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在什么情形下 跟 condition 用什么介词

in/under good/poor/favourable conditions常用in或under,在一些固定搭配中用on,比如:on condition(that)指的是在某种条件下,相当于only if或provided that.还有on no condition指一点也不,绝不,相当于not at all.


condition作为不可数名词是状态情况的意思,只有单数,如:in good condition,状态好,身体好;作可数名词是环境、条件、情形的意思,如:working conditions工作环境。 扩展资料   The piano was in good condition。   这台钢琴状况良好。   Day by day his condition improved。   他的健康状况一天天好转。   The house is in tip—top condition。   这座房子的状况没得挑。   Conditions vary from school to school。   各所学校的情况不同。   The offer is subject to certain conditions。   此项优惠受制于某些条件。




condition可以作可数名词也可以作不可数名词。condition表示“健康状况、良好状况或可使用的状况”时,是不可数名词;condition作“疾病”解,指身体状况不佳时,是可数名词。训练,使习惯于;控制,制约;护理,保养;影响;加条件于;使(人,动物)健康;(发酵后,在酵母仍存在时)使(啤酒,黑啤酒)酿熟。例句1、The two-bedroom chalet is in good condition.这个有两间卧室的小屋状况良好。2、People are living in appalling conditions.人们生活在极其恶劣的环境中。3、I could not work in these conditions any longer.我再也不能在这样的环境中工作了。


condition环境是可数。 condition的基本意思是“条件,地位”,是可数名词,用单复数形式均可,但表示“状态、状况”时,常指事物处于不正常的状况,多作不可数名词,如果其前有形容词修饰,可与不定冠词a连用; 表示“情况,环境,形势”时常用复数形式,多指一般的、笼统的情况。 扩展资料   condition用作名词:   condition的基本意思是“条件,地位”,是可数名词,用单复数形式均可,但表示“状态、状况”时,常指事物处于不正常的状况,多作不可数名词,如果其前有形容词修饰,可与不定冠词a连用; 表示“情况,环境,形势”时常用复数形式,多指一般的、笼统的情况。   condition也可表示“健康状况、良好状况或可使用的状况”,是不可数名词。   condition还可作“疾病”解,指身体状况不佳,是可数名词。   condition用作动词:   condition的基本意思是“以…为条件”,指为满足某种目的.与用途需要达到必要或适当的条件,即“使习惯于”“使适应于”,引申可表示“制约”“限制”。   condition是及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语。可用于被动结构,也可接以“oneself+to- v ”构成的复合宾语。   Ability and effort condition success.   才干和努力是成功的条件。   Exercise conditions your muscles.   锻炼使肌肉健壮。   用作宾补动词:   Most people are conditioned to believe what they read in the papers.   绝大多数人都习惯于相信他们在报上读到的东西。

英文问题: situation VS condition

更新1: situation及condition在同样解作「情况」时 有什么分别呢? 何时用situation又何时用condition? 更新2: 还是不太明白.... 如果我想说「学校情况」、「学生情况」应该用situation / condition呢? thx! Both are similar in meaning but they have different nuances or shades of meaning and are used in different contexts. Condition Condition describes the physical state of something or some one: Considering its age this house is in excellent condition. He was in a terrible condition and had drunk far too much whiskey. Conditions (plural) refer to the environment in which something occurs. We talk about things happening in or under appalling / terrible conditions: The rescue was attempted under extremely difficult conditions and with little chance of success. Are you happy with your working conditions? ~ Yes they are excellent. I have no plaints. Conditions also describe things that must be true or be done before something else can happen. We talk about meeting or satisng conditions. In order to qualify for a grant as a postgraduate student you will need to satisfy certain conditions. Terms and Conditions describe the business or financial arrangements of an agreement. Make sure you read the terms and conditions before you take out the student loan. On condition that Note the expression on condition that for saying that one thing will happen only if another thing happens: You can have the day off tomorrow on condition that you agree to work on Saturday. Situation Situation refers to a set of conditions that are in place at a particular time and in a particular place: If the situation had been different our marriage might have succeeded. We also talk about an economic or financial situation: The financial situation is dire - the pany has failed to make a profit in each of the last four years. Situation edies / situations vacant The pound nouns situation edies (sits) describe amusing TV drama series revolving around a set of characters in a family or anization. Situations vacant refers to a column in a newspaper where jobs are advertised."The Office" is regarded as one of the most original sits the BBC has produced so far this century. 参考: slot from BBC learning english 如果你只系讲 situation 同 condition 同时解情况 状况既时侯,意思系一样的... school situation or school condition 都可行.. 只系佢地分别再有唔同解释咁解... situation 最常用都系情况/状况 condition 最常用系情况/状况 同埋 条..... 其余比较少用既就唔多讲啦^^ 2010-06-15 14:19:45 补充: 写少左野-_-* condition 最常用系情况/状况 同埋 条(件) 参考: 自己 自己 situation n. 1. 处境 境遇[C] He is in a difficult situation. 他处境困难。 2. 形势;情况;局面[C] The economic situation is now different. 现在经济形势不同了。 3. 地位;(尤指仆役等的)职位 工作[C] 4. (建筑物等的)位置;地点[C] The house has a beautiful situation on a hill. 房子座落在小山上 环境优美。 condition n. 1. 情况;(健康等)状态[C][U] What"s the patient"s condition? 病人的情况如何? 2. 环境;形势[P] The miners there worked in dreadful conditions. 那里的矿工们在极其恶劣的环境中工作。 Conditions were favorable for business then. 当时的形势有利于经商。 3. 条件[C][(+for/of)][+(that)] I"ll do it on condition that you pay for everything. 我可以做此事 条件是你得支付一切费用。 Hard work is a condition of success. 勤奋是成功的前提。 4. 疾病 症状[C] Mr. Toffler has a lung condition. 托夫勒先生患肺病。 参考: situation系noun来加,佢嘅意思系:位置、情况,而condition都系noun,佢嘅意思系状态、情况,佢地主要系意思不同。




condition是可数名词,复数形式是conditions. 例句: These conditions no longer obtain. 这些条件不再适用。 Conditions vary from school to school. 各所学校的情况不同。 扩展资料   The offer is subject to certain conditions.   此项优惠受制于某些条件。   Plants won"t propagate in these conditions.   植物在这种条件下不能繁殖。   The conditions in there are awful, you know.   你知道,那里的`条件非常糟糕。   Visitors can expect hot and humid conditions.   游客们会遇到炎热潮湿的天气状况。


condition作为条件可数。 condition用作名词的基本意思是“条件,地位”,是可数名词,用单复数形式均可;用作动词指为满足某种目的与用途需要达到必要或适当的条件。 扩展资料   condition用作名词:   1.condition的基本意思是“条件,地位”,是可数名词,用单复数形式均可,但表示“状态、状况”时,常指事物处于不正常的状况,多作不可数名词,如果其前有形容词修饰,可与不定冠词a连用; 表示“情况,环境,形势”时常用复数形式,多指一般的、笼统的情况。   2.condition也可表示“健康状况、良好状况或可使用的状况”,是不可数名词。   3.condition还可作“疾病”解,指身体状况不佳,是可数名词。   condition用作动词:   1.condition的基本意思是“以…为条件”,指为满足某种目的与用途需要达到必要或适当的"条件,即“使习惯于”“使适应于”,引申可表示“制约”“限制”。   2.condition是及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语。可用于被动结构,也可接以“oneself+to ”构成的复合宾语。   Ability and effort condition success.   才干和努力是成功的条件。   Exercise conditions your muscles.   锻炼使肌肉健壮。   3.用作宾补动词   Most people are conditioned to believe what they read in the papers.   绝大多数人都习惯于相信他们在报上读到的东西。


condition用作名词的基本意思是“条件,地位”,是可数名词,用单复数形式均可;用作动词指为满足某种目的与用途需要达到必要或适当的条件。 一.condition用作名词 1.condition的基本意思是“条件,地位”,是可数名词,用单复数形式均可,但表示“状态、状况”时,常指事物处于不正常的状况,多作不可数名词,如果其前有形容词修饰,可与不定冠词a连用; 表示“情况,环境,形势”时常用复数形式,多指一般的、笼统的情况。 2.condition也可表示“健康状况、良好状况或可使用的状况”,是不可数名词。 3.condition还可作“疾病”解,指身体状况不佳,是可数名词。 二.condition用作动词 1.condition的基本意思是“以…为条件”,指为满足某种目的与用途需要达到必要或适当的条件,即“使习惯于”“使适应于”,引申可表示“制约”“限制”。 2.condition是及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语。可用于被动结构,也可接以“oneself+to- v ”构成的复合宾语。 Ability and effort condition success. 才干和努力是成功的条件。 Exercise conditions your muscles. 锻炼使肌肉健壮。 3.用作宾补动词 Most people are conditioned to believe what they read in the papers. 绝大多数人都习惯于相信他们在报上读到的东西。


situation和condition的区别:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同一、意思不同1.situation意思:n. 情况; 状况; 形势; 局面; (建筑物或城镇的)地理位置,环境特点; 职业; 工作岗位;2.condition意思:n. 状态; 状况; 健康状况; (因不可能治愈而长期患有的)疾病; v. 训练; 使习惯于; 使适二、用法不同1.situation用法:表示人或事物的名称。例句:The overall situation is worsening.整体形势在日益恶化。2.condition用法:可以做主语、宾语、同位语、表语 、定语、状语、补语。例句:Conditions in poor quarters were horrible.城里穷人居住区条件十分糟糕。三、侧重点不同1.situation侧重点:situation主要是指各种情况之间的相互关系,着重与形势或局面。2.condition侧重点:condition与周围环境有关,着重于条件或境况。




situation和condition的区别:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同一、意思不同1.situation意思:n. 情况; 状况; 形势; 局面; (建筑物或城镇的)地理位置,环境特点; 职业; 工作岗位;2.condition意思:n. 状态; 状况; 健康状况; (因不可能治愈而长期患有的)疾病; v. 训练; 使习惯于; 使适二、用法不同1.situation用法:表示人或事物的名称。例句:The overall situation is worsening.整体形势在日益恶化。2.condition用法:可以做主语、宾语、同位语、表语 、定语、状语、补语。例句:Conditions in poor quarters were horrible.城里穷人居住区条件十分糟糕。三、侧重点不同1.situation侧重点:situation主要是指各种情况之间的相互关系,着重与形势或局面。2.condition侧重点:condition与周围环境有关,着重于条件或境况。


condition不可数名词时作情况,环境讲,表示一种状态如 under this condition 在这种情况下condition可数名词时作条件讲,表示一种要求如 These are the conditions you have to attain.这些是你要达到的所有条件。


situation和condition的区别:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同一、意思不同1.situation意思:n. 情况; 状况; 形势; 局面; (建筑物或城镇的)地理位置,环境特点; 职业; 工作岗位;2.condition意思:n. 状态; 状况; 健康状况; (因不可能治愈而长期患有的)疾病; v. 训练; 使习惯于; 使适二、用法不同1.situation用法:表示人或事物的名称。例句:The overall situation is worsening.整体形势在日益恶化。2.condition用法:可以做主语、宾语、同位语、表语 、定语、状语、补语。例句:Conditions in poor quarters were horrible.城里穷人居住区条件十分糟糕。三、侧重点不同1.situation侧重点:situation主要是指各种情况之间的相互关系,着重与形势或局面。2.condition侧重点:condition与周围环境有关,着重于条件或境况。


condition的基本意思是“条件,地位”,是可数名词,用单复数形式均可,但表示“状态、状况”时,常指事物处于不正常的状况,多作不可数名词。 扩展资料   condition   n.状态;状况;健康状况;(因不可能治愈而长期患有的)疾病   v.训练;使习惯于;使适应;对…具有重要影响;影响(某事发生的`方式);保持(头发或皮肤等的)健康;养护   第三人称单数: conditions复数: conditions现在分词: conditioning过去式: conditioned过去分词: conditioned






condition作条件是可数名词。 condition: n.状态;状况;健康状况; v.训练;使习惯于;使适应;对…具有重要影响;影响; 第三人称单数: conditions复数: conditions现在分词: conditioning过去式: conditioned过去分词: conditioned 扩展资料   Computer software can be used to simulate conditions on the seabed.   计算机软件可用于模拟海底状况。   The experiments were carried out under simulated examination conditions.   试验是在模拟的.情况下进行的。   They discussed the attachment of new conditions to the peace plans.   他们讨论把新条件加入到和平计划中去。


condition的中文翻译名词 n. 1.情况;(健康等)状态[C][U]What"s the patient"s condition? 病人的情况如何? 2.环境;形势[P]The miners there worked in dreadful conditions. 那里的矿工们在极其恶劣的环境中工作。 Conditions were favorable for business then. 当时的形势有利于经商。 3.条件[C][(+for/of)][+(that)]I"ll do it on condition that you pay for everything. 我可以做此事,条件是你得支付一切费用。 Hard work is a condition of success. 勤奋是成功的前提。 4.疾病,症状[C]Mr. Toffler has a lung condition. 托夫勒先生患肺病。 5.身份[C]及物动词 vt. 1.决定;为...的条件Ability and effort condition success. 成功取决于才干和努力。 2.使适应;【心】使形成条件反射[O2]3.使健康;使处于良好状态Exercise conditions your muscles.


conditions条件双语对照词典结果:conditions[英][ku0259n"du026au0283nz][美][ku0259n"du026au0283nz]n.(居住、工作或做事情的)环境; (影响某事发生的)物质环境; <保险>承保险别; 条件( condition的名词复数 ); 状况; 健康状况; 环境; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Few of these conditions exist elsewhere. 其他地方很少具备这些条件。

conditions and warranties 在law里面怎么区别

conditions 是合同生效的条件,也就是说,如果这个合同的conditions 没有达成,那么这个合同虽然成立,但是不生效。双方当事人免除各自合同项下的义务。warranties 是合同中的担保条款,一般分为 express warranty and implied warranty. 如果合同任何一方违反了他的担保责任,那么另外一方可以主张其违约要求损害赔偿。这必然是生效的合同。总之,一个合同,只有meet 了conditions, 才能涉及到warranties.希望能帮到你!

利用“5C”系统评估顾客信誉时,其中条件(Conditions)是指( )。 A.顾客的财务实力和财务状况


weather conditions是什么意思

weather conditions 天气条件

I agree to the Terms and Conditions中Terms 和Conditions分别是什么意思?


weather conditions是什么意思



condition,名词、动词,作名词的意思是“条件;情况;环境;身份”,作动词的意思是“决定;使适应;使健康;以…为条件单词发音英[kənˈdɪʃn]美[kənˈdɪʃn]短语搭配in good condition 情况良好in poor/bad condition 情况不好health condition健康状况 ; 健康状态 ; 康健状态standard condition标准状况 ; 标准条件 ; 标准工况constraint condition[数]约束条件 ; 束缚前提 ; 约束前提 ; 束缚条件双语例句Edward: I have one condition if you want me to do it myself.爱德华:如果你想让我亲自来,我有一个条件。Edward: I have one condition, if you want me to do it myself.爱德华:我有一个条件,若是你要我来改造你的话。God saves sinners like you and me on one condition.上帝

我的悉尼驾照上写着conditions s,y,q是什么意思

S是带眼镜开车, 驾驶类型 CAR 就是小汽车, R是两轮摩托车




英语中condition和conditions的用法区别 一般入学程序都要交学费及填不少申请表格,例如学生证、申请宿舍 等。我跟朋友说:“I waited in the student affairs office in a crowded condition.”但同学Gloria则指我说错了,“condition” 一字应用复数“conditions”。因为形容某人的状况时,我们可以用 单数“condition”形容,例如指某人的健康或身体状况。但当形容 围绕某人身边的情况的时候,应该用复数“conditions”,全句应改 为“I waited in the student affairs office in crowded conditions.” 简单地说,就是“condition”与内在情况有关,而“conditions” 则与外在情况有关。


TERMS 和CONDITIONS是合同和正式文书中条款和条件的意思.

什么时候用复数 conditions





就是:necessary and sufficient condition


conditions的意思:条件。条件是一个汉语词汇,读音为tiáo jiàn,意思是事物存在、发展的影响因素;所具备或处于的状况。《北史·郎基传》等史书有相关记载。逐条逐件。《北史·郎基传》:“州郡因循,失於请讞,致密纲久施,得罪者众。遂条件申台省,仍以情量事科处,自非极刑,一皆决放。”《旧唐书·代宗纪》:“其京兆府长安、万年宜各减丞一员,尉两员,馀县各减丞、尉一员。馀委吏部条件处分。”指逐条逐件写成的文字。宋苏辙《论差役五事状》:“臣前所谓疏略差误,其事有五,谨具条件如左。”为某事而提出的要求或标准。唐陆贽《奉天改元大赦制》:“内外官有冗员及百司有不急之费,委中书门下即商量条件,停减闻奏。”《朱子语类》卷六九:“忠信进德,修辞立诚居业,工夫之条件也。”详细解释根据是决定事物存在、发展的内部原因,是事物内部固有的根本矛盾和事物运动的根源;条件是制约和影响事物存在、发展的外部因素。两者互相联系,互相制约。根据在事物发展中起主要的或根本的决定作用,不同的根据决定事物的不同的特征和不同的发展可能性。条件只有通过根据才能起作用。根据与条件的区分是相对的,在一定条件下,两者可互相转化。




condition的中文翻译是状态、状况;处境;条件;使处于良好状态;护理;是…的条件的意思。一、同义词:state;state of health;fitness;disease;situation;status;requirement;restriction;presupposition;influence;improve.二、condition的短语:in good condition情况良好;in poor/bad condition情况不好;health condition健康状况、健康状态、康健状态;standard condition标准状况、标准条件、标准工况;constraint condition约束条件、束缚前提、约束前提、束缚条件。be in no condition to do不适于;on condition that在……条件下;on this condition以此为条件。condition的例句1、After receiving treatment,his health condition has significantly improved.在接受治疗后,他的健康状况明显得到了改善。2、The surgery the doctor performed on him was very successful,and he is now in good condition and has an appetite to eat.医生给他做的手术十分成功,他现在的情况良好,吃东西也有食欲了。3、Her conditions are very favorable,she often travels in a sports car.她的条件十分优越,她经常开着跑车外出旅游。4、After more than ten years of disdainful hard work,her condition improved and she bought her first sports car in life.经过她不懈努力奋斗了十几年,她的条件得到了改善,她买了人生第一台跑车。


condition 英[ku0259nu02c8du026au0283n] 美[ku0259nu02c8du026au0283u0259n] n. 情况,状态;环境,条件;健康状况;身份 vt. 制约;限制;使习惯于;使适应 vt.& vi. 对…具有重要影响;影响(某事发生的方式);保持(头发或皮肤等的)... [例句]The third condition had been fulfilled.第三个条件也满足了。


conditions[英][ku0259n"du026au0283nz][美][ku0259n"du026au0283nz]n.状况; 环境; (居住、工作或做事情的)环境; (影响某事发生的)物质环境; <保险>承保险别; 条件( condition的名词复数 ); 健康状况; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.We sometimes hear news of people who have survived extreme conditions. 我们有时会听到有人在极端条件下幸存。

Unconditional Love 歌词

歌曲名:Unconditional Love歌手:Donna Summer专辑:Endless Summer (Donna Summer"S Greatest Hits)Unconditional LoveYou could give me diamondsYou could give me pearlsGive me all the fast carsIn the worldBut there is only one thingAnd it"s bigger than the seaThe only thing that mattersIs what you"ve given meAnd I sayWhen I see the bright lights in your eyesFeel like a bird that"s just learned to flyFrom now until the end of timeI"m glad you came into my lifeMy gift sent from aboveUnconditional loveYou take me as I amNot who I"m dressed up to beLooking at you tells meThe best things in life are freeYou"re the blessing that I treasureWith heart so trueNo one ever touched meThe way that you doAnd I sayWhen I see the bright lights in your eyesFeel like a bird that"s just learned to flyFrom now until the end of timeI"m glad you came into my lifeMy gift sent from aboveUnconditional loveWith your innocence you opened up my heartI knew that I would love you right from the very startYou turned my life around showed me a better wayThoughts of you will always make me have a brighter dayWhen I"m by your side it helps to see me throughCan"t express all the happiness when I"m with youA gift from up above the one I"m dreaming ofI"ll always cherish you my unconditional loveWhen I see the bright lights in your eyesFeel like a bird that"s just learned to flyFrom now until the end of timeI"m glad you came into my life (I"m glad you came into my life)My gift sent from aboveUnconditional loveGift sent from aboveUnconditional loveGift sent from aboveUnconditional loveMy unconditional love

Never in my wildest dreams ________these people are living in such poor conditions. A.I cou.

B 试题分析:本题考察的是部分倒装句。部分倒装中考查较多的有:(1) 含有否定意义的词never,seldom,little. hardly,not,scarcely,nowhere,by no means(决不)等置于句首时。(2)以only修饰作为状语的副词、介词短语或从句,且放在句首时。 注意:only 修饰状语从句放在句首时,状语从句不需要倒装,只能倒装主句部分。(3)当so置于句首意为“也如此”,neither,nor置于句首意为“也不”时。当so表示对前句内容的肯定和附和,译作“确实,正是”时,用自然语序。(4)当not only…but also, so/such…that, not… until, no sooner… than, hardly… when等连词置于句首时。(5)在as引导的让步状语从句中(名词/形容词/副词/动词+as+主谓结构)。(6)虚拟语气的条件状语从句省去 if时,须将were,had,should提到句首构成倒装句。(7)频度副词often, always, once, now and then, every other day, many a time等放在句首时。(8)为了使句子保持平衡,为了强调表语或为了使上下文紧密衔接时,常使用倒装语序。本题考察的是第一种用法,把否定词never放在了句首,后面使用部分倒装的形式。句义:我从来都没有想到这些人生活在如此贫穷的情景之中。AC项没有使用部分倒装,D项中多了否定词。故B正确。



fast food leave on conditioner好用吗


conditional admission是什么意思

同学你好,很高兴为您解答!  conditional admission,您说的这个英文词语在CMA的考试中比较常见,学会这个词语对考取英文CMA资格证书特别有帮助。这个词语的汉语意思是:试读。  希望高顿网校的回答能帮助您解决问题,更多CMA的相关问题欢迎提交给高顿企业知道。高顿祝您生活愉快!

请问英文什么是时态,conditionals: zero,first,second and third conditional.


本人已经收到香港中文大学的conditional offer,但要求入学前雅思够6.5,请问万一没考上能否入学?




conditional expression是什么意思

conditional expression【计算机】条件表达式短语:  conditional-expression operator 条件表达运算符 ; 条件表示运算子  conditional assembly expression 条件组合表式 ; 条件汇编表达式  conditional macro expression 条件宏表达式双语例句:eg:A filter is a conditional expression that is used to select rows.  过滤器 是一个条件表达式,用于选择行。

conditional distribution啥意思

conditional distribution啥意思条件分布啥意思conditional distribution啥意思条件分布啥意思

zero conditional语法

zero conditional 是条件句 first conditional,second conditional 都是虚拟语气 first conditional 用过去式 second conditional 用完成式

conditional type

前者是真实句 从句是真实条件句 主将从现 后者 是虚拟语气 从句是虚拟条件句 表示与将来情况可能相反 主句用过去将来时

英语条件句 conditional if 急!!!!!!!!!!!


conditional sentences是什么意思


英语翻译 同上.还有conditional pass 又是什么

probationary grade 是暂时的等级的意思 原因很可能就是你有一个conditional pass conditional pass 是有条件通过的意思,需要你另外满足一些要求才算通过. 等你的conditional pass 成绩决定之后,就是final grade 了

怎样申请conditional offer?

不知lz是哪个学校的。不过conditional offer不是需要你去申请的。lz在学校官网上下载申请表或者网上申请,在里面提交自己的成绩,比如英语认证水平,课程成绩等信息,然后提交到学校。学校会根据这些信息决定是发给你conditional offer还是uncon offer。

zero/first/second/third conditional之间有什么区别吗?

The Zero ConditionalWe can make a zero conditional sentence with two present simple verbs (one in the "if clause" and one in the "main clause"):If + present simple, .... present simple.This conditional is used when the result will always happen. So, if water reaches 100 degrees, it always boils. It"s a fact. I"m talking in general, not about one particular situation. The result of the "if clause" is always the main cluase.The "if" in this conditional can usually be replaced by "when" without changing the meaning.For example: If water reaches 100 degrees, it boils. (It is always true, there can"t be a different result sometimes). If I eat peanuts, I am sick. (This is true only for me, maybe, not for everyone, but it"s still true that I"m sick every time I eat peanuts)Here are some more examples:If people eat too much, they get fat.If you touch a fire, you get burned.People die if they don"t eat.You get water if you mix hydrogen and oxygen.Snakes bite if they are scaredIf babies are hungry, they cryThe First ConditionalThe first conditional has the present simple after "if", then the future simple in the other clause:if + present simple, ... will + infinitiveIt"s used to talk about things which might happen in the future. Of course, we can"t know what will happen in the future, but this describes possible things, which could easily come true.If it rains, I won"t go to the park.If I study today, I"ll go to the party tonight.If I have enough money, I"ll buy some new shoes.She"ll be late if the train is delayed.She"ll miss the bus if she doesn"t leave soon.If I see her, I"ll tell her.First vs. Zero Conditional:The first conditional describes a particular situation, whereas the zero conditionaldescribes what happens in general.For example (zero conditional): if you sit in the sun, you get burned (here I"m talking about every time a person sits in the sun - the burning is a natural consequence of the sitting)But (first conditional): if you sit in the sun, you"ll get burned (here I"m talking about what will happen today, another day might be different)First vs. Second Conditional:The first conditional describes things that I think are likely to happen in the future, whereas the second conditional talks about things that I don"t think will really happen. It"s subjective; it depends on my point of view.For example (first conditional): If she studies harder, she"ll pass the exam (I think it"s possible she will study harder and so she"ll pass)But (second conditional): If she studied harder, she would pass the exam (I think that she won"t study harder, or it"s very unlikely, and so she won"t pass)The Second ConditionalThe second conditional uses the past simple after if, then "would" and the infinitive:if + past simple, ...would + infinitive(We can use "were" instead of "was" with "I" and "he/she/it". This is mostly done in formal writing).It has two uses.First, we can use it to talk about things in the future that are probably not going to be true. Maybe I"m imagining some dream for example.If I won the lottery, I would buy a big house.(I probably won"t win the lottery)If I met the Queen of England, I would say hello.She would travel all over the world if she were rich.She would pass the exam if she ever studied.(She never studies, so this won"t happen)Second, we can use it to talk about something in the present which is impossible, because it"s not true. Is that clear? Have a look at the examples:If I had his number, I would call him. (I don"t have his number now, so it"s impossible for me to call him).If I were you, I wouldn"t go out with that man.How is this different from the first conditional?This kind of conditional sentence is different from the first conditional because this is a lot more unlikely.For example (second conditional): If I had enough money I would buy a house with twenty bedrooms and a swimming pool (I"m probably not going to have this much money, it"s just a dream, not very real)But (first conditional): If I have enough money, I"ll buy some new shoes (It"s much more likely that"ll have enough money to buy some shoes)The Third ConditionalWe make the third conditional by using the past perfect after "if" and then "would have" and the past participle in the second part of the sentence:if + past perfect, ...would + have + past participleIt talks about the past. It"s used to describe a situation that didn"t happen, and to imagine the result of this situation.If she had studied, she would have passed the exam (but, really we know she didn"t study and so she didn"t pass)If I hadn"t eaten so much, I wouldn"t have felt sick (but I did eat a lot, and so I did feel sick).If we had taken a taxi, we wouldn"t have missed the planeShe wouldn"t have been tired if she had gone to bed earlierShe would have become a teacher if she had gone to universityHe would have been on time for the interview if he had left the house at nine

conditional simple是什么时态

conditional simple翻译为条件简单,不属于时态。时态tense过去将来时past future tense过去将来进行时past future continuous tense过去将来完成时past future perfect tense一般现在时present simple tense一般过去时past simple tense一般将来时future simple tense现在完成时present perfect tense过去完成时past perfect tense将来完成时future perfect tense现在进行时present continuous tense过去进行时past continuous tense将来进行时future continuous tense过去将来进行时past future continuous tense现在完成进行时present perfect continuous tense过去完成进行时past perfect continuous tense

英文高手请入!! unreal conditional

无论是否if clause,verb都是跟subject(前面名词)的,不会跟从后面的object的。 不留意以下答案 1. If you were me what would you do? 2. If you were them what would you do? 3. If I was you what could I do? 3. 以上的答案是逻辑性的conditional以past tense写出记录一段问题;但是如果这句是如你所说的这问题是问unreal的假设可能问题,这句便应该是 If I were you what could I do? 意思是过去的假设:假如当作我是你的话,我会可以怎样做? 这句的写法很不妥的。 想弄清楚所有假设状态的用法,看这里。 To 回答者:Jenkin: I agree with 回答者:aShlEy. With “be” in the “if” clause we normally use the subjunctive “were” for all persons. We may hear English speakers using was. It is being accepted today especially in conversation but we should not use it in formal situations. 2011-12-29 10:14:16 补充: When we use second conditional we are talking something unreal unlikely or untrue. We are talking about the situation now or in the future and not in the PAST. For the past third conditional is used. 唔系 其实呢个subjunctive mood 无论I /we/ you/ they /he/ she/ it 都系用were最正式 用was冇咁正式 但都叫啱

third conditional在英语语法中是什么意思虚心向博学者请教

第一条件句的句型是 "If + S + 简单现在式, S + will + 原形动词",系表示未来极有可能发生的情况;第二条件句 (second conditional) 就是与现在或将来事实相反的条件句。The second conditional (also called conditional type 2) is a structure used for talking about unreal situations in the present or in the future.第三条件句 (third conditional) 则是与过去事实相反的条件句。第三条件状语从句(Third Conditional)的句子结构:If...Past Perfect(过去完成时)...,...would have +done(过去分词)...

港大状态变为conditional offer,然后应该怎么做

conditional offer:有条件录取通知书。发这种通知书可能因为:1。你的成绩没有达到要求,如平均分要达到某水平,或需要你的毕业证书等。2。你的英语能力没有达到要求,如某些专业需要IELTS7.0以上,写作6以上等。你申请时如果不具备上述条件,但学校仍愿意offer you a place,那他们就会给你寄conditional offer。等到你具备了条件,再凭相应的证明到学校换取同一专业的unconditional offer。

Mixed conditional

下面两句都是正确的。 (1) If I didn"t have to work so much I would have gone to the camp. 解作:如果我不是有这么多工作要做,我己经去了那 camp (*不知是甚么[营],所以不译)。 (2) If I didn"t have to work so much I would go to the camp. 解作:如果我不是有这么多工作要做,我会去参加那 camp。 [If I didn"t have to] 是假设现在。 第一句的结构是 [present] [past],所以是 mixed conditional (2nd and 3rd). 工作忙是现在的事,不去 camp 是过去的事。 第二句的结构是 [present] [present],所以是 2nd conditional. 工作忙是现在的事,不去 camp 也是现在的事。 为了要比较其它 conditional 形色,我加上第三句: If I hadn"t had to work so much I would have gone to the camp. 解作: [假若我当时不是很忙,我已经去了 camp]。 这第三句的结构是 [past] [past],所以是 3rd conditional. 工作忙是过去的事,不去 camp 也是过去的事。 至于 1st Conditional 它和 2nd Conditional 很接近,结构也是 [present] [present or future]。不同的是 ,在 1st conditional,那 if condition 是可能或可以发生的。 例如: If you punch me I would kick you. 如果你用拳打我,我会踢你。 If the sun es out we will go to the park. 如果出太阳,我们便会去公园。 2009-04-29 13:52:26 补充: To legendize7: 对不起,我在知识+的电邮地址有些问题,所以到今天才收到你的电邮。 您好,我推荐您一个非常不错的英语学习网站,里面有很多非常不错的学习资源,您能从中得到不少帮助: 祝您好运!

conditional offer是什么意思?

conditional offer:有条件录取通知书。发这种通知书可能因为:1。你的成绩没有达到要求,如平均分要达到某水平,或需要你的毕业证书等。2。你的英语能力没有达到要求,如某些专业需要IELTS7.0以上,写作6以上等。你申请时如果不具备上述条件,但学校仍愿意offer you a place,那他们就会给你寄conditional offer。等到你具备了条件,再凭相应的证明到学校换取同一专业的unconditional offer。拓展资料:conditional offer(有条件录取),应指在招生或招聘中,对于应试者事先设置一定的录用条件,符合这些条件者便取得被录取的机会。offer,全称是offer letter,汉语解释为录用信、录取通知。所谓offer letter,还没一个统一的名字,有人称之为“录取通知”,有人谓之“录用信”,也有人称为“邀约函”。求职信用于正式向求职者提供职位,并提供重要信息,包括开始日期,薪酬,工作时间和职位。他们也被称为就业机会信。offer,全称是offer letter,汉语解释为录用信、录取通知。所谓offer letter,还没一个统一的名字,有人称之为“录取通知”,有人谓之“录用信”,也有人称为“要约函”。以前一般是说外企或国外学校发的表达自己愿意录用的一封格式类似的信件,后来很多人都把自己接到公司的“offer letter”,电话通知等一类的叫offer,被公司通知面试合格能够录用就说收到了offer,而真正发offer letter的也只是很正规的大企业。此外,也有人说offer是“录取通知书加全额奖学金”。参考资料:有条件录取-百度百科offer (录取通知)-百度百科

conditional offer是什么意思

  conditional offer  英 [ku0259nu02c8du026au0283u0259nu0259l u02c8u0254fu0259] 美 [ku0259nu02c8du026au0283u0259nu0259l u02c8u0254fu025a]  [释义]附条件开价;  [网络]有条件录取; 有条件要约; 附条件价格;  [例句]A term sheet is a conditional offer.  投资意向书是个有条件的要约。

zero conditional,first conditional,second conditional翻译成中文是什么的语法或是时态


conditional offer是什么意思?

conditional offer:有条件录取通知书。发这种通知书可能因为:1。你的成绩没有达到要求,如平均分要达到某水平,或需要你的毕业证书等。2。你的英语能力没有达到要求,如某些专业需要IELTS7.0以上,写作6以上等。你申请时如果不具备上述条件,但学校仍愿意offer you a place,那他们就会给你寄conditional offer。等到你具备了条件,再凭相应的证明到学校换取同一专业的unconditional offer。拓展资料:conditional offer(有条件录取),应指在招生或招聘中,对于应试者事先设置一定的录用条件,符合这些条件者便取得被录取的机会。offer,全称是offer letter,汉语解释为录用信、录取通知。所谓offer letter,还没一个统一的名字,有人称之为“录取通知”,有人谓之“录用信”,也有人称为“邀约函”。求职信用于正式向求职者提供职位,并提供重要信息,包括开始日期,薪酬,工作时间和职位。他们也被称为就业机会信。offer,全称是offer letter,汉语解释为录用信、录取通知。所谓offer letter,还没一个统一的名字,有人称之为“录取通知”,有人谓之“录用信”,也有人称为“要约函”。以前一般是说外企或国外学校发的表达自己愿意录用的一封格式类似的信件,后来很多人都把自己接到公司的“offer letter”,电话通知等一类的叫offer,被公司通知面试合格能够录用就说收到了offer,而真正发offer letter的也只是很正规的大企业。此外,也有人说offer是“录取通知书加全额奖学金”。参考资料:有条件录取-百度百科offer (录取通知)-百度百科

香港有conditional offer吗

有。香港留学有conditional offer的。一般来说,申请香港留学,学校需要评估申请人的学术能力与语言能力。只要这两样有暂无法达到要求的,都可能会先收到学校的conditional offer。如,conditional offer里面要求申请人满足平均分要求、学历要求、雅思或托福的要求等。

conditional offer什么意思?

conditional offer:有条件录取通知书。发这种通知书可能因为:1。你的成绩没有达到要求,如平均分要达到某水平,或需要你的毕业证书等。2。你的英语能力没有达到要求,如某些专业需要IELTS7.0以上,写作6以上等。你申请时如果不具备上述条件,但学校仍愿意offer you a place,那他们就会给你寄conditional offer。等到你具备了条件,再凭相应的证明到学校换取同一专业的unconditional offer。拓展资料:conditional offer(有条件录取),应指在招生或招聘中,对于应试者事先设置一定的录用条件,符合这些条件者便取得被录取的机会。offer,全称是offer letter,汉语解释为录用信、录取通知。所谓offer letter,还没一个统一的名字,有人称之为“录取通知”,有人谓之“录用信”,也有人称为“邀约函”。求职信用于正式向求职者提供职位,并提供重要信息,包括开始日期,薪酬,工作时间和职位。他们也被称为就业机会信。offer,全称是offer letter,汉语解释为录用信、录取通知。所谓offer letter,还没一个统一的名字,有人称之为“录取通知”,有人谓之“录用信”,也有人称为“要约函”。以前一般是说外企或国外学校发的表达自己愿意录用的一封格式类似的信件,后来很多人都把自己接到公司的“offer letter”,电话通知等一类的叫offer,被公司通知面试合格能够录用就说收到了offer,而真正发offer letter的也只是很正规的大企业。此外,也有人说offer是“录取通知书加全额奖学金”。参考资料:有条件录取-百度百科offer (录取通知)-百度百科

什么是first/ second/ third conditional

first/ second/ third conditional第一/第二/第三个条件

conditional offer是什么意思?

conditional offer是有条件录取通知书。顾名思义,学生虽然拿到了offer,但是要顺利入学,是有前提条件的,如果不符合offer上列出的前提条件,还是不能入学。conditional offer(有条件录取),应指在招生或招聘中,对于应试者事先设置一定的录用条件,符合这些条件者便取得被录取的机会。扩展资料:发这种通知书可能因为:1。你的成绩没有达到要求,如平均分要达到某水平,或需要你的毕业证书等。2。你的英语能力没有达到要求,如某些专业需要IELTS7.0以上,写作6以上等。你申请时如果不具备上述条件,但学校仍愿意offer you a place,那他们就会给你寄conditional offer。等到你具备了条件,再凭相应的证明到学校换取同一专业的unconditional offer。澳大利亚各大名校均在提高入学门槛,以此来提高海外留学生的入学质量。受到这些政策变化的影响,有些申请人也许无法在赶上毕业当年7月份的入学,然而这也为准留学生们提供了半年的时间好好地准备接下来的留学生活,以免在真正开始海外学习时产生不适应。利用这半年的时间,毕业生可以仔细研究学校的硕士课程设置,加固自己的专业知识,同时好好进行英语训练,提高英语读写和交流能力。对于转专业的学生来说,这半年时间更加宝贵,可以用来为新专业的学习打下基础。参考资料:百度百科——有条件录取

conditional offer是什么意思?

conditional offer:有条件录取通知书。发这种通知书可能因为:1。你的成绩没有达到要求,如平均分要达到某水平,或需要你的毕业证书等。2。你的英语能力没有达到要求,如某些专业需要IELTS7.0以上,写作6以上等。你申请时如果不具备上述条件,但学校仍愿意offer you a place,那他们就会给你寄conditional offer。等到你具备了条件,再凭相应的证明到学校换取同一专业的unconditional offer。拓展资料:conditional offer(有条件录取),应指在招生或招聘中,对于应试者事先设置一定的录用条件,符合这些条件者便取得被录取的机会。offer,全称是offer letter,汉语解释为录用信、录取通知。所谓offer letter,还没一个统一的名字,有人称之为“录取通知”,有人谓之“录用信”,也有人称为“邀约函”。求职信用于正式向求职者提供职位,并提供重要信息,包括开始日期,薪酬,工作时间和职位。他们也被称为就业机会信。offer,全称是offer letter,汉语解释为录用信、录取通知。所谓offer letter,还没一个统一的名字,有人称之为“录取通知”,有人谓之“录用信”,也有人称为“要约函”。以前一般是说外企或国外学校发的表达自己愿意录用的一封格式类似的信件,后来很多人都把自己接到公司的“offer letter”,电话通知等一类的叫offer,被公司通知面试合格能够录用就说收到了offer,而真正发offer letter的也只是很正规的大企业。此外,也有人说offer是“录取通知书加全额奖学金”。参考资料:有条件录取-百度百科offer (录取通知)-百度百科




conditional sentence 有4个style.为 Type 0.讲述一些系大家都知的事实、定理 Type 1.可能发生 Type 2.无可能,或机会好微,近乎无可能 同埋注意,Type 2实际上是present tense的 Type 3. 注意,Type3指的事情是过去的,所以无法改变,不可能。 (所以Type 2 及 Type 3 都可以是不可能,但Type 2实际是present tense Type 3 实际是past tense) 最基本的conditional sentence 可以用if 句,例如: Type 0 If you put some water in a fridge it turns into a block of ice. 如果你摆d水落雪柜 d水就会变为冰 Type 1. if i study hard this year i will pass my cee. 如果今年努力读书 我就可以在会考合格(系有可能发生的) 这样第1部份用present tense 第2部份用future 2.if i were you I would help him. 注意,就算第一身是单数、如he she等,不会用was而用were。"if i were you" 当然是不可能。 或者:If I were a doctor I would publish a book about how to find a cure to AIDS. 这不是无可能的 你可以成为一个大医生 但是由于知自己仍是中学生 而且不是十分用功去读书 加上对化学的兴趣不太大 所以成为大国手的机会也很少,近乎不可能了。 3. if i had studied hard last year i would have passed my cee. 呢个第1部份系用past perfect 第2部份用了 " would+present perfect" 英文意思系唔可能再发生的 因为已经过去了. 旧年如果努力读书 我就可以pass cee 啦. 讲紧系过左去 无得改变的 参考: 唔该帮我解释下咩系conditionals...姐系type 0 1 2 3...点用? 答: conditionals只有三种的 type 1:可能性极高的 例如 If it rains I will stay at home也可以作成 If it rains I stay at home. 公式:If + present tense subject + future tense/present tense 天气报告告诉你 明天有90%会下 雨 而你是知道的 所以明天你留在家中的机会十分之大. type 2:可能性低的 例如 If I were a doctor I would publish a book about how to find a cure to AIDS 公式:If + past tense subject + would+ verb 这不是无可能的 你可以成为一个大国手 但是由于知自己是中四生 而且不是十分用功去读书 加上对化学的兴趣不太大 所以成为大国手的机会也少了 但是仍是有机的 只要自己勤力温书及考好会考及高考化学便行了. type 3:近于无可能 例如 If I had been a doctor I would have published a book about how to find a cure to AIDS. 公式:If + past perfect tense subject + would+have+ verb 你己出了 社会 而且是文员一个 既不是在医学界 也不可能会变为医生 所以出一本出医爱滋的书是基本上不可能的. conditional sentences are too out-dated I won"t use them now. 希望你明白

conditional offer是什么意思?

conditional offer是有条件录取通知书。顾名思义,学生虽然拿到了offer,但是要顺利入学,是有前提条件的,如果不符合offer上列出的前提条件,还是不能入学。conditional offer(有条件录取),应指在招生或招聘中,对于应试者事先设置一定的录用条件,符合这些条件者便取得被录取的机会。扩展资料:发这种通知书可能因为:1。你的成绩没有达到要求,如平均分要达到某水平,或需要你的毕业证书等。2。你的英语能力没有达到要求,如某些专业需要IELTS7.0以上,写作6以上等。你申请时如果不具备上述条件,但学校仍愿意offer you a place,那他们就会给你寄conditional offer。等到你具备了条件,再凭相应的证明到学校换取同一专业的unconditional offer。澳大利亚各大名校均在提高入学门槛,以此来提高海外留学生的入学质量。受到这些政策变化的影响,有些申请人也许无法在赶上毕业当年7月份的入学,然而这也为准留学生们提供了半年的时间好好地准备接下来的留学生活,以免在真正开始海外学习时产生不适应。利用这半年的时间,毕业生可以仔细研究学校的硕士课程设置,加固自己的专业知识,同时好好进行英语训练,提高英语读写和交流能力。对于转专业的学生来说,这半年时间更加宝贵,可以用来为新专业的学习打下基础。参考资料:百度百科——有条件录取

conditional offer是什么意思?

发这种通知书可能因为: 1。你的成绩没有达到要求,如平均分要达到某水平,或需要你的毕业证书等。 2。你的英语能力没有达到要求,如某些专业需要IELTS7.0以上,写作6以上等。 你申请时如果不具备上述条件,但学校仍愿意offer you a place,那他们就会给你寄conditional offer。等到你具备了条件,再凭相应的证明到学校换取同一专业的unconditional offer。


conditional adj.有条件的unconditional adj.无条件的

zero/first/second/third conditional之间有什么区别吗

英文第一条件句的句型是 "If + S + 简单现在式, S + will + 原形动词",系表示未来极有可能发生的情况;第二条件句 (second conditional) 就是与现在或将来事实相反的条件句。The second conditional (also called conditional type 2) is a structure used for talking about unreal situations in the present or in the future.第三条件句 (third conditional) 则是与过去事实相反的条件句。

conditional offer是什么?

一、conditional offer是有条件录取通知书。学校如果已经给你下了con offer,就说明学校对你的审核已经完成了而且同意了你的申请,那么你也不用再担心纠结你的PASS了。你现在要做的就是达到学校要求的成绩和一切offer上说明的condition二、发这种通知书可能因为:1。你的成绩没有达到要求,如平均分要达到某水平,或需要你的毕业证书等。2。你的英语能力没有达到要求,如某些专业需要IELTS7.0以上,写作6以上等。你申请时如果不具备上述条件,但学校仍愿意offer you a place,那他们就会给你寄conditional offer。等到你具备了条件,再凭相应的证明到学校换取同一专业的unconditional offer。拓展资料在拿到offer之后还必须仔细阅读offer上的内容,特别是conditional offer包含的条件。1、是要看清楚学校到底给你的是什么condition,然后根据这个条件去努力,在达到IELTS和GPA要求之后,把成绩单寄到学校,换取unconditional offer。如果IELTS没有达到要求,就要开始申请语言课程。2、是要看清学校有没有要求你交押金,截止日期是什么时候。有些学校的课程规定,如果学生愿意接受,必须交一定数目的钱作为押金,学生还要注意,学校会规定最后付款日期,一定要在这个日期之前交上押金。3、学生在拿到offer以后,如果确认能够接受,必须在规定的时间内将随offer letter一起寄来的acceptance form填好寄回或是传真回学校,以确认你已接受offer。如果你没有完成这个步骤的话,学校很有可能就以为你不愿意接受offer,从而把你的位置取消掉了(参考资料 百度百科 offer)

conditional offer是什么意思?

conditional offer是有条件录取通知书。顾名思义,学生虽然拿到了offer,但是要顺利入学,是有前提条件的,如果不符合offer上列出的前提条件,还是不能入学。conditional offer(有条件录取),应指在招生或招聘中,对于应试者事先设置一定的录用条件,符合这些条件者便取得被录取的机会。扩展资料:发这种通知书可能因为:1。你的成绩没有达到要求,如平均分要达到某水平,或需要你的毕业证书等。2。你的英语能力没有达到要求,如某些专业需要IELTS7.0以上,写作6以上等。你申请时如果不具备上述条件,但学校仍愿意offer you a place,那他们就会给你寄conditional offer。等到你具备了条件,再凭相应的证明到学校换取同一专业的unconditional offer。澳大利亚各大名校均在提高入学门槛,以此来提高海外留学生的入学质量。受到这些政策变化的影响,有些申请人也许无法在赶上毕业当年7月份的入学,然而这也为准留学生们提供了半年的时间好好地准备接下来的留学生活,以免在真正开始海外学习时产生不适应。利用这半年的时间,毕业生可以仔细研究学校的硕士课程设置,加固自己的专业知识,同时好好进行英语训练,提高英语读写和交流能力。对于转专业的学生来说,这半年时间更加宝贵,可以用来为新专业的学习打下基础。参考资料:百度百科——有条件录取


conditional offer:有条件录取通知书。发这种通知书可能因为:1。你的成绩没有达到要求,如平均分要达到某水平,或需要你的毕业证书等。2。你的英语能力没有达到要求,如某些专业需要IELTS7.0以上,写作6以上等。你申请时如果不具备上述条件,但学校仍愿意offer you a place,那他们就会给你寄conditional offer。等到你具备了条件,再凭相应的证明到学校换取同一专业的unconditional offer。

conditional offer是什么意思?

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