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merger accounting译为:合并会计例句:双语英语1.Since we are unsure exactly what goodwill is, it is questionable whether merger accounting should be taught as if it is known. 还有这一句,是否可以这样翻:既然我们无法正确地界定商誉究竟是什么,那么合并会计是否像它已知地那样去教授就是充满疑问=========================================================您好!您提出的问题,我的答案已经给出,请您浏览一遍!有什么不懂的地方欢迎回复我!希望我的答案对您有所帮助!如果满意请及时点击【采纳为满意答案】按钮若是客户端的朋友在右上角评价点【满意】您的采纳!是我答题的动力也同时给您带来知识和财富值O(∩_∩)O谢谢您!!!==========================================================

lease accounting是什么意思

lease accounting租赁会计核算; 租赁会计处理方法lease accounting租赁会计核算; 租赁会计处理方法

accounting for managers 是什么意思

Accounting For managers会计经理双语例句1Accounting for managers explains how accounting information is used by non-financial managers. 会计经理说明会计信息是用非财务经理。

managerial accounting和financial accounting分别是什么

Management Accounting是管理会计。比较注重企划,分析。 对于一个工程的预算,还有一些财政的费用计算。MA是管理级,一般是经理之类。Financial Accounting 是财务会计。一般都是报表方面的。(小员工)遵循会计法,税法,主要是做Financial Statements一类的报表。理论知识很多,不过都按规章办事。

会计英语:回答 What are the accounting elements?



account 账户、科目 account payable 应付账款 account title / accounting item 会计科目 accounting document/ accounting voucument 会计凭证 accounting element 会计要素 accounting entity 会计主体 accounting entries 会计分录 accounting equation / accounting identity 会计恒等式 accounting function 会计职能 accounting postulate 会计假设 accounting principle 会计原则 accounting report /accounting statement 会计报表 accounting standard 会计准则 accounting time period concept 会计分期 accounts receivable / receivables 应收账款 accrual- basis accounting 权责发生制原则 accumulated depreciation 累计折旧 amortization expense /expense not allocated 待摊费用 annual statement 年报 Arthur Andersen Worldwide 安达信全球 assets 资产 balance 余额 balance sheet 资产负债表 begainning balance/ opening balance 期初余额 capital 资本 capital expenditure 资本性支出 capital share 股本 capital surplus 资本公积 cash 现金 cash in bank 银行存款 cash journal 现金日记账 cash on hand 现金 cash system(basis)of accounting /cash-basis princi 收付实现制 certified practicing accountant 注册会计师 comparability principle 可比性原则 compound journal entry 复合分录 conservatism ( 保守 ) principle/the prudence ( 稳健 ) prin 谨慎性原则 consistency principle 一贯性原则 contingent assets 或有资产 contingent liabilities 或有负债 cost accounting 成本会计 credit balance 贷方余额 credit side 贷方 current investment 短期投资 debit balance 借方余额 debit side 借方 deferred assets 递延资产 deferred liabilities 递延负债 Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu 德勤 depreciable life 折旧年限 depreciation expense 折旧费用 depreciation rate 折旧率 descriptions 摘要 double entry 复式记账 double-entry book-keeping 复式簿记 employee benefits payable 应付福利费 ending balance 期末余额 Ernst & Young International 安永国际 estimateld scrap value 估计残值 exchange gain 汇兑收益 exchange loss 汇兑损失 expenses/charges 费用 factory overhead /manufacturing expense 制造费用 financial accounting 财务会计 financial expense 财务费用 fiscal year/ accounting periods 会计年度 fixed assets 固定资产 floating assets / current assets 流动资产 floating liabilities / current liability 流动负债 general ledger 总分类账 going-concern basis 持续经营 goodwill 商誉 historical cost 历史成本 historical cost principle 历史成本原则 : income statement /profit and loss statement 利润表 损益表 income tax 所得税 intangible assets 无形资产 international accounting 国际会计 KPMG International 毕马威国际 liabilities 负债 liability dividend / dividend payable 应付股利 long-term investment 长期投资 long-term liabilities 长期负债 management accounting 管理会计 management expense 管理费用 matching principle 配比原则 materiality principle 重要性原则 monthly statement 月报 negative goodwill 负商誉 net assets 净资产 net cost 净成本 net income 净收益 net income apportionment 利润分配 net proceeds 净收入 net profit 净利润 non-operating gain 营业外收入 non-operating loss 营业外支出 notes payable 应付票据 notes receivable/ receivables 应收票据 objectivity (reliability) principle 客观性原则 obligee/ creditor 债权人 Obligor/ invester 债务人 operating expense 营业费用 operating revenue 营业收入 owner " s equity 所有者权益 period expense 期间费用 perpetual inventory system 永续盘存制 personal property 动产 physical inventory system 实地盘存制 posting document 记账凭证 prepayments / payment in advance 预付款项 Price Water House Coopers 普华永道 product cost / output cost 生产成本 product / finished goods 产成品 profit 利润 profit after tax 税后利润 profit before tax 税前利润 purchase 购货 purchase return and allowances 购货退回与折让 quarterly statement 季报 raw materials 原材料 real estate 不动产 relevance principle 相关性原则 reserve for bad debts / bad debts expense /provisi 坏帐准备 residual(salvage)value 折余价值 ( 残值 ) retains earning 留存收益 revenue expenditure 收益性支出 revenues 收入 sales allowances 销货折让 sales discount 销货折扣 sales invoice 销货发票 sales on account 赊销 sales return 销售退回 sales revenue 销售收入 selling cost 销售成本 selling expense 销售费用 simple ournal entry 简单分录 source document 原始凭证 stable-monetary concept 货币计量 starting-load cost / organization costs 开办费 statement of cash flow/ cash flow statement 现金流量表 stock on hand / inventory 存货 stub 存根 subsidiary accounts 明细账户 subsidiary ledger 明细分类账 surplus reserve 盈余公积 T-account/ transfer T 字形账户 tangible assets 有形资产 taxes payable 应交税金 the understandability principle 明晰性原则 timeliness 及时性原则 transaction 交易 traveling expense 差旅费 trial balance 试算平衡 undistributed profits / undivided profits 未分配利润 unearned revenue 预收款项 unrelated business income 营业外收益 useful life 使用年限 value added tax 增值税 voucher 付款凭证 wages payable / salaries payable 应付工资 work in process / goods in process 在产品

什么是BS in accounting?


学accounting的时候老师教做trail balance sheet的时候表的最下面bal c/f 跟bal b/f是什么意思啊?我没有

B/F is the balance that was brought forward from last year, so will be the opening balance in this years accounts C/F is the final balance for this year, and is what will be carried forward into next year Abbreviations used in bookkeepingA/C - AccountA/R - Accounts ReceivableA/P - Accounts PayableB/S - Balance Sheetc/d - Carried downb/d - Brought downc/f - Carried forwardb/f - Brought forwardDr - Debit recordCr - Credit recordG/L - General Ledger; (or N/L - Nominal Ledger)P&L - Profit & Loss; (or I/S - Income Statement)PP&E - Property, Plant and EquipmentTB - Trial BalanceGST - Goods and Services TaxVAT - Value Added TaxCST - Central Sale TaxTDS - Tax Deducted at SourceAMT - Alternate Minimum TaxEBITDA - Earnings before Interest,Taxes, Depreciation and Amortisation.EBDTA - Earnings before Depreciation, Taxes and Amortisation.EBT - Earnings before Taxes.EAT - Earnings after Tax.PAT - Profit after taxPBT - Profit before taxDepr - Depreciation

为何大公司要求会计编程那 proficient at accounting system ?


Counting The Days 歌词

歌曲名:Counting The Days歌手:Mick Jagger&Dave Stewart专辑:Alfie - Music From The Motion PictureGuano Apes - Counting the days‘静态脉冲" Q:21281770When you"RE down putting nothing but a maskAnd you GET UP and you"re running out of blastWhen you picked OUT A FEATHER WRITE a wordwith the debts and you set it downBut now I"m intoLike a clock...has been aroundwhat...the townbut nowCounting the days to rearrangeBeyond the surfaceWe"re meant to paycounting the days to rearrangeand you won"t sufferwe"re still the sameWhen you"re...spreading from the pastLike you haven"t got the running on your wayswhen you"re a bit loaded digging UP the dirtand you had...but now I"m into...on the groundand you"re dizzy, YOU"RE AD NAUSEAM AND foul...BLEEDING ALL DOWNbut nowCounting the days to rearrangeBeyond the surfaceWe"re meant to payCounting the days to rearrangeAnd you won"t sufferWe"re still the sameI"m tired of...the liesSay you don"t wannabe and so do IWhere"S the rap and respectspeaks to reach all the sideswhere"s the goddess bless of justifyCounting the days to rearrangeBeyond the surfaceWe"re meant to payCounting the days to rearrangeAnd you won"t sufferWe"re still the sameI"m tired of...the liesSay you don"t wannabe and so do IWhere"S the rap and respectspeaks to reach all the sideswhere"s the goddess bless of justify

payroll accounting是什么意思

payroll accounting 工资会计满意的话请点击“满意”【采纳】

cisco命令show ip accounting是什么时间的流量

从你敲上ip accounting开始算直到你show的时候所有的流量。

Finance 和 Accounting 有什么区别

Finance金融 Accounting会计 金融和会计是应用学科,是要用理论指导来做具体得事的。就好像理论数学和应用数学一样。金融类的专业要学的是银行、保险、证券这些领域的知识,会计则是企业的财务方面,比如报表的制作,记帐,成本核算;会计也分很多种,财务会计,成本会计,财务管理等。经济是个大的类别,如果是“经济学”专业,那应该是侧重理论研究方向,如果再往上的研究生方向还会分得更细,比如西方经济学,政治经济学、国民经济学等。

Finance 和 Accounting 有什么区别

Finance金融 Accounting会计 金融和会计是应用学科,是要用理论指导来做具体得事的。就好像理论数学和应用数学一样。金融类的专业要学的是银行、保险、证券这些领域的知识,会计则是企业的财务方面,比如报表的制作,记帐,成本核算;会计也分很多种,财务会计,成本会计,财务管理等。经济是个大的类别,如果是“经济学”专业,那应该是侧重理论研究方向,如果再往上的研究生方向还会分得更细,比如西方经济学,政治经济学、国民经济学等。

Finance 和 Accounting 有什么区别

Finance金融 Accounting会计 金融和会计是应用学科,是要用理论指导来做具体得事的。就好像理论数学和应用数学一样。金融类的专业要学的是银行、保险、证券这些领域的知识,会计则是企业的财务方面,比如报表的制作,记帐,成本核算;会计也分很多种,财务会计,成本会计,财务管理等。经济是个大的类别,如果是“经济学”专业,那应该是侧重理论研究方向,如果再往上的研究生方向还会分得更细,比如西方经济学,政治经济学、国民经济学等。


counting stars 数星星

Management Accounting的全称是什么?

Management Accounting是管理会计。比较注重企划,分析。 对于一个工程的预算,还有一些财政的费用计算。MA是管理级,一般是经理之类。Financial Accounting 是财务会计。一般都是报表方面的。(小员工)遵循会计法,税法,主要是做Financial Statements一类的报表。理论知识很多,不过都按规章办事。管理会计主要职责:现代管理会计解析过去、控制现在、筹划未来这三方面的职能紧密结合在一起综合地发挥作用,形成一种综合性的职能。1、解析过去:管理会计解析过去主要是对财务会计所提供的资料作进一步的加工、改制和延伸,使之更好地适应筹划未来 和控制现在的需要。2、控制现在:管理会计在控制方面的作用是通过一系列的指标体系,及时修正在执行过程中出现的偏差,使企业的经济活 动严格按照决策预定的轨道卓有成效地进行。3、筹划未来:预测与决策是筹划未来的主要形式,现代管理会计在这方面的作用在于:充分利用所掌握的丰富资料,严密 地进行定量分析,帮助管理部门客观地掌握情况,从而提高预测与决策的科学性。财务会计的主要职责:1、计量和传送信息:财务会计的主要目标是向企业 的投资者、债权人、政府部门,以及社会公众提供会计信息。这种信息反应企业的整体情况并着重历史信息。2、做会计报告财务会计作为一个会计信息系统,是以会计报告为主最终成果。现代财务会计所编制的报表是以公认的会计原则为指导而编制的通用报表。现代财务会计将报表 的编制放在突出位置,所以,财务会计的工作核心是会计报告。扩展资料:财务会计与管理会计的区别:财务会计通过对企业已经完成的资金运动全面系统的核算与监督,以为外部与企业有经济利害关系的投资人、债权人和政府有关部门提供企业的财务状况与盈利能力等经济信息为主要目标而进行的经济管理活动。管理会计是管理与会计相结合的企业内部会计,它与财务会计、税务会计等外部会计有所区别,主要为企业管理者们提供战略、战术、日常业务运营决策支持服务与绩效管理等。管理会计中的预测分析,决策分析、预算管理、成本控制、责任会计等等这些方法和工具的应用,在企业的发展工作中体现的非常明显。参考资料来源:百度百科-管理会计参考资料来源:百度百科-财务会计

discounting the future 是什么意思啊~


discounting charge在保理费用里的含义



打折扣,贴现1. N-COUNT可数名词减价;折扣 A discount is a reduction in the usual price of something. They are often available at a discount...它们经常进行打折销售。Full-time staff get a 20 per cent discount.全职员工享受 20% 的折扣。...a discount store specializing in household goods.专营家居用品的折扣店


any discounting试问是否有折扣 take my life在一些语境下是杀了我吧

Financial Accounting代表什么?

财务会计、金融会计,或财政计算Financial Accounting 是财务会计。一般都是报表方面的。(小员工)遵循会计法,税法,主要是做Financial Statements一类的报表。理论知识很多,不过都按规章办事。Management Accounting是管理会计。比较注重企划,分析。 对于一个工程的预算,还有一些财政的费用计算。MA是管理级,一般是经理之类。


F&AAccounting 还可以缩写为 A/C


Relevance: Information is revelant when it influences the economic decisions of users by helping them evaluate events or to confirm or correct their evaluations of the situation. Users should be able to both predict and confirm. The relevance of information is also affected by its nature and materiality. Information is material if its omission or misstatement could influence the decisions of users. Materiality is dependent upon the size or nature of the item. AASB1031 defines materiality and explains its importance in making decisions about the preparation and presentation of financial reports.RELIABILITY: information is reliable when it is free from material error and bias and can be depended upon by users to represent items faithfully. To be reliable, information must faithfully represent the transactions or events it purports to represent. Inherent difficulties can result in a less than faithful representation. Information must also be presented in accordance with its substance reporting economic reality and not merely legal form. To be reliable, the information must be neutral and free from bias. The report preparers must also exercise prudence by exercising a degree of caution when making judgements and estimates. To be reliable, the information must also be complete and without material omissions.Comparability: Users must be able to compare the financial reports of an entity through time in order to be able to identify trends. they also need to be able to compare different entities in order to be able to evaluate their relative financial position, financial performance and cash flow. Users must be informed of the accounting policies employed in the prepareation of the report and any changes in those policies. the need for comparability should not be confused with keeping records uniform over time.Understandability: Information should be readily understandable by users, assuming they have a reasonable knowledge of business and economic structures. Complex information should not be excluded from the financial reports though.phew终于打完了。。累呢~我也是公立学校的~刚刚12年级毕业。很高兴认识你以后有问题可以问我^^

accounting analyst是什么意思

accounting analyst财务分析师accounting[英][u0259u02c8kau028antu026au014b][美][u0259u02c8kau028antu026au014b]n.会计; 会计学; 记账; v.记述,报告(account的现在分词); 例句:1.Could accounting shenanigans prove a godsend for private equity? 会计欺诈到头来是否给私募基金提供了天赐良机?2.Industry is the biggest chunk of china"s economy, accounting for almost half of total output. 工业是中国经济中最大的一个部分,约占总产出的一半。

请问大学专业里business, management, economics和accounting and finance的区别

尽管从常识上说,economics 涵盖整个经济领域,在大学学科上 economics 和 business 则分属不同的学术领域。把你上面列的这几项按大学教学领域划分:business —— management 和 accountingeconomics —— finance的确如你所说,economics 偏重理论,其主要专业 finance 也以理论为主要教学内容。business 则除了理论外,重点在应用上。management 和 accounting 是其重要的两个专业。

Accounting 问题

按照1.9的格式写就可以了 最上面列个等式 (asset=liabilites+equity )把每项搁在他们下面对应着然后按照16页的那四个表的格式做财务报表



ACCA核心考点详解:Accounting for overhead

Accounting for overhead在ACCA(MA)科目考试中十分重要,对于Accounting for overhead 包含三个流程内容:allocation,apportionment,absorption。对此,深空网今天着重为大家详解这个核心考点内容。Q1、What is “3A”在吸收成本法中认为产品成本应该包含所有的生产成本,对于直接人工成本,直接原材料成本和直接费用可以直接计入到产品成本中,但是对于生产费用不能直接计入到铲平成本中,为了解决这个问题,我们在accounting for overhead章节中学习了“3A”法:allocation,apportionment,absorption,具体流程如下:第一步Allocation:Allocation is the process by which whole cost items are charged direct to a cost unit or cost centre.(将生产成本中的直接成本直接分派到产品上,将不能直接归属到产品上的生产费用,归属到部门上,生产部门的费用归属到生产部门上,生产车间中服务部门的费用归属到服务部门上,对于无法区分的生产费用比如水电费,生产部门和服务部门都有并且不好区分,此时就归集到general cost center)第二步apportionment:Apportionment is a procedure whereby indirect costs are spread fairly between cost centre.(将服务部门和general cost centre中的生产费用分摊给生产部门)共有两次分摊:Apportionment(一次分摊):将general cost centre中的成本分摊给生产部门和服务部门Reapportionment(二次分摊、再分摊):将服务部门中的成本分摊给生产部门。第三步absorption:Overhead absorption is the process whereby overhead costs allocated and apportioned to production cost centres are added to unit, job or batch costs.(将生产部门中的生产成本吸收到单位产品中)我们本次的重点就是Reapportionment(二次分摊、再分摊):将服务部门中的成本分摊给生产部门。Q2、The methods of reapportionment在reapportionment中涉及三类方式:Direct method,step down method,reciprocal method(对于reciprocal method交互法共包含两种方法:Repeated distribution持续分配和Algebra代数法,但是Repeated distribution在考试中不进行考察,所以这里只讲解代数法,并且当题目中指明使用交互法进行计算时,默认使用代数法)。深空网通过表格的形式进行总结并附加一道例题对于这三种方式进行讲解。今天就先讲到这里啦。



Accounting Entity Assumption是什么意思





AccountingAccounting is the systematic recording, reporting, and analysis of financial transactions of a business. As bookkeeping involves making a financial record of business transactions, it is true to say that the role of bookkeeping is encompassed within the scope of accounting, and the bookkeeping system used by a business would form part of the accounting system.BookkeepingBookkeeping is the process of systematically recording the financial transactions of a business, so as to show how the transactions relate to each other. Bookkeeping is largely a mechanical process and does not involve any analysis of the financial transactions, but rather the recording of them

accounting and bookkeeping是什么意思

accounting and bookkeeping会计和记账 拼音 双语对照 双语例句1We believe that even routine accounting and bookkeeping functions deserve special treatment. 我们相信,即使日常会计和簿记功能值得特别待遇。

accounting transaction是什么意思

accounting transaction [释义] 会计经济业务,会计交易;

Intermediate Accounting是什么意思

intermediate accounting[英][u02ccu026antu0259u02c8mi:dju0259t u0259u02c8kau028antu026au014b][美][u02ccu026antu025au02c8midiu026at u0259u02c8kau028antu026au014b][经] 中级会计; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Last fall, kent e. st. pierre was teaching an intermediate accounting class with 35students, 17 of them from china. 去年秋天,肯特皮埃尔教着中级会计学的35名学生,他们中的17个来自中国


prepayment (预付的保险)是资产(current assets)(当月)已经到期的则是开销(Expenses)比如说1月预付1200全年保险, prepayment +1200,cash-1200到了3月底则保险预付prepayment只剩下900,300则转为开销(Expenses)希望我的回答能对你有帮助。


Accrual是你应该付给别人,却没有实际支付的费用。Prepayment是你提前付给别人的费用。举两个例子:你打手机,包月,在你打电话之前得冲值,那个就是prepayment;你吃包子,吃完付款,在你还没最后结账之前不用掏荷包,可你不是吃霸王餐,所以吃进肚子里的每一个包子都得算钱,这每一个包子的钱就是accruals不要看不准确的中文翻译。accounts payable(=trade creditors)The amounts owed by a business to suppliers(e.g. for raw materials) [for invoiced amounts]. Accounts payable are classed as current liabilities on the balance sheet but distinguished from accruals and other non-trade creditors(such as the Inland Revenue)accrual (=accrued charge,=accrued expense,accrued liability)应计An estimate in the accounts of a business of a liability that is not supported by an invoice or a request for payment at the time the accounts are prepared. An accrual is a current liability on the balance sheet and will be charged under expenses in the profit and loss account. Expenses are accrued as set out in the accruals concepts outlined in Statement of Standard Accounting Practice 2. An example of an accrual would be telephone expenses, which are billed in arrears. At the end of the accounting period, if no bill has been received, an estimate (based on past bills)would be made and credited to an accruals account; the corresponding debit would be made to the telephone expense account. The telephone expense account is then cleared to the profit and loss account.prepayment (=payment in advance)A payment made for goods or services before they are received. It is treated as deferred debits under the accruals concept, and is shown as a debit balance under debtors in the current assets of the balance sheet.--Dic of Acc. OUP

discounting rate是什么意思

discounting rate折扣率, 贴现率

美国大学发奖学金如何填accounting number和rounting number?

先恭喜你得到奖学金 Congrats!这个银行账户信息你可以找开户银行的取得,最方便的就是在支票上找到支票上举例:在支票的底部,有一排一连串号码,一般是分为3段第一段是rounting number, 表示的是汇款路径号码,第二段是account number,这个可以理解为你在银行的账户号码第三段是check number, 这个是针对这张支票的号码,与右上角的号码对应。

discounting immigration是什么意思


类似Moving、Counting stars这类的英文歌


想求类似于counting stars的歌曲或音乐,重点是因为这首歌在高潮时有一种在风暴中嘶吼的感


revenue accounting 是什么意思

department of revenue税收部门revenue 英[u02c8revu0259nju:]美[u02c8revu0259nu:]n. 收益; 财政收入; 税收收入;[网络] 税务局; 岁入,税收; 营收;[例句]Over the past six fiscal years, PCs and laptops have shrunk from 65% of revenue to 54%.过去的六个财年中,个人电脑和笔记本收益占戴尔总收益的份额从65%下降至54%。[其他] 复数:revenues 形近词: avenue revenge



哪位可以解释下什么是hedge accounting

hedge accounting套期会计;对冲基金会计Through hedge accounting, the accounting recognition of hedging profit and loss in the financial market can be delayed after the corresponding profit and loss exposedby basic risk are recognised. 通过对冲会计法,金融市场对冲的收益和损失的会计认可被推延至基础风险暴露的相应收益和损失得到认可之后。请采纳如果你认可我的回答,敬请及时采纳~如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~~手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~O(∩_∩)O,记得好评和采纳,互相帮助

哪位可以解释下什么是hedge accounting

对冲会计法 hedge: n. 1.(用灌木等构成的)树篱,(树枝等编成的)篱笆, ... accounting: n. 1.会计;会计学。 2.账;记账;清算账目。 短语 ... 例句与用法1. Fair value and hedge accounting公允价值与套期保值会计2. The hedging does not satisfy the conditions for adopting the hedging accounting method as specified in these standards any longer(二)该套期不再满足本准则所规定的运用套期会计方法的条件。 3. Article 4 for a hedging which satisfies the conditions as prescribed in chapter iii of these standards , the enterprise may deal with it through the hedging accounting method第四条对于满足本准则第三章规定条件的套期,企业可运用套期会计方法进行处理。 4. The " hedging accounting method " shall refer to a method to record the result of offsetting the hedging instrument and the changes of the fair value of the hedged item套期会计方法,是指在相同会计期间将套期工具和被套期项目公允价值变动的抵销结果计入当期损益的方法。 5. Unless otherwise provided by laws or regulations , an institutional investor that applies to open a hedge account for its futures trading shall proceed in accordance with these directions二)法人机构以交易人身分申请避险帐户从事期货交易者,除法令另有规定外,依本注意事项办理。 6. Chapter 5 deals with the hedging relationship of foreign currency option , and presents the accounting method of foreign currency option hedge , and discusses problems hi hedging accounting 第5章,探讨了外汇期权的套期关系及其认定和有效性的标准,给出了外汇期权套期的会计处理程序,并就外汇期权套期会计中存在的问题进行了探讨。 7. The dissertation intends to accept fair value as measurement attribute . but for the measurement mode , the dissertation does n " t support simple fair value mode with common sense , and also does n " t agreehedging accounting计量属性本文倾向于采用公允价值属性,但在计量模式上,本文并不赞同一般意义上的简单的公允价值会计模式,而且也不赞同套期会计。 8. If a securities investment trust fund operated by a site approved by the competent authority to engage in domestic futures trading wishes to apply for an exemption to position limits , the trust fund shall complete and submit the " application for a securities investment trust fund operated by a securities investment trust enterprise to open a futures trading hedge account " ( form 3 ) together with the required supporting documentation to the exchange四)依主管机关规定得于国内期货市场从事国内期货交易之证券投资信托事业所管理之证券投资信托基金,因避险需求而拟申请豁免交易规则之部位限制规定者,应检具证券投资信托事业所管理之证券投资信托基金设立期货交易避险帐户申请书(附表三) ,载明其应记载事项,连同应检附书件,向本公司申请。 9. A foreign institutional investor allowed under the rules of the competent authority to trade futures on the domestic futures market shall complete and submit the " application for a foreign institutional investor to open a futures trading hedge account " ( form 2 ) together with the required supporting documentation to the exchange to apply for opening of a hedge account and exemption from position restrictions under trading rules二)依主管机关规定得于国内期货市场从事期货交易之外国机构投资人,应检具外国机构投资人设立期货交易避险帐户申请书(附表二) ,载明其应记载事项,连同应检附书件,向本公司申请设立避险帐户并豁免交易规则部位限制。 10. The securities investment trust fund will be exempt from position limits required for each contract by their respective trading rules only after the exchange has approved the application and issued certifying documentation that may be used to open a hedge account with a futures commission merchant or to convert an existing trading account into a hedge account俟本公司同意并发给证明文件,凭以向期货商开设避险帐户或将原交易帐户变更为避险帐户,并由期货商函报本公司后,该证券投资信托事业所管理之证券投资信托基金从事期货交易,始得豁免交易规则之部位限制规定。

Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP)代表什么?

同学你好,很高兴为您解答! 您所说的这个词语,是属于CFA词汇的一个,掌握好CFA词汇可以让您在CFA的学习中如鱼得水,这个词的翻译及意义如下:一套通用的会计原则、标准及程序。通用会计制度结合了权威标准(由多个政策委员会制定)以及广为接受的会计惯例 希望的回答能帮助您解决问题,更多问题欢迎提交给高顿企业知道。高顿祝您生活愉快!

Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) 是什么意思啊啊?

Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP)普遍接受的会计原则(gaap)公认会计原则公认会计准则例句筛选1.The generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) require that abusiness use the accrual basis.公认会计原则要求企业采用权责发生制。2.Generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) direct a business tomatch the expense of an asset against the revenue that asset produces.公认会计准则指出,企业应将资产的费用与该资产所产生的收入相配比。

Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP)是什么意思?

同学你好,很高兴为您解答!   GenerallyAcceptedAccountingPrinciples(GAAP)通用会计制度一套通用的会计原则、标准及程序。通用会计制度结合了权威标准(由多个...

Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP)代表什么

Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP)通用会计制度一套通用的会计原则、标准及程序。通用会计制度结合了权威标准(由多个政策委员会制定)以及广为接受的会计惯例。

求Accounting and Finance专业的高人解惑!Accounting and Finance 是指财务会计还是会计和金融?

Accounting and Fiance 是 会计和金融Financial Accounting 是 财务会计所以这门课会偏重 会计和金融。更接近于会计、金融学专业。因为在国外accounting分managerial accounting(管理会计)和financial accounting(财务会计)所以你这门课很可能只上很基本的会计知识。你要知道学校的话我可以查查具体课程。


简单的说DEBIT是inflow, CREDIT 是outflow。 但其实有些事由特例的。就assets而言,增加的是debit,减少时credit。 equity也一样。 liabilities的话增加时credit,减少是debit。 但有特例,比如depreciation增加就是debit, 减少时credit。即使depreciation是属于expense的

Accounting 里的Debit 和 credit是如何区分的。。。

中文是借记 和贷记。

Accounting 里的Debit 和 credit是如何区分的。。。

Debit 和 credit的区别为:指代不同、用法不同、侧重点不同一、指代不同1、Debit:借记,借方。2、credit:借款,贷款。二、用法不同1、Debit:过去式,debited,过去分词,debited,现在分词,debiting,第三人称单数,debits,an accounting entry acknowledging sums that are owing确认欠款的会计分录。2、credit:credit作“赊购,赊欠”解时,一般只用作不可数名词,常与介词on连用,作“赞扬,荣誉,功劳”解时,通常也用作不可数名词,与介词to连用表示“给?带来荣誉”,与for连用表示“赞扬”或“受到赞扬”的原因。三、侧重点不同1、Debit:侧重于指有所有权。2、credit:侧重于指没有所有权。

什么是balance of payment accounting? 应该怎么计算?


counting to hundred这句话翻成中文是啥意思?

counting to hundred数到一百

Counting the Ways 歌词

歌曲名:Counting the Ways歌手:Kate Voegele专辑:Gravity Happens (Deluxe Edition)Kate Voegele - Counting The WaysOh my darling I"m so far in, I can"t see my feetYour water deep is washing over meFifty states must separate us but it only makes me seeHow much you meanWhen your whisper brought me outta my slumberI stumbled under some kind of spellNow the distance gives me reason to wonderHow I"ll recover from our farewellCause these days, doesn"t matter what you sayI"m a mess when you"re awayAnd unless you come back,I"ll be one step closer to insaneIt"s enough to keep me lyin" wide awakeCounting the ways that I miss you babeComplications, conversations, late into the nightI"m over the same old hello goodbyeSo leave me speechless, I miss that feelingWith each lonely evening that goes by, I can"t describeWell San Francisco has a way with the summerAnd fall does a number to New York CityBut regardless of the season above usYou"re doing something that"s sure to get meSave me, give my troubled heartWhat it"s been aching daily forI"m hoping, you know me enough to seeThat I can"t be alone anymoreThese days, doesn"t matter what you sayCounting the ways that I miss you babe, ooh-ohCounting the ways I miss you babe

"Counting Chickens"这篇英语文章的意思


请问counting sequence是什么?


"onerepublic—counting stars"是哪首歌词?它的真正意味是?

表达了对世俗的无奈了,每个人听歌,都有自己的想法。Counting Stars 歌手:OneRepublicLately, I"ve been, I"ve been losing sleep最近我总是辗转反侧 难以入眠Dreaming about the things that we could be对我们曾有过的愿景 浮想联翩But baby, I"ve been, I"ve been praying hard,但亲爱的 我早已在内心深处祈祷着Said, no more counting dollars祈祷自己不再迷失于金钱的追逐中We"ll be counting stars我们可以细数满天繁星Yeah, we"ll be counting stars细数满天繁星 品味生活乐趣I see this life like a swinging vine生活就像一株跃动的藤蔓Swing my heart across the line长驱直入 激活我的内心In my face is flashing signs在我脸上 划过迹象Seek it out and you shall find遍寻之后 你能发现Old, but I"m not that old我虽上年纪 但不致老态龙钟Young, but I"m not that bold虽还年轻 却未必鲁莽失礼And I don"t think the world is sold坚信这个世界美好如初I"m just doing what we"re told 我只是循规蹈矩地生活着I, feel something so right Doing the wrong thing惯于离经叛道中 体味心安理得And I feel something so wrong Doing the right thing亦于按部就班中 痛感乏善可陈I, could lie, could Iie, could lie我欺骗过 伪装过 失真过Everything that kills me makes me feel alive但置我于死地者 必将赐我以后生Lately, I"ve been, I"ve been losing sleep最近我总是辗转反侧 难以入眠Dreaming about the things that we could be对我们曾有过的愿景 浮想联翩But baby, I"ve been, I"ve been praying hard,但亲爱的 我早已在内心深处祈祷着Said, no more counting dollars祈祷自己不再迷失于金钱的追逐中We"ll be counting stars我们可以细数满天繁星Lately, I"ve been, I"ve been losing sleep最近我总是辗转反侧 难以入眠Dreaming about the things that we could be对我们曾有过的愿景 浮想联翩But baby, I"ve been, I"ve been praying hard,但亲爱的 我早已在内心深处祈祷着Said, no more counting dollars祈祷自己不再迷失于金钱的追逐中we"ll be,we"ll be counting stars我们,我们可以细数满天繁星I feel the love and I feel it burn我感觉到爱火在胸中熊起Down this river, every turn于河流的每个迂回处翻腾Hope is a four-letter word希望只是个粗俗字眼Make that money, watch it burn身外之物 皆可抛却Old, but I"m not that old我虽上年纪 但未必老态龙钟Young, but I"m not that bold虽还年轻 却不致鲁莽失礼I don"t think the world is sold坚信这个世界美好如初I"m just doing what we"re told 我只是循规蹈矩地生活着I feel something so wrong Doing the right thing亦于按部就班中 痛感乏善可陈I could lie,could lie, could lie我欺骗过 伪装过 失真过Everything that downs me makes me wanna fly但置我于低谷者 定能助我以崛起Lately, I"ve been, I"ve been losing sleep最近我总是辗转反侧 难以入眠Dreaming about the things that we could be对我们曾有过的愿景 浮想联翩But baby, I"ve been, I"ve been praying hard,但亲爱的 我早已在内心深处祈祷着Said, no more counting dollars祈祷自己不再迷失于金钱的追逐中We"ll be counting stars我们可以细数满天繁星Lately, I"ve been, I"ve been losing sleep最近我总是辗转反侧 难以入眠Dreaming about the things that we could be对我们曾有过的愿景 浮想联翩But baby, I"ve been, I"ve been praying hard,但亲爱的 我早已在内心深处祈祷着Said, no more counting dollars祈祷自己不再迷失于金钱的追逐中We"ll be we"ll be counting stars我们可以细数满天繁星 品味生活乐趣Take that money, watch it burn身外之物 皆可抛却Sing in the river The lessons are learnt泛舟当歌 人生几何Take that money, watch it burn身外之物 皆可抛却Sing in the river The lessons are learnt泛舟当歌 人生几何Take that money, watch it burn身外之物 皆可抛却Sing in the river The lessons are learnt泛舟当歌 人生几何Take that money, watch it burn身外之物 皆可抛却Sing in the river The lessons are learnt泛舟当歌 人生几何Everything that kills me makes me feel alive但置我于死地者 必将赐我以后生Lately, I"ve been, I"ve been losing sleep最近我总是辗转反侧 难以入眠Dreaming about the things that we could be对我们曾有过的愿景 浮想联翩But baby, I"ve been, I"ve been praying hard,但亲爱的 我早已在内心深处祈祷着Said, no more counting dollars祈祷自己不再迷失于金钱的追逐中We"ll be counting stars我们可以细数满天繁星 品味生活乐趣Lately, I"ve been, I"ve been losing sleep最近我总是辗转反侧 难以入眠Dreaming about the things that we could be对我们曾有过的愿景 浮想联翩But baby, I"ve been, I"ve been praying hard,但亲爱的 我早已在内心深处祈祷着Said, no more counting dollars祈祷自己不再迷失于金钱的追逐中We"ll be we"ll be counting stars我们可以细数满天繁星 品味生活乐趣

counting stars中文翻译


Counting Crows的《Colorblind》 歌词

歌曲名:Colorblind歌手:Counting Crows专辑:Cruel IntentionsColor BlindCounting CrowsBy Pevy Jane【But I"m not ready yet...】I am color.blindCoffee black and egg whitePull me out from insideI am readyI am readyI am readyI amtaffy stuck, tongue tiedStuttered shook and uptiedPull me out from insideI am readyI am readyI am readyI am.fineI am covered in skinNo one gets to come inPull me out from insideI am folded, and unfolded, and unfoldingI amcolor.blindCoffe blach and egg whitePull me out from insideI am readyI am readyI am readyI am fineI am fineI am fine



Counting Song 歌词

歌曲名:Counting Song歌手:james walsh专辑:lullabyThis thing right hereIs lettin all the ladies knowWhat guys talk aboutYou know, the finer things in lifeCheck it outOoh that dress looks scandalousAnd you know another nigga couldnt handle itSo youre shaking that thing like whos the ishWith a look in your eyes so devilishUh you like to dance on the hip-hop spotsAnd you cruise to the crews like connect the dotsNot just urban, she like her popCause she was living la vida locaShe had dumps like a truck, truck, truckThighs like what? What? What?Baby, move your butt, butt, buttI think Ill sing it againShe had dumps like a truck, truck, truckThighs like what? What? What?All night longLet me see that thongLove it when the beat go (Dut dun, dut dun)When you make your booty go (Dut dun, dut dun)Girl I know you wanna show (Dut dun, dut dun)That thong, thong, thong, thongI like it when the beat go (Dut dun, dut dun)Baby make your booty go (Dut dun, dut dun)Girl I know you wanna show (Dut dun, dut dun)That thong, thong, thong, thongListen, that girl so scandalousAnd I know another nigga couldnt handle itAnd shes shaking that thing like whos the ishWith a look in her eyes so devilishShe likes to dance on the hip-hop spotsAnd she cruises through the crews like connect da dotsNot just urban she likes her popCause she was living la vida locaShe had dumps like a truck, truck, truckThighs like what? What? What?Baby, move your butt, butt, buttI think Ill sing it againShe had dumps like a truck, truck, truckThighs like what? What? What?All night longLet me see that thongLove it when the beat go (Dut dun, dut dun)When you make your booty go (Dut dun, dut dun)Girl I know you wanna show (Dut dun, dut dun)That thong, thong, thong, thongI like it when the beat go (Dut dun, dut dun)Baby make your booty go (Dut dun, dut dun)Girl I know you wanna show (Dut dun, dut dun)That thong, thong, thong, thongLove it when the beat go (Dut dun, dut dun)When you make your booty go (Dut dun, dut dun)Girl I know you wanna show (Dut dun, dut dun)That thong, thong, thong, thongI like it when the beat go (Dut dun, dut dun)Baby make your booty go (Dut dun, dut dun)Girl I know you wanna show (Dut dun, dut dun)That thong, thong, thong, thongGirl that dress looks scandalousI swear another nigga couldnt handle itSee ya shakin that thing like whos the ishWith that look in your eye so devilish, whatYou like to dance all the hip hop spotsCruise through the crews like connect the dotsNot just urban, you like the popCause you be livin la vida locaShe had dumps like a truck, truck, truckThighs like what? What? What?Baby, move your butt, butt, buttIll make ya sing it againCuz she had dumps like a truck, truck, truckThighs like what? What? What?Baby, move your butt, butt, buttUh, think Ill sing it againCome on, come on, come on, come on, yeahLove it when the beat go (Dut dun, dut dun)When you make your booty go (Dut dun, dut dun)Girl I know you wanna show (Dut dun, dut dun)That thong, thong, thong, thongI like it when the beat go (Dut dun, dut dun)Baby make your booty go (Dut dun, dut dun)Girl I know you wanna show (Dut dun, dut dun)That thong, thong, thong, thongLove it when the beat go (Dut dun, dut dun)

counting the days 歌词

歌曲名:counting the days歌手:Goldfinger专辑:stomping groundSo here I go and there you went...againJust another stupid thing that I done wrong.Locked up in my head, knocked down, beaten, left for deadWith all those brilliant things I should have said.I gotta get away, and find something to do"Cause everything I hear, everything I see, reminds me of you.Still counting the days I"ve been without you 1, 2, 3, 4...Still counting the days that you"ve been gone.GoldfingerDay one, was no fun.Day two, i hated you.By day three I wish you"d come right back to me.Day four, five and six, well I guess you just don"t give a shit.Day seven, this is hell. this is hell.I gotta get away, and find something to do.But everything I hear, everything I see, reminds me of you.Still counting the days I"ve been without you 1, 2, 3, 4...Still counting the days that you"ve been gone.Still counting the days since you left me. 1,2,3,4...Still counting the days since you"ve been gone.A thousand things I wanna say to you, but it"s too late now.A thousand things I wanna say...A thousand things I wanna say to you, but it"s too late now.A thousand things I wanna say...Still counting the days I"ve been without you.Still counting the days that you"ve been gone.Still counting the days I"ve been without you 1, 2, 3, 4...Still counting the days that you"ve been gone.Still counting the days since you left me 1, 2, 3, 4...Still counting the days that you"ve been gone.Gone...Gone...Gone...Gone...

速求counting stars谐音

Counting Stars 数星星Performed by OneRepublic 由One Republic乐队演唱。Lately, I"ve been, I"ve been losing sleep 最近阿 我总是失眠Dreaming about the things that we could be 织著我们的梦想But baby, I"ve been, I"ve been playing hard, 但是宝贝阿 我总是一直很努力Sitting, no more counting dollars 坐著不再只数著钱We"ll be counting stars, yeah we"ll be counting stars 我们来数星星 来数星星吧I see this life like a swinging vine 我看人生就像摇摆的藤蔓Swing my heart across the line 动汤我的内心跨过这道线And my face is flashing signs 我的脸就像那闪烁符号Seek it out and you shall find 搜寻 而你找到了Oh, but I"m not that old 但我没那麼老Young, but I"m not that bold 年轻 但我没那麼英勇无谓I don"t think the world is sold 我不认为这是个被出卖的世界I"m just doing what we"re told 我只是做上头告诉我们该做的事I feel something so right (我)感受到某些事是如此地正确Doing the wrong thing 做著坏事I feel something so wrong (我)感觉某些事错得一踏涂地Doing the right thing 做对的事I could lie, could lie, could lie 我可以编造谎言 说谎 说谎Everything that kills me makes me feel alive 任何伤害我的一切让我感到真正地活著I feel the love and I feel it burn 我感觉到爱 它在燃烧Down this river, every turn 就在这条河 就在河的每个转弯处Hope is a four-letter word 希望是两个字Make that money, watch it burn 把它变成金钱 看其燃烧殆尽Oh, but I"m not that old 但我没那麼老Young, but I"m not that bold 年轻 但我没那麼英勇无谓I don"t think the world is sold 我不认为这是个被出卖的世界I"m just doing what we"re told 我只是做上头告诉我们该做的事I feel something so right (我)感受到某些事是如此地正确Doing the wrong thing 做著坏事I feel something so wrong (我)感觉某些事错得一踏涂地Doing the right thing 做对的事I could lie, could lie, co uld lie 我可以编造谎言 说谎 说谎Everything that downs me makes me wanna fly 任何打击我的一切使我想要飞得更高Take that money 拿著金钱Watch it burn 看其燃烧Sing in the river 在河中吟唱著The lessons are learnt 学到的一课。

counting schmounting 什么意思?

E: 第一个粒子; yu: to; hu: ho,na; di: 结束。到什么程度(哀叹不好的现象)。

求counting sheep中文谐音歌词


counting stars中文翻译



中文:数星星 谐音:抗特 四大四

counting stars什么意思?

歌曲歌词(文艺版)Lately, I"ve been, I"ve been losing sleep  最近我总是辗转反侧 难以入眠  Dreaming about the things that we could be  对我们曾有过的愿景 浮想联翩  But baby, I"ve been, I"ve been praying hard,  但亲爱的 我早已在内心深处祈祷着  Said, no more counting dollars  祈祷自己不再迷失于金钱的追逐中  we"ll be counting stars  我们可以细数满天繁星  Yeah, we"ll be counting stars  细数满天繁星 品味生活乐趣  I see this life like a swinging vine  生活就像一株跃动的藤蔓  Swing my heart across the line  长驱直入 激活我的内心  In my face is flashing signs  在我脸上 划过迹象  Seek it out and you shall find  遍寻之后 你能发现  Old, but I"m not that old  我虽上年纪 但不致老态龙钟  Young, but I"m not that bold  虽还年轻 却未必鲁莽失礼  And I don"t think the world is sold  坚信这个世界美好如初  I"m just doing what we"re told   我只是循规蹈矩地生活着  I ,feel something so right Doing the wrong thing  惯于离经叛道中 体味心安理得  And I feel something so wrong Doing the right thing  亦于按部就班中 痛感乏善可陈  I ,could lie, could Iie, could lie  我欺骗过 伪装过 失真过  Everything that kills me makes me feel alive  但置我于死地者 必将赐我以后生  Lately, I"ve been, I"ve been losing sleep  最近我总是辗转反侧 难以入眠  Dreaming about the things that we could be  对我们曾有过的愿景 浮想联翩  But baby, I"ve been, I"ve been praying hard,  但亲爱的 我早已在内心深处祈祷着  Said, no more counting dollars  祈祷自己不再迷失于金钱的追逐中  we"ll be counting stars  我们可以细数满天繁星Lately, I"ve been, I"ve been losing sleep  最近我总是辗转反侧 难以入眠  Dreaming about the things that we could be  对我们曾有过的愿景 浮想联翩  But baby, I"ve been, I"ve been praying hard,  但亲爱的 我早已在内心深处祈祷着  Said, no more counting dollars  祈祷自己不再迷失于金钱的追逐中we"ll be,we"ll be counting stars我们,我们可以细数满天繁星I feel the love and I feel it burn  我感觉到爱火在胸中熊起  Down this river, every turn  于河流的每个迂回处翻腾  Hope is a four-letter word  希望只是个粗俗字眼  Make that money, watch it burn  身外之物 皆可抛却  Old, but I"m not that old  我虽上年纪 但未必老态龙钟  Young, but I"m not that bold  虽还年轻 却不致鲁莽失礼  I don"t think the world is sold  坚信这个世界美好如初  I"m just doing what we"re told   我只是循规蹈矩地生活着  I feel something so wrong Doing the right thing  亦于按部就班中 痛感乏善可陈  I could lie,could lie, could lie  我欺骗过 伪装过 失真过  Everything that downs me makes me wanna fly  但置我于低谷者 定能助我以崛起  Lately, I"ve been, I"ve been losing sleep  最近我总是辗转反侧 难以入眠  Dreaming about the things that we could be  对我们曾有过的愿景 浮想联翩  But baby, I"ve been, I"ve been praying hard,  但亲爱的 我早已在内心深处祈祷着  Said, no more counting dollars  祈祷自己不再迷失于金钱的追逐中  we"ll be counting stars  我们可以细数满天繁星  Lately, I"ve been, I"ve been losing sleep  最近我总是辗转反侧 难以入眠  Dreaming about the things that we could be  对我们曾有过的愿景 浮想联翩  But baby, I"ve been, I"ve been praying hard,  但亲爱的 我早已在内心深处祈祷着  Said, no more counting dollars  祈祷自己不再迷失于金钱的追逐中  we"ll be we"ll be counting stars  我们可以细数满天繁星 品味生活乐趣  Take that money, watch it burn  身外之物 皆可抛却Sing in the river The lessons are learnt  泛舟当歌 人生几何Take that money, watch it burn身外之物 皆可抛却Sing in the river The lessons are learnt  泛舟当歌 人生几何Take that money, watch it burn  身外之物 皆可抛却Sing in the river The lessons are learnt  泛舟当歌 人生几何Take that money, watch it burn  身外之物 皆可抛却Sing in the river The lessons are learnt泛舟当歌 人生几何Everything that kills me makes me feel alive  但置我于死地者 必将赐我以后生Lately, I"ve been, I"ve been losing sleep  最近我总是辗转反侧 难以入眠  Dreaming about the things that we could be  对我们曾有过的愿景 浮想联翩  But baby, I"ve been, I"ve been praying hard,  但亲爱的 我早已在内心深处祈祷着  Said, no more counting dollars  祈祷自己不再迷失于金钱的追逐中  we"ll be counting stars  我们可以细数满天繁星 品味生活乐趣  Lately, I"ve been, I"ve been losing sleep  最近我总是辗转反侧 难以入眠  Dreaming about the things that we could be  对我们曾有过的愿景 浮想联翩  But baby, I"ve been, I"ve been praying hard,  但亲爱的 我早已在内心深处祈祷着  Said, no more counting dollars  祈祷自己不再迷失于金钱的追逐中  we"ll be we"ll be counting stars  我们可以细数满天繁星 品味生活乐趣

Counting Song 歌词

歌曲名:Counting Song歌手:Goldrush专辑:Ozona [City Slang]This thing right hereIs lettin all the ladies knowWhat guys talk aboutYou know, the finer things in lifeCheck it outOoh that dress looks scandalousAnd you know another nigga couldnt handle itSo youre shaking that thing like whos the ishWith a look in your eyes so devilishUh you like to dance on the hip-hop spotsAnd you cruise to the crews like connect the dotsNot just urban, she like her popCause she was living la vida locaShe had dumps like a truck, truck, truckThighs like what? What? What?Baby, move your butt, butt, buttI think Ill sing it againShe had dumps like a truck, truck, truckThighs like what? What? What?All night longLet me see that thongLove it when the beat go (Dut dun, dut dun)When you make your booty go (Dut dun, dut dun)Girl I know you wanna show (Dut dun, dut dun)That thong, thong, thong, thongI like it when the beat go (Dut dun, dut dun)Baby make your booty go (Dut dun, dut dun)Girl I know you wanna show (Dut dun, dut dun)That thong, thong, thong, thongListen, that girl so scandalousAnd I know another nigga couldnt handle itAnd shes shaking that thing like whos the ishWith a look in her eyes so devilishShe likes to dance on the hip-hop spotsAnd she cruises through the crews like connect da dotsNot just urban she likes her popCause she was living la vida locaShe had dumps like a truck, truck, truckThighs like what? What? What?Baby, move your butt, butt, buttI think Ill sing it againShe had dumps like a truck, truck, truckThighs like what? What? What?All night longLet me see that thongLove it when the beat go (Dut dun, dut dun)When you make your booty go (Dut dun, dut dun)Girl I know you wanna show (Dut dun, dut dun)That thong, thong, thong, thongI like it when the beat go (Dut dun, dut dun)Baby make your booty go (Dut dun, dut dun)Girl I know you wanna show (Dut dun, dut dun)That thong, thong, thong, thongLove it when the beat go (Dut dun, dut dun)When you make your booty go (Dut dun, dut dun)Girl I know you wanna show (Dut dun, dut dun)That thong, thong, thong, thongI like it when the beat go (Dut dun, dut dun)Baby make your booty go (Dut dun, dut dun)Girl I know you wanna show (Dut dun, dut dun)That thong, thong, thong, thongGirl that dress looks scandalousI swear another nigga couldnt handle itSee ya shakin that thing like whos the ishWith that look in your eye so devilish, whatYou like to dance all the hip hop spotsCruise through the crews like connect the dotsNot just urban, you like the popCause you be livin la vida locaShe had dumps like a truck, truck, truckThighs like what? What? What?Baby, move your butt, butt, buttIll make ya sing it againCuz she had dumps like a truck, truck, truckThighs like what? What? What?Baby, move your butt, butt, buttUh, think Ill sing it againCome on, come on, come on, come on, yeahLove it when the beat go (Dut dun, dut dun)When you make your booty go (Dut dun, dut dun)Girl I know you wanna show (Dut dun, dut dun)That thong, thong, thong, thongI like it when the beat go (Dut dun, dut dun)Baby make your booty go (Dut dun, dut dun)Girl I know you wanna show (Dut dun, dut dun)That thong, thong, thong, thongLove it when the beat go (Dut dun, dut dun)

Counting star多少年的


Counting The Days 歌词

歌曲名:Counting The Days歌手:Bic Runga专辑:beautiful collisionCounting The DaysAlbum: Beautiful CollisionCounting the days on the calendarStrange how they bleed into each otherAll that I needIs a day with youPencil me in on your SaturdayTaking my leaveShould I be waylaid please wait for meOn a day with youMaybe for now an hour will doRemember my dear this time last yearThe sunsets were late and the days were longAnd the nights were filled with songThe nights were filled with songStrolling the street we"re strangely completeLet"s stay awake till the morning comesWe don"t need anyoneWe don"t need anyoneWasting my life at the traffic lightsGetting nowhereTrapped in the turnstilesStay within reachOf a day with youMaybe for now and hour will do

counting stars是什么意思


同学们其实counting stars这首歌说了啥

歌曲传达了当今社会人们对名利的渴望而造成的巨大压力以及人们应该从中摆脱回归自由。所以说:生活无奈,难得糊涂呀。其实每个人对歌曲的理解都不一样的,中英文歌词:歌名:Counting Stars 歌手:OneRepublicLately, I"ve been, I"ve been losing sleep最近我总是辗转反侧 难以入眠Dreaming about the things that we could be对我们曾有过的愿景 浮想联翩But baby, I"ve been, I"ve been praying hard但亲爱的 我早已在内心深处祈祷着Said, no more counting dollars祈祷自己不再迷失于金钱的追逐中We"ll be counting stars我们可以细数满天繁星Yeah, we"ll be counting stars细数满天繁星 品味生活乐趣I see this life like a swinging vine生活就像一株跃动的藤蔓Swing my heart across the line长驱直入 激活我的内心In my face is flashing signs在我脸上 划过迹象Seek it out and you shall find遍寻之后 你能发现Old, but I"m not that old我虽上年纪 但不致老态龙钟Young, but I"m not that bold虽还年轻 却未必鲁莽失礼And I don"t think the world is sold坚信这个世界美好如初I"m just doing what we"re told 我只是循规蹈矩地生活着I, feel something so right Doing the wrong thing惯于离经叛道中 体味心安理得And I feel something so wrong Doing the right thing亦于按部就班中 痛感乏善可陈I, could lie, could Iie, could lie我欺骗过 伪装过 失真过Everything that kills me makes me feel alive但置我于死地者 必将赐我以后生Lately, I"ve been, I"ve been losing sleep最近我总是辗转反侧 难以入眠Dreaming about the things that we could be对我们曾有过的愿景 浮想联翩But baby, I"ve been, I"ve been praying hard,但亲爱的 我早已在内心深处祈祷着Said, no more counting dollars祈祷自己不再迷失于金钱的追逐中We"ll be counting stars我们可以细数满天繁星Lately, I"ve been, I"ve been losing sleep最近我总是辗转反侧 难以入眠Dreaming about the things that we could be对我们曾有过的愿景 浮想联翩But baby, I"ve been, I"ve been praying hard但亲爱的 我早已在内心深处祈祷着Said, no more counting dollars祈祷自己不再迷失于金钱的追逐中we"ll be,we"ll be counting stars我们,我们可以细数满天繁星I feel the love and I feel it burn我感觉到爱火在胸中熊起Down this river, every turn于河流的每个迂回处翻腾Hope is a four-letter word希望只是个粗俗字眼Make that money, watch it burn身外之物 皆可抛却Old, but I"m not that old我虽上年纪 但未必老态龙钟Young, but I"m not that bold虽还年轻 却不致鲁莽失礼I don"t think the world is sold坚信这个世界美好如初I"m just doing what we"re told 我只是循规蹈矩地生活着I feel something so wrong Doing the right thing亦于按部就班中 痛感乏善可陈I could lie,could lie, could lie我欺骗过 伪装过 失真过Everything that downs me makes me wanna fly但置我于低谷者 定能助我以崛起Lately, I"ve been, I"ve been losing sleep最近我总是辗转反侧 难以入眠Dreaming about the things that we could be对我们曾有过的愿景 浮想联翩But baby, I"ve been, I"ve been praying hard但亲爱的 我早已在内心深处祈祷着Said, no more counting dollars祈祷自己不再迷失于金钱的追逐中We"ll be counting stars我们可以细数满天繁星Lately, I"ve been, I"ve been losing sleep最近我总是辗转反侧 难以入眠Dreaming about the things that we could be对我们曾有过的愿景 浮想联翩But baby, I"ve been, I"ve been praying hard但亲爱的 我早已在内心深处祈祷着Said, no more counting dollars祈祷自己不再迷失于金钱的追逐中We"ll be we"ll be counting stars我们可以细数满天繁星 品味生活乐趣Take that money, watch it burn身外之物 皆可抛却Sing in the river The lessons are learnt泛舟当歌 人生几何Take that money, watch it burn身外之物 皆可抛却Sing in the river The lessons are learnt泛舟当歌 人生几何Take that money, watch it burn身外之物 皆可抛却Sing in the river The lessons are learnt泛舟当歌 人生几何Take that money, watch it burn身外之物 皆可抛却Sing in the river The lessons are learnt泛舟当歌 人生几何Everything that kills me makes me feel alive但置我于死地者 必将赐我以后生Lately, I"ve been, I"ve been losing sleep最近我总是辗转反侧 难以入眠Dreaming about the things that we could be对我们曾有过的愿景 浮想联翩But baby, I"ve been, I"ve been praying hard但亲爱的 我早已在内心深处祈祷着Said, no more counting dollars祈祷自己不再迷失于金钱的追逐中We"ll be counting stars我们可以细数满天繁星 品味生活乐趣Lately, I"ve been, I"ve been losing sleep最近我总是辗转反侧 难以入眠Dreaming about the things that we could be对我们曾有过的愿景 浮想联翩But baby, I"ve been, I"ve been praying hard但亲爱的 我早已在内心深处祈祷着Said, no more counting dollars祈祷自己不再迷失于金钱的追逐中We"ll be we"ll be counting stars我们可以细数满天繁星 品味生活乐趣

请问英语好的 counting numbers 什么意思 数学方面的 是整数或正数吗


counting stars中文版是什么歌

歌曲歌词(文艺版)Lately, I"ve been, I"ve been losing sleep  最近我总是辗转反侧 难以入眠  Dreaming about the things that we could be  对我们曾有过的愿景 浮想联翩  But baby, I"ve been, I"ve been praying hard,  但亲爱的 我早已在内心深处祈祷着  Said, no more counting dollars  祈祷自己不再迷失于金钱的追逐中  we"ll be counting stars  我们可以细数满天繁星  Yeah, we"ll be counting stars  细数满天繁星 品味生活乐趣  I see this life like a swinging vine  生活就像一株跃动的藤蔓  Swing my heart across the line  长驱直入 激活我的内心  In my face is flashing signs  在我脸上 划过迹象  Seek it out and you shall find  遍寻之后 你能发现  Old, but I"m not that old  我虽上年纪 但不致老态龙钟  Young, but I"m not that bold  虽还年轻 却未必鲁莽失礼  And I don"t think the world is sold  坚信这个世界美好如初  I"m just doing what we"re told   我只是循规蹈矩地生活着  I ,feel something so right Doing the wrong thing  惯于离经叛道中 体味心安理得  And I feel something so wrong Doing the right thing  亦于按部就班中 痛感乏善可陈  I ,could lie, could Iie, could lie  我欺骗过 伪装过 失真过  Everything that kills me makes me feel alive  但置我于死地者 必将赐我以后生  Lately, I"ve been, I"ve been losing sleep  最近我总是辗转反侧 难以入眠  Dreaming about the things that we could be  对我们曾有过的愿景 浮想联翩  But baby, I"ve been, I"ve been praying hard,  但亲爱的 我早已在内心深处祈祷着  Said, no more counting dollars  祈祷自己不再迷失于金钱的追逐中  we"ll be counting stars  我们可以细数满天繁星Lately, I"ve been, I"ve been losing sleep  最近我总是辗转反侧 难以入眠  Dreaming about the things that we could be  对我们曾有过的愿景 浮想联翩  But baby, I"ve been, I"ve been praying hard,  但亲爱的 我早已在内心深处祈祷着  Said, no more counting dollars  祈祷自己不再迷失于金钱的追逐中we"ll be,we"ll be counting stars我们,我们可以细数满天繁星I feel the love and I feel it burn  我感觉到爱火在胸中熊起  Down this river, every turn  于河流的每个迂回处翻腾  Hope is a four-letter word  希望只是个粗俗字眼  Make that money, watch it burn  身外之物 皆可抛却  Old, but I"m not that old  我虽上年纪 但未必老态龙钟  Young, but I"m not that bold  虽还年轻 却不致鲁莽失礼  I don"t think the world is sold  坚信这个世界美好如初  I"m just doing what we"re told   我只是循规蹈矩地生活着  I feel something so wrong Doing the right thing  亦于按部就班中 痛感乏善可陈  I could lie,could lie, could lie  我欺骗过 伪装过 失真过  Everything that downs me makes me wanna fly  但置我于低谷者 定能助我以崛起  Lately, I"ve been, I"ve been losing sleep  最近我总是辗转反侧 难以入眠  Dreaming about the things that we could be  对我们曾有过的愿景 浮想联翩  But baby, I"ve been, I"ve been praying hard,  但亲爱的 我早已在内心深处祈祷着  Said, no more counting dollars  祈祷自己不再迷失于金钱的追逐中  we"ll be counting stars  我们可以细数满天繁星  Lately, I"ve been, I"ve been losing sleep  最近我总是辗转反侧 难以入眠  Dreaming about the things that we could be  对我们曾有过的愿景 浮想联翩  But baby, I"ve been, I"ve been praying hard,  但亲爱的 我早已在内心深处祈祷着  Said, no more counting dollars  祈祷自己不再迷失于金钱的追逐中  we"ll be we"ll be counting stars  我们可以细数满天繁星 品味生活乐趣  Take that money, watch it burn  身外之物 皆可抛却Sing in the river The lessons are learnt  泛舟当歌 人生几何Take that money, watch it burn身外之物 皆可抛却Sing in the river The lessons are learnt  泛舟当歌 人生几何Take that money, watch it burn  身外之物 皆可抛却Sing in the river The lessons are learnt  泛舟当歌 人生几何Take that money, watch it burn  身外之物 皆可抛却Sing in the river The lessons are learnt泛舟当歌 人生几何Everything that kills me makes me feel alive  但置我于死地者 必将赐我以后生Lately, I"ve been, I"ve been losing sleep  最近我总是辗转反侧 难以入眠  Dreaming about the things that we could be  对我们曾有过的愿景 浮想联翩  But baby, I"ve been, I"ve been praying hard,  但亲爱的 我早已在内心深处祈祷着  Said, no more counting dollars  祈祷自己不再迷失于金钱的追逐中  we"ll be counting stars  我们可以细数满天繁星 品味生活乐趣  Lately, I"ve been, I"ve been losing sleep  最近我总是辗转反侧 难以入眠  Dreaming about the things that we could be  对我们曾有过的愿景 浮想联翩  But baby, I"ve been, I"ve been praying hard,  但亲爱的 我早已在内心深处祈祷着  Said, no more counting dollars  祈祷自己不再迷失于金钱的追逐中  we"ll be we"ll be counting stars  我们可以细数满天繁星 品味生活乐趣

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