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java compare java中compareTo()的返回值 不是-1 ,1 , 0,而是-4587 ,12547 ....... 请问这是什么原因?

compareTo(T t)返回 负整数、零或正整数,根据此对象是小于、等于还是大于指定对象。 并没有一定要返回-1,0,1除非你自己实现Comparable 自己从写这个方法比如你调用字符串的compareTo()方法String s1 = "a";String s2="c";s1.compareTo(s2);//得到-2说明s1在s2前两位s2.compareTo(s1);//得到2说明s2在s1后两位这个接口是对实现他的类自然排序,即常说的字典排序然后compareTo()返回的也就是排序位置的关系吧


CompareTo 这是字符串比较的函数,用法:string s1 = "c"; string s2 = "b";if(s1.CompareTo(s2)==1){}它有三个返回值~:当s1>s2时,s1.CompareTo(s2)==1当s1=s2时,s1.CompareTo(s2)==0当s1<s2时,s1.CompareTo(s2)==-1以上为例,c的asc大于b的asc,所以返回1


两个函数的功能一样,用法稍有不同,比如:有两个字符串S1和S2,都是string类型,比较两个字符串,分别可以用Compare(S1,S2)和S1.CompareTo(S2),返回值均为-1、0、1。原理如下:先比较两者首字符的大小(按ASCII码顺序)。 一、s1首字符和参数s2的首字符不等: 1、如果s1首字符的ASCII码大于s2首字符的ASCII码,则输出1; 2、如果s1首字符的ASCII码小于s2首字符的ASCII码,则输出-1;二、如果s1首字符和参数s2的首字符相等,则以s1第二个字符和参数s2的第二个字符做比较,以此类推。 直到比较的字符或被比较的字符中有一方比较完了。 1、字符串位数多的,输出1; 2、字符串位数少的,输出-1. 3、两者所有字符串完全相同,输出0.

Java 中 compareTo方法问题

s1.compareTo(s2); 是从s1到s2的顺序排序,相当于顺序。实现Comparator方法可以对集合、数组排序,具体的机制封装在里面

java compareto怎么用

compareTo() 是 java.lang.Comparable 介面的唯一函式性质上与 Object 的 equals() 很相似不过在单纯的"相等比较"之外, 他还允许"次序比较"如果某个 class 实现了 Comparable, 便是暗示其实体具有内在次序关系在 Java 程式库里的所有 value classes 都实现了 Comparable以下是 Comparable 的规格书比较某个物件与另一指定物件的顺序. 当这个物件小於 等於 大於指定物件时, 分别传回负整数, 0, 正整数. 如果指定物件的型别不允许与这个物件进行比较, 就抛出 ClassCastException 异常实作者必须确保, 对於所有的 x,y,z, 都能够满足 sgn(x.compareTo(y)) == -sgn(y.compareTo(x))意味著 "x.compareTo(y) 抛出异常, 若且唯若(if and only if) y.compareTo(x) 抛出一个异常.实作者必须确保数值间的关系具有迁移性, 也就是说 (x.compareTo(y)> && y.compareTo(z)>0) 意味 x.compareTo(z)>0.实作者必须确保运算式 x.compareTo(y)==0 意味对於任意 z 而言, 运算式 sgn(x.compareTo(z)) == sgn(y.compareTo(z)) 永远成立. 强烈建议(但不要求)满足 (x.compareTo(y)==0) == (x.equals(y)), 一般而言, 任何实现 Comparable interface 却违反本项条件之某个 class, 都应当明确告诉用户这一事实, 以下是大家推荐的说明方式 "次序相等的物件并不一定相等"如果将 Comparable interface 与 Collection 的 package 相互应用, 我想是蛮强大的简单的一个 Array, 如果里面的物件都有实作 Comparable, 那只要用Arrays.sort(a);就可以搞定排序的问题了


num==s.num ? 0 : -1 的意思等同于private Object a(){ if(num==s.num){ return 0; }else{ return -1; }}记住 有返回值。。 这个三步运算的意义就是 判断的同时并返回结果



compareTo 和comparetoIgnorecase有啥区别



他们用的方法名是一样的 但是实际上方法是不一样的。你看看源码就知道了。数字之间的比较久很简单,前者大于后者输出是1,相等输出0,小于输出-1字符串就跟冰枫木同学说的一样建议你看看源码!



java中什么时候用的到compare to啊

按字典顺序比较两个字符串。该比较基于字符串中各个字符的 Unicode 值。将此 String 对象表示的字符序列与参数字符串所表示的字符序列进行比较。如果按字典顺序此 String 对象在参数字符串之前,则比较结果为一个负整数。如果按字典顺序此 String 对象位于参数字符串之后,则比较结果为一个正整数。如果这两个字符串相等,则结果为 0;compareTo 只有在方法 equals(Object) 返回 true 时才返回 0。 这是字典排序的定义。如果这两个字符串不同,则要么它们在某个索引处具有不同的字符,该索引对二者均为有效索引,要么它们的长度不同,或者同时具备上述两种情况。如果它们在一个或多个索引位置上具有不同的字符,假设 k 是这类索引的最小值;则按照 < 运算符确定的那个字符串在位置 k 上具有较小的值,其字典顺序在其他字符串之前。这种情况下,compareTo 返回这两个字符串在位置 k 处的两个不同的 char 值,即值: this.charAt(k)-anotherString.charAt(k)如果它们没有不同的索引位置,则较短字符串在字典顺序上位于较长字符串的前面。这种情况下,compareTo 返回这两个字符串长度的不同,即值: this.length()-anotherString.length()指定者: 接口 Comparable<String> 中的 compareTo 参数: anotherString - 要比较的 String。 返回: 如果参数字符串等于此字符串,则返回 0 值;如果按字典顺序此字符串小于字符串参数,则返回一个小于 0 的值;如果按字典顺序此字符串大于字符串参数,则返回一个大于 0 的值

Java compareTo方法是怎么比较的

这个简单,请让我娓娓道来:首先,比较的对象是ToDoItem,这个对象有primary,secondary和item三个属性。其次,比较过程是这样的,首先我们看返回值,是int型,并且返回值有三个状态,+1,-1和0。顾名思义,如果是两个状态就可以用布尔值。再次,首先判断的是传入对象是否小于当前对象的primary,小于则返回+1,不小于则往下执行代码,primary是当前对象值,args.primary是传入对象值。最后,后面的比较就是一个道理,自己看看 领悟领悟。

compareTo和 compare有什么区别!!!!!







compareTo用于两个相同数据类型的比较,两个不同类型的数据不能用此方法来比较。(指定的数)=(参数),其返回值为0;(指定的数)> (参数),其返回值为1;(指定的数)< (参数),其返回值为-1;例子:public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) {String name0 = "China";String name1 = "America";return name0.compareTo(name1);}


compareto和comparewith的区别如下:1、comparewith意为“把~与~~相比”,侧重指两者间的区别。如:Compare this car with that one, and you will find the differences between them.把这辆汽车与那辆汽车相比较,你就会发现它们之间的区别。2、compareto意为“把~~比作~”,着重注意两者间的相似点。如:This song compares our country to a big family.这首歌把我们的国家比作一个大家庭。例句:1、The police compared the forged signature with the original.警察将伪造的签名与原来的作比较。2、You should only compare like with like.只应在同类事物中作比较。3、He compared her to a summer day.他将她比为夏天。4、You just can"t compare Hawaii and Alaska.你压根儿没法把夏威夷同阿拉斯加相比。5、This one cannot compare with that one.这个与那个无比较。


"aaaaaaaaa".compareTo("b") = -1since "a" < "b""邓" might greater than "包"?

C# 的 CompareTo 怎么用?

String.CompareTo 方法将此实例与指定的对象或String 进行比较版,二者相对值的指示。if (s.CompareTo("upload") != 1) 就是将S与upload相比较,如果相同则返回假,如果不同则返回真。CompareTo 这是字符串比较的函数,用法:string s1 = "c";string s2 = "b";if(s1.CompareTo(s2)==1){}有三百个返回值~:当s1>s2时,s1.CompareTo(s2)==1当s1=s2时,s1.CompareTo(s2)==0当s1<s2时,s1.CompareTo(s2)==-1扩展资料:public int compareTo(IntegeranotherInteger)在数字上比较两个Integer对象。anotherInteger - 要比较的 Integer。返回值:如果该 Integer 等于 Integer 参数,则返回 0 值;如果该 Integer 在数字上小于 Integer 参数,则返回值-1;如果 Integer 在数字上大于 Integer 参数,则返回整数1。参考资料来源:百度百科-compareTo

翻译:Mary received unemployment compensation_________________________(当他从工厂下岗后)。

【答案】:when she was laid off from her factory job.

sophisticated 和 complicated 的区别

sophisticated 和 complicated 的区别sophisticated 这个单词的词义:adj. 复杂的; 精致的; 富有经验的; 深奥微妙的; v. 使变得世故; 使迷惑; 篡改(sophisticate的过去分词形式); complicated 这个单词的词义:adj. 结构复杂的; 混乱的,麻烦的; v. 使复杂化( complicate的过去式);


CS:Current sense(电流检测,电流取样,电流反馈);COMP:compensate(补偿)FB : Voltage feedback (电压反馈);希望可以回答到你的疑问。

His rise in status more than compensates for the loss of money.more than 修饰位于动词?


more than compensate

more than 在这表示足够,足以 她的聪颖足以弥补她经验上的不足. have a nice day


compensation 补偿(或赔偿)物;(尤指)赔偿金,补偿金;赔偿;使坏的情况变好的事物,(对不利局面的)补偿

make up for 和 compensate的区别?

我觉得是及物不及物大区别吧compensatesb. for sth. 赔偿,弥补不及物而make up for可以用于被动语态,及物的吧

compensate sb for sth是什么意思



compensation动词compensate。1、当compensate作为及物动词时,中文翻译为补偿、赔偿、报酬、抵消。可以用于经济方面,也可用于抽象事物。例句: He did not have the means to compensate her.他没有钱来补偿她。The hospital staff were very apologetic but that couldn"t really compensate医院的工作人员深表歉意,但这真的于事无补。She used her good looks to compensate her lack of intelligence她利用她漂亮的外表来弥补智力的不足。2、当compensate作为不及物动词,中文翻译为补偿、弥补,后面可接for,表示补偿的对象,后面接with,表示补偿的同类事物。例句: Nothing can compensate for the loss of a loved one.失去心爱的人是无法补偿的。Her lawyers say she should be compensated for the suffering she had been caused她的律师说她应该为所遭受的痛苦得到赔偿。MPs say it is crucial that a system is found to compensate for inflation下议院的议员们说关键是要找到一种抵消通货膨胀影响的机制。They compensated my loss of time with money.他们用钱来补偿我的时间损失。




大家应该都遇到过compensate这个单词,compensate比较难记的单词,理解它的意思和用法,有助于我们去记忆它。下面是我给大家带来的关于compensate的用法和 短语 例句,以供大家参考,我们一起来看看吧! ▼ 目 录 ▼ ★ compensate的意 思 ★ ★ compensate的用 法 ★ ★ compensate的常 用短 语 ★ ★ compensate的近 义 词 ★ ★ compensate的用 法例 句 ★ ▼ compensate的意思 v.补偿;赔偿;弥补;抵消;平衡;校正;酬报;隐藏;弥补 第三人称单数: compensates 现在分词: compensating 过去式: compensated 过去分词: compensated <<< ▼ compensate的用法 用法1:compensate的基本意思是“赔/补偿(损失、伤害等)”“弥补(缺陷)”或“抵消某种影响”等,可用于经济方面,也可用于抽象事物。 用法2:compensate用作及物动词时,以起补偿作用的人或事物作主语,以被补偿的事物或人作宾语。用作不及物动词时,接for表示补偿的对象; 接with表示用于补偿的同类事物。 <<< ▼ compensate的常用短语 用作动词 (v.) compensate for (v.+prep.) compensate with (v.+prep.) <<< ▼ compensate的 近义词 v.补偿;赔偿;弥补;抵消;平衡;校正;酬报;隐藏;弥补(无能 第三人称单数: compensates 现在分词: compensating 过去式: compensated 过去分词: compensated <<< ▼ compensate的用法例句 1. The hospital staff were very apologetic but that couldn"t really compensate. 医院的工作人员深表歉意,但这真的于事无补。 2. He did not have the means to compensate her. 他没有钱来补偿她。 3. Nothing can compensate for the loss of a loved one. 失去心爱的人是无法补偿的。 4. She used her good looks to compensate her lack of intelligence. 她利用她漂亮的外表来弥补智力的不足. 5. The firm must compensate you for your traveling costs. 这家公司必须偿付给你差旅费. 6. Nothing can compensate for the loss of one"s health. 一个人失去了键康是不可弥补的. 7. Nothing can compensate for losing my husband. 我失去丈夫的损失是无法弥补的. 8. You must compensate me for this loss. 你必须补偿我的这个损失. 9. Nothing can compensate for the loss of time. 虚度光阴是无法补偿的(光阴一去不复还). 10. MPs say it is crucial that a system is found to compensate for inflation. 下议院的议员们说关键是要找到一种抵消通货膨胀影响的机制。 11. The official promise to compensate people for the price rise clearly hadn"t been worked out properly. 显然,官方对物价上涨进行补偿的承诺没有真正兑现。 12. A baseball player who is not a speedy runner can compensate by powerful hitting. 跑步速度不快的 棒球 手可以凭有力的打击来弥补. 13. No supportive words could ever compensate for the pain of being separated from her children for 10 years. 任何表示支持的言语都无法弥补与孩子们分开10年带给她的痛苦。 14. The company agreed to keep up high levels of output in order to compensate for supplies lost. 这家公司同意保持高产量以弥补供货丢失带来的缺口。 15. The government now owns a lot of our land — one possibility would be to compensate us with other property. 政府现在占了我们的大量土地,一种可能是用其他地产来对我们作出补偿。 <<< compensate的用法和短语相关 文章 : ★ compensate的第三人称单数和例句 ★ shout的用法和短语例句 ★ couple是什么意思用法有哪些 ★ compromise的第三人称单数 ★ fall的用法和短语例句 ★ storage的用法和例句 ★ animal的用法总结集锦 ★ 英语六级考试技巧 ★ build的过去式和用法例句 var _hmt = _hmt || []; (function() { var hm = document.createElement("script"); hm.src = ""; var s = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(hm, s); })();




compensate[英][u02c8ku0252mpenseu026at][美][u02c8kɑ:mpenseu026at]vt.补偿,赔偿; 报酬; 抵消; vi.补偿,弥补; 第三人称单数:compensates过去分词:compensated现在进行时:compensating过去式:compensated以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Such assets offered an excess return to compensate investors for their illiquidity. 那些资产能提供超额回报来作为流动性不足的补偿

indemnify for和compensate for的区别

indemnify for 一般就是金额上的赔偿;compensate for还有补偿的意思,不一定是赔钱赔东西,也可以是赔人情啥的,弥补什么事儿之类的

compensate for+名词 造句

To compensate for this poor effect, molds are filled at high pressures

compensate for loss是什么意思

compensate for loss赔偿损失; 双语例句1It was also considered unacceptable for public funds to be used to compensate for loss that should be allocated to the operator.也有意见认为:用公款来补偿须由经营者分担的损失,这是不可接受的。2Since the pillars that normally separate the front and rear doors have been eliminated, the load space is enlarged, but extra structural members were added to compensate for the loss of stiffness.这款车型取消了前后车门之间的柱子,因此增大了储物空间。但是为了弥补车身的稳定性,还是加入了一些额外的结构部件。3In real applications, the absorption of the materials is big. We can use the gain materials to compensate for loss.但在实际应用中,材料吸收会相对比较大,实验中可以用一些增益材料来尽量减少吸收。

Record Company Pimpin 歌词

歌曲名:Record Company Pimpin 歌手:Ice Cube专辑:War & Peace Vol. 2 (The Peace Disc) (Explicit)Please listen to my demo {x8}A nigga told me, the record company"s the pimpThe artist is the hoe, The stage is the cornerAnd the audience is the trip, god damn(verse one) {:21}Incredible young nigga, you can"t belive i"m just one niggaGod damn i"ve gotten biggerIntellect superior,Walk in a room and make the whole interior, inferiorIf you look me in my eyesYou might fuck around and loose control of your mind body and your soulGrab aholdUndisputed on the microphone, what choo thinkIf you wink, i"ll make you ich thinkDid you blink, did you ever drink your own brain matterShotgun enima, this ain"t no cinemaAll praises due to the creator--for this man here, that can"t no nigga stand near--True, inventor of the double-youWhat choo wanna do, i got the red and the blueShow me one nigga dedicated to rapsI"ll show you ten niggas dedicated to snapsRecord company death traps settin" decoysJust to pimp young b-boysWith a cup full of yak, studio contactManiac with a contractWell turn up the bass and the motherfuckin" trebleIce CubeAbout to do a deal with the devil for my vocal levelBullshit points, plus he want to rub it inAnd take all my publishin", god damnDo i take it up the rectumJust to rock the spectrumGive up a right arm, just to do a formHell no, all you motherfukers goan leave this bitch limpin"No more, record company pimpin"No more (No more), record company pimpin"No more (No more), record company pimpin"No more (No more), record company pimpin"No more No more No more No moreYou ain"t pimpin" me (uhn uhh, uhn uhh)I ain"t pimpin" you (uhn uhh, uhn uhh)I just wanna be free (i just wanna be free)So what we gonna do (can i holla at you, holla at you)You ain"t pimpin" me (please listen to my demo)I ain"t pimpin" you (please listen to my demo)I just wanna be free (i just wanna be free)So what we gonna do (can i holla at you, holla at you)(verse two) {2:01}I"ma keep it simple, it went from "please listen to my demo"To "get your ass out my limo"Stretch presidentialIt"s essential cuz the record company will have your ass in a rentalIf you let "em, You have to behead "emContracts you never read "emCEO"s you never met "emSent to an atourney, Burnstein and BurneyNigga that"s his lawyer, ain"t got nothin" for yaBite you in the ass like a Georgetown HoyaWhen they ignore ya cause, you got to hold your ballsCatch a motherfucker slippin" in bathroom stallsAnd then you show "em that you ain"t a rookieLet "em know that you"d rather have, more points than more pussyPimp turned bookieNow how the fuck i get in so much debtGod damn, we just metWelcome to the rap gameMotherfucker be confused and broke before he know whats happenin"You can be the star and fuck womenI"ma just play the back and keep winnin"No more (No more), record company pimpin"No more (No more), record company pimpin"No more (No more), record company pimpin"No more No more No more No moreYou ain"t pimpin" me (please listen to my demo)I ain"t pimpin" you (please listen to my demo)I just wanna be free (i just wanna be free)So what we gonna do (i got to holla at you, holla at you)You ain"t pimpin" me (uhn uhh, uhn uhh)I ain"t pimpin" you (uhn uhh, uhn uhh)I just wanna be free (i just wanna be free)So what we gonna do (can i holla at you, holla at you)It went from please listen to my demoTo get your ass out my limo {x4}(outro) {3:43}Mama"s, don"t let your kids grow up to be rappersUnless you tell them if they gonna get in this buisnessThey better learn this buisnessOr they goan get fuckedSimple as thatSimple as that


Uh huh, lifes like this生活就是这样Uh huh, uh huh, thats the way it is那是它是的方式Cause lifes like this生活就是这样Uh huh, uh huh thats the way it is那是它是的方式Chill out安静whatcha yelling for?你在笑什么Lay back回想Its all been done before我们都做了些什么And if you could only let it be如果你放轻松,You will see你会看见I like you the way you are我喜欢你和你的方式When were drivin in your car当我们做在你车里时And youre talking to me one on one你同我一遍又一遍的诉说But youve become但是现在你变了Somebody else round everyone else跟其他人没有区别了。Youre watching your back你时刻注意你的形象,Like you cant relax总是很拘束。Youre tryin to be cool你想装酷,You look like a fool to me但在我看来你却像一个傻瓜。Tell me告诉我Why you have to go and make things so complicated?你为什么让事情变的这么复杂?I see the way youre acting我能看出你在伪装Like youre somebody else gets me frustrated这让我烦透了。Lifes like this生活就是这样,And you fall and you crawl and you break你会跌倒,你会挣扎,你会崩溃,And you take what you get你想得到你想得到的And you turn it into honesty你要接受现实You promised me你答应过我Im never gonna find you fake it我永远不会发现你假装些什么No no noYou come over unannounced没有事先通知你就来了,Dressed up like youre someone else打扮的象另外一个人,Where you are and where its sad you see你就像一出悲剧。Youre making me你装出很酷的样子,Laugh out when you strike your pose却让我大笑不止,Take off all your preppy clothes脱掉你那身怪衣服,You know youre not fooling anyone你知道你骗不了任何人。But youve become但是现在你变了Somebody else round everyone else跟其他人没有区别了。Youre watching your back你时刻注意你的形象,Like you cant relax总是很拘束。Youre tryin to be cool你想装酷,You look like a fool to me但在我看来你却像一个傻瓜

英语翻译。 你们学校有电脑吗? ___ ___ ___ computers in your sc

Do you haveWe have has

frustrated prevented discouraged accomplished区别





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There has been a collision __ a number of cars on the main road to town. a.composing b.consistin

There has been a collision _involving_ a number of cars on the main road to town.c.involving涉及到

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Little ____ about him when I first met him in that company

也可以选 B。这是一个强调句,强调 little。B 是说在遇到他之前知之甚少。D 则没有强调时间先后顺序,反正都是发生在过去。

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Dev-c++怎么解决reg52.h: No such file or directory compilation terminated.



Comprehensive ExercisesI Close1. Text-related141)sponsored2)determination3) turned away4) assumed 5)capacity6)skilled7)loan8) character9) hunting10) for sale 11)send for2. Theme-related1)save2)recent3)modest4) grow5) dream6) immigrants 7)business8) engineering9)invest10) richIII Translation1)ItisreportedthatUNmediatorshaveworkedoutaplanwhich they hope will be acceptable to both sides.2)Doris walked in the forest cautiously, afraid of being attackedby giant snakes.3)Earthquakes, typhoons and other natural disasters cannot beprevented,butactioncanbetakentoprotectlifeandproperty.4)Iboughtanewissueofmyfavoritesportsmagazineandhurried home, anxious to amuse myself reading it.5)Helen lacks confidence.I"ve never known anyone so unsure ofherself.2.After graduating from college, Tony decided to start his ownbusiness.Atthebeginning,manyabankturneddownhis15requestforaloan.Buthewasnotabitdiscouraged,andcontinuedtocallononebankerafteranotherseekinghelp.Impressedbyhisdeterminationandoptimism,onebankerfinallyagreedtoloanhimthemoney.Nowhehasbecomeawealthybusinessman.Talkingabouthisamazingachievement,Tonysaysthatitisimportanttocreateratherthanwaitforopportunities.




用 are ...这么多 and 了...但是最后的pursuit 也要变复数,变成pursuits。

英语作文How to improve competitiveness?

How to improve competitiveness?With the increasingly fierce competition, more and more undergraduate need to improve their competitiveness to adapt the competition. How to improve our competitiveness? I think there are three aspects as following:Firstly, strengthen our professional learning. Because when we graduate from the college, excellent professional ability can help us to find a good job.Secondly, exercise our communication ability. When we go to the society, personal communication is very important to us, sometimes it affects our work and life largely.Thirdly, take more social practice, which can help us to adapt the socity qucikly when we graduate.If we can prepare those three aspects enough, we will have more self-confidence to welcome the competition.

competitiveness competition 区别

competitiveness n.竞争力 而competition 是n. 竞争, 竞赛 ..懂?







新视野 the company man课文翻译

He worked himself to death, finally and precisely, at 3:00 A.M. Sunday morning. 最终,他于星期天凌晨3点工作致死。The obituary didn"t say that, of course. 当然,讣告上没有这样写。It said that he died of a coronary thrombosis--I think that was it--but everyone among his friends and acquaintances knew it instantly. 讣告上写的是死于冠状动脉血栓证,但他的好友和熟识的人都心知肚明。He was a perfect Type A, a workaholic, a classic, they said to each other and shook their heads--and thought for five or ten minutes about the way they lived. 他们互相握着手,摇头叹息地说他是一个追求完美的A型血人,一个典型的工作狂,然后用几分钟时间来反思自己的生活方式。This man who worked himself to death finally and precisely at 3:00 A.M. 这个男人最终在星期天凌晨三点整工作致死。Sunday morning--on his day off--was fifty-one years old and a vice-president.星期天的早上,这天刚好是这个51岁的副总裁的休息日。 He was, however, one of six vice-presidents, and one of three who might conceivably--if the president died or retired soon enough--have moved to the top spot. Phil knew that. 他是公司六位副总裁之一,也是副总裁中三位最让人信任的人之一,如果总裁已经逝世或者退休的话,他已经成为了最高职位。菲尔清楚这一点。He worked six days a week, five of them until eight or nine at night, during a time when his own company had begun the four-day week for everyone but the executives.他一周工作六天,其中五天工作到夜里八九点,他的公司里除了高级官员,其他人都已经开始四天工作制。 He worked like the Important People. 他工作起来像一个重要人物。He had no outside "extracurricular interests," unless, of course, you think about a monthly golf game that way. 当然,就像你想象中那样,他每月打一次高尔夫球,他没有其他的爱好。To Phil, it was work.对菲尔而言,高尔夫是工作。 He always ate egg salad sandwiches at his desk. He was, of course, overweight, by 20 or 25 pounds. 他总是在他的桌前吃着吃鸡蛋沙拉三明治,他难免有点发福,超重了20-25磅。He thought it was okay, though, because he didn"t smoke. 他想这没什么关系,因为他从不抽烟。On Saturdays, Phil wore a sports jacket to the office instead of a suit, because it was the weekend. 星期六,菲尔换下西服,穿着运动衫去上班,因为这是周末。He had a lot of people working for him, maybe sixty, and most of them liked him most of the time.他有大约60个人为他效力,大部分人在大部分时候觉得他很不错。Three of them will be seriously considered for his job.其中三位紧盯着他的职位。The obituary didn"t mention that. 讣告上没有提及这些。But it did list his "survivors" quite accurately. 但是讣告详细地介绍了他的遗孀。He is survived by his wife, Helen, forty-eight years old, a good woman of no particular marketable skills, who worked in an office before marrying and mothering.他的妻子,海伦,一个48岁的好女人,没有什么特别的市场能力,在结婚生子之前在一家公司上班。 She had, according to her daughter, given up trying to compete with his work years ago, when the children were small. 她说,在女儿的记忆里,她很多年前,当孩子们还很小的时候,就放弃了和他工作的抗争。A company friend said, "I know how much you will miss him." And she answered, "I already have." 一个工作伙伴说,“我知道你将对他有多思念”,她回答到,“我一直都很想他。”"Missing him all these years," she must have given up part of herself which had cared too much for the man. She would be "well taken care of." “想了他这么多年了,”她如此在乎的这个男人,必须放弃她,以后她将会被“好好的照顾”。His "dearly beloved" eldest of the "dearly beloved" children is a hard-working executive in a manufacturing firm down South. 他的“最爱的”孩子们中“最爱的”长子是南方某制造公司努力工作的经理。In the day and a half before the funeral, he went around the neighborhood researching his father, asking the neighbors what he was like. They were embarrassed. 在葬礼前的一天半里,他走访邻居询问邻居们询问邻居对他的印象。他们很尴尬。His second child is a girl, who is twenty-four and newly married.他的第二个孩子是一个女孩,24岁了,刚刚结婚。She lives near her mother and they are close, but whenever she was alone with her father, in a car driving somewhere, they had nothing to say to each other. 她和妈妈住的很近,很亲密,但是无论什么时候,当她和爸爸独处的时候,哪怕是在一辆车中,他们互相没有什么言语。The youngest is twenty, a boy, a high-school graduate who has spent the last couple of years, like a lot of his friends, doing enough odd jobs to stay in grass and food. 最小的是一个男孩,20岁,高中毕业生,像很多他的朋友一样,做一些零工,吃喝玩乐。He was the one who tried to grab at his father, and tried to mean enough to him to keep the man at home.他是唯一一个能够抓住父亲的人,尝试把父亲留到家里。 He was his father"s favorite. Over the last two years, Phil stayed up nights worrying about the boy.他是他父亲最喜欢的儿子,在生命的最后两年里,菲尔整夜担心这个孩子。The boy once said, "My father and I only board here." 他曾说过,“父亲和我只是在这里寄宿”At the funeral, the sixty-year-old company president told the forty-eight-year-old widow that the fifty-one-year-old deceased had meant much to the company and would be missed and would be hard to replace.在葬礼上,60岁的总裁安慰48岁的遗孀说,这位51岁的死者对公司的贡献巨大,没有人可以替代他的位置。 The widow didn"t look him in the eye. 这位遗孀不敢直视他眼睛。She was afraid he would read her bitterness and, after all, she would need him to straighten out the finances--the stock options and all that. 她害怕他可以读出她的苦痛,毕竟,她需要他帮忙清理丈夫的财政—股票什么的。Phil was overweight and nervous and worked too hard.菲尔超重、焦虑、工作强度太大。If he wasn"t at the office he was worried about it. 如果他不在公司,就会担心公司的工作。Phil was a Type A, heart-attack natural. You could have picked him out in a minute from a lineup. 菲尔是一个A型血,先天易发心脏病。在人群中,你可以一眼就把他认出来。So when he finally worked himself to death, at precisely 3:00 A.M. Sunday morning, no one was really surprised. 所以当他最终因工作死于星期天凌晨三点整,没人感到意外。By 5:00 P.M. the afternoon of the funeral, the company president had begun, discreetly of course, with care and taste, to make inquiries about his replacement. One of three men. He asked around: "Who"s been working the hardest?" 葬礼过后的下午5点,公司总裁已经开始谨慎地,带着小心和鉴赏,审视着三位可以代替他职位的人。他问到“谁工作最努力?”

joint venture company是什么意思

joint venture company合资公司The chairman of the board is the legal representative of the joint venture company.董事长是合营公司法定代表。

关于company confidential 的翻译

这个文件和所有包含的信息是财产1和/或其子公司( “ ” ) 。设计概念和包含的信息是properietary一个,并在提交的信心。他们是不可转让,必须使用,不仅是为了那些文件是明确贷款。他们绝不能透露, preproduced ,出借或使用的任何其他方式没有明确书面同意答:在任何情形下,他们采用以任何方式损害的利益,普及服务基金。所有的一,本文件,连同全部拷贝及提取物,以及所有相关注释和分析,必须返回到一个或毁坏的指示, A.接受交付本文件构成协议,这些条款和条件。

exclusively foreign-owned company in china是什么意思?



compile:编译选定的目标,非增量编译make:编译选定的目标, 增量编译build:编译整个工程,非增量编译,往往是release版本

build up a company

build up a company是成立了一个公司 build a company是建造了一个建筑的意思

毕业论文英语翻译原文 内容关于:主成分分析(principal component analysis)

你的邮箱发不进去,请换一个,这里发部分供你参考Principal component analysisPrincipal component analysis (PCA) is a mathematical procedure that uses an orthogonal transformation to convert a set of observations of possibly correlated variables into a set of values of uncorrelated variables called principal components. The number of principal components is less than or equal to the number of original variables. This transformation is defined in such a way that the first principal component has as high a variance as possible (that is, accounts for as much of the variability in the data as possible), and each succeeding component in turn has the highest variance possible under the constraint that it be orthogonal to (uncorrelated with) the preceding components. Principal components are guaranteed to be independent only if the data set is jointly normally distributed. PCA is sensitive to the relative scaling of the original variables. Depending on the field of application, it is also named the discrete Karhunen–Loève transform (KLT), the Hotelling transform or proper orthogonal decomposition (POD).PCA was invented in 1901 by Karl Pearson.[1] Now it is mostly used as a tool in exploratory data analysis and for making predictive models. PCA can be done by eigenvalue decomposition of a data covariance matrix or singular value decomposition of a data matrix, usually after mean centering the data for each attribute. The results of a PCA are usually discussed in terms of component scores (the transformed variable values corresponding to a particular case in the data) and loadings (the weight by which each standarized original variable should be multiplied to get the component score) (Shaw, 2003).PCA is the simplest of the true eigenvector-based multivariate analyses. Often, its operation can be thought of as revealing the internal structure of the data in a way which best explains the variance in the data. If a multivariate dataset is visualised as a set of coordinates in a high-dimensional data space (1 axis per variable), PCA can supply the user with a lower-dimensional picture, a "shadow" of this object when viewed from its (in some sense) most informative viewpoint. This is done by using only the first few principal components so that the dimensionality of the transformed data is reduced.PCA is closely related to factor analysis; indeed, some statistical packages (such as Stata) deliberately conflate the two techniques. True factor analysis makes different assumptions about the underlying structure and solves eigenvectors of a slightly different matrix.

如何理解benders decomposition在混合整数规划中的应用

problem,比如10个,然后有个subproblem,用来add constraints on the fly.如此循... Benders应用得很成功的案例,比如multi-commodity network flow problem.

degradation 和decomposition区别

degradation 老化; 退化decomposition 分解, 腐败, 变质

华硕F1A55用U盘装系统总是报错 提示:decomposition error ,abort?


线性代数中的SVD,即Singular Value Decomposition这种分解有什么应用呢?

SVD这是线性代数现在的重中之重,相比之前,约旦标准型的光辉岁月已经退去了、SVD中文叫奇异值分解。线性代数里面X"X矩阵是非常重要的矩阵 因为既保留了X的所有信息 又把这种信息的载体优化了,具备了很好的性质,比如如果X列满秩或者行满秩,X"X就是可逆的,对称的,而且可以构造投影矩阵,这是最小二乘的基础。 但是X不一定就能满秩,所以X"X就不是满秩方阵,也就不可逆,但是有逆这个性质我们非常想得到,SVD就出现了。SVD的第一大应用就是使得非满秩的X"X有逆,国外称作伪逆,我们叫广义逆,其实国内的广义逆有很多不唯一,SVD可以帮你找到最好的那个。这样最小二乘法就能继续得到应用。

decomposition diagram用visio可不可以画?


奇异值分解(singular value decomposition)的定义是什么?

矩阵的迹 trace 方阵对角元素之和 Singular value decompostion 奇异值分解非常有用,对于矩阵A(p*q),存在U(p*p),V(q*q),B(p*q)(由对角阵与增广行或列组成),满足A = U*B*V U和V中分别是A的奇异向量,而B中是A的奇异值。AA"的特征向量组成U,特征值组成B"B,A"A的特征向量组成V,特征值(与AA"相同)组成BB"。因此,奇异值分解和特征值问题紧密联系。 如果A是复矩阵,B中的奇异值仍然是实数。 SVD提供了一些关于A的信息,例如非零奇异值的数目(B的阶数)和A的阶数相同,一旦阶数确定,那么U的前k列构成了A的列向量空间的正交基。 在数值分析中,由于数值计算误差,测量误差,噪声以及病态矩阵,零奇异值通常显示为很小的数目。 将一个矩阵分解为比较简单或者性质比较熟悉的矩阵之组合,方便讨论和计算。由于矩阵的特征值和特征向量在化矩阵为对角形的问题中占有特殊位置, 因此矩阵的特征值分解。。。尽管矩阵的特征值具有非常好的性质,但是并不是总能正确地表示矩阵的“大小”。矩阵的奇异值和按奇异值分解是矩阵理论和应用中十分重要的内容,已成为多变量反馈控制系统最重要最基本的分析工具之一,奇异值实际上是复数标量绝对值概念的推广, 表示了反馈控制系统的输出/输入增益,能反映控制系统的特性。《鲁棒控制。。倾斜转弯导弹》 昨天看了一个网页,,知道了奇异值分解就是把矩阵A分解成hanger,stretcher,aligner的三重积。从几何意义上讲矩阵A乘以几何图形(用数值序列x,y代表),相当于对几何图形先扭转,再拉伸,再扭转。从这里也知道,“正交”的概念特别有用。一对最简单的正交基(orthogonal basis,perpframe)是p1 = [cos(s) sin(s)],p2 = [-sin(s) cos(s)],它可以用于几何变换。

u盘装系统时出现decomposition error怎么搞?


data decomposition是什么意思




Jeep Compass七座版最新谍照 预计将于2022年内亮相

易车讯 近日,我们从相关渠道获得了Jeep Compass七座版最新谍照,该车预计最快会在上半年内亮相,新车基于指南者打造,采用了更具实用性的7座设计,针对全球不同的市场,也会有不同的名字,在巴西市场它被称为“Commander”。相较于此前曝光的谍照,Jeep Compass七座版最新谍照的伪装更少,也可以更加清晰的看到头灯和尾灯点亮的样式,预计该车的外观和内饰设计与已经在巴西市场发布的Jeep Commander不会有本质的区别,但是可能会针对细节进行细微的调整。动力系统方面,Jeep Compass七座版预计将会继续搭载1.3T发动机,功率136千瓦,扭矩270牛·米,匹配6挡自动变速箱,与巴西市场的Commander相同,不过根据销售地区的不同,动力系统的选择可能也会有所变动。至于广汽菲克Jeep是否未来会国产该车,目前还没有准确的消息。



VBA 编译时提示:compile error : else without if

在Then后面按下回车就OK了 ,所有的THEN后面的都要另起一行 ,另外这么多的条件,建议用select case...end select语句。

react里这句是什么意思,为啥这么写呢const { component: Component, } = this.props;

其实就相当于 {post} = this.props

vue 全局组件component 获取props值

关键点:通过:id="getId(info)"将info属性(props)值传递到方法,然后再设置值,网上的watch方法试了无效,这个方法实测有效 源码如下: <page v-bind:info="paginationVo" ></page> // 注册 - 名字不能大写 分页组件<page v-bind:info="paginationVo" ></page> Vue.component("page", { // 声明 属性 props: ["info"], template: "<ul :id="getId(info)" class="c_page"><li v-if="isShowPreBtn"><button v-on:click="btnHandler(-1)">上一页</button></li><li v-if="isShowNextBtn"><button v-on:click="btnHandler(-2)" >下一页</button></li></ul>", data: function() { return { counter: 0, paginationVo:{}, isShowPreBtn:false, isShowNextBtn:false, } }, mounted() { console.log("-------mounted:"+JSON.stringify(this.paginationVo));

请问CMA(comprehensive meta analysis)3.0的注册码是多少?



EI是《EngineeringIndex》的缩写,这是美国工程信息公司出版的著名工程技术类综合性检索工具《工程索引》,创刊于1884年。最初是印刷版,主要的出版物是EI月刊和年度索引。 EIcompendex、EV、EIpageone都是《EngineeringIndex》发展到电子版以后衍生出来的产物。EIcompendex指EI网络版,它的数据包括了EI核心数据和扩展数据,其核心数据与EI印刷版和光盘版是一致的;EIpageone是指EI扩展版的非正式加工数据,没有Controlledterms和Classificationcode字段。EV是“EngineeringVillage”的缩写,是EI检索平台,该平台除了提供EI检索外,还可以提供其他数据库的检索,如Inspec等数据库。 Elsevier既可以指爱思唯尔公司,(是一个著名的出版发行商,出版期刊、图书专著、教科书和参考书的纸版和电子版),也可以指Elsevier数据库,即ElsevierSD(ScienceDirect),该平台收录期刊、图书等文献。一般来说,Elsevier出版的期刊相对质量较高,被EI和SCI收录的比例比较高,但并不是所有Elsevier出版的期刊都被EI收录。

ei来源刊分为哪三大类?如何区别compendex和ei page one的文章?

分类: 教育/科学 >> 学习帮助 解析: 呵呵,兄弟我也在做这个题。下面是我找的答案,看合适你不? ei有三种来源刊,分别是全选期刊、选做期刊和扩充期刊 。其中 全选期刊(核心期刊):全部录入Compendex,化学工程、土木工程、电气与电子工 程、机械工程、冶金、矿业、石油工程、计算机工程和软件选做期刊:部分录入Compendex,农业工程、工业工程、纺织工程、应用化学、应用数学、应用力学、大气科学、造纸化学和技术、高等学校工程类学报等扩充期刊:部分录入EI Page One (2)Compendex 数据:数据的内容全面,主要包括:论文标题(Title);作者(Authors);第一作者单位(First author affiliation);英文文摘(Abstract);论文所在期刊名称(Serial title);卷(Volume)期(Issue);论文页码(Pages);分类码(Ei classification codes);主题词(Ei main heading);受控词(Ei controlled terms);自由词(Uncontrolled terms) 等等。其中:分类码(Ei classification codes);主题词(Ei main heading);受控词(Ei controlled terms);自由词(Uncontrolled terms)需要专业人员单独给出。 Page One 数据: 数据内容主要包括:论文标题(Title);作者(Authors);论文所在期刊名称(Serial title);卷(Volume)期(Issue);论文页码(Pages);部分数据带有英文文摘和第一作者单位(First author affiliation)。不需要任何专业人员再做工作。 Compendex 数据和Page One 数据的主要区别在于:数据中是否有分类码(Ei classification codes)和主题词(Ei main heading);有这两项内容的数据是Compendex 数据,反之是 Page One 数据。


EI是《EngineeringIndex》的缩写,这是美国工程信息公司出版的著名工程技术类综合性检索工具《工程索引》,创刊于1884年。最初是印刷版,主要的出版物是EI月刊和年度索引。 EIcompendex、EV、EIpageone都是《EngineeringIndex》发展到电子版以后衍生出来的产物。EIcompendex指EI网络版,它的数据包括了EI核心数据和扩展数据,其核心数据与EI印刷版和光盘版是一致的;EIpageone是指EI扩展版的非正式加工数据,没有Controlledterms和Classificationcode字段。EV是“EngineeringVillage”的缩写,是EI检索平台,该平台除了提供EI检索外,还可以提供其他数据库的检索,如Inspec等数据库。 Elsevier既可以指爱思唯尔公司,(是一个著名的出版发行商,出版期刊、图书专著、教科书和参考书的纸版和电子版),也可以指Elsevier数据库,即ElsevierSD(ScienceDirect),该平台收录期刊、图书等文献。一般来说,Elsevier出版的期刊相对质量较高,被EI和SCI收录的比例比较高,但并不是所有Elsevier出版的期刊都被EI收录。
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