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关于VIM的ctags的问题,在一个文件夹里面用了ctags -R 后,是不是里面的"startlist",即使该函数是在另一个文件中。 CTRL-] 命令会跳转到当前光标


C/C++头文件一览 C、传统 C++#include <assert.h> //设定插入点#include <ctype.h> //字符处理#include <errno.h> //定义错误码#include <float.h> //浮点数处理#include <fstream.h> //文件输入/输出#include <iomanip.h> //参数化输入/输出#include <iostream.h> //数据流输入/输出#include <limits.h> //定义各种数据类型最值常量#include <locale.h> //定义本地化函数#include <math.h> //定义数学函数#include <stdio.h> //定义输入/输出函数#include <stdlib.h> //定义杂项函数及内存分配函数#include <string.h> //字符串处理#include <strstrea.h> //基于数组的输入/输出#include <time.h> //定义关于时间的函数#include <wchar.h> //宽字符处理及输入/输出#include <wctype.h> //宽字符分类//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////标准 C++ (同上的不再注释)#include <algorithm> //STL 通用算法#include <bitset> //STL 位集容器#include <cctype>#include <cerrno>#include <clocale>#include <cmath>#include <complex> //复数类#include <cstdio>#include <cstdlib>#include <cstring>#include <ctime>#include <deque> //STL 双端队列容器#include <exception> //异常处理类#include <fstream>#include <functional> //STL 定义运算函数(代替运算符)#include <limits>#include <list> //STL 线性列表容器#include <map> //STL 映射容器#include <iomanip>#include <ios> //基本输入/输出支持#include <iosfwd> //输入/输出系统使用的前置声明#include <iostream>#include <istream> //基本输入流#include <ostream> //基本输出流#include <queue> //STL 队列容器#include <set> //STL 集合容器#include <sstream> //基于字符串的流#include <stack> //STL 堆栈容器 #include <stdexcept> //标准异常类#include <streambuf> //底层输入/输出支持#include <string> //字符串类#include <utility> //STL 通用模板类#include <vector> //STL 动态数组容器#include <cwchar>#include <cwctype>using namespace std;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////C99 增加#include <complex.h> //复数处理#include <fenv.h> //浮点环境#include <inttypes.h> //整数格式转换#include <stdbool.h> //布尔环境#include <stdint.h> //整型环境#include <tgmath.h> //通用类型数学宏

rectangle square读音


life expectancy at birth是什么意思

life expectancy at birth平均预期寿命;出生时预期寿命;出生时的预期寿命;人均预期寿命Life expectancy at birth has risen from 52 years in 1960 to 72 now. 平均寿命由1960年的52岁上升到今天的72岁。请采纳如果你认可我的回答,敬请及时采纳~如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~~手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~O(∩_∩)O,记得好评和采纳,互相帮助

求Great Expectations Charles Dickens chapter39部分翻译赏析


求英文名著读后感—“Great Expectations” by Charles Dickens,300英文字或以上(简介+理解,主要是理解

不是有课文吗?抄点上去不就行了。课文找给你Great ExpectationsGreat Expectations is set in England in the early 1800s.Dickens uses Pip, the main character, to tell the story. Pip is not only a character, he also tells the story of Great Expectations. Pip lives with his older sister and her husband Joe. Pip"s sister seldom has a kind word to say, but Joe is a kind and simple man, who would rather die than see any harm come to Pip.Pip, who is seven years old when the story begins, is in a misty field of tombs when a man appears and frightens him. Mist is a symbol of danger and uncertainty in Great Expectations. Classic novels often have symbols which add interest, tension or deeper meaning to the text. Readers may not be able to see the danger, so they need a symbol like the mist to make it clearer to them.There is a twist in the plot when a very generous stranger gives Pip a lot of money. Pip is about 18 years old when this happens, and the fortune sets him free from the financial worries. Pip makes the abrupt decision to move from Kent, which is a constant remainder of his shabby beginnings, to the bright lights of London.Excited by his move to London, Pip can hardly wait to begin his new life. Money and education have changed him, and before long he develops the shortcomings of being shallow and having prejudice, even against his old companions. Pip dislikes it when Joe comes to visit him in London. He has rigid ideas of what it means to be civil and to be a gentleman, and is embarrassed by Joe he does not fit these.Pip is bent on becoming a gentleman and winning Estella"s love. Estella is a beautiful girl, and for Pip, she is a symbol of education and money. What it really means to be a gentleman is an important theme in Great Expectations. Is an educated person with a lot of money a gentleman? Or is a gentleman somebody who is kind and good to his friends?By the end of the novel, Pip has changed a lot. He learns that wealth does not buy happiness and that friends are more important than a fancy education. This change in Pip is called character development and is an important part of any novel. Does Joe forgive Pip? Does Pip get the girl of his dreams? You will just have to read it yourself to find out!

Plain glass spectacles翻译到中文


登陆cctalk出现bad request


CCtalk bad request 怎么回事


a rectangular game board is composed of identical squares arranged in a rectangular array of r rows


倾听答案:delicious、delectable、 scrumptious(美味的)有什么区别

delicious.绝妙的adj.美味的,可口的; 有趣的; 喷香网络美味的;美味;可口的;可口delectable东西好吃的scrumptious可删除的区别:delicious.比delectable与scrumptious范围更广。


-ive 一般表性质-able 一般表示具备...能力

Coach Shane Daily Dictation - DD31~DD45

Coach Shane是一个非常好的教师,特别是学习美音发音,推荐订阅他的Youtube的channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/dailydictation 这里对于学过的每一期的dictation做一些笔记。 Strong: S, N, L Weak: D, T, TH Mayor Sam Adam ordered that the camp be shut down Saturday citing unhealthy conditions and the attraction of drug dealers and thieves . 难!AP news - demonstration in Oakland, California A preliminary government report predicts it"ll take 30 years or more to safely decommission the facility and it could be decades before nearby residents who were forced to flee can return to the area. 难! I was lifting , you know, chairs out of the way , broken glass and other sanitary items I do not want to get into, but it was uh, horrific to say the least! 难! uh ... Toyota is recalling more than half a million vehicles for problems that could make them difficult to steer. It"s great. It"s um, been a little bit nerve-wracking, um, and it"s been a long process to get here. New Zealand accent,难!penguin When the family left Vietnam by boat, bound for Thailand, but boat was intercepted by pirates ... after years trying , the farther located his son in Thailand. A gooey mess snarls traffic along the busy Pennsylvania Turnpike. A leaking valve on a tank spread driveway sealant across a 40-mile stretch of the east bound side. 难! The music is being played at a church in Germany, and well it really lives up to its name, since it started, there have been just 11 chord changes and the next one isn"t scheduled until July 2012. Dozens of white rabbits were apparently dumped along the side of the road Sunday night, more than 60 bunnies were scattered on the shoulder. There"s a wonderful line I came across: If you"ve always done ... or, If you always do what you"ve always done, you"ll always get what your"ve always got. It"s a brilliant line! Her story has inspired others from Montana to Indiana to pay off the bills of complete strangers in these days before Christmas. Holiday shoppers who"ve heard about the layaway Santas say the sweeping acts of kindness have restored their faith in people. He sprang to his sleigh to his team gave a whistle! And away they all flew like the down of a thistle But I heard him exclaim as he drove out of sight "Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good night!" 难! Elaine: Hey, George, you know, my friend goes to a psychic . George: Really? Elaine: Uh-huh. We should go sometime. George: I"d love to go. Make an appointment. Ray: Dad, I beat you. Don"t you remember the Rayman Spinball? Frank: Ray, I learned to play in Korea from Koreans. Do you think some punk kid"s gonna actually beat me? R: No, dad, you were trying to win you were sweating and panting. F: I"m a damn fine actor. 难! blue - beginner level green - medium level red - expert level Hey, is it cold out? 难

statement ,dictation的区别?

statement:n.说明; 说法; 表白; 表态; 声明; 陈述; 报告; 结算单; 清单; 报表; v.(英国)对儿童进行特殊教育评估认定; 例句:This statement requires qualification and clarification.这份陈述需要进行限定和澄清。现在分词:statementing过去式:statemented过去分词:statemented复数:statementsdictation:n.口述; 听写; 例句:The teacher gave the pupils dictation.教师让学生听写。复数:dictations一个是表述一个是听写,很大区别。

we are treated to fine hypocritical spectacles.为什么这个是主谓结构?不是主谓宾吗?

句子后面的不定式作主语的补足语,前面的we are treated 是主谓结构.

instead,we are treated to fine hypocritical spectacles,

这句话的意思:相反,我们的待遇,以优良的虚伪眼镜,现在比以往任何时候供应充足看到。而treated to fine hypocritical是虚伪的罚款处理意思

请教CAS NO 是1795-39-3(Perfluorooctane sulfonate)是一种什么物质?

Perfluorooctane Sulfonate (PFOS): 全氟辛烷磺酰基化合物,是Perfluorooctane Sulfonate的简称。这是一种重要的全氟化表面活性剂,也是其他许多全氟化合物的重要前体。这是一种重要的全氟化表面活性剂,也是其他许多全氟化合物的重要前体。PFOS[CF3(CF2)7SO-3]分子是由17个氟原子和8个碳原子组成烃链(所以又称C8),烃链末端碳原子上连接一个磺酰基,碳原子原本连接的氢原子全部被氟原子取代,又称为全氟化合物。PFOS与PFOA密切相关。PFOA(Perfluorooctanoic acid)中文名为全氟辛酸,在其商业应用方面有多个名称。PFOA主要用于泡沫灭火剂、纺织品和纸张的拒水拒污处理。当用于泡沫灭火剂常称作AFFF(Aqueous film forming foam),当用作纺织品和纸张的拒水拒污整理时称为PFOA。但PFOA这一缩写词不仅仅指全氟辛酸本身,也指它的盐。例如:它的铵盐(Ammonium perfluorooctanoate )可称为PFOA或APFO。另一个例子就是全氟辛烷磺酸盐/酯(Perfluorooctane sulfonate),英文缩写为PFOS,但有时也称为PFOA。狭义地讲,PFOS指的是生产拒水拒油整理剂的原料全氟辛烷磺酸盐/酯。而广义地讲,PFOS指的是与全氟辛烷磺酸盐/酯相关的一类化合物。作为氟化有机物的代表性化合物,PFOS是一种用途十分广泛的化合物,因其同时具备疏油、疏水(即拒水、拒油和拒污)等特性,作为表面防污处理剂大量用于纺织品、皮革制品、纸张和家具等,主要应用的纺织品有:滑雪衣、领带、羊毛衫、 衬衣、帐篷、雨伞布和地毯等,涂层材料应用也是一大类;作为中间体用于生产泡沫灭火剂、地板上光剂、农药和灭白蚁药剂;作为表面活性剂用于生产合成洗涤剂、洗发香波等表面活性剂产品。在电子计算机、移动电话及电子零配件生产领域,含有PFOS的特殊洗涤剂也得到广泛使用。PFOS被用作纸制食品包装材料的表面处理,以及光盘表面材料。自20世纪60年代电化学氟化反应方法应用于PFOS等全氟化合物的生产以来,已有上百种含有磺酰基的全氟有机化合物系列产品被开发生产并获得大量应用,美国3M公司曾是世界上最大的PFOS生产厂家,还有美国的杜邦和日本的大金公司等。全氟辛烷磺化物(PFOS)是全氟化合物(PFCS)的代表物,以PFOS为原料可以生产许多用途广泛的PFOS相关物质,并且在环境中都能降解生成PFOS.PFOS是一种新型的持久性有机污染物(POPs),已经成为环境科学研究的热点问题。该类物质已经被欧盟禁止使用。



audience 和 spectator的区别


请问audience ,viewer ,watcher ,spectator有什么区别?

上面四词均有观众之意:但各自所代表的含义有所不同,audience用于在那种听众和主讲人双方都清楚的情况下,即双方都知道对方的存在;而且一般都 限于人 的观众; viewer的对象可以是人也可以是人以外的物,而且被观察者 未必知道viewer的存在; watcher 强调于对于正在运动活动的对象,而且对象人和物皆可; spectator一般只限于对象为人.其他地方 与audience类似,但有一点区别 audience一般被观察人只有一人,而spectator的对象可同时多人



Octavarium [Live] 歌词

演唱:Dream Theater曲名:Octavarium喜欢法语,西班牙语等等拉丁风格的联系我.Part 1 (0:00-4:20)(instrumental)Part 2 (4:21-8:44)I never wanted to becomeSomeone like himSo secureContent to live each dayJust like the lastI was sure I knew thatthis was not for meAnd I wanted so much moreFar beyond what I could seeSo I swore that I"dnever be someone like himSo many years have passed since I proclaimedmy independancemy missionmy aimand my visionSo secureContent to live each dayLike it"s my lastIt"s wonderful to knowThat I could beSomething more than what I dreamedFar beyond what I could seeStill I swear that I"mmissing out this timeAs far as I could tellThere"s nothing more I needBut still I ask myselfCould this be everything?That all I sworeThat I would never be was nowso suddenlyThe only thingI wantedTo becomeTo be someone just like himPart 3 (8:45-12:15)A doctor sitting next to meHe asked me how I feelNot sure I understand his questioningHe says I"ve been away a whileBut thinks he has cured meFrom a state of catatonic sleepFor 30 years where have I been?Eyes openBut not getting through to meMedicate meInfiltrate meSide effects appearAs my conscience slips awayMedicate meScience failingConscience fading fastCan"t you stop what"s happening?A higher dosage he prescribesBut there"s no guaranteeI feel it starting to take over meI tell them not to be ashamedThere"s no-one who"s to blameA second shot a brief awakeningI feel the relapse can"t break freeEyes openBut not getting through to meMedicate meInfiltrate meSide effects appearAs my conscience slips awayMedicate meScience failingConscience fading fastCan"t you stop what"s happening?Part 4 (12:16-15:59)Sailing on theSeven seize theDay tripperDiem"s readyJack the ripperOwens WilsonPhillips and mySupper"s readyLucy in theSky with diamondDave"s not hereI come to save theDay for nightmareCinema showMe the way toGet back home againRunning forwardFalling backSpinning round and roundLooking outwardReaching inScream without a soundLeaning overCrawling upStumbling all aroundLosing my placeOnly to find I"ve come full circleFlyingOff theHandleWith careful withThat axeEugeneGene thatDance machine me--ssiahLight myFireGabba GabbaHey heymy myGener--ation"s home againRunning forwardFalling backSpinning round and roundLooking outwardReaching inScream without a soundLeaning overCrawling upStumbling all aroundLosing my placeOnly to find I"ve come full circlePart 5 (16:00-18:27)(instrumental)Part 6 (18:28-19:58)(First)Our deadly sins feel his mortal wrathRemove all obstacles from our paths(Second)Asking questions, search for cluesThe answer"s been right in front of you(Third)We try to break through, long to connectWe fall on deaf ears and failed muted breath(Fourth)Loyalty, trust, faith and desireCarries love through each darkest fire(Fifth)Tortured insanity, smothering hellTry to escape but to no avail(sixth)The call of admirers, who claim they adoreDrain all your lifeblood but begging for more(Seventh)Innocent victims of merciless crimesFall prey to some madmen"s impulsive designsStep after step we try controlling our fateWhen we finally start living it"s become too lateTrapped inside this octavariumTrapped inside this octavariumTrapped inside this octavariumTrapped inside this octavariumPart 7 (19:59-21:26)We move in circlesBalanced all the whileOn a gleaming razor"s edgeA perfect sphereColliding with our fateThis story ends where it beganPart 8 (21:27-24:00)(instrumental)http://music.baidu.com/song/13848662

求独裁者The Dictator2012视频 要有中文字幕的 求大神赐种!!

点kuai.点xunlei.点com/d/SINAOISNCSY J?p =点103977把空格汉字全部去掉就可以了!

独裁者 the dictator 2012 电影的下载地址谁有???

貌似还没出来 没资源 大哥

The dictator ___(control) the countey for about 40 years in the last century


push boundaries and expectations是什么意思啊?

push boundaries and expectations推动界限和期望

intellactal disabilities是什么意思

intellectual disabilities 智能障碍;智力残疾;智障例句筛选1.But Jenny has her heart set on attending one of the new college programs forstudents with intellectual disabilities.但珍妮一心想进为智障学生新开设的大学班。2.After all this event is all about riding bikes for charity in the support of peoplewith intellectual disabilities.毕竟此事件都是骑自行车为慈善事业在人民的支持与智力残疾。


两者都是形容词,只是细节上有不同。1.unexpectedadj.想不到的,料不到的;意外的;忽然的;突然的(注意是未料到的!) 2.unexpectableadj.无法预料的,不可预言(或预报)的还有什么不好理解的,可以继续追问。



omnia juncta in uno是什么意思??


Medicated Lip Protectant是什么意思

Medicated Lip Protectant药效护唇膏medicated英 [u02c8medu026akeu026atu026ad]adj.含药物的,药制的v.用药医治,加入药物( medicate的过去式和过去分词 )Lip脂物派生词:lipless lip-like lipped protectant英 [pru0259"tektu0259nt] 美 [pru0259"tektu0259nt]n.杀虫剂

请问长方体是Rectangular Prism还是cuboid?谢谢。




x=tany是直接函数,他的反函数是y=arctanx 为什么啊,x=tany的反函数不是y=t




反三角函数反正切和公式 arctanA+arctanB=?

设arctanA=x,arctanB=y因为tanx=A,tany=B利用两角和的正切公式,可得:tan(x+y)=(tanx+tany)/(1-tanxtany)=(A+B)/(1-AB)所以 x+y=arctan[(A+B)/(1-AB)]即arctanA+arctanB=arctan[(A+B)/(1-AB)]拓展资料:反三角函数并不能狭义的理解为三角函数的反函数,是个多值函数。三角函数的反函数不是单值函数,因为它并不满足一个自变量对应一个函数值的要求,其图像与其原函数关于函数 y=x 对称。欧拉提出反三角函数的概念,并且首先使用了“arc+函数名”的形式表示反三角函数。为了使单值的反三角函数所确定区间具有代表性,常遵循如下条件:1、为了保证函数与自变量之间的单值对应,确定的区间必须具有单调性;2、函数在这个区间最好是连续的(这里之所以说最好,是因为反正割和反余割函数是尖端的);3、为了使研究方便,常要求所选择的区间包含0到π/2的角;4、所确定的区间上的函数值域应与整函数的定义域相同。这样确定的反三角函数就是单值的,为了与上面多值的反三角函数相区别,在记法上常将Arc中的A改记为a,例如单值的反正弦函数记为arcsin x。参考资料:百度百科:反三角函数
















y = arctanx 的反函数就是 y = tanx


y = arctan(x) .................(1)对(1)两边取正切:tan(y) = tan[arctan(x)]..........= x.......................(2)也即:.......x = tan(y)................(3)

tany/ arctanx的极限怎么求?



arctanx求导推导:y=arctanx,x=tany,dx/dy=secy=tany+1,dy/dx=1/(dx/dy)=1/(tany+1)=1/(1+x)。求导是数学计算中的一个计算方法,它的定义就是,当自变量的增量趋于零时,因变量的增量与自变量的增量之商的极限。在一个函数存在导数时,称这个函数可导或者可微分。可导的函数一定连续。不连续的函数一定不可导。基本函数的求导公式:1、y=c(c为常数) y"=0;2、y=x^n y"=nx^(n-1);3、y=a^x y"=a^xlna;4、y=e^x y"=e^x;5、y=logax y"=logae/x;6、y=lnx y"=1/x;7、y=sinx y"=cosx;8、y=cosx y"=-sinx;9、y=tanx y"=1/cos^2x;10、y=cotx y"=-1/sin^2x;11、y=arcsinx y"=1/√1-x^2;12、y=arccosx y"=-1/√1-x^2;13、y=arctanx y"=1/1+x^2;14、y=arccotx y"=-1/1+x^2。





arctanx/ arctany的导数等于什么?



求x=tany的反函数y=arctanx的导数 提问者:福娃欢欢(新手) (2006-03-09 11:23:33)    !求x=tany的反函数y=arctanx的导数 y"(x)=(arctanx)"(对x求导)=1/(tany)"(对y求导)=1/sec^2(y)=1/(1+tan^2(y))=1/1+x^2。 1、为何:x是自变量,此式是对x求导。1/(tany)"(对y求导)呀 2、tany中y是何量 请详细解答!! 答; 计算x=tany两边的微分,得:dx=dy/cos^2(y)。 由此式可计算原函数x"=dx/dy,也可计算反函数y"=dy/dx。 此即“函数的导数等于反函数导数的倒数”(有点像绕口令!) 即x"=dx/dy=1/cos^2(y),或dy/dx=cos^2(y)=1/(1+tan^2(y))=1/(1+x^2)。 。


解题过程如下: ∵y=arctanx ∴x=tany arctanx′=1/tany tany′=(siny/cosy)′ =cosycosy-siny(-siny)/cosy =1/cosy 则arctanx′=cosy =cosy/siny+cosy =1/1+tany =1/1+x 扩展资料   求导公式:   1、C"=0(C为常数);   2、(Xn)"=nX(n-1) (n∈R);   3、(sinX)"=cosX;   4、(cosX)"=-sinX;   5、(aX)"=aXIna (ln为自然对数);   6、(logaX)"=1/(Xlna) (a>0,且a≠1);   7、(tanX)"=1/(cosX)2=(secX)2   8、(cotX)"=-1/(sinX)2=-(cscX)2   9、(secX)"=tanX secX;   10、(cscX)"=-cotX cscX;   求导方法:   求导是微积分的基础,同时也是微积分计算的一个重要的支柱。物理学、几何学、经济学等学科中的"一些重要概念都可以用导数来表示。如导数可以表示运动物体的瞬时速度和加速度、可以表示曲线在一点的斜率、还可以表示经济学中的边际和弹性。




x=tany与Y=tantan x是一样的

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有人能回答 customer requirement 和 customer expectation的区别...

customer requirement 客户的要求customer expectation 客户的期望requirement: 这是你必须要做到的,比如产品的尺寸,数量,包装。这些落实到合同里面的实打实的需要遵守的。expectation: 既然是期望,那么完成期望客户很满意,但是如果实在客观条件下完不成,客户也可以谅解。如客户期望交货期可以提前。。但是提前不了,那也就是期望。

expectation gap是什么意思

实际表达应该是the gap between expectation and reality,就是期望与现实之间的差距。

high expectation可数吗


job expectation的英语作文

Should new graduates lower job expectation?With the development of the society and education ,competition becomes more and more fierce in new graduates.It"s a universal phenomenon now that some undergraduates can"t find jobs which they expect .Faced with an increasingly competitive market,must they lower job expectation?In my opinion ,they should firstly recognise their own weaknesses,and know how to bring out the best in themselves.It"s very important to know your strengths and weaknesses.Then ,they should make a abundant preparation for the interview .If the new graduates can do it ,good jobs will be found .

beyond expectation 什么意思

beyond expectation意思是:超越期望[英][biu02c8ju0254nd u02ccekspeku02c8teiu0283u0259n][美][biu02c8ɑnd u02ccu025bkspu025bku02c8teu0283u0259n]以下双语例句:1.The soldiers displayed a courage which was beyond expectation. 战士们表现出了出乎人们意料的勇气。2.Parker pen: the buyers are of high quality and result is beyond expectation. 派克钢笔:买家素质高端,效果超出预期。3.We thought dave would do well, but he has succeeded beyond expectation. 我们认为戴夫会干挺好的,可没想到他竟取得了出乎意料的成功。4.In the past 10 years, this field has surged forward beyond expectation. 过去十年中,该领域急剧发展,大大超过了我们的预期。5.The development of aig general insurance company china limited in chaoyang district is beyond expectation.美亚财产保险在朝阳区发展超出预期。


expectancy是一个英语名词,它的意思是期望,期待。expectancy的复数形式是expectancies。 扩展资料   expectancy同根词拓展   以expect为词根,可以延伸出四个词性不同含义的单词。   形容词:   expectant期待的.;怀孕的;预期中的   副词:   expectantly期望地,期待地   名词:   expectation期待;预期;指望   expectant期待者;候选人   不及物动词:   expect期待;预期   及物动词:   expect期望;指望;认为;预料

beyond expectation是什么意思

beyond expectation超越期待双语对照词典结果:beyond expectation[英][biu02c8ju0254nd u02ccekspeku02c8teiu0283u0259n][美][biu02c8ɑnd u02ccu025bkspu025bku02c8teu0283u0259n][法] 出乎预料,意外; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Still, what is currently taking place in Beijing is beyond expectation.-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

have an expectation for这个语法对吗?介词用的是For吗


have an expectation for这个语法对吗?介词用的是For吗


beat an expectation是什么意思

beat an expectation 做一个期望 例:That beat an average expectation of$ 77 million by analysts in a Reuters poll. 超过77000000美元的平均期望通过路透社的一项调查分析.

母亲的期望 expectation 为什么要加s. ?

[美] [ˌɛkspɛkˈteʃən]  [英] [ˌekspekˈteɪʃn]  n. 期待; 预期; 前程; [数]期望值【网络释义】期望值; 展望; 可能性; 期待值复数:expectations


这一产品的成功已经超出了我们所有的预期。The success of this product has exceeded all our expectations.~ u2665 自己认真翻译的,应该比较地道,敬请采纳、

"meet our expectation(s)"里expectation到底用单数还是复数?


有过高的期望英文怎么说 我记得是xx expectation xx是一个形容词




expectation 什么时候必须加s?(语法问题,不是什么单复数的问题)

靠希望生活,不是某一个希望,期待。、出乎预料, 是某一次的预料还是根据整体的意思来确定

有过高的期望英文怎么说 我记得是xx expectation xx是一个形容词

above expectation e.g. His performance is well above expectation. exceed expectation e.g. His result exceeds our expectation.



expectation ;preliminary ; suggestion 这英语用谐音怎么读?


under expectation是什么意思

  under expectation的中文翻译  under expectation  在期待  双语例句  1  The market valuation holds a certain trend, and the trend continues under expectation.  市场市盈率估值具有一定的趋势性,且趋势的延续具有预期自至的效果。  2  A set of participants sharing a common expectation objective for the interaction under expectation management.  一组共享对期望管理之下的交互的公共期望目标的参与者。  3  The objective for an interaction that is under expectation management.  在期望管理之下的交互的目标。

关于have expectation

have expectation of 和have expectation for 都有的。例句与用法: 1. He has great expectations from his uncle. 他渴望从叔叔那继承大笔遗产。 2. She ate a light lunch in expectation of a good dinner. 她午饭吃得很少,期待晚饭时饱餐一顿。 3. His parents have great expectations for his future. 他父母对他的前途深寄厚望. 4. He has little expectation of winning a prize. 他对获奖不抱什麽希望. 5. She had high expectations of what university had to offer. 她对大学所能给她提供的一切期望很高. 6. The children waited patiently in expectation of (ie expecting) the magician. 孩子们耐心地等待著魔术师. 7. His film performance didn"t come up to expectations. 他在影片中的演出有负众望. 8. Unfortunately the restaurant he recommended fell far short of our expectations. 遗憾的是他推荐的餐厅与我们心目中的相去甚远




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