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jgit 如何区分哪些commit是merge的

user this commond check merged commit$ git log $(git merge-base --octopus $(git log -1 --merges --pretty=format:%P)).. --boundary

svn commit的时候不小心revert了 怎么解决


commit a murder.是什么意思

  commit a murder.的中文翻译_  commit a murder.  犯谋杀罪。  双语例句  1  You don"t have the discipline to commit a murder.  你不具备谋杀的修养。  2  Commit a murder like that and not remember it?  那样杀人而且什么都记不得了吗?  3  But asking you to commit a murder?  但是他要你去杀人?

commit suicide 动词

1、commit英 [kmt] 美 [kmt] v.做出(错或非法的事);犯(罪或错等);自杀;承诺, 2、suicide:作及物动词时意为“自杀”,作不及物动词时意为“自杀”。 扩展资料   例句:   No one should ever contemplate suicide.   任何人都不应考虑自杀。   It is the dagger sent by the Mikado to her father with order to commit harakiri.   那是一把天皇赐给他父亲命他剖腹自杀的短剑。

commit suicide 与suicide有什么区别





什么意思?只有当@@Error<0时才commit,既然没有错误就提交了,也就不会再回滚了。if(@@Error<0) Commit;else RollBack;

php mysql commit之后还可以rollback么








在SQL中,通过使用COMMIT和和ROLLBACK语句可以结束事务。以下说法正确是( )

【答案】:C本题考查数据事务相关知识。事务是一个数据库不可分割操作序列 (要么全做,要么全不做),是数据库中恢复和并发控制基本单位。事务显示结束语句为: COMMIT(正常执行完毕,提交)、ROLLBACK(出现事务内部逻辑错误,回滚)。

关于sql中的事务回滚问题 ,就是commit 和 rollback的顺序问题




试解释 COMMIT 操作和ROLLBACK 操作的语义。

【答案】:COMMIT语句表示事务执行成功地结束(提交),此时告诉系统,数据库要进入一个新的正确状态,该事务对数据库的所有更新都已交付实施(写入磁盘)。ROLLBACK 语句表示事务执行不成功地结束(应该“回退”),此时告诉系统,已发生错误,数据库可能处在不正确的状态,该事务对数据库的所有更新必须被撤销,数据库应恢复该事务到初始状态。








参数为0,其他语言操作的话会在请求处理完成后自动 ROLLBACK 没有处理的事务

oracle 在insert 之后使用commit 后,发现异常,使用rollback能回滚吗?


数据库中 rollback 和 commit 是什么时候用的 作用是什么 有什么区别 举几个简单的


英语Squash commits怎么翻译?



1.从理解LOGW什么时候将redo log buffer中把redo写入redo log file理解commit; 当redo log buffer 三分之一满的时候写 当commi1.从理解LOGW什么时候将redo log buffer中把redo写入redo log file理解commit;当redo log buffer 三分之一满的时候写 当commit的时候写 当发生日志切换的时候写 当产生的redo满1M的时候写 当DBWN要写的时候,先写redo 每3秒写也就是说,redo是以一种相对连续的方式写入日志文件的。所以不管一个事务产生了多少redo,,其实commit的时候做的工作都差不多,因为大部门的redo已经写入日志文件了2.commit的时候发生了什么把SCN号写入日志文件 LGWN把剩余的redo写入日志文件 所有locks被释放掉 进行块清理。块清理是指将,将保存在这个block中的事务信息清理掉。所以实际上每次commit的时候做的工作都很少,最大的工作就是将redo写入日志文件了,但是大部门redo已经写入到日志文件了;但是这也不代表,每次修改一个块的时候,都要去commit,这样会增加对日志文件的竞争(日志文件是个共享结构),同时也增加了对latches的竞争(保护对共享结构的访问)。所以应该根据逻辑事务的大小来决定什么时候commit。3.下面一个例子,产生不同大小的redo,来说明提交的时候,做的工作时间上差不多s1:创建一个大表s2:创建一个需要插入10行数据的表t_10,设置自动追踪s3:插入1000行插入10000行发现,插入10行,1000行,10000行,commit的时间都很短。

Rigid Commitment 怎么翻译?


git push 之前忘记 git pull,已经commit了怎么办

push之前忘记pull会产生一个后果,就是你现在再push会产生冲突(错误提示大概是线上版本和本地版本不同步,需要合并),push失败。然后你需要pull下来,merge,然后后会提示冲突,然后解决完冲突,再push。当然如果是个人的小项目,确认没问题,也可以加 -f 强制提交。后果是强制覆盖线上版本(多人协作千万不要这样用!多人协作千万不要这样用!多人协作千万不要这样用!)


git init 创建仓库git clone git 克隆仓库到本地 git add 添加本地修改文件 如果初始文件过多 , 可以使用git add . 上传git commit -m"Initial version" 提交修改git push origin master 将所有改动push到远程仓库中

git pull之前要先commit

日常更新上传的步骤: git add git commit git pull git push


首先确保你的本地git工作目录下已经增加了远程分支了使用 git remote -v 查看。如果没有则先使用 git remote add 命令添加一个(假设名为origin,分支为master)。如果已经有了,则使用 git push origin master命令提交当前工作目录下的分支到远程master分支

git 要commit之前先pull, 这样做法合理吗?


Commit No Nuisance是什么意思

承诺不会有麻烦 或者是承诺没有麻烦的人或事,看句意

Commit No Nuisance是什么意思


How to commit suicide without any pain conveniently

semen end man end....

docker commit和docker file的区别

制作镜像的方式主要有两种:通过docker commit 制作镜像通过docker build 制作镜像这两种方式都是通过改进已有的镜像来达到自己的目的。制作基础镜像,会在另外一篇文章“从零开始制作基础镜像”中介绍。docker commitdocker commit 是往版本控制系统里提交一次变更。使用这种方式制作镜像,本质上是运行一个基础镜像,然后在基础镜像上进行软件安装和修改。最后再将改动提交到版本系统中。选择基础镜像基础镜像的选择要结合自己的需求。可以选择已有的应用镜像来改造,也可以选择Ubuntu,Debian,OpenSuse这类基础系统镜像我们以ubuntu为例子来说明步骤1:运行ubuntu 镜像docker run -i -t ubuntu /bin/bash步骤2:安装软件并修改软件配置, 比如:安装apache2apt-get -yqq updateapt-get -y install apache2安装完成后,对apache2进行配置和修改步骤3:退出docker并保存镜像使用“exit”命令退出容器运行docker comit 命令, 进行保存docker commit 61412230ae46 own-apache2docker commit 命令参数说明命令格式docker commit [OPTIONS] CONTAINER [REPOSITORY[:TAG]]OPTIONS:-a, --author= 提交的镜像作者-c, --change=[] Apply Dockerfile instruction to the created image, 没用过-m, --message= 提交时的说明文字-p, --pause=true 在commit时,将container 暂停CONTAINER:可以使用container 的名字或者IDREPOSITORY指定镜像仓库,上述例子中,指定的是本地存储可以指定远程镜像仓库,如docker hub。也可自建仓库来存放imageTAG:镜像TAGdocker build使用docker build创建镜像需要编写Dockerfile.步骤:编写自己的Dcokerfile运行docker build 命令打包镜像仍然以apache打包为例子。以下是Dockerfile的例子FROM ubuntu:latestMAINTAINER sky#Add 163 mirror for aptADD sources.list /etc/apt/sources.listADD .bashrc /root/.bashrcENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND noninteractive# PackagesRUN rm -rf /var/lib/apt/listsRUN apt-get update -q --fix-missingRUN apt-get -y upgrade#ubuntu wwwRUN apt-get install -y apache2 curl libapache2-mod-php5 php5-curl php5-gd php5-mysql rsync mysql-client -qqRUN apt-get autocleanRUN rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*# Setup environmnt for apache"s init scriptENV APACHE_CONFDIR /etc/apache2ENV APACHE_ENVVARS $APACHE_CONFDIR/envvarsENV APACHE_RUN_USER www-dataENV APACHE_RUN_GROUP www-dataENV APACHE_RUN_DIR /var/run/apache2ENV APACHE_PID_FILE $APACHE_RUN_DIR/apache2.pidENV APACHE_LOCK_DIR /var/lock/apache2ENV APACHE_LOG_DIR /var/log/apache2ENV LANG CRUN mkdir -p $APACHE_RUN_DIR $APACHE_LOCK_DIR $APACHE_LOG_DIRRUN find "$APACHE_CONFDIR" -type f -exec sed -ri " s!^(s*CustomLog)s+S+!1 /proc/self/fd/1!g; s!^(s*ErrorLog)s+S+!1 /proc/self/fd/2!g; " "{}" ";"EXPOSE 80CMD ["apache2", "-DFOREGROUND"]编辑完成后,在与Dockerfile同一目录下运行docker build 命令docker build -t apache-img .如果没有命令出错,docker build会持续运行直到镜像创建完成而创建的过程本质上是运行一个镜像,然后在镜像中按序执行在Dockerfile中的命令,直到执行结束。如果中间有命令执行失败,镜像创建会停止。这时就需要看log,并修改Dockerfile,然后再次执行docker build注:两种镜像创建方式的对比:docker commitdocker build难度相对容易,适合新手和对Linux不熟悉的用户相对难,要求有一定的linux和脚本基础知识文档化文档化在通过其他文件来实现Dockerfile本身就是比较好的文档,可读和可理解性比较强。也可配合其他文档带来详细说明升级,维护后续升级和维护麻烦,需要再次运行镜像并对内部软件进行升级或者安装新软件增加特性后续升级和维护会相对简单,可以直接在dockerfile中更改并增加新特性具体选择哪种方式来制作镜像需要结合实际情况来选择Dockerfile 关键字详解FROMFROM用来指定基础包。在上面的例子中,基础包用的是ubuntu。MAINTAINER镜像作者信息,或者维护人员信息ADD将文件拷贝到Container内文件系统对应的路径格式 ADD <src file> <dst file>所有拷贝到Container中的文件和文件夹权限为0755,uid和gid为0如果需要修改owner用户或者权限,需要使用RUN进行修改ADD文件,文件路径要在docker build<PATH>中指定的<PATH>下RUN创建镜像时执行ENV用来设置环境变量EXPOSEContainer内部服务开启的端口主机上如果要使用,还需要在启动Container时,做host-container的商品映射使用EXPOSE后,一些自动化布署工具可以直接读取这个信息,自动进行端口映射EXPOSE可以有多条,指定多个端口WORKDIR切换工作目录,可进行多次切换(相当于cd命令)切换目录对RUN,CMD,ENTRYPOINT有效USER执行container的用户,如未指定,则默认使用root用户ENTRYPOINTContainer启动时执行的命令,一个Dockerfile中只能有一条ENTRYPOINTENTRYPOINT没有CMD的可替换特性CMDContainer 启动时执行的命令,一个Dockerfile 中只能有一条CMD命令,如果有多条则只执行最后一条CMD如果有多条命令希望在启动后执行,可以考虑使用shell 脚本与ENTRYPOINT的区别CMD的主要用途是为可执行的container提供默认命令CMD在运行时是可替换的,比如在ubuntu中,CMD指定的是/bin/bash。默认情况下运行ubuntu,container中的/bin/bash会被执行如果使用docker run指定运行命令,那CMD会被替换掉如:docker run ubuntu /bin/echo "this is a echo". 这时,container 启动后会执行echo 而不是/bin/bash了ENTRYPOINT是不会替换的,如果在ubuntu镜像中加入ENTRYPOINT,那ENTRYPOINT在启动后会先被执行CMD可以为ENTRYPOINT来提供参数例子:FROM ubuntu:14.10 ENTRYPOINT ["top", "-b"] CMD ["-c"]VOLUME语法:VOLUME [PATH]VOLUME指令用来设置一个挂载点,可以用来让其他容器挂载以实现数据共享或对容器数据的备份、恢复或迁移可以将本地文件夹或者其他Container的文件夹挂载到Container中


Cornerstone的逻辑很清晰,界面打开后,左边栏上下分开,上面是working copies的列表,下面是REPOSITORIES的列表。常见的功能基本上跟windows一样,在上下文中可以得到。1、连接到HTTP serverRESPOSITORIES栏上,标题栏的右手边有+和-,点击+号(如果第一次打开这个软件,这一步会自动跳出来),出现的对话框中,选择HTTP ServerServer:http server的地址Port: 空着就可以Repository path: 填入http server的Repository地址。一般这个地址,开源项目host在你创建项目后都会给你地方拷贝。提示:在这个栏目下面,有一行最后形成的地址,你可以跟开源项目给你的路径看一下是否一致。NickName: 空着就可以Name: 填入登录的账户名称Password: 填入登录的密码然后点击Add,就可以把这个Repository加入了。2,Check out按照1做好自己的REPOSITORIES,选中一个的时候,左上角的Check Out就会高亮,点击该图标,就会出现一个路径选择的对话框。填好相应的地方后,就开始check out了。注意:第一次在check out没有完成之前,你选择的本地work space目录是不会出现在 working COPIES上的。3,Commit delete file先把本地的文件删除,然后在cornerstone的working copies栏目中,找到相应的文件所在的位置,可以看到这个文件有个M标志,表示missing。在该文件上右键点击,上下文菜单中找到Delete,然后确认。刚才的M标识换成了D,表示Deleted。这个时候你就可以commit了。4,Relocate如果服务器上改了原始的某个目录的路径,那么在WORKING COPIES上,右键可以找到Relocate To,后面会跟上相应的目录,点击就可以重新定位。定位好后,相应的REPOSITORIES会自动更改

commit submit的区别




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急求金俊秀Uncommitted MV里面的一张截图


求音乐:uncommitted 金俊秀


求Uncommitted 中英文歌词 发邮箱 要TXT格式 谢谢







给不了承诺 她说我给不了她承诺 她说我太花心 拜托 无法承诺 无法承诺 无法承诺 Ey, ey 过去只是一个美梦而已 她曾给我描绘我们美好的将来 可现实远非如此 她说我就是她等的那个人,我相信了 直到有一天这美梦突然消散 我不明白为什么她非走不可 一些事情让她心烦意乱 我很困惑,她说我有问题 但我如何能修补我无法看穿的问题 她说:“你还没准备好。” “Baby,真正过日子的话,你还没准备好。” 她这么跟我说,说我会有不忠的一天,可我简直无法相信。 金俊秀音悦台有英文和中文翻译!!

求金俊秀新歌Uncommitted 的歌词

UNCOMMITTEDCome OnEY..UncommittedEY..UncommittedEY..UncommittedEY.. EY..It was all a dreamRealitywas far from the safe picture she painted for meShe told me I was the one and I believedUntil the dream dissipated so suddenlyI don"t know why she was so compelled to leaveSomething was messin" with her psychologyI"m confused, she"s sayin" something"s wrong with meBut how can I fix something I cannot seeShe saidyou"re not readyBaby, you"re not ready for the real thingShe told methat I"d beunfaithful and I cannot believeShe said EY EYYou can"t be committedI said EY EYbaby i dont really get itShe said EY EYYou"re not the right type only good for one nightYou never stay committed to meHow could this beshe"s telling meI will never let her be my everything (OK)She said I"m a player and I"ll never changeI feel that I"m ready to leave again (Woo)She said she could never trust a player like meBut baby that was part of my historyShe"s telling me breaking hearts is a part of meIt"s like it"s in my system and it would never leaveShe said ohyou"re not readybaby you not ready for the real thingShe told methat I beunfaithful and I cannot believeShe said EY EYYou can"t be committedI said EY EYbaby i dont really get itShe said EY EYYou"re not the right type only good for one nightYou never stay committed to meShe said EY EYyou can"t be committedI said EY EYbaby i dont really get itShe said EYyou"re not the right type only good for one nightYou never stay committed to meYeahEY ...yea.Woo....ooh...I"m committedUncommitted,I"ll never admit itAnd then i"ll never get itbut somehow she could be rightUncommitted,I"ll never admit itAnd then i"ll never get itbut somehow she could be rightShe said EY EYYou can"t be committedI said EY EYbaby i dont really get itShe said EY EYYou"re not the right type only good for one nightYou never stay committed to meShe said EY EYYou can"t be committedI said EY EYbaby i dont really get itShe said EY EYYou"re not the right type only good for one nightYou never stay committed to meYeah..保证对,请给最佳


Composition: Bruce Automatic Vanderveer Lyrics: Bruce Automatic Vanderveer Arrangement: Bruce Automatic Vanderveer Lyrics: KyungMi at kromanized XIA [LYRICS] She said I couldn"t be committed She said I"m too much of a player Come on Uncommitted Uncommitted Uncommitted Ey, ey It was all a dream Reality was far from the safe picture she painted for me She told me I was the one and I believed until the dream dissipated so suddenly I don"t know why she was so compelled to leave Something was messin" with her psychology I"m confused, she"s sayin" something"s wrong with me, But how can I fix something I cannot see She said, “You"re not ready Baby, you"re not ready for the real thing” She told me that I"d be unfaithful and I cannot believe She said you can"t be committed I said baby I don"t really get it She said you"re not the right type only good for one night, you never stay committed to me How could this be, she"s telling me I will never let her be my everything She said I"m a player and I"ll never change I feel that I"m ready to leave again she said she could never trust a player like me but baby that was part of my history she"s telling me breaking hearts is a part of me it"s like it"s in my system and it would never leave She said, “You"re not ready Baby, you"re not ready for the real thing” She told me that I"d be unfaithful and I cannot believe She said you can"t be committed I said baby I don"t really get it She said you"re not the right type only good for one night, you never stay committed to me She said you can"t be committed I said baby I don"t really get it She said you"re not the right type only good for one night, you never stay committed to me I"m committed Uncommitted, I"ll never admit it and then i"ll never get it but somehow she could be right Uncommitted, I"ll never admit it and then i"ll never get it but somehow she could be right She said you can"t be committed I said baby I don"t really get it She said you"re not the right type only good for one night, you never stay committed to me She said you can"t be committed I said baby I don"t really get it She said you"re not the right type only good for one night, you never stay committed to me


Uncommitted 金俊秀She said I couldn"t be committedShe said I"m too much of a playerCome onUncommittedUncommittedUncommittedEy, eyIt was all a dreamReality was far from the safe pictureshe painted for meShe told me I was the one and I believeduntil the dream dissipated so suddenlyI don"t know why she was so compelled to leaveSomething was messin" with her psychologyI"m confused, she"s sayin" something"s wrong with me,But how can I fix something I cannot seeShe said, You"re not readyBaby, you"re not ready for the real thingShe told me that I"d be unfaithful and I cannot believeShe said you can"t be committedI said baby I don"t really get itShe said you"re not the right typeonly good for one night, you never stay committed to meHow could this be, she"s telling meI will never let her be my everythingShe said I"m a player and I"ll never changeI feel that I"m ready to leave againshe said she could never trust a player like mebut baby that was part of my historyshe"s telling me breaking hearts is a part of meit"s like it"s in my system and it would never leaveShe said, “You"re not readyBaby, you"re not ready for the real thing”She told me that I"d be unfaithful and I cannot believeShe said you can"t be committedI said baby I don"t really get itShe said you"re not the right typeonly good for one night, you never stay committed to meShe said you can"t be committedI said baby I don"t really get itShe said you"re not the right typeonly good for one night, you never stay committed to meI"m committedUncommitted, I"ll never admit itand then i"ll never get it but somehow she could be rightUncommitted, I"ll never admit itand then i"ll never get it but somehow she could be rightShe said you can"t be committedI said baby I don"t really get itShe said you"re not the right typeonly good for one night, you never stay committed to meShe said you can"t be committedI said baby I don"t really get itShe said you"re not the right typeonly good for one night, you never stay committed to me希望采纳哦~~~~~~

金俊秀UNCOMMITTED mp3版空间链接。

金俊秀 UNCOMMITTED链接已发送到页面顶端右上角你的百度Hi注意hi 的信息数量提示,请点击进入收取!注意发信人ID如不明白或未收到,请即刻追问并留下邮箱!当然,你也可以直接hi我说明你的问题!满意链接!请点击我的回答下方【选为满意答案】按钮同求的知友请勿在评价内留求助信息,会被直接忽略!请将鼠标移到回答内容下方的ID上,点击【求助知友】按钮。【我本军团】


酷我 相当方便



金俊秀 uncommitted 几个女主啊(b4我吧= =)


mysql 5.7.16 然后设置 事务隔离级别为 read uncommitted 不起作用.以下是截图.请大神帮帮我.

set session tx_isolation="read-uncommitted"; ?


给不了承诺 她说我给不了她承诺 她说我太花心 拜托 无法承诺 无法承诺 无法承诺 Ey, ey 过去只是一个美梦而已 她曾给我描绘我们美好的将来 可现实远非如此 她说我就是她等的那个人,我相信了 直到有一天这美梦突然消散 我不明白为什么她非走不可 一些事情让她心烦意乱 我很困惑,她说我有问题 但我如何能修补我无法看穿的问题 她说:“你还没准备好。” “Baby,真正过日子的话,你还没准备好。” 她这么跟我说,说我会有不忠的一天,可我简直无法相信。 金俊秀音悦台有英文和中文翻译!!

跪求俊秀Uncommitted 完整歌词!知道的亲请发送到 谢谢亲了!



  She said I couldn"t be committed  她说我给不了她承诺  She said I"m too much of a player  她说我太花心  Come on,Uncommitted  拜托,给不了承诺  It was all a dream  过去只是一个美梦而已  Reality was far from the safe picture she painted for me  她曾给我描绘我们美好的未来,可现实远非如此  She told me I was the one and I believed  她说我就是她等的那个人我相信了  until the dream dissipated so suddenly  直到有一天这美梦突然消散  I don"t know why she was so compelled to leave  我不明白为什么她非走不可  Something was messin" with her psychology  一些事情让她心烦意乱  I"m confused, she"s sayin" something"s wrong with me  我很困惑,她说这些都是我的错  But how can I fix something I cannot see  但我又该如何修补我根本看不穿的问题  She said, “You"re not ready, Baby, you"re not ready for the real thing”  她说, “你还没准备好,亲爱的,真正过日子的话,你还没准备好”  She told me that I"d be unfaithful and I cannot believe  她这么跟我说,说我总会有不忠的一天,可我简直无法相信  She said you can"t be committed  她说…你给不了我承诺  I said baby I don"t really get it  我说…宝贝我不懂你说什么  She said you"re not the right type, only good for one night, you never stay committed to me  她说…你不是我的型,我们只是一夜情人,你永远不会对我遵守承诺  How could this be, she"s telling me, I will never let her be my everything  怎么会这样,她总是和我说,我永远不会让她成为我的唯一  She said I"m a player and I"ll never change, I feel that I"m ready to leave again  她说我只会花心依旧,可我已准备好从这场游戏中抽身  she said she could never trust a player like me, but baby that was part of my history  她说她永远不会相信我这样的人,但宝贝那都只是我的曾经  she"s telling me breaking hearts is a part of me, it"s like it"s in my system and it would never leave  她说我只会让人伤心,仿佛那是我一生无法改变的恶习  Uncommitted, Uncommitted, I"ll never admit it  给不了承诺,可我从没说过我给不了承诺  and then i"ll never get it but somehow she could be right  我也永远不会懂,或许她说的也没错



Uncommitted 歌词

我要金俊秀 《Uncommitted》的中文完整版歌词~



uncommitted adj.不受约束的;未承诺的;自由的;不承担责任的;未被监禁的 Our professional ethic enjoins us to stay uncommitted and report the facts. 我们的职业道德要求我们要保持中立,报道事实真相。 I am still uncommitted to undertaking the work. 我还没有说定要接受这份工作。

帮帮忙,小学五年级关于承诺的(Commitment)的英语作文! 大概200字,要简单一点哦!!!




SQL中IF @@TRANCOUNT > 0 COMMIT TRAN是什么意思吗? 求大神指点。。

@@trancount 是指事物的嵌套级别如:begin transelect @@trancount --此时为1commit tran select @@ trancount --此时为0


【答案】:A1.选项 A画线字母读[i],其他选项画线字母读[i:]。

课文翻译commitment to love. byroxanne

1楼2楼,别这样吗外国的直接投资 (FDI) 是一个 " 对生意努力的长期承诺 "(UNCTAD 1998 ,p.90) 藉着外国公司在一个地主国中.在 1990 和 2000之间,FDI 成长从二千亿元到 $1.3 兆,而且外国的加入者现在占世界国内生产毛额的十百分比.(UNCTAD 2001,2002) 然而,尽管 FDI 的重要生长,公司时常面对关于 FDI 的位置困难的选择.(催讨 1998) 寻求投资在外国的国家公司典型地被给与动机投资在有有利的经济,制度的,和管制的情况国家.除此之外,外国的公司可能被吸引到特定的地主国文化的 charac- teristics.(催讨 1998) 然而令人惊讶地,地主国的影响力在 FDI 上的文化很少没有在一个国家的大样品中被测试.在这一张纸中,我们寻求在形成外国公司的位置选择方面前进地主国国民文化的影响力的理解.明确地,我们向问题发表演说:地主国国民文化 (也就是,不确定避免和信赖) 影响外国公司的位置决定?我们建议坚定的偏爱对于特别的国民文化,在合计中,在一个地主国接受的总 FDI 被显示.明确地,我们争论与低度不确定避免和高度信赖的国家是外国的公司 moreattractive 目的地.除了主要的效果之外,我们也把重心集中在不确定避免和信赖对 FDI 的交谈式效果.因为这些文化的价值位于生意练习 (Hofstede 2001) 之下,他们是 poten- tially 吝啬的解释为跨国家的不同在真实的 FDI 中在-流程,不归属于经济又制度的,以政策为基础的,和普通型- ulatory 因素.我们的研究是在调查并且示范在外国公司的位置决定方面的地主国的主要和交谈式效果文化的价值第一之中.我们的调查结果清楚地强调重要的角色地主国文化可能在形成 FDI 方面玩.除了不确定避免和信赖对 FDI 的部分效果的主要效果之外,我们为文化变数对 FDI 的交谈式效果建造理论上的争论,利用观念信赖有一个半径,这被不确定避免减少.促进,为经济又人类的首都 ,和统治系统内各部分变数控制,当不确定避免是低点的时候我们的确发现信赖对 FDI 的效果是比较棒的.我们的研究也成为在文化的价值方面的研究因素:到我们的知识,它是第一项翻译了打出王牌的价值观念的研究,依照哪一特定的价值能在其它之上领先仰赖情形,进入可测试的交互作用假定之内.

使用git提交代码,git commit -m 提交、同步代码之后,在码云上备注是乱码。怎么回事?


defend commitment是什么意思

defend commitment捍卫承诺commitment[英][ku0259u02c8mu026atmu0259nt][美][ku0259u02c8mu026atmu0259nt]n.承诺,许诺; 委任,委托; 致力,献身; 承担义务; 复数:commitments易混淆单词:Commitment例句:1.China made its first firm commitment to cut carbon emissions in 2009. 中国在2009年首次做出削减碳排放量的切实承诺

financial commitments是什么意思

financial commitments财务承诺双语对照例句:1.Country risk the risk that a country will not be able to honor its financial commitments. 国家风险一个国家不能履行财务承诺的风险。2.As well as financial commitments that are especially significant in these difficulteconomic times. 在当今经济困难时期,这种财政承诺尤其重要


family-commitment家庭义务家庭承诺双语例句1.The family was often in flight,hiding out in friends" houses.x09这一家人常常东躲西藏,在朋友家里避风头.2.Each family farms individually and reaps the benefit of its labor.x09各家经营各自的农场,收获各自的劳动成果.

make a commitment to do sth.是什么意思

承诺去做。。。事I made a commitment to help you to translate the word

Details of current commitments是什么意思

Details of current commitments当前承诺的详情重点词汇current现在的; 最近的; 流行的; 流传的; 电流; 趋势; 水流; 涌流commitments委托( commitment的名词复数 ); 任务; 承担的义务

no commitments是什么意思

no commitments 网络 没有承诺; [例句]Having no commitments or responsibilities; carefree.没有义务或者责任;不负责任的。



serious commitments 是什么意思

serious commitment 网络 严肃的承诺; [例句]And this must be fully backed by a serious commitment of resources.它必须得到投入资源的严肃承诺的充分支持。

meet commitments中文翻译

Our pany has always met mitment " the quapty first , consumers first " 本公司历来履行承诺“质量第一,用户至上” 。 Show evidence of abipty to meet mitments , to work well under pressure and with above average coordination skills 能够严格遵守承诺,能够在压力工作,由于正常水平的协调能力。 She met with chinese ministers and discussed the shared challenges faced : including meeting mitments made at the world summit on sustainable development , and global issues of cpmate change and resource sustainabipty 她与中国数位部长进行了会见,双方就共同面临的挑战,如实现两国在可持续发展世界首脑会议上所做出的各项承诺、气候变化以及资源的可持续性等问题进行了讨论。 A bridging loan of $ 695 milpon was acquired for the protection of wages on insolvency fund board to tide over its cash flow problem in meeting mitments under the protection of wages on insolvency fund ordinance ; and an inter - departmental task force was set up to investigate suspect cases of abuse of the fund 本处为破产欠薪保障基金(破欠基金)委员会取得一笔为数六亿九千五百万元的预留过渡贷款,使破欠基金人在有需要时,可以用来解决因承担《破产欠薪保障条例》下的财政支出而可能产生的现金周转问题。

commitments 在法律上是什么意思





词典结果:commitment[英][ku0259u02c8mu026atmu0259nt][美][ku0259u02c8mu026atmu0259nt]n.承诺,许诺; 委任,委托; 致力,献身; 承担义务; 复数:commitments以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.China made its first firm commitment to cut carbon emissions in 2009. 中国在2009年首次做出削减碳排放量的切实承诺。

__________ [A]encourage [B] frustrate [C] tempt [D] commit


make a commitment to do sth.是什么意思?

承诺去做。。。事I made a commitment to help you to translate the word
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