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海淘company name怎么填

海淘company name填你注册的转运公司仓库地址。譬如走中邮海外购,他们美国仓库在特拉华免税州,那么你的收货地址就填他们家在特拉华的仓库地址就行了。

Company Name翻译中文


company name是什么意思


company name是什么意思

company name公司名称双语例句1In addition, it contains one view that displays data listed by companyname.此外,它还包含了一个视图,用来显示按公司名称列出的数据。

company name是什么意思

company name 公司名称

company name是什么意思

company name [词典] 公司名称; [例句]Then, list the recruiter"s title and the company name and address.然后列出招聘员工的头衔、公司名字和地址。





请问在spring3.1中@Repository , @Service , @Controller 和 @Component 有什么区别 ??

基本上没有区别. 用Spring MVC时@Controller注解的类将变成一个Spring MVC的控制器. 不用Spring MVC的情况下, 这四个注解没有区别. 根据注解的语义, 注解在类上面可以提高代码的可读性. @Repository代表仓库. 一般注解在DAO实现类上, 别人看代码时, 就知道这个类是一个跟数据存储有关的类. @Service代表业务. 一般注解在Service实现类上.@Controller代表控制器. 一般注解在控制器类上. 如果你的类不是以上类型(数据存储类, 业务类, 控制器), 可以笼统的使用@Component

portfolio company 是什么意思?



match一般指竞技比赛,指事先安排好的正规比赛。如球类比赛、拳击等。如:I saw the box match on TV.我在电视上看到了那场拳击比赛。Game常指游戏、运动、若指每个比赛中的一局、一场等要用game.如:The children are playing games. 孩子们在做游戏。Our team won the first- three games. 我们队赢了头三局。Competition指通过个人的体力、智力、技能的竞赛而获得名次的各种比赛,可以是体育方面的,也可以是其他方面的。如:He was in competition with 10 others, so he did well to win the race. 他与十个人竞争,他跑得快,才赢得了比赛。I won a handwriting competition set by a paper in town. 我赢得了城里一家报纸举办的书法比赛。

java正则表达式中,Pattern.matches(regex, input)和Pattern.compile(regex).matcher(input).find()的区别

可以Pattern.compile(regex, CASE_INSENSITIVE | DOTALL);多个值 罗辑或 请参考

competition与 contest的区别

competition 竞争(长期的)contest 竞赛,比赛(短期的,有胜负结果的)

i just want your company 歌词

Ain"t nothing working, ain"t nothing right... there"s a whole in me, that I can"t fill, no matter how hard I try Hey, hey, hey bartender, hit me with a double, And introduce me to that girl with the bobble, I"m looking for trouble tonight, No momma don"t trust me tonight, You be the center baby, I"ll be the quarter back, High get the tail back, watchin all the play back, Jaw smash, now heating now rambo Up in the hands all, biting on the cannibal I just want your company, I want you to comfort me, just come with me Hey bartender, hit me with another, I"m just about how to kill this brother, I"m lookin for trouble tonight, No momma don"t trust me tonight, You be the beauty baby, I"ll be the beast, Who give a fucker, take it to the bedroom, Take it to the streets, take it like a man, Mother fucker, yo bitch chose me, mother fucker I just want your company, I want you to comfort me, just come with me I just want your company, I want you to comfort me, just come with me Take me there, take me with you, I can"t be alone tonight, I can"t trust myself tonight, I can"t trust myself tonight, ladies don"t trust me tonight. Take me there, take me with you, I can"t be alone tonight, I can"t trust myself tonight, I can"t trust myself tonight, no you can"t trust me tonight. Ain"t nothing working, ain"t nothing right... there"s a whole in me, that I can"t fill, no matter how hard I try, there ain"t nothing sweeter, there ain"t nothing wrong, all the pain that I"ve received keeps me strong, it keeps me moving on... I just want your company, I want you to comfort me, just come with me (moving on) I just want your company, I want you to comfort me, just come with me I just want your company, I want you to comfort me, just come with me Comfort me, just come with me Comfort me, just come with me

问react中 componentWillMount,componentDidMount有什么用处

生命周期componentWillMount 组件出现前 就是dom还没有渲染到html文档里面componentDidMount 组件渲染完成 已经出现在dom文档里可以再各个周期实现特定的操作

intermediate holding company是什么意思


集群计算的集群计算(Cluster Computing)

在计算机中,集群(clustering)是使用多个计算机,如典型的个人计算机或UNIX工作站,多个存储设备和记忆冗余的互连线路来组成一个对用户来说单一的、高可用的系统。集群计算(clustering computing)能够被用来实现负载均衡。集群的倡导者提出,对一个企业来说,集群在许多情况下能够达到99.999%的可用性。集群的一个主要思路是,对外接来说,集群就像是一个唯一的系统。集群的一个常用用途就是在一个高流量的网站中实现负载均衡。一个网页请求被送到“管理者”服务器,然后此服务器决定此请求由几个相同Web服务器中的哪一个进行处理。这种Web Farm(根据配置有时候被这样称呼)将能够提升通信量和处理速度。集群最早是在20世纪80年代DEC的VMS系统中出现的,IBM的sysplex是与集群接近的大型主机系统。微软、Sun微系统,以及其它主导硬件和软件流的公司提供有集群包,并保证提供可扩展性和可用性。随着通信量和可用性保证的增加,集群的整个部分或局部零件的大小与数量都可以增加。集群计算还可以被用来进行低廉的并行计算,这些并行计算通常为科学研究或其它需要并行运算的应用服务。一个著名的例子就是裴欧沃夫(Beowulf)计划,它使用一定数量现成的个人计算机组成集群来实现科学应用。




convoluted是convolute的过去分词,convolute原意是: 回旋状的;旋绕的,convoluted是因“旋绕”这层意思引申出“复杂的,费解的”这个意思。complicated是complicate的过去分词,complicate原意就有“使..复杂化”的意思,complicated与之相比,只是形式上的变化




《Complicated》是加拿大歌手艾薇儿2002年6月4日发布的首张专辑《Let Go》(展翅高飞)当中的一首歌曲。《Complicated》演唱者Avril Lavigne,是首正中爱情骗子要害的简洁歌曲;沾染了弦乐色彩的“I"m With You”反映了Avril较为温和的一面。《Complicated》并不是特别描写某一个人。基本上它是一首关于生活、伪装的人们和人际关系的歌曲。

《complicated》艾薇儿唱的。 是哪部动漫的歌曲来着?



Avril Lavigne - Complicated Uh huh, life"s like this生活就是这样 Uh huh, uh huh, that"s the way it is 那是它是的方式 Cause life"s like this生活就是这样 Uh huh, uh huh that"s the way it is 那是它是的方式 Chill out安静 whatcha yelling" for? 你在笑什么 Lay back回想 It"s all been done before 我们都做了些什么 And if you could only let it be 如果你放轻松, You will see 你会看见 I like you the way you are 我喜欢你和你的方式 When we"re drivin" in your car 当我们做在你车里时 And you"re talking to me one on one你同我一遍又一遍的诉说 But you"ve become 但是现在你变了 Somebody else round everyone else 跟其他人没有区别了。 You"re watching your back 你时刻注意你的形象, Like you can"t relax 总是很拘束。 You"re tryin" to be cool 你想装酷, You look like a fool to me 但在我看来你却像一个傻瓜。 Tell me 告诉我 Why you have to go and make things so complicated?你为什么让事情变的这么复杂? I see the way you"re acting 我能看出你在伪装 Like you"re somebody else gets me frustrated 这让我烦透了。 Life"s like this生活就是这样, And you fall and you crawl and you break 你会跌倒,你会挣扎,你会崩溃, And you take what you get 你想得到你想得到的 And you turn it into honesty 你要接受现实 You promised me你答应过我 I"m never gonna find you fake it No no no You come over unannounced 没有事先通知你就来了, Dressed up like you"re someone else 打扮的象另外一个人, Where you are and where it"s sad you see 你就像一出悲剧。 You"re making me 你装出很酷的样子, Laugh out when you strike your pose 却让我大笑不止, Take off all your preppy clothes 脱掉你那身怪衣服, You know you"re not fooling anyone 你知道你骗不了任何人。 But you"ve become 但是现在你变了 Somebody else round everyone else 跟其他人没有区别了。 You"re watching your back 你时刻注意你的形象, Like you can"t relax 总是很拘束。 You"re tryin" to be cool 你想装酷, You look like a fool to me 但在我看来你却像一个傻瓜。


1. intricateadj.错综复杂的。 这样看,你就懂了:【反义词】plain adj.清楚的,简单的 ;n...simple adj.简单的,朴素的2.complicatedadj,复杂的,难懂的。complicated: 与complex的含义接近,但语气更强,着重极其复杂,很难分析、分辨或解释。intricate: 着重指错综复杂,令人迷惑理解。不懂的时候看句型和反义词。以下是考试句型的链接↓


  ☆^※→【COMPLICATED】完整的歌词  Uh huh, life"s like this 嗯,哈,生活就是这样  Uh huh, uh huh, that"s the way it is 嗯,哈,嗯,哈,那是它的本来面目  "Cause life"s like this 因为生活就是这样  Uh huh, uh huh that"s the way it is 嗯,哈,嗯,哈,那是它的本来面目  Chill out whatcha yelling for? 将你呼喊的声音冷静下来  Lay back it"s all been done before 放松自己让往事成为过去  And if you could only let it be 如果你能顺其自然  You will see 你会发觉  I like you the way you are 我喜欢原来的你  When we"re driving in you car 当我们驱车飞驰  And you"re talking to me one on one but you"ve become 你我倾心交谈时,你却变成了  Somebody else round everyone else 人们眼中的另类角色  You"re watching your back like you can"t relax 你心绪紧张,无法从容自如  You"re trying to be cool you look like a fool to me 你试着扮酷,但在我看来那很愚蠢  Tell me 告诉我  Why you have to go and make things so complicated? 为什么要把事情搞得这么错综复杂?  I see the way you"re acting like you"re somebody else gets me frustrated 你装作与我形同路人的做法使我灰心沮丧  Life"s like this you 生活就是这样  And you fall and you crawl and you break 你跌倒下去你匍匐不前你身心俱伤  And you take what you get and you turn it into honestly 你承爱了一切并想以此表明你的真诚  And promise me I"m never gonna find you fake it 并且许诺说我绝不会发现你伪善的心  No no no 不不不  You come over unannounced 你悄然而至  Dressed up like you"re something else 穿得煞有介事  Where you are and where it"s at you see 尽管你感觉良好,然而事与愿违  You"re making me, laugh out when you strike your pose 当你摆开姿态时,你惹得我大笑  Take off all your preppy clothes 脱下你的校服  You know you"re not fooling anyone 你明白你并不是想戏弄别人  When you"ve become 当你成为  Somebody else round everyone else 人们眼中的另类角色  Watching your back, like you can"t relax 你心绪紧张,无法从容自如  Trying to be cool you look like a fool to me 你试着扮酷,但在我看来那很愚蠢  Tell me 告诉我  Why you have to go and make things so complicated? 为什么要把事情搞得这么错综复杂?  I see the way you"re acting like you"re somebody else gets me frustrated 你装作与我形同路人的做法使我灰心沮丧  Life"s like this you 生活就是这样  And you fall and you crawl and you break 你跌倒下去你匍匐不前你身心俱伤  And you take what you get and you turn it into honestly 你承爱了一切并想以此表明你的真诚  And promise me I"m never gonna find you fake it 并且许诺说我绝不会发现你伪善的心  No no no 不不不  Chill out whatcha yelling for? 将你呼喊的声音冷静下来  Lay back, it"s all been done before 放松自己让往事成为过去  And if you could only let it be 如果你能顺其自然  You would see 你会发觉  Somebody else round everyone else 人们眼中的另类角色  You"re watching your back, like you can"t relax 你心绪紧张,无法从容自如  You"re trying to be cool, you look like a fool to me 你试着扮酷,但在我看来那很愚蠢  Tell me 告诉我  Why you have to go and make things so complicated? 为什么要把事情搞得这么错综复杂?  I see the way you"re acting like you"re somebody else gets me frustrated 你装作与我形同路人的做法使我灰心沮丧  Life"s like this you 生活就是这样  And you fall and you crawl and you break 你跌倒下去你匍匐不前你身心俱伤  And you take what you get and you turn it into honestly 你承爱了一切并想以此表明你的真诚  And promise me I"m never gonna find you fake it 并且许诺说我绝不会发现你伪善的心  No no no 不不不


表示“复杂”的词有:complex, complicated, intricate, 等,这些形容词都指各部分间相互关联从而使整体复杂难懂。 1:Complex : implies a combination of many ssociated parts: 暗指许多关联部分的组合: The composer transformed a simple folk tune into a complex set of variations. 这位作曲家把一首简单的民歌小调改编成一首复杂的变奏曲。 2:Complicated: stresses elaborate relationship of parts: Complicated 强调各部分之间的细微关系: Middle Eastern politics is so complicated that even experts cannot agree on a cohesive policy. 中东政治如此复杂以致于甚至专家们也难以制定出统一的政策。 3:Intricate : refers to a pattern of intertwining parts that is difficult to follow or analyze: Intricate 着重于各部分交织在一起很难区分或分析: “No one could soar into a more intricate labyrinth of refined phraseology” (Anthony Trollope). “没有人能够攀进复杂的专业术语的优雅迷宫”

Complicated》-Avril Lavigned的歌词

Uh Huh Life"s like this Uh Huh Uh Huh That"s the way it is Cause life"s like this Uh Huh Uh Huh That"s the way it is Chill out What you yelling for? Lay back It"s all been done before And if you could only let it be You will see I like you the way you are When we"re driving in your car And you"re talking to me one-on-one But you become Somebody else round everyone else Watching your back Like you can"t relax You trying to be cool You look like a fool to me Tell me Why"d you have to go and make things so complicated? I see the way you"re acting like you"re somebody else Gets me frusterated Life"s like this you You fall and you crawl and you break and you take what you get And you turning into Honestly, you promised me I"m never gonna find you fake it No no no You come over unannounced Dressed up like you"re something else Where you are and where it"s at you see You"re making me Laugh out When you strike a pose Take off All your preppy clothes You know You"re not fooling anyone When you become No no no (no no no) No no (no no no) No no (no no no) No no


complicated - avril lavigne 复杂 uh huh life"s like this 啊哈 生活就像这样 uh huh uh huh 啊哈阿哈 that"s the way it is 就是这个样子 cause life"s like this 因为生活就是这样 uh huh uh huh 啊哈阿哈 that"s the way it is 就是这个样子 chill out 放松 what you yelling for? 你为啥大喊大叫的 lay back 躺下来 it"s all been done before 一切都早已是定局, and if you could only let it be 如果你肯接受, you will see 你就会发现. i like you the way you are 我喜欢你这个样子, when we"re driving in your car 你开车的时候, and you"re talking to me one-on-one 和我单独聊天. but you become 但是你变成 **somebody else round everyone else 另外一个人, 当你出现在别的人面前. watching your back 看着你背后 like you can"t relax 像是你不能放轻松. you trying to be cool 你想要摆酷 you look like a fool to me 可对我来说就像个傻瓜 tell me 告诉我 why"d you have to go and make things so complicated? 为什么你非得把事情弄得那么复杂? i see the way you"re acting like you"re somebody else 看见你把自己装成另一个人似的 gets me frusterated 让我很丧气. life"s like this you 生活就这样 you fall and you crawl and you break and you 你堕落你挣扎爬行 你崩溃 take what you get 你拿到你能得到的 and you turning into 然后你变成--- honestly, you promised me 说实在的,你答应过我的 i"m never gonna find you fake it 我永远不会发现你假装些什么 no no no** 不 不会 不会的 you come over unannounced 你没有打招呼就出现 dressed up like you"re something else 刻意的装扮成其他的什么 where you are and where it"s at you see(这是什么东西啊?at ur sight?) 你在哪里 you"re making me 你让我 laugh out 发笑 when you strike a pose 当你摆着姿势大步走来 take off 脱掉 all your preppy clothes 你那些可笑的衣服 you know 知道吗 you"re not fooling anyone 你愚弄不了任何人 when you become 当你变成 no no no (no no no) (好象少了些什么啊,原来的歌词是这样的吗?) no no (no no no) no no (no no no) no no

Complicated 歌词

歌曲名:Complicated歌手:Robin Thicke专辑:The Evolution of Robin ThickeI wish I could changeI wish I could changeI wish I could stopSayin the same old thingsI wish I could beWho u want me 2 beI wish I could stopBeing the same old meI wish I could loseAll of my bluesI wish I could stopPuttin my blues on uI wish I could loveLike nobody lovesI wish that my goodsOutweighed my bads enoughTheres no way Theres no way Theres no wayI can get back that girlCause Im 2 complicatedAnd shes not complicatedBut Im 2 complicatedTheres no way Theres no way Theres no wayI can get back that girlCause Im 2 complicatedAnd shes not complicatedBut Im 2 complicatedI wish I could changeI wish I could changeI wish I could stopPlacin the blameI cant stop itI cant break downI cant drop it cant see howI wish I could loseAll of my bluesI wish I could stopPuttin my blues on uI wish I could loveI wish that my goodsOutweighed my bads enoughTheres no way Theres no way Theres no wayI can get back that girlCause Im 2 complicatedAnd shes not complicatedBut Im 2 complicatedTheres no way Theres no way Theres no wayI can get back that girlCause Im 2 complicatedAnd shes not complicatedBut Im 2 complicatedYou know its killin meBaby how can I let u goSuddenly theres nothing I need moreTheres no way Theres no way Theres no wayI cant stop itI cant break downI cant drop it cant see howTheres no way Theres no way Theres no waycause im 2 complicatedI can get back that girlbut she"s not complicatedbut im too complicatedthere is no way there"s no way there"s no wayI can get back that girlcause im 2 complicatedbut she"s not complicatedbut im too complicatedTheres no way Theres no way Theres no wayI can get back that girlcause im 2 complicatedbut she"s not complicatedbut im too complicated

艾薇儿complicated的歌词 谢谢了!

最佳答案Uh huh, life"s like this 嗯,哈,生活就是这样 Uh huh, uh huh, that"s the way it is 嗯,哈,嗯,哈,那是它的本来面目 "Cause life"s like this 因为生活就是这样 Uh huh, uh huh that"s the way it is 嗯,哈,嗯,哈,那是它的本来面目 Chill out whatcha yelling for? 将你呼喊的声音冷静下来 Lay back it"s all been done before 放松自己让往事成为过去 And if you could only let it be 如果你能顺其自然 You will see 你会发觉 I like you the way you are 我喜欢原来的你 When we"re driving in you car 当我们驱车飞驰 And you"re talking to me one on one but you"ve become 你我倾心交谈时,你却变成了 Somebody else round everyone else 人们眼中的另类角色 You"re watching your back like you can"t relax 你心绪紧张,无法从容自如 You"re trying to be cool you look like a fool to me 你试着扮酷,但在我看来那很愚蠢 Tell me 告诉我 Why you have to go and make things so complicated? 为什么要把事情搞得这么错综复杂? I see the way you"re acting like you"re somebody else gets me frustrated 你装作与我形同路人的做法使我灰心沮丧 Life"s like this you 生活就是这样 And you fall and you crawl and you break 你跌倒下去你匍匐不前你身心俱伤 And you take what you get and you turn it into honestly 你承爱了一切并想以此表明你的真诚 And promise me I"m never gonna find you fake it 并且许诺说我绝不会发现你伪善的心 No no no 不不不 You come over unannounced 你悄然而至 Dressed up like you"re something else 穿得煞有介事 Where you are and where it"s at you see 尽管你感觉良好,然而事与愿违 You"re making me, laugh out when you strike your pose 当你摆开姿态时,你惹得我大笑 Take off all your preppy clothes 脱下你的校服 You know you"re not fooling anyone 你明白你并不是想戏弄别人 When you"ve become 当你成为 Somebody else round everyone else 人们眼中的另类角色 Watching your back, like you can"t relax 你心绪紧张,无法从容自如 Trying to be cool you look like a fool to me 你试着扮酷,但在我看来那很愚蠢 Tell me 告诉我 Why you have to go and make things so complicated? 为什么要把事情搞得这么错综复杂? I see the way you"re acting like you"re somebody else gets me frustrated 你装作与我形同路人的做法使我灰心沮丧 Life"s like this you 生活就是这样 And you fall and you crawl and you break 你跌倒下去你匍匐不前你身心俱伤 And you take what you get and you turn it into honestly 你承爱了一切并想以此表明你的真诚 And promise me I"m never gonna find you fake it 并且许诺说我绝不会发现你伪善的心 No no no 不不不 Chill out whatcha yelling for? 将你呼喊的声音冷静下来 Lay back, it"s all been done before 放松自己让往事成为过去 And if you could only let it be 如果你能顺其自然 You would see 你会发觉 Somebody else round everyone else 人们眼中的另类角色 You"re watching your back, like you can"t relax 你心绪紧张,无法从容自如 You"re trying to be cool, you look like a fool to me 你试着扮酷,但在我看来那很愚蠢 Tell me 告诉我 Why you have to go and make things so complicated? 为什么要把事情搞得这么错综复杂? I see the way you"re acting like you"re somebody else gets me frustrated 你装作与我形同路人的做法使我灰心沮丧 Life"s like this you 生活就是这样 And you fall and you crawl and you break 你跌倒下去你匍匐不前你身心俱伤 And you take what you get and you turn it into honestly 你承爱了一切并想以此表明你的真诚 And promise me I"m never gonna find you fake it 并且许诺说我绝不会发现你伪善的心 No no no 不不不 GirlFriendAvril Lavigne-GirlfriendHey Hey You You I don"t like your girlfriend No way No way I think you need a new one Hey Hey You You I could be your girlfriend Hey Hey You You I know that you like me No way No way No, it"s not a secret Hey Hey You You I want to be your girlfriend You"re so fine I want you mine You"re so delicious I think about you all the timeYou"re so addictive Don"t you know What I can do To make you feel alright Don"t pretend I think you know I"m damn precious And hell yeah I"m the mother fucking princess I can tell you like me too And you know I"m right She"s like so whatever You can do so much better I think we should get together nowAnd that"s what everyone"s talking about Hey Hey You You I don"t like your girlfriend No way No way I think you need a new one Hey Hey You You I could be your girlfriend Hey Hey You You I know that you like me No way No way No, it"s not a secret Hey Hey You You I want to be your girlfriend I can see the way I see the way You look at me And even when you look away I know you think of me I know you talk about me all the timeagain and again So come over here and tell me what I wanna hear Better, yet, make your girlfriend disappear I don"t wanna hear you say her name ever again Because...She"s like so whatever You can do so much better I think we should get together now And that"s what everyone"s talking about Hey Hey You You I don"t like your girlfriend No way No way I think you need a new one Hey Hey You You I could be your girlfriend Hey Hey You You I know that you like me No way No way No, it"s not a secret Hey Hey You You I want to be your girlfriend In a second you"ll be wrapped around my finger "Cause I can, "cause I can do it better There"s no other, so when"s it gonna sink in She"s so stupid, what the hell were you thinking? In a second you"ll be wrapped around my finger "Cause I can, "cause I can do it better There"s no other, so when"s it gonna sink in She"s so stupid, what the hell were you thinking? Hey Hey You You I don"t like your girlfriend No way No way I think you need a new one Hey Hey You You I could be your girlfriend (No Way) Hey Hey You You I know that you like me No way No way No, it"s not a secret Hey Hey You You I want to be your girlfriend (No Way) Hey Hey You You I don"t like your girlfriend ( No Way!) No way No way I think you need a new one (Hey!) Hey Hey You You I could be your girlfriend (No Way!) Hey Hey You You I know that you like me (Now Way!) No way No way No, it"s not a secret (Hey!) Hey Hey You You I want to be your girlfriend (No Way!) Hey Hey!

complicated 艾薇儿 这首歌的歌词?

Album: Have A Nice Day Take a look around This is what I see Is there anybody else That feels like me, yeah You sweat, you sweat You bleed, you bleed What you get ain"t what you see Up is down and black is white to me I"m.plicated I get frustrated Right or wrong Love or hate it I"m.plicated You can"t sedate it I heard that song But I won"t play it It"s alright It"s OK You wouldn"t want me any other way Momma, keep on praying Cause I ain"t changin" I"m.plicated, yeah I"m.plicated, yeah I"m smart enough to know What I don"t know I"m fool enough to stay When I should go You work, you work You cry, you cry You watch your whole life pass you by Sometimes you"ve got to close your eyes to see I"m.plicated I get frustrated Right or wrong Love or hate it I"m.plicated You can"t sedate it I heard that song But I won"t play it It"s alright It"s OK You wouldn"t want me any other way Momma, keep on praying Cause I ain"t changin" I"m.plicated, yeah I"m.plicated, yeah Is there anybody out there? Just like everybody out there Just one somebody out there Just like me I"m.plicated I get frustrated Right or wrong Love or hate it I"m.plicated You can"t sedate it I heard that song But I won"t play it Is there anybody out there? Just like everybody out there Just one somebody out there Just like me Is there anybody out there? Just like everybody out there Just one somebody out there Just like me I"m.plicated


Avril Lavigne - ComplicatedUh huh, life"s like this生活就是这样Uh huh, uh huh, that"s the way it is 那是它是的方式Cause life"s like this生活就是这样Uh huh, uh huh that"s the way it is 那是它是的方式Chill out安静 whatcha yelling" for? 你在笑什么 Lay back回想It"s all been done before 我们都做了些什么 And if you could only let it be 如果你放轻松, You will see 你会看见 I like you the way you are 我喜欢你和你的方式 When we"re drivin" in your car 当我们做在你车里时 And you"re talking to me one on one你同我一遍又一遍的诉说 But you"ve become 但是现在你变了 Somebody else round everyone else 跟其他人没有区别了。 You"re watching your back 你时刻注意你的形象, Like you can"t relax 总是很拘束。 You"re tryin" to be cool 你想装酷, You look like a fool to me 但在我看来你却像一个傻瓜。 Tell me 告诉我 Why you have to go and make things so complicated?你为什么让事情变的这么复杂? I see the way you"re acting 我能看出你在伪装Like you"re somebody else gets me frustrated 这让我烦透了。Life"s like this生活就是这样,And you fall and you crawl and you break 你会跌倒,你会挣扎,你会崩溃,And you take what you get 你想得到你想得到的And you turn it into honesty 你要接受现实You promised me你答应过我I"m never gonna find you fake itNo no noYou come over unannounced 没有事先通知你就来了, Dressed up like you"re someone else 打扮的象另外一个人,Where you are and where it"s sad you see 你就像一出悲剧。You"re making me 你装出很酷的样子, Laugh out when you strike your pose 却让我大笑不止, Take off all your preppy clothes 脱掉你那身怪衣服, You know you"re not fooling anyone 你知道你骗不了任何人。But you"ve become 但是现在你变了 Somebody else round everyone else 跟其他人没有区别了。 You"re watching your back 你时刻注意你的形象, Like you can"t relax 总是很拘束。 You"re tryin" to be cool 你想装酷, You look like a fool to me 但在我看来你却像一个傻瓜。


Avril Lavigne - Complicated

Complicated 歌词

歌曲名:Complicated歌手:Submersed专辑:The Punisher - The Album (Music From The Motion Picture)∮ complicated - Remik - Boy on topchill outwhat you yelling for?lay backit"s all been done beforeand if you could only let it beyou will seei like you the way you arewhen we"re driving in your carand you"re talking to me one-on-onebut you becomesomebody else round everyone elsewatching your backlike you can"t relaxyou trying to be coolyou look like a fool to metell mewhy"d you have to go and make things so complicated?i see the way you"re acting like you"re somebody else gets me frusteratedlife"s like this youyou fall and you crawl and you break and you take what you getand you turning intohonestly, you promised mei"m never gonna find you fake itno no noyou come over unannounceddressed up like you"re something elsewhere you are and where it"s at you seeyou"re making melaugh outwhen you strike a posetake offall your preppy clothesyou knowyou"re not fooling anyonewhen you becomesomebody else round everyone elsewatching your backlike you can"t relaxyou trying to be coolyou look like a fool to metell mewhy"d you have to go and make things so complicated?i see the way you"re acting like you"re somebody else gets me frusteratedlife"s like this youyou fall and you crawl and you break and you take what you getand you turning intohonestly, you promised mei"m never gonna find you fake itno no nosomebody else round everyone elsewatching your backlike you can"t relaxyou trying to be coolyou look like a fool to metell mewhy"d you have to go and make things so complicated?i see the way you"re acting like you"re somebody else gets me frusteratedlife"s like this youyou fall and you crawl and you break and you take what you getand you turning intohonestly, you promised mei"m never gonna find you fake itno no nochill outwhat you yelling for?lay backit"s all been done beforeand if you could only let it beyou will seei like you the way you arewhen we"re driving in your carand you"re talking to me one-on-one


Chill out whatcha yelling" for? 闭嘴,你在嚷什么? Lay back it"s all been done before 放松,以前我们就是这样的。 And if you could only let it be 如果你放轻松, You will see 你会发现I like you the way you are我就是喜欢最真的你。When we"re drivin" in your car 记得当时我们坐在你的车里, And you"re talking to me one on one 我们无所不谈。 But you"ve become 但是现在你已经变成了另外一个人, Somebody else round everyone else 跟其他人没有区别了。You"re watching your back你时刻注意你的形象,Like you can"t relax 总是很拘束。 You"re tryin" to be cool 你想装酷, You look like a fool to me 但在我看来你却像一个傻瓜。 Tell me 告诉我 Why you have to go And make things so complicated?你为什么让事情变的这么复杂? I see the way you"re acting 你总是伪装成别人, Like you"re somebody else gets me frustrated 这让我烦透了。 Life"s like this, you 生活就是这样, And you fall and you crawl and you break 你会跌倒,你会挣扎,你会崩溃, And you take what you get 你只能接受事实, And you turn it into honesty 诚实以对。 You come over unannounced 没有事先通知你就来了Dressed up like you"re someone else 打扮的象另外一个人,Where you are and where it"s sad you see 你就像一出悲剧。 You"re making me 你装出很酷的样子,Laugh out when you strike your pose 却让我大笑不止, Take off all your preppy clothes 脱掉你那身怪衣服, You know you"re not fooling anyone 你知道你骗不了任何人。 Tell me 告诉我 Why you have to go 你为什么让事情变的这么复杂? And make things so complicated? I see the way you"re acting 你总是伪装成别人, Like you"re somebody else gets me frustrated 这让我烦透了。 Life"s like this, you 生活就是这样, And you fall and you crawl and you break 你会跌倒,你会挣扎,你会崩溃, And you take what you get 你只能接受事实, And you turn it into honesty 诚实以对。


《complicated》Uh huh, life"s like thisUh huh, uh huh, that"s the way it isCause life"s like thisUh huh, uh huh that"s the way it isChill out whatcha yelling" for?Lay back it"s all been done beforeAnd if you could only let it beyou will seeI like you the way you areWhen we"re drivin" in your carand you"re talking to me one on one but you"ve becomeSomebody else round everyone elseYou"re watching your back like you can"t relaxYou"re tryin" to be cool you look like a fool to meTell meWhy you have to go and make things so complicated?I see the way you"re acting like you"re somebody else gets me frustratedLife"s like this youAnd you fall and you crawl and you breakand you take what you get and you turn it into honestyand promise me I"m never gonna find you fake itno no noYou come over unannounceddressed up like you"re someone elsewhere you are and where it"s sad you seeyou"re making melaugh out when you strike your posetake off all your preppy clothesyou know you"re not fooling anyonewhen you"ve becomeSomebody else round everyone elseWatching your back, like you can"t relaxTrying to be cool you look like a fool to meTell meWhy you have to go and make things so complicated?I see the way you"re acting like you"re somebody else gets me frustratedLife"s like this youand You fall and you crawl and you breakand you take what and you get and you turn it intohonestypromise me I"m never gonna find you fake itno no noChill out whatcha yelling for?Lay back, it"s all been done beforeAnd if you could only let it beYou will seeSomebody else round everyone elseYou"re watching your back, like you can"t relaxYou"re trying to be cool, you look like a fool to meTell meWhy you have to go and make things so complicated?I see the way you"re acting like you"re somebody else gets me frustratedLife"s like this youand You fall and you crawl and you breakand you take what and you get and you turn it intohonestypromise me I"m never gonna find you fake itno no noWhy you have to go and make things so complicated?I see the way you"re acting like your somebody else gets me frustratedLife"s like this youYou fall and you crawl and you breakand you take what you get and you turn it into honestypromise me I"m never gonna find you flakingno no no 参考资料:

求complicated(艾薇儿Avril Lavigne 的)歌词完全翻译!


complicated的意思是什么 详解complicated一词的含义?

complicated这个词常常用来形容一些事情或者情况,特别是那些难以理解、难以处理或者难以解决的事情。例如,一个问题如果有很多复杂的因素和变量,我们就可以说这个问题很complicated。同样的,如果一个机器或者系统的运作过程非常复杂,我们也可以用complicated来形容。complicated这个词常常用来形容一些事情或者情况,特别是那些难以理解、难以处理或者难以解决的事情。例如,一个问题如果有很多复杂的因素和变量,我们就可以说这个问题很complicated。同样的,如果一个机器或者系统的运作过程非常复杂,我们也可以用complicated来形容。此外,complicated还可以用来形容人或者人际关系。比如,一个人如果心思缜密、思维敏捷,我们就可以说他是一个complicated person。如果一个人和另一个人之间的关系很复杂,我们也可以说他们之间的关系很complicated。

complicated的意思是什么 详解complicated一词的含义?

此外,complicated还可以用来形容人或者人际关系。比如,一个人如果心思缜密、思维敏捷,我们就可以说他是一个complicated person。如果一个人和另一个人之间的关系很复杂,我们也可以说他们之间的关系很complicated。此外,complicated还可以用来形容人或者人际关系。比如,一个人如果心思缜密、思维敏捷,我们就可以说他是一个complicated person。如果一个人和另一个人之间的关系很复杂,我们也可以说他们之间的关系很complicated。此外,complicated还可以用来形容人或者人际关系。比如,一个人如果心思缜密、思维敏捷,我们就可以说他是一个complicated person。如果一个人和另一个人之间的关系很复杂,我们也可以说他们之间的关系很complicated。



complicated的意思是什么 详解complicated一词的含义?

此外,complicated还可以用来形容人或者人际关系。比如,一个人如果心思缜密、思维敏捷,我们就可以说他是一个complicated person。如果一个人和另一个人之间的关系很复杂,我们也可以说他们之间的关系很complicated。总的来说,complicated这个词是一个形容词,用来形容一些复杂的事情、情况或者人,带有一定的贬义色彩,常常暗示着难以理解或者难以处理的情况。complicated这个词常常用来形容一些事情或者情况,特别是那些难以理解、难以处理或者难以解决的事情。例如,一个问题如果有很多复杂的因素和变量,我们就可以说这个问题很complicated。同样的,如果一个机器或者系统的运作过程非常复杂,我们也可以用complicated来形容。

complicated什么意思 详解complicated的含义和用法?

complicated是一个常用的英语单词,用来形容那些复杂、难以理解的事物或情况。在日常生活中,我们可以用它来描述各种各样的事情,比如说复杂的报告、棘手的关系、难以完成的任务等等。同时,它还可以用来形容某个人的性格或行为。如果我们想用英语表达某个事物或情况的复杂性,那么complicated就是一个很好的选择。3. 这个项目非常complicated,我们需要更多的时间来思考解决方案。complicated一般用来形容那些由多个部分组成、关系错综复杂的事物,或者是那些难以理解、难以解决的问题。例如,一份复杂的报告、一段棘手的关系、一项难以完成的任务等等,都可以用complicated来形容。3. 这个项目非常complicated,我们需要更多的时间来思考解决方案。complicated一般用来形容那些由多个部分组成、关系错综复杂的事物,或者是那些难以理解、难以解决的问题。例如,一份复杂的报告、一段棘手的关系、一项难以完成的任务等等,都可以用complicated来形容。


complicated英[u02c8ku0252mplu026akeu026atu026ad] 美[u02c8kɑ:mplu026akeu026atu026ad]adj. 结构复杂的; 混乱的,麻烦的;v. 使复杂化( complicate的过去式);[网络] 复杂性; 很复杂; 错综复杂的;[例句]The situation in Lebanon is very complicated.黎巴嫩的情况十分复杂。These events will greatly complicate the situation.这些事件将使局势变得极其复杂。There is no need to complicate matters.没有必要使问题复杂化。


Uh huh life"s like this 嗯哈 生活就是这样 Uh huh uh huh that"s the way it is 嗯哈嗯哈 那是它的本来面目 "Cause life"s like this 因为生活就是这样 Uh huh, uh huh that"s the way it is 嗯哈嗯哈 那是它的本来面目 Chill out whatcha yelling for? 将你呼喊的声音冷静下来 Lay back it"s all been done before 放松自己让往事成为过去 And if you could only let it be 如果你能顺其自然 You will see 你会发觉 I like you the way you are 我喜欢原来的你 When we"re driving in you car 当我们驱车飞驰 And you"re talking to me one on one but you"ve become 你我倾心交谈时 你却变成了 Somebody else round everyone else 人们眼中的另类角色 You"re watching your back like you can"t relax 你心绪紧张 无法从容自如 You"re trying to be cool you look like a fool to me 你试着扮酷 但在我看来那很愚蠢 Tell me 告诉我 Why you have to go and make things so complicated? 为什么要把事情搞得这么错综复杂? I see the way you"re acting like you"re somebody else gets me frustrated 你装作与我形同路人的做法使我灰心沮丧 Life"s like this you 生活就是这样 And you fall and you crawl and you break 你跌倒下去你匍匐不前你身心俱伤 And you take what you get and you turn it into honestly 你承爱了一切并想以此表明你的真诚 And promise me I"m never gonna find you fake it 并且许诺说我绝不会发现你伪善的心 No no no 不不不


解释如下complicating做形容词一般表示作用;complicated做形容词一般表示状态。例句作用:A study of the relationship between psychosocial stress and hypertensive disorder complicating pregnancy. 目的探讨心理社会应激与妊娠期高血压疾病发生、发展的关系。状态:The situation in Lebanon is very complicated. 黎巴嫩的情况十分复杂。

Rihanna 的complicated歌词翻译

Uh huh, life"s like this 嗯,哈,生活就是这样 Uh huh, uh huh, that"s the way it is 嗯,哈,嗯,哈,那是它的本来面目 "Cause life"s like this 因为生活就是这样 Uh huh, uh huh that"s the way it is 嗯,哈,嗯,哈,那是它的本来面目 Chill out whatcha yelling for? 将你呼喊的声音冷静下来 Lay back it"s all been done before 放松自己让往事成为过去 And if you could only let it be 如果你能顺其自然 You will see 你会发觉 I like you the way you are 我喜欢原来的你 When we"re driving in you car 当我们驱车飞驰 And you"re talking to me one on one but you"ve become 你我倾心交谈时,你却变成了 Somebody else round everyone else 人们眼中的另类角色 You"re watching your back like you can"t relax 你心绪紧张,无法从容自如 You"re trying to be cool you look like a fool to me 你试着扮酷,但在我看来那很愚蠢 Tell me 告诉我 Why you have to go and make things so complicated? 为什么要把事情搞得这么错综复杂? I see the way you"re acting like you"re somebody else gets me frustrated 你装作与我形同路人的做法使我灰心沮丧 Life"s like this you 生活就是这样 And you fall and you crawl and you break 你跌倒下去你匍匐不前你身心俱伤 And you take what you get and you turn it into honestly 你承爱了一切并想以此表明你的真诚 And promise me I"m never gonna find you fake it 并且许诺说我绝不会发现你伪善的心 No no no 不不不 You come over unannounced 你悄然而至 Dressed up like you"re something else 穿得煞有介事 Where you are and where it"s at you see 尽管你感觉良好,然而事与愿违 You"re making me, laugh out when you strike your pose 当你摆开姿态时,你惹得我大笑 Take off all your preppy clothes 脱下你的校服 You know you"re not fooling anyone 你明白你并不是想戏弄别人 When you"ve become 当你成为 Somebody else round everyone else 人们眼中的另类角色 Watching your back, like you can"t relax 你心绪紧张,无法从容自如 Trying to be cool you look like a fool to me 你试着扮酷,但在我看来那很愚蠢 Tell me 告诉我 Why you have to go and make things so complicated? 为什么要把事情搞得这么错综复杂? I see the way you"re acting like you"re somebody else gets me frustrated 你装作与我形同路人的做法使我灰心沮丧 Life"s like this you 生活就是这样 And you fall and you crawl and you break 你跌倒下去你匍匐不前你身心俱伤 And you take what you get and you turn it into honestly 你承爱了一切并想以此表明你的真诚 And promise me I"m never gonna find you fake it 并且许诺说我绝不会发现你伪善的心 No no no 不不不 Chill out whatcha yelling for? 将你呼喊的声音冷静下来 Lay back, it"s all been done before 放松自己让往事成为过去 And if you could only let it be 如果你能顺其自然 You would see 你会发觉 Somebody else round everyone else 人们眼中的另类角色 You"re watching your back, like you can"t relax 你心绪紧张,无法从容自如 You"re trying to be cool, you look like a fool to me 你试着扮酷,但在我看来那很愚蠢 Tell me 告诉我 Why you have to go and make things so complicated? 为什么要把事情搞得这么错综复杂? I see the way you"re acting like you"re somebody else gets me frustrated 你装作与我形同路人的做法使我灰心沮丧 Life"s like this you 生活就是这样 And you fall and you crawl and you break 你跌倒下去你匍匐不前你身心俱伤 And you take what you get and you turn it into honestly 你承爱了一切并想以此表明你的真诚 And promise me I"m never gonna find you fake it 并且许诺说我绝不会发现你伪善的心 No no no 不不不

Complicated 歌词

歌曲名:Complicated歌手:Rihanna专辑:LoudComplicatedRihannaYou"re not easy to loveYou"re not easy to love, noYou"re not easy to loveYou"re not easy to love, noWhy is everything with you so complicatedWhy do you make it hard to love you Oh I hate itCos if you really wanna be aloneI will throw my hands up cos baby I triedBut everyday with you is so complicated Oh whySometimes I get youSometimes I don"t understandSometimes I love youSometimes it"s you I can"t standSometimes I wanna hug youSometimes I wanna push you awayMost times I wanna kiss youOther times punch you in the faceCos every minute you start switching upAnd you say things like you don"t give a f*ckThen I say I"m through with you Take my heart from youAnd you come running after me and baby i"m back with youOh, you"re not easy to loveYou"re not easy to love, noYou"re not easy to loveYou"re not easy to love, noWhy is everyday with you so complicatedWhy do you make it hard to love you Oh I hate itCos if you really wanna be aloneI, will throw my hands up cos baby I triedBut everyday with you is so complicated Oh whySometimes I catch youSometimes you get awaySometimes I read youOther times I"m like where are you on the pageSometimes I feel like we will be together foreverBut you"re so complicated My heart knows betterWhy is everyday with you so complicatedWhy do you make it hard to love you Oh I hate itCos if you really wanna be aloneI, will throw my hands up cos baby I triedEveryday with you is so complicated Oh whyI"m a stick around just a little while longerJust to make sure that you"re really sureYou like sleeping aloneI"m a stick around just a little while longerJust to make sure that you"re really sureYou like sleeping aloneWhy is everyday with you so complicatedWhy do you make it hard to love you Oh I hate itCos if you really wanna be aloneI, will throw my hands up cos baby I triedEveryday with you is so complicated Oh whyYou"re not easy to loveYou"re not easy to love, noYou"re not easy to loveYou"re not easy to love, no


?嗯,哈,生活就是这样   嗯,哈,嗯,哈,那是它的本来面目   因为生活就是这样   嗯,哈,嗯,哈,那是它的本来面目   将你呼喊的声音冷静下来   放松自己让往事成为过去   如果你能顺其自然   你会发觉   我喜欢原来的你   当我们驱车飞驰   你我倾心交谈时,你却变成了   人们眼中的另类角色   你心绪紧张,无法从容自如   你试着扮酷,但在我看来那很愚蠢   告诉我   为什么要把事情搞得这么错综复杂?   你装作与我形同路人的做法使我灰心沮丧   生活就是这样   你跌倒下去你匍匐不前你身心俱伤   你承受了一切并想以此表明你的真诚   并且许诺说我绝不会发现你伪善的心   不不不   你悄然而至   穿得煞有介事   尽管你感觉良好,然而事与愿违   当你摆开姿态时,你惹得我大笑   脱下你的校服   你明白你并不是想戏弄别人   当你成为   人们眼中的另类角色   你心绪紧张,无法从容自如   你试着扮酷,但在我看来那很愚蠢   告诉我   为什么要把事情搞得这么错综复杂?   你装作与我形同路人的做法使我灰心沮丧   生活就是这样   你跌倒下去你匍匐不前你身心俱伤   你承受了一切并想以此表明你的真诚   并且许诺说我绝不会发现你伪善的心   不不不   将你呼喊的声音冷静下来   放松自己让往事成为过去   如果你能顺其自然   你会发觉   人们眼中的另类角色   你心绪紧张,无法从容自如   你试着扮酷,但在我看来那很愚蠢   生活就是这样   你跌倒下去你匍匐不前你身心俱伤   你承受了一切并想以此表明你的真诚   并且许诺说我绝不会发现你伪善的心   不不不   将你呼喊的声音冷静下来   放松自己让往事成为过去   如果你能顺其自然   你会发觉   人们眼中的另类角色   你心绪紧张,无法从容自如   你试着扮酷,但在我看来那很愚蠢   告诉我   为什么要把事情搞得这么错综复杂?   你装作与我形同路人的做法使我灰心沮丧   生活就是这样   你跌倒下去你匍匐不前你身心俱伤   你承受了一切并想以此表明你的真诚   并且许诺说我绝不会发现你伪善的心   不不   为什么要把事情搞得这么错综复杂?   你装作与我形同路人的做法使我灰心沮丧   生活就是这样   你跌倒下去你匍匐不前你身心俱伤   你承受了一切并想以此表明你的真诚   并且许诺说我绝不会发现你伪善的心   不不不


Uh huh,来复死来客they斯Uh huh, uh huh,they斯了为一体一此卡斯来复斯来客they斯Uh huh, uh huh,they斯了为一体一此吃偶奥特瓦特否儿来贝客一次哦宾当比佛按得一幅有考得昂嘞莱特一特比油唯有sei爱来客由则为由啊怎温魏啊拽喂音有卡按得由啊忒因图米玩昂万巴特由蛙油比卡姆丧母宝地哎要斯肉的诶为万要死由啊握群由被克来客由康特瑞咧可斯由啊踹音图比库尔由卢克来客额付图米特尔米外由哈无图够按得每科型搜康普雷提得哎系了为由啊诶可听来客由啊桑博第诶哦斯个斯米付斯区得来复死来客they死有按得由佛按得由可儿按得由布瑞克按得由忒可沃特由个特按得由藤伊特音图哦尼斯特按得破迷思米哎要奈问狗拿烦的油法克伊特no no no 由康哦我昂囊斯提地决斯得啊扑来客由桑型诶哦斯为儿由啊按得为儿伊特一此啊特由西由啊美King米,拉夫熬特温由斯区特由po斯忒可奥特由啊弄特福林诶宁万温由啊比康 希望帮到你!!!


complicated否定形式:加dis。增添词缀,即前缀或后缀,使原来的词由肯定意义化为否定意义。常用的否定前缀有ab- / dis- / il- / ill- / im- / in- / ir- / mis- / non- / un-等,否定后缀有-less / -free等,例如:--It is abnormal for him to walk in his sleep. (梦游症)--This will disqualify (使…没有资格) him from taking part in the game.--The ship was leaky (漏) and very much disabled.否定词缀一般都表示否定:--Thank you for your invaluable (宝贵的) help.--That nurse was indifferent (冷漠) to the sufferings of the patients.--Oil is inflammable. (油容易燃烧。)--Something seems to have unloosed her tongue.(不知什么事情使她说个没完。)--Styles come and go,but good taste is timeless.(风格随时在变,而风雅是永恒的。)--He"s a shameless (无耻) liar.


本人手动翻译的 complicated - avril lavigne 复杂 uh huh life"s like this 啊哈 生活就像这样 uh huh uh huh 啊哈阿哈 that"s the way it is 就是这个样子 cause life"s like this 因为生活就是这样 uh huh uh huh 啊哈阿哈 that"s the way it is 就是这个样子 chill out 放松 what you yelling for? 你为啥大喊大叫的 lay back 躺下来 it"s all been done before 一切都早已是定局, and if you could only let it be 如果你肯接受, you will see 你就会发现. i like you the way you are 我喜欢你这个样子, when we"re driving in your car 你开车的时候, and you"re talking to me one-on-one 和我单独聊天. but you become 但是你变成 **somebody else round everyone else 另外一个人, 当你出现在别的人面前. watching your back 看着你背后 like you can"t relax 像是你不能放轻松. you trying to be cool 你想要摆酷 you look like a fool to me 可对我来说就像个傻瓜 tell me 告诉我 why"d you have to go and make things so complicated? 为什么你非得把事情弄得那么复杂? i see the way you"re acting like you"re somebody else 看见你把自己装成另一个人似的 gets me frusterated 让我很丧气. life"s like this you 生活就这样 you fall and you crawl and you break and you 你堕落你挣扎爬行 你崩溃 take what you get 你拿到你能得到的 and you turning into 然后你变成--- honestly, you promised me 说实在的,你答应过我的 i"m never gonna find you fake it 我永远不会发现你假装些什么 no no no** 不 不会 不会的 you come over unannounced 你没有打招呼就出现 dressed up like you"re something else 刻意的装扮成其他的什么 where you are and where it"s at you see(这是什么东西啊?at ur sight?) 你在哪里 you"re making me 你让我 laugh out 发笑 when you strike a pose 当你摆着姿势大步走来 take off 脱掉 all your preppy clothes 你那些可笑的衣服 you know 知道吗 you"re not fooling anyone 你愚弄不了任何人 when you become 当你变成 no no no (no no no) (好象少了些什么啊,原来的歌词是这样的吗?) no no (no no no) no no (no no no) no no


忽忽,差点累死我~!歌词:嗯。哈,生活就是这样 Uh huh, life"s like this 嗯,哈,嗯,哈,那是它的本来面目 Uh huh, uh huh, that"s the way it is 因为生活就是这样 "Cause life"s like this 嗯,哈,嗯,哈,那是它的本来面目 Uh huh, uh huh that"s the way it is将你呼喊的声音冷静下来 Chill out whatcha yelling for? 放松自己让往事成为过去 Lay back it"s all been done before 如果你能顺其自然 And if you could only let it be 你会发觉 You will see 我喜欢原来的你 I like you the way you are 当我们驱车飞驰 When we"re driving in you car 你我倾心交谈时,你却变成了And you"re talking to me one on one but you"ve become 人们眼中的另类角色 Somebody else round everyone else 你心绪紧张,无法从容自如 You"re watching your back like you can"t relax 你试着扮酷,但在我看来那很愚蠢 You"re trying to be cool you look like a fool to me 告诉我 Tell me 为什么要把事情搞得这么错综复杂? Why you have to go and make things so complicated? 你装作与我形同路人的做法使我灰心沮丧 I see the way you"re acting like you"re somebody else gets me frustrated 生活就是这样 Life"s like this you 你跌倒下去你匍匐不前你身心俱伤And you fall and you crawl and you break 你承爱了一切并想以此表明你的真诚And you take what you get and you turn it into honestly 并且许诺说我绝不会发现你伪善的心 And promise me I"m never gonna find you fake it 不不不 No no no 你悄然而至 You come over unannounced 穿得煞有介事 Dressed up like you"re something else 尽管你感觉良好,然而事与愿违Where you are and where it"s at you see 当你摆开姿态时,你惹得我大笑You"re making me, laugh out when you strike your pose 脱下你的校服 Take off all your preppy clothes 你明白你并不是想戏弄别人 You know you"re not fooling anyone 当你成为 When you"ve become 人们眼中的另类角色Somebody else round everyone else 你心绪紧张,无法从容自如Watching your back, like you can"t relax 你试着扮酷,但在我看来那很愚蠢Trying to be cool you look like a fool to me 告诉我 Tell me 为什么要把事情搞得这么错综复杂?Why you have to go and make things so complicated? 你装作与我形同路人的做法使我灰心沮丧 I see the way you"re acting like you"re somebody else gets me frustrated 生活就是这样Life"s like this you 你跌倒下去你匍匐不前你身心俱伤And you fall and you crawl and you break 你承爱了一切并想以此表明你的真诚And you take what you get and you turn it into honestly 并且许诺说我绝不会发现你伪善的心And promise me I"m never gonna find you fake it 不不不 No no no 将你呼喊的声音冷静下来 Chill out whatcha yelling for? 放松自己让往事成为过去Lay back, it"s all been done before 如果你能顺其自然And if you could only let it be 你会发觉You would see 人们眼中的另类角色Somebody else round everyone else 你心绪紧张,无法从容自如You"re watching your back, like you can"t relax 你试着扮酷,但在我看来那很愚蠢You"re trying to be cool, you look like a fool to me 告诉我 Tell me 为什么要把事情搞得这么错综复杂?Why you have to go and make things so complicated? 你装作与我形同路人的做法使我灰心沮丧 I see the way you"re acting like you"re somebody else gets me frustrated 生活就是这样Life"s like this you 你跌倒下去你匍匐不前你身心俱伤And you fall and you crawl and you break 你承爱了一切并想以此表明你的真诚 And you take what you get and you turn it into honestly 并且许诺说我绝不会发现你伪善的心And promise me I"m never gonna find you fake it 不不不No no no


意思是复杂的;难懂的;结构复杂的complicated(超复杂)也是歌手Avril R. Lavigne的首张专辑《Let Go》当中的一首歌曲辉煌成绩:单曲"Complicated"连续5周高距单曲榜首 单曲"Complicated"2002年度全美电台播歌率第7 单曲"Complicated"22个国家播歌冠军 单曲"Complicated"荣获英国第48届Ivor Novello音乐奖年度国际最佳歌曲 单曲"Complicated"荣获2003年迪士尼无线音乐奖「最佳原创歌曲」 单曲"Complicated"令Avril荣获2002年MTV音乐奖「最佳新人」 单曲"Complicated"打入2003年MTV Asia Hitlist 歌词:Uh Huh Life"s like thisUh Huh Uh HuhThat"s the way it isCause life"s like thisUh Huh Uh HuhThat"s the way it isChill outWhat you yelling for?Lay back It"s all been done beforeAnd if you could only let it beYou will seeI like you the way you areWhen we"re driving in your carAnd you"re talking to me one-on-oneBut you becomeSomebody else round everyone elseWatching your backLike you can"t relaxYou trying to be coolYou look like a fool to meTell meWhy"d you have to go and make things so complicated?I see the way you"re acting like you"re somebody else Gets me frustratedLife"s like this youYou fall and you crawl and you break and you take what you getAnd you turning intoHonestly, you promised meI"m never gonna find you fake itNo no noYou come over unannouncedDressed up like you"re something elseWhere you are and where it"s at you seeYou"re making meLaugh outWhen you strike a poseTake offAll your preppy clothesYou knowYou"re not fooling anyoneWhen you becomeNo no no (no no no)No no (no no no)No no (no no no)No no

complicated 和 complex 有什么区别

1, complex(名词,形容词)指组成某种机器的零件、构成某件事的因素或构成数学题的元素不仅很多,而且相互的关系或相互的作用也令人眼花缭乱,只有学识深的人或具有专门知识的人才能处理。(区别点:虽然很复杂,但是还能够解决或者认识) the complex mechanism of a watch 手表的复杂结构 the complex modern world 复杂的现代世界 Justice is part of the complex machinery of the law. 正义是复杂的法律机器的一部分。 He mentally visualizes a complex form all round itself. 他在脑海里从形体的各个方面来模拟复杂的形体。 complex of external conditions外界条件总体2,complicated(形容词) 区别点:比complex更复杂得难以解释或理解,;而一道 complicated 算式一般总是 complex的。 The old view of Galileo was delightfully uncomplicated. 过去对伽利略的看法并不复杂(指不深奥),这是令人欣然的。 The apparatus thus described, however, records only the horizontal component of the wave movement. 然而,仪器的如此描画只记录下波的运动的水平组成部分,但是事实上波的运动要复杂得多(指不易解释)。


complicate (V) 使... 复杂化complicated (ADJ)复杂的...( beV+ Vpp 被动)

complicated的意思是什么 详解complicated一词的含义?

此外,complicated还可以用来形容人或者人际关系。比如,一个人如果心思缜密、思维敏捷,我们就可以说他是一个complicated person。如果一个人和另一个人之间的关系很复杂,我们也可以说他们之间的关系很complicated。总的来说,complicated这个词是一个形容词,用来形容一些复杂的事情、情况或者人,带有一定的贬义色彩,常常暗示着难以理解或者难以处理的情况。此外,complicated还可以用来形容人或者人际关系。比如,一个人如果心思缜密、思维敏捷,我们就可以说他是一个complicated person。如果一个人和另一个人之间的关系很复杂,我们也可以说他们之间的关系很complicated。complicated这个词常常用来形容一些事情或者情况,特别是那些难以理解、难以处理或者难以解决的事情。例如,一个问题如果有很多复杂的因素和变量,我们就可以说这个问题很complicated。同样的,如果一个机器或者系统的运作过程非常复杂,我们也可以用complicated来形容。总的来说,complicated这个词是一个形容词,用来形容一些复杂的事情、情况或者人,带有一定的贬义色彩,常常暗示着难以理解或者难以处理的情况。



complicated什么意思 详解complicated的含义和用法?

complicated是一个常用的英语单词,用来形容那些复杂、难以理解的事物或情况。在日常生活中,我们可以用它来描述各种各样的事情,比如说复杂的报告、棘手的关系、难以完成的任务等等。同时,它还可以用来形容某个人的性格或行为。如果我们想用英语表达某个事物或情况的复杂性,那么complicated就是一个很好的选择。此外,complicated还可以用来形容某个人的性格或行为。比如说,一个人的性格很复杂,说话经常含糊不清,做事情也总是让人捉摸不透,那么我们就可以说他是一个complicated的人。complicated一般用来形容那些由多个部分组成、关系错综复杂的事物,或者是那些难以理解、难以解决的问题。例如,一份复杂的报告、一段棘手的关系、一项难以完成的任务等等,都可以用complicated来形容。4. 他的性格很complicated,有时候让人无法理解。complicated一般用来形容那些由多个部分组成、关系错综复杂的事物,或者是那些难以理解、难以解决的问题。例如,一份复杂的报告、一段棘手的关系、一项难以完成的任务等等,都可以用complicated来形容。4. 他的性格很complicated,有时候让人无法理解。


[[英]]u02c8ku0252mplu026akeu026atu026ad[[美]]u02c8kɑ:mplu026akeu026atu026adadj.结构复杂的;混乱的,麻烦的v.使复杂化( complicate的过去式)[例句]Chrysler"s recent pedigree is complicated. 克莱斯勒近来家谱复杂。


complicated 英[u02c8ku0252mplu026akeu026atu026ad] 美[u02c8kɑ:mplu026akeu026atu026ad] adj. 结构复杂的; 混乱的,麻烦的; v. 使复杂化( complicate的过去式); [网络] 复杂性; 很复杂; 错综复杂的; [例句]The situation in Lebanon is very complicated.黎巴嫩的情况十分复杂。



今天装机ghost装了5次都出现这个问题abort:19230,compression.overrun 请高


求高手指教!教我写一下申英国的personal statement,computer science的

我正好也在写ps,不过是accounting&fiance,以下是我的一些自己整理出来的重点,望采纳,另附我自己的ps中文版。结构简单,衔接紧密,主线明确,便于理解1 简短的自我介绍,特长,性格,兴趣爱好。2 为什麼要选择这间学校,学校各有不同。要查清楚3我来这间学校的理由是什麼。我要提升自己那方面的知识和技术4我掌握了这些知识技术之後,想要从事什麼工作。有什麼样的职业和人生规划5我在自己的事业基础上,如何使用中英两国的资源,为这两个国家带来利益。第一部分:选择留学的原因及简短的自我介绍(在学校外的一些兴趣爱好)。第二部分:选择这门学科的主要原因,我做的与我所报的学科有关的事情(包括生活中和在学校做的事)第三部分 :为什麼要选择这间学校,我来这间学校的理由是什麼。我要提升自己哪方面的知识和技术第四部分:我上大学的目标,掌握了这些知识技术之後,想要从事什麼工作。有什麼样的职业和人生规划第五部分:结尾,在自己的事业基础上,如何使用中英两国的资源,为这两个国家带来利益。你想在大学学习,为什么你对课程的哪些个具体方面最感兴趣你都做过什么研究报告你平时最享受做哪方面的研究你都曾经读过哪些与你申报专业和领域相关的书籍做过什么相关的工作,或志愿者工作你曾参加过什么相关的会议什么样的个人经验或原因,导致你决心读此专业你希望通过学习此专业给你带来什么有什么能够表明你是一个可靠和负责任的人兼职工作商业活动社区及慈善工作高中参加过的社团在校活动和开放日上帮忙青年人企业,世界挑战赛,爱丁堡公爵奖励,辩论赛及其它类似活动,你从中又学到了什么经验你的兴趣爱好和技能你喜欢在你的空闲时间里做什么体育和休闲活动你学习了哪些与你考试无关东西你玩什么乐器你讲哪些语言在你的兴趣爱好中,你赢取过什么奖项、担任过什么职位GAP YEAR为什么你要有一年GAP YEAR(如果你有)你有什么计划这跟你将来的专业和发展方向有什么关系现在你应该有很多题材了,这些都可作为个人陈述的备选题材。如果你认为以上的东西没有什么是你重点想写的也没有关系,它的目的是帮你理清思绪打开思路。要点的是你要为自己为什么报这个专业找一个有说服力的理由,即使这个理由现在听起来比较傻也没有关系,我们可以在后面慢慢加工。因为所有招生导师都想要寻找到对专业真正充满热情和激情的学生。如果你选择这个专业是因为你想不出还能学什么其它的,这是远远不够的,也许你应该考虑寻找一个你真正喜欢的专业。现在,你需要考虑你究竟为什么要学习这个领域。 即使你还不能是100%肯定这是你想学的,你仍然需要把你想学的想法设法传达给招生导师。如果他们接受你,你将要至少用3年的时间学习这门课程,所以你必须说服他们你是有决心的。我们建议你把你想学的专业写在纸上,让后把你所有能联想到的关于这个专业的东西写下来,这样会帮助你思维。尽量的写,写下的是什么都没有关系。我们都可以慢慢修饰,重点还是帮你想清楚这是否是你想学习的学科。附:自己的ps。明年,我将完成我在中国的高中学业,开始规划今后的人生。中国有一句古语叫做“学无止境”,我希望能够在高中结束以后获得更加良好的教育,而英国数百年来一直以高质量的教育闻名于世,这正是我选择英国留学的主要目的。我富有激情,热爱运动和音乐。作为班级的体育委员,虽然我曾在学校的运动会上获得了1000米的冠军,但我最热爱的运动是篮球。前几天,我最喜欢的美国队在奥运会上获得了一枚宝贵的金牌。球员们在场上的拼搏精神让我深受感动,也明白了团队合作的重要性。我同样热爱音乐,它是我最好的伙伴,是我释放心灵的方式。无论心情好坏,我总能通过音乐表达出自己最真挚的情感。它让我对生活更加地热爱。我同样热爱中国的传统文化,尤其是篆刻。在刻出自己满意的印章的过程中,我更加明白了美的来之不易,并学会了如何去耐心和专注地去处理繁琐的事物。因为我的积极、乐观、热情和坚定,我丝毫不担心自己会适应不了一种全新的学习和生活方式。然而,在考虑选择哪种专业的时候,我一度非常迷惘。经过反复推敲,我认为自己对数字比较敏感,曾在学校的数学测验中拿到了满分的成绩。所以我决定选择一个能和数字打交道的专业。最终,我选择金融与会计这门学科。这是一个非常艰难的决定,因为我需要仔细分析自己的优缺点然后做出对自己最有利的决定。首先,我的母亲就是以会计作为她的职业,这无疑对我的决策起了非常重要的影响。而通过在互联网上查阅的的大量资料,我发现这个专业涉及到会计、财政、税收、金融、保险、工商企业管理等专业的内容,是一个针对性很强的专业。英国是全世界银行及金融服务业的领导中心之一,伦敦又是世界最大的外币交易、国际银行、海空保险、国际债券交易、跨国基金管理中心,目前中国也非常需要这一类的人才,所以我认为这个专业有非常好的就业前景。虽然它的竞争也非常激烈,不过我相信自己有这个能力脱颖而出。第二点,我认为自己有非常好的逻辑分析能力以及了解商务的能力。2008年的时候,我的舅舅准备投资一家自行车零售商,而我通过对报纸信息的查阅得知当时政府正准备在我们城市推广公共自行车服务系统,为市民提供便捷的自行车租赁服务。此举必将导致自行车零售行业进入一个衰退期。我认为这不是一个明智的决定因此对他进行了劝阻。当然,他对我说的话并不十分赞同且坚持进行投资。一段时间过后,公共自行车作为一种新型的交通工具,具有环保、廉价、便捷等一系列优点,很快就受到市民的青睐。而舅舅的投资也因为没有达到预期的成效而宣告失败。再者,我拥有严谨的思维能力、组织能力和良好的沟通能力。在高中阶段,我被同学们选举为班级的体育委员。在第一次学校的运动会上,由于对每个同学的个性和能力还没有一个深入的了解,让一些同学参加了他们并不擅长的项目,最终并没有获得一个理想的结果。这让我几乎丧失了信心。但随着同学之间相处的时间越来越长,在和大家的交流中我逐渐摸索出了一套最有效率的方案,每个人都能在自己擅长的项目上发挥出最大的能量,而那些运动能力并不出众的同学,我挑选出一部分负责送水等后勤工作,另一些人作为拉拉队,为我们的运动员加油助威。这些举动让我们班的体育水平大大提升。学期结束的时候,班主任因为我在体育方面为班级做出的卓越贡献,在全班面前对我进行了表扬。这让我非常兴奋,也更加有信心做好下学期的工作。贵校作为英国著名大学,雄厚的学术实力毋庸置疑。我希望能拥有一个在贵校深造的机会,借鉴学习伟人以往的知识成果,成为一个对社会有用的人才,为今后能进入中英两国的跨国公司、为两国的经济发展做出贡献打下一个坚实的基础。Thank you very much!



so she did 是什么意思? Your mother promised you a personal computer. So she did.


工控机的英文Industrial Personal Computer怎么读


personal computer 是1946年2月15日 发明的用英语怎么说

Personal computer was invented on February 15th, 2012.

在英国,Partnership Limited Liability Company有什么区别??



cooperation 不保证。。。

sole trader, partnership,company 三个单词词有什么不同?如何区分?

sole trader是指独立贸易商,专卖店,专营商,也就是独资、自营partnership是指伙伴关系或合伙企业company是公司、组织的总称partnership是不同的公司,为了各自的利益进行合作的这样一种关系,就是一项生意被两个及其以上的公司合作最后共同分享利润;company就是出售商品或者服务的公司;sole trader是指个体户,就是资金来自个人积蓄或亲戚朋友。

sole trader, partnership,company 分别有什么不同?怎么区分?

sole trader and partnership are unincorporated which means that the owners have risk of unlimited liability, while company is incorporated that the owners do not need to pay the debt using their personal assets.

partnership 和 limited liability company 的区别

partnership在表示公司的时候,意思是“合营公司”。合营企业按合同约定对某项经济活动所共有的控制,是指由两个或多个企业或个人共同投资建立的企业,该被投资企业的财务和经营政策必须由投资双方或若干方共同决定。limited liability company则意思是服份有限公司。股份有限公司(Stock corporation)是指公司资本为股份所组成的公司,股东以其认购的股份为限对公司承担责任的企业法人。设立股份有限公司,应当有2人以上200以下为发起人,注册资本的最低限额为人民币500万元。相关词汇意思:1、partnership 英[u02c8pɑ:tnu0259u0283u026ap] 美[u02c8pɑ:rtnu0259ru0283u026ap]n. 伙伴关系; 合作关系; 合伙人身份; 合营公司;[例句]Alex and Mikhail were in partnership then: Mikhail handled the creative side; Alex was the financier.亚历克斯和米哈伊尔当时是伙伴关系:米哈伊尔负责创新,亚历克斯是财务主管。[其他] 复数:partnerships2、limited liability company英[u02c8limitid u02cclaiu0259u02c8biliti u02c8ku028cmpu0259ni] 美[u02c8lu026amu026atu026ad u02cclau026au0259u02c8bu026alu026ati u02c8ku028cmpu0259ni][词典] 股份有限公司,有限责任公司;[例句]Names or titles of shareholders of a limited liability company or of promoters of a company limited by shares.有限责任公司股东或者股份有限公司发起人的姓名或者名称。

《Think Complexity2e》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《Think Complexity (2/e)》(Allen B. Downey)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: jbai书名:《Think Complexity (2/e)》作者:Allen B. Downey出版社:O′Reilly出版年份:2018-7-27页数:230作者简介:Allen B. Downey拥有加州大学伯克利分校的计算机科学博土学位和MIT的硕士与学土学位,现任美国欧林工程学院计算机科学系的教授,曾经在威尔斯利大学、科尔比学院和加州大学伯克利分校教授计算机科学相关的课程。曾经担任 Google的访问科学家,对复杂性科学和Python十分着迷,有较为深入的研究和丰富的实践经验。

如何解决class fan out complexity

在你的JDK安装目录下有这样一个文件夹 {JDK的安装路径}/demo/jfc/FileChooserDemo/FileChooserDemo.jar 命令行下执行 java -jar FileChooserDemo.jar 就可以执行该程序 源代码在 {JDK的安装路径}/demo/jfc/FileChooserDemo/src/目录下 !

复杂性科学(Complexity Science)属于哪个学科?产生于哪个学科?


Relative book review:Earth Surface Systems:Complexity,Order,and Scale

Earth Surface Systems: Complexity,Order,and Scale Jonathan D. Phillips. Blackwell Publishers,Oxford,1999,180 pp. ,43 figures ( combining 12 photos and 31 diagrams) . 4 tables and 63 equations.Earth Surface Systems: Complexity,Order,and Scale,part of the Natural Environment series edited by Andrew Goudie and Heather Viles,was written to promote better understanding of the complexities and interactions of the phenomena that create earth surface systems. Phillips prefers to define whole systems rather than individual components,with emphasis on the way these systems behave and interact with other phenomena through both space and time. In simpler terms, he addresses the fundamental processes that drive earth surface systems and the problems of the simultaneous existence,within a single system,of both order and complexity. Phillips succinctly and clearly defines and explains the complexities of earth surface systems and the interrelations of many varied phenomena. The book is an important contribution to the geomorphic literature and should be a part of the library of any serious earth scientist.The text consists of an introductory chapter followed by eight chapters describing various features and problems of earth surface systems. Numerous photographs and diagrams provide examples of the complexities of the subject. The photos and diagrams are enlarged and extend over the margins,which helps with visualization of the processes discussed. Citations to more detailed accounts of the topic of discussion are liberally inserted throughout the text. An extensive reference list provides ample opportunity for more interested readers to delve deeper into the problems and complexities of earth surface systems and processes.The introductory chapter defines the author"s goals and describes the theoretical background behind his systematic approach to earth processes,rather than a “reductionist”or “nonlinear dynamic systems”approach. However,the author considers these other forms of knowledge to be complimentary to a systems approach rather than competitive,and draws upon reductionist and nonlinear systems dynamics research to support his ideas on many occasions. Phillips claims that reductionist approaches are necessary to fully understand the components of a system,and that nonlinear dynamics research is needed to understand the dynamics of complex systems.The second chapter begins with a qualitative analysis of earth surface systems,but quickly delves into numerical methods for explaining these systems. The chapter is designed for earth scientists who suffer from math anxiety,and is useful for people with limited math experience. Phillips allows students unfamiliar with advanced numerical methods to grasp the basics of systems concepts in relatively simple mathematical terms. This simple approach to numerical modeling, combined with frequent summaries,is a useful learning tool.Chapter Three describes both the order and complexity inherent in landscapes. Phillips provides many examples of the order found in complex systems and,conversely,complexity in orderly systems. The author argues that Earth surface systems are unstable by nature and that they exhibit both complex disorder and stable order at different scales. In simpler terms,complexity and order can exist within the same system at different spatial and temporal scales.The fourth chapter provides brief examples that strengthen the argument that earth surface systems are unstable,often chaotic,and self-organizing. Phillips" assertions are based on a series of case studies and on empirical evidence,the properties of generalized canonical models, deterministic uncertainty,and differation and divergence.Chapter Five specifically discusses the properties of generalized canonical models,including population and hillslope evolution models. This is the most extensive chapter of the text and includes four detailed case studies,each of which represents the complex interactions within a specific system: hydraulic geometry,channel network evolution,topographic relief evolution,and desertification. The spatial and temporal variability,and the disturbances that force a system into chaotic rather than a steady-state mode,are compared for each system. The author states,then elucidates the complexities and interrelations within each system. The case study examples include an excellent range of the earth"s geomorphic systems and focus on the complexities of changing time,scale,and input parameters. This chapter provides valuable insight into fluvial, landscape,and climate variables.The role of pedogenesis,and particularly soils as earth surface systems,is the topic of Chapter Six. Phillips"claim that soils are the classic representation of earth surface systems is well supported with copious examples of the dynamics of soil types and variation within the mechanisms of soil formation. His concept that soils co-evolve with ecosystems,landforms,and other earth surface systems,allows generalizations concerning the behavior of soil systems to be applied to other earth surface systems.In Chapter Seven,Phillips links his field observations with the concept of soils as a canonical example of earth surface systems. This chapter ties together the many and varied concepts that Phillips proposed in previous chapters,and is perhaps the most innovative and comprehensive chapter in the text. His own fieldwork has shown that instability,chaos,and self-organization are common phenomena in the Carolina Coastal Plain and similar results have been shown by investigations in other areas. The phenomena that produce chaotic patterns on the Carolina Coastal Plain are well known. Examples include the preservation of previous perturbations such as tree throw,bioturbation,and root casts. These rather small perturbations tend to persist and grow over time,eventually producing highly variable soil patterns over remarkably short distances. The same processes that control soil development also influence other systems.The question of scale is significant for every geomorphology investigation and the problems related to scale are the focus of Chapter Eight. In this chapter,spatiotemporal scale relationships are linked to the necessity for understanding the rates,duration,and frequencies of the processes that act upon a system. Definition of these processes by any single nonlinear formula or complex systems analysis is not now,and may never be,possible. Phillips states that to fully understand earth surface systems,traveling into the field and measuring the distance,speed,population,and distribution of any such system is imperative.In Chapter Nine,Phillips synthesizes his ideas and concepts by proposing eleven principles of earth surface systems,which clearly summarize the detailed descriptions found in the previous chapters. Reading this chapter before reading the entire text would greatly assist those readers who are not familiar with earth surface systems literature. By reading this chapter first,they would familiarize themselves with the major concepts that the author emphasizes and provide a better overall understanding of the book.Amidst all of the strengths of this book,it is perhaps easier to define the few—but significant—weaknesses. Although the book is written for geographers,geologists,and other earth scientists who have a basic knowledge of physical geography,a more advanced knowledge of earth surface processes is required for complete understanding of the text. The book is more appropriate for advanced undergraduate or graduate students. Most undergraduate earth science majors would find this text overwhelming. The text is obscurely written and jargon-rich,and the absence of a glossary hinders the ease of use. The detail and complexity of the book make it difficult to read; however,it is a significant contribution to advanced earth scientists,and an in-depth examination is rewarding and a true eye-opener for all but the most advanced geomorphologists. Overall,the text is a significant contribution to the understanding of earth systems and is a must for the library of any individual who considers himself an earth scientist or physical geographer.

increasing complexity of是什么意思

increasing complexity of日益复杂的例句1.Moche history is broadly categorized into five periods based on the increasing complexity of pottery decoration.莫什历史大致可分为基于五个时期的陶器装饰日趋复杂。2.The increasing complexity of software structure causes the increasing complexity of software failure.软件结构日益复杂化,导致了软件故障的复杂性增加。3.The concept that "one size fits all" is not an adequate formula for supporting the ever-increasing complexity of scientific research.“一刀切”的公式无法适应当前日益复杂的科研活动。4.With the increasing complexity of modern social activities, everyone and all kinds of organizations face a variety of risks every day.随着现代社会活动的日趋复杂,每个人及各类组织每天都要面对各式各样的风险。5."In the face of increasing complexity, and increasing data, we"re faced with a major problem, " Dr. McGill said.“不断增加的复杂性和越来越多的数据让我们面临着大难题,”麦克吉尔博士说。

什么是圈复杂度(Cyclomatic Complexity)



compliance metrics合规性度量compliance[英][ku0259mu02c8plau026au0259ns][美][ku0259mu02c8plau026au0259ns]n.服从,听从; 承诺; 柔软度; 顺度; 例句:1.General electric runs compliance training throughout its global businesses. 通用电气公司在其全球分支机构开展了合规培训。

艾薇儿的the best damn thing,innocence,complicated,when you are gone 的中文歌词?

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