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In a small town of rolling fields and endless skies, isolated 16 year old Mason lives in a world where families exist in fragmented silence and love seems to have gone missing. Then Mason meets Danny, a sensitive and troubled girl, and their tender bond is soon tested after a fatal accident and a series of complications takes Mason away for something he didn"t do. Upon his return, the two find what they"re looking for - but with tragic consequences.


Dandelion On TreeDo you konw that apple tree?Apple on tree is so big!No one know how high it is,Dandelion today fly on it.End of the branch she likes to walk,Little birds often with her talk.I just want to take it down,Of course she tells me that I can"t,naughty kids have move around!

dandelion.exe 是什么文件

默认安装的路径:C:UsersAdministratorAppDataRoaming alimamajudandelion.exe这个文件我说的没错就是聚划算的垃圾插件,自动运行,然后创建桌面快捷方式,打开icon这个文件,里面有个聚的图片,这就是这个垃圾插件的LOGO了解决方式:先把任务栏进程关闭掉,然后直接把名为JU的文件夹全部删除,一般地址C:UsersAdministratorAppDataRoaming alimamaju

dandelion是什么软件 dandelion怎么彻底卸载


win 10 dandelion可以卸载吗


dandelion是什么软件 dandelion怎么彻底卸载

你好,这个不是病毒来的,如果担心电脑有病毒你可以用腾讯电脑管家查杀,管家结合了金山等杀毒软件的查杀能力,具有顽固木马等病毒的专杀功能。你说的这个文件是聚划算的垃圾插件,自动运行,然后创建桌面快捷方式,打开icon这个文件,里面有个聚的图片,就是这个垃圾插件的LOGO了解决方式:先把任务栏进程关闭掉,然后直接把名为JU的文件夹全部删除,一般地址C:UsersAdministratorAppDataRoaming alimamaju

Kokia的《dandelion》 歌词

歌曲名:dandelion歌手:Kokia专辑:dandelionふんわりたんぽぽ 绵毛(わたけ)にのせて世界中(せかいじゅう)に光(ひかり)の花(はな)をさかせようよどこからかやってきた一(ひと)つの小(ちい)さな种(たね)が仆(ぼく)らの街(まち)で花(はな)开(ひら)いてゆく小(ちい)さな优(やさ)しさや思(おも)いやりが谁(だれ)かの心(こころ)に着地(ちゃくち)して芽(め)を出(だ)して花(はな)开(ひら)いて実(み)をつけるだろう风(かぜ)になろうかあなたの街(まち)へ届(とど)けたい思(おも)いを风(かぜ)になろうよ海(うみ)を渡(わた)って届(とど)けたい思(おも)いがある国(くに)から国(くに)をまたいで世界(せかい)を旅(たび)する渡(わた)り鸟(どり)に国境(こうきょう)なんかない高(たか)い空(そら)からさぁ 见下(みお)ろせば広(ひろ)がる大地(だいち)はたった一(ひと)つ地球(ちきょう)という名(な)の家族(かぞく)の青(あお)い星(ほし)なんだ鸟(とり)になろうか空(そら)から见(み)れば小(ちい)さな悩(なや)み事(ごと)鸟(とり)に闻(き)こうよ仆(ぼく)らの星(ほし)は今(いま)も美(うつく)しいと鸟(とり)になろうよ...あ~思(おも)い思(おも)いの笑颜(えがお)忘(わす)れかけていたねあ~似(に)ているようで1人(ひとり)1人(ひとり)违(ちが)うんだ仆(ぼく)が私(わたし)がここに居(い)るわけ探(さが)して...风(かぜ)になろうかあなたの街(まち)へ届(とど)けたい思(おも)いを风(かぜ)になろうよ海(うみ)を渡(わた)って届(とど)けたい思(おも)いがある风(かぜ)にたくそうぼくらの想(おも)い运(はこ)んでいっておくれ风(かぜ)にのろうよみんなの胸(むね)に花(はな)を咲(さか)かせようよ风(かぜ)になろうよ

lfo的《dandelion》 歌词

歌曲名:dandelion歌手:lfo专辑:life is good(feat. Kelis)Saw her on a Friday outside someone run down saloonShe was cryin over someone she felt left much too soonI said, hey girl don"t you cry tonightlet me take you out on this townShe looked at me and smiled as one last tear splashed off the groundwith half a wink she asked me would I use some kind of creepI told her no, I guess I just feel your vibe is kinda deepthe moon hung over sohoand I counted 16 starsI pointed at the brightest one and said now that one"s oursShe"s a dandelion, up on her hill above the seashe"s not exactly everything I thought that she might beShe"s a dandelionshe looks like everything I needI thought she was a flowerbut I found out she"s a weedThen I hold on hold on hold onhold on hold on hold onLFOI just be poisonbut I took he took me to his roof topHe said are you afraid of heights,I said no I am notHe said hey girl don"t you lie to me, tell me everything you feelwe danced around in circles,He said I think we found something realShe"s a dandelion, up on her cliff above the seashe"s not exactly everything I thought that she might beshe"s a dandelionshe looks like everything I needI thought she was a flowerbut I found out she"s a weedThen I hold on hold on hold onhold on hold on hold onDown in union squareI saw her walking all aloneI walked a little slower just so I"d remain unknownshe met someone on seventeenth that she knew him all too wellmy little piece of heaven has a secret she won"t tellwith half a smile she took his handand then they walked awayI fell in love with a dandelionand she"s all I ever hadat first she looked so sweetbut in the end she tastes so badShe"s a dandelion, up on her cliff above the seashe"s not exactly everything I thought that she might beshe"s a dandelionshe looks like everything I needI thought she was a flowerbut I found out she"s a weedThen I hold on hold on hold onhold on hold on hold onAnd I tell myselfhold on hold on hold onhold on hold on hold onyeah hold onShe"s a dandelion, up on her cliff above the seashe"s not exactly everything I thought that she might beShe"s a dandelionshe looks like everything I needI thought she was a flowerbut I found out she"s a weedThen I hold on hold on hold onhold on hold on hold on




《Dandelion》是由Mark Milgard执导,爱丽丝·霍华德、塔恩·曼宁等主演的爱情片。该片讲述了即将成年的青少年梅森和女孩丹妮在青春期的骚动与矛盾,以及初恋的残酷结局。








dandelion的意思是蒲公英。蒲公英(拉丁学名:Taraxacum mongolicum),别名黄花地丁、婆婆丁、蒙古蒲公英、灯笼草、姑姑英、地丁,属菊科蒲公英属多年生草本植物。蒲公英根圆柱状,黑褐色,粗壮。叶倒卵状披针形,全缘或具齿,叶柄及主脉常带红紫色。花葶上部紫红色,密被蛛丝状白色长柔毛。瘦果倒卵状披针形,暗褐色。花期4-9月,果期5-10月。广泛生于中、低海拔地区的山坡草地、路边、田野、河滩。中国地区广泛生长,国外地区分布在朝鲜、蒙古、俄罗斯地区。蒲公英具有清热解毒、消痈散结、利湿通淋的功效。蒲公英属性寒凉,过量食用容易引起腹泻,脾胃虚寒的人禁服。



有谁能提供 少女时代Jessica的Sweet delight的中文谐音歌词。灰常感谢了!!!!

  Sweet Delight - 少女时代(Jessica)  My my my sweet delight, My my my sweet delight,  My my my sweet delight, My my my sweet delight,  My my my sweet delight, My my my sweet delight,  My my my sweet delight(Hey Boy), My my my sweet delight(Hey Girl).  My my my sweet delight(So Sweet Together).(Heng heng).  My my my sweet delight.  嗯姐奶嗯姐哦古说那,航波古呢你gi西普疼,  撒狼A马卡不卡那,摩登古say恰加大那巴哟,  雀雀卡雀酷K也瓜,阳给阳给糖扩币汗见耶姐录季过,  要古季它过诺噶得嫩,哦丝卡勒Ice Cream美满不忒了谬,  Ah!~ 花录勒,耨木那家里忒,  摩登给 so菊嘿,一孙干 刚撒嘿,  Oh Oh 韩Kei季鸟哟大扩满嫩给,  Oh Oh 韩Kei嘿吧哟gi瓶(儿)给乌给,  Oh Oh SPC耶so玩嫩哦季,  摩登噶Ugo色肉撒让韩嫩嘎嘎(嘎嘎),  嗯姐奶嗯姐哦古说那,古叫嫩那里go西普疼,  撒狼A马卡不卡那,摩登古say恰加大那巴哟,  破西男多狼色味过,才过才扩抗季嫩色卡诺你娃,  弄恰嫩哈阳普定木凳,一不苏入米so噶冰季它马达,  Ah!~ 花录勒,耨木那家里忒,  摩登给 so菊嘿,一孙干 刚撒嘿,  Oh Oh 韩Kei季鸟哟大扩满嫩给,  Oh Oh 韩Kei嘿吧哟gi瓶(儿)给乌给,  Oh Oh SPC耶so玩嫩哦季,  摩登噶Ugo色肉撒让韩嫩嘎嘎,  Oh Oh 韩Kei季鸟哟大扩满嫩给,  Oh Oh 韩Kei嘿吧哟gi瓶(儿)给乌给,  Oh Oh SPC耶so玩嫩哦季,  摩登噶Ugo色肉撒让韩嫩嘎嘎,  My my my sweet delight, My my my sweet delight,  My my my sweet delight, My my my sweet delight.  哎 其实早做好了,今天终于有人问了。原创加分!


The hamburger is delicious and the ice cream is sweet. 意思是汉堡很美味,冰淇淋很甜




delicious 英[du026au02c8lu026au0283u0259s] 美[du026au02c8lu026au0283u0259s] .adj. 美味的,可口的;有趣的;;喷香 [例句]Delicious delights from the seven seas.从七大洋里捞起来的各种美味。

Delicious 怎么读

delicious 英[diu02c8liu0283u0259s] 美[du026au02c8lu026au0283u0259s] adj. 1.美味的, 可口的 2.令人开心的, 怡人的 3.(人际关系中的)技巧和谨慎; 敏感 形容词 adj.1.美味的, 可口的 This dish is very delicious.这道菜味道鲜美。2.令人开心的, 怡人的 It"s a delicious joke.这是个令人开心的笑话。3.(人际关系中的)技巧和谨慎; 敏感


英语速记的话,你可以试试按照读音分解记忆:delicious 读音:[ dɪˈlɪʃəs ]分解:dɪ 联想 delI 联想 liʃəs 联想 cious然后在边读的同时联想记忆三个部分的英语最后可以把单词的中文意思和英语单词交替覆盖朗读读上5到10遍就能记住了


用中文说是 滴粒舍死

It sdelicious 怎么读。

it"s(或者its)读/its/,/i/像"衣"(汉语拼音i)但是嘴巴比较打开。尽量不要发汉语拼音yi前面的y,而是用"呃"开头带到"衣"音。/t/音和/s/音连在一起,像"雌"(汉语拼音c)。 isit读/izit/,按照连读原则/z/连到后面的母音/i/:/izit/,/i/跟前面讲的一样,/zi/是汉语里没有的音,是发/s/的时候加声带震动,类似发汉语拼音声母r那个状态,然后连到"衣"(不是zicisi里的那个i),后面再加轻轻的/t/"特"做尾音。 itis读/itiz/,按照连读原则变成/itiz/,就算"衣梯斯",后面的"斯"要发成/z/,轻读加声带震动。




that smells delicious




你好!delicious 英[dɪˈlɪʃəs] 美[dɪˈlɪʃəs] adj. 美味的,可口的; 有趣的; 喷香; [例句]There"s always a wide selection of delicious meals to choose from总是有很多美味可口的饭菜可供选择。


adj,美味的。 英 [du026a"lu026au0283u0259s] 美 [du026a"lu026au0283u0259s]滴力泄儿丝

delicious 这个英语单词怎么读

delicious 英[du026au02c8lu026au0283u0259s]美[du026au02c8lu026au0283u0259s]adj. 美味的; 可口的; 芬芳的; 令人愉快的; 令人开心的; 宜人的;[例句]There"s always a wide selection of delicious meals to choose from总是有很多美味可口的饭菜可供选择。


delicious 英[du026au02c8lu026au0283u0259s] 美[du026au02c8lu026au0283u0259s] adj. 美味的,可口的;有趣的;;喷香 [例句]Delicious delights from the seven seas.从七大洋里捞起来的各种美味。

deliver a line英文释义


delivers food是啥意思

Delivers Food=外卖就是这么简单!

deliver my parcel什么意思

deliver my parcel投递我的包裹deliver 英[du026au02c8lu026avu0259(r)]美[du026au02c8lu026avu025a]vt. 交付; 发表; 递送; 使分娩;vi. 传送; 投递;[网络] 兑现; 传递; 传达;[例句]The Canadians plan to deliver more food to southern Somalia.加拿大计划向索马里南部地区运送更多的食品。[其他] 第三人称单数:delivers 现在分词:delivering 过去式:delivered 过去分词:delivered 形近词: reliver relived relives

deliver和give birth to的区别用法及例句

delivera. <医师、助产士> 使<婴儿>产下,使…分娩b. 帮助 <产妇> 分娩 [生产]The doctor ~ed the woman.医师帮助那位妇女分娩c. 使 <产妇> 生产 [婴儿] [of]She was ~ed of a girl last week.她上周产下一个女婴give birth to bring forth children 生(孩子)*Jane"s mother has just given birth to twins.简的妈妈刚刚生了一对双胞胎。



deliver和give birth to的区别用法及例句



deliver sb sth = deliver sth to sb 后面那种形式也称为 双宾语,并不理解成 介宾短语做状语。




make a speech without notes,或者give a speech without scripts。注意这里的make,give可以互换,当然你也可以用 deliver。而notes,scripts,二者意思也大致相同,都表示”演讲稿”。另外,如果想表达脱稿演讲这种形式(名词性质,非动作),你可以说:unscripted speech。


release [re·lease || ru026a"lu026au02d0s]n. 释放, 解放; 赦免; 豁免; 发行, 发表v. 释放, 解放; 发射, 投掷; 放松, 松开; 豁免deliver [de·liv·er || du026a"lu026avu0259]v. 递送; 释放; 陈述; 投递; 传送; 送货; 履行, 实现


法新社将派出约200个体育记者,摄影师和摄像记者的伦敦奥运会,提供高达4000的照片仍对其客户的每一天。AFP will send a team of about 200 sports writers, photographers and video journalists to the London Olympics, delivering up to 4,000 still photos to its clients every day.




deliverKK: []DJ: []vt.1. 投递;传送;运送[(+to)]The mailman delivered the letters promptly.那个邮差准时地投递信件。2. 给予(打击等);发动(进攻)[O]3. 发表;讲;宣布He delivered an important report at the meeting.他在会上作了重要报告。4. 给...接生;生(婴儿)She delivered twins in the evening.晚上她生了一对双胞胎。5. 解救;解脱;释放[(+from)]Education delivered him from ignorance.教育把他从无知中解救出来。6. 履行(诺言);实现(期望)7. 为竞选人拉(选票)vi.1. 投递;送货;传送2. 履行,实现[(+on)]I am certain that he will deliver on his promise.我确信他会履行诺言。deliver不等于take






deliver 做 履行诺言 讲时,是不及物动词,deliver on promises 是固定搭配. 碰到此类词汇问题时,建立楼主查 英英词典 如






Deliver 生词本简明释义[电影]快递易混淆的单词:deliver以下结果由 金山词霸 提供柯林斯高阶英汉词典 网络释义1.VERB递送;投递;运送If you deliver something somewhere, you take it there. The Canadians plan to deliver more food to southern Somalia...加拿大计划向索马里南部地区运送更多的食品。The spy returned to deliver a second batch of classified documents...那名间谍返回来递送第二批机密文件。We were told the pizza would be delivered in 20 minutes.我们被告知比萨饼 20 分钟后送到。




deliver用法固定搭配:Deliver Hope传递希望、递送希望。1、deliver它是动词,表示“运送”,delivery 是它的名词形式。除了“运送”,deliver 也能表示“达成承诺”、“产出结果”:Please make sure he delivers his promise.请确保他能做到他承诺过的事。This will deliver a good result.这个会带来好结果。2、deliver还可以表示“give"。所以经常说致辞,就可以用“deliver a speech";“攻击”可以说“deliver a blow";“给出判决”可以用"deliver a verdict"。还有“惠民,利民”可以说“deliver benefit to the people"。3、deliver的四个释义就是接生;拯救,解救;递送,交付;发表,表达。记住一个常考的搭配:deliver sth. up 移交某物。破产者必须交出所有的账本、文件和记录。A bankrupt must deliver up all his books, papers and records4、deliver有“实现”的意思。deliver some improvements to air quality,字面:实现了对空气质量的改善。引申:改善了空气质量。deliver 是谓语动词,do 是助动词加强语势。


vt.1. 投递;传送;运送[(+to)]The mailman delivered the letters promptly.那个邮差准时地投递信件。2. 给予(打击等);发动(进攻)[O]3. 发表;讲;宣布He delivered an important report at the meeting.他在会上作了重要报告。4. 给...接生;生(婴儿)She delivered twins in the evening.晚上她生了一对双胞胎。5. 解救;解脱;释放[(+from)]Education delivered him from ignorance.教育把他从无知中解救出来。6. 履行(诺言);实现(期望)7. 为竞选人拉(选票)vi.1. 投递;送货;传送2. 履行,实现[(+on)]I am certain that he will deliver on his promise.我确信他会履行诺言。



deliver 和什么介词搭配



可以是及物也可是不及物.楼上,fail to deliver on one"s promise 确实是履行的意思

deliver和give birth to的区别用法及例句

deliver [di"liv05] vt. 发表;递送;释放;给予(打击);交付;给…接生vi. 传送;投递;履行;实现n. 投球例句与用法 We delivered the merchandise to them.我们把货物送交给他们。 Shall we deliver it, sir?先生,需要我们送货吗?Deliver me, from all of the madness.拯救我,从这所有的疯狂中;give birth to 产生,造成;生孩子Our solution like your solution is to give birth to ascending offspring.我们的解决方案和你们一样是去生育提升后代。She should be satisfied with you, because she give birth to a world‘s greatest basketball player.她应该对你感到满意,因为她生出了一个世界上最伟大的篮球运动员。The king gave her his valuable signet ring, and said, "If you give birth to a baby girl, sell this ring and use the money to bring her up well.贝拿勒斯王交给她一枚价值不菲的图章戒指,并告诉她:“如果你生下了一名女婴,就把这枚戒指卖掉,用那些钱把她好好养大。 看出来了吧?deliver比give birth to含义丰富多了,而give birth to一般多用“孕育,生出”这个意义。


在EXCEL中address函数获取工作表单元格的地址。例如,ADDRESS(2,3) 返回 $C$2。在另一个示例中,ADDRESS(77,300) 返回 $KN$77。可以使用其他函数(如 ROW 和 COLUMN 函数)为 ADDRESS 函数提供行号和列号参数 。 语法  ADDRESS(row_num, column_num, [abs_num], [a1], [sheet_text]) ADDRESS 函数语法参数  address函数语法参数如下: row_num 必需。一个数值,指定要在单元格引用中使用的行号。   column_num 必需。一个数值,指定要在单元格引用中使用的列号。   abs_num 可选。一个数值,指定要返回的引用类型。deliver表示直接投递 或者说直接发表

英语翻译, 当物做主语时候,deliver用主动还是被动?




deliver on是什么意思

  deliver on英 [diu02c8livu0259 u0254n] 美 [du026au02c8lu026avu025a ɑn]  [释义]<美口>履行,实行;  [网络]履行,实行;  [例句]They failed to deliver on their promises.  他们没有履行他们的诺言。


大不想同,分别是运输过程的起点和终点,在这个过程中间的是transitdeliver=交货(货物到达目的地或者交付收货人)ship=发货(货物离开启运地或者发货人交运给承运人)in transit=运输途中

"under sell, over deliver"是什么意思?



deliver for : 为……服务

deliver 的意思



"deliver"是一个英语动词,意思是"交付"、"递送"或"投递"。它常用于描述将物品、信息或服务交给某人或某个地方。首先,"deliver"可以用来指物品的交付。例如,快递公司会将包裹递送到收件人的地址,我们可以说"The courier delivered the package to my doorstep"(快递员将包裹递送到我家门口)。类似地,邮递员会将信件投递到我们的邮箱,我们可以说"The postman delivered the letter"(邮递员投递了这封信)。其次,"deliver"也可以指言语或演讲的表达。例如,政治领导人在演讲中传达政策和观点,我们可以说"The president delivered a powerful speech"(总统发表了一次有力的演讲)。此外,演员在戏剧或电影中传达角色的台词,我们可以说"The actor delivered the lines convincingly"(演员表演得非常有说服力)。除了物品和言语,"deliver"还可以描述某人完成任务、承诺或义务。例如,医生在手术中成功地为患者实施手术,我们可以说"The surgeon delivered a successful operation"(外科医生成功地进行了一次手术)。同样,政府承诺提供公共服务或改善社会福利,我们可以说"The government needs to deliver on its promises"(政府需要履行承诺)。


deliver 英[du026au02c8lu026avu0259(r)] 美[du026au02c8lu026avu025a] vt. 交付; 发表; 递送; 使分娩; vi. 传送; 投递;



deliver是什么意思 deliver英文解释

1、deliver,运送,读音:美/du026au02c8lu026avu0259r/;英/du026au02c8lu026avu0259r/。 2、释义:vt.交付;发表;递送;释放;给予(打击);给…接生。vi.实现;传送;履行;投递。n.投球。 3、例句:Next Monday is the soonest we can deliver.我们交货最早要到下星期一。

early delivery是啥意思

early delivery 提早货期 (比原订合约的交货期为早)网上找到的答案。。。。




This mail service is called Rural Free Delivery by people.


send 发货,指的是把货物发出去delivery 交付,指的是交货给买方或者承运人

delivery note和delivery order的区别和翻译

delivery note – 是指送出的货物到达后,由收货人签署过的送货通知,常用于通常的交接货上,一般译为“交货回单”或“送货回执”。delivery order – 指货主或其授权代理人签发给货物持有人(比如仓库)指示货物持有人将货物交给指定的当事人的一种书面指示,因此一般译成“交货单”、“出货单”、“提货单”或者“栈单”,它是将货物提走的法律凭据。


deliver是动词, vt. 递送, 陈述, 释放, 发表(一篇演说等), 交付, 引渡, 瞄准, 给予(打击) For example: I"m going to deliver this diamond ring because I know whoever I"m giving to would like it. delivery 是名词 delivery [di5livEri] n. 递送, 交付, 分娩, 交货, 引渡 n. [律] 财产等的正式移交 发送,传输 For example There is no delivery of letters on Sundays.


delivery是外卖。外卖的英文单词还有takeaway、takeout。示例:1、Now more and more people can"t cook and prefer to order takeaway instead.现在越来越多的人不会做饭,反而喜欢点外卖。2、Due to the emergence of food delivery platforms, more and more people order food, and there is a new job called delivery man.因为外卖平台的出现,点外卖的人越来越多,出现了外卖员这一新职业。3、The emergence of take-out greatly facilitates people who can"t cook or don"t want to cook.外卖的出现极大的方便了不会做饭或者不想做饭的人。


外卖英文可译为:delivery;takeaway。词组搭配:1、takeaway:外卖店;外卖食品;向后挥动。2、takeout:外卖店;外卖食品;改叫。3、carry-out:外卖店;外卖食品;向后挥动。4、takeaway pizza:外卖匹萨。5、eat in or takeaway restaurant:堂吃外卖餐厅。6、takeaway restaurant:提供外卖服务的餐馆。7、take-away food:外卖。8、take-away:外卖。9、deliver a takeaway;takeout:送外卖。10、have a takeaway; eat a takeout:吃、叫外卖。相关例句:1、本店外卖烤鸭。This restaurant offers takeaway roast duck.2、外卖的或提前准备好的客饭。A takeaway or pre-prepared meal.3、酒类是外卖的。Liquor is sold for consumption off the premises.4、550家持有外卖酒类执照的酒店有基本品种的酒出售。550 offlicences carry the basic range.5、这家酒馆也全天供应小吃和外卖。The pub also provides snacks and takeaway meals throughout the day.6、吃的够不够?要不我叫外卖给你?Do you have enough to eat or should I call koo koo roo for you?7、我想要我的外卖送到不同的地址。I want my order delivered to a different address ?8、劳驾,要两份外卖的咖喱鸡饭。Two chicken curriesand rice to take away, please.9、次购买快速外卖,而不是准备吃饭。Times to buy a quick takeaway rather than prepare a meal.10、没错,必胜客外卖服务,即刻交付。Yup, we are at Pizza Hut deliver, now that"s delivery.


可以。delivery也能表达快递 delivery=运送,它可指任何的“外送”,不论是快递公司的包裹,还是我们常叫的外卖等都可以用delivery food delivery =外卖。只要是将商品送到顾客手中,就都是 delivery。


delivery 名词,传送、交付、分娩、演讲方式、表演风格。supply 可做名词,也可做动词。名词,供应量、补给。动词,(尤指大量)供应,供给,提供

交货方式 英语 delivery

交货方式应该terms of delivery. 付款方式应该是terms of payment 交货时间应该是time of delivery 确定.


同学你好,很高兴为您解答!  Delivery的中文翻译是交割、交货,你说的这个CMA核心词汇,是学习英文版CMA必不可少的,这个词的意义是:将合约牵涉的商品、证券、现金价值或交割文件送交给合约持有人,并由合约持有人收妥。  希望高顿网校的回答能帮助您解决问题,更多财会问题欢迎提交给高顿企业知道。高顿祝您生活愉快!
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