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Advent的《Reflection》 歌词

歌曲名:Reflection歌手:Advent专辑:Remove The EarthReflection (Pop Version)Look at meYou may think you seewho I really amBut you"ll never know meEvery dayIt"s as if I play a partNow I seeIf I wear a maskI can fool the worldBut I cannot foolmy heartWho is that girl I seeStaring straight back at me?When will my reflection showwho I am inside?I am now in a worldwhere I have tohide my heartAnd what I believe inBut somehowI will show the worldwhat"s inside my heartAnd be loved for who I amWho is that girl I seestaring straight back at me?Why is my reflectionsomeone I don"t know?Must I pretend that I"msomeone else for all time?When will my reflection showwho I am inside?There"s a heart that mustbe free to flyThat burns with a needto know the reason whyWhy must we all concealWhat we thinkHow we feel?Must there be a secret meI"m forced to hide?I won"t pretend that I"msomeone elseFor all timeWhen will my reflection showwho I am inside?When will my reflection showwho I am inside?http://music.baidu.com/song/2782883

Noun clause。adverb clause。adjective clause。区分

Noun- 名词adverb- 副词adjective- 形容词常见的连接词:For, And, Not, But, Or, Yet, SoNoun- 名词---- Late last year our neighbours bought a goat.adverb- 副词----- Unfortunately, the bank closed at three today.adjective- 形容词 -----The back room was filled with large, yellow rain boots.

英文文法 verb +adjective

This broadcast es to you (live) from Buenos Aires. (1) live 系 adverb. (2) Come 不同 taste sound (3) This broadcast es live from Buenos Aires是对. Live可做 verb adjective or adverb. "Live" is used as an adverb: The ceremony will be broadcast live on television. Their latest CD was recorded live (= recorded at a live performance) in New York. "Live" is used as an adjective. There will be live TV coverage of tonight"s big match. "Live" is used as a verb. (differeent meaning) They live in England. Sense/Perception verbs: (state verbs) appear look seem sound taste state verb + adjective The suggestion sounds good. The food tastes delicious. 2011-01-17 11:22:13 补充: Their latest CD was recorded live in New York. ("live" is an adverb) It was recorded at a live performance. ("live" is an adjective) 2011-01-17 11:27:37 补充: Sorry Typo error: different (not differeent) Longman English Dictionary (not "Lonman" ) 参考: Lonman English Dictionary this broadcast es to you (live) from Buenos Aires.= adverb The above sentence has the similar meaning as the sentence below. This is a (live) broadcast from Buenos Aires sent to you= adjective this broadcast es live from buenos aires = this is a live broadcast from Buenos Aires.= is a place so it must be in capital letter. Kane the werer "Godfrey" has explained well. 我推荐您一个非常不错的英语学习网站,里面有很多非常不错的学习资源: englishstudy.info 希望可以帮到你!


1)adverb – an adverb is used to describe the verb so it has a meaning of adding some more information to the verb. Examples : a. He runs quickly to the playground. – here quickly is additional information for you to know more about the verb run that is – he runs quickly b. He talked to me secretly about his girl friend. – here secretly is the additional information about how he talked. 2)noun – this is just the name of something or someone. Examples : a. Mother bought a cake. – cake is just the name of something. b. I visit my teacher today. –this is just the name of someone. 3)verb – to describe action Example : a. John runs to the playground. – run is John"s action. b. Mary talks to me – talk is Mary"s action. 4)adjective – adjective is used to describe something or someone it has the same use of adverb the difference is adverb is talking about the verb while adjective is talking about the noun. Examples : a. Mother bought a beautiful dress. – here beautiful is additional information for the noun dress that is it tells you that the dress is beautiful. b. John wants to buy an expensive car. – here tells you more about the car that John wants to buy that is – it is expensive. 5)preposition – preposition is used to make your sentence with the correct meaning. The use of preposition is not easy because there are many different examples and rules for using which preposition in which content. Following are some simple examples of using prepositions : a. I walk to the school. – If you take away the preposition “to” your sentence is wrong – I walk the school – so here to is to make your sentence correct in meaning. 2008-05-26 02:47:03 补充: b. John goes home by bus. – If you take away “by” then the sentence = John goes home bus – so again here “by” is a preposition that you need to put to make your sentence plete. 2008-05-26 02:47:32 补充: c. I walk on the road – If you take away “on” then = I walk the road – wrong. 2008-05-26 02:48:25 补充: You may want to ask : then how do I know which preposition to use ? There is no rule so preposition usually is very difficult for some students to understand. However you can still learn the use from reading your books doing exercises e 参考: Myself Myself Myself Myself 我以前英文好差! 会考唔合格! 我读紧IELTS 唔知岩唔岩你呢.....夜间上堂的........ 佢可以申请持续进修基金最多可以有$10000 d野有听 读 写 讲四方面........d野由浅学起 你讲个D词类都会教到! 加上张diploma仲系英.美.澳.加.中国香港等...都承认! 就算系工作or升学都有帮助嫁! 如果系商业英语文凭课程嘅话都系一样...夜间上堂的! 而且张Diploma系中国香港有百几间大公司认可嫁! english/chipopup_supporter 够18岁仲有 *** 资助80%学费! 有问题msn我呀:[email protected]


en. *** /wiki/Adjective zh. *** /zh-/%E5%BD%A2%E5%AE%B9%E8%AF%8D adjective是否只可以修饰noun?? 对,只可以修饰 noun (名词) 或 noun phrase (名词片语)。 He is a handsome boy. His story book is scary. adjective可否用来修饰verb?? 不可以,修饰 verb 需要用副词 (adverb)。 He runs quickly. They dance poorly. adverb亦是否只可以修饰verb?? en. *** /wiki/Adverb zh. *** /zh-/%E5%89%AF%E8%A9%9E 不是,adverb 可以修饰 verb (动词)、adjective (形容词) 和 adverb (副词)。 以下四例取自以上连结。 1. She was walking slowly (Slowly is the adverb.) 2. The kids are skating together. (Here the adverb together provides information about how the kids are skating.) 3. You are quite right. (Here the adverb quite modifies the adjective right.) 4. She spoke very loudly. (Here the adverb very modifies another adverb – loudly.) 快去这里*****我每次都是去这里看 剓儬 我谂你误会这些英语的定义 或者你它师解释有问题 即是你问错问题...学问是精义是要学识问问题才能产生学习理解 算你错有错问啦 不是adjective可否用来修饰verb或adjective是否只能修饰noun或adverb只能修饰verb 解释应该而是 那些/某些用来修饰名词noun的词汇(同类的字词)便叫做adjective(形容词) 那些/某些用来修饰动词verb的词汇(同类的字词)便叫做adverb(副词)[我都唔明点解adverb中文叫副词-点解唔叫做"描动词"或者清楚啲-:)] 所以有很多字的noun/adjective/adverb系原全不同的字(虽然字跟相同) 例如一个小学生识的字 beautiful 是adjective 是一定用来形容人/东西(名词)的"美" - she is beautiful.("美"这词是形容she) beauty 是意思"美"的名词 - she is a beauty. (她是美人 - 不是形容她美 而是指明她是美人"这名称") beautifully 是adverb 是一定用来形容动作/行为(动词) - she dance beautifully.("美"这词是形容她的dance) 中文很多是用意会的形容词(同一个词可以是形容人本身/物件而同时亦可以形容行为或动作,所以中文人有点难明为何同是形容东西却要分不同的字来写,但这就是学习不同语文的精神,由理解结构/规则(小学生)到明白功能上的丰富和精义(大学级);其实英文也不算复杂,未知你有否知道某些语文(例如日文/希腊文的词性还分男/女的,即是你讲: 他去买嘢的"去"字讲男仔"去"是一个写法,讲女仔"去"是要另一个写法的,当然写法可能只是要多一个音节或加多个"尾"字母等。另外形容词例如在希腊文/西班牙文亦有分女性化的形容词和男性的形容词-像形容"山"就只可用那个字男性"美"的形容词,形容"水"就只可用那女性的"美"的形容词。 希望讲多了使你从另一角度理解学文法时definition(名称/规则)跟现实(表达)的关系,从而明白为何英文的词字咁多变和组合。


adverb系用黎形容个动词(verb) 通常都系用系个verb后面....通常(记住唔系一定)都系后面加左ly 而adjective就系用黎形容个名词(noun) 通常都系用系个noun既前面 * 上面既通常只系通常....唔一定 参考: 自己 adverb:verb,顾名思义即系verb,而verb就是动词,如:see、go等。 还有,see系present tense,saw就是它的past tense,而seen就是它的过去分词。 adjectives:这就是形容词了。在中文里的例子:那个女孩真的很明艳照人啊!明艳照人就 是形容词了。在英文里的例子:The girl is very beautiful.在这句子中的beautiful就是形容词 了。当然,这是基础中的形容词,应该要学深入一点。而beautiful的相反词就是ugly啦! 提醒你多一点点: adverb是一句句子中必有的东西,一句句子最少要有:Subject、verb(adverb)及information (object)。如:I want to drink some tea.句子中的I是Subject,而verb就是want to, information就是drink some tea,如果用错的话大件事了!记得to就里系base form(原装)。 adjectives就是修饰句子的其中一种方法了。哪个地方可以加adjectives?以下就是一个例 子了。原装句子:I can see the book.可以转成:I can see that big of the book.因为是只 那本书大,所以不要说成:I can see the big book.如果不是的话会笑死人的。而can之后 都是原装,因为它们是model,After model,we use base form。在model以后一定会是原 装的。有甚么是呢?例如:can、do、to……等等。 2006-10-26 19:17:14 补充: 嗯~就是说吧~如果你连这些也分不清的话,那你的英文就有2年级的程度了。不是我想说的,我只是实话实说。你如果想多增进英文的话,多看英文书或看英文台。 参考: 以上是个人资料,不可抄袭。如有错漏之处请原谅! adverb help to describe the verb. adjectives help to describe the noun. adverb系要来装饰动词(verb) eg. He runs away quickly. quickly系要来装饰runs adjective系要来装饰名词(noun) eg. She is beautiful. beautiful系要来装饰She adverb=副词 adjectives=形容 2006-10-26 19:05:18 补充: adjectives=形容词

a graded adjective 是什么意思?Some adjectives can be graded with adverbs如何理解?

一些形容词是由副词渐渐变化而来的. grade 动词有渐渐转变,发展的 意思。

“Function as”是什么意思?


adjective and adverbs中文翻译

Obviously , he can " t tell the difference beeen adjectives and adverbs 显然他无法区别形容词和副词。 Therefore , we take a look at the pst of adjectives and adverbs to quapty the movement 形式)主语+动词+形容词+表示趋势的名词+时间状语。 We have revised numerals , prepositions , pronouns , conjunctions , adjectives and adverbs before 前一阶段,我们已经复习了数词、介词、代词、连词、形容词与副词。 These sentences are posed largely of nouns and verbs , have few adjectives and adverbs , and rely on repetition and rhythm for much of their effect 这种句子主要由名词与动词组成,极少带有形容词及副词,并以重复句法及韵律感制造效果。 She discusses parts of speech , basic sentence patterns , verbs , nouns , adjectives and adverbs , prepositions , relative clauses , imperative sentences , and so on 内容包括词类、基本句型、动词、名词、形容词与副词、介词、关系子句、祈使句等等。


逆向选择模型(Adverse Selection Model) == 乔治·阿克劳夫 简介==

逆向选择(Adverse Selection)与道德风险(Moral Hazard)


Mod rejections [FMLMod:Bamboomod{Minecraft1.7.2 ver2.6.4.8}]这什么鬼


我的世界联机连接已丢失Mod rejections FML....


advocate and solicitor practising in china 的意思

中国的执业律师advocate 和 solicitor 都有律师的意思

consumer -protection advocate 是什么意思

advocate n. 提倡者;支持者;律师意思是:消费者保护(法方面的)律师;或消费者保护主义的提倡者、支持者

conductive foam是什么意思

conductive foam导电泡沫;全方位导电泡棉;黑色导电泡绵例句筛选1.The prepared conductive foam has ideal foam structure andstrong NTC effect.制备出的导电泡沫具有比较理想的泡孔结构,和较强的NTC效应。2.The present invention relates to unidirectional conductivefoam and a manufacture method thereof.本发明涉及一种全方位导电泡棉及其生产方法。

Gatto has been speaking out about unsanctioned fights at Northern California boxing gyms.



Don"t take your love away.You ain"t heard nothin" yet-yet.Don"t take your love away.Wake up, make up, BANG BANG!mata nari dashita hyouji wa anata「ima isogashii no」midoku no tooku (TALK) to rabu kaaru (LOVE CALL) mo ippai de sewashinai「jama wo shinai de choudai」 tsuki kaesu hinekure ta kawai ge nai serifu konnan de suneru nante mada gaki ne honne wa iwanai houga nayamashii amai kotoba kakeru yori mo zutto itoshiitamaranaku naru hodo motomete hanasa nai de kisu ja tari nakute isso koroshite Predilection anata wo te nikakete lnfatuation kokyuu sae shitomete Dedication kono mama Addiction shite mada tatta hitokuchi de 「shimai」 Predilection saa sa kuchi wo tsukete lnfatuation sonomama nomikon de Dedication sugusama Addiction shite hora tatta hitokuchi 「shinu hodo」 aishitai kara Don"t take your love away.You ain"t heard nothin" yet-yet.Don"t take your love away.Wake up, make up, BANG BANG! uhh…Have it all aijou kata de ii anata ni wa watashi shika inai uhh…Take it off aijou ga tarinai watashi ni wa anata shika inai tte mune wo sashi ta kono te tsukan da mada miren ga aru no ne aamata da wa wagamama ai to nadzukete mata shihai suru anata ni oboreteku ikigurushii kurai ni shinsui sasete isso koushite Predilection watashi wo te nikakete lnfatuation kisu de kuchi fusai de Dedication madamada Addiction shi te mada zatta, higouri teki ai Predilection nodo oku nagashikon de lnfatuation tomadoi nado sutete Dedication sugusama Addiction shite hora tatta hitokuchi kore de owarase nai de Our love"s Our love"s continue to further evolve more. My love My love is besotted with you. You love? You love? continue to further evolve mo - mo - more! Yes! l"m a little confused. kore wa anata to no jihaado anata wa itsu demo tadashii wa afurodiite wa tada aisareta katta dake datta no watashi igai iranai souyuu kotoba wa kitai suru dake muda datte shitte shimatta aishi kata ga wakaranai yo nee tamaranaku naru hodo motomete hanasanai de kisu ja tari nakute isso koroshite Predilection anata wo te nikakete lnfatuation kokyuu sae shitomete Dedication kono mama Addiction shite mada tatta hitokuchi de 「shimai」 Predilection saa sa kuchi wo tsukete lnfatuation sonomama nomikon de Dedication sugusama Addiction sayonara makka hakidashi te iki ga tomaru no yo ima


Don"t take your love away.You ain"t heard nothin" yet-yetDon"t take your love awayWake up, make up, bang bangまた鸣(な)り出(だ)した表示(ひょうじ)はあなた 「今(いま)忙(いそが)しいの」未読(みどく)のトークとラブコールもいっぱいで 忙(せわ)しない、「邪魔(じゃま)をしないで顶戴(ちょうだい)」突(つ)き返(か)えす捻(ひね)くれた可爱気(かわいげ)ないセリフ こんなので拗(す)ねるなんてまだガキね本音(ほんね)は言(い)わない方(ほう)が悩(なや)ましい 甘(あま)い言叶(ことば)かけるよりもずっと爱(いと)しいたまらなくなるほど 求(もと)めて离(はな)さないでキスじゃ足(た)りなくて いっそ杀(ころ)してPredilection あなたを手(て)にかけてInfatuation 呼吸(こきゅう)さえしとめてDedication このままAddiction してまだ たった一口(ひとくち)で「终(しま)い」Predilection さあさ口(くち)をつけてInfatuation そのまま饮(の)み込(こ)んでDedication すぐさまAddiction してほら たった一口(ひとくち)「死(し)ぬほど」爱(あい)したいからHave it all 爱情(あいじょう)过多(かた)でいい あなたにはわたししかいないTake it off 爱情(あいじょう)が足(た)りない わたしにはあなたしかいないって胸(むね)を刺(さ)した この手(て)掴(つか)んだ まだ未练(みれん)があるのね ああまただわわがまま 爱(あい)と名付(なづ)けてまた支配(しはい)するあなたに溺(おぼ)れてく 息苦(いきぐる)しいくらいに心酔(しんすい)させて いっそこうしてPredilection わたしを手(て)にかけてInfatuation キスきすで口(くち)塞(ふさ)いでDedication まだまだAddiction してまだ 雑多(ざった)、非合理的(ひごうりてき)爱(あい)Predilection 喉(のど)奥(おく)流(なが)し込こんでInfatuation 踌躇(ためら)いなどすててDedication すぐさまAddiction してほら たった一口(ひとくち)これで终(おわ)らせないでOur love"s, love"s continue to further evolve moreMy love love is besotted with youYou love? love? continue to further evolve mo-mo-moreI"m a little confusedこれはあなたとの圣戦(せいせん)(ジ・アー) あなたはいつでも正(ただ)しいわアフロディーテはただ爱(あい)されたかっただけだったのわたし以外(いがい)いらない そういう言叶(ことば)は期待(きたい)するだけ无駄(むだ)だって知(し)ってしまった爱(あい)し方(かた)が解(わか)らないよ ねぇたまらなくなるほど 求(もと)めて离(はな)さないでキスじゃ足(たり)なくて いっそ杀(ころ)してPredilection あなたを手(て)にかけてInfatuation 呼吸(こきゅう)さえしとめてDedication このままAddiction してまだ たった一口(ひとくち)で「终(しま)い」Predilection さあさ口(くち)をつけてInfatuation そのまま饮(の)み込(こ)んでDedication すぐさまAddiction さよなら 真(ま)っ赤(か)、吐(は)き出(だ)して息(いき)が止(と)まるのよ今(いま)

[A]ddiction - EVO+ 关于这首歌的信息,包括歌手信息,歌词,中文翻译。

歌名:[A]ddiction (歌名就是这样,为什么加括号只有作者才知道吧。。)作曲、编曲:ギガP作词:れをる歌:EVO+EVO+是一位nico唱见,声音很帅气的小姐姐。Don"t take you love away不要带走你的爱You ain"t heard nothin" yet yet.你还什么都没听见Don"t take you love away不要带走你的爱Wake up,make up,BANG BANG!起来,编造,砰 砰!まだ鸣り出した表示はあなた【今忙しいの】仍旧响彻的铃声表明你「现在很忙」未読のトークとラブコールもいっぱいで忙しない【邪魔をしないで顶戴】未读的TALK与LOVE CALL也一堆的叠积在那里,「拜托别来打扰我」突き返す捻くれた可爱気ないセリフ被原话奉还的扭曲不讨喜的台词こんなので拗ねるなんてまだガキね却仍是一副耍性子的孩子模样本音は言わない方が悩ましい无法道出真心话更令人烦恼甘い言叶かけるよりもずっと爱しい比说出撒娇的话更要令人疼爱たまらなくなるほど 求めて离さないで越来越无法承受 千万别停止索求キスじゃ足りなくて いっそ杀してKISS是不够的 干脆杀掉吧Predilection あなたを手にかけて嗜好 将你握在手中Infatuation 呼吸さえしとめて迷恋 就连呼吸也完全掌握Dedication このまま献身 就这样Addiction してまだ たった一口で【终い】上瘾 这样还是 只有一句「结束了」Predilection さあさ口をつけて嗜好 来吧咬着嘴唇Infatuation そのまま饮み込んで迷恋 就这样咽下去Dedication すぐさま献身 心烦意乱的Addiction してほら たった一口【死ぬほど】爱したいから上瘾 就这样吧 只有一句「快要死了」那般地爱着你Don"t take you love away不要带走你的爱You ain"t heard nothin" yet yet.你还什么都没听见Don"t take you love away不要带走你的爱Wake up,make up,BANG BANG!起来,编造,砰 砰!Have it all 爱情过多でいい呜~拥有一切 溺爱就好あなたにはわたししかいない你心中只有我啊~啊~啊~Take it off 爱情が足りない呜~脱掉束缚 感情不够わたしにはあなたしかいないって我心中也只有你胸を刺した この手掴んだまだ刺向心脏 攥住双手未练があるのね ああまただわ依然那样迷恋着 啊还是这样么ワガママ 爱と名付けて また支配する任性地 以爱之名 仍旧支配着あなたに溺れてく 息苦しいくらいに为你沉醉 难以呼吸心酔させて いっそこうして令我心醉 干脆这样Predilection わたしを手にかけて嗜好 将我握在手中Infatuation キスで口塞いで迷恋 以吻封唇Dedication まだまだ献身 依旧要Addiction してまだ 杂多,非合理的爱上瘾 继续这五花八门,不合理的爱Predilection 喉奥流し込んで嗜好 流入喉咙深处Infatuation 踌躇いなどすてて迷恋 不要踌躇不决Dedication すぐさま献身 这样立刻Addiction してほら たった一口これで终わらせないで上瘾 就这样吧 不要用一句话就结束这一切Our love"s, our love"s continue to further evolve more.我们的爱 我们的爱 愈发增多浓厚My love, my love is besotted with you.我的爱 我的爱 与你融为一体You love? You love? continue to further evolve mo-mo-more! Yes~你的爱?你的爱?继续进化更多更多更多!yes~I"m a little confused.我有点迷惑これはあなたとの圣战这是与你的圣战あなたはいつでも正しいわ你始终是对的アフロディーテは爱神他ただ爱されたかっただけだったの仅仅只是让人相爱而已わたし以外いらない除我之外无需别人そういう言叶は我知道那样的话语期待するだけ无駄だって知ってしまった只是令人期待却毫无用处爱し方が解らないよ ねぇ是吧 爱情是无解的たまらなくなるほど 求めて离さないで越来越难以承受 千万别停止索求キスじゃ足りなくて いっそ杀してKISS不够的话 干脆杀掉好了Predilection あなたを手にかけて嗜好 将你握在手里Infatuation 呼吸さえしとめて迷恋 呼吸也牢牢控制Dedication このまま献身 就这样子Addiction してまだ たった一口で【终い】上瘾 还是 只有一句「结束了」Predilection さあさ口をつけて嗜好 来吧咬着唇Infatuation そのまま饮み込んで迷恋 就这样咽下去Dedication すぐさま献身 十万火急Addiction さよなら 真っ赤 吐き出して息が止まるのよ今上瘾 永别了 吐出鲜红 现在就要停止呼吸了

如何记住fiction 这个单词

fiction很好记的,可以用谐音记忆法:fi可谐音为:“废”,c可谐音为:“颗”,tion可谐音为:“心”,写小说一般都需要你去构造各方面的故事情节,世界观,人物,情节发展等,所有说写小说一般是非常废心的事,通过谐音记忆法可把“fiction”记忆为“小说”。或者根据音标也非常好记“美 [u02c8fu026aku0283u0259n]”。下面单词是fiction的扩展:tragedy悲剧comedy喜剧drama戏剧fiction小说prose散文poetry诗歌ode颂诗ballad民谣epic史诗myth神话biography传记allegory寓言reportage报告文学satire讽刺文学folklore民间传说。

dft 怎么计算reaction kinetics

IRC calculations = Intrinsic reaction coordinate calculations 内禀反应坐标计算法。 例:The minimum energy paths(MEP) are affirmed by intrinsic reaction coordinate(IRC) calculation and the imaginary vibration modes are discussed.采用密度泛函(DFT)理论的B3LYP方法,在6-31++G(d,p)水平上按BERNY能量梯度解析全参数优化了HNCO和XCH2OH(X=CH3、NH2、OH、F)反应势能面上各驻点的几何构型,分别找到了这4个反应的过渡态,并通过振动频率分析确认了过渡态结构,通过内禀反应坐标(IRC)计算确认了最低能量反应途径(MEP)。

美国移民局Post Decision Activity的意思?以及请准确翻译下段内容!急!!!

后决定的活动2011年10月4日,我们把这份证明或重申寄到国务院为其办理签证手续。欲知更多的信息,请直接与他们联系。对于核准的申请或请愿书,后决定的活动可能包括移民局发出批准申请的通知到国家签证中心或国务院。对于被拒绝的申请或请愿书,后决策活动可能包括上诉和处理或议案重新讨论或重新考虑与撤销。你可以注册,创建一个帐户通过电子邮件和短信自动更新情况。创建电子查询系统,超过张贴的查询时间,查询N_400和I-90申请点击e-Request 。,

求matlab高手解答Error: File: Line: 14 Column: 26 Missing variable or function程序哪里错了,急急!

DecMatrix=(k).DecEle=input(" "); %能这样赋值吗,分开写试试。

The Construction of Students Lodgings,The Construction of St

  The Construction of Students Lodgings   The Construction of Students Lodgings   Directions: You are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition of about 100 words on the topic The Construction of Students Lodgings. Study the following picture care fully and your composition should be based on the in formation given in the picture.   目前,大学生的住宿条件比较差,为适应高校扩招形势的需要,天津市规划确定在近3年内逐步建成公用设施完备的大学生公寓城共计l00万平方米。(见图表)   The Construction of Students Lodgings   From the graph, we can see the poor living conditions of college students in Tianjin. It is common that a tensquare-metre room accommodates six or seven students, along with their luggage and other necessities of life.   With the development of colleges, there is a tendency to build students lodgings. Tianjin municipal government has affirmed that in the next three yearst——one-hundred-million-square-metre——students lodgings with convenient facilities will be built. The graph aisc shows that the average living space of college students wilI rise from 1.4 to 10 square metres.   As we can imagine, by the year of 2005, the construction of students lodgings will have been finished, College students will lead their lives on campus more conveniently and comfortably.   The Construction of Students Lodgings


distraction的形容词形式是disappointed。disappointed的意思是失望的,沮丧的,失意的。disappointed的例句:I was disappointed that Kluge was not there(克卢格不在那儿,我很失望)。 扩展资料 disappointed的例句:I was disappointed to see the lack of coverage afforded to this event(令我失望的是这一事件并未得到什么报道);To say I"m disappointed is an understatement(说我失望那是说得太轻了)。


distraction的形容词形式是disappointed。disappointed的意思是失望的,沮丧的,失意的。disappointed的例句:I was disappointed that Kluge was not there(克卢格不在那儿,我很失望)。 扩展资料 disappointed的"例句:I was disappointed to see the lack of coverage afforded to this event(令我失望的是这一事件并未得到什么报道);To say I"m disappointed is an understatement(说我失望那是说得太轻了)。

entertainment=activities for fun


afresh active

答案:A fresh新鲜的;active积极的;natural自然的;common普通的;根据 if you put it in the fridge可知冰箱是保鲜的,故选A.

daca 在creating data dictionary views 卡住什么问题


Fools Direction 歌词

歌曲名:Fools Direction歌手:Michael Learns To Rock专辑:Blue NightFools Direction(Music and words: Jascha Richter)I was lost on my ownhad become a rolling stoneYou talked to meYou talked to meHolding backa lonely screamI was giving up my dreamsYou danced with meYou danced with meThere"s nobody here but you and me in the darkWhy do I stay when I should run awayChorus:It′s a fools directionbut I′m holding oncos′ I need your love my girlin a mad and crazy worldSomeone broke my heart beforeand I promised that no one moreshould let me downshould let me downThere"s nobody here but you and me in the darkWhy do I stay when I should run awayChorus:It"s a fools directionbut I"m holding oncos" you keep me warm my girlin a cold cold worldAnd I need protectionand I need to be heldI just need your love my girlin a mad and crazy worldhttp://music.baidu.com/song/3459296

生产力是productive force还是productive forces?谓语动词用单数还是复数?


physics deals with the forces acting on concrete objects


英语里 forecast 与 projection 两个词有什么区别?

都是预测,Forecast is for general and limited use; Projection is for limited use only. 两种预测到底有什么区别?为什么会造成use范围的不一样

prediction 与forecast的区别




8个常见的形容词组合(Adjective pairs)!

「形容词 + and + 形容词」的搭配你见过吗?将两个意义相似的形容词以「and」连结,可以转化成另一个更让人印象深刻的形容词组合! Engvid的讲师Rebecca提出了八个「形容词 + and + 形容词」的组合,并且简单明了地解释其含意,下次就可以使用更进阶的形容词组合形容更多不同的事物罗! 1. Bright and early 一大早 2. Short and sweet (常作反语)简短而愉快的 3. Loud and clear 一清二楚 4. Sick and tired 十分厌倦、厌恶 5. Nice and warm 温暖而舒适 6. Safe and sound 安然无恙、完整无损 7. First and foremost 比什么都重要、首要的 8. Hale and hearty 健壮的 bright and early, first and foremost, hale and hearty, loud and clear, nice and warm, safe and sound, short and sweet, Sick and Tired, 一大早 英文, 一清二楚 英文, 健壮的 英文, 十分厌倦 英文, 安然无恙 英文, 完整无损 英文, 形容词组合, 温暖舒适 英文, 英文 形容词组合, 英文 形容词组合 单字, 英文 形容词组合 字汇, 首要的 英文



筑坝为什么翻译成成dam construction

筑坝[zhù bà]dam ; damming; 双语例句1这个水库是通过在布莱斯河上筑坝形成的。This reservoir was formed by damming the River Blith.2在附近的特拉华河上筑坝的计划Plans to dam the nearby Delaware River3通过筑坝和设置涡轮让水回旋以利用溪流中的水。Water in a stream is harnessed by building a dam and putting in turbines for the water to turn.4本文就定向爆破筑坝时爆破设计计算的主要问题进行了初步探讨.This paper discusses some important problems of the design of blasting in dam con-struction by directional explosion.5饱水软基上筑坝,渗透固结过程是关键因素之一。One of the critical factors concerning dam construction on the water-saturation soft soil foundation is the seepage consolidation process.


你的form里面property的字段都加了吗 ,看这几行代码没有发现错误java类的代码: request.setAttribute("list",xxxList)或者request.getSession().setAttribute("list",xxxList); 到jsp页面是: <logic:NotEmpty name="list" > <logic:iterate name="list" id = "ls"> <tr> <td><bean:write name="ls" property="name"/> </td> <td><bean:write name="ls" property="no"/> </td> <td><bean:write name="ls" property="sex"/> </td> </tr> </logic:iterate> </logic NotEmpty>

请教damage / destruction / destroy 这个单词的区别

damagen.损害;损失;毁坏vt.损害;毁坏damage的基本意思是“损害,伤害”,主要指自然力或人为地在价值、完整性、效能等方面造成损害,一般是局部地、非彻底地、可修复地,可以用于有形物,也可以用于无形物,还可表示对经济信心等造成坏的结果或影响。主要用作及物动词,可用于被动结构。destruction n.破坏;毁灭destroy  v.破坏;杀死;消灭;摧毁destroy的基本意思是用任何力量“破坏,毁坏”,用于物时,指破坏或毁坏有用的事物; 用于人时,指用武力或暴力“杀死”“毁灭”“消灭”敌人等。



Acting so damn mysterious 这个句子我只知到mysterious是神秘的意思 act演技 damn是骂人 整句句翻译起来


algebraic fractions,formulae

更新1: 1.make k the subject of the formulae 5/h-10=1/5-k 1. Make k be the subject of the formulae 5/h-10=1/5-k A. (5/h)-10 = 1/(5-k) [k] 5-10h = h/(5-k) (5-10h)(5-k) = h 25-5k-50h+10 = h 5k(2h-1) = 51h-25 k = (51h-25)/[5(2h-1)] or (5/h)-10 = (1/5)-k k = (1/5)-(5/h)+10 or 5/(h-10) = 1/(5-k) 5(5-k) = 1*(h-10) ----------------times (5-k)(h-10) each sides 25-5k = h-10 5k = 25-h+10 k = (35-h)/5 or 5/(h-10) = (1/5)-k k = (1/5)-[5/ (h-10)] 2. Make t the subject of the formula rt-1/r=1-2t/s A. (rt-1)/r = (1-2t)/s [t] s(rt-1) = r(1-2t) srt-s = r-2rt srt+2rt = r+s tr(s+2) = r+s t = (r+s)/[r(s+2)] or (rt-1)/r = 1-(2t/s) [s(rt-1)]/r = s-2t srt-s = rs-2rt rt(s+2) = s(r+1) t = s(r+1)/[r(s+2)] or rt-(1/r) = (1-2t)/s srt-(s/r) = 1-2t 2t = 1-srt+(s/r) t = (1-srt)/2+(s/2r) or rt-(1/r) = 1-(2t/s) tr^2-1 = r-(2rt/s) str^2-s = rs-2rt tr(sr+2) = s(r+1) t = s(r+1)/[r(sr+2)] 3. Simplify w/w-8+3/8(8-w) A. w/(w-8)+3/[8(8-w)] = w/(w-8)-3/[8(w-8)] = (8w-3)/[8(w-8)] 参考: Myself no one wer you because your questions is not clear For example 5/h-10=1/5-k is (5/h) - 10 = (1/5) - k or 5/(h-10) = 1/(5-k) ?? rt-1/r=1-2t/s is (rt) - (1/r) = 1 - (2t/s) or (rt-1)/r = (1-2t)/s ??? which one is the subject?

英语专业考试阅读中,考察作者态度的词汇,列如:objective optimistic critize等词汇,越多越好~谢谢

 一、赞同  positive adj.肯定的,实际的,积极的, ,确实的  favorable adj.赞成的,有利的,赞许的,良好的  approval n.赞成,承认,正式批准  enthusiasm n.狂热,热心,积极性  supportive adj.支持的,支援的  defensive为……而辩护  二、否定  negative adj.否定的,消极的,负的,阴性的  disapproval不赞成  objection异议  opposition反对  critical批评的  criticism批评批判  disgust vi.令人厌恶,令人反感vt.使作呕  warning  detestation n.憎恶,厌恶的人,嫌恶  indignation愤慨  contempt n.轻视,轻蔑,耻辱,不尊敬  compromising n.妥协,折衷v.妥协,折衷  worried adj.闷闷不乐的,焦虑的  三、怀疑  suspicion n.猜疑,怀疑  suspicious adj.(~of)可疑的,怀疑的  doubt  doubtful adj.可疑的,不确的,疑心的  question  puzzling adj.使迷惑的,使莫明其妙的  四、客观(即好的坏的都说,选的可能性极大)  objective adj.客观的  neutral adj.中立的  impartial adj.公平的,不偏不倚的  disinterested adj.无私的  imprejudiced adj.没有偏见的  unbiased adj.没有偏见的  unprejudiced adj.公平的,无偏见的,没有成见的  detached不含个人偏见的  五、主观  subjective adj.主观的,个人的  indifference n.不关心  tolerance n.宽容,容忍,忍受  pessimism n.悲观,悲观主义  gloomy adj.黑暗的,阴沉的,令人沮丧的,阴郁的  optimistic adj.乐观的  sensitive有感觉的,敏感[锐]的,易受伤害的  scared adj.恐惧的  reserved adj.保留的,包租的  consent vi.同意,赞成,答应n.同意,赞成,允诺  radical adj.激进的  moderate adj.中等的,适度的,适中的v.缓和  mild adj.温和的,温柔的,淡味的,轻微的,适度的  ironic adj.说反话的,讽刺的  confused adj.困惑的,烦恼的  amazed adj.吃惊的,惊奇的  worried  concerned adj.关心的,有关的  apprehensive adj.担忧,担心  mixed喜忧参半  biased有偏见的  indignant adj.愤怒的,愤慨的  六、积极  objective客观的  concerned关注的  confident adj.自信的,确信的  interested adj.感兴趣的,有成见的,有权益的  optimistic adj.乐观的  positive正面的  impressive adj.给人深刻印象的,感人的  七、中立/折中  impartial adj.公平的,不偏不倚的  neutral中立的  impersonal adj.非个人的  factual adj.事实的,实际的,根据事实的  detached不含个人偏见的  八、不是解的选项(消极)  negative消极的  indifferent漠不关心的  depressed消沉的  subjective主观的  pessimistic悲观的  unconcerned不关心的  contemptuous adj.轻蔑的,侮辱的  hostile adj.敌对的,敌方的  biased片面的 有偏见的

英语求解 ————,the dancers practice hard to make their dreams come true.


forwards,towards和in thd direction的区别是什么 forwards为什么就不能加宾语了呢

因为forwards=forward,是副词,adv,副词后面不能接宾语,而是跟在动词后面,像look forward,move forward,看向前方,移动向前方.towards是介词,介词后面可以接宾语,是“向,朝着”的意思,she reachs her hand towards me ...

【高中英语】选择题:Those successful deaf dancers think that dancing is an activity __ ……


activated charcoan 是活性碳么

activated charcoal是活性炭,charcoan可能是拼写错误。activated是有活性的,而charcoal是木炭,活性炭和木炭都是无定形碳。

activated charcoal是什么意思

activated charcoal [化工] 活性炭双语例句 1.The huge surface area of activated charcoal gives it countless bonding sites. 活性炭巨大的表面积提供了大量的活性位点。2.It also means that, once all of the bonding sites are filled, an activated charcoal filter stops working. 这也意味着,一旦所有的活性位点都被占据,活性炭过滤器就不起所用。


hibernate默认不是自动提交的 你没有配置事务管理也没有显式提交,hibernate会修改缓存里的数据而不会真正的更新到数据库 你可以再源文件中这么写 ...; Transaction tx = session.bigenTransaction() ;………….update(obj) ; tx.commit();

boogie down productions的《the racist》 歌词

歌曲名:the racist歌手:boogie down productions专辑:edutainmentVerseI"ve been taught to respect my elders and behaveEven if when they were young they sold slavesTruth and understandin" is what i craveIn the land of the thief, home of the slaveTurn your page to a brief demonstrationCos now in "90 it"s strictly information i"m givin"Teachin" on a regular basisToday"s lecture is about the racistWe"re not out to exaggerate or diss himBut show the symptoms and facts of racismUnderstand the racist ain"t equalThere"s about five different types of racist peopleFirst of the five different types of casesBoogie Down ProductionsIs the individual brought up racistHere you have young men and womenBrought up in the great white way opinionThis opinion introduced by the parentTo the civilised becomes transparentThe civilised man could look through the facesMake the analysis and see the racistNumber two case which y"all must hearIs the individual racist out of fearHere you have people that fear the africanAnd conjure up new ways of trappin" himNumber three is the unconscious racistNot knowin" they"re racist they invade your spacesThey say, "i"m not a racist, i"m not a bigot"Yet they allow it to go on and won"t admit itNumber four is the money racistThe one that used the topics of sheer economicsThey say, "owning a business isn"t for the black manDamn, that"s like a rock in a hard placeYou don"t have your land yet this ain"t your spaceAmerica was built by every other raceExcept the european that runs this placeWhat a waste, america"s doomedTo be overthrown by the righteous real soonBut last but not least racial prejudiceIs the black man speakin" out of ignoranceWhitey this and ching-chow thatIs not how the intelligent man actsYou can"t blame the whole white raceFor slavery, cos this ain"t the caseA large sum of white people died with blackTryin" hard to fight racial attacksThe media wants you to think that no whitesReally fought and died for civil rightsBut once we have a true sense of historyYou"ll see this too as a mysteryIf black and white didn"t argue the mostThey could clearly see the government"s screwin" "em both.http://music.baidu.com/song/14072179

acting on the basis of the charter是什么意思

acting on the basis of the charter对宪章的基础He drew that conclusion on the basis of the facts.他是以事实为基础得出那个结论的。Our assess is on the basis of the data acquired .我们是根据已经取得的资料来确定估价的。On the basis of the a-bove, the pr...该研究结果的可靠性已得到了数值模拟的验证。On the basis of the Britain law,Clap is especially innocent.根据英国法律,Clap无罪。First, unification on the basis of the War of Resistance.第一个,统一于抗战。We drew this conclusion on the basis of experiments.我们是在试验的基础上得出这个结论的。

chase production method是什么意思

chase production method 追寻生产方法chase 英[tu0283eu026as]美[tu0283es]vt. 追求; 追捕; 追寻; 镂刻;n. 追捕; 打猎; 猎物(指鸟兽等); 槽;vi. 追逐,追赶; 追寻; 追求(常与after连用); [口语] 奔跑;[例句]She chased the thief for 100 yards她追了窃贼100码远。[其他] 第三人称单数:chases 复数:chases 现在分词:chasing 过去式:chased 过去分词:chased

Airtac 3D Production Catalogue下载后如何安装


a large fraction什么意思

a large fraction 一大部分

普通分数(common fraction)的定义是什么?

分子分母均为整数的分数,如123/7963。同时,分母不可为1或0 common fraction可以是简分数,但简分数不一定是普通分数。简分数的定义是分子和分母的公因数是1,比如4/19 4/6是一个普通分数,但不是简分数4/7是一个普通分数,也是简分数

普通分数(common fraction)的定义是什么?

分子分母均为整数的分数,同时分母不可为1或0。把整体“1”平均分成若干份,表示这样的一份或几份的数叫做分数。分母表示把一个物体平均分成几份,分子是表示这样几份的数。分数(来自拉丁语,“破碎”)代表整体的一部分,或更一般地,任何数量相等的部分。 当在日常英语中说话时,分数描述了一定大小的部分,例如半数,八分之五,四分之三。 分子和分母也用于不常见的分数,包括复合分数,复数分数和混合数字。分数表示一个数是另一个数的几分之几,或一个事件与所有事件的比例。把单位“1”平均分成若干份,表示这样的一份或几份的数叫分数。分子在上,分母在下。

a fraction of a cost 什么意思

貌似有大神,能帮忙解答一下heptane plus fraction这个么。。。O.O

reduced fraction是假分数吗?

reduced fraction指的是既约分数也就是最简分数那么分子和分母就是互质,不需要约分的了而假分数的单词是improper fraction二者并不是一回事


容积率(Plot Ratio/Floor Area Ratio/Volume Fraction):又称建筑面积毛密度。 项目用地范围内地上总建筑面积(但必须是正负0标高以上的建筑面积)与项目总用地面积的比值。  容积率是衡量建设用地使用强度的一项重要指标。容积率的值是无量纲的比值,通常以地块面积为1,地块内地上建筑物的总建筑面积对地块面积的倍数,即为容积率的值。编辑本段计算公式   容积率=地上总建筑面积÷规划用地面积   上面 这个公式的出处有:北京市规划委员会关于发布《容积率指标计算规则》的通知(市规发〔2006〕851号,2006年7月10日)   但在工业上,根据GB50489-2009《化工企业总图运输设计规范》,   容积率=(厂区建筑面积+构筑物面积)÷厂区占地面积   当建筑物层高超过8米,在计算容积率时该层建筑面积加倍计算( 容积率 各个地区或城市有各自相关规定)。  容积率越高,居民的舒适度越低,反之则舒适度越高。  绿地率也是如此。绿地率较高,容积率较低,建筑密度一般也就较低,发展商可用于回收资金的面积就越少,而住户就越舒服。容积率和绿地率这两个比率决定了这个项目是从人的居住需求角度,还是从纯粹赚钱的角度来设计一个社区。

a fraction of的中文解释

分数值与分母值成反比例.Only a fraction of readers make regular use of the reservation service. 只有一小部分读者经常利用预留服务.Common fraction:a fraction having an integer as a numerator and an integer as a denominator. 分数:一个有整数分子和整数分母的分数.The shopkeepers are complaining that business has been reduced to a fraction of what it was before the war. 店主都在抱怨说生意已经减少到战前的很小一部分了.A plasma is a gas in which a significant fraction of the atoms or molecules are ionized 等离子体是一种其中大部分原子或分子都已电离的气体.

in a friction of a second里的friction做什么解释?

do you mean in a fraction of a second?

python中如何翻译from fractions import fraction,用编程的的意思翻译,不是按英文的意思翻译

from fractions import fraction的中文翻译_百度翻译from fractions import fraction 从分数进口分数全部释义和例句试试人工翻译from fractions import fraction的中文翻译_百度翻译from fractions import fraction 从分数进口分数全部释义和例句试试人工翻译

产品零件图中未注公差 fraction +/- 1/64 什么意思?


number of fractions什么意思?

分数数量number of fractions


舞茸MD Fraction通过增强巨噬细胞的活性,产生一系列免疫的连锁反应,从而全面改善人体免疫力。舞茸β-葡聚糖活化免疫系统的巨噬细胞,并使巨噬细胞增加到2.3倍。同时使NK(自然杀伤)细胞、T细胞增至2.2倍,并促进大量干扰素、白介素、抗体、肿瘤坏死因子等免疫分子的产生,使全身的免疫力增强。当巨噬细胞被激活,就会激发所有的免疫细胞特别是NK细胞来杀灭癌细胞。 因此舞茸葡聚糖具有强大的抗癌、防癌、阻断癌细胞的扩散转移的作用。能有效的减缓放、化疗的副作用反应,改善人体机能。更重要的是对免疫功能的调节。舞茸β- 葡聚糖在活化巨噬细胞的同时,使受伤机体的淋巴细胞产生细胞因子的能力迅速恢复正常,促进辅助T淋巴细胞活化及细胞毒性T细胞调节,有效调节恢复人体免疫机能。从而对过敏性哮喘、甲亢、过敏性鼻炎、多种顽固性皮肤病、红斑狼疮、类风湿及艾滋病等因人体免疫功能异常或人体免疫缺陷病毒引起的症状都有较好的作用。2-2.防御肿瘤及抑制转移 细胞死亡有两种:一种是凋亡,一种是坏死。细胞凋亡相当于自然死亡,不影响其它细胞;而细胞坏死是细胞突然死亡,当细胞突然破裂时,会释放出毒素,这些毒素就会伤及近端甚至较远端的健康细胞,这也是放化疗对人体伤害的重要原因之一。舞茸β-葡聚糖不仅活化巨噬细胞,而且能增加巨噬细胞吞噬异己细胞(癌细胞)的能力,同时激活其它免疫细胞特别是自然杀伤细胞(NK细胞专杀癌细胞),一起来消灭癌细胞,并且还将病原体和病变组织输送到淋巴系统,从而抑制肿瘤细胞对人体的威胁,诱导癌细胞凋亡。舞茸β-葡聚糖能释放肿瘤坏死因子,而肿瘤坏死因子是一种抗血管生成因子,它能抑制肿瘤血管的发展和阻断肿瘤细胞生成;被激活的T细胞能帮助身体对抗肿瘤转移;记忆性T细胞能够协助免疫系统记住形成肿瘤的细胞特征,在未成熟前将其消灭;然后与其他免疫细胞一起合作,在肿瘤未扩散到身体其他部位之前将它们消灭。

a fraction of是什么意思


reduced fraction是什么意思

看你用在什么场合。fraction可以表示不团结,也可以表示物理上的分裂。reduced fraction,表示不团结得到改善,或者分化得到改善,意译的。

fraction radiation是什么意思


fraction affected是什么意思

细微的影响 希望可以帮到你





面向对象的编程 设计一个数学中的分数类(Fraction),并测试结果是否正确。

#include <stdio.h>#include <math.h>class CFraction{private: int m_numerator; /*分子*/ int m_denominator;/*分母*/ int GetMaxComDiv() /*返回分子分母的最大公约数*/ { int numMin = abs(m_numerator); int numMax = abs(m_denominator); int i=0; int iMaxComDiv = 1; numMin=numMin>numMax?numMax:numMin; numMax=numMin>numMax?numMin:numMax; if(numMin ==0) return 1; if(numMax % numMin ==0) iMaxComDiv = numMin; else { for(i=2;i<numMin/2;i++) { if(m_numerator%i==0 && m_denominator%i==0) { iMaxComDiv = i; } } } return iMaxComDiv; } /*分子和分母异号时分子为负*/ void setSign() { if((m_denominator<0 && m_numerator>0) || (m_denominator>0 && m_numerator<0)) { m_numerator = -1 * abs(m_numerator); m_denominator = abs(m_denominator); } else if(m_denominator<0 && m_numerator<0) //分子分母都为负时,把负号去掉 { m_numerator *= -1; m_denominator *= -1; } else if(m_denominator==0) { m_denominator = 1; } }



大神求帮忙补全程序,多谢啊 编写Fraction类,封装分数的基本功能,Fraction的如下:



在Material->combustible Particle->combustible fraction里面更改。ABAQUS 被广泛地认为是功能最强的有限元软件,可以分析复杂的固体力学结构力学系统,特别是能够驾驭非常庞大复杂的问题和模拟高度非线性问题。 ABAQUS 不但可以做单一零件的力学和多物理场的分析,同时还可以做系统级的分析和研究。 ABAQUS 的系统级分析的特点相对于其他的分析软件来说是独一无二的。由于 ABAQUS 优秀的分析能力和模拟复杂系统的可靠性使得 ABAQUS 被各国的工业和研究中所广泛的采用。 ABAQUS 产品在大量的高科技产品研究中都发挥着巨大的作用。

1. 定义一个分数类Fraction:使用友元函数方式重载适用于分数的四则运算符、关系运


求文档: JAVA中创建一个Fraction类执行分数运算答案


java 编写Fraction类。小弟刚学,求具体程序。谢啦!钱不多,求大神帮忙!

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