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compress 是压缩的意思compressor 是压缩机

beyond compare可以和 clearcase集成吗


六. 使用Docker来编排系统(Networks、Compose)

所谓编排是指:当你一个应用被分成几个Container运行时候,这些Container需要协同,这就是所谓的编排功能。Orchestration 需要有个框架完成Container间的通信、容器如何连接的配置、容器创建、监控的调度,还有扩展性问题。市面上有容器编排的平台,比如Mesos和Kubernetes,但是Docker本身也提供了编排功能。 Docker Compose可以定义容器间的关系,它是一个client-side工具;Docker Swarm 则在编排系统中用于管理跨多主机的容器。 在网络级别,Docker creates a bridge network on your host. A bridge network gives every container its own IP address , and it allows communication between containers and also between containers and the host . 我们创建一个网络并让容器加入它 我们可以用下面这个命令查看容器被分配的IP地址: 上图命令dig是域信息搜索器的简称(Domain Information Groper),其执行结果含义如下: 当然我们也可以通过docker network inspect查看相关信息: 当业务比较复杂(involved)时,我们需要掌握依赖关系,这样才便于部署,其中一种方法是使用Docker Compose。它是一个独立的client工具,采用YAML文件定义你的解决方案架构, 并通过一个单一命令来管理整个容器集合。 在UNIX环境下,Docker Compose需要单独安装(Window环境下则是和Docker一起被安装的) 也支持使用--scale参数生成多个Nginx containers(需要指出在docker-compose.yml中配置的容器名称) 可以查看生成的网络:



rolling competition 是不是车轮战的意思

不是的。车轮战,字典上显示英文是tag match, 英文解释是taking turns in fighting one opponent to tire him out. 而rolling competition是一种比赛,这种比赛中选手需要滚一种东西。比如在水中用脚滚动圆木,而不落水。

平板电脑屏幕上please peel off this mask after application completed什么意思


英语造句 5个Compound-Complex Sentences


英语compound setences怎么翻译?







compare的读音是:英[k_m"pe_(r)]。compare的读音是:英[k_m"pe_(r)]。compare的详尽释义是v.(动词)比较;进行比较;相比;对比对照;参照比得上,不亚于,匹敌 ;可跟?相比把...比作为,比喻为,比作【语法】把(形容词、副词)变成比较级与?类似;表明?与?相似交换看法值得比较被认为相似,视作相等。compare【近义词】balance。一、详尽释义点此查看compare的详细内容v.(动词)比较;进行比较;相比;对比对照;参照比得上,不亚于,匹敌 ;可跟?相比把...比作为,比喻为,比作【语法】把(形容词、副词)变成比较级与?类似;表明?与?相似交换看法值得比较被认为相似,视作相等n.(名词)比较相比对照二、双解释义v.(动词)vt. & vi. 比较,对照 show or find out in what ways two or more things are like each other or are different from each other三、网络解释1. 比对:弹簧平衡器天津弹簧吊车 发布单位:津宇雷(JYL)起重设备(天津)有限公司 公司地址:天津市红桥区...[摘要]电源自动控制, 高速缓存设计, 加快执行速度复制方式采同步独立式,包括格式化(FORMAT), 复制(COPY), 比对(COMPARE),清除(ERASE)等皆可同时完成,四、例句I compared the copy with the original, but there was not much difference.我比较了复印件和原件,但是差别不是很大。The police compared the suspect"s fingerprints with those found at the crime scene.警察将嫌疑犯的指纹和犯罪现场的指纹进行了对比。Life is poetically compared to the morning dew.在诗歌中,人生被比喻为朝露。She is lovely beyond compare.她真是可爱得无与伦比。Compare respirations and breath sounds with previous findings.将本次呼吸与呼吸音与前次检查结果相对照。Compare your answers with those at the back of the book to see if they are right.把你的答案同书后面的答案对照一下,看看是否正确。五、词汇搭配用作动词 (v.)~+名词compare ideas交换看法compare notes对笔记,对质compare results比较结果~+副词compare advantageously比?好compare certainly比?好compare disadvantageously比?差compare entirely全面地比较compare favourably比?好compare poorly比?差compare unfavourably比?差~+介词compare in colour从颜色上比较compare in shape从外形上比较compare in size从型号上比较compare in weight从重量上比较compare to把?比作compare with和?比较六、情景对话订货B:Here are the quotations that you asked for .这是你的报的价。A:How do theycompare to last year‘s ?与去年的相比怎么样。B:The price increases haven‘t been too bad at all .没有涨太多。A:That‘s good to hear .let‘s take a look at your prices .那好,我们来看看你的报价吧。International Trade -Insurance-(国际贸易-保险)B:I"m calling to discuss the level of insurance coverage you"ve requested for your order.我打电话来是想讨论你所要求的订单保险额的级别。A:I believe that we have requested an amount twenty-five percent above the invoice value?我想我们要求的是高于发票价值百分之二十五的保险金额。B:Yes, that"s right. We have no problem in complying with your request, but we think that the amount is a bit excessive.是的,没错。我们可以答应这个要求,但是我们觉得金额有点太高。A:We"ve had a lot of trouble in the past with damaged goods.我们过去有太多货物毁损的困扰。compare在线翻译B:I can understand your concern. However, the normal coverage for goods of this type is to insure them for the total invoice amount plus ten percent.我能了解你的考虑。然而,一般这类产品的保险额度是发票总额再加百分之十。A:We would feel more comfortable with the additional protection.有额外的保障会让我们觉得安全些。B:Unfortunately, if you want to increase the coverage, we will have to charge you extra for the additional cost.很遗憾,如果你们想增加保险额的话,我们就得向你们收取额外的费用。A:But the insurance was supposed to be included in the quotation.但是保险应该包含在报价里了。B:Yes, but we quoted you normal coverage at regular rates.是的,但是我们向你们报的价是一般比例下的正常保险额。A:I see.我了解。compareB:We can, however, arrange the extra coverage. But I suggest you contact your insurance agent there andcompare rates.不过超出的保险额我们可以再商量。但是我建议你和你们那边的保险代理商联络并比较一下价格。compare的反义词A:You"re right. It might be cheaper on this end.你说得没错,在这边可能会比较便宜。B:Fax me whatever rates you find there and I"llcompare them with what we can offer.不论你那里找到的是那一种价格都传真给我,我会和我们可以提供的价格来做比较。七、词语用法v.(动词)compare的基本意思是“比较,对照”,主要用于比较事物的典型特征及其价值,而不在于比较相同与不同。compare用作及物动词时接名词或代词作宾语,用作不及物动词时,主动形式常具有被动意义。compare接with或to可表示“与?相比”,接to还可用于比喻,意为“比作”。接with还可表示“比得上”,这种用法常出现在疑问句或否定句中,且常与can连用。compare with与compare to的区别:compare with 的意思是“把??跟??比较”,一般用于两个同类事物之间,着重区别。compare to的意思是“把??比作??看待”,一般用于两个不同性质的事物比较。She compares me with my sister.她把我和我妹妹进行比较。We may well compare the little girl to a kitten.我们可能把这个小姑娘比作小猫来看待。当compare用作不及物动词时,解释为“比的上”,“值得比较”,只能用with,不能用to;否定形式可表示为not to be compared with/to;compare together的表达中,together是多余的。compare的相关近义词balance、collate、correspond、equal、match、parallelcompare的相关临近词comparison、comparative、comparer、Comparet、Comparelli、Comparetti、Compareson、compare to、Comparetto、compared to、compare with、compare byte点此查看更多关于compare的详细信息

should student play computer 怎么写

Should Students Should Play Computer Games?In contemporary society, computer games are now becoming increasingly popular. But in the meantime, public debate has been going on in my country over whether students should play computer games or not. The term “computer games” refers to video games played on personal computers, which now have a variety of genres, such as online games, local area net work games and emulation games. This essay will argue that students should not play computer games. The reasons for this include the threat to students" health from computer games, the waste of time and the alienation between people.In the first place, playing computer games may pose a threat to students" physical soundness as well as psychological well-being. Specifically, Common complaints found among children obsessed with games are eye strains, wrist, neck and back pains, etc. Specialists have confirmed that children who spend too much time playing computer games not only are easily susceptible to long terms problems like bad posture

video games 与 computer games 的区别

我能不能说一下我觉得字面意思就很有区别- -video games,你完美玩过接在投影上或者接在电视上面的游戏,那个都可以统称video games,用到用电器,不一定是电脑上玩。但是呢。computer games就是电脑上的电脑游戏,可以说,computer games比video games范围小

video game, computer game, net game区别?


“video games ”与 “computer games ”有什么区别?

video games与computer games的区别为:意思不同、起源不同、使用场合不同。一、意思不同 games意思:电子游戏。 games意思:电脑游戏。二、起源不同 games起源:电子游戏于1952年面世,为井字棋游戏,游戏平台是真空管电脑,当时现代电脑也只是刚面世不足十年。之后出现的是发布于1958年10月18日的网球游戏《双人网球》(Tennis For Two),虽然说是网球游戏,实际上的画面却比较类似现代的气垫台。 games起源:电脑游戏的出现与1960年代电子计算机进入美国大学校园有密切的联系。当时的环境培养出了一批编程高手。 1970年代,随着电子计算机技术的发展,其成本越来越低。1971年,誉为“电子游戏之父”的诺兰·布什内尔发明了第一台商业化电子游戏机。三、使用场合不同 games使用场合:指所有依托于电子设备平台而运行的交互游戏。 games使用场合:使用计算机进行的游戏。

国外学校如泰国,学校的官网上company represented是什么意思?

company represented是公司代表的意思。从你截图的页面来看,这只是学校的一个简介而已。下面的黑字标题分别为,背景,产品或服务,子公司,公司代表,所有权,高级管理人员。

英语Linux optional component怎么翻译?


Company (optional):什么意思

如果是在填表时,可能有这么个栏目问您所属的公司,要是没有就不是必填的资料。optional 是“可选的”之意,在这里意味着可填可不填。

move up through the company into different posts

是定语从句. “to move up through the company into different positions”是用来修饰“opportunity”的,所以此句为定语从句. 而且不是有“to”就是目的状语从句,这里的to指的是未发生的事

winning the competition是什么时态?


A company uses a standard absorption costing syst

alcons had scarce attained




SideBar用一个itemContainer集合来维护其下的panel非空的panel会在你从UI添加控件的时候创建一个controlContainerItem来维护其中的控件。你可以使用如下代码做一个测试就知道该如何遍历SideBar的子控件了foreach (BaseItem bi in sideBar1.ItemsContainer.SubItems) { MessageBox.Show("Panel:" + bi.Name); foreach (BaseItem subBi in ((SideBarPanelItem)bi).SubItems) MessageBox.Show("SubItem:" + subBi.Name); }如果你在添加buttonItem等子控件时指定了其Name属性,也可以直接使用SideBar的GetItem和GetItems方法,如下:sideBar1.GetItem("btn")即可返回Name属性为btn的控件,类型为baseItem,需要自行转换后使用。此方法是针对SideBar下所有子控件,包括深层的,所以它可以用来获取包括panel、buttonItem等等在各个层面的容器下的控件。顺便一提,DotNetBar的很多复杂容器控件都有类似的方法方便用户使用,平时应该多多注意控件的Name属性。例如使用DotNetBarManager时便可方便的根据制定的Name获取其管理的任意一个Bar,或者是Bar上停靠的Tab等等。如有疑问请留言或QQ176229432

magnetic compass是什么意思


填介词:English is popular around the world ______computers

withbe popular with sb.受某人欢迎


Positive and Negative Effects of Competition As the saying goes every coin has two sides. So it is completion. Competition between individuals or companies can be tough, aggressive, even ferocious or cut-throat.For individuals, it may hurt self-esteem of the losers, some people think that this help the losers to be strong , less nag and help them see clearly the real socirty , but counterproductive, the unsettling result probably let them give up their ideals, or even the phenomenon of malicious completion may happen. So the winner should be benign, though the exciting fruit is conducive to build self-confident for the winners, they should avoid to have the feeling of outdoing than others, in fact every people"s biggest competitor is himself, we should try our best to go beyond ourselves. In this case ,we can triumph over difficulties with others and share the joy of victory together, this perhaps seliminate the negative effects of competition. Competitionhas positive and negative effect, but we all looking forward to the mutually beneficial and win-win situation. but Firms may accuse each other of using unfair methods such as dumping, where a competitor (usually foreign) sells products for less than what they cost to produce, or at less than the price charged in the home market. Firms dump in order to build market share and recoup (收回) their losses later when, having established themselves to benefit from economies of scale (producing in larger quantities so that the cost of each unit goes down), they are able to charge market prices with a healthy (数额大) profit margin on each unit sold. Competition can also be gentlemanly or even cozy (勾结), so cozy that companies may be accused of forming a cartel to agree on prices in a price fixing arrangement. They may then be investigated by a government that looks into unfair trading practices. Competitors may also enter into other perfectly legitimate forms of cooperation, such as joint ventures for specific projects. They may even talk about strategic alliances. But like mergers, these can go awry and lead to recrimination (相互指责) between erstwhile (former) partners.

Report of completion of substitution Nonuse Declaration of PFOS CONTROL 76/769/EEC

全氟辛烷磺酰基化合物(PFOS,perfluorooctane sulfnate)EEC 认证: of completion of substitution Nonuse Declaration of PFOS CONTROL 76/769/EEC针对76/769/EEC中关于PFOS控制的杜绝使用其替代物的声明报告




品牌名叫做NIC。?_omponents Corp.与日本工业株式会社合作,生产和设计无源元件已有30多年。通过整合设计,原材料和生产专业技术,NIC已成为无源元件技术的领导者。 从铝电解电容器的核心业务开始,NIC将其产品扩大到钽电容器,陶瓷电容器,直流薄膜电容器,厚膜和薄膜电阻产品以及功率电感器,铁氧体芯片磁珠和射频器件的增长线。NIC在全球设有工程办公室,负责监督我们的生产设施,并与工厂密切合作,进行质量保证和技术传播。北美的仓库,工程和销售办事处,亚太地区和欧洲,中东和非洲地区支持客户设计,物流和服务要求。

如何在Ubuntu下安装比较工具Beyond Compare

Beyond Compare现在唯一下载途径就是官网,中文官网已经有了,可以去下载。Beyond Compare是一款不可多得的专业级的文件夹和文件对比工具。使用它可以很方便地对比出两个文件夹或者文件的不同之处,相差的每一个字节用颜色加以表示,查看方便,支持多种规则对比。具体教程可参考官网资料

The house was completed five months ago. 为什么是 was completed 不是completed ?


is completed是什么时态?

completed v.完成;结束;填写(表格);使完整;使完美complete的过去分词和过去式be completed 是complete的被动语态的现在时态

为什么用have been completed而不用are completed?

用are也行只不过用have been强调已完成


其实差不多 都是完成的意思…


Complete can be a verb and adjectiveSuch as "I completed (verb) the task", "It is completed(adjective)."Done is an adjective"The task is done"Finish can be verb and adjective"I finished (verb) the meal""The meal is finished(adjective)"

电脑开不开机出现1percent completed怎么办


i am completed

第一句对.第二句和第三句错了.一看就知道是汉字照翻译过来的.finish和complete确实是完成的意思.但是不能将人作宾语.i am done对,后两句的改为:i"ve finished it.i"ve completed it.如果你要表达的意思是:惨了,我完了.就译为:i"m dead meat.



has completed

这三个都是be动词的不同形式,牵扯到动词的时态和语态问题. 时态方面: is(am,are)doing:现在进行时.表示此时此刻正在发生的动作;表示在这一阶段正在进行的动作;表示按计划或安排最近将要发生的动作. was(were)doing:过去进行时.表示过去某一时间或某段时间正在进行的动作. has(have)been doing:现在完成进行时.表示从过去某个时间开始,一直持续到说话时还在继续或刚刚结束,或反复重复的动作. 语态方面: (你的举例XXX is/was/has been completed就是一个被动语态),被动语态由be+及物动词的过去分词构成,be动词的形式随着人称和时态的变化而变化. is(am,are)done:一般现在时被动语态.xxx is completed. eg.English is spoken all over the world. 全世界人都讲英文.(英语被全世界的人讲.) is(am,are)being doing:现在进行时被动语态. eg.The house is being cleaned by the students. 房子正在被学生打扫. was(were)done:一般过去时的被动语态.xxx is completed. eg.Paper was invented 2000 years ago. 纸是在2000年前被发明的. was(were)being doing:过去进行时的被动语态. eg.They told me my suggestion was being discussed. 他们告诉我我的建议正在被讨论. has(have) been done:现在完成时的被动语态.xxx has been completed. eg.She has been taken to the hospital. 她已经被送往了医院.

电脑开机每次都出现percent completed怎么办



accomplish强调“达到预期的目的,成功地完成,取得成绩或成就”,后面可接名词或动名词.如: Fred can accomplish more in a day than any other boy in his class. complete强调“完整”,含有从头到尾使其完全齐备,补充其不足,或不完整之处,使其成为一个完美的整体,语气比finish正式,但很多情况下可以和finish通用.complete后面只能接名词.如: Lucy wanted to complete the first chapter of her book before going to bed. finish强调“结束”,即完成了自己计划要干的事情,着眼点在最后是否完成而不太注重整个过程,后面可接名词和动名词.在做把什么东西“吃完、喝完”解时,不能用complete代替.如: When he finished speaking, we all applauded.

completed assumed在并购中代表什么




电脑开机percent completed问题


be completed后加什么

complete的被动形式:be completed complete 美 /k?m?pli?t/英 /k?m?pli?t/ adj.完整的;完全的;彻底的 vt.完成,使完满;完成或结束;填写(表格) 过去式 completed 过去分词 completed 现在分词 completing 第三人称单数 completes 比较级 more complete 最高级 most complete 双语例句: Everyone is waiting for the buyer to complete. 所有人都在等待买主完成买卖。

电脑开不开机出现1percent completed怎么办?




电脑开机一直出现percent completed怎么修复

你看percent completed前面还有个数字,你的这张图片显示96,就是已经到了96%了,到了100就过去了。这是电脑硬盘分区有错误,电脑启动时自检检测错误并自动修复的过程,检测并修复之后就正常启动了

请问 complete,finish,done 的用法?

accomplish 是完成,达成的意思,有完成并达到某种目的的意思He can accomplish more in a day than any other boy in his class.他一天所完成的工作比他班上其他的孩子都多。The explorers accomplished the voyage in five weeks.探险队在五周内完成了航程。completeadj.全部的, 完全的, 完成的vt.完成, 使完善A second child would complete their family.第二个孩子使他们的家更加完美了She has completed her studies.她已经完成了学业.finishn.完成, 结束, 磨光, 末道漆, 完美vt.完成, 结束, 用完, 毁掉, 使完美vi.结束, 终结, 停止, 终止Have you finished with the dictionary?这本词典你已经用完了吗?finish doing sth.做完某事finish a picture完成一幅画doneadj.妥当的, 合乎礼仪的, 完成了, 做好了的, 注定要完蛋的是相当口语化的词汇get sth. done as quick as possible尽快把某事干完The soldiers were too done to go any further.战士们疲倦得不能再走了。The meat is over-done.肉煮过火了。That isn"t done.这样不合适。You know, it may come out any day, and then we are done for.你知道, 说不定哪一天都可能真相大白, 那时我们可就完蛋了。相当多的情况,它们可以交换使用如你所举的例子



“complete” 和“finish ”有什么区别?

complete是adj和vt,finish是vt和none,end是none和vtx0dx0acomplete一般表示完成比较重大的事情,比如工程啦,项目啦。end一般用做动词的情况很少,直接用end的名词就行了,也是非常口语化的词语。finish也偏近口语,一般表示完成比较小的事情,比如作业什么的。 x0dx0afinish,complete作为动词在一起比较时,这两个词的一般含义是“做完”、“完成”,有时可以互换使用。然而,有时它们却有明显的词义差别。 x0dx0afinish表示过去某个时候着手做的事已经做完,或者表示对已经做完的事进行精密加工 x0dx0aAs soon as he had finished, Jenny told him she wanted to go home. x0dx0a他一讲完,珍妮就告诉他说她想回家。 x0dx0aThis machine part needs surface finishing. x0dx0a这个机械零件需要精密加工。 x0dx0aThe writer has finished (or completed) the novel. x0dx0a但是如果作为读者说“我已经看完这部小说了”,用英语说却只能是I have finished the novel. 不过,如果你是文学系的学生,老师布置了任务,要读完这部小说,那么又非用complete不可了。 x0dx0aBy the end of next year, they will have finished work on the new stadium. x0dx0a到明年年底,他们将建成这个新体育场。 x0dx0a而complete侧重表示做完或完成某工作,特别是一项任务,或者把某工作圆满结束。如果要用英语表达“这位作家已经写完那部小说了”,这两个词都可以用 x0dx0aThe house was completed five moths ago. x0dx0a这座房子是5个月前竣工的。 x0dx0aThey had just had enough time to swim out of danger when the boat again completed a circle. x0dx0a他们刚游出危险区,这时快艇又完成了一圈的运动。 x0dx0a注:完成一个圆周的运动,用complete是很准确的。 x0dx0aA few cars, however, completed the race. x0dx0a有几辆车跑完了比赛的全程。 x0dx0ax0dx0ahave sth finished = finished sth 是把什么任务做完了。 一般用于工作,作业方面。 end 一般用于主动语态,表示结束,终结,终止 而且作名词用得比较多。主要用来表示会议,影片,比赛的结束。 比如: They ended the party off with a song. 他们唱支歌结束了晚会。 The debate ended in a hurry. 那场争辩匆匆收场了。 How soon will the meeting _end___ 会议还有多久才结束? A.finish B.end 选end是因为meeting(会议)是句子的主语。 finish一般是人做主语,表示完成的意思。

complete 和 completed的区别 详细一点,要好理解.

当complete 做形容词时,表示完全的,完整的,十足的 例如 complete coward.十足的懦夫 completed 做形容词时,表示被完成的 例如 completed goods 成品







completed 和finished 有什么区别啊?


after the project completed还是with the project completed

after the project completed。1正确,2错after后面到底用表示主动的现在分词还是表示被动的过去分词,要看after的逻辑主语是人还是物,after后非谓语结构的逻辑主语(即从意义上讲的主语而非真正主语,因为不是从句没有第二个主语的)就是后面主句的主语,既然后面主句的主语是I(我),人,我自己完成工作,因此用主动的现在分词另外以物作逻辑主语的例句供参考:After completed, the project was put into use soon. 项目完工后立即投入了使用。

电脑开机出现percent completed怎么回事,等很久会出现20%percent completed...请问怎么解决?

percent completed前面还有个数字bai,你的这张图du片显示96,就是已经到了96%了,zhi到了100就过去了。这是电脑硬盘分区有dao错误,电脑启动时自检检测错误并自动修复的过程,检测并修复之后就正常启动了

电脑开机每次都出现percent completed怎么办

让系统走完一次你所说的“percent completed”,等它结束后,正常进入系统。平时关机的时候不要直接按开关,也不要直接拔电源,请点右下角的开始按钮,选择关机,然后点关机,再等电脑自动关闭电源。

completed 状语

不可以互换的. 第一句中Not having completed the programme的have completed 是现在完成时,主语是they,并非被动. 第二句中when completed 的completed才是被动.

completed是什么意思 详解completed的含义和用法?

- The meeting was completed in just under an hour.(会议在不到一小时的时间内结束了。)- The construction of the new building has been completed.(新建筑物的建设已经完成。)completed也可以作为名词使用,意为“已完成的事项”、“已完成的任务”等。比如:- The report is completed and ready for submission.(报告已经完成,可以提交了。)- The project will not be completed on time due to unexpected problems.(由于出现了意外问题,该项目无法按时完成。)- The completed forms should be submitted to the HR department.(已完成的表格应该提交给人力资源部门。)

C语言字符串相加是什么意思 有一段代码: compare中的s1 +s2 < s2 + s1是什么意思?

int compare(string s1 , string s2)用来判断两个字符串的大小,用在sort这是为了排序的方向,在这是升序排序是什么意思?




we ues computer controlling controlcontrols everything 哪个对?详细讲解一下。

用controlling 相当于to control做目地状语。

write a short composition of more than 150 words.


the teachers in our scholl each has a computer.这个句子自己正确吗?

不正确。the teachers in our school each have a computer.例如:we each have a book .each of us has a book.

Foreigners Set Up Company in Guangzhou

Doing business in Guangzhou, you might have requests in setup a company. GZ Timely provide a professional service to help you set up your business in consideration of subsequent tax and work visa issues. Advantages of Establishing a Guangzhou WFOE 1. Ability to formally carry out business rather than just function as a representative office which is restricted in many ways. 6.It is more easier to apply for a working visa in Guangzhou city,what"s more, your immediate relatives(parents,wife,children) could apply for family visa to stay with you in Guangzhou. 7.Recruit Chinese employees to support your business legally. Concept of Guangzhou WFOE Guangzhou WFOE stands for Guangzhou Wholly Foreign Owned Enterprise, is a limited liability company wholly owned by either a foreign individual a or foreign legal entity. Hong Kong-, Macao-, Taiwan-, investors is also included. Company Name Company name must in Chinese, but you can add an English name. WFOE consists of four parts which are administrative division, name, Industry expression and limited. For example, 广州(administrative division)+name+贸易(Industry expression)+有限公司(limited). Company Business Scope Business scope needs to be defined and the WFOE can only conduct business within its approved business scope, which ultimately appears on the business license. Any amendments to the business scope require further application and approval. Registered Capital Registered capital is the amount that it"s required to run the business, but now don"t ask to pay up. Shareholder, Legal Representative, Supervisor, Director and Manager A shareholder could be a nature person (foreign individual) or a legal entity (foreign company) Please note that the manager and financial officers shall not serve concurrently as supervisors,while the director, the manager and legal representative could be the same person. Office address The office should be for commercial use, and better 30 square meters or above if need to apply work visa. The owner should provide office lease contract and record paper or property ownership certificate relate documents. Processing Time for WFOE For business license, takes 1-3 working days, for the whole process, takes about one month. General Tax Information All enterprises are required to report to the Tax Administration Department monthly, quarterly and annually. Annual Audit report Any limited companies in China should summit annual audit report to the relevant authorities. Any company will be subject be to a fine if the Annual Audit Report is not submitted in a timely manner. F****ollow-up Service 1-Import and export license application 2-General tax payer application 3-Accounting Services 4-Monthly bookkeeping and tax return, Social security Registration for staffs 5-Trademark Registration in China: Protecting your Trademark and business in China;Global trademark registration 6-Visa services: Apply work & residence permit in Guangzhou or around city 7-Company cancellation services 8-Business license alteration For more details, welcome to contact with us. Contact: Cora Yeung Tel: +86 18902250059 Wechat: +86 18902250059/ Timely-Cora E-mail: Website: <u></u> Add: Room832-833, Garden Tower Office, No.368 HuanshiDong Rd. Yuexiu District,Guangzhou (Metro Line 5, Taojin Exit A)

What the customers_____ from the company is that the goods ____ right to their homes.


英文In comparison/ by comparison差在哪?用法跟中文意思?

英文In parison跟 by parison 中文意思 差在哪?In parison跟 by parison 中文意思几乎是差不多的,都是用来比较两个事物的性质..等,只是用法上有一点点差异而已,而且In parison 会比by parison 还要常见。 下面教学In parison跟 by parison的用法。 parison 相比之下 in parison 无论是放在句首、句中,还是句尾,都是可以的。 例: My shoes are *** all in parison with my sister"s. 我的鞋子比姐姐的小。(句中) 例: This dress is really cheaper in parison. 比较起来,这件衣服真的便宜。(句尾) 例: In parison with other candidates, she was very good. 与其他候选人相比,她非常出色。 这里要注意的是,In parison 放在句首的时候,后面可以接to 或是 with。也就是In parison to /In parison with 都是可以的,意思一样。 parison 通过对比、相比之下 相较于in parison,by parison 反而没那么常见。而by parison 跟 in parison用法几乎是一样的。 例: This dress is really cheaper by parison. 相比之下,这件衣服真的便宜。 例: Jenny was very nervous. Mark was quite calm by parison. 珍妮很紧张。 相比之下,马克很镇定。 3.pale in parison 相形见绌 in parison 还有一个相关的英文片语是 pale in parison 。pale 是指「变苍白」的意思,顾名思义, pale in parison 中文意思是指「 相形见绌」的意思。 例: Today"s economic problems pale in parison with those of the 1930s. 与1930年代相比,当今的经济问题显得相形见绌。 by parison, by parison 中文, by parison 意思, in parison, In parison to, In parison with, In parison 中文, In parison 意思, 相形见绌 英文, 相比之下 英文



make a comparison

make a comparison 和pose a contrast 都是说写出不同 但是comparison 是比较的意思 你的答案可以有它们的相同和不同之处 pose a contrast,contrast 是不同的意思 你的答案只要写一个不同之处就行了

comparison between是什么意思



1、意思不同comparison:作名词意思是比较;比喻。contrast:作名词意思有对比;差别;对照物;[计算机] 反差。作动词意思是对比;成对照。2、用法不同comparison:作词组comparison是对某事物进行相同或相似点的比较,常译成“把…比作…”。contrast:contrast用作不及物动词时,接介词with,表示“与…形成对照”,主语一般是物。3、词汇搭配不同comparison:动词+~bear〔defy〕 comparison 比得上〔无法比〕contrast:动词+~bring out the contrast 引出对比

thinkPHP lt;for>前台标签,这个 comparison="lt" 是什么意思


in contrast with和 in comparison with 的用法

contrast = 对比,强调差异,而不是相似或不同之处 例句:His white hair was in contrast with his dark skin.他的白头发与黑皮肤形成鲜明对比。 comparison = 比较, 用于比较两人或事物(程度上)的相似或不同之处 。例句:Sophie"s dance in comparison with others" is not good enough.苏菲的舞蹈和别人相比还不够好。

beyond compare还是comparison

comparison。compare是个动词,这里应该用一个名词,就是comparison。beyond comparison,表达无与伦比的意思。一些地方的表达,比如说歌词,比如说一些娱乐宣传等等,都是很不规范的,只是表达了一个意思,并不代表语法方面完全没有问题。


一、词源解释14世纪后期进入英语,英语直接来源于旧的法语竞争对手;最初源于晚期拉丁语单词compare,意为比较。第二,词语的用法Compare基本上是“比较、对比”的意思,主要是用来比较事物的典型特征和价值,而不是异同。当compare用作及物动词时,它后面跟一个名词或代词作宾语。当compare用作不及物动词时,主动形式通常有被动意义。compare用作不及物动词时,解释为“比”和“值得比较”。你只能用with,不能用to。1.用作名词(名词)的比较;对比。她可爱得无与伦比。翻译:她太可爱了,无与伦比。2、用作动词(v .)进行比较;比较;对比。我比较了复印件和原件,但没有太大差别。翻译:我对比了复印件和原件,差别不大。一站式出国留学攻略


1. 用比较和对比的写作技巧写一篇短文 1.你很善于观察生活,能敏锐地捕捉一个个有意义的瞬间;你是个很有潜力的学生。 2.文章的语言很流畅,也写出了老师的感受。你是老师的知音,希望我们共同切磋,在文学的百花园中采撷芬芳的一束。 3.你的字迹工整,书写很优美,老师要向你学习。文章选材如果再新颖些,肯定会与书写交相辉映。你认为呢? 4.太棒了!你的文章,再现了东北人的憨直爽朗,使读者顿感神清气爽。语言流畅至极,通感运用尤为巧妙。你的笔锋具有征服力和感染力。努力,再创辉煌! 5.你的文章象一条缓缓而流的小溪,清秀,流畅。文笔优美,感情真挚细腻,具有个人风格。愿你在写作路上继续采撷生活中的朵朵浪花,让自己的风格更趋完善! 6.涉世不深的少年走进复杂的社会,这本身就是一种睿智。文章语言平实而柔和,描写很随意,似乎引领着读者在心灵的原野上漫步。不足是议论略感缺乏棱角。要知道,精粹的议论可起到画龙点睛的作用,会使你的文章更加深刻。继续练笔,你会更出色! 7.本文文笔优美清新,富有一定的哲理性。文中写“我”在大海边散步,大海不仅给予“我”美的享受,还引起“我”的沉思和联想,可以说是大海给了我畅游的空间,“我”为大海注入了生命,使大海成为一个具有高尚人格力量的“人”。本文读后给人以美感,引人深思。 8. 除了上课就是下课,学校生活似乎平淡乏味,但本文却善于从平凡中发现不平凡,而且写得津津有味:紧张的早晨,战斗的中午,疲劳的晚上,每个时段都选取了极富生活情趣的镜头加以点染。清新活泼的语言,生动地展示了学生积极向上的精神风貌。 9.本文无论是思想性还是艺术性都是很高的,读后让人久久回味。构思巧妙, 运用对比手法,深化了主题;情节也颇具匠心,整个故事既出人意料之外,又在情理之中。语言朴实无华,采用白描手法,作者的爱憎包含在叙述之中,能让读者去体会,去深思。 10、文中对父亲的介绍是全面的:从外貌到内心,从工作到生活;对父亲的介绍又是有重点的:重在写父亲的感情。人物形象丰满、真实,富于生活气息。为这样的父亲自豪吧,再努力,不要辜负父亲的期望! 11.你能够由雪联想到人生追求,从生活细节出发,创新精神可嘉。本文体现了你平白的文风,谁说“白开水”不是最佳的饮料? 12.全文几句俗语的引用恰到好处,以怀旧为线索。这正体现了你的思想意识。 13.你的文章很有创意——用数学证明题的形式来完成构思。全文文学色彩很浓! 14.作为随感,你的文章文思敏捷,意愿纷呈。字里行间流露出的人生体验的丰富和思想感情的细腻让老师感到惊讶。希望你再接再厉,在今后的写作中形成一道属于自己的风景线! 15.你是个很有主见又不乏真知的学生,对你的观点我十分认同,但如果行文安排中结构再紧凑些,那就是锦上添花了。 16.这篇文章选择了一个全新的角度,让你的思想可以在这里自由地驰骋,这是你最大的成功之处。老师要提醒你的是透过纷纭的世事,总有一些准则可供我们处世时把握,让你的思想更深刻些,你将会时时收到“滴水看世界”的效果。 2. A parison beeen life nowadays and life in the past 200字左右的 把你现在的生活和童年生活做比较,写一篇短文, when I was a child ,I like to play with my friends, carefree everyday , play games, I always ask mother bring me to the amusement park, but now I"m a student of primary school, I had a lot of lesson and homework every day I feeling grown up now ,I should try my best on my study ,Then be the person who contributed to the social. 3. 写一篇英语作文 【英语作文】 First of all I have to say under the school uniform meaning: "schools require students to wear school uniform meaning: First, let every student is in school is an equal, whether rich or poor, which the students Growth is beneficial; The second is to wear school uniforms for their students to have a position, whether in school or out-of-school, as will a student And he is a constraint, which is very meaningful education students; Third, to avoid A parison beeen the students; Fourth, the students put an end to the Outrageous outfits, the right to form aesthetics. "We all wear uniforms 【中文翻译】首先我要说下校服的含义:“学校要求学生统一穿校服的意义:一是可以让每一个学生感到在学校里都是平等的一员,不管是富有的,还是贫困的,这对学生的成长是有利的;二是穿上校服学生对自己有一个定位,不管是在校内,还是在校外,都会因为自己是一名学生而有一种约束,这对学生的教育很有意义;三是避免了学生之间的相互攀比;四是杜绝学生的奇装异服,形成正确的审美观。”所有我们要穿校服 自—— 地址弄错了,应该是 抱歉==、 4. 帮我写篇作文关于 about shopping的英语作文谢谢 爱作文网为您收集 Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a position on the topic Media and Shopping. You should write at least 150 words according to the outline given below in Chinese: 1当今,各种媒体非常发达,人们通过媒体购物相当普遍起来。 2媒体购物给人们带来很多方便,同时也暴露出其弊端。collected by 爱作文网 3我的看法。 媒体购物(Media and Shopping) With numerous technological advances, various kinds of media have been well developed. As a result, an increasing number of people are fond of purchasing goods with the help of media, such as newspapers, radio stations, TV stations and the Inter. Collected By izuowen As we know, every coin has o sides and shopping via media is no exception. On the one hand, it saves much time, money and effort to purchase goods through media since you do not have to go to the shops in person. Besides, you can choose what you want from an enormous variety of goods on display. On the other hand, you may be cheated sometimes by the false information and suffer a considerable loss.Collected By izuowen As far as I am concerned, shopping via media brings great benefit to our life and our economy on the whole. At the same time, we need strengthened supervision over the information released via media. In this way, we can reap more benefits from shopping via media and reduce the possible harm to a minimum.Collected by 5. 要写一篇英语作文 Friendship And Love Friendship and love. Both are so much related to each other. And both are so dissimilar! What are the differences beeen friendship and love? Is platonic friendship possible beeen persons of opposite sex? Let us try and understand. What is friendship? Why do we call a person our friend? When do we call someone a very good friend? If we care for a person, if we are always ready to help that person and if we share most of our thoughts with a person, they are our good friends. We can always count upon our good friends in an emergency. We are always sure that our friend will understand why we acted in a certain way. We need not explain anything to our very good friends. The friendship is so deep and the relationship is so intimate, that most of the things are automatically understood by our friends. What about love? In a relationship of deep love, all the sharing that we discussed above are taken for granted. But love transcends all this. During love, we are attached with a particular person, while in friendship, one may have many friends. A loving relationship makes one so much attached to the other, that one gets pained if his/her beloved is hurt! Love also involves a physical element. Friendship does not have that. This is a vital difference. Nature gives us love so that the specie can go forward. Nature does not give us friendship. Your heart beats will never increase in anticipation of meeting your friend. You will not lie awake at night thinking about your friend. You will not feel totally lost, if you don"t meet your friend for a few days. You will not have dreams in your eyes thinking about your friend. But in love, you will do all this and much more. Indeed, there is no parison beeen love and friendship. 6. 写一篇中外文化差异的英语作文 Long history in China in 5000, western social process of world 56 a hundred years.China is brilliant abundant, great and deep food culture;The western nation then has delicately and particularly , from bee the food civilization of system.Medium the west food cultural collision, exchanges and melted into whole mankind"s civilization to fill up with wear colourful function.Medium the Spanish turn of the difference of educated medium west food culture of difference, but this kind of difference e from medium the west different mode of thinking with conducting philosophy. This text introduced a medium Spanish to turn in the difference of food.West food from the food idea, food object, food method, food ownership and property etc. carry on the parison of the culture. 7. 帮忙写个小作文 It have been discussed for a long time that how to deal with the uncivilized behaviors during the travel, such as write on the place of historic interests, or claim to old trees. This kind of things happened in China more often than any other countries. What can we do to prevent those actions? Though we have advocate education of the tourists for years, the situation was not better than be imagined. In my opinion, we still have to encourage the education of our tourists, but with some change. For example, we should not only disseminate “Don"t Do Sth.”, but also with the reason and an explanation that it is not cool to sign names or words everywhere, in the contrary, we have to ashamed of that. Make a parison beeen foreigners and us can also increase our consciousness.。 8. 英语中写作文的万能句子 英语作文里没什么万能句子啦,多用用从句就好了,不过连词是关键 order & sequence firstly, secondly, thirdly … finally, lastly, in conclusion, to finish … followed by, subsequently, after that, next … previously, initially, in the beginning … simultaneously, meanwhile, concurrently Additional ideas furthermore … therefore … also we can see that … moreover … and then … one could also say that … continuing this view … it can also be said that … and … additionally… on top of this… in addition… following on from this Compare & contrast this is similar to … even though … just like the … differing from … balanced against … despite … by parison … however … when pared to … contrary to … to pare with … in contrast … on the other hand … whereas … on the contrary … unlike the … a differing view is … a different view is … instead … in contrast … but … peting with this … on the other hand … moreover … yet … nevertheless … correspondingly… similarly… conversely… on the other hand… likewise… while… whereas… noithstanding… conclusion to sum up … in summary … to summarize … in conclusion … to conclude … finally … in other words … as we have seen .. therefore … thus … on reflection… Cause & effect as a result of … resulting from … because of … due to … so … from this … consequently … hence … as a consequence … consequently…。 9. 以water为题目写篇英语作文 Watering-reform project in rural areas in Guizhou province, involved in the World Bank loans, is responsible for the project polling, feasibility *** ysis, project parison, first-stage design, drawing design and budget control. Aiming at improving the condition of potable water in some backward areas in Guizou, this project will partake in the program of sustainable development of water resource and environment. As a place with abundant water resources, Guizhou witnessed its rivers and lakes, to some extent, being polluted in the wake of the industrial development. This report warns people about the current situation of water resources and how to protect water resource to ensure a sustainable growth.。

compare to和in comparison to的区别是什么呢?

您好,前者in comparison to: 是动词,意为: 相较(同...比较起来) 后者compared with: 是指与...比较 两者的区别主要在于在句子里作的成份不同。 前者一般在一个句子里做副词状语,表示所修饰主语存在和活动的条件和状态。 而后者在句子中做定语来引导定语丛句,用来表示所修饰主语的性质等等。后者常用于句首,而且compared with 也可以说成compared to. 但是compare A to B 是"把A比作B", compare A to B 是”把A同B比较”请注意区别.希望我的回答对您有帮助,谢谢!
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