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1240 Deming Way Madison, WI 53717-1954 USA 是哪?

地址 1240 Deming Way麦迪逊, WI 53717USA 谷歌地图里搜就是了。能看见^_^

English for Academic Purposes 留学加拿大



EAP课程包括academic readingacademic writingacademic listeningSDS我就在学这些

“无论”的英文在academic writing中如何表达

no matter what...其实感觉在cademic writing里面不太会用到这样绝对性的词,无论、永远、在任何情况下这种。




这个东西谁也说不准,毕竟是两个人之间的事,但是大概应该是这样的:Selena和Demi是BFF,然后在Selena和Taylor也成为BFF之后,可能Selena和Demi之间存在一些不愉快和小摩擦(估计是Demi因为Selena和Taylor的关系而吃醋,在Demi一次和粉丝的交流中,有粉丝问道“how"s Selena?”然后Demi就很干脆的回答道“ask Taylor.”)所以有段时间Selena和Demi处于朋友之间的平谷期,甚至是被很多网友传说什么两人决裂了什么的(这个就说不准了,但是我觉得应该不会,毕竟13年的友情摆在那,充其量就是朋友之间的比较严重的摩擦,需要时间缓解)然后2010年11月Demi去了精神疗养院去休养身体,在那时候的treament和recovery,Selena都有打电话来问候Demi给Demi加油和安慰她,鼓励她好好休养身体。(顺便说一句,Demi和Miley也是BFF哦,在那段时间Miley也有打电话给她安慰她哦~)之后在2011年1月Demi休养健康之后,她在接受采访的时候也有提到过selena给她的帮助(提到的还有Demi的妈妈不过这个跟问题无关)。现在Selena和Demi当然关系有很好,她们也有一起去玩过啊什么的,两人关系都很好~而且现在两人的交际圈都有扩大。



akademii nauk sssr是什么意思

academic task sssr学术任务SSSR.很高兴为你解答!如有不懂,请追问。 谢谢!

学校的英文成绩单模板中有Total credits in All Academic Years和Overall credit 两项,请问到底啥意思?

Total credits in All Academic Years在整个学年里总共修的学分Overall credit 计划总学分

好莱坞三女星,miley 、demi、selena三人在乐坛的地位?

三个人同出自一家公司,mile最先出道,凭借汉娜.蒙塔娜一角获得了青少年的喜爱,被称为“好莱坞甜心”,而selena凭借《少年魔法师》走红,出道时间比miley晚一年,被誉为“美国甜心”,她可能接同为美国甜心的师姐hilary duff的班。demi出道最晚,凭借《摇滚夏令营》走红,被称为“摇滚甜心”。三个人的歌曲风格都不相同,mile的歌现在越来越乡村了,selena是以pop rock为主,demi的歌是摇滚风格。

疫情 英文 pandemic

疫情 英文 pandemic作名词时,意思为流行病,作形容词时,意思为(疾病)流行的,普遍的,全世界的,大流行的。例句:1.One pandemic of Spanish flu took nearly 22 million lives worldwide.西班牙流感的大爆发夺去了全球近2,200万人的生命。2.The influenza virus responsible for the 1918 pandemic was identified as being a Type A, H1N1 subtype.导致1918年大流行的流感病毒被确定为A型H1N1亚型。


这里主要自己使用yaml。 1.封装 codemirror 组件。 2.页面用 watch 监控form表单,将json转yaml更新视图 3.利用 emit 编辑内容时调用页面里的yaml转json更新form表单

约翰霍普金斯大学的Advanced Academic Program怎么样?

Advanced Academic Programs (AAP) 是专门给成人业余学习的一个项目,主是业余授课和网络授课,有研究生学历项目的证书类项目的专业。学历项目主要有以下专业:Graduate DegreesMS in Applied Economics MS in Bioinformatics MS in Biotechnology Master of Biotechnology Enterprise and Entrepreneurship MA in Communication MS in Energy Policy and Climate MS in Environmental Sciences and Policy MA in Film and Media MS in Food Safety Regulation MS in Geographic Information Systems MA in Global Security Studies MA in Government MS in Government Analytics Master of Liberal Arts MA in Museum Studies MS in Post-Bacc Health Science Intensive MA in Public Management MS in Regulatory Science MS in Research Administration MA in Science Writing MA in Writing

专业英语老师进!帮助找学术文章(Academic Essay)的二十个错误。

Occupational diseases are the results of employment conditions, often dealing with the inhalation of dangerous gases, and exposure to hazardous chemicals and many industrialdiseases are identified by the disease being (去掉)present in workers compared to therest of the general population. Many industrial diseases will occur after manyyears of exposure to an environmental factor. Asbestosis and pneumoconiosis arecommon examples of industrial diseases, which affects the resphiratory system.Whereas atopic dermatitis is an example of a skin disease caused bycontributions from both genetic and industrial factors. Atopic dermatitis,asbestosis and pneumoconiosis have a variety of treatments, which helps with thelong term health effects of the diseases (Jones GM and Storey PL, 2005).Pneumoconiosis is a lung disease that is caused by theinhalation of dust. There are a number of types of pneumoconiosis, but the mainfocus is upon (about) miners pneumoconiosis. This is caused by the inhalation ofaerosols such as nitrogen oxides, sulphur oxides and carbon monoxide. The dustin the mines are ( is ) airborne, often not as (so) dangerous if inhaled infrequently (frequently),however miners inhale the aerosols every day for several years which can causedisease (West, 2007). Aerosols inhaled into the lungs effect (affect) the cilia, andcause them to be paralyzed making it difficult for the mucociliary system towork efficiently. It also affects alveolar macrophages which usually engulfs(engulf)materials such as silica. To be honest this could affect a person"s breathing,causing a persistent cough and a tightness of chest (Pnuemoconiosis,2011).Unfortunately there are (is )no treatment for the disease itself, however treatmentcan be provided to ease the pain of the symptoms (Dhingra,2010). To determinewhat (which)treatment is needed for pneumoconiosis a scan needs to be taken toevaluate the extent of the disease. The disease is often monitored over aperiod of time and a change of lifestyle could be recommended. The patient willoften gets immunised against diseases such as influenza. Normally antibioticsand physical therapy are used to help the movement of mucus in the persons(person"s)system, as well as medication that can be inhaled to help with( 去掉 ) their breathing.The majority of people suffering from pneumoconiosis are over the age of 50,approximately 6 out of one hundred thousand people suffer from the disease andthe mortality rates (rate)are 800 deaths per year in the United Kingdom(Pneumoconiosis, 2011).Asbestosis is also a lung disease caused from the inhalation of industrial materials,however it is classified differently to (as)pneumoconiosis. Asbestolosis is due tothe inhalation of asbestos a fibrous material found in certain buildings, alsofrom mining. Asbestos resists dilution so _it__ can remain for a long period of timein a person"s system, so when settled in the lungs they_ _have long term effects(Selikoff, 1978).问题补充:(接上)Asbestosis is a serious disease which is alsoincurable and can often result in an early death. There are two types ofasbestosis; mesotheliomia and fibrous thickening. The disease causes thescarring of the lung tissue, and affects how the lungs work. The scaring of thelungs can cause respiratory problems, shortness of breath and chronic coughing.There is a found to be a correlation between asbestosis and primary lung cancer(House of commons, 1999). Like pneumoconiosis there is no treatment for the disease, but symptoms are monitored and managed over time. To help with the increase in the mucus in the lungs, physical therapy may be used to help remove a large amount of mucus (Selikoff, 1989). With respiratory problems oral medication that can be inhaledmay help improve their breathing, as well as over ( 去掉) the counter drugs such asparacetamol and ibuprofen. Asbestosis太长,费眼。欢迎追问!


endemic[英][enu02c8demu026ak][美][u025bnu02c8du025bmu026ak]adj.某地特有的; (尤指疾病)地方性的; 风土的; (动,植物)某些特产的; n.地方病; 某地特产的植物[动物]; 复数:endemics形近词:pandemicpolydemicepidemic1Street crime is virtually endemic in large cities.街头犯罪近乎是大城市的通病。

My life after the pandemic作文?

1. Become more warmhearted2. Get a better health habit ~wash your hands timely and carefully ~to use a pair of serving chopstics when dining with others ~wear your mask in public places

my experiences during COVID-19 pandemic中文?

原文是"My experiences during the COVID_19 pandemic”吧?不过这不是一句完整的话。意思是“我在新冠肺炎大流行中的经验”


区别:pandemic 1.Widespread; general. 2.Medicine. Epidemic over a wide geographic area and affecting a large proportion of the population: pandemic influenza. 流行性1、广泛,一般。2、医学。流行在广阔的地理区域和影响的一大部分人口:大流行性流感。epidemic 1.Spreading rapidly and extensively by infection and affecting many individuals in an area or a population at the same time: an epidemic outbreak of influenza. 2.Widely prevalent: epidemic discontent流行1、迅速传播和广泛的感染和影响许多人同时在一个地区或人口:一种流行病爆发的流感。2、广泛流行,流行的不满


pandemic 中文 意思是指「大规模流行的,广泛蔓延的」的意思,词性为形容词。另外,pandemic也可当名词用,意思为「流行病」。 下面列举出pandemic的英文用法、英文例句跟中文意思,赶快学起来吧! 1.pandemic 大规模流行的,广泛蔓延的、大流行病 pandemic当成形容词的时候,中文意思是指「大规模流行的,广泛蔓延的」的意思。 pandemic相关英文字汇跟中文意思: 例: a pandemic of influenza 流感大爆发 an influenza pandemic 流感大爆发 pandemic相关英文例句: 例: In some parts of the world malaria is still pandemic. 在世界上一些地区疟疾仍在广泛流行。 例: Nobody guessed that such a rare disease would bee a pandemic. 没有人猜测如此罕见的疾病会成为大流行病。 pandemic, pandemic 中文, pandemic 意思, pandemic 用法, pandemic 翻译


01 pandemic是英语单词,可以用作形容词、名词,作形容词的意思是“(疾病)在全国(或世界)流行的”,作名词的意思是“(全国或全球性)流行病,瘟疫”。 02 近义词:widespread , universal , ruling , generalized 03 短语: influenza pandemic 流感大流行 ; 流感大流行警告 Pandemic Boy 传播病毒男孩 ; 病毒传播男孩 trigging an influenza pandemic 引发流感流行 ; 激发流感风行 ; 引发流感风行 Pandemic Influenza 大流行流感 ; 大流感 ; 大流行 ; 大流行性流感 pandemic disease 大列病 ; 大流行病 Pandemic infection 世界性传染 flu pandemic 流感大流行 the AIDS pandemic 艾滋病大流行 Pandemic Studios 游戏制作 ; 开发厂商 04 列句: 1. One pandemic of Spanish flu took nearly 22 million lives worldwide. 西班牙流感的大爆发夺去了全球近2,200万人的生命。 来自柯林斯例句 2. They feared a new cholera pandemic. 他们担心新一轮的霍乱大流行。 来自柯林斯例句 3. In some parts of the world malaria is still pandemic. 在世界上一些地区疟疾仍然具有高传染性。 来自辞典例句 4. So conceivably, this thing could be used to create a pandemic. 因此可以想象, 这个仪器可以用来造成大瘟疫.

academic year 和 undergraduate分别是什么意思?

academic year [简明英汉词典]n.学年undergraduate [简明英汉词典][7QndE5^rAdjuit]n.大学肄业生, (尚未取得学位的)大学生adj.大学生的

急需高一单词第一个是 academic 的所有单词

academicals 大学礼服academician 院士、学会会员、大学生、大学教师academicism 艺术院的作风






学生(student一般指中学生) scholar一般是学者 academician是院士


academic的词性变化如下:1.academically 副词,学术上;学业上。 名词,学院;研究院。3.academia 名词,学术界;学术生涯。4.academician 名词,院士;大学生;大学教师。5.academe 名词,研究院;学院;学会(等于academy)academic作为形容词表示学术的;不切实际的;纯理论的;大学的;不注重实践教育的;作为名词表示大学教师;学者。复数形式是academics.作为形容词时近义词有:theoretical;collegial。大学的

Demi lovato资料



求 Demi Lovato neon lights 的中文歌词

Baby when they look up at the sky宝贝 当他们望向天空We"ll be shooting stars just passing by我们会变成流星划过天际You"ll be coming home with me tonight今晚你会回到家和我在一起We"ll be burning up like neon lights我们会闪闪发光 就像霓虹灯Please still my heart cause it"s freaking out, freaking out, right now请抚平我的心 因为它已经吓坏了 吓坏了 就是现在Shining like stars cause we"re beautiful, we"re beautiful, right now像星星一样闪耀 因为我们光彩夺目 我们光彩夺目 就是现在You"re all I see in all these places你是我在这些地方唯一看到的人You"re all I see in all these faces你是我在这些脸孔中唯一看见的So let"s pretend we"re running out of time, of time所以让我们假装我们没时间了 没时间了Baby when they look up at the sky宝贝 当他们望向天空We"ll be shooting stars just passing by我们会变成流星划过天际You"ll be coming home with me tonight今晚你会回家和我在一起And we"ll be burning up like neon lights而我们会闪闪发光 就像霓虹灯Baby when they look up at the sky宝贝 当他们望向天空We"ll be shooting stars just passing by我们会变成流星划过天际You"ll be coming home with me tonight今晚你会回家和我在一起And we"ll be burning up like neon lights而我们会闪闪发光 就像霓虹灯Neon lights霓虹灯Neon lights霓虹灯Neon lights霓虹灯Like neon lights就像霓虹灯Like neon lights就像霓虹灯Please still my heart cause it"s freaking out, freaking out, right now请抚平我的心 因为它已经吓坏了 吓坏了 就是现在Shining like stars cause we"re beautiful, we"re beautiful, right now像星星一样闪耀 因为我们光彩夺目 我们光彩夺目 就是现在You"re all I see in all these places你是我在这些地方唯一看到的人You"re all I see in all these faces你是我在这些脸孔中唯一看见的So let"s pretend we"re running out of time, of time所以让我们假装我们没时间了 没时间了Baby when they look up at the sky宝贝 当他们望向天空 We"ll be shooting stars just passing by我们会变成流星划过天际You"ll be coming home with me tonight今晚你会回家和我在一起And we"ll be burning up like neon lights而我们会闪闪发光 就像霓虹灯Baby when they look up at the sky宝贝 当他们望向天空We"ll be shooting stars just passing by我们会变成流星划过天际You"ll be coming home with me tonight今晚你会回家和我在一起And we"ll be burning up like neon lights而我们会闪闪发光 就像霓虹灯Neon lights霓虹灯Neon lights霓虹灯Neon lights霓虹灯Like neon lights就像霓虹灯Like neon lights就像霓虹灯Shining like stars cause we"re beautiful, beautiful像星星一样闪耀 因为我们光彩夺目 光彩夺目You"re all I see in all these places你是我在这些地方唯一看到的人You"re all I see in all these faces你是我在这些脸孔中唯一看见的So let"s pretend we"re running out of time, of time所以让我们假装我们没时间了 没时间了Like neon lights就像霓虹灯Like neon lights就像霓虹灯Please still my heart cause it"s freaking out请抚平我的心 因为它已经吓坏了

求 Demi Lovato neon lights 的中文歌词跪求

Neon LightsBaby when they look up at the sky宝贝 当他们望向天空We"ll be shooting stars just passing by我们会变成流星划过天际You"ll be coming home with me tonight今晚你会回到家和我在一起We"ll be burning up like neon lights我们会闪闪发光 就像霓虹灯Please still my heart cause it"s freaking out, freaking out, right now请抚平我的心 因为它已经吓坏了 吓坏了 就是现在Shining like stars cause we"re beautiful, we"re beautiful, right now像星星一样闪耀 因为我们光彩夺目 我们光彩夺目 就是现在You"re all I see in all these places你是我在这些地方唯一看到的人You"re all I see in all these faces你是我在这些脸孔中唯一看见的So let"s pretend we"re running out of time, of time所以让我们假装我们没时间了 没时间了Baby when they look up at the sky宝贝 当他们望向天空We"ll be shooting stars just passing by我们会变成流星划过天际You"ll be coming home with me tonight今晚你会回家和我在一起And we"ll be burning up like neon lights而我们会闪闪发光 就像霓虹灯Baby when they look up at the sky宝贝 当他们望向天空We"ll be shooting stars just passing by我们会变成流星划过天际You"ll be coming home with me tonight今晚你会回家和我在一起And we"ll be burning up like neon lights而我们会闪闪发光 就像霓虹灯Neon lights霓虹灯Neon lights霓虹灯Neon lights霓虹灯Like neon lights就像霓虹灯Like neon lights就像霓虹灯Please still my heart cause it"s freaking out, freaking out, right now请抚平我的心 因为它已经吓坏了 吓坏了 就是现在Shining like stars cause we"re beautiful, we"re beautiful, right now像星星一样闪耀 因为我们光彩夺目 我们光彩夺目 就是现在You"re all I see in all these places你是我在这些地方唯一看到的人You"re all I see in all these faces你是我在这些脸孔中唯一看见的So let"s pretend we"re running out of time, of time所以让我们假装我们没时间了 没时间了Baby when they look up at the sky宝贝 当他们望向天空 We"ll be shooting stars just passing by我们会变成流星划过天际You"ll be coming home with me tonight今晚你会回家和我在一起And we"ll be burning up like neon lights而我们会闪闪发光 就像霓虹灯Baby when they look up at the sky宝贝 当他们望向天空We"ll be shooting stars just passing by我们会变成流星划过天际You"ll be coming home with me tonight今晚你会回家和我在一起And we"ll be burning up like neon lights而我们会闪闪发光 就像霓虹灯Neon lights霓虹灯Neon lights霓虹灯Neon lights霓虹灯Like neon lights就像霓虹灯Like neon lights就像霓虹灯Shining like stars cause we"re beautiful, beautiful像星星一样闪耀 因为我们光彩夺目 光彩夺目You"re all I see in all these places你是我在这些地方唯一看到的人You"re all I see in all these faces你是我在这些脸孔中唯一看见的So let"s pretend we"re running out of time, of time所以让我们假装我们没时间了 没时间了Like neon lights就像霓虹灯Like neon lights就像霓虹灯Please still my heart cause it"s freaking out请抚平我的心 因为它已经吓坏了

academic discipline是什么意思

n. 学术科目请采纳,谢谢!

academic association什么意思

  academic association  学术协会  协会是指由个人、单个组织为达到某种目标,通过签署协议,自愿组成的团体或组织,中文将英语Association译作“协会”,和工会组织的概念不同。协会常指包括职业、雇主、行业、学术和科学等方面为达成某种目标而成立的组织。“工会”多指被雇用者为确保自身权益特别是经济利益而成立的组织,多集中于雇佣者和被雇佣者的关系。  行业协会是社会中介组织,它的产生和发展是社会分工和市场竞争日益加剧的结果,反映了各行业的企业自我服务、自我协调、自我监督、自我保护的意识和要求。具体说来,行业协会的形成及其作用应该包含以下内容:一是必须以同行业的企业为主体;二是必须建立在自愿原则的基础上;三是必须以谋取和增进全体会员企业的共同利益为宗旨:四是一种具有法人资格的经济社团。



academic writing style


academic references是什么意思


demi lovato的这个头发叫什么颜色


let it go的中英歌词,歌手是Demi Lovato 跪求!!!


在美国人眼里Selena Gomez特别漂亮是吗?那跟Demi Lovato和Miley Cyrus比较起来呢?

其实吧 Selena Gomez还是靠小贾红的 在美国人心里 小贾是什么地位 他的女朋友当然地位不会低 让我来说说吧 S说她唱功好 Demi笑了 S说她有才 霉霉笑了 S说她成熟性感 麦子笑了 S说她男人最有名 大家都沉默了哈哈 纯属娱乐 个人观点 切勿吐槽!!!其实你可以去搜搜她们的图 谁好看你自己知道

demi lovato的give your heart a break歌词

The day I first met youYou told me you never fall in loveBut now that I get youI know fear is what it really wasNow here we are, so closeYet so far, haven"t I passed the testWhen will you realizeBaby, I"m not like the restDon"t wanna break your heartI wanna give your heart a breakI know you"re scared it"s wrongLike you might make a mistakeThere"s just one life to liveAnd there"s no time to waste, to wasteSo let me give your heart a breakGive your heart a breakLet me give your heart a breakGive your heart a breakOh, yeah yeahA Sunday, you went home aloneThere were tears in your eyesI called your cell phone, my loveBut you did not replyThe world is ours, if you want itWe can take it, if you just take my handThere"s no turning back nowBaby, try to understandDon"t wanna break your heartI wanna give your heart a breakI know you"re scared it"s wrongLike you might make a mistakeThere"s just one life to liveAnd there"s no time to waste, to wasteSo let me give your heart a breakGive your heart a breakLet me give your heart a breakYour heart a breakThere"s just so much you can takeGive your heart a breakLet me give your heart a breakYour heart a breakOh, yeah yeahWhen your lips are on my lipsAnd our hearts beat as oneBut you slip right out of my fingertipsEvery time you runDon"t wanna break your heartI wanna give your heart a breakI know you"re scared it"s wrongLike you might make a mistakeThere"s just one life to liveAnd there"s no time to wait, to waitSo let me give your heart a breakCuz you"ve been hurt beforeI can see it in your eyesYou try to smile it awaySome things you can"t disguiseI don"t wanna break your heartBaby, I can ease the ache, the acheSo, let me give your heart a breakGive your heart a breakLet me give your heart a breakYour heart a breakThere"s just so much you can takeGive your heart a breakLet me give your heart a breakYour heart a breakThe day I first met youYou told me you never fall in love

求Demi Lovato的Gift of a friend歌词翻译

Sometimes You think You"ll Be Find by YourselfCause a Dream is a Wish You Make all alone有时觉得自己可以办得到因为梦想只需一个人定下就好Its Easy to Feel Like You Dont Need HelpBut Its Harder To Walk On Your Own说起来容易,你不需要别人的祈祷,但自己一个人的路上有太多的困扰You"ll Change InsideWhen You Realize当你意识到,改变就成了自身的需要The World Comes To Lifeand Everything"s right世界复苏了生机,每件事恢复了秩序From Beginning To EndWhen You Have a Friend从开始到故事的尽头,终有一个朋友在你的心头By Your Side为你无保留That Helps You To FindThe Beauty Of All他帮你看到了美,看到了美得自然When You"ll Open Your Heart and Believe inThe Gift of a FriendThe Gift of a Friend当你敞开你的心扉,让信任抹去伤悲,朋友是上天的祝福,朋友将拭干眼泪Someone Who knows When Your Lost and Your Scared你的迷茫,你的恐惧他都看得到There through The Highs and The Lows无处无地不为你祈祷Someone You Can Count On, Someone Who CaresBesides You Where Ever You Go为你而担心,是你的依赖,在你的身旁,陪伴着你的未来You"ll Change InsideWhen You Realize当你意识到,改变就成了自身的需要The World Comes To Lifeand Everything"s right世界复苏了生机,每件事终于有了秩序From Beginning To EndWhen You Have a Friend从开始到故事的尽头,终有一个朋友在你的心头By Your Side为你无保留That Helps You To FindThe Beauty Of All他帮你看到了美,看到了美得自然When You"ll Open Your Heart and Believe inThe Gift of a Friend当你敞开你的心扉,让信任抹去伤悲,朋友是上天的祝福,朋友将拭干眼泪And When your Hope Crashes DownShattering To The Ground当你的希望坠毁着下降,当你的希望摔坏在地上You"ll, You"ll Feel All AloneWhen You Dont Know Which Way To Go你将,你将为之独自迷茫,迷失了前进的方向And There"s No signs Leading You homeYou"re Not Alone没有引导你回家的记号,但有人陪在你的身旁The World Comes To Lifeand Everything"s right世界复苏了生机,每件事恢复了秩序From Beginning To EndWhen You Have a Friend从开始到故事的尽头,终有一个朋友在你的心头By Your Side为你毫无保留That Helps You To FindThe Beauty Of All帮你看到真善美When You"ll Open Your Heart and Believe InWhen You Believe InYou Can Believe InThe Gift of a Friend

Demi Lovato - Catch Me 中英文对照歌词

Before I fall too fast以前我坠落地太快了 Kiss me quick, but make it last 快吻我,但让它持续 So I can see how badly this will hurt me 这样我就可以看见这伤害我有多么严重 When you say goodbye当你说再见时 Keep it sweet, keep it slow 保持它甜蜜,让它缓慢 Let the future pass, and don"t let go 让未来过去,别松手 But tonight I could fall too soon 但是今晚我可能坠落太快 To this beautiful moonlight 这个漂亮的月光 But you"re so hypnotizing但是你如此让人陶醉 You"ve got me laughing while I sing 你使我笑着唱歌 You"ve got me smiling in my sleep 你使我微笑着入眠 And I can see this unraveling 我能看见这个破裂 And your love is where I"m falling 你的爱让我坠落 But please don"t catch me 但请不要抓住我 See this heart won"t settle down 看到这颗心平静不下来 Like a child running scared from a clown 像一个孩子害怕一个小丑 I"m terrified of what you"ll do 我害怕你将要做什么 My stomach screams just when I look at you 我的胃大叫只是当我看着你 Run far away so I can breathe 我只有跑得远远的才能呼吸 Even though you"re far from suffocating me 即使你远离了窒息了的我 But I can"t set my hopes to high 但我不能抱有希望 Cuz every hello ends with a goodbye 因为每个“你好”结束在“再见” But you"re so hypnotizing 但是你如此让人陶醉 You"ve got me laughing while I sing 你使我笑着唱歌 You"ve got me smiling in my sleep你使我微笑着我入眠 And I can see this unraveling 我能看见这个破裂 Your love is where I"m falling 你的爱让我坠落 But please don"t catch me 但请不要抓我 So now you see why I"m scared 所以现在你知道为什么我觉得很害怕 I can"t open up my heart without a care 没有你的关心我无法敞开心扉 So here I go, it"s what I feel 因此在这里,我走了,这是我的感觉 And for the first time in my life I know it"s real 在我的生命中,我第一次知道那是真实的 But you"re so hypnotizing 但是你如此让人陶醉You"ve got me laughing while I sing 你使我笑着唱歌 You"ve got me smiling in my sleep你使我微笑着我入眠 And I can see this unraveling 我能看见这个破裂 Your love is where I"m falling 你的爱让我坠落 But please don"t catch me 但请不要抓我 If this is love please don"t break me 如果这就是爱,请别打断我 I"m giving up so just catch me 我要放弃了这样才能抓住我

this is me -Demi Lovato歌词以及中文

i always been the kind of girl that hid my face 我一直是那种把脸藏起来的女孩 so afraid to tell the world what i"ve got to say 很害怕告诉世界我要说什么 but i have this dream, right inside of me, its time to let you know, 但是我有这个梦,就在我体内,是让你知道的时间了 to let you know, 是让你知道的时间了 this is real this is me 这是真的 这是我 im exactly where i suppose to be now, 我现在准确的在我应该在的地方, gonna let the light shine on me. 将要让灯光在我身上闪耀。 now i found who i am, there"s no way to hold it in, 现在我发现了我是谁,没有任何方法去约束它, no more hinding who i want to be, 不再隐藏我想变成谁 this is me. 这是我 now you know what its like to feel so in the dark 现在你知道在黑暗里是怎样的感受 and to dream about a life where you"re the shining star 并且做一场你是生命闪烁的明星的梦 even though it seems like its too far away 即使它看起来太遥远了 i have to believe in myself its the only way 唯一的方法是相信自己 this is real this me 这是真的 这是我 im exactly where i suppose to be now, 我现在准确的在我应该在的地方, gonna let the light shine on me. 将要让灯光在我身上闪耀。 now i found who i am, there"s no way to hold it in, 现在我发现了我是谁,没有任何方法去约束它, no more hinding who i want to be, 不再隐藏我想变成谁 this is me. 这是我

demi lovato - here we go again 歌词翻译

我来所有的东西离开 然后,我清楚你的我的头 余撕裂你的我的心 而忽略您的所有讯息 我告诉大家,我们正在通过 原因我好多没有你 但它只是另一个漂亮谎言 因为我打破 每次您来解决 噢哦噢因此,你是怎么来到这里 根据我的皮肤? 发誓说我永远不会让你回去 应该知道更好 在试图让你去 原因在此,我们再次去加油 硬盘作为我尝试,我知道我不能离开 谈谈你 如此上瘾 我们正在一起下降 你认为现在我知道 原因在此,我们再次去加油 你永远不知道你想要的 和你永远都不会说,你需要 但是,我开始去疯狂 每次,你看我 你只能听到一半,我说 和你总是出现太晚 我知道,我应该说再见 但它是没有用的 不能有或没有你 噢哦噢哦 因此,你是怎么来到这里 根据我的皮肤? 发誓说我永远不会让你回 应该知道更好 在试图让你去 事业在这里,我们再次去加油 硬盘作为我尝试,我知道我不能离开 谈谈你 如此上瘾 我们正在一起下降 你认为现在我知道 原因在此,我们再次去加油 Ohhh 并再次(再次) 并再次(再次) 和再一次俺把所有的东西离开 你和我清除了我的头 我撕了你我的心 噢哦 噢哦 因此,你是怎么来到这里 根据我的皮肤? 发誓说我永远不会让你回 应该知道更好 在试图让你去 原因在此,我们再次去加油 硬盘作为我尝试,我知道我不能离开 谈谈你 如此上瘾 我们正在一起下降 你认为现在我知道 原因在此,我们再次去加油 应该知道更好 在试图让你去 原因在此,我们再次去加油 又来了 又来了 再次再次再次和一次又一次地 并再次和一次又一次地

demi lovato的【together】的歌词~要有中文翻译啊

Ohh-oh, ohh yeahRemember love, remember you and meRemember everything we sharedOn this planet when we caredRemember us, remember unityRemember loving neighbours without expecting favoursWhy be afraid to make an honest mistakeIf you acknowledge the painAnd you wanna change, you can get through anythingDo you remember at allPeople walking hand-in-handCan we feel that love againCan you imagine it allIf we all could get alongThen we all could sing this songTogetherOh-oh-oh-oh-ohOh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-ohSinging, oh-oh-oh-oh-ohOh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-ohLook at me and look at youNow look at me againSee, weu2019re not so differentLook around, what do you seeWhen no one thinks outside our windowWe donu2019t care to keep it cleanI had a dream that we were solely standingAnd if we all just believeLove is all we need; nothing else can set you free, yeahDo you remember at allPeople walking hand-in-hand, hand-in-handCan we feel that love again, can we feel love againCan you imagine it all, imagine it allIf we all could get alongThen we all could sing this songTogetherOh-oh-oh-oh-oh, ohh-oh yeahOh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh, ayeSinging, oh, oh-oh-oh-oh-ohOh-oh, oh-whoa-ohOh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-ohOh yeahIf we could through away the hateAnd make it last another dayDonu2019t give up just for todayLife would be so simpleAnd then theyu2019d talk about usBut they will never stop usWeu2019ll keep singingOh-oh-oh-oh-oh, wooOh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh, come on, weu2019ll keep singingSinging, oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh, whoa-yeah, whoa yeahOh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-ohOhh-ohhDo you remember at allPeople walking hand-in-hand, walking hand-in-handCan we feel that love againCan you imagine it all, imagine, yeahIf we all could get alongThen we all could sing this songTogetherOohhCome on, come on, come onCome on, come on, come on, come on, yeahHold your hand with your neighboursTogether, togetherNoo, da, da-da-daOhh-yeahOhhCome and sing it withLooking at you, babyOhhOohh-ohh

demi lovato 的 u got nothin’ on me 歌词翻译

对我你什么都不是夏天到来带给我们惊喜加州的阳光十分耀眼我们疯狂的开着车,沿途不停的歌唱着我们最爱的歌,没有什么不开心和不安在月光的凝视下我们大笑着你亲吻我,并且这件事总是这么美好,不会让人感觉短暂很难想象什么事情会把我们分开但之后的你仍旧深深的伤害了我现在我知道了真实的你对我来说你根本什么都不是我明白了原本从最开始我就该了解这个道理对我来说你根本什么都不是不要说谎,甚至在做什么努力因为现在就是我们分手的时候再见当我路过的时候我用我的余光发现了你你正对着一个女孩微笑如果你仍认为你把我愚弄了那你就大错特错了我知道我在做什么你的行为不会让我痛苦万分的体会言外之意并不难挂在你车上的项链不是我的我不会给你任何东西,更不会做或者说任何事情我一直按自己的方式生活着即使是到现在,也不会太迟现在我知道了真实的你对我来说你根本什么都不是我明白了原本从最开始我就该了解这个道理对我来说你根本什么都不是不要说谎,甚至在做什么努力因为现在就是我们分手的时候对于破碎的誓言这次我觉得你也尝到了它的滋味休想让我心怀歉意或者跪倒在你面前对我来说你根本什么都不是(X3)我知道了真实的你现在我明白了原本从最开始我就该了解这个道理你不能再说谎了,甚至在做什么努力因为现在就是我们分手的时候现在我知道了真实的你对我来说你根本什么都不是我明白了原本从最开始我就该了解这个道理对我来说你根本什么都不是不要说谎,甚至在做什么努力因为现在就是我们分手的时候我自己译的,水平 有限,嘻嘻。没什么大用,凑活看吧

this is me -Demi Lovato歌词以及中文

i always been the kind of girl that hid my face 我一直是那种把脸藏起来的女孩 so afraid to tell the world what i"ve got to say 很害怕告诉世界我要说什么 but i have this dream, right inside of me, its time to let you know, 但是我有这个梦,就在我体内,是让你知道的时间了 to let you know, 是让你知道的时间了 this is real this is me 这是真的 这是我 im exactly where i suppose to be now, 我现在准确的在我应该在的地方, gonna let the light shine on me. 将要让灯光在我身上闪耀。 now i found who i am, there"s no way to hold it in, 现在我发现了我是谁,没有任何方法去约束它, no more hinding who i want to be, 不再隐藏我想变成谁 this is me. 这是我 now you know what its like to feel so in the dark 现在你知道在黑暗里是怎样的感受 and to dream about a life where you"re the shining star 并且做一场你是生命闪烁的明星的梦 even though it seems like its too far away 即使它看起来太遥远了 i have to believe in myself its the only way 唯一的方法是相信自己 this is real this me 这是真的 这是我 im exactly where i suppose to be now, 我现在准确的在我应该在的地方, gonna let the light shine on me. 将要让灯光在我身上闪耀。 now i found who i am, there"s no way to hold it in, 现在我发现了我是谁,没有任何方法去约束它, no more hinding who i want to be, 不再隐藏我想变成谁 this is me. 这是我

Demi lovato的Fix a heart歌词

It"s probably what"s best for you也许这样对你是最好的I only want the best for you我只想把最好的给你And if I"m not the best, then you"re stuck是不是我不是最好的,你就不知所措了I try to sever ties and I,我试着切断我们之间的联系ended up with wounds to bind试着藏起所有的伤口结束这一切Like you"re pouring salt in my cuts就好像你在我的伤口上撒了盐And I just ran out of band-aids我已用完了所有的创可贴I don"t even know where to start我甚至不知道该从哪重新开始‘Cause you can"t bandage the damage,因为你不能替我包扎所有的伤口You never really can fix a heart你从来都不能真正治愈受伤的心Even though I know what"s wrong,即使我知道哪里不对How can I be so sure我如何能如此肯定你是我的If you never say what you feel, feel即使你从来没说过你的感受I must have held your hand so tight,我也一定要抓紧你的手you didn"t have the will to fight你没有甩开我的手I guess you needed more time to heal我想你只是需要更多的时间淡忘过去Baby ,I just ran out of band-aids我已用完了所有的创可贴I don"t even know where to start我甚至不知道该从哪重新开始‘Cause you can"t bandage the damage,因为你不能替我包扎所有的伤口You never really can fix a heart你从来都不能真正治愈受伤的心You must be a miracle-walker你一定是个消灭奇迹的人Swearing up and down说的信誓旦旦You can fix what"s been broken, yeah你却不能愈合我破碎的心Please don"t get my hopes up不要再给我希望了No, no, baby, tell me how could you be so cruel不要,宝贝,告诉我你怎么能如此残忍!It"s like you"re pouring salt on my cuts这就像你在我的伤口上撒了盐...Baby ,I just ran out of band-aids我已用完了所有的创可贴I don"t even know where to start我甚至不知道该从哪重新开始‘Cause you can"t bandage the damage,因为你不能替我包扎所有的伤口You never really can fix a heart你从来都不能真正治愈受伤的心Baby ,I just ran out of band-aids我已用完了所有的创可贴I don"t even know where to start我甚至不知道该从哪重新开始‘Cause you can"t bandage the damage,因为你不能替我包扎所有的伤口You never really can fix a heart你从来都不能真正治愈受伤的心Oh no no no noYou never really can fix a heart你从来都不能真正治愈受伤的心Oh no no no noOh 不能不能 不能不能...You never really can fix heart你从来都不能真正治愈受伤的心You never really can fix my heart你从来都不能真正治愈我的心* 特别喜欢这首歌~就尝试着自己翻译了一下,可能有不对的地方,希望不要介意~

Demi Lovato的《Catch Me》 歌词

歌曲名:Catch Me歌手:Demi Lovato专辑:Here We Go AgainDemi Lovato - Catch MeBefore I fall too fastKiss me quick, but make it lastSo I can see how badly this will hurt meWhen you say goodbyeKeep it sweet, keep it slowLet the future pass, and don"t let goBut tonight I could fall too soonTo this beautiful moonlightBut you"re so hypnotizingYou"ve got me laughing while I singYou"ve got me smiling in my sleepAnd I can see this unravelingAnd your love is where I"m fallingBut please don"t catch meSee this heart won"t settle downLike a child running scared from a clownI"m terrified of what you"ll doMy stomach screams just when I look at youRun far away so I can breatheEven though you"re far from suffocating meBut I can"t set my hopes to highCuz every hello ends with a goodbyeBut you"re so hypnotizingYou"ve got me laughing while I singYou"ve got me smiling in my sleepAnd I can see this unravelingYour love is where I"m fallingBut please don"t catch meSo now you see why I"m scaredI can"t open up my heart without a careSo here I go, it"s what I feelAnd for the first time in my life I know it"s realBut you"re so hypnotizingYou"ve got me laughing while I singYou"ve get me smiling in my sleepAnd I can see this unravelingYour love is where I"m fallingSo please don"t catch meIf this is love please don"t break meI"m giving up so just catch me

Demi Lovato的《Party》 歌词

歌曲名:Party歌手:Demi Lovato专辑:Don"T ForgetDemi Lovato - PartySaw you lookin at meNow i think youMoving this wayYour pushingThrough the crowdLike you gotSomething to sayBut youCould"t get to meCuz the music"sTaking over your feetI can tell by your toesThat you"re rockingTo this beatYou gotta dance and swayTil you drop and breakFree your soulLet me see you shakeOne by oneWe"re stealing the stageHere we come so getOut of our wayIt won"t be longTill the summers goneGet your party onNow were singinHold on tightIt"s a crazy nightGet your party onAnd were screamingOut loudNow it"s going straitTo your headHanging in red, yeaBut your learnHow to moveTo the groveAgain and againRaise your handsIn the areI"m a championWere all dolled upWith no where to goYou want to get outAnd lose up the showRock and rollIs staying homeAs long as you catchYour readly to goIt won"t be longTill the summers goneGet you party onAnd were screamingHold on tightIt"s a crazy nightGet your party onDon"t waitDon"t you be lateGet your party onNow were singinHold on tightIt"s a crazy nightGet your party onAnd were screamingOut loudYou can learn it tooDon"t follow the rulesI"ve seen those movesThere in the wayYou make me moveIt won"t be longTill the summers goneGet you party onAnd were screamingHold on tightIt"s a crazy nightGet your party onDon"t waitDon"t you be lateGet your party onNow were singin"Hold on tightIt"s a crazy nightGet your party onAnd were screamingOut loud

Demi Lovato-solo歌词中文翻译

黛咪洛瓦托 - 单独 你跟我说话 和你的话 我听到一个旋律 但在黄昏 它是如此难以看到 什么问题对我来说 我无法抗拒 直到你给的真相 有点扭曲 因为如果你会 得到了这个 你没有遗憾 我不能相信我这个下跌 我掉下来洞 向下在你的灵魂底部 没想到你能去 独奏 看看你做了什么 你失去我 这里就是你想要 我打算去了 独奏 独奏 你给我唱 太糟糕了你甚至无法 留在关键 如果你的生活是这样的一个谜 你刚才为什么不坚持行事 哦u301c 在这里你又来了 你找不到我的电话号码 到什么时候 你以为你可以 到我最好的朋友 没有你的游戏脚本 缺乏 我不能相信我这个下跌 我掉下来洞 向下在你的灵魂底部 没想到你能去 独奏 看看你做了什么 你失去我 这里就是你想要 我打算去了 独奏 独奏 我宁愿独自去参加一个聚会 也不要走动 你在我的手臂 现在,我很自豪 必须承认,我们就大功告成了 好运试图找到我 所以不认为你可以去 独奏 看看你做了什么 你失去我 这里就是你想要 我打算去了 独奏 现在返回 因为你让我去规划 独奏 独奏

demi lovato会不会继续演桑尼明星梦?、如果不出眼,为什么啊?


大家认为selena gomez,demi lovato,miley cyrus这3个迪士尼女星哪个唱功最呢,唱歌最好听呢?

平心而论 这三个的唱功没有一个好的...非要说最好的肯定是麦子了...Sel最近的唱功有进步 Demi的唱功和Sel差不多...

demi lovato的let it go的中英歌词

[ti:Let It Go][ar:Demi Lovato][al:Frozen (Deluxe Edition)][00:00.42]Let it go[00:02.06]Let it go[00:03.37][00:03.93]Can"t hold you back anymore[00:06.05][00:07.30]Let it go[00:09.04]Let it go[00:10.79]Turn my back and slam the door[00:14.35].[00:14.72][00:16.82]The snow blows white on the mountain tonight[00:19.63]Not a footprint to be seen[00:22.25][00:23.12]A kingdom of isolation and it looks like I"m the Queen[00:29.23][00:30.42]The wind is howling like the swirling storm inside[00:36.04][00:37.41]Couldn"t keep it in, heaven knows I tried[00:42.09][00:44.15]Don"t let them in, don"t let them see[00:47.70]Be the good girl[00:48.83]You always had to be[00:51.20]Conceal, don"t feel[00:52.82]Don"t let them know[00:55.95][00:56.94]Well, now they know[01:00.19].[01:00.44]Let it go[01:02.06]Let it go[01:03.37][01:03.93]Can"t hold you back anymore[01:06.24][01:07.18]Let it go[01:08.92]Let it go[01:10.30][01:10.80]Turn my back and slam the door[01:13.73][01:14.42]And here I stand, and here I"ll stay[01:20.98]Let it go[01:22.60]Let it go[01:24.10][01:24.79]The cold never bothered me anyway[01:27.91].[01:28.72]It"s funny how some distance[01:30.71][01:31.40]Makes everything seem small[01:34.29][01:35.04]And the fears that once controlled me[01:38.28]Can"t get to me at all[01:41.21][01:42.02]Up here in the cold thin air[01:45.39]I finally can breathe[01:47.77][01:48.83]I know i left a life behind but I"m to relieved to grieve[01:55.01].[01:55.25]Let it go[01:56.94]Let it go[01:58.19][01:58.81]Can"t hold you back anymore[02:01.18][02:02.06]Let it go[02:03.68]Let it go[02:05.61]Turn my back and slam the door[02:08.42][02:09.23]And here I stand[02:12.04][02:12.60]And here I"ll stay[02:15.22][02:15.78]Let it go[02:17.47]Let it go[02:18.84][02:19.34]The cold never bothered me anyway[02:23.27].[02:24.02]Standing frozen in the life I"ve chosen[02:29.77][02:30.76]You won"t find me, the past is so behind me[02:37.02][02:37.64]Buried in the snow[02:42.34].[02:42.83][02:43.40]Let it go[02:44.90]Let it go[02:46.08][02:46.83]Can"t hold you back anymore[02:49.30][02:51.92]Let it go[02:53.48]Let it go[02:54.79][02:55.42]Turn my back and slam the door[02:58.35][02:59.16]And here I stand[03:01.97][03:02.53]And here I"ll stay[03:04.97][03:05.77]Let it go[03:07.21]Let it go[03:08.46][03:09.39]The cold never bothered me anyway[03:11.89][03:14.26]na na na na na na[03:18.38]Let it go na na na[03:22.87][03:29.76]you go[03:30.69][03:33.19]Let it go[03:34.68]Let it go[03:35.87][03:37.18]Let it go过去的事就让它过去吧过去的事就让它过去吧不能抱着你回来了过去的事就让它过去吧过去的事就让它过去吧把我拒之门外今晚山上下着白色的雪没有看见一个脚印一个隔离的王国,看来我是女王他像漩涡风暴般呼啸而过我试过,不能拥有他别让他们,不要让他们看到是好女孩你总是要来隐瞒,不觉得别让他们知道好了,现在他们知道过去的事就让它过去吧过去的事就让它过去吧不能抱着你回来了过去的事就让它过去吧过去的事就让它过去吧把我的背摔门和我站在这里,在这里我会留下来过去的事就让它过去吧过去的事就让它过去吧冷从来没有困扰我有趣的是一些距离让一切看起来很小而一旦控制了我的恐惧找不到我的所有在这寒冷的空气我终于能呼吸我知道我留下了生活的背后,但我对缓解悲伤过去的事就让它过去吧过去的事就让它过去吧不能抱着你回来了过去的事就让它过去吧过去的事就让它过去吧把我的背摔门和我站在这里在这里我会留下来过去的事就让它过去吧过去的事就让它过去吧冷从来没有困扰我呆呆的站在我选择的生活你不会找到我,过去是这样的在我后面埋在雪里过去的事就让它过去吧过去的事就让它过去吧不能抱着你回来了过去的事就让它过去吧过去的事就让它过去吧把我的背摔门和我站在这里在这里我会留下来过去的事就让它过去吧过去的事就让它过去吧冷从来没有困扰我啦啦啦啦啦啦让它去吧啦啦啦你去呐呐呐过去的事就让它过去吧过去的事就让它过去吧过去的事就让它过去吧把黛咪洛瓦托让它去铃声下载到手机文本歌词LRC歌词置顶新歌榜让它去过去的事就让它过去吧不能抱着你回来了过去的事就让它过去吧过去的事就让它过去吧把我的背摔门雪下的白色今晚山没有脚印可以看出一个王国的隔离,看来我是女王风象的漩涡风暴里咆哮不能保持它在,天知道我尝试别让他们,不要让他们看到是好女孩你总是要来隐瞒,不觉得别让他们知道好了,现在他们知道过去的事就让它过去吧过去的事就让它过去吧不能抱着你回来了过去的事就让它过去吧过去的事就让它过去吧把我拒之门外和我站在这里,在这里我会留下来过去的事就让它过去吧过去的事就让它过去吧冷从来没有困扰我有趣的是一些距离让一切看起来很小而一旦控制了我的恐惧找不到我的所有在这寒冷的空气我终于能呼吸我知道我留下了生活的背后,但我对缓解悲伤过去的事就让它过去吧过去的事就让它过去吧不能抱着你回来了过去的事就让它过去吧过去的事就让它过去吧把我的背摔门和我站在这里在这里我会留下来过去的事就让它过去吧过去的事就让它过去吧冷从来没有困扰我呆呆的站在我选择的生活你不会找到我,过去是这样的在我后面埋在雪里过去的事就让它过去吧过去的事就让它过去吧不能抱着你回来了过去的事就让它过去吧过去的事就让它过去吧把我的背摔门和我站在这里在这里我会留下来过去的事就让它过去吧过去的事就让它过去吧冷从来没有困扰我啦啦啦啦啦啦让它去吧啦啦啦你去呐呐呐过去的事就让它过去吧过去的事就让它过去吧过去的事就让它过去吧是我自己翻译的。可能有些生硬

Demi Lovato的《Solo》 歌词

歌曲名:Solo歌手:Demi Lovato专辑:Here We Go AgainDemi Lovato - SoloYou sing to meand in your words i hear the melodybut in the twilight it"s so hard to seewhat"s wrong for mei can"t resistuntil you give the truth a little twistas if you"re gonna get away with thisyou"re not sorryi can"t believe i fell for thisi fell through the holedown at the bottom of your souldidn"t think you would go sololook at what you"ve doneyou"re listening to what you want?got me ready to go solosoloyou sing to metoo bad you couldn"t even stay on keyif real life is such a mysterywhy don"t you just stick to actingoh here we go againyou couldn"t find my number until whenyou thought that you could get to my best friendwithout a script your gonna lose the gamei can"t believe i fell for thisi fell through the holedown at the bottom of your souldidn"t think you would go sololook at what you"ve doneyou"re listening to what you want?got me ready to go soloi"d rather go out to a party alonethan have to walk around with you on my armnow i have to admit your donegood luck trying to fight backi didn"t think you would go sololook at what you"ve doneyou"re listening to what you want?got me ready to go soloyou"ve got me ready to go solosolo

Demi Lovato-solo歌词中文翻译


carry out 是学术性用语么? ”执行“除了用 conduct 还有哪些近义词 ?(要academic的)

carry out fulfil;accomplish;perform 实行;履行*He carried out the plan without difficulty.他毫无困难地实施了那项计划。*It is often easier to make plans than to carry them out.常常是订计划容易,执行计划难。*I expect her to carry out her obligations.我期待她履行她的义务。

什么是Deming regression

Deming regression线性回归的一种方法,在药物浓度测定的相关性分析中常用,可同时估计X轴和Y轴的误差。用medcalc或analyse-it软件可做。在 统计数据 , 戴明回归 的名字命名, 爱德华。戴明 ,是一个 errors-in-variables模型 试图找到哪一个 最适合线 对于一个二维的数据集。 它不同于 简单线性回归 它占 错误 在观测上 x ——以及 y ——轴。 它的一个特例 总体最小二乘 ,它允许任意数量的预测因子和更复杂的错误结构。戴明回归等于 最大似然 估计的 errors-in-variables模型 两个变量的错误的认为是独立的和 态分布 和方差的比率,表示 Δ 是已知的。 ( 1 ] 在实践中,这一比率可能估计相关的数据源,然而回归过程中没有考虑可能的错误估计这个比例。

What I have done during the pandemic days

During the pandemic days you"d better do these : If you are a medical worker ,you can volunteer to go the front line torescue parents. If you are not a doctor ,please practice good hygiene habits toprevent infection.



Demi Moore的资料

Selena Gomez 与Demi Lovato与Miley Cyrus新歌(合拍的MV)歌词

Send it on


1. academic,字典意思:adj.学院的,大学的,学会的,(学术,文艺)协会的; 学究的,学理上的,空谈的,非实用的; 〈美〉文科的,文学的; 柏拉图学派的n.学者; 大学教师,大学生,学会会员; 纸上空论,空论; [A-]柏拉图哲学信奉者undergraduate, 字典意思:n.(未获学士学位的)大学生,大学肄业生adj.大学生的,大学的2. 但从单词意思就能发现2者的不同,一个是学者,一个是普通的大学生,还是肄业的,没有毕业的或未获得学士学位的。


具体情况具体分析,我只说我了解的。前者相当于教学小蜜,管理比如签发成绩单,开证明啦之类的杂事。后者是管理PhD的主任,比如PhD qualifier, PhD proposal, PhD dissertation,凡是和你research相关的事情,请找后者。

academic transcripts是什么意思


请把歌曲let it go的歌谱(是idina menzel的不是demi lovato的)给我

let it go (别管中文翻译)The snow glows white on the mountain tonight;今晚白雪在山上闪烁Not a footprint to be seen;一个脚印没有A kingdom of isolation;与世隔绝的国土And it looks like I"m the queen;我就像是一个皇后The wind is howling like this swirling storm inside;狂风咆哮得像我内心一样的纷乱Couldn"t keep it in, heaven knows I"ve tried;不能再困住我的感情了,只有上天才知逆我已努力过Don"t let them in, don"t let them see;不让他们走进来,不让他们看到Be the good girl you always have to be;做一个好女孩,一直都要这样Conceal, don"t feel, don"t let them know;掩饰、没有感觉、不要让他们知道Well, now they know;好了,现在他们都知道了Let it go, let it go;随心而行,随心而行Can"t hold it back anymore;不能再抑制了Let it go, let it go;随心而行,随心而行Turn away and slam the door;转过身甩上门I don"t care what they"re going to say;我不在乎他们会怎样说Let the storm rage on;让风暴怒吼吧The cold never bothered me anyway;寒冷再也不能烦扰我了It"s funny how some distance makes everything seem small;可笑的是,距离令所有东西都变得渺小了And the fears that once controlled me can"t get to me at all;一度箝制我的恐惧再也不能控制我了It"s time to see what I can do;是时候看看我能够做什麼了To test the limits and break through;试验我的极限和突破No right, no wrong, no rules for me;没有对错,也没有规则规范我了I"m free;我自由了Let it go, let it go;随心而行,随心而行I am one with the wind and sky;我与风与天同在Let it go, let it go;随心而行,随心而行You"ll never see me cry;你不会再看到我哭泣Here I stand and here I"ll stay;我就站在这里,我留在这里Let the storm rage on;让风暴怒吼吧My power flurries through the air into the ground;我的力量激荡空气深入地下My soul is spiraling in frozen fractals all around;我的灵魂随着四周的冰片盘旋而上And one thought crystallizes like an icy blast;思想化为结晶如一阵冰风I"m never going back, the past is in the past;我不会再回去,过去已成往事Let it go, let it go;随心而行,随心而行And I"ll rise like the break of dawn;我像旭日从地上冒起Let it go, let it go;随心而行,随心而行That perfect girl is gone;那个完美女孩已不在了Here I stand in the light of day;我就站在日光之下Let the storm rage on;让风暴怒吼吧The cold never bothered me anyway;寒冷再也不能烦扰我了!

Let It Go这首歌Demi Lovato和Idina menzel都是美国版的主唱吗?为什么

Demi Lovato

Idina Menzel唱的《lit it go》和Demi Lovato的哪个是原版?

idina menzel

how to protect yourself from epidemic

一,Good Habits Protect You from H1N1 Flu With H1N1 Flu spreaded itself worldwide,people are getting warned about how to cope with it.Here experts said:"good habits will protect you." There is no vaccine available right now to protect against this new H1N1 virus.But don"t be afraid,good habits will protect you from this terrible disease.There are everyday actions that can help prevent the spread of germs that cause respiratory illnesses like influenza. First,Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze.Don"t forget throw the tissue in the trash after you use it.Wash your hands often with soap and water is very important,especially after you cough or sneeze.Alcohol-based hand cleaners are also effective.Try to Avoid touching your eyes,nose or mouth. Stay home if you are sick for 7 days after your symptoms begin or until you have been symptom-free for 24 hours,whichever is longer.This is to keep from infecting others and spreading the virus further.In the other hand,it is a wrong idea if you thought staying at home would be the best way.In fact,people who usually go outdoors have less chance to be infected.So why not take a little stroll or go fishing on holidays?Fresh air will be a fine doctor. 本篇文章来源于 科报网| 2.How to Protect Yourself From H1N1 Swine Flu 这是Ehow的一片文章,有图片和讲解.

Demi Lovato的Warrior的中文歌词翻译

We were born to break the doors downFightin" until the endIt"s something that"s inside of us It"s how we"ve always been, yeahWarrior, warriorWarrior, warriorWe are the misfitsWe are the bad kidsThe degenerates We ain"t perfect but that"s alright! Love us or hate us Nothing can break usBetter believe us Time"s are ya"ll start changing tonight!We the ones who flirt with disasterOn your ass, we"ll pounce like a pantherCut the bullshit, out with a dagger With a dagger, with a daggerTill we die, we all gonna stay youngShoot the lights out like a machine gun Think it"s time for ah revolutionRevolution, revolutionWe were born to break the doors downFightin" until the end, yeahIt"s something that"s inside of usIt"s how we"ve always been, yeahWarrior, warriorWarrior, warrior我们生来要去冲破那些屏障战斗着直到时间的尽头灵魂深处隐藏着一些东西这就是我们战士战士我们是那些与环境不相符的人我们是那些坏孩子是那些堕落到腐烂的人我们不是完美的但无所谓爱或恨着没有东西能将我们击碎信仰我们吧今晚是时候开始改变我们勇于与灾祸嬉戏我们将会像黑豹般扑向你的屁股亮出匕首 砍断胡言乱语仅用匕首直到我们死去,我们的生命会停止在这轻狂一刻直到永远像一把机械枪一样射出那些光束是时候改革换新了旋转 改革 翻新我们生来要去冲破那些屏障战斗着直到时间的尽头灵魂深处隐藏着一些东西这就是我们战士战士战士战士

heart attack demi lovato歌词

Puttin" my defences up筑起保护自己的围墙‘Cause I don"t wanna fall in love因为我不想要坠入爱河If I ever did that如果有一天,我有了心动的感觉I think I"d have a heart attack我想,我会得心脏病Never put my love out on the line(注释)未曾将真心做赌注Never said yes to the right guy从未应许那个正确的他Never had trouble getting what I want不曾有任何困难得到我想要的一切But when it comes to you,"m never good enough对你而言,我却永远不够好When I don"t care当我不在乎的时候I can play him like a Ken doll(注释)我摆弄着他,就好像玩弄着Ken玩偶Won"t wash my hair也不会为他梳洗我的长发Then make him bounce like a basketball让他忙碌,就像一颗上下弹跳的篮球But you make me wanna act like a girl但你却让我想要表现的像一个小女孩Paint my nails and wear high heels指甲的缤纷色彩,高跟鞋与地面敲出节奏Yes, you 是的,就是你Make me so nervous that I just can"t hold your hand使我紧张的颤抖,而无法握住你的手You make me glow, 你让我闪**ut I cover up但我却将它遮盖Won"t let it show, 不让它显而易见,So I"m puttin" my defences up所以,我竖起保护自己的围墙‘Cause I don"t wanna fall in love因为我不想要坠入爱河If I ever did that如果有一天,我有了心动的感觉I think I"d have a heart attack我想,我会得心脏病Never break a sweat (注释)for the other guys不费吹灰之力便能得到他们的爱When you come around, I get paralyzed当你的身影出现在视野,我却四肢瘫软And everytime I try to be myself每一次我想要成为原来的自己It comes out wrong like a cry for help结局却扭曲成求救的哭喊It"s just not fair这真不公平Brings more trouble than it all is worth带来的艰难比它应有的更多I gasp for air我喘息着空气It feels so good, but you know it hurts这感觉很好,但你明白其中的疼痛But you make me wanna act like a girl你让我想要表现的像一个小女孩Paint my nails and wear perfume指甲的缤纷色彩,香水在空气中蔓延For you,为了你Make me so nervous,that I just can"t hold your hand我紧张的颤抖,而无法握住你的手You make me glow, 你让我闪**ut I cover up但我却将它遮盖Won"t let it show, 不让它显而易见,So I"m,puttin" my defences up所以,我竖起保护自己的围墙‘Cause I don"t wanna fall in love因为我不想要坠入爱河If I ever did that如果有一天,我有了心动的感觉I think I"d have a heart attack我想,我会得心脏病The feelings got lost in my Iungs那感觉迷失在了我的胸腔They"re burning, I"d rather be numb他们在燃烧,我宁可失去直觉And there"s no one else to blame不能责怪任何人So scared I"ll take off and run恐惧无边,我选择逃向远方I"m flying too close to the sun翅膀触及阳光的热烈And I"ll bust into flames我将灰飞烟灭You make me glow, 你让我闪**ut I cover up但我却将它遮盖Won"t let it show, 不让它显而易见,So I"m,puttin" my defences up所以,我竖起保护自己的围墙‘Cause I don"t wanna fall in love因为我不想要坠入爱河If I ever did that如果有一天,我有了心动的感觉I think I"d have a heart attack我想,我会得心脏病注释1:put …on the line 把…压在…上(打赌)2:ken doll 芭比娃娃的男朋友3:Break a sweat 不费吹灰之力

heart attack demi lovato歌词

Puttin" my defences up筑起保护自己的围墙‘Cause I don"t wanna fall in love因为我不想要坠入爱河If I ever did that如果有一天,我有了心动的感觉I think I"d have a heart attack我想,我会得心脏病Never put my love out on the line(注释)未曾将真心做赌注Never said yes to the right guy从未应许那个正确的他Never had trouble getting what I want不曾有任何困难得到我想要的一切But when it comes to you,"m never good enough对你而言,我却永远不够好When I don"t care当我不在乎的时候I can play him like a Ken doll(注释)我摆弄着他,就好像玩弄着Ken玩偶Won"t wash my hair也不会为他梳洗我的长发Then make him bounce like a basketball让他忙碌,就像一颗上下弹跳的篮球But you make me wanna act like a girl但你却让我想要表现的像一个小女孩Paint my nails and wear high heels指甲的缤纷色彩,高跟鞋与地面敲出节奏Yes, you 是的,就是你Make me so nervous that I just can"t hold your hand使我紧张的颤抖,而无法握住你的手You make me glow, 你让我闪**ut I cover up但我却将它遮盖Won"t let it show, 不让它显而易见,So I"m puttin" my defences up所以,我竖起保护自己的围墙‘Cause I don"t wanna fall in love因为我不想要坠入爱河If I ever did that如果有一天,我有了心动的感觉I think I"d have a heart attack我想,我会得心脏病Never break a sweat (注释)for the other guys不费吹灰之力便能得到他们的爱When you come around, I get paralyzed当你的身影出现在视野,我却四肢瘫软And everytime I try to be myself每一次我想要成为原来的自己It comes out wrong like a cry for help结局却扭曲成求救的哭喊It"s just not fair这真不公平Brings more trouble than it all is worth带来的艰难比它应有的更多I gasp for air我喘息着空气It feels so good, but you know it hurts这感觉很好,但你明白其中的疼痛But you make me wanna act like a girl你让我想要表现的像一个小女孩Paint my nails and wear perfume指甲的缤纷色彩,香水在空气中蔓延For you,为了你Make me so nervous,that I just can"t hold your hand我紧张的颤抖,而无法握住你的手You make me glow, 你让我闪**ut I cover up但我却将它遮盖Won"t let it show, 不让它显而易见,So I"m,puttin" my defences up所以,我竖起保护自己的围墙‘Cause I don"t wanna fall in love因为我不想要坠入爱河If I ever did that如果有一天,我有了心动的感觉I think I"d have a heart attack我想,我会得心脏病The feelings got lost in my Iungs那感觉迷失在了我的胸腔They"re burning, I"d rather be numb他们在燃烧,我宁可失去直觉And there"s no one else to blame不能责怪任何人So scared I"ll take off and run恐惧无边,我选择逃向远方I"m flying too close to the sun翅膀触及阳光的热烈And I"ll bust into flames我将灰飞烟灭You make me glow, 你让我闪**ut I cover up但我却将它遮盖Won"t let it show, 不让它显而易见,So I"m,puttin" my defences up所以,我竖起保护自己的围墙‘Cause I don"t wanna fall in love因为我不想要坠入爱河If I ever did that如果有一天,我有了心动的感觉I think I"d have a heart attack我想,我会得心脏病注释1:put …on the line 把…压在…上(打赌)2:ken doll 芭比娃娃的男朋友3:Break a sweat 不费吹灰之力

求Demi Lovato的Believe In Me中文歌词,谢谢

memyselfandtime真我时刻icanmaketherainstopifiwanna,justbymyattitude  在我的世界里一切由我来主宰icantakemylaptoprecordasnapshotandchangeyourpointofview只要我愿意一张电脑上的图片就能改变你的看法ijustenteredthisbrandnewworld我刚走进这个全新的世界桑尼明星梦海报andi"msoopen—hearted敞开心扉学会成长iknowi"vegotalongwaytogo我知道前面还有很长的路要走buti"mi"mjustgettingstarted坚定信念竭力出发i"movermyhead,andiknowit,iknowit我会把这些刻在脑海铭记在心i"mdoingmybestnottoshowit,toshowit我会努力尝试低调前行whateverittakestobewhatiwasmeanttobe,无论代价会如何我都会努力i"mgoingtotry努力尝试causei"mlivingthedreamandiknowit,iknowit我在实现着自己的梦想i"mtryingmybestnottoblowit,toblowit我不会让梦境破碎我不会andiknoweverythingwillbefine我知道一切都会变得更好withme,myselfandtime.在我的真我时刻igowherelifetakesme,butsomedaysitmakesme一成不变的生活逐渐乏味wanttochangemydirection让我偶尔也想变换自己的航向sometimesitgetslonely,butiknowthatit"sonly前行的路上孤单一人但我知道amatterofmyperception那只是一时的情绪ijustenteredthisbrandnewworld我刚走进这个全新的世界andi"msoopen—hearted敞开心扉学会成长iknowi"vegotalongwaytogo我知道前面还有很长的路要走buti"mi"mjustgettingstarted坚定信念竭力出发i"movermyhead,andiknowit,iknowit我会把这些刻在脑海铭记在心i"mdoingmybestnottoshowit,toshowit我会努力尝试低调前行whateverittakestobewhatiwasmeanttobe,无论代价会如何我都会努力i"mgoingtotry努力尝试causei"mlivingthedreamandiknowit,iknowit我在实现着自己的梦想i"mtryingmybestnottoblowit,toblowit我不会让梦境破碎我不会andiknoweverythingwillbefine我知道一切都会变得更好withme,myselfandtime.在我的真我时刻andbabythereisnothinglikethismoment在这独一无二的时刻tojustberealandletthetruthbespoken释放自己表达自己whatever"sbrokeicanmakeitunbroken真实的自己有着超强的能力turntheleadinmyhandintosomethinggolden真实的自己有着无敌的魅力justtrymorelove,只要多一点点爱ifijusttrymorelovetheni"llfindmyselfandtime.如果多一点点爱我会找到真我时刻i"movermyhead,andiknowit,iknowit我会把这些刻在脑海铭记在心i"mdoingmybestnottoshowit,toshowit我会努力尝试低调前行whateverittakestobewhatiwasmeanttobe,无论代价会如何我都会努力i"mgoingtotry努力尝试i"movermyhead,andiknowit,iknowit我会把这些刻在脑海铭记在心i"mdoingmybestnottoshowit,toshowit我会努力尝试低调前行whateverittakestobewhatiwasmeanttobe,无论代价会如何我都会努力i"mgoingtotry努力尝试causei"mlivingthedreamandiknowit,iknowit我在实现着自己的梦想i"mtryingmybestnottoblowit,toblowit我不会让梦境破碎我不会andiknoweverythingwillbefine我知道一切都会变得更好withme,myselfandtime.在我的真我时刻i"llfindmyselfintime,我会找到属于我的真我时刻iknowi"llfindmyselfintime我知道我将会找到属于我的真我时刻不要谢,给分就行了。呵呵

demi believe in me中英对照歌词

I"m losing myself 我迷失了我自己Trying to compete With everyone else想要和每个人竞争Instead of just being me 而没表现真实的自我I don"t know where to turn 我不晓得要在哪里改变我自己I"ve been stuck in this routine 我已经困在这日复一日的烦琐日子中I need to change my ways我需改变我的方向Instead of always being weak而不要老是软弱I don"t wanna be afraid我不要再害怕I wanna wake up feeling beautiful today我要醒过来感觉到今天的美丽And know that I"m okay还要知道我还蛮自在Cause everyone"s perfect in unusual ways you see因为每个人在你看到的独特方向都是完美的I just wanna believe in me我只是要相信我自己La la la la, la la la la啦啦啦啦 啦啦啦啦The mirror can lie镜子会骗人Doesn"t show you what"s inside 它并不会现出你的内在And it, it can tell you you"re full of life 而它(镜子)可以告诉你你充满了生命It"s amazing what you can hide你会感到惊讶 镜子可以隐藏些什麼Just by putting on a smile 就只要现出笑容I don"t wanna be afraid我不要再害怕I wanna wake up feeling beautiful today我要醒过来感觉到今天的美丽And know that I"m okay还要知道我还蛮自在Cause everyone"s perfect in unusual ways you see因为每个人在你看到的独特方向都是完美的I just wanna believe in me我只要相信我自己I"m quickly finding out 我很快就会察觉I"m not about to break down... 我还不会崩溃Not today 不会在今天I guess I always knew 我想我总会知道That I had all the strength To make it through我曾有全部打通的力道I don"t wanna be afraid我不要再害怕I wanna wake up feeling beautiful today我要醒过来感觉到今天的美丽And know that I"m okay还要知道我还蛮自在Cause everyone"s perfect in unusual ways you see因为每个人在你看到的独特方向都是完美的Now, now I believe in me现在 现在我相信我自己Now I believe in me现在我相信我自己

帮忙翻译Demi lovato 的On the line

On the line 电话上I didn"t wanna say, I"m sorry, for breaking us apart.我不想说,,对不起,我让我们分开了. I didn"t wanna say, it was my fault, even though I knew it was.我不想说,这是我的错,虽然我知道这是. I didn"t wanna call, you back, ‘cuz I knew that I was wrong.我不想给你回电话,因为我知道我错了 Yeah I knew, I was wrong. 是的我知道,我错了.One in the same, never to change.有一样是永远不会改变的 Our love was beautiful.我们的爱曾经很美. We got it all, destined to fall. 我们付出了所有,注定要坠落Our love was tragical.我们的爱是悲剧的 Wanted to call, no need to fight. 我想给你打电话,不用争吵You know I wouldn"t lie.你知道我不会骗你. But tonight, we"ll leave it on the line. 但今晚,我们就不说了.Listen baby. 听着亲爱的Never would"ve said forever, i如果我知道我们这么快就结束了.f I knew we"d end so fast. ,我们就不应该说永远Why did you say, “I love you”, if you knew that it wouldn"t last? 你为什么说我爱你,既然你知道这不会长久.Baby I just can"t hear what you"re saying. 宝贝,我只是不能再听你说.The line is breaking up. 这条线断了.Or is that, just us? 还是,断的是我们Or is that just us?! 还是,只是我们?One in the same, never to change.有一样是永远不会改变的 Our love was beautiful.我们的爱曾经很美. We got it all, destined to fall. 我们付出了所有,注定要坠落Our love was tragical.我们的爱是悲剧的 Wanted to call, no need to fight. 我想给你打电话,不用争吵You know I wouldn"t lie.你知道我不会骗你. But tonight, we"ll leave it on the line. 但今晚,我们就不说了.重复一遍.Try to call again and get in your mailbox. 试着再打给你,却进到了电话留言Like a letter left unread.像一封未被打开的信 Apologies are often open ended,道歉往往有一个开放的结局 but this one"s better left unsaid.而这一个最好不要被说出来.One in the same, never to change.有一样是永远不会改变的 Our love was beautiful.我们的爱曾经很美. We got it all, destined to fall. 我们付出了所有,注定要坠落Our love was tragical.我们的爱是悲剧的 Wanted to call, no need to fight. 我想给你打电话,不用争吵You know I wouldn"t lie.你知道我不会骗你. But tonight, we"ll leave it on the line. 但今晚,我们就不说了.we"ll leave it on the line. 但今晚,我们就不说了.we"ll leave it on the line. 但今晚,我们就不说了.

谁能帮忙把Jonas Brothers和Demi的on the line歌词翻译下~`

i didn"t wanna say, i"m sorry, for breaking us apart.我不想说,我很抱歉,为了我们的分离。i didn"t wanna say, it was my fault, even though i knew it was.我不想说,那是我的错,尽管我知道那是我的错。i didn"t wanna call, you back,"cuz i knew that i was wrong.我不想祈求你回来,因为我知道我是错了。yeah i knew, i was wrong.是的我知道,我错了。one in the same, never to change.至始至终,我心不变。our love was beautiful.我们的爱是幸福美好的。we got it all, destined to fall.我们享受爱,不甘堕落。our love was tragical.我们的爱是悲哀的。wanted to call, no need to fight.我想挽回,不需要争执。you know i wouldn"t lie.你明白我不会说谎。but tonight, we"ll leave it on the line.但是今晚,我们通宵在线。listen baby.“听着,亲爱的。”never would"ve said forever, if i knew we"d end so fast.“如果我知道我们会结束的这么快,我就不会说永远,”why did you say,"i love you", if you knew that it wouldn"t last?“那为什么你要说爱我,你明知道那爱不会长久。”baby i just can"t hear what you"re saying.“亲爱的,我听不清你在说什么”the line is breaking up.“信号不好断线了”or is that, just us?或者是,我们要分手(断线)了?or is that just us?!难道我们真的要分手。one in the same, never to change.至始至终,我心不变。our love was beautiful.曾经的爱是幸福美丽的we got it all, destined to fall.我们享受,不甘堕落。our love was tragical.我们的爱是悲哀的。wanted to call, no need to fight.想挽回,不需要争执。you know i wouldn"t lie.你明白我不会说谎。but tonight, we"ll leave it on the line.所以今晚,我们要通宵在线。try to call again and get in your mailbox.(断线)我会不停尝试的打你电话,发你短消息。like a letter left unread.就像一封未读短信。apologies are often open ended,我的歉意不会停止。but this one"s better left unsaid.这次,无言是最好的选择one in the same, never to change.至始至终,我心不变our love was beautiful.我们的爱是幸福美好的。we got it all, destined to fall.我们享受爱,不甘堕落。our love was tragical.我们的爱是悲哀的wanted to call, no need to fight.想挽回,不需要争执。you know i wouldn"t lie.你知道我不会说谎。but tonight, we"ll leave it on the line.今晚,我们要通宵在线。we"ll leave it on the line.我们要通宵在线(yeah, oh yeah)we"ll leave it on the line tonight我们今晚要通宵在线!支持JB。呼~好累。

谁有goodbye my love,goodbye的歌词?是demis roussos的歌词

歌手名:Demis Roussos专辑名:LOVE RADIOGoodbye My Love Goodbye----music----Hear the wind sing a sad, old song 听风在唱那首悲伤老歌it knows i"m leaving you today 仿佛它也知我今将离开你please don"t cry or my heart will break请别哭泣,不然我会心碎when I go on my way 当我踏上征途goodbye my love goodbye 再见我的爱,再见goodbye and au revoir 再见啊,再见as long as you remember me 只要你记住我I"ll never be too far 我将永远不会远离goodbye my love goodbye 再见我的爱,再见I"ll always be true 我永远忠实于你so hold me in your dreams 留我在你梦中till I come back to you 直至回到你身边see the stars in the sky above 看满天繁星they"ll shine wherever I may roam 无论我身在何方它们始终照耀I will pray every lonely night 每一个孤独的夜晚,我都在祈祷That soon they"ll guide thee home 祈祷不用太久它们就可以引领着你归家goodbye my love goodbye 再见我的爱,再见goodbye and au revoir 再见啊,再见as long as you remember me 只要你记住我I"ll never be too far 我将永远不会远离goodbye my love goodbye 再见我的爱,再见I"ll always be true 我永远忠实于你so hold me in your dreams 留我在你梦中till I come back to you 直至回到你身边goodbye my love goodbye 再见我的爱,再见goodbye and au revoir 再见啊,再见as long as you remember me 只要你记住我I"ll never be too far 我将永远不会远离goodbye my love goodbye 再见我的爱,再见I"ll always be true 我永远忠实于你so hold me in your dreams 留我在你梦中till I come back to you ...直至回到你身边...-------The End-------- (望采纳 谢谢!)

找出以下各句中不适合academic writting的错误

1.太口语化了2.Air pollution is increasingly so serious that Measures should be taken to tackle this problem.u200b3.organised改organized4.Many rivers and lakes have been seriously polluted.5.The crime rate in cities is getting higher and higher, so I think the advantages of these security measures outweigh the disadvantages.6.莎士比亚的这句名言用在这里实在是大题小做了,可以改为:These parents are concerned about their children"s behaviour problems at school, and they believe that steps should be taken to change this situation.



academic council是什么意思

academic council词典学术委员会网络学术评议会; 学术理事会; 大学评议会数据来源:金山词霸双语例句百度知道新1You know your application form will be read not just by me but by at least three members of the academic council, and it"s no easy matter to have all of us agree on one thing* you know what I mean.你知道不止一个人要看你的申请,学院委员会至少还有两个人要看。要让我们大家都同意可不是件容易的事*你知道我的意思。
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