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stunned and deafened 什么意思

stunned and deafened的中文翻译stunned and deafened震惊和聋



Deafening Silence 歌词

歌曲名:Deafening Silence歌手:Serj Tankian专辑:HarakiriSerj Tankian - Deafening Silence..I know who you areI know who you are notI know who you areI, I know who you are not.The silence is deafening to my earsHow could the obvious be ignored?The silence is threatening then she appearsThe ceremony is performed.I""m here to paint you with my tearsDecried my spirit over my fearsI can""t walk away from all the yearsIt""s rainin"" inside, she disappears.Ends of my mind, my thoughts tremblingThe hands of time, time always meddling.The silence is deafening to my earsHow could the obvious be ignored?The silence is threatening then she appearsThe ceremony is performed.I""m here to paint you with my tearsDecried my spirit over my fearsI can""t walk away from all the yearsIt""s rainin"" inside, she disappears.Nightlights are for childrenMornings for adults equinoxThe hands of my mind, my thoughts tremblingThe hands of time, time always meddlingSilence is deafening to my earsHow could the obvious be ignored?The silence is threatening then she appearsThe ceremony will always be performed.The silence is deafening to my earsSeized by the impressions of passers in the night.I""m here to paint you with my tearsDecried my spirit over my fearsI can""t walk away from all the yearsIt""s rainin"" inside, she disappears.I""m here to paint you with my tearsDecried my spirit over my fearsI can""t walk away from all the yearsIt""s rainin"" inside, she reappears.I know who you are.






安全偿付期(Deafensive Interval Ratio) == 什么是安全偿付期欧阳植等著.理财技巧与经营策略[M]. ISBN:7-208-02427-8/F275. 上海人民出版社,1996 == 安全偿付期是指一种流动性指标,它是用时间(天数)来说明 企业 偿 付开支 债务 的能力。采纳哦

the silence was deafening如何理解

the silence was deafening.可以理解为:寂静就是什么也听不见。deafening 是deafen 的现在分词。


deafening 英[u02c8defnu026au014b]美[u02c8du025bfu0259nu026au014b]adj. 震耳欲聋的; 极喧闹的;n. 隔音; 隔音装置;v. 使…聋(deafen的ing形式)[网络] 振耳欲聋的; 震耳欲聋; 山响;[例句]The deafening roar of fighter jets taking off喷气式战斗机起飞时震耳欲聋的轰鸣声


deafening的意思是震耳欲聋的。1、deafening震耳欲聋,形容声音很。deafen使…失聪;使聋;淹没;压倒;使没听见。第三人称单数:deafens;现在分词:deafening;过去式:deafened;过去分词:deafened。2、cause(someone)to lose the power of hearing permanently or temporarily使(暂时或永久性)失聪,使聋。例如:we were deafened by the explosion.我们被爆炸声震聋了。3、(of a loud noise)overwhelm (someone) with sound(巨大的噪声)淹没,压倒。例句:the roar of the water deafened them.水的轰鸣声吞没了它们。4、(deafen someone to)(of a sound)cause someone to be unaware of (other sounds)(某一声响)使没听见(其他响动)。例句:the noise deafened him to Ron"s approach.嘈杂声使他没听见罗恩走过来。deafening的双语例句:1、It produces a deafening sound so painful that it temporarily disables a person.它会发出震耳欲聋的声音,非常痛苦,会使人暂时失去能力。2、The music reached a deafening crescendo.音乐达到了震耳欲聋的高音。3、A series of deafening detonations was heard.听到了一连串震耳欲聋的爆炸声。4、The rain enveloped us in a deafening cataract.震耳欲聋的暴雨把我们包围了。5、The report of the cannon is deafening.炮声震耳欲聋。6、The sound is deafening as metal strikes metal,battering my eardrums.Wood chips whizz past my head and the temperature seems to be rising in this small and dusty workshop.金属相互撞击声振聋发聩,木屑唰唰的飞过我的头顶,这个又小又脏的屋子的温度似乎正在上升。


Bdrown If something drowns a sound, it is so loud that you cannot hear that sound properly.Clapping drowned the speaker"s words for a moment... 鼓掌声一度淹没了发言人的声音。The conversation was drowned by the arrival of the taxi. 到来的出租车的声音压过了谈话的声音。deafen 动词震(或吵)得…听不见其他声音 If a noise deafens you, it is so loud that you cannot hear anything else at the same time. The noise of the typewriters deafened her. 打字机的噪声吵得她什么都听不见。