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珊瑚海(Coral Sea) - Jay Chou ft. Lara Jason Chen x Sronwcover 这个视频的最后那首英文歌叫什么?

The Autotune Song--jason chen


有两种方法刷入第三方recovery:方法一:手机开机进入系统状态,使用【移动叔叔工具箱】软件,刷入【第三方recovery模式】,具体步骤如下:在已经成功获取root权限的手机上,下载安装【移动叔叔工具箱】软件,使用【移动叔叔工具箱】软件,刷入recovery模式的方法步骤:1.在网上(推荐手机品牌官网、安卓网机锋论坛、百度网盘)搜索与个人手机品牌及机型信号相匹配一致的第三方recovery.img文件,将其复制粘贴在手机SD卡卡根(卡根:就是直接复制粘贴在SD卡里,不能将文件放在文件夹目录中)2.成功获取手机安卓系统root权限3.在已经成功root的手机上下载并安装【移动叔叔工具箱】(软件)4.用【移动叔叔工具箱】的【recovery更新】功能→【导入SD卡上的recovery.img文件】→确定→重启→重启后,自动进入recovery模式→刷入完成。进入recovery模式后,按音量键→切换选项;按开机电源键→确认,执行操作。方法二:手机关机状态下1:进入fastboot模式;2:用数据线接入手机到电脑;3:电脑自动识别装入驱动;4:找到recovery包中的flash.bat,运行它,就刷入recovery了手机进入recovery模式的方法:方法一:如果手机是开机状态,请先关机,在关机情况下,同时按住电源(挂机键)+ 小房子(Home)键,直到出现Recovery界面为止。方法二:如果以上方法无法进入,那么再开机,先按住音量+键不放,然后再长按电源开机键,知道出现Recovery界面为止。

我们是印刷行业的,客人发的询盘其中有句 Cover: 4+0 Color Matt MC 128 gsm,想问下这个MC是什么意思?



他们的中文意思一样,但英语解释还是不同的。temporary: not permanent; not lasting, lacking continuity or regularity, 意思是:不永远,不持续,缺乏长久,就是短暂的, 而interim: . the time between one event, process, or period and another表示事件之间,过程之间或一段时间之间的间隔时间,强调的是间隔时间,

Cover letter重要吗?如何撰写投稿信?

Cover letter重要吗? 投稿信是一块敲门砖,是作者为其稿件进行宣传的机会。 投稿信并非只是走形式,应该把它和文章本身一样 认真对待。在英语中有一个谚语叫第一印象会持续很久或者你永远也不会再有机会重塑第一印象。 如果投稿信中的信息不准确,有语法错误并且写的很随意,您觉得主编会对您科学家的身份有好印象吗? 如果投稿信是胡吹乱造、夸大其词,主编审稿无数,会一眼看出。同样,如果投稿信又长又臭,把所有的信息 都包含在内以至于找不到重点,也不会给主编留下好印象。 投稿信应包含足够重要的内容让主编一眼就能决定文章是否适合在他/她的期刊发表,是将文章送审还是拒稿? 如果投稿信没写好,不能让人有兴趣阅读或者和期刊的宗旨范围相差很大,您的文章很有可能直接被拒。 应该在投稿信里面写什么? 第一句话是请求主编考虑发表您的文章。把您的文章题目和期刊题目写完整。接下来应该写: · 为什么做这个研究 · 您的研究表明了什么? · 您从研究结果中总结出什么? · 为什么这个结果重要? · 什么是新的或者让读者感兴趣的? · 为什么您的研究和期刊宗旨范围吻合? · 是否达到期刊的特殊要求?例如利益冲突声明、是否推荐或不建议审稿人(不同期刊有不同的要求) · 确认所有的作者都同意投稿给这个期刊,您的文章没有在其他地方发表过或没有被其他期刊正在审稿。 · 最后一段,感谢主编考虑发表您的文章。 · 在您签名下面写上您的具体联系信息。 · 用您学院/单位后缀的邮箱,尽量不要用个人邮箱。 不应该写什么? · 除了联系信息以外的个人信息,您不是在写个人简介或者申请工作等! · 大量的数据,方法细节或对结果的讨论。保持简洁和有力! 有哪些写作技巧? 记住您是致信给主编个人: 假设您只有3分钟时间向主编介绍您的文章。主编很忙并且在行业内非常受尊敬,但是同时,他也许对您的研究领域不是特别熟悉。该怎么办? 主编的姓名一定要拼写正确: 首先,必须保证您正确的称呼。如果您能找到期刊主编的姓名,在cover letter的开头就称呼主编的姓,而不是全名。例如,您可以称呼她为”Dear Dr. White” 而不是“Dear Dr. Jane White”。如果您不确定主编的姓名,就可以直接称呼为“Dear Editor”或“Dear Editor-in-Chief”。不要称呼“Dear Sir”,因为这样不会取悦女性主编(甚至也不会取悦很多男性主编)。 文章标题: 必须保证投信里面的文章标题和投稿系统里面的保持一致。如果您更改了文章,也需要更改投稿信。 期刊名称: 必须保证把期刊名称拼写正确。如果您的文章之前被拒稿过,现在重新投稿,一定要记住把投稿信里面的期刊名称改掉。在实际工作中,您很难想象有多少人忽略这一点。 文章类型: 标明文章类型(研究性文章, 综述还是短篇通讯等),并且确认和投稿系统里保持一致。 研究目标: 您的研究目标是什么?您是在试图解决问题?验证假说?对之前(自己或别人)发表过的文章更新?不要假设主编非常了解您的研究领域。简单的说一下您的研究背景也是必要的。把缩写和任何种类的名称拼写完整。您的研究目标和杂志的宗旨与范围是否一致?如果不是很一致,加一句话解释 研究发现: 您发现了什么?不要夸张,但也不要太谦虚, 如果您说您的发现没那么重要,那为什么有人要发表或阅读您的文章呢。 研究影响: 研究结果有什么影响?哪些是新的、有趣的?加入一些有趣的东西包括文章的最新发现等进去,这样主编就想要读您的文章并且送审。有太多的cover letter读起来相当平淡。记住文章被接受的第一大原因就是文章 简洁: 不要大段的重复您文章里面的东西。 准确: (完美的语法,一定不能有拼写错误)确认,再次确认,再次确认,然后给您的同事再次确认。您必须保证投稿信是100%正确。您投稿信里面的数据和文章正文的数据是否一致?如果您投稿信里面提到10%增长,但是同一个事情文章正文写道7%增长,主编会因此质疑您的研究。 保持一致: 将投稿信按照期刊的要求调整好格式。例如提到P值,如果您文章里写的是“P”,那么在投稿信里面就不要写成“p”。 期刊特殊要求: 查看期刊的投稿说明是否有特殊规定,例如利益冲突声明和是否推荐审稿人等。 投稿信不是个人简介(但是…): 不需要将您的职业生涯或者之前您发表过的文章放到投稿信中。您的 研究本身自己会说话。然而,也有一些微妙的技巧可以为您的投稿信加分。例如您可以在落款的时候,将您的学术头衔(教授、副教授等)和职务(主任或研究员等)写上。类似的,您也可以将您之前发表过的有直接关系的文章信息放在投稿信中。 邮件地址: 最好用您含学院名称后缀的邮箱来和期刊通讯。由于近期的学术不端和撤稿时间的影响,期刊主编对于作者用个人邮箱来提交文章有所忌惮。 如果在审稿过程中,您的工作在调动中,您可以加一句话加以解释,例如“The research was carried out at the University of X. I am in the process of moving to the University of Y; until I receive my new institutional e-mail address, please contact me at . (这份研究是我在X大学完成。但是我因为某些原因离职, 现在正在Y大学的入职过程中,直到我收到新的学院邮箱之前,请与我的个人邮箱联系)”。或者,指定另 外一个人作为通讯作者来避免这个问题。 投稿信样本 Dr. Jane White Editor-in-Chief Journal of Chronic Disease Treatment July 20, 2018 Dear Dr. White We wish to submit our article “Impact of season on disease Z” to be considered for publication in the Journal of Chronic Disease Treatment as a Short Communication. In our previous research (Black et al., J Sci Res 2014;21:1-10) we found that treatment X was more effective than treatment Y in reducing chronic disease Z. However, we noticed that the improvement for both treatments was much greater (>10%) in winter than in the summer months. In order to explore this unexpected finding, we carried out further research, presented in this paper. We found that ambient temperature had no effect on reduction of disease Z with either treatment. However, detailed analysis of patient behavior revealed that patients were more likely to be absent from home in the summer months, and so more likely to miss their medication time. After implementing a dosing strategy to minimize this effect, no significant difference between summer and winter could be detected with either treatment. We think this article will be of interest to your readers as it demonstrates increased treatment effectiveness without increasing overall dose. It also reveals some interesting aspects of patient behavior, an area of study which has received increasing attention in the field of chronic disease treatment over the past decade. We suggest the following reviewers for this article: Andrew Adams ( ) Billy Bloggs ( ) Caroline Carter ( ) I am authorized on behalf of all the authors of this article to confirm that no author has any conflict of interest to disclose, all authors have approved the version submitted for publication, the work in this article is original and has not been published previously, and the article is not under consideration by any other journal. We thank you for your kind consideration of our article. Please do not hesitate to contact me directly if any further information is required. I look forward to hearing from you. Yours sincerely John Black Professor John Black Director, Department of Clinical Research University of Somewhere 123, Anywhere Street Somewhere, UK Tel.: +44 123 456 789 E-mail:

怎样写cover letter

如何写cover letter(投稿信)1、 什么是cover letter?指的是投稿信2、cover letter的内容主要包括那些?应该简述所投稿件的核心内容、主要发现和意义,拟投期刊,对稿件处理有无特殊要求等(如“not to review” list)。另外,请附上主要作者的中文姓名、通讯地址、电话、传真和e-mail地址。此外有的杂志要求推荐几位审稿人及其联系方式。以及谁已经阅读过该文(当然是牛人)。我投的那个杂志是要求说明你论文研究的意义,以及与这个杂志的相关性,另外还有的可能要写明你没有一搞多投等。此外临床实验要求写明符合伦理学要求。3、 如何写cover letter?各个杂志的具体要求是不一样的,在杂志的guide for authors一般会有要求。如果没有具体的要求,大家可按照通用要求处理。4、常用模板:(1)Cover letterDear Mr. **1. The work described has not been submitted elsewhere for publication, in whole or in part, and all the authors listed have approved the manuscript that is enclosed.2. I have read and have abided by the statement of ethical standards for manuscripts submitted to Neuroscience.kind regards.Your sincerely,通讯作者(2)Dear Dr. 主编name:We submit our manuscript entitled " 文章title" to 杂志名for publication.接着简单介绍你文章的主要创新点和意义,不易过多,但要突出新意和关键点。All authors have seen the manuscript and approved to submit to your journal.Thank you very much for your attention and consideration.Sincerely yours,通讯作者(3)Dear Dr. 主编name:We submit our manuscript entitled " 文章title" to 杂志名for publication.接着简单介绍你文章的主要创新点和意义,不易过多,但要突出新意和关键点。All authors have seen the manuscript and approved to submit to your journal.Thank you very much for your attention and consideration.Sincerely yours,通讯作者(4)Dr. ***Editor-in-Chief, ***(add address) January 22, 2003Dear Dr. **,Enclosed herewith please find 3 copies of a MS by: ‘***. *** and ***" entitled: “**********”, which we would like to submit for publication in the ‘******".Looking forward to your decision,With kind personal regards,Sincerely yours,*****Professor of ***(5)Dear Prof. Gil:This is a manuscript by**and **entitled “.......”. It is submitted to be considered for publication as a “...” in your journal. This paper is new. Neither the entire paper nor any part of its content has been published or has been accepted elsewhere. It is not being submitted to any other journal.We believe the paper may be of particular interest to the readers of your journal as it ........Correspondence should be addressed to **at the following address, phone and fax number, and email address:...Thanks very much for your attention to our paper.Sincerely yours,**5、 例文:下面例文都来自丁香园战友,在此一并感谢。(一)Date: Sep 15, 2003Dear Editors:On behalf of my co-authors, I am submitting the enclosed material “ TITLE ” for possible publication in JOURNAL.We certify that we have participated sufficiently in the work to take public responsibility for the appropriateness of the experimental design and method, and the collection, analysis, and interpretation of the data.We have reviewed the final version of the manuscript and approve it for publication. To the best of our knowledge and belief, this manuscript has not been published in whole or in part nor is it being considered for publication elsewhere.Best Regards.Yours Sincerely,NAME,ADRESS,EMAIL,FAX(二)Dear Dr Regino Perez-Polo:Enclosed are a manuscript by su jian, yang kun, chen zhihua.Su jian titled“Hypothermia after Acute Ischemic Stroke”.It is submitted to be considered for publication as a“review" in your journal.This paper is~"Neither the entire paper nor any part of its content has been published or has been accepted elsewhere .It is not being submitted to any other journal.We believe the paper may be of particular interest to the readers of your journal.Correspondence and phone calls about the paper should be directed to Su jian at the following address,phone and fax number,and e-mail address:Su jianInstitute:,Adress:Tel:Fax:E-mail:Thanks very much for your attention to our paper.Sincerely yours,Su jian(三)Dear Editor,We would like to submit the enclosed manuscript entitled "GDNF Acutely Modulates Neuronal Excitability and A-type Potassium Channels in Midbrain Dopaminergic Neurons", which we wish to be considered for publication in Nature Neuroscience.GDNF has long been thought to be a potent neurotrophic factor for the survival of midbrain dopaminergic neurons, which are degenerated in Parkinson"s disease. In this paper, we report an unexpected, acute effect of GDNF on A-type potassium channels, leading to a potentiation of neuronal excitability, in the dopaminergic neurons in culture as well as in adult brain slices. Further, we show that GDNF regulates the K+ channels through a mechanism that involves activation of MAP kinase. Thus, this study has revealed, for the first time, an acute modulation of ion channels by GDNF. Our findings challenge the classic view of GDNF as a long-term survival factor for midbrain dopaminergic neurons, and suggest that the normal function of GDNF is to regulate neuronal excitability, and consequently dopamine release. These results may also have implications in the treatment of Parkinson"s disease.Due to a direct competition and conflict of interest, we request that Drs. XXX of Harvard Univ., and YY of Yale Univ. not be considered as reviewers. With thanks for your consideration, I amSincerely yours,(四)Dear **.We would like to submit the enclosed manuscript entitled " *** ", which we wish to be considered for publication in **journal.We believe that two aspects of this manuscript will make it interesting to general readers of **journal. First, ***. Second, ***. Further, ***.Thank you very much your considering our manuscript for potential publication. I"m looking forward to hearing from you soon.Best wishes.(五)To: SOLA Chief EditorDivision of Geoenvironmental SciencesUniversity of TsukubaTsukuba 305-8572, JAPANE-Mail: Sirs,I am sending herewith a copy of the manuscript, which I would like to submit to SOLA, the Electronic Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan.The paper is entitled:Energy Spectrum Proportional to the Squared Phase Speed ofRossby Modes in the General Circulation of the Atmosphereby H. L. Tanaka, Yasushi Watarai, and Takahiro Kanda.Copy of the Abstract:In this study, energy spectrum of the large-scale atmospheric motions is examined in the framework of the 3D normal mode decomposition. The horizontal scale of disturbance is measured by the phase speed of a Rossby mode c. According to the analysis result for the barotropic component of the atmosphere, we obtain a characteristic energy spectrum with distinct slopes for the turbulence and wave regimes separated by the spherical Rhines speed. In order to explain the observational finding that the energy spectrum is proportional to c^2, we put forward a hypothesis based on the criterion of Rossby wave breaking such that the local meridional gradient of potential vorticity becomes negative, dq/dy < 0, somewhere in the domain. With a constant m describing a total mass of the atmosphere for unit area, we have shown that the barotropic energy spectrum of the general circulation E can be represented as E=mc^2.Corresponding Author:Dr. Hiroshi L. TanakaDivision of Geoenvironmental SciencesUniversity of TsukubaTsukuba 305-8572, JAPANTel: +81-29-853-4502Fax: +81-29-853-6879E-Mail: hereby certify that this paper consists of original, unpublished work which is not under consideration for publication elsewhere.Desired Editors in Charge:Kimoto, Masahide University of TokyoMak, Mankin University of IllinoisFive Potential Reviewers:Name-1, e-mail address-1Name-2, e-mail address-2Name-3, e-mail address-3Name-4, e-mail address-4Name-5, e-mail address-5The original manuscript and figures will be transferred, following the instruction by the Editorial Committee when the paper is accepted. I hope your favorable consideration for publication to SOLA.Sincerely,Hiroshi L. TanakaAttachment: PDF file of the manuscript.

怎样写cover letter 投稿sci

1.第一次投稿Cover letter:主要任务是介绍文章主要创新以及声明没有一稿多投Dear Editors:We would like to submit the enclosed manuscript entitled “Paper Title”, which we wish to be considered for publication in “Journal Name”. No conflict of interest exits in the submission of this manuscript, and manuscript is approved by all authors for publication. I would like to declare on behalf of my co-authors that the work described was original research that has not been published previously, and not under consideration for publication elsewhere, in whole or in part. All the authors listed have approved the manuscript that is enclosed.In this work, we evaluated …… (简要介绍一下论文的创新性). I hope this paper is suitable for “Journal Name”.The following is a list of possible reviewers for your consideration:1) Name A E-mail: ××××@××××2) Name B E-mail: ××××@××××We deeply appreciate your consideration of our manuscript, and we look forward to receiving comments from the reviewers. If you have any queries, please don"t hesitate to contact me at the address below.Thank you and best regards.Yours sincerely,××××××Corresponding author:Name: ×××E-mail: ××××@××××二、催稿信:询问稿件处理到声明步骤Dear Prof. ×××:Sorry for disturbing you. I am not sure if it is the right time to contact you to inquire about the status of my submitted manuscript titled “Paper Title”. (ID: 文章稿号), although the status of “With Editor” has been lasting for more than two months, since submitted to journal three months ago. I am just wondering that my manuscript has been sent to reviewers or not?I would be greatly appreciated if you could spend some of your time check the status for us. I am very pleased to hear from you on the reviewer"s comments.Thank you very much for your consideration.Best regards!Yours sincerely,××××××Corresponding author:Name: ×××E-mail: ××××@××××三、修改稿Cover letterDear Dr/ Prof..(写上负责你文章编辑的姓名,显得尊重,因为第一次的投稿不知道具体负责的编辑,只能用通用的Editors):On behalf of my co-authors, we thank you very much for giving us an opportunity to revise our manuscript, we appreciate editor and reviewers very much for their positive and constructive comments and suggestions on our manuscript entitled “Paper Title”. (ID: 文章稿号).We have studied reviewer"s comments carefully and have made revision which marked in red in the paper. We have tried our best to revise our manuscript according to the comments. Attached please find the revised version, which we would like to submit for your kind consideration.We would like to express our great appreciation to you and reviewers for comments on our paper. Looking forward to hearing from you.Thank you and best regards.Yours sincerely,××××××Corresponding author:Name: ×××E-mail: ××××@××××四、修改稿回答审稿人的意见(最重要的部分)List of ResponsesDear Editors and Reviewers:Thank you for your letter and for the reviewers" comments concerning our manuscript entitled “Paper Title” (ID: 文章稿号). Those comments are all valuable and very helpful for revising and improving our paper, as well as the important guiding significance to our researches. We have studied comments carefully and have made correction which we hope meet with approval. Revised portion are marked in red in the paper. The main corrections in the paper and the responds to the reviewer"s comments are as flowing:Responds to the reviewer"s comments:Reviewer #1:1. Response to comment: (……简要列出意见……)Response: ××××××2. Response to comment: (……简要列出意见……)Response: ××××××。。。。。。逐条意见回答,切忌一定不能有遗漏针对不同的问题有下列几个礼貌术语可适当用用:We are very sorry for our negligence of ……...We are very sorry for our incorrect writing ……...It is really true as Reviewer suggested that……We have made correction according to the Reviewer"s comments.We have re-written this part according to the Reviewer"s suggestionAs Reviewer suggested that……Considering the Reviewer"s suggestion, we have ……最后特意感谢一下这个审稿人的意见:Special thanks to you for your good comments.

a peace of clothing that covers your hand.1为什么不用clothes?2that可以去掉吗


工商银行发行的龙卡(储蓄卡)属于 mastercard 还是 discover还是 visa还是 AmericanExpress?


这些信用卡都是什么卡?American Express, Discover, Master Card, VIsa?

American Express:美国运通, Discover:发现卡 Master Card:万事达 Visa:维萨 以上都是发卡组织 还有很多 比如CUP:银联 JCB:日本发卡组织

电脑开机是蓝屏:Recovery Your PC needs to be repared.然后我按




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comforter set成套的床上用品;安床床套;棉被组;求购棉被duvet cover set被套组

quilt cover 和 comforter shell 的区别,真是头大,谢谢各位路过的高手

quilt cover是被套,comforter shell是被壳。(被壳是用面料布把被褥包裹起来,然后用针线把它与被褥缝在一起。带被壳的被子,不用被套也可以盖。被套是单独制作的整体袋子。把被子放进去后封口,使用方便,容易清洗)

为什么在unifi控制器没发现uap,但在unifi discover那能发现

u200d从图片来看因为你的AP是已经被管理的状态,你要把之前controller的配置档案上传到这个新的controller然后才能进行管理,如果找不到之前的配置档案就只能把这个AP 还原到出厂设置,然后就可以这样找u200du200du200d。

In 1620, about half the USA was covered by forests. Today the forests have almost gone. A lot o...

小题1:A小题1:D小题1:C 小题1:细节题:从文章的句子:The Great Green Wall is 7,000 kilometres long,可知A正确。小题1:细节题:从文章的句子:Trees must be grown all over the world.可知D正确小题1:细节题:从文章的句子:More "Great Green Walls" are needed.可知我们需要越来越多的树。C项表达不对。


美国discover卡可以直接在中国可以刷银联卡的地方消费,不需要打电话给卡中心开通中国消费,因为美国的discover卡和中国的银联是合作关系。2005年上半年,中国银联与 Discover达成战略合作伙伴关系,发现卡可以在中国银联ATM和POS机上使用,同时,银联卡也可在美国Pulse支付网络使用。不过,中国大陆尚无银行发行发现信用卡。扩展资料discover卡的历史不同于其传统对手MasterCard和VISA Card,Discover发现卡迅速的获得一个庞大的客户群体。发现卡一般来讲免年费,高信用额度以及提供较高的现金回扣。(最早 2%,现在高达 5%)。然而,计划建立一个‘一站式"的 Sears百货公司金融服务中心并不像 Sears所预期的成功,它的发现卡推广被认为既伤害 Sears公司的营业额,并限制该卡的潜力。其他零售商予以拒绝推广Discover发现卡,因为他们相信他们会帮助他们的竞争对手。鉴于这些事态发展,最终在1993年Sears出售其金融业务,Sears也开始接受除了Discover信用卡外的万事达卡和维萨卡。参考资料来源:百度百科-发现卡

如何使用text recovery converter

  使用VMware Converter 进行P2V 迁移 【TechTarget 中国原创】  在虚拟化的部署过程中,几乎每个人都会遇到将物理服务器迁移到 虚拟机上。幸运的是,VMware 提供了一个免费的工具来帮劣做这件事情: VMware Converter。还有其他可用的物理到虚拟(P2V)的迁移产品,虽然其中的许多都会提供更 强大的功能、更好的支持操作系统和更好的性能,但VMware Converter 是免费的产品, 并且其迁移工作也做得很丌错。  VMware Converter 将VMware的P2V客户端和虚拟机导入程序组合成一个应用程序。 它同时支持物理到虚拟(P2V)和虚拟到虚拟(V2V)的迁移,但丌支持虚拟到物理(V2P)。 有一些方法和产品支持V2P 的转换,但已超出本文讲述的范围。  VMware Converter 的标准版与企业版 Converter 3.0 是一个独立的产品,并有两种版本:免费版本(标准版)和企业版,但 同时你得有自己的VirtualCenter,才可以使用企业版功能。企业版增加了进程克隆服务器 的功能(然而标准版,你就必须把它安装在你要迁移的服务器上),开机启劢光盘ISO 用 于冷克隆一台服务器(然而标准版,你就只能实现热克隆),以及能够同时执行多个迁移任 务。  有趣的是,标准版和企业版是相同的应用程序。你只需下载应用程序,安装它并输入许 可证密钥以解锁企业版功能。没有许可证密钥,你正在使用的就是标准版。然而,用于实现 冷克隆的ISO光盘是一个单独的下载包,仅适用于授权的企业用户。VirtualCenter 2.5 版 本中,VMware 已经以插件的方式将转换程序直接集成到VirtualCenter 中,只需安装并启 用就可以了。还有,提供的2.5 版本是一张可引导光盘,并且带有一个新的命令行界面(CLI) 的应用程序,同时支持Windows 和Linux 服务器。 受支持的软件插件 Converter 转换Windows 服务器的效果最好。它支持NT 4.0(SP6a)、XP、2000、 2003、Vista 中的32 位和64 位系统。它使用Boot CD 戒命令行(CLI)方式支持Linux 系统,但Linux 的转换往往是富有挑戓性的,通常需要一些手工配置步骤才能将系统成功迁 移。它也支持许多其他虚拟机的镜像文件,包括Symantec Ghost 和LiveState、Backup Exec System Recovery 、StorageCraft ShadowProtect、Acronis True 镜像、VMware VCB、Microsoft Virtual PC 和Server 版,当然包括VMware 公司的其他任何产品 (Workstation、Player、Server、ESX、Fusion 等等)创建的虚拟机。  热克隆与冷克隆 有两种方式用于克隆一台服务器,热克隆(当服务器的操作系统正在运行的时候)戒冷 克隆(从光盘启劢(Windows PE),当服务器的操作系统没有运行的时候)。哪种方式适 合你,这取决于你正在转换的服务器类型。冷克隆的成功几率最高,因为服务器操作系统没 有在运行,这将确保没有任何数据被损坏,因为在转换过程正在运行的时候,没有文件被打 开。对于像数据库和电子邮件服务器一样的数据敏感服务器来说,冷克隆是最好的选择。 热克隆在敏感性较低的服务器上是行之有效的,这里有更多的静态内容,如web、print、 DNS 等应用服务器。在克隆过程开始的时候,热克隆通过创造一个快照来迚行工作,然后 是复制这个快照到新创建的虚拟机。任何被打开的文件,此时快照可能丌会包含它们所有的 数据,这将导致你的目标VM处于丌一致的状态。在快照做完之后,任何文件的任何修改, 将丌会再被复制。  快照基本上创建了一个参考时间点,并跟踪文件系统中文件的任何块级别 的变化。克隆迚程使用快照和文件组建了整个磁盘样子的概貌。 使用Converter 时服务器要避免的事项 有某些确定类型的服务器,你可能丌想使用Converter,如域控制器、数据库和电子邮 件服务器,然而又没有好的转换候选产品,并且迁移后会遇到问题。如果你丌得丌转换这些 类型的服务器,那么冷克隆是你最好的选择。如果你选择热克隆这些服务器,你必须确保在 克隆过程当中,应用程序是关闭的,否则你最终可能会损坏目的VM的数据。 具有多个 DC 环境的Active Directory 服务器,对于USN 回滚问题是特别的敏感,并且有可能破坏 AD 对象。  下面操作方式是比较安全的,简单地创建一个新的虚拟机,安装操作系统和使用 dcpromo 使其成为一个DC,当新的VM加入到你的域环境后,然后关闭旧的物理服务器。 同样,创建一个新的虚拟机,安装SQL Server,然后备份数据库和恢复他们到新的VM上。 比起尝试转换数据库服务器来说,这是更加安全的方式。 在我们这个系列的下篇文章中,我们将迚入必要的基本准备步骤,以确保迁移成功,以 及讲解运行迁移向导的过程。



与 Universal Plug and Play Device Host 服务相依的 SSDP Discovery Service 服务因下列错误而无法启动:

win+r启动运行框,输入services.msc,进入服务控制台,选择SSDP Discovery Service ,将它设为自动/手动


固件&Rom固件、刷固件固件是指固化的软件,英文为firmware,它是把某个系统程序写入到特定的硬件系统中的flashROM。手机固件相当于手机的系统,刷新固件就相当于刷系统。不同的手机对应不同的固件,在刷固件前应该充分了解当前固件和所刷固件的优点缺点和兼容性, 并做好充分的准备。固件版本是指官方发布的固件的版本号!里面包含了应用部分的更新和基带部分的更新,官方新固件的推出的主要目的是为了修复已往固件中存在的BUG以及优化相关性能。ROM(包)智能手机配置中的ROM指的是EEProm(电擦除可写只读存储器)类似于计算机的硬盘,手机里能存多少东西就看他的容量了。底包+更新包统称为一个ROM包。一般分为两大类,一种是出自手机制造商官方的原版ROM,特点是稳定,功能上随厂商定制而各有不同;另一种是开发爱好者利用官方发布的源代码自主编译的原生ROM,特点是根据用户具体需求进行调整,使ROM更符合不同地区用户的使用习惯。bin和rom的关系bin文件是一个完整的手机内存卡的映像。其中包括 bootloader ,内核,system,recover,radio,cache,data....ROM是统称,有时可以指bin文件,但大多数时候是指的system+data.一般我们更换recover,用recover更新第三方的system.所以,我们解包ROM的时候能看到system和data目录。一般美化,优化,界面图形,软件删减等变化,可以通过刷ROM实现!如果是手机信号的修改,内核的变动,甚至是bootloader的更新,那就要刷bin来解决了!RecoveryRecovery是刷机时我们摁home键+开机键之后进入的那个界面(工程模式),在这个界面中可以直接用SD卡上zip文件的ROM升级系统或者备份系统,老版本的Recovery只有三个选项,无法备份系统,而且只能用update.zip这个文件名的文件升级不能用任何文件名的zip文件升级。但在现在几乎所有机型中的Recovery都已是新版本,因此已经没有了那么多的限制,并且还多出了很多选项可以操作。进入Recovery模式后会看到7个选项,分别是:[Home+Back]reboot system now \重启[Alt+S]apply \安装SD卡里的update.zip文件[Alt+A]apply any zip from sd \安装SD卡里的任意zip文件[Alt+W]wipe data/factory reset \清除数据[Alt+B]nandroid v2.2 backup \备份[Alt+R]restore latest backup \恢复最后的备份[Alt+F]repair ext filesystems \修复ROOTRoot是什么Root权限跟我们在Windows系统下的Administrator权限可以理解成一个概念。在Unix系统(如AIX、BSD等)和类UNIX系统(如Debian、Redhat、Ubuntu等各个发行版的Linux)中,系统的超级用户一般命名为root。root是系统中唯一的超级用户,具有系统中所有的权限,如启动或停止一个进程,删除或增加用户,增加或者禁用硬件等等。由于Android系统是基于Linux产生的,因此root也自然成为Android系统的最高权限。该账户拥有整个系统至高无上的权利,系统中的所有对象他都可以操作。只有拥有了这个权限我们才可以将原版操作系统刷成其它改版自制系统,使用各种需要root权限的软件,修改系统文件个性化手机等等。例如像ROOT Explorer(系统文件管理)和Task Manager(进程管理)、Shootme(手机截图)、钛备份、Marketenable(查看各国付费软件)这样的软件,因为这些软件将访问的系统区域经常需要更多授权,所以没有ROOT权限的话,系统会则会提示你权限被禁止。但是为了手机的安全性和稳定性,防止用户误操作导致崩溃,系统默认是没有开启root权限的,这就需要我们来进行获取。取得root就是取得Android手机的最高控制权,很类似Symbian系统上的XX(破解)。Root后也有一些问题,例如Root后会失去保修(有办法弥补),无法使用系统中的官方升级(但可以通过下载刷机包升级)。虽然获取Root有一定的弊端,但对于Android而言利大于弊,还是有很多好处的能丰富你的手机功能,使它更强大。哪些人群需要获得手机的ROOT权限?1.Hacker,我喜欢对系统进行Hacking2.开发人员,命令行控制设备是必须的3.是普通用户,但一些特殊软件我安装不了,要求ROOT权限4.一个软件超级体验狂,每天不下载50个应用程序尝试晚上就睡不着。Android手机自带存储空间太小,所以要将软件装到SD卡上5.买Android就是为了自己定制系统的,不然早就入手iPhone了哪些人群是不需要ROOT权限?1.我是电脑白痴,我不懂任何命令行和sdk的东西。我希望能随着HTC官方的升级而自动更新(OTA),不想每次更新都要刷一下机器2.我一年也下不了10个软件,Android手机自带的商务功能完全够我用了,不想折腾手机如何获取root权限说道获取root权限,很多朋友都会觉得太高级了,这个要怎么做呢?可以通过连接PC刷入文件或者简单地使用适合自己Android手机的一键root软件就可以实现了APP2SD什么是app2sd?Android手机的软件为了安全性和稳定性都是默认安装到手机内存中的,但毕竟手机的内存是有限的,因此后期的部分2.1ROM和2.2ROM有了app2sd的功能。其实说白了app2sd就是将应用程序装在在存储卡上。我们都知道Google的Android系统是基于Linux的,因此普通的原始存储卡的Fat格式是不会被识别的,那么我们就需要将存储卡分成Linux系统可以识别的ext2、ext3或ext4格式,然后再用链接命令把这个分区映射成一个系统文件夹system/sd,这样就可以把所有的软件装到这个“文件夹”,这就是整个app2sd的过程。但app2sd有一个很重要的前提是你的ROM要支持并开启app2sd功能。如何app2sd?app2sd其实很简单,前面我们说过首先要选择好一个支持app2sd的ROM(所有2.2版或部分支持app2sd的2.1版),然后我们现在电脑上对SD卡分区,然后再刷ROM就可以,因为所以支持app2sd的ROM都是被默认的。使用魔术分区大师、Acronis Disk等普通电脑分区软件就能够实现存储卡分区。因为SD卡的分区与电脑硬盘分区是一样的,只需用读卡器将SD卡插入电脑,然后按照电脑硬盘的分区方法将SD卡当作一个磁盘进行分区即可。但最新版的Recovery中也具有了分区的功能。但在电脑上分区,可以在保留SD卡中原始数据的前提下进行分区,并且操作界面简单,这种方式适合新手和SD卡中已有数据的朋友采用;在手机上用Recovery自带的分区功能,也比较方便快捷,但SD卡中的原始数据不会被保留,因此这种方式比较适合新SD卡分区。

UB40的《Cover Up》 歌词

歌曲名:Cover Up歌手:UB40专辑:Cover UpTrapt - Cover UpYou must have pulled the triggerYour eyes give you awayThe gun in your hand"s still smokingYou don"t have to take the blameYou have to do what you have to doYou know I"d never judge youStill time to close those eyesForget what happened, forget you liedPut the mask back onPut the mask back onDon"t take it off "till everybody"s gonePut the mask back onPut the mask back onNever a disguise as ever lasted so longCover UpCover UpDon"t let them see the real youIf your secrets cast aside meAll those rumours might just end up being trueYou"re free to do what you wantYou never though of consequencesYou created your own little worldWhere you could always beat a friendA place where the rules do not applyYou could never be deniedYou took advantage of a good thinkNow the void you filled is emptyPut the mask back onPut the mask back onDon"t take it off "till everybody"s gonePut the mask back onPut the mask back onNever a disguise as ever lasted so longCover UpCover UpDon"t let them see the real youIf your secrets cast aside meAll those rumours might just end up being trueCover UpCover UpDon"t question anything you doYou have always get decoyedBut your conscience hunts youEvery time you chooseDoes anyone, ever reach down to you?Does anyone, ever seen your real face?Does anyone, know what you"ve been doing?Does the one we used to know fades away?Cover UpCover UpDon"t let them see the real youIf your secrets cast aside meAll those rumours might just end up being trueCover UpCover UpDon"t question anything you doYou have always get decoyedBut your conscience hunts youEvery time you choose

澳大利亚打工 Covering Letter 具体怎么写?谁教教我,或者给我个示例


Cover-up skirt是什么裙子?


Directx encountered an unrecoverable error.Check the readme for possible solutions.啥意思


英语翻译:syndicate covering transactions


how to make album cover art?


toilet seat cover是一次性马桶坐垫纸么?


to cover有被动的意思嘛?

tocover没有被动的意思。tocover:掩护。tocover的用法和样例:Helaughed tocover (iehide)hisnervousness.他哈哈大笑以遮掩紧张的心情。Areyougoing tocover theplankingwithcarpet?你打算在地板上铺地毯吗?Theymanaged tocover quitealotofgroundinashortprogramme.他们设法在一个短小的节目中包罗了多方面的内容。Donottry tocover amistake.不要试图掩盖错误。Thepoliceuseblindfold tocover theprisoner"seyes.警察用眼罩蒙住囚犯的双眼。Ihavetopayin$50 tocover achequethatIwrote.我得存入50美元以支付我开的一张支票。

contain include cover 的区别

contain 整体包含成分 the book contains 120 chapters.sea water contains salt。contain操作实现算法的实现。宗旨是:尽可 能小地修改已有地三元组数据存储方式和分枝模式匹配算法, 以支持已有的XML查询处理方法。include 总数包括部分.12 people come to the meeting,two women included。 PHP 中,能够在服务器执行 PHP 文件之前把该文件插入另一个 PHP 文件中。include 语句用于在执行流中向其他文件插入有用的的代码。如果希望继续执行,并向用户输出结果,即使包含文件已丢失,那么请使用 include。cover 包含,涵盖.this book covers many aspects of life。

牛津词典中对于discovery learning的解释是什么?要正规的

Collins English dictionary:If someone makes a discovery, they are the first person to find or become aware of a place ,substance ,or scientific fact that no one knew about before. All about this means is that 发现学习。


yuyuma2001 | 09-04-10discover [disu02c8ku028cvu0259] vt. 发现 Recently they have discovered a comet. 最近他们发现了一颗彗星。 碰见, 撞见 He discovered what it was. 他看见它到底是什么了。 了解到, 认识到, 发觉 We"ll discover who did it. 我们会查出是谁做的。 discovery [disu02c8ku028cvu0259ri] n. 发现 The discovery of Columbus was quite an event in the world. 哥伦布的发现是世界上的一件大事。 被发现的事物 Many great discoveries have been made in the field of science. 在科学领域已有许多重大发现。


discover 英[du026au02c8sku028cvu0259(r)] 美[du026au02c8sku028cvu025a] vt. 发现; 碰见; 撞见; 获得知识; 全部释义>>[例句]The heart-warming story of enemies who discover a shared humanity敌对双方发现了共通人性的感人故事find 英[fau026and] 美[fau026and] v. 找到; 发现; 查明; 发觉; n. 发现物; 被发现的人; 全部释义>>[例句]However did you find this place in such weather?你到底是怎样在这样的天气里找到这个地方的?discover表示“偶然”或“经过努力”发现客观存在的事物、真理或错误find意为“发现,找到”,指对某种事物的寻求,也指对丢失的事物的找到


I discovered that I didn"t have my money with me when I went to pay my bill.当我去付账时发觉我没带钱。He discovered America in 1492.他于1492年发现了美洲。He discovered electricity.他发现了电。

has discovered

yet 是现在完成时态的标志,所以只有在 ACD 当中选择答案. no one 后面的谓语动词要用单数形式,所以 只有A C了. 这句话的意思是:迄今为止,没有人被发现生活在太空.discover是及物动词,要接宾语,所以选A/ 所以只有选A.


find指的是找到以前就有的东西,比如丢失不见的物品。discover 侧重指的是发现以前未曾有的事物或现象,特别是涉及探索、探险和自然科学发现的方面。


discover是及物动词,可接名词、代词、带疑问词的不定式、that/wh-从句作宾语,也可接以动词不定式、现在分词和“to be+ n./adj.”充当补足语的复合宾语。可用于被动结构。 例句: He was later discovered to have been a spy. 后来发现他原来是间谍。 扩展资料   discover的基本意思是“除去覆盖物,使之显示出本来的面目”。引申则表示“发现”,指发现的对象本来存在,但人们不知道而被发现者所发现,可指人发现人、物或地方,也可以指人发现特定的活动或科学规律。   discover也可表示出乎意料地撞见〔碰见〕某事物或了解到、认识到、发觉某事物,由此引申可表示弄明真相或找到答案。


discover的用法与搭配  通常用作及物动词,主要用法有:  1. 表示“发现”某一具体的东西,后接名词或代词作宾语。如:  Who discovered America? 谁发现了美洲?  It was discovered among waste paper. 这是在废纸中发现的。  2. 表示“发现”某一情况,其后的宾语可以是:  (1) 名词或代词。如:采集者退散  We soon discovered the truth. 我们很快发现了事实真相。  My wallet is missing. I just discovered it. 我的钱包不见了,我刚刚发现的。  (2) 复合宾语。如:  We discovered her to be a good cook. 我们发现她很会煮饭。  I discovered him kissing my wife. 我发现他在吻我妻子。  (3) 疑问词+不定式。如:本文来源:考试大网  We haven"t discovered how to imporve it. 我们还没找到如何改进它的办法。  (4) 从句。如(from  I discovered that my wallet had been stolen. 我发现我的钱包被偷了。  Did you ever discover who did it? 你发现是谁干的了吗?

用所给单词的适当形式填空take ,travel ,discover ,see ,study tony ______ t?

traveled last summer 去年夏天,用过去式 seen 完成时have done take would like to do studying现在完成进行时 Jack还在这所学校学习 discovered 过去时,4,1 . travelled. 2.seen. 3.take. 4.studying 5.discovered,1,traveled seen take studying discovered,1,tony travelled to Xi"an last summer and he visited lots of places there . i have never seen______ tigers at night . they"re so scary . would you like to take________ a ride with us after d...,0,tony ___travelled___ to Xi"an last summer and he visited lots of places there . i have never _seen_____ tigers at night . they"re so scary . would you like to ___take_____ a ride with us aft...,0,用所给单词的适当形式填空 take ,travel ,discover ,see ,study tony ______ to Xi"an last summer and he visited lots of places there . i have never ______ tigers at night .they"re so scary . would you like to ________ a ride with us after dinner how long has Jack been _______ at thee language school i went to the amusement park and ________ the most interesting thing was the roller coaster .

is discovered was discovered的区别?

1.时态不一样2.前者一般现在时 后者过去时




VERB 发现(以前不知道的事实)She discovered that they"d escaped.她发现他们已经逃跑了。VERB (偶然)发现;找到(一直在寻找的某人或某物)A few days later his badly beaten body was discovered on a roadside outside the city.几天后,他的尸体在城外的路边被发现,身上有被严重殴打过的痕迹。VERB (第一个)发现In the 19th century, gold was discovered in California.19 世纪时,在加利福尼亚发现了金子。VERB 初次接触(某活动并乐在其中)I wish I"d discovered photography when I was younger.我要是早点接触到摄影技术就好了。VERB 发现,发掘(不为人所知的演员、音乐人等艺人)The Beatles were discovered in the early 1960"s.甲壳虫乐队于20世纪60年代初为世人所知。


newly+discovered+为什么用ed?这是 副词-动词ed式,复合形容词。例如 newly-built, 新建成的;after-discovered 之后发现的, newly-discovered 新发现的


He was later discovered to have been a spy . 后来发现他原来是间谍。 We discovered that our luggage had been stolen . 我们发觉行李被偷了。 I"ve discovered the true secret of happiness . 我发现了快乐的奥秘。 Meanwhile, it has been discovering the world . 同时,它正在走向世界。 They discovered that he was a popce plant . 他们发现他是警方的眼线。 We have discovered new horizons on earth . 我们已经发现了地球的新境界。 She bilked his efforts to discover her . 她使他找寻她的努力落空。 In 1848, gold was discovered in capfornia . 1848年在加利福尼亚发现金矿。 I have not discovered my possession . 我没有发现我有这种才能。 Then he discovered the annex to the party . 接著,他发现聚会还有附属部分。 He discovered a number of bright young men . 他发现了一批很有才华的年轻人。 Richard knew that he was discovered . 理查明白自己被识破了。 Try to discover what is best to do . 想办法找出最好的对策。 Mrs. czinski had discovered repgion . 金斯基夫人笃信宗教。 Did you ever discover who did it ? 你到底发现是谁干的了吗? He discovered it enough to encourage him to speak . 他发现这足以鼓励他开腔了。 That man will discover the truth . 那个人肯定能弄清真象。 Do you think we"ll ever discover the real low-down ? 你认为我们是否能弄清内幕? They might discover that crime doesn"t pay . 他们也许会明白犯罪是要受到惩罚的。 His poems discovered vast realms of the spirit ... 他的诗显示出广阔的精神天地。 The cavers discovered a vast underground chamber . 探穴人发现了一个地下大洞穴。 No one discovers a rarity by chance . 发现珍品决非偶然。 In the third act the husband discovered the deception . 第三幕,丈夫发现了骗局。 Techium was discovered in certain cool stars . 锝是在一些冷却的星体上发现的。 S.behrman soon discovered his elevator . 斯贝尔曼不久就找到了他那座起卸机谷仓。 Hepum was discovered on the sun . 氦是在太阳上发现的。 Franc r.joubins discovered the bpnd river field . FR朱宾发现了布兰德河矿田。 The falsification of the will was discovered by them . 他们发现这份遗嘱被窜改了。 Since then, o more plas have been discovered . 自那时以来,又发现了两颗行星。 They discovered that the new teacher was a marti . 他们发现新来的老师非常严格。




discover的意思是(第一个)发现,(出乎意料地)找到,发觉,了解到,认识到,查明,发现(人才)。一、读音discover的读音是英[du026au02c8sku028cvu0259(r)],美[du026au02c8sku028cvu0259r]。二、短语搭配1、Discover Card:发现卡,美国发现卡,信用卡,探索卡。2、Discover Nature:自然探索。三、例句1、They soon discovered a mutual interest in music.他们很快发现对音乐有着共同的兴趣。2、The singer was discovered while still at school.这个歌唱家在上学的时候就受到赏识了。3、We may never discover what took place that night.我们可能永远不会知道那一夜发生了什么事。4、Only later did she discover a talent for writing.她后来才发现自己的写作天分。


discover没有形容词,第三人称单数 discovers;现在分词 discovering;过去式 discovered;过去分词 discovere。 discover的用法 1. 为及物动词,注意不要漏掉其后必要的宾语。如: 我的钱包不见了,我刚刚发现的。 误:My wallet is missing. I just discovered. 正:My wallet is missing. I just discovered it. 2. 表示“发现”某一具体的东西,后接名词或代词作宾语。如: William Roentgen discovered X-rays. 威廉·伦琴发现x射线。 Columbus discovered America in 1492. 哥伦布于1492年发现美洲。 3. 表示“发现”某一情况,其后的宾语可以是: (1) 名词或代词。如: On arriving home I discovered the burglary. 我一到家就发现家中被盗。 Newton discovered the principle of universal gravitation. 牛顿发现了万有引力定律。 (2) 动名词的复合宾语。如: We discovered her to be a good cook. 我们发现她菜做得很好。 He discovered her sitting near the fire, reading a book. 他发现她坐在炉火边看书。 有时也接不定式的复合结构,但该不定式通常为to be;若为其他动词,则通常为完成式(注意有时使用被动语态)。如: She was discovered to be pregnant. 人们发现她怀孕了。 He was later discovered to have been a spy. 后来发现他原来是间谍。 (3) 疑问词+不定式。如: I couldn"t discover how to use it. 我不知道如何去用它。 We never discovered how to open the box. 我们从未找到打开这只箱子的办法。 discover的基本意思是“除去覆盖物,使之显示出本来的面目”。引申则表示“发现”,指发现的对象本来存在,但人们不知道而被发现者所发现,可指人发现人、物或地方,也可以指人发现特定的活动或科学规律。 discover也可表示出乎意料地撞见〔碰见〕某事物或了解到、认识到、发觉某事物,由此引申可表示弄明真相或找到答案。 discover是及物动词,可接名词、代词、带疑问词的不定式、that/wh-从句作宾语,也可接以动词不定式、现在分词和“to be+ n./adj./prep. -phrase”充当补足语的复合宾语。可用于被动结构。


discover的名词形式是discovery discover v.(第一个)发现;(出乎意料地)发现,找到,发觉;了解到;认识到;查明 第三人称单数: discovers 现在分词: discovering 过去式: discovered 过去分词: discovered 派生词: discoverer n. 扩展资料   Wind forward to the bit where they discover the body.   往前绕片,绕到他们发现尸体的那一截。   They soon discovered a mutual interest in music.   他们很快发现对音乐有着共同的兴趣。   We may never discover what took place that night.   我们可能永远不会知道那一夜发生了什么事。




discovered读作[du026au02c8sku028cvu0259d]。造句:1、She discovered that they"d escaped她发现他们已经逃跑了。2、A few days later his badly beaten body was discovered on a roadside outside the city.几天后,他的尸体在城外的路边被发现,身上有被严重殴打过的痕迹。3、In the 19th century, gold was discovered in California19世纪时,在加利福尼亚发现了金子。4、I wish I"d discovered photography when I was younger我要是早点接触到摄影技术就好了。5、The Beatles were discovered in the early 1960"s.甲壳虫乐队于20世纪60年代初为世人所知。6、I discovered I was pregnant我发现自己怀孕了。7、As he discovered, she had a brilliant mind正如他所发现的,她冰雪聪明。8、It was difficult for the inspectors to discover which documents were important检查员们很难发现哪些文件是重要的。9、Haskell did not live to discover the deception哈斯克尔至死都没识破那个骗局。10、It was discovered that the tapes were missing.有人发现磁带不见了。




discover[美] [dɪˈskʌvɚ]  [英] [dɪˈskʌvə(r)]  vt. 发现; 碰见; 撞见; 获得知识【网络释义】发现; 发觉; 探索; 发现卡第三人称单数:discovers过去式:discovered过去完成时:discovered现在进行时:discovering


find 是找到丢失的东西discover 是发现之前不被人知道的东西。

be discovered后面加

being discovered 是 be discovered 这个被动语态的ing形式.由于句意需要被动语态,而介词from后面又要加动词的ing形式.所以要用be done的ing 形式,即being done

discovered 的近义词是什么? win 的近义词是什么?





discover1. discover how to do sth 发现如何做某事。如:We never discovered how to open the box. 我们始终也没找到如何打开那个箱子。They haven"t discovered how to improve their techniques. 他们还没有找到提高技术的办法。2. discover sb (sth) to be 发现某人或某物是……。如:We discovered her to be a good cook. 我们发现她很会煮饭。We discovered him to be untrustworthy. 我们发现他很不可靠。3. discover sb (sth) doing sth 发现或撞见某人或某物在做某事。如:He discovered her crying in the room. 他发现她在房里哭。I discovered him kissing my wife. 我撞见他在吻我的妻子。




楼上的扯远了。discover的考点一般是考它与invent(发明)的区别,我是过来人!前者是强调发现已有的事物,后者是发明以前没有的东西,例如艾迪生发明电灯。1 discover: [ dis"k05v05 ] v. 发现词形变化: 形容词:discoverable 名词:discovery 动词过去式:discovered 过去分词:discovered 现在分词:discovering 第三人称单数:discovers 例句与用法: 1. She discovered the joy of writing. 她感到了写作的乐趣。 2. Columbus is said to have discovered America in 1492. 据说哥伦布于1492年发现了美洲。 3. He was later discovered to have been a spy. 後来发现他原来是间谍。 2invent: [ in"vent ] v. 发明vt. 发明,创造词形变化: 形容词:inventible 名词:inventor 动词过去式:invented 过去分词:invented 现在分词:inventing 第三人称单数:invents 例句与用法: 1. We must invent an excuse for our absence. 我们必须为缺席编造一个藉口。 2. Can you tell me who invented the telephone? 你能告诉我是谁发明了电话?

discover,find和find out的区别

discover 指“发现”某种本来存在,而以前未被发现的事物或未为人所知的东西。Columbus discovered America in 1492. 哥伦布 1492 年发现了 美洲。 find 强调在经过“寻找”(look for)后“找的结果”(找到或找不到) ,又可以表示“(偶然地)发现……”; 如:We"ve found oil under the South Sea. 我们已在南海发现了 石油find out 通常表示“弄明白,搞清楚,查明……”。如 The teacher wanted to find out who had broken the door. 老师想查明是谁弄坏了门。




◇discover,invent 这两个词都是动词,都指人们首先见到的新鲜事物而言,但涵义有异。【discover】指初次看见本来已存在但以前未被发现的事物,故作“发现”解。如:Columbus discovered America but he did not explore the new continent.哥伦布发现了美洲,可是他没有去探索这个新大陆。Modern astronomers have discovered a million such galaxies.现代的天文学家已发现了一百万类似的星群。【invent】是指创造前所未有的事物,故作“发明”解。例:Edison invented the electric light bulb.爱迪生发明了电灯泡。A new-type stethoscope has yet to be invented.新型的听诊器有待发明。有时候,invent还可作“捏造”解。例:Don‘t you know a lie is always invented?谎言总是捏造出来的,难道你不知道吗?We must invent an excuse for being late.我们必须编造一个迟到的理由。◇find,find out 都有找到的意思【find】find:意为“找到,发现”,表动作结果。区别与:1、look for:意为“寻找”,表动作过程,不表结果。e.g.I"m looking for my pen but I can"t find it. (我正在找我的钢笔,但找不到。)【find out】意为“找到,发现,查出”,一般用于发现真理、奥秘等抽象事物 e.g.Please find out when the first class begins.(请查一下第一节课什么时候开始。)答案看完了,就采纳一个呗!拜托啦!嘿嘿百度答题人伤不起呀~~~ %>_<%还有不明白的,欢迎继续追问!






discovered由木村多津也、吉田早苗两位设计师共同主理的日本品牌。在众多的日本新锐品牌中,DISCOVERED这几年每一季的新品都能虏获东京不少时髦精的心。DISCOVERED的两位主理人是高中便开始同学的木村与吉田,而这两位设计师并不是大家以为的“夫妻”档,而是默契的搭档。他们从不同元素的对立中找到平衡点,再将它们加以巧妙融合创造出全新个性。2009 年 DISCOVERED 开始首次参加日本时装周,在注重设计感的同时也考虑到了日常穿搭的需求,DISCOVERED 在 “创意” 和 “实穿” 之间不断地寻找平衡点。而从2001年开始的第一个设计主题已经演变成“we are not complete”,并且成为 DISCOVERED的品牌精神。在设计中将服装保留一些空间,让人们把自己的个性加在 Style 里面,而不是去穿一件百分百完美的衣服,这就是展现了一种 “尚未完成” 的时尚。其次,其倡导的 “Opposition mix up” 的概念表达了 “相对、融合” 的品牌理念,原本相互对立的服装风格,在通过创新的设计后,也可以融合在一起,这就是 DISCOVERED 所主导的设计语言。


discover sb doing sth发现某人正在做某事discover sb to do sth发现某人将要做某事


discover +by 使被知晓,使公之于世:The beauty spot has been discovered by a TV programme.由于一个电视节目的介绍,这个风景区已广为人知。discover 后面一般加宾语从句 意识到,认识到,认清;领悟;了解:I discovered that I didn"t have my money with me when I went to pay my bill.当我去付账时发觉我没带钱。discover sb. doing sth. 发现某人做某事 这里面1分56秒的背景音乐是什么歌曲

樱桃小丸子 - おどるポンポコリン

jordan cover 3 这鞋谁穿过 能介绍一下吗

一.外观 9分我喜欢带有拉链设计的球鞋,此款球鞋不像FLIGHT CLUB一样拉上拉链后,给人BT的包裹体验!JORDAN COVER 3的拉链我觉得就是一处噱头,但是,我就是喜欢这个噱头!外加黑白撞色的搭配,不管配短裤还是牛仔都会显得很好看!当然,最喜欢的还是飞人的LOGO。二.缓震性 9.5分JORDAN COVER 3的缓震性能很强大,真的很强大!因为,直接将全掌ZOOM放置在鞋垫底下,而且鞋垫采用的硅胶材质保证了穿着的舒适性!从鞋底我们可以看到前掌一块类似ZOOM的白色物体,但我可以明确的告诉大家,这绝对不是ZOOM,当然是什么东西只有等到拆鞋的时候才能知道。所以,假如你想入这双鞋,可千万别听卖家说此鞋是双ZOOM,毕竟售价摆在这里!NIKE没有那么厚道!但对于大多数人来说,缓震性足够了!三.舒适性 9分ZOOM的舒适性不需要在多加赘述,全掌ZOOM并且放置在硅胶鞋垫底下,你会感觉到通常大家所说的踩X感!当然,过软对于我来说有时并不好,穿着一会儿就会感到脚掌酸麻!翻毛皮与皮质的搭配凸显之感的同时,却让此款球鞋很难打理,翻毛面容易上灰,脏了后很难看,而且,整双鞋没有见到透气孔,虽说不算闷热,但也绝不会让你的双脚感觉凉爽!四.耐磨性 7分此处省略一万字后,我只想告诉大家,此款球鞋最好室内使用,外场的话我只能说你会杯具的!


reminder.exe是微软Microsoft Money套装的一部分。用于进行财务及账单提醒。进添加删除程序把相关程序删除试一下。

recovery serum化妆品中的意思

serum是液状的化妆品,即精华素的意思,精华素的一大作用功效是保湿。精华素分水剂,油剂两种,所提取的是高营养物质并将其浓缩。精华素,是护肤品中之极品,成分精致、功效强大、效果显著,始终保持着它拥有的高贵和神秘。精华素含有微量元素、胶原蛋白、血清,它的作用有防衰老、抗皱、保湿、美白、去斑等等。扩展资料:精华素的使用原则:原则1 、先涂黏度低的通常精华素的油分较少,而乳液含有的油分要比精华素含有的油分高一些。如果乳液具有油腻感,就应该先涂精华素。如果是油性皮肤使用的乳液那么则会含有较高的水分,这时就应该先涂乳液,再涂精华素,效果会更好。

Groove Coverage的《Poison》 歌词

歌曲名:Poison歌手:Groove Coverage专辑:Greatest HitsPoisonGroove CoverageYour cruel deviceYour blood, like iceOne look could killMy pain, your thrillI wanna love you but I better not touchI wanna hold you but my senses tell me to stopI wanna kiss you but I want it too muchI wanna taste you but your lips are venomous poisonYou"re poison running through my veinsYou"re poison, I don"t wanna break these chainsYour mouth, so hotYour web, I"m caughtYour skin, so wetBlack lace on sweatI hear you calling and it"s needles and pinsI wanna hurt you just to hear you screaming my nameI don"t wanna touch you but you"re under my skinI wanna kiss you but your lips are venomous poisonYou"re poison running through my veinsYou"re poisonI don"t wanna break these chainsRunnin" deep inside my veinsPoison burnin" deep inside my veinsOne look could killMy pain, your thrillI wanna love you but I better not touchI wanna hold you but my senses tell me to stopI wanna kiss you but I want it too muchI wanna taste you but your lips are venomous poisonYou"re poison running through my veinsYou"re poisonI don"t wanna break these chains poisonI wanna love you but I better not touchI wanna hold you but my senses tell me to stopI wanna kiss you but I want it too muchI wanna taste you but your lips are venomous poisonYou"re poison running through my veinsYou"re poisonI don"t wanna break these chains poison

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求Groove Coverage的When Life的歌词

ooh yeahoh yeahoh lifeoh lifei"m afraid of the darkespecially when i"m in a parkwhen there"s no one else aroundoh i get the shiversi don"t wanna see a ghostit"s the sight that i fear mosti"d rather have a piece of toastwatch the evening newslife oh lifeoh life oh lifelife oh lifeoh life oh lifei"m a superstitious girli"m the worst in the worldnever walk under laddersi keep a rabbits" taili"ll take you up on a dareanytime anywherename the place i"ll be therebungee jumping i don"t carelife oh lifeoh life oh lifelife oh lifeoh life oh lifelifeso after all"s said and donei know i"m not the only onelife indeed can be funif you really want tosometimes living out your dreamsain"t as easy as it seemsyou wanna fly around the worldin a beautiful balloonlife oh lifeoh life oh lifeoh life oh life..









哪位大哥能帮莪把Groove Coverage 的《SHE》这歌的谐音歌词给莪?10分

ti:She] [ar:Groove Coverage] [al:7 Years & 50 Days] [by:] [00:03.86]Groove Coverage - She [00:08.86]Lyrics by rummyjulia [00:13.36]to my pretty boy~_* [00:18.86]She hangs out every day near by the beach [00:23.64]Havin" a harnican fallin" asleep [00:28.31]She looks so ***y when she"s walking the sand [00:33.06]Nobody ever put a ring on her hand [00:37.83]Swim to the oceanshore fish in the sea [00:42.59]She is the story the story is she [00:47.09]She sings to the moon and the stars in the sky [00:51.80]Shining from high above you shouldn"t ask why [00:56.48]She is the one that you never forget [01:01.07]She is the heaven-sent angel you met [01:05.63]Oh, she must be the reason why God made a girl [01:10.52]She is so pretty all over the world [01:15.30]She puts the rhythm, the beat in the drum [01:19.91]She comes in the morning and the evening she"s gone [01:24.52]Every little hour every second you live [01:29.53]Trust in eternity that"s what she gives [01:34.25]She looks like Marilyn, walks like Suzanne [01:38.87]She talks like Monica and Marianne [01:43.49]She wins in everything that she might do [01:48.32]And she will respect you forever just you [01:53.12]She is the one that you never forget [01:57.42]She is the heaven-sent angel you met [02:02.01]Oh, she must be the reason why God made a girl [02:07.16]She is so pretty all over the world [02:11.98]She is so pretty all over the world [02:19.67]She is so pretty [02:24.45]She is like you and me [02:28.11]Like them like we [02:31.25]She is in you and me [02:35.68]She is the one that you never forget [02:40.19]She is the heaven-sent angel you met [02:44.57]Oh, she must be the reason why God made a girl [02:49.57]She is so pretty all over the world [02:54.37](She is the one) She is the one [02:57.25](That you never forget) That you never forget [02:58.87]She is the heaven-sent angel you met [03:03.67]She"s the reason (oh she must be the reason) why God made a girl [03:08.19]She is so pretty all over the world (oh...) [03:13.27]Na na na na na ...

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