corporate?




是Standing Vice President 还是 Executive Vice President

Standing Vice President 常务副总裁executive vice president 英[iɡu02c8zekjutiv vais u02c8prezidu0259nt] 美[u026aɡu02c8zu025bkju0259tu026av vau026as u02c8pru025bzu026adu0259nt] n. 执行副总裁; [例句]Currently, Dawson is Chancellor"s top advisor as the Comets Executive VicePresident of Basketball.最近,作为彗星队篮球事务执行副总裁的道森又成为了钱斯勒的高级顾问。

senior vice-president中文是什么意思


为什么副总统是vice president?vice不是罪恶的意思吗?

vice在职位前表示“副”的意思. 再问: 没内情了? 再答: 没了。 再问: 那么从什么时候vice开始表示副的意思呢,起源是什么? 再答: sorry, I don"t know.



partner 与Vice President的区别

如果是股份公司的前提下:partner肯定是有的。但Vice President就说不定有没有,这个完全看雇主的意思了。因为partner是一个合作关系,对公司有决策权和决定权,而Vice President只有执行权,在很多情况下没有决策和决定权。对,后者是雇佣与被雇佣的关系!

投资银行里,Vice President 是什么职位,具体做什么工作?

理财顾问 一般职位


vice-president[英][vau026as "prezu026adu0259nt][美][vau026as "prezu026adu0259nt]n.副总裁,副校长; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Becoming vice-president might not best serve that ambition. 应该说当副总统或许不是满足她野心的最佳方式。


vice-president副总裁双语对照词典结果:vice-president[英][vau026as "prezu026adu0259nt][美][vau026as "prezu026adu0259nt]n.副总裁,副校长; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Becoming vice-president might not best serve that ambition. 应该说当副总统或许不是满足她野心的最佳方式。2.His vice-president is temporarily in charge. 副总统临时接任了他的职务。3.He went from grunt to senior executive vice-president in less than five years. 不到五年他便从一名普通工作人员升至高级执行副总裁。

vice president什么意

vice president[英][vais u02c8prezidu0259nt][美][vau026as u02c8pru025bzu026adu0259nt]n.副总统(或大学副校长等); 双语例句1His vice president also had to resign in disgrace.他的副总统也被迫不光彩地辞去职务。




vice-president[英][vau026as "prezu026adu0259nt][美][vau026as "prezu026adu0259nt]n.副总裁,副校长; 相关单词:Vice-President双语例句1Mr Mubarak has not put an end to speculation of a dynastic succession by naming an alternative as vice-president.穆巴拉克并没有通过指定其他人担任副总统的方式,来结束子承父业的猜测。Then comes news that Apple has hired fashion Executive Paul deneve as a vice-president working on special projects as well as Hulu executive Pete distad to craft content deals.后来又有消息称,苹果聘用前时装品牌高管保罗u2022蒂尼维为公司副总裁,负责特别项目,还招募了Hulu公司高管彼得u2022迪赛德,协助公司进行内容谈判。


vicepresident 副总统

vice president是什么意思

vice president英 [vais u02c8prezidu0259nt] 美 [vau026as u02c8pru025bzu026adu0259nt] n.副总统(或大学副校长等)

vice president是什么意思

vice president 英 [,vais"prezidu0259nt] 美 全球发音 跟读 口语练习副总统;副主席双语例句1.The part of the greatest value of this book is the account of the indictment of the vice president and his unpersoning. 这本书中最有价值的部分就是那段叙述副总统控告以及他因政治上失宠而遭清洗的故事。2."And the fact that I am asking my vice president to personally lead this effort shows how important it is for our country and our future to get this right," he said. 他说:“我请求我的副总统亲自领导这个工作,这件事本身就说明:把这个工作做好,对于我们的国家和我们的未来来讲,是多么的重要。”

vice president是什么意思

vice president英[vais u02c8prezidu0259nt]美[vau026as u02c8pru025bzu026adu0259nt]n.副总统(或大学副校长等)网络副总; 副院长; 副总裁双语例句His vice president also had to resign in disgrace.他的副总统也被迫不光彩地辞去职务。

End of the line Teacher: I told you to stand at the end of the line. Student: I tried, but ther


完型答案。 开头是i am a straight A student﹉ 谢谢(^.^)

I am a straight-A student and study has been my whole life. When you come from a family of educators, it just seems natural.With high academic standards and a competitive __1__, I don"t just dislike losing. I can"t stand it. I need to beat the __2__ students, preferably in everything. I"ve even __3__ so far as to define myself by my grades, saying that how outstanding I am. If I don"t get the grade I __4__, then I am lost.Today I was sitting in class trying to __5__ the last minutes studying for a test I had to get full marks. __6__ the girl behind me started talking to me, I tried to listen __7__ while still glancing at my study sheet now and then. When I thought the conversation required it, I smiled, nodded and __8__. And then I found myself wishing she would be __9__ so I could study. After a while, she said, “You know, you"re a really good __10__. You"re so easy to talk to.” I froze.I replayed the praise in my head before smiling and accepting it __11__. But inside, I knew it wasn"t true. She"d made every effort to have a conversation and I wasn"t even trying to participate.I passed the test excellently despite my __12__ of lost study time, but the one thing I needed to learn most wasn"t on that test. I had __13__ being the best student so that I had failed at just being normal. So what matters to me most? What I have is all about my personal __14__ and about me being too self-centered. There can only be so many scholars, but there is never __15__ sympathy. I want that to be what matters to me—sympathy.1.A.spirit D.surrounding2.A.ordinary C.handsome B.come C.left D.given4.A.invent B.expect C.copy B.spend C.collect D.cost6.A.When B.While C.Because D.Before7.A.rudely B.bitterly C.excitedly D.politely8.A.refused B.worked C.agreed D.waited9.A.quiet B.gentle C.pretty D.safe10.A.talker B.listener C.lecturer D.teacher11.A.angrily B.carelessly C.disappointedly D.gladly12.A.fear C.worry D.possession13.A.given out B.focused on C.looked up away14.A.success B.failure C.depression D.health15.A.few B.significant C.low D.enough【篇章导读】 来自教师家庭的“我”,一直以来在学习上出类拔萃,遥遥领先,并引以为豪,后来的经历使“我”对此有了不同的看法。1.A 这里指作者具备很高学业标准和竞争精神(spirit)。2.B “我”要在所有方面,击败高材生。3.A “我”的学习达到(get)如此高的程度,以至于通过“我”的考试分数(grade)来看,“我”非常杰出。4.B 如果“我”没达到所期待(expect)的分数,“我”就输了。5.B 此处指作者花时间学习。6.A 当(when)作者后面的女生开始和他谈话,他表现很有礼貌(politely)。7.D 根据下文可知,作者有礼貌。8.C 此处指作者同意(agree)他同学的看法。9.A 作者希望他同学安静下来(quiet),以便他能学习。10.B 在作者的同学看来,他是个好的倾听者(listener)。11.D 同学赞扬他,当然会高兴地(gladly)接受。12.C 分析上下文可知,作者担心(worry)失去的学习时间。13.B “我”太专注于成为优秀学生以至于“我”都变得不正常了。 14.A 作者认为他所拥有的不过是学习上的成功(success)和自“我”为中心。15.D 作者认为他没有足够的(enough)同情心。

求Jay-z的my president is black 的完整歌词.Remix版的

creatin murders to kill haters Accused for every crime known through the equator They knew I did it (uh-huh) for havin blood on <STRONG class=tx_hit>my gators <STRONG class=tx_hit>My weedll hit yo chest like a double barrel gauge an With a fifth in me, when I guzzle Remi I do shit on purpose You never hear me say, "Forgive me" Im snatchin every penny - it gotta be that way nigga, face it That weed I sold to you, Brigade laced it You hidin, I make the <STRONG class=tx_hit>president get a facelift Niggaz just afraid, handin me they bracelets Chillin in the lab wasted Im the type thatll drink Kahlua and gin - throw up on the mic Your life <STRONG class=tx_hit>is ruined, you get socked right on site And even at the Million Man March, we gon fight So you can suck <STRONG class=tx_hit>my dick if you dont like, <STRONG class=tx_hit>my shit Cause I was high when I wrote this so suck, <STRONG class=tx_hit>my dick Cause I dont give a fuck if you dont like, <STRONG class=tx_hit>my shit Cause I was high when I wrote this so suck, <STRONG class=tx_hit>my dick Im a compulsive liar, settin <STRONG class=tx_hit>my preacher on fire Slashin your tires, flyin down Fenkel and Meyers Plates expired, soon as Im hired, Im fired Jackin <STRONG class=tx_hit>my dick off in a bed of barbed wire (Hey, <STRONG class=tx_hit>is Bizarre performing?) Bitch didnt you read the flyer? Special invited guest will be, Richard Pryor (Arent you a male dancer?) Nah bitch, Im retired Fuckin your bitch in the ass with a tire iron Im ripped, Im on an acid trip (Damn!) Im fuckin anything when Im snortin Its gonna cost 300 dollars to get <STRONG class=tx_hit>my pit bull an abortion Some bitch asked for <STRONG class=tx_hit>my autograph I called her a whore, spit beer in her face and laughed I drop bombs like I was in Vietnam All bitches <STRONG class=tx_hit>is hoes, even <STRONG class=tx_hit>my stinkin ass mom Aiyyo flashback, two feets, two deep up in that ass crack nigga pass that In Amsterdam we only hang out with hash rats At a Stop the Violence rally, I blast gats Be your mom on publishin, get your ASCAP-ped The Kuniva, divide up your cash stack Run your motherfuckin pockets, ASAP I dont need a platinum chain, bitch I snatch Shaqs Born loser, half theif and half <STRONG class=tx_hit>black Bring your boys and your guns and get laughed at Bitch smacker, rich rappers get they Jag jacked and found chopped up in a trash bag We stranglin rappers until the point they cant yell cause they crew <STRONG class=tx_hit>is full of fags and sweeter than bake sales Reckless, come from behind and snatch your necklace Gruesome, and causin more violence than nine hoodlums I grapple your adams apple until it crackle Run right past you, turn around, grab you and stab you Get executed, cuz Im a "Luni" I got a "Yukmouth" and its polluted I cock it back then shoot it I love snatchin up players thugs and young ballers Shoot up the household, even the young toddlers Brigade barricade to bring the noise While the bullets break your bones up like Christmas toys If I go solo, Im doin a song with Bolo A big Chinese nigga, screamin "Kuniva yo yo.." I leave ya face leakin, run up in church and smack the preacher while hes preachin Take a swing at the deacon I used to tell cats I sold weed and weight I was straight til I got caught sellin em shake Im ignorant, with the intent to snatch your rent I got kicked out of summer camp for havin sex in <STRONG class=tx_hit>my tent with the superintendents daughter, <STRONG class=tx_hit>my brains out of order Ive been a Kon Artis since I was swimmin in water In cahoots with this nigga named Carlisle Von who got fired from UPS for tryin to send you a bomb (Special delivery!) I signed to a local label for fun Say I got cancer, get dropped, take the advancement and run Driveby you in the rain while you carry your son Call your house and hang up on you for not givin me none Born straight up out a pussy but a son of a gun Got a reputation for havin niggaz runnin they funds Used to be the type of nigga that was foldin some ones til I met your fat mama, now Im rollin in dough So you can suck <STRONG class=tx_hit>my dick if you dont like, <STRONG class=tx_hit>my shit Cause I was high when I wrote this so suck, <STRONG class=tx_hit>my dick Cause I dont give a fuck if you dont like, <STRONG class=tx_hit>my shit Cause I was high when I wrote this so suck, <STRONG class=tx_hit>my dick Haha... TODO :IDENTIFIER


She is a independent girl

we all like the independent life.

self-assured 与 confident 有什么区别?

self-assued 用在句尾 be confident in 用在句中
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