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come on (英文读黑儿),是什么意思




come on可不可以翻译成:来呀!?

Come on 是可以翻译为:来啊! 或 来吧!

come on 有“过来”意思吗?有的人说有,有的人说没有!如come on baby?come here?

有 根据语境不同 意思也不同 语气不同 意思也不同

come on有加油的意思吗?


come on! 翻译中文是?


come on含义

come on基本释义 1.跟着来 You"d better go now,and I"ll come on later. 你最好现在就去,我随后就来. 2.进展 How are things coming on? 情况怎么样? 3.逐渐开始 Night is coming on. 夜幕徐徐降临. 4.上演 This play is coming on again next month. 这出戏下月又要上演了. 5.【俚】宣传花招 The sale was just a come-on to get customers into the store. 大拍卖只是一种吸引顾客的花招. 6.【口】引诱 come on的网络释义 1.快点,振作起来 挂在美国人口边的最酷口语 - IELTS口... come on!快点,振作起来! 2.请,来吧,跟着来,快点;开始,来临;进展,发展;出场,上演 打印/导航2007年考研英语写作辅导讲义王... come on 请,来吧,跟着来,快点;开始,来临;进展,发展;出场,上演 3.[表示鼓励、催促等]快,走吧;开始,发生;进步,进展 英语四级考试词组 (二)动词词组和固定搭配... come on [表示鼓励、催促等]快,走吧;



come on和hang on的区别

come on是过来的意思,hang on是坚持住的意思。它俩的用法不同。

come on的意思

come on:(表示鼓励)来吧;快点儿;加把劲;(疾病、头疼)开始;进展;进步;(机器或系统)开始工作 扩展资料   Come on, it"s time we left.   快点,我们该走了。   Come on! We don"t have all day!   快一点!我们的时间不多了!   I"d like to come on to that question later.   我想以后再讨论那个问题。

come on中文啥意思

"Come on" 是英语中的一句常见口语表达,通常用来鼓励、催促或引起注意。它的字面意思是 "来吧" 或 "开始吧",通常用于邀请别人进行某项活动或开始某件事情。在英语口语中,"Come on" 常常用于催促别人加快速度或采取行动。例如,当你想要别人更快地完成某项任务时,你可以使用 "Come on, let"s do this" 这样的表达方式。另外,"Come on" 还可以用于引起别人的注意,例如当你在公共场合想要别人注意到你时,你可以使用 "Hey, come on, look at me" 这样的表达方式。"Come on" 这个词组并不是一个正式的中文翻译,因此在中文中并没有一个直接对应的表达方式。但是,根据语境,我们可以用类似的表达方式来表达类似的意思,例如 "来,快点" 或 "赶紧的"。

come on中文是什么意思

  come on的中文意思是什么?下面是我给大家整理的come on中文是什么意思,供大家参阅!   come on中文是什么意思   v. 快点;开始;要求;上演;跟着来;突然产生   come on的用法   进行;进展:   How is your brother coming on with his study of English?   你弟弟的英语学习得怎么样了?   长,生长;成长:   How are your potatoes coming on?   你的马铃薯长得怎么样?   开始:   There"s a storm coming on. We"d better get home.   暴风雨快来了,我们最好回家吧。   I feel a cold coming on.   我觉得要伤风。   降临,到来:   Winter is coming on.   冬季来临了。   举行;上演;放映;上台:   The final examination comes on in July.   期末考试7月份举行。   People clapped and shouted and made her come on again and again.   人们鼓掌欢呼,使她一再上台谢幕。   碰上;找到;发现;发生:   He came on Mary"s letter when he pulled open a drawer.   当他打开一个抽屉时,发现了玛丽的信。   Many misfortunes came on us during that harsh winter.   在那个严峻的寒冬,很多倒霉事都让我们碰上了。   [口语]快,赶快;来吧,来呀:   Sing us just one song,Margaret,come on!   就唱一首歌,玛格丽特,来吧!   [口语]别胡扯:   Oh, come on, you can"t expect me to believe that!   好了,别胡扯了,你反正别指望我会相信这件事。   突出个性形象,留下印象,给人以深刻印象;产生强烈的效果:   He is the youngest of the clerks, and he comes on as the can-do guy, a style that is very popular around here.   他是事务员中最年轻的,给人留下很能干的印象,工作作风在这里很受欢迎。   (对明显的骗局)表示怀疑(或惊讶、认可等)   come on的英语例句   1、Yes, come on.   是的,过来。   2、I mean, come on.   我的意思是,来看。   3、To a colleague on the Court he wrote, "Nothing has weighed as much on my conscience, since Ihave come on this Court, as has this case.   他在写给法院一位同事的文函中说:"自从我到这个法院以后,从没有任何事像此案这样让我感到良心的压力。   4、I mean, come on dad, I donu2019t know who you are, or where you are or what you do or anything,but come on, be a dad for a minute. For as long as it takes not to write that sentence.   我意思是,来吧老爸,我不知道你是谁,或者你在哪里或者你做什么或者任何事情,但是来吧,做一分钟爸爸,用不写那个句子所花费的那么长的时间。   5、For the distance is altered, and it is like a deceit of the eye, that when others come on, theythink themselves, go back.   因为两者之间的距离改变了;好象一种视觉上的错觉一样,别人往前来而自己以为自身是后退了。   6、That night in August, waiting for the Rolling Stones to come on stage, we felt like rebels.   在那个八月的夜晚,在等待滚石乐队登台演出时,我们有种造反的感觉。   7、Come on, Tom. I just met your mother, and she looked very well.   算了吧,汤姆,我刚刚碰到你妈妈了,而且她看起来很好。   8、Come on, walk with me a bit, till the tram.   来吧,和我一起走一段,到有轨电车那儿。   9、Then we would say, "Come on, tell us the real reason.   那么我们会说u2018那请告诉我们真实的原因吧。   10、"Welcome," he said, and "Come on in.   “欢迎,欢迎,”他说道,“过来吧,进来啊?”   11、But we do not want to command them; we want them to come on their own.   但我们不想采取命令的方式;我们希望他们主动去巡逻。   12、Come on in and get your clothes or your whatever.   回来把你的衣物都拿走吧,还有别的东西。   13、All of Iceland watches her show, she says, then asks if Iu2019d come on and be interviewed.   她说所有爱尔兰人经常观看她的演出,然后问我是否能来她的演出以及她是否能采访我。   14、" and "Come on, you homosexual demon!   和“出来吧,你这个同性恋恶魔!   15、I mean, come on, we are Americans.   我是说,拜托,我们是美国人嘛!   16、Come on, tell me that one person cannot be that indifferent to another.   好吧,告诉我吧,一个人不可能对另一个人无动于衷的。我想知道这个视频里面的所有歌曲的名字

纤夫的爱 Nobody 一休哥 就知道这些了。 这个视频的背景音乐叫什么名 有知道的、、不胜感激

no luck- tyga TimberlakeSuit & Tie两首

illegal command是什么意思


英语作文如何克服文化冲击how of overcome culture shock

How to Overcome Culture ShockCulture shock is a common problem that can occur when people move to a new country or environment with different cultural norms and values. It can be challenging to adapt to unfamiliar customs, lifestyles, and social practices. However, there are several ways to overcome culture shock and adjust to your new surroundings.Firstly, it is essential to learn about the local culture before you arrive. Read books, watch documentaries, and engage in online communities to gain insight into the customs, traditions, and social norms of the region. This will help you understand what to expect and avoid any misunderstandings or frustrations.Secondly, try to interact with the locals and make new friends. By engaging with people and building relationships, you will gain a deeper understanding of their culture and develop a support system. Attend community events, volunteer at local organizations, and participate in group activities to establish connections with like-minded individuals.Thirdly, maintain an open mind and a positive attitude. Embrace the differences you encounter and view them as opportunities for personal growth and development. Be willing to try new things, experiment with different foods, and explore the local area to fully engage with the culture.Fourthly, stay connected with your home culture, and don"t neglect your hobbies or interests. Keeping in touch with family and friends from back home can provide a sense of comfort and familiarity. Continue to practice the things you enjoy, such as playing sports or listening to music, to maintain a sense of normalcy amidst the cultural changes.In conclusion, overcoming culture shock requires patience, persistence, and an open mind. By embracing the new culture, making new friends, and staying connected to your roots, you can effectively navigate the challenges of adapting to a new environment.

我的电脑开机出现这些英文:windows is verifying files and folders... 3 percent completed...



b what u wanna b 歌手:darin zanyar 专辑:darin 歌词:doctor, actor, lawyer or a singerwhy not president, be a dreameryou can be just the one you wanna bepolice man, fire fighter or a post manwhy not something like your old manyou can be just the one you wanna bedoctor, actor, lawyer or a singerwhy not president, be a dreameryou can be just the one you wanna beI know that we all got one thingthat we all share togetherwe got that one nice dreamwe live foryou never know what life could bringcoz nothing last for everjust hold on to the teamyou play forI know you could reach the topmake sure that you won"t stopbe the one that you wanna benow sing this with medoctor, actor, lawyer or a singerwhy not president, be a dreameryou can be just the one you wanna bepolice man, fire fighter or a post manwhy not something like your old manyou can be just the one you wanna bewe may have different ways to thinkbut it doesn"t really matterwe all caught up in the steamof this lifefocus on every little thingthat"s what does really matterluxury cars and blingthats not real lifeI know you could reach the topmake sure that you won"t stopbe the one that you wanna benow sing this with medoctor, actor, lawyer or a singerwhy not president, be a dreameryou can be just the one you wanna bepolice man, fire fighter or a post manwhy not something like your old manyou can be just the one you wanna belast year I used to dream about this daynow I"m here I"m singing for youI hope I could inspire youcoz I"ve got all the love, coz I"ve got all love for youdoctor, actor, lawyer or a singerwhy not president, be a dreameryou can be just the one you wanna bepolice man, fire fighter or a post manwhy not something like your old manyou can be just the one you wanna be 连接地址:

praise 和commend的区别

praise 称赞 颂扬 歌功颂德那种commend 好的评价 表扬 推荐 说好听的话那种前者太大气了 只有对退休的领导人才能这样用 后者属一般评述 同学朋友之间都可以用


三个单词的中文意思看似接近:赞许、称赞它们的(程度上的)区别可以从字典定义看到:acclaim - declare approval enthusiastically and publicly热情地并公开地表示赞许或支持compliment - politely congratulate or praise (someone) for doing/achieving something有礼貌地(就事情的成功结束)祝贺或称赞某人praise - express approval or admiration表达赞词下面的例句或能把它们的区别解释得更清楚:The conference was acclaimed as a great success by allJohn Evans, the conference chairman, was complimented for his role in organizing the conferenceIn return, he praised his staff for doing all the hard work that made it all happen. 满意请及时采纳,谢

He came out first in the English language competition and he felt on top of the world

加the 了就成了序数词意思了 而first 这里做副词


compliment和praise的用法区别在于Praise是以口头或书面的形式向某人表达敬意,意思更接近与富有敬意的赞美。 Compliment则是以口头或书面的形式给某人美言几句,意思更接近于表扬。一、praise的用法1、praise的基本意思是“称赞,赞赏,赞美,颂扬,崇拜”,可用于人,也可用于对某项成就的赞扬或上级对下级的赞许。2、praise是及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语,不接动词不定式或that从句。3、praise有时还可接as引导的短语充当宾语补足语的复合宾语。4、praise还可表示“赞扬的话”,此时常用其复数形式praises。二、praise的用法例句The team also won praise for sportsmanship and fair play.该队还因其良好的体育精神及公平竞争精神而受到了表扬。三、compliment的用法Compliment是表达赞美,表达尊重或允诺的行为,恭维。现在人们用 Compliment这个词的时候就是指:对某人说的好话。四、compliment例句The Treasurer interrupted to compliment Mrs. Landis on the quality of her refreshments.财务主管打断对话,转而称赞兰迪斯夫人的茶点。


compliment和praise的区别:Praise是以口头或书面的形式向某人表达敬意,意思更接近与富有敬意的赞美。Compliment则是以口头或书面的形式给某人美言几句,意思更接近于表扬。 区别 compliment侧重客气和礼貌,有时含恭维之意。 praise普通用词,指用语言或其它方式表示夸奖、赞扬。 P raise 用法 praise可以用作动词 praise的基本意思是“称赞,赞赏,赞美,颂扬,崇拜”,可用于人,也可用于对某项成就的赞扬或上级对下级的赞许,还可表示对神的敬重或虚伪的吹捧。 praise是及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语,不接动词不定式或that从句。可用于被动结构。 praise有时还可接as引导的短语充当宾语补足语的复合宾语。 praise可以用作名词 praise可以表示对人或事物的“称赞,赞美,赞扬”,也可表示对神或上帝的“崇拜”,一般用作不可数名词。 praise还可表示“赞扬的话”,此时常用其复数形式praises。 Compliment用法 “Compliment”是指你为了让别人感觉良好而说的任何愉快的话。 作为名词,“Compliment”一词是指恭维和赞赏的礼貌表达。另一方面,作为动词,我们用“Compliment”这个词礼貌地祝贺或欣赏一个人的成就或表现。 Compliment表示钦佩、赞扬和赞同的积极主张。


compliment和praise的区别:Praise是以口头或书面的形式向某人表达敬意,意思更接近与富有敬意的赞美。Compliment则是以口头或书面的形式给某人美言几句,意思更接近于表扬。compliment英 [?k?mpl?ment] vt.赞美;恭维;祝贺;向…送礼以表敬意;n.赞美(话);恭维(话)双语例句:1. She blushed, but accepted the compliment with good grace.她羞红了脸,但对人们的恭维还是欣然接纳。2. His lips curved up in the obligatory smile, acknowledging the compliment.他嘴边挤出一个习惯性的微笑,对称赞表示感谢。praise英 [pre?z] n.表扬;称赞;赞扬;赞美;赞颂;感激;受到赞扬;受到钦佩;受赞扬(或钦佩)的原因;vt.表扬;称赞;赞扬;赞美;赞颂;感谢;同义词:commendation搭配词:person / country / effort / work / achievement / God双语例句:1. A child needs praise.孩子需要夸奖。2. Three entrants were singled out for special praise.三位参与者被专门给予特殊称赞。


Compliment和Praise这两个词可以互换,但是表达的已经略有不同。Praise是以口头或书面的形式向某人表达敬意,意思更接近与富有敬意的赞美。比如经常听到的“Praise the Lord,赞美主”。Compliment则是以口头或书面的形式给某人美言几句,意思更接近于表扬,无论大事小事。按程度来分,Praise比Compliment程度更高。


Compliment和Praisex0dx0a这两个词可以互换,但是表达的已经略有不同。x0dx0ax0dx0aPraise是以口头或书面的形式向某人表达敬意,意思更接近与富有敬意的赞美。x0dx0a比如经常听到的“Praise the Lord,赞美主”。x0dx0ax0dx0aCompliment则是以口头或书面的形式给某人美言几句,意思更接近于表扬,无论大事小事。x0dx0a按程度来分,Praise比Compliment程度更高。









有没有了解Holden Commodore的

这车产地是在澳洲,中文名字叫“霍顿”每年的V8大赛就是HOLDEN跟FORD的争霸赛。澳洲的霍顿汽车公司( Holden )在澳洲历史上有着极其特别的地位,因为澳洲大陆上第一部由澳洲人自己生产的汽车,“ 48-215”,就是从霍顿的车间里开出来的。要探究霍顿的历史,需要追溯到一个世纪以前。经营骑马用具起家的霍顿公司在 1914年开始帮顾客生产定制的汽车车身,这迈出了它漫长汽车工业里程的第一步。经过 10 年的发展,它成为美国通用汽车的在澳洲的车身供应商,并于1931 年和美国通用汽车澳洲分公司共同组建了“通用-霍顿汽车公司”( 1994 年起单独使用“霍顿汽车公司”的名称)。从 1948年起,霍顿开始生产自己的车型,澳洲历史上第一辆属于本土的轿车 48-215 于当年下线,从此霍顿成为澳洲汽车工业的代名词。除了少量生产美国通用旗下的车型,霍顿拥有很多属于自己成功开发的产品,其中包括连续 8年蝉联澳洲最畅销中级房车的 Commodore 、一直在澳洲高档轿车销量中名列前 5 的 Statesman/Caprice车型和澳洲本地最受欢迎的双门跑车 Monaro 。目前霍顿公司旗下共有 20 种车型,从两厢小型车到四轮驱动的 SUV,从家用轿车到商用皮卡,应有尽有,完善的车型系列极大程度上满足了市场需求。 谢谢,望采纳- -


霍顿品牌创立于1856年,距今拥有160多年的历史,当时汽车还并未问世,霍顿公司还是一个制造马具的工厂。随着汽车工业的发展,霍顿公司1908年开始涉足汽车维修业,从此进军汽车制造业。霍顿品牌标志是一只狮子滚球的红色圆形浮雕,其设计灵感来自一则古老传说:埃及狮子滚石头的情景启迪人类发明了车轮。1931年霍顿汽车便被通用收购,从此成为了通用汽车的子公司。很多我们熟悉的别克或欧宝品牌,在澳大利亚也都以霍顿作为品牌进行销售的。2013年,通用汽车就已经对外宣称要用4年时间完全关停霍顿汽车生产线,2019年下半年通用汽车正式停产霍顿Commodore和Astra两款车型。霍顿在许多澳大利亚人心中有特殊的位置,这家企业不仅制造汽车,还为澳大利亚和新西兰的工业化发展提供了强大动力。曾经的霍顿不但称霸澳大利亚车坛,还以锻造强劲发动机而闻名于世。霍顿曾在发动机、变速器、底盘方面的研发和生产能力都处于国际领先水平,拥有三条著名的发动机生产线,分别是FII、V6和HFV6。曾经我们身边可以见到的别克荣御搭载的ALLOYTEC V6全铝合金发动机,就是由位于墨尔本港的霍顿最先进发动机工厂生产的。如今距离最后一辆霍顿 Commodore 离开澳大利亚生产线已经过去了将就四年时间,而墨尔本西部高速公路巡逻部门正在使用的该州最后一辆V8警车也即将面临退役。虽然在澳大利亚新南威尔士州和维多利亚州有少数霍顿Commodore SS车型用作高速公路巡逻车,但这款被称为“Silver bullet”的银色轿车是Brimbank高速公路巡逻部门的最后一辆。不久之后宝马5系轿车,旅行车以及大众帕萨特轿车和旅行车将逐渐取代这些极具标志性的本土福特Falcon和霍顿Commodore,因为所以的车都即将到达退休年龄面临退役。Brimbank 公路巡逻队在社交媒体上发表的一篇感人的帖子,用一组照片和一段短视频来告别“Silver bullet”!最后的霍顿Commodore SS即将离去,同时也可以证明一个时代真的结束了。听说很多警员开着这种V8警车已经几十年了,从文字和照片中我们看到了他们的些许不舍。一些警员说“我喜欢夜晚驾驶它行驶在安静的街道上巡逻,除了对讲机里传出的声音以外,耳边萦绕的都是发动机舱中来自V8的阵阵轰鸣”;“搭载6.2 升LS3 V8 发动机的霍顿 Commodore SS 经常出现发动机故障、喷油器故障和差速器故障——因为维修我们很警员都会经常光顾霍顿修理厂,而那条街的氛围也相当好,没发生过任何治安事件”;“希望这些车退役后被新的和有鉴赏力的主人所拥有,并且可以在和平的地方上度过他们最后的日子。”看似一辆简单的警车退役让我们看到人们对这个品牌的留念,霍顿不在了,之后将彻底成为历史,停留在我们的记忆中。霍顿Commodore可看作是别克君威的澳洲版车型,在澳洲市场提供四门轿车版、旅行版(Sportwagon)和双门皮卡版(Ute)三种车身可选,全部为后轮驱动。不同版本之间在细节设计上有些许差别,顶配的Commodore SS V版本前保险杠上有LS3标识,并配备了红色Brembo刹车卡钳。而旅行版车型采用了视觉效果更加突出的全LED尾灯设计。动力方面,Commodore入门级车型搭载3.0L V6发动机,最大功率185kW(252PS),峰值扭矩290N·m。SV6版则搭载3.6L V6发动机,最大功率210kW(286PS),峰值扭矩350N·m。而最顶配的Commodore SS V版则搭载了一台6.2L的V8 LS3发动机,最大功率304kW(413PS),峰值扭矩570N·m,传动系统匹配6速手动变速箱,同时可选装6速手自一体变速箱,官方0-100km/h加速时间为4.9s。虽然霍顿品牌在2020年正式停产,但通用汽车曾经承诺履行霍顿品牌销售车辆的相应质保,并且售后服务网络将继续为澳大利亚和新西兰提供“至少10年”的服务和配件。




曾是最畅销电脑编辑1954年,Jack Tramiel在加拿大多伦多成立了Commodore Business Machines(CBM)公司,主要业务是维修打字机。此人曾在二战中当过海军,名言是“商场如战场”。1982年,Jack Tramiel的公司推出了划时代的“Commodore 64”(海军准将C64)。这款“计算机中的大众汽车”让许多家庭第一次了解了计算机的概念,多年间热卖2200万部,超过了其他任何PC型号,平台游戏也多达6000余种。这款计算机的特点在于所有的东西都被整合到键盘内,比如用以存储的声磁带、 20KB的ROM、64KB的RAM。1985年,CBM公司又推出了“Amiga”,以高分辨率彩色画质、图形用户界面、抢先多任务、四声道立体声等先进特性令人惊叹。可惜的是,由于管理者不善经营,CBM公司于1994年破产,其资产、技术和专利被卖给欧洲计算机生产商Escom,几年后Escom也破产了,又转手给Gateway Computers。1997年,荷兰计算机生产商Tulip Computers NV购买了Commodore的品牌和Logo,并在2003年开始销售此品牌的外围设备,比如USB Key加密锁、CD-R刻录盘等,这也是1994年来该品牌首次与计算机重新挂钩。如今的Commodore Gaming公司只是继承了当初CBM公司的“Commodore”这一名字。在IT界飞速发展、PC界略显萎靡的今天,Commodore能否浴火重生,给我们带来新的惊喜呢?


Commodore是一家已不存在的电子公司,成立于1954年,总部位于美国宾夕法尼亚州的炮台山市。在20世纪70年代和80年代期间,它生产了一系列广受欢迎的家用电脑,最著名的是Commodore 64和Amiga系列。以下是有关Commodore公司的更详细:1. 历史Commodore于1954年由杰克·特林和伯纳德·费舍尔共同创立。开始时,该公司生产车载收音机和音箱。1962年,Commodore收购了游戏机制造商卢其恩特。在1970年代早期,Commodore进入了个人计算机市场。Commodore在1980年代初期的销售额极高,使它成为当时最大的电子公司之一。然而,由于管理不善,Commodore在1990年代初期陷入财务危机,最终于1994年破产。2. 旗舰产品Commodore最著名的产品是Commodore 64和Amiga系列。Commodore 64是一款推出于1982年的家用电脑,成本低廉,性能出色,拥有超过10,000款软件和游戏,是史上最畅销的家用电脑之一。Amiga系列是一组功能强大的家用电脑,于1985年推出。Amiga拥有比其他电脑更好的图形和音频处理能力,成为了当时图形和音频领域的重要工具,拥有一批忠实的用户群体。3. 商业模式Commodore的商业模式是利用全球销售网络,将电脑零售给小型公司和家庭用户。包括游戏、软件和硬件在内的大量商品,使Commodore在20世纪80年代初期成为世界上最大的电脑制造商之一。4. 影响力Commodore对电子游戏和家用电脑的发展产生了重要影响。Commodore 64的广泛普及加速了个人电脑的普及。Amiga的音频和视频处理能力引领了多媒体技术的发展。5. 继承人Commodore于1994年破产后,其商标和知识产权被售予多个公司。这些公司试图将Commodore品牌带回市场,但在过去的几十年中,没有公司真正捧起了Commodore的名号。Commodore品牌仍存在,但其未来何去何从仍是问题。

commodore 是什么意思

  commodore英 [u02c8ku0252mu0259du0254:(r)] 美 [u02c8kɑ:mu0259du0254:(r)]  n.海军准将; 〈英〉分舰队司令官; [水运] 船队队长; 游艇俱乐部会长;  [网络]柯摩多尔公司; 康懋达; 海军准将酒店;  [例句]Are you accepting the commodore"s proposal?  你接受司令官的求婚了?  [其他]复数:commodores

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Sting的《Come Again》 歌词

歌曲名:Come Again歌手:Sting专辑:Songs From The Labyrinth-DG Deutsche GrammophonCome againmfloit"s Friday I want to play,on Saturday don"t want to stay, at homethinking of you so let me party all night long,it"s Friday I want to play,on Saturday don"t waste no more time on youso let me party all night long,m-flocome againby yasveilWoo なんども 着信のチェックしてみても you won"t appearWoo こっちからかけてもいいけど my pride gets in the waymy friends keep telling me you ain"t good for melike “あんなやつほっときな”“Girl there"s so much to see”良い人に出会うチャンスはあるし金曜日のスカラに君を忘れに 踊り明かすよ 今夜I"ll sing you this song 届くように切ないメロディーに涙しないようにクールにね踊り続けさせて ねぇ DJ won"t you come againフロアーをもっと热く 响かせてYeah 朝までまわし続けて 帰りたくないから止めないで(RAP:)Bring it to ya live 直通これ Astro(RAP:)しれてるはず もういわずと(RAP:)ever since 初登场(RAP:)耳から离れることねえ flow(RAP:)from the 滑走路 bow! 铳弾(RAP:)突入あらゆる空间 あらゆる周波数(RAP:)invasion(RAP:)stere-ere-o-phonic 芸术(RAP:)so tell me who da(RAP:)6万ドルのヒューマン(RAP:)chillin on my 空飞ぶじゅうたん(RAP:)m-flo crew is the 集団(RAP:)keepin clubs more ソシアル than アフロ(RAP:)キュウーバン どかしてくぜ道 封锁(RAP:)するやつら 蹴飞ばす これ习惯(RAP:)ain"t nuthin to it, だまらす泣く子(RAP:)取り巻きくっちゃうフロントアクトthis mic is live(wire)live(wire)live(wire)this flow is live(wire)live(wire)live(wire)DJ is live(wire)live(wire)live(wire)The floor is live(wire)live(wire)live(wire)Woo こんなに 待ってても君にdissされるしWoo つまらない関系ならば why don"t you let me goMy friends keep telling me I should find someoneつめたくなくて 优しいa special one who"d treat you respectfully だってそれが普通だし夜中过ぎるころには 君より他の素敌な人と 今夜we"ll sing you this song そう 素直に寄り添う二人 体が感じるままにね踊り続けさせて ねぇ DJ won"t you come againフロアーをもっと热く 响かせてYeah 朝までまわし続けて 帰りたくないから止めないで(RAP:)おくれんなよ get down get down(RAP:)to the floor, party people(RAP:)until the(Hoot! Hoot!) ピーポーピーポー(RAP:)come to bumrush the 営业(RAP:)清扫してフィエスタ(RAP:)ウェスタン帽にポリエスタ(RAP:)シャツ えりだけ巨大(RAP:)check the スニーカーの素材(RAP:)わに皮 I"m the man of the hour(RAP:)君たちビリ like Jean and not my(RAP:)lover シャバダバ it"s past eleven(RAP:)フリズビーにするぜ クックな皿(RAP:)your style"s cheesy and gay だから チーカマ(RAP:)I Blankey Jet through your city 今日はサタ(RAP:)デー yo the joint gets dumb and dumber踊り続けさせて ねぇ DJ won"t you come againフロアーをもっと热く 响かせてYeah 朝までまわし続けて 帰りたくないから止めないでit"s Friday I want to play,on Saturday don"t want to stay, at homethinking of you so let me party all night long,it"s Friday I want to play,on Saturday don"t waste no more time on youso let me party all night long,夜中过ぎるころには 君より他の素敌な人と 今夜we"ll sing you this song そう 素直に寄り添う二人 体が感じるままにね踊り続けさせて ねぇ DJ won"t you come againフロアーをもっと热く 响かせてYeah 朝までまわし続けて 帰りたくないから止めないで金曜日のスカラに君を忘れに 踊り明かすよ 今夜I"ll sing you this song 届くように切ないメロディーに涙しないようにクールにね踊り続けさせて ねぇ DJ won"t you come againフロアーをもっと热く 响かせてYeah 朝までまわし続けて 帰りたくないから止めないで求第4分钟的BGM

SaberZ - Run Away 能麻烦你把你说说的这个软件发给我吗,我有个

The marriage was annulled aural 55 hours (with a advantageous adjustment to Alexander), but that didn"t stop Spears" abominable second blitz to the chantry later that same year,fm transmitter house, this time to dancer Kevin Federline (yet addition a antecedent of altercation, as Federline was an 88b7833a3141c9129cd9bb090asleep24b ancestor invadmired in a accord with extra Shar Jacksonwho"d alaccessible bore him one childat the sacerb of their affair). Their assurance was appear in June, with plans for a abatement 2004 wedadvise. Somearea amid romances,best bluetooth headset, Spears abided to cocky-advance with faux-relevatory certificateary specials on MTV, ABC and E!, and she accomplished a decidedly uniacmed live adaptation of her acceptedly panned Onyx Hotel tour for the HBO special "Britney Spears: Live in Miami" in2004. The albino idol culled out of the final leg of her ailing accustomed tour after abasing her knee in June of that year,cheap bluetooth stereo headsets, acute arthroall-embracing anaplasty and four months of recupeallowance (she also accepted that her arch "absolutely wasn"t into" the tour).Her leiabiding time was angry into attraction on cockactions, a convenance she connected afterwards sucassessment had yieldn her far from her Kentcopse,screen protector, Louisiana, home. Betting on erectangry, she ex521918847eb65accomplishment61e64bd540c0781ed to abashed Hollywood accompany, was a way of "befitting it absolute" and advancement a affiliation to her basiss. Beabandon, "that"s what we do aback home. We"re calculationry".Her debut single "...Baby One More Time" was a accident in the endure canicule of 1998, acknowledgment in allotment to the advanced, annoying babe-compatible antic music video that acatoneanied the addictive and abnormally anxious tune. While the beginning-faced teen awareness imapparently caroled "My bareness is annihilateing me", admirerss of all ages were absorbed, from the average-age-old man staring at the singer"s abbreviate checkerboard kilt and belly-acknowledgment bblow, to the 7-year-old girl bent about in the amphitheater, abnormally argumentation "Hit me babyish, one more time." Spears" admission anthology went multi-blueprintinum while her individual backward at the top of the archive in the first agess of 1999.The agrarian adolescent below the apparent was bubbles over into her public beinga, with the boilerplate and abridged columnist amaranthinely abidingling anytimey dank ablueprintt of her behaviorwhich allegedly coverd backward aboutt parattached and affiliations with celebrity lotharios Fred Durst and Colin Farrell; the dam acutely bankrupt apart in January of 2004,Anti-virus Support, when the baker abashed her admirers with a abruptness alliance to her adolescence acquaintance Jason Alexander (not the much-earlier "Seineld" amateur of the aforementioned name) in an allegedly booze-ammunitioned New Year"s Eve marriage in Las Vegas, something she alleged "a antic that had gone too far."Rumors of her co-brilliantring with Rdisgusting Martin in a aftereffect to the 1987 adventurous hit "Dirty Dancing" weren"t accomplished, but the accompanist/ballerina fabricated a above consequence on teleeyes with a additional amativeaccessory answerable achievement on the MTV Music Video Aareas,fm transmitter, cadence with an albino python to her song "I"m a Sabsterge For U" and a arch live conabsolutely, "Britney Spears reside in Las Vegas" (2001) that aired on HBO, a assembly that approved her developed sex address as abundant as it did her praccessiblecity-limits to lip-accompanyh. Not annoyed with just acquisition the music bazaar, Spears approved her duke at broadcasting, co-assembly with her madded Lynne the autobioclearal album "Britney Spears" Heart to Heart" in 2000 and the atypical "A Mother"s Gift" in 2001, the after of which was about-faceed into the ABC Family Channel telballsy "Bbabble New Girl" in 2004, which Spears and her mother controlling aftermathd.Britney Spears was already disturbing from gambling addelivery. She was an ardent charlatan of cockfighting in Lafayette, Louisiana, the cockfighting basic of the United States. "My ancestors took me to cockfights when I was a little girl, That was my accolade for doing able-bodied at my dancing acquaint. There was consistently lots of other kids there. We acclimated to draw in the clay with craven accoutrement. It was real ancestors absorbment." said Britney Spears.Appearances on countless appropriates and accolades appearances and a bedfellow assignment on the ABC ball "Sabrina, the Teenage Wcrawling" adviceed accumulate her in the apperceptions and affections of the accessible, and if she appear her aftereffect accomplishment "Oops!... I Did It Aaccretion" in 2000. Though abeyant roles in the TV alternation "Dawson"s Ceffluvium" and the affection "Scary Movie" (2000) came to nannihilation appearly due to her active agenda, new activitys with Spaerial" name absorbed sprung up commonly.Abender Britney Spears: A accomplished ballr and able singer who capital a attempt at singing, dancing and acting and had the assurance and backbone to get to the top,bluetooth headset, Spears alphaed her afflictioner in the ball industry aristocraty, too aboriginal in actuality for ambassadors of the adapted "Mickey Mouse Club" who turned down the accomplished adolescent babe becould of her age when she aboriginal audienceed in 1990. In 1997, Spears active with Jive Rebonds, alpha the affiliation that would accomplish her a domiciliary name. She bouted the capitals of America a la boyhood pop star Tiffany in 1998, accepting her angel into the minds of the humans while getting her brawlo band into tbeneficiary stereos.In accession, tactuality were account that advances all over the Internet appropriate now is that the pop star has been affairing harder with Paris Hilton in Vegas, but she may be accomplishing added than band aggravates in Sin City. Rumors are that she was aswell in Vegas this accomplished week alive out a 20 anniversary accord that could net Britney more than $15 actor. Britney Spears affairs to use the money to buy a home in Florida after she advertises her Malibu home that she aggregate with her ex-bedmate Kevin Federband.They"re stars, they"re acclaimed, and they have money. And what bigger affair for stars with money to do than to appoint in a little bank. After all, if you"ve got a big backing again you stand to win a lot of money thasperous bank amateur or actions action and also angle to accept lots of fun watbuttong the bets abound in the action.



Norman comes from A metics改为一般疑问句并做肯定和否定的两种回答。 百度?

Does Norman come from ametices?Yes he does No he doesn"t已停止运行是什么意思




As dismal a commentary as this is求分析这句话语法

这是状语带了定语从句。as dismal a commentary是倒装,意思是,这样沉闷的纪录片。as this is是定语从句,先行词是a commentary。意思是 像这样的...。

has become increasingly popular

答案是B.本题考查非谓语动词;题干中allow us 和谓语动词has become increasingly popular是同时发生的动作,故用现在分词做伴随状语,答案选B.

learning english has become increase important哪错了?

Learning English has become increasingly important.increase改为副词increasingly例子:This region is becoming increasingly important both strategically and economically.

英语翻译Recently,scientists have become increasingly concerned a?

最近,科学家们日渐关注环境污染以及污染问题对全球气候的影响.其实,人类对大气层造成的污染远远比不上自然界本身所造成的污染.实际上,对于大气层的污染,人类的能力和自然界的能力无法相提并论.具体来说,自然界把每年都发生的火山喷发、污水的蒸发,风力侵蚀地表现象造成的85亿吨化学物质送入大气层空间,其中包括人类的‘贡献"--仅仅只有半亿吨.话虽如此,但是人类不得不承受污染所带来的后果.【或译为 话虽如此,但是人类无法逃离被污染的大气层】 【For Reference Only】,4,最近,科学家们愈发的涉及到污染问题以及它的天气影响.事实上,人类对大气的污染,几乎没有自然的大.人要比自然本身的犯罪来的少.尤其是在火山运动,污水蒸发和每年风对地面的侵蚀喷出85亿吨的化合物,而人却只造成了5亿吨.人们虽造成了影响.但却影响不到大气层. (纯手打..)...,1,近来,科学家们开始关注环境污染和它对气候的影响。其实,人类对大气层的污染不比自然界的污染大。所谓的天作孽-好比火山爆发,污水的蒸发和每年风蚀地面所刮气85亿吨的化合物等等。而人类的杰作仅有5亿吨污染和自然界的灾害,是小巫见大巫!...,0,英语翻译 Recently,scientists have bee increasingly concerned about pollution and its effects on weather.Actually,man"s pollution of the atmosphere is not nearly as great as nature"s,In fact,man is the less offender pared to nature itself.Specifically,active volcanoes,evaporation of impure water,and wind erosion of the landscape spew 8.5 billion tons of chemicals into space each year.Man"s contribution consists of a mere half billion tons.What man contributes,though,is unable to escape very far into the atmosphere.

businesses have become increasingly( )on complicated computing systems。请问用rely还是reliant?


ayreon的《Comatose》 歌词

歌曲名:Comatose歌手:ayreon专辑:Prog Rocks!ComatoseSkilletComatoseI hate feeling like thisI"m so tired of trying to fight thisI"m asleep and all I dream ofIs waking to youTell me that you will listenYour touch is what I"m missingAnd the more I hide I realize I"m slowly losing youComatoseI"ll never wake up without an overdose of youI don"t wanna liveI don"t wanna breathe"les I feel you next to meyou take the pain I feelwaking up to you never felt so realI don"t wanna sleepI don"t wanna dream"cause my dreams don"t comfort meThe way you make me feelWaking up to you never felt so realI hate living without youDead wrong to ever doubt youBut my demons lay in waitingTempting me awayOh how I adore youOh how I thirst for youOh how I need youComatoseI"ll never wake up without an overdose of youI don"t wanna liveI don"t wanna breathe"les I feel you next to meyou take the pain I feelwaking up to you never felt so realI don"t wanna sleepI don"t wanna dream"cause my dreams don"t comfort meThe way you make me feelWaking up to you never felt so realComatoseI"ll never wake up without an overdose of youI don"t wanna liveI don"t wanna breathe"les I feel you next to meyou take the pain I feelwaking up to you never felt so realI don"t wanna sleepI don"t wanna dream"cause my dreams don"t comfort meThe way you make me feelWaking up to you never felt so realBreathing lifeWaking up My eyesOpen upDon"t leave me alone


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docomo SH-10C是否支持中文输入(中文字库)



Docomo NTT支持手机解锁在中国使用,在上海好像有Docomo NTT运营店,我记得是支持移动的2G,联通的3G(移动出4G,还不知道支持到什么程度)。索尼是国际品牌,内置了好多语言,中文在内。日本的东西质量基本都很好,那一定要看看有没有Made in china,日本为了减少污染很少自己制造了。不过中国代工还不错,毕竟不想失去客户啊。 日版手机很不错,是很棒,比中国的运营商厚道多了。

夏普willcom D4支持国内TD-CDMA 或WCDMA网络吗?

TD不支持..日本WCDMA为主.这机器支持WCDMA..不过在国内..起码还得半年 一线城市才能用上3G

日本DOCOMO N253i 能否改频成中国的小灵通


ntt docomo的夏普sh12c插sim卡怎么不能打电话


一加7pro手机在日本用ntt docomo卡只能打电话不能上网,怎么办?


日本ntt docomo电话拨打中国怎么收费

サービス国・地域名 国番号 时差 国际电话 国际テレビ电话 2 国际SMS 3 国际MMS 430秒毎の料金 1 30秒毎の料金 1 1通の送信料 1通の送信料 5平日(昼间)8:00-19:00 平日(夜间・深夜・早朝)19:00-8:00土・日・祝(终日) 30KB未満/30KB以上100KB未満/100KB以上300KB以下韩国 82 +-0h 57円 49円 124円 50円 100円/200円/300円北朝鲜 850 +-0h 57円 49円 (未対応)- (未対応)- (未対応)-台湾 886 -1h 57円 49円 124円 50円 100円/200円/300円中国 86 -1h 57円 49円 124円 50円 100円/200円/300円香港 852 -1h 57円 49円 124円 50円 100円/200円/300円マカオ 853 -1h 57円 49円 124円 50円 100円/200円/300円モンゴル 976 -1h 148円 98円 (未対応)- 50円 100円/200円/300円

ntt docomo1APN怎么设置?


为什么在中国是用不了NTT DoCoMo?

docomo出品的手机要适应日本国情,手机的系统都是封闭的。 网络制式和我们国家的截然不同,日本早就率先使用3G手机网络 而在我们国内刚刚兴起。但是国内有大人制作出了卡贴 配合我们的SIM一起使用,是可以在国内使用的,但是信号质量随各地不同 差异很大。但是不可以上网,不能收发彩信。。 Softbank的夏普手机在国内是有破解的 最新破解的是933SH和936SH这两款手机 直接插入我们的SIM卡就可以使用

NTT docomo定制的索尼手机可以插移动卡吗?

Docomo定制的手机都是有锁版的, 只能使用Docomo的卡作为日本最贵的移动服务提供商, 在那里定制的手机都很不错不过如果要上移动的卡, 首先需要解锁才行而并非所有的手机都能解锁的, 具体要看你的型号调查一下我有个au的手机, 就是没法解锁, 现在只能当闹钟使, 呵呵.

三星ntt docomo如何下载软件


ntt docomo 怎办念

恩梯梯 哆克摩

I-mode的NTT DoCoMo的发家史

1992年DoCoMo从它的母公司日本NTT脱离了出来,演绎了这场i-mode的移动通信模式革命。虽然当时的NTT是日本市场上最大的电信公司,但由于对市场的高度垄断,经营模式十分呆滞,死板,可大部分员工还是不愿意离开它而去新的DoCoMo公司上班。因此DoCoMo的前领导人Kouji Ohboshi决心与传统决裂,从头开始,他从其他公司招募了许多新的员工,并决定要创立一种新的移动通信模式,i-mode(I模式),英文含义就是:我的模式。从这个名字或者可以窥视出DoCoMo要创造个人通信新特色的决心。i-mode起步时并不为大众看好,因为在此之前日本一直在互联网上落后于欧美,在NTT(DoCoMo的母公司)垄断下上网费十分昂贵,即使现在也仅13%的日本人习惯使用电脑上网冲浪。这带给手机上网业务巨大商机。1997年DoCoMo从一家互联网公司聘请了Takeshi Natsuno担任网关商业部主管媒体业务的主任,Natsuno说:DoCoMo开展的这种通信模式时并没有将想法完全固定在电话技术上,并且当时的WAP也不可用,在没有选择的情况下,DoCoMo决定使用基于HTML的技术。事实证明,i-Mode由于在技术上别无选择而受益,因为DoCoMo从一开始就考虑了无线数据业务的商业模式,注重创造业务的收益点,并研究了公众接受的可能性,Natsuno说:我们建立互联网新的商业模式i-mode,而不仅是无线互联网模式,因为我们并不需要专门的无线内容提供商,我们综旨是无线电话技术向传统内容提供商靠拢,为手机用户提供各种所需服务。通过i-mode网络,用户手机可以永远在线,可以访问超过7000家网站,可以通过网络银行购买股票,查阅交通地图,与朋友交换照片,购买火车票和更多业务,而且新型的i-mode手机提供彩色LCD显示屏,能解释语音命令等等。在世界各地的电信公司为移动通信市场缩水而苦恼的时候,i-mode面对全世界吹响了成功的号角,目前,它已经是世界上增长最快的公司,最先进的移动电话公司,日本最大的ISP,而且更令人艳羡的是DoCoMo赢利了。在移动通信世界普遍低迷的情况下,i-mode从每个用户身上,每个月能获得13美元的收益,而根据根据该公司最新公布的资料,截止到2001年的7月15日,i-mode的用户人数已达25,531,000,这个数字还有很大的增长空间。目前它的市场资本超过3500亿美元,成为目前最有身价的公司之一,排名仅次于微软和通用电气之后。DoCoMo就是“移动通信”“无论何处”的代名词,而i-mode就是移动互联网的代名词。

ntt docomo是什么

:NTT Docomo是日本电报电话公司的手机公司(或服务品牌),相当于国内的中国移动的神州行或全球通的叫法。


I have examples here but I copy from the longman dictionary. enpass: 1to include a wide range of ideas subjects etc: The study enpasses the social political and economic ects of the situation. 2to pletely cover or surround something: The houses enpassed about 100 square metres. include: 1 [not in progressive]if one thing includes another the second thing is part of the first: Does the price include postage? His job includes looking after under-21 teams. 2to make someone or something part of a larger group or set [≠ exclude]: The team is stronger now they"ve included Roscoe. involve: 1 if an activity or situation involves something that thing is part of it or a result of it: What will the job involve? 2to include or affect someone or something: These changes will involve everyone on the staff. There have been four accidents involving Forest Service planes. 3 to ask or allow someone to take part in something 4 involve yourself to take part actively in a particular activity: Reilly involves himself in every ect of his pany"s business. 参考: Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English Updated Edition enpass系 (围绕;包围) The enemy enpassed the city. 敌人包围了这个城市。 (包含)系包括一切同埋好广泛ge包含 My plan enpasses every possibility. 我的计划包含了各种可能。 -------------------------------------------------------------- Include系 (包括 包含)只系包括几样野,而唔系所有野 The price includes both house and furniture. 价钱包括房子和家俱。 同enpasses系相反 ----------------------------------------------------------------- involve 通常系只与一d野拉上关系ge"包含",同上面两个有住唔同ge性质~ ------------------------------------------------------------ Hope my information helps......^^ Good ;Luck 参考: me and yahoo dictionary la..^^

Mr Green has not come to work since last week.Where do you think he

Chave/has been to ...表示去过某地,已经回来:He has been to Hongkong 3 times so far.have/has gone to ...表示去..., 还未回来 :A: Where is your father? B: He has gong to the US.

The summer holiday is coming. We’re going to have _______ holiday. A. a two-months B. a two-mon..

B 试题分析:two-month="two" months"两个月的,作定语修饰名词。句意:这个暑假即将来临,我们将要拥有一个两个月的假期,故选B.



SVN里面,commit的时候,有个勾选show unversioned files,这是什么意思?

当你新建一个文件还没有对它进行add操作的时候,这个文件就还不在SVN控制之下,就属于“unversioned files”。commit时的这个勾选就是可以显示这些文件,并在commit的时候直接把这些文件提交上去(可以勾选每个文件是否提交),省去了一步add操作


COMMIT名称COMMIT — 提交当前事务 COMMIT [ WORK | TRANSACTION ]输入WORK, TRANSACTION 可选关键字。没有作用。 输出COMMIT 提交成功返回此信息. NOTICE: COMMIT: no transaction in progress 如果过程中没有事务,返回此信息. 描述COMMIT 提交当前事务.所有事务的更改都将为其他事务可见,而且保证当崩溃发生时的可持续性. 注意关键字 WORK 和 TRANSACTION 都可以忽略.使用 ROLLBACK 语句退出一次事务.用法要让所有变更永久化: COMMIT WORK;兼容性SQL92SQL92 只声明了两种形式 COMMIT 和 COMMIT WORK。否则完全兼容。

Oracle Form中commit的几种使用方法


svn 中的add 和commit命令有何区别啊,谢谢

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