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android程序在调试时出现了套接字异常“ Permission denied”该如何解决

这是一个经典错误, Socket不能对外连接,错误不会被报出,调试的时候,能看到Exception, 一般是抛出 permission denied这个异常。只要你的程序想联网,就会抛出这个异常,最终联网失败。 原因是: 需要访问到网络必须要有权限,在AndroidManifest.xml中,需要进行如下配置: <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />

LINUX 中nfs 出现问题permission denied

permission denied 提示你权限不够!向管理员要mount 的权限;可以的话,用root 账户做,一定OK!!!!



dev c++ "permission denied"怎么解决


In case of an accident, call this number. 这 in case of...是从句吗,是什么从句?

in case of 是固定词组,意思是如果发生……;若在……情况下如:In case of difficulty, just call on me.如有困难,找我好了。in case that ……是从句望采纳

aria-hidden="true"是什么意思 aria代表什么

图标的可访问性现代的辅助技术能够识别并朗读由 CSS 生成的内容和特定的 Unicode 字符。为了避免 屏幕识读设备抓取非故意的和可能产生混淆的输出内容(尤其是当图标纯粹作为装饰用途时),我们为这些图标设置了 aria-hidden="true" 属性。如果你使用图标是为了表达某些含义(不仅仅是为了装饰用),请确保你所要表达的意思能够通过被辅助设备识别,例如,包含额外的内容并通过 .sr-only 类让其在视觉上表现出隐藏的效果。如果你所创建的组件不包含任何文本内容(例如, <button> 内只包含了一个图标),你应当提供其他的内容来表示这个控件的意图,这样就能让使用辅助设备的用户知道其作用了。这种情况下,你可以为控件添加 aria-label 属相。

aria-hidden="true"是什么意思 aria代表什么

Accessible Rich Internet Applications这一套协定是w3和apple为了残疾人士无障碍使用网站例如视障人士, 在读到这一句aria-hidden="true的时候, 就会自动忽略跳过

aria-hidden="true"是什么意思 aria代表什么

本身没有 aria 这个单词 ,但是从意思上分析,hidden是“隐藏”的意思 ,true是“真实、正确”的意思,那么 aria 可能代表“虚伪、虚假,错误”。分析一下语境或者上下文可以大致推断意思

accidentally in lave


aria-hidden="true"是什么意思 aria代表什么

本身没有 aria 这个单词 ,但是从意思上分析,hidden是“隐藏”的意思 ,true是“真实、正确”的意思,那么 aria 可能代表“虚伪、虚假,错误”。分析一下语境或者上下文可以大致推断意思

求韩剧城市猎人里面lonely day ,suddenly,只看着你 3首歌曲的中文版lrc歌词,谢谢

韩剧城市猎人插曲Lonely.Day 很期待啊!


很多伪纪录片的第一人称视角镜头, 对战术训练和战术行动的描述很不错.



usama bin laden还是osama bin laden?


Osama bin Laden 怎么读

奥萨马·本·拉登 差不多就是谐音

Osama Bin Laden中的bin发音不是|bin|吗,这么说按照中文的话应该是“宾”了,为什么在译成“本”?


Osama bin Laden是什么意思

Osama bin Laden奥萨马本拉登,基地组织领导人本·拉登; 奥萨玛·本·拉登; 奥萨马·本拉登

playing singing are birds the in the garden and造句?

The birds are playing and singing in the garden.



student who volunteer翻译是什么?

"student who volunteer" 的翻译是 "志愿者学生"。


students who volunteer的翻释是当志愿者的学生。志愿者(Volunteer)联合国定义为“自愿进行社会公共利益服务而不获取任何利益、金钱、名利的活动者”,具体指在不为任何物质报酬的情况下,能够主动承担社会责任而不获取报酬,奉献个人时间和助人为乐行动的人。根据中国的具体情况来说,志愿者是这样定义的:“在自身条件许可的情况下,参加相关团体,在不谋求任何物质、金钱及相关利益回报的前提下,在非本职职责范围内,合理运用社会现有的资源,服务于社会公益事业,为帮助有一定需要的人士,开展力所能及的、切合实际的,具一定专业性、技能性、长期性服务活动的人。"含义一般认为,志愿者是自愿贡献个人的时间和精力的人,在不计物质报酬的前提下为推动人类发展、社会进步和社会福利事业而提供服务的人员。志愿服务(volunteer service)则是任何人自愿贡献时间和精力,在不为物质报酬的前提下为推动人类发展、社会进步和社会福利事业而提供的服务。分类可因服务内容的不同分为消防志愿者、抗震救灾志愿者、奥运志愿者、社区志愿者、环保志愿者、网络志愿者等。中央文明办、民政部、共青团中央2015年9月下发关于推广应用《志愿服务信息系统基本规范》的通知。通知指出,民政部等部门将依据《基本规范》,将全国志愿者队伍建设信息系统升级改造为全国志愿服务信息系统,提供给各地区、各部门和志愿服务组织无偿使用。

cadence cis 怎么分几部分画CPU一个元器件

把一个元件分两个部分画出来。Homogeneous类型元件画法1、 选中.olb文件,右键new part,弹出new part properties对话框,填入元件名称,Parts per package填入2,package type 选homogeneous。2、 单击OK,菜单view->package中可查看,软件自动把元件分成了A B两个部分。双击part A,进入PART A编辑页面。画好PART A部分图形,放好引脚。3、 快捷键CTRL+N进入part B部分编辑页面,B此时B部分除了引脚编号外,其他的都与A部分相同,只需要设置好引脚编号就可以了。这正是Homogeneous类型元件的特点。4、 选option->part properties,设置pin name visible属性为false。注意图中应标出信号输入的正负极性。 Heterogeneous类型元件画法1、 选中.olb文件,右键new part,弹出new part properties对话框,填入元件名称,Parts per package填入2,package type 选Heterogeneous。2、 单击OK,软件自动把元件分成了A B两个部分。同样的方法,画元件的partA部分。3、快捷键CTRL+N进入part B部分编辑页面,此时B部分仍是空白,需要重新画。这正是Heterogeneous类型元件的特点。4、PART B部分按一般元件画法画好,并设置好引脚属性即可。

______,she was brave enough to participate in the presidential campaign in 2008

我来回答你的问题:此题正确答案是B。Woman as Hillary Clinton is, she was brave enough to participate in the presidential campaign in 2008. (Woman要大写)【讲解】Woman as Hillary Clinton is,是一个倒装句(表语提前),意思相当于:Although Hillary Clinton is a woman, ......,英语中,as作为连词主要有3种意思:1.像...,2.当时候 3.因为。除此之外,它还有一个用法就是引导“让步状语从句”,意思等于although, though(虽然,尽管),此时,需要把be之后的表语提到句首,如果是名词,则去掉原来的冠词。例如:Young as he is, he knows a lot about computer. Girl as she is, she wants to be a soldier.关于Despite Hillary Clinton is a woman,这是错误的,因为despite是介词,不是连词,不能引导从句。换成Although就对了。【翻译】尽管希拉里克林顿是一位女性,但她勇敢地参与了2008年的总统竞选。我的回答满意吗?(刘老师 解答)

cadence 16.3 画NE5532双运放库时,选择homogeneous 相同管脚4和8会报错,怎么解决


Asian Garden是什么意思



dividend是asset这个例子是pay cash,支付现金股利,Asset里的cash减少,Equity里undistributed profit(未分配利润)减少。


该用residence 名词 n. 居住,驻留,居留 resident 可数名词 n.[C] 居住者,居民; 侨民可数名词 n.[C] 驻在外国的事务官 reside vi. 住,居住,(官吏)留驻,驻在; (性质) 存在,具备,(权力,权利等)属于,归于

why students study abroad. 英语作文一篇 分为1.introduction 2.body 3.conclution body这部分我想分三

Nowadays more and more students choose to study abroad for their further study. There are many reasons. First some parents think the education system in our country is a little old fashioned ,which can not help their children develop their personalities. What"s worse, it will prevent them from keeping step with development of our society. Besides, there has been a trend to send children abroad. Because the common belief is that studying abroad is a better choice . So every family are trying to follow this trend. As far as I am concerned, it is not where you study but what you have actually learned matters.保证是原创。

On Studying Abroad for Senior High School Students_1200字

On Studying Abroad for Senior High SchoolStudents When it es to studying abroad for seniorhigh school students some people believe that it"s good for senior high schoolstudents to study abroad; others claim that the reverse is right. There isprobably some truth in both arguments but I tend to the former. I"ll start withthe following o aspects: learning and life. From learning studying abroad can providea good language environment and make it easy to pick up English because theyhave more chances to practice speaking English. What"s more they will havemore access to advanced knowledge and experience which has a big influence ontheir future. And then they can put what they learned into practice andcontribute to the development of motherland. Meanwhile it widens students" knowledgeand horizons. From life Studying abroad can help tocultivate their independence and personalities and at the same we"ll get ridof some bad habits such as laziness lacking of concept of time and so on.Besides it improves the ability to deal with problems when they study abroad;they have to learn how to be accustomed to a new environment and how to geell with the teachers and clas *** ates. From what we discussed above I maintainthat studying abroad is good for high school students for the followingfactors: the good learning environment、the development of future、the ability to solve problems and the goodhabits in life.

求关于why do some students study abroad?英语作文

I love learning foreign languages.Especially English because English is the most widely spoken language in the world,it is used by countries all over the world.For example,if you want to find a nice job,you probably need to be good at English,and when you surf on the Internet,you"ll see many dialogues and keywords in English.If you don"t know them,then you"ll have to spend a lot of time looking them up in an English dictionary.Therefore we must try harder to learn English and improve our English,and we could learn more besides.Now,I"m a junior high student,I try to read magazine articles in English everyday.In fact,learning English is lots of fun.It"s rather like learning Chinese.Just open your mouth and say something in English or read lots of achievement.All in all,it"s useful for everyone to learn English.

国外大学的 study abroad student 什么意思?


读后感-《海盗经济学》(the invisible hook-the hidden economics of pirates)

我为什么要读这本书? 在图书馆还书时看到了它,被它的封面吸引,打开来看了下,发现书中揭示了海盗们看似荒诞,但是实则有自己道理的行为的”秘密“。同时我也想了解一下海盗船上是如何运作的,他们的行为准则是什么?于是我便顺带借了回去。 书中讲述了海贼们上船成贼的原因、那个时代(让人想到了《海贼王》中的大航海时代。。。)。海上商船的船长对船员的剥削、雇佣海盗、海盗们的民主、海盗为何折磨反抗的人、海盗的征募制度、海盗中的不歧视黑人等。 下面举例其中2点 1 海盗中的民主 民主制度在海盗中是很早就出现了的。海贼船的船长是被大家选举出来的,但是权力却并不是很大。船上还有一个重要的角色,舵手,他平时掌管事务,同时,劫掠得到的物资由舵手分好份后给各海盗分。如果你认为海盗船长会获得很高的份额,那你就错了。船长获得普通份额的2倍左右,舵手获得1又二分之一倍左右,其他职务也会获得1又几分之一的份额,依次类推 由于船长是被选举出来的。所以他虽然不是情愿,但是需要为船员们考虑更多,显得”关心“大家 2 海盗中不歧视黑人海盗 因为虽然看法上歧视,但是歧视成本很高,会导致海盗船上的人纠纷,船上的人每个人都需要相互依赖。而黑奴则被歧视,就连黑人海盗有时也会歧视黑人奴隶。 这本书挺有意思的。让人明白了,海盗们不是一伙穿着奇怪的疯子,而是遵循规则的精打细算的一些人。

ACCA考点解析:audit evidence

在往年ACCA考试中,“audit evidence”经常都会出现在试卷里,并且也是一个让考生难以理解、容易混淆的常考点,今天深空网就跟大家详解这个知识点。01、Audit procedures(审计程序)的分类:Tests of controls (控制测试)Tests of controls are audit procedures designed to evaluate the operating effectiveness of controls in preventing, or detecting and correcting, material misstatements at the assertion level.控制测试指的是为了评估被审计单位内部控制的有效性而设计实施的审计程序,其中有效的内控指的是能够及时的预防或者发现并纠正认定层次重大错报的内控。Substantive procedures(实质性程序)Substantive procedures are audit procedures designed to detect material misstatements at the assertion level.实质性程序是指审计师为了发现认定层次的重大错报而设计实施的审计程序。02、Substantive procedures 分类:Analytical procedures (实质性分析程序)Analytical procedures as substantive procedures tend to be appropriate for large volumes of predictable transactions.实质性分析程序更适用于分析一些交易量大的交易或事项并获取审计证据,比如与薪酬相关的科目。Tests of detail (细节测试)Tests of detail may be appropriate to gain information about account balances.细节测试更适用于获取科目余额相关的审计证据,如存货或应收账款。同时,有一个小的知识点也需要大家注意(敲黑板)↓↓↓03、知识点注意考试过程中题目会考察考生对Tests of detail的描述,请注意写答案的时候一定要是完整的答案,我们先来看一下下面的三句话:a. Check sales invoicesb. Inspect the amount from a sample of sales invoicesc. Inspect the amount from a sample of sales invoices to ensure the accuracy of sales transaction以上三个表述不难看出C是表达的最完整的,这个也是考试的时候对于tests of detail表达的要求,需要具体写出要做什么行为以及该行为的目的是什么,两者都点到才有满分~为了方便大家理解,再给大家看几句完整的tests of detail的表达句式:Inspection of contract amount to ensure the accuracy of the amounts recorded in the financial statementsPhysical inspection of non-current assets to ensure their existence, such as warehouse and equipment.Agree long term liabilities to the relevant loan agreement to ensure its right and obligation

The White House is a beautiful building_______ a big garden and many trees. A.have B.has C.

C 试题分析:句意:怀特家的房子很漂亮,有个大的花园和很多树。介词with,表示有。故选C。其他选项也表示有,但在句中做谓语,不合题意。

priority precedence区别

priority 优先,优先权; (时间,序上的)先,前; 优先考虑的事; [数]优先次序precedence 领先; 优先权; 地位先后,级别高低; 位次


resident英-["rezu026ad(u0259)nt]美-["ru025bzu026adu0259nt]释义n. 居民adj. 居住的;住院医师;定居的author英-["u0254u02d0θu0259]美-["u0254θu025a]释义n. 作者;作家;创始人vt. 创作出版

dense和 intensive都有 密集的 意思,用法有什么区别

dense:密集的,稠密的;浓密的,浓厚的;愚钝的 这是一个形容词intensive:作为形容词是,意思是:加强的,强烈的;[农]精耕细作的;[语]加强语意的;(农业方法)集约的作为名词时,意思是:加强器;[语]强义词,强调成份因此,两者的区别在于,前者主要是对浓稠度和密集度的修饰,而后者则多在强调程度的加深。

privacy 和 confidentiality 的区别是什么


Students are being dared to draw a picture 这句话怎么翻译,什么时态呢 dared 是被动的意思吗?


frontiers投稿 independent review什么意思

frontiers 是一个系列的杂志,比如 frontiers in genetics, frontiers in plant science。 说明你的文章过了editor这一关,正在配reviewer审阅。

Brian Mcfadden的《Jones》 歌词

歌曲名:Jones歌手:Brian Mcfadden专辑:Set In StoneBrian 孤独的小贝制作Wake up Jonesstop sleeping on your Mama"scoach waiting for it to happenget off home with the yellow finger tipsand your belly full of whata could beensWell I could dobut I"m happy doing nothingthis way the Days getLonger x10 repeatAnd I"m not giving it awaybut you wouldn"t have meany other way would youI"m not deliberately lameit"s just the Way I amand you like it anywayI don"t half do it wrongwhen I do it wrong I do it rightSome of us have it but some people don"thave the nerveWell that"s all finebut your big ass is growingAnd Your hairs got longer thn mineIt"s about timeyou thought about somebody elseAnd get yourself to the linebut I hear you but I"d rather be a nothingThis way the days getLonger x 10And I"m not giving it awaybut you wouldn"t have meany other way would youI"m not deliberately lameit"s just the Way I amand you like it anywayI don"t half do it wrongwhen I do it wrong I do it rightSome of us have it but some people don"thave the nerveGet off Jones I"ve had about enough of yourgood for nothing hanging aroundYeah I hear you but I"d rather be a nothingThis way the days getLonger x 10And I"m not giving it awaybut you wouldn"t have meany other way would youI"m not deliberately lameit"s just the Way I amand you like it anywayI don"t half do it wrongwhen I do it wrong I do it rightSome of us have it but some people don"thave the nerve

wieder einmal beenden什么意思

重装系统出现einstellungen speichern und beenden什么意思

保存设置并退出 看不懂德文就不要安装德文版,ok?

循证问题(evidence triggered)

【答案】:即提出护理过程中的问题。包括实践问题和理论问题。 实践问题是指在护理实践的过程中提出的问题,理论问题是指与护理实践有关的前瞻性的理论发展问题。

Dear Prudence 歌词

歌曲名:Dear Prudence歌手:The Beatles专辑:The Beatles [White Album]Dear Prudence won"t you come out to playDear Prudence greet the brand new dayThe sun is up the sky is blueIt"s beautiful and so are youDear Prudence won"t you come out to playDear Prudence open up your eyesDear Prudence see the sunny skiesThe wind is low the birds will singThat you are part of everythingDear Prudence, won"t you open up your eyesLook around roundLook around round roundLook aroundDear Prudence let me see your smileDear Prudence like a little childThe clouds will be a daisy chainSo let me see your smile againDear Prudence won"t you let me see you smileDear Prudence won"t you come out to playDear Prudence greet the brand new dayThe sun is up the sky is blueIt"s beautiful and so are youDear Prudence won"t you come out to play

DENO德诺壁布软装推出的《Coca-Cola 可口可乐》和可口可乐有关系吗?

有关系,DENO德诺壁布软装的《Coca-Cola 可口可乐》,就是他们与可口可乐携手打造了同名系列的墙面产品。

介绍下DENO德诺壁布软装的《Coca-Cola 可口可乐》吧?

《Coca-Cola 可口可乐》这款产品将可口可乐品牌所富含的年轻活力与新奇创意完美融入壁纸壁画产品,装点你的家居生活。愿您的生活如同刚开启的可口可乐,拧转瓶盖的那一刻,清爽来袭。这是年轻的姿态,肆意飞扬。

DENO德诺壁布软装的《Coca-Cola 可口可乐怎么样呢?

DENO德诺壁布软装的《Coca-Cola 可口可乐》很不错,将可口可乐品牌所富含的年轻活力与新奇创意完美融入壁纸壁画产品,装点你的家居生活。

John Denver的《Love Again》 歌词

歌曲名:Love Again歌手:John Denver专辑:Rocky Mountain Collection「Love again」作词∶JUJU/Jeff Miyahara/Yuichi Hayashida作曲∶Yuichi Hayashida/Jeff Miyahara歌∶JUJUこれ以上优しくなんてしないで今以上好きになるのはこわくてbut I just can"t be without youもっとあなたのそばにいたいでもできなくていつだって想ってるのに不意に会话を止めないでこれ以上隠せないよ急にそんな目で见ないでこの気持ちを抑えきれない2度と恋には落ちないと 决めたのよ泣き明かしたあの朝に止めてた时计の针をもう一度动かしてしまいそうこれ以上优しくなんてしないで今以上好きになるのはこわくてbut I just can"t be without youずっとあなたのそばにいたいでもできなくてはじめからわかってるけど恋の怖さは谁よりも痛いほど知ってるのに気づけばあなたとの恋の始め方探しているよ何度忘れようとしても消せなくて泣きたくなるほど 苦しくて今はあなたとの出会いも偶然じゃないって 信じたいけどこれ以上优しくなんてしないで今以上好きになるのはこわくてbut I just can"t be without youもっとあなたのそばにいたいでもできなくていつだって想ってるのに惹かれていくほどに本当はわかってるあなたは谁ともちがうこと夺われてくごとに谛めはじめてるもう逆らえないよBeleave in this love with youこれ以上嘘はつきたくないからいま以上あなたを好きになりたいからcause I just can"t be without youずっとあなたのそばにいたいだけよbaby let me be the oneこれ以上逃げ出したくはないからいま以上あなただけを知りたいからcause I just can"t be without youずっとあなたのそばにいたい淡い期待...初めからわかってたから【 おわり 】

Identity Verification Using Blockchain (区块链身份认证)

Model based on Dave Birch"s article: User"s verifiable attributes of the identity, such as name, age or address are hashed, then digitally signed by a trusted body. Hash with the signature then stored on the Blockchain or DLT and users store their verified ID information encrypted on their phone and carry it with them. During the verification process, user provides the relevant original information with the signed data (retrievable address on the Blockchain or DLT) to a 3rd party, and if the 3rd party can reproduce the hash from the provided information, match it with the one stored on the Blockchain and trust the signature, then the identity of the user can be treated as verified. Benefits of using this approach: 用户可验证的身份属性(如姓名,年龄或地址)经过哈希处理,然后由受信任的机构进行数字签名。将签名及哈希数据存储在区块链或DLT中,用户将其验证的身份信息存储在手机中加密并随身携带。在验证过程中,用户向第三方提供相关的原始信息和签名数据(例如区块链或DLT上的可检索地址),如果第三方可以从提供的身份信息经哈希处理后,能将其与存储在区块链上的信息匹配并信任签名机构,那么用户的身份可以视为已验证。 使用这种方法的好处:


考点: 细胞的发现、细胞学说的建立、内容和发展 专题: 分析: 该题考查的是细胞学说的创立者--施莱登和施旺.细胞学说由德国植物学家施莱登和德国动物学家施旺提出,该学说认为一切生物都由细胞组成,细胞是生命的结构单位,细胞只能由细胞分裂而来. A、施莱登和施旺提出了细胞学说,A正确;B、DNA双螺旋结构模型是由沃森和克里克提出的,B错误;C、自然选择学说是由达尔文提出的,C错误;D、生物膜的流动镶嵌模型是由桑格和尼克森提出的,D错误.故选:A. 点评: 解此题的关键是关注生物科学的发展史,了解相关的事迹,注意知识的积累.

being student

being a student

Daniel in the lion`s den的比喻意义什么

Daniel in the lion`s den的翻译是:丹尼尔在狮子`巢穴我猜他可能比喻 丹尼尔不怕困难

01_3走遍美国《46 Linden Street》

Philip:Advertise // remile. Don"t worry. It should be fine.You"re welcome.Goodbye. Philip: And give her a teaspoon of the medicine after every meal.Don"t worry. She"ll be fine. You"re welcome. Good-bye. teaspoon,["tispun],茶匙;一茶匙的量 Ellen: How are you? Philip:I"m tired.I"m hungry. Philip: I"m tired and hungry. Ellen: Well, // Mellen Richard couple will be here soon and mamol // eat. Ellen: Well, Marilyn and Richard called. They"ll be here soon, and then we"ll eat. 这句话语速太快,以至于听了不下百遍,还是没有长进。 Philip: All right?That is,ah,is Susan coming? Philip: All right. Susan coming? Ellen: Don"t be here later.She will work late tonight. Ellen: Well, she"ll be here later. She has to work late tonight. Philip: And what"s Robbie cooking for dinner? Ellen: It"s a surprise. Philip:I hope it"s past. Philip: I hope its pasta. pasta,["pɑstu0259],意大利面食;面团 Philip: Robbie, the dinner was terrific. Susan: Yes, it was delicious. terrific在口语中极其常见,应用范围很广。我想,因为是吃完饭了,饭桌上讨论,所以这里使用了was。 Marilyn:What"s for desert? Marilyn: What"s for dessert? 记错单词: desert,[(for v.) du026au02c8zu025dt; (for n.) "du025bzu025at] n. 沙漠;荒原;应得的赏罚 vt. 遗弃;放弃;逃跑 adj. 沙漠的;荒凉的;不毛的 vi. 遗弃;开小差;逃掉 dessert,[du026a"zu025dt],餐后甜点;甜点心 注:desert为动词时和dessert是相同的发音。 Robbie: Oh,I forgot desert. Robbie: Oh, I forgot dessert. Philip: Robbie! Ellen: Don"t worry.We got lots of //pestry. Ellen: Don"t worry. We"ve got lots of ice cream. ice cream完全没听出来。 Richard: Oh,I love some //pestry. Richard: Oh, I"d love some ice cream. Ellen:There is ,ah,chocolate,and coffee,and a little //vinella. Ellen: Well, there"s chocolate and coffee and a little vanilla. vanilla,[vu0259"nu026alu0259],香草,香荚兰属,香子兰 Robbie:I have vinella.Is there else for everyone? Robbie: I"ll have vanilla. Is that all right with everyone? Philip:I have chocolate. Philip: I"ll have chocolate. Marllyn: Me, too. Richard: Uh, one scoop of coffee and one scoop of chocolate for me. scoop,[skup],勺;铲子;独家新闻;凹处 Ellen:Robbie,would you help me serve? Ellen: Robbie, will you help me serve? Richard:I think that bag film.A //roles and a whole day"s work,and good stuff,too. Richard: I keep thinking about that bag of film. Eight rolls. a whole day"s work. And good stuff,too. roll,[rol],n. 卷,卷形物;名单;摇晃,这里应该是指一卷胶卷。 good stuff,好东西,不错的东西。 Ellen: Don"t worry,Richard.Someone will find it. Robbie: I"ll get it.Hello. Alexandra: Hello. Does Richard Stewart live here? Robbie: Yes,he"s my brother. I"m Robbie...Robbie Stewart. Alexandra:I"m Alasandra Popers.How do you do.Your brother left his bag film on the ferry boat.I found it. Alexandra: I"m Alexandra Pappas. How do you do? Your brother left his bag of film on the ferryboat. I found it. ferryboat ["fu025bru026a,bot],渡船,渡轮。ferryboat是一个单词,不是组合词。 Robbie: I"m really glad to see you. I brother"ll be really glad to see you! Ellen: Robbie! Who is it? Robbie: It"s Richard"s film! I mean, Alexandra Pappas. Come in, please. Richard: Alexandra! Alexandra: Hello, Richard. I found your bag! Richard: Oh,Thank U,thank U.Alasandra,Let me with you do su //.And this is my wife Mallen. Richard: Oh, thank you! Thank you! Um...Alexandra, let me introduce you. This is my wife Marilyn. let me introduce you.让我为你介绍一下。 Alexandra: Richard showed me your photo. How do you do ? Marilyn: Oh,Yes.Richard has told all about you.Nice to meet you. Marilyn: Oh yes. Richard told us all about you. It"s nice to meet you. Richard: And this is my mother, Ellen Stewart. Alexandra: How do you do? Richard: And my father, Dr.Philip Stewart. Philip: Nice to meet you, Alexandra. Richard: And…ah…you met Robbie. Alexanra: Yes. And you must be Susan.Hi. Susan: Hi.Welcome. Richard:I"m so glad you find my bag.I took the time trouble to return it. Richard: I"m so glad you found the bag and took the time and trouble to return it. took the time and trouble to return it. 这句话还是在说Alexandra,但我一直以为是Richard在说自己。 Alexandra:I was always no trouble.I just take the wrong train. Alexandra: Oh,it was no trouble. I just took the wrong train. Ellen: Would you like something to eat? Alexandra:Thank U.No.I"m // for dinner in my house.I really have to go. Alexandra: Thank you, no.I"m late for dinner at my house. I really have to go. Richard: Would you like to call home? Alexandra: I"d appreciate that. Ellen: Please,use the phone. Alexandra: Thanks. Excuse me. Richard:Alsandra is in the high school and she is an exchange student from Greece. Richard: Alexandra"s a high-school exchange student from Greece. Robbie:Where did she live? Robbie: Where does she live? does she应该怎么读,前面结尾是s,后面开头也是s? Richard:With the family in Braks. Richard: With a family in the Bronx. the Bronx,布朗克斯,纽约的五个行政区之一 Robbie: Oh,that"s not too far from here. Robbie: Oh, that"s not too far from here! Richard: Take it easy, Robbie. Take it easy,别着急,别紧张 Alexandra:Thank u.I can always stay a few minute. Alexandra: Thank you. I can only stay a few minutes. Ellen:pasem // resti. Ellen: Have some iced tea. Alexandra: Thanks, Mrs. Stewart. Robbie: Please sit down, Alexandra. Philip:So,you"re an exchange student.Where did you go to school? Philip: So, you"re an exchange student. Where do you go to school? Alexandra://Ad brand high school of since. Alexandra: At the Bronx High School of Science. At the Bronx High School of Science,学校位于纽约州New York,学校历史非常悠久,规模非常大,在数学和科学方面知名度很高,在人类学和社会科学等方面也有不错的发展。 Philip: Oh, that"s a very good school. What are your favorite subjects? Alexandra: Biology and mathematics. Richard tells me you"re a doctor. Philip:Yes,a peditration.And what does your father do? Philip: Yes, a pediatrician.And what does your father do? pediatrician,[,pidu026au0259"tru026au0283u0259n],儿科医师 Alexandra:He"s a lawyer in Deslnik. Alexandra: He"s a lawyer, in Thessaloniki. Robbie: Would you like some pasta? I made it myself. It might be a little cold. Alexandra: Thanks, no. I do have to go. It was nice meeting you all. I do have to go,do重读表示强调。 Marilyn:Maybe you come for lunch some Sunday.So we can really thank you to bring Richard"s bag back. Marilyn: Well, maybe you"ll come for lunch some Sunday, so we can really thank you for bringing Richard"s bag back. Alexandra: Maybe. Ellen: You"re welcome anytime. Philip: Good-bye. Richard: Can I drive you home? Alexandra:No,thanks.The train is stop in stredi// and won"t take me along at all. Alexandra: No,thanks. The train is just up the street. It won"t take me long at all. 火车/地铁就在这条街上,不需要花很长时间的 Richard: Well, you really saved the day for me, Alexandra. Alexandra: Bye. Richard: Bye-bye. Ellen: Good night. saved the day for me,帮了我大忙。 Philip: She"s a smart young lady, and very nice. Robbie:very.hey,she forgot the bag. Robbie: Very! Hey, she forgot her bag! Ellen: Oh,I guess Richard will be see Alsandra again,right are They? Ellen: I guess we"ll be seeing Alexandra again, Right, Robbie? Focus In INTRODUCTIONS My name is Richard Stewart. I"m Martha Vann. I"m Richard. How do you do? This is my wife Marilyn. It"s nice to meet you. This is my mather. NIce to meet you. Hi. It was nice meeting you all.

students all like she对吗?

错误句子。改正:All the students love her.所有的学生都爱戴她。


accidentally "偶尔" 指的是事件的发生不是刻意安排的结果,而是意外或偶然的事件,如:I met her accidentally yesterday. 我昨天在无意中遇到她。(或,我昨天很意外地遇见了她。)occasionally "偶尔,间或" 的意思指的是频率上的概念,如:My friends visit me occasionally.我的朋友偶尔会来拜访我。

The students expected__________to be less homework. A.there C.that


我的本本(Windows 7系统)一开机就出现 permission denied,求高手指点,怎么解决这样的问题

permission denied 意思是 权限被拒绝 你应该设置了什么!恢复一下出厂设置!

.oui 有权限 为什么permission denied


Linux: scp命令的使用及permission denied问题解决

scp 文件名 花名@服务器地址:/data1/wuzhang/ scp 远程Linux用户名@IP地址:远程Linux系统文件路径/文件名 当前Linux系统文件路径 一路回车,在home/.ssh/中会生成id_rsa和id_rsa.pub两个文件 复制全部内容

python报错PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied的解决方案

产生报错的原因: 1、当前文件被占用了 2、用户没有访问权限 3、打开目标不是文件 解决方案: 1、检查打开的是否位文件,Linux中用“/”表示路径,Windows中用“\”表示路径,即是否多加了斜杠。 2、文件是否被占用,如打开文件后没有关闭,即 变量.close()。 3、亦或者检查文件是否存在,及用chmod命令修改用户权限。

Ubuntu复制文件时提示Permission denied怎么解决

表面上看是因为权限不足,因此可以通过对usr文件夹进行授权的方式解决:zhengxiangwen@10:~$sudo chmod -R 777 usr其中-R 是指级联应用到目录里的所有子目录和文件777 是所有用户都拥有最高权限

为什么linux有时候命令会提示 Permission denied


消息队列出现这个报错msgget: Permission denied怎么解决?

Permission denied 申请被拒绝

R语言读取文件夹里的全部文件失败怎么解决,Permission denied

JAVA 遍历文件夹下的所有文件(递归调用和非递归调用)1.不使用递归的方法调用。public void traverseFolder1(String path) { int fileNum = 0, folderNum = 0; File file = new File(path); if (file.exists()) { LinkedList<File> list = new LinkedList<File>(); File[] files = file.listFiles(); for (File file2 : files) { if (file2.isDirectory()) { System.out.println("文件夹:" + file2.getAbsolutePath()); list.add(file2); fileNum++; } else { System.out.println("文件:" + file2.getAbsolutePath()); folderNum++; } } File temp_file; while (!list.isEmpty()) { temp_file = list.removeFirst(); files = temp_file.listFiles(); for (File file2 : files) { if (file2.isDirectory()) { System.out.println("文件夹:" + file2.getAbsolutePath()); list.add(file2); fileNum++; } else { System.out.println("文件:" + file2.getAbsolutePath()); folderNum++; } } } } else { System.out.println("文件不存在!"); } System.out.println("文件夹共有:" + folderNum + ",文件共有:" + fileNum); }

php连接redis 报错 Permission denied,为什么会出现这样的错误

1$redis->zAdd("key", 1, "val1");2$redis->zAdd("key", 0, "val0");3$redis->zAdd("key", 5, "val5");4$redis->zRange("key", 0, -1); // array(val0, val1, val5)向名称为key的zset中添加元素member,score用于排序。如果该元素已经存在,则根据score更新该元素的顺序。

Ubuntu复制文件时提示Permission denied怎么办

没权限,必须要复制的话,sudo 后面写上命令

Ubuntu复制文件时提示Permission denied怎么解决

 一、表面上看是因为权限不足,因此可以通过对usr文件夹进行授权的方式解决:  zhengxiangwen@10:~$sudo chmod -R 777 usr  其中  -R 是指级联应用到目录里的所有子目录和文件  777 是所有用户都拥有最高权限  二、但上面的解决方法只是治标不治本,其实我们需要以管理员的身份进入系统,才能畅通无阻  那么问题来了,怎么样才能以管理员的身份进入系统呢,往下看:  Ubuntu安装好后,root初始密码(默认密码)不知道,需要设置。  1、先用安装Ubuntu的时候创建的用户登录到系统;  2、然后输入命令:sudo passwd 摁回车;  3、接下来会提示您:输入新密码,重复输入密码,最后提示您passwd:password updated sucessfully;  此时已完成root密码的设置。  4、接着就可以输入命令:su root;  即以root的身份登录到系统里面去了,此时你再拷贝文件,就可以了。  以上就是Ubuntu复制文件时出现Permission denied错误提示的解决方法了,只要按照上面的步骤设置root密码后以root身份登录,就可以正常复制文件了。

mac终端permission denied

Mac 终端下面好像没有楼主所要的提权命令。应该是没有获取root权限。可以先用z4root提权再用ABD调试,我也是迷惑了好久。

eclipse 中向共享文件出现permission denied问题 如何解决?


Permission denied 这个错误怎么解决

-bash 说明你本机的shell是bash 但 脚本开头声明的shell解释器是 /bin/csh, 因此报错“找不到解释器”,bad interpreter。 另外,Permission denied这个错误,可能是没有赋予脚本可执行权限。 需要先 chmod +x ./sh_ext_ztd.ztd 给脚本可执行权限

dnx2时error: could not create Permission denied


permission denied什么意思?

permission denied意思是:认可被拒绝承认相关单词:permission[英][pəˈmɪʃn][美][pərˈmɪʃn]n.允许; 批准,正式认可,认可; 复数:permissionsdenied[英][dɪ"naɪəd][美][dɪ"naɪəd]adj.拒签; v.拒绝( deny的过去式和过去分词 ); 拒绝承认; 拒绝…占有; 否认知情;

Permission denied是什么意思?

一、意思:权限拒绝;权限被拒绝;权限不足。二、出现原因:遇到这种情况,是因为请求的文件或者文件夹没有权限导致服务器拒绝了请求。扩展资料:Windows下git出现Permission denied的解决办法:1、在本地仓库文件夹内右键打开Git Bash。2、在命令行输入ssh-keygen,然后一路回车。3、输入命令cd ~/.ssh,切换到.ssh目录下。4、输入命令vi,打开这个刚刚产生的ssh密钥,全选复制密钥。5、登录到自己的github,打开Settings。6、左侧点击SSH and GPG keys,然后右侧点击New SSH key。7、将步骤4复制的密钥粘贴到Key里面,Title随便写。然后点击Add SSH key即可。

python ftp permission denied怎么解决

FTP 550 Permission denied 只能建文件夹,没法删除及上传文件的解决方法,需要的朋友可以参考下。出现这种问题, ①首先检查用户对应的角色名,然后看路径设置是否正确,有没有相关的权限,如果这些都没问题,然后就尝试下面的操作: ②重起FTP服务,最好从服务里面重启(不能根本解决); ③重新设置Server-U帐号和目录访问里的文件路径(如果还不行,尝试下面操作); ④删除用户,重新建。 原创 SU整理(FTP)收藏 整理如下: 1开头-成功 2开头-成功 3开头-权限问题 4开头-文件问题 5开头-服务器问题 150 FILE: %s 150 Opening %s mode data connection for %s (%I64d Bytes). 150 Opening %s mode data connection for %s. 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for /bin/ls. 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for MLSD. 200 (end of "index %s") 200 Command channel switched to clear-text. 200 Command OK, %I64d Bytes available on %s 200 Command okay. 200 EXEC command successful (TID=%u). 200 Message received okay. 200 MLST OPTS 200 MODE S ok. 200 MODE Z LEVEL set to %d. 200 MODE Z ok. 200 Noted. 200 Opened OK (but not really). 200 PBSZ command OK. Protection buffer size set to 0. 200 PBSZ=0 200 PORT Command successful. 200 PROT command OK. Using clear data connection. 200 PROT command OK. Using private data connection. 200 SSCN:CLIENT METHOD 200 SSCN:SERVER METHOD 200 STRU F ok. 200 STRU R ok. 200 Transfer progress notification is off. 200 Transfer progress notification is on. 200 Type set to A. 200 Type set to I. 202 Command not implemented, superfluous at this site. 202 Command not implemented, superfluous at this site. 210 UTC%+ld 211 End 211 End of status. 211-Extension supported 211-Status for user %Name from %IP: 213 %I64d 213 %s 214 Direct comments or bugs to 214- The following commands are recognized (* => unimplemented). 215 UNIX Type: L8 220 Service ready for new user. 220 Serv-U FTP Server v%s for WinSock ready... 221 Goodbye! 226 ABOR command successful. 226 Transfer complete. 226 Transfer complete. 226 Transfer complete. 227 Entering Passive Mode (%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d) 230 Password changed okay. 230 Switching to SYSTEM MAINTENANCE mode. 230 User logged in, proceed. 230 User logged in. 231 Switching to GROUP MAINTENANCE mode. 232 Switching to DOMAIN MAINTENANCE mode. 233 Switching to READ-ONLY MAINTENANCE mode. 233 User logged in, PASSWORD EXPIRED - please change before proceeding. 234 AUTH command OK. Already have SSL connection. 234 AUTH command OK. Initializing SSL connection. 250 %X 250 DELE command successful. 250 Directory changed to %s 250 End. 250 RMD command successful. 250 RNTO command successful. 250-Listing %s 253 Attributes changed okay. 253 Date/time changed okay. 257 "%s" directory created. 257 "%s" is current directory. 321 Transferred %I64d Bytes. 331 Response to otp-md%d %u %s required for skey. 331 User name okay, need password. 331 User name okay, please send complete E-mail address as password. 350 File or directory exists, ready for destination name 350 Restarting at %I64d. Send STORE or RETRIEVE. 421 Data connection closed (SSL/TLS negotiation failed). 421 Service closing control connection. 425 Cannot open data connection. 425 Cannot open data connection. 425 Cannot open data connection. 425 Try later, data connection in use. 425 Try later, data connection in use. 425 Try later, data connection in use. 425 Try later, out of network sockets. 425 Try later, out of network sockets. 425 Try later, out of network sockets. 425 Unable to listen, too many pending PASV requests from same client IP. 425 Unable to set up passive listening socket. 426 Data connection closed, cannot read file %s. 426 Data connection closed, cannot write file %s - disk full? 426 Data connection closed, error compressing data stream. 426 Data connection closed, error decompressing data stream. 426 Data connection closed, file transfer %s aborted by client. 426 Data connection closed, file transfer %s aborted. 426 Data connection closed, receive file %s aborted. 426 Data connection closed, transfer aborted. 426 Transfer aborted. 431 Account temporarily locked for other user, please try later. 431 Password not changed, no match for old password. 431 Unable to negotiate secure command connection. 432 Password not changed, new password should be at least %d characters in length. 432 Password not changed, new password should contain at least one upper-case character and symbol 432 Password not changed, old and new passwords cannot be identical. 450 Cannot open file %s for reading. 452 Sorry, insufficient disk quota - receive file %s aborted. 500 "%s": command not understood. 501 %s: Not a directory. 501 Cannot EXEC command line (error=%u). 501 Invalid MLST options 501 Invalid option. 501 Not enough space, only %I64d Bytes available on drive %s 501 Permission denied. 501 SITE option not supported. 501 Syntax error in parameters or arguments. 501 Syntax error in parameters or arguments. 501 Syntax error in parameters or arguments. 501 Syntax error in parameters or arguments. 501 Syntax error in parameters or arguments. 501 Syntax error in parameters or arguments. 501 Syntax error in parameters or arguments. 501 Syntax error in parameters or arguments. 501 Syntax error in parameters or arguments. 501 Syntax error in parameters or arguments. 501 Syntax error in parameters or arguments. 501 Syntax error in parameters or arguments. 501 Syntax error in parameters or arguments. 501 Syntax error in parameters or arguments. 501 Syntax error in parameters or arguments. 501 Syntax error in parameters or arguments. 501 Syntax error in parameters or arguments. 501 Syntax error in parameters or arguments. 501 Syntax error in parameters or arguments. 501 Wildcards not allowed. 502 Syntax error - use SITE PSWD "<oldpassword>" "<newpassword>". 503 Bad sequence of commands. 503 Bad sequence of commands. 503 Secure command connection required prior to PBSZ command. 503 Secure command connection required prior to PROT command. 504 Command not implemented for that parameter. 504 Command not implemented for that parameter. 504 Command not implemented for that parameter. 504 Unknown security mechanism. 510 Cannot determine server time zone. 521 Data connection cannot be opened with this PROT setting. 522 SSL/TLS lib refuses to initiate secure data connection. 530 Cannot change Anonymous password. 530 Cannot change password. 530 Not logged in, cannot find home directory. 530 Not logged in, home directory does not exist.

Linux 的 permission denied 这个问题


ssh 登录服务器时显示 permission denied

部分 Linux 系统中,SSHD 服务默认会禁用 root 用户远程登录, 登录时即使密码正确也可能报用户名或者密码错误。 可以先在控制台进行 Workbench 远程连接,并在配置文件: /etc/ssh/sshd_config 里将: 保存后重启 SSHD 服务: sudo service sshd restart 然后再尝试使用 ssh 进行登录。

android adbshell总显示opendir failed,permission denied

两种可能性1.手机驱动没装好2.adb不是最高权限启动如果是Linux下,进入su模式,先adb kill-server然后 adb start-server

ssh 连接提示 Permission denied 怎么破

1、这是由于没有将公钥( publickey ) 添加到本地 ssh 环境造成的,或者是由于多日未 进行ssh 登录操作,本地 publickey 失效造成的。我的mac os x 环境隔几天没有登录ssh 就会报 “Permission denied ” 。2、只要使用 ssh-add 命令再次添加一下公钥即可。ssh-add your_ publickey

permission denied怎么解决

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