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lovely可爱的:LOVELY,是一个英语单词,秀美动人的,有可爱的意思。cute可爱的:CUTE就是俗称蔻,也就是可爱,伶俐的,漂亮的,逗人喜爱的 ,但也有解释作装腔作势的,做作的...我们常常称赞美丽小巧的女孩cute哦。中国口语、网游、漫画等中常用同音“Q”简化cute,如“Q版”表示可爱风格的意思。beautiful美丽的:beautiful,英语形容词,意思是美丽的,漂亮的;出色的,完美的。handsome英俊的:handsome[ˈhænsəm],英语单词,意思是英俊的,漂亮的,a.(形体)好看,漂亮的;(男子)英俊的,风度翩翩的(女子)健美的(指五官显著,如眼大、鼻高、面颊饱满),一般表示俊男。fair白皙的:fair正式用词,多用于文学中,形容女子和儿童,侧重外表的美。curly 卷发的:curly是形容词,表示头发蜷曲的。比如褐色的蜷发,就可以翻译为curly, brown hair。ugly 丑陋的:ugly是一个英文单词,形容词译为丑陋的,难看的,有敌意的, 不祥的,名词译为丑陋的人(东西)。扩展资料:一,外貌描写:对人物外在特征 外貌、神态的描写。二,构成如下:容貌(面容长相,如五官等)         身材(高、矮、胖、瘦)         衣着(穿着打扮) 。神态   表情(喜、怒、哀、乐)。 1、抓住特点,描写人物的外貌。 ①、认真观察,努力发现人物的外貌特点。 ②、描写人物的外貌时,突出人物的外貌特点。 ③、描写最熟悉的人,由对方鉴定,提高描写外貌的能力。 2、描写人物外貌要有一定的顺序。可以概括主要特征,再具体描写;可以先从脸的上部写到下部;也可以先从主要特征写到次要特征。


如果有人在路上跟你说“you are so cute!”那你一定要回别人“thanks”,因为别人是在夸你。那么它到底是什么意思呢?跟着我一起学习吧! 简要回答 cute是一个英语单词,可以作形容词表示漂亮的,可爱的,聪明的等。 详细内容 cute: adj.漂亮的;可爱的;〈非 正式;主北美〉 聪明的;机智的;北美〉 性感迷人的;〈爱 尔兰;非正式〉 狡猾的;诡计多端的。 最高级:cutest. 比较级:cuter. 短语: cute kid 可爱的孩子。 cute baby 逗人喜爱的婴儿。 cute businessman 精明的商人。 cute operator 机灵鬼。 cute remarks 高论。 例句: 1,The two brothers were cute enough to find a couple of rich women and marry them. 兄弟俩都很会耍手段,找两个有钱女人结了婚。 2,A picture of a cute kitten. 可爱小猫咪的照片。 3,Check out those cute guys over there! 瞧那边那些性感的家伙! 4,I have had enough of your cute remarks. 你那些高论我已经听腻了。

cute是什么意思英文 怎么理解cute

1、CUTE就是俗称Q,也就是可爱,伶俐的,漂亮的,逗人喜爱的 ,但也有解释作装腔作势的,做作的。我们常常称赞美丽小巧的女孩cute。2、cute的意思也可以是帅,纯帅,就是单纯的很帅!3、中国口语、网游、漫画等中常用同音“Q”简化cute,如“Q版”表示可爱风格的意思。




cute 汉语意思是什么?



cute的意思是可爱。一、发音英 [kjuːt];美 [kjuːt]二、中文翻译adj.可爱的;漂亮迷人的;精明的;机灵的三、形式比较级:cuter 最高级:cutest派生词:cutely adv.、cuteness n.四、短语搭配cute meet 浪漫的邂逅Cute series 可爱系列cute baby 可爱的婴儿五、双语例句1.There is a lovely cat in my home.我家里有一只可爱的小猫。2.Look at that cute rabbit.看那只机灵可爱的兔子。


cute是我们在英语中常用的一个单词,但是很多同学对于cute这个单词还不是很了解,那么cute的中文意思是什么呢?下面是我给大家带来的cute是什么意思_cute的中文翻译,以供大家参考,我们一起来看看吧! ▼ cute是什么意思 作形容词: 漂亮的;娇小可爱的;机灵的 英语音标: 英 [kju:t] 美 [kjut] ▼ cute的比较级和最高级 比较级: cuter 最高级: cutest ▼ cute的 短语 搭配 so cute 好可爱;很有趣;好帅 cute kid 可爱的孩子 ▼ cute的英语例句 1. She wasn"t beautiful. But she was kind of cute. 她不漂亮。但她有几分可爱。 2. There was this girl, and I thought she was really cute. 就是这个女孩,我认为她非常性感。 3. I got off with a cute boy from Nottingham. 我与诺丁汉的一位帅小伙儿交往过。 4. Oh, look at that dog! He"s so cute. 哦,看看那条狗!它太可爱了。 5. That"s a cute trick. 这是个设计巧妙的骗局。 6. a cute little baby 逗人喜爱的小宝宝 7. Leila kept smiling her outrageously cute smile. 莱拉脸上始终挂着非常可爱的笑容. 8. The little girl is very cute. 那个小女孩非常聪明. 9. What a cute baby she is! 她是多么逗人喜爱的婴儿 啊 ! 10. The baby is very cute. 这小娃娃挺好玩儿. 11. The baby is plump and very cute. 那个婴儿白白胖胖的,十分可爱. 12. She is a cute little baggage. 她是一个娇小可爱的女郎. 13. The President, trying to be cute, said his liberal arts education had not really prepared him for such complicated issues as this. 总统故作精明地说道,自己所接受的文科 教育 并不能使自己有能力应付如此复杂的问题。 14. " I think it"s cute,"said Mrs. Wilson enthusiastically. " How much is it? " “ 我觉得它真好玩, ” 威尔逊太太热烈地说, “ 多少钱? ” 15. The prominent transient drowned in beer. That would be a cute death. 了不起的流浪汉在啤酒里淹死, 这倒是个怪有趣儿的死法. cute意思的相关 文章 : ★ cute是什么意思 ★ 漂亮的英文单词是什么 ★ cute lovely是什么意思 ★ cute的反义词是什么及如何造句 ★ fat的反义词是什么中文意思及例句 ★ super cute是什么意思 ★ 好看的中英文混搭网名 ★ 小学英语毕业总复习 ★ 最新小学四年级英语上册知识点 ★ 中英文互译短篇文章 var _hmt = _hmt || []; (function() { var hm = document.createElement("script"); hm.src = ""; var s = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(hm, s); })();


cute是个英文单词,作为形容词使用,意思是:可爱的;漂亮迷人的;有性吸引力的;性感的;精明的。 在不少的外国影视剧当中,很多观众经常会看到cute这个英文单词的出现,究竟这是什么意思呢?是作为动词还是形容词来使用,下面让我们一起去了解吧。 详细内容 01 Oh, look at that dog! He"s so cute. 哦,看看那条狗!它太可爱了。 There was this girl, and I thought she was really cute. 就是这个女孩,我认为她非常性感。 The President, trying to be cute, said his liberal arts education had not really prepared him for such complicated issues as this 总统故作精明地说道,自己所接受的文科教育并不能使自己有能力应付如此复杂的问题。 02 That"s a cute trick. 这是个设计巧妙的骗局。 She wasn"t beautiful. But she was kind of cute 她不漂亮。但她有几分可爱。 I got off with a cute boy from Nottingham. 我与诺丁汉的一位帅小伙儿交往过。 03 The baby is very cute. 这小娃娃挺好玩儿。 The baby is plump and very cute. 那个婴儿白白胖胖的,十分可爱。 04 I have a beautiful wife and a cute baby. 我有一位美丽的妻子和一个可爱的儿子。 I brought you that cute little dress. 我给你带了件特可爱的小衣服。 She very clever and cute. 她非常聪明和可爱。 05 I got the cat which is very cute. 我得到了一只很可爱的猫。 He"s cute, but I think he"s married. 他是蛮可爱的,不过我想他已经结婚了。 He went for a walk with his cute dog last month. 上个月他和他可爱的狗去散步了。


cute的意思是可爱的、漂亮迷人的、有吸引力的、精明的。比较级:cuter。最高级:cutest。派生词:cutely、cuteness。示例:1、She wasn"t beautiful.But she was kind of cute.她不漂亮。但她有几分可爱。2、The President,trying to be cute,said his liberal arts education had not really prepared him for such complicated issues as this.总统故作精明地说道,自己所接受的文科教育并不能使自己有能力应付如此复杂的问题。3、Also,many parents think their little daughter looks cute in pink.而且,许多父母认为他们的小女儿穿粉红色很可爱。4、Five cute cats here want homes.这里有五只可爱的猫想要家。


  cute既能做名词也能做形容词,那么你知道cute做名词和动词分别都是什么意思吗?下面我为大家带来cute的英语意思和相关用法,欢迎大家一起学习!   cute的英语音标   英 [kju:t]   美 [kjut]   cute作名词的意思   n.[the cutes] [口语]忸怩作态,矫揉造作   cute作形容词的意思   adj. 漂亮的; 娇小可爱的;   cute的 近义词   lovely   cute的词汇搭配   Cute Meet 浪漫的邂逅 ; 巧遇 ; 浪漫的相逢 ; 可爱满足   CUTE SERIES 可爱系列   cute pncretitis 急性胰腺炎   Cute PAD 优优   cute rats 精灵鼠来宝   cute tonsillitis 急性扁桃体炎   cute boy 漂亮宝贝 ; 可爱的男孩 ; 可爱的小男孩 ; 最美不过孩子   cute ppendicitis 急性阑尾炎 ; 急性盲肠炎   cute girls 我爱 ; 可爱的女孩 ;   cute的英语例句   1. She wasn"t beautiful. But she was kind of cute.   她不漂亮。但她有几分可爱。   2. There was this girl, and I thought she was really cute.   就是这个女孩,我认为她非常性感。   3. I got off with a cute boy from Nottingham.   我与诺丁汉的一位帅小伙儿交往过。   4. Oh, look at that dog! He"s so cute.   哦,看看那条狗!它太可爱了。   5. That"s a cute trick.   这是个设计巧妙的骗局。   6. a cute little baby   逗人喜爱的小宝宝   7. Leila kept smiling her outrageously cute smile.   莱拉脸上始终挂着非常可爱的笑容.   8. The little girl is very cute.   那个小女孩非常聪明.   9. What a cute baby she is!   她是多么逗人喜爱的婴儿 啊 !   10. The baby is very cute.   这小娃娃挺好玩儿.


cute就是俗称Q,也就是可爱,伶俐的,漂亮的,逗人喜爱的 ,但也有解释作装腔作势的,做作的。我们常常称赞美丽小巧的女孩cute。词形变化:副词:cutely形容词比较级:cuter最高级:cutest名词:cutenesscute的意思是可爱的。英 [kjuːt],美 [kjuːt]。adj.可爱的;漂亮迷人的;有性吸引力的;性感的;精明的;机灵的。比较级:cuter;最高级:cutest。双语例句1、They didn"t. From day two ( everyone wanted to walk the cute puppy that first day), neither thought to walk the dog. 他们没有。从第二天起(第一天两个人都想去遛可爱的小狗)就都不想遛狗了。2、So it was a great honour to be invited backstage at the not-for-profit Panda Base, where ticket money helps pay for research, I was allowed to get up close to these cute animals at the 600-acre centre. 所以我有幸受邀进入非营利性熊猫基地的后台去接触这些可爱的动物。这个中心占地600英亩,它的门票收入有助于支付研究费用。3、Five cute cats here want homes. 这里有五只可爱的猫想要家。4、A woman walks into a pet shop and sees a cute little dog. 一个妇人走进一家宠物店,看见一只很可爱的小狗。5、NEC says it has designed the robot 5 to be “ cute ”. 日本电气公司称已设计出一种小巧可爱的机器人5号。他会打瞌睡,说梦话。


cute的意思是可爱的。英 [kjuːt],美 [kjuːt]。adj.可爱的;漂亮迷人的;有性吸引力的;性感的;精明的;机灵的。比较级:cuter;最高级:cutest。双语例句1、They didn"t. From day two ( everyone wanted to walk the cute puppy that first day), neither thought to walk the dog. 他们没有。从第二天起(第一天两个人都想去遛可爱的小狗)就都不想遛狗了。2、So it was a great honour to be invited backstage at the not-for-profit Panda Base, where ticket money helps pay for research, I was allowed to get up close to these cute animals at the 600-acre centre. 所以我有幸受邀进入非营利性熊猫基地的后台去接触这些可爱的动物。这个中心占地600英亩,它的门票收入有助于支付研究费用。3、Five cute cats here want homes. 这里有五只可爱的猫想要家。4、A woman walks into a pet shop and sees a cute little dog. 一个妇人走进一家宠物店,看见一只很可爱的小狗。5、NEC says it has designed the robot 5 to be “ cute ”. 日本电气公司称已设计出一种小巧可爱的机器人5号。他会打瞌睡,说梦话。


cute是一个英语单词,可以作形容词表示漂亮的,可爱的,聪明的等。 如果有人在路上跟你说“you are so cute!”那你一定要回别人“thanks”,因为别人是在夸你。那么它到底是什么意思呢?跟着我一起学习吧! 详细内容 01 cute: adj.漂亮的;可爱的;〈非 正式;主北美〉 聪明的;机智的;北美〉 性感迷人的;〈爱 尔兰;非正式〉 狡猾的;诡计多端的。 最高级:cutest. 比较级:cuter. 02 短语: cute kid 可爱的孩子。 cute baby 逗人喜爱的婴儿。 cute businessman 精明的商人。 cute operator 机灵鬼。 cute remarks 高论。 03 例句: 1,The two brothers were cute enough to find a couple of rich women and marry them. 兄弟俩都很会耍手段,找两个有钱女人结了婚。 2,A picture of a cute kitten. 可爱小猫咪的照片。 3,Check out those cute guys over there! 瞧那边那些性感的家伙! 4,I have had enough of your cute remarks. 你那些高论我已经听腻了。


cute的意思是可爱的;性感的;精明的;漂亮迷人的;机灵的。 Cute短语: 1、cutemeet,意思是浪漫的邂逅,浪漫的相逢。 2、Actcute,意思是卖萌。 3、Youlookcuteinit,意思是你穿这件衣服真好看。 Cute句子: 1、Theyareverycuteanimals,意思是它们是非常可爱的动物。 2、Squirrelsareverycuteandinterestingwhiletheyarepeelingoffpinenuts,意思是:松鼠剥松果的样子真是可爱逗人。 3、Thatcuteboyalwaysmakesmeblushwhenhelooksatme,意思是:那个可爱的男孩看着我时总是让我脸红。

cut ,let ,put .hurt ,hit ,的过去式和过去分词怎么写?

都是不变化的 都是原型


sat washitstudiedplayed stoppedcutwatched


1. surrounded, surrounded2. placed, placed3. prosecuted, prosectued4. counted, counted5. littered, littered.6. threw, thrown7. covered, covered8. visited, visited

执行董事长(Executive Chairman)是个什么职位?

仅从美国公司法角度讲,Non-Executive Chairman是个虚职,董事会执行主席(Executive Chairman)则是实职,经常需要介入公司的日常管理活动,职责有-领导公司董事会-参与公司日常管理活动,帮助CEO监督公司现有业务的运行-参与制定公司现在和未来的各项发展计划

英翻中~~The Chairman of our dramatic society was in the middle of phoning me when we were cut off.

翻译:我们戏剧协会主席正与我通电话的时候,电话断线了。一、Chairman1、含义:n. 主席;会长;董事长。v. 担任 ... 的主席(议长)2、用法chairman的意思是“坐在椅子上主持会议的人”,即“主席”,也可指委员会的“委员长”,董事会的“董事长”。其复数形式为chairmen。chairman主要指男性,也可指女性。女主席还可说chairwoman。The chairman exhorted the party workers to take action.主席敦促党的工作人员采取行动。二、dramatic1、含义:adj. 戏剧性的;引人注目的;给人深刻印象的;激动人心的。dramatics: n.;戏剧作品;戏剧艺术;戏剧性的行为2、用法16世纪80年代进入英语,直接源自晚期拉丁语的dramaticus;最初源自古希腊语的dramatikos,意为和戏剧相关的。Her opening words were dramatic.她的开场白十分动听。三、phoning1、含义:vbl. 打电话给。动词phone的现在分词2、用法phone用作名词时意思是“电话”,转化为动词时意为“打电话”。phone既可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,常接人作宾语,也可接由that引导的从句作宾语。Why are you phoning at this ungodly hour (of the night)?你为什么在(夜里)这个时候打电话来?四、when1、含义:adv. 什么时候;当 ... 时。conj. 然后;可是;当 ... 时。pron. 什么时候。n. 时间2、用法when的基本意思是“什么时候”。可用作疑问副词,用来询问某事曾发生或将要发生的时间,引导特殊疑问句; 还可用作关系副词引导限制性定语从句、非限制性定语从句和表语从句,表示“是…时候的事”。When did that happen?那件事是什么时候发生的?五、cut 1、含义:v. 切;割;剪;削减;伤害;切牌。n. 切口;切;式样;剪辑2、用法cut的基本意思是“切,割,剪”,指用带刃的工具将物体分开,常带有副词,说明切割的程序或目的。引申可表示为“削减”“挖成”“刻成”“与…相交”“使(某人)感到疼痛或痛苦”“缺席”“停止”等。Don"t cut your finger on the broken glass.别让碎玻璃割伤你的手。

omg ! bennie is so cute! i love kitties. they ar

omg ! bennie is so cute! i love kitties. they arOMG!你是如此的可爱!我喜欢小猫。他们是so adorable when they这么可爱的时候

这句英语语法对吗?The tree hugger was cut into two with the tree by the timberjack with a chainsaw

with the tree 有点多余。

财务英语中 看到这个词 executive airplanes 是什么意思


execution trace是什么意思

当前位置:在线翻译 > 英语翻译 > execution trace execution trace是什么意思中文翻译手机版执行追踪 execution: n. 1.实行,履行,执行;贯彻。 2.执行死刑;强制执 ... trace: n. (马车等的)挽绳,挽车的皮带;【机械工程】连动杆; ... 例句与用法1. The level , normal , shows no esql execution trace at all正常级别一点也不显示esql的执行。 2. Include execution trace messages“包含执行跟踪消息” 3. To write execution trace messages to the sql server agent error log将执行跟踪消息写入到sql server代理错误日志中4. This topic describes how to configure microsoft sql server agent to include execution trace messages in its error log本主题介绍如何配置microsoft sql server代理以在其错误日志中包含执行跟踪消息。



low-cut filter是什么意思



英文原文:hat,flag,net,hen,kid,dish,cross,rock,cut,luck英式音标:[hæt] , [flæg] , [net] , [hen] , [kɪd] , [dɪʃ] , [krɒs] , [rɒk] , [kʌt] , [lʌk] 美式音标[hæt] , [flæg] , [nɛt] , [hɛn] , [kɪd] , [dɪʃ] , [krɔs] , [rɑk] , [kʌt] , [lʌk]

cut中的c和kite中的k是 同音词吗?





你确定是excutive chief,而不是chief excutive?chief excutive首席执行官,行政总裁,总统

cute、 those、 these这三个单词结尾的e发什么音?

cute ,those ,these 这三个单词中最后一个字母e都不发音

cut in love是什么意思啊 准确的


bilibili cut什么意思

cut 英[kʌt] 美[kʌt] vt. 将(某物)切开(或分割); vt. 削减; 切成; 剪切; 删剪; vi. 电影; (为决定谁先出牌等) 切牌; 可被切割; 可用于切割; [例句]Mrs. Haines stood nearby, holding scissors to cut a ribbon海恩斯夫人站在旁边,手持剪刀准备剪彩。[其他] 第三人称单数:cuts 现在分词:cutting 过去式:cut 过去分词:cut





cut down a star with your scissors是什么意思



1、动词。削减,缩减,缩短;切,剪,削,砍,割;切断,停拍,修剪,刺伤; 2、名词。削减, 减少;式样, 款式; 3、形容词。切过的,削减的,割下的,切下的,剪下的,雕过的,磨过的,加工过的,修过的,剪过的。

cut down a star with your scissors是什么意思


she is using scissors to cut paper的意思是什么?



请出示证件证件 [ zhèng jiàn ] 生词本基本释义 详细释义 [ zhèng jiàn ]证明身份、经历等的文件,如学生证、工作证、毕业证书等。



scissors中文是什么? 疼痛的英语单词是________ I cut _____ scissors.

剪刀Ouch---- with

cut out 虚拟语气should造句


capability ability capacy和facuty区别

ability(能力)指智力或体力上的能力,主要指人。这种能力可能是先天的,也可能是通过学习或锻炼等方法而获得的。A pilot has the ability to fly his plane through a storm. 飞行员有驾驶飞机穿过暴风雨的本领。He shows considerable ability in organization. 他表现出相当强的组织能力。其反义词是: disability,inability,incapability,incapacitycapability(能力)意义与ability相同,可指人或物。复数形式指潜在的能力。The task is beyond his capabilities. 他不能胜任这项任务。I don t think that boy has great capabilities. 我认为那孩子没有多大潜力。The country has the capability to defeat the aggressor. 这个国家有能力击败任何侵略者。其反义词是: inability ,incapability,incompetencecapacity:容量, 生产量, 容量, 智能, 才能, 能力, 接受力, 地位。capacity用在制造业和商业上,通常就是指生产和承受能力。 如:transport capacity 运输能力 transmission capacity 输送容量 sorption capacity 吸附能力,吸附容量 seating capacity 座(位)数;容纳量 parking capacity 停车容量faculty:才能, 本领, 能力, 全体教员, (大学的)系, 科, (授予的)权力。①能力:任何正常的能力或功能,尤指精神上的能力;②〔大学〕教工:学院或大学的教授和讲师的同仁组织或团体 如:comprehensive faculty 理解力 the medical faculty 医界同人 the imaginative faculty 想象力 a constructive faculty 组织力,建设力 the students and faculty 全院师生 the faculty of memory 记忆力ability是可通过练习或锻炼获得的,而capability指的是固有的能力,它与练习或锻炼无关。如:I do not doubt his ability to do the work. He has the capability to benefit from university education. 第一句的ability是指通过训练或工作磨炼而获得的“能力”,而第二句的capability则是指"天赋之才",与后天无关。仔细一点儿就可以看到,capacity着重指容量;capability着重指性能;ability着重指身体的能力,能量;faculty着重指全体教员,指人。=========望采纳


acute的意思、解释adj.acute 基本解释形容词尖的,锐的; 敏锐的,敏感的; 严重的,剧烈的; [医]急性的acute的翻译acute 相关例句形容词1. acute什么意思1. She still has very acute hearing, though she is eighty years old.尽管她已经八十岁了,但她的听觉仍然很灵敏。2. acute的近义词2. She complained of acute pains in her chest.她自诉胸部剧痛。3. acute3. He fell ill with acute appendicitis.他得了急性阑尾炎。4. acute的解释4. He is a man of acute intelligence.他非常聪颖。5. It is urgent that the acute problem of air pollution in the city be solved.该城市空气污染这一严重问题急须解决。acute 网络解释1. 敏锐的:说话者说出和理解话语的认知过程反映出一般认知能力的敏锐的(acute )专业化过程. 语言能力是一个结构有序的由有意义的语言构式组成的清单库. 语言能力是认知能力不可分割的一部分,它与社会、文化、心理、交际、功能相互作用.2. 锐角:99se自动布线后产生大量的锐角(acute)违规,大家是怎么处理的? 回复数:3,点击数:525快速回复帖子主题:99se自动布线后产生大量的锐角(acute)违规,大家是怎么处理的?acute 双语例句1. Effects of Proportional assist ventilation on inspiratory muscle effort in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and acute respiratory failure[J]. Anesthesiology, 1997, 86:79-91.[10] Ranieti VM, Giuliani R, Mascia L, et al.在Schulze A的实验中,单独对容量信号进行放大可显著减少正常和急性肺损伤猫膈神经冲动,而单独对流速信号进行放大对正常和急性肺损伤猫膈神经冲动无显著影响[4]。2. [Objective]Three miniSTR loci D10S1248, D14S1434 and D22S1045 were investigated, and applied to study the correlation between acute cerebral infarction and the miniSTR.[目的]探讨miniSTR基因座D10S1248、D14S1434和D22S1045与急性脑梗死的相关性。3.3. Aim: To detect the efect of sepsis on fatty acid binding proteins levels and corresponding enzymes in lung and intestine of mice, and to explore the role for FABP in acute inflammation.目的:研究脓毒症对肺肠组织脂肪酸结合蛋白水平及相关酶活性的影响,探讨FABP在急性炎症反应中的作用。4. acute的近义词4. To prove the clinical value of metal titanic clips in the treatment of acute gastrointestinal bleeding.目的验证金属钛夹在急性消化道出血的临床应用价值。5. Objective To prove the clinical value of metal titanic clips in the treatment of acute gastrointestinal bleeding.目的 探讨金属钛夹治疗急性消化道出血的适应症和疗效。6. The chloropyllin disclosing solution can stain mediastinal lymph node quickly with no acute toxic adverse reaction.叶绿酸显示液能够迅速显色纵隔淋巴结,且无急性毒副作用。7.7. AIM:The effects of Tetrandrine on acute complete cerebral ischemia-reperfusion injury in rats were studied.目的:研究粉防己碱对大鼠急性全脑缺血再灌注时脑血流量的影响。8. acute什么意思8. Objective:To evaluate the effect of brain natriuretic peptide level on risk stratification in acute coronary syndrome. Methods:By using ELISA, the plasma concentration of BNP in eighty patients with AMI was tested, and was compared with control of 30 healthy adults.用酶联免役吸附法检测120例ACS患者[分为ST抬高心肌梗死组、无ST抬高心肌梗死组和不稳定心绞痛组]入院和出院时血浆BNP水平,并与30例正常健康人作对照,随访观察6个月。9. objective:to evaluate the effect of brain natriuretic peptide level on risk stratification in acute coronary syndrome. methods:by using elisa, the plasma concentration of bnp in eighty patients with ami was tested, and was compared with control of 30 healthy adults. results:the plasma bnp concentration of ami patients was significantly higher than that in patients with unstable angina and bnp level of uap group was higher than that of control group(p.05 all).the bnp level was significantly higher in patients with cardiovascular accidental events than that without(p.05).after treatment the bnp level significantly decreased(p.05).conclusion:the plasma bnp concentration significantly increases, and is a good index for risk stratification in patients with acute coronary syndrome.目的:探讨血浆脑钠素水平与急性冠脉综合征预后的关系。方法:用酶联免役吸附法检测120例acs患者[分为st抬高心肌梗死组、无st抬高心肌梗死组和不稳定心绞痛组]入院和出院时血浆bnp水平,并与30例正常健康人作对照,随访观察6个月。结果:血浆bnp水平:acs患者stemi组、nstemi组的明显高于uap组,uap组的高于对照组(p.05;发生心衰、死亡患者的血浆bnp水平高于未发生者(p.05;acs患者经过治疗后血浆bnp水平低于治疗前(p.05。结论:acs 患者血浆bnp水平明显升高,血浆bnp水平是acs患者预后的预测因子,亦可作为判断acs患者疗效及指导治疗的指标。10. Without fat, lip skin is very gentle and acute, specially sensitive to external stimulate.没有脂肪保护的唇部肌肤是非常娇嫩的,因此对外来的刺激特别敏感。11. Typical MR findings of acute apicitis include low T1 signal and high T2 signal with rim enhancement.急性岩尖炎典型的MR表现包括T1低信号、T2高信号,并环状强化。12.12. We talked with each other until the diner time unconsciously. We worried about that he could not bear the long time speaking. We all knew that he has the acute diabetes so polite to turn down the invitation to the supper and farewell to the couple.不知不觉,我们攀聊已近黄昏,徐岩患有比较严重的糖尿病,我们担心他的身体熬不住这么长时间的谈话,于是在晚饭的时候,婉然谢绝了老俩口邀我们一起吃晚饭的盛情,匆匆告别了。13. acute13. Objective To investigate under local anesthesia ureteral lithotripsy for the treatment of urinary tract stones of acute obstructive renal failure effectiveness and safety.目的 探讨局麻下输尿管弹道碎石术治疗上尿路结石梗阻并发急性梗阻性肾功能衰竭的有效性及安全性。方法急诊局麻下应用输尿管镜直视下气压弹道碎石术治疗上尿路结石梗14.14. Objective To investigate under local anesthesia ureteral lithotripsy for the treatment of urinary tract stones of acute obstructive renal failure effectiveness and safety. Methods Application the local anesthesia emergency pneumatic ureteroscopic lithotripsy for the treatment of urinary stone obstructive renal failure in 12 cases.目的 探讨局麻下输尿管弹道碎石术治疗上尿路结石梗阻并发急性梗阻性肾功能衰竭的有效性及安全性方法急诊局麻下应用输尿管镜直视下气压弹道碎石术治疗上尿路结石梗阻性肾功能衰竭12例。15. Objective: To observe therapeutic effects of severe acute left heart failure with face mask mechanical ventilation.目的:研究经面罩机械通气对重症急性左心衰竭患者的治疗效果。16. Objective: To explore the clinical character of acute myocardial infarction complicated with acute left heart failure.目的:探讨急性心肌梗死合并急性左心衰竭的临床特点。17. Objective: To explore the effect on acute left heart failure with nursing intervention in noninvasive ventilation.目的探讨护理干预对无创性机械通气在急性左心衰竭病人中的效果观察。18.18. Objective:To investigate the therapeutic efficacy of Noninvasive Positive Pressure Ventilation in acute left heart failure.目的:观察机械通气治疗急性左心衰的疗效。19. ObjectiveTo investigate the practical value of non-invasive positive pressure ventilation in the treatment of acute left heart failure.目的探讨无创正压通气在治疗急性左心衰竭中的应用价值。20. Abstract] Objective To research the effect of extremity rehabilitation nursing on functional recovery and activitiy of daily living in acute cerebral apoplexy patients.目的 探讨早期康复护理对急性脑卒中患者功能恢复程度和日常生活活动能力的影响。acute 词典解释1. (情况)严重的;(感觉)强烈的You can use acute to indicate that an undesirable situation or feeling is very severe or intense.acutee.g. The war has aggravated an acute economic crisis...战争加剧了原本已很严重的经济危机。e.g. The report has caused acute embarrassment to the government...报告将政府置于窘境。2. 急性的An acute illness is one that becomes severe very quickly but does not last very long.e.g. ...a patient with acute rheumatoid arthritis.患急性风湿性关节炎的病人e.g. acute case of dysentery.急性痢疾病例3. (感官)灵敏的If a person"s or animal"s sight, hearing, or sense of smell is acute, it is sensitive and powerful.e.g. In the dark my sense of hearing becomes so acute.黑暗中我的听觉变得异常灵敏。4. 敏锐的;有洞察力的If you say that someone is acute or has an acute mind, you mean that they are quick to notice things and are able to understand them clearly.acute什么意思e.g. Into her nineties, her thinking remained acute and her character forceful...虽已年届九旬,她依然头脑敏锐,个性很强。e.g. His relaxed exterior hides an extremely acute mind.他表面上大大咧咧,内心却无比敏锐。acutenessEverything he writes demonstrates the acuteness of his intelligence.从他的文笔可以看出他思维敏捷。5. 锐角的An acute angle is less than 90°.6. (标在元音等上面的符号)尖音的,重音的An acute accent is a symbol that is placed over vowels in some languages in order to indicate how that vowel is pronounced or over one letter in a word to indicate where it is stressed. You refer to a letter with this accent as, for example, e acute. For example, there is an acute accent over the letter "e" in the French word "café".acute 单语例句1. The Duchess of Cambridge left a London hospital Thursday after being treated for acute morning sickness related to her pregnancy.2. The people of Wenzhou are renowned in China as acute, canny business people who can turn their hand to any trade profitably.3. " Arts is an acute reflection of identity, " Low says.4. Her works express fresh visual images and a clearly individual artistic language, most obvious in her acute attunement with and masterful depiction of modern metropolitan youth culture.5. Because of the acute income disparity and low social security, the few rich spend very little and the many poor have very little to spend.6. Chinese consumers generally perceive TCM as more effective for disease and chronic illness prevention, and they view Western medicine as being more effective for acute and serious illnesses.7. Reports from international relief agencies indicate the country may face acute rice shortages because of the devastation wrought to agricultural land in the delta.8. China suffers acute energy bottlenecks that force many factories to work around scheduled power cuts during the peak summer months.9. The situation is likely to be compounded further by an acute storage squeeze, with new crop slated to arrive at the granaries in the next few weeks.10. Most of the youngsters have left to work outside the province, leaving mostly the elderly and the very young to face the acute water shortage.acute 英英释义noun1. a mark (") placed above a vowel to indicate pronunciationSynonym: acute accentagueadj1. having or experiencing a rapid onset and short but severe coursee.g. acute appendicitisthe acute phase of the illnessacute patients2. of critical importance and consequencee.g. an acute (or critical) lack of research funds3. extremely sharp or intensee.g. acute painfelt acute annoyanceintense itching and burningSynonym: intense4. having or demonstrating ability to recognize or draw fine distinctionse.g. an acute observer of politics and politiciansincisive commentsicy knifelike reasoningas sharp and incisive as the stroke of a fangpenetrating insightfrequent penetrative observationsSynonym: discriminatingincisivekeenknifelikepenetratingpenetrativepiercingsharp5. ending in a sharp pointSynonym: acuatesharpneedlelike6. of an angleless than 90 degrees



executive assistant是什么意思

executive assistant[英][iɡˈzekjutiv əˈsistənt][美][ɪɡˈzɛkjətɪv əˈsɪstənt]n.行政助理; 网络执行售货员; 形近词:Executive Assistant双语例句 1An executive assistant position utilizing my training and experience in an office administration environment.行政助理职位,能运用办公室管理方面的训练与经验。


enforce[in5fC:s]vt.强迫, 执行, 坚持, 加强enforce[in5fC:s]vt.实施, 执行强制, 迫使支持, 加强, 坚持 (要求, 主张等)enforce the law执行法律enforce silence强令安静enforce obedience on [from, upon] sb.强迫某人服从enforced education强迫教育, 义务教育enforce an argument [a demand]加强论点[坚持要求]enforceable[In`fR: sEbl]adj.可实施的, 可执行的可强行的, 可压服的(法律的)可强制服从的enforceability[in7fC:sE5biliti]n.enforcern.实施[强制]者流氓集团为维护黑纪律而设的执法人-civeenforce[in5fC:s]adj.enforceen.forceAHD:[µn-fôrs“, -f½rs“] D.J.[en6f%8s, -6f*&rs]K.K.[Wn6f%rs, -6fors],, To compel observance of or obedience to:enforce a regulation.To impose (a kind of behavior, for example); compel:enforce military discipline.To give force to; reinforce:“enforces its plea with a description of the pains of hell”(Albert C. Baugh)Middle English enforcen from Old French enforcier [to exert force, compel,] and from enforcir [to strengthen] en- [causative pref.] * see en- 1force [strength] * see force enforce“abil”ityn.enforce“ableadj.enforce“mentn.enforc“ern.enforce ,implement ,invoke The central meaning shared by these verbs is “to cause to be applied or carried out”: enforced the rules;implementing the terms of the agreement;invoke emergency powers. enforcecompeldriveexecuteforcemakeobligeenforce[In5fC:s]vt.enforced, enforcing推行,实施(法律等)The police enforce the law.警察执法。(与on连用)强迫,强制坚持,强调(要求、主张等)enforce 【WIN】实施 enforce强迫enforce n.予以强制执行 enforce n.予以强制执行 enforce vt.实施,强迫 perform[pE5fC:m]vt.履行, 执行, 表演, 演出v.完成任务perform[pE5fC:m]vt.履行, 执行, 完成(事业), 进行表演, 演奏, 演出perform one"s duties尽责任perform a play演一出戏The doctor performed the operation.医生进行手术。You should always perform what you promise.你应永远履行你的诺言。perform[pE5fC:m]vi.进行, 实行, 履行演出, 演奏, 表演perform in the role of扮演...角色performableadj.可执行的, 可完成的, 可演出的performer[pE5fC:mE(r)]n.执行者, 表演者, 演奏者; 能手, 选手performing[pE`fR:mIN]adj.performper.formAHD:[p…r-fôrm“] D.J.[p*6f%8m]K.K.[p+6f%rm]v.per.formed,,per.forms begin and carry through to completion; do:The surgeon performed the operation.To take action in accordance with the requirements of; fulfill:perform one"s contractual obligations.To enact (a feat or role) before an audience.To give a public presentation of; present:The theater group performed a three-act play.v.intr.To carry on; function:a car that performs well on curves.To fulfill an obligation or requirement; accomplish something as promised or expected.To portray a role or demonstrate a skill before an audience:The juggler performed atop a unicycle.To present a dramatic or musical work or other entertainment before an audience.Middle English performen from Anglo-Norman performer from Old French parfornir par- [intensive pref.] from Latin per- [per-] fournir [to furnish] * see furnish perform“ableadj.perform“ern.perform ,execute ,accomplish ,achieve ,effect ,fulfill ,discharge These verbs signify to carry through to completion. To perform is to carry out an action, an undertaking, or a procedure;the word often connotes observance of due form or the exercise of skill or care: The ship"s captain performed the wedding ceremony.The orchestra and chorus performed an Easter oratorio.Sophisticated laser experiments are performed regularly in the laboratory.Execute implies performing a task or putting something into effect in accordance with a plan or design: “To execute laws is a royal office;to execute orders is not to be a king” (Edmund Burke). The violinist had the technical skill to execute the cadenza, with its double stops and harmonics, with brilliance.Accomplish connotes the successful completion of something,often of something that requires tenacity or talent: “Make one brave push and see what can be accomplished in a week” (Robert Louis Stevenson). He accomplished his purpose, the rapid acquisition of enormous profits, only by making risky investments. Toachieve is to accomplish something especially by dint of effort or despite difficulty; the term often implies a significant result: “Some are born great . . . Some achieve greatness . . . And some have greatness thrust upon them” (Shakespeare). Greater benefits can be achieved through diplomatic channels than by acts of aggression.Effect suggests the power of an agent to bring about a desired result: Even the antibiotics the doctor prescribed didn"t effect a complete cure. Tofulfill is to live up to expectations or satisfy demands, wishes, or requirements: It is unrealistic to hope that all one"s desires can be fulfilled.She fulfilled her obligations to her parents. Todischarge an obligation or duty is to perform all the steps necessary for its fulfillment: “I have found it impossible to carry the heavy burden of responsibility and to discharge my duties as King as I would wish to do” (Edward VIII).performper-彻底,完全+form形状。造成完全的形状即为完成,执行performaccomplishachieveactcarry outdoexecutetransactneglectperform[pE5fC:m]vt., vi.做;实行to perform a task做一工作执行;履行表演;演(剧)The singer performed beautifully.这个歌手唱得好极了。The children performed a play.孩子们演了一出剧。指挥;举行(仪式)操作;表现perform 【动】执行,完成 perform n.履行 perform n.履行 perform n.作,实行;vt.执行,做,运行,表演 execute[5eksikju:t]vt.执行, 实行, 完成, 处死, 制成, [律]经签名盖章等手续使(证书)生效Executevt. -cuted, -cuting 执行;实行execute[5eksikju:t]vt.实行, 实施, 执行; 完成, 实现, 履行签字盖章, 签发, 使生效处决[死]编制, 操纵作成, 制成(艺术品等)演奏; 演戏【律】让渡(财产)execute a command执行命令execute one"s duties [office]尽职execute a piece of work完成一件工作execute a plan实施计划execute a purpose达到目的execute instruction执行指令execute an order接受订货execute a contract在合同上签字execute the part of Hamlet扮演哈姆雷特execute a piece of music演奏一首乐曲 summarily executed就地正法, 当场处决见killexecuteex.e.cuteAHD:[µk“s¹-ky›t”] D.J.[6eks!7kju8t]K.K.[6Wks!7kjut],,ex.e.cutes To put into effect; carry out:a government that executes the decisions of the ruling party.To perform; do:execute a U-turn.See Synonyms at perform To create (a work of art, for example) in accordance with a prescribed design.To make valid, as by signing:execute a deed.To perform or carry out what is required by:execute the terms of a will.To put to death, especially by carrying out a lawful sentence.Computer Science To run (a program or an instruction).Middle English executen from Old French executer from Medieval Latin exec¿t&2{³re} from Latin exec¿tor [executor] from exec¿tus [past participle of] exequº, exsequº ex- [ex-] sequº [to follow] * see sek w- 1ex“ecut”ableadj.ex“ecut”ern.execute源自拉丁语exequi<ex-强意+sequi追随executeaccomplishcarry outcompletedokillperformput to deathexecute[5eksIkju:t]vt.-cuted, -cuting执行;实行The manager assistant came here to execute a few small commissions for the manager.经理助理到这里来是代替经理办几件小事的。使(遗嘱)生效;实施He asked his nephew to execute his will.他请自己的侄子执行遣嘱。处死execute a murderer处死一凶手execute【动】执行1.In programming, to change the state of a computer in accordance with the rules of the operations it recognizes.在编程中,依照计算机能识别的操作规则改变它的状态。 2.To perform the execution of an instruction or of a computer program. | 完成一条指令或一个计算机程序的(执行)过程。execute 【动】执行,运行[EX] execute让渡财产,签名使契据生效,施行,履行execute n.执行 execute签名使契据生效,施行,让渡财产execute n.执行 execute n.执行,履行;vt.实行,签字盖章,编制,处决

perform and execute 的区别.

perform[pE5fC:m]vt.履行, 执行, 表演, 演出v.完成任务execute[5eksikju:t]vt.执行, 实行, 完成, 处死, 制成, [律]经签名盖章等手续使(证书)生效


recital [ri"saitəl]n.1. 背诵;朗诵2. 叙述;详述;述说之事;故事3. (音乐)演奏会(尤指独奏会);(常指舞蹈学员表演的)舞蹈演出会4. 【法律】(契约等中)陈述事实的部分condition [kən"diʃən]n.1. 状态;状况,形势,情势;现状2. 健康情况3. 特殊情况,特定环境4. 地位,身份5. 条件;先决条件,前提;必要条件6. (协议、规章等的)条款,条项7. [口语](身体的)不正常情况,失调,违和;疾病8. 【法律】(契约、遗嘱中的)条款,条件;规定9. [美国英语](大学课程的)补考;补考科目10. 【语法学】条件从句11. 【逻辑学】(命题的)前提12. [废语]气质,性格,品质;特性,特征vt.1. 使习惯于,使适应:She soon conditioned the children to the cold weather.她很快就使孩子们适应了寒冷的天气。2. 作为…的条件;规定;决定;限制,约束:My expenditure is conditioned by my income.我的支出取决于我的收入。3. 置于适当情况,使处于正常状态:You need to condition yourself if you are to play in the football match on Saturday.如果你要参加星期六的足球比赛,就需要把你自己调整到最佳状态。4. [美国英语]【教育】要求(学生)补考;给…不及格分数:They were conditioned in chemistry.他们得补考化学。5. 【心理学】引起条件反射,使形成条件反射execution [,eksi"kju:ʃən]n.1. 实行;尤指履行,执行,贯彻,完成;实现,实施,施行处死刑,处决;死刑2. 制作;演奏,扮演(角色);表演;技巧;手法3. (武器等的)破坏效果,杀伤力4. 【法律】(授权将判决付诸实施的)执行令状situation [,sitju"eiʃən; -tʃu-]n.1. 环境2. 形势,局面,事态3. 地点,位置4. 场所,场地5. (人的)情况,境况;状态6.(戏剧、小说等的)紧要关头,关键场面[英国英语](演员间的)形体场面(或位置)7. [书面语]职业;职务8. 危险局面;困难处境9. 【心理学】情境望采纳!

executive secretary和普通的secretary有什么区别?

excecutive secretary 就是执行秘书,行政秘书,总经理秘书的意思而secretary 就是秘书的意思,但是看起来前者好像就是大一点的吧,不过这个也是视情况而定的

executive secretary是什么意思

这个是 执行秘书 的意思

cut with the knife是什么意思


Knife-cut noodles是什么意思? Ravioli是什么意思?


cut with the knife是什么意思


cut it with a knife是什么意思


cut with the knife是什么意思


A knife is a tool for cutting with.什么意思

你肯定是对for cutting with有疑问。这个短语可以理解为for cutting with it,it就是指knife.这样说是为了避免歧义(语感)。如果说for cutting,那可以理解成:“小刀是用来被割的工具”。

executive labor 是什么意思?


executive ; union ; cautious 这英语用谐音怎么读?



make made madecut是原型过去式grew 过去分词grown

cut read swim take eat rise give set go speak过去式 过去分词

cut过去式 过去分词原型read过去式 过去分词原型swim过去式swam过去分词swumtake过去式took过去分词takeneat过去式ate过去分词eatenrise过去式rose过去分词risengive过去式gave过去分词givenset过去式 过去分词原型go过去式went过去分词gonespeak过去式spoke过去分词spoken



tax cut multiplier怎么计算?

首先要搞清楚,既然有了multiplier了,怎么还会有 tax cut multiplier?因为tax cut之后剩下来的钱,也是有mpc的,并不是省下来的钱都会花掉。那tcm的计算方法就是expenditure multiplier乘mpc


getting feeling teaching winning losing reading writing forgetting saying spelling throwing putting cutting setting

advertising executive是什么意思


cut tape是什么意思?


pork cutlet bowl 什么意思

pork cutlet bowl 炸猪排碗

put down放下 shut down把…关上 cut down砍掉 come down下来、落下 sit down坐下 writ


macos catalina10.15.7能安装final cut pro吗

macos catalina10.15.7能安装final cut pro。fcp7是32bit的软件,10.13系统放弃了32bit软件的支持,只能降10.12。这有一个大前提,你使用的是苹果的MAC系统。现在80%以上的人买来苹果笔记本因为不习惯苹果系统,都装了win系统,如果你是苹果笔记本,但是是win系统,那就装不了,FCP只能装在苹果的MAC系统里面。OS X/macOS:为了挽救这种情况,Mac OS X使用基于BSD Unix的内核,并带来Unix风格的内存管理和先占式多工(pre-emptive multitasking)。大大改进内存管理,允许同时运行更多软件,而且实质上消除了一个程序崩溃导致其它程序崩溃的可能性。这也是首个包括“命令行”模式的Mac OS,除非执行单独的“终端”(terminal)程序,否则你可能永远也见不到。但是,这些新特征需要更多的系统资源,按官方的说法Mac OS X只能支持G3以上的新处理器(它在早期的G3处理器上执行起来比较慢)。

macos catalina10.15.7能安装final cut pro吗

macos catalina10.15.7能安装final cut pro。fcp7是32bit的软件,10.13系统放弃了32bit软件的支持,只能降10.12。这有一个大前提,你使用的是苹果的MAC系统。现在80%以上的人买来苹果笔记本因为不习惯苹果系统,都装了win系统,如果你是苹果笔记本,但是是win系统,那就装不了,FCP只能装在苹果的MAC系统里面。OS X/macOS:为了挽救这种情况,Mac OS X使用基于BSD Unix的内核,并带来Unix风格的内存管理和先占式多工(pre-emptive multitasking)。大大改进内存管理,允许同时运行更多软件,而且实质上消除了一个程序崩溃导致其它程序崩溃的可能性。这也是首个包括“命令行”模式的Mac OS,除非执行单独的“终端”(terminal)程序,否则你可能永远也见不到。但是,这些新特征需要更多的系统资源,按官方的说法Mac OS X只能支持G3以上的新处理器(它在早期的G3处理器上执行起来比较慢)。




cock(这里指的是阴茎):8“(8英寸)cut(这个应该是表示割过包皮) 如果有不对的请指正

adorable 和 cute 这两个可爱有什么区别

adorable一般是长辈用来形容孩子完美.CUTE 是指那种让人看了会心一笑的可爱


adorable这个英语单词一般是长辈用于形容孩子的,而cute这个英语单词的适用范围更加广泛,用于形容一般意义上的可爱与漂亮。 扩展资料  adorable和cute的单词含义  adorable这个英语单词的词性是形容词,它的意思是可爱的,可敬重的,值得崇拜的`。  cute这个英语单词的词性同样是形容词,单词含义为可爱的,漂亮的,聪明的,伶俐的。


adorable这个英语单词的词性是形容词,它的意思是可爱的,可敬重的,值得崇拜的。cute这个英语单词的词性同样是形容词,单词含义为可爱的,漂亮的,聪明的,伶俐的。Don"t hassle me about my adorable little Tigger and Kate.可不要拿我可爱的小跳跳虎和凯特来开玩笑啊。These adorable tree-hugging animals feed on eucalyptus tree leaves.这些可爱的抱树动物以油加利树的树叶为食。Isn"t she a cute baby!她是个多么逗人喜爱的孩子啊!Leila kept smiling her outrageously cute smile.莱拉脸上始终挂着非常可爱的笑容。

lovely,cute ,adorable三者有什么区别

cute 多用于口语,修饰人,多放在系动词(be)后面做表语lovely用于正式语 ,可修饰人或物,多用作定语adorable 多用于口语,多指可爱极了,比CUTE程度深


adorable这个英语单词一般是长辈用于形容孩子的,而cute这个英语单词的适用范围更加广泛,用于形容一般意义上的可爱与漂亮。 扩展资料  adorable和cute的单词含义  adorable这个英语单词的词性是形容词,它的意思是可爱的,可敬重的,值得崇拜的`。  cute这个英语单词的词性同样是形容词,单词含义为可爱的,漂亮的,聪明的,伶俐的。

根据画线部分的读音将下列单词分类 题目:fat bead cake nine hat music desk kite not cute game box

首先明确题目中各个发音:fat:[fæt] bead:[bi:d] cake :[keik] nine:[nain] hat :[hæt] music:["mju:zik]desk:[desk] kite:[kait] not:[nɔt] cute:[kju:t] game:[geim] box:[bɔks]再看问题1.face 中a发音为[ei] 所以跟cake,game 这两个单词中a发音一样2.bag 中a发音为[æ] 所以跟fat,hat 这两个单词中a发音一样3.student中u发音为[ju:] 所以跟music,cute这两个单词中u发音一样 中o发音为[ɔ] 所以跟not,box 这两个单词中o发音一样 中i发音为[ai] 所以跟nine,kite 这两个单词中i发音一样6.egg 中e发音为[e] 所以跟desk中e发音一样另外题目中是否为bread?因为egg中e和bread中一样。而非和bead中的一样。总的来说这类题,关键就是熟知每个单词的发音,这样从而能知道单词中某个字母的发音,就可以鉴别出来了。所以,记单词的时候读音很重要~

cut .style,color .三个英语单词各是什么意思?

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