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encyclopaedia英 [enu02ccsau026aklu0259u028a"pi:dju0259] 美 [u026anu02ccsau026aklu0259u02c8pidu026au0259]n.百科全书,大全He was a walking encyclopaedia. 他是一部活的百科全书。来自柯林斯例句

Takt time Cycle time 和Lead Time的区别和联系

Takt time节拍时间,是以客户订单量为基础的计算,决定机器人员的配置。计算方法是:可用生产时间除以订单量。例如2班制半小时休息,要完成每天1000件的订单量,Takt time = (8小时-0,5小时)x2x60分钟x60秒/1000件=54秒/件.Cycle time 主要是用来确定机器的生产能力,某产品从放入机器到加工完成,所需机器的加工时间,是生产效率的指标。例如,某件产品需要进行3步机器加工,才能完成。所需要的时间分别是45秒,90秒,30秒。如果节拍要求同上,即54秒每件。那么由于第二步的cycle time大于节拍时间,如果要完成订单第二步加工就需要我们配置2台机器. 产能过剩这里先不讨论。Cycle time 不是不可改变的,但比较稳定,是受到一定时期的设备加工能力、劳动力配置情况、工艺方法等因素影响决定的,只能通过管理和技术改进才能缩短,不是短期改善的目标。Lead time 是完成一件产品所需要的整个的加工周期,包括cycle time 和加工过程的步间半成品(WIP)停留的时间。一般情况下cycle time 是价值流中增值的时间,(机加工指机器的加工时间,组装线包括人员操作时间),而WIP的停留时间是非增值时间,客户是不会购买这个部分的,所以是工厂浪费的源泉之一。精益追求的就是lead time近似cycle time之和。总结一下:Takt time 是基础即顾客要求的节拍,决等于客户订单。Cycle time是你的加工能力是否能达到客户要求,就是是否能达到节拍的要求,是否要增加产能。Lead time 是你生产周期,决定你资金周转的快慢。如果不断消除WIP不必要的停留,lead time 就会越来越接近Cycle time总和,这也就是精益持续改善的目标.

lead time订货至交货的时间 order cycle time订货处理周期,这两名词有什么区别


Lets Ride Bicycles也主题的英语作文

I like to ride my bike .I usually ride with a helmet ,and I usually ride my bike to school every day.It gives me more time to do other things.I think that bicycling is good exercise ,it is good for my health .My bike is new,and I like it very much .It is a good present from my father .Last month,my father gave it to me on my birthday.When it becomes dirty,I always clean it carefully,so it looks new and beautiful.I think bicycling is good for our health ,we should ride bicycles often.望采纳


Bicycle Race Words and music by freddie mercuryBicycle bicycle bicycleI want to ride my bicycle bicycle bicycleI want to ride my bicycleI want to ride my bikeI want to ride my bicycleI want to ride it where i likeYou say black i say whiteYou say bark i say biteYou say shark i say hey manJaws was never my sceneAnd i don"t like star warsYou say rolls i say royceYou say god give me a choiceYou say lord i say christI don"t believe in peter panFrankenstein or supermanAll i wanna do isBicycle bicycle bicycleI want to ride my bicycle bicycle bicycleI want to ride my bicycleI want to ride my bikeI want to ride my bicycleI want to ride myBicycle races are coming your waySo forget all your duties oh yeah!Fat bottomed girlsThey"ll be riding todaySo look out for those beauties oh yeahOn your marks get set goBicycle race bicycle race bicycle raceBicycle bicycle bicycleI want to ride my bicycleBicycle bicycle bicycle bicycleBicycle raceYou say coke i say caineYou say john i say wayneHot dog i say cool it manI don"t wanna be the president of americaYou say smile i say cheeseCartier i say pleaseIncome tax i say jesusI don"t wanna be a candidate forVietnam or watergateCos all i wanna do isBicycle bicycle bicycleI want to ride my bicycle bicycle bicycleI want to ride my bicycleI want to ride my bikeI want to ride my bicycleI want to ride it where i like



Cyclical Unemployment是什么意思?

cyclical unemployment 牡环性失业 周期性失业;循环性失业;周期失业例句筛选1.The first manager represents the case for cyclical unemployment.第一个经理象征循环性失业的情况。2.Cyclical unemployment refers to the year-toyear fluctuations in unemploymentaround its natural rate.周期性失业指的是失业围绕其自然失业率的逐年波动

急求如何区分cyclical unemployment ,frictional unemployment,structural unemployment.(谢谢~~)

cyclical unemployment 是周期性失业,就是和经济发展周期有关的,当经济处于BOOM的时候 cyclical unemployment就比较小,当经济周期处于recession的时候 cyclical unemployment 就比较大frictional unemployment 是摩擦性失业, 就是和job search找工作有关,是短期的,由于劳动力的流动性等一些因素,劳动力人群一时无法找到工作而失业structural unemployment 是结构性失业,就是和科学技术发展有关的,就是在现有的和要求的技术上的不匹配,比如说用发展科技,科技代替劳动力导致了失业

Cyclical Unemployment是什么意思?

cyclical unemployment 牡环性失业 周期性失业;循环性失业;周期失业  周期性失业(Cyclical unemployment)又称为总需求不足的失业,是由于总需求不足而引起的短期失业,它一般出现在经济周期的萧条阶段。这种失业与经济中周期性波动是一致的。在复苏和繁荣阶段,各厂商争先扩充生产,就业人数普遍增加。在衰退和谷底阶段,由于社会需求不足,前景暗淡,各厂商又纷纷压缩生产,大量裁减雇员,形成令人头疼的失业大军。例句筛选1.The first manager represents the case for cyclical unemployment.第一个经理象征循环性失业的情况。2.Cyclical unemployment refers to the year-toyear fluctuations in unemploymentaround its natural rate.周期性失业指的是失业围绕其自然失业率的逐年波动


cycling 名词 骑自行车 如: Swimming,cycling and running can help us keep 名词 自行车 ride bike骑车fix bike修车


bicycle常见释义为自行车。bicycle既可以作为名词n,可翻译为自行车、脚踏车;也可以作为动词vi,可翻译骑自行车。一、读音:它的读音为:英 [u02c8bau026asu026akl];美 [u02c8bau026asu026akl】。二,bicycle与bike的区别:在英语中,与bicycle同义词还有如下:bike。但二者还是有所区别。bicycle是可数名词,基本意思是自行车,脚踏车,可指一辆具体的自行车,也可指抽象的交通工具,bicycle常和介词by搭配,表示骑自行车,此时介词by不可用其他介词代替,且bicycle不可使用复数,bicycle多用于书面语,而bike多用于口语,是两个不同的单词,而非简写,而且bike更常用些。

bike、bicycle 和cycling的区别



自行车英文bicycle的读音是:英[u02c8bau026asu026akl]。bicycle,英语单词,名词(n.)、动词(v.),意为“自行车;骑脚踏车; 骑自行车运送”。短语:bicycle thieves偷自行车的人;单车失窃记;德西卡;偷单车的人;bicycle helmet自行车头盔;自行车安全帽;自行车盔;touring bicycle旅行自行车;旅行脚踏车;游览自行车;小轮车。chainless bicycle无链式自行车;无链式脚踏车;无链式自桥式起重机;bike bicycle自行车;bicycle light自行车灯;车灯;脚踏车灯;自行车;regular bicycle一般自行车;一般脚踏车; 一般自桥式起重机;凡是自行车;junveniles bicycle孩童车。自行车,又称脚踏车或单车,通常是二轮的小型陆上车辆。人骑上车后,以脚踩踏板为动力,是绿色环保的交通工具。英文bicycle。其中bi意指二,而cycle意指轮,即两轮车。在中国内地、台湾、新加坡,通常称其为“自行车”或“脚踏车”。可以作为环保的交通工具用来代步、出行;越来越多的人将自行车作为健身器材用来骑行锻炼、自行车出游;自行车本身也是一项体育竞技运动,有公路自行车赛、山地自行车赛、场地自行车赛、特技自行车比赛等。构成:1、导向系统:由车把、前叉、前轴、前轮等部件组成。乘骑者可以通过操纵车把来改变行驶方向并保持车身平衡。2、驱动(传动或行走)系统:由脚蹬、中轴、牙盘、曲柄、链条、飞轮、后轴、后轮等部件组成。人的脚的蹬力是靠脚蹬通过曲柄、链轮、链条、飞轮、后轴等部件传动的,从而使自行车不断前进。3、制动系统:它由车闸部件组成、乘骑者可以随时操纵车闸,使行驶的自行车减速、停驶,确保行车安全。


bike表示自行车,脚踏车,摩托车等,可指任何骑行的工具;而bicycle可指自行车,单车等,一般指普通单车。1、bicycle是可数名词,基本意思是“自行车,脚踏车”,可指一辆具体的自行车,也可指抽象的交通工具。2、bicycle常和介词by搭配,表示“骑自行车”,此时介词by不可用其他介词代替,且bicycle不可使用复数。3、bicycle多用于书面语,而bike多用于口语,是两个不同的单词,而非简写,而且bike更常用些.4、bicycle一般指的是普通单车。bike可以指任何骑行工具,bike的意思比bicycle高级。比如,山地自行车可叫bike但不是bicycle。bicycle的例句He brought in his bicycle.他把自行车推了进来。I bought the bicycle at a department store.这辆自行车是我在一家百货公司买的。Would you like to go there by bicycle?你愿意骑车去那儿吗?bike的例句I"ve decided to buy that bike.我已决定购买那辆自行车。The lost bike was discovered at the bus stop.丢了的脚踏车在公车站找到了。This morning on my way to school, I saw a motorbike hit a man on a bike.今天上班路上看到摩托车撞了一个骑车人。


  bicycle和bike,都是自行车的意思。  区别不大,只是bike比较不那么正式,口语化一些。  而bicycle从构词法的角度就可以让人觉得是“两个轮子可以滑动的东东”,因为“bi-”表示“二”,而"cycle"就像一个会循环的轮子一样。因为按照这种构词法,“三轮车”就不难想像了,即“tricycle",因为“tri-"这个前缀表示“三“。当然往后就不必想什么“四轮”,“五轮”等等了,自然会有car,bus等专有的名称去表示那些四轮的交通工具,而非“qua-cycle"了。


bike表示自行车,脚踏车,摩托车等,可指任何骑行的工具;而bicycle可指自行车,单车等,一般指普通单车。1.bicycle是可数名词,基本意思是“自行车,脚踏车”,可指一辆具体的自行车,也可指抽象的交通工具。 2.bicycle常和介词by搭配,表示“骑自行车”,此时介词by不可用其他介词代替,且bicycle不可使用复数。 3.bicycle多用于书面语,而bike多用于口语,是两个不同的单词,而非简写,而且bike更常用些. 4.bicycle一般指的是普通单车。bike可以指任何骑行工具,bike的意思比bicycle高级。比如,山地自行车可叫bike但不是bicycle。 5.bicycle的例句 He brought in his bicycle. 他把自行车推了进来。 I bought the bicycle at a department store. 这辆自行车是我在一家百货公司买的。 Would you like to go there by bicycle? 你愿意骑车去那儿吗? 6.bike的例句 I"ve decided to buy that bike. 我已决定购买那辆自行车。 The lost bike was discovered at the bus stop. 丢了的脚踏车在公车站找到了。 This morning on my way to school, I saw a motorbike hit a man on a bike. 今天上班路上看到摩托车撞了一个骑车人。




cycle=一圈,循环bike,bicycle=自行车,脚踏车bike 和bicycle 是同义词

I got this bicycle for____; my friend gave it to me when she bought a new one


英语选择题:i love to _____ cycling. a.went b.go


MOSSO 680XC2 车架。 JAVA半碳纤 26寸山地车硬叉 前叉。 CYCLETRACK/

硬叉是想压马路吧,说说致命的地方:车架软,MOSSO不知道是设计不行还是热处理的问题,就是刚性不怎么好轮组不耐用,广东的小厂子,直拉真不是这厂子能玩的转的,塔基,棘轮,密封性,包括培林,没一样靠谱的半碳叉( 其实是碳包铝)充分结合了铝和碳的缺点。。。车架推荐KINESIS的TM400,JBC PRO的STORM,TAOKAS 那款2000左右的也不错传统的G家的XTC FR 很不错的轮组 成品轮组吧,WTB的入门也是准真空轮组,喜马诺的入门便宜,MT15记住买正品自编,小厂,偏摆跳动大的坑到你哭(一哥们买过一广东小厂的轮组,叫GAOTELU,买回来是跳的,转一圈车子感觉咯噔一下,特好玩),问题是调都调不好,质检真悲催,车圈本身就不圆,铆接的地方是凸起的自编水深,也没几个好好调的,某宝相对比较靠谱自编:重口味,轱辘哥。。。硬叉,全碳的还行,或者全铝的,铝叉KINESIS的是完美的,别看贵还重点,刚性是真心好,然后强度也很给力,MOSSO轻但是刚性不好,摇车碟刹会蹭的变速615套可以,不过个人感觉这一套压马路比615更给力:RACEFACE RIDE XC牙盘(刚性比SLX都好不少,三个盘全面超越,我换了SLX之后就后悔了,以前的RF牙盘被发配到女友的休闲车上,结果车子威力大增,踩下去那叫一个爽),PG970飞(真的很耐用,轻,顺,外加便宜),X9链条,XE小套件(指拨感觉没那么渣,挺好用,重量很轻)刹车可以,碟片用RT64,该花的地方花小件:脚踏XPEDO有款不错,假货除外,比MG-1爽多了,瞬间让你学会钩后轮把套别买贵又坑爹的,比如喜马诺的PRO,某宝有6块钱一对的FUJI海绵把套,手感和质量跟卖20多的正品壁虎是一样的车座,以前140买过一钛弓的PROMOND车座,用了三年的结论是,的确是钛弓(235.5G,实验室称样品的天平),也的确是皮面,工艺好,没有一点起皮或者磨坏或者掉色,某宝另有30多一个VELO代工的CORRETEC原厂车座用过也很推荐

有一首英文歌貌似有这么两句。I,M gonna break cycle,I,M gonna sha

One Step At A Time(Main Version) - Jordin Sparkshurry up and waitso close, but so far awayeverything that you"ve always dreamed ofclose enough for you to tastebut you just can"t touchyou wanna show the world,but no one knows your name yetwonder when and where and how you"re gonna make ityou know you can if you get the chancein your face as the door keeps slammingnow you"re feeling more and more frustratedand you"re getting all kind of impatient waitingwe live and we learn to takeone step at a timethere"s no need to rushit"s like learning to flyor falling in loveit"s gonna happen and it"ssupposed to happen that wefind the reasons whyon step at a timeyou believe and you doubtyou"re confused, you got it all figured outeverything that you wished forcould be yours, should be yours, would be yoursif they only knewyou wanna show the world,but no one knows your name yetwonder when and where and how you"re gonna make ityou know you can if you get the chancein your face as the door keeps slammingnow you"re feeling more and more frustratedand you"re getting all kind of impatient waitingwe live and we learn to takeone step at a timethere"s no need to rushit"s like learning to flyor falling in loveit"s gonna happen and it"ssupposed to happen that wefind the reasons whyon step at a timewhen you can"t wait any longerbut there"s no end in sightit"s the faith that makes you strongerthe only way you get thereis one step at a timetake one step at a timethere"s no need to rushit"s like learning to flyor falling in loveit"s gonna happen and it"ssupposed to happen that wefind the reasons whyon step at a timeone step at a timethere"s no need to rushit"s like learning to flyor falling in loveit"s gonna happen and it"ssupposed to happen that wefind the reasons whyon step at a time

circle cycle circuit的区别

circle 1 circle circles A circle is a shape consisting of a curved line completely surrounding an area. Every part of the line is the same distance from the centre of the area. The flag was red, with a large white circle in the center. I wrote down the number 46 and drew a circle around it. N-COUNT = ring 2 circle circles A circle of something is a round flat piece or area of it. Cut out 4 circles of pastry. ...a circle of yellow light. N-COUNT: usu N of n = ring 3 circle circles A circle of objects or people is a group of them arranged in the shape of a circle. The monument consists of a circle of gigantic stones. We stood in a circle holding hands. N-COUNT: oft N of n = ring 4 circle circles circling circled If something circles an object or place, or circles around it, it forms a circle around it. This is the ring road that circles the city. ...the long curving driveway that circled around the vast clipped lawn. VB = encircle 5 circle circles circling circled If an aircraft or a bird circles or circles something, it moves round in a circle in the air. The plane circled, awaiting permission to land. There were two helicopters circling around. a hawk circling prey. VB 6 circle circles circling circled To circle around someone or something, or to circle them, means to move around them. Emily kept circling around her mother. The silent wolves would track and circle them. VB = go round 7 circle circles circling circled If you circle something on a piece of paper, you draw a circle around it. Circle the correct answers on the coupon below. VB = ring 8 circle circles You can refer to a group of people as a circle when they meet each other regularly because they are friends or because they belong to the same profession or share the same interests. He has a small circle of friends. Alton has made himself fiercely unpopular in certain circles. N-COUNT: with supp 9 circle In a theatre or cinema, the circle is an area of seats on the upper floor. N-SING: the N 10 circle If you say that you have come full circle or have turned full circle, you mean that after a long series of events or changes the same situation that you started with still exists. We"ve come full circle and dark-blue jeans are once again the height of style. PHR: V inflects 11 circle If you say that someone is going round in circles or around in circles, you mean that they are not achieving anything because they keep coming back to the same point or problem. PHR: V inflects * progress cycle 1 cycle cycles cycling cycled If you cycle, you ride a bicycle. He cycled to Ingwold. Britain could save s4.6 billion a year in road transport costs if more people cycled. Over 1000 riders cycled 100 miles around the Vale of York. VB ?cycling The quiet country roads are ideal for cycling. N-UNCOUNT 2 cycle cycles A cycle is a bicycle. eight-mile cycle ride. N-COUNT 3 cycle cycles A cycle is a motorcycle. (AM) N-COUNT 4 cycle cycles A cycle is a series of events or processes that is repeated again and again, always in the same order. ...the life cycle of the plant... The figures marked the final low point of the present economic cycle. They must break out of the cycle of violence. N-COUNT: usu with supp, oft N of n 5 cycle cycles A cycle is a single complete series of movements in an electrical, electronic, or mechanical process. ...10 cycles per second. N-COUNT: usu pl 6 cycle cycles A cycle is a series of songs or poems that are intended to be performed or read one after the other. ...Wagner"s Ring cycle. N-COUNT: usu with supp circuit 1 circuit circuits An electrical circuit is a complete route which an electric current can flow around. Any attempts to cut through the cabling will break the electrical circuit. N-COUNT See also closed circuit, short-circuit. 2 circuit circuits A circuit is a series of places that are visited regularly by a person or group, especially as a part of their job. He joined the professional circuit. It"s a common problem, the one I"m asked about most when I"m on the lecture circuit. N-COUNT: usu supp N 3 circuit circuits A racing circuit is a track on which cars, motorbikes, or cycles race. (mainly BRIT) N-COUNT 4 circuit circuits A circuit of a place or area is a journey all the way round it. (FORMAL) She made a slow circuit of the room. N-COUNT: usu N of n

Motorcycle Drive By (Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Motorcycle Drive By (Lp Version)歌手:Third Eye Blind专辑:Third Eye BlindMOTORCYCLE DRIVE BYThird Eye BlindSummer time and the wind is blowingOutside in lower ChelseaAnd I don"t know what I"m doing in this cityThe sun is always in my eyesIt crashes through the windowsWhen I"m sleeping on the couchWhen I came to visit youThat"s when I knewThat I could never have youI knew that before you didStill I"m the one who"s stupidAnd there"s this burningJust like there"s always beenI"ve never been so aloneAnd I"ve never been so aliveVisions of you on a motorcycle drive byThe ciggarette ash it flies in your eyesAnd you don"t mindAnd you smile and sayThe world it doesn"t fit with youI don"t believe youYou"re so sereneCareening through the universeYour axis on a tiltYou"re guiltless and freeI hope you take a piece of me with youAnd there are things I would like to doThat you don"t believe inI would like to build somethingBut you"ll never see it happenAnd there"s this burningLike there"s always beenI"ve never been so aloneAnd I"ve, I"ve never been so aliveWhere"s the soul?I wanna knowNew York City"s evilThe surface is everythingBut I could never do thatSomeone would see through thatAnd this is the last timeWe"ll be friends againAnd I"ll get over youYou wonder who I amAnd there"s this burningJust like there"s always beenAnd I"ve never been so aloneI"ve never been so aliveI go home to the coastIt starts to rainI paddle out on the waterAloneI taste the saltI taste the painI"m not thinking of you againSummer dies and swells riseThe sun goes down in my eyesSee this rolling waveDarkly coming to take me homeAnd I"ve never been so aloneAnd I"ve never been so alive

Motorcycle Drive By (2006 Remastered Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Motorcycle Drive By (2006 Remastered Lp Version)歌手:Third Eye Blind专辑:A CollectionMOTORCYCLE DRIVE BYThird Eye BlindSummer time and the wind is blowingOutside in lower ChelseaAnd I don"t know what I"m doing in this cityThe sun is always in my eyesIt crashes through the windowsWhen I"m sleeping on the couchWhen I came to visit youThat"s when I knewThat I could never have youI knew that before you didStill I"m the one who"s stupidAnd there"s this burningJust like there"s always beenI"ve never been so aloneAnd I"ve never been so aliveVisions of you on a motorcycle drive byThe ciggarette ash it flies in your eyesAnd you don"t mindAnd you smile and sayThe world it doesn"t fit with youI don"t believe youYou"re so sereneCareening through the universeYour axis on a tiltYou"re guiltless and freeI hope you take a piece of me with youAnd there are things I would like to doThat you don"t believe inI would like to build somethingBut you"ll never see it happenAnd there"s this burningLike there"s always beenI"ve never been so aloneAnd I"ve, I"ve never been so aliveWhere"s the soul?I wanna knowNew York City"s evilThe surface is everythingBut I could never do thatSomeone would see through thatAnd this is the last timeWe"ll be friends againAnd I"ll get over youYou wonder who I amAnd there"s this burningJust like there"s always beenAnd I"ve never been so aloneI"ve never been so aliveI go home to the coastIt starts to rainI paddle out on the waterAloneI taste the saltI taste the painI"m not thinking of you againSummer dies and swells riseThe sun goes down in my eyesSee this rolling waveDarkly coming to take me homeAnd I"ve never been so aloneAnd I"ve never been so alive


列表的滚动一般分为两种: 上面的过程的状态变化如下: 有两种方式可以监听滚动事件: 其中 setOnScrollListener 由于可能出现空指针的风险,已经过时。建议用addOnScrollListener。 OnScrollListener类是个抽象类,有两个方法: 回调的两个变量的含义: recyclerView: 当前在滚动的RecyclerView newState: 当前滚动状态. 其中newState有三种值: 回调的三个变量含义: recyclerView : 当前滚动的view dx : 水平滚动距离 dy : 垂直滚动距离 dx > 0 时为手指向左滚动, 列表滚动显示右面的内容 dx < 0 时为手指向右滚动, 列表滚动显示左面的内容 dy > 0 时为手指向上滚动, 列表滚动显示下面的内容 dy < 0 时为手指向下滚动, 列表滚动显示上面的内容 例如: RecyclerView.canScrollVertically(1)的值表示是否能向下滚动, false表示已经滚动到底部 RecyclerView.canScrollVertically(-1)的值表示是否能向上滚动, false表示已经滚动到顶部 如果 当前 第一个可见item的位置 + 当前可见的item个数 >= item的总个数 这样就可以判断出来,是在底部了。 通过 visibleItemCount + pastVisiblesItems) >= totalItemCount 来判断是否是底部。 通过canScrollVertically 来判断 参考:


列表的滚动一般分为两种: 上面的过程的状态变化如下: 有两种方式可以监听滚动事件: 其中 setOnScrollListener 由于可能出现空指针的风险,已经过时。建议用addOnScrollListener。 OnScrollListener类是个抽象类,有两个方法: 回调的两个变量的含义: recyclerView: 当前在滚动的RecyclerView newState: 当前滚动状态. 其中newState有三种值: 回调的三个变量含义: recyclerView : 当前滚动的view dx : 水平滚动距离 dy : 垂直滚动距离 dx > 0 时为手指向左滚动, 列表滚动显示右面的内容 dx < 0 时为手指向右滚动, 列表滚动显示左面的内容 dy > 0 时为手指向上滚动, 列表滚动显示下面的内容 dy < 0 时为手指向下滚动, 列表滚动显示上面的内容 例如: RecyclerView.canScrollVertically(1)的值表示是否能向下滚动, false表示已经滚动到底部 RecyclerView.canScrollVertically(-1)的值表示是否能向上滚动, false表示已经滚动到顶部 如果 当前 第一个可见item的位置 + 当前可见的item个数 >= item的总个数 这样就可以判断出来,是在底部了。 通过 visibleItemCount + pastVisiblesItems) >= totalItemCount 来判断是否是底部。 通过canScrollVertically 来判断 参考:

Textbooks should be Recycled?

优点1. 重复利用, 减少浪费2. 减少学生买新教材的费用3. 减少垃圾的产生缺点1. 不适合更新较快的技术科学2. 旧书有可能带有病菌, 不卫生

帮我写一篇英语作文 Textbooks Should be Recycled

Textbooks should be recycled, and the benefits of recycling textooks are mainly as follows: Firstly, the use of recycled textbooks can significantly conserve resources, consisting of forest resources, man power, and financial resouces. Secondly, the use of recycled textbooks can reduce waste and cut energy consumption, and meanwhile protect the environment. Finally, the manpower and financial resources saved from the use of recycled textbooks can enable us to do many other more meaningful things. The improved environment resulted from using recycled textbooks can benefit our life in the long term. Since there are so many strong points to recycle textbooks, why not carry it out now?

The bicycle was invented in the 1880s


雪地单车Icycle-OnThinIce 最后那辆自行车在哪里找到???













在装备里把吸钱的【就是类似抽风机的那个红色的】卸掉 然后安绿伞之后只要不碰到就不会吸钱了 靠楼主技术



Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving中文意思



意思是不能实例化JCE Provider,没有找到org.bouncycastle.jce.provider.BouncyCastleProvider 这个class.应该是你的包没有导,或者是位置或名称什么的有错误.



健身做cycle 后悔

现在不少女性都不想生宝宝,其中有一部分原因就是分娩身材走样,产后需要采取有效的方法坚持锻炼才可能恢复好身材。其实生活中有很多男人女人都有健身习惯,不过健身也需要有计划,根据自身实际需求制定一个切实可行的计划的话,训练起来会更轻松有效,那么健身做cycle后悔是怎么回事?健身做cycle后悔可能是制定的计划不好,训练下来的效果不理想,所以后悔,其实不管是谁去健身都应该有计划,事先没有制定合理的计划就会让人们像无头苍蝇一样训练,练着练着不知道下面还要做什么,这样会让健身效果大大打折扣。还有人盲目采用别人的健身计划,结果强度太大自己身体承受不住,这样反而不利于身体健康。 虽然有一些人健身会做cycle 循环计划,可是经常没按计划去完成,所以循环周期也要考虑大家的生活习惯,比如作为普通上班族,除了周末休息,其它时间都需要上班就要考虑上班时你还有没有时间训练。 此外,健身做cycle计划还需要考虑自身体能、营养,身体各个方面还不错可以安排一个长点的周期,不过最长时间也不建议超过一周不去健身,时间长了心理上可能会对健身产生厌倦。





我经常划船 英语翻译 cycling;cycle;go cycling 各用于? 我一直不清楚



CYCLE繁荣,衰退,萧条,复苏CYCLE boom, recession, depression, recoveryCYCLE繁荣,衰退,萧条,复苏CYCLE boom, recession, depression, recovery


是 周期。50Hz,0.5 周期是 10ms






意思完全不同的.turn down是把电视声音调低的意思.而turn onoff the TV意思是把电视打开/关掉. bicycle (双轮)自行车=cycle cycle 作名词时,是自行车; 作动词时,是循环、骑自行车; cycling 是动名词,是循环、骑自行车.

ride 与cycle区别

ride:ride主要是骑的意思,后接bike 或horse等cycle:本身有“自行车或骑自行车”的意思,后面不用接bike. 希望能帮到你,不明白还可以追问. 你要快点采纳哟,嘻嘻!


/sikl/ 用中文发音念出来是 si ke le


cycle和psycho 的读音分别是:cycle 音标:英[u02c8sau026akl] 美[u02c8sau026aku0259l]psycho 音标:英[u02c8sau026aku0259u028a] 美[u02c8sau026akou028a]区别是尾音长度不同.


在ACCA考试中,很多考生在学习AA科目时都会认为审计这门课程比较难学,其实只要理解好审计的逻辑,掌握好重点内容就可以轻松通过考试。下面深空网就为大家详细梳理AA中的六大Cycle,帮助大家理解并掌握重点内容。三大题型考试中对Cycle的考察集中在主观题部分,题型可分为三类:1、站在Auditor的角度上分析公司存在的Risk以及有可能导致的Consequence,并根据公司的这些缺陷-Deficiencies(Risk和Consequence共同构成Deficiencies)来提出建议-Recommendation。这里的提出建议就是让我们回答,公司针对这些缺陷,应该分别采取什么内控手段-Internal Control。2、审计人员针对题干中描述的公司的IC应该采取的TOC。3、审计人员针对公司的情况应当实行的SP。Purchase Cycle首先我们来看Purchase Cycle,公司的采购系统,也就是公司在采购原材料时的流程。2017年12月的考试中就有一道考察purchase cycle的题,我们来看一下考查的形式:第一小题要求找出并解释这家公司存在的5个deficiencies;第二小题要求针对这5个deficiencies提出内控手段;第三小题要求描述审计师针对公司的IC应该采取什么TOC。下面我们来看Purchase Cycle的具体内容。我们将Purchase Cycle分为五个环节:Requisition; Order; Goods received; Invoiced; Recorded 采购部门不可以接收没有经过授权的请购单。③需要授权人的签字。审计人员审计客户公司时,在了解这些内控手段后就会执行TOC来检测内控系统是否有效,分别对应上面的三种IC采取以下手段:检查客户公司的授权程序和授权政策是否合理;抽取部分采购订单,检查是否经过合理授权;复核授权人的签字文件。接下来我们看一下上面提到的那道真题的答案:红框里面的答案就是我们今天讲到的requisition forms和purchase order的授权的内容,如果大家掌握了这部分,就可以轻松拿下这部分分数。本题包括Deficiency,Control,TOC三部分内容,需要特别强调的是:Deficiency是由Risk和Consequence两部分构成,都需要结合题目中公司的具体信息来组织答案。





ride 与cycle区别

ride:ride主要是骑的意思,后接bike 或horse等cycle:本身有“自行车或骑自行车”的意思,后面不用接bike. 希望能帮到你,不明白还可以追问. 你要快点采纳哟,嘻嘻!


固定搭配:food cycle 、business cycle、carbon cycle 、vicious cycle、citric acid cycle、trade cycle 、nitrogen cycle、tricarboxylic acid cycle、menstrual cycle 、fixed-cycle operation、cycle per second、citric acid cycle、cardiac cycleCycle,英语单词,名词、动词,作名词时译为“循环;周期;自行车;整套;一段时间”,作动词时译为“使循环;使轮转;循环;骑自行车;轮转”。

cycle 和continue的区别

cycle 指物理的机械的循环:例如水:水==》水蒸气--》降水是一个cycle的过程;机器的运转(如自行车,摩托车);continue vi.1. 继续,延续,延伸:例句: After a short break the play continued.经过短暂的休息以后,戏继续上演。2. 持续:例句: The strike continued for several days.罢工持续了几天之久。3. 逗留,停留:例句: They continued in Shanghai when she went to Hangzhou.她去杭州时他们留在上海。4. 维持原状,保持:例句: He continued silent.他保持沉默。vt.1. 使继续;坚持:例句: He continued the work day after day.他一天一天地继续做这件工作。2. 使延伸,延长;扩展:例句: He continued his fence from the garden to the gate.


1.circle只是圈,环状物而已; cycle才是循环,周期循环.一句话来表示:前者具体,后者抽象. 非要有抽象意义的话,那它表示一个圈子,一个阶层. 1)circle vt.环绕,盘旋 n.圆 例句:They sat in a circle round the fire. 他们围着火坐成一圈. 2)circuit n.电路;环行;巡行 例句:The old scientist used to run three circuits of the track every morning. 老科学家以前每天早晨沿跑道跑三圈. 3)circulate vt.使循环 vi.循环 例句:The blood circulates round the body. 血液在体内循环

cycle的变化 我要cycle的形容词,比较级,最高级,副词的变化.








cycle 的音标


cycle 名词



cycle用法 1、可用作名词:自行车;摩托车;循环;整套,整个系列(如机器的运转) 2、还可以用作动词:骑自行车;骑自行车旅行 第三人称单数: cycles复数: cycles现在分词: cycling过去式: cycled过去分词: cycled 扩展资料   例句:   We went for a cycle ride on Sunday.   我们星期天骑自行车去兜风了。   We did about 30 miles a day on our cycling trip.   我们骑车旅行,每天约骑30英里。   She cycled round the corner, lost her balance and fell off.   她骑车拐弯时失去平衡,摔了下来。

bicycle和 cycle在用法上有什么区别吗?



cycle 1.周期,循环期2.循环,反复,周而复始;周(波);环;一轮回3.(一段)长时期;(一个)时代4.一组神话、诗、歌等;(故事等的)始末5.自行车;三轮车;摩托车6.【计算机】计算机处理的最小时间间隔;计算机一系列动作反复的单位7.【天文学】天体运转的轨道8.【生物学】环;周期;周(用于叶的排列);轮(用于花部)9.【电工学】周,周波10.【数学】环,循环,周期,圈 vt.使循环;使轮转 短语 hit for the cycle【棒球】(跑垒员在一场比赛中)跑完一圈 变形: vi.cycled cycling,12,



bicycle和 cycle在用法上有什么区别吗?





作动词时译为“使循环;使轮转;循环;骑自行车;轮转”。Cycle,英语单词,名词、动词,作名词时译为“循环;周期;自行车;整套;一段时间”,作动词时译为“使循环;使轮转;循环;骑自行车;轮转”。短语搭配:catalytic cycle 催化循环 ; 催化性循环urea cycle [生化] 尿素循环 ; 鸟氨酸循环 ; 代谢环 ; 尿素轮回glyoxylate cycle [有化] 乙醛酸循环 ; [有化] 乙醛酸支路 ; 乙醛酸轮回 ; 醛酸循环cycle造句1、All these demonstrate that Canbao fluid has value of prolonging life cycle and resisting senility.说明蚕宝口服液具有延寿、抗衰老的应用价值。2、A Study on Chewing Cycle for CMD Patients颅颌功能紊乱者咀嚼运动轨迹的研究3、a graphical record of the cardiac cycle produced by an electrocardiograph.心电图仪产生的心脏循环的图形记录。4、Inhibition Effect of DON on Cell Cycle Activation in Wheat Embryo CellsDON抑制小麦种胚细胞周期启动的研究5、Is cycle count frequency for components, WIP and finished goods appropriate for this product?对于零部件,在制品以及成品的库存盘点频率是否符合产品要求?6、Longer duty cycle for the same output power results in lower peak currents on the primary side.更大的占空比实现同样的输出功率可以使用更低的一次侧峰值电流。













cycle什么意思 cycle的翻译

1、n. 循环;周期;自行车;整套;一段时间。 2、vt. 使循环;使轮转。 3、vi. 循环;骑自行车;轮转。 4、[ 过去式 cycled 过去分词 cycled 现在分词 cycling 复数 cycles 第三人称单数 cycles ]。 5、短语:life cycle 寿命周期;生存期。cell cycle 细胞周期。development cycle 开发周期。
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