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C盘下CONFIG.SYS 是什么文件可以删除吗?

CONFIG.SYS是包含在DOS(磁盘操作系统,Disk Operating System)中的一个文本文件命令,它告诉操作系统计算机如何初始化。多数情况下,CONFIG.SYS命令制定内存设备驱动和程序,以控制硬件设备;开启或进制系统特征;以及限制系统资源。CONFIG.SYS在autoexec.bat(自动批处理程序)文件执行前载入。由于CONFIG.SYS是一个文本文件,因此它可以使用文本编辑程序编辑。 不可以删除的





怎么修改 config/config

怎么修改 config/config1 永久方法 – 需要重启服务器修改/etc/selinux/config文件中设置SELINUX=disabled ,然后重启服务器。2 临时方法 – 设置系统参数使用命令setenforce 0附:setenf甫揣颠废郯肚奠莎订极orce 1 设置SELinux 成为enforcing模式setenforce 0 设置SELinux 成为permissive模式望采纳配置web.xml面struts1配置:<servlet> <servlet-name>action</servlet-name> <servlet-class>org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet</servlet-class>......配置其参数</servlet><servlet-mapping> <servlet-name>action</servlet-name> <url-pattern>*.do</url-pattern> 配置.do.do结尾url都转发</servlet-mapping>struts2配置:<filter><filter-name>struts2</filter-name><filter-class></filter-class></filter><filter-mapping><filter-name>struts2</filter-name><url-pattern>*.do</url-pattern></filter-mapping>struts2同于struts1用servlet机制通filter机制实现所配置filter

如何配置Config File

下面我们以用记事本打开为例来说一下如何打开config文件。我们找到config文件所在的位置。右击这个文件,在弹出的菜单中选择“用记事本打开”那么一个配置文件就打开了。如果是网站的config文件,为了更好的编辑,我们可以用专用的网 站编辑工具。





CS文件中的config 是什么意思



config在计算机的命令中是“配置”的意思,而在计算机中各类软件及系统都有类似CONFIG的文件,其中主要是系统或各软件的配置参数,如config.sys中记录了电脑系统启动时加载的配置参数。一般软件config.ini中记录了软件运行时需要带的参数或运行环境。还有些软件将参数文件以*.cfg为文件名,而CFG也是config的缩写。config对象的几个方法:1、public String getParameter(String name);返回制定的名称name初始化参数的值,如果参数不存在则返回null。2、public java.util.Enumeration getinitParameterNames();得到所有初始化参数名称的枚举。3、public ServletContext getServletContext();返回Servlet或JSP页面所属的ServletContext的一个引用。4、public String getServletName();返回Servlet实例或JSP页面的名称,此名称可以在Web应用部署描述文件中指定,对于一个未注册(也就是未命名)Servlet实例或JSP页面,将返回该Servlet类的类名。JSP的其他内置对象:request、response、session、application、out、exception、pageContext。

config ,configure ,configuration三者的区别


CS文件中的config 是什么意思



config的本意是“配置”的意思,而计算机中各类软件及系统都有类似CONFIG的文件,其中主要是系统或各软件的配置参数。 如config.sys中记录了电脑系统启动时加载的配置参数。 一般软件config.ini中记录了软件运行时需要带的参数或运行环境。 还有些软件将参数文件以*.cfg为文件名,而CFG也是config的缩写。


config 它是英文单词configuration的缩写,是“配置”的意思 一般是修改系统配置或设置的,计算机中各类软件及系统都有类似CONFIG的文件,其中主要是系统或各软件的配置参数。 如config.sys中记录了电脑系统启动时加载的配置参数。 一般软件config.ini中记录了软件运行时需要带的参数或运行环境。 还有些软件将参数文件以*.cfg为文件名,而CFG也是config的缩写。






config.execonfig - config.exe - 进程信息进程文件: config 或者 config.exe进程文件: Configuration Utility描述:config.exe是Windows Access (WAC)服务相关程序。 ===============================================CONFIG.SYS是包含在DOS(磁盘操作系统,Disk Operating System)中的一个文本文件命令,它告诉操作系统计算机如何初始化。多数情况下,CONFIG.SYS命令制定内存设备驱动和程序,以控制硬件设备;开启或进制系统特征;以及限制系统资源。CONFIG.SYS在autoexec.bat(自动批处理程序)文件执行前载入。由于CONFIG.SYS是一个文本文件,因此它可以使用文本编辑程序编辑。






config一般是个配置文件,但因为在E盘,应该不是系统的配置文件,再说现在win也不用这个来配置系统了。 可能是运行什么软件,这个文件用来保存软件的配置。 删了对系统的正常运行应该没有影响.对需要这个文件的软件来说应该也没什么影响. 因为一般这种配置文件是用来保存用户的配置信息或者是本机的配置信息. 再说一点,楼主的系统只要没装在E盘,那么这个文件就应该不是系统或系统相关文件,删了顶多对某个软件有影响,但这也只是失去了你对那个软件修改的设置,如果没有了这个文件,那个软件应该就恢复到默认设置。


1、Win7系统里的config目录,通常指的是X:windowssystem32config目录,这是Windows系统的配置文件所在的目录。2、Windows采用注册表来管理配置文件,用户可以使用注册表编辑器来修改配置文件,具体操作:WIN+R键打开”运行“对话框,输入regedit, 按回车键,运行注册表编辑器。以上图为例,其中的SAM键,就对应于X:windowssystem32config目录下的SAM文件。


config.php在思维(CMSware)安装的根目录下,是系统的宏观配置文件。一般只有在系统初次安装或者变动时需要修改该文件。该文件的以下部分是用户可自行修改的:------------------------------------------------$db_config["db_driver"] = "db"; //db,adodb,mdb$db_config["db_type"] = "mysql"; //mysql,mssql,oracle$db_config["db_host"] = "localhost"; //数据库主机 $db_config["db_user"] = ""; //数据库用户名 $db_config["db_password"] = ""; //数据库用户密码 $db_config["db_name"] = ""; //数据库名 $db_config["table_pre"] = ""; //CMS表名前缀 (这一部分在系统安装时可通过Web界面配置,不必手工修改)------------------------------------------------$db_config["db_charset"] = "gbk"; //数据库字符集 latin1,gbk,utf8... $SYS_CONFIG["enable_validcode"] = 1; //是否开启登陆图形验证码. 1-开启,0-关闭$SYS_CONFIG["language"] = "chinese_gb"; //系统语言(在mysql4.1以上的数据库环境安装时如果遇到问题请修改该配置。MySQL4.1.x升级用户一般应该设置为latin1)


Config文件是软件或系统里的配置文件,不建议删除。它是在用户开机这段时间对计算机进行初始化设置,也就是用户对系统的设置都由它来对计算机进行恢复。因此,不建议删除软件或系统里的config配置文件,以免造成不必要的错误。 演示机型:华为MateBook X 系统版本:win10 Config文件是软件或系统里的配置文件,不建议删除。它是在用户开机这段时间对计算机进行初始化设置,也就是用户对系统的设置都由它来对计算机进行恢复。因此,不建议删除软件或系统里的config配置文件,以免造成不必要的错误。



如何进入电脑中的 CONFIG模式

WindowsXP环境下进入安全模式:1、在计算机开启BIOS加载完之后,迅速按下F8键,在出现的WindowsXP高级选项菜单中选择“安全模式”;2、如果有多系统引导,在选择WindowsXP启动时,当按下回车键,就应该迅速地按下F8键(最好两只手进行操作),在出现的WindowsXP高级选项菜单中选择“安全模式”。另外一种方式: 1、在Windows环境下,点击“开始”菜单,然后点击“运行”;2、输入msconfig,然后点击“确定”按钮;3、点击“Boot.ini”标签;4、选择"/SAFENOOT";5、然后点击“确定”按钮保存退出,重新启动计算机;6、重启之后出现的WindowsXP高级选项菜单和Windows2000的类似,选择“安全模式”即可;7、如果要取消“高级选项菜单”,重复上述1-5步骤,不同的是第4步取消选择"/SAFENOOT"。 在Windows中有一个安全模式,一般情况下我们进入安全模式的时候并不多,如果计算机死机,无法正常的关机和重新启动时,发生这种情况时,可以先进入“安全模式”解决问题后,再进行重新电脑,回到原先使用的操作系统。 1、 Normal 这是正常启动的模式,就想平时启动电脑一样。 2、 Logged 记录启动模式,它会记录windows驱动程序加载是的详细清单,启动结果将会保存在系统磁盘下的的bootlog.txt中。 3、 Step-By-Step Confirmation 启动时会载入Config.sys和Autoexec.bat文件进行一条一条的执行,你可以根据情况来跳过某条命令。 4、 Command Prompt Only 直接载入Config.sys和Autoexec.bat文件后就跳到DOS下。 5、 Safe Mode Command Prompt Only 通过最少的安全模式启动到DOS下,不载入Config.sys和Autoexec.bat文件。




主要看在什么地方出现的config。一般来说:config是英文configuration的缩写。很多框架,解决方案,ide等都会有一个默认的配置文件,它的文件名或扩展名会包含或就是config。比如 中app.config, web.config,appsetting.config等iis服务器或普通windows机器中全局配置:Machine.config站点到host配置:ApplicationHost.config参考自:


添加新项 有个web配置文件就是那个了!




方法/步骤1下面我们以用记事本打开为例来说一下如何打开config文件。我们找到config文件所在的位置。2右击这个文件,在弹出的菜单中选择“用记事本打开”3那么一个配置文件就打开了。4如果是网站的config文件,为了更好的编辑,我们可以用专用的网 站编辑工具。






演示机型:华为MateBookX 系统版本:win10 Config文件是软件或系统里的配置文件,不建议删除。它是在用户开机这段时间对计算机进行初始化设置,也就是用户对系统的设置都由它来对计算机进行恢复。因此,不建议删除软件或系统里的config配置文件,以免造成不必要的错误。config.msi文件夹是由MicrosoftInstaller(MSI,一个提供通用安装接口的程序)生成的,一般在安装Office2000或者SQLServer后产生,该文件夹在磁盘中是隐藏的。在Windows的安装过程中将产生返回脚本(rollbackscriptS)以实现返回功能。在这些文件中包含了已执行的操作序列,文件和注册表的更新信息以及其他操作信息。脚本文件包括*.rbf和*.rbs两种。其中*.rbf文件是已有文件的备份文件,它们存储在config.msi文件夹中,而config.msi则包含在操作系统所在的驱动器中。

config什么意思 config英文解释

1、释义:config n.配置,布局;显示配置信息命令。 2、config,读音:美/ku0259nu02c8fu026aɡ/;英/ku0259nfu026aɡ/。 3、例句:Using config service by example.通过示例使用配置服务。





config ,configure ,configuration三者的区别

config 我在朗文高级词典上没有查到这个词,应该是新词或专业词汇吧。一般在计算机方面会接触到这个词。config配置是:【计】显示配置信息命令(来自百科)config.exe :进程文件config warnings :配置警告说确指这个词的词性或含义的话,可以把它看做是configure的词根吧,但也有可能是configuration的缩略形式,是个名词,含义就是配置的意思吧。configure是及物动词,也是术语,意思是装配、配置,尤其是指计算机设备等configuration是不可数名词,也有“计算机设备的配置”的意思,也是一个术语。但是还有外形、构造,布局的意思,这时就不一定是计算机上的了,此时该词后常接of短语,例如 the configuration of pistons in an engine 发动机活塞的结构。以上大部分来自朗文当代高级英语词典2005版,希望能帮到你

config是什么意思 详解config的定义和用法?





  如今已经进入信息化的时代了,其中计算机的普遍率是相当高的。那么你们知道config与计算机有什么样的关系么?下面我为大家带来config的英语意思和相关用法,欢迎大家一起学习!   config的英语音标   英 [ku0259nu02c8fu026ag]   美 [ku0259nu02c8fu026ag]   config的意思   配置   config的词汇搭配   Config Files 配置文件 ; 设备文件 ; 而非单纯写入设定档 ; 配置文件   config spec 配置规格 ; 配置规则 ; 配置规约 ; 配置规范   Enable config 组态有效 ; 启用配置   SOUND CONFIG 声音设置 ; 声音配置   config lines 配置语句   ALARM CONFIG 报警配置   Config Mode 配置模式 ; 控制方式   make config 配置内核 ; 当在核心中执行的一个   Reset Config 清空物品栏   config的英语例句   1. REM Records comments ( remarks ) in batch files or CONFIG. SYS.   在批处理文件或 config. SYS里加上注解或说明.   2. System trace information was not specified in your CONFIG. SYS file, or tracing is disallowed.   系统跟踪信息未在CONFIG. SYS文件中指定, 或不允许跟踪.   3. These variables are always loaded from the config file.   这些变量总是从配置文件中载入.   4. There was a problem receiving your proxy auto config information.   在接收代理自动配置信息时发生了一个错误.   5. Pipeline component creation failed for pipeline, exception description, component config: " { 2 } "   为管道创建管道组件失败, 异常说明, 组件配置: “ {2} ”   6. Install the NRPE plugin ( for testing ), daemon , and sample daemon config file.   安装NRPE 插件程序, 守护程序以及模板守护程序配置文件.   7. There was an exception running the extensions specified in the config file.   在运行配置文件中指定的扩展时出现异常.   8. For this guide we will just put everything into one config file.   在这篇指南中,我们将所有的配置都写入一个配置文件中.   9. Web server configuration problem: document root missing from config file.   站点服务器配置问题: 配置文件中的文档根目录丢失.   10. System . Configuration — Contains classes for working with configuration files ( Web . configfiles ).   包含了 处理配置 文件的一些类.


config是Web配置命令。web浏览器在初始化时使用一个ServletConfig(即config)对象向JSP页面传递信息,此配置信息包括初始化参数(在当前Web应用的应用部署描述文件web.xml中定义)以及表示Servlet或JSP页面所属Web应用的ServletContext对象。config对象的方法:(1)public String getParameter(String name);返回制定的名称name初始化参数的值,如果参数不存在则返回null。(2)public java.util.Enumeration getinitParameterNames();得到所有初始化参数名称的枚举。(3)public ServletContext getServletContext();返回Servlet或JSP页面所属的ServletContext的一个引用。(4)public String getServletName();返回Servlet实例或JSP页面的名称,此名称可以在Web应用部署描述文件中指定,对于一个未注册(也就是未命名)Servlet实例或JSP页面,将返回该Servlet类的类名。JSP的其他内置对象:request、response、session、application、out、exception、pageContext。以上内容参考:百度百科-config



failed to download configuration file是什么意思

意思是下载配置文件失败。_飧鍪侨眉觳橥?,重新下载那个必须的文件。很可能你下载的安装包不完整。 建议用官方下载器下。

BIOS中Chipset里面的PCH-IO configuration参数有什么作用?

B L O S中这个型号的里边的P7H参数是有一定作用的。

Router(config-router)#network 是什么意思

router ospf 110network这是路由协议的宣告 RIp EIGRP OSPF BGP都是这样宣告的

couple,configuration 和allocation 三个词的区别?

couple 名词 n. [C]1.(一)对,(一)双[(+of)]2.夫妇;未婚夫妻;一对舞伴[G] 3.【口】几个,三两个[S][(+of)]configuration 名词 n. 1.结构;表面配置2.【心】形态3.【天】行星的方位;(地球表面的)外貌allocation 名词 n. 1.分派,分配,配给,配置2.分配额(或量)

SW2950(config-if)#switch mode trunk 是什么意思



SocketChannel.configureBlocking(false)在该socket上的读写都不阻塞,也就是读写操作立即返回,无论有没有数据。这个设置对于POSIX中的O_NONBLOCK标志。AIO(Asynchronous IO)概念上比NIO更一步,它一般包含了Non-blocking的意思,另外还能让操作并发(concurrent)的执行。









方法一:在开始按钮里选择运行,输入msconfig,点击起动项,在C:PROGRA~1TENCENTAdplusstup.exe C:PROGRA~1TENCENTAdplusAdplus.dll Rundll32 前的检查框里去掉钩。方法二:在开始按钮里选择运行,输入regedit命令hkey_current_user - software - microsoft - windows - currentversion - run 删除右面窗口的这一项重启动就ok了。如果这里没看见,就用搜索一下,直到搜完,凡是搜到的就删除。

急!!!configurable pressure transducer 变压器翻译- 高手进

构形的压力传感器 SPT系列是允许顾客选择配置最佳的适合应用的需要的制造业和dilivery系统。从二准确性、四产品、六个压力口岸、五个电子终止和二十五个压力范围选择, SPT用测量仪,绝对是可利用的,气压或真空参考,并且,最佳所有,他们在2个星期或较少交付 测量仪绝对真空 指令码G A v ___________________________________________________________pressure范围看见图下页 准确性£¨BFSL) 0.1%或0.25% F.S 输出(可选择的) mV/V, 0-5 VDC或者4-20 mA (2导线) 决议无限 ___________________________________________________________ 温度,操作-40¨H 到240¨H 温度,补偿40¨H 到140¨H 温度错误带 0.1%Accyracy ¡ À0.5% F.S 0.25%准确性¡ À1%F.S ___________________________________________________________ 励磁(callbration) 被放大的(4-20mA, 0-5 VDC) 9-28VDC 被放大的(0-10 VDC) 12-28VDC Unemplified (mV/V) 10VDC ___________________________________________________________ 媒介供气,液体 超载心满意足 1000psl和在4x FS or3,000 psl之下,哪些是较少 1500年psl和在4x FS or15,000psl之上,哪些是较少 被弄湿的零件材料Ha C276&316L ss 为范围在15psl之下,温度效应也许变化: 非被放大的产品@ 10 VDC励磁 G&A V 0.1%准确性50mV 33mV 0.25%accuracy 100mV 50Mv


fast vessel是快艇或是固定船只 sail schedule是航行时刻表 carrier是快递或运输公司,运送者 仅供参考,望采纳~

ipconfig -batch这个命令具体怎么用?

IPConfig实用程序和它的等价图形用户界面——Windows 95/98中的WinIPCfg可用于显示当前的TCP/IP配置的设置值。这些信息一般用来检验人工配置的TCP/IP设置是否正确。但是,如果你的计算机和所在的局域网使用了动态主机配置协议(Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol,DHCP——Windows NT下的一种把较少的IP地址分配给较多主机使用的协议,类似于拨号上网的动态IP分配),这个程序所显示的信息也许更加实用。这时,IPConfig可以让你了解你的计算机是否成功的租用到一个IP地址,如果租用到则可以了解它目前分配到的是什么地址。了解计算机当前的IP地址、子网掩码和缺省网关实际上是进行测试和故障分析的必要项目。 最常用的选项 ipconfig——当使用IPConfig时不带任何参数选项,那么它为每个已经配置了的接口显示IP地址、子网掩码和缺省网关值。 ipconfig /all——当使用all选项时,IPConfig能为DNS和WINS服务器显示它已配置且所要使用的附加信息(如IP地址等),并且显示内置于本地网卡中的物理地址(MAC)。如果IP地址是从DHCP服务器租用的,IPConfig将显示DHCP服务器的IP地址和租用地址预计失效的日期(有关DHCP服务器的相关内容请详见其他有关NT服务器的书籍或询问你的网管)。 ipconfig /release和ipconfig /renew——这是两个附加选项,只能在向DHCP服务器租用其IP地址的计算机上起作用。如果你输入ipconfig /release,那么所有接口的租用IP地址便重新交付给DHCP服务器(归还IP地址)。如果你输入ipconfig /renew,那么本地计算机便设法与DHCP服务器取得联系,并租用一个IP地址。请注意,大多数情况下网卡将被重新赋予和以前所赋予的相同的IP地址。 如果你使用的是Windows 95/98,那么你应该更习惯使用winipcfg而不是ipconfig,因为它是一个图形用户界面,而且所显示的信息与ipconfig相同,并且也提供发布和更新动态IP地址的选项。如果你购买了Windows NT Resource Kit(NT资源包),那么Windows NT也包含了一个图形替代界面,该实用程序的名字是wntipcfg,和Windows 95/98的winipcfg类似。总的参数简介(也可以在DOS方式下输入 Ipconfig /? 进行参数查询)Ipconfig /all:显示本机TCP/IP配置的详细信息; Ipconfig /release:DHCP客户端手工释放IP地址; Ipconfig /renew:DHCP客户端手工向服务器刷新请求; Ipconfig /flushdns:清除本地DNS缓存内容; Ipconfig /displaydns:显示本地DNS内容; Ipconfig /registerdns:DNS客户端手工向服务器进行注册; Ipconfig /showclassid:显示网络适配器的DHCP类别信息; Ipconfig /setclassid:设置网络适配器的DHCP类别

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configuration[英][kənˌfɪgəˈreɪʃn][美][kənˌfɪgjəˈreɪʃn]n.布局,构造; 配置; [化](分子中原子的)组态,排列; [物]位形,组态;


configurationn.结构; 构造; 图〔外〕形组合, 布置【天】(行星等的)相对位置, 方位;【化】(分子中原子的)构型, 排列;【物】位形; 组态

Supplementary reading material:Methods of Establishing Paleocontinental Configurations

1. PaleomagnetismAs the tool that led to the confirmation of the theory of continental drift,paleomagnetic studies have formed the core of paleocontinental reconstructions. The basic principle of this approach utilizes the paleomagnetic determination of the location of the rotational axis of the Earth with respect to a continent at the time at which the rocks acquired their magnetic fabric, the Geocentric Axial Dipole hypothesis ( GAD ) . Such information is acquired by collecting oriented rock samples and then measuring the orientation of aligned remanent magnetic fields of mineral particles within the samples. It is accepted as a working hypothesis that the orientation of the remanent magnetic fields within the sample reflects the GAD at the time at which the rock formed,for example,the time at which an igneous or metamorphic rock cooled or the time at which a sediment became lithified to form a rock. The determination of the significance of a magnetization with respect to the crystallization and / or depositional age of a rock is one of the sources of potential uncertainty in the paleomagnetic technique and paleomagneticists have established a host of criteria and tests that are used to evaluate the viability of a particular set of measurements and the significance of the magnetization. These tests are particularly important as overprints and alteration of the original magnetizations can result in spurious and misleading results,particularly in regions that have been affected by superposed tectonic events such as convergent plate margins. An important component of the magnetic fabric is the tilt or inclination of the magnetization relative to a horizontal datum. This is used to infer the paleolatitudinal position of the rock sample at the time of acquisition of magnetization. This too is subject to some uncertainty as a consequence of uncertainties in assignment of proper hemisphere ( northern or southern) and in correcting for paleohorizontal,which generally is not an issue in sedimentary or layered igneous rocks such as lava flows,but becomes problematic in paleomagnetic studies of rocks from plutonic complexes. Recent approaches have attempted to use barometry of the metamorphic aureoles developed around plutons as a means of determining tilt. When,well- defined,chronologically constrained magnetizations can be measured,paleomagnetic data are used to construct the paleopole positions for continents through time and define apparent polar wander paths which allow for comparison of the positions of different continents through time with respect to a common rotational axis. The latter technique places continental motions in a reference frame that allows for quick comparison of relative motions and determination of drift histories. For example,continents that were separate and then collided should have different APWs ( apparent polar wander paths) prior to collision and similarly,continents that were formerly together and have rifted apart should have similar pre-rift APWs. Such a technique allows for the determination of the timing of paleocontinental drift through time and the generation of paleogeographic maps that are well-advanced for most of the Phanerozoic. Such maps are becoming better constrained as the sensitivity of laboratory techniques has increased such that even very weak magnetizations can be measured,making a much wider range of rock types available for magnetic analysis and study. This has lead to a much expanded and improved database from which to test plate reconstructions. The paleomagnetic determination of paleolatitude through time also offers an important framework constraint on climate and climate change. Paleomagnetic studies offer control on recognizing climactic forcing as a consequence of latitudinal drift as distinct from global cooling climate events that may be relatively independent of latitude.There are drawbacks in the paleomagnetic determination of continental configurations that result both from inherent limitations in the resolving power of the data as well as complications introduced by secondary magnetizations. For example, paleomagnetic data are incapable of determining longitude so that an iterative process that evaluates continental reconstructions from the perspective of continental overlap and the assumption of minimum movement are used to resolve the most likely plate configurations. Ambiguity of primary magnetic inclination ( paleolatitude) can arise when the inclination of the original magnetization is changed by tectonic tilting. Consequently,such ambiguities in the paleomagnetic analysis of rocks have led to some of the most enduring ( and evolving) controversies in the geosciences. An additional complication in paleomagnetic analysis arises from overprinting, whereby a rock acquires a secondary magnetization related to a younger magnetization event. This can be a result of metamorphism ( regional or burial) ,proximity to an igneous intrusion,or the passage of fluids at elevated temperatures. The latter process is now widely recognized as an important agent of remagnetization,particularly in sedimentary strata within or adjacent to orogenic belts. While such remagnetizations tend to obliterate or complicate the recognition of primary magnetizations, they are an important means of mapping the distribution and timing of regional fluid events. Determining reliable primary paleopoles and magnetizations in older rocks,particularly those that are Precambrian in age,is difficult due to the longer time available for secondary magnetization events and deformation, as well as the limited chronologic resolution in nonfossiliferous sedimentary rocks. Resolving the absolute age of a magnetic imprint in a rock is a problem that is not limited to the Precambrian. It also becomes an issue in regions in which the rocks may have been remagnetized due to processes that affected them after their formation.2. Biogeography and faunal linksOne of the data sets that first suggested former proximity of now widely separated continental terranes resulted from recognition of faunal similarities between fossil assemblages on disparate continental blocks. Such studies are classic examples that were noted well before paleomagnetic techniques had been developed to confirm these ideas. Geographic restriction of reproductive communication leads to evolutionary isolation within a population of organisms and generates a biogeographic province. The isolation of distinct populations may be by geographic or other physical barriers to faunal dispersal and communication as well as by oceanic circulation,which controls sea water temperature and nutrient levels,and by climate. Although there is a fair bit of imprecision in the biogeographic approach,it is an essential element of determining and testing paleogeographic linkages between continental blocks. Statistical approaches that evaluate faunal similarities / dissimilarities offer one means of a more quantitative evaluation of the degree of faunal endemism. Biogeographic associations can provide control not only on potentially contiguous or adjacent continental masses,but has also been used to constrain the affinities of tracts of accreted crust in mountain belts,which can be characterized by faunal assemblages that are quite distinct relative to the adjacent continent. Changes in the degree of faunal isolation ( endemism) as a function of time are produced by changing continental configurations that bring formerly separated populations within the range of reproductive communication and colonization leading to the change from endemic to more cosmopolitan assemblages. One example is the faunal provinces of eastern Laurentia that maintained a high degree of endemism in the Early Paleozoic when Laurentia was an isolated landmass,but began to develop more cosmopolitan faunas as Iapetus collapsed and barriers between European and Laurentian faunas were removed by tectonic reconfiguration. Improved understanding of the controls on the limits of dispersion and development of unique faunas ( endemism) as well as longitudinal control,may help resolve some of the ambiguity and uncertainty in biogeographic studies. Geochemical analysis,for example,the isotope chemistry of planktonic species such as conodonts and foraminifera,of biogeographic realms can be used as a proxy for mapping distinct water masses and reconstructing ancient circulation patterns and water mass characteristics.3. Abiotic linksThe distribution of climatically and tectonically sensitive rocks of the same or similar age offer a first-order framework for constraining paleomagnetic data and commonly are an excellent approximation of paleogeographic patterns. Examples of climatically sensitive sedimentary strata that are latitudinally restricted in their occurrence include deposits of saline evaporites which can, in association with terrestrial red bed deposits,be used to reconstruct arid continental climate zones. Other deposit types include glaciogenic facies,phosphatic facies ( sensitive indicators of zones of climatic upwelling) ,reef ( coral) bearing carbonates and aeolian sandstones. Recent advances in understanding the details of depositional environments have led to refinement of the paleolatitudinal significance of carbonate rocks with the development of the concept of“cool-water carbonates”.Increasingly,new approaches have been employed in attempts to establish continental configurations,particularly in time intervals where the paleomagnetic data have been strongly affected by younger overprints or where the sensitivity of faunal assemblages is lacking,for example, in the unfossiliferous Precambrian. This is the case for the latest Proterozoic supercontinent Rodinia,which,like its younger analogue Pangea,broke up to form many of the Paleozoic continental landmasses and ocean basins of the Phanerozoic. Paleomagnetic data from this time period ( ca. 800—540 Ma) have been controversial and resulted in a range of different plate reconstructions. Thus reconstruction of this supercontinent has had to rely on alternative techniques,some of which are described below.Orogenic belts commonly have a distinct polarity,restricted range of ages of plutonic and metamorphic activity and linear strike length measured in the hundreds to thousands of kilometers. Orogenic belts,particularly those that formed during continental collisions,can be used as intracontinental piercing points. In the case of Rodinia,a series of contemporaneous papers used the ca. 1. 1-1. 0 Ga Grenville orogenic belt of eastern and southern North America as a piercing point to stitch together many of the constituent Neoproterozoic continental fragments of Rodinia. Like any technique,this one is not without certain caveats and impediments such as poor geochronologic control and the problem that the edges of post-Rodinia continents ( and hence their basement) are obscured beneath the orogenic cover of younger tectonic processes and plate margins.An additional approach is to examine the rock record on different continents for evidence of contemporaneous processes and products that would have occurred at a scale beyond that of the individual continental blocks and could therefore be used to reassemble the now dispersed continental fragments. One example is magmatism associated with continental rifting and break- up. Magmatic rocks such as flood basalts and related mafic igneous rocks form above large asthenospheric plumes,with plume head diameters in excess of 2000 km,are chronologically restricted and really widespread. A classic example from the Phanerozoic is the reconstruction of the pre break-up configuration of Gondwanaland on the basis of the distribution of Jurassic mafic rocks in southern Africa,South America,Antarctica and Australia. In recent years,the improved ability to tightly constrain the age of emplacement or eruption of such igneous rocks using U—Pb geochronology has opened possibilities for Precambrian continental reconstructions. The magmatic rocks that formed during the break up of the western Laurentian component of Rodinia are one possible example. At about 723 Ma and 779 Ma dykes,sills and associated flood basalts of northwestern North America appear to have counterparts in Australia,the conjugate margin to western North America. A recent reconstruction using ca. 2. 45 Ga dykes and mafic magmatic provinces,suggest that this approach will help unravel the older Precambrian continental configurations.A different type of continental overlap offered by magmatic rocks is the presence and isotopic signature of widespread and chronologically restricted ash beds formed by the eruption of silica- rich magmatic centers. A spectacular example is the Ordovician bentonites of northwestern Europe and eastern North America which appear to link these continents in a general way prior to the closure of Iapetus and may also tie western Argentina in at this time interval. Such linkages are smeared somewhat by uncertainties in ash dispersal patterns and the well-known linear continuity of magmatic arcs that could conceivably produce nearly contemporaneous eruptions from a broad line source rather than point source region.Sedimentary provenance can be used in much the same way as faunal assemblages to link now separate continental blocks. A recent example that is germane to the reconstruction of Rodinia comes for the sedimentary strata of the Mesoproterozoic Belt basin of western North America. This tremendous thickness of clastic sedimentary rocks was derived from a source area that presently lies to the west of the plate edge of North America. The identity of that source can be constrained by geochronologic analysis of detrital minerals contained in the sediment fill which is essentially an inventory of the crystallization


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