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completed 状语

不可以互换的. 第一句中Not having completed the programme的have completed 是现在完成时,主语是they,并非被动. 第二句中when completed 的completed才是被动.

completed是什么意思 详解completed的含义和用法?

- The meeting was completed in just under an hour.(会议在不到一小时的时间内结束了。)- The construction of the new building has been completed.(新建筑物的建设已经完成。)completed也可以作为名词使用,意为“已完成的事项”、“已完成的任务”等。比如:- The report is completed and ready for submission.(报告已经完成,可以提交了。)- The project will not be completed on time due to unexpected problems.(由于出现了意外问题,该项目无法按时完成。)- The completed forms should be submitted to the HR department.(已完成的表格应该提交给人力资源部门。)

爱思唯尔为什么review complete 之后再次under review

1,是技术审稿;2,是分AE(一般负责的AE会发邮件给你);3,是审稿(期间变动次数与审稿人返回审稿意见的时间一致也就是说你会看到时间变动三次(三个审稿人分别返回审稿意见),但状态却一直是under review);4,上面变动完成后,最多两周,AE会给出审稿意见;但也有可能是系统bug导致一直都是这样的状态。

少女时代Complete/honey/baby baby中文歌词~

Baby Baby曾经一度,亲爱的,我们就像一个人 看起来要永远这样下去了,我以为你会永远属于我 如今你想要自由,我便让你飞 因为我深知,宝贝,我们的爱永不消亡,永远不会你永远是我的一部分,却不确定我是否也同样是你的部分 宝贝,难道你不知你已不能离我而去? 哦亲爱的,因为你永远是我的宝贝 我们会一直这样。时间无法抹去如此深情 你也再不能使我动摇 亲爱的,因为你永远是我的宝贝 我绝不会哭泣,也不会强求你驻足 我将不会阻挡,若你心意已决 但你定会回来 因为宝贝,你也同样深知,我们的爱,永不消亡,永远不会 你永远是我的一部分,却不确定我是否也同样是你的部分 宝贝,难道你不知你已不能离我而去? 哦亲爱的,因为你永远是我的宝贝 我们会一直这样。时间无法抹去如此深情 你也再不能使我动摇 亲爱的,因为你永远是我的宝贝 我知道你会回来的,我的男孩 当哪怕丝丝寒冷侵袭你的白天黑夜 那时你就会回来的,宝贝 哦宝贝,相信我,如今只是时间未到 你永远是我的一部分,却不确定我是否也同样是你的部分 宝贝,难道你不知你已不能离我而去? 哦亲爱的,因为你永远是我的宝贝 我们会一直这样。时间无法抹去如此深情 你也再不能使我动摇 亲爱的,因为你永远是我的宝贝(重复)

Their diplomatic principles completely laid bare their ____________ for world conquest.

B) ambition怎么取消?


execution completed with warning.是什么意思


optimal complete portfolio和optimal risky portfolio的区别?

complete portfolio = risky portfolio + risk free assetsoptimal risky portfolio is the risky portfolio with highest expectation of returnoptimal complete portfolio is the complete portfolio with highest utility, which can be derived from CAL and indifference curves.

Complete each of the following sentences with the appropriate form of the word given

1 admired2 believed3 edition

完形填空:Directions:In this part there are 15 incomplete sentenc?

CDBDC ADCBC 如回答帮助您解决了问题,请选为满意答案,,10,1--5 CDBDC 6--10 AACBC,2,完形填空: Directions:In this part there are 15 inplete sentences.For each blank,there are four choices marked A,B,C and D.Choose the ONE answer that best pletes the sentence You really have to get very old before you realize you"re old.I"m in my middle fifties and I don"t feel old yet.However,sometimes I look back at my childhood and 1____________ things to the way life is for today"s kids.Some things have 2____________ changed. One area of change is television.Some changes have been improvements.Some changes,3____________ the other hand,have been setbacks. When I started school,most people didn"t have a television; TV was just beginning to get 4____________.My father decided to go all out and buy a 16 inch black and white Motorola set.I still remember 5____________ the Lone Ranger save people from the bad guys on that awesome electronic machine.That was exciting! Now,televisions have larger pictures in full color.The pictures are 6____________ and the sound is much more realistic.The new high definition sets are made to rival movie 7____________.The variety and quantity of programming has increased greatly.There are hundreds of 8____________ and more shows than one person could ever watch.There are many fine entertainment and 9____________ shows.There"s also a lot of garbage,stuff that most parents don"t want their kids exposed to.Overall,we have more choices,and that is good. I wonder what television will be 10____________ when today"s kids are my age. 1.A.forget B.remember Cpare D.miss 2.A.seldom B.often C.usually D.certainly B.on D.for 4.A.gone B.great C.expensive D.popular watch B.have watched C.watching D.watched 6.A.clearer B.good C.cheaper D.clearly B.mirror C.shade D.screen 8.A.c *** s B.chains C.channels D.shifts B.educational C.educate D.educator 10.A.likely B.alike D.dislike

大学体验英语综合教程2 每单元language focus中read and complete的翻译及答案

选词填空:Unit 1:1. The group (elected) one of its members to be their spokesperson. 该团队推选了一位成员当发言人。2. Wage increases are being kept to a (minimum) in many companies because of the economic depression.由于经济的萧条,许多公司将工资增幅控制在最低点。3. The engineering profession now has many (distinct) branches. 现在工程业有很多不同的分支。4. Now that you"re 13you should have more sense of (responsibility). 既然你已经13岁了,就应该有更强的责任感。5. Students usually (pursue) one or more of the subjects, which they have studied ay “A” level, such as Art, Drama, English, Music, etc. 学生们通常会继续学习一门或几门他们已经达到“A”级水平的课程,如艺术、喜剧、英语、音乐等。6. We need to make sure that we (exploit) our resources as fully as possible. 我们要确保充分利用我们的资源。7. Congress is considering measures to (restrict) the sale of possible. 国会正考虑采取措施限制香烟的销售。8. College courses should be designed to (equip) students with knowledge and skills to help them survive in modern society. 大学课程的设计应能使学生们获得有助于他们在现代社会生存的知识和技能。9. The local government (granted) $1.1 million so that the old theatre could be taken down and rebuilt. 当地政府不宽110万美元,这样这座老剧院就可以拆掉重建了。10. For his achievement in the medical field, the Mayor (awarded) him a medsl of merit. 为了表彰他在医学领域所取得的成就,市长给他颁发了荣誉奖章。 Unit 2:1. I"m absolutely sure that this dress is a cheaper (version) of the one saw in that department store. 我完全可以肯定这条裙子和我们在那件百货商店看到的那条一模一样,只是价格更便宜些。2. The bookshelves were crowded with books and scientific (publication). 书架上摆满了各种图书和科技出版物。3. If you want to open a fire, (click) twice on the icon for it. 如果你想打开一个文件夹,请双击该文件夹的图标。4. To their disappointment, the thieves were (spotted) by the police at the moment they were entering the bank. 让小偷们感到失望的是,他们一进银行就被警察发现了。5. During World War II, many (refuses) fled to the United States. 二战时期,许多难民逃到了美国。6. They"ve updated a lot of (entries) in the most recent edition of the dictionary. 在最新版的字典中他们更新了许多词条。7. Despite (financial) difficulties, they did not find the life inLondonunpleased. 尽管有经济上的困难,他们并没有觉得在伦敦生活有什么不如人意。8. After a lot of part-time job, John finally got a (full-time) position. 做过许多兼职后,约翰终于找到了一份全职工作。9. In your report, you should give a (detailed) description of the whole incident. 在报告中你应对整个事件做出详细描述。10. Companies publish (annual) reports to inform the public about the previous year"s activities. 公司发表年度报告向大家通报公司过去一年的情况。 Unit 3:1.We gave up the house,beacuse of economic considerations. 出于经济上的考虑 我们放弃了房子。2.The value of the painting was estimated at several thousand dollars 这幅画价值几千美元。3. The new tax will not have any measurable impact on the lives of most people新税不会对大多数人的生活产生任何可测量的影响4. I was greatly inspared to work hard by her example我很激励由她努力工作5.The company is main function is to maximize profit公司的主要功能是实现利润最大化 6. 6、The profit-sharing plan is designed to motivate the staff to work hard利润分享计划是为了激励员工努力工作7.Alomst sll our electricity is created by heating water to form high-pressure steam我们要用电加热水形成高压蒸汽 8.Thousands of soldiers are woking to distribute food and blankets to the refugees成千上万的士兵正分发食物和毯子给难民9. Let me see all the offcial documents concerning the sale of the refugees让我看一看有关难民出售的所有官方文件10. Drug and alcohol abuses contributed to Brian is early death翻译结果药物和酒精滥用导致了布瑞恩早期死亡: 翻译结果: Unit 4:1. The driver gave a (signal) that he was going to turn right. 司机发出了向右拐的信号。2. It was reported that 41people were killed in a place (crash) in theHimalayaslast week. 据报道,上周的喜马拉雅山空难中有41人丧生。3. The ship"s captain radioed that it was in (distress). 船长通过无线电报告轮船上遇上了险情。4. The skaters moved over the ice with a smooth, effortless (grace). 滑冰运动员做轻松、流畅,姿势优雅地在冰面上滑行。5. The bomb was taken away and the soldiers (exploded) it at a safe distance from the houses. 炸弹被转移,并且战士在远离民宅处安全引爆。6. They were on their way to theShropshireUnionCanalwhen their car was involved in a (collision) with a truck. 在前往希罗普郡联合运河的途中,他们的叉子与一辆卡车相撞。7. The Central Bank (lowered) interest rates by 2 percent. 中央银行将利率下调了2%。8. He (beamed) a cheerful welcome as he opened the door for the distinguished guest. 他为贵宾打开门时,脸带微笑地表示热烈欢迎。9. He used to (scatter) his toys all over the floor and I had to pick them up. 他过去常常把玩具丢得满地都是,还得我一一收拾10. The (destruction) of the world"s forests concerns everyone in some way. 全球森林遭到破坏,在某种意义上,这关系到每一个人。 Unit 5:1. The economy in that country (was sinking) deeper and deeper into crisis. 那个国家的经济正陷入越来越深的危机中。2. My father was a historian and his (specialty) was the history ofGermany. 我父亲是历史学家,专长是德国历史。3. They decided to close the museum (purely) and simply because it cost too much to run. 他们决定关闭博物馆纯粹是因为经营费用太高。4. The local government has decided on new measures to (discourage) car use in favour of public transportation. 当地政府已经决定采取新措施限制小汽车的使用以利于公共运输。5. It"s pretty (unlikely) that they"ll turn up now – it"s nearly ten o"clock. 都快10点钟了,他们很可能不来了。6. The interchange of ideas aids an understanding of group (dynamics). 相互交流思想有助于理解群体的动力。7. She says it"s a good film and recommends it to all her friends, though she hasn"t (actually) seen it. 她说这部电影不错,并推荐给她的所有朋友,尽管事实上她并没有看过。8. Stop shouting and let"s discuss this (reasonably). 别在大喊了,让我们理智地讨论一下。9. People now (have perceived) that green issues are important to our future. 人们现在已经认识到环保问题对我们未来的重要性。10. Kathy and Eric run this small hotel as an “(extended) home”, which should give you a good idea of the atmosphere of warmth and hospitality there. 凯西和埃里克把这家小旅馆当做一个“大家庭”来经营,这让你体会到那里温馨好客的气氛。 Unit 6:1. The audience cheered and (clapped) enthusiastically as the curtain came down. 落幕时,观众报以热烈的掌声。2. Torrence expects to (defend) her title successfully in the next Olympics. 托伦斯希望在下一届奥运会上卫冕成功。3. Would you (quit) your job if you inherited lots of money from your parents? 如果从父母处继承了一大笔钱,你会辞职吗?4. Jack has spent years in the development and (perfection) of his wine – making techniques. 杰克花了数年的时间来完善她的制酒工艺。5. As an advanced journalist, she has (interviewed) celebrities and political leaders on her radio program for over 25years. 作为一名高级记者,她在其电台节目中采访名人和政客已超过25年。6. According to a (survey) of 1000city residents, garbage collection is the city service people like most. 一项1000名市民的调查显示,人们最喜欢的市政服务时垃圾回收。7. The reporter managed to get an (exclusive) interview with the Prime Minister. 这名记者设法对首相进行独家采访。8. We"ve had to build some cupboards to give us more (storage) space. 我们得做几个碗橱一边多一点储藏空间。9. “I"ve always found German cars very reliable,” he (observed) in the newspaper column. “我一直觉得德国车可靠,”他在报刊专栏上如是说。10. A team of sports journalists was sent toGermanyto (cover) the 2006 World Cup. 大批的体育记者被派往德国追踪报道2006年世界杯。 Unit 7:1. You have to be a burn (optimist) to be able to do this hard job and not despair. 你得是个天生的乐观主义者才能做这项艰巨的工作而不绝望。2. Economic (reconstruction) in the country must begin with the recovering of agricultural production. 这个国家的经济重建必须从恢复农业生产开始。3. Her speech failed to (sway) her colleagues into supporting the plan. 她的发言没能说服他的同事支持这一计划。4. Jack never allowed himself to be bullied into doing anything that went against his (principles). 杰克从来不屈服于他人的威逼而去做违背自己原则的事情。5. I felt disgusted and wondered how I could ever have been so (gross). 我觉得恶心,我怎么会做出那么不雅的事情。6. The director insisted that the conditions of the contract should be (fulfilled) exactly. 主管坚持必须不折不扣地履行合同中的条款。7. Trade Union representatives are chosen by (election); All the members have a vote. 工会代表由选举产生,每名成员有一次投票机会。8. The doctor who performed the (surgery) gave Aikman an 85% chance of full recovery by September. 给艾克曼做手术的一声使他有85%的机会到9月份完全康复。9. Mother was a (pillar) of strength to us when our situation seemed hopeless. 当我们身处似乎绝望的境地时,母亲使我们力量的支柱。10. The students complained about the (rigid) rules and regulations at the school. 学生抱怨学校的规章制度太死板。

安装PS时提示:could not complete your request because of missing invalid personalization informatio


I completed Vice City and all I got was this lousy T-Shirt !是什么意思?


《 completed 》艾薇儿这首歌的歌词

Avril Lavigne - Complicated Uh huh, life"s like this生活就是这样 Uh huh, uh huh, that"s the way it is 那是它是的方式 Cause life"s like this生活就是这样 Uh huh, uh huh that"s the way it is 那是它是的方式 Chill out安静 whatcha yelling" for? 你在笑什么 Lay back回想 It"s all been done before 我们都做了些什么 And if you could only let it be 如果你放轻松, You will see 你会看见 I like you the way you are 我喜欢你和你的方式 When we"re drivin" in your car 当我们做在你车里时 And you"re talking to me one on one你同我一遍又一遍的诉说 But you"ve become 但是现在你变了 Somebody else round everyone else 跟其他人没有区别了。 You"re watching your back 你时刻注意你的形象, Like you can"t relax 总是很拘束。 You"re tryin" to be cool 你想装酷, You look like a fool to me 但在我看来你却像一个傻瓜。 Tell me 告诉我 Why you have to go and make things so complicated?你为什么让事情变的这么复杂? I see the way you"re acting 我能看出你在伪装 Like you"re somebody else gets me frustrated 这让我烦透了。 Life"s like this生活就是这样, And you fall and you crawl and you break 你会跌倒,你会挣扎,你会崩溃, And you take what you get 你想得到你想得到的 And you turn it into honesty 你要接受现实 You promised me你答应过我 I"m never gonna find you fake it No no no You come over unannounced 没有事先通知你就来了, Dressed up like you"re someone else 打扮的象另外一个人, Where you are and where it"s sad you see 你就像一出悲剧。 You"re making me 你装出很酷的样子, Laugh out when you strike your pose 却让我大笑不止, Take off all your preppy clothes 脱掉你那身怪衣服, You know you"re not fooling anyone 你知道你骗不了任何人。 But you"ve become 但是现在你变了 Somebody else round everyone else 跟其他人没有区别了。 You"re watching your back 你时刻注意你的形象, Like you can"t relax 总是很拘束。 You"re tryin" to be cool 你想装酷, You look like a fool to me 但在我看来你却像一个傻瓜。

Are you completely ___(truth)with me?

true作表语, 用形容词如不明白请追问,如果满意请【采纳】祝学习进步

Are you completely (truth) with me

truthful 诚实

load complete什么意思


Campfire Girls的《Incomplete》 歌词

歌曲名:Incomplete歌手:Campfire Girls专辑:Tell Them HiRavaughn - Incompletenananananananananalately i"ve been feelin thingsthat i can"t keep to myself, it seems then ii keep on tryin tryini tired to fight itbut it"s not workingno matter what i dosome say that it"s just a phasebut it"s not completely past that stage cuz ioccupy all of my timei tired to shake itbut you still on my mindno matter what i dou keep me hot like the sunur cooler than the raini"m slowly awareat the sound of ur nameit"s easy to seei"m the lock ur the keylike the last puzzle piece only u fit with megonna be my pulse, what keeps me goin, gotta catch my breath cuz ii"ve been searchin for ubeen lonely without uu will be my pulse, what"s keepin me, gonna lick the world cuz ii"ve been waitin on uincomplete without u boycuz live in this life without u by my sideit"s just like hell with no icegonna be my pulse, what keeps me goin, gotta catch my breath cuz ii"ve been waitin on uincomplete without u boynever feel so strongly aboutanyone else cuz i had a shield upwas hurt time and time againcouldn"t find a soulmatenothin left to sayand nothin left to dobut to get into my conscience cuzi don"t know of anyonewho can make me feel like you dowho can make me love like i domaybe cuz i found it in younow i can"t endmy quest to finda better love than u if i didi"d be blindlonely days sleepless nightsi won"t have them no more becuz ur by my sideohhh i can"t endmy quest to finda better love than u if i didi"d be blindohhh lonely days sleepless nightsi won"t have them no more becuz ur by my side

vocabulary dictation complete 是初中哪一册书的单词?

前两个词汇没有专门出现在初中一致三册的课文词汇表中, complete在人教版九年级地五单元;但是课本的后边词汇目录有vocabulary(词汇),一词;老师教学中会用到dictation(听写)一词.前两个词在教师教学中都会多次提到.

---THe building was ______completed by the end of that year at last.

C thusthusad.1. 如此,这样,以此方式They told her to water the flowers every morning, and she did it thus.他们吩咐她每天早晨浇花,于是她照办了。2. 到如此程度3. 因此,从而He didn"t work hard. Thus he was fired.他工作不努力,因此被解雇。

为什么橙盒要比Half-Life Complete贵这么多


pt模拟交换机中输入no switchport提示Incomplete command.


incomplete sequence是什么意思


基类出现 “has incomplete type”是啥问题


incomplete plosion是什么意思

incomplete plosion不完全爆破请采纳如果你认可我的回答,敬请及时采纳,~如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~~手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~O(∩_∩)O,记得好评和采纳

incomplete sentences是什么意思中文翻译


keil环境下报错“70 incomplete type is not allowed”如何解决?

结构体声明在是不能被extern的,如果多个文件中用了一个同结构体,只想声明一次需要将结构体在头文件中定义,初始化可以放在.c中,具体如下 //IIC.htypedef const struct{ uchar i; } type_aa;extern type_aa bb; //IIC.ctype_aa bb={3}; //mainuchar cc; void main(){ cc = bb.i;}

三星SCX-3401FH internal error - incomplete session by tine out

尊敬的三星用户您好:根据您的描述,请按照以下步骤操作: 1.检查您的USB数据线是否加长或者是否使用转接头连接的线路,建议使用1.5米的标准USB线,最长不要超过3米。 2.重新安装打印机驱动。重新插拔数据线再尝试。 3.如果上述仍然不行,建议更换其他电脑系统测试,检测是否电脑系统问题。评价、建议、吐槽,请点击

不完全康复(incomplete recovery)


matlab出现Error: Incomplete or misformed expression or statement.


SCX-3405打印机总是在打印时提示,SPL error-incomplete session by time out


为什么matlab提示This statement is incomplete.求救各位大神,谢谢了


安装myeclipse2016 出现Download incomplete,但是别人都能装


使用MATLAB中显示incomplete or misformed expression or statement是为什么?原程序为


internal error -incomplete session by time out怎么处

internal error -incomplete session by time out内部错误-不完整会话超时sessionn.会议;会期;开庭期;学期;一段时间例句If the negotiations between the rich northerly nations and poor southerly nations make headway, it is intended that a ministerial session in December should be arranged.要是北方富国和南方穷国之间的谈判获得进展的话,就打算在十二月份安排召开部长级的会议。Several bills were enacted at the end of this session of Parliament.这届国会结束时,好几个议案制定成为法律。

Incomplete command 什么意思啊


【求助】QT5.2.1源码编译有出错,提示incomplete type

加上 #include <QApplication> incomplete type说明当前C++文件中没有定义QApplication类型,该类型应当在QApplication文件中被定义。,希望以后更细心一点。如果还出错,检查pro文件中是否有core和gui模块。

incomplete pnr/fc在黑屏中是什么意思



查下信用卡,如果钱已经被扣就打电话给cb一般incom 是扣款没成功



incomplete plosion是什么意思


在中 solo的 incomplete 是自己作的么

不是在中写的,incomplete原唱者叫sisqo ,一个黑人歌手,这是他照片 歌词 Whoo Ooh Oh yeah yeah Listen Bright lights Fancy restaurants Everything in this world that a man could want Got a bank account bigger than the law should allow Still I"m lonely now Pretty faces from the covers of the magazines From their covers to my covers wanna lay with me Fame and fortune still can"t find Just a grown man runnin out of time CHORUS Even though it seems I have everything I don"t wanna be a lonely fool All of the women All the expensive cars All of the money don"t amount to you I can make believe I have everything But I can"t pretend that I don"t see That without you girl my life is incomplete Said without you girl ahh Listen Your perfume Your sexy lingerie Girl I remember it just like it was on yesterday A Thursday you told me you had fallen in love I wasn"t sure that I was It"s been a year Winter summer spring and fall But bein without you just ain"t livin ain"t nothing at all If I could travel back in time I"d relive the days you were mine CHORUS Oh yeah that without you girl ahh I just can"t help lovin you But I loved you much too late I"d give anything And everything To hear you say That you"ll stay CHORUS (2x) Without ya girl Wiuthout ya girl my life Without you girl My life my life is incomplete Without you girl My life is incomplete Oh yeah My life is incomplete Oh yeah yeah Whoo 下载地址


未完成 后面还有内容没传完




分类: 娱乐休闲 >> 音乐 解析: [00:-0.25]歌名:Inplete - 不完整的 [00:00.75]歌手:Backstreet Boys - 后街男孩 [00:16.73]Empty spaces 空荡的房间 [00:20.34]fill me up with holes 装填我以无尽空虚[00:23.85]Distant faces 冷漠的容颜 [00:27.76]with no place left to go 不给我以一丝余地 [00:31.25]Without you within me 没有你,我的心里 [00:34.51]I can"t find no rest 找不到一丝宁静 [00:38.21]Where I"m going 何去何从 [00:41.90]is anybody"s guess 无人可知 [00:46.97]I"ve tried to go on like I never knew you 我想继续生活就像我从来未遇到过你 [00:55.78]I"m awake but my world is half asleep 我清醒,但我又几近昏迷 [01:03.03]I pray for this heart to be unbroken 我祈祷这颗心永远不碎 [01:09.41]But without you all I"m going to be is 但没有你,我的一切都是 [01:15.36]Inplete 不完整的 [01:32.07]Voices tell me 你的声音告诉我 [01:35.68]I should carry on 我要继续前行 [01:39.33]But I am swimming 但我却昏迷 [01:42.58]in an ocean all alone 陷入一片汪洋无边无际 [01:46.45]Baby, my baby 宝贝,哦宝贝 [01:49.64]It"s written on your face 它都呈现在你脸上 [01:53.34]You still wonder 你依旧疑惑 [01:57.31]if we made a big mistake 这是否是个巨大的错误 [02:03.84]I"ve tried to go on like I never knew you 我想继续生活就像我从来未遇过你 [02:11.19]I"m awake but my world is half asleep 我清醒,但我又几近昏迷 [02:18.30]I pray for this heart to be unbroken 我祈祷这颗心永远不碎 [02:24.57]But without you all I"m going to be is 但没有你,我的一切都是 [02:30.50]Inplete 不完整的 [02:34.19]I don"t mean to drag it on 我不想就让它这样 [02:36.92]But I can"t seem to let you go 我不想再让你离开 [02:40.85]I don"t wanna make you face this world alone 我不想让你独自一人面对一切 [02:51.95]I wanna let you go... 我又想让你离开 [02:54.74]...alone 留我孤独 [03:01.32]I"ve tried to go on like I never knew you 我想继续生活就像我从来未遇过你 [03:08.57]I"m awake but my world is half asleep 我清醒,但我又几近昏迷 [03:15.65]I pray for this heart to be unbroken 我祈祷这颗心永远不碎 [03:21.94]But without you all I"m going to be is 但没有你,我的一切都是 [03:27.77]Inplete 不完整的 [03:38.45]Inplete 不完整的



我就郁闷呢了,sat报名到交钱这一步之后钱被收走了 可是显示是incomplete。。我快疯了


我在路由模拟器中输入spanning-tree 为什么显示incomplete command

incomplete 不完整的命令.应该是你少打了点什么,比如show spanning-tree或者spanning-tree mode之类,再者是有的模拟器可能对空格与横杠的分类不明确.试试spanning tree这样能不能行.希望以上能够帮到你.


Empty spaces fill me up with holes Distant faces with no place left to go Without you within me I can"t find no rest Where I"m going is anybody"s guess I"ve tried to go on like I never knew you I"m awake but my world is half asleep I pray for this heart to be unbroken But without you all I"m going to be is incomplete Voices tell me I should carry on But I am swimming in an ocean all alone Baby, my baby It"s written on your face You still wonder if we made a big mistake I"ve tried to go on like I never knew you I"m awake but my world is half asleep I pray for this heart to be unbroken But without you all I"m going to be is incomplete I don"t mean to drag it on, but I can"t seem to let you go I don"t wanna make you face this world alone I wanna let you go (alone) I"ve tried to go on like I never knew you I"m awake but my world is half asleep I pray for this heart to be unbroken But without you all I"m going to be is incomplete

take an incomplete 什么意思?



在中唱Incomplete Bright Lights, Fancy Restaurants Everything in this world that a man could want. I got a bank account bigger than the law should allow Still I"m lonely now Pretty Faces from the covers of a magazine From their covers to my covers wanna lay with me. Fame and Fortune still can"t find, just a grown man runnin" out of time *Even though it seems I have everything I dont wanna be a lonely fool All of the women, all the expensive cars, all the money don"t amount to you. So I can make believe I have everything, but I can"t pretend that I don"t see. That without you girl my life is incomplete. That without you girl Listen. Your perfume, your sexy lingerie. Girl I remember it just like it was on yesterday. A Thursday you told me you had fallen in love, I wasn"t sure that I was it"s been a year-Winter, Summer, Spring and Fall. But being without you just aint livin" aint livin"at all If I could travel back in time, I"d relive the days you were mine. I just can"t help lovin" you But I loved you much too late. I"d give anything and everything to hear you say, that you"ll stay but I can"t pretend that I don"t see. (Just give me my baby)



complete 的否定形式 uncomplete还是incomplete






投稿状态为incomplete什么意思 小木虫

incomplete英-[u026anku0259m"pliu02d0t]美-["u026anku0259m"plit]释义adj. 不完全的;[计] 不完备的


不完全的明亮的光, 想像餐馆每件事物在一个男人可以的这一个世界中。 我使一个银行帐户大的比较法律应该允许使我安静是孤单的现在来自杂志的掩护漂亮的脸和我从他们的掩护到我的掩护想要绞。 名望和财富仍然不能找, 只是长大的男人 runnin" 从时间合唱: 虽然它我有每件事物我 dont 想要是孤单的愚人所有的女人都 , 所有的贵汽车 , 所有的钱不对你总计。 因此我能假装我有每件事物,但是我不能假装我没。 没有你女孩我的生活是不完全的。 诗 2: 听。 你的香水, 你的***y 内衣。我的女孩它仅仅喜欢它是在昨天。 你告诉我你的一个星期四已经谈恋爱,我不确定我是。 它被是年-冬天,夏天,春天和秋天。 但是没有你正直的 aint livin" aint livin"at 所有的如果我及时可以旅行背面, 我将会再体验数天你是我的。 合唱: 即使它我有每件事物我不想要是孤单的愚人。 所有的女人都 , 所有的贵汽车 , 所有的钱都不对你总计。 我凸轮假装我有每件事物,但是我不能假装我没没有你女孩我的生活是不完全的。 诗 3: 我就是不能帮助 lovin" 你但是我爱你更加太晚。 我将会给要你的任何事和每件事物, 你将会停留合唱: 即使它我有每件事物。 我不想要是孤单的愚人。 所有的女人都 , 所有的贵汽车都 , 所有的钱都不对你总计。 (你能有它所有的)我能假装我有每件事物,但是我不能假装我没。 (仅仅给我我的宝贝)没有你女孩我的生活是不完全的。 (机翻 参考!! 太多啦!!!)

写出一个词根加上前缀in构成另一个词。 如:in+complete完全的=incomplete不完

in+competitive有竞争力的=incompetitive 没有竞争力的

林忆莲的《Incomplete》 歌词

歌曲名:Incomplete歌手:林忆莲专辑:忆莲 Live 07 (Disc 2)Incomplete - 2 Much只听欧美滴!I just cant let go, ohhI just cant let gobaby if i woulda knownthat in time you would growand bloom to the flower you arei woulda loved you right thenmade you more than my friendinstead of going, searchingand all this time you were herei spent life, unfairi wasted so much timebut now that i knowi just cant you let gocause im falling, falling, fallingbaby i just cant let gooh oh oh ohnever been attached like this before(never been attached baby)you"re the only girl i wantthe only girl i need, oh yeahi just cant let go, oh ohi"ll be incompletelisten girl you make me betterthe only thing thats changing around here is the weatherme leave you, no nevergirl im satisfiedbaby, im complete with you in my lifeand all this time you were herei spent life, unfairi wasted so much timebut now that i knowi just cant you let gocause im falling, falling, fallingbaby i just cant let gooh oh oh oh, i just cant let gonever been attached like this before(never been attached like this before)you"re the only girl i wantthe only girl i need, oh yeah (the only girl i need)i just cant let go, oh ohi"ll be incompleteive been looking for love in all the wrong placesbeen around the world and seen many different facesthis is how i know, this is how i"ll showyou"re the one that im needingyou"re my soulmate, you complete mei just cant let go, ohhi just cant let goi just cant let go, babebaby i just cant let gooh oh oh ohnever been attached like this before(ive never been attached baby)you"re the only girl i wantthe only girl i need, (you"re all i need)i just cant let go, ohi"ll be incomplete(without you im incomplete)baby i just cant let gooh oh oh ohnever been attached like this before(ive never been attached baby)you"re the only girl i wantthe only girl i need, (its you that im wanting babe)i just cant let go, ohi"ll be incompletei just cant let goi just cant let go, no nobaby, i just cant let gooh nobaby, i just cant let gooh oh oh ohShaGuar & MoyileShaGuar制作


incomplete - backstreet boysempty spaces fill me up with holesdistant faces with no place left to gowithout you within me i can"t find no restwhere i"m going is anybody"s guessi"ve tried to go on like i never knew youi"m awake but my world is half asleepi pray for this heart to be unbrokenbut without you all i"m going to be is incompletemusicvoices tell me i should carry onbut i am swimming in an ocean all alonebaby, my babyit"s written on your faceyou still wonder if we made a big mistakei"ve tried to go on like i never knew youi"m awake but my world is half asleepi pray for this heart to be unbrokenbut without you all i"m going to be is incompletei don"t mean to drag it on, but i can"t seem to let you goi don"t wanna make you face this world alonei wanna let you go (alone)i"ve tried to go on like i never knew youi"m awake but my world is half asleepi pray for this heart to be unbrokenbut without you all i"m going to be is incompleteincomplete


歌名:Incomplete - 不完整的 歌手:Backstreet Boys - 后街男孩 Empty spaces 空荡的房间 fill me up with holes 装填我以无尽空虚 Distant faces 冷漠的容颜 with no place left to go 不给我以一丝余地 Without you within me 没有你,我的心里 I can"t find no rest 找不到一丝宁静 Where I"m going 何去何从 is anybody"s guess 无人可知 I"ve tried to go on like I never knew you 我想继续生活就像我从来未遇到过你 I"m awake but my world is half asleep 我清醒,但我又几近昏迷 I pray for this heart to be unbroken 我祈祷这颗心永远不碎 But without you all I"m going to be is 但没有你,我的一切都是 Incomplete 不完整的 Voices tell me 你的声音告诉我 I should carry on 我要继续前行 But I am swimming 但我却昏迷 in an ocean all alone 陷入一片汪洋无边无际 Baby, my baby 宝贝,哦宝贝 It"s written on your face 它都呈现在你脸上 You still wonder 你依旧疑惑 if we made a big mistake 这是否是个巨大的错误 I"ve tried to go on like I never knew you 我想继续生活就像我从来未遇过你 I"m awake but my world is half asleep 我清醒,但我又几近昏迷 I pray for this heart to be unbroken 我祈祷这颗心永远不碎 But without you all I"m going to be is 但没有你,我的一切都是 Incomplete 不完整的 I don"t mean to drag it on 我不想就让它这样 But I can"t seem to let you go 我不想再让你离开 I don"t wanna make you face this world alone 我不想让你独自一人面对一切 I wanna let you go... 我又想让你离开 ...alone 留我孤独 I"ve tried to go on like I never knew you 我想继续生活就像我从来未遇过你 I"m awake but my world is half asleep 我清醒,但我又几近昏迷 I pray for this heart to be unbroken 我祈祷这颗心永远不碎 But without you all I"m going to be is 但没有你,我的一切都是 Incomplete 不完整的 Incomplete 不完整的


Incomplete 对了,Uncomplete就,错了因为没有uncomplete这个词。。。




incomplete是国内一个很火的包包品牌,这个牌子的包包都很有设计感,款式都特别有个性,非常适合现在的年轻人。下面我给大家讲讲incomplete是什么牌子?incomplete是什么档次? incomplete是什么牌子 incomplete是国产品牌里面比较有设计感的一个牌子了,她家的包包都给人印象很深刻,设计的很有创意。 INCOMPLETE正式创立于2014年春,“INCOMPLETE”一词被解释为“不完整的完整感”,所要传达的是一种以自我风格为基准,平衡内在与外在,追求细致随意的生活的设计理念。而的确,他们也真的在包包设计上做到了。说到这个小众品牌的人气,其实之前已经有了不少时尚博主表达过自己对于INCOMPLETE的青睐,这个牌子的包包也成为了她们的出街必备款。incomplete是什么档次 INCOMPLETE的包包也是能让你一眼就看上,他家的包包结合了各种几何图形与撞色的碰撞,风格强烈,造型时髦,虽然价格相对较贵1000到3000不等,但质感也是杠杠的。品牌最著名的就是空无系列,圆中带方方中带圆的单肩包,设计师通过颜色的不同组合展现块面间的不同体量感,是一款装饰性和实用性都很棒的包,也是INCOMPLETE家最有标示性的一款包。incomplete包包怎么样 推荐无意间在富民路发现的本土设计师牌子incomplete,包包多以几何图案的形式呈现,价格一点也不贵,1~2k的样子。皮质非常棒软软的,颜色也是最近一直想要的雾霾蓝。最大的亮点救属包包底部的爱心了,看到的时候忍不住叫出“好可爱啊”立刻买买买,算是应了情人节的景咯哈哈。昨天情人节,我打算去godiva给自己去买几颗巧克力。才发现柜台收起了所有撑斤卖的巧克力,逼着我买情人节礼盒。于是想买盒9粒头的回家和爸妈分着吃吃,被告知情人节当天,连巧克力也强迫我一定要买两盒一刚。。。要死啊连巧克力都要虐我。于是出门去mcq怒买了一件衣服,灰溜溜的回家了。 INCOMPLETE是一个国内的设计师品牌,我就是被它家“不完整”的设计所吸引过来的。非常喜欢这款包包的颜色搭配,干净的蓝白和橙黄色的提手,略有撞色但十分和谐,远看很素雅。手柄是一圈圈缠绕上去的,看起来很像麻花哈哈哈,但设计师的灵感好像是电话线??大概因为我爱吃吧...麻花泡在火锅里真的很好吃....言归正传,我更爱它手提的样子~包包挑选方法 衣着与包包:面料与颜色相协调 如果你是个追逐时尚的女孩,爱穿流行色衣服,那就应该选择和流行色调协调的包;如果你爱穿纯色衣服,那就该给自己配一些颜色鲜艳、花哨的包。如果爱穿T恤、运动衫等男孩子气的服装,应选尼龙、塑料、厚帆布一类的"硬包包";如果爱穿编织衫、衬衫等女孩子气的服装,那就该配一些蕾丝、麻或柔软的棉类等"软包包"了。当然,服装面料变换了,包的质地也需要相应更换。 脸型与包包:刚柔相济 如果你具有五官清晰、眉峰突显、颧骨突出等有点男孩子味的脸型,最好选带条纹的有阳刚气的包包;而具有眼睛温柔、鼻子圆圆、瓜子脸等女孩味儿十足的女孩,最好选带有串珠、亮片的可爱包包。 身高与包包:长短相补 当包夹在腋下时,包的厚度就是个必须注意的问题了。丰胸、粗腰的女孩应选薄而细长的长方形包;而胸部平平、体型像男孩子的女孩则应选择厚厚的三角形包。如果偏爱宽大的包,那一定要考虑身高。身高在165cm以上的女孩,可选全长约60cm、可以竖着装进一本杂志的包;而身高157cm以下的呢,可选全长约50cm、可以横着装进一本杂志的包。


adj:不完全的;未完成的;不完整的;[体育] 没有接住的

incomplete 什么意思

incomplete 英[u02ccu026anku0259mu02c8pli:t]美[u02ccu026anku0259mu02c8plit]adj. 不完全的; 不完备的; 未完成的; 片;[网络] 不全; 不完备; 不完善;[例句]The clearing of rubbish and drains is still incomplete.垃圾与污水的清理工作还未完成。[其他] 形近词: bicomplete imcomplete overcomplete

steam 为啥有俩gta4?这样俩有什么不一样?gta4 Complete Edition是包含


Complete Me 歌词

歌曲名:Complete Me歌手:Phyllis Hyman专辑:Arista Heritage Series: Phyllis HymanFrankmusikComplete MeLyrics By: SoulAbsentIs this really what we wantIs this really want we needSix billion people staring at their feetYou could drop them to the floorAnd they would hope for moreAnd it"s hard I knowWe"re all scared but what for?When maybe we would all surviveLike service with a smileSo you can tell me what you think you"d doIf you ruled the world for second or twoMaybe you could change things andTell me would it be worth the fightWhen you can see that they"reAll givin up in their eyesTell me would you change themJust give me a name, give me a rightTake all I know from out of sightFor now I am all that I needCan you complete me?And give me a warGive me some peaceGive me some one I"d rather beBut all the same you can take it awayCos" there"s no one else to blameThe smallest things areOur biggest cracksAnd is it a wonder we all collapseAnd we strive for more in lifeSo tell me what you think you"d doIf the world really needed youMaybe you would help itBut tell me what you think you"d doIf I rule the world for a second or twoWould you and could you help me?(When When) When you can give me a nameGive me a rightTake all I know from out of sightFor now I am all that I needSo just complete meGive me a war and give me some peaceGive me some one I"d rather beBut all the same you can take it awayCos" there"s no one else to blameSo give me a nameAnd give me a rightTake all I know from out of sightFor now I am that I needCan you complete me?Lyrics By: SoulAbsent

求翻译wiping cache... Formatting/cache cache wipe complete

Wasting time is robbing oneself.




不是。completeness是complete的名词形式complement n. 补充的东西

这道题怎么做:Complete the dialogu

1. Could you tell me where the nearest restaurant is?/Which is the way to the nearest restaurant?/Where is the nearest restaurant?/Can you tell me how to get to the nearest restaurant ?/Can you tell me how I can get to the nearest restaurant? 2. How far is it from here?/How far is it?/How far? 3. What would you like (to eat/ have)?/What can I do for you?/Can I help you?/May I take your order? 4. How do you like the food?/What do you think of the food? 5. No, thanks./No, thank you./No, thanks a lot./No, thank you very much.

求 驱魔少年主题曲集.-.[D.Gray-man][COMPLETE.BEST].专辑.(DVDISO).part1


All the arrangements should be completed ________ your departure.

A) prior to

Springer一篇文章Reviews Completed一个月了,什么情况

Reviews Completed的含义是所有审稿人都审完了,等待编辑做结论。只有等结果了,估计是修改。要拒的话,拒稿下结论的速度一般会比较快

Reviews Completed是什么意思

Reviews Completed做好了的评论Reviews回顾双语对照例句:1.Hotels need to establish a process for tracking new reviews. 酒店需要建立一个追踪最新评论的流程。completed[英][ku0259m"pli:tu026ad][美][ku0259m"pli:tu026ad]adj.完整的,包含全部内容的; v.完成; 使完善( complete的过去式和过去分词 ); 使完整; 填写(表格); .-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

英文作句 Complete sentences (15个字)

1.This is such an entertaining book! I strongly remend you read to it. It is trilling. (16 words) 2.I am now doing a project and I need to find some references. Do you know some informative books that I can use? (23 words) 3.This group of men are not *** art enough to do robbery. Their next step is quite predictable. (17 words) 4.The disaster is really terrific. A lot of people were dead and seriouly injuired. Many children lost their parents. (19 words) 5.If you like exciting movies the "Inspection" is suitable for you because it is very exciting. (16 words) 6.It is a funny ic book. But don"t read too long it is bad to your eyes. (17 words) 7.Don"t be silly. You can never go out from this horrible maze because everywhere look the same. (17 words) 8.You will never feel dull while you are watching this film! Every scenes are exciting and brilliant. (17 words) His o books published last month are not particularly well-written but they are always ENTERTAINING. We plan to visit New York City next month so we bought a very interesting and highly INFORMATIVE tourist guidebook. This was a PREDICTABLE reaction given the bitter hostility beeen the o countries in o World Wars. I enjoyed the G. B. Shaw"s play in London theatre last night and the charming actress who played the lawyer was TERRIFIC. It is one of the most EXCITING scenes to see an early-morning fairground with wagons and tents and fanciful structures. FUNNY faces were part of my uncle"s talents and this one just made us laugh out loud with uninhibited delight. It is SILLY to brag about your mastery of the English language in this forum. This weekly lecture tends to be deadly DULL as almost all the students fall into sleep. Note: The word “Terrific” me very good. It has nothing to do with “Terror”. 参考: Cambridge English Dictionary Please be careful that "Each sentence" but not "sentences". So please ensure that 15 words should be only in one sentence. 2010-08-07 20:17:43 补充: 1. In Hong Kong there are many entertaining activities we can do either day and night. 2. The notes you gave me before dinner are so informative and it helps me a lot in the meeting! 2010-08-07 20:17:46 补充: 3. Since you are so lazy before the final examination only one thing is predictable is that you will fail in your ing exam. 4. The terrific movie is so frightening that many people told us that they could not fet it even when they slept. 2010-08-07 20:22:59 补充: 5.exciting Don"t you know how exciting the meeting I have had was I just think I am a little soldier in the battle field! 6.funny So funny is the man playing it is really valuable for such an expensive ticket I have bought before. 2010-08-07 20:24:49 补充: 7.silly Look that silly monkey it just try to chew the banana skin in order to pick the banana out of the skin. 8.dull Stop creating tose such dull sentences they make me crazy to have a look on them. [Just kidding ^^"] 1.Films should be entertaining. 电影应该是有娱乐性的。 2.i have some informative 3.The oute is not always predictable. 后果并非都可以预料。 4.this is a terrific scene 一个令人毛骨悚然的景象 5.We went to an exciting football game last week. 我们上周看了场激动人心的足球比赛。 6.That"s the funniest joke I"ve ever heard. 那是我所听过的最风趣的笑话。 7. It was silly of me to say such a thing. 我说这话真傻。 8.He had a dull pain in the chest. 他胸部隐隐作痛。 2010-08-07 16:01:44 补充: 2.i have some informative to you. 参考: yahoo



complete 用法



complete antigen 完全抗原,全抗原 complete description完整的叙述,圆满的描述 complete game无安打无得分获胜的比 complete in specifications规格齐全 complete inversionn.全部倒装;[电子] 全反 complete medium生物] 完全培养基 complete metamorphosis动物学】全变态 complete overhaul大修;全面检修
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