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不可以。 agriculture basel是SCI检索的国际期刊,不具备共享同学录的功能。


JOURNAL OF INTEGRATIVE AGRICULTURE (JIA)商标总申请量1件其中已成功注册0件,有1件正在申请中,无效注册0件,0件在售中。经八戒知识产权统计,JOURNAL OF INTEGRATIVE AGRICULTURE (JIA)还可以注册以下商标分类:第1类(化学制剂、肥料)第2类(颜料油漆、染料、防腐制品)第3类(日化用品、洗护、香料)第4类(能源、燃料、油脂)第5类(药品、卫生用品、营养品)第6类(金属制品、金属建材、金属材料)第7类(机械设备、马达、传动)第8类(手动器具(小型)、餐具、冷兵器)第9类(科学仪器、电子产品、安防设备)第10类(医疗器械、医疗用品、成人用品)第11类(照明洁具、冷热设备、消毒净化)第12类(运输工具、运载工具零部件)第13类(军火、烟火、个人防护喷雾)第14类(珠宝、贵金属、钟表)第15类(乐器、乐器辅助用品及配件)第17类(橡胶制品、绝缘隔热隔音材料)第18类(箱包、皮革皮具、伞具)第19类(非金属建筑材料)第20类(家具、家具部件、软垫)第21类(厨房器具、家用器皿、洗护用具)第22类(绳缆、遮蓬、袋子)第23类(纱、线、丝)第24类(纺织品、床上用品、毛巾)第25类(服装、鞋帽、袜子手套)第26类(饰品、假发、纽扣拉链)第27类(地毯、席垫、墙纸)第28类(玩具、体育健身器材、钓具)第29类(熟食、肉蛋奶、食用油)第30类(面点、调味品、饮品)第31类(生鲜、动植物、饲料种子)第32类(啤酒、不含酒精的饮料)第33类(酒、含酒精饮料)第34类(烟草、烟具)第35类(广告、商业管理、市场营销)第36类(金融事务、不动产管理、典当担保)第37类(建筑、室内装修、维修维护)第38类(电信、通讯服务)第39类(运输仓储、能源分配、旅行服务)第40类(材料加工、印刷、污物处理)第41类(教育培训、文体活动、娱乐服务)第42类(研发质控、IT服务、建筑咨询)第43类(餐饮住宿、养老托儿、动物食宿)第44类(医疗、美容、园艺)第45类(安保法律、婚礼家政、社会服务)


不可以。 agriculture basel是SCI检索的国际期刊,不具备共享同学录的功能。

Journal of Advances in Agriculture是SCI收录的吗

  不是。  Journal of Integrative Agriculture是一类期刊杂志,中文名为《农业科学学报》。SCI指‘科学引文索引",英文全称Science Citation Index, 简称 SCI。于1957 年由美国科学信息研究所(Institute for Scientific Information, 简称 ISI)在美国费城创办,是由美国科学信息研究所(ISI)1961年创办出版的引文数据库。50 多年来,SCI 数据库不断发展,已经成为当代世界最为重要的大型数据库,被列在国际六大著名检索系统之首。其所收录期刊的内容主要涉及数、理、化、农、林、医、生物等基础科学研究领域,选用刊物来源于40多个国家,50多种文字,其中主要的国家有美国、英国、荷兰、德国、俄罗斯、法国、日本、加拿大等,也收录部分中国(包括港澳台)刊物。

computers and electronics in agriculture中文是什么意思


Agriculture is the country"s chief source of

逗号后面用的是独立主格结构,前面已经是一个完整的句子,且用逗号连接,没有连词,所以后一句的动词应采用doing 形式

Journal of Integrative Agriculture 是SCI 吗

期刊名 Journal of Integrative Agriculture 出版周期:季刊属于SCI期刊,中科院分区 4区期刊2013年度影响因子:0.625杂志由 ELSEVIER SCI LTD 出版或管理。 ISSN号:2095-3119该期刊审稿很严格,一审和二审采用不同的审稿人。也就是说二审相当于重新投稿,重新审稿,而二审的审稿人又会重新提一大堆意见。所以初审的审稿周期相当于一审和二审的时间,再加上自己一审后修改的时间,算起来,审稿周期已经超出了农业领域主流期刊的3个月。而且,风险较大,一审通过了,二审重新审的过程也有可能被拒掉。 考虑到该期刊影响力有限。投稿者需慎重。

Agriculture is the country"s chief cource of wealth,wheat ___by for the biggest cereal corp

being~~~这整句agriculture是主语,后面wheat不能再另起动词,用being表伴随,相当于with wheat being the biggest…~~~

intensive agriculture相对的一个是什么农业

intensive agriculture:机械化 集约农业。集约农业是农业中的一种经营方式。是把一定数量的劳动力和生产资料,集中投入较少的土地上,采用集约经营方式进行生产的农业。同粗放农业相对应,在一定面积的土地上投入较多的生产资料和劳动,通过应用先进的农业技术措施来增加农业品产量的农业,称“集约农业”。英语造句:机械化 集约农业是高效率的典型。Intensive mechanized agriculture is typically regarded as being efficient.

法语短语le poids de l"agriculture是怎么回事呢?



culture,文化 agriculture,农业


work in agriculture.

precision agriculture是什么意思


agriculture 后接动词什么形式

如果是agriculture做主语, 后面要接动词的第三人称单数形式。例如: Agriculture provides biologists to help study wildlife that could be a danger to air travel.


欸,音标啥的估计你不会这样吧拼音教学agri (啊个(这里发个r的音,类似日)一)隔儿屁知道么,类似隔儿的音cul (靠)ture(吃,儿(儿要发出来音))啊隔儿一,靠吃儿。。。。我实在没办法告诉你,没有语音功能。。。。


农业,农艺,农学 名词


如果需要一个词,应该填 agriculture,作宾语 。如果后面还有名词,就应该用agriculture或agricultral.作定语。


eco-agriculture  英 ["iːkəʊ"æɡrɪkʌltʃər]     美 ["iːkəʊ"æɡrɪkʌltʃər]     中文意思:生态农业例句 The results showed that the Bashang, after harnessed by Eco agriculture Proj ect, its system function had been st... 研究结果表明,通过工程治理,使农业生态系统的功能增强,结构合理,取得了显著的生态效益。 Then a model of eco agriculture based on peat amelioration is proposed,which put land resources to rational use and make farming,forestry,animal busbandry and fishery to grow coordinately. 利用泥炭改良沙化退化土地,已见明显土壤生态环境改善、作物增产的效果。



agriculture agromony 有啥区别啊?

Agriculture是农业,把植物种出来,动物养出来。Agronomy是农学,也就是使用植物/种物(作为粮食/燃料/工业用途等等)的有关科技,也就是说是一种应用科学。 新华字典:Agriculture=农业=指栽培农作物和饲养牲畜的生产事业。 Agronomy=农学=指研究农业生产的科学。内容包括作物栽培、育种、土壤、气象、肥料、农业病虫害等。

英语 agriculture 算不算一种 industry?

Yes, of course, it is the largest industry.... i.e. Industrial agriculture - " In the developed world, industrial agriculture based on large-scale monoculture has become the dominant system of modern farming, although there is growing support for sustainable agriculture, including permaculture and organic agriculture"

Journal of Integrative Agriculture 是SCI 吗

期刊名 Journal of Integrative Agriculture 出版周期:季刊是属于SCI期刊得,为中科院分区 4区期刊2013年度影响因子:0.625杂志由 ELSEVIER SCI LTD 出版或管理。 ISSN号:2095-3119该期刊审稿很严格,一审和二审采用不同的审稿人。也就是说二审相当于重新投稿,重新审稿,而二审的审稿人又会重新提一大堆意见。所以初审的审稿周期相当于一审和二审的时间,再加上自己一审后修改的时间,算起来,审稿周期已经超出了农业领域主流期刊的3个月。一审通过了,二审重新审的过程也有可能被拒掉。




固定搭配如下:commercial agriculture 商业性生产。continental agriculture 欧洲农业。cooperative agriculture 合作农业。diversified agriculture 非专业化农业生产。efficient agriculture 高效农业。extensive agriculture 粗放耕作。planned agriculture 计划农业。scientific agriculture 科学种田。单词解析:agriculture读音:英 [ˈæɡrɪkʌltʃə(r)]   美 [ˈæɡrɪkʌltʃər]。释义:农业;农学;农艺。agriculture的基本意思是“农业”,指栽培农作物和饲养牲畜的生产事业和林业、渔业或农村副业等,是不可数名词。agriculture的另一个意思是“农学”“农艺”,指研究农业生产的科学或艺术,包括作物栽培、育种、土壤、气象、 肥料、农业病虫害等,是不可数名词。


agriculture 英[ˈægrɪkʌltʃə(r)] 美[ˈæɡrɪˌkʌltʃɚ] n. 农业;农耕;农业生产;农学

precision agriculture是什么意思

precision agriculture的含义:精准农业。例句:Development of field information collection system based on embedded COM-GIS and pocketPC for precision agriculture基于嵌入式组件技术的精准农业农田信息采集系统的设计与实现。Putting precision agriculture into practice is a valid path for promoting agricultural sustainable development.本文认为实施精准农业是促进农业可持续发展的有效途径,必将对我国农业生产产生重大影响。

这个英语单词怎么读 agriculture



agriculture: 英式 [ˈæɡrɪkʌltʃə(r)],美式 [ˈæɡrɪkʌltʃər]。 agriculture n. 农业,农学,农艺。短语:1. Agriculture   农业农学农艺科技展会。2. Organic agriculture   有机农业无机农业耕作法。3. precision agriculture   精确农业精密农业。4. Subsistence agriculture   自给农业温饱型农业少有余粮的农场经营生存农业。5. Urban agriculture   城市农业都市农业市农业都市型农业。6. white agriculture   色农业白色农业微生物农业白色农药。7. Food and Agriculture Organization   联合国粮食及农业组织联合国粮农组织农业组织。8. Department of Agriculture   农学系农业部门。9. industrial agriculture   工业化农业工业式农业工厂化农业。10. Canada Agriculture Museum   加拿大农业博物馆。列句:1. The conditions were unfavourable for agriculture. 这些条件不利于农业。2. He forced the country to collectivize agriculture. 他强迫国家将农业集体化。3. Agriculture forms the backbone of the rural economy. 农业是农村经济的基础。4. The seminar was to discuss diversification of agriculture. 该研讨会讨论的是农业多种经营。5. Agriculture was based in the past on the family as a unit. 农业过去以一个家庭单元为基础。6. Bromfield was slated to become U.S. Secretary of Agriculture. 布罗姆菲尔德被内定为美国的农业部长。


agriculture 农业


农场与农业,farm produce也可以使agricultural produce 都是表达农产品


agriculture的意思是农业;农学;农艺。一、读音agriculture的英语读音是[ˈæɡrɪkʌltʃə(r)]。二、例句1、Nowhere is the effect of government policy more apparent than in agriculture.政府的政策对农业的影响最为显著。2、The number of people employed in agriculture has fallen in the last decade.过去十年,农业从业人数已经下降。3、A proportion of the land is used for agriculture.一部分土地作农用。4、The status of onion production distribution, its main varieties and agriculture in China were introduced.主要简述了国内洋葱的生产分布情况及其主要品种类型与种植农艺。


agriculture 英[ˈæɡrɪkʌltʃə(r)] 美[ˈæɡrɪkʌltʃər] n. 农业; 农学; 农艺 一个元音算一个音节,总共四个音节

agriculture 翻译

agriculture翻译是农业、农学、农艺的意思。例句:1、Nowhere is the effect of government policy more apparent than in agriculture. 政府的政策对农业的影响最为显著。2、The number of people employed in agriculture has fallen in the last decade. 过去十年,农业从业人数已经下降。3、A proportion of the land is used for agriculture. 一部分土地作农用。4、European agriculture ministers failed to break the deadlock over farm subsidies. 欧洲各国农业部长在农业补贴问题上未能打破僵局。5、The conditions were unfavourable for agriculture. 这些条件不利于农业。6、Agriculture was based in the past on the family as a unit. 过去的农业是以家庭为单位的。7、Much of the plan runs counter to European agriculture and environmental policy.该计划的很多内容与欧洲农业及环境方面的政策相冲突。8、The Ukraine is strong both in industry and agriculture. 乌克兰的工业和农业都很发达。9、As agriculture developed, agricultural ideas diffused across Europe. 随着农业的发展,农业知识开始在欧洲普及。


agricultural adj. 农业的;农艺的; 例句: France is the worlds second-biggest exporter of agricultural products. 法国是世界第二大农产品出口国。 扩展资料   Exceptionally dry weather over the past year had cut agricultural production.   过去一年里异常干旱的气候降低了农业产量。   Successful agricultural reform is also a sine qua non of Mexico"s modernization.   成功的`农业改革也是墨西哥实现现代化的必要条件。   On the customs declaration, the sender labelled the freight as agricultural machinery.   在报关单上,发货方将货物列为农业机械。




agricultural:adj.农业的;农用的;(地区或社会)以农业为主的,农业高度发达的 短语搭配: agricultural machinery[农机]农业机械 ; 农机 ; agricultural economist[农经]农业经济学家 ; agricultural college农学院 ; 农科院校 ; 扩展资料   But in the course of agricultural development, some new conditions and new problems occur .   但是在农业发展的"过程中,也出现了一些新情况和新问题。   So why are funds for agricultural development in Africa only a fraction of what they were a generation ago?   那么,为什么现在的非洲农业发展基金只是三十年前的基金的一个零头?   Contact your local landscaper or county agricultural agent for more information about the potential of using this application in your area.   联系您当地的景物或县农业代理人更关注的是,在您的区域使用此应用程序潜在的信息。


凯尔特文化celtic 英/[" keltɪ k]/culture 英/" kʌ ltʃə/

ancient culture是什么意思

你好,为你解答,正确答案为:ancient culture古文化不明白请及时追问,满意敬请采纳,O(∩_∩)O谢谢

foreign culture是什么意思

foreign culture外国文化;外来文化;异国文化;异国文化浴如有疑问,请追问!

you are the victim of th e culture aggression是什么意思 准确点 如果别人用英文说你 怎样用...

You are the victim of the culture aggression字面意思:你是文化侵略的牺牲品/受害者。实际意思:你掌握的文化知识不纯粹、不地道。应答可以用You are at most the succession of the victim.你最多也就是牺牲品的继承人/延续。祝你开心如意!

promote integration between western and chinese traditional culture 是什么意


How to Catch Rainwater?-Water Conservation Techniques in Rain-fed Agriculture

Dieter Prinz and Dr.Amir H.MalikInstitute of Water Resources Management,Hydraulic and Rural Engineering,Section of Rural Engineering,University of Karlsruhe,D-76128 Karlsruhe,Germany1 IntroductionWater is already a scarce commodity in many parts of the world-and will be of even shorter supply in future:Due to an ever increasing world population,improving standard of living,irregularities caused by global climate change and growing water pollution,the world water problems aggravating day by day.Especially the drier parts of the tropics and subtropics,but also European countries,experience severe water supply problems-and agriculture will be hit hard-est.Agriculture utilizes globally about 70%of all the water managed by man,and about 80% of the water used in the developing world(Prinz,2000).At the same time,the competition between the various sectors-agriculture,communities,industry,nature,becomes stiffer and agriculture will be the loser in the run for scarce water resources,as the output per unit water is of significantly lower value than in the other economic sectors.On the other hand,the need for more food asks also for more irrigation water,therefore we have to find ways of growing more food with less water(Agarwal,2001).But it is not only a problem of water quantity,but of quality due to increasing pollution,too.2 General overviewWater conservation in agriculture may be defined as the application of measures designed(1)To improve the availability of water for agricultural purposes(“Supply Management”),(2)To reduce the present size of water demand(“Demand Management”),and(3)To keep water resources from being polluted or wasted.The solutions found must be sustainable and possible negative effects e.g.on nature have to be avoided.(1)Rainwater management:Rainwater management can be either“in-situ moisture conservation”or“Water Harvesting”.(2)In-situ moisture conservation:Its main aim is to minimise the runoff losses and to in-crease the available soil moisture for crop growth.(3)The water retention within the field allows higher infiltration rates and thus results(in dry areas)in better crop yields.(4)Water Harvesting is defined as“the collection and concentration of rainfall(and overland flow)and its use for the irrigation of crops,pastures and trees for domestic and livestock consumption”.The water storage can be done in the soil matrix or in a reservoir(Prinz and Wolfer,1998).Fig.1 The atmosphere-soil-plant-water-system(by Dupriez & De Leener,1992,altered)(5) Rain and surface runoff management serves also the purposes of soil conservation,a prerequisite for water conservation,and flood control.The term“efficient use of water”is a very critical one:The efficiency might be defined as“unit of water used by crops to produce one unit of dry matter”or“…to produce one unit of harvested produce”.When water is in short supply,farmers are very much interested in increasing the efficiency by limiting unproductive water losses(evaporation from soil,surface runoff,seepage).Even if the farmers can increase the efficiency per unit water available in their fields,this does not necessarily improve general,regional water efficiency.Fig.2 Water losses under semiarid conditions(Average values)(Source:Rockstroem & Falkenmark,altered)Reduced seepage e.g.means a lower recharge of groundwater,less surface runoffmeans reduced surface water flows and fewer opportunities for using water further downstream,including less water supply for river valleys and wetlands.Therefore,we have to distinguish between recoverable water losses and unrecoverable water losses;the latter ones are those quantities of water lost to the atmosphere,to saline aquifers or to the sea(Fig.2).3 Measures in rain-fed agricultureGlobally,rain-fed agriculture is practised on 83% of cultivated land and supplies more than 60% of the world"s food(FAO,2001).In-situ water conservation,often combined with water harvesting measures,can contribute significantly making better use of the rain in dry areas to supply the crops during the rainy season with sufficient water.One element of in-situ moisture conservation is the curbing of runoff losses,which can amount to 30%~50%of rainfall on sloping grounds.3.1 Reduction of runoff lossesRunoff losses can be minimized ridges:A tied ridge system can double crop,yields in semi-arid areas,while simultaneously preventing soil erosion.The water storing capacity in a tied ridge system amounts to 40~70 mm(Fig.3).Fig.3 Tied ridges(Source:Prinz and Malik,2001)Fig.4 Stone lines in North Africa(Source:FAO)(2)Cultivating crops in furrows:The runoff can be minimised by cultivation in furrows①on hilly land as well as in lowlands,②for rainfed or for irrigated cropping,③with or with-out water conservation.Advantages are①As ridges dry out easily,moisture retention below furrow remains optimal,②No runoff and no soil erosion occur.Disadvantages are①Danger of water logging and anaerobic conditions,②Compaction of furrow bottoms by tractor traffic may worsen water logging and③Transmission of diseasesConstruction of earth basins and sunken beds to cultivate crops in them.A very remark-able example is the Zay technique(Chritchley et al.,1992).Pits of 30 cm diameter are dug,90cm apart and 15~20cm deep.An experiment in Niger showed a doubling of yield from 600kg/ha on a(manured)field without Zay to 1200 kg/ha on fields with Zay pits(Fatondji et al.,2001).(3)Lines of stones and trash,bunds and ridges(Fig.4).(4)The application of Fanya Juu techniques,catching the rain in uphill or downhill trenches and inducing the establishment of terraces over a longer period(Fig.5).Fig.5 There are two different Fanya Juu techniques to arrange ridge & basin:Either the ridge is located up or downhill of the basin.(Source:Prinzand Malik,2001).(5)Construction of ditches and basin to retain water in the field(Fig.6)(6)Contour farming is also well established measures in soil and water conservation.Contour farming means that tillage,planting and other farm operations are done along the contour(Fig.7),by impeding the down-slope flow water,allowing the water to infiltrate and avoiding erosion.Contour farming on slopes of 4%~6% can reduce water loss(runoff)by 50% and soil loss by about 50%,compared to up and down hill cultivation.Fig.6 Retention ditchesFig.7 Contour farming.(S:urce:WOCAT.2000)(7)Strip Cropping:Strip cropping means dividing land into alternative strips of soil and water conserving crops and crops with a high soil erosion/runoff risk(Fig.8).The strips should be of equal widths and not too wide to allow uncontrollable quantities of runoff to accumulate.Vegetation strips either of grasses or hedges slow down runoff water and force to deposit its load.The vegetation acts as filter.Over the years,terraces might develop.Aside of reducing runoff losses the fol-lowing measures can be applied:(8)Conservation tiliage:Conventional tillage has a number of advantages(it opens and turns the soil,it is rather effective in sup-pressing weeds,etc.),but in dry areas it has also many disadvantages:①it leads to higher evaporation;②it brings oxygen into the soil,thus accelerating humus degradation;③may lead to lower infiltration rates(after a few rainfall events).Fig.8 Planting vegetation strips(Source:WOCAT,2000)Conservation tillage aims at soil amelioration and rooting depth improvement to overcome water supply problems in dry areas.Soil management in water conservation means:①improving soil moisture intake;②reducing evaporation losses from the soil;③improving water holding capacity of soils;④avoiding compaction;⑤reducing deep percolation losses;⑥creating an optimal root environment.(9)Construction of the various kinds of terraces:Terraces cut slopes into segments,reducing slope angle and length of slope(Fig.9).Bench terraces are the most ancient form of terrace.Beach terraces as well as channel terraces impound rainfall and runoff and encourage water to infiltrate into the soil.Fig.9 Different types of terraces(Source:Prinz and Malik,2001)3.2 Improving crop selectionIt is well established,that different crops need rather different quantities of water to pro-duce a yield.Rice, a very water intensive crop,using twice as much water per hectare as wheat(FAO 200 1).When farmers decide to switch from rice cultivation to any so called upland crop,this will save substantial amounts of water.But the cultivation of less water demanding crops than rice is not the only measure suggested in this respect:using crops of high water use efficiencyusing well adapted,high yielding varieties;short-strawed wheat gives double or triple yield per unit water in comparison to the traditional varieties.3.3 Improving crop husbandryIn areas with a short rainy season,the right timing of the crop is a decisive feature,as well as the type of cropping,e.g.relay or sequential cropping.A high water use efficiency can only be achieved if all the other growth factors are kept near the optimum.Important elements in this respect are:①nursery techniques with optimal water supply,but little percolation;②optimal seeding density and seeding methods,e.g.“dry seeding”;③the optimal association of crops;④crop protection,to avoid any suffering of the crops from pests and diseases;⑤supply of nutrients,i.e.the manuring and applying mineral fertiliser;⑥timely weeding of the crop to avoid water losses by unwanted plants.Fig.10 shows an example of water production function for maize under Kenyan conditions,illustrating the dependency of the yield level under given rainfall conditions from the level of management.Fig.10 Water-production function for maize in Machakos District,Kenya.(Source:Beets,1990)Combining cropping with animal husbandryAccording to Cape(1995)it needs 700 l of water to produce one litre of milk.This water,of course,is needed to produce fodder plants and one kg of alfalfa hay needs roughly 600 1 of water.The combination of cropping and raising animals,e.g.cows,can be very water efficient as can be the cultivation of fishes in rice fields(aquaculture).3.4 Reduction of transpiration lossesTranspiration of plants counts for the largest share of the water used by a crop stand.The high evaporative demand of the atmosphere determines largely the amount of water lost by transpiration.If the air suction is higher than the water supply of the plant,the closing of the leave pores(stomata)is a counter measure,but a measure which lowers productivity.The grower can interfere by two means:①by reducing wind speed, planting shelter belts and②by planting crops in greenhouses or in plastic tunnels.Measure 2 is the cultivation of crops under shade trees or in shade houses.The breeders have already succeeded in breeding a number of new grain varieties with lower transpiration rates per kg of dry matter produced.3.5 Reduction of evaporation lossesAccording to Hudson(1987),shading the surface can substantially reduce the evaporation losses.The more of less unproductive evaporation from soil and water surfaces should be reduced wherever possible.Proven measures are e.g.:(1)The application of mulch layers of organic origin or as plastic mulch;(2)The use of certain cover crops,which need less water for transpiration than they save from evaporation;(3)The use of conservation tillage which disturbs to a lesser degree the ground,but disturbs the capillary rise of the water to the surface;(4)Various systems of agro-forestry produce shade and reduce temperatures for the annual crops grown below.Shade trees often belong to the Leguminosae family;(5)Contour hedges and shelter belts reduce wind speed;(6)Greenhouses and tunnels reduce not only transpiration but also significantly the evaporation from the ground.3.6 Reduction of percolation lossesPercolation losses occur as well under rain-fed agriculture as under irrigation,from soils to groundwater layers as well as from ponds and reservoirs to deeper layers.To improve soil management in regard to water efficiency,the following measures are recommended:(1)Improving rain water intake by keeping an open soil surface,by mulching with organic material and by keeping a high organic content in the soil and a good soil structure.(2)Improving soil water holding capacity by keeping a high level of soil fertility(high percentage of organic material,good structure etc.).(3)Avoiding compacted layers,e.g.a plough pan,allowing water to reach deeper soil layers and to increase the wetted soil volume.(4)Optimising the root environment:A soil environment is optimal for plant growth,contributing to a high water application efficiency,if it is deep enough,if the soil is well structured and well supplied with nutrients,if it contains a high water storage capacity,has no hard pans or stone layers,has no salt and toxic element accumulation and has no drainage problems.4 Future OutlookFuture research fields will include biotechnology,bioengineering and plant breeding which should be employed to arrive at species and varieties with a significant lower water demand.Future research should be multidisciplinary.References[1]Agarwal A.Increasing water harvesting and water conservation is the only way to ensure food security.Down to Earth,Vol 10,No.3,June 30,2001.[2]Beets W.C.Raising and sustaining productivity of smallholders farming systems i

Until recently historians assumed that calendars()with the advent of agriculture

选C。因为to 后面应该加动词原形。

reverse culture shock 什么意思

reverse culture shock逆向文化冲击双语例句1. B : Be prepared for reverse culture shock. 做好心理准备,可能你会经历逆向文化冲击.reverse英 [rɪˈvɜ:s] 美 [rɪˈvɜ:rs]vt.& vi.(使)反转; (使)颠倒; 掉换,交换; [法]撤消,推翻vi.倒退; [桥牌]逆叫adj.反面的; 颠倒的; 倒开的; [生]倒卷的n.倒转,反向; [机]回动; 倒退; 失败culture shock英 [ˈkʌltʃə ʃɔk] 美 [ˈkʌltʃɚ ʃɑk]n.文化冲击网 络文化冲击;文化冲突;文化休克;文化震撼

reverse culture shock 什么意思

reverse culture shock_翻译reverse culture shock 反向文化冲击; 逆向文化冲击; 重返本土文化休克; [例句]This is called "reverse culture shock".这就是所谓的“反向文化冲击”。

我要写文章,哪个大哥知道哪里找Jewish culture的资料,要英文的

Origins of secular Jewish cultureFor at least 2,000 years, there has not been a unity of Jewish culture. Jews during this period were always geographically dispersed, so that by the 19th century the Ashkenazi Jews were mainly in Europe, especially Eastern Europe; the Sephardi Jews were largely spread among various communities in North Africa, Turkey, as well as various smaller communities in a diverse range of other locations, while Mizrahi Jews were primarily spread around the Arab world; and other populations of Jews were scattered in such places as Ethiopia the Caucasus, and India. (See Jewish ethnic divisions.) Many of these populations were cut off in some degree from the surrounding cultures by ghettoization, by the Muslim laws of dhimma, etc. By 1931, before the Holocaust, 92% of the world"s Jewish population was Ashkenazi in origin, and therefore much of what is thought of as "Jewish culture" is the Jewish culture of Central and Eastern Europe.Medieval Jewish communities in Eastern Europe developed distinct cultural traits over the centuries, but beginning with the Enlightenment (and its echo within Judaism in the Haskalah movement), many Yiddish-speaking Jews in Eastern Europe saw themselves as forming an ethnic or national group whose identity did not depend on religion. Constanin Măciucă writes of "a differentiated but not isolated Jewish spirit" permeating the culture of Yiddish-speaking Jews. This was only intensified as the rise of Romanticism increased the sense of national identity across Europe generally. Thus, for example, Bund members — that is, members of the General Jewish Labor Union in the late 19th and early 20th centuries — were generally non-religious, and one of the historical leaders of the Bund was the child of converts to Christianity, though not a practising or believing Christian himself. The Haskalah combined with the Jewish Emancipation movement under way in Central and Western Europe to create an opportunity for Jews to enter secular society. At the same time, pogroms in Eastern Europe created a migration, in large part to the United States, where 2 million Jewish immigrants arrived between 1880 and 1920. In the 1940s, The Holocaust resulted in the destruction of most of European Jewry, which, combined with the birth of Israel and the movement of Jews from Arab nations, created a further geographic shift. Defining secular culture among those who practice Judaism is difficult, because the entire culture is entwined with religious traditions. (This is particularly true of Orthodox Judaism.) Gary Tobin, head of the Institute for Jewish and Community Research, said of traditional Jewish culture:The dichotomy between religion and culture doesn"t really exist. Every religious attribute is filled with culture; every cultural act filled with religiosity. Synagogues themselves are great centers of Jewish culture. After all, what is life really about? Food, relationships, enrichment hellip; So is Jewish life. So many of our traditions inherently contain aspects of culture. Look at the Passover Seder—it"s essentially great theater. Jewish education and religiosity bereft of culture is not as interesting. [1]Yaakov Malkin, Professor of Aesthetics and Rhetoric at Tel Aviv University and the founder and academic director of Meitar College for Judaism as Culture [2] in Jerusalem, writes:Today very many secular Jews take part in Jewish cultural activities, such as celebrating Jewish holidays as historical and nature festivals, imbued with new content and form, or marking life-cycle events such as birth, bar/bat mitzvah, marriage, and mourning in a secular fashion. They come together to study topics pertaining to Jewish culture and its relation to other cultures, in havurot, cultural associations, and secular synagogues, and they participate in public and political action co-ordinated by secular Jewish movements, such as the former movement to free Soviet Jews, and movements to combat pogroms, discrimination, and religious coercion. Jewish secular humanistic education inculcates universal moral values through classic Jewish and world literature and through organizations for social change that aspire to ideals of justice and charity. [2][edit]LanguagesSee main article Jewish languages. Literary and theatrical expressions of secular Jewish culture may be in specifically Jewish languages such as Hebrew, Yiddish or Ladino, or it may be in the language of the surrounding cultures, such as English or German. Secular literature and theater in Yiddish largely began in the 19th century and was in decline by the middle of the 20th century. The revival of Hebrew beyond its use in the liturgy is largely an early 20th-century phenomenon, and is closely associated with Zionism. Generally, whether a Jewish community will speak a Jewish or non-Jewish language as its main vehicle of discourse is dependent on how isolated or assimilated that community is. For example, the Jews in the shtetls of Poland and the Lower East Side of New York (during the early 20th century) spoke Yiddish at most times, while assimilated Jews in Germany during the 19th century or the United States today would or do speak German or English in general.[edit]Politics and morals A Bundist demonstration, 1917See main article Jewish political movements. Even in religious Judaism there is much room for a range of political or moral views; this is only more so for secular Jews. However, even Jewish secular culture is often strongly influenced by moral beliefs deriving from Jewish scripture and tradition. In recent centuries, Jews in Europe and the Americas have traditionally tended towards the political left, and played key roles in the birth of the labor movement as well as socialism. While Diaspora Jews have also been represented in the conservative side of the political spectrum, even politically conservative Jews have tended to support pluralism more consistently than many other elements of the political right. Some scholars [3] attribute this to the fact that Jews are not expected to proselytize, and as a result do not expect a single world-state, which differs from the beliefs of many religions, such as the Roman Catholic and Islamic traditions; rather, since in Jewish theology the religions of most nations are respected, there was never any perceived reason to convert others. This lack of a universalizing religion is combined with the fact that most Jews live as minorities in their countries, and that no central Jewish religious authority has existed for over 2,000 years. (See also list of Jews in politics, which illustrates the diversity of Jewish political thought and of the roles Jews have played in politics.)[edit]"Jewish" professionsSome professions have traditionally been considered particularly "Jewish," partially as a result of historical circumstances. These include banking and finance, law, medicine, science, and academia. See also Court Jew.[edit]Banking and finance Albert Einstein on the cover of TIME as Person of the Century.In most of Europe up until the late 18th century, and in some places to an even later date, Jews were prohibited by Roman Catholic governments (and others) from owning land. On the other hand, the Church, because of a number of Bible verses forbidding usury, declared that charging any interest was against the divine law, and this prevented any mercantile use of capital by pious Christians. As the Canon law did not apply to Jews, they were not liable to the ecclesiastical punishments which were placed upon usurers by the popes. Christian rulers gradually saw the advantage of having a class of men like the Jews who could supply capital for their use without being liable to excommunication, and the money trade of western Europe by this means fell into the hands of the Jews. However, in almost every instance where large amounts were acquired by Jews through banking transactions the property thus acquired fell either during their life or upon their death into the hands of the king. This happened to Aaron of Lincoln in England, Ezmel de Ablitas in Navarre, Heliot de Vesoul in Provence, Benveniste de Porta in Aragon, etc. It was for this reason indeed that the kings supported the Jews, and even objected to their becoming Christians, because in that case they could not have forced from them money won by usury. Thus both in England and in France the kings demanded to be compensated for every Jew converted. The result was the stereotypical Jewish role as bankers and merchants.[edit]Medicine, science, and academiaAlso, the strong Jewish tradition of religious scholarship often left Jews well prepared for secular scholarship, although in some times and places this was countered by Jews being banned from studying at universities, or admitted only in limited numbers (see Jewish quota). In medieval and early modern times, Jews were disproportionately represented among court physicians. Even into recent times Jews were little represented in the land-holding classes, but far better represented in academia, the learned professions, finance and commerce. The strong representation of Jews in science and academia is represented in the fact that at least 167 Jews and persons of half-Jewish ancestry have been awarded the Nobel Prize, accounting for 22% of all individual recipients worldwide between 1901 and 2004. In addition, of TIME magazine"s 100 most influential people of the 20th century, fourteen persons listed are either of Jewish ancestry or have converted to Judaism.[edit]Literary and artistic cultureIn some places where there have been relatively high concentrations of Jews, distinct secular Jewish subcultures have arisen. For example, ethnic Jews formed an enormous proportion of the literary and artistic life of Vienna, Austria at the end of the 19th century, or of New York City 50 years later (and Los Angeles in the mid-late 20th century), and for the most part these were not particularly religious people. In general, however, Jewish artistic culture in various periods reflected the culture in which they lived.[edit]LiteratureSee main articles Yiddish literature, Ladino literature, Hebrew literature, Jewish American literature, English Jewish literature. Also see Jews in literature and journalism. Jewish authors have both created a unique Jewish literature and contributed to the national literatures of many of the countries in which they live. Though not strictly secular, the Yiddish works of authors like Sholom Aleichem (whose collected works amounted to 28 volumes) and Isaac Bashevis Singer (winner of the 1978 Nobel Prize), form their own canon, focusing on the Jewish experience in both Eastern Europe, and in America. In the United States, Jewish writers like Philip Roth, Saul Bellow, and many others are considered among the greatest American authors, and incorporate a distinctly secular Jewish view into many of their works. Other famous Jewish authors that made contributions to world literature include Heinrich Heine, German poet, Isaac Babel, Russian author, and Franz Kafka, of Prague.In "Modern Judaism An Oxford Guide," Yaakov Malkin, Professor of Aesthetics and Rhetoric at Tel Aviv University and the founder and academic director of Meitar College for Judaism as Culture in Jerusalem, writes:Secular Jewish culture embraces literary works that have stood the test of time as sources of aesthetic pleasure and ideas shared by Jews and non-Jews, works that live on beyond the immediate socio-cultural context within which they were created. They include the writings of such Jewish authors as Sholem Aleichem, Itzik Manger, Isaac Bashevis Singer, Philip Roth, Saul Bellow, S.Y. Agnon, Isaac Babel, Martin Buber, Isaiah Berlin, H.N. Bialik, Yehuda Amichai, Amos Oz, A.B. Yehoshua, and David Grossman. It boasts masterpieces that have had a considerable influence on all of western culture, Jewish culture included - works such as those of Heinrich Heine, Gustav Mahler, Leonard Bernstein, Marc Chagall, Jacob Epstein, Ben Shahn, Amadeo Modigliani, Franz Kafka, Max Reinhardt (Goldman), Ernst Lubitsch, and Woody Allen. [4][edit]Theatre[edit]Yiddish theatreSee main article Yiddish theatre. The Ukrainian Jew Abraham Goldfaden founded the first professional Yiddish-language theatre troupe in Iaşi, Romania in 1876. The next year, his troupe achieved enormous success in Bucharest. Within a decade, Goldfaden and others brought Yiddish theater to Ukraine, Russia, Poland, Germany, New York City, and other cities with significant Ashkenazic populations. Between 1890 and 1940, over a dozen Yiddish theatre groups existed in New York City alone, performing original plays, musicals, and Yiddish translations of theatrical works and opera. Perhaps the most famous of Yiddish-language plays is The Dybbuk (1919) by S. Ansky.Yiddish theater in New York in the early 20th Century rivalled English-language theater in quantity and often surpassed it in quality. A 1925 New York Times article remarks, "…Yiddish theater… is now a stable American institution and no longer dependent on immigration from Eastern Europe. People who can neither speak nor write Yiddish attend Yiddish stage performances and pay Broadway prices on Second Avenue." This article also mentions other aspects of a New York Jewish cultural life "in full flower" at that time, among them the fact that the extensive New York Yiddish-language press of the time included seven daily newspapers. [5]In fact, however, the next generation of American Jews spoke mainly English to the exclusion of Yiddish; they brought the artistic energy of Yiddish theater into the American theatrical mainstream, but

文化适应acculturation和跨文化适应cross-culture adaptation有什么区别??

acculturation是结果 cross- culture adaption是过程

discusses culture 怎么读

英文原文:discusses culture 怎么读英式音标:[dɪˈskʌsɪz] [ˈkʌltʃə] 美式音标:[dɪˈskʌsɪz] [ˈkʌltʃə]

a melting pot of cultures

文化的大熔炉 应该是描述美国的吧 The United States is a melting pot of cultures. 美国是一个文化的大熔炉.


不可以。 agriculture basel是SCI检索的国际期刊,不具备共享同学录的功能。


不可以。 agriculture basel是SCI检索的国际期刊,不具备共享同学录的功能。


Culture既是可数名词,也是不可数名词,区分具体可不可数的时候要看实际要表达的含义。culture指泛指文化,文明的时候,是不可数名词,只有单数形式。culture表示某一特定形式的文化或某种类型的文化时,是可数名词,可用于复数形式。 culture的短语 ancient culture:古代文化 artistic culture:艺术修养 Confucian culture:儒教 acquire culture:受到教育 develop a culture:发展文化 lack culture:缺乏修养 man of culture:有教养的人 culture的例句 The city of Memphis is promoting a populist approach to culture. 孟菲斯市在推行文化的民粹主义道路。 Our culture is more complex than he knows. Wheels within wheels. 我们的文化比他所知道的要复杂得多,相当庞杂。 They no longer worry about the homogenization of culture. 他们不再担心文化的同质化。 She speaks no Japanese and is unfamiliar with Japanese culture. 她不会说日语,也不了解日本文化。 There is just not enough fun and frivolity in culture today. 当今的文化恰恰是不够轻松有趣。

求一个英语单词 程度高一些 形容culture悠久或深厚

ancient/splendid /rich culture


Culture is the characteristics and knowledge of a particular group of people, encompassing language, religion, cuisine, social habits, music and arts. What do people eat, wear, sing and how do you celebrate important events in your family or your country and in the world?

What should be taken into account in overseas marketing campaign in the perspective of culture

Unrestricted globalization - boon or hazard?In 1998, the BJP had led the NDA"s electoral campaign with a "swadeshi" propaganda thrust. Many of the NDA"s voters had truly believed that unlike the previous regimes, the BJP-led government would not succumb to international pressures - particularly US machinations, and protect the nation"s economic and national security interests. Finance ministers closely associated with neo-liberal economic programs - like Manmohan Singh and P. Chidambaram were defeated in the polls and there was an expectation that there would be a noticeable shift in direction. But long-time critics of the BJP had already warned that the BJP was insincere in it"s commitment to "swadeshi" and it"s turnaround in the ENRON case was more likely to serve as a model for it"s future actions. Although neo-liberal forces were kept somewhat at bay in the BJP-led NDA"s first term, a more comfortable majority in the second round has given the promoters of neo-liberalism in the coalition more confidence that they can get away with unpopular policies without much concern about political stability. That every successive administration in the last decade has eventually succumbed to the pressures of globalization suggests that regardless of how different political formations package their policies in advance of the elections, there is a powerful and very vocal lobby for globalization in India. This is because for some sections of Indian society and the Indian diaspora, globalization has come as something of a bonanza. NRIs look forward to new business opportunities in a globalized India. English-language (or even local language) media outlets who expect globalization to increase advertizing revenues have also been eager supporters of globalization. (A recent Economic Times survey of the nation"s top CEO"s indicated that most major India businesses anticipated considerably higher allocations for marketing and advertizing campaigns in order to survive in the globalized Indian economy. Some estimate that the advertizing industry has been one of the fastest growing industries in India - growing as much as 25-30% in some years.) Another outcome of globalization has been a huge increase in salaries of senior managers, accountants, lawyers and public-relations personnel working for MNCs or their local competitors. For the IT-literate, job opportunities have been plentiful, and there are also opportunities to live and earn abroad. For the English-speaking upper middle-class, this has come as a boon. With greater access to disposable income, the seduction of consumerism becomes hard to resist, and the demand for unrestricted globalization inevitably follows the attraction for new and ever more advanced consumer goods. This new and more prosperous class of Indian consumers associates India"s progress with the availability of the latest automobile models and consumer goods. The local availability of imported European cosmetics and fashions, imported drinks and confectioneries - these have all become important to those who have sufficient disposable income to purchase such items. Globalization has other champions too. Importers have a strong financial interest in a globalized economy. But so do exporters dependent on imported parts and machinery. Industrialists with interests in ports, shipping, international warehousing and other aspects of international trade and commerce may also see globalization as beneficial to their sectors of the economy. Indian industrialists who have so far failed to invest in research and development and are losing the battle for market share are also becoming amenable to globalization in the fond hope of partnering with an MNC that will enable them to stabilize or expand their sinking business ventures. Although these sections of society are in numerical terms a very small minority in the country, they are able to wield considerable authority on account of their financial clout. Their voices are far more likely to be heard in the Indian media, and they are much more likely to be able to influence important political decisions in the country. Because of their familiarity with English, and privileged access to major media outlets and institutions of higher learning, they are taken to be more credible, and are thus able to exercise tremendous influence on public policy. But it should be noted that the interests of a particular section of Indians need not match the real interests of all other sections of Indian society. Other sections of society may benefit only to the extent that a fraction of this new prosperity trickles down to them. Some may not benefit at all, while some may even be adversely affected. In addition, globalization may have hidden consequences that may negatively impact the quality of life even of those prospering through globalization. But the greatest danger posed by unrestricted globalization is that it may exacerbate the problems of nagging poverty and uneven development, and create grave infra-structural mismatches. It is already evident that the Indian economy has become more dependent on imports which has brought with it constant pressure on the value of the Rupee, leading to recursive bouts of high inflation. And rather than expand India"s manufacturing strength and develop new capabilities and technological development in India, globalization may in fact put India at a global disadvantage in key sectors of modern industry leading to an economy that is always chasing scientific and technological advances that occur in other nations. Globalization and Technology Transfers Take the argument that globalization brings in new technology. On a selective basis, globalization indeed brings in new technology and opposition to globalization is not tantamount to becoming technologically isolated from the rest of the world. But today, almost no advocate of globalization is calling for selectivity. For instance, Coca-Cola and Pepsi were welcomed into the country even though they offered little in terms of new technology. Cosmetic manufacturers and manufacturers of designer label clothes have also brought in little new technology of any consequence. The same can be said of advertising companies and manufacturers of consumer non-durable goods like soap, detergent, toothpaste, cereals etc. And although there has been significant investment in the manufacture of automobiles and consumer goods, the capital equipment and the assembly lines for their production is imported. Little of the design and development work takes place in India. And in many instances, all that happens is the local assembly of knocked-down kits. So far, globalization in India has not been tantamount to an all-around technological upgradation of Indian design and manufacturing. Some offer a counter-argument for unrestricted globalization arguing that only if India liberalizes unconditionally will India be able to attract high technology and capital investment in the areas it really wants. In other words, if we let the Cokes and Pepsis of the world to come in, the INTELs, the AMDs, and the CISCOs will follow. But the experience of the last decade belies such claims. While it is true that INTEL, AMD and CISCO have all invested in India, the sum total of their investments has been minuscule in relation to their other investments abroad. And rather than bring in new technology to India, they are actually sucking out technology from India. All their investment has been on divisions that either develop software on demand, or provide research assistance to their US counterparts. None of them has set up any manufacturing plants in India or signed any technology transfer agreements with any Indian company. All the technology that is developed is owned and marketed by the parent company, and other than the slightly higher than average salaries that accrue to a small minority of Indians working in the sector, few benefits accrue to India as a nation. What is worse is that these companies are provided all manner of perks and privileges to exploit India"s intellectual capital. They are given tax breaks and tax write-offs. They are given preferential treatment in the allocation of scarce resources like land, and round-the-clock electricity supply. In a July 20 Times of India report titled "IT expert warns against digital divide in country" the author wrote: A leading information technology (IT) expert has cautioned against a "digital divide" in the country and creation of disparities between the IT haves and have-nots. The report quoted M. Anandakrishnan (vice-chairman of the information technology task force of the Tamil Nadu government and the vice-chairman of the Tamil Nadu state council for higher education) as saying: "You cannot have a high-tech facility and have 50,000 people within a few kilometres who don"t have any access to computers. Availability of computers in every village did not mean accessibility and accessibility does not mean assimilation. Unless there is "localisation of content" this technology could not be used by 97 per cent of the population." The article goes on to question the euphoria surrounding the growth of the IT sector and again quotes M. Anandkrishnan: "We speak of 57 per cent growth of the software sector and 100 per cent growth of the hardware sector. We must take into consideration that the figures include hardware and equipment imports. We are talking of someone else"s products. We are still dependent on imports, and even now we have to use servers abroad to get to the Net". (Although there are some companies that assemble personal computers in India, India"s share of world hardware manufacturing is less than that of Taiwan, Korea, Malaysia, China, or Singapore - even lower than Thailand or the Philippines). M. Anandkrishnan was also quoted as saying that the productivity of Indian labour was very low - that Indian workers earned one thirtieth of what a Japanese worker took home, concluding that the burgeoning of IT could be termed a "revolution" only if a "high intensity of growth," was indicated. The absence of any significant investment in the local design and manufacture of advanced electronic components, computer chips or telecommunication hardware must be seen as a significant failure of this decade of rapid globalization. Advocates of globalization have often made the claim that globalization rather than destroy Indian industry would instead accelerate the growth of new industry and cause India"s economy to grow faster. But a detailed analysis of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in the last few years indicates that a sizeable portion of this investment has not gone into the creation of new productive capacities. Much of the investment has simply gone into into takeovers of existing Indian enterprises or towards speculative investments in the Indian stock market. Moreover, other than India"s "hot" IT companies and select MNCs - the vast majority of Indian stocks have not benefited from such highly volatile FDI flows. In addition, several MNCs have deliberately launched new 100% owned ventures that consciously undercut already existing partnerships with Indian manufacturers. Ironically many of these predatory ventures are funded by Indian banks and financial institutions! An Economic Times report (Dec 25 1999) cited Gouri Prasad Goenka, who took over as the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce & Industry (FICCI) president last month as complaining that MNCs were using Indian capital to take over Indian industry! He had said that the grant of approvals for 100 per cent subsidiaries in areas where the multinational already had a venture with a local partner was a danger signal for shareholders as well as industry. Amit Mitra, Ficci secretary, supplemented Goenka"s objection by saying that in the United States, an agreement between joint-venture partners had a conflict of contract clause. Goenka also complained that MNCs were able to get loans from Indian financial institutions at interest rates lower than those offered to domestic industrialists and pointed out that nowhere in the world was a 100 per cent subsidiary allowed in non-technical areas. A report in the Hindustan Times by Nitya Chakroborty pointed to the case of Pfizer - the US pharmaceutical major lobbying to set up a 100% subsidy in direct competition with it"s existing Indian venture that was partially Indian-owned. She also mentioned the tobacco giants as lobbying hard for permission to set up 100% subsidies. MNCs and "transparency" and "ethical practices" Arguments favoring globalization have often centered on how multinationals practice "transparency" in their business dealings and are more "ethical" than their Indian counterparts. Although rarely substantiated with any thing other than anecdotal testimonies, such praise for the MNCs is common in the Indian media. Yet, there are numerous instances where multinationals have not only displayed a lack of ethics and "transparency" but have actually broken the law. Consider an October 2, 1998 report in the Hindu titled: Large-scale tax evasion by MNCs unearthed. The author of that report, Sujay Mehdudia wrote: "Income-Tax officials have alleged that these companies evade taxes with impunity as the tax laws of the country are "inadequate and ineffective" to deal with such cases." He wrote of multinational giants flouting tax laws knowing very well that they could not be arrested or criminally prosecuted against under the Indian legal system and could get away by paying the tax dues when caught. Violations were neither rare nor exceptional, since all the companies surveyed or scrutinized by the Income-Tax authorities in the recent past had shown a tendency to violate the

跪求 Pure bathing culture 的 Dream the dare 歌词!

Tell me golden ocean love为我讲述金色的海洋之爱吧Hopeless but adored多么绝望而令人向往Sea-slick symboled wants for more光滑平整的大海一望无际He draws the Raven"s card他抽取着乌鸦塔罗牌Give me forward motion love给我前方遥不可及的爱Seas of white unfold白色海面渐渐铺展开来Sky"s black servant divinate天空的黑暗使者留下预言Show us what you hold向我们展示你拥有的一切Window watcher I want ya come on窗台上的守望者啊 来吧Oh love are you mine亲爱的 你会属于我吗Those feathered lashes you"re hiding behind你把缀满羽毛的鞭梢藏在身后Does it catch in your chest?你是否也会想起这些Do you like what you find?你是否喜爱拥有的一切Don"t you know I think about it all of the time?你可知道这些问题一直盘绕在我心间Diamond islands in your eyes你眼眸里的钻石岛屿Blackest in the sun太阳最漆黑的一面Ancient watcher divinate古老的守望者留下预言You"re the only one告诉我你就是唯一Window watcher i want ya come on窗台上的守望者啊 来吧Oh love are you mine亲爱的 你会属于我吗Those feathered lashes you"re hiding behind你把缀满羽毛的鞭梢藏在身后Does it catch in your chest?你是否也会想起这些Do you like what you find?你是否喜爱拥有的一切Don"t you know I think about it all of the time?你可知道这些问题一直盘绕在我心间Window watcher I want ya come on窗台上的守望者啊 来吧Oh love are you kind爱人啊 你是否和善Those withered words that ring in your mind这些苍白的话语浮现在你脑海中Does it catch in your chest?你是否也会想起这些Do you like what you find?你是否喜爱拥有的一切Window watcher I want ya窗台上的守望者啊 我需要你To feel water来带我感受水的柔情To feel fire火的热烈To feel water水的柔情Window watcher I want ya come on窗台上的守望者啊 来吧Oh love are you mine亲爱的 你会属于我吗Those feathered lashes you"re hiding behind你把缀满羽毛的鞭梢藏在身后Does it catch in your chest?你是否也会想起这些Do you like what you find?你是否喜爱拥有的一切Window watcher I want ya, come down and be mine窗台上的守望者啊我需要你 来吧来跟我在一起Little watcher come closer I need ya守望者啊过来吧 我需要你Oh love are you kind爱人啊 你是否和善Those withered words that ring in your mind这些苍白的话语浮现在你脑海中Does it catch in your chest?你是否也会想起这些Do you like what you see?你是否喜爱拥有的一切Is it all what you want it, want it to be这就是你想要的一切吗Come down storm crow, from your window暴风雨中的乌鸦 从窗台上下来吧Come down storm crow, find your way home下来吧 去找寻你回家的路

literature和 culture 之间的区别?

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