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affecting的意思是动人的,感人的。基本解释adj.: 深深打动人的;感动人的;激起怜悯的v.: “affect”的现在分词网络: 感人的;影响;令人感动的同义词adj.movingtouchingupsettingdistressingdisturbing英汉解释太令人感动令人感动的,动人的,引起同情的例句1、Minor adjustments await Americans over the next generation compared with the great changes affecting its prospective competitors.与影响未来竞争对手的大变化相比,下一代美国人只会经受一些小小的调整。2、The other is factual: Chinese bond purchases do not seem to be affecting American interest rates.另一个就是事实:中国购买债券似乎并没有影响到美国的利率。3、Mr Yoon"s comments seem to be aimed at affecting market sentiment and real action will be taken after he sees the outcome of the summit.尹增铉的讲话似乎旨在影响市场情绪,他会在看到峰会结果后才真正采取行动。4、the united states welcomes the visit and looks forward to a comprehensive discussion of issues affecting the u . s . - china relationship.美国对这次访问表示欢迎,并期待就影响美-中关系的有关问题进行全面磋商。5、There would be no possibility of any vulnerabilities affecting the referring page (which may be administered by someone else).其中并没有任何缺点可以影响到所引用的页面(这台服务器是由其他人进行管理的)。

求 It very often it is argued that the dose of supposed active 的句子结构分析

it is +形容词+that引导的从句,其中it为形式主语

jbra assisted reproduction 是sci吗?

您查询的是:范围: 包含: assisted reproduction共查到期刊: 2 种 Journal of assisted reproduction and genetics [1058-0468] 本刊收录在: MEDLINE(2011年)本刊收录在Web of Science: SCIE(2009版)本刊收录在Web of Science: SCIE(2012版)本刊收录在Web of Science: SCIE(2013版)点击: 查看SCI影响因子(2009)提示: Impact Factor:1.359; 5-Year Impact Factor:1.228点击: 查看SCI影响因子(2010)提示: Impact Factor: 1.253 ; Rank: 4049主题分类:Health Sciences: General and OthersHealth Sciences: Obstetrics and GynecologyLife Sciences: Genetics继承了: Journal of in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer [0740-7769]Journal of experimental & clinical assisted reproduction [1743-1050] 获取全文,请点击: PubMed Central 生物医药与生命科学开放获取电子期刊收录起始年 2004 卷: 1 到 2011 卷: 8获取全文,请点击: 生物医学中心开放获取期刊(BioMed Central )收录起始年 2004 卷: 1 到 2008 卷: 5主题分类:Health Sciences: Clinical MedicineHealth Sciences: Obstetrics and GynecologyHealth Sciences: Reproduction & Reproductive MedicineInformation Technology: Healthcare Database & Medical Informatics查了一下挂“assisted reproduction”,只有第一个是SCI,不知有没有你所需要的期刊,谢谢。

论文笔记之Deep Anomaly Detection on Attributed Networks

提出了DOMINANT(Deep Anomaly Detection on Attributed Networks)用于graph上的异常检测,核心想法:1)用GCN综合graph的结构信息和节点属性信息来获得节点的embedding。2)通过autoencoder来重构original data从而检测出异常节点。 文中指出网络中的异常节点由网络的拓扑结构和节点属性共同决定。 文中把属性图上的异常检查定义为一个ranking问题,即根据异常的程度评分排序。 Dominant由三部分组成: 1)attributed network encoder. 通过GCN综合网络结构信息和节点属性信息来获得节点的embedding。 2)structure reconstruction decoder. 通过节点的embedding重构网络拓扑结构。 3)attribute reconstruction decoder. 通过节点的embedding重构节点属性。 最终通过重构误差来评判节点的异常程度。 文中使用了GCN来作为encoder,同时考虑了网络结构信息和节点属性信息。 用A~ 表示重构的邻接矩阵,结构重构误差Rs=A-A~ .(Rs是一个矩阵) 这里的想法是,如果一个节点的连接关系不能被很好的重构,说明它的结构信息不符合大多数正常节点的pattern。 Rs(i,:)表示Rs的第i行对应的向量,即node i对应的结构信息。如果该向量的2范数越大,说明从拓扑结构的角度,节点i是异常节点的概率更高。 文中预测节点i和节点j之间是否有link使用的是node i的embedding与node j的embedding的内积加sigmoid,内积本质就是近似的相似度,即node i与node j的latent representation越像,越有可能有link. 于是有 和带conv层的autoencoder一样,conv的逆操作仍然是conv。 因此,使用另一个图卷积层来预测原始的节点属性 重构误差为RA=X-X~. 最终的目标函数定义为 α为超参数。 完成模型的训练后,通过每个节点的重构误差,来衡量其异常程度。 节点vi的异常score定义为 最后,对所有节点的异常score做ranking,得到各个节点的异常程度。

申请表中有项Awards/Academic distinctions received的amount填什么?

就是你获得的学术上的奖项荣誉 是奖学金的数量

it deserves protecting为什么不说it deserves protection

您好!这是deserve的固定用法,deserve doing后面只能加动名词,就像you 后面的谓语是are一样 祝学习进步!

歌手The Carpenters 演唱的《THE RAINBOW CONNECTION》翻译

Why are there so many songs about rainbows 为什麼世上有那麼多关於彩虹的歌 What"s on the other side 彩虹的另一边有些什麼 Rainbows are visions, they"re only illusions 彩虹都是假象,它们只是幻象 And rainbows have nothing to hide 彩虹里面什麼都没有躲藏 So we"ve been told and some choose to believe it 人家都这样告诉我们,而有些人愿意这样相信 I know they"re wrong, wait and see 我知道他们错了,你等著瞧 Someday we"ll find it, the rainbow connection 总有一天我们会找到它,那彩虹的列车 The lovers, the dreamers and me 恋人们、梦想家和我 Who said that every wish would be heard and answered 谁说每个愿望都会被听见、被实现 When wished on the morning star 只要你向晨星许愿 Somebody thought of that 有人想到这个说法 And someone believed it 也有人相信他们 And look what it"s done so far 可是这想法又怎样呢 What"s so amazing that keeps us star gazing 什麼事如此奇妙,让我们不断凝望星星 What do we think we might see 我们以为我们可能会看到什麼呢 Someday we"ll find it, the rainbow connection 总有一天我们会找到它,那彩虹的列车 The lovers, the dreamers and me 恋人们、梦想家和我 Have you been half asleep 你可曾半睡半醒 And have you heard voices 你可曾听见奇妙的声音 I"ve heard them calling my name 我曾听见它们呼唤著我的名字 Are these the sweet sounds that called the young sailors 这些是否就是那曾经呼唤著年轻水手们的声音 I think they"re one and the same 我想它们是完全相同的 I"ve heard it too many times to ignore it 我已经听过太多次,再不能不理会它 There"s something that I"m supposed to be 有些事情是我注定了该去做的 Someday we"ll find it, the rainbow connection 总有一天我们会找到它,那彩虹的列车 The lovers, the dreamers and me 恋人们、梦想家和我

Connecting 世界版 歌词

Find a reason to sing(French)Pour qu"enfin je puisse te voir(Polish)Ciebie dziś zobaczyć chcę (Korean)노래하는 방밥을 알려순 넌 보고 싶어(Hebrew)אוחך,תמיותז,אשז לימד אוחילשיך(Spanish)Alguien perdió una medía de amorUn extraño la recogióPara hacerla sonar una vez más(Italian)La melodia,che un giorno qualcuno creònel cuore la conserverò e tanta gioia al mondo riporterò(Arabic)متى من دون،آو ن نعر ف آسما ىناان نعرف و خو هنامىعن ة تسعد شخطا ما(BR Portuguese)E mesmo sem nem ao menos nos conhecerPosso sentir que aNossa uniao só pode fortalecer(Swedish)Jag var avundsjuk,alltid tittat ner på min skärm och önskat att det varjagFram tills idag(Chinese)过去到现在,我只是隔着屏幕远远眺望又羡慕着,那样的风景Find a reason to seeIf were to sing with you(Tagalog)Oras ay kalilimutan sa sayang madarama(Hindi)खाे जाऊ खृट को मेँ खा१ीयाँ के इस जयन में ।Find a reason to singThat one and only thing(English)Precious gift of song given by the angels singing high above(Russian)Даром песней исцелять сердца был ты свыше наделен(Oh)Connecting Connecting(French)À notre hymne(Polish)Z twą pieśniąConnecting Connecting(Korean)내 꿈을(Hebrew)עט חלומךConnecting Connecting(French)À ta vie (Polish)Z twym życiėmConnecting with you(Tagalog)Kanino ba tayo nakikipagharapSiyang sa ati"y nagpapabagakAno nga ba sa"tin ay mga nawala(Hindi)ओािखर वो क्या है िजससे हम लड़े ?हम हारे है िकससे ?क्या है जो हमनें खोंया है अभी ।(English)Even despite knowing neither name nor face,the words that had been distorted,they steal away somebody"s everyday life(Russian)Не видим лиц,не знаем Даже именЛюдей которых порой Небрежными словами раним легко(German)Ich hab stets gedacht,es gäb keinen Weg,dass wir uns je wirklich gut versteh"nDoch der Tag ist da!(Japanese)永远に通じ合う事はないと思ってた今まではFind a reason to singIf I were to sing with you(Spanish)Siento por prima vez lo que significa la amistad(Italian)Forse per la prima volta,da solo non mi sentiròFind a reason to singLet us sit and talk some day(AR)ننظر في عتو ننا لاً نا سعداء نا للقاء(BR Portuguese)E haja o que houver Nós ainda vamos nos encontrar(Oh)Connecting Connecting(Tagalog)Sa"yong awit(Hindi)गीतों सेConnecting connecting(English)With your dream(Russian)С мечтоюConnecting Connecting(Tagalog)Sa"yong buhay(Hindi)गीवन सेConnecting with you(Swedish)Allting är för svårt mig just nu(Chinese)现在什么事都太过困难(German)Träum deinen langweiligen Alltag weg mit einem Dowland(Japanese)その乾いた日常に梦をDowland(Swedish)Alltihop är lite galet just nu(Chinese)现在一切都是那么疯狂(German)Wandel all die Gefüble einfach ineinen Upload(Japanese)その感情のままに投げっけろUpload(Tagalog)Bakit nga kaya landas nati"y sadyang pinagtatagpo?(Hindi)जाने क्यँू चोग िमलते दुिनया में इत्तफ़ाक़ से।(Spanish)Riendome,estamos todo siendo conectados(Italian)E riderai con tutti i tuoi amici in tutto il mondo(Arabic)وبعد ذلك،ماذا سيحدث بعد ذالك(BR Portuguese)Qual será a próxima página dessa histria?Maybe nobody knows(French)J"entend au loin,le cri d"un homme désempare,reflet de mon être passé,n"ayant pu retrouver mon foyer en vain(Polish)Słyszałem głos,to w oddali krzyczał ktośKto jak dwomo temu ja Ponubil się,nie wiedział gdzie iść miał(Korean)네 이름도 알굴조차 모른데도너의 따스한 마음에지금도 너는 사랑받은 거죠?(Hebrew)מבלי לחכיך אח פנך או אח שמך אניחוהה כמח פעמים ניצלהי על ידי טוב ליבך(Arabic)خلف الشاشة(BR Portuguese)Sem hesitar(Spanish)Te doy mis manos(Italian)Starò qui con te(Swedish)För det kommer va"min tur nästa gång(Chinese)这一次轮到我来将他人(German)Verbinde mich von nun an(Japanese)繋げる番だFind a reason to sing(English)Come and sing along with me(Russian)Эту песню спой со мной(Tagalog)Kung orays ay malilimutan sa sayang Madarama(Hindi)तुम खो जाआेगे अगर खुि१ायों कं इस जहान में।Find a reason to sing(French)Et ma raison là voilà(Polish)O to właśnie chodzi nam(Korean)신께서 내려주신 재능이사 선물 거야(Hebrew)המחנה אשר האלנהים נחן הנא רק לך Find a reason to singI want to go meet with you(German)Denn du lehrtest mich zu singen,das vergesse ich dir nie(Japanese)歌うこと教えとくれた君にFind a reason to singLet us sing together now(Swedish)Jag vet,det är inte något stort,men du får en gåva utav ord.(Chinese)虽然它微不足道,但我仍然想唱与你听(Oh)Connecting ConnectingWith your songConnecting ConnectingWith your dreamConnecting ConnectingWith your lifeConnecting with youOnce againConnecting Connecting With your song Connecting ConnectingWith your dreamConnecting ConnectingWith your lifeConnecting with you

reverse dictionary是什么意思

reverse dictionary英 [riˈvə:s ˈdikʃənəri] 美 [rɪˈvɚs ˈdɪkʃəˌnɛri]逆序词典;倒序词典双语例句1. Shall we reverse the order and put Z at the beginning of this dictionary? 我们能改变次序把Z字母写在这本字典开头 吗 ?2. Shall we reverse the order and put Z at the beginning of the dictionary? 我们是否可以颠倒一下次序,把以Z开头的词条放在这本词典的开头?

strong adjectives是什么意思


什么叫short adjectives Long adjectives?

short adjectives Long adjectives? 全部释义和例句>> 短形容词长形容词?

Adjectives and Adverbs

Part A. (adjective - adverb) 1.natural - naturally 2.careful - carefully 3.noisy - noisily 4.beautiful - beautifully 5.good - well 6.happy - happily 7.fresh - freshly 8.calm - calmly Part B (依度真系唔识啦!help!!) 1.In her wedding Veronica was so HAPPY to see her brother who had just returned from Europe. 2.Terry does his homework CAREFULLY so he always gets high marks. 3. FRESHLY picked strawberries are sweet and juicy. I like them very much. 4.Wesley is a four-mouth-old baby.He always cries NOISILY. 5.When accidents happen people should act CALMLY. 6.Judy is a GOOD cook. She cooks very WELL. 7.The best way to spend a weekend is to enjoy the FRESH air and the BEAUTIFUL scenery of the NATURAL world. So let"s go to the countryside. Part A. 1.natural | naturally 2.careful | carefully 3.noisy | noisily 4.beautiful | beautifully 5.good | well 6.happy | happily 7.fresh | freshly 8.calm | calmly Part B. 1. happy 2. carefully 3. freshly 4. noisily 5. calmly 6. good well 7. fresh beautiful natural

reverse auction是什么意思


comparative and super:ative adjectives

complete the sentences with the words given.1.) English wine is good but French wine is even__better__(good).2.) The earlier we leave , the__earlier___(early) we arrive.3.) It is___more difficult___(difficult) to do Maths than speak in English.4.) I am so happy. I must be__the happiest__ (happy) man in the world.5.) I was ill yesterday and I am even___worse__(bad) today.6.) I have two daughters. Karen is the__younger__(young) one and Kelly is the elder child.7.) This book is much___thinner____(thin) than the dictionary. This makes my schoolbag__more lighter__(light) today.8.) Thomas is __more attractive___(attractive) than his brother.9.) David is _the most boring__(boring) person I"ve ever met.10) Hong Kong is one of _the best interesting___(interesting) cities I"ve ever visited. 11) My scarf is _ more beautiful__(beautiful) than the one in the window.12) The Peninsula is __the most expensive__(expensive) hotel in Hong Kong.13) John is a ___better__(good) gardener than Steven.14) Your dress is__more longer__(longer) than mine.15) Summer is__the hottest__(hot) among the four seasons.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Proofread the following sentences and correct them.1. Comic book is more funny than textbook.2. Amy"s apple is bigger than Jill"s.5. Mary"s fingers are shorter than Mary"s.6.The 3G i-phones are more advanced than the 2G mobile phones.7. Kelly is happier than Lilly.8. Susan"s hair is longer than Amy"s.9. Miss PO is more beautiful than Polly.10. Peter is faster than Tom.11. A stone necklace is the cheapest among three.12. Marco is more hungry than Gary.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Form correct sentenes from the information given.1. Mount Everest measures8,848meters, Mount Kangchenjunga measurs 8,596meters and K2 measures 8,611meters. (high, compare with three mountains)____Mount Everest is the highest among three mounts.____________2. Anne is 43 years old ,Lynne is 40years old (young)_____Lynne is younger than Anne.________3. The red dress costs25.00,the blue dress costs15.00. (expensive)____The red dress is much expensive than the blue one. ____________4.Russia is 17,075,000 sqm , France is 544,000 sqm. (small)France is smaller than Russia. ___________________5. Box A is bigger than bow B,box C is bigger than box A. (big, compare with three big)___Box C is the biggest of three boxes._________________________6. Jihnny was bad, Wendy was very bad, Billy was very, very bad. (bad, compare with three boys)___Billy was the worst among three boys.

fill in the blanks with correct pronouns or possessive adjectives[填入介词]


It"s+adjective for sb.to do sth与It"s+adjectivesb of to do sth的区别

It"s+adjective for sb.to do sth中的adjective为不形容人的品格的一些形容词,比如:it is difficult for me to solve the problemIt"s+adjective of sb. to do sth中的adjective为一些形容人的品格的一些形容词,比如:it is kind of you to help me

two adjectives


adjectives don"t agree with nouns什么意思

不全同意 全都不同意:I don"t agree with anything.

Write the comparative forms of following adjectives中文是什么意思




Fill in the blanks with appropriate possessive adjectives 英语英语

1、our2. Its3.his4.their5.his6 your the

Adjectives for numbers, Proper nouns for people


英语Replace the words in brackets with suitable possessive adjectives

There are a lot of clothes in [her ](your sister"s) closet 2. [ His](The man"s) shoes are torn and dirty 3. I broke [ its] (this chair"s)legs 4. This is [ our](my and my brother"s) stamp collection 5. Whe...

我不明白这句的结构。 we use these adjectives with food and drink?

我们用这些形容词修饰食物和饮料。We主语,use动词,作谓语,these adjs作宾语,后面的成分作宾补。

Inherent adjectives是什么意思

Inherent adjectives 固有形容词如有帮助请采纳,如对本题有疑问可追问,Good luck!

各说30个Positive adjectives and Negative adjectives. 如题.辛苦各位了.

positive adjectives1 good 好的2 clever,聪明的3 beautiful 美丽的3 lovely 可爱的5 delicious 美味的6 nice 美好的7 honest 诚实的8 trustful 信任的9 brave 勇敢的10 generous 慷慨的11 enthusiastic 热心的12 ra...

short adjectives ending in a vowl

1.以辅音+y结尾的短的形容词,短的形容词指音节少(1或2个音节)的形容词 2.以元音+y结尾的短得形容词 3.双写辅音字母 4.长的形容词(指音节多的,3个或3个以上的音节) 5.特殊形容词 6.替换这个词

关于Adjectives to describe the weather类型的英语单词有哪些?



adjectives英["ædʒɪktɪvz]美["ædʒɪktɪvz]n.形容词( adjective的名词复数 )形近词:objectivesadjectival数据合作方:金山词霸双语例句柯林斯词典百度百科百度知道新1It is a rule of English that adjectives generally precede the noun they modify: we say "a good cry", not "a cry good".英语规定形容词通常放在其修饰的名词前:我们说a good cry,不说a cry good。

long adjectives什么意思

long 长adjectives 形容词单词放在一起 long adjectives的意思是 “很长的作为形容词的单词”比如下面是一些 5 个音节的英语形容词:impenetrableimperceptibleimponderableinapplicableinadvisableinaccessibleinarticulateinappropriateinconspicuousinexhaustibleuncomfortablecontemporarycommunicable希望帮到了你,若满意请点击“选为满意答案”及时采纳,谢谢。

possessive adjectives的缩写是什么?

possessive adjectives是形容词性物主代词。形容词性物主代词有my(我的)、her(她的)、our(我们的)、your(你的、你们的)、his(他的)、its(它的)、their(他们的)。形容词性物主代词具有形容词的特性,一般放在名词前面作定语,表明该名词所表示的人或者物是“谁的”。名词性物主代词用来表示某人或者某物属于“谁的”的代词叫做物主代词。名词型性物主代词有mine、yours、his、hers、its、ours、theirs。形容词性的物主代词只能用作定语,不能单独做成分。例如:This is my(our)room and that one is his(their)room.这是我(们)的房间,那是他(们的房间)。

possessive adjectives是什么意思?

possessive adjectives是形容词性物主代词。形容词性物主代词有my(我的)、her(她的)、our(我们的)、your(你的、你们的)、his(他的)、its(它的)、their(他们的)。形容词性物主代词具有形容词的特性,一般放在名词前面作定语,表明该名词所表示的人或者物是“谁的”。名词性物主代词用来表示某人或者某物属于“谁的”的代词叫做物主代词。名词型性物主代词有mine、yours、his、hers、its、ours、theirs。形容词性的物主代词只能用作定语,不能单独做成分。例如:This is my(our)room and that one is his(their)room.这是我(们)的房间,那是他(们的房间)。

a graded adjective 是什么意思?Some adjectives can be graded with adverbs如何理解?



你好!没有关心别人Not care about others


able有才干的,能干的 active主动的,活跃的 adaptable适应性强的 adroit灵巧的,机敏的 aggressive有进取心的 alert机灵的 ambitious有雄心壮志的 amiable和蔼可亲的 amicable友好的 analytical善于分析的 apprehensive有理解力的 aspiring有志气的,有抱负的 audacious大胆的,有冒险精神的 capable有能力的,有才能的 careful办事仔细的 candid正直的 charitable宽厚的 competent能胜任的 confident有信心的 conscientious认真的,自觉的 considerate体贴的 constructive建设性的 contemplative好沉思的 cooperative有合作精神的 creative富创造力的 dashing有一股子冲劲的,有拼搏精神的 dedicated有奉献精神的 devoted有献身精神的 dependable可靠的 diplomatic老练的,有策略的 disciplined守纪律的 discreet(在行动,说话等方面)谨慎的来源:个人求职简历 dutiful尽职的 dynamic精悍的 earnest认真的 well-educated受过良好教育的 efficient有效率的 energetic精力充沛的 enthusiastic充满热情的 expressive善于表达 faithful守信的,忠诚的 forceful(性格)坚强的 frank直率的,真诚的 friendly友好的 frugal俭朴的 generous宽宏大量的 genteel有教养的 gentle有礼貌的 hard-working勤劳的 hearty精神饱满的 honest诚实的 hospitable殷勤的 humble恭顺的 humorous幽默的 impartial公正的 independent有主见的 industrious勤奋的 ingenious有独创性的 initiative首创精神 have an inquiring mind爱动脑筋 intellective有智力的 intelligent理解力强的 inventive有发明才能的,有创造力的 just正直的 kind-hearted好心的 knowledgeable有见识的 learned精通某门学问的 liberal心胸宽大的 logical条理分明的 loyal忠心耿耿的 methodical有方法的 modest谦虚的 motivated目的明确的 objective客观的 open-minded虚心的 orderly守纪律的 original有独创性的 painstaking辛勤的,苦干的,刻苦的 practical实际的 precise一丝不苟的 persevering不屈不挠的 punctual严守时刻的 purposeful意志坚强的 qualified合格的 rational有理性的 realistic实事求是的 reasonable讲道理的 reliable可信赖的 responsible负责的 self-conscious自觉的 selfless无私的 sensible明白事理的 sincere真诚的 smart精明的 spirited生气勃勃的 sporting光明正大的 steady塌实的 straightforward老实的 strict严格的 systematic有系统的 strong-willed意志坚强的 sweet-tempered性情温和的 temperate稳健的 tireless孜孜不倦的

各说30个Positive adjectives and Negative adjectives。

positive adjectives1 good 好的2 clever,聪明的3 beautiful 美丽的3 lovely 可爱的5 delicious 美味的6 nice 美好的7 honest 诚实的8 trustful 信任的9 brave 勇敢的10 generous 慷慨的11 enthusiastic 热心的12 radient光芒四射的,喜悦的13 rapture全神贯注的,欢天喜地的14 reasonable合情合理的15 responsible负责的16 romantic浪漫的17 hearty,衷心的亲切的18 helpful有益的19 honesty诚实的20 honey甜蜜的21 humor幽默的bright 辉煌的22 useful 有用的23 Brilliant 英明的24 United 和睦的25 beautiful 美丽的26 smart 灵巧的27 obedient,服从的28 objective,客观的29 obliging,乐于助人的,礼貌的30 diligent 勤奋的negative adjectives1 bad2 cunning 狡诈的3 dishonest 不诚实的4 money-minded 爱钱如命的5 evil 恶毒的6 narrow-minded7 blinkered 目光狭窄的8 faceless 无个性的9 jump-up 妄自尊大的10 greedy 贪心的11 corrupt贪污的12 violent 血腥的13 hateful可恶的14 unholiness 邪恶的15 careless粗心大意的16 calculating工于心计的17 coward胆小鬼,懦夫18 cozy互相勾结的19 cold-blooded无情的20 cold-hearted铁石心肠的21 crappy差劲的,不好的22 crazy疯癫的,愚蠢的23 cruel残忍的24 crummy劣质的25 crusty暴躁的26 critical吹毛求疵的,爱挑剔的27 cynical愤世嫉俗的,冷嘲热讽的28 crude粗鲁,粗俗的29 cuckoo疯疯癫癫的,傻的30 brutal冷酷的

adjectives to describe people 是什么意思

adjectives to describe people的中文翻译adjectives to describe people 形容人的形容词

possessive adjective与possessive pronoun的区别

形容词所有格比如my ,his ,her,our等,相当于一个形容词,后要接名词。名词所有格比如 mine,his,hers,ours等,相当于一个名词,本身就是名词,后不需要名词。this is my book。this book is mine。

英语里的strong adjectives在使用时要注意什么?


Subject pronous , possesive adjectives , possesive +noun 翻译成中文

pronous主题,possesive形容词、possesive +名词

sullable adjectives的意思?


possessive adjectives是什么意思

possessive adjectives所有格形容词双语对照词典结果:网络释义1. 物主形容词2. 所有格形容词.___________________________很高兴为你解答!如有不懂,请追问。 谢谢!

comoarative adjectives的意思

coordinate adjectives 协调形容词 Adjective appositive 同位形容词 cumulative adjectives 累积形容词

问几个问题,Adjectives Adverbs什么意思

形容词 副词the subway

英语语法术语:adjectives of quality 是什么意思? 请高人指点一下,谢谢!


long adjectives什么意思

说long是形容词,有 很长,长的意思

possessive adjectives是什么意思?

possessive adjectives是形容词性物主代词。形容词性物主代词有my(我的)、her(她的)、our(我们的)、your(你的、你们的)、his(他的)、its(它的)、their(他们的)。形容词性物主代词具有形容词的特性,一般放在名词前面作定语,表明该名词所表示的人或者物是“谁的”。名词性物主代词用来表示某人或者某物属于“谁的”的代词叫做物主代词。名词型性物主代词有mine、yours、his、hers、its、ours、theirs。形容词性的物主代词只能用作定语,不能单独做成分。例如:This is my(our)room and that one is his(their)room.这是我(们)的房间,那是他(们的房间)。

gradable adjective和non-gradable adjective是什么意思

gradable adjective等级形容词non-gradable adjective非等级形容词;

Noun adjective verb 分别是什么意思



名词 动词 形容词

possessive adjectives是什么意思




adjective clause啥意思

就是 定语从句 得意思

appear的副词? appear的副词(adverb)和形容词(adjective)是什么?

appear (vi.出现) 形容词:apparent (adj.明显的) 副词:apparently (adv.显然)

challenge; challenging ;adjective ;这英语用谐音怎么读?


challenge; challenging ;adjective 这英语用谐音怎么读?


gradable adjective和non-gradable adjective是什么意思?

【gradable adjective】 == 【等级形容词】 (指具有比较等级的形容词) 如 tall,taller,tallest 【non-gradable adjective】 == 【非等级形容词】 如 atomic

strong adverb 和strong adjective 分别是什么意思

strong 副词 --adverb 缩写 advstrong 形容词---adjective 缩写 adj一般词汇表上 都有词典上的吧

甚麼是adjective clauses?


possessive adjective是什么意思

possessive adjective所有格形容词



one-syllable adjective是什么意思


strong adverb 和strong adjective分别是什么意思?


one-syllable adjective是什么意思

one-syllable adjective的意思为单音节形容词. 1.单音节词、双音节词与多音节词. 音节中有一个元音,称为单音节单词;如three 音节中有二个元音,称为双音节单词;如alone 音节中有三个或三个以上的元音,称为多音节单词telegram 2.单音节形容词即音节中有一个原音的形容词. 示例:big、hot、red、clean 、nice 、wide等. 可追问,望采纳.

demonstrative adjective是什么意思

为您解答:demonstrative adjective指示形容词**************************************************************如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问,另外如果你觉得我的回答对你有所帮助,请千万别忘记采纳哟!***************************************************************


Promoun:a word that is used instead of a noun or noun phrase, for example he, it, hers, me, them, etcAdjective: a word that describes a person or thing, for example big, red and clever in a big house, red wine and a clever idea


adjectives英 ["ædʒɪktɪvz] 美 ["ædʒɪktɪvz] n.形容词( adjective的名词复数 )例句:In most languages adjectives have slightly different spellings for masculine and feminine 在多数语言中,形容词的阳性和阴性的拼法略为不同。

extreme adjective

楼上的 不懂不要误人子弟 你说那是比较级的最高级表示极度的形容词,比如hungry(饥饿的)的extreme adjective就是starving(极度饿,挨饿的),good(好的)的extreme adjective就是wonderful(极好的)big(大的)的e...

possessive adjective是什么意思

possessive adjective[英][pəˈzesɪv ˈædʒiktiv][美][pəˈzɛsɪv ˈædʒɪktɪv]n.<语>所有格形容词;例句:1.These words are called adjectives because they describe who or what the noun belongs to. Read thesentences below and look for the possessive adjective in each.这些单词被称为形容词因为他们描述名词属于谁的或属于什么。读下面的句子并寻找每名句的所有格形容词。

demonstrative adjective是什么意思

demonstrative adjective 网络释义 指示形容词(2) 指示形容词 ( demonstrative adjective ):Give me that book。基于9个网页-相关网页短语a demonstrative adjective 指示形容词双语例句A demonstrative pronoun or adjective. 关系代词引导形容词从句。

demonstrative adjective是什么意思

有道翻译: 示范形容词

demonstrative adjective是什么意思

demonstrative adjective 指示形容词 例:A demonstrative pronoun or adjective. 指示代词或指示形容词.


relaxed(放松的)--nervous(紧张的) pleased,glad,fine(高兴的,好的)--angry(生气的),unhappy,sad(不开心的,不高兴的) worried(担心的,焦虑的) upset (烦心的,不安的) surprised,amazed(惊讶的)--cool (冷静的)warm-hearted,kind(好心的,热心的) confident(自信十足的)--frustrated (沮丧的) gentle ,soft (温柔的) pity (可惜的) tired(疲惫的),sleepy(有困意的)--energitic (精力十足的) frightened,scared,fearful,afraid(都是害怕的) wonderful (觉得精彩的) proud (自豪的) determined (下定决心的) hopeful(充满希望的)--hopeless (毫无希望的) disappointed (失望的) 暂时这些 可能有有点超纲的..你就自己挑挑吧


间接染色的 adjective law【律】程序法 adjective dyes 间接染料


adjectives[英]["ædʒɪktɪvz][美]["ædʒɪktɪvz]n.形容词( adjective的名词复数 ); 例句:1.Despicable, heinous and disgusting are adjectives that spring most easily to mind. 听到这一切,最先跃入脑海的形容词是卑劣、令人发指和令人作呕


形容词 ADJ的 全拼


adjective 英[ˈædʒɪktɪv] 美[ˈædʒɪktɪv] n.形容词 adj.形容词的;附属的,不独立的;[法]有关程序的 名词复数:adjectives [例句]Because it is more than an adjective ,more than a label. 因为它不仅仅是一个形容词、一个标志.



Be very adjective还是Be adjective very much哪种形式是对的啊?


adjective与adverb可数吗 速速回答

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