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讲解(不要翻译)the incorrectly looped string had thrown the toy off balance

stringthe incorrectly looped 是主语的定语这里throw off应该放在一起解释是摆脱;甩掉的意思

people should dress correctly的dress可否改为wear

不可以。wear属于及物动词,必须跟宾语。dress 不及物动词,表示: 穿着,着装。

answer the question correctly

选C 在这里用有讽刺意味,回答此问题过于聪明了,很不符合语境. so...that...一般连起来用,表达如此的聪明,可以正确的回答问题的意思,一般不与to连用 clever enough表达足够聪明的意思.其意思为具有足够能力去做某事. 如:the bag is large enough to put all these in. D选项错误.

电脑开不开机出现 your pc did not start correctly 什么意思 怎么


win10系统 运行java出现:Application was not initialized correctly

第一先判断jdk是不是和你电脑系统的位数一样第二打开任务管理器看看是不是有个javaw的进程在 先把这个进程关了再试试

to answer correctly is more

To answer correctly is more important than _____. 【答案】选C ----to finish quickly 【释义】答得对要比答得快要重要. 【解析】 "to do sth“,这是不定式的结构,表目的; 这里 to 不能省略! To see is to believe!眼见为实!

please pay attention to your handwriting. write clearly and correctly.怎样翻译


电脑开不开机出现 your pc did not start correctly 什么意思 怎么



I don"t know if that"s spelled correctly or not though 我不知道这是否拼对或错 You got most of that though. 不过你大部份都答对

开机显示“the system has detected that a cooling fan is not operating correctly是什么意思?


Time, ______ correctly, is money in the bank. 答案是used,那能用being used 吗?

不能,应为time 是被用的,而后面已经有一个动词is了,所以,非谓语动词应该用被动,被动的be 就不能再放上去了,直接加used。

英语If I remember correctly怎么翻译?



around+us+correctly意思 :正确地在我们身边。

一篇英语作文5.How to Use Computers Correctly?

With time going by,computers have been more and more important in our daily life.It can bring us a lot of convenience.We can surf the Internet to keep up with the times,meeting new friends,communicate with our relatives and relax ourselves. But,of course,using it too often can cause us some harm.For example,spengding much time on it can harm our eyes and damage our eyesight.Moreover,if we depend on computers too much,we"ll find our memory declining rapidly.Finally,if you surf online a lot,you may lose the ability to make friends in reality. So what can we do?That"s easy.We only need to limit our time spent on computers,and when we are using it,pay more attetion to protecting our precious eyes.





truly 与correctly的区别

truly 表示真实性;而 correctly 表示正确地做某事。He is truly a gentleman. 他是一个真正的绅士。He answered the question correctly. 他正确地回答了问题。


correctly[英][ku0259"rektlu026a][美][ku0259u02c8ru025bktlu026a]adv.正确地,得体地; 实事求是; 例句Are you sure you"re reading this correctly?你肯定你正确地看懂了这个?

论文里correctly classified是什么意思

correctly classified正确分类双语对照例句:1.This is correctly classified as a level 2 input. 它将这笔存款列为二级原始数据,这是对的。2.While pupillometry shows promise as a noninvasive measure of sexual response, theyconcluded, "not every participant"s sexual orientation was correctly classified" and "anobservable amount of variability in pupil dilation was unrelated to the participant"s sexualorientation." 尽管瞳距测量法在作为一种非侵害性质的性反应测量方式上展现出前景,他们提出,“并非每一个受测验者的性取向都能正确得出”同时“瞳孔扩张中的很多变化都与受测验者的性取向并无联系。


think correctly正确地思考双语例句1A favourable thinking environment is a bridge for the students to thinkcorrectly and find out problems. Therefore, we should create a favourablethinking environment to raise the students "reasoning abilities whileteaching.良好的思维环境是中学生正确思维和发现问题的桥梁,因此在教学过程中,要创设有利于推理能力培养的思维环境。2Think the rule is a brand-new civil action evidence rule, up till now, thinkcorrectly in theory regular research is obviously weak, no to thinking theregular one is applicable to in practice and norm yet of operation.自认规则是一项全新的民事证据规则,到目前为止,理论上对自认规则的研究明显薄弱,实践中对自认规则的适用和运作尚未规范。

used correctly

英语一个句子里只能有一个谓语(动词,be动词什么的).这个里面就是is,如果用原型就有两个谓语.我们一般说 use time ,时间是被用,所以用被动,过去分词表被动.(use是动词,time 就做它的宾语,所以是动宾关系)

correct既可以作动词又可以做名词?作名词时的例句?修改正确可不可以翻译成correct correctly?

correctvt. 改正;告诫vi. 调整;纠正错误adj. 正确的;恰当的;端正的correct本来就有修改正确这个意思,后面不需要correctly了


better best less least later latest farther farthest more most worse worst higher highest faster fastest harder hardest 其余的都是加more,most






instruct India indians wiseman wisely clever bright challenge promise golden copied copied correct right just incorrect wrong




汉语翻译:ad. 对, 正确, 恰当, 符合一般性准则, 符合行为准则, 端正, 符合。例句:Thinking correctly is important.思考正确是重要的。This is a letter, or more correctly, an invitation letter.这是一封信,说得更正确些,是一封邀请信。This work should be done correctly in all particulars.这项工作每一点都必须做到正确无误。The computer verified whether the data was loaded correctly.计算机查实数据输入是否正确。If you can use a word correctly and effectively you comprehend it.你如果可以正确有效地使用一个词,你就是了解它了。The carry from bit3 to bit4 needed for adding packed binary coded decimal number correctly, where two binary coded decimal digits reside in one8-bit byte.在两个用二进制编码的十进制数字同居于一个8位字节内的情况下,为了正确地对装配型二进制编码的十进制数进行相加所需的从第3位到第4位的进位。Hilda"s mother has second sight and correctly predicted the date on which Hilda met the man she eventually married.希尔达的母亲有先见之明,她能正确地预见希达哪一天会碰上她的未婚夫。

correctly正确的 怎么读?

correctly 英[kə"rektlɪ] 美[kəˈrɛktlɪ] adv. 正确地,得体地;实事求是 [例句]By looking at the fruit , how can you immediately label all of the boxes correctly ?"看过这个水果后,你怎么能立即给这些箱子正确地贴上标签?”

Mr Hollande has correctly badgeredAngela Merkel for pushingausterity too hard怎么翻译啊

badger 的意思是调侃,纠缠,使困恼(半开玩笑地)欺负,惹,撩Mr Hollande has correctly badgered Angela Merkel for pushing austerity too hard对德国总理默克尔财政政策做得过于紧缩,法国总统奥朗德为难她是合理的。希望帮到了你,满意敬请采纳,谢谢。


【答案】:B19.B【解析】clea rly意为“真切地”。其他三项均不合句意。




correctly这个单词的读音是 /ku0259u02c8rektli/,其中重音在第二个音节上。一、correctly是一个副词,表示正确地、准确地、恰当地等意思。它通常用于描述某个动作或行为是否符合规范、标准或要求。例如:1.You need to spell your name correctly on the application form.(你需要在申请表上正确拼写你的名字。)2.The teacher corrected the student"s pronunciation and showed him how to say the word correctly.(老师纠正了学生的发音,并向他展示了如何正确地发音。)3.The machine is not working correctly, so we need to call a technician to fix it.(机器没有正常工作,所以我们需要叫技术人员来修理。)二、除了常见的用法外,correctly还有一些常见的搭配和用法,如:1.use correctly:正确使用It"s important to use the equipment correctly to avoid accidents.(正确使用设备是避免事故的重要因素。)2.pronounce correctly:正确发音Can you pronounce this word correctly? I"m not sure if I"m saying it right.(你能正确发音这个单词吗?我不确定我说得对不对。)3.spell correctly:正确拼写You need to spell the word correctly in order to get full marks on the test.(你需要正确拼写这个单词才能在考试中得到满分。)4.answer correctly:正确回答If you want to pass the exam, you need to answer the questions correctly.(如果你想通过考试,你需要正确回答问题。)

红色警戒地图编辑器用不了 red alert 2 is not correctly installed (ra2.mix could not be loaded)他说


correct加ly correctly是什么意思?加了有什么意义?怎么运用?

correctly [kə"rektli] adv. 正确地;得体地加了就由形容词变成副词,副词(adverb,简写为adv)是一种用来修饰动词、形容词、全句的词,说明时间、地点、程度、方式等概念的词。例句If they answer correctly, they get a harder word. 如果他们的答案正确,下一题便是一个更难的词。希望有帮助~