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Interpreter ; sanctuary ; cordiality 这英语用谐音怎么读?



Sanctuary 其实挺好记忆的首先这个词开头有san-San音圣 比如圣弗朗西斯科 San Francisco 开头就有san 这个音Sanctuary意思就是圣所圣所意思就是避难所在渔业里面 marine sanctuary也就是禁猎区的意思 是鱼的避难所柯林斯英汉双解大词典 His church became a sanctuary for thousands of people who fled the civil war.他的教堂成为成千上万逃离内战的人们的避难所。



谁有CAD @@hztxt sanctum 字体?





相对于Picture2图像框控件的坐标值,以图像框左上角为(0, 0)坐标

structural integrity 什么意思

structural integrity英[u02c8stru028cktu0283u0259ru0259l inu02c8teɡriti]美[u02c8stru028cktu0283u0259ru0259l u026anu02c8tu025bɡru026ati][词典] 结构的整体性;[例句]Thermally-bonded construction offers excellent efficiency and structural integrity.热粘合结构提供了很好的效率和结构完整性。

Rearrange the words to form meaningful sentences. Use correct punctuation 英语帮忙

1.Bian"s classmates like playing football.2.The games in your computer are very interesting.3.The dog"s tail is thin and long.4.Cristy"s bedroom windows are small.5.Doing exercise every morning can make you taller.6.Drinking eight glasses of water every day is good for your health.7.The collection of toys is under my bed.8.The strawberries on the plant are sweet.9.The seats in your car are very comfortable.如果满意,请采纳,有任何疑问也欢迎提问,谢谢。

写篇作文lectures and Discussion

With the development of society, some new form of Education has continually appeared in our study。Different student like different form of Education,and now the following is two main points. Firstly,Some students are in favour of lecture Teaching,maybe they lJust like to accept it but not change it.Secondly,Some students prefer discussion Teaching.In all ,above to all I like the scond viewpoint.In university education, teaching can be conducted in different forms. Two very popular ways of teaching are lecture and discussion. Normally in lecture, more students can be accommodated in one lecture room. However,individual care is seriously compromised. Hence, many students do not have lecture as it lacks lecture-student interaction. In contrast, discussion can solve the problem of passive listening that happens so often in lecuture rooms. In dicussion section, there is always a discussion leader, who leads the discussion. Less students participate in discussion than in lecture so that everyone can voice their opinions on the topic. Ideas can be exchanged and improved though discussion section. Thus, discusion facilitates active learning. Nonetheless, in many universities, lecutre is still the main way to conduct lessons.This is because discussion requires large amount of capital input which cannot fit the current situation in china. Thus, in my opinion, a combination of some lectures and some discussion would be a wonderful way of learning provided that there is enough education resources.不好意思我这也是借鉴的···(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……

reprimand criticize scold lecture on有什么区别?

reprimand 训斥 教训 吸取了一次教训 criticize 批评 评价 指事物,也可指人scold 责骂一般是责骂孩子lecture on 传授 一般指网络授课同义词辨析,首先这几个词都有教训 责骂的的意思 ,看一下他们几个用在不同环境

The picture has two people. The woman is mother,

The picture has two people. The woman is mother, she hand a book, staring at the other people. Then the other one is Xiao Ming. And he looks at his mother with a blank face. His mother said: I am on the book diet. Whenever I need a nack , I feed my brain instead of my body.这张照片有两人。女人是母亲,她手一本书,盯着别人。然后,另一个是小明。他看着他的母亲和一个空白的脸。他的母亲说:我在这本书的饮食。每当我需要一个纳,我喂我的大脑,而不是我的身体。As for this picture, I think it main to tell us the importance of reading. First of all, reading is able to enrish our spiritual world, it can make us more lively. Secondly books can enrish our brain, making us knowledgable. What" s more, there is an old saying : books are the stepping stones to humam progress. Thus it can be seen, reading is important.至于这张照片,我认为它主要告诉我们阅读的重要性。首先,阅读能enrish我们的精神世界,它可以使我们更加活泼。其次书可以enrish我们的大脑,使我们知识渊博的。什么,有句老话:书是胡马姆进步的垫脚石。由此可见,阅读是很重要的。By watching this picture. I know it is helpful to us to read books.通过观察这幅图。我知道这是有助于我们阅读书籍。







SAP structure PIPO_RAW 使用的table是什么?



使用: apply | use | wear | make use of | employ | appliance我使用这个词是出于疏忽。 I used this word from carelessness. 《新英汉大辞典》我们强烈反对使用核武器。 We deplore the use of nuclear weapons. 《21世纪大英汉词典》你如果能正确和有效地使用一个字, 你就了解它了。 If you can use a word correctly and effectively, you comprehend it. 《新英汉大辞典》你使用英国拼法还是美国拼法? Do you use English or American spelling(s)? 《新英汉大辞典》您因该使用哪一个呢? Which one should you use?使用它们能做什么? What do you use them for?你们必须知道如何使用它们。 You should know how to use them.可是,如果你真的决定使用它,你会用来做什么呢? But if you do decide to use it, what would you do with it?应该使用哪一种格式? Which one should I use?我们每天都会用到自控力,但是有些人比其他人更善于使用它们。 We all use it every day, but some of us use it more skillfully than others.因此他们使用互联网来达到(这个目的). So they use the Internet to do that.但是,像所有工具一样,必须知道如何使用它。 But, as with all tools, you have to know when to use it.那是您 应该使用的。 That is what you should use.因此我不推荐使用它们。 Therefore, I recommend against using them.如果愿意您也可以直接使用这个函数。 You can use it by itself if you like.我应该使用哪些特性? Which features should I use?它们中没有一款应用程序可以让你使用它们的程序来像这样来实际做新闻报道。 However, neither it nor any of the others allow you to use their app to actually do reporting like this.我如何知道我应当使用这些工件的哪一个? How do I know which one of these artifacts I should use?那么,应该使用哪种方法呢? So, which approach should you use?你会使用他们吗——用来做什么呢? Would you use them - and for what?或者你过去有使用过梵语吗? Or have you used them in the past?因此 我们可以使用它们? So we can use them?谁应该使用这个工具箱? Who should use the toolkit?因此,您可以认为,它不应该使用适配器。 You can assume, therefore, that it should not use adapters.对于某些国家地区的人们来说,这些将成为他们首次使用,或者是唯一的应用程序。 For some of the world, these will be the first or the only applications they use.我的意思是你可以使用它,但不要把它当作权威。 Except,I mean,you could use it, but not use it as authoritative.所以在实践中我们怎么使用它呢? So how might we use this in practice?是否要使用它呢? Should you use it?你使用什么样的搜索引擎,什么情况下会使用? What do you use and in what circumstances do you use it?你使用的触发器是什么,为什么要使用它们? What are the triggers you use and why do you use them?


虽然不知道你容易的定义是什么,不用我可以用简短的几句话来分别结束下,我们学校这4种类型的课。 Lecture: 通常是一个教授在前面讲,几十,几百个学生在后面听,通常会在一个可以容纳上百人的Lecture theatre里。这种课一般多是以听为主,教授也很少会提问,这种课主要是为了传达知识要点,一般多为不记名式,也就是来不来上课也没人管,但也有记名式的,这种课应该和国内的差不多。 Tutorial: 通常是紧接着Lecture的下一个学习程序,主要由一个Tutor,带一般不多于20个人小班,对Lecture里教授讲的东西进行系统学习和小组讨论,课上同学也可以对Lecture里或平时作业上的任何问题向Tutor提问,这种课大多数都强制学生发言,讨论,或做练习,一般也会要求做一些课前的预习和作业。 Lab: 简单来说就是在电脑室上的一种tutorial,和普通的Tutorial不同的地方就是,需要用到电脑,一般是用到某个程序软件,其他的和tutorial没区别,通常也会提问,讨论,分组,练习等等。 Workshop: 简单来说就是一种以做练习或动手作业为主的tutorial, 比如engineering 多有workshop,其他地方也于普通tutorial类似。 所以,如果要说轻松肯定是lecture比较轻松,但如果lecture不认真听,或不认真做笔记,tutorial讨论的时候,通常会发现没话可说。tutorial,lab, workshop 大同小异,具体看学什么专业的,或是自己不擅长什么,所以很难说哪个更容易。 全是自己写的,希望对你有帮助。

编程最后显示结果too few actual parameters是什么意思?

错误提示:调用delist函数的时候,少了一个实参,所以把dellist(L,i);改为dellist(L,i, Item);//加个实参Item 就可以了。#include<stdio.h>#include<stdlib.h>#include<string.h>struct student{char stuxuehao[6]; int stuno1; int stuno2;int stuno3;int stuno4;} ;void PraseStuNO(student* stu){char sz[2]={0};strncpy(sz, stu->stuxuehao, 2);stu->stuno1 = atoi(sz);memset(sz,0,2);strncpy(sz, stu->stuxuehao + 2, 1);stu->stuno2 = atoi(sz);memset(sz,0,2);strncpy(sz, stu->stuxuehao + 3, 2);

外贸中KD structure什么意思

意思是kd结构。kd结构是指家具类型,KD指散件组装,英文全称为:knockdown。KD有三种形式: CKD 、 SKD 、 DKD 。 CKD (Complete Knockdown)为全散件组装, SKD(Semi-Knockdown) 则是半散件组装,一部分总成是现成的。DKD(Direct Knockdown) 可以翻译为直接组装或成品组装,如汽车组装生产中,车身整体进口,安装车轮后出厂。KD结构的家具大多出现在欧美,日韩,南欧等经济发展较快的国家。

As I can see the dimensions of the polybag on picture, please do as explain.



这是字母组合发音啊 ,属于不规律的那种。在英语中很常见 ,打个比方 林和临发音一样和构造不一样啊


Once the plugin is installed, the next step is to configure it. Conceptually, this is very similar to associating a local project with a repository project in Structure101 ide plugin. You have some local code on your machine, here in the form of a project in an IDE, and you need to tell the plugin where the corresponding repository project is located. Logically, then, configuration takes place on a per-project basis: you configure local project X to be associated with repository project X, local project Y with repository project Y, etc. See also: Multi-project Issues. Once the association is in place, the plugin retrieves the architecture diagrams from the repository and displays them in the Diagrams Viewer. It then plugs itself into the IDEbuild system, ready to check for violations whenever a project source file is (re-)compiled. Any violations it finds are shown as overlays in the Diagrams Viewer. Note that any class map for the relevant model will be applied before the architecture is checked. See Understanding Models and Rules. A key feature is that the plug-in can be set to warn only on new code changes that are inconsistent with the architecture. This way developers can grow the code-base towards the target architecture without being constantly swamped with pre-existing violations. This is achieved by comparing each (bad) dependency against a reference snapshot of the project stored in the repository, marking a violation as "new" if the corresponding dependency cannot be found in the reference. The primary configuration data required by the plugin is therefore: The path to the repository: either a file system path (typically to a shared network drive) or an URL if the repository has been web-enabled via the Structure101 web application The project within the repository that corresponds to the given IDEproject The snapshot in the repository project to use as the reference (usually the most recent, but possibly hard-wired to a specific older version in extended branching and merging scenarios) The severity to apply for new vs existing violations The last aspect of the configuration relates to exactly when the plug-in will actually check for violations. The default setting is always - this means that it will perform an incremental scan every time code is recompiled. The main alternative is on demand - in this mode, it will only perform the scan when you tell it to (by hitting the refresh button) in the Diagrams Viewer. Finally, you can also set never - this basically puts the plugin to sleep, but without losing any of the settings. To get at the configuration screen: In Eclipse: right-click the project item, select Properties from the popup menu, and then select Structure101 in the tree on the left. In IntelliJ IDEA: choose File / Settings / Structure101 (under Project Settings). To get at the configuration screen in Eclipse: right-click the project item, select Properties from the popup menu, and then select Structure101in the tree on the left. Here"s what the configuration screen looks like in Eclipse.

Kate Bush的《Nocturn》 歌词

歌曲名:Nocturn歌手:Kate Bush专辑:Aerial Cd2Album:Darkness And HopeTitle:NocturnaHigh heels of crystalstuck in the heartdaylight that healsthe fullmoon scarsSpider strategyand the wish to beat one with methroughout the frightIt is so realSo full of light(when) Nocturna steals the nightIt is so realSo full of light(when) Nocturna steals the nightSister of cainall our breed slainthe youthful oathis still the samele mal de vivrethat never endsbut the hunt (for you) goes onthroughout the nightIt is so realSo full of light(when) Nocturna steals the nightIt is so realSo full of light(when) Nocturna steals the nightIt is so realSo full of light(when) Nocturna steals the nightIt is so realSo full of light(when) Nocturna steals the nightIt is so realSo full of light(when) Nocturna steals the nightIt is so realSo full of light(when) Nocturna steals the nightQQ :26090985http://music.baidu.com/song/2183056

picturesque ; tragedy ; courageous 这英语在美式英语中怎么读,求谐音~

Picturesque [ u02ccpikCHu0259u02c8resk]【谐音:陪车热瑟克】意思:如画(一般形容景色)Tragedy [ u02c8traju0259dē] 【谐音:车这迪】意思:悲剧;例:the four great tragedy 四大悲剧Courageous [ku0259u02c8rāju0259s] 【谐音:口瑞泽斯】意思:英勇的,勇敢的

跪问软件专家:如何在Microsoft Office Picture Manager将图片变的清晰?

如果放大很多 基本上清晰度就没有办法保证 相信这一点你是明白的--这个牵扯到点阵图(位图)的原理! 不多说 网上一抓一大把的确有软件可以让这种图像放大失真的程度减小一些--但是不要期望值过高!推荐 Shortcut PhotoZoom Pro(原名S-Spline Pro)是一款新颖的、技术上具有革命性的对数码图片进行放大的工具。通常的工具对数码图片进行放大时,总会降低图片的品质,而这款软件使用了S-SPLINE技术(一种申请过专利的,拥有自动调节、高级的插值算法的技术),可以将尽可能地提高放大图片的品质。程序最大的特色是可以对图片进行放大而没有锯齿,不会失真,这个是标准版!^_^http://www.lalaba.com/down/SoftDown.asp?id=48733

求个Microsoft office Picture Manager下载地址

我发你吧,附带安装教程,有教程方便多了office各个版本和安装教程下载链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1dEWPuSD 密码: 4b47



Retype the text (code) from the picture什么意思


英语give us an overall picture怎么翻译?


C# PictureBox 双击事件


you must make a picture in your mind 这句话中的mind可以换成brain吗?

不可。你必须在心中有个准备。mind 是指心里的意思。brain 是指实质的脑子。


从你的自定义坐标系来看,你的横坐标的可见范围是100到50,这也就是说凡是x大于100或小于50的数据就无法显示在Picture1中,因此你的整条Y轴都无法出现(因为x=0)。从你的后续程序来看,应该是这样才正确:Picture1.Scale (100, 0)-(0, 35)另外,为了显示出坐标轴线、刻度、X轴Y轴原点这些数据(它们都是在坐标范围之外),你应该适当扩大坐标系的范围,经过我的测试,下面这样是比较理想的:Picture1.Scale (110, -3)-(-10, 38)




VB6.0中用picturebox打开BMP 文件直接装入就可以了 Me.ScaleMode = 3 Picture1.Border = 0 Picture1.AutoSize = True Picture1.ScaleMode = 3 Picture1.Picture = LoadPicture("c:1.bmp") Picture1 的 Width ,Height 就是 图片的 Width ,Height 要实现窗口自适应图像的大小 Picture1.Scale (0, 0)-(infoheader.biWidth, infoheader.biHeight) 这样是不对的,这样就变成了自定义坐标 Me.ScaleMode = 3 Me.WindowState = 0 Picture1.Borderstyle = 0 Picture1.Left = 0 Picture1.Top = 0 Picture1.ScaleMode = 3 Picture1.Width = infoheader.biWidth Picture1.Height = infoheader.biHeight Me.Width = Me.Width + Screen.TwipsPerPixelX * (Picture1.Width - ScaleWidth) Me.Height = Me.Height + Screen.TwipsPerPixelY * (Picture1.Height - ScaleHeight)这样就实现了窗口自适应图像的大小


"以下是vb6缩放代码,居中,调整PaintPicture的参数X1,Y1,X2,Y2Private Sub Command1_Click()Picture1.Circle (500, 500), 400, vbGreenPicture1.Line (100, 100)-(1000, 1000), vbRedPicture1.Line (100, 1000)-(1000, 100), vbBlueEnd SubPrivate Sub Command2_Click()Dim pic As StdPictureSet pic = Picture1.ImagePicture1.ClsPicture1.PaintPicture pic, 0, 0, Picture1.Width * 0.5, Picture1.Height * 0.5, 0, 0, Picture1.Width, Picture1.HeightEnd Sub

英语翻译WHAT are the kids in the picture doing?What are they hol



third是序数词序数词前一般都要加the表示第几比如:in the third picture在第三张图片中但是序数词的另外一种用法就是前面加不定冠词a或者an,表示又一,再一a third picture即既表示出了又一张图片,同时也指出了这张图片是第几张图片举一个简单例子:Give me a fifth apple.再给我一个苹果(同时指出这个苹果已经是第五个了。)很开心能为你解惑,如有不理解的,随时问我哟,加油。

翻译Residual Solvents Statement (Ph.Eur./USP) or Letter of Confirmation for Product manufactured

Residual Solvents Statement (Ph.Eur./USP) or Letter of Confirmation for Product manufactured with use of Residual Solvents意思是:残留溶剂声明(Ph.Eur./USP)或使用残留溶剂制造的产品确认书

地质 joint fracture fissure

这三者都是岩石在受到侵蚀后形成的现象。相对joint指一块一块的剥落,通常呈方形或圆筒状,主要由水侵蚀引起,地球变温地带最常见。各种沉积岩,甚至花岗岩都有可能以这种方式剥落。fissure 指玄武岩这种快速凝熄的火成岩的剥落方式。外表看如同洋葱皮,一层一层地脱落。主要原因是因为它们颗粒极小,并由覆盖状态形成。fracture 没有特殊的地质意义,泛指岩石断裂处。多数用在形容沉积岩底层时,小于断层的分裂点。欢迎追问。

Punctual来源于哪个单词?是point 是punch?



paint 名词意思是油漆,涂料,颜料,也可以理解为绘画作品,应该是油画类的。我所理解的油画的意境,就是缺耳朵的梵高在清风的旷野之中,头顶温暖的阳光,挥动着画刷,盯着向日葵沉思。painting意思应该就是用画刷,不是画笔,画的,比如油画,水彩画等。我想这个词应该像艺术家专有的,比较专业哈。picture一般咱都知道,应该是图像之类,照片。这个词更重在真实,而不是艺术,所以毕加索的抽象画应该不能称其为picure。估计只有相机等数字画的东西处理的图才能称为picture。 这个词在金山词霸中的最重要的一点解释就是"相似物", 所以计算机中图像与图形的区别就是 draw 编程的人估计最熟悉这个单词,看都看腻味了。draw是个动词,任何人都可以draw,但不是任何人都可以paint(涂鸦也是这个词吧)。幼儿园的小鬼比较喜欢draw,咱图形编程的一天到晚也是和小朋友们差不多,整天draw。drawing 说到drawing这个词,大家只要想想泰坦尼克号中的穷画家jack给美女rose的裸体画,就明白了。这个词是素描或者线条画的意思,所用的工具只能是硬头的画笔,比如铅笔,而不是软的画刷。素,就是颜色没有油画鲜艳了。从这个角度看,图形学只能是drawing了哈。




不正确,如果表达的意思是这张照片上的人是Landy和Lisa,应该为The people in the picture are Landy and Lisa.如果表达的意思是这个照片是Landy和Lisa,应该为The picture is of Landy and Lisa.

黑白照片用英文怎么说,不要告诉我是 black and white picture


Libera的《Sanctus》 歌词

歌曲名:Sanctus歌手:Libera专辑:Classical 2008SanctusliberaSanctusBenedictus, benedictusqui venit in nomine benedictusIn nomine DomineBenedictus in nomineQui venit in nomineBenedictus qui venit in DomineSanctus Dominus Deus SabbaothPleni sunt coeli et terra gloriaPleni sunt coeli gloriahttp://music.baidu.com/song/1420448


对不起,回答得有些太晚了,看到英文翻译,我就想要翻译中文,有需要的可以看一下,整整翻译了一个下午!Sanctus (Based On Canon By Pachelbel) 圣哉经Benedictus, benedictus神圣,神圣 (的他)Qui venit in nomine benedictus以主之名到来,神圣 (的使者)In nomine以主Domine之名Benedictus, benedictus神圣,神圣 (的他)Qui venit in nomine benedictus以主之名到来,神圣 (的使者)In nomine以主Domine之名Sanctus Dominus Deus Sabbaoth至尊全能的万军之主Pleni sunt coeli et terra gloria天地间闪耀着你的光芒Sanctus Dominus Deus Sabbaoth至尊全能的万军之主Pleni sunt coeli gloria天空中闪耀着你的光芒Sanctus圣哉Benedictus, benedictus神圣,神圣 (的他)Qui venit in nomine benedictus以主之名到来,神圣 (的使者)In nomine以主Domine之名Sanctus Dominus Deus Sabbaoth至尊全能的万军之主Benedictus, benedictus神圣,神圣 (的他)Pleni sunt coeli et terra gloria天地间闪耀着你的光芒Qui venit in nomine benedictus以主之名到来,神圣 (的使者)Sanctus Dominus Deus Sabbaoth至尊全能的万军之主In nomine以主Pleni sunt coeli gloria天空中闪耀着你的光芒Domine之名Sanctus Dominus Deus Sabbaoth至尊全能的万军之主Pleni sunt coeli et terra gloria天地间闪耀着你的光芒Sanctus Dominus Deus Sabbaoth至尊全能的万军之主Pleni sunt coeli gloria天空中闪耀着你的光芒Sanctus圣哉这是标准翻译哦!希望你能喜欢!

什么是 Bureaucratic structure


There is another side to the picture post-card 这句如何理解

同意楼上的意见.应该和英语里常说的Every coin has two sides是一个含义.

the level of color fluctuation

颜色的水平波动 谷歌翻译颜色波动的水平 雅虎翻译

exchange fluctuation reserve是什么科目



fluctuations英 [u02ccflu028cktju028au02c8eu026au0283u0275nz]n.波动,涨落,起伏( fluctuation的名词复数 )[例句]Don"t worry about tiny fluctuations in your weight.不要为体重的细微变化担心。

thermal fluctuation什么意思及同义词

中文释义: 热起伏英语句子False ceilings are avoided so that floor slab thermal mass can be exposed in order to dampen temperature fluctuations.人工天花被取消了,因此水泥楼板的热量聚集暴露于外,用来抑制温度的波动。相似短语thermal fluctuation 热起伏thermal density fluctuation 热密度波动accidental fluctuation 意外变动atmospheric fluctuation 大气起伏artificial fluctuation 人工波动

考研英语图表作文表示波动上升应该怎么写?用with fluctuations修饰上升可以吗?


I am willing to company you till the fluctuation on the electrocardiogram turns into flat


currency fluctuation什么意思

currency fluctuation[英][u02c8ku028cru0259nsi u02ccflu028cktju028au02c8eu026au0283u0275n][美][u02c8ku025aru0259nsi u02ccflu028cktu0283u028au02c8eu0283u0259n]币值波动; 双语例句1But what about the risk of currency fluctuation?不过对于币值波动的风险你怎么处理?2Measures should be taken to address the problem of currency fluctuation, which will hinder the completion of ongoing programme activities.应采取措施处理货币波动的问题,这一问题会妨碍进行中方案活动的完成。


fluctuating[英]["flu028cktu0283u028aeu026atu026au014b][美]["flu028cktu0283u028aeu026atu026au014b]v.波动,涨落,起伏( fluctuate的现在分词 ); 形近词:fluctuationpunctuating1The report says the growth will ease amid fluctuating prices of resource commodities in the global and domestic markets.该报告认为,发展变慢将缓解国际以及国内市场资源和日用品价格的波动。

demand-side fluctuation是什么意思

demand-side fluctuation 需求波动 [经]

(三) 关于剩余(fluctuation)的概念



fluctuate名词形式是fluctuation,意思是“n. 波动,起伏”。fluctuate 英[u02c8flu028cktu0283ueu026at] 美[u02c8flu028cktu0283uu02ccet]波动; 涨落;使波动; 使动摇。[例句]Body temperature can fluctuate if you are ill.人患病后体温可能会上下波动。[其他] 第三人称单数:fluctuates 现在分词:fluctuating 过去式:fluctuated过去分词:fluctuated



fluctuation[英][u02ccflu028cktu0283u028a"eu026au0283n][美][u02ccflu028cktu0283u028au02c8eu0283u0259n]n.波动,涨落,起伏,[物]脉动; 动摇不定,踌躇; [生]彷徨变异; 网络波动(度); 物价波动,涨落; 波动; 复数:fluctuations形近词:fluctuatingpunctuation双语例句In addition, the main reason of china"s economic fluctuation in21st century is the stagnation of the transition in some key fields.当前中国仍存在经济剧烈波动的可能,其根源在于关键领域改革的滞后。

This kind of glasses manufactured by experienced craftsmen ______ comfortably. A.is worn B..

B 试题分析:考查主动语态表示被动含义。当不及物动词与副词连用。表示主语的性格特征的时候,使用主动语态表示被动含义。句意:这种由经验丰富的制造商生产的眼镜带起来很舒服。本句中的动词wear与副词comfortably连用表示这种眼镜的特点。故B正确。点评:当不及物动词与副词连用。表示主语的性格特征的时候,使用主动语态表示被动含义。在平时要注意这方面的用法的积累。

this kind of glasses manufactured by experiences craftsmen __comfortably.

comfortable形容词comfortably副词你记住形容词修饰名词 副词修饰动词但是有特殊情况 就是感官动词后加形容词 就像你写的taste、sound或者smell、look、feel等

This kind of glasses manufactured by experienced craftsmen( )comfortably.

【答案】:B考查动词的主动形式表示被动意义。当不及物动词与副词连用表示主语的性格特征时,使用主动语态表达被动含义,如The essay reads smoothly.(这篇文章读起来非常流畅)。分析选项可知,B项正确。故本题选B。句意:这种由经验丰富的工匠制作的眼镜戴起来很舒服。

The picture __________ on the wall is painted by my nephew.

The picture "that is hanging" on the wall is painted by my nephew.

The picture _____ on the wall is painted by my nephew. A. having hung B. hanging C. hang D hung


The picture__on the wall is painted by my nephew.


“the procession of pictures” 正确吗?





Enactus(原SIFE-Students in Free Enterprise),即创行,成立于1975年,是一个由在校大学生和学术界人士以及商界领袖组成的国际性非营利组织,总部设在美国,在全球45个国家共2000多所大学拥有独立运行的学生团队,为全球三大学生组织之一。这是发音视频http://video.sina.com.cn/v/b/94062717-1808009642.html


intuitive 的意思是直觉,属于、关于、或起源于直觉的instinctive的意思是本能,偏重天生的:凭直觉知道或感知的先谢谢了采纳啊。

instinctive 和instinctual区别

From:http://grammarist.com/usage/instinctive-instinctual/ At root, instinctive and instinctual are essentially the same; both mean (1) of or arising from the instinct, or (2) pertaining to the instinct. There is a subtle difference between them in some writing on psychology published in the last century. In these contexts, instinctive describes any unlearned response no matter how basic. For example, the fight-or-flight response to danger is instinctive, as is the tendency for babies to cry when hungry. Instinctual, meanwhile, describes feelings, thoughts, behaviors, and tendencies born of deep, motivational forces. In other words, things that are instinctual tend to be much more complex than things that are merely instinctive. Still, while this distinction is important in some areas of psychology, instinctive is often used where instinctual would also apply.Outside science, there are many claims about the supposed difference between the words: that instinctiveis for isolated behaviors and instinctual is for patterns of behavior; that instinctive is more literal andinstinctual is more figurative (i.e., synonymous with intuitive or deeply engrained); that the opposite is the case; that instinctive does not necessarily relate to instinct and is often synonymous with reflexive;that instinctive is more British and instinctual is more American; that instinctual is preferred in scientific usage, while instinctive is the popular term; and that instinctual pertains to human psychological instincts and instinctive to more animal instincts. Any one of these distinctions might be useful if it were borne out broadly in the language, but none is.What we can say, however, is that instinctive is far more common and many centuries older. Instinctualcame about early in the 20th century and initially appeared mostly in texts on psychology—the word appears especially often in translations of Freud and in references to his work—so it makes sense that the fine distinction between the words is now observed in that field.

什么是the smart grid architecture


急求一篇英语作文:1、American architecture 2、American popular music二选一作文。300字。谢谢!

   American popular music  One of America"s most important exports is her modern music is played all over the word.  It is enjoyed by people of all ages in all countries. The reasons for its popularity are its fast pace  and rhythmic beat. The music has many origins in The United States  Country music coming from the rural areas in the Southern United States is one source. Country music features simple themes and melodies, describing day-to-day situations and feelings of country people. Many people enjoy this music because of the emotions expressed by country music songs. A second origin of American popular music is the blues.  It describes mostly the sad feelings reflecting the difficult lives of American blacks.  It is usually played and sung by black musicians but it is popular with all Americans. Rock music is a newer form of music. This music style featuring fast and repetitious rhythm was influenced by the blues and country music.  It was first known as rock-and-roll in the 1950s.  Since then, there have been many forms of rock music: hard rock, soft rock, pop rock,  disco music and others. Many performers of popular rock music are young musicians. New popular songs are heard on the radio several times a day. People hear these songs sung in their original English or sometimes translated into other languages. the words may differ but the enjoyment of music is universal.  美国最主要的出口品之一就是全世界都在听的美国现代音乐。  不论老幼,不论国籍,所有的人都喜欢美国音乐。而使美国音乐如此受欢迎的是其快速而有韵律感的节奏。美国音乐与源自美国南部农村的乡村音乐有着千丝万缕的联系。乡村音乐一直以易懂的主题和简明的节奏著称,它表达着生活在乡村的人们的日常生活情景和感情。很多人喜欢乡村音乐就是被从其中流露出来的感情所吸引。另一个美国流行乐的源头就是蓝调。蓝调多数时候表达的是美国黑人由于艰苦生活所带来的悲伤的感情。它一般有美国黑人歌手演绎,但是在所有的美国人中都广受欢迎。  说道摇滚,它是一种新兴的音乐形式。它快速,重复的节奏受到了蓝调和乡村音乐的深远影响。摇滚发源于20世纪50年代。从那时起,摇滚乐又有了很多分支形式,比如:重摇滚(这个不太清楚具体怎么说,还麻烦自己找找),轻摇滚,流行摇滚,的士高等。许多流行摇滚的表演者都是年轻的音乐人。新的流行歌每天在收音机上重复播放。人们聆听着这些歌的英文原版和其他翻译版本,然而,尽管语言可能不同但音乐所带来的快乐是共通的!


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fracture 造句


英语作文:一些有趣的照片Some interesting pictures

In this day and age, taking photos has become commonplace. However, there are some interesting pictures that stand out among them, either for their composition, subject matter, or the story they evoke. Here are some of the interesting photos that I"ve come across:The first picture is of two people jumping off a dock into a lake. The photo captures the moment of their leap, with their arms and legs flailing in mid-air. The blue tones of the water provide the perfect backdrop for this exhilarating scene.The second picture is of a young child playing with bubbles in a park. The bubbles fill the frame, with the child"s tiny figure visible through the shimmering surface of each bubble. The photo is both whimsical and captivating.The third picture is a portrait of an elderly person with a wise and kind expression. The wrinkles on their face tell a story of a life full of ups and downs, joys and sorrows. The photo is a reminder of the beauty of age and wisdom.The fourth picture is of a dog catching a frisbee in midair. The photo captures the incredible athleticism and agility of the dog, with its eyes focused intently on the frisbee. The photo is a reminder of the boundless joy and energy that pets bring to our lives.The fifth picture is of a colorful rainbow stretching over a cityscape. The photo captures the beauty and wonder of nature, contrasting against the urban landscape of the city.In conclusion, these photos are just a small example of the interesting and captivating images that can be captured through photography. Every picture tells a unique story and has the power to evoke a range of emotions and memories.

The artist said that he hoped ________ drawing the picture soon.

答案B剖析:本题考查动词hope的用法。hope的使用方法有:(1)hope +that从句;(2)hope +动词不定式。故答案应从B或D中选择,但D的时态will finish与前面的said不相符,故正确答案为B。

TPO 27 听力Lecture第3篇 第2题What point does the professor make when she compares blues whales to

Professor: The largest animals today don"t live on land. But in the ocean where food is easier to find, a blue whale, … well, large animals can"t easily get rid of excess body heat. But for an oceangoing whale, that"s not a problem. For a 100-ton land animal, it can be. 教授说,现在体型最大的动物生活在海里,因为海里更容易觅食,而且大型动物很难甩掉身上多余的热量,但这对鲸鱼来说不成问题,对重 100 吨的陆地动物来说就是个问题了。所以教授把蓝鲸与大型陆地动物相比较是为了说明海洋环境减少了大型动物会遇到的食物和甩掉热量的问题,所以选择 D。


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