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Independence 歌词

歌曲名:Independence歌手:Chemistry专辑:TrinityIndependence作词:田中秀典作曲:大智编曲:吉冈たく歌:CHEMISTRY出逢いの日から いくつの季节(とき)が駆け足で过ぎたのだろう回る映写机の向こうに あどけない仆らがいる寄り添うたびに分け合ってきた喜び 悲しみ すべて星のない夜(よ)は お互いの道を照らし歩んだ色褪せたフィルムは擦り切れながら长い月日をなぞってゆく数え切れない场面の中に 温かな场所が在った今なら遥か远く 离れてても睑(まぶた)を闭じれば君を描ける爱はいつも そばにあるさそれぞれの愿いが 二人を强く结ぶ忘れた素振り(ふり)で ポケットの中仕舞った梦があっただろう向き合ったままでは仆ら 前に歩き出せないぶつかり 许し合い 頬を寄せ合って确かめてきた想いがあるきっと必ず夸れるはずさ爱しき人の未来(あした)を今こそ仆は仆の描く空へ信じ抜く爱を翼に変えて君は君の愿う场所へ何を见失っても 消せない“あの日”がある戸惑いを胸に秘め 踏みしめる自由への旅路(みち)终わらない梦を乗せ风に吹かれ 孤独を味方に...行けるさ遥か远く 离れてても睑を闭じれば君と出逢える爱はいつも そばにあるさそれぞれの一歩で 新しい“今日”を刻もう~END~


没有 independence不是东西,物体是指独立(名词)






independence 英[u02ccu026andu026a"pendu0259ns] 美[u02ccu026andu026au02c8pu025bndu0259ns] n. 独立,自主;足够维持闭居生活的收入;独立心;自恃心 [例句]That independence is really interdependence.独立才是互相依赖。2.Kosovo declared independence in 2008. 2008年,科索沃宣布独立3.The principle of independence is self-evident. 独立性原则是不言自明的。4.Where does that leave central-bank independence? 这将央行独立性置于何地?5.Whatever the outcome, the nation is charging towards greater independencefrom westminster. 无论结果如何,这个国家朝着更加自主的方向改变。


ndependence的意思independence英 [u02ccu026andu026au02c8pendu0259ns] 美 [u02ccu026andu026au02c8pu025bndu0259ns]n.独立,自主;足够维持闭居生活的收入;独立心;自恃心形近词: antidependence interdependence codependency independency independents双语例句1In 1816, Argentina declared its independence from Spain.1816年,阿根廷宣布脱离西班牙正式独立。2He was afraid of losing his independence.他害怕失去自己的独立性。Doing chores helps develop children"s independence and teaches them how to look after themselves.It helps develop learner"s independence.The younger generations are hoped to develop their independence as soon as possible.


不是地名independence 英[u02ccu026andu026au02c8pendu0259ns] 美[u02ccu026andu026au02c8pu025bndu0259ns] n. 独立,自主; 足够维持闭居生活的收入; 独立心; 自恃心; [例句]In 1816, Argentina declared its independence from Spain.1816年,阿根廷宣布脱离西班牙正式独立。




(What"s this?)  仮面越しのジャスティス 理想论で武装のフェイス  (What"s this?)  Mr.Perfect?No,no笑わせます  (What"s this?)  镜越しの素肌 伤一つない优等生  (What"s this?×3)  时には果敢に攻めたい  Sexy,sexy,want to do it禁じられた愿望  CoolってマスクをTake off×2  Sexy,sexy,want to do itらしくなきゃダメですか?  支配されてく理性をEducation  ホントの自分はどこに?  素颜の梦を魅せたい  (I want it to change)  教科书通リじゃないLIVE  (I want it to change)  本能のままの旋律  (I want it to change)  叫び上げて歌いたい  (Sing it)  革命のような  (Sing it)  爱をそのままに  (Sing it×3)  Independence day  (Searching)  加速気味のラブレス 交错する気持ち  (Searching)  恋は不必要?No,no否定します  (Searching)  手先が欲してる 温もりのエナジー  (Searching×3)  本音を白状させて  Sexy,sexy,want to do it日常の逆说  ああ神様Tell me×2  Sexy,sexy,want to do itマネキンじゃいたくない  非现実へと魂Salvation  生まれ変わってみたい  奇迹を君に魅せたい  (I want it to change)  手を伸ばし掴みたい  (I want it to change)  もっともっと高みへと  (I want it to change)  感情よ天に飞べ  (Sing it)  真の可能性  (Sing it)  试してみたい  (Sing it×3)  Independence day  时を止めたら星をSelection  自分色で辉きたい  素颜の梦を魅せたい  (I want it to change)  教科书通リじゃないLIVE  (I want it to change)  本能のままの旋律  (I want it to change)  叫び上げて歌いたい  (Sing it)  世界分の一  (Sing it)  纯真な梦を  (Sing it×3)  Independence day


Independence作词:上松范康(Elements Garden)作曲:上松范康(Elements Garden)歌:一ノ瀬トキヤ(宫野真守)(What"s this?)仮面(かめん)越(こ)しのジャスティス 理想论(りそうろん)で武装(ぶそう)のフェイス(What"s this?)Mr.Perfect? No, no笑(わら)わせます(What"s this?)镜(かがみ)越(こ)しの素肌(すはだ) 伤(きず)一(ひと)つない优等生(ゆうとうせい)(What"s this?×3)时(とき)には果敢(かかん)に攻(せ)めたいSexy, sexy, want to do it禁(きん)じられた愿望(がんぼう)CoolってマスクをTake off×2Sexy, sexy, want to do itらしくなきゃダメですか?支配(しはい)されてく理性(りせい)をEducationホントの自分(じぶん)はどこに?素颜(すがお)の梦(ゆめ)を魅(み)せたい(I want it to change)教科书(きょうかしょ)通(どお)りじゃないLIVE(I want it to change)本能(ほんのう)のままの旋律(せんりつ)(I want it to change)叫(さけ)び上(あ)げて歌(うた)いたい(Sing it)革命(かくめい)のような(Sing it)爱(あい)をそのままに(Sing it×3)Independence day(Searching)加速(かそく)気味(ぎみ)のラブレス 交错(こうさ)する気持(きも)ち(Searching)恋(こい)は不必要(ふひつよう)?No, no 否定(ひてい)します(Searching)手先(てさき)が欲(ほ)してる 温(ぬく)もりのエナジー(Searching×3)本音(ほんね)を白状(はくじょう)させてSexy, sexy, want to do it日常(にちじょう)の逆说(ぎゃくせつ)ああ神様(かみさま)Tell me×2Sexy, sexy, want to do itマネキンじゃいたくない非现実(ひげんじつ)へと魂(たましい)Salvation生(う)まれ変(か)わってみたい奇迹(きせき)を君(きみ)に魅(み)せたい(I want it to change)手(て)を伸(の)ばし掴(つか)みたい(I want it to change)もっともっと高(たか)みへと(I want it to change)感情(かんじょう)よ天(てん)に飞(と)べ(Sing it)真(しん)の可能性(かのうせい)(Sing it)试(ため)してみたい(Sing it×3)Independence daySexy, sexy, want to do it×2Sexy, sexy, want to do it×2时(とき)を止(と)めたら星(ほし)をSelection自分色(じぶんいろ)で辉(かがや)きたい素颜(すがお)の梦(ゆめ)を魅(み)せたい(I want it to change)教科书(きょうかしょ)通(どお)りじゃないLIVE(I want it to change)本能(ほんのう)のままの旋律(せんりつ)(I want it to change)叫(さけ)び上(あ)げて歌(うた)いたい(Sing it)世界分(せかいぶん)の一(いち)(Sing it)纯真(じゅんしん)な梦(ゆめ)を(Sing it×3)Independence day






  post-independence的中文翻译_  post-independence  独立后  双语例句  1  Another success story remains to be written: that of the post-independence period.  还有待写出又一个成功的故事:独立后时期的故事。  2  In conclusion, I wish to talk about the post-independence presence of the United Nations.  最后,我谨谈谈联合国在独立后的作用。

independency 与 independence的区别

independency 1 : independence 1". (independence1 ": the quality or state of being independent 2 "archaic : competence 1""a sufficiency of means for the necessities and conveniences of life <provided his family with a comfortable —— —Rex Ingamells> . ) 2 cap : the Independent polity or movement 3 : an independent political unit 这两个词在表示独立这一状态特性的时候通用 不过惯用independence 因为这一义项不为independency的常用义项 通用字典(如GEDDES&GROSSET)常将independency的该义项省略 而independency的其他义项不常用 因此这个词在有的字典中被直接略去(如:MACMILLAN)


  independence不可数。independence是一个英语单词,名词,作名词时意为“独立性,自立性;自主”。例句:Becausehetaughtyoutheindependence.翻译:因为他教会了你该独立。   不可数名词是指不能以数目来计算,不可以分成个体的概念、状态、品质、感情或表示物质材料的东西。它一般没有复数形式,只有单数形式,它的前面不能用不定冠词a/an,若要表示它的个体意义时,一般要与一个名词短语连用,相当于中文里的“数词+(量词)+名词”,其中的量词意义依与具体的名词搭配而定。


你好!independence [英]u02ccu026andu026au02c8pendu0259ns [美]u02ccu026andu026au02c8pu025bndu0259ns n. 独立,自主;足够维持闭居生活的收入;独立心;自恃心 [例句]British welcomed kuwait "s declaration of independence in 1961.英国欣然接受了科威特在1961年独立。希望对你有所帮助!


independence[英][u02ccu026andu026au02c8pendu0259ns][美][u02ccu026andu026au02c8pu025bndu0259ns]n.独立,自主; 足够维持闭居生活的收入; 独立心; 自恃心; 网络独立; 独立自主; 第四行; 双语例句1A referendum showed beyond doubt that voters wanted independence.全民公决无疑显示选民支持独立。


independence名词, 它的词根是 depend 依赖,依靠(动词)。


independence造句如下:1、He was afraid of losing his independence.他担心丧失自己的独立。2、 I admired her independence and her spunk.我敬佩她的独立精神和她的勇气。3、Gerald treasures his new-won independence.杰拉德很珍视自己新近争取到的独立。


"independence" 这个词的读音是 /u026andu026au02c8pendu0259ns/。它是英语中的一个常见词汇,意思是“独立、自主、自立”。"independence" 常用于各种形式的写作中,比如说新闻报道、历史学、政治科学和法律文书等等。以下是一些相关的例句和用法:1. 取得独立:gain independence例如:The country gained independence from its colonizers in 1966.(这个国家在1966年摆脱了殖民者的统治并取得了独立。)2. 宣布独立:declare independence例如:The colony declared independence from the empire in a famous speech.(这个殖民地在一次著名的演讲中宣布脱离帝国。)3. 维持独立:maintain independence例如:The organization must maintain its independence to avoid conflicts of interest.(这个组织必须维持独立性,以避免利益冲突。)4. 实现自主选择:exercise independence例如:The individual must learn to exercise independence in order to make their own decisions.(个人必须学会自主选择,才能做出自己的决定。)5. 独立思考:independent thinking例如:The course promotes independent thinking and critical analysis.(这门课程提倡独立思考和批判性分析。)






名词:独立性,自主性。例:He was afraid of losing his independence.他担心丧失自己的独立。




independence 英[u02ccu026andu026a"pendu0259ns] 美[u02ccu026andu026au02c8pu025bndu0259ns] n.独立,自主;足够维持闭居生活的收入;独立心;自恃心 [例句]That independence is really interdependence. 独立才是互相依赖. 2.Kosovo declared independence in 2008. 2008年,科索沃宣布独立 3.The principle of independence is self-evident. 独立性原则是不言自明的. 4.Where does that leave central-bank independence? 这将央行独立性置于何地? 5.Whatever the outcome,the nation is charging towards greater independencefrom westminster. 无论结果如何,这个国家朝着更加自主的方向改变.


independence[英][u02ccu026andu026au02c8pendu0259ns][美][u02ccu026andu026au02c8pu025bndu0259ns]n.独立,自主; 足够维持闭居生活的收入; 独立心; 自恃心; 例句:1.And you are able to keep the editorial independence? 您能不能保持广告文字的独立性?2.In his original draft of the declaration of independence, jefferson denounced the slave trade. 在杰斐逊起草的《独立宣言》的最初版本中,他谴责奴隶贸易。

independence 是什么意思




Confidentiality Agreement 和 non-disclosure agreement 有什么区别?该怎么翻译?

Confidentiality Agreement 保密协议;non-disclosure agreement 非披露(不泄露)协议;两个协议,叫法不同,意思相近

confidentiality and intellectual property

第12条-卖方承诺转让给买方的结果服务的各种性能产生本合同,并可以保护的知识和/或工业产权或其他方式,这应是专属财产,买方。 第13条-的卖方承认并同意的价格,中提到的购买价格,包括薪酬转让上述权利和交付给买受人。

confidentiality agreement是什么意思

confidentiality agreement保密协议双语对照词典结果:confidentiality agreement机密性协定; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.He did not provide details of the deal, citing a confidentiality agreement with lawyers forthe former detainees. 他以政府与这些前在押人员的律师达成了一个保密协议为由而没有提供有关这个交易的细节。-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

新人请教个问题identified externally是什么意思

identified externally 外部识别。identifiedv.确认;辨认;认出( identify的过去式和过去分词 );支持externallyadv.在(或从)外部,在(或从)外面,外表上

AutoCAD的模板Color Dependent Plot Styles.dwt 和Named P

Color Dependent Plot Styles 这个的大概意思是颜色相关打印,说实话,我自己也不知道到底是什么区别 Named Plot Styles命名打印样式表 这个应该是大家都经常用的 就是做好了一个图,然后按照自己的习惯,将打印样式修改了,然后出图 Gb_a4 -Named Plot Styles 这个样本文件是带有完整会签栏的A4图框 而且没有让你看的到模型,只能在视口里的模型空间做图和修改AutoCAD 2002中文版在以下样本文件中已设置了符合国标要求的文字样式(文字样式名为“工程字”),用户以这些文件为样本绘图形时,可直接使用对应的文字样式。Gb -Color Dependent Plot Styles.dwtGb -Named Plot Styles.dwtGb_a0 -Color Dependent Plot Styles.dwtGb_a0 -Named Plot Styles.dwtGb_a1 -Color Dependent Plot Styles.dwtGb_a1 -Named Plot Styles.dwtGb_a2 -Color Dependent Plot Styles.dwtGb_a2 -Named Plot Styles.dwtGb_a3 -Color Dependent Plot Styles.dwtGb_a3 -Named Plot Styles.dwtGb_a4 -Color Dependent Plot Styles.dwtGb_a4 -Named Plot Styles.dwtGBa3.dwt其中,与文件名前缀Gb_a0 ~ Gb_a4对应的文件分别表示对应的样本文件适用于绘制图幅为0号到4号的图形摘的别人的,不好意思啊 `! 我也不太明白这个问题~!



attendent 什么意思


i watch the pioneer out of a golden skin是什么意思

i watch the pioneer out of a golden skin 我看着开拓者走出金色的皮肤pioneer 英[u02ccpau026au0259u02c8nu026au0259(r)] 美[u02ccpau026au0259u02c8nu026ar] n. 先驱者; 拓荒者; 开发者; 创始者; vt. 开拓,开发; 做(…的)先锋; 提倡; [例句]What they lacked in speed those pioneer pilots made up for by flying only a few feet above the ground.那些飞行员先驱通过离地仅几英尺的低空飞行,弥补了飞行速度的不足。[其他] 第三人称单数:pioneers 复数:pioneers 现在分词:pioneering过去式:pioneered 过去分词:pioneered

The river widens considerably as it begins to turn west.

【答案】:C这条河在开始转向西时,大大拓宽了。 A.弯曲 B.延伸c.使……变宽,扩展 D.弯曲 【解 析】考查动词。题干划线词widen意为“加宽,(使)变宽”,所以正确答案为C。

A case of suspected food poisoning in New York has led to 6 high school students &...

A 试题分析: 句意:纽约一个疑似食品中毒的案件已经导致6名高中生被送到医院了。Lead to“导致”其中的to是介词,后面接动名词的符合结构:逻辑主语(6 high school students)+动名词,因为students和send是被动关系,用动名词的被动,选A。



Bloody Maiden 十三鬼之岛的漫画剧情


Bloody Maiden 十三鬼之岛的作品资料

作品译名:Bloody Maiden 十三鬼之岛作品原名:Bloody Maiden 十三鬼の岛连载杂志:月刊 Dragon ACE 出版社:富士见书房

yes,mai den什么意思


《hallowed be thy name》谁是原唱?我听过污秽摇篮和Iron Maiden都唱过

Cradle of Filth 唱的感觉很爽啊,听着很有感觉!听这歌的前边有种说不出的感觉!!


HELLO MAIDEN是杭州名闻服饰有限公司旗下品牌。杭州名闻服饰有限公司于2017年05月08日成立。法定代表人黄昌明,公司经营范围包括:批发、零售:服装服饰,箱包,鞋帽,皮革制品,羽绒制品,针纺织品,日用百货,工艺美术品,珠宝首饰,玻璃制品,橡胶制品,塑料制品,陶瓷制品;服务:服装设计等。工商信息经营范围:批发、零售:服装服饰,箱包,鞋帽,皮革制品,羽绒制品,针纺织品,日用百货,工艺美术品,珠宝首饰,玻璃制品,橡胶制品,塑料制品,陶瓷制品;服务:服装设计。(依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动)。统一社会信用代码:91330104MA28RKA97R。组织机构代码:MA28RKA97。注册号:330104000451636。经营状态:开业。公司类型:有限责任公司(自然人投资或控股)。成立日期:2017年05月08日。法定代表人:黄昌明。营业期限:2017年05月08日-2037年05月07日。注册资本:500万(元)。审核/年检日期:2018年12月29日。登记机关:杭州市上城区市场监督管理局。企业地址:浙江省杭州市江干区杭海路238号森禾商务广场1幢2202室。

genius maiden墨镜是名牌吗?






iron maiden乐队的brave new world 歌词中文大意。

这还用中文?位置-乐手(乐队)应该很清楚啊Numbers from the Beast: An All-Star Tribute to Iron Maiden.Release Date: 2005.10.11Tracklist:01. Run To The HillsVocals - Robin Mcauley (Msg)Guitar - Michael Schenker (Msg)Bass - Tony Franklin (The Firm, Blue Murder)Rhythm Guitar - Pete Fletcher (Pygmy Love Circus)Drums - Brian Tichy (Billy Idol, Ozzy Osbourne)02. Wasted YearsVocals - Dee Snider (Twisted Sister)Guitar - George Lynch (Dokken, Lynch Mob)Rhythm G - Bob Kulick (Paul Stanley Band, Meatloaf)Bass - Jeff Pilson (Dokken, Dio)Drums - Jason Bonham (Ufo, Bonham)03. WrathchildVocals - Paul Di"anno (Ex-Iron Maiden)Lead Guitar - Alex Skolnick (Testament)Guitar - Chris Traynor (Helmet, Bush)Bass - Frank Bello (Helmet, Anthrax)Drums - John Tempesta (Helmet, Rob Zombie, Testament)04. Flight Of IcarusVocals – Tim "Ripper" Owens (Judas Priest, Iced Earth)Guitar - Doug Aldrich (Whitesnake, Dio)Bass - Jimmy Bain (Dio, Rainbow)Drums - Simon Wright (Dio, Ac/Dc)05. Fear Of The DarkVocals - Chuck Billy (Testament)Guitar - Craig Goldy (Dio)Bass - Rickie Phillips (Styx)Drums - Mikkey Dee (Motorhead)06. The TrooperVocals - Lemmy Kilmister (Motorhead)Bass - Chuck Wright (Alice Cooper, Quiet Riot)Guitar - Phil Campbell (Motorhead)Guitar - Rocky George (Fishbone, Suicidal Tendencies)Drums - Chris Slade (Ac/Dc)07. Aces HighVocals - Jeff Scott Soto (Yngwie Malmsteen, Talisman)Guitar - Nuno Bettencourt (Extreme)Bass - Billy Sheehan (Mr. Big, David Lee Roth)Drums - Vinny Appice (Black Sabbath, Dio)08. 2 Minutes To MidnightVocals - Joe Lynn Turner (Deep Purple, Rainbow)Guitar - Richie Kotzen (Mr. Big, Poison)Guitar - Bob KulickBass - Tony Franklin (The Firm, Blue Murder)Drums - Chris Slade (Ac/Dc, The Firm)09. Can I Play With MadnessVocals - Mark Slaughter (Slaughter, Vinnie Vincent Invasion)Guitar - Bruce Kulick (Kiss, Grand Funk Railroad)Bass - Marco Mendoza(Whitesnake, Thin Lizzy, Ted Nugent)Drums - Aynsley Dunbar (David Bowie, Whitesnake)10. The Evil That Men DoVocals - Chris Jericho (Wwe Wrestler, Fozzy)Guitar - Paul Gilbert (Mr. Big, Racer X)Rhythm G - Bob Kulick (Paul Stanley Band, Meatloaf)Bass - Mike Inez (Alice In Chains, Ozzy Osbourne)Drums - Brent Fitz (Vince Neil, Union)11. The WickermanVocals - John Bush (Anthrax, Armored Saint)Back Vocals – Jason Miller (Godhead)Guitar - Scott Ian (Anthrax)Bass - Blasko (Rob Zombie)Lead Guitar - Jeff Duncan (Armored Saint)Drums - Ben Graves (Murderdolls)Maiden HeavenRelease Date: 2008.7.16Tracklist:01.Black Tide - Prowler02.Metallica - Remember Tomorrow03.Avenged Sevenfold - Flash Of The Blade04.Glamour Of The Kill - 2 Minutes To Midnight05.Coheed

maiden name是什么意思

maiden name 英[u02c8meidn neim] 美[u02c8medn nem] n. (女子的) 婚前姓,娘家姓; [例句]Her maiden name is Li.她娘家姓李。[其他] 复数:maiden names

【译】Two Maidens

have you ever seen "a maiden"? i am referring to what road pavers call a "maiden," a thing used for ramming down the paving stones. "she" is made entirely of wood, broad at the bottom, with iron hoops around it, and a stick run through it at the upper, narrower end, which gives the maiden arms. 你见过“一名少女”吗?我提及的正是铺路工叫的“少女”,那是用来击碎铺路石的东西。“她”是用整个木头做的,底下宽宽的,铁圈箍着它。一根棍子在上面刺穿它较窄的一端,这就是少女的手臂。 two maidens like this were once standing in the yard shed, among shovels, measuring tapes, and wheelbarrows. now, there was a rumor going around that they were no longer to be called "maidens," but "stamps" or "hand rammers"; and this is the newest and only correct term in road pavers" language for what we all in olden times called "a maiden." 两个像这样的少女站在院子的棚子里,周围有铲子,测量尺和独轮车。现在,他们周围传出了谣言,说她们不再被叫做“少女”,而是“手槌”。现在在铺路工人的语言里最新也是唯一正确的术语,在过去被叫做“少女”。 there are among us human beings certain individuals we call "emancipated women," such as institution superintendents, midwives, ballet dancers, milliners, and nurses; and with this group of "emancipated," the two "maidens" in the yard shed associated themselves. they were known as "maidens" among the road pavers and would under no circumstances give up their good old name and let themselves be called "stamps" or "hand rammers." maiden is a human name," they said, "but a "stamp" or a "hand rammer" is a thing, and we certainly do not want to be called things; that"s insulting us!" 在我们人类之间有一种被称为“自由女子”的人群,比如私立学校的校长、助产士、芭蕾舞者、女帽制造者和护士,这群人被称为“自由者”。院棚里的两位“少女”联想到她们自己,她们因为“少女”为铺路工人所知,在任何情况喜爱她们都不会放弃自己的旧名字让他们自己背叫做“手槌”。“少女是人类的名字”她们说道,“但是手槌是一个物件,我确定不想被叫做一个物件,那真是侮辱我们!” "my betrothed is liable to break off our engagement," said the younger of the two, who was engaged to a ramming block, a large machine used to drive stakes into the ground. in fact, he did on a larger scale the same sort of work that she did on a smaller. "he"ll take me as a "maiden," but i"m sure he won"t have me as a "stamp" or " hand rammer," and so i"ll not permit them to change my name." "as for me, i"d just as soon have both my arms broken off!" said the elder. “我的未婚夫可能会违反我们的婚约,”那个和打桩机定了婚的年轻的少女说道,这个打桩机是一个巨大的机器被用来向地上打桩的。事实上,他在较大规模上做打桩的工作而她是在较小的规模上做一样的工作。“他是要和一位‘少女"结婚,但是我确信他不会和‘手锤"结婚的,所以我不会允许他们改变我的名字的。”“对我来说,我宁愿打断我的胳膊!”年长的少女说道。 but the wheelbarrow had a different idea, and the wheelbarrow was really somebody! he considered himself a quarter of a carriage because he went about on one wheel. "i must, however, tell you that it"s common enough to be called "maidens"; that isn"t nearly so distinctive a name as "stamp," because that belongs under the category of "seals." just think of the "royal signet," and the "seal of the state." if i were you i would give up the name "maiden." " "never!" said the elder. "i"m much too old for that!" 但是独轮车有不同的想法,独轮车是重要的人!他认为他自己是马车的四分之一。因为它用一个轮子走路。“然而我一定要告诉你,被称为‘少女"是很常见的,但是被叫做‘手槌"确是很独特的,因为你的名字可以去印章类目里去,想象一下‘官印",它盖上一个章就产生了法律效力。如果我是你我会放弃‘少女"这个名字”。“永远都不会!我不会幼稚到干这种事!”年长的说道, "you don"t seem to understand what is called the european necessity," said the honest old measuring tape. "people have to adapt themselves to circumstances, limit themselves, give in to the needs of the times. and if there is a law that the "maidens" are to be called "stamps" or "hand rammers," then by that new name she must be called. there is a measuring tape for everything." "well, if there must be a change," said the younger, "i"d rather be called "miss," for "miss" reminds one a little of "maiden." " "but i"d rather be chopped up for firewood than change at all," said the old "maiden." “你好像没明白它被称为欧洲必需品,”诚实的老卷尺说道。“人们必须适应他们自己的环境,限制自己,适应自己的时代。如果法律说“少女”应该被叫做‘手槌",那么它必须被叫做新名字,任何事都要有个尺度。” “好吧,如果一定要改变,”年轻的说道,“我宁愿被叫做‘小姐",因为‘小姐"还能想到一点‘少女"。”我宁愿作为柴火被切碎也不要改变。”年长的小姐说道。 now it was time for work. the "maidens" rode; they were put in the wheelbarrow, which was respectful treatment, but they were now called "stamps." 现在到了工作的时间,“少女们”被放到独轮车,这是一种尊重的待遇,但是她们现在叫做“手槌”。 "maid--!" they cried as they stamped on the paving stones. "maid--!" they almost said the whole word "maiden," but they didn"t finish; they had decided not to say any more about it. but among themselves they always spoke of each other as "maidens," and praised the good old days when things were called by their proper names and those who were "maidens" were called "maidens."and "maidens" they both remained, for the ramming block, the big machine i told you about, did break off his engagement with the younger; he would have nothing to do with a "stamp" or "hand rammer"! “少--!”她们在路上颠簸的时候叫道。“少--!”她们几乎就叫出整个单词“少女了”,但是她们没法完整的叫出来,她们决定不再叫了。但是她们自己之间总是互相叫着“少女”,然后称赞着曾经事物都被叫作适合的名字,“少女”被称为“少女”的时候的好的旧日子的时候。她们都保留着“少女”的名字,因为我之前告诉你的那个叫打桩机的大机器,毁了他和年轻的少女的婚约;他不想和‘手槌"或者

maiden name是什么意思?




谁介绍下iron maiden?




“we all at the period of maiden hood ”该如何翻译?


maiden voyage什么意思

maiden voyage英 [u02c8meidn u02c8vu0254iidu0292] 美 [u02c8medn u02c8vu0254u026au026adu0292] (航天器、船的)首航例句In 1912, the Titanic sank on her maiden voyage. 1912年,“泰坦尼克”号在处女航中失事沉没。

蔷薇少女里的Alice Game 和Rozen Maiden是什么意思?


Rozen Maiden 请分开解释一下

这个。。。荷兰语啊。。。玫瑰 少女等高手来好了


你好,很高兴为你解答iron maiden铁娘子希望我的回答对你有帮助,满意请采纳。




作为CVPR2017年的Best Paper, DenseNet 脱离了 加深网络层数(ResNet) 和 加宽网络结构(Inception)来提升网络性能的定式思维 ,从特征的角度考虑,通过 特征重用和旁路(Bypass)设置 ,既大幅度减少了网络的参数量,又在一定程度上缓解了gradient vanishing问题的产生.结合信息流和特征复用的假设,DenseNet当之无愧成为2017年计算机视觉顶会的年度最佳论文. 卷积神经网络在沉睡了近20年后,如今成为了深度学习方向最主要的网络结构之一.从一开始的只有五层结构的LeNet, 到后来拥有19层结构的VGG, 再到首次跨越100层网络的Highway Networks与ResNet, 网络层数的加深成为CNN发展的主要方向之一. 随着CNN网络层数的不断增加, gradient vanishing和model degradation问题 出现在了人们面前, BatchNormalization的广泛使用在一定程度上缓解了gradient vanishing的问题 ,而 ResNet和Highway Networks通过构造恒等映射设置旁路,进一步减少了gradient vanishing和model degradation的产生 .Fractal Nets通过将不同深度的网络并行化,在获得了深度的同时保证了梯度的传播,随机深度网络通过对网络中一些层进行失活,既证明了ResNet深度的冗余性,又缓解了上述问题的产生. 虽然这些不同的网络框架通过不同的实现加深的网络层数,但是他们都包含了相同的核心思想,既将feature map进行跨网络层的连接. 何恺明在提出ResNet时做出了这样的假设:若某一较深的网络多出另一较浅网络的若干层有能力学习到恒等映射,那么这一较深网络训练得到的模型性能一定不会弱于该浅层网络.通俗的说就是如果对某一网络中增添一些可以学到恒等映射的层组成新的网路,那么最差的结果也是新网络中的这些层在训练后成为恒等映射而不会影响原网络的性能.同样DenseNet在提出时也做过假设:与其多次学习冗余的特征,特征复用是一种更好的特征提取方式. ResNet的一个最主要的优势便是梯度可以流经恒等函数来到达靠前的层.但恒等映射和非线性变换输出的叠加方式是相加, 这在一定程度上破坏了网络中的信息流. 为了进一步优化信息流的传播,DenseNet提出了图示的网络结构 如图所示,第i层的输入不仅与i-1层的输出相关,还有所有之前层的输出有关.记作: 由于在DenseNet中需要对不同层的feature map进行cat操作,所以需要不同层的feature map保持相同的feature size,这就限制了网络中Down sampling的实现.为了使用Down sampling,作者将DenseNet分为多个Denseblock,如下图所示: 在同一个Denseblock中要求feature size保持相同大小,在不同Denseblock之间设置transition layers实现Down sampling, 在作者的实验中transition layer由BN + Conv(1×1) +2×2 average-pooling组成. 在Denseblock中,假设每一个非线性变换H的输出为K个feature map, 那么第i层网络的输入便为K 0 +(i-1)×K, 这里我们可以看到DenseNet和现有网络的一个主要的不同点:DenseNet可以接受较少的特征图数量作为网络层的输出,如下图所示 原因就是在同一个Denseblock中的每一层都与之前所有层相关联,如果我们把feature看作是一个Denseblock的全局状态,那么每一层的训练目标便是通过现有的全局状态,判断需要添加给全局状态的更新值.因而每个网络层输出的特征图数量K又称为Growth rate,同样决定着每一层需要给全局状态更新的信息的多少.我们之后会看到,在作者的实验中只需要较小的K便足以实现state-of-art的性能. 虽然DenseNet接受较少的k,也就是feature map的数量作为输出,但由于不同层feature map之间由cat操作组合在一起,最终仍然会是feature map的channel较大而成为网络的负担.作者在这里使用1×1 Conv(Bottleneck)作为特征降维的方法来降低channel数量,以提高计算效率.经过改善后的非线性变换变为BN-ReLU-Conv(1×1)-BN-ReLU-Conv(3×3),使用Bottleneck layers的DenseNet被作者称为DenseNet-B.在实验中,作者使用1×1卷积生成channel数量为4k的feature map. 为了进一步优化模型的简洁性,我们同样可以在transition layer中降低feature map的数量.若一个Denseblock中包含m个feature maps,那么我们使其输出连接的transition layer层生成u230aθmu230b个输出feature map.其中θ为Compression factor, 当θ=1时,transition layer将保留原feature维度不变. 作者将使用compression且θ=0.5的DenseNet命名为DenseNet-C, 将使用Bottleneck和compression且θ=0.5的DenseNet命名为DenseNet-BC 由于DenseNet对输入进行cat操作,一个直观的影响就是每一层学到的feature map都能被之后所有层直接使用,这使得特征可以在整个网络中重用,也使得模型更加简洁. 从上图中我们可以看出DenseNet的参数效率:左图包含了对多种DenseNet结构参数和最终性能的统计,我们可以看出当模型实现相同的test error时,原始的DenseNet往往要比DenseNet-BC拥有2-3倍的参数量.中间图为DenseNet-BC与ResNet的对比,在相同的模型精度下,DenseNet-BC只需要ResNet约三分之一的参数数量.右图为1001层超过10M参数量的ResNet与100层只有0.8M参数量的DenseNet-BC在训练时的对比,虽然他们在约相同的训练epoch时收敛,但DenseNet-BC却只需要ResNet不足十分之一的参数量. 解释DenseNet为何拥有如此高性能的另一个原因是 网络中的每一层不仅接受了原始网络中来自loss的监督 ,同时由于 存在多个bypass与shortcut,网络的监督是多样的 .Deep supervision的优势同样在deeply-supervised nets (DSN)中也被证实.(DSN中每一个Hidden layer都有一个分类器,强迫其学习一些有区分度的特征).与DSN不同的是,DenseNet拥有单一的loss function, 模型构造和梯度计算更加简易. 在设计初,DenseNet便被设计成让一层网络可以使用所有之前层网络feature map的网络结构,为了探索feature的复用情况,作者进行了相关实验.作者训练的L=40,K=12的DenseNet,对于任意Denseblock中的所有卷积层,计算之前某层feature map在该层权重的绝对值平均数.这一平均数表明了这一层对于之前某一层feature的利用率,下图为由该平均数绘制出的热力图: 从图中我们可以得出以下结论: a) 一些较早层提取出的特征仍可能被较深层直接使用 b) 即使是Transition layer也会使用到之前Denseblock中所有层的特征 c) 第2-3个Denseblock中的层对之前Transition layer利用率很低,说明transition layer输出大量冗余特征.这也为DenseNet-BC提供了证据支持,既Compression的必要性. d) 最后的分类层虽然使用了之前Denseblock中的多层信息,但更偏向于使用最后几个feature map的特征,说明在网络的最后几层,某些high-level的特征可能被产生. 作者在多个benchmark数据集上训练了多种DenseNet模型,并与state-of-art的模型(主要是ResNet和其变种)进行对比: 由上表我们可以看出,DenseNet只需要较小的Growth rate(12,24)便可以实现state-of-art的性能,结合了Bottleneck和Compression的DenseNet-BC具有远小于ResNet及其变种的参数数量,且无论DenseNet或者DenseNet-BC,都在原始数据集和增广数据集上实现了超越ResNet的性能. DenseNet详解

写作指导 It is primarily through our identification 有没

It is primarily through our identification 这主要是通过我们的鉴定。重点词汇释义primarily首先; 首要地,主要地; 根本上; 本来through透过; 经由; 通过,穿过; 凭借; 从头到尾; 彻底; 自始至终; 接通; 通话完毕; 有洞的; 直达的identification认同; 鉴定,识别; 验明; 身份证明

Iron Maiden的《Killers》 歌词

歌曲名:Killers歌手:Iron Maiden专辑:Ed HunterPaul Di"Anno, Steve HarrisYou walk through the subway, his eyes burn a hole in your back,A footstep behind you, he lunges prepared for attack.Scream for mercy, he laughs as he"s watching you bleed,Killer behind you, his blood lust defies all his needs.My innocent victims are slaughtered with wrath and despise,The mocking religion of hatred that burns in the night.I have no one, I"m bound to destroy all this greed,A voice inside me compelling to satisfy me.I can see what a knife"s meant to be,And you"ll never know how I came to forsee, see, see.My faith in believing is stronger than lifelines and ties,With the glimmer of metal my moment is ready to strike.Death call arises, a scream breaks the still of the night,Another tomorrow, remember to walk in the light!I have found you, and now there is no place to run,Excitement shakes me, oh God help me what have I done?!Oooh yeah, I"ve done it!YEEEEAAAAAAAAHHHH!You walk through the subway, my eyes burn a hole in your back,A footstep behind you, he lunges prepared for attack.Scream for mercy, he laughs as he"s watching you bleed,Killer behind you, my blood lust defies all my needs.Oooh look out, I"m coming for you!Ahahahaha!

Iron Maiden的《Killers》 歌词

歌曲名:Killers歌手:Iron Maiden专辑:Maiden England "88Paul Di"Anno, Steve HarrisYou walk through the subway, his eyes burn a hole in your back,A footstep behind you, he lunges prepared for attack.Scream for mercy, he laughs as he"s watching you bleed,Killer behind you, his blood lust defies all his needs.My innocent victims are slaughtered with wrath and despise,The mocking religion of hatred that burns in the night.I have no one, I"m bound to destroy all this greed,A voice inside me compelling to satisfy me.I can see what a knife"s meant to be,And you"ll never know how I came to forsee, see, see.My faith in believing is stronger than lifelines and ties,With the glimmer of metal my moment is ready to strike.Death call arises, a scream breaks the still of the night,Another tomorrow, remember to walk in the light!I have found you, and now there is no place to run,Excitement shakes me, oh God help me what have I done?!Oooh yeah, I"ve done it!YEEEEAAAAAAAAHHHH!You walk through the subway, my eyes burn a hole in your back,A footstep behind you, he lunges prepared for attack.Scream for mercy, he laughs as he"s watching you bleed,Killer behind you, my blood lust defies all my needs.Oooh look out, I"m coming for you!Ahahahaha!

Organizational Antecedents怎么解释




It was ________ he had done to the villagers ________ saddened his parents.



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Either you or the headmaster___ the prizes to these gifted students at the meeting.

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求John Denver 歌词!谢!最好有中文

我最喜欢的一首是他的take me home country road。这首类似乡村音乐,很轻松愉快的~歌词:Take me home, Country Roads Almost Heaven, West Virginia Blue Ridge Mountains, Shenangoah River Life is old there, older than the trees Younger than the mountains Growing like a breeze Country Roads, take me home, to the place I belong West Virginia, Mountain mama Take me home, Country Roads All my memories, gathered round her Miner"s a lady, stranger to blue water Dark and dusty, painted on the sky Misty taste the moonshine, teardrops in my eye Country Roads, take me home, to the place I belong West Virginia, Mountain mama Take me home, Country Roads I hear her voice in the morning hours she calls me The radio reminds me of my home far away And driving down the road I get a feeling that I should have been home yesterday, yesterday Country Roads, take me home, to the place I belong West Virginia, Mountain mama Take me home, Country Roads Country Roads, take me home, to the place I belong West Virginia, Mountain mama Take me home, Country Roads Take me home now, Country Roads Take me home now, Country Roads 乡村路,带我回家 西弗吉尼亚, 简直像天堂, 有蓝岭群山, 山纳多河流。 那里生活久远, 比树木要悠久; 比群山年轻, 像轻风般成长。 乡村路,带我回家, 去我属于的地方, 西弗吉尼亚, 大山妈妈, 乡村路,带我回家。 我所有的记忆, 全是关于她, 矿工的太太, 连海也没见过。 又黑又多尘, 似画在天上, 似月有薄雾色。 眼泪涌上我眼窝。 乡村路,带我回家, 去我属于的地方, 西弗吉尼亚, 大山妈妈, 乡村路,带我回家。 清晨我听见她的声音, 是她在呼唤我。 收音机使我想起 遥远的家, 开车沿着公路走, 我感觉到 我昨天就该回家, 该回家。 乡村路,带我回家, 去我属于的地方, 西弗吉尼亚, 大山妈妈, 乡村路,带我回家。 乡村路,带我回家, 去我属于的地方, 西弗吉尼亚, 大山妈妈, 乡村路,带我回家。 带我回家,乡村路 带我回家,乡村路 我很喜欢John Denver 的歌,希望帮到你啦。如果有什么想要的歌词再告诉我吧。

teach us students是什么意思,有没有teach our students有什么区别

teach us students是“教我们学生”的意思,没有teach our students这种用法因为teach 后跟双宾语“间接宾语(人)和直接宾语(物)

Dashed line represents the identity line怎么翻译



分类: 商业/理财 解析: 简单地说,这是指:生产A的人想要产品B,而生产B的人想要产品A。这是为了说明货币存在的必要性和重要性,因为同时存在这种情境的情况实在太少了。 原文: The phrase double coincidence of wants was used in Jevons (1893). "[T]he first difficulty in barter is to find o persons whose disposable possessions mutually suit each other"s wants. There may be many people wanting, and many possessing those things wanted; but to allow of an act of barter there must be a double coincidence, which will rarely happen." That is, paraphrasing Ostroy and Starr, 1990, p 26, the double coincidence is the situation where the supplier of good A wants good B and the supplier of good B wants good A. The point is that the institution of money gives us a more flexible approach to trade than barter, which has the double coincidence of wants problem. Also known as dual coincidence of wants. economics.about/library/glossary/bldef-double-coincidence-of-wants

what a coincidence it was为啥要加it was 他们做什么成分?

这是一一句感叹句!以what开头,感叹句一般由:感叹词+名词/形容词+人称或物主代词+系动词本来这句话是It is a ( )concidence .意思是:这是一场多么可怕的事故呀!但是感叹句一般把形容词去掉,前面加what/how做为感叹词!再把it is 放到后面!事实上就类似于一个倒装句,加强语气!只是以what/how开头而已!不过what后面只能接名词,而how后面只能接形容词!这句话可以这样说:What a terrible concidence it is!How terrible the concidence is!在语气上,一般都会很夸张的表情和语气!希望能帮到你!

2:what is coincidence ? Give an example to illustrate.


what a coincidence是什么意思


what a coincidence是什么意思

what a coincidence真是巧合双语对照例句:1.Really?. What a coincidence. 真的?那太巧了.2.Oh, it` s you? What a coincidence? 原来是你呀?这么巧呀?3.What a coincidence to find you here. Isn"t that amazing? 在这里遇到你真巧这不是很美妙吗?

by accident 和by acincidence的区别

by coincidence 可以放在句首 by accident 不可放在句首

英语我想说 这是一个巧合 可以说it happened吗?那it was a coincidence

usually you say it as "it happened accidentally" could be "it was a coincidence" in writting..but not for oral :)

by coincidence后面加什么?并且求两个和by coincidence相等的短语

by coincidence 作副词,碰巧地.常放句首,后面加 逗号. 例如:By coincidence,you"re wearing the same handcuff she wore. 巧合的是,你正戴着他戴过的同一副手拷.
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